MAY 2010
Tel: 01309 690063 l i
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In this issue......
Clubs & Societies Local Interest Pastoral letter Tide Times Church Details Whatʼs On Local Interest Chefʼs Confidential Council News School Dates Useful Contacts Local Holidays Advertisers Index
Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright
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01309 690063 SpotLight on Buckie & Keith
is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV36 3UA
Wednesday evenings from September to April, Keith Community Centre. 7.30pm-9pm Intermediate & Seniors; 9pm-10pm Seniors. Contact Mhorag Mitchell 888310 KEITH AND DISTRICT AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB
Meets Wednesdays, 7pm, Keith Community Centre Car Park, Annual subscription £15, Contact Club Secretary, Steven Taylor: Tel 832898, 07808 687036 www.walkjogrun KEITH BOWLING CLUBBOWLING CENTRES TEL: 01542 887452| CHURCH RD, KEITH, BANFFSHIRE AB55 5BR KEITH SENIOR YOUTH CLUB & SEVEN 2 ONE CLUB
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday evenings. 12-25 Senior Youth Club. 1112 Seven 2 One Club (P7 & S1). Contact Sharon Duncan or Shona Goodall 882222 KEITH BOWLING CLUB
Green is open April to September, weather permitting. Short carpet bowls indoor September to April. Contact Hazel MacAngus-Gerrard 887452
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Meets Wednesday and Thursday afternoon at Keith Community Centre. Contact Margaret Adam 887921
Meets every Monday evening at 5.30pm for 6pm in the Marine Hotel, Buckie. Visit our website at www.rotary
Contact June Simpson 882222. MARACAIBO
Club for the over 50’s, Thursdays 1.30pm to 4pm, Longmore Hall, Keith MORAY ADVANCE MOTORISTS & MOTORCYCLISTS
Reg. Scottish Charity (SC 033561) visit or 01309 673954 MULBEN MUMS AND TODDLERS
Meets every Wednesday morning from 10am at Boharm Hall, Mulben. Contact Lorraine on 860338 NIKKI’S AEROBICS
Excercise class at Longmore Hall, Keith on Tuesdays 7pm to 8pm OAP CLUB
Club for the over 50’s, meets 2nd Tuesday each month, 1.45pm to 4pm, Longmore Hall,Keith
Meets first Tuesday of each month at 7pm, for the welfare of the elderly in Cullen. Contact Bunty Gardiner 840653 SILVER BAND
Practice night, Sunday 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Longmore Hall, Keith SPEY BAY VILLAGE HAL
Tuesday and Friday 7.30pm Bowls; Wednesday 7.30pm Ladies Craft Night; Thursday 1.30pm Mother and Toddler (others less frequently). Contact Irene Leslie 821081 WEIGHTWATCHERS
Every Wednesday from 6.30pm, Longmore Hall, Keith If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. Not all clubs will be listed every issue. May 2010 - page 3
Twinning Town Activity Along the Moray Firth Coast Twinning links in Moray commenced about 50 years ago and since 1992 have been overseen by The Moray Twinning Association, through which Moray Council gives an annual grant to support Twinning. Moray has a long history of Twinning and currently has five active Twinning’s, some being more active than others. The five links are: Dufftown, twinned with Mortlach in Canada; Elgin twinned with Landshut in Bavaria; Lossiemouth twinned with Hersbruck in Germany; and Forres twinned with Mount Dora in Florida and Vienenburg in Lower Saxony. Although each of these five operate in very different ways they all have the same purpose, and that is to foster social, cultural and educational links. Dufftown - Mortlach, Canada This group is very active and last year three separate groups from Dufftown visited Mortlach in June, July and September. A couple from Mortlach also came across to Dufftown and while here visited their son who is studying at Glasgow, perhaps as a result of twinning.
