Buckie & Keith August 2010

Page 1





on Buckie, Keith and district

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SpotLight Clubs and Societies

In this issue...... Clubs & Societies 3 Pastoral letter 6 Church Details 6 Council News 8 MSP/MP Blog 8 Trades Directory 10/11 What’s On 9/12/13/15 Chef’s Confidential 14 Culbin Forest 16 School Dates 18 Local Holidays 18 Tide Times 18 Useful Contacts 19 Advertisers Index 19 SAMPLE ADVERT RATES Box £28.04 Big Box £54.12 ¼ Page £98.40 ½ Page £186.96 Business Profile £318.82 Full Page £354.24 Enhanced Listings in What’s On pages from £30.70 All rates are per month plus VAT and based on a Black & White 12 month series. Deadline for September issue is Wednesday 11th August. Call 01309 690063 for more details. SpotLight on Buckie & Keith is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV36 3UA All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered to be a breach of copyright.

1ST BUCKIE BOYS BRIGADE Mon. Anchor Boys 6pm; Tues. B and Club 6pm; Wed. Gymnastics 6.30pm; Fri. Juniors 6pm; Fri. Company 7.20pm; Sunday Bibleclass 10am. Contact Alan McIntosh 832999 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPSBUCKIE & KEITH Al-Anon Family Groups offer free, confidential help & support to the relatives & friends of problem drinkers. Local weekly groups in Buckie & Keith. For further information call 020 7403 0888, visit www.hexnet.co.uk/ alanon/ or email alanonuk@aol.com BANFF, MORAY & NAIRN CANINE CLUB Classes are held in Obedience and Ringcraft every Monday evening during school terms from 1800 hrs in Spynie Hall, Elgin. Call Joanne on 810293 or Mary on 850262 BUCKIE CRICKET CLUB Junior coaching on Wednesday evenings. Linzee Gordon Park, Buckie. Contact William G Flett 832082 BUCKIE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Meets Saturdays 10am12noon for training, Linzee Gordon Park. BUCKIE VICTORIA BOWLING CLUB West Church Street Buckie, tel 31451 CULLEN BOWLING AND TENNIS CLUB Provides a service to anyone who is interested in Bowling

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

and Tennis. Bowls, tennis rackets, balls and shoes all available. Contact Sandra Douglas 840118

NIKKI’S AEROBICS Excercise class at Longmore Hall, Keith on Tuesdays 7pm to 8pm

FOCHABERS HILL WALKING & RAMBLING CLUB Meets the last Sunday each month for hill walking outings. £10 annual sub and £10-£15 bus fare. Contact Wilma Forsyth for more details 01343 821101

OAP CLUB Club for the over 50’s, meets 2nd Tuesday each month, 1.45pm to 4pm, Longmore Hall,Keith

FOCHABERS PETANQUE CLUB To play and promote the game of Pentanque, Fochabers Cricket Club, Fochabers. Contact MIke Watt 832591 GRANGE BADMINTON CLUB Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9.30pm, King Memorial Hall, Grange. Contact Chris Lancaster 870622 HIPBUMPERS Meets Mondays 7.30pm to 9pm for social dancing at Longmore Hall, Keith KEITH AND DISTRICT AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Meets Wednesdays, 7pm, Keith Community Centre Car Park, Annual subscription £15, Contact Club Secretary, Steven Taylor: Tel 832898, 07808 687036 www.walkjogrun moray.org.uk MULBEN MUMS AND TODDLERS Meets every Wednesday morning from 10am at Boharm Hall, Mulben. Contact Lorraine on 860338


ROTARY CLUB OF BUCKIE Meets every Monday evening at 5.30pm for 6pm in the Marine Hotel, Buckie. Visit our website at www.rotary clubofbuckie.org.uk ROYAL BURGH OF CULLEN PENSIONERS CLUB Meets first Tuesday of each month at 7pm, for the welfare of the elderly in Cullen. Contact Bunty Gardiner 840653 SILVER BAND Practice night, Sunday 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Longmore Hall, Keith SPEY BAY VILLAGE HAL Tuesday and Friday 7.30pm Bowls; Wednesday 7.30pm Ladies Craft Night; Thursday 1.30pm Mother and Toddler (others less frequently). Contact Irene Leslie 821081 WALK MORAY Evening walks throughout August and September. Volunteer-led short walks (20mins-1hr). Ideal for beginners. For dates & times contact Debbie Baron tel: 01343 567172 or email debbie.barron@nhs.net If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.

August 2010 - page 3

See what*s on in other local areas. All Spotlight magazines are now available online. Visit www.spotlighton.co.uk. Click latest issues. Michael Sharp Joinery All timber framed builds New Houses • Garages etc • Kitchens • Doors & Facings Flooring • Built-in Wardrobes Tel: 07834 760212

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There is no right or wrong way to look at the past. For those who believe in God and trust the Bible there are two helpful ways to look back and consider the past. In the Old Testament Moses had much to say to his people and his words were written in five books. In the fifth book he summarised his thoughts and advised his people how to make the best use of their past. Moses said “Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert…” Deuteronomy 8:1 We also can look back and remember how God led us during the past years and express our gratitude, learn from the experiences, treasure the memories, confess our

Pastoral Letter and Church Meetings

faults and be reassured that a changeless and faithful God who led us all the way throughout our past years will lead us into the future.

