Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 1
May 2012
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Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 2
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ONLY ONE CLASS OF PEOPLE CAN EVER BE SAVED namely sinners, or those who are lost. The supreme purpose for which Jesus Christ came into the world is that He might save sinners. He came to save you.. Jesus Himself declared, “I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” Matthew 9.13. All men by nature and practice are sinners, but multitudes do not own nor confess that they are. For such there is no hope of salvation. Only those who own and confess themselves lost sinners before God can be saved. In practically everything, save Christianity, there is a great variety. Christianity is unique in every respect. There is only one Christianity and it stands alone and apart from all the religions of the world. It cannot be compared with these religions, because it has nothing in common with them. It is the only and it is supreme, just as Jesus Christ is the only and is supreme. Only one Being in all the universe has the right and power to save the lost: Jesus Christ alone can save sinners. He came into the world to save sinners; He died on the Cross to save sinners; He was raised from the dead and exalted at God’s right hand to save sinners; He is appointed to save sinners; He is proclaimed in Scripture as the Saviour of sinners; and He does save all who receive Him by faith as their own personal Saviour. He alone can save you from the power of sin, the penalty of sin and make you a new creation with a new nature and new desires. Only one way has been provided whereby sinners may be saved. That way is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” Acts 16:31. “To him that worketh not, but believeth... his faith is counted for righteousness” Romans 4:5. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8. It is alone by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that sinners are saved. Good works, morality, baptism, joining a church, observing the Lord’s Supper and any similar things do not save you. These things are all good and right in their place but they are not a means to salvation. Salvation is not something the sinner must work out or merit, but it is provided by Christ’s redeeming work and the free gift of God to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The sinner cannot earn or merit salvation, he must receive it as a free gift from God. Only one thing remains for the sinner to do in order to be saved. He must turn from his sin and come to Christ, believing on Him and receiving Him to be saved. And he may freely come to Christ, since he is invited to come. Dear reader, come to the Lord Jesus, for though you have nothing to commend you to God, yet you are called, and He says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out” John 6:37. Therefore, come as you are, and do not delay.
Christ Christ Jesus ccame ame in into to the w world orld tto o sa save ve sinners
1 Timothy Timothy 1:15 5
” “ Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 3
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Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 4
Clubs,Societies & Regular Meetings BANFFSHIRE FIELD CLUB Meets monthly at St Rufus Church Hall, Turner Street, Keith to explore the district, its botany, geology, natural history, archaeology, etc. Contact Mrs K M Hawkes 840718 or visit www.banffshirefieldclub.org.uk BUCKIE AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND We meet in the Royal British Legion hall, Buckie, on Thursday evenings 6.30pm-9pm. Learners & experienced players welcome. www.buckiepipeband.co.uk BUCKIE AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Classes spanning all levels and coaching available. Ages 5-16. Contact David Eckersley 832078 BUCKIE ARCHERS If you are over 21 and interested in forming an Archery Club based in Buckie please email buckiearchers@yahoo.co.uk We have 2 targets, 2 recurve and 1 field bow for trial. BUCKIE BE ACTIVE LIFE
Sample One-Off Advertising Rates (Colour Advert) Box £47 Big Box £89 ¼ Page £161 ½ Page £305 Business Profile £333 Full Page £576 Discounts available for series bookings and Black & White SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV36 3UA, 01309 690063. All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright. page 4 - May 2012
LONG (B.A.L.L.) Gentle exercise for body and mind. Over 60’s welcome. Meet in the Guide Hall, Newlands Lane. Tuesdays 10am-12.15pm. Tel: 839200 / 832952. BUCKIE BRIDGE CLUB Wednesdays at 7pm, September to April. Buckie Community High School. Contact Mr B.G. Smith 832731 BUILDING BLOCKS NURSERY Spaces available for children aged 2-5 years. Also provide funded pre-school places. Open all year, including school holidays, 8am - 6pm. 37 St Peters Terrace, Buckie.Tel: 07771360880 BUCKIE CHORAL UNION Mixed choir. Rehearsals are on Thursdays 7:30-9:30pm in the Buckie North Church Hall, Buckie. For morel information (including map) visit www.buckiechoral.org.uk DIABETES UK MORAY VOLUNTARY GROUP AGM. and Understanding Diabetes presentation. 7pm. in Elgin Youth Cafe, Francis Place, Elgin, IV30 1LQ. All welcome, young and old, come along and learn more about diabetes and the activities of our local group. FAITH AND LIGHT GROUP BUCKIE To provide an evening of respite care to the parents or carers of club members. 1st and 3rd Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Anne Gerrard 831124 ‘FIT FUN’ FOR TOTS Fridays, 10.15am - 11.15am in Portessie Public Hall. Active games class for 2-3 year olds. Sessions include movement, ball skills, parachute games and nursery rhymes. Contact Kerry Main 01542 831165 or email kerrymain@hotmail.co.uk FOCHABERS HILL WALKING & RAMBLING CLUB Meets the last Sunday each month for hill walking outings.
