ISHLT – 2013 Exhibitor Prospectus

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33rd ANNUAL MEETING and SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS April 24 – 27, 2013 Palais des congrès de Montréal

Dear Exhibitor: The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) invites you to exhibit at our next meeting, the ISHLT 33rd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, April 24 – 27, 2013 in Montréal. The ISHLT membership is comprised of over 2600 members from over 45 countries, representing more than 15 different disciplines involved in the management and treatment of end-stage heart and lung disease; our members are consumers of a wide variety of medical and pharmaceutical supplies, devices and services. Our meeting offers exhibitors direct contact with medical professionals who make or heavily influence decisions regarding the purchase of products and services provided by businesses such as yours. The ISHLT meeting will feature the latest research results through Featured Abstracts, Satellite Symposia, Concurrent Abstract Sessions, Poster Sessions and Invited Lectures presented by scientific leaders. Exhibits will be open the evening of Wednesday, April 24 (in conjunction with the Exhibit Hall Opening Reception), and all day on Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26. We are expecting approximately 2700 delegates in Montréal, so please don’t miss the chance to market to this valuable group. Initial assignment of space will be made on January 15, 2013. Please send in your exhibitor application and payment in full to secure your exhibit space. Meeting and hotel information is available at If you need additional information please contact Phyllis Glenn, Exhibits Manager, by email or by phone 972-490-9495. We look forward to seeing you in Montréal. Sincerely,

David O. Taylor, MD ISHLT President



The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation has over 2600 members from over 45 countries, representing over 15 different disciplines involved in the management and treatment of end-stage heart and lung diseases.

1. To associate persons interested in the fields of heart and lung transplantation, end-stage heart and lung disease and related sciences.


2. To encourage and stimulate basic and clinical research in these disciplines and to promote new therapeutic strategies.

The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation is a multidisciplinary, professional organization dedicated to improving the care of patients with advanced heart or lung disease through transplantation, mechanical support and innovative therapies via research, education and advocacy.

3. To hold scientific meetings featuring presentations and discussion relevant to these disciplines. 4. To sponsor a scientific journal for the publication of manuscripts related to these disciplines. 5. To establish and maintain an international registry for heart and lung transplantation. 6. To award research grants and establish endowments for the study of these disciplines.


PURPOSE OF THE EXHIBITION: The exhibits portion of the meeting is designed to update the health care professional’s knowledge of products, services, literature and equipment pertinent to the fields of heart and lung transplantation, advanced heart and lung failure, transplant related infectious diseases, pulmonary hypertension and related diseases and therapies. There is no better or more direct method of reaching these key contacts than the ISHLT Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions.

PROFILING THE AUDIENCE Who comes to the ISHLT Annual Meeting? We are estimating from previous meeting attendance that we should have approximately 2700 delegates from various specialty groups and geographic locations. The figures below depict the diversity of our membership:

Membership by Specialty

Cardiovascular/ Thoracic Surgeon Cardiologist Pulmonologist Nurse/Tx Coordinator Researcher/ Immunologist Pediatrics Other/Unknown

30% 26% 11% 8% 6%

Anticipated Meeting Attendance by Geography

North America East/West Europe Australia/Asia South/Latin America

70% 24% 5% 1%

1% 18% 2


information about the exhibition Meeting Location

Hotel Reservations

The ISHLT 33rd Annual

ISHLT has arranged for a large block

Meeting and Scientific

of sleeping rooms at a number of

Sessions will be held at the

hotels within walking distance of the

Palais des congrès de Mon-

Palais des congrès. You must make

tréal, 1001 Place Jean-Paul-

Exhibit Location

Riopelle, Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1H2, Canada. Located in Montréal’s downtown core, the Palais is a safe and bustling venue. A hub of activity straddling the city’s business centre, international district, Old Montréal and Chinatown, it is near Montréal’s main attractions and also less than five minutes from 12,000 hotel rooms, 4,000

your hotel reservations through the Tourism Montréal – Housing Bureau.

The exhibits will be located on the 5th Floor of the Palais des congrès de Montréal in 517AB.

