November 2011
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SpotLight Clubs and Societies
1ST BUCKIE BOYS BRIGADE Mon. Anchor Boys 6pm; Tues. B and Club 6pm; Wed. Gymnastics 6.30pm; Fri. Juniors 6pm; Fri. Company 7.20pm; Sunday Bibleclass 10am. Contact Alan McIntosh 832999 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPSBUCKIE & KEITH Al-Anon Family Groups offer free, confidential help & support to the relatives & friends of problem drinkers. Local weekly groups in Buckie & Keith. For further information call 020 7403 0888, visit or email BANFFSHIRE FIELD CLUB Meets monthly at St Rufus Church Hall, Turner Street, Keith to explore the district, inquiring into its geology, botany, natural history, archaeology, etc. Contact Mrs K M Hawkes 840718 or visit the website BUCKIE AMATEUR SWIMMING CLUB Classes spanning all levels and coaching available. Ages 5-16. Contact David Eckersley 832078 BUILDING BLOCKS NURSERY Spaces available for children aged 2-5 years. Open all year, including school holidays, 8am til 6pm. Also provide funded preschool places, 37 St Peters Terrace, Buckie Tel: 07771360880 BUCKIE RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Meets Saturdays 10am-12noon for training, Linzee Gordon Park. BUCKIE VICTORIA BOWLING CLUB West Church Street Buckie, tel 832521 CLOCHAN ART GROUP We are a small group who enjoy painting and drawing and we meet in Clochan Hall every Monday Afternoon, 2pm-4pm. Members work in all mediums
page 4 - November 2011
and are only too happy to offer help and advice to each other over a cup of coffee. Come along any Monday if you want to learn more! CULLEN BOWLING AND TENNIS CLUB Provides a service to anyone who is interested in Bowling and Tennis. Bowls, tennis rackets, balls and shoes all available. Contact Sandra Douglas 840118 DARNAWAY CURLING CLUB Small, friendly club would be delighted to welcome new members for the coming season. Why not come and try a new sport. For further details contact FOCHABERS HILL WALKING & RAMBLING CLUB Meets the last Sunday each month for hill walking outings. £10 annual sub and £10-£20 bus fare. Contact Wilma Forsyth for more details 01343 821101 GRANGE BADMINTON CLUB Tuesday evenings, 7pm to 9.30pm, King Memorial Hall, Grange. Contact Chris Lancaster 870622 ISLA VOLLEYBALL CLUB Wednesday evenings from September to April, Keith Community Centre. 7.30pm-9pm Intermediate & Seniors; 9pm10pm Seniors. Contact Mhorag Mitchell 888310 JOG SCOTLAND KEITH Meets on Mondays 6.30pm at Keith Community Centre, Juniors meet on Wednesdays 6pm. Suitable for beginners. Tel: 870609 or email jskeith@walk KEITH AND DISTRICT AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB Meets Wednesdays, 7pm, Keith Community Centre Car Park, Annual subscription £15, Contact Club Secretary, Steven Taylor: Tel 832898, 07808 687036
tel: 01309 690063
KEITH & DISTRICT PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP Meets regulary in different places throughout Keith & District, for more information on where next meeting takes place tel: 01542 831449 KEITH SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLASS Meets every Thursday in the Royal British Legion Hall, Keith 7.30pm-9.30pm MORAY BURIAL GROUND RESEARCH GROUP (MBGRG) Local heritage group who actively research and record monumental inscriptions in churchyards and cemeteries in Moray. For further information and to find out about our next meeting contact Helen Mitchell on 01343 546620 or visit EAGLES BASKETBALL CLUB Developing Basketball in Moray. U12, U14, U16s in Buckie, Elgin & Forres, Adults mixed (Tuesdays 7.30-10pm Elgin Academy) & Adults Women (7-8pm Wednesdays Elgin Academy). If interested in any of the above contact Graham Stewart on 07972 178 790 or MORAY BUSINESS WOMEN An informal club for women within the Moray area who have an interest in business, networking, sharing information and general socialising. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month. For more information, tel: Michelle on 07887 730708 or e-mail us at MORAY COAST MOTORCYCLE CLUB Meets the 1st Wednesday every month at Mill House Hotel, Tynet, Buckie. Join us for social ride out’s, fundraisers and more. Visit or
contact Tracey Scott tel: 07928 444376 MORAY DISABILITY FORUM Speaking on behalf of disabled people and their carers from across Moray, with a united voice through consultation and partnership with services that support them. We welcome everyone interested, or working, in the area of disability to become a member of the group. Contact Mike McKenzie, c/o Moray Resource Centre, Elgin. Tel: 07967 440164 NIKKI’S AEROBICS Exercise class at Longmore Hall, Keith on Tuesdays 7pm to 8pm ‘NO STRINGS ATTACHED’ CONFIDENTIAL HELPLINE If you are caring for someone who is affected by drugs, alcohol or mental health issues and you feel that it is having an impact on you and the rest of your family call 01343 555031 for help and advice. Anonymity if required PORTGORDON ART GROUP We are a group of 25 who meet every Friday afternoon, 1pm4pm in the Portgordon Community Centre. We work in different mediums and on varied subject matter, but what we have in common is our love of drawing and painting. We have a couple of places left, so if you're interested in joining us - come along or phone us on 850409
ROTARY CLUB OF BUCKIE Meets every Monday evening at 5.30pm for 6pm in the Marine Hotel, Buckie. Visit our website
WALK BUCKIE Meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm, departing for 30-45 mins walks at various paces from Buckie Swimming Pool car park.
