5 minute read
Spanish (SPAN
Sociology 441-444. Directed Research Experience
Individual or small group study of a topic of interest and concern to the student(s). May involve directed reading and/or experimental work in consultation with and supervision by a sociology faculty member. May be repeated for credit (with departmental approval). Offered on demand. Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA; approval of Sociology Chairperson and Dean of College Credit: Variable, 1-4 hours
Sociology 475. Special Topics
Sociological perspective on subjects or issues beyond the scope of the current curriculum. Since the content varies, the course may be taken two times. Prerequisite: Sociology 101 & junior class standing Credit: Variable, 1-3 hours
Sociology 497. Exit Examination
Required of majors in the last semester before graduation. Graded on P/F basis. Credit: 0 hours
S P A N I S H ( S P A N )
Spanish 101. Elementary Spanish I
Basic Spanish with emphasis on communication skills. Introduction to aural comprehension, pronunciation, structure of the language, and essential vocabulary for practical structure of the language, and essential vocabulary for practical communication. No previous preparation in Spanish required. Credit: 3 hours
Spanish 102. Elementary Spanish II
Basic Spanish with emphasis on communication skills. Aural/reading comprehension. Pronunciation, grammar, and structure. Progressive vocabulary for written and oral communication. Prerequisite: Spanish 101 Credit: 3 hours
Spanish 103. Intensive Immersion Spanish I
Combines Spanish 101 and 102 in one semester. Emphasis on communication skills. Introduction to aural comprehension, pronunciation, structure of the language, and essential vocabulary for practical communication. Progressive vocabulary for written and oral communication. No previous preparation in Spanish required. Five class hours weekly in classroom setting. Three-week component of fifty class hour’s instruction in a Spanishspeaking country to take place in May. Credit: 6 hours (Spring)
Spanish 107. Individual Student Beginning Language Immersion
Individual immersion study abroad to meet the needs of students at the one-hundred level of study. May include language skills, literature, culture or other educational activities. The course of study would include a regular schedule of courses and other activities in an approved program. It may include home stay to maximize the immersion experience. Credits would be variable on approval by application to the Department of Modern Languages. Prerequisite: GPA of 2.5 and consent of professor and department Credit: 1-3 hours
Spanish 201. Intermediate Spanish I
Reinforcement and expansion of skills developed in elementary courses (Spanish 101-102) using grammar review, composition, conversation, and selected readings. Prerequisite: Spanish 102/103 Credit: 3 hours (Fall)
Spanish 202. Intermediate Spanish II
Progressive practice in oral and written communication with analysis of selected readings. Prerequisite: Spanish 201 Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Spanish 203. Intermediate Spanish for Health Care Professions I
An intermediate course for students who are interested in working in the medical fields. This course focuses on language and vocabulary required in the fields of medicine and the health sciences. Cultural competence is also present and assessed throughout multiple medical learning scenarios. Prerequisite: Spanish 102/103 Credit: 3 hours (Fall)
Spanish 204. Intermediate Spanish for Health Care Professions II
This course is a continuation of Intermediate Spanish for Health Professions I. This course focuses on the intermediate Spanish language and vocabulary required in the fields of medicine and the health sciences. Cultural competence is also present and assessed throughout with multiple medical learning scenarios. A service learning component augments classroom instruction and practice by providing students with real scenarios to apply the content and skills learned in class. Prerequisite: Spanish 203 Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Spanish 207. Individual Student Intermediate Language Immersion
Individual immersion study abroad to meet the needs of students at the two-hundred level of study. May include language skills, literature, culture or other educational activities. The course of study would include a regular schedule of courses and other activities in an approved program. It may include home stay to maximize the immersion experience. Credits would be variable on approval by application to the Department of Modern Languages. Prerequisite: GPA of 2.5 and consent of professor and department Credit: 1-3 hours
Spanish 304. Conversation and Composition
Reinforcement and progressive oral and written practice of Spanish through discussions of contemporary issues pertinent to students’ lives. Application of ideas and issues studied through guided and unguided compositions. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 or consent of the department. Credit: 3 hours (Fall)
Spanish 308. Medical Interpreting and Terminology
Advanced Spanish course focusing on learning medical terminology in Spanish and studying the basics of medical interpreting. Includes 20 hours of service learning in the community. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 with grade of “C-” or better Credit: 3 hours
Spanish 309. Medical Interpreting Modes and Techniques
Advanced Spanish course that furthers study in medical interpretation and prepares students for oral and written national certification exams. Includes 20 hours of service learning in the community. Prerequisite: Spanish 308 with grade of “B-” or better Credit: 3 hours
Spanish 307. Individual Student Advanced Language Immersion
Individual immersion study abroad to meet the needs of students at the three-hundred and above level of study. May include language skills, literature, culture or other educational activities. The course of study would include a regular schedule of courses and other activities in an approved program. It may include home stay to maximize the immersion experience. Credits would be variable on approval by application to the Department of Modern Languages. Prerequisite: GPA of 2.5 and consent of professor and department Credit: 1-3 hours
Spanish 310. Introduction to Literature
Selected readings in 20th century Spanish literature, both Peninsular and Latin American. Includes the study of literary terms and reading strategies for literary analysis. Intensive practice of oral and written Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Spanish 312. Business Spanish I
Business Spanish I is a course for developing communication skills in Spanish for business purposes. Emphasis is on language skills for the global marketplace. It includes specialized terminology, business writing, and comprehension of cultural nuances in the Spanishspeaking business world. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 Credit: 3 hours
Spanish 313. Business Spanish II
Business Spanish II is the second in the course sequence that has a prerequisite Business Spanish I. It is designed to offer the student a perspective of the Hispanic business world with emphasis on advanced vocabulary, concepts of economics, finance, marketing, and intercultural aspects. It aims to enhance linguistic skills and cultural awareness to be able to function and excel in the world of Spanish-speaking businesses. Prerequisite: Spanish 312 Credit: 3 hours
Spanish 320. Culture and Civilization of Spain
An overview, through readings and other media, of the culture and people of Spain. Intensive practice of oral and written Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 Credit: 3 hours (Fall, even years)
Spanish 330. Culture and Civilization of Latin America
An overview, through readings and other media, of the culture and people of Hispanic America. Intensive practice of oral and written Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 Credit: 3 hours (Fall, odd years)