on Buckie, Keith and district
Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright
The North’s Favourite FREE wee mag’!
For booking details contact Kate Robertson
01343 550 737
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SpotLight Clubs and Societies
Picture by Roger Carr, Copyright
In this issue...... Clubs & Societies 3 Pastoral Letter 6 Church Details 6 Culloden Battlefield 8 What’s On 9 & 10 Cinema Listings 11 Chef’s Confidential 12 Council News 14 & 15 School Term Dates 16 Local Holidays 16 Tide Times 16 Useful Contacts 18 Advertisers Index 18 SAmPLe ADverT rATeS Box £30 Big Box £57 ¼ Page £104 ½ Page £195 Business Profile £333 Full Page £369 enhanced Listings in What’s On pages from £33 All rates are per month plus vAT and based on a Black & White 12 month series. Deadline for January issue is Wednesday 8th December Call 01309 690063 for more details. SpotLight on Buckie & Keith is published by Winterburn media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss Iv36 3UA All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered to be a breach of copyright.
BANFFSHIRE FIELD CLUB Meets monthly at St Rufus Church Hall, Turner Street, Keith to explore the district, inquiring into its geology, botany, natural history, archaeology, etc. Contact Mrs K M Hawkes 840718 CULLEN BOWLING AND TENNIS CLUB Provides a service to anyone who is interested in Bowling and Tennis. Bowls, tennis rackets, balls and shoes all available. Contact Sandra Douglas 840118 FAITH AND LIGHT GROUP BUCKIE To provide an evening of respite care to the parents or carers of club members. 1st and 3rd Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Anne Gerrard 831124 FRISKIS AND SVETTIS Originating in Sweden, the aim is to get people healthy whilst having fun. Exercise to music, open to men and women. Fochabers Institute Tues 10am; St Rufus Hall, Keith Wed 9.30am and Thurs 10am; St Thomas Hall Thurs 7pm, contact Mandy tel: 882641 or visit KEITH COMMUNITY CENTRE BOWLING CLUB Meets Wednesday and Thursday afternoon at Keith Community Centre. Contact Margaret Adam 887921
GRANGE BADMINTON CLUB Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9.30pm, King Memorial Hall, Grange. Contact Chris Lancaster 870622 JOG SCOTLAND BUCKIE Meets on Tuesday 6.30pm at Swimming Pool car park, juniors meet on Monday 4.30pm at BHS Games Hall. Suitable for beginners. Tel: 842847 or email jsbuckie@walk JOG SCOTLAND KEITH Meets on Monday 6.30pm at Keith Community Centre, juniors meet at 6pm. Suitable for beginners. Tel: 870609 or email jskeith@walk KEITH AND DISTRICT AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Meets Wednesdays, 7pm, Keith Community Centre Car Park, Annual subscription £15, Contact Club Secretary, Steven Taylor: Tel 832898, 07808 687036 www.walkjogrun KEITH & HUNTLY TANG SOO DO Korean martial arts, teaching mental & physical training. £3. Thursdays, Royal British Legion, Keith. Juniors:5.15pm-6pm; Adults:6pm-7pm, contact Master Wilma McGregor tel: 0797 607 4694
LGBT MORAY Social networking group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Moray. Monthly meetings 1st Tues. & 4th Thurs. The Cooperage Bar, High St, Elgin, 7.30pm; 2nd Weds. Scribbles, High St, Elgin,11am: 3rd Sat. Time Out Café, High St, Forres,10.30am. For further info tel: 07598418638, email us on or find us on Facebook MARACAIBO Club for the over 50’s, Thursdays 1.30pm to 4pm, Longmore Hall, Keith ROTARY CLUB OF BUCKIE Meets every Monday evening at 5.30pm for 6pm in the Marine Hotel, Buckie. Visit our website at www.rotaryclub ROYAL BURGH OF CULLEN PENSIONERS CLUB Meets first Tuesday of each month at 7pm, for the welfare of the elderly in Cullen. Contact Bunty Gardiner 840653 SILVER BAND Practice night, Sunday 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Longmore Hall, Keith SPEY BAY HALL General enquiries to Shona Kemp tel: 821070
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
December 2010 - page 3
Festive Wishes onald & McDonal McDonald Munro Munro Ltd Ltd
Seasons Seasons Greetings Greetings to to all our Customers Customers
Campbell & McHardy Ltd ElectrIcal Contractors
Merrry Christmas Merry Chr ustomers tto o our C Customers and Suppliers
Wishing W ishing g you you all Festive Cheer F estiv ve Che er and Happiness! a nd Ha ppiness!