£10 annual sub and £10-£20 bus fare. Contact Wilma Forsyth for more details 01343 821101 FOCHABERS PÉTANQUE CLUB To play and promote the game of Pétanque, Fochabers Cricket Club, Fochabers. Contact MIke Watt 832591 ISLA VOLLEYBALL CLUB Wednesdays, September - April. 7.30pm - 9pm Intermediate & Seniors; 9pm -10pm Seniors. Keith Community Centre. Contact Mhorag Mitchell 888310 JOG SCOTLAND BUCKIE Tuesdays 6.45pm, Swimming Pool car park. Juniors, Monday 4.30pm, BHS Games Hall. Suitable for beginners. email jsbuckie@walkjogrunmoray.org.uk or call 842847
Hotel, Keith. A social & support group for extraordinary people who just happen to have Multiple Sclerosis. Call Susan Shand 07823322268 for details NETMUMS Being a mum can be very isolating so meeting other mums can be a lifeline. Elgin and the surrounding area is such a great community and our mums are very welcoming, so come along and see what we are all about. Visit www.netmums.com for details of a local venue, contact Claire Brenton on 07989135607 or email claireymac1@aol.com OAP CLUB Club for the over 50’s, meets 2nd Tuesday each month, 1.45pm to 4pm, Longmore Hall, Keith
JOG SCOTLAND KEITH Mondays 6.30pm at Keith Community Centre, Juniors, Wednesdays 6pm. Suitable for beginners. Tel: 870609 or email jskeith@walkjogrunmoray.org.uk
QUARRIERS EPILEPSY SUPPORT GROUP 1st Wed each month. 6:30 - 8pm at Riverside Christian Church Hall, Buckie. Provides sufferers & carers the opportunity to socialise. Call Tara or Christine 01309 675900 or 07871151198.
ME MORAY SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Tuesday each month 7pm, Moray Resource Centre, Maisondeu Road, Elgin. Meet with other ME sufferers for support and information. Meetings are free with refreshments provided. www.memoray.org.uk/forum
WALKMORAY (NHS GRAMPIAN) Do YOU want to get more active? WalkMoray offers volunteer-led, short, weekly walks in various locations. For details contact Debbie Barron, Health Walk Co-ordinator on 01343 567172.
MORAY ADVANCE MOTORISTS & MOTORCYCLISTS Reg. Scottish Charity SC 033561 visit www.morayiam.org.uk or call 01309 673954 MORAY BURIAL GROUND RESEARCH GROUP (MBGRG) Local heritage group actively researching and recording monumental inscriptions in churchyards & cemeteries in Moray. Contact Helen Mitchell on 01343 546620 or visit www.mbgrg.org MS EXTRA Meets 1st Wed every month, 7pm in the lounge at Ugie House
tel: 01309 690063
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.
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SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 5
Scooters Riser/Recliners Electric Beds
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Do you like cats? Moray Cats Protection are looking for temporary fosterers. Could you help look after cats for a few weeks to a month to help us cope with the numbers needing to be helped. All equipment & support will be provided. Interested?
Please call Anne on 01343 860 397 for more information.
01542 810778
21 West Road, Greshop Industrial Estate, Forres IV36 2GW (Behind Lidl)
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 6
Pastoral letter and Church Meetings According to the Census over 70% of the people of this country are Christians, apparently. That is good to know. All those Christians must be having a major effect on society. The moral state of our society must be at an all-time high, marriages must be stable, with healthy families and church attendance must be good. And yet that is not what we see. So what is the problem? Well, it seems that there is Christianity and there is following Jesus and the two have become separated. Jesus told his disciples and those who would follow him: "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8: 34). Taking up the cross is essential to the Christian life. If we are to follow Jesus the only way to do it is by denying ourselves and taking up our cross first. In Matthew 10: 38 He says, “whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me”. It is absolutely necessary! Right back at the beginning of the Church the cross was described as foolishness (1 Corinthians 1: 18). In Galatians 5: 11 we read about the offence of the cross. There is a major emphasis in the Christian life about bearing a cross. But what does it mean?
Why is it offensive? Why do some people find it foolishnes? Well, Jesus was calling people to follow him, after having denied themselves and that is not easy. It can be plain offensive: I’m OK just as I am; why should I deny myself? Which aspect of my ‘self’ do you have a problem with? We get very defensive when we read that there may be something about us that needs to be denied. It’s OK if we are talking about New Year’s Resolutions, but whole life changes are another thing. Other people consider the idea that a crucified Saviour is worth following as foolishness. We want a powerful leader who can help with our economy, or our health, or our relationship issues. The cross just seems foolishness. And maybe, from the outside, it does seem foolishness. But that is the dilemma of the Christian life: you cannot experience it until you deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Jesus. You can pretend to follow Him, on your own terms. But that doesn’t give you a taste of the real thing. That is only a poor copy of what is really possible. It is only when you admit that there is a problem that needs to be crucified that you will be prepared to submit to the
Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : 1st Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall at 9.30am; Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact Rev Hutton Steel on 882559 / 886390 or email knnbrchurch@btconnect.com Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays). Contact Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld on 882799 or email: kay_gauld@btinternet.com Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC Sunday Masses : Vigil-Mass 9.30am & 6.30pm. Confessions Saturday 10am on request. Tel: 882352 Portessie Assembly Hall, Ogilvie Street Gospel Meetings on Sunday at 6:15pm. Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesday at 7:30pm. Tel: 01261 842646 Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am and 6pm (alternately here & at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church Sunday worship at 11am. Bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm. Craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm
page 6 - May 2012
foolishness of the cross and be prepared to bear the offence of the cross. The problem is that we are sinners – that is a big problem, but that is why crucifixion is necessary! There is no other way to experience the reality of being a follower of Jesus Christ. If you are taking up your cross you are heading for death: dying to your own plans; your ambitions, hopes and dreams, as well as your sins. It is a oneway trip. It isn’t something you can do on Sundays, or at Christmas. It is a whole life commitment. The result is worth the sacrifice. We get life in all its fullness: a clear conscience; the ability to live without any constraints; no more worrying; no more fear. Once you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3: 3) then you are free. Freedom in Christ is freedom forever. Why not take the risk and see what God can do with your life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Martin Keen Moray Coast Methodist Church
Portknockie Church of Christ Sunday 11am Breaking of Bread & 6pm Gospel Service. Friday 7pm Prayer Meeting & Bible Study. Ladies Fellowship (September - March) every 2nd Monday 7pm. Prayer Breakfast 8am Wednesdays. Leader Mr Stewart Gray 836007 Portknockie Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 11.15am, all welcome. Contact Morag Ritchie 01542 840951 or Heather Reid 01542 840921 Rathven Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 9.45am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Contact Moira 833956 or Ann 831607 Riverside Christian Church, Buckie Sundays at 10.30am. Call 833923 or visit www.riversidebuckie.org St Peters Church RC, St Andrews Square, Buckie Saturday Vigil 6.30 pm, Sunday Mass 10:00am. Resident Priest - Rev. E.P. Traynor. Tel: 832196 This is listed alphabetically from K to S and will be regularly be rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here, please email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk and we may print this in future issues.
