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SpotLight Clubs and Societies
Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright
KEITH SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLASS Meets every Thursday in the Royal British Legion Hall, Keith 7.30pm-9.30pm KEITH SPORTS AND COMMUNITY CENTRE Contact June Simpson 882222. KEITH TANG SOO DO Thursdays, Royal British Legion, 7pm, contact Steve & Rosemary Reeve tel: 01542 886500 KEITH TENNIS CLUB We run club nights on Mondays and Wednesdays during April to October starting at 7pm. Contact Keith Gray tel: 886242 LGBT MORAY Social networking group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Moray. Monthly meetings - 1st Tues. & 4th Thurs. The Cooperage Bar, High St, Elgin, 7.30pm; 2nd Weds. Scribbles, High St, Elgin,11am: 3rd Sat. Time Out Café, High St, Forres,10.30am. For further info or to be met in advance tel: 07598418638, email us on lgbtmoray@gmail.com or find us on Facebook MARACAIBO Club for the over 50’s, Thursdays 1.30pm to 4pm, Longmore Hall, Keith ME MORAY SUPPORT GROUP Meets 2nd Tuesday each month, 7pm, Moray Resource Centre, Maisondeu Road, Elgin. It’s a great chance to meet up with other ME sufferers and talk
about the condition, as well as being able to gain support and information. Regular guest speakers. Meetings are free and refreshments are provided. We also have an online community forum which offers support, information and just general conversation, for those who cannot attend meetings www.memoray.org.uk/forum MORAY ADVANCE MOTORISTS & MOTORCYCLISTS Reg. Scottish Charity (SC 033561) visit www.morayiam.org.uk or 01309 673954 MORAY COAST MOTORCYCLE CLUB Meets the 1st Wednesday every month at Mill House Hotel, Tynet, Buckie. Join us for social ride out’s, fundraisers and more. Visit www.mcmc.org.uk or contact Tracey Scott tel: 07928 444376 MORAY DISABILITY FORUM Speaking on behalf of disabled people and their carers from across Moray, with a united voice through consultation and partnership with services that support them. We welcome everyone interested, or working, in the area of disability to become a member of the group. Contact Mike McKenzie, c/o Moray Resource Centre, Elgin. Tel: 07967 440164 MORTLACH ART GROUP Meets in the Memorial Hall, Albert Place, Dufftown every Thursday 1pm-5pm. Charge per meeting is £2. Tuition available if
Spotlight on Buckie & Keith is published by Winterburn media ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss Iv36 3Ua all material contained within the Spotlight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright. all rates are per month plus vat and based on a Black & White 12 month series. Call 01309 690063 for more details. page 4 - July 2011
required, some materials are available NIKKI’S AEROBICS Exercise class at Longmore Hall, Keith on Tuesdays 7pm to 8pm ‘NO STRINGS ATTACHED’ CONFIDENTIAL HELPLINE If you are caring for someone who is affected by drugs, alcohol or mental health issues and you feel that it is having an impact on you and the rest of your family call 01343 555031 for help and advice. Anonymity if required PORTGORDON ART GROUP We are a group of 25 who meet every Friday afternoon, 1pm4pm in the Portgordon Community Centre. We work in different mediums and on varied subject matter, but what we have in common is our love of drawing and painting. We have a couple of places left, so if you're interested in joining us - come along or phone us on 850409 RAIN OR SHINE TODDLER GROUP Meets Wednesday’s 10am11.30am and Friday 1.15pm2.45pm, Lady Cathcart Hall, Buckie. Come & make new friends, have a chat & a cuppa. £1.50 per session. Contact Gail tel: 07921 558989 ROTARY CLUB OF BUCKIE Meets every Monday evening at 5.30pm for 6pm in the Marine Hotel, Buckie. Visit our website at www.rotaryclub ofbuckie.org.uk
Sample advert rateS Box £30 Big Box £57 ¼ page £104 ½ page £195 Business profile £333 Full page £369 enhanced listings in What’s On pages from £33
tel: 01309 690063
SPEY BAY COMMUNITY HALL Tues. & Fri. 7.30pm Bowling tel 821947; Weds. morning BALL tel: 821713/820038; Thurs. afternoon Mother and Toddler tel: 820282; Fri. morning Body Conditioning Classes tel: 556370; general enquiries to Shona Kemp tel: 821070 THE LOFT Drop-in sessions for S1 to S6, Friday nights from 7pm till 10pm. Contact Sharon Duncan tel: 886630 WALKMORAY We are looking to recruit Volunteer Health Walk Leaders to lead short, social, low-level walks (daytime & evenings)in Buckie and Keith. For more details contact - Debbie Barron 01343 567172. WALK BUCKIE Meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm, departing for 30-45 mins walks at various paces from Buckie Swimming Pool car park. www.walkjogrunmoray.org.uk WEIGHTWATCHERS Every Wednesday from 6.30pm, Longmore Hall, Keith WESTERN FRONT ASSOCIATION We hold 9 meetings per year (on Saturday afternoons) in Elgin Library open to anyone with an interest in the First World War. Contact Derek Bird on 01343 870562 or email at chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
The Editor
Summer’s here! With school kids everywhere eagerly looking forward to the summer holidays, we all hope for some fine dry weather. And whilst eastern England suffered droughts in early June, there is no such thing here at SpotLight! The magazines continue to grow & flourish and we would like to thank all our contributors, advertisers and readers for keeping us The North’s Favourite Free Wee Mag’.
PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ......................Eilidh Conners ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT .......................Natalie Hunt DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson Clubs & Societies ............................4 Pastoral Letter.................................6 Church Details.................................6 Council News ..................................8 Parliament Blog...............................9 Tide Times.....................................10 School Term Dates........................10 Local Holidays...............................10 What’s On ................................13-16 Cinema Listings.............................15 Useful Numbers ............................26 Advertisers Index ..........................26
Dan Dan the Lobsterman..........18
Beaver Travel - Italy..................21
Chicken Skewers ......................20
Moray COAST Textiles..............23
Family Down In The Woods .................22
August Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 1st July Advertising - Wednesday 6th July
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Picture by Pauline Lewin, Copyright
Pastoral Letter and Church Meetings
July is the month when many people go on holiday. This made me think about Christian attitudes to work and rest. Work in the Jewish / Christian tradition of faith is part of God’s plan for the world, and so is rest. God rested on the seventh day when he had finished his work of creation as reported in the Book Genesis (Ch2:1-3) and most important, he blessed that rest. Under the Jewish Law, the seventh day was reserved for the Sabbath rest, for the worship and enjoyment of God. See the Ten Commandments in the Book Exodus (Ch20:8-11) and in Deuteronomy (Ch5:12-16) Work is good for us, and the psychological problems as well as the economic problems of unemployment are well known and well recorded in research into human well being. The general standpoint of the Bible is that work is the normal, natural and healthy routine of human living; it is as obvious and regular an activity as the sun rising and falling, or that lions hunt, as the Psalmist says in Psalm 104, v19-23: “He appointed the moon for certain seasons: and the sun knoweth his going down. Thou makest darkness that it may be night:
wherein all the beasts of the forest do move. The lions roaring after their prey: do seek their meat from God. The sun ariseth, and they get them away together: and lay them down in their dens. Man goeth forth to his work, and to his labour: until the evening.” Whilst work is a necessary and wholesome part of human life, it is nevertheless not the whole of it, nor is it man’s most important activity. The command to obey the principle of Sabbath balances the duty to work. In resting one day a week, mankind claims dignity, honours the Creator and affirms the holiness of work. Jesus too knows the value of retreat, rest and recreation - hence his invitation in the Gospel of St Mark in Ch6:31 to “Come away and rest a while”. We need to make space in our busy lives to be with God, to allow his Holy Spirit to speak to us, a time to “step aside” from our ordinary routine for a time and to pray, slow down, to be still and to listen. Holidays are a time for stepping aside, and as Christians we should ensure that we take “holy-day” in order to keep our life and work in balance.
All Saints Episcopal Church, Buckie Sundays:parish eucharist 11am, contact Canon Jeremy paisey tel: 832312 Buckie Baptist Church meets Sundays 11am & 5.45pm. Contact Rev. V MacDougall Email bydand52@aol.com - Children welcome, Contact Irene 840821 Buckie North, C of S, Cluny Square Contact Mrs Elizabeth Reid c/o tel: 831907 Buckie Salvation Army Sunday Services 10.30am & 6pm, plus others during week. Contact Caroline Buchanan tel: 823790 Buckie South & West, C of S, High Street meets for Sunday worship at 11.30am, including Sunday School, Contact Rev’d Alan Macgregor 833775 or email buckiesouwester@btconnect.com Buckie, Riverside Christian Church, Sundays 10.30am, contact 01542 833923 or visit www.riversidebuckie.org Buckie, St Peters Church RC 832196 Buckie Methodist Church Sundays 11am & 6pm. Sunday School, Bible Studies, Prayer Meetings, Study & House Groups, Alpha, Women’s Guild, Men’s Prayer Breakfast Cullen & Deskford C of S, 1st Sunday of the month at the Hall Church at 11am (followed by soup & sweet), every other Sunday at the Auld Kirk at 10.30am, and the 2nd & 4th Sundays at
the Jubilee Hall, Deskford at 12noon. Contact Gordon McNeill tel: 840193 or email: gordonmcneillg@btinternet.com Cullen Methodist Church, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie Sunday morning worship at 11am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher; Enzie Parish Church, Portgordon, Buckie meets for Sunday worship at 10 am, Sunday School. Contact Rev’d Alan Macgregor 833775 or email enziekirk@btconnect.com Findochty Church of Scotland meets for Sunday Worship 11.15am. All welocme. Contact David Pirie tel: 834123 Findochty Methodist Church welcomes you to fellowship Sundays at 11am Keith, Holy Trinity Episcopal Family Eucharist 11.30am Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay : North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : Sunday 9.30am (first Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall); Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact Rev G Hutton Steel or email knnbrchurch@btconnect.com Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange : St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church
page 6 - July 2011
tel: 01309 690063
When we are on holiday, for those who go to Church regularly, there is the chance to see different and sometimes very beautiful churches, if we are in a city to enjoy the uplifting experience of live Choral Evensong in the Cathedral, or in a remote village to join a small congregation in their simple yet devout worship. Just because we are on holiday, it does not mean that we can forget about God and our duty to worship him Sunday by Sunday, we too must continue to say our prayers daily on holiday, thanking God for the opportunity for rest, recreation and renewal. For those who are thinking that maybe they want to try the “Church Experience”, but are fearful of being conspicuous in their home town, being away on holiday in a strange place is a great opportunity to cross the threshold of God’s Church, and to find that God welcomes you, just as the Father welcomed his long lost son in the parable of the “Prodigal Son”, see St Luke’s Gospel, Ch15:1-32. The Revd Canon Jeremy Paisey All Saints Episcopal Church, Buckie : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays), contact: Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld or email: kay_gauld@btinternet.com Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC Vigil-Mass 9.30am and 6.30pm Confessions Saturday 10am on request. Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am and at 6pm (alternately here & at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church meets for Sunday worship at 11am, bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm, craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm Portknockie Church of Christ Sunday 11am Breaking of Bread; Sunday 6pm Gospel Service; Friday 7pm Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Ladies Fellowship (September--March) every second Monday 7pm. Prayer Breakfast 8am Wednesdays. Leader Mr Stewart Gray 836007 Rathven Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 9.45am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Contact Moira 833956 or Ann 831607 If you are a member of a church not listed here, please email natalie@spotlighton.co.uk and we may print this in future issues.