Hair & Beauty
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SSANTA ANT A TA WILL BE AT AT Decora, Decora, LLossiebank ossiebank M Mills, ills, Elgin. 4 SSat at & 5 Sun/ Elgin. at & 12 Sun/18 Sat Sat 11 SSat & 19 Sun SSanta’s anta’s Grotto*, Grotto*, oon 10am-12noon and 1pm-4pm *A booking system stem will be in operation, tion
Brodie Countryfare Countryfare Brodie Reindeer Thursday 23rd, 23rd, Reindeer Thursday day, from from 11am, special day, winter bbq; stall selling winter freshly made delicious freshly donuts, donuts, children’s children’s teacups teacups Ride Ride
M ackenzie & C Mackenzie Cruickshank ruickshank G arden C Garden Centre, entre, FForres, orres, 4 SSat at & 5 Sun/11 SSat at & 12 Sun/18 SSat at & 19 Sun Grotto, 1pm-3pm, SSanta’s anta’s Gr otto 1pm-3pm £4.50* ffor or a g gift ift & phot photo o *£1 going to Forres rres christmas lights fun fund
Inverness Victoria Market Market Inverness Victoria Saturday/ 11 SSaturday aturday 4 Saturday/ Saturday. Santa Santa at at /18 Saturday. Inverness Victorian Victorian Inverness Market, 11am-3pm, am-3pm, Market, Santa will be b Santa under the every clock every Saturday Saturday
Baxters (Fochabers) (Fochabers) Baxters D ecember 4th & 5th, December 11th & 12th ,19th & 20th – 23r d , 11am - 4pm 23rd V isit SSanta antaa in his special Visit Bax ters Baxters Gr otto. Grotto. Gif or ev er Giftt ffor every child £5.00
ROOF WIZARD Wish W ish you you a Happ py Happy Ho Ho Holiday
SSANTA A TA ANT WILL BE AT AT Mills Holm M ills Shopping Village, Dores V illage, D ores Rd, Rd, IInverness nverness 4 Sat, Sat, 5 Sun/11 SSat, at, 12 Sun /18 8 SSat, at, 19 Sun Santa’s Grotto, ot Santa’s Gr 11am-4pm (Sat) 4pm (S at) 12-4pm (Sun).
SSANTA A TA ANT WILL BE AT AT Castle C astle S Stuart tuart ((nr nr IInverness) nverness) O Open pen until until T Thurs hurs 23rd 23rd December December Weekdays Weekdays SP SP Weekends Weekends 10am 10am - 6 6pm pm
Picture by Kurt Simon, Copyright
Bethlehem is situated on two hills and is 2361 feet above the level of the sea. The western hill is the Bethlehem of Scripture, while on the eastern elevation is situated the Basilica of the Nativity erected over the grotto. We may imagine that the Blessed Virgin and St Joseph, there being “no room at the inn”, left the town and came to a cave or stable on the eastern hill, which served as a place of refuge for shepherds and their flocks against the inclemency of the weather. From the earliest times, ecclesiastical writers bear witness to this tradition. St Justin who died in 165, said “Having failed to find any lodging in the town, Joseph sought shelter in a neighbouring cavern of Bethlehem” (Dialogue with Trypho 70). About half a century later, Origen wrote “If anyone desires to satisfy himself without appealing to the prophecy of Micheas, or to the history of Christ as written by his disciples, that Jesus was
Pastoral Letter and Church Meetings born in Bethlehem, let him know that, in accordance with the gospel narrative, at Bethlehem is shown the grotto where he first saw the light.” (Against Celsus I.51). Devotion to the crib is of ancient origin, but it remained to St Francis of Assisi to popularise it and to give to it the form which is known at the present time. St Francis arrived at Greccio on Christmas Eve, when, with the aid of his friend Giovanni Velita, he constructed a crib and grouped around it figures of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Joseph, the ass, the ox, and the shepherds who had come to adore the new born infant. The legend relates that after having sung the words of the gospel, he knelt down to meditate on the sublime mystery of the birth of Jesus, and there appeared in his arms a child surrounded by a brilliant light. A painting by Giotto representing St Francis celebrating Christmas in Greccio is preserved in the Basilica of
Buckie Baptist Church meets Sundays 11am & 5.45pm. Contact Rev. V MacDougall Email - Children are welcome to join us on Sunday morning at Rainbow Kids (0-5yrs) and Junior Church (5yrs upwards) Contact Irene 01542 840821 Buckie North, C of S, Cluny Square, contact Rev Gordon Mathew 831328 email or Mr Graeme Gerrard (Session Clerk) 01542 831124 email Buckie, Riverside Christian Church, Sundays 10.30am, contact 01542 833923 or visit Buckie, St Peters Church RC contact 832196 Buckie Methodist Church Sundays 11am & 6pm, alternative Sundays at Portessie. Sunday School, Bible Studies, Prayer meetings, Study groups, Women's Guild, Men's Prayer Breakfast and House Groups Cullen & Deskford C of S every Sunday at 10.30am. First Sunday of Month in the Hall Church, every other Sunday in the Auld Kirk, 2nd and 4th Sundays in Jubilee Hall Deskford at 12noon, contact 01542 840193 or Cullen Methodist Church, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie Sunday morning worship at 11am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher; Coffee Morning Wednesdays 10am-11.30am; Guild Meeting Wednesdays 2pm; Activities for children are available as required. Findochty Methodist Church welcomes you to fellowship every Sunday morning at 11am. We also meet weekly every Wednesday from 2pm-3.30pm for fellowship and fun.