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
The Editor Understandably, there is much emotion surrounding the RAF bases located at Lossiemouth and Kinloss. Whilst it is great news that RAF Lossie’ is staying open there is also some sadness about uncertainty surrounding the future of RAF Kinloss. It was Jean-Paul Sartre who coined the phrase - ‘Il faut cultiver son jardin’ which roughly translates as we must get on with the circumstances that we have. The residents and workers affected by these decisions are showing this in spades!
New Homes Kylauren Showhome.................19
Nature Eyes to the Skies ......................24
PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ......................Eilidh Conners ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT ...............Megan Woodman DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson Clubs & Societies ............................4 Pastoral Letter.................................6 Council News ..................................8 Tide Times.....................................10 Church Details...............................10 Parliament Blog.............................12 Local Holidays...............................12 School Term Dates........................12 What’s On ..............................15 - 19 Cinema Listings.............................17 Useful Numbers ............................30 Advertisers Index ..........................30
Black Gold Beef Casserole.......20
Outdoor The Bird Man ............................22
The Tattie Holidays ...................26
Travel A Christmas Break ....................28
December Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 04/11/11 Advertising - Wednesday 9/11/11
Tel: 01381 620394 MOBILE
07917 274101 Email:
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SpotLight Pastoral Letter November is always a busy month in All Saints, Buckie as the month begins with the celebration of our Feast of Title: All Saints Day, which falls on 1st November each year. The month of November also sees the celebration of St Margaret of Scotland on 16th November our secondary patron and St Andrew, our principal patron at the end of the month on 30th November. We also remember all those who gave their lives for this country that we might be safe and free on Remembrance Sunday. This set me thinking about saints, and a good staring point as always is the Bible where the word was often used to describe the followers of Christ, as when Ananias is very unsure of the commission to go and lay hands on Saul lying blind and stricken after encountering the risen Christ on the Damascus Road, and Ananias says; “Lord, I have heard from many about this man and the evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem” (Acts 9:13). St Paul himself uses the word “saint” with the same meaning, and particularly in his letter to the Ephesians where there are five instances. Paul recalls his earlier attitude towards Christians and describes himself as “the least of all the saints” (Ephesians 3:8), and later in the next chapter of the same letter refers to “equipping the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). In the much later letter attributed to St Jude, the author refers to “the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints” (Jude 3), indicating that the essential tenets of the Christian faith are very precious and unchangeable being matters of revelation to those entrusted with the duty of keeping that faith safe and sharing the good news of that faith with others. Maybe the reference here is to all Christians, that is to say the Church as a whole or perhaps it is a reference to the key leaders of the Church which in some traditions is understood as the Bishops as guardians of the Faith.
page 6 - November 2011
Which ever way we read this will colour our understanding of how the Christian community works and is ordered, but it is interesting to see how the meaning of the word “saint” is beginning to change. I due time the word “Saint” has come to mean someone recognised as having been officially recognised for their outstanding sanctity or for their willingness to die for their faith. The persecution of Christians under the Roman Emperors before AD313 provided a great number of martyrs who along with the Apostles and leading pastors, preachers and teachers of the faith form the core of our Calendar of Saints. In addition to those officially recognised as “Saints”, there are very many people who have lived out their lives very close to God, and may well have influenced us for the good and helped us in our own Christian pilgrimages, a very few of these people may some day be given official recognition in the Calendar of Saints, but we remember all these godly but unsung heroes of the Faith on All Saints Day and give thanks for their lives and examples. St Margaret of Scotland (Secondary Patron Saint of Scotland), who died in 1093, was a remarkable learned, pious and holy woman. Margaret spoke and wrote several languages, she was learned enough to take part in debates with the Church’s leaders when she was insisting on reforms in the practice of the Scottish Church and she tamed her ruffian of a husband – Malcolm Canmore – and brought learning and civilisation to the Scottish court. Margaret saw to the eradication of abuses which had crept into the life of the Scottish Church on account of isolation from the rest of Christendom and established the ferry across the Firth of Forth from South to North Queensferry for the pilgrims who were now flocking to St Andrews to venerate St Andrew’s relics there. Margaret spent long hours in prayer, in caring for the
tel: 01309 690063
sick and the poor and in establishing schools for the education of the young. Her example of devout prayer, erudite learning and care for the disadvantaged inspired the dedication to her of many churches serving poor areas of Scotland. St Andrew was one of the first disciples to respond to Jesus’s call. Andrew, in St John’s Gospel, is clearly an important disciples playing a key role in the feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:5-14) and in the story of the Greeks coming to see Jesus (John 14:20-34). Tradition tells us that Andrew was called to mission and evangelise the area on the north side of the Black Sea. From what we know of Andrew’s ministry, he was a “True Soldier of Christ”, dying for the faith and preaching that faith from the cross at Patros in Greece. St Andrew is Patron of Russia and Greece as well as Scotland. Andrew never ministered in Scotland, so what is the connection? Legend holds that St Regulus had a vision calling him to rescue the bones of St Andrew from possible desecration. The boat holding Regulus and the precious cargo of relics was washed ashore on the north east coast of Fife in the 9th Century, and a chapel was established, and this chapel grew into a place of pilgrimage, a Cathedral City and a seat of learning. St Andrew was an encourager and an enabler. Let us, this month, remember what is good in people, what was good in the great Saints of Scotland: Andrew, Margaret and the Celtic missionaries Ninian, Columba, Kentigern and Patrick and their companions who preached the “Faith once delivered to the Saints” and all the good folk who have laboured for the extension of Christ’s kingdom in our own communities. The Revd Canon Jerem y Pais ey All S ain t s E pisc opal Ch urc h, Bu ckie
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
SALE Autumn
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*Conditions apply. Credit subject to acceptance, written quotations on request from Anderson & England, Lossie Wynd, Elgin IV30 1QB. Excludes clearance items. †Excludes mattress.