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 7
Community Council News extracts from the minutes of the meeting of 6th of february 2012 of Keith community council
POLICE MATTERS new to Keith area constable brian reid attended the meeting and updated councilors. there were 31 recorded crimes in Keith which included :6 dishonesty 3 vandalisms a willful fire raising 4 road traffic offences the remainder was anti social behavior and a theft from a rural property. anyone with information can contact 0845 600 5 700 or crime stoppers on 0800 555 111 or call in at Keith police station. there were reports from councilors that youths on motor bikes are ruining the walks at Dunnyduff and in the cuthil. there has been no further repeat of taxis causing an obstruction on station road. anti social behavior at the skate park has calmed down. Jm mentioned the lane which goes from school road onto drum road. it was suggested that a lollipop person may be required as there are a lot of children going down the lane as well as cars at the same time. there is no access through the Junior Primary area now which gc will look into for the future. Police will monitor the situation. the situation there is to be reviewed by moray council as well. reported that there are people going around the lorry park stealing fuel. Vehicles still blocking up streets in Keith making it difficult for emergency service, delivery vehicles and bin lorries to access the street. Dog owners are being reported to be dropping their dog mess bags on the street for the street cleaner to pick up. this is also happening at the falls of tarnash. community warden to be notified. Presentation – there was a presentation by moria morrison who is the co-ordinator from moray youth Development. moira told councillors that they are always looking for volunteers. the loft in Keith are looking for adult volunteers to help with running the loft. it would be on a rota system. they also offer training for volunteers as well. it’s a way of making new friends, you give back
something to the community. you need to have enthusiasm, commonsense, don’t judge by what you see, be reliable, be good at communicating and listening. there is training for internet safety, drug and alcoholism, confidence to cook and first steps to youth work. Volunteering could lead to an employed job. MATTERS ARISING gc said that a meeting had taken place with bear. they came away with the knowledge that the manhole covers belong to scottish Water. the Keep clear sign on a96 road (turning up to Drum road) has been done. the yellow box at the banff road junction onto church road has been spoken about again and gc will go back to transport scotland to get it moved on. CORRESPONDENCE consultation on safety system for adventure activities in scotland. cl will do this one. maternity services. Jm thought it was more to do with aberdeenshire council. Proposed restructure of education and social services. social and education departments have come together as one. councilors filled out the consultation tonight. moray council is offering funding for the Jubilee celebrations. rotary in elgin are having an event. Jm is keen to have an event in Keith at the end of may so that it doesn’t coincide with other events in moray. hoping that clubs and residents will get involved. a Jubilee olympic theme was also a suggestion with an it’s a Knockout type event . meeting set for 22nd february in Keith community centre. conference in Planning on 21st april. Jcc meeting 9th february. young scot award – if anyone knows of a young person worthy of this award can they pass details to Davie carson or any rotary member. trees to be planted in banffshire to celebrate the Jubilee. all community councils are doing this.suggestions needed for a place to plant a tree in Keith. cc will reply to lady clare russell that we are interested in doing this. beattrice offshore Wind application – has
been submitted to moray council. it is the Pre - Planning application. there is to be a meeting in Keith community centre on 9th february which is a drop - in meeting. COMMUNITY COUNCILLORS UPDATES cl - roads and rights of Way – manhole covers in the town at 25 mid street, Weston house, autobody centre and 3 Dunnyduff roads need to be sorted. Water running off the side at cutting on newmill road is freezing on the road at the right hand side. ferns and weeds growing out of the auld brig need to be cleared. hand rail not fixed at the top of the steppes yet. issue of who should repair it. Jm – Planning – no objections for an extension at fife Keith hotel or any other planning applications to properties that Jm listed. mc – signs and street furniture - a96 signage – Possibly ask regeneration Partnership about this. mr – cleansing – there are complaints of mice in houses in Den. rubbish at houses is attracting the vermin. sc will look into this matter. External Groups Updates tag – mc updated councilors on an open times souvenir/tourist leaflet that may be published for the Keith area. she had the buckie map to let councillors see how it was done for this area. mc felt that some important landmarks were left out and in order for the leaflet to be as effective as possible as much about Keith should be put in the leaflet. she will be consulting with the company on the way forward with the leaflet.the Visit scotland leaflet mentioned Keith as well and she hoped it could be elaborated. mc talked about the visit she had from Dr alisdair allan the minister for learning, science and scotland’s languages. there is hope that Keith can become the country’s first recognized scots toun. it is hoped that a network of other scots touns will get involved.