St Francis in Assisi. After his death in 1226, the custom of having the crib at Christmas spread widely through Europe. The simple celebration was not the first time the birth of Jesus was celebrated in a dramatic way, but Francis brought to the scene a vision that saw more than the pleasant tableau we now have. He wanted to show the hardships Jesus suffered already as an infant. In the daring phrase of St. Paul, he saw the emptying of the glory of the Son of God, born of a gentle mother but still thrown upon a stony and resisting world. In St Thomas Church in Keith, we construct a crib after the same Franciscan tradition, and you are are very welcome to come and see it. The Church is open from early morning till 4pm every day. Fr Maximilian McKeown Order of Friars Minor Conventual
Keith, Holy Trinity Episcopal, Family Eucharist 11.30am. Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : Sunday 9.30am (first Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall); Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact: Rev G Hutton Steel or email: Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays), contact: Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld or email: Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC, Vigil-Mass 9.30am and 6.30pm Confessions Saturday 10am on request. Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am (with Sunday school) and at 6pm (alternately here & at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church, Portgordon, Buckie meets for Sunday worship at 11am, bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm, craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm Rathven Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 9.45am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Sunday School outwith the local school holidays. Wee ones also very welcome. Contact Moira 01542 833956 or Ann 01542 831607
If you are a member of a church not listed here, please email the details to and we may print this in future issues.
page 6 - December 2010
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
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Culloden Battlefield
SpotLight Local Interest
The 16th April 1746 is a date which has been etched deeply into the annals of this nation’s history due to the battle of Culloden and the far-reaching effects of its aftermath. Essentially the battle of Culloden was to end the possibility of restoring the Stuart household to the thrones of England and Scotland after a long period of risings which had begun with the deposition of James VII and II in 1689. The roots of this struggle between the Stuart and Hanoverian dynasties were steeped in religious and ideological differences. The battle lasted no more than an hour and saw the army of approximately 5-7,000 Jacobite soldiers robustly beaten by the 10,000 Government troops. It is estimated that 1,500 Jacobites were left dead compared to the 50 Government losses in the hour of battle. In terms of global conflict history, these are by no means a large number of losses or, indeed, even a large battle. It is perhaps due to the immediate aftermath of the battle that it has come to have such an extraordinary connection in Scottish history. To this day the battle still evokes strong emotions in many visitors and conjures strong support for Gaelic culture, which was irrevocably changed by the systematic ‘Pacification of the Highlands’ by the Hanoverian Government.
Scottish Tourist Board 5 Star Visitor Attraction. The project was funded by a wide variety of benefactors and, with backing from the Scottish Government, the European Union, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Bòrd na Gàidhlig, as well as other generous donations from various trusts and sponsors. As well as these, donations were made by individuals; including many National Trust for Scotland members; and fund-raising projects were also set up which saw a large amount of support from Scottish descendants all over the globe. This gave the opportunity for inscribed stones and ceiling names to be displayed at the centre in exchange for donations to the Memorial Project. The visitor to the centre will be able to experience an incredible journey through the 1745 rising. The story is told through a plethora of interactive media. Highlights of this include: The ‘Character Stations’, which give the visitor first hand accounts of the key events; ‘Campaign Tables’, which show the movements of both armies during the campaign. Most notable are the four minute ‘Battle Immersion Film’, which puts the visitor right at the heart of the hand to hand fighting, giving the visitor a shock of emotions to bring the style of fighting and the ferocity of the battle to life; and the ‘Battle Table’, which shows the battle happening from an aerial viewpoint, clearly showing the movement of regiments and the tactical decisions that were made to create the outcome. As well as the modernistic use of museum technology there is a remarkable collection of weaponry and objects on show, and alongside this the costumed Living History presentations will be guaranteed to bring the story of Culloden to life. Having experienced all of this, the visitor can also take a handheld GPS guide onto the battlefield itself, giving them information at various points as they see for themselves the place where this infamous event took place.