SpotLight Community Council News
ExTRACTS fRoM THE MinuTES of THE MEETinG of 4 TH of July 2011 of KEiTH CoMMuniTy CounCil Police matters Police Constable Julie Sinclair attended tonights meeting and gave an update to councilors on local crime as follows :24 recorded crimes of which , 7 were dishonesty crimes, 2 vandalisms, 1 fire raising, 7 road traffic offences And the remainder anti – social behaviour crimes such as domestic incidents, assaults and breaches of the peace. The police are continuing to target the anti social driving. operation Moravia will continue over the summer months targeting drugs, violence and anti social behavior. The Keith police in partnership with local schools have launched SCHoolWATCH in a bid to protect our local schools from vandals and anti social behaviour. Members of the public are being asked to remain vigilant and asked to report any incidents they may have seen.There has been a good turnout from members of the public to the mobile surgerys which have been running in and around Keith recently. Grampian Police are looking to recruit Special Constables. if you wish or know anyone that would like to be a Special Constable please contact PC ian Ralston at Keith Police Station or 08456005700 or visit matters arising Community Payback Project:- At the last meeting we had Tish Richards who gave a presentation who asked us to make a list of projects that her team could help out with in our area. At the September meeting members have been asked to give a list of suggestions for the Community Payback Project. correspondence There was a catalogue from CC on playground equipment which Esther Green was given for ideas for the new primary school. cl - Roads and Rights of Way – Holes leading to car park at Keith and Dufftown Railway. Someone will speak with a representative there. Visitors to Keith are getting confused with the directions to the Keith and Dufftown Railway and the Keith station. it has been known for taxis to turn up at KDR when they mean to turn up at the main railway station. Councillors thought the main station sign on Seafield Avenue was too small. A pavement outside a pensioners house on Broomhill Road needs attending to as someone could quite easily trip and fall as the pavement seems to have sunk a bit. Street cleansing is being monitored. Tesco lights – debate whether an improvement or not at the lights as there has been sightings of a man at the control box at Tesco who hopefully is monitoring situation and resolving the frustration of A96 drivers. GC is waiting to hear back from BEAR on the situation. Bear need to be informed about trees at Brig Haughs which are in need of removal and also the grass that needs cutting at roadside. it doesn’t look good that only parts near junctions and signs are cut. cl will also speak to BEAR about the bus shelter that is no longer in fife Keith.
community council contacts Keith community council: Meets first Monday of each month (excluding January/August) 7pm at Keith Community Centre. Contact: Diane Halley (Secretary) tel: 886640 Buckie community council Meets third Tuesday each month (excluding July) 7pm
page 8 - November 2011
Town House West. Contact: Gordon Cowie (Secretary) tel: 831956 strathisla community council Meets first Wednesday of each month (excluding January and August). Keith Community Centre. (Secretary) tel: 01542 870727
tel: 01309 690063
The sign for the weight of lorries (8 tonne) allowed cant be seen for dirt and trees on Seafield Avenue. White lines have still to be painted on roads. its been three months since tarring has been done. on some of the openings in fife Keith there is not enough room being left for vehicles to see if road is clear with out new road markings. lot of water still gathering at Brig o Haughs. Also water gathering on Broomhill road at Broomhill Cottage.There are thistles growing out of pavement that need removing at flats in fife Keith. Also Keith Post office weeds are getting out of control. Someone will speak to Post office about this.The information sign on outskirts of Keith (A96) cant be seen for trees overhanging. Gc will speak to road engineer about possibility of changing the priority of the Pikiemeer Road at newmill. Priority to traffic coming up the twisty brae was suggested. mc Signs and street furniture MC discussed the Visit Scotland guide which had Keith very briefly mentioned in it as was Strathisla Distillery. nothing about Mid Street. MC spoke to someone who will look into getting Keith better promoted on the guide. There is a Walkers are Welcome in Keith petition circulating Keith. There is a new website called Scots language Dictionary which connects language with walkers and local folk could maybe explain meanings of words to visitors. mR – Cleansing – Weed control is not being done enough in Keith now. it was pointed out that outside your own home could quite easily be done by house owner. GC said that not enough time had lapsed since the new procedure on cleansing had begun to see what the disadvantages of the cutbacks were. RS was seeing to gully cleansers. taG – Words in the Windows in Keith shop windows. Someone is to update the Keith Regeneration website and to work alongside the Buckie Regeneration group. The internet was said to be a good way of promoting Keith and GC will be looking into the best procedure of doing this. facebook and you Tube are the most popular ways. Clips from the heritage group could be put on. Also a folder with information about keith to be organized. Xmas lights – cc told members that a few people turned up at Strathmill Distillery and sorted out the lights. new lights will have to be ordered as a lot were damaged by the bad weather in December. A newsletter being distributed to shopkeepers and businesses informing of what money been spent on and how much money been raised and future plans next meeting Monday 5th September 2011 at 7.00pm
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SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
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SpotLight Church Meetings and Tide Times
All Saints Episcopal Church, Buckie Sundays:Parish Eucharist 11am, contact Canon Jeremy Paisey tel: 832312 Buckie Baptist Church meets Sundays 11am & 5.45pm. Contact Rev. V MacDougall Email Children welcome, Contact Irene 840821 Buckie North, C of S, Cluny Square Contact Mrs Elizabeth Reid c/o tel: 831907 Buckie Salvation Army Sunday Services 10.30am & 6pm, plus others during week. Contact Caroline Buchanan tel: 823790 Buckie South & West, C of S, High Street meets for Sunday worship at 11.30am, including Sunday School, Contact Rev’d Alan Macgregor 833775 or email Buckie, Riverside Christian Church, Sundays 10.30am, contact 01542 833923 or visit Buckie, St Peters Church RC 832196 Buckie Methodist Church Sundays 11am & 6pm. Sunday School, Bible Studies, Prayer Meetings, Study & House Groups, Alpha, Women’s Guild, Men’s Prayer Breakfast Cullen & Deskford C of S, 1st Sunday of the month at the Hall Church at 11am (followed by soup & sweet), every other Sunday at the Auld Kirk at 10.30am, and the 2nd & 4th Sundays at the Jubilee Hall, Deskford at 12noon. Contact Gordon McNeill tel: 840193 or email: gordonmc-
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE IN NOVEMBER Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6
09.13 10.18 11.36 00.37 01.54 02.51
21.58 23.15 12.58 14.10 15.04
page 10 - November 2011 Cullen Methodist Church, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie Sunday morning worship at 11am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher; Enzie Parish Church, Portgordon, Buckie meets for Sunday worship at 10 am, Sunday School. Contact Rev’d Alan Macgregor 833775 or email Findochty Church of Scotland meets for Sunday Worship 11.15am. All welocme. Contact David Pirie tel: 834123 Findochty Methodist Church welcomes you to fellowship Sundays at 11am Keith, Holy Trinity Episcopal Family Eucharist 11.30am Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay : North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : Sunday 9.30am (first Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall); Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact Rev G Hutton Steel or email Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange : St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays), contact: Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld or email: Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC Vigil-Mass 9.30am and 6.30pm Confessions Saturday 10am on request.