E l g i n & D i s t r i c t P i p e B a nd i n La n d s h u t H i g h St r e e t 2 0 0 9
Elgin - Landshut, Bavaria This is a very active link and has been for more than 50 years. Many long lasting friendships have been built up over the years and exchange visits are made regularly. Last year, for example, 42 members headed to Germany for the Royal Wedding, which is re-enacted every four years. School visits also take place regularly in both directions and there is also a link between the firemen in both towns. Lossiemouth - Hersbruck, Germany This group unfortunately went through a bit of a lull and without new blood were in danger of folding, but after a lot of activity by the remaining committee, they have managed to attract new members, and have appointed 5 new committee members. Last year a successful visit was hosted and appears to have a bright future. Forres - Mount Dora, Florida This group facilitates a school exchange every year. Two students are chosen, each year, by application and interview, with parents also being interviewed. Successful students spend about a month in their twin town, or Sister City as it’s known by the residents of Mount Dora. Approximately three weeks are spent attending school where
students from both sides find it a very interesting and worthwhile experience. There is quite an active social side to the exchange. The two students who visited last year have said, “We both found it an invaluable experience and it helped to substantially broaden our outlook.” Forres – Vienenburg, Germany During the 25 years of the existence of the partnership, regular visits to and from Forres and Vienenburg, both formal and informal, have taken place. In 1985 the first group from Forres went to the twin town and were given a rousing reception. 1994 - 10th Anniversary celebrated in Vienenburg. 2004 - 20th Anniversary celebrated in Forres. 2006 - celebration of the 700th Anniversary of the town of Vienenburg, when a carving by local craftsman Jack Falconer was presented to the Mayor of Vienenburg on behalf of the people of Forres, and now has pride of place in the Council Chambers in Vienenburg. 2009 - the celebration of the 25th Aniversary in Vienenburg. Numerous informal and private visits have been made over the years, most recently to Forres in June 2008 in glorious sunshine. Strong lasting friendships have been made and warm, generous hospitality is always offered to visitors on both sides. It is fun! Twinning is good for tolerance and acceptance of foreign cultures and good for building friendships. All Twinning Societies live and die by the willingness of ordinary people to get involved. That can mean attending the regular local social events arranged by each society, or (for the more adventurous) travelling abroad to meet and stay with people in the twinning town.All of the societies in Moray are listed below and all are constantly on the look-out for new members, so please contact them. If you are reading this in the Nairn area, your closest twinning societies are either Forres or Inverness. Dufftown and Mortlach Twinning Association Mr Gordon Haughton, Elgin-Landshut Twintown Association Mrs Lorna Paterson, Forres-Vienenburg Twinning Association Mrs Chrissie Suttie, Lossiemouth-Hersbruck Twin Town Association Mrs Joan Key, Royal Burgh of Forres-Mount Dora Twinning Association Mr Kenneth Laing,
Vi e ne nb u r g D i s t i l l e r y ( K l ös t e r b r e n n e r e i )
page 4 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
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Picture by Eric Leitch, Copyright
Perhaps you recall the children’s prayer: “As I lay down this night to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” Child psychologists would probably frown upon such a prayer now because of the way it refers to death. There is, however, a more disturbing thought than the possibility of death overtaking us during sleep. What if we should die before we live? What if we should go through life without ever really knowing what it’s all about? What if our life were to end without us ever discovering its true purpose? You and I are dying before we truly live when we give up trying. If we accept ourselves as finished products then we really are finished. If we surrender to any kind of fatalism, if we imagine that our faults and failures are beyond redemption, we are already dying. Jesus came into our world so that everyone might have a second chance, and a third, and yet another. You and I are dying before we truly live when we have no sense of direction, no chosen goal, when we merely move in
