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Physics (PHYS
Physical Education 490. Special Topics (CCR 490, SMGT490)
This course will examine current topics of interest in the field of Sport Sciences, and students will be expected to conduct a scholarly research project on the subject. The course will serve as an advanced elective for student majors in the School of Sport Sciences. Credit: 3 hours
P H Y S I C S ( P H Y S )
Physics 101. General Physics I
The first semester of a two-semester introductory course in college physics. The topics in this algebra-based course include linear motion, forces, energy, angular motion, mechanical properties, and sound. This is the first course for all students who need either an algebrabased or a calculus-based physics course. Those students who need the algebra-based course will continue with Physics 102. Those students who need the calculus-based course will continue with Physics 205. Three hours lecture, three hours of laboratory and recitation. Prerequisite: Math 115 or equivalent Credit: 4 hours (Fall)
Physics 102. General Physics II
The second semester of a two-semester introductory course in college physics. The topics in this algebra-based course include atomic/nuclear physics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and optics. Three hours lecture, three hours of laboratory and recitation. Prerequisite: Physics 101 with “C-” or higher Credit: 4 hours (Spring)
Physics 120. Introduction to Astronomy
A broad survey of astronomy. Topics include the structure and formation of the solar system, the birth and death of stars, galaxy formation, and the evolution of the universe. The topics of gravity, motion, energy, and the properties of light and matter are examined to provide a context for astronomy. Credit: 4 hours (Spring)
Physics 201. Principles of Physics I
The first semester of a two-semester course in the fundamentals of physics. The topics in this calculus-based course include linear motion, forces, energy, angular motion, and mechanical properties. Three hours lecture, three hours of laboratory and problem drill. Prerequisite: Math 120 with “C-“ or higher Credit: 4 hours (Fall)
Physics 202. Principles of Physics II
The second semester of a two-semester course in the fundamentals of physics. The topics in this calculus-based course include thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and optics. Three hours lecture, three hours of laboratory and problem drill. Prerequisite: “C-“ or higher in Physics 201 (or Physics 101 and consent of the professor) Co-requisite; Math220 Credit: 4 hours (Spring)