Today, Culloden Battlefield is owned and cared for by Scotland’s leading conservation charity, The National Trust for Scotland. The Trust depends on membership, donations and revenue raised at the properties to protect, maintain and provide education and enjoyment at over a hundred unique and amazing sites throughout Scotland. At Culloden, the site is also a war grave and memorial to the fallen on both sides.
The visitor centre also boasts a well stocked shop which is famed for its excellent collection of books, a fully licensed restaurant and spacious rooms for corporate hire. More information on this and upcoming events, as well as opening times, can be found on the property website at or by phoning 0844 493 2159.
Commemoration of such an event is of the upmost importance to the National Trust for Scotland. In December 2007 the Culloden Battlefield Memorial Project was successful in creating a state-of-the-art £9.6 million visitor centre as a memorial to the events that occurred on the bleak moor, just 5 miles east of Inverness. The Battlefield Visitor Centre is widely regarded as one of the best in the world and has already received many awards; most notably becoming a
Article by Andrew Grant McKenzie M.A. (Hons) Senior Admissions and Membership Assistant The National trust for Scotland Culloden Battlefield & Visitor Centre
page 8 - December 2010
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Advertise your event here from only £33 plus VAT. Call 01309 690063 or email Deadline for January issue is Wednesday 8th December
SpotLight What’s On
1 wednesday adele cluckie icsf will be demonstrating some floral decoration ideas for christmas, 7pm, for more details contact keith library tel: 01542 882223 or email aly bain & phil cunningham, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £16/£14, contact 01309 690110
3 friday brodie countryfare foodhall tasting day, 10am-4pm, tel: 01309 614555 for more details carers’ rights day - ‘know your rights’, 10am-12noon or 5pm-7pm, new elgin and ashgrove hall, if you are looking after a friend, neighbour or family member come along and find out about your rights as a carer; chat with the experts in direct payments; wills and powers of attorney; pensions and income maximisation; employment rights and enjoy a bit of pampering at the same time, call quarriers carer support service (moray) tel: 01343 556031 speyside artisans christmas arts and crafts interactive exhibition, 10am-4pm, glenfiddich distillery, dufftown, free, contact joy mann tel: 01542 886311 a christmas carol, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6 u’16s, contact 01309 690110
4 saturday quiz night, 7pm, lhanbryde community centre, BYOB and nibbles, £2 per person, teams of four maximum, individuals welcome live music with robb simms, 9.30pm, kris kros bar @ the seafield arms hotel, cullen, free, tel: 840791 or email
5 sunday buckie choral union with conductor anne corbet and accompanist gay cadenhead present ‘a festival of carols’ featuring the keith and district silver band, 7:30pm, fishermans hall, buckie, £8 adults/£5 children, for more info visit or email
8 wednesday christmas tombola, doors open 6.30pm - eyes down 7.30pm, portessie public hall, entry £1, star prize £60 co-op vouchers, please bring a cup cullen pharmacy - 10% off christmas shopping SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
event, 2pm-4pm, come along for free refreshments while you browse our new jewellery range and various xmas gift ideas, tel: 840220
10 friday quest project elgin - a trip down memory lane, 6.30pm for 7pm, st giles church, elgin, featuring films of old elgin from the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s and oldtime sing along, £3, contact ed mccann tel: 07889 456185 for more details, all proceeds to ‘the quest project-enable scotland’, elgin
11 saturday keith support group parkinsons uk - christmas meal, fochabers, for more details contact mike mustard tel: 887972
15 wednesday to 18 saturday elgin amateur dramatic society - cinderella, 7.30pm, with saturday matinee at 2.30pm, elgin town hall, tickets on sale thursday, friday & saturdays 2pm4pm at beaver travel, elgin, £10 adult/£8 concession, for further information see or tel: 07902 315715
17 friday dyke primary school carol singing, 12.30pm-1.30pm, brodie countryfare, by forres tel: 01309 614555 a very indie christmas, doors 8.30pm, the loft venue, by kinloss, be like pablo; farewell singapore; the strives and more, £5, tel: 01343 850111
A Very Indie Christmas at The Loft Friday 17th December
Be Like Pablo - Farewell Singapore - The Strives plus more Storn in a T-cup Promotions presents some of the best scottish acts on this most festive of nights to cheer you into the Festive season. Tel: 01343 850111
18 saturday showstopperz presents:rockstopperz, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8, tel: 01309 690110 live music - jason porter, harbour bar, buckpool, tel: 839549 or find us on facebook
December 2010 - page 9
Are you a local Burns Society or Club? Are you hosting a Burns Supper or event?