In the New Testament Paul also wrote words of encouragement to the Church about how to make best use of their past. Paul said “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14. He is forgetting his past sin and failure in the sense that it is done and settled with, as Christ has forgiven him. He is now able to look ahead with confidence, to press forward, knowing that Christ has prepared a

Buckie Baptist Church meets Sundays 11am & 5.45pm. Contact Rev. V MacDougall Email bydand52@aol.com Buckie North, C of S, Cluny Square, contact Rev Gordon Mathew 882352/831328 email jg.mathew@btinternet.com or Mr Graeme Gerrard (Session Clerk) 01542 831124 email graeme_gerrard@hotmail.com Buckie, Riverside Christian Church, Sundays 10.30am, contact 01542 833923 or visit www.riversidebuckie.org Buckie, St Peters Church RC contact 832196 Buckie Methodist Church Sundays 11am & 6pm, alternative Sundays at Portessie. Sunday School, Bible Studies, Prayer meetings, Study groups, Women's Guild, Men's Prayer Breakfast and House Groups Cullen & Deskford C of S every Sunday at 10.30am. First Sunday of Month in the Hall Church, every other Sunday in the Auld Kirk, 2nd and 4th Sundays in Jubilee Hall Deskford at 12noon, contact 01542 840193 or email:gordonmcneillg@btinternet.com Cullen Methodist Church, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie Sunday morning worship at 11am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Activities for children are available as required. Keith, Holy Trinity Episcopal, Family Eucharist 11.30am. Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : Sunday 9.30am (first Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall); page 6 - August 2010

tel: 01309 690063

place for him in heaven.

We can do the same - God has dealt with our past so then we can forget and forcefully press ahead into the future, knowing that our ultimate aspirations are found not in this life but in heaven, because Christ is there. We remember the faithful leading of God and have a healthy memory of His help and at the same time we forget the past because it is over and gone and we concentrate on the future to make the best use of it. Remembering and forgetting are both useful. Rev. Vincent MacDougall Buckie Baptist Church

Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact: Rev G Hutton Steel or email: knnbrchurch@btconnect.com Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays), contact: Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld or email: kay_gauld@strufus.fsnet.co.uk Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC, Vigil-Mass 9.30am and 6.30pm Confessions Saturday 10am on request. Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am (with Sunday school) and at 6pm (alternately here & at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church, Portgordon, Buckie meets for Sunday worship at 11am, bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm, craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm Rathven Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 9.45am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Sunday School outwith the local school holidays. Wee ones also very welcome. Contact Moira 01542 833956 or Ann 01542 831607

If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we will print this in future issues. SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

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SpotLight Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright

Council News


Community Councillors Updates • Environment - Extensive damage has been caused to trees in the cottage woods. It was thought that youths were causing the damage with their bikes, using the woods as a BMX track, it has been going on for years. • A Citizen from Fife Keith is looking for volunteers to help tidy up the litter in Fife Keith areas that are neglected. • JM did a presentation to the Keith Scouts. The scouts and other youngsters would like to see the disbanded BMX track be resurrected. It was unsure who owned the property. Councillors were encouraged to find out who belonged the land. At the moment there are ponies grazing on the land. The scouts are keen to help get the BMX track up and running again and also to do a litter pick which they have done in the past. • The menace of litter being dropped. Youngsters being seen to go out of their way to put litter in bins are being rewarded with vouchers from the Community Warden. • Two trees are damaged in Keith Square. SC will see about it. Signs also been turned round leading to the square again. • There is a deep hole appearing at the Auld Brig next to the cemetery walls which needs to be repaired. It is about 2 feet big by now. Roads and Rights of Way • Weeds on pavements - would they be removed quicker this year by Bear. • There has been a noticeable difference at the Tesco traffic lights. The timer has been altered. •Old Tesco building is an eyesore. Will the wall be fixed which was knocked down in the winter? There is no guttering on some parts of the building and windows are broken. • Some vehicles are parking at the lorry park that should not be there.

•More traffic would frequent bridge street with the new Keith builders opening. SC said a traffic survey would be conducted. • Vehicles are still going the wrong way on the Newmill Brae. Road markings will not be changed until after the consultation. • BT will be informed about the brackets hanging off a pole near to Milton Tower. • IC said that road bollards are still covered in sand. CL will inform Bear about this. Christmas Lights • The lights have to be moved from the Changing area at the leys as the Newmill Football team is to use the facilities at Seafield Park. • There was a disappointing turnout at the Quiz night although the people that were there thoroughly enjoyed themselves. A Xmas themed quiz was suggested for July. • Collection boxes are to be ordered to put into local businesses and shops for the Christmas lights fund. Liscencing JM asked about a new Chinese takeaway that is to open in Fife Keith. There has been an application for a change of use. SC said he hadn’t heard it was going to be a fast food takeaway. Signs and Street Furniture Youths from KGS have cleaned and painted another seat around Keith. The awards are to be presented to the youths involved at next K Factor ceremony at KGS on 9th June. MC making out new awards as the dates are wrong on the last ones. iTunes vouchers would also be awarded to the youths . The press would go along and do a story on this. RP would find out about other awards that can be worked towards for the future for other pupils. •The signs in the square are being turned around the wrong way again. The next meeting of Keith Community Council will be on Monday 6th September 2010 at 7.00pm in Keith Sports and Community Centre.