You will find hotel descriptions, rates and online booking access information on the ISHLT website:

The preliminary Exhibit Hall floor plan is on

Companies wishing to secure a block

page 6. A final Exhibit

of 10 or more hotel rooms may do

Hall floor plan will be

so by signing a sub-block contract

created to accommodate

with ISHLT. Please send your group

actual exhibitor space

housing request to Lisa Edwards,



of which are directly linked to the Palais des congrès via indoor passageways.


What’s Included in the Exhibit Fee?

Show Dates & Hours

The booth price includes one 8' x 10' exhibit space, an identification sign listing the company name as ordered and unlimited exhibit booth personnel badges. Individuals registered as exhibit booth personnel must be employed by the exhibitor and may be required to provide proof of such. The exhibit booth personnel badge allows access to the exhibit area only. Individuals desiring to attend any of the scientific sessions must register for the meeting at the regular registration rate.

Wednesday, April 24, 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm (Exhibit Hall Opening Reception)

Assignment of Space Applications for exhibit space must be made on the Official Exhibit Application Contract. Initial assignment of space will be made on January 15, 2013 and will be based on total support for the Society, prior participation in Society exhibitions, date of receipt of application, booth size requirements and location of space requested. Assignment of space to exhibitors applying after January 15, 2013 will be made in order of the date of receipt of the application. Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment of space adjacent to that of a particular competitor should note that on their applications. Careful consideration will be given to all such requests, but accommodation of such requests is not guaranteed and can affect booth assignment.

Security A security guard will be furnished during all hours that the exhibit hall is closed. However, the safekeeping of the exhibitor’s property is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

Thursday, April 25, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Friday, April 26, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Dismantling of Exhibits Exhibit Hall/Booth Tear Down:

Friday, April 26, 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Exhibit Hall/Booth Tear Down:

Saturday, April 27, 7:00 am – 10:00 am

How to Reserve a Booth Complete the enclosed Exhibit Booth Application and Contract and mail, fax or email it with your payment to the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, 14673 Midway Road, Suite 200, Addison, TX 75001, USA. For more information call Phyllis Glenn at 972-490-9495 or email to

Booth Size, Height, Cost Booth Size: 8' x 10' (minimum) Ceiling Height: The ceiling height for Room 517A and B is 24 feet. All inline booths must maintain a maximum height of 8 feet. All island booths must submit their proposed booth height. Please indicate booth height on exhibit contract.

Booth Cost: In-line Booth:


Post-Meeting Mailing List

Corner Booth:


A complete delegate list, including names and addresses, will be furnished to all exhibitors after the meeting.

Island Booth:

$50 per square foot

Official Exhibit Service Contractor

Installation Exhibits Exhibition Hall/Large Island Booth Construction: (by request only)

Monday, April 22, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Exhibitor Hall Construction:

Tuesday, April 23, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Exhibitor Move-In:

Wednesday, April 24, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm (No motorized vehicles, lifts, power tools or hammering permitted at this time).

ISHLT has selected GES as the official Exhibit Service Contractor. They will furnish all Exhibitors with an Exhibitor Information and Service Manual in January 2013. The Manual will contain order forms for labor, booth carpeting, booth furnishings, accessories, spotlights, signs, audiovisual, electrical, telephones, shipping, etc. It is requested that orders be submitted thirty (30) days prior to move in for discounted pricing. GES will staff an Exhibitor’s Service Center during all move-in, move-out and show hours.

GES Montréal Servicenter Rachida Lallali 2345 Lapierre, LaSalle, Montréal, Qc H5A 1K6 Phone: 514-367-4848 #227 Email:




































Palais des congrès de Montréal







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IMPORTANT DATES January 15, 2013 Initial Booth Assignments

April 24, 2013

January 18, 2013 Exhibitor Service Manuals Emailed February 1, 2013 Deadline for Receipt of Product Description for Inclusion in Final Program March 22, 2013

Service Orders Discount Deadline

March 22, 2013

Deadline for Advance Registration of Booth Personnel

April 22, 2013

Exhibit Hall Construction: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

April 23, 2013

Exhibit Hall Construction: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Exhibitor Move-In: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm (Exhibit Hall Opening Reception)

April 25, 2013

Exhibit Hall Open: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

April 26, 2013

Exhibit Hall Open: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Exhibit Hall Tear-Down: 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm

April 27, 2013

Exhibit Hall Tear-Down: 7:00 am – 10:00 am 6


rules and regulations

The exhibit booth application, properly executed by Exhibitor, shall, upon written acceptance and notification of space assigned by ISHLT, constitute a valid and binding contract. The following rules and regulations have been designed for the benefit of all exhibitors.