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
For a Flavour of Scotland Visit the original Baxters family home, set on the banks of the River Spey in the Morayshire Village of Fochabers, for a great family day out. Take a step back in time in the old grocery shop, originally opened by George Baxter in 1868 and discover the history of the Baxters family story. Visit our shops for a wide selection of Baxters & Audrey Baxter Signature product, along with a wide selection of other fine foods, a selection of wines & Scottish malts, as well as a variety of practical items for the kitchen, quality gifts, clothing & accessories. Sample delicious, home cooked, Scottish food in our excellent restaurant, including Baxters famous soups, pancakes fresh from the griddle and home baked pastries in a relaxed and friendly environment. For a relaxing end to your visit enjoy a walk along our scenic outdoor nature trail and spot the areas local wildlife. Open 7 days a week. 10am - 5pm. Free parking for cars & coaches, with full access for disabled customers. Highland Village, Fochabers, Moray, IV32 7LD. Situated just off the A96 between Aberdeen & Inverness. Tel. 01343 820666
SpotLight Picture by Keith J Bissett, Copyright
Suspension of Standing Orders • Howard Cartwright was of the opinion that the ‘Smiley Face’ sign that had been erected at the locus St Peter’s Road / West Church Street was seen to be having little effect on the speed of traffic in these areas. PC Fraser said that they were aware of this and previously they have been using unmarked cars/cameras etc and this is still ongoing but it was a very difficult operation to implement. • Mr Cowie then read from a note that had been forwarded from Allan Fraser concerning cyclists riding their machines on footpaths through the centre and busy parts of the town. He said how he was fortunate in not being hit by one cyclists and had to take evasive action. These cyclists, he stressed, were adults not children who should have more sense. Mr Smith backed this up by saying that he also had had a close escape. PC Fraser verified that to cycle on pavements was an offence and that the matter would be investigated. The chairman asked PC Fraser if he could provide information regarding drug activity in the town. He responded by saying that another house in Buckie had been searched with drugs being found. This is an ongoing operation which will continue. • The final point made from the floor concerned the reopening of the ‘Clash’ the Night Club on Cluny Square. He replied that he had heard nothing about this. Cycle Track/Footpath – (PortessieBuckie) • The answer the secretary received was as follows - This section of NCN1 isn’t adopted and since the Roads
Section are unable to maintain all their adopted sections in the current financial situation they cannot commit funding for this. However (the note continued) some years ago the other cycle way to the north was surfaced with funding from Sustains. They will submit a fresh application for the new financial year for this one as it is the only unbound section between Buckie and Findochty. Correspondence • From J.C.C. Information regarding meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on 12 May at 7pm. • From Moray Council – Change in policy regarding applications for wind turbines. • Police report on unauthorized encampment by gypsy/travelling people • Police report on Local Matters •From Trading Standards – warning about rogue traders in the area selling alarm systems. • Moray Great Bike Race on Sunday 26 June 2011 – 12.30. Volunteers wanted for marshalling. • From Moray Council - information regarding charges for bedding plants. A.O.C.B. • Street Sweeping - The issue of street sweeping under the new regime was raised. It was agreed by all that the system now being followed was far less effective than the past one. Previously the town centre was always tidy before shops opened in the morning but no so now. A member asked why the decision was taken to implement the new system which, it was felt, couldn’t be any more cost effective and was only causing the streets in the town to become unsightly. • Road to Gollachy Recycling Centre The deteriorating condition of the road
leading to the Gollachy Recycling Centre was brought up with a great number of deep potholes. The road at present is well used but unless improvements are made this could well deter people from using it. • Bedding Plants and their Cost - The secretary read from a note that he had received from Allan Fraser who said that he had tidied up the flower bed at the Toll Bar and was prepared, as he had done for some years, to look after them during the season but asked if the members of the community council would be prepared to pay the 20% of the cost for plants. The secretary returned to the letter that he had received for Moray Council in which it stated that to provide plants/compost for the area in question the cost would be £52.32 The matter was discussed, where the figure was seen to be extortionate, with it being decided that we wouldn’t take up this offer. The question of planting the area will be discussed further at the next meeting • The Fishermen’s Hall - Mr Smith asked Councillor McDonald if any more had been decided with regard to its future. His reply was that the Council was looking into upgrading the toilets, the kitchen area and the small hall or supper room, with payment from the Common Good Fund. He said that he would keep the Community Council informed. • Christmas Kracker – Karen Pitt told members that the date of the Christmas Kracker had now been changed to Saturday in November – the 26th – due to a wedding taking place in the North Church on December 3. Next Meeting Tuesday 19th July.