“ Blog ”

As the summer approaches I am very much looking forward to the summer recess and an opportunity to get some quality time in Moray away from weekly flights or trains to and from London. It is good just to be able to get along to support local summer events such as Highland Games, fetes and music festivals in a more relaxed atmosphere than the hothouse of Westminster. Ang us R o b e rts on M P

It's great to see that sales of Scottish food and drink across Scotland, England and Wales have rocketed by 30 per cent in the past three years. This is great news for producers in Speyside and throughout Moray. Despite recent pictures of me with a large World Champion Murdoch Brothers pie there is no truth in the rumour that politicians are responsible for most of these sales!

R ich ar d Lo chhe ad M SP

COMMUNITY COUNCIL CONTACTS Keith Community Council: meets first Monday of each month (excluding January and August) 7pm at Keith Community Centre. Contact: Diane Halley (Secretary) on 886640 Buckie Community Council: meets third Tuesday each month (excluding July) 7pm Town House West. Contact: Allan Fraser (Secretary) 832826 page 8 - August 2010

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

A d v er t i se yo u r e ve nt h er e f r o m o nl y £ 30 . 7 0 p l u s V A T . C al l 0 1 30 9 6 9 0 0 6 3 o r e m a il d a v i d @ s p o t li g h t o n . c o . u k D e a d l in e fo r S e p t e m b e r i s s u e i s W e d n e s d ay 1 1 t h A u g u s t


SpotLight What’s On


29 thursday, 30 friday & 31 saturday the speyside artisans arts and crafts hub, scout hall, high st., aberlour, have a hands on experience of traditional and contempory arts and crafts, contact joy mann tel: 01542 886311 or email joy.mann@ btinternet.com for more details

29 july thursday - 1 august sunday speyfest 2010, visit www.speyfest.com for details

30 fri / 31 sat july / 1 sun august cullen art group exhibition, friday 6pm-8pm, saturday 10am-6pm, sunday 12noon-6pm, cullen memorial hall, free entry, all welcome

30 friday simon hopper - free friday, the loft venue, by kinloss, 9pm, tel: 01343 850111 aberdeen international youth festival, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7, contact 690110

ditional and contempory arts and crafts, contact joy mann tel: 01542 886311 or email joy.mann@ btinternet.com for more details

7 saturday speyside stages rally, from 9.30am, cooper park, elgin, visit www.speyside-stages.co.uk for details quiz night, 7pm for 7.30pm, lhanbryde community centre, £2 per person and maximum four per team, tel: alison 01343843025 or email enquiries@lhanbrydecc.org live music - marjie, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE, www.bebo.com/harbourb

7 saturday & 8 sunday wolf trek wild day out challenge, join this 45 mile walk through the night from dallas dhu distillery to cairngorm mountain, more details available at www.wilddayout.com/WDO_Detail.aspx?id=48

8 sunday

Simon Hopper at The Loft Venue

cullen & deskford church of scotland flower festival ‘songs of praise’, 6pm, the auld kirk, cullen

Friday 30th July

8 sunday & 9 monday


keith country show, sunday 9am-6pm, monday 9am5pm, contact 01542 882978 / 07816 316559 or email info@keithshow.org.uk or visit the website www.keithshow.org.uk

...telling new stories through new songs with a craftsman's eye and a poet's fist. Old England is new England, and it hurts. The songs are influenced by Brit-Folk, Joni Mitchell, Loudon Wainwright, Ron Sexsmith & Dylan.

10 tuesday the moray arts club open exhibition hand in day, 3pm-7pm at the gallery, elgin library, further information visit www.morayartsclub.com or email info@morayartsclub.com or speak to emma cooper 01343 548475 or 07894144021

AUGUST 1 sunday - 31 tuesday scotland’s housing expo 2010, inverness, visit www.scotlandshousingexpo.com for details

1 sunday jazz on a summers day in aid of ssafa, 1pm-5pm, in the grounds of the mansion house hotel, elgin, 3 bands each performing 2 half hour sets, £5 at the door/under 16’s free, www.moryjazzclub.co.uk

5 thursday, 6 friday & 7 saturday

soup, sweet & raffles in aid of motor neurone

Starsky at The Loft Venue Saturday 14th August

cullen & deskford church of scotland flower festival ‘for all the saints’, thursday & friday 10am-8pm and saturday 10am-5pm, the auld kirk, cullen the speyside artisans arts and crafts hub, scout hall, high st., aberlour, have a hands on experience of traSpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

14 saturday


Starsky has been wowing crowds with his phenomenal song writing and unique style and stage presence. With a unique blend of up beat folk/acoustic and mature plaintive ballads, Starsky is an artist that never fails to engage with his audiences and he has been creating a stir right across Scotland.


August 2010 - page 9

BUILDERS JOHNNY WALKER PAINTER & DECORATOR Tel: 01343 842954 3 Cranmoss Court, Lhanbryde, Elgin, IV30 8HL AT HOME CONSTRUCTION Tel: 01542 832000 The Bank, 52, Low St, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1UX info@homeconstruction.co.uk CHRIS FORSYTH 01542 887756 97 Moss St Keith AB55 5HE GARDINER BUILDERS 01542 835374 8, Commercial St, Findochty, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4PX J & M MORRISON 01542 882974 Linton Cottage, 9 Alexandra Rd, Keith AB55 5BX JOHN ROBERTSON (NORTH) LTD 01542 850462 Newton of Letterfourie, Drybridge, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 5LB MICHAEL CRAIG BUILDERS 01542 488035 07721 341131 1, Muldearie View, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5TF MIKE MATTHEW CONSTRUCTION 01542 833987 8, Station Rd, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1SX MPD HOMES 01542 833050 119 High St Buckie AB56 4DX STUART CAMPBELL (BUILDERS) LTD 01343 820051 2 Findlay Road, Mosstodloch, Fochabers, IV32 7JR