Payment and Cancellations When applying for space, the Exhibitor must submit payment in full with the application. No space assignment will be made prior to receipt by ISHLT of payment in full. This contract may be cancelled by the Exhibitor by written notice to ISHLT. Refunds will be made for cancellations as follows: Prior to Jan 1: 100% of booth cost Jan 1 to Jan 31: 75% of booth cost Feb 1 to Feb 28: 50% of booth cost On or After March 1: No refund All refunds will be processed after the meeting.

Booth Construction and Booth Dimensions The booth price includes: • the exhibit floor space • 8 feet high draped back wall • 3 feet high draped side rails • an identification sign listing the company name as ordered on the contract • unlimited exhibit personnel badges. Booth size is 8' x 10' minimum, or multiples thereof. Exhibits must conform to the following standards: no sidewalls or counters may exceed 40 inches in height; Exhibitors must arrange exhibits so as not to obstruct the general view or hide other exhibits; no partitions other than the back and side dividers provided by the Exhibit Service Contractor will be allowed unless specifically approved by ISHLT; backgrounds are limited to 8 feet in height; side walls and obstructions more than 40 inches tall may extend no more than 3 feet from the back line of the booth. The exhibit hall floor is carpeted. All furnishings, equipment, carpet, services, electrical, etc., required by each Exhibitor shall be at his/her own expense and responsibility, and may be ordered through the official Exhibit Service Contractor. Signage must be part of the exhibit booth structure.


Signs may not be suspended from or attached to the exhibit hall.

Island Displays Island booths must be constructed so that there is at least 50% visibility of the exhibition hall from any one side. The following restrictions are waived for island displays: 8 feet height restriction, 40 inch sidewall restriction. Island booths that are 20 feet x 20 feet and larger must submit a floor plan to ISHLT by March 1, 2013 for approval.

Installation and Dismantling of Exhibits Exhibitors must install all exhibits and display materials by the opening hour of the exhibition. Under no circumstances will the delivery or removal of any portion of an exhibit be permitted during the exhibition without written permission from ISHLT. Under no circumstances may dismantling occur before 2:00 pm, Friday, April 26, 2013. Exhibitors will have until 10:00 am on Saturday, April 27, 2013 to remove their exhibits from the facility.

literature, notepads, pens and pencils are permitted. Other items may be distributed from the booth only if approved in writing by ISHLT. Requests for such approval must be received in writing by ISHLT no later than March 1, 2013. No unapproved items may be distributed. Any exhibitor found distributing unapproved items will be required to cease distribution. Exhibition Handout/Giveaway Approval Forms can be obtained from the ISHLT web site ( under the Annual Meeting Exhibition section.

Sale of Goods in Exhibit Booths Exhibitors shall not conduct or permit any sale of goods or services of any kind in the exhibit or Annual meeting area. Order taking is permitted.

Exhibit Hall Staffing and Access Exhibits must be staffed at all times during exhibit hours. Exhibit personnel will be permitted on the exhibit floor one hour prior to opening and may remain in the hall one half-hour after closing. ISHLT will have sole control over all admissions of persons to the Meeting and the exhibit area.

Subletting of Space The Exhibitor agrees not to assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space without the knowledge and written consent of the ISHLT.

Use of Booths and Literature Distribution The Exhibitor is permitted to demonstrate equipment and to make informational presentations regarding products or services in his/her booth only. All demonstrations and exhibits must be confined to the exhibit booths responsible for such demonstrations or exhibits. All literature and promotional materials may be distributed only within the booth space assigned.