COMMuNiTy COuNCil CONTACTS Keith Community Council: Buckie Community Council Meets first Monday of each month (excluding Meets third Tuesday each month (excluding July) January/August) 7pm at Keith Community Centre. 7pm Town House West. Contact: Diane Halley (Secretary) tel: 886640 Contact: Gordon Cowie (Secretary) tel: 831956 page 8 - July 2011
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
“ Parliament Blog � I had the great pleasure recently, joining of members of the Aberlour community for the re-dedication of the town's war memorial, which is a focal point for the community, situated in the square. The Alice Littler Trustees and the wider Aberlour community are doing fantastic work maintaining important landmarks in and around the town, and the Firstly I must record my thanks to everyone who gave me their support at the recent election and pledge my commitment to taking forward the issues that matter to the people of Moray, and to Scotland as a whole. The Scottish Parliament is building up its own tradition and history and part of that is the connection between the parliament and the people it represents. In the official
War Memorial is a really excellent example of their efforts. It is well worth a look if you're passing through and there are some excellent local shops and places to stop for a bite and some relaxation. It's great to see so much activity in our communities, especially with projects like the war memorial restoration, which really pulls the community together. Angus Robertson MP opening ceremony on 1st July, Local Heroes nominated from each constituency will take part in proceedings and I am delighted to be welcoming Forres Community Warden Margaret Cowie, who has been nominated by the people in Moray. Margaret's dedication to her local community is recognised in the many activities that she puts her heart and soul into and she is highly deserving of the nomination. Richard Lochhead MSP
Advertise here from only £30 per month plus VAT. Call 01309 690063 or email david@spotlighton.co.uk. Advertising deadline for August issue is Wednesday 6th July
School Term Dates Holidays and Tide Times
for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011 Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 16th August 2011 Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011 Winter Term Starts Monday 24th October 2011 In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011 Spring Term Starts Thursday 5th January 2012 Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012 Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012 Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012 Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012 Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012
May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012 In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 21st August 2012 Autumn Term Ends Friday 12th October 2012 Winter Term Starts Monday 29th October 2012 In-service Closure Monday 19th November 2012 In-service Closure Tuesday 20th November 2012 Winter Term Ends Fri. 21st December 2012 Spring Term Starts Monday 7th January 2013 Mid-term Holiday Friday 15th February 2013 Mid-term Holiday Monday 18th February 2013
Local Holidays 2011 Fochabers Holiday ‡ Buckie Holiday § Summer Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Fochabers Holiday ‡ Buckie Holiday § Buckie Holiday § Fochabers Holiday ‡ Keith Holiday St Andrews Day
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE JULY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
06.32 07.09 07.48 08.30 09.15 10.02 10.54
page 10 - July 2011
Christmas Day Holiday * Mon. 26th Dec. 2011 Boxing Day Holiday * Tues. 27th Dec. 2011 Mon. 2nd Jan. 2012 New Years Day Holiday * 2nd January Holiday Tues. 3rd Jan. 2012 Good Friday Fri. 6th April 2012 * substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday § includes Cullen, Findochty & Portknockie ‡ includes Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay & Urquhart
Mon. 27th June 2011 Mon. 25th July 2011 Mon. 1st Aug. 2011 Mon. 8th Aug. 2011 Mon. 5th Sept. 2011 Mon. 12th Sept. 2011 Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Wed. 30th Nov. 2011
18.43 19.21 20.00 20.40 21.24 22.11 23.06
8 F 9 SA 10 SU 11 M 12 TU 13 W 14 TH 15 F 16 SA 17 SU 18 M 19 TU
AM 11.54 00.12 01.30 02.52 04.07 05.06 05.54 06.36 07.16 07.53 08.29 09.03
tel: 01309 690063
PM 13.03 14.17 15.32 16.35 17.25 18.09 18.47 19.23 19.58 20.33 21.06
20 W 21 TH 22 F 23 SA 24 SU 25 M 26 TU 27 W 28 TH 29 F 30 SA 31 SU
AM 09.37 10.14 10.55 11.45 00.11 01.31 02.57 04.06 04.54 05.35 06.14 06.52
PM 21.42 22.22 23.10 12.49 14.07 15.26 16.26 17.10 17.49 18.26 19.04
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
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PleAse send us deTAils of Your eVenTs
log on to www.spotlighton.co.uk email natalie@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063 diary deadline for August issue is Wednesday 1st July
What’s On
JUNE 29 wednesday
1 friday to 29 friday
pinocchio outdoor theatre by heartbreak productions at brodie castle, 6.30pm, the story of the wood carver’s puppet’s quest to become a real boy, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156
art exhibition ‘atmospheric watercolours’ by caroline simmill, elgin museum, tel: 543675
30 thursday moray disability forum open meeting, 2pm, moray resource centre, ‘changes in the benefit system and the redesign of the community care system’, any queries contact lynn parton tel: 07925 183816
30 thursday to 2 saturday continental market, elgin plainstones
1 friday arradoul swri - mario janetta big band, 8pm, tea & homebakes, special raffle grand prize - trip in a tigermoth plane kindly donated by robin falconer, £5, contact chris tel: 850220 or janet tel: 850420 to book live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit www.discovercullen.com for details the shee, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170 for details
2 saturday to 7 thursday
JULY until august 24 wednesday circus theme summer reading challenge, elgin library, recommended for children up to age 12, tel: 562600
sci-fi convention, sci-fi visiting displays, demos and characters : the return of the daleks!!, grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit www.gtm.org.uk
until october 31 monday
3 sunday
pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, an opportunity to see this recreation of a pictish throne, the first to be made in over 1000 years, by master craftsman adrian mccurdy, who took his lines from ancient stone carvings, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156
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SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
working horse show, 9.30am-3.30pm, brodie castle, by forres, see shetlands to clydesdales, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156 arradoul swri afternoon tea, 2pm-4.30pm, sandwiches & homebakes, sales table & raffle, £4
5 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details
7 thursday an evening of scottish music performed by ‘music for a while’, 7.30pm, brodie castle, by forres, adults £8/child & concession £5, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156
9 saturday
( (!