20 monday dyke primary school carol singing, 12.30pm1.30pm, brodie countryfare, by forres tel: 01309 614555
23 thursday
Let us know & we will print the details FREE. Call 01309 690063 or email
brodie countryfare reindeer day, from 11am, special winter bbq; stall selling delicious freshly made donuts, children’s teacups ride; shop for last minute food, gift ideas, toys and stocking fillers, tel: 01309 614555 for more details
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday 8th December
24 friday carol service, 7pm, cullen methodist church
31 friday gourmet dinner & ceilidh dancing to skirley beat, dinner at 6.30pm - ceilidh 9.30pm-1am, the loft venue, by kinloss, families welcome, tel: 01343 850111 to book or email
HOGMANAY 2010 at The Loft Venue Gourmet Dinner & Ceilidh Dancing to Skirley Beat Families Welcome - Bookings Now Being Taken 7 Course Dinner - arrive 6.30pm Ceilidh 9.30pm-1am with Fireworks at Midnight To Book call The Loft tel: 01343 850111 Dinner & Ceilidh £45 - Ceilidh Only £15 - (under 13’s FREE)
JANUARY 2011 19 wednesday antiques roadshow with graham whatman, 2.30pm, keith library, for more details contact elgin library tel: 01343 562600 or visit 20 thursday voces 8, 7:30pm, st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit our website for details or tel: 01343 837917 29 saturday the ballet bus - scottish ballet in cinderella, 2pm, eden court theatre,inverness, coach pick-up points along a96 from keith to nairn, ticket and coach £28/ under 18 £14/coach only £6, tel: 01343 850282 HOW THe “WHAT’S ON” WOrKS all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to
Permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or money-making) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like an enhanced listing (white box) this costs from £33 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. Deadline for January Issue is Wednesday 8th December page 10 - December 2010
tel: 01309 690063
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JASON PORTER 18th December
Outstanding vocalist performs an array of great Big band songs
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Everyone at the Harbour Bar would like to wish all their customers a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Universal Hall, Findhorn Showing films throughout the year. Visit or call 01309 691170 for details.
Cinema Listings December 2010 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Burke And Hare (15) Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows:Part One (12) Warren Miller’s Wintervention (12) The Kids Are All Right (15) plus many others
Visit or call 01463 234234 for details
Moray Playhouse, Elgin New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit
Cinema Nairn 17th - Film Fans Choice 18th - The Pink Panther (PG)
Visit or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Vue Cinema, Inverness 3rd December Megamind (2D and 3D) 10th December Chronicles of Narnia: Legend of the Dawn Treader (2D and 3D) The Tourist 17th December Tron Legacy 3D Animals United (2D and 3D) Burlesque 24th December Meet the Parents: Little Fockers 26th December Gulliver's Travels(2D and 3D) KidsAM - Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am - 95p per ticket Seniors Club - Every Tuesday at 12.30pm - £3 inc. refreshments NEW Teen Screen Every Thursday & Friday £1.95 2D or £2.95 3D
Visit for details
Portessie Public Hall Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email
December 2010 - page 11
Guinea Fowl With Winter Vegetable And Pearl Barley Broth
Chef’s Confidential
Now that the clocks have been turned back and the last of the leaves have blown from the trees, I think that we may be in for a long winter, so for those cosy nights in, here’s a nice winter warmer for you all. Guinea Fowl (supplied by Macbeths of Forres) is an underused bird in my opinion. It has the taste and flavour of somewhere between chicken and turkey and I think, that we all like one or the other. Ingredients - Serves Two 100 grams pearl barley 2 pints of chicken or vegetable stock ½ a Leek 1 large carrot ¼ turnip ½ an onion 8-12 baby potatoes 2 guinea fowl breasts For the Broth Cover and soak your pearl barley overnight so it absorbs some of the water which will make it easier to cook the next day. Drain the water from the barley and bring to the boil and then simmer with one pint of your chicken stock until soft and edible; if the liquid reduces, more water can be added at any time. Once the barley is soft and edible drain of the stock and put aside. For the vegetables Cut your leeks into inch-long rounds and fry gently in some vegetable oil until they are nicely coloured and soft, then put aside. Peel and cut your carrot and turnip then put into boiling water with a touch of salt and cook until soft. Take out of water and run under cold water until cool then put aside. Slice onion and sweat off in vegetable oil with salt until soft, keeping it as white as possible by adjusting your heat when needed, then put aside. Boil your potatoes in salted water until ready (roughly 10-15 mins) cool down with running cold water and put aside. To prepare the Guinea Fowl Put on a chopping board (preferably one you always use for raw meat) - you can take the bone and skin off if you want but I prefer them on. Remove any excess skin or gristle with a sharp knife, season lightly with salt (maldon salt is better and more natural than table salt)
page 12 - December 2010
Put a splash of vegetable oil into a non stick pan, put Guinea Fowl into the oil when pan is cold (this may go against what you have been told before but it is so the skin of the bird doesn’t blister and you get an all over better golden colour - believe me, I thought the Chef was crazy when I was shown this!) Gently heat the pan and once the skin is golden and crispy, turn over to the flesh side for 3-4 mins. Take out of frying pan and put onto an oven tray and cook at 180c for 812 mins or, if you have a temperature probe it should be over 73c, however not much more or your meat will become dry. To put dish together, put all vegetables, potatoes and barley into your chicken stock and heat until nice and hot then divide between two bowls (giving more to the cook of course!) then place the cooked Guinea Fowl on top. I have garnished mine with pea shoots (from Spey Fruit of Elgin). I hope this will keep your cockles warm and your feet toastie! We look forward to seeing you during December @ Knockomie and wish you a very Happy Festive Season and a Good New Year. Look out for Knockomie's fireworks at Hogmanay!