circles all the time with no particular aim in mind. Life, to be worth living, must have a purpose, something more than its own preservation and comfort. We all have to go through the motions of earning a livelihood, providing ourselves and our families with the basic necessities. If, however, we make these things the main business of life, we insult our personalities and we treat ourselves as something less than human beings. That’s precisely what Jesus meant when He said to His friends, “Isn’t life worth more than food? And isn’t the body worth more than clothes?” (Matthew chapter 6, verse 25) Don’t misunderstand these words. Jesus was certainly concerned with people’s physical needs. He was concerned that they should have enough to live on. But He was equally concerned that they should have something to live for. In words that hit us with a powerful impact still, He said, “Give first place to God’s Kingdom and to what He requires, and He will provide you with all these other things.” (Matthew chapter 6, verse 33) If life is going to be meaningful for you and me, then we have to decide what
Buckie Baptist Church meets Sundays 11am & 5.45pm. Contact Rev. V MacDougall Email Buckie North, C of S, Cluny Square, contact Rev Gordon Mathew 882352/831328 email or Mr Graeme Gerrard (Session Clerk) 01542 831124 email Buckie, Riverside Christian Church, Sundays 10.30am, contact 01542 833923 or visit Buckie, St Peters Church, C of S contact 832196 Buckie Methodist Church Sundays 11am & 6pm, alternative Sundays at Portessie. Sunday School, Bible Studies, Prayer meetings, Study groups, Women's Guild, Men's Prayer Breakfast and House Groups Cullen Methodist Church, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie Sunday morning worship at 11am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Activities for children are available as required. Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : Sunday 9.30am (first Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall) page 6 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
shall be the main business of living. And the sooner we do that the better. Where are we going? What are we living for? To what purpose can we devote our highest energies? The supreme contribution of Christianity to a person’s life is that it invests that life with a larger purpose than an individual’s own comfort and security. It is not money, property, success or prestige that bring the deepest satisfaction. It is spending life for something that will outlast it. That’s why we do well to pay some attention to what Jesus says on the subject. There’s a story of a Roman soldier who came to Julius Caesar to request permission to commit suicide. He was a miserable looking fellow. Caesar reputedly faced him squarely and asked, “Man, were you ever really alive?” Life, apart from Jesus, can be a dull, dispirited thing. In the end it’s only in Him and with Him that life becomes really worth living. Indeed, then we can live until we die – and awaken to life eternal. Rev. James Gordon Mathew Buckie North Church of Scotland
Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact: Rev Doug McRoberts Email: Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays), contact: Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld or email: Keith, Holy Trinity Episcopal, Family Eucharist 11.30am. Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC, Vigil-Mass 9.30am and 6.30pm, Confessions Saturday 10am on request. Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am (with Sunday school) and at 6pm (alternately here and at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church, Portgordon, Buckie meets for Sunday worship at 11am, bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm, craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we will print this in future issues. SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
I f y o u a r e a P u b , B a r o r H o t el t h a t h os ts en t er t a i n me n t ev e n t s , w e w i l l p u b li s h t h e s e f r e e o f c h a r g e. C al l 0 1 3 0 9 6 9 0 0 6 3 APRIL / MAY 2010
APRIL 29 april sat. - 3 may mon
5 wednesday
spirit of speyside whisky festival, various events in the local area, visit
the opera bus - to scottish opera's katya kabanova by janacek, 7.15pm at eden court theatre, inverness, coach pick up points along a96 from keith to nairn, ticket and coach £20, tel. 01343 835258
30 april friday - 3 may monday interactive exhibition of tradition and contemporary arts and crafts by speyside artisans, in conjunction with the spirit of speyside whisky festival, 10am4pm, strathisla distillery, seafield avenue, keith, free
MAY 1 & 2 saturday & sunday rock 4 life charity concert - sugababes, status quo, mcfly lemar and more!, whiteness, ardersier,
1 saturday cawdor castle opens for the season, open 10am5pm, 7 days a week, oap coffee morning, 10am-12noon, longmore hall, keith keith cancer link coffee morning, 10am-12noon, keith north church hall forestry commission dusk watch, 8pm - 11pm, come and visit the peregrine centre when it's normally closed and see what's going 'bump' in the night! meet at huntly peregrine wildwatch centre, Free, but donations are welcome
2 sunday may teas, 2pm-4pm, king memorial hall, grange, £2 adults/£1 children, contact linda de zilva 01542 870742