western front association - firing and hiring on the western front - dr john bourne, former director of centre for first world war studies, university of birmingham, 2.30pm, the gallery, elgin library, contact derek bird tel: 01343 870562, email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk street football carnival, elgin plainstones www.spotlighton.co.uk
July 2011 - page 13
JULY 2011 continued
10 sunday arradoul swri afternoon tea, 2pm-4.30pm, sandwiches & homebakes, sales table & raffle, £4 nairn and district pipe band, 2.30pm-3.30pm, brodie castle, by forres, a selection of stirring music, refreshments available, donations welcome, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156
11 monday to 15 friday summer castaway camp for 8-11 years with wild things!, booking essential, camp in culbin forest, learn about nature and master outdoor skills, for more information and to book, please visit www.wild-things.org.uk, email enquries@ wild-things.org.uk or call tel: 01309 690450
12 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details
16 saturday moray farmers market, elgin plainstones cawdor heritage group 20th anniversary year open day, 11am-5pm, cawdor school, learn about nairnshire from our large archive, all welcome, refreshments all day oi polloi, billy liar, kings of the delmar & filthpact, 7.30pm, flanagan’s bar, elgin, visit www.myspace.com/thesyndicate2008
17 sunday
21 thursday to 23 saturday continental market, elgin plainstones
22 friday drawing room concert with ‘bel canto’ singing group, 7pm, brodie castle, by forres, adults £10/concessions £8, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156
24 sunday elgin and district cancer support group selling teas and coffees, 11am-4pm, the the old station buildings, aberlour, to raise funds for the group classic & vintage gathering, 12noon-4.30pm, traditional afternoon gathering of classic and vintage cars, commercials and motorcycles pre-1990, grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit www.gtm.org.uk forres accordion & fiddle club players with pat fraser, 1.30pm-4pm, brodie castle, by forres, an afternoon’s entertainment of scottish music and verse in our own marquee, afternoon teas available, entry by donation, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156 arradoul swri afternoon tea, 2pm-4.30pm, sandwiches & homebakes, sales table & raffle, £4
24 sunday to 30 saturday (creating original and stitched textiles ) exhibiting at 'the spirit of the spey’, 10am till 4pm, the great hall, baxters of speyside, fochabers, free admission
arradoul swri afternoon tea, 2pm-4.30pm, sandwiches & homebakes, sales table & raffle, £4 free walk & talk for speakers of other languages with angela innes, 2pm, meet outside 1629 restaurant, clifton road, lossie, come for a walk, meet new people, practise speaking english, all welcome, phone / text 07922 051930 or visit www.english4moray.co.uk cullen methodist church songs of praise evening, 7pm in the church
18 monday to 22 friday summer castaway camp for 12-15 years with wild things!, booking essential, camp in culbin forest, learn about nature and master outdoor skills, for more information and to book, please visit www.wild-things.org.uk, email enquries@ wild-things.org.uk or call tel: 01309 690450
18 monday to 23 saturday NCFE bushcraft certificate, wild things, findhorn, tel: 01309 690450 or visit www.wild-things.org.uk
19 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details page 14 - July 2011
moray disability forum open meeting, 2pm, moray resource centre, ‘shared lives scheme’, any queries contact lynn parton tel: 07925 183816 family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details
tel: 01309 690063
26 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details
29 friday robin colvill performs popular piano classics from bach to gershwin, 8pm, brodie castle, by forres, an opportunity to hear robin's stories and listen to a selection of classics in the drawing room, £18 (available at www.nts.org.uk), contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156 HOW tHe “WHat’S On” WOrKS all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to natalie@spotlighton.co.uk permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or money-making) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like an enhanced listing (white box) this costs from £33 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. deadline for august Issue is Wednesday 1st July
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Cinema Nairn
Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cinema listings July 2011 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Showing blockbusters and independent films
Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit www.highlandspiritualcinema.net or telephone 01463 237452
Vue Cinema, Inverness From Friday 1st July Transformers 2D & 3D From Friday 15th July Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part 2 2D & 3D From Friday 22nd July Cars 2D & 3D From Friday 29th July Captain America Zookeeper Horrid Henry KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Teen Screens Every Thursday & Friday afternoon Tickets £2 / VIP Tickets £3.50 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Visit www.myvue.com for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email portessiepublichall@hotmail.co.uk
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
July 2011 - page 15
JULY 2011 continued
29 friday live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit www.discovercullen.com for details
30 saturday moray farmers market, elgin plainstones glencoe and the devil’s staircase with marie curie cancer care, 23 mile trek, a must for those with stamina & a thirst for adventure, visit www.mariecurie.org.uk/uktreks or call 08700 340 040 to regsiter
31 sunday arradoul swri afternoon tea in remembrance of mrs liz weir, 1pm-4.30pm, in aid of marie curie and macmillan cancer research, £4 insh marshes family fun day, 2pm-5pm, insh marshes national nature reserve RSPB car park, adults free/children £2.50, email insh@rspb.org.uk or tel: 01540 661518 for more details dougie maclean, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £16/£14, tel: 01309 691170 for details
! # "#
AUGUST 2011 in brief until august 24 wednesday circus theme summer reading challenge, elgin library, recommended for children up to age 12, tel: 562600 until october 31 monday pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, an opportunity to see this recreation of a pictish throne, the first to be made in over 1000 years, by master craftsman adrian mccurdy, who took his lines from ancient stone carvings, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156 2 tuesday to 30 tuesday art & photography exhibition ‘landscape & heritage’ by brian loveland, elgin museum, tel: 543675 2 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details page 16 - July 2011
tel: 01309 690063
5 friday pancake tea and sales & bric a brac tables, 2pm-4pm, findochty town hall, by findochty church of scotland, contact barbara tel: 832359 6 saturday quiz night in lhanbryde community centre with raffle, 7pm for 7.30pm, £2 per person, teams of up to four, BYOB and nibbles, (all proceeds go to community centre funds), registered as a charity in scotland : sc029433 9 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details 10 wednesday family fun day, 12.30pm-4pm, return of the popular activity afternoon including rides, magic, storytelling, craft making indoors and out!, grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit www.gtm.org.uk 13 saturday live bands presented by elgin BID, elgin plainstones magdalena reising and the blue café jazz ensemble, 8pm, brodie castle, by forres, £12, contact brodie castle for more details tel: 0844 493 2156 14 sunday historic wheels club annual rally, 2pm-4.30pm, brodie castle, near forres, contact tel: 01343 850372 16 tuesday amazing ospreys, 10am-1pm, loch garten opsrey centre, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details family fun in the forest, 2pm-4pm, loch mallachy car park, visit www.rspb.org.uk for more details 20 saturday moray farmers market, elgin plainstones arena concert, 3pm-8pm, ticket available in advance only, line up to be confirmed, grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit www.gtm.org.uk 26 friday live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit www.discovercullen.com for details 27 saturday elgin city band, elgin plainstones 28 sunday moray carnival 2011, 11am-5pm, cooper park, elgin, live local bands, dance exhibitions, pipe bands, showies, carnival parade and much more, contact rotoract moray tel: 07872 587943
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A SpotLight on Creel fishing by Donald Crichton
Dan Dan the Lobster Man I have had a bit of an obsession with seafood in general and shellfish in particular for some years now having first tasted a delicious spider crab in a French Restaurant in St Malo in Brittany.
