Pictures: Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
Pictures: Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova is a secondary vocational education provider (VET) for people of all ages, in or out of working life. Our qualifications correspond to EQF levels 4-5.
WinNova offers a wide variety of educational services, vocational and professional qualifications and short-term courses for different types of customers. We work in close and long-term co-operation with companies and the public sector.
5.000 students
WinNova has 5.000 students and 600 staff members. WinNova is both Inspecta and ISO9001 certified.
WinNova is involved in several EU-funded projects. These projects lead to new pedagogical methodologies and learning environment innovations as well as pedagogical competence.
Erasmus+ mobility grants enable students to go abroad for internships. It is a great way to improve the skills and competence to successfully manage in the global world and multicultural working environments.
Staff mobility and projects expand the international knowledge and competencies of all our employees.
There are 200-300 students and staff members that annually come in and go out on exchange.
WinNova has been awarded Erasmus+ accreditation (2021 – 2027) by the Finnish National Agency for Education. Erasmus+ accreditation means a quality-assured “Erasmus+ membership”. Accredited organisations have demonstrated the longterm nature of their activities and commit themselves to complying with the quality standards of the Erasmus+ programme.
• Aircraft Maintenance
• Building Maintenance Technology
• Construction
• Vehicle and Logistics
• Hairdressing and Beauty Care
• Business and Entrepreneurship
• Cleaning and Property Services
• Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
• Food Processing Industry
• Forestry, Nature & Environment
• Earthworks
• Social and Health Care
• Restaurant and Catering Services
• Immigrant and Language Training
• Information and Communications Technology
• Laboratory Technology
• Seafaring
• Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology
• Process Industry
• Safety and Security Services
• Tourism Industry
• Vocational Education in Media Services
• Vocational Education in Music
The authorization to organize education in this field of study in Finland has been granted to only a limited number of education providers. Find out more: www.winnova.fi
224.000 people in the WinNova region
WinNova cities
WinNova is located in Satakunta and VakkaSuomi, the oldest historical provinces in Finland.
The total population of the region is around 224.000. The regional centers are the cities of Pori and Rauma (Pori 85.000, Rauma 40.000 inhabitants).
The cornerstones of economic life in Satakunta and Vakka-Suomi are technology industry, food and packaging industry, forestry and chemical industries, metal processing and energy production, construction, cleantech, and industrial technologies and services. Strong sectors are also automation and robotics, bio-economy and circular economy, energy and blue growth. Two ports, an airport, rail links and highways enable logistics in every way.
sources: www.satakunta.fi, www.laitila.fi/en, www.pori.fi/en, www.rauma.fi/en, www.ulvila.fi
General upper secondary education
PREPARATORY EDUCATION AND TRAINING General upper secondary schools
Voluntary additional year of basic education
Universities of Applied Sciences
Work experience 2 years
Universities of Applied Sciences
Vocational institutions
Available as apprenticeship training or by training agreement.
Specialist vocational qualification
Further vocational qualification
Initial vocational qualifications
Vocational institutions
Read more about the education system in Finland:
The Finnish education system at https://minedu.fi/en/education-system
Finnish vocational education and training at https://minedu.fi/en/vocational-education-and-training
Studies are based on personal competence development plans, work-based education and competence demonstrations.
Finnish VET is competence-based and customer-oriented.
VET is built on trust and shared
VET provides skills for both life and work
VET is an attractive choice, offering open pathways to higher and further education. Workplace studies can be used to complete an entire degree, module or a smaller part of the curriculum.
Funding is based on outcomes and effectiveness. There is a close connection to working life. Also, workplace tutors play a key role.
Population 5.5 million
EU member since 1995
Area 390,908 km2
Sovereign parliamentary republic since 1917
86 % speak Finnish
5 % speak Swedish
9 % speak other
188,000 lakes
Climate 3,8 °C
average temperature
37,2 °C
The highest temperature (2010)
-43,6 °C
The lowest temperature (2006)
94 Midnight sun days and 52 Polar night days
National food
Dark rye bred
Consumption of coffee per capita
9.6 kg per year
75% of the land is covered by forests
National bird
Whooper swan
2.000.000 saunas
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