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
8 saturday fife keith mother and toddlers pancake tea, 2pm4pm, keith north church hall garmouth and kingston pre-school groups annual spring fayre, 2pm-4pm, garmouth village hall, pancake tea, face painting, bouncy castle, plant stall, cake and candy, fun for all the family the opera bus - to scottish opera's la boheme by puccini, 7.15pm at eden court theatre, inverness, coach pick up points along a96 from keith to nairn, ticket and coach £37, tel. 01343 835258 live music nikki, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE,
14 friday ‘a bosie for luck’ - fleeman productions’, 7.30pm, the warehouse theatre, lossie, £9, tel 01343 814004
15 saturday forestry commission dawn chorus, 7.30am - 9.30am, come and experience the wonderful spectacle of a 'dawn chorus' meet at huntly peregrine wildwatch centre, free, but donations are welcome the ballet bus - to scottish ballet's romeo and juliet music by prokofiev, 2pm at eden court theatre,
May 2010 - page 7
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
From 23/4 Clash of the Titans () Spy Next Door() From 30/4 Iron Man 2 () From 14/5 Robin Hood (tbc)
Cinema Listings May 2010
Call 01343 542680 or visit
Vue Cinema, Inverness Robin Hood (tbc) Streetdance (tbc) Sex and the City 2 (tbc)
Visit for details
Eden Court Theatre, Inverness
Cinema Nairn
28/5 Sweet Smell of Success (PG) 5/6 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (15) 10/6 Shakespeare in Love (15) 25/6 Out of Africa (PG)
Visit or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cemetery Junction (15) Robin Hood (tbc) Sex and the City 2 (tbc) Perrierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bounty (15) Kick-Ass (15) The Kreutzer Sonata (18) Storm (15) Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (U) The Scouting Book for Boys (15) The Ghost (15) I Am Love (15) plus many others
Visit or call 01463 234234 for details
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films throughout the year. Visit or call 01309 691170 for details. page 8 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
MAY 2010 continued
JUNE 2010 in brief
inverness, coach pick up points along a96 from keith to nairn, ticket and coach ÂŁ27, tel. 01343 850282 live music vixen, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE,
21 friday bob doolally, 9pm, the loft venue, ÂŁ8, contact 01343 850111
22 saturday live music bedhead, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE,
28 friday lou brown, the loft venue, FREE, tel: 01343 850111
29 saturday keith golf club coffee morning, 10am-12noon, keith north church hall
29 saturday & 30 sunday feis mhoireibh, moray college, elgin, this fun filled music, sport, drama, gaelic singing and dance festival welcomes all from eight to eighteen years, tuition by experienced, professional musicians, for entry forms email or tel: norma 547447 LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE IN MAY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
08.09 08.50 09.34 10.24 11.24 12.40 01.04
20.26 21.05 21.47 22.36 23.59
8 SA 9 SU 10 M 11 TU 12 W 13 TH 14 F 15 SA 16 SU 17 M 18 TU 19 W
Holiday Dates 2010 Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Buckie Holiday Buckie Holiday Summer Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Buckie Holiday Keith Holiday
Monday 3rd May Monday 31st May Monday 7th June Monday 14th June Monday 26th July Monday 2nd August Monday 9th August Monday 13th September Monday 18th October
4 friday kent duchaine, 8pm, the warehouse theatre, lossiemouth, ÂŁ10, contact 01343 814004 or visit to book 5 saturday forestry commission evening song, 6pm - 8pm, listen to the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;evening song' as the birds sing to mark their territories, meet at huntly peregrine wildwatch centre, free, but donations are welcome 6 sunday motorfun and food fest, 12noon-5pm, elgin rotary club free family fun day in cooper park, elgin, new and vintage cars, music, two rings with entertainment, it's a knockout, food stalls and cookery demonstrations (ÂŁ2 charge) 11 friday - 13 sunday keith tmsa festival, 17 thursday - 20 sunday burgie international 3 day horse trials, visit or email 18 friday esther oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;connor, 9pm, the loft venue, by elgin, FREE, contact 01343 850111 26 saturday vision awareness event, 10am-4pm, elgin town hall, contact carolyn lamb for more details 07500 033689 26 saturday & 27 sunday portsoy scottish traditional boat festival, visit or tel: 01261 842951 AM 02.24 03.27 04.14 04.52 05.26 06.00 06.35 07.11 07.49 08.33 09.22 10.19 AM
PM 15.06 15.57 16.36 17.10 17.42 18.15 18.49 19.25 20.05 20.48 21.38 22.37 PM
20 TH 21 F 22 SA 23 SU 24 M 25 TU 26 W 27 TH 28 F 29 SA 30 SU 31 M
11.27 12.43 01.08 02.24 03.29 04.25 05.13 05.56 06.37 07.17 07.56 08.36
23.49 13.58 15.06 16.04 16.53 17.36 18.15 18.53 19.30 20.06 20.44
" !