The experience is best described as “interactive” involving many weird and wonderful implements to extract as much of the tender meat as possible. It can also be a lengthy process and is therefore best shared with some good friends and good bottle of wine. Shortly after this experience I tasted my first lobster and fully understand why it is often called the King of meats. Imagine my delight when someone told me that fresh local shellfish including lobsters were available near to Lossiemouth. I knew that the coastal waters along the Moray Firth were a rich breeding ground for shellfish but had always been told that it was difficult if not impossible to buy these products locally as they were all sold for export. Well – the great news is that I was completely wrong. Whilst much of the local shellfish caught along the Moray Firth Coast does indeed go for export there is now a shop outlet in Covesea
Café, near Lossiemouth selling cooked and raw Crab, Lobster, Langoustine and Smoked Mackerel. And who is responsible for this – one lone lossie loon – Dan Flett. Born and Bred in Lossie, Dan has been Creel Fishing (Creel is the local term for the pots used to catch shellfish) for some 40 odd years (starting after and before school at the age of 13!). Local Teacher, Jimmy Stevens, used to pick up the young Dan and take him out in all weathers and taught many of the best fishing locations, which Dan still uses today. Dan recalls that his first unofficial salary for a weeks work was £36 which in 1973 was a small fortune for a 13 year old! Dan was kind enough to invite me out on one of his fishing trips, which was
certainly an experience. Dan shared his real passion for shellfish – who else without a passion would put in back breaking shifts of 12 hours a day (minimum!)? For Dan, Creel fishing is not about the money – whilst he is able to make a living – it is more about using wisely local produce that is just waiting to be enjoyed. Dan has a cheerful and
indeed very healthy disposition which he puts down to the outdoor lifestyle, and the only thing that caused a furrowed brow was discussion about illegal fishers who did not return female’s (hen’s) back to the sea when laden with eggs which shows Dan’s commitment to the future of the Lobster stock. Whilst lobster fishing is indeed hard work Dan sees it as a labour of love and whilst he has had the occasional break for Deep Sea Trawler fishing – his heart has always been with the Creels – and from a personally biased perspective – may this long be the case! Dan’s shellfish may be purchased from Covesea Cafe, Lossiemouth 01343 815454 or direct from Dan himself at the harbourside by calling 01343 813624 or 07854861569.
Lobster with Thousand Dressing You can’t beat lobsters just as they are with a little Lemon, Mayo and Crusty Brown Bread. But if you want to be a little more adventurous without losing the fresh taste of Lobster then try this Dressing. Mix together: 3 tbsp ready made Mayonnaise
Dash of Worcester Sauce 2 tbsp Tomato Ketchup Pinch Cayenne Pepper Juice of half a Lemon A Red Pepper and a Yellow Pepper finely diced 2 tbsp Spring Onions thinly sliced Add dressing to roughly Chopped Meat from a Cooked Lobster. Serve on a Crusty Bread Roll or spoon mixture back into shell and serve with a rice salad accompanied by Crisp Lettuce Greens - and enjoy!
covesea cafe ciality! e sp spe our h fis ell Sh h Fres
Wee are open daily from 9am W for Breakfasts, Lunches and Home Bakes av available ailable from our Deli counter our own local caught Lobsters, Crabs and Langoustines and also our Coleslaw, Coleslaw, Cullen Skink and Home Cooked Meals to order. order. LLocated o c a te d on o n the th e Lossie L o s s i e Hopeman H o p e m a n Road, Ro a d , just j u s t west we s t of o f the th e Lighthouse L i g h th o u s e Tel: Te l : 01343 0134 3 815454 8154 54
Come along to our SEAFOOD PARTY NIGHT Saturday 9th July 2011, 7pm . Adults £15, Children £7.50. Price for A dults £1 5, Childr en £7 .50.
£5 OFF
RRedeemable edeemable against full adult price price (£15). V Voucher oucher vvalid alid ffor or SSaturday atur turda day 9th July July..
Chef’s Confidential This chicken dish is a slight twist on the one we offer as part of the 2 course for £7.95 lunch special that is proving very popular.
Grilled Honey and Mustard Chicken Skewers Serves 4 4 chicken breasts cut into strips Bamboo skewers 2 tablespoons clear honey 2 tablespoons wholegrain mustard Chilli Dip 1 fresh red chilli, seeded and cut into fine dice 2 tablespoons clear honey 1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard
Cut the chicken breast into strips. Mix the honey and mustard together. Marinate the chicken in the honey and mustard mixture, for a couple of hours or overnight in the fridge. Soak the bamboo skewers for 20 minutes in water, this helps prevent them from burning. Mix together all the dip ingredients and place in a ramekin. When ready to cook place the marinated chicken on to the skewers. Cook either on the BBQ or in a frying pan until golden and fully cooked, turn halfway through cooking. Serve with a crisp salad, and minted new potatoes for a delicious light Summer dish. Penny Ellis, Owner Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146
Dreaming of...
...Italy Italy is a wonderful wonder ful country due to its fabulous climate, enviable gastr gastronomy, onomy, fantastic wines, beautiful scenery, magnificent ar architecture chitecture and rich heritage. It has long been a favour ed haunt for British travellers. Playgr ounds favoured Playgrounds for the rich and famous for centuries, and home to poets, artists and composers, the Italian Lakes ar are e ar areas eas of outstanding natural beauty. The lar gest of the Italian lakes Lake Gar da boasts fjor d like scenery in the north with largest Garda fjord gently sloping hills cover covered ed with vineyar vineyards, ds, olive gr groves oves and lemon or orchards chards to the south. V Visitors isitors fr from om all over Eur Europe ope enjoy swimming in the clear waters and enjoy atmosphere. It boasts a wonder ful Mediterranean climate with mild summers the atmosphere. wonderful and mellow winters, and due to its clear clean waters, is a particular favourite for swimming Historic steamers ply their trade between the rresorts. esorts. Boat and hydr ofoil trips are are hydrofoil common all around around Lake Gar Garda. da. The Italian Lakes pr provide ovide opportunities for sailing, windsurfing, windsur fing, canoeing, fishing, scuba diving, tr trekking, ekking, tennis and golf. During arena Verona the summer months the open-air ar ena in Ver V erona plays host to works by e great great composers such as Rossini, Ver V Verdi, erdi, Bizet and Puccini and a visit ther there from wher ever you stay in the Lakes District. can be arranged from wherever egion runs north fr shores of Lake The Valpolicella Valpolicella rregion from om Ver V Verona erona to the shores Gar Garda. da. It has an excellent climate and rrolling olling countryside dotted with cypr ess and mulberry tr ees. cypress trees. Gar done Riviera is a pr etty rresort esort town situated on the Gulf of Salo on the Gardone pretty wester n shor es of the Lake. Shelter ed by the mountains, it is blessed with a western shores Sheltered wonder ful subtr opical climate. As well as cafes, boutiques and artistic wonderful subtropical there ar e attractive parks, a lakeside pr omenade and botanical trattorias, there are promenade gar dens. gardens. Dir ect flights ar e available to Lake Gar da fr om Inver ness and Aber deen Direct are Garda from Inverness Aberdeen on selected dates, either to stay by the Lakeside for a week, or to visit Ver V erona, Assisi, Rome, Flor ence, Siena and San Verona, Florence, Gimignano as well.