Handouts/Giveaways No bags of any kind may be distributed from any exhibitor’s booth. Distribution of descriptive product

Objectionable Material and Activities All booth personnel, models and demonstrators must be registered as Exhibitors. Except for a Society scheduled event, no alcoholic beverages are permitted in booths or elsewhere in the Exhibit Area. ISHLT reserves the right to request modification of any questionable exhibit or activity and to refuse to permit distribution of souvenirs, advertising matter or anything else which it may consider objectionable. Contests, games of chance, lotteries and raffles are strictly prohibited.

Rejections and Penalties ISHLT reserves the right to restrict, reject, prohibit or eject any exhibit or Exhibitor which, because of noise, safety hazards, or for other prudent reasons, becomes objectionable, or

for breach of any of these rules and regulations. Such termination may become effective during the meeting, at which time the Exhibitor agrees to close his/her exhibit upon receipt of a notice of termination, and thereafter remove his/her exhibit from the exhibition hall as soon as possible without disruption of the meeting. Expulsion of an Exhibitor shall not give rise to a claim for a refund of the fees paid by such Exhibitor.

Assignment of Space Assignment of space shall constitute an acceptance of Exhibitor’s offer to occupy space.

Liabilities The Exhibitor, by signing this contract, agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, the Palais des congrès de Montréal and their respective employees, representatives, agents, successors and assigns, for any and all damages to its property and for any and all injuries to any person resulting from its exhibiting at this Meeting. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any damage done to the buildings by it or its employees. No nails, tacks or screws should be driven into the floor, walls or woodwork of the building. The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, its agents and employees, will not be liable for failure to hold the Meeting as scheduled. Payments for the booth space will be returned in the event of cancellation of the meeting, except that any actual expenses incurred or committed in connection with the Meeting will be prorated and deducted if the Meeting is cancelled because of fire, an act of God, the public enemy, strike, war, epidemic or any law or regulation of public authority which makes it impossible, or impractical, or illegal to hold the Meeting.

Fire and Safety Regulations

Independent Contractors

Corporate Events

Exhibitor agrees to conform to all fire, safety and other rules and regulations as provided and interpreted by the official Exhibit Service Contractor and the Palais des congrès de Montréal representatives. All exhibit decorations must be fire retardant. No open flames or tanks of gas may be used, nor may canopies be erected over exhibits. Exhibitor agrees to take necessary measures to safeguard visitors from any hazards associated with its exhibit.

Exhibitors who plan to use a service contractor other than GES must notify ISHLT in writing no later than March 1, 2013. An Independent Exhibit Contractor form can be obtained from the ISHLT web site ( under the Annual Meeting Exhibits section. Such contractors are required to comply with all rules and regulations of the show. Such contractors must supply a Certificate of Insurance and form to ISHLT no later than March 1, 2013.

A Corporate Event is any activity (social, education, marketing, etc.) which involves any physician, surgeon or allied health delegates attending the ISHLT Annual Meeting and which is funded, organized or offered by any for-profit commercial organization and held in the Montréal area between Monday, April 22 and Saturday April 27, 2013. Investigator Meetings for registered clinical trials are not considered Corporate Events, nor are hospitality suites and activities which involve only company employees.

Montréal Labor

Exhibitor Personnel Registration

Montréal is an extremely exhibitor friendly city. Exhibitors are allowed to install their own booths, use power tools, plug in electrical, stand on ladders and may also hand carry their freight into the exhibit hall. There are no local union constraints. The GES Montréal has a unionized labor force but it consists of GES employees affiliated with the local CSN union. GES labor is their own and quality is excellent and consistent.

Gratuities GES work rules prohibit the SOLICITATION OR ACCEPTANCE of tips in cash, product or gifts in kind by any GES employee (union or non-union). GES employees are paid appropriate wages denoting professional status, therefore tipping of any kind is not allowed.

Always Honest Hotline GES requires the highest standards of integrity from all employees. Please call our confidential Always Honest hotline at 866.225.8230 to report fraudulent or unethical behavior.

Delivery and Shipment of Materials Exhibitors agree to ship and store their materials at their own risk and expense. Shipping, storage and delivery arrangements may be made with the official exhibit services contractor, GES. Complete shipping information will be available in the Exhibitor Services Manual.