OThER COMMUNITY COUNCIL CONTACTS Keith Community Council: meets first monday of each month (excluding January/august) 7pm at Keith community centre. contact: Diane halley (secretary) tel: 886640
page 7 - May 2012
Buckie Community Council meets third tuesday each month (excluding July) 7pm town house West. contact: gordon cowie (secretary) tel: 831956
tel: 01309 690063
Strathisla Community Council meets first Wednesday of every month (excluding January and august) Keith community centre contact: (secretary) 01542 870727
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 8
Local Holidays, School Term Dates &Useful Numbers Local Holidays May Day Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Queens Diamond Jubilee Buckie Holiday § Buckie Holiday § Summer Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Buckie Holiday § Keith Holiday
Mon. 7th May 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Tues. 5th June 2012 Mon. 11th June 2012 Mon. 30th July 2012 Mon. 6th Aug. 2012 Mon. 13th Aug. 2012 Mon. 10th Sept. 2012 Mon. 15th Oct. 2012
Buckie Holiday § Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 St Andrews Day Fri. 30th Nov. 2012 Tues. 25th Dec. 2012 Christmas Day Boxing Day Wed. 26th Dec. 2012 Tues. 1st Jan. 2013 New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday Wed. 2nd Jan. 2013 * substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday § includes Cullen, Findochty & Portknockie ‡ includes Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay & Urquhart
School Term Dates for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Milne’s High & Feeders Friday 4th May 2012 May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012 In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Keith Grammar & Feeders Monday 4th June 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 Buckie High & Feeders Monday 11th June 2012 for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 21st August 2012
Autumn Term Ends Winter Term Starts In-service Closure In-service Closure Winter Term Ends Spring Term Starts Mid-term Holiday Mid-term Holiday Spring Term Ends
Friday 12th October 2012 Monday 29th October 2012 Monday 19th November 2012 Tuesday 20th November 2012 Fri. 21st December 2012 Monday 7th January 2013 Friday 15th February 2013 Monday 18th February 2013 Thursday 28th March 2013
Useful Numbers If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers, please email these to tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk SCHOOLS Botriphnie Primary School ............................01542 810207 Cluny Primary School....................................01542 831417 Crossroads Primary School ..........................01542 870221 Cullen Primary School ..................................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ............................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ....................................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School ................................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School ..................................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ........................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ................................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ..............................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ..........................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ..........................01542 840244 Rothiemay Primary School .......................... 01466 711220 St Peters RC Primary School ........................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School ......................01542 882256 Buckie High School ......................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ..................................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ......................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ....................................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ................................01542 835577 Seafield & Cullen Medical Group...................01542 835577 Keith Medical Centre......................................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000 page 8 May 2012
DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice ............................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ................................(01542) 831163 PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith..................................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ..........................01542 882533 Cullen Pharmacy............................................01542 840220 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ......................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ..............01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ........................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ............................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre....................................01542 832841 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre................................01542 882222 Keith Swimming Pool ....................................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ..................................01542 886174 Keith Library ..................................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ................................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith................01542 885500 Registrar ........................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr......................................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ....................................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ............................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 9
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LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE IN MAY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 0147 0249 0346 0443 0543 0642 0741
PM 1423 1520 1617 1716 1816 1915 2011
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
AM 0836 0927 1016 1105 1158 0013 0110 0211 0311 0406 0457 0546
PM 2102 2149 2234 2322 1253 1351 1451 1546 1635 1723 1807
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
AM 0633 0717 0759 0838 0916 0952 1029 1110 1154 0008 0105 0207
PM 1850 1932 2011 2049 2125 2200 2238 2319 1245 1342 1442
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Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 11
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4#
PLeaSe Send uS deTaiLS of YouR evenTS Log on to www.spotlighton.co.uk email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063 Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s~on listings deadline for June issue is friday 04/05/12
from lhanbryde primary school office. dividing the silence @ the loft 8pm, the loft, east grange farm, kinloss, forres, IV36 2UD. tickets ÂŁ5. visit www.eastgrange.co.uk or call 01343 850 111
April 23 - May 5 women in moray - art exhibition mon - fri 10am-5pm sat 11am-4pm, elgin museum. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;promoting womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. ÂŁ1.00 entrance fee (free for moray society members and conference ticket holders)