7 M 8 TU 9 W 10 TH 11 F 12 SA 13 SU 14 M 15 TU 16 W 17 TH 18 F
03.32 AM 04.07 04.36 05.06 05.35 06.03 06.34 07.07 07.43 08.25 09.14 10.17
tel: 01309 690063
15.45 PM 16.20 16.51 17.22 17.52 18.23 18.57 19.33 20.15 21.02 22.01 23.13
Portessie Assembly Hall, Ogilvie Street welcomes you to our Gospel Meeting Sunday 6:15pm and Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesday 7:30 pm Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am and at 6pm (alternately here & at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church meets for Sunday worship at 11am, bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm, craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm Portknockie Church of Christ Sunday 11am Breaking of Bread; Sunday 6pm Gospel Service; Friday 7pm Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Ladies Fellowship (September--March) every second Monday 7pm. Prayer Breakfast 8am Wednesdays. Leader Mr Stewart Gray 836007 Portknockie Church of Scotland Sunday: morning at 11.15am, All welcome, For further information about church activities please contact Mrs Morag Ritchie 01542 840951 or Mrs Heather Reid 01542 840921 Rathven Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 9.45am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Contact Moira 833956 or Ann 831607 If you are a member of a church not listed here, please email and we may print this in future issues.
19 SA 20 SU 21 M 22 TU 23 W 24 TH 25 F 26 SA 27 SU 28 M 29 TU 30 W
11.36 AM 00.32 01.43 02.44 03.36 04.23 05.07 05.49 06.32 07.15 08.00 08.48
PM 12.59 14.09 15.08 15.57 16.44 17.28 18.13 18.58 19.47 20.37 21.32
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
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for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011 Spring Term Starts Thursday 5th January 2012 Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012 Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012 Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012 Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012 Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012 Milne’s High & Feeders Friday 4th May 2012 May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012
SpotLight School Term Dates and Holidays
In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Keith Grammar & Feeders Monday 4th June 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 Buckie High & Feeders Monday 11th June 2012 for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 21st August 2012 Autumn Term Ends Friday 12th October 2012 Winter Term Starts Monday 29th October 2012 In-service Closure Monday 19th November 2012 In-service Closure Tuesday 20th November 2012
Local Holidays 2011/2012 St Andrews Day Christmas Day Holiday * Boxing Day Holiday * New Years Day Holiday * 2nd January Holiday Buckie Holiday § Keith Holiday Good Friday May Day Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Keith Holiday Queens Diamond Jubilee
Wed. 30th Nov. 2011 Mon. 26th Dec. 2011 Tues. 27th Dec. 2011 Mon. 2nd Jan. 2012 Tues. 3rd Jan. 2012 Mon. 2nd April 2012 Mon. 2nd April 2012 Fri. 6th April 2012 Mon. 7th May 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Tues. 5th June 2012
Mon. 11th June 2012 Buckie Holiday § Buckie Holiday § Mon. 30th July 2012 Summer Bank Holiday Mon. 6th Aug. 2012 Keith Holiday Mon. 13th Aug. 2012 Mon. 10th Sept. 2012 Buckie Holiday § Keith Holiday Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 Buckie Holiday § .* substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday § includes Cullen, Findochty & Portknockie ‡ includes Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay & Urquhart
“ Parliament Blog ” On the day of the recent live broadcast of Brian’s Big Debate from Lossiemouth with BBC Scotland’s Political Editor Brian Taylor, Brian and I participated in a Question & Answer session with local students from Lossiemouth High School. One tricky question that was thrown up was about the relationship between journalists and politicians. After some thought it was concluded that it is somewhat akin to the relationship between a dog and a lamppost! As a former journalist turned politician I am left wondering whether I am the dog or the lamppost or possibly even both. If I wasn’t confused before - I think I am now!
Angus Robertson MP
page 12 - November 2011
tel: 01309 690063
On a recent visit to Moray College I was told of how proud the College were of their catering students who are running a restaurant night at the College’s Beechtree Restaurant on a Thursday under the title ‘Hellish Kitchen’. Diners, who are invited to pay what they believe the meal is worth, have apparently noted that it is the best place for a meal for many miles around for an incredibly low price. This may of course be disputed by many of the other quality eateries in Moray - not least because a good number of the chefs at these establishments are graduates from Moray College courses!! It is great to see this very healthy competitiveness and tremendously high standard of food preparation.