Information Information kkindly indly supplied b byy
2-6 South S Street, treet, Elgin Elgin 01343 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV FRUUHV
If you go down to the woods today…. Minibeast Hunt, 1-3.30pm Wednesday 3rd August at the Back of Bennachie. Join us at 1pm for your lunch ar at 1.30pm to head out on the hunt. Wear your old clothes and bring a tray if you have one. Cost £2 per child. Teddy Bears Picnic to be held at Tyrebagger on
The school holidays are looming and with money being tight all around then you and your family may be thinking hard of things you can get up to for little cost? The Forestry Commission in the North East are running a series of events aimed specifically at families to keep young ones entertained throughout the long break. From wildlife based events such as pond dips and butterfly safaris to squelchy mud parties and a teddy bear’s picnic there is something for all ages and in all locations! Some of our favourites are:
Mud Glorious Mud to be held at Tyrebagger on the A96. This event takes place on Thursday 7th July between 11am and 12.30pm. Wellies are essential for the squelchy mud-appreciation party! Were old clothes, bring a rug and a picnic. The event is aimed at children aged 3-7 (and their parents). It costs £2 per child. Parents and younger siblings go FREE. Butterfly Safari to be held at Wellhill in Culbin between 11am and 2pm on Wednesday 13th July. Come along at 11am to the Craft Session where children can make their own butterflies to take home. Then join our ranger from 12 noon for a hunt for theses spectarcluar nectar feeding insects. The craft session is aimed at children 6-12. Everyone is welcome on the walk with or without children. The route is suitable for prams and buggies. The event cost £2 per child.
the A96. This event takes place on Thursday 4th August between 11am and 12.30pm. If you go down to the woods today remember your teddy and a picnic! Aimed at 3-7year olds, accompanying adults and of course Teddy! Cost £2 per 3-7 year old. Parents and younger siblings go FREE.
Tribal Teepees to be held at Tyrebagger on the A96. This event takes place on Thursday 4th August between 2-3.30pm. Bring your friends and family to help you build a den in the forest. Take gardening gloves if you have them. Cost £2 pwe adult. Bat Walk Friday 12th August 8.30-12.30pm at Wellhill in Culbin. A chance to stay up late and see these fascinating creatures. They are furry, mysterious and fly. Now is jour chance to find out where they hang about. Join the ranger for an easy walk and bring a torch if you have one. The event is open to all and costs £2 per PERSON. On all our events more information can be found at www.forestry.gov.uk or through the District Office on 01466 794161. Please note that ALL children must be accompanied by an adult for all the above events. Booking is only essential for the bushcraft session the rest are simply turn up and enjoy days. All fees to be collected by the ranger on the day. Don’t forget Forestry Commission land is your land so don’t just wait for us to take you get out and enjoy!
Pond Dipping to be held at Wellhill in Culbin between 10am and 12pm, Wednesday 27th July. Join the ranger to catch the amazing creatures of the deep. Bring a bucket (a white one is best)and net, oh and don’t forget your wellies! Cost £2 per child. Bushcraft in the Bin Thursday 28th July 2-4pm at The Bin near Huntly. Come and make a wood cookie and square lash a picture frame, create a green woodman and toast a marshmallow on a 5 minute fire. Suitable for children aged 8-12 years. PLEASE BOOK for this event – cost £2 per child.
moray COAST textiles COAST is a group of 12 textile artists who work mainly in Morayshire although some of the members are now living and working in the Central Belt. Our original group was quite small, a bunch of textile students at Moray College, from diverse backgrounds, all juggling jobs and families but with a common passion for creating beautiful pieces of art from fabric, thread, wool, plastic, paint, paper, buttons, rivets, rubber gloves - anything at all could be re-created and made into a work of art. Thursday was our day at college when we could meet, talk, experiment and create. At home, kitchens , spare rooms, utility rooms were taken over with textile equipment - even family caravans were turned into studios. Washing machines, microwaves and food mixers were hijacked for felting, dyeing or paper making. When we achieved our Diplomas in Embroidery with City and Guilds, some of us felt that we wanted to continue making things whether it was wall hangings, jewelry, accessories or clothing so we formed COAST. The name means Creating Original and Stitched Textiles. And that is exactly what we do. We all take our inspiration from the landscape of Moray, from the hills,the forests, the sea - and of course the river Spey. Moray is evident in all our work, not just the designs but the textures and colours also. Several of us make felt which is a truly magical process whereby the raw material of wool is transformed through water, soap, heat, friction and a good deal of hard work (felters don't need to go to the gym!) into a luxurious fabric which can then be cut, stitched with other fabrics and then re-created again into something new. Other members find the same 'magic' in weaving or working with fabric, paint and stitching. Three members of the group were nominated for awards of excellence by City and Guilds, three were also accepted for the Charles Henry Foyle Trust Award exhibition. Two of us were invited to become members of EDGE, a prestigious Scottish textile group. Another member has pieces all over the world- including Cairo Museum and an Aberdeen Hospice. We have held four exhibitions to date, two at Elgin Museum and two at the Greenhall Gallery, Craigellachie. This year the title of our exhibition is appropriately 'The Spirit of the Spey'. It is to be held in The Great Hall at Baxters, Fochabers from 24th - 30th July, 10am till 4pm. Admission is free. Be inspired!