CHIMNEY SWEEP MARK NEWSOME CHIMNEY SWEEP 01542 810293 Brankie House, Drummuir, Keith AB55 5PY page 10 - August 2010

DOUBLE GLAZERS 1ST CHOICE DOORS LTD 01343 540181 49 Bailies Drive, Elgin, IV30 6JW ALI PATERSON LTD 01343 842752 10 Baxter Place, Lhanbryde, IV30 8QE MORAY FIRTH WINDOWS LTD THE DOUGLAS CENTRE, 01542286445 Marchmont Crescent, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4BT


GRANTS (DUFFTOWN) LTD 01340 820241 33, Balvenie St, Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4AS NO.1 INSPIRED INTERIORS LTD 01542 832858 52, Low St, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1AL N.J REDFORD 01542 882131 3, Edithfield Crescent, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5GH RINNES ELECTRICALS 01340 821489 Mill Cottage, Mill Of Laggan, Glenrinnes, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4BY


(%- %(&/))! (!.,-+% ' ,- -" '#%( CAMPBELL & MCHARDY LTD 01343 543516 Ian Campbell/Paul McHardy Unit 12, Linkwood Industrial Estate, Elgin, IV30 1XS campbell-and-mchardy @linkwood12.fsnet.co.uk DAVID NEISH ELECTRICAL 01343 842995 89 Robertson Road, Lhanbryde IV30 8JQ GORDON DUNCAN 01542 832906 5, West Church St, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1BN

tel: 01309 690063

KM FABRICATORS 01542 880159 4 Kelman Place Keith AB55 5AZ

GARDENING & FENCING BRIAN LEGGE 01343 820417 The Innings, West St, Fochabers, Morayshire IV32 7DJ I SMITH 07887 651375 Damheads Cottages, Portsoy, Banff, Banffshire AB45 2YD SMITHS FORESTRY & FENCING SERVICES 01261 842877 1, Damheads Cottages, Portsoy, Banff, Banffshire AB45 2YD SPEYSIDE LANDSCAPING 01343 821884 18, Findlay Rd, Mosstodloch, Fochabers, Morayshire IV32 7JR THREAPLANDS LTD 01343 842245 Threapland, Lhanbryde, Elgin, IV30 8LN

HANDYMAN DITTMAR YOUR HANDYMAN 07900 846937 Mossside Farm, Mossside, Elgin, IV30 8NH RONNIE WILSON HANDYMAN 01542 870626 Cairnhill Cottage, Grange, Keith, Banffshire AB55 6SP

R.S CRUICKSHANK & CO 01542 832091 30-32, West Church St, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1HL WALKER & SMITH 01542 835456 20, West Church St, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1HD

ENGINEER/ FABRICATION BRUCE ENGINEERING 01542 886147 Unit X, Isla Bank Mills Station Rd, Keith AB55 5DD

JOINERS ALAN ROBERTSON JOINER 01542 834980 39, Highfield Rd, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1BE BRIAN REID 01542 831916 Seaview, Stewart St, Portgordon, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 5QT CULLEN JOINERS 01542286141 Unit 1-4, Port Long Rd, Cullen, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4AG

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

DERRICK HENDERSON 01542 887134 114b, Mid St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AA E.W SIMMERS & SON 01542 882355 70b, Mid St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AF GRAHAM SHAND JOINERY 01542 286655 07901 665740 5, Moss Street, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5HG JAMES BRUCE 01542 841304 4, Station Court, Portknockie, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4LW JOHN LILEY 01542 841590 2, Station Court, Portknockie, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4LW

GORDON MARSHALL PAINTING & DECORATORS 01542 840843 8, Church St, Portknockie, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4LN KEVIN AITKEN PAINTER & DECORATOR 01542 841870 83, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4SL KM PAINTERS & DECORATORS 01542 831317 52 Morven Crescent, Findochty AB56 4QL THL HOME IMPROVEMENTS LTD 01542 888088 5 Westerton Road South, Keith AB55 5EP thlmoray.co.uk

NEIL DONALD 01542 810328 4, Police Lane, Turner St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5GJ

STRATHISLA CONSTRUCTION 01542 888301 143, Land St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5DL

ALAN SCOTT 01542 882357 Kathalan, 4, Moss St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5HG 20yrs in business ALLY MCINTOSH 01542 887404 29, Cameron Drive, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5BE AUSTIN CAMERON 01340 820502 27, Fife St, Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4AL ERIC SHARP 01542 887281 12, Chapel St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AL

RUSSELL O'HANLON 01542 841701 4, Victoria St, Portknockie, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4LQ S LYON & SON 01542 831645 26 West Cathcart St Buckie AB56 1PP S SIMMERS & SONS 01542 882428 Yarrow Bank, Drum Rd, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5ER

Unit 2 N Newmill ewmill IIndustrial ndustrial E Est., st., Keith Keith ((T) T) 01542 880488 (M) 07871171597 (F) 01542 887595 donnie@timbergardenbuildings.com donnie@timb erg er gardenbuildings.com

Summer H Houses ouses Garages G arages Workshops W orkshops Field F ield Shelters Shelters