Richard Lochhead MSP
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Community Solar Panel Project Community Project better time a n e e b r e v e n as h e r e h T â&#x20AC;&#x153; ewable technologiesâ&#x20AC;? n e r l l a t s n i to
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Get your order placed before the The Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) is reduced! (FIT) will be reduced by 8% in 2012 and 8% year on year thereafter.
PleAse senD us DeTAils of Your eVenTs
log on to email or call 01309 690063 What’s on listings deadline for December issue is friday 04/11/11
What’s On
monday to saturday 10am to 5pm, falconer museum, tolbooth street, forres, tel: 01309 673701 or 01309 696261,,visit;
Rolling Events until 31 monday, october pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for details tel: 0844 493 2156 the big draw - moray arts club, art rocks! drawn on stone - sponteneous drawing activities popping up in spaces around elgin. no booking necessary. contact emma the art convener on 01343 548475
until 12 november 150th anniversary of highland railway on 17th october 1861 from forres over dava towards perth,
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the moray society lecture ‘the archaeology and facts about culbin’ by cathy maciver, 7pm, elgin museum live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit for details girls night out & fashion show in mulben village hall ticket entry only £5 from boogie woogie in keith or call 01542 888 077 inverness abc boxing tornament, 7pm, £20, over 16s, a night of top quality boxing in inverness’ top entertainment venue features north of scotland select vs. south of wales select fighters, the ironworks, inverness, tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit
“This is a killer record….KILLER” – Pete Townshend (The Who). Pass the Hat gig, suggested donation £5. Tel: 01343 850111
29 saturday ,
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SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
28 friday
Des Horsfall’s Kuschty Rye - The Loft Venue Saturday 29th October 8pm
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29 saturday, november
art exhibition ‘seashore’ by jessie white, elgin museum, tel: 543675
$ 5%1.
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the hunted, 7pm, £6/£5/ £4 u-16’s, universal hall, findhorn des horsfall’s kuschty rye, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, ‘pass-the-hat’ gig suggested £5 donation, tel: 01343 850111, visit king creosote & kid canaveral, 7.30pm, £10, over 14s kid canaveral are a two-boy/two-girl group from edinburgh. they write indiepop tunes you can move around & flail your limbs to tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit orienteering at hopeman, moravian orienteers are repeating the popular event that was staged during hopeman gala week as the 10th event of their
November 2011 - page 15
NOVEMBER 2011 continued saturday league and schools competition. 10.15am till 11.15am and full details are on ten tonne dozer, a thousand lies & bittersuite 8pm, flanagan's bar, elgin, for more info visit harvest home dance enjoy a traditional experience with local people where all will be welcome to come and taste, bid, dance, live local scottish band; ‘sandy ross and his band’ 7.30pm for 8pm, midnight, tickets £5 available: 01343 821072 at door ’bring a party to a party’, inchberry hall, orton, fochabers, nr elgin,
31 sunday - 1 november scottish dance theatre, 7.30pm, £12.00 / reduced rates £10.00 / under 18s £8.00 / eden court friends £2.00 off, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit www.
NOVEMBER 3 thursday scottish dance theatre, 7.30pm, £10/£8/£6 U-16s, universal hall, findhorn, visit the china project,one touch theatre,7.30pm, £12 / reduced rates £10, under 18s £5, eden court friends discount applies, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit
3 thursday - 5 saturday the barber of seville: scottish opera, 7.15pm, £49.00 / £40.00 / £34.00 / £21.00, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit: www.
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre Your local venue for films, shows, concerts and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.
NOVEMBER EVENTS 18th Nov Rotory Club Fashion Show ..... 7.30pm 19th Nov Music Nairn Royal String Quartet...................................... 8pm 25th Nov Cinema Nairn ‘The Wildest Dream’ (2010) PG................ 7.30pm For further details Telephone 01667 453476, e-mail, or check out our website at
7 monday hebrides ensemble, 7.30pm, £12 / £8 reduced rates eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit: www.
4 friday
9 Wednesday
the hunted, 7pm, £9 / reduced rates £8 / under 18s £6 / family ticket £24 / eden court friends discount applies, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit: www.
bruce molsky, 7.30pm, £10/£8/£6 u-16s concessions universal hall, findhorn, visit
5 saturday
crossroads primary school, grange - xmas fayre 6.30pm-8.30pm, school hall.
the hunted, 11am & 3pm, £9 / reduced rates £8 under 18s £6 / family ticket £24 / eden court friends discount applies, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit: www.