How Good Is Good Enough? How Bad Is Too Bad? ÂŠÂ—Â˘ČąÂ™ÂŽÂ˜Â™Â•ÂŽÇ°ČąÂ Â‘Â’Â•ÂŽČąÂŠÂ?–’Ĵ’—Â?ČąÂ?‘Ž¢ȹ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽČąÂœÂ’Â—Â—ÂŽÂ?Ç°ČąÂ?‘’—”ȹÂ?‘ŠÂ?ČąÂ?‘Ž¢ȹŠ›Žȹ Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą ÂœÂ?’••ȹgood Čą enoughČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ?Â˜Čą ŽŠÂ&#x;ÂŽÂ—ČąÂ˜Â—ČąÂ?Â‘ÂŽÂ’Â›ČąÂ˜Â Â—ČąÂ–ÂŽÂ›Â’Â?ÂœÇŻČą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Â?Â‘ÂŽÂ›ÂœČąÂ?‘’—”ȹÂ?‘Ž¢ȹ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽČąÂœÂ’Â—Â—ÂŽÂ?ČąÂœÂ˜ČąÂ–ÂžÂŒÂ‘ČąÂ?‘ŠÂ?ČąÂ?‘Ž¢ȹŠ›Žȹtoo Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą badČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ?Â˜ČąÂ?Â˜Čą Čą Čą Čą Čą
How good is good enough? Just how good does a person have to be to earn eternal life? According to God’s standard (the only standard that really counts) a person would have to live an absolutely perfect life to earn eternal life. Not one lie; not one bad thought; not one disrespectful word to their parents, etc. Perfect. Do you think you have fulfilled and maintained this strict standard? Romans 3:19 says, “...what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.â€? You see we have all broken God’s law and the whole world stands guilty before God! No one can argue that they have lived a perfect life. No one ‌ not you, not me, no one. We don’t like to think about it, but it’s true ‌we all have sinned – broken God’s law (Romans 3:10, 23). We have ALL offended a holy God, who will by no means pass by sin.
How bad is too bad?
So, none are without sin, but none are without hope, either. The Lord wants “all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.� (1 Timothy 2:4). A sinner in Bible times asked the question “What do I have to do to be saved?� The answer was simple, yet profound, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.� (Acts 16:31). On the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ was satisfying the just demands of God’s law against sinners - He was made sin that we might, through him, be made righteous. In order for God to no longer see us as guilty hell-deserving sinners, and fit us for heaven, we each need by faith to personally accept that Christ died in our place. God’s redeeming love for sinners is found only in Christ, and the sinner is out of Christ. Put your trust in the finished work (death, burial, and resurrection) of the Lord Jesus Christ, and God will save you by faith in His Son and give you the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable you to live for Him and know Him as your Lord.“...if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved� (Romans 10:9). Be done with your pride and bow your knee to the Lord Jesus. Only when a sinner turns from his sin and bows to Jesus as Lord and Saviour, can he have eternal life.
Maybe you think you have sinned so much that there is no forgiveness for you. God is Holy, but He loves to forgive. God loves you and is not willing that any should perish. He showed his love toward us in that “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us� (Romans No matter how good you think you are or how bad 5:8). you think you are, the Lord saves all those who come To those who turn from their sin and receive Jesus to Him in faith. The Lord Jesus says “ him that cometh to Christ as their Saviour and Lord, He assures us, “I will Me I will in no wise cast out� (John 6:37). forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no Reject Him no longer. Eternity in Hell is a long more� (Jeremiah 31:34). . We do not have to go to that time to remember that you rejected Christ. place of torment which the Lord Jesus calls hell.
““The The S cripture ha th cconcluded Scripture hath oncluded all under sin, tha thatt the pr promise omise by faith of Jesus C hrist migh e giv en tto o them tha believe.� by Christ mightt b be given thatt believe.�
Galatians G alatians 3:22
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If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers, please email these to natalie@spotlighton.co.uk SCHOOLS Botriphnie primary School ............................01542 810207 Cluny primary School....................................01542 831417 Crossroads primary School ..........................01542 870221 Cullen primary School ..................................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ............................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ....................................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School ................................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School ..................................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ........................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ................................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ..............................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ..........................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ..........................01542 840244 Rothiemay Primary School .......................... 01466 711220 St Peters RC Primary School ........................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School ......................01542 882256 Buckie High School ......................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ..................................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ......................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ....................................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ................................01542 835577 Cullen Medical Centre....................................01542 840272 Keith Medical Centre......................................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000 Ashley Ann............................................Outside Back Cover At Home Construction ........................................................2 Baxters of Speyside ............................................................7 Beaver Travel ....................................................................27 Covesea Cafe ....................................................................18 Divine Gifts ..........................................................................9 Forestry Commission ........................................................12 GT Tyres Ltd ......................................................................25 Linda Marlow Dog Grooming..............................................3 Mackenzie & Cruickshank ................................................25 McDonald & Munro ............................................................3 Elgin Library ........................................................................9
DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice ............................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ................................(01542) 831163 PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith..................................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ..........................01542 882533 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ......................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ..............01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ........................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ............................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre....................................01542 832841 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre................................01542 882028 Keith Swimming Pool ....................................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ..................................01542 886174 Keith Library ..................................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ................................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith................01542 885500 Registrar ........................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr......................................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ....................................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ............................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950
The Green Home ................................................................9 Reid Furniture....................................................................11 Roof Wizard ........................................................................5 Springfield Properties ......................................................27 The Loft Bistro & Venue ....................................................27 The Royal Hotel & Restaurant ............................................3 Unique Beauty ............................................Front Cover & 3 Universal Hall ....................................................................13 Wheelchair Care................................................................12 Wild Things ........................................................................3 Words By The Wayside ....................................................24
Copyright, Brian J Smith page 26 - July 2011
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
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