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre
April 24 - onwards interactive exhibition of modern automata & kinetic art 10am - 5pm, tuesday - saturday at the house of automata, kinloss (next to petrol station). free entry. call 01309 691212 for more information or visit www.thehouseofautomata.com
APRIL 23 monday
miles kane @ ironworks 7pm. 14+. tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
26 thursday admiral fallow @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. tickets or info call 08717894173 / www.ironworksvenue.com babs dial a bus tombola doors open 6:45pm for 7:30pm at the british legion, buckie. admission ÂŁ1.50, children 75p. all welcome. bring your own cup. star prize ÂŁ60 voucher. call 01542 835800
27 friday the moray society AGM & lecture doors 7pm, elgin museum. followed by last lecture of the season â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the two cuthbert grahamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by dr elizabeth ritchie. the syndicate presents found on the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;floor, filthpact & the obscenitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 8pm, flanagans bar, elgin. a night of punk, metal & catchy choruses. for more info email thesyndicate2008@btinternet.com or visit www.facebook.com/thesyndicate2008 patt group pamper evening 7pm - 9:30pm at lhanbryde primary school. over 15s only. fantastic stalls and wide range of therapies to choose from. ÂŁ4 includes mocktail & nibbles. tickets available SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
Your Your local venue for films, shows, concerts and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages. Friday 11th 11th - June Field ...................... Evening of Mediumship Friday 25th - Cinema Nairn ................... â&#x20AC;&#x153;Michael Claytonâ&#x20AC;? 2007 (15) Another chance to see TTilda ilda Swintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Swintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ss Oscar winning performance with George Clooney in this legal thriller thriller.. Sunday 27th - Music Nairn presents ....... â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anthony Hewittâ&#x20AC;? on Piano Coming up on Friday 1st June Highland Hospice Cabaret Evening and Fashion show
For further details TTelephone elephone 01667 453476, e-mail, info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
28 saturday coffee morning 10am - 12noon, north church, keith. ÂŁ2 adults & ÂŁ1 children. proceeds to crossroads primary school. call karen clarke on 01542 870722 for more information. pritchard vs dainton @ ironworks 8pm, 18+. tickets or info call 08717894173 / www.ironworksvenue.com the house of automata and obscura day 5pm at house of automata, kinloss (next to petrol station), forres. enter a magical world where rare mechanical entertainers come to life. 40 minute show ÂŁ5, book at www.atlasobscura.com. contact 01309 691212
May 2012 - page 11
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MAY 2012
19 saturday
5 saturday
‘time for tease’ burlesque night @ ironworks 9pm. 18+. standing. tickets or info call 08717894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com by the seat of your pants @ universal hall 4pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £7 / £6 concessions / £5 u16s available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110 or at www.wegottickets.com
funk'void & silicone soul @ ironworks 7:30pm. 18+. for tickets 08717894173 / www.ironworksvenue.com jamp @ universal hall 2pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £7 / £6 concessions / £4 u16s available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110 elgin’s 2nd scottish theme day (part of the 12th spirit of speyside whisky festival) 10am - 4pm. browse the scottish themed market from 10am and enjoy the traditional scottish music & dance. activities held around the city centre and st giles centre. visit www.elginbid.com for info.
9 wednesday NADFAS fine art lecture 11.00am, sherwood suite at the eight acres hotel, elgin. 'angels, saints & virgins: the extraordinary art of the hispanic andes' delivered by geri parlby. visitors welcome.
11 friday dodgy @ ironworks 7:30pm. tickets or info call 08717894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com evening of mediumship with june field at nairn community & arts centre. call 01667 453476 or email info@nairncc.co.uk for tickets and more information.
12 saturday 70s fancy dress disco 8pm - midnight, deskford community centre. tickets £6 with licensed bar. for tickets or information call 07779336971 art & craft spring fair 10am - 4pm, fishermen's hall, buckie. free entry. refreshments served. coast @ ironworks 7:30pm. tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
13 sunday buckie classic car show at linzee gordon park, buckie (next to tesco) no admission charge for the public or for classic vehicles. call 07831 263915 for enquiries or visit www.buckieclassiccarshow.org
16 wednesday roddy woomble @ ironworks 7:30pm. unreserved cabaret seating . for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com diabetes question time 7pm for 7:30pm, longmore hall, keith. a chance to put questions to a panel of health professionals. free entry & refreshments provided. held by diabetes uk moray in association with grampian nhs. admin@diabetesukmoray.org.uk
17 thursday the pigeon detectives @ ironworks 7:30pm. tickets or info 0871 789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com
18 friday ‘by the seat of your pants’ a clown style family show 7:30pm at deskford community centre. tickets £8/£6. for tickets or information call 07779336971. page 12 - May 2012
20 sunday gordon castle highland games and country fair 11am - 5pm, fochabers. for details & tickets at a special on-line discount visit our website www.gordoncastle.co.uk /highland-games stand up and be kilted for moray with fred macauly & friends 7:30pm for 8pm start, mansfield hotel, elgin. an evening of fun & comedy. another opportunity to wear a kilt or touch of tartan to raise the profile of moray. tickets £20 can be reserved at info@moraychamber.co.uk.
23 wednesday - 28 monday happyness - inverness play host to an exciting new comedy festival. world renowned comedy stars as well as newcomers, break-through acts & gaelic talent. includes ardal o’hanlon, bill bailey, dylan moran and scotland’s own fred macaulay. visit www.happy-ness.co.uk
25 friday bhajan sandhya @ universal hall 8pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £10 / £8 concessions / £6 u16s available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110 or at www.wegottickets.com we were promised jetpacks @ ironworks 7:30pm. call 0871 789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com jj gilmour @ the loft 8pm, the loft, east grange farm, kinloss, forres, IV36 2UD. call 01343 850111 or visit www.eastgrange.co.uk
26 saturday abc boxing tournament returns to ironworks 7pm. 16+. unreserved seating. tickets or info call 08717894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
27 sunday songs of praise evening 7:30pm at the cullen methodist church. all welcome.