6 sunday illegal eagles: the classic tour, 8pm, £21, £19 £17.50, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit: www. the jani lang coronets, 7.30pm, £12 / reduced rates £10 / eden court friends discount applies, eden court, inverness, tel: 01463 234 234 or visit:
page 16 - November 2011
tel: 01309 690063
10 thursday 12 saturday -13 sunday elgin modelfair open 10.00 am to 5.00 pm both days, elgin town hall, moray, adults £4.50, children. £3.50, family (2+2) £10.00, children under 5 free. info:
12 saturday orienteering at buckie the first orienteering event ever to be held in buckie moravian orienteers head for the high school where they are staging the 11th event in the moray saturday league and schools competiton. no previous experience necessary everyone welcome. 10.15am-11.15am full details are on swri christmas craft fest, 10am- 4.30pm, £1.50 SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Cinema Nairn
Visit or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cinema Listings November 2011 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Up to 7th November Adventure Film Festival 2011 Tinker,Tailor, Soldier, Spy (15) Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (12a)
Visit or call 01463 234234 for details
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit or telephone 01463 237452
Vue Cinema, Inverness From friday 28th Anonymous (12a) The Ideas of March (15) Frightfest: All Nighter (18) From Tuesday 1st November Black Country Communion: Live Over Europe (tbc) In Time (tbc) Tower Heist (tbc) Immortals 3D (tbc) From Thursday 17th Twiathlon (12a) The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1(12a) 50/50 (15) KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Visit for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Month 2011 - page 17
NOVEMBER 2011 continued includes a cuppy and shortbread. There will be raffles and our own sales table as well as lots of other handcrafted gift types too numerous to mention, arradoul hall near buckie skerryvore, 8pm, £12/£10 concessions, universal hall, findhorn visit
16 wednesday schooglenifty and plan b, 7.30pm, £12/£10/£8 u-16s concession, universal hall, findhorn, visit
Tommy Reilly and Katie Sutherland (Pearl and the Puppets) Friday 25th November 8pm Tickets £8 Tel: 01343 850111
17 thursday vintage trouble, 7.30pm, £9, original soul and rhythm & blues, under 16s must be accompanied by a responsible adult, tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit
18 friday babs dial a bus, quiz night, 7 pm for 7:30 start, 6 people for teams, entry £3.00 per person, this includes tea and coffee at half time. raffles and bar, fishersman hall, buckie
Saturday 19th November - Qualifying Rounds (QR) 9.30am Cathedral Class 2.45pm Speyside Class ADMISSION FREE Programme £3 Sunday 20th November 10.00am Spynie Class (QR) 2.30pm - Finals Tickets at door Adult – £8 (no concession) Children under 18 FREE
Adjudicators: Philip Fowke and Anna Markland Outstanding young pianists from home and abroad compete for a share of prize money totalling £4,000 The Moray Piano Festival Trust is a registered Scottish Charity No. SC032432
19 saturday the moray piano competition, elgin town hall Qualifying Rounds (QR) 9.30 am Cathedral Class 2.45pm Speyside Class. admission free, programme £3. western front association - members’ forum, 2.30pm, the gallery, elgin library, contact derek bird tel: 01343 870562, email: chairman.wfasnb@virgin.
page 18 - November 2011
tel: 01309 690063
net or visit royal string quartet playing gorecki, szymanowski, and chopin (with alessandro taverna on piano) 8pm, tickets £18, members £14,students £2, nairncommunity and arts centre, tel: 455701 tashi lhunpo monks, 8pm, £10/£8/£6 u-16s concessions, universal hall, findhorn
20 sunday the moray piano competition, elgin town hall 10.00am Spynie Class (QR), 2.30pm - finals tickets at the door, adults: £8 (no concession) children under 18 free.
25 friday the moray society lecture ‘climate change in moray : should we care?’ by dr garry campbell, doors 7pm, elgin museum live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit for details dark matter, 7.15pm - 8.15pm, £6/£5/£4 u-16s concessions, universal hall, findhorn visit tommy reilly and katie sutherland (pearl and the puppets, 8pm, £8, the loft, near forres, tel: 01343 8501,
Keith James in Concert - The Loft Venue Saturday 26 November 8pm ‘certainly the UK’s most celebrated and evocative interpreter of golden music’ The Guardian Tel: 01343 850111
26 saturday goldie at the ironworks, 10pm, over 18s, £8, tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit keith james in concert, 8pm, the loft near forres, tel: 01343 85011, moray branch cats protection league chrismas brunch, 11.30am-2.30pm, £1.50, soup, mince pies, tea and coffee, all saints hall, west church street, buckie apocalypse by the occasional cabaret, 7.30pm british legion, buckie visit christams fayre, grange community association, 2-4 pm, teas (homebakes) adults £2, children, £1, various stalls, longmore hall, keith.
28 monday dance in mulben village hall, tickets £10, dancing to cruz band from macduff, tel: 01542 888 077. live music, 8pm, £2.50, clochan hall, clochan, byob
30 sunday live music session, 2pm, seafield inn, portknockie
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
DECEMBER 2011 in brief 1 thursday the undertones, 7.30pm, ÂŁ16 under 16s must be accompanied by an adult, ironworks, inverness tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit: 2 friday wolfstone: celtic rock band, 7:30pm, st christopherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, ÂŁ15/ÂŁ7.50, visit for more details, tickets available from artinkulate charity thistle auction, 7pm, around 35 mainly local artists are creating their own interpretation of the iconic thistle image, tel: 01542 842888 or email:, or via the facebook page artinkulateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s charity thistle challenge. 3 saturday quiz night in lhanbryde community centre with raffle, 7pm for 7.30pm, ÂŁ2 per person, teams of up to four, BYOB and nibbles,(all proceeds go to community centre funds), registered as a charity in scotland: sc029433 9 friday music for a while, 7.30pm, an evening of festive music and song, enjoy christmas music in the victorian drawing room, brodie castle tel: 0844 493 2156 visit: 14 Wednesday - 23 friday christmas lunches, 12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3pm, 2 or 3 course festive menu served in the grand surroundings of the library, why not make up a table? booking essential, brodie castle, tel 0844 493 2156 visit
Michael Sharp Joinery FOR A FREE QUOTE
TEL: 07834 760212 McDonald & Munro Ltd
Electrical Engineers & Contractors DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 4 Moycroft Industrial Estate, Elgin Â&#x2039;
NEW SHOWHOME OPENS at MEADOW LEA - NAIRN craftsmanship, and the fixtures & fittings are what you would expect in a much more expensive, architectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s self-build. From the beautifully designed & crafted kitchen area, the luxurious bathroom (with power-shower), to the ultra stylish sun-room and World-class style that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cost the earth. The Meadow Lea residential development in Nairn is probably the most stylish building project ever undertaken in the area. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proximity to the town centre, the Nairn Dunbar Golf Club, and the Moray Firth also makes it an extremely desirable location. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very obvious that the developers Kylauren Homes really did their homework and got all the critical ingredients spot-on. But perhaps the defining element of the whole ambitious project is the attention to detail. If you get the chance to take a closer look at the individual houses, pay attention to the quality of finishes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they survive tough scrutiny by even the most discerning of potential home-buyers. The new show-home now open at 5 Montgomerie Drive is a typical example of the high standards set by the builders (and definitely worth a look). It seems they have an almost obsessive demand for
living room, the overall effect is one of elegance and quality. The bedrooms are comfortable, warm and friendly with plenty of storage space and natural light. The stairway and hallway are dramatically enhanced with a contemporary polished steel and birch-wood balustrade & handrail. And the garden areas â&#x20AC;&#x201C; pretty generous really.