ROOF CARE 01542 839716 14, Craigbo Terrace, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1TP SCOTIA PRESERVATION & MAINTENANCE LTD 01343 556043 The Annexe, 30 East High Street, Elgin, IV30 4EG TOWER ROOFING SERVICES 01340 820343 07793 234577 53, Balvenie Street, Dufftown, Keith, Banffshire AB55 4AS

PLASTERERS A A WHYTE 01343 842608 5 Cranmoss Court, Lhanbryde, Elgin, IV30 8HL

STEVE TUCKER PLASTERER 01542 839766 16, Netherton Terrace, Findochty, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4QD


E J WATT 01542 887173 19 Regent St, Keith AB55 5DY FERGUS ROBERTSON PLUMBING & HEATING LTD 01542 886042 9a, Land St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AU GARMOUTH PLUMBING 01343 870341 Craigower, Northfield Place, Garmouth, Fochabers, IV32 7NF LES MAIR 01542 84042 31, South Deskford St, Cullen, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4XE

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

PLANWELL ROOFING SUPPLIES THE ROOFING CENTRE, 01542 839002 March Rd Industrial Estate Buckie AB56 4BY

GEORGE MILTON 01542 887063 26, Hay Crescent, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AR

With over With over 40 years years in the business, business, w we e ourselves pride ourselv es in building quality quality sheds, sheds, gar ages, shelt ers, k ennels or e ven y our garages, shelters, kennels even your own att affordable o wn design a affordable prices! prices!


RON GRAY PLUMBING & HEATING 01542 841553 1 Bridge St, Portnockie AB56 4LG

Timber T imb imber er Garden G Gar ar arden den Buildings

RAYMOND DUGUID LTD 01542 886563 69, Land St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AN R C HENDERSON 01542 887134 114b Mid St, Keith AB55 5AA

PETER BRUCE LTD 01542 886211 151-153, Moss St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5HB

A1 ROOFING 07941 856584 10b, The Meadows, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 1QG A RENNIE 01542 888272 44, Fife St, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5EG JOHN DUNCAN ROOFING LTD 01542235001 The Roofing Centre, March Road Industrial Estate, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 4BU L SLATE MATE 01542 886816 4, Hay Crescent, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5AR


SHED MAKERS TIMBER GARDEN BUILDINGS 01542 880488 Unit 2, Newmill Industrial Estate, Keith, Banffshire AB55 5GB www.timbergardenbuildings.com

TILERS SYD HARBER 07974 436427 9, Newton Place, Mosstodloch, Fochabers, Morayshire IV32 7JG August 2010 - page 11

AUGUST 2010 continued disease research, 12noon-2.30pm, moray bowling club, seafield street, elgin, come & enjoy homemade soup sweets and an excellent raffle, ÂŁ3.00 per person, call sue for more details 01343 546871 live music with lee rodgers, 9.30pm, kris kros bar @ the seafield arms hotel, cullen, free, tel: 840791 or email info@theseafieldarms.co.uk live music - jason porter, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE, www.bebo.com/harbourb

14 saturday - 27 friday the moray arts club open exhibition, weekdays 10am-8pm, saturday 10am-4pm, at the gallery, elgin library, further information visit www.morayartsclub.com or email info@moray artsclub.com or speak to emma cooper 01343 548475 or 07894144021

14 saturday Rod Clements & Rachael Harrington RA Productions at The Loft Venue Friday 20th August £10/£12 From the beginning of Lindisfarne to his current solo album Odd Man Out, the career of Rod Clements reads like a who’s who of contemporary British folk roots. With Rachael Harrington

starsky with jamie duffin - free, the loft venue, by kinloss, 9pm, tel: 01343 850111

14 sat. august - 4 sat. september the moray arts club open exhibition, daily 9am5.30pm, sunday 12noon-5pm, st giles centre, elgin, further information visit www.morayartsclub.com or email info@morayartsclub.com or speak to emma cooper 01343 548475 or 07894144021

15 sunday the scottish alvis owner’s club rally, all day, cawdor castle, www.cawdorcastle.com

20 friday pokey lafarge and the south city three, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, ÂŁ10/ÂŁ8, contact 01309 690110 rod clements and rachael harrington, the loft venue, by kinloss, 9pm, ÂŁ10/ÂŁ12, tel: 01343 850111

21 saturday blazin fiddles, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, ÂŁ14/ÂŁ12, tel: 01309 690110

The Wishing Well at The Loft Venue Friday 27th August ÂŁ8/ÂŁ10 Bequiling orchestral and lush Melbourne band, The Wishing Well create spellbinding songs which produce a rich tapestry of mesmerizing folk, pop and rock. As relative newcomers to the scene and come with an impressive musical maturity & remarkable background

page 12 - August 2010

tel: 01309 690063


MARJIE 7th Aug

Smashing vocalist covers great classic songs right up to todays chart hits

14th Aug

Songs of the Big Band era like, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Michael Buble.


21st Aug

A truly amazing young vocalist with a great selection of music to suit everyone.


28th Aug

‘Absolutely amazing’ This talented artist has a song from every era to suit all ages.