tel: 01309 690063
Peter Norrie, Head Chef Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
PA 80%Y OW 100 N %
There are Shared Equity homes available across these developments in Elgin. Plus, conclude before the 10th December and get an iPad.
Hamilton Gardens 3 & 4 bed homes From ÂŁ128,000* 0845 504 9900
Westfields 4 bed homes From ÂŁ176,000* 0844 247 2160
Marketing Suite open Thursday to Monday, 10.30am to 5.30pm. *Shared Equity scheme, 80% of the purchase price payable now and 20% being paid either when the property is sold, after a period of 10 years or at any other point within the 10 years upon owner’s instigation. Robertson Homes nominated mortgage broker must be used. All loans subject to availability and status. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it. Offer is available on selected plots for reservations, which are concluded no later than 10th December 2010, and is subject to Robertson Homes’ Terms and Conditions. Prices are correct at time of going to press. Images are of a typical Robertson Home and may not be representative of the particular developments advertised.
Ruth Ewen HND MICHT PACT KORE dip ”‘Â?ÂƒÂ–ÂŠÂ‡Â”ÂƒÂ’Â›ÇĄ ‡ƪ‡š‘Ž‘‰›ǥ ÂƒÂ•Â•ÂƒÂ‰Â‡ÇĄ ‘– –‘Â?‡ ƒ••ƒ‰‡ ĆŹ –Š‡”ƒ’›
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Michael Sharp Joinery FOR A FREE QUOTE
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SpotLight Council News
Picture by Alison Gelling, Copyright
Police Matters • Tonight we had Sergeant Black in attendance with PC Carmichael. They gave an overview on the crime in the Keith area. Anti social driving - there will be another campaign in October. There is a lot of shop lifting in Keith mostly in the younger age group. Licensed premises in Keith are to be visited to make sure they are abiding to the licensing law. • CL spoke of the parking of vehicles in Seafield Avenue too near to the A96 junction. Chivas lorries are having problems negotiating the turn in. Yellow lines are suggested. SC will look into this. • Yellow lines were suggested for a number of areas including outside St Rufus manse. There is a problem with cars parking on Sunday mornings Service bus has to cross the road to get past parked cars which are parked too near to the island in the middle of the road. Lorries and tractors with trailers are also finding it hard to get past. The police will speak to the St Rufus ministers. • Bridge Street was mentioned - there will be a change in the road layout when Keith Builders move into their premises Other areas were identified as having cars parked too close to junctions. You would have to put down yellow lines on all the roads. Residents would not be happy but if they showed a bit more consideration this would not have to happen. Cars parked on the pavement were another problem They should be reported at the time and the police would attend.
Presentation Dougie McPhee from Moray Council gave a presentation. Dougie is involved with a youth group called KERBS Keith Roller Bladers and Skateboarders. They set up the skatepark in the Cuthil in 2000 with it being the first skatepark in Moray. Membership was initially for youngsters in the Cuthil area and they paid a yearly membership of £1. There have been no new members for the last three years. There is a balance in their bank account. Hopefully a meeting can be set up in November so that the constitution can be changed as there are no original members on the committee. There needs to be five new members to change this. The park is used a lot at the moment and it was hoped to get some funding to upgrade this park. JM mentioned where there might be funding available- Bad Boys Fund. Moray Council won’t take on the running of the facility. It will be up to the youngsters to take on the responsibility. The original BMX track in Fife - Keith has been condemned by Health and Safety from Moray Council. A newsletter was suggested to go out to schools and groups where children may be interested in the group. Dougie McPhee can be contacted on 885517 where he will be pleased to speak to anyone wishing to come on board the group. If the extravaganza goes ahead the group could do a display. Dougie will come back to another meeting to update us on how the group is progressing. JM thanked Dougie and the police for attending tonight`s meeting.
