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Physical Education (PE

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Philosophy 360. Philosophy of Religion

Problems in theistic tradition, including nature of religious language, concepts of God, relation of faith and doubt, problem of evil, and bases of moral decisions. Credit: 3 hours

Philosophy 380. Philosophy of Law

An overview and analysis of competing theories of legal reasoning and of the relationship of morality to law, including natural-law theory, legal formalism, legal positivism, legal realism, and critical legal studies. This course will be of particular interest to Pre-Law students, religious-studies majors, and political science majors. Credit: 3 hours

P H Y S I C A L E D U C A T I O N ( P E )

Physical Education 101. Personal Fitness and Wellness (Wellness)

Special emphasis will be placed on cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, body composition, nutrition, and drug use and abuse. The format of the course will be lecture, demonstration and practical application of the areas discussed in class. Examinations will be given as needed and scheduled at the discretion of the instructor. Credit: 2 hours

Physical Education 106. Badminton Skills

Fundamentals of badminton. History of the game, rules, and scoring for men, women, and doubles. Emphasis on grip, strokes, and strategy. Exploration of the lifetime benefits of the basic fitness concept for the university student. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 108. Beginner Swimming Skills

This course acquaints the student with the necessary skills, safety concepts, and knowledge to safely enjoy swimming and related aquatic participation. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 113. Racquetball Skills

Basic skills, strategy and rules of racquetball for singles, cutthroat, and doubles. Each student will supply his own racquet, racquetballs and eye protection goggles with instructor approval. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 116. Tennis Skills

Fundamentals of tennis; development of skills to play tennis. Place an emphasis on grip, strokes, strategy and court etiquette. Students furnish tennis racquet and balls. University tennis courts will be used. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 119. Beginning Weight Training

Basic techniques and knowledge of universal, Nautilus, and free weight systems. Fitness evaluation and individual workout programs are included. Development of muscular strength and endurance is stressed. Physiological principles of fitness and their relationship to weight training are also emphasized. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 121. Aerobic Fitness

Cardiovascular fitness program incorporating physiologically safe aerobic dance techniques and various forms of exercise including muscle conditioning and stretching. Students will learn basic training principles and the different components of an aerobic program. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 122. Backpacking and Hiking

Students will learn the various techniques of backpacking and hiking preparations, field participation, and ecologically safe practices in the outdoors. Students will also become familiar with the various state and federal trail systems in the United States. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 123. Mountain Biking

Basic knowledge and skills of mountain biking. Emphasis will be placed on the safe operation and maintenance of the bike for recreational purposes. Students will learn to be comfortable and confident while riding their mountain bike off-road. Included in this course is an introduction to equipment selection and fit and a primer on roadside repairs that covers basic maintenance repair procedures. Taught at the campus lake. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 126. Yoga

This class will explore the various techniques utilized in yoga. Students will learn basic poses and practices so they might use this activity for lifetime fitness. Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 131. PE Skills Special Topics

Special topics in Physical Education skills. Can be repeated for up to six hours as topics vary. Credit: 1-3 hours

Physical Education 145. CPR/AED Training

This course focuses on American Red Cross certifications for first aid and CPR for infants, children and adults, and the use of automatic external defibrillator (AED). Prerequisite: Health and Physical Education and Exercise Science majors with senior standing Credit: 1 hour

Physical Education 403. Research Methods in Sport Sciences

This course is designed to provide current and/or future health professionals and physical education teachers with basic theoretical and practical knowledge of research techniques and scientific writing, with focus on systematic inquiry, the Scientific Method, hypothesis building, reviewing literature, and designing procedures. The final product of the course will be a complete introduction, review of literature and methods for an empirical research study. We will employ a philosophy of “learning by doing” throughout the course, designed to allow each student to practice the research process. Prerequisite: Junior standing Credit: 3 hours

Physical Education 420. Coaching Internship

Internship in an area school for a minimum of ten weeks under supervision of a professor. Credit: 3 hours

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