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
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Cinema Nairn Friday 25th May, 7.30pm Michael Clayton 2007 (15) Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cinema Listings May 2012 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Throughout May
Bel Ami (15) Into The Abyss (12a) In Darkness (15) The Kid With A Bike (12a) Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details
Vue Cinema, Inverness From Wed 2nd May American Pie: Reunion (tbc) Beauty and the Beast 3D (U) Men in Black 3 (tbc)
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
The Dictator (tbc)
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk
Dark Shadows (tbc) How I Spent My Summer Vacation Jeff Who Lives at Home (15) Safe (15)
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit www.highlandspiritualcinema.net or telephone 01463 237452
KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Visit www.myvue.com for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email: portessiepublichall@hotmail.co.uk
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
May 2012 - page 13
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stalls, raffle. all proceeds to leith hall & brodie castle.
MAY 2012 continued music nairn presents anthony hewitt (piano) 7:30pm, nairn community & arts centre. playing schumann, schubert, chopin & more. tickets £18, members £14, students £2. for info call 01667 453476 or visit www.olympianist.com.
30 wednesday tannahill weavers @ universal hall 7:30pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £10 / £8 concessions / £6 u16s available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110 or at www.wegottickets.com
16 saturday absolute elvis for ironworks 7pm. seated. tickets or info tel: 08717894173 / www.ironworksvenue.com
17 sunday rrrrallye 10am - 4pm, keith community and sports centre, banff road, keith. promoting road awareness for youths & funds raised go towards vouchers for 17-25 year olds to enable them to take part in a free skid car course or get money off their pass plus or advanced driving courses. call linda on 01542 887717 or email rrrrallye@hotmail.co.uk
JUNE 2012 in brief
21 thursday
1 friday
bbc antiques roadshow 9:30am - 4:30pm in the grounds of cawdor castle. enquiries and ticket info call 01667 404401 or visit www.cawdorcastle.com
highland hospice cabaret evening & fashion show at nairn community & arts centre. call 01667 453476 or email info@nairncc.co.uk for tickets and more info
1 friday - 3 sunday northern roots festival held on bogbain farm, a short hop from inverness city centre, offering an enticing mix of folk, roots and country acts including blazin’ fiddles and the groanbox boys. for more info visit www.northernrootsfestival.co.uk
2 saturday lhanbryde community challenge quiz night 7pm for 7:30pm, lhanbryde community centre. £2 per person with teams of four. BYOB and nibbles. swri arts & crafts show 11am - 3pm, elgin town hall. stalls & raffle, tea/coffee and home baking available.
2 saturday - 3 sunday cawdor castle garden tours 11am & 2pm. included in normal gardens ticket. enquiries & ticket info call 01667 404401 or visit www.cawdorcastle.com
3 sunday motorfun 12pm - 5pm, cooper park, elgin. organised by the rotary club of elgin. free event offers a new cars motor show, classic and vintage cars, "show and shine" cars, motorbikes, live entertainment, with bands, stalls and more. visit www.elginrotary.co.uk.
8 friday - 10 sunday rock ness on the very shores of loch ness. features headline performances from ed sheeran and indie folk favourites mumford and sons and noah and the whale, alongside scotland’s own biffy clyro. visit www.rockness.co.uk for more info.
9 saturday nts, banff and moray members' centre coffee morning 10am - 12noon, holy trinity church hall, elgin. plants, cake & candy, bottle & white elephant page 14 - May 2012
HOW tHe “WHAt’S On” WORKS all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk Permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or money-making) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like a paid for enhanced listing (big white box) the cost is from £33 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. Deadline for June Issue is Friday 09/05/12
Cullen Crafts Suppliers for Cardmaking, Scrapbooking, Jewellery Making, Knitting and own range of Handmade Cards, Gifts & Jewellery
34 South Castle St, Cullen
tel: 01309 690063
www.cullen-crafts.co.uk SpotLight on Buckie, Keith & District
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Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 16
Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Confidential Flourless Triple Chocolate and Orange Brownies Afternoon Tea is very fashionable and proving very popular at Knockomie and these Brownies are one of the varieties we bake. They are always very popular. During the Summer sunny weather we can serve Afternoon Tea in the garden, available between 3pm and 5pm daily. 300g White Chocolate 75g Unsalted Butter 275g Dark Chocolate 70% 4 x Large Eggs 175g Caster Sugar 100g Milk Chocolate Chips 200g Ground Almonds Finely grated rind of 1 Orange Heat the oven to 190°C and you will need a 23cm x 33cm x 1.5cm deep oven proof tin, lined with baking parchment. Method 1. Break up 150g of white chocolate in a bowl with the butter and place over a pan of barely simmering water to melt and mix together. 2. Roughly chop the dark and white chocolate and place in a clean bowl. Add the milk chocolate chips. 3. In a separate bowl beat together with an electric hand whisk the eggs and sugar until light and frothy. Beat in the melted butter and white chocolate mixture, and the grated orange rind. 4. Stir in the ground almonds and the chopped chocolate pieces. 5. Pour the mixture into the lined tin and place on the centre shelf in the oven. Bake for 35 minutes until risen and firm to touch. Test with a skewer to ensure it comes out clean. You might need to test various sections to make sure you test the sponge not the chocolate chunks! 6. Leave to cool completely in the tin. When completely cold, turn out and cut in to squares. Indulge and enjoy! You can substitute the ground almonds for self raising flour if you prefer.