ISHLT registration badges must be worn at all times during meeting/ show hours. An exhibitor personnel registration form will be provided to exhibiting companies in February 2013. All individuals affiliated with an exhibit booth must be registered as exhibit personnel. Individuals registered as exhibit personnel must be employed by the exhibitor. The exhibit personnel badge allows access to the exhibit area only. Individuals desiring to attend any of the scientific sessions must register for the meeting at the regular registration rate. Badges must be picked up on-site at the Exhibitor Registration Desk during published registration hours. If desired, Exhibitors may arrange to have one representative from the company collect all of the exhibit personnel badges for the company. Please indicate this on the Exhibit Personnel Registration Form.

Music Licensing The Exhibitor shall be responsible for securing all necessary licenses or consents for and paying all royalties and fees for any uses of copyrighted works or intellectual property owned by a third party and used, directly or indirectly, by the Exhibitor.

Companies wishing to conduct Corporate Events must submit an application for such to ISHLT and receive approval. Upon receiving approval, companies may contact their preferred venue to make arrangements. All costs for corporate events are to be borne by the company. When space in the Palais des congrès is used, space may include complimentary use of AV staging and equipment in place for the ISHLT Scientific Sessions, if available. Corporate Events may be conducted only during approved times. Only companies exhibiting at the ISHLT 2013 Annual Meeting may conduct Corporate Events. If a Corporate Event takes place without advance approval from ISHLT, the sponsoring organization, the supporting organization and the organizer of the event will be prohibited from conducting a Corporate Event at the following year’s meeting and may be barred from exhibiting at future ISHLT meetings. An application to request space for a Corporate Event is available at on the Annual Meeting page. Companies desiring to secure meeting space for hospitality suites, investigator meetings for registered clinical trials or events involving only company employees may do so via the Affiliate Event Space Request Form.

Affiliate Events and Meeting Space Requests Affiliate events include: • All non-ISHLT-sponsored, noncompany sponsored/funded events/ meetings/activities conducted by or for delegates at the ISHLT Annual Meeting and taking place in the Montréal area between and including Monday, April 22, 2013 and Saturday, April 27, 2013. Such events include meetings and events organized for university alumni, special interest group events, institutional meetings, etcetera. • All events/meetings/activities conducted by commercial interests at the ISHLT meeting and involving only company employees/ consultants/ investigators/board members, and taking place in the Montréal area between and including Monday, April 22, 2013 and Saturday, April 27, 2013. Such events include sales and/or staff meetings, advisory and other Board meetings, meetings of investigators for registered clinical trials and open house Hospitality Suites. Educational, marketing, social and other activities that are conducted by commercial interests and to which ISHLT delegates are invited are not considered affiliate events. Companies wishing to conduct such events must submit a Corporate Event Request Form available on the ISHLT web site ( An application to request space for affiliate events is available on the ISHLT web site at on the Annual Meeting page. Application for affiliate events must be made using this form, must be approved by ISHLT, and may take place only during approved times. ISHLT will notify the venue if space release for the specific event requested has been authorized by ISHLT. All subsequent arrangements regarding the event are to be made by the event organizer directly with the venue. Requests for corporate affiliate events will not be approved unless the company is an exhibitor. Exceptions will be considered for companies which do not have an approved product. 8




33rd ANNUAL MEETING and SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS Palais des congrès de Montréal, Canada • April 24 – 27, 2013


Exhibiting Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________


Contact Person: __________________________________________________________________________


Address: ________________________________________________________________________________


City: ________________________ State:__________ Country: __________________ Post Code: ____________


Phone: ________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________________


Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________

$______________________ DATE PAID: ____________________ BALANCE DUE: $______________________ BALANCE PAID: $______________________ DATE PAID: ____________________

____________________________________________ Authorized Signature

________________________________________ Printed Name

ISHLT will design the exhibit floor based on requests received by exhibitors. Individual booth locations are not available for selection. Priority location will be given to exhibitors based on history, booth size and total financial contribution to the Society. Please indicate your preferred booth locations below. Do not concentrate your choices in the same area.


