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Mathematics 405. History of Mathematics

Study of early numeral systems, Egyptian and Babylonian Mathematics, Greek Mathematics, Chinese and Hindu Mathematics, Arabian Mathematics, Descartes, Pascal, Fermat, the development of Calculus, and an overview of mathematics since 1700 including abstract algebra and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: Math 242 Credit: 3 hours (Fall, even years)

Mathematics 410. Introduction to Analysis

An introduction to single-variable real analysis. Topics include sequences and series, the topology of the real line, limits, continuity, differentiation, and the Riemann integral. Emphasis on proof writing. Prerequisite: Math 308 Credit: 3 hours (Fall, odd years)

Mathematics 450. Special Topics

Topics selected from advanced calculus, topology, advanced modern algebra, combinatorics, number theory, or foundations. May be taken up to three times. Taught on demand. Prerequisite: Consent of professor. Credit: 3 hours

Mathematics 451. Mathematics Research Project

The course will require completion of the student’s research paper and the student will make an oral presentation. Prerequisite: Junior/Senior standing Credit: 3 hours

Mathematics 460. Independent Study

Study of a student-selected topic under faculty supervision. Taught on demand. Credit: 3 hours

Mathematics 497. Exit Examination

Required of majors in the last semester before graduation. Graded on P/F basis. Credit: 0 hours

M O D E R N L A N G U A G E S ( M L A N )

Modern Languages 495. Independent Study

Individual work in a selected area of study. Students must write a proposal to be approved by a professor in the semester preceding the coursework. May be repeated for up to a total of six hours credit. By permission only. Prerequisite: Consent of professor and department. Credit: 1-3 hours

Modern Languages 496. Internship

An internship is designed to connect coursework with a supervised experience that is complimentary to a student’s study of one or more of the modern languages. Students must write a proposal to be approved by a professor and the Wingate Internship Supervisor the preceding semester. Prerequisite: 2.00 cumulative GPA. Students must obtain a Wingate Internship Supervisor to supervise internship, must submit a Learning Contract, and must secure all signatures prior to registering. Credit: 1-3 hours. May be repeated for credit up to six hours.

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