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Tel : 01542 810293
Joanne Newsome MSFTR MOC
11 Sentational Years Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival The sights, sounds and tastes of Scotland blended together at the 11th annual Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival One of the biggest whisky festivals in Europe will take place in Speyside this Spring, with organisers expecting more record-breaking crowds from both home and abroad. The 11th Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival runs from Thursday, 29th April to Monday, 3rd May and sees some of the world’s most iconic whisky distilleries lining up to take part in what has become a major international event on the Scottish tourism calendar. The Festival was established in 1999 to celebrate Scotland’s Malt Whisky Country and to help promote tourism in Moray, and especially Speyside, in the traditionally quieter months. And 10 years later, last year’s ‘dramfest’ served around 250,000 nips to an estimated 24,000 visitors generating an economic benefit of almost £1million. This year five days of whisky, music, food and fun feature in a programme of more than 230 events taking place around Speyside. The impressive lineup for the Festival includes distilleries such as The Glenlivet, Glenfiddich, The Macallan and Benromach – four of over 50 distilleries in Speyside, and just a few of the many distilleries taking part in this year’s festival. Visitors to the festival are also treated to a rare occurrence – the opportunity for a look behind the scenes at other well-known distilleries in the area, usually closed to the public, including Mortlach, Benrinnes and Tomintoul. Festival goers can choose from over 230 different events over the five days ranging from distillery tours, landrover tours and cooperage tours to whisky masterclasses, guided whisky walks, ceilidhs, live music, poetry sessions, locally organised family friendly activities and free events. After enjoying a dram or two in a distillery, at a local hotel or restaurant or participating venue, whisky lovers and wouldbe gourmets can also learn more about the role of whisky as an ingredient or accompaniment. Workshops offering tasting sessions which examine the relationship between whisky and chocolate, lamb, steak and even sausages run during the Festival – check out the Knockomie Hotel in Forres and Gordon & MacPhail in Elgin for more details. A number of distilleries, hotels and restaurants around the region will be hosting lunches and dinners which feature menus prepared to complement the dram or include the spirit in their dishes. page 10 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
And there’s no better way to work off the excess of a good dining experience than by joining one of the many walks or outdoor activities around Malt Whisky Country during the Festival. Take a gentle “dramble” around the seven distilleries of Dufftown, or join in one of many guided walks with the Speyside Rangers or take advantage of a ‘hike’ with whisky expert Dave Broom to the summit of Ben Rinnes and enjoy the panoramic views across the Cairngorms north to the Moray Firth and south to Lochnagar. There’s also the chance of spotting mountain hare and ptarmigan on other guided walks and off-road trails in the wilder parts of the Cairngorm National park. Visitors can also step back in time and follow in the footsteps of the Speyside smugglers with the launch of The Glenlivet Smugglers’ Trails. The Glenlivet Estate has a fascinating history, much of which is associated with its past connection to illicit whisky distilling and this history, combined with a picturesque landscape of wide open spaces and rolling hills make it a truly memorable place to visit with the chance to relive Glenlivet’s spirited past. The two walks during the Festival accompanied by a Crown Estate Ranger are a 6km and 11km circular walk. Speyside is home to more than half of Scotland’s whisky distilleries, and the Festival certainly succeeds in capitalising on its location at the heart of Malt Whisky Country. The Festival also goes out of its way to ensure that there’s more on offer than just whisky at the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival. Family and free events include a Pipe Band and Mounted Cavalacde through Grantown-on-Spey, the Dufftown and District Pipe Band at Dufftown Memorial Hall, an open air Family Ceilidh at The Square in Aberlour, a ‘Ceilidh by the Castle’ at Brodie Castle with afternoon tea and home baking in a marquee on the castle lawns, the Benromach Forres Theme Day featuring a magnificent collection of vintage and classic vehicles as well as music, entertainment and side stalls and kilt making demonstrations at the Station Tea Room at Allice Littler Park in Aberlour. The sights, sounds and tastes of Scotland blended together at the annual Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival is sure to guarantee that Festival goers will experience the true taste of the Speyside spirit of hospitality. Check out for further information on all events and for on-line bookings. SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Summer Lemon Tart As we are coming in to the summer months a sweet like lemon tart is light and refreshing and any chef worth their name will have this on their menu. P a st ry 500g plain flour 175g icing sugar 250g unsalted butter, at room temperature grated zest of 1 lemon 1 vanilla pod, split open 1 ½ eggs, beaten L em on f i ll i n g 9 eggs 400g caster sugar grated zest of 2 lemons juice of 5 lemons 250ml double cream
smooth. Stir in the lemon juice, then add the cream. Continue to whisk until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined. Skim any froth from the top. Reduce the oven temperature 120°C. Pour the cold filling into the hot pastry case (this will ensure that the case is sealed). Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool and set for about an hour.