Penny Ellis, Owner - Knockomie Hotel, Forres. Tel: 01309 673146
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 17
The Caledonian MacBrayne ferry eased away from the terminal at Lochboisdale, South Uist, on a warm, still, late June afternoon. Bound for Oban. Many of the passengers were on deck. the usual mixture of local people, delivery drivers and tourists, taking advantage of the warm sun and the views. A couple were close to me at the rail. They had been on the Uists for two weeks, walking and looking at wild life and, although they had seen a lot of birds, their one regret was that they had not been able see to an otter during their stay. The Highlands and Islands are rightly famous for containing some of the last true wild areas in Europe and a rich variety of wildlife. Hardly a week goes by without close up images of Red squirrels or fishing Ospreys on the television and other media. So why had the couple on the rail not been able to realise their ambition of seeing a wild otter? After all, the Uistsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; are one of the best places in Europe to see these animals. The answer is, of course, that the Scottish wilderness is a tough place to live, food can be scarce and the weather makes survival demanding. So wildlife can be thin on the ground and in addition wild birds and animals avoid or hide from the people trying to watch them â&#x20AC;&#x201C; very annoying!
Mike Rae Copyright C
Back at the rail of the Cal Mac ferry, 50 metres away, an otter was swimming silently and low in the water, leaving a faint wake behind. I pointed it out to the couple and tried to show them, but by the time they had found their binoculars the otter had disappeared. Seemingly dissolving into the dark water as the ferry picked up speed. Over the coming months I will share with you my experiences of spending time with wildlife and help you realise your ambitions, be they watching a wild otter fishing or just being able to see more and identify the birds around you on a weekend walk.
Copyrig ht Mike Rae
Mike Rae is a communication coach and has travelled the world watching and photographing wildlife. He returns regularly to the Highlands and Islands to continue his obsession of watching wildlife, especially otters!
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 18
7KH %LUG 0DQ SEA HAWK, FISH EAGLE OR FISH HAWK THE OSPREY, one of Scotlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most iconic birds will now be back on its breeding grounds after a long hard migration from its winter quarters in West Africa. Driving around any part of Speyside you will frequently see this amazing birdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s image adorned on sides of guest houses, hotels and local businesses. In fact it was the huge image of the Osprey that once hung on the side of the Old Aviemore Centre buildings that first lit my passion for this species (and hence the logo for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Birding Ecosseâ&#x20AC;?) The Osprey is highly adapted to a life feeding on fish. Its talons have a reversible toe and rough, spiky scales that allow the bird to grip and carry a slippery fish in head on torpedo fashion. In full breeding season it has been known for the male to catch up to eight fish per day to feed its hungry chicks. And the sight of an Osprey plunging feet first into a
loch to catch a Pike or Brown trout is a sight that will long remain with you. At present two of the most famous Ospreys have returned to their favourite nesting sites. The first is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ladyâ&#x20AC;? from the Loch of the Lowes, Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve at Dunkeld, now in her 23rd year! And â&#x20AC;&#x153;EJâ&#x20AC;? at RSPB Loch Garten Reserve. Both are worth a visit (entrance fee payable to non SWT or RSPB members respectively) or alternatively log onto their websites to witness live video feeds direct from the nests! If you visit a local estuary such as Findorn bay in Moray or Loch Fleet in Sutherland you may just catch these birds as they pass through en route to their breeding grounds. For more detailed information log onto www.rspb.org.uk, www.swt.org.uk or www.roydennis.org Next month we will look at Sea Swallows, so until then â&#x20AC;&#x153;Good Birding!â&#x20AC;?
Information kindly supplied by Birding Ecosse, offering Birdwatching for beginners workshops.
eys tes. wes, now ten fee ecs to ts!