CoMMunity CounCil ContACts Keith Community Council: meets first Monday of each month (excluding January and August) 7pm at Keith Community Centre. Contact: Diane Halley page 14 - December 2010
Matters Arising The tree in Keith Square has been taken down. • The Falls Of Tarnash road has been reported. • The Milton Lodge problem has been seen to and the sand boxes have been fixed. • Old Bridge has been reported and Steps up to the hospital are to be attended to. • Lights on Union Bridge - there is a major wiring problem which BEAR will attend to. • Stones from Tesco have been removed from the pavement. There is news that the site has been bought. There is a company who are advertising on the internet for staff for a new store in Keith. • The railway fence - the railway staff are aware of the problem. • There is a lot of water gathering at the bottom of the Earslsmount entrance and also on the pavement outside the North Church. Correspondence • CC said that there needed to be a better attendance for the JCC meetings in Elgin. CC said she would happily attend as did IC and CL. • There is to be another consultation on the budget cuts in Moray. JM said that NO was not an option to attend the meetings for KCC members. She requested a full attendance to the meeting on 2nd November in the Longmore Hall. JM will discuss with Rhona Patterson the forth coming meeting. Our reply goes back after the meeting.
(Secretary) on 886640. Buckie Community Council: meets third Tuesday each month (excluding July) 7pm Town House West. Contact: Allan Fraser (Secretary) 832826
tel: 01309 690063
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(mobile service also available) 7 Mayne Road Elgin IV30 1NY Tel: 01343 551126 e-mail:
ESTATE AGENCY * CONVEYANCING * LETTING * MORTGAGES * WILLS EXECUTRIES * POWERS OF ATTORNEY * NOTARISING DOCUMENTS Community Councillors updates • IC - Environment - Dead Tree has gone from the Square • CL - Roads and Rights of Way - CL had a number of issues for BEAR. JM will email BEAR with the problems. • Christmas Lights - The Rotary Club are holding a meeting tonight to decide if they will be able to offer support for the Extravaganza. £347 has been raised in the collection tins in shops and businesses in Keith. • SC - SC has spoken to John Russell
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from Moray Council about the winter weather snow clearing meeting. He doesn’t know when it will be. JM will speak to BEAR about this. External Groups updates • Regeneration Partnership - They had applied for funding recently which was unsuccessful. They will re-apply again. There have been discussions with property owners who may be interested in obtaining grants for repairs and restoration to their buildings. A meeting is to be held with Moray Council and
Tel: 07796 872545 Historic Scotland. • FKAG - JM has spoken to Jane Sharp about various matters. JM has asked for the FKAG minutes so that any matters can be taken up or attended to. FKAG have kindly offered to help with the Christmas Lights. next Meeting The next meeting of Keith Community Council will be on Monday 6th December 2010 at 7pm in Keith Sports and Community Centre.
“ Parliament Blog ” While generally avoiding hard-nosed politics in this column it is really impossible this month not to speak about the impact of the Strategic Defence Review on Moray and the efforts being put in by politicians of all parties and none, public agencies and, crucially, the combined people power of the civilian and service communities to back our local bases.
That people power was demonstrated with a huge turnout at the march and rally in Lossiemouth, sending a clear and unequivocal message to Westminster. For my own part I have tabled questions in parliament on both Kinloss and Lossiemouth and pressed the Prime Minister, Defence Secretary and other Ministers on this critical issue on numerous occasions. With this combined effort from many, many people a powerful case is being made. The Coalition Government can be in no doubt of that resolve.
In recent weeks the Kinloss and Forres area has been dealt a heavy blow following the announcement by the Conservative/Lib Dem Coalition Government of the cancellation of Nimrod. With the additional huge uncertainty over the future of RAF Lossiemouth the economic and social impacts on Moray are severe. It has been fantastic to see the positive way in which the communities have rallied together through sites on Facebook and the march and rally in Lossiemouth, which was an amazing piece of organisation by the community in a
Angus Roberts on MP
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
very short space of time. I was very proud to join so many people and looking out from the podium at the massed ranks people determined to show their support was a humbling experience. Moray has picked up the gauntlet and is taking the fight for our communities straight to the top.