D ec or a t i on 50g icing sugar sprigs of mint Sift the flour and icing sugar on to a work surface and work in the butter. Make a well in the centre and add the lemon zest and seeds scraped from the vanilla pod. Add the eggs. Knead the mixture with your fingers, working as quickly as you can, until everything is combined to a smooth dough. Wrap in plastic film and leave to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Grease a flan tin with a removable base that is 20cm in diameter and 3.75cm deep. Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a disc large enough to line the tin and allowing an overhang of not less than 1cm. Lay the pastry gently into the tin. Line the pastry case with greaseproof paper and fill with enough dry baking beans or lentils (or indeed any dry pulses) to ensure the sides as well as the bottom are weighted. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove the beans and greaseproof paper and trim off the overhanging pastry, then return the flan case to the oven to bake for a further 10 minutes
When ready to serve, preheat the grill to very hot. Sift the icing sugar over the top of the tart and place it under the grill to caramelise the sugar to a light golden brown. Alternatively, you can just sprinkle the tart with icing sugar without caramelising it. Cut the tart into slices and decorate each with a sprig of mint. • Tip The secret of a really good lemon tart is that the filling should be firm and clear and the pastry light and crisp. It should never be cut immediately after it is cooked as it needs time to cool and set for at least an hour, or the filling will be too runny. H ap py C o ok i n g ! J o h n M cC r u d en h e ad c he f, c h ap t er on e rest a u ran t f or r e s h i g h s t r e et
Meanwhile, make the lemon filling. Whisk the eggs with the caster sugar and lemon zest in a large bowl until page 12 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright
Police Matters CL mentioned the ongoing problem of Taxis parking at junction of Station Road/Alexandra Road. There is a bus stop there where they are parking on but it is not marked out. SC said that inconsistent parking is not illegal. SC said he would write to the licensing board on the matter. Outside Wisemans Dairies was still causing concern with cars parking on the corner. CL would bring this up with the police. A vehicle parked at the Cottage Woods lay by since December is still there. CL LI reported that cars could not get down lanes when the industrial bins were out for emptying and that some commercial/businesses were not getting their bins emptied regularly. SC said to report any to him as they should be reimbursed on their Community Charge if they were not emptied with exception to the recent bad weather. The question of whether the CCTV was working in Keith was asked. SC replied that they were. No Presentation Susan Butts the senior Librarian of Keith and Speyside Libraries gave the Community Council an interesting and informed talk about our local library. Susan explained that the library is not used by as much by people these days as was hoped. She hoped that everyone knew there was a library in Keith, she hopes to encourage more people to use the resources. A quarter of the population (5000) does use the library. There a variety of books, audio tapes, CDs and DVDs for hire at the library for the visually impaired as well as well as for people with dyslexia. There are 5
computers available for the public to use for free, computer courses can also be arranged. There is a large print keyboard available and also mouse which is larger for those who require it. There is a display space for community groups, and story time for younger children. Books can also be delivered to the housebound or picked up to be returned. Family heritage can also be traced using the libraries resources. Susan said that in the near future there would be a selfservice machine installed at Keith Library. The question of this replacing a member of staff was asked, Susan said that resources had been made available for the self service machine which will also be installed in other libraries in Moray. Susan finished off by inviting everyone to the library to see what was on offer, then she handed out information bags to all in attendance. Correspondence DH has decided to resign from the Community Council. KCC Constitution – Jane has filled in the dates for this. Various letters including an SNP letter opposing the budget cuts, Letter from the NSPCC helpline. DH asked if the election funding survey could be filled in there at the meeting which it was. SPOTLIGHT the new leaflet being delivered in Keith and Buckie about community matters. Quarriers leaflet was also distributed. DH suggested that the emails be filtered as there was so much being sent many of which were of no interest to the community council. Community Council Updates IC - Environment – No update CL -
COMMUNITY COUNCIL CONTACTS Keith Community Council: meets first Monday of each month (excluding January and August) 7pm at Keith Community Centre. Contact: Diane Halley page 13 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
Roads and Rights of Way – Some lights not working. They would be reported to the institute. RP said that a member of the public reported that there was no KEEP CLEAR sign on the road at the bottom of Drum Road. It was suggested it was courtesy on the drivers to keep the entrance clear which does not always happen. Christmas Lights – Andrew Murray has been asked to produce the bill for the work he did for the Christmas lights, if he does not put in a bill shortly he will not be paid. Storage for the Christmas lights was discussed. SC had a couple of ideas and hopefully one of these would materialize for the storage problem. Sandy Duncan to be reimburse for his fuel. Steve Purves to receive a voucher from the Crown Inn for all his work at the Christmas extravaganza. RP asked if the shield should be replaced or get it cleaned up. The price of cleaning it was as much as a new one, decided to get a new one. The rest of the trees would be taken down shortly providing the weather got better. Letters to go out to businesses for the meeting in the Royal Hotel on Wednesday 10th March 2010at 7pm. Various community councilors to do this. A.O.C.B JM asked for someone to take on the position ofvSecretary. Offers of help were given. Andy Jamieson would be attending the next meeting to discuss anti -social behaviour. Next Meeting The next meeting of Keith Community Council will be on Monday 6th April 2010 at 7.00pm in Keith Sports and Community Centre.