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Elgin Marble Company
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 19
Tel: 01343 547289 Fax: 01343 556226 Email: info@elgin-marble.co.uk - www.elgin-marble.co.uk Visit our Showroom at New Elgin Road, Elgin, IV30 6BA Craftsmen in Marble, Granite and Slate since 1919 Traditional and Contemporary Designs to suit your specific requirements
Wood and Multi-Fuel Stoves - Supplied and Fitted
Granite, Marble, Quartz and Silestone Kitchen Worktops Supplied and Installed In-House Design Team available to turn your Dream Kitchen/Bathroom/Fireplace into Reality
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 20
Dreaming of... A Short Break
Time can be limited in our busy lives today but taking a few days away can sometimes be all we need to recharge our batteries! For some a City Break may be the answer. There are a few good choices from Scottish Airports one of the most convenient being the flight from Inverness to Amsterdam. A wonderful choice of Galleries, museums and colourful nightlife all a relatively short hop from home! Paris is another destination that never loses its appeal. The Champs Eysees, Arc de Triomphe and of course the Eiffel Tower are the obvious tourist stops but a wander through the Latin Quarter, St Germain and Montmarte gives you a real flavour of this beautiful city. This year is the 20th anniversary of Disneyland Paris so a wee side trip there will no doubt please the younger (and younger at heart) members of the family! Athens is now within reach with direct flights from Edinburgh. The Acropolis, Temple of Athena & the National Archaeological Museum are all in the city and a trip to The Sacred Site of Delphi to see the Temple of Apollo would provide enough knowledge to get a Gold Star in any school project on Ancient Greece! The Plaka area of Athens with it's maze of narrow streets is perfect for browsing stalls selling pottery, jewellery and marble. Eating out here is mainly outdoors in the Tavernas specialising in Souvlaki (kebab), spanakopita (spinach pie) & Meze (greek tapas) all washed down with some surprisingly good local wine! A short break doesn't need to be just a city however. More frequent flights from Edinburgh and Glasgow mean you can have a few days in the sun. Fly to Palma in Majorca - a wonderful city often overlooked - and you can combine a city and beach. Faro Airport makes the beaches of the Portugese Algarve easily accessable and Faro itself is not to be missed with some lovely churches and an old walled town overlooking the sea. The amazing nesting Storks all over the town are worth a visit alone! A bit longer onboard a plane will get you to Dubai which is perfect for a short break. A stay in some of the world's most elaborate hotels could be the ideal way to celebrate a special anniversary or birthday. Take a very fast lift ride up to the observation deck on the 124th floor of the world's highest building for remarkable views, shop in fabulous high end boutiques and the spice and gold souks or take a Dhow (boat) ride across the Creek - you can even Ski!
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Â&#x2021; +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 21
www.beavtrav.com INVERNESS departures
ABERDEEN departures
DUBROVNIK - 4th June H/B from..................................... £869pp
VENICE - 27th May B&B from ............................ £579pp
PORTUGAL 4 STAR 11th June A/I from ............ £599pp 3rd Sept A/I from .............. £599pp
LAKE GARDA 27th May B&B from ............................ £568pp SORRENTO - 16th June B&B from ........................... £589pp
VENICE and VERONA 1st July H/B from ............... £875pp LAKE GARDA 1st July B&B from.............. £589pp 7th Oct B&B from.............. £589pp SORRENTO - 6th October B&B from ............................ £599pp CYPRUS - 25th November H/B from ............................. £797pp
FLORENCE - 16th June H/B from ............................. £729pp
ELGIN 01343 548844
DUBROVNIK - 2nd July S/C from ............................. £606pp Hidden PORTUGAL - 17th Sept. H/B from ............................. £659pp
FORRES 01309 672203
SICILY - 6th October B&B from ............................ £649pp
All holidays are priced per person, for 7 nights based on 2 people sharing a room.
Beaver Travel, 2-6 South Street, Elgin 78 High Street, Forres
Beaver Travel (Elgin and Forres) is a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box office prices - NO BOOKING FEE!
! !!
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 22
Index of Advertisers Alan Milne Peugeot ................................................5 Anderson Removals ................................................3 Ashley Ann ..................................Inside Back Cover Beaver Travel ................................................20 & 21 Cat Protection Moray ............................................5 City of Elgin BID Limited ......................................10 Cullen Crafts..........................................................14 Dallas Designs ......................................................21 Elgin Marble Company ........................................19 Elgin Sand and Gravel ............................................9 Fast Fix......................................................3,5,9 & 21 Forres Tree Services................................................5 Gordon Castle ......................................................12
For Bedding Plants M&C &C M is the place to Bee!
GT Tyres Ltd..............................Outside Back Cover Horizon Blinds ......................................................15 Linda Marlow Dog Grooming..................................3 Mackenzie & Cruickshank ....................................22 Nairn Community & Arts Centre ..........................11 Roof Wizard ............................................................3 Scotengineering ....................................................21 SJ Chimney Services ..............................................5 Unique Beauty ................................Front Cover & 3 Wheelchair Care......................................................5 William Wilson ........................................................9 Words By The Wayside ..............Inside Front Cover
See our top quality range of bedding plants, for a beautiful summer plant display. Choose from Impatiens, Marigolds, Petunias, Lobelia, Geraniums, Sweet Peas, Surfinias, Pansies and many, many more.
Bringing life to your home and garden...
1 West Road, Forres IV36 2GW 01309 696940
To advertise in the next issue of SpotLight on Buckie & Keith call 01309 690063 or go online www.spotlighton.co.uk
PPay ay
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 23
BUT WHEN? Times are tough, so we’ve made things just a bit easier with these brilliant deals
BUY NOW - PAY 2013 or 5.9% APR FINANCE
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Call in at your local showroom to find out more INVERNESS: 18 Carsegate R oad. T: T: 01463 711548 Road. ELGIN: 27 Tyock Tyock Industrial Estate. T: T: 01343 545155
or visit: ashleyann.co.uk 5.9% Scheme: Cash PPrice rice £15000. Deposit 20% £3000. Amount of Credit £12000. 60 monthly payments £230.59. APR 5.9%. Total Total repayable including cash deposit £16835.40 P ay Later: Cash Price P rice £15000. Deposit 20% £3000. Amount of Credit £12000. Buy Now Pay PPay ay amount of credit within 12 months (paying no interest) or 84 monthly payments of £281.85. APR 17.9%. Total Total payable including cash deposit £26675.40.
Buckie May 2012. 16/04/2012 10:22 Page 24
BRAKES EXHAUSTS BATTERIES ALIGNMENT Forres – 01309 647161 Keith – 01542 882401 Huntly – 01466 794449