1st Choice __________________________ 3rd Choice ____________________________


2nd Choice __________________________ 4th Choice ____________________________

8x10 foot minimum


Number of Booths requested:________________ Total Booth cost: ______________________


Booth height:____________________________________________________________


We prefer to be near:________________________________________________________

ISLAND BOOTH: $50 per square foot

We prefer not to be adjacent to:________________________________________________

BOOTH(S) ASSIGNED: ____________________


䡺 Instruments

䡺 Equipment

䡺 Books

䡺 Other: ________________



1. We attach hereto our payment for $_______________ per the above rate schedule for the above quantity of booth(s). 2. We agree that space assigned to us shall be accepted by us, and we agree to accept reassignment, if necessary. 3. We agree to abide by the official exhibit Rules and Regulations regarding this exhibition.


NOTE: All Refunds will be processed after the meeting.

PAYMENT METHOD: (Checks must be payable in US dollars and drawn on a US bank.) 䡺 Check

Amount Enclosed: $______________________ Amount To Be Charged: $ ____________________

14673 Midway Road Suite 200 Addison, TX 75001


Card Number: __________________________________________________________________

Phone: 972-490-9495 Fax: 972-490-9499

䡺 MasterCard



Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Cardholder Name:______________________________________________________________ (MANDATORY)

CSC Code:*__________ Exp. Date:____________ Cardholder Billing Zip/Postal Code:______________ (MANDATORY)



*CSC: Credit Card Security Code – (the 3 digit code on the back of MC/VISA card and 4 digit code on front of AMEX card)

COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ (AS IT WILL APPEAR IN EXHIBIT LISTING AND ON BOOTH SIGN)

CITY, STATE, COUNTRY: __________________________________________________________________________________ (AS IT WILL APPEAR IN EXHIBIT LISTING)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR USE IN PROGRAM BOOK: (Must be received by February 1, 2013 in order to be included in the Final Program). Please attach your typewritten description (not to exceed 100 words in length) or email to

PREVIOUS ISHLT EXHIBITORS • Abiomed • Actelion Pharmaceuticals • Alere Home Monitoring • Alsius Corporation • Argon Medical Device • Astellas Pharma • Avalon Laboratories • Bayer Pharma AG • Berlin Heart • CardiacAssist • Cardinal Health Research Services • CircuLite GmbH • CorMatrix Cardiovascular • CSL Behring • Cylex • Daxor Corporation • Elsevier • Essential Pharmaceuticals • Euromaes • Evaheart Medical • F. Hoffman LaRoche • February Point • Genentech • Genzyme BV • Gilead Sciences • HeartWare • HKS Medical Informatics Systems • Innovision • International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine • ISHLT Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support Registry (IMACS) • ISHLT Thoracic Transplant Registry • Jarvik Heart • Levitronix • Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins • Methodist Transplant Center • MicroMed Cardiovascular • Microsurgery Instruments • Miller Pharmacal Group • Novartis Pharma • One Lambda • Pulmonary Hypertension Association • Quality Assured Services • Scanlan International • Scholten Surgical Instruments • Sunshine Heart • SynCardia Systems • Synthes CMF • Terumo Heart Inc. • The Apothecary Shops • Therakos • Thoratec Corporation • TransMedics • United Network for Organ Sharing • United Therapeutics • Ventracor • ViroPharma • Vital Engineering • Vitrolife • Vivoline Medical AB • Wiley-Blackwell • World Heart Corporation • XDx • XVIVO Perfusion AB 10

International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation 14673 Midway Road, Suite 200 • Addison, Texas 75001 Phone: 972-490-9495 • Fax: 972-490-9499 •

PHOTOGRAPHY: All rights for reproduction has been granted permission by the Montréal Bureau of Tourism or CREDITS: Cover – Marc Cramer, Stephen Poulin, Denis Labine, Anneclaire Le Royer; Page 1-2 – Stephen Poulin, Marc Cramer; Page 3-4 – Michel Houde, Marc Cramer, Lionel Humbert, Page 9-10 – Stephen Poulin; Back Cover – Marie-Reine Mattera.

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