Richard Lochhead MSP
December 2010 - page 15
Advertise here from only £28.04 per month plus VAT. Call 01309 690063 or email Deadline for January issue is Wednesday 8th December
School Term Dates Holidays and Tide Times
School Term Dates
for 2010/2011 (all dates inclusive) Winter Term Ends Wed. 22nd December 2010 Spring Term Starts Thursday 6th January 2011 Mid-term Holiday Friday 11th February 2011 Mid-term Holiday Monday 14th February 2011 Spring Term Ends Friday 1st April 2011 Summer Term Starts Monday 18th April 2011 Good Friday Holiday Friday 22nd April 2011 Milne’s High & Feeders Friday 29th April 2011 May Day Holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 In-service Closure Thursday 19th May 2011 In-service Closure Friday 20th May 2011 Buckie High & Feeders Mon. 6th June 2011
Keith Grammar & Feeders Mon. 6th June 2011 Speyside High & Feeders Mon. 6th June 2011 Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011 for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 16th August 2011 Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011 Winter Term Starts Monday 24th October 2011 In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011 Spring Term Starts Thursday 5th January 2012 Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012 Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012
Local Holidays 2010/2011 St Andrews Day Christmas Day * Boxing Day * New Years Day * 2nd January * Buckie Holiday § Keith Holiday Fochabers Holiday ‡ Good Friday
Tuesday 30th November Monday 27th December Tuesday 28th December Monday 3rd January Tuesday 4th January Monday 4th April Monday 4th April Monday 11th April Friday 22nd April
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE IN DECEMBER Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
01.26 02.30 03.26 04.13 04.56 05.35 06.14
13.51 14.54 15.48 16.35 17.18 18.00 18.40
page 16 - December 2010
8 W 9 TH 10 F 11 SA 12 SU 13 M 14 T 15 W 16 TH 17 F 18 SA 19 SU
Early May Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May Spring Bank Holiday Monday 30th May Keith Holiday Monday 6th June Monday 13th June Buckie Holiday § Fochabers Holiday ‡ Monday 27th June * substitue day § includes Cullen, Findochty & Portknockie ‡ includes Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay & Urquhart
AM 06.51 07.29 08.06 08.47 09.33 10.27 11.35 00.25 01.32 02.33 03.21 04.03
tel: 01309 690063
PM 19.21 20.01 20.43 21.27 22.17 23.18 12.52 14.02 15.00 15.46 16.26
20 M 21 T 22 W 23 TH 24 F 25 SA 26 SU 27 M 28 T 29 W 30 TH 31 F
AM 04.41 05.18 05.56 06.35 07.16 08.00 08.46 09.40 10.42 11.55 00.49 02.03
PM 17.04 17.43 18.22 19.05 19.50 20.37 21.30 22.30 3.36 13.16 14.33
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
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SpotLight Useful Numbers and Advertisers Index
Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright
SCHOOLS Botriphnie Primary School ............................01542 810207 Cluny Primary School....................................01542 831417 Crossroads Primary School ..........................01542 870221 Cullen Primary School ..................................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ............................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ....................................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School ................................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School ..................................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ........................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ................................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ..............................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ..........................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ..........................01542 840244 St Peters RC Primary School ........................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School ......................01542 882256 Buckie High School ......................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ..................................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ......................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ....................................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ................................01542 835577 Cullen Medical Centre....................................01542 840272 Keith Medical Centre......................................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000
DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice ............................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ................................(01542) 831163
PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith..................................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ..........................01542 882533 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ......................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ..............01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ........................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ............................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre....................................01542 832841 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre................................01542 882028 Keith Swimming Pool ....................................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ..................................01542 886174 Keith Library ..................................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ................................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith................01542 885500 Registrar ........................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr......................................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ....................................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ............................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers please email these to us on
Advertisers Index Baxters ................................................................................2 Beaver Travel ....................................................................17 Campbell & McHardy..........................................................4 Castle Stuart ......................................................Front Cover Dallas Designs ..................................................................19 Fairleys Solicitors ..............................................................15 Harbour Bar ......................................................................10 Kairos Moments ................................................................13 Kylauren Homes..................................................................4 Linda Marlow Dog Grooming............................................15 Little Flower ........................................................................4 Mackenzie & Cruickshank ..................................................5 McDonald & Munro ....................................................4 & 13
Michael Sharp Joinery ......................................................13 Mr Bumbles........................................................Front Cover Physio Pilates ....................................................Front Cover Robertson Homes ............................................................13 Roof Wizard ................................................................4 & 17 Spotty Bag Shop ................................................................7 Springfield Properties ......................................................19 The Loft Venue............................................................7 & 10 The Royal Hotel & Restaurant ..........................................17 Third Brothers ......................................Outside Back Cover Threaplands Garden Centre ..............................Front Cover Ultimate Hair & Beauty ..............................................4 & 17 Unique Beauty ..................................................Front Cover Wheelchair Care..................................................................7
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