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Special Studies
Spanish 340. Studies in Spanish Literature
Study of a specific topic in literature related to the Peninsular or Latin American world. Topic will be announced at the beginning of the preceding semester. May be repeated for credit as the topics vary. Prerequisite: Spanish 304 or consent of the department. Credit: 3 hours (Spring, even years)
Spanish 350. Spanish Phonetics and Phonology/Conversation
A study of Spanish pronunciation, intonation, oral proficiency, dialectology, and production of sounds. Practice with tapes, individually and in the language laboratory. Application of principles through regular conversation periods. Prerequisite: Spanish 202 or consent of professor and department. Credit: 3 hours (Spring, odd years)
Spanish 401. Literature of Spain
Selected readings from among the most important works in Peninsular literature. Emphasis is on literary analysis and on the literature as reflection of Spanish history and culture. Prerequisite: Spanish 310 or consent of professor and department. Credit: 3 hours (Fall, odd years)
Spanish 402. Latin American Literature
Selected readings from among the most important works in Latin American literature from the conquest to the present. Emphasis is on literary analysis and on the literature as reflection of Latin American history and culture. Prerequisite: Spanish 310 or consent of professor and department. Credit: 3 hours (Spring, odd years)
Spanish 415. Advanced Grammar, Composition, and Linguistics
An intensive study of syntax and semantics. Contrastive linguistic analysis of English and Spanish. History of the Spanish language. Intensive practice in written Spanish. Prerequisite: At least (6) hours of Spanish 300 level or higher, consent of professor and department. Credit: 3 hours (Fall, even years)
Spanish 430. Senior Seminar
Introduction to journals and research methods in the areas of Spanish literature and culture. Research for a topic of special interest to the student, culminating in a final written project and an oral defense. Prerequisite: At least (15) hours of Spanish 300 level or above. Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Applied Learning Strategies 101 (ALS)
The Applied Learning Strategies course is designed to help students develop and refine their learning strategies. Students will learn about themselves in their roles as learners and how to select and apply learning strategies to meet their individual needs. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor Credit: 1 hour
Applied Learning Strategies 201 (ALS)
This course introduces students to writing instruction through one-to-one conference sessions and develops skills in the areas of research and Information Literacy. Students will be able to apply these skills in support roles as writing tutors, assisting reference librarians. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor Credit: 2 hours
Gateway 101. Gateway to University Life (GATE)
Orients the student to the academic, social, intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of University life. Required of all entering students. Credit: 1 hour
Gateway 201. Gateway to Leadership (GATE)
Develops student leadership through supervised service as peer mentors, helping to orient new students enrolled in Gateway 101 to the challenges of University life. Peer mentors are trained in advance by the Faculty Director of the Gateway 101 program and then work with the instructor of a Gateway 101 class. Prerequisite: Gateway 101, approval of an instructor of a Gateway 101 section, and approval by the Faculty Director of Gateway 101. Credit: 1 hour. May be repeated for credit up to 3 hours.
Gateway 301. Gateway to Professional Life (GATE)
Examines strategies for the successful transition into workplace/graduate study; instruction in resume/cover letter preparation, interviewing techniques, job search strategies, graduate school admissions, and other career-related topics. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. Open to all majors. Credit: 1 hour
Internship 499
Connects coursework with a supervised experience that is complementary to a student’s major or intended career path; academic assignments are chosen and graded by the faculty internship supervisor who sets additional requirements. Prerequisite: 2.00 cumulative GPA and submitted learning contract Credit: Variable. May be repeated for credit up to 6 hours.
Leadership Fellows 101. Leadership Fellows I (LDEV)
Students are selected by application and evaluate themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, their belief system, their own styles of working with and relating to others, and their perception of their leadership styles. Graded on P/F basis. Prerequisite: Sophomore class standing. Credit: 1 hour (Fall)
Leadership Fellows 102. Leadership Fellows II (LDEV)
Students are selected by application and discuss the theoretical approaches to leadership, leadership styles, and techniques of group leadership. Through an awareness of their leadership styles, students will begin to experiment with modifications to their personal leadership practices. Graded on P/F basis. Prerequisite: Sophomore class standing. Credit: 0 hours (Spring)