What is particularly special about these homes, is that the owners have the opportunity to design so much of the important details themselves. From the style of the kitchen and bathroom, to the type of hardware, flooring and fittings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in fact all the elements that give a home individuality and character. Kylauren Homes claim they design for comfort and build for life. If the show-home at Meadow Lea is anything to go by, then they certainly live up to their promise. The properties range from 2 & 3 bedroom semi-detached houses and bungalows, to 3 bedroom detached bungalows, and 3 & 4 bedroom detached houses. Prices start from ÂŁ154,500 for a 2 bed semi-detached property, so theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re surprisingly inexpensive. All in all, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s world-class style that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t cost the earth.
Showhomes at: Meadow Lea, Montgomerie Drive, Nairn IV12 5RW. Open - Thurs to Mon 11.30am to 5pm Tel: 01667 452508
Chef’s Confidential As the nights have drawn in, and winter has arrived, what better than a delicious beef casserole, served with creamy mash potato and greens. This recipe uses Black Gold beer from the Cairngorm Brewery at Aviemore. It is a rich dark stout, that has a smooth sweetness, a perfect compliment for the beef. Quality beef is really important and at Knockomie all our beef comes from MacBeth's of Forres. It is locally produced on their farm at Dallas, and hung for a minimum of 21 days, a true quality product. Serves 4-6 people Ingredients
Black Gold Beef Casserole 1kg Diced Stewing Steak 375grm Onions, quartered and finely sliced 500ml Bottle Cairngorm Black Gold Beer (or any stout) 1 heaped tablespoons Plain Flour 150grm Baby Button Mushrooms 1 sprig of thyme 1 ½ Tablespoons Sunflower or Vegetable oil Salt and Pepper to season Preheat the oven to 150°C 1.Heat the oil in an heat proof / oven proof dish with a lid. Add the diced beef a little at a time to brown. As the beef browns remove it to a plate with a slotted spoon, and repeat until all the beef is browned. 2.Keeping the heat high, place the sliced onion in to the pan and stir until it has softened slightly. 3.Reduce the heat and return the beef and any juices to the pan with the onions, add the plain flour and stir thoroughly to bind it to the meat and onions. 4.Gradually add the beer stirring constantly and let it simmer for a few minutes. 5.Add the sprig of thyme and mushrooms and some salt and pepper to season. 6.Cover with the lid and place in the oven for 1 ¾ to 2 hours until the beef is tender. When ready serve with creamy mash potato and green vegetables. Penny Ellis, Owner Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146
Come along to our late-night openings in November and treat yourself to a delicious High-Tea for only £7.50 in our cosy coffee-shop and we’ll give you 10% OFF every purchase you make at M&C. Simply dine between 5-7pm on any Thursday in November to qualify. Make a night of it - we’re open until 8pm - bon appetit. Check-out our website for more details:
Bringing life to your home and garden...
1 West Road, Forres IV36 2GW 01309 696940
* Offer applies to Thursday evenings 5pm to 8pm during November 2011 only
7KH %LUG 0DQ INVADERS FROM THE NORTH As the nights draw in, the temperatures drop and the summer migrants are beginning to become a distant memory as a whole new batch of birds arrive on our shores, fleeing the harsh weather of their High Arctic and Scandinavian breeding grounds. Two of these species have a tendency to arrive together, sometimes in large mixed flocks. Fieldfares and Redwings are both annual winter visitors to the UK. Choose a calm clear night in November, wrap up warmly, stand outside in the garden and listen. With luck you will hear the thin, very high pitched â&#x20AC;&#x153;tseeepâ&#x20AC;? calls of migrating Redwings. You may risk questioning from your neighbours but explain what you are doing and they may even join in!
Any open green space at this time of year is worth checking - play parks, football pitches, allotments etc. Redwings move over the grass in loose flocks searching for insects and
worms. Slimmer than Song Thrushes, what you will first notice is the long cream eyebrow (called the supercilium) and similar cream moustache. Look closer on the flanks just below the wing and you will see a rusty red patch - hence the name Redwing. The Fieldfare is a large robust bird, standing tall and alert. It sports a Grey head and rump separated with a warm chocolate brown back and a black tail. It can be seen feeding in the same locations as the Redwing but usually prefers the more open country, so it is worth checking out stubble or sheep fields. Both species are also partial to winter berries and can often be seen gorging themselves on Rowan treeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, replacing the fat reserves they have used during their migration. Next month we will look at two more unusual winter visitors: Waxwings and King Eider. So until then, Good Birding!
Information kindly supplied by Birding Ecosse, offering Birdwatching for beginners workshops.