THE HARBOUR BAR, BUCKPOOL live music - nikki, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE, www.bebo.com/harbourb

22 sunday lhanbryde gala day, 1pm-4pm , lhanbryde community centre, various attractions including strathisla pipe band, children's fancy dress competition, dog show, beer tent, plus soups, teas, coffees and home bakes, also car boot sale to book a place tel: alison 01343 843025 or email enquiries@lhanbrydecc.org

27 friday the wishing well, the loft venue, by kinloss, ÂŁ8/ÂŁ10, tel: 01343 850111

28 saturday westlife live at cawdor castle, visit www.cawdorcastle.com for details live music with gail goulding, 9.30pm, kris kros bar @ the seafield arms hotel, cullen, free, tel: 840791 or email info@theseafieldarms.co.uk live music - vixen, 9.30pm, harbour bar, buckie, FREE, www.bebo.com/harbourb


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Moray Playhouse, Elgin

New screenings begin on Fridays

Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk

Cinema Listings August 2010 Vue Cinema, Inverness

From 4th Knight and Day Cats and Dogs 2 3D Step Up 3D From 11th The Sorcerers Apprentice The Last Airbender 3D From 18th Piranha 3D The Expendables Salt Marmaduke From 25th Grown Ups Scott Pilgrim vs The World

KidsAM - Daily during school holidays at 10.15am - 95p per ticket Senior Screenings - Every Tuesday at 12.30pm - £3 inc. refreshments

Visit www.myvue.com for details

Cinema Nairn

30th July Looking For Eric (15)

Other films throughout the year

Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Toy Story 3 Four Lions South of the Border Europa Europa The Girl on the Train Heartless Please Give Gregory’s Girl The First Movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Leaving Les Visiteurs Wild Target Kicks The Twilight Saga : Eclipse When You’re Strange Good Hair The Man Who Would Be King The Girl Who Played With Fire plus many others

Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details

Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details

Universal Hall, Findhorn

Showing films throughout the year. Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District


August 2010 - page 13


Quail Balotine with Wood Pigeon Breast SpotLight would like to introduce you to a new Chef (Peter Norrie of the Knockomie Hotel) who, from this month, will be providing the Chef’s Confidential. Before you read the recipe, however, we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to John McCruden (Head Chef of Chapter One restaurant) for all the work that he has put in over the last two years or so. All the recipes that are printed in SpotLight are designed individually by the Chef and there is much work involved in producing this - so once again - thanks John for all your hard work and to Peter for offerring to pick up the baton! What now follows are all Peter’s words! We teamed up with MacBeths of Forres butcher to perform a live cooking demonstration at this years Royal Highland Show and this is one of the dishes we produced in front of the live audience. It is a simple dish to create but will impress your friends and family. It went down a treat with the audience at the Royal Highland Show when they got to taste the completed dish after the demonstration.

Ingred ients 6 Carrots (for puree) 1 Star Anise 2 Quails (de-boned) 2 Slices Parma Ham Baby Spinach 2 Wood Pigeon Breasts Wild Mushrooms

page 14 - August 2010

SpotLight Chef’s Confidential

Method - Quail Balotines Cook Carrots in water with Star Anise and a teaspoon of salt until extremely soft, strain but keep the water. Liquidise carrots adding the strained water until mixture is of a spreadable texture, pass through a fine sieve. For the Quail, cook Mushrooms and season, remove from pan and leave to cool. Place one slice of Parma Ham on cling film. Place your Quail on top of the Parma Ham, place some Mushrooms and Spinach inside. Roll into a cylinder, tie each end and then poach for 12-14 minutes (Rest for 46 minutes Cut open so all excess juices run out, then crispen in a hot pan with oil. At the same time place your seasoned pigeon breast in the pan as well. The pigeon will take 2-3 minutes to cook.

Peter Norrie, Head Chef Knockomie Hotel, Forres 01309 673146 tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

SEPTEMBER 2010 in brief


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HOW THE “WHAT’S ONâ€? WORKS all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to natalie@spotlighton.co.uk Permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or moneymaking) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like an enhanced listing (big white box) this costs ÂŁ30.70 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. Deadline for September Issue is Wednesday 11th August.


OPEN EXHIBITION Curated by Liz Skulina Saturday 14th August to Friday 27th August 2010 at The Gallery, Elgin Library Open daily 10.00am - 8.00pm, Saturdays 10.00am - 4pm To confirm opening times please call 01343 562600.

The exhibition continues in the St Giles Centre Saturday 14th August to 4th September Open daily 9am - 5.30pm, Sunday 12pm - 5pm

ADMISSION FREE PUBLIC PREVIEW Preview of exhibition Saturday 14th August from 10.30am in The Gallery, Elgin Library. Refreshments will be served.



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info@theseafieldarms.co.uk 17 friday dan friedman, 8pm, the warehouse theatre, lossiemouth, contact 814004 or visit www.thebooth.co.uk to book 25 saturday wee burgie one day event, visit www.burgie.org or email secretary@burgie.org living food at cawdor castle, 10am-5pm, organic food festival, visit www.cawdorcastle.com for details live music with moonshine madness, 9.30pm, kris kros bar @ the seafield arms hotel, cullen, free, tel: 840791 or email info@theseafieldarms.co.uk lots ‘n’ lots, the loft venue, by kinloss, tel: 01343 850111 26 sunday blood donors, 10.30am-12.30pm and 2pm-4.30pm, fisherman’s hall, buckie


