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Sport Management (SMGT
W’Engage (WENGAGE)
A community engagement seminar with a domestic travel experience for sophomores. Seminars focus on a specific topic or issue and have three basic elements: Students will (1) gain knowledge of the subject matter through weekly course meetings, (2) actively engage with local or regional community partners, and (3) explore the topic through experiential learning in another setting within the United States (i.e., the travel). Travel ranges from five to seven days. Prerequisite: Sophomore class standing, 2.30 cumulative GPA. Credit: 2 hours
W’International (WNATSEM)
The program is divided into two parts: seminar and tour. Weekly seminars include a general orientation to international culture and travel; including specific coursework pertaining to the selected destination(s). The seminar culminates in a study-tour opportunity of approximately 10 days. Students must complete the seminar with a “D” or higher to participate in the travel. Prerequisite: Junior class standing, 2.30 cumulative GPA. Credit: 2 hours
S P O R T M A N A G E M E N T ( S M G T )
Sport Management 111. Introduction to Sport Management
Intended for sport management majors at the first-year and sophomore level to acquaint them with career possibilities for Sport Management personnel within various segments of the sports industry. Credit: 3 hours (Fall and Spring)
Sport Management 200. Historical Foundations of Recreation and Sport (CCR 200)
A study of the historical foundations of recreation, sport, and outdoor education from earliest times to the present. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 210. Sport Governance
An overview of the major components that collectively encompass sport governance, including regulatory power, structure, eligibility, sanctions, and policy. The governance models of major amateur and professional sport organizations are a main focal point of the course. Prerequisite: Sport Management 111 Credit: 3 hours (Fall and Spring)
Sport Management 242. Leadership in Sport and Recreation
Examines the role and responsibility of leadership in sport and recreation. An emphasis will be placed on leadership styles, techniques, issues, and problems in leading people. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing Credit: 3 hours (Fall and Spring)
Sport Management 300. Sport Marketing
Examines the discipline of sport marketing in the 21st century and the special nature of sport marketing and all the activities designed to meet the needs and wants of sport consumers through the exchange process. The two major thrusts will be the marketing of sport products and services directly to consumers of sport and marketing of other consumer and industrial products or services through the use of sport promotion. Prerequisite: Junior standing Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 301. Sport Finance
Allows the student to understand the fundamentals of finance, budgeting, and accounting in the sport industry. Emphasizes financial principles, financial markets, as well as growth and development of revenue sources in the 21st century. Prerequisite: Economics 221 & Accounting 253 and Junior standing Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 306. Youth Development in Recreation and Sport (CCR 306)
Examines organized sport for children today. Emphasis will be on children ages 5-18 in non-school organized sport activities. We will examine the impact of sport and competition on children. Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 330. Leisure/Sport Facility Design and Management (CCR 330)
Identification and investigation of design characteristics and management techniques for facilities used in recreational and athletic settings. Field trips required. Prerequisite: Junior standing Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 370. The Globalization of Sport in the 21st Century
Explores the development of sport on the international scene with a focus on the impact of sport on various cultures and how sport is viewed as an agent of social change. Examines major international events such as the Olympics, World Cup, Tour de France, and Wimbledon and the relationship to nationalism and the collective self-esteem of countries. Research focuses on the political, social and economic impact of sport on world powers and developing nations. Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 404. Legal Aspects of Sport and Recreation (CCR 404)
Concentration on legal issues related to amateur sport and recreation. Prerequisite: Senior standing, Sport Management 478 Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 405. Sport in Film (CCR 405)
Explores the influence of sport in the psycho-social domains of our society. In-depth study into how certain sport films have been utilized to chronicle hero worship, promote political agendas, and serve to chronicle historical development. Sport films primarily from “top fifty” lists will be viewed inside and outside of class. Students will react to movie reviews of the day and delineate how the film fits into the study of the psycho/social/historical aspects of sport. Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 415. Sport Sponsorship and Sales
Designed to study the principles of sport marketing through industrial markets. Sales presentation, the sponsorship process, and customer service are all major themes of this course. Prerequisite: Sport Management 300 Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Sport Management 425. Foundations of Leadership
Students will develop an understanding of fundamental leadership styles. Culmination of experiences will allow the student to recognize implement different leadership skills in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: Junior/Senior standing & permission of the instructor Credit: 1 hour
Sport Management 435. Sport Analytics
This course explores analytics methods in sports and recent analytics trends in the sport industry including analytics in sport marketing, ticketing, facility management, customer retention, and team/athlete performance. Prerequisite: Senior standing & Sport Management 478 Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 477. Internship Seminar
This course is a career counseling seminar for Sport Management majors. It provides student with the skills for preparing a resume, writing cover letters, interviewing techniques, professional networking, and obtaining an internship. Taken in the junior year. Prerequisite: Sport Management 111 Credit: 3 hours (Spring)
Sport Management 479. Internship Experience
The field experience provides actual hands-on skills and the beginnings of a professional network. The course is designed to allow students to enter the workforce before graduation. This is the second part of a two-part course and is taken during the summer of the student’s senior year. Prerequisite: Sport Management 477 & Cumulative minimum GPA of 2.0 Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 490. Special Topics (HPE 490, CCR 490)
This course will examine current topics of interest in the field of Sport Sciences, and students will be expected to conduct a scholarly research project on the subject. The course will serve as an advanced elective for student majors in the School of Sport Sciences. Credit: 3 hours
Sport Management 495. Management Issues in Sport
A senior level course concentrating on the application of management principles to the sport setting. Emphasis is placed on a capstone project incorporating concepts from previous sport management coursework. The course should be taken the last semester before graduation. Prerequisites: Management 302 & Sport Management 300 & 301 & 330 & Senior standing Credit: 3 hours (Fall)
Sport Management 497. Exit Examination
Required of majors in the last semester before graduation. Graded on P/F basis. Credit: 0 hours