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nature EYES TO THE SKIES The Red Kite, one of our largest birds of prey, was extinct in Scotland for over 100 years, having been persecuted for hundreds of years prior to that. The birds died out partly due to a reduction in food supply as humans became tidier, but mainly due to poisoning and shooting. With their russet Red Kite in flight colouring, forked tail and 5 ½ foot wingspan, larger than a buzzard, they are one of the the easiest birds of prey to identify. Despite their size, kites are relatively light with an average body weight of just two to three pounds. Consequently they are able to stay aloft for hours on end
For the first two to three years of their lives, kites roam the countryside. On reaching this age they will settle down to build a nest and Red Kite feeding will normally mate for life. This is believed to be more to do with a shared interest in a territory than loyalty to each other. They will build a nest, made of twigs and lined with grass and tufts of sheep’s wool. They will lay up to 4 eggs which the female will incubate for around four weeks, though the male will occasionally take a turn to allow her to feed or preen. Red kites were re-introduced to the Black Isle in 1989 with the first breeding success in 1992 and can often be seen soaring above fields and verges. However the recovery has stalled since 1999 with few chicks surviving to breeding age. The eyes to the skies project was set up by the RSPB, SNH and various other bodies to try to re-start the recovery by raising awareness of the species and what is being done locally to help this. An excellent viewing centre has been set up at Tollie, west of Dingwall where food is put out daily to attract kites. Most activity can be observed over the winter months when less carrion is available naturally. I hope you’ve found something interesting in this article and do let me have your own wildlife photos and stories. Contact me at:
Ian MacLeod, Wild West Offering wildlife safaris in the Great Glen and surrounding areas.
Kites are mainly carrion eaters, scavenging on the remains of any dead animals they may find. However, they are not particularly strong birds and consequently are unable to open up the carcasses of sheep or lambs. For this they depend on more powerful birds such as ravens or buzzards, or a fox. They will also take live prey which may include small mammals and birds plus large insects and earthworms. They live on the edge of woodlands with a preference for woods that back on to farmland.
Next month: Winter visitors
WHOM WILL YOU BLAME? Upon which of the following excuses are you YOU CANNOT SAY “I have not been warned,” for building your hopes of escaping Hell and reach- this publication containing God’s Word is your warning and it may be your last. Search the scriptures ing Heaven? and see if these things are so. If you are concerned about
Whom will you these matters it is God’s Spirit striving to show you your blame if like the danger, your guilt and your helplessness. There is for you today if you will have it. If you resist the rich man in Luke pardon Spirit, God says: “My Spirit shall not always strive with 16, you die, are man.” Genesis 6:3. buried and in Hell you lift up YOU CANNOT SAY “There is plenty of time to your eyes being settle this matter,” Listen to His solemn warning against delay, “because I have called, and ye refused; I in torments? have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded...Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not
YOU CANNOT BLAME GOD for God is “not answer.” Proverbs 1:24-28. willing that any should perish.” II Peter 3:9. He would have all men to be saved, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
YOU CANNOT BLAME CIRCUMSTANCES for there is nothing that can keep a sinner from Christ if he wants to come to Him for salvation. Jesus says “Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life.” John 5:40.
YOU CANNOT BLAME THE LORD JESUS YOU MAY SAY “I do not believe in Hell.” But, my CHRIST friend, two minutes in Hell amid the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will change your mind. You will realize then, as every one in Hell realizes today, that the Bible is the Word of God, that you are a sinner, that Christ died for sinners, that you could have been YOU CANNOT SAY “I am not a sinner,” for God saved had you believed and accepted the Saviour of says: “As by one man sin entered into the world, and sinners as your own personal Saviour. There are no death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that unbelievers in Hell, but they believed—too late. all have sinned.” Romans 5:12 You may say you do not believe all this, but the mere fact that you do not believe it does not alter the facts. YOU CANNOT SAY for He said “I am come that they might have life.” John 10:10 “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
“I am doing the best I can,” “I have turned over a new leaf ” “I have a good heart,” “God is too good to punish me in Hell.” “I have done nothing worthy of Hell.” God says all your “righteousnesses are as filthy rags” in His sight. Isaiah 64:6. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately (incurably) wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12.
YOU ARE LEFT WITHOUT EXCUSE “What wilt thou say when He shall punish thee?” Jeremiah 13:21 The responsibility where you spend Eternity – (Heaven or Hell) is yours and yours alone. Friend, listen! God is offering you mercy and pardon: God loves you, Christ died as a substitute for your sins on the cross. You have to receive Him for yourself; no-one can do it for need to have repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus ChristBut do it now – or whom will you blame?
Jesus said … ‘’I am the Way, Way, the Truth Truth and the Life; Life; no man ccometh ometh un unto to the Father Father but by by me me,,’’ 1 John 14:6
Published by Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
When a local publication wrote a question and answer piece on people who have done well in life, they always ask ‘what was your first job and how much did you get paid?’ More often than not, the answer is tattie picking for half-a-crown or some such sum. There was an expectation in the Highlands and North East 50 years ago that children would work on farms to hand lift the potato crop during the October break. ‘The tattie holiday was an exciting time for country kids with the prospect of earning your own money for the first time. The work was exhausting, back bent, filling basket after basket with newly dug potatoes. It was heavy, dirty work for a child but pocketing the 10 bob note (50 pence) reward was magical!’ Christine Scott First there was the exciting trip to field in the ‘bogie’ (tractor trailer). The farmer would jump out of the idling tractor and measure that day’s stints, which was the distance along the potato row (drill) each individual had to gather. He would goosestep the length of the drill, divide the distance by number of pickers and mark each stint. A tractor drawn potato digger would then go down a single drill bringing the potatoes to the surface from where women and children picked them into baskets. It was a man’s job to collect the baskets and tip them into the bogie. Back at