3 friday the wall youth music festival - in aid of lossie high climbing wall, 1pm-5pm, station park, lossiemouth, music from ‘soul casino’ (uk finalists in live & unsigned), ‘dead rabbit’ & ‘nny’, bbq & snack stall calum carlyle & friends - free friday, the loft venue, by kinloss, tel: 01343 850111 4 saturday the wall youth music festival family day- in aid of lossie high climbing wall, 8pm-10pm, station park, lossiemouth, music from ‘180 live’, ‘3dr’, ‘superfast jellyfish’ & others; stalls; car boot, bouncy castle & much more carve carrbridge 2010, www.carvecarrbridge.com 9 thursday keith support group parkinsons uk - massage talk, 7pm9pm, ugie house hotel, keith, contact mike mustard tel: 07565 959364 or email mikejmustard @yahoo.co.uk 11 saturday the theatre bus - ‘calendar girls’, 1.30pm at eden court theatre, inverness, coach pick up points along a96 from keith to nairn, ticket & coach ÂŁ27 (approx.) tel. 01343 850282 ‘north sea gas’ - musical, 8pm, the warehouse theatre, lossiemouth, ÂŁ10, contact 01343 814004 or visit www.thebooth.co.uk to book live music with robb simms, 9.30pm, kris kros bar @ the seafield arms hotel, cullen, free, tel: 840791 or email



Culbin Forest Hill 99 Trail Welcome to Culbin. This is no ordinary forest and Culbin’s fragile shoreline is no ordinary coast.

The whole family can enjoy a great circular walk – the fully accessible Hill 99 Viewpoint Trail meanders through the quiet pine forest to a squirrels eye viewpoint in the tree tops and this route is ideal for first time visitors. It will lead you along winding paths, through forest and mossy clearings. But why is it called Hill 99? Early foresters probably named it this, as it's Culbin’s highest dune at 99 feet. The route up to the viewpoint is well worth it. It’s a friendly, waymarked trail on good paths and suitable for everyone. Take your time – allow a couple of hours. Relax and enjoy! Along the way, look up to life in the tree canopy and down to lush carpets of moss and lichen speckled with fungi in autumn. Look out for wood anthills and flowering plants. Try and spot ridges of pebbles driven inland over 5000 years ago by storm and tide. On the way round stop at the gravel pit ponds, a great place where the ranger leads school pond dipping visits. These ponds were dug to provide a source of fresh water for birds, mammals and insects. Although manmade, all Culbin’s ponds and channels play a critical part in the natural balance of life here. There are coots on the main pond and a heron is known to visit. Take a seat on the benches and relax. You can find yellow flag iris, chickweed wintergreen and there are some unusual mosses here too.

Local Interest

A short detour takes you to the hidden history hub. This is a sheltered corner to sit and contemplate Culbin’s dramatic story. Ancient peoples once wandered and lived amongst these shifting dunes and piles of shells left over from a feast thousands of years ago can still be found deep in the forest. Eventually farmers settled here eking out a living under the constant threat of blowing sand. Uprooting the marram grass destabilised the dunes and in 1694 a great storm caused the land to be abandoned.

Culbin is a wonderful place to walk, cycle and ride. You can spend all day here going as far as you can, but Culbin is also somewhere to enjoy losing track of time. Why not enjoy watching the ordered world of a giant wood ant mound – with its team working and weight lifting – or oystercatchers beaks turning from bright red to brown as they feed.

It’s never been easier to find your way around. The junctions are numbered and marked on the map (available on site). There are other great places to stop including Sandlife and Buckie Loch so enjoy a well earned rest and decide where to head next. Culbin is a big place so make the most of your first visit and start with the hill 99 trail - you are bound to return for more!

For more information contact Rachael Jones on 01466 794161.

On a warm summers day a stop at the dragonfly pools is amazing. The air is alive with birdsong and even the sound of the brilliantly coloured dragonflies rattling their wings as they shimmer through the air. Look carefully and you may see discarded larvae cases, fixed half way up plant stems. The dragonflies emerge from these, in the same way as butterflies, which also thrive at Culbin. page 16 - August 2010

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

North East

Explore your forests! Culbin is ideal for walking, with miles of paths and tracks to explore, winding among the pine covered dunes and coastline. The Hill 99 Trail is an ideal walk for first-time visitors and takes about 2-3 hours starting from the main car park at Wellhill. Along the way, you will find the dragonfly pond, a pretty pond where you can admire brilliantly-coloured dragonflies during the summer.

Huntly Peregrine Wildwatch Centre Home to the fastest living creatures on earth – a visit to the multi award winning Huntly Peregrine Wildwatch is a day out to remember. Come and see us at the Bin Quarry, just off the A96 near Huntly, where our friendly wardens will keep you informed and entertained. For opening times, please contact the forest district via the contact details below. Admission free.

For more information on places to visit in the forests of the north east, call 01466 794161, email moray&aberdeenshire@forestry.gsi.gov.uk or visit our website www.forestry.gov.uk/scotland



School Dates

Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright

School Term Dates Holidays and Tide Times

for 2010/2011 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 17th August 2010 Autumn Term Ends Friday 8th October 2010 Winter Term Starts Monday 25th October 2010 In-service Closure Thursday 11th November 2010 In-service Closure Friday 12th November 2010 In-service Closure Monday 15th November 2010 In-service Closure Tuesday 16th November 2010 Winter Term Ends Wed. 22nd December 2010 Spring Term Starts Thursday 6th January 2011 Mid-term Holiday Friday 11th February 2011 Mid-term Holiday Monday 14th February 2011 Spring Term Ends Friday 1st April 2011

Summer Term Starts Monday 18th April 2011 Good Friday Holiday Friday 22nd April 2011 Milne’s High & Feeders Friday 29th April 2011 May Day Holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 In-service Closure Thursday 19th May 2011 In-service Closure Friday 20th May 2011 Buckie High & Feeders Mon. 6th June 2011 Keith Grammar & Feeders Mon. 6th June 2011 Speyside High & Feeders Mon. 6th June 2011 Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011 for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 16th August 2011 Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011

Holiday Dates 2010

Buckie Holiday ¹ Fochabers Holiday ² Keith Holiday St Andrews Day

Buckie Holiday ¹ Summer Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Fochabers Holiday ² Buckie Holiday ¹

Monday 26th July Monday 2nd August Monday 9th August Monday 6th September Monday 13th September

LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE IN AUGUST Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


10.03 10.44 11.33 00.04 01.27 03.00 04.11

22.14 23.02 12.40 14.07 15.33 16.36

8 SU 9 M 10 T 11 W 12 TH 13 F 14 SA 15 SU 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 TH

* substitue day ¹ includes Cullen, Findochty & Portknockie ² includes Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay & Urquhart

AM 05.05 05.50 06.33 07.16 07.58 08.42 09.27 10.13 11.06 12.08 00.43 02.21

Deadline for September issue is Wednesday 11th August Call 01309 690063 to book advertising or email david@spotlighton.co.uk page 18 - August 2010

Monday 18th October Monday 18th October Monday 18th October Tuesday 30th November

tel: 01309 690063

PM 17.24 18.07 18.48 19.28 20.08 20.50 21.34 22.24 23.24 13.28 15.00

20 F 21 SA 22 SU 23 M 24 T 25 W 26 TH 27 F 28 SA 29 SU 30 M 31 T

AM 03.50 04.48 05.30 06.03 06.33 07.01 07.28 07.54 08.23 08.52 09.25 10.02

PM 16.11 16.59 17.36 18.07 18.37 19.05 19.32 20.00 20.30 21.02 21.39 22.24

Canine Behaviourist & Trainer

“Communicating with dogs naturally in your own home” Puppy Training • Obedience • Problem Behaviour

Tel : 01542 810293

Joanne Newsome dip.dog.psy MSFTR MOC

SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District


SpotLight Picture by Roger Carr, Copyright

SCHOOLS Botriphnie Primary School ............................01542 810207 Cluny Primary School....................................01542 831417 Crossroads Primary School ..........................01542 870221 Cullen Primary School ..................................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ............................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ....................................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School ................................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School ..................................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ........................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ................................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ..............................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ..........................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ..........................01542 840244 St Peters RC Primary School ........................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School ......................01542 882256 Buckie High School ......................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ..................................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ......................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ....................................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ................................01542 835577 Cullen Medical Centre....................................01542 840272 Keith Medical Centre......................................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000

Useful Numbers and Advertisers Index

DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice ............................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ................................(01542) 831163

PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith..................................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ..........................01542 882533 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ......................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ..............01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ........................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ............................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre....................................01542 832841 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre................................01542 882028 Keith Swimming Pool ....................................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ..................................01542 886174 Keith Library ..................................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ................................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith................01542 885500 Registrar ........................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr......................................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ....................................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ............................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers please email these to us on admin@spotlighton.co.uk

Advertisers Index Anderson & England ..........................................Back Cover Beaver Travel ......................................................................2 Big Sky Print........................................................................2 Cambell & McHardy ..........................................................10 Dallas Design Ltd ................................................................5 East Grange ........................................................................7 Fairleys Solicitors ................................................................5 Forestry Commission ........................................................17 Gold 375..............................................................................4 Harbour Bar ......................................................................12 Kaizen Fitness Studio..........................................................2 Linda Marlow Dog Grooming..............................................5 Mackenzie & Cruickshank Ltd ............................................7 McDonald & Munro Ltd ......................................................2 Michael Sharp Joinery ........................................................5 Moray Arts Club ................................................................15 Newsome, Joanne - Canine Behaviourist ........................18 Physiotherapy Pilates..........................................................2 Pitman Training ................................................................17 Royal Marines Concert......................................................15 The Loft Bistro ....................................................Front Cover THL Home Improvements..................................Front Cover SpotLight - Buckie, Keith and District

Timber Garden Buildings ..................................................11 Ultimate Hair & Beauty......................................................19 Unique Beauty ..................................................Front Cover Universal Hall Ltd ..............................................................12 Walk History ........................................................................5 Wheelchair Care..................................................................7

Special Offer with Kim only £45 for cut & colour or £17.50 for a cut Bring this advert and receive £10 discount on Elemis anti-aging facial with Michelle.

01343 556611 Hair & Beauty 228 High St, Elgin opp M&S



August 2010 - page 19

Style, comfort and quality. It has to be Anderson & England.

Jade corner group

We stock a wide range of beautiful pieces for every room in the home – and we've built our reputation on our personal and dependable service. So call in and see what we have in store – and enjoy a coffee while you're with us.

Artisan 7 piece oak dining set

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Seve Leather corner group



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Lossie Wynd, Elgin. 01343 547411 Open 7 days Mon-Sat 9.30-5pm Sun 12-5pm Lossie Wynd, Elgin. 01343 547411 Open 7 days Mon-Sat 9.30-5pm Sun 12-5pm *Excludes clearance items. Typical 0% APR. Conditions apply. Credit subject to acceptance, written quotations on request from Anderson & England, Lossie Wynd, Elgin IV30 1QB.


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