(Secretary) on 886640. Buckie Community Council: meets third Tuesday each month (excluding July) 7pm Town House West. Contact: Allan Fraser (Secretary) 832826 SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
School Dates
Picture by Keith J Bissett, Copyright
for 2010 (all dates inclusive) May Day Holiday Monday 3rd May 2010 In-service Closure Thursday 20th May 2010 In-service Closure Friday 21st May 2010 Buckie/Keith Schools Closed Mon. 7th June 2010 Summer Term Ends Friday 2nd July 2010 for 2010/2011 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 17th August 2010 Autumn Term Ends Friday 8th October 2010 Winter Term Starts Monday 25th October 2010 In-service Closure Friday 12th November 2010 In-service Closure Monday 15th November 2010
page 14 - May 2010
tel: 01309 690063
In-service Closure Tuesday 16th November 2010 Winter Term Ends Wed. 22nd December 2010 Spring Term Starts Thursday 3rd January 2011 Mid-term Holiday Friday 11th February 2011 Mid-term Holiday Monday 14th February 2011 Spring Term Ends Friday 1st April 2011 Summer Term Starts Monday 18th April 2011 Good Friday Holiday Friday 22nd April 2011 May Day Holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 In-service Closure Thursday 19th May 201 In-service Closure Friday 20th May 2011 Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011 or 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 16th August 2011
SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District
Picture by Maggie Grigor, Copyright
SCHOOLS Botriphnie Primary School ............................01542 810207 Cluny Primary School....................................01542 831417 Crossroads Primary School ..........................01542 870221 Cullen Primary School ..................................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ............................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ....................................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School ................................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School ..................................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ........................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ................................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ..............................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ..........................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ..........................01542 840244 St Peters RC Primary School ........................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School ......................01542 882256 Buckie High School ......................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ..................................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ......................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ....................................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ................................01542 835577 Cullen Medical Centre....................................01542 840272 Keith Medical Centre......................................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000
Advertisers Index Anderson & England ............................Outside Back Cover Beaver Travel ....................................................................11 East Grange ......................................................Front Cover
DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice ............................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ................................(01542) 831163 PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith..................................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ..........................01542 882533 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ......................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ..............01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ........................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ............................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre....................................01542 832841 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre................................01542 882028 Keith Swimming Pool ....................................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ..................................01542 886174 Keith Library ..................................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ................................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith................01542 885500 Registrar ........................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr......................................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ....................................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ............................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers please email these to us on
Harbour Bar ......................................................................15 Inspired by Kitchens ..........................................Front Cover Joanne Newsome ..............................................................9 Kaizen Fitness Studio..........................................................2 Mackenzie & Cruikshank ....................................................5 Mark Newsome ..................................................................2 McDonald & Munro............................................Front Cover Michael Sharp Joinery ........................................................2 Moray Steiner School Ltd ................................................14 Kleeneze (Sky High Team)..................................................9 Spirit of Speyside ..............................................................11 The Loft ..............................................................................2 Threaplands ........................................................................5 Unique Beauty ..................................................Front Cover Wheelchair Care..................................................................2 Wild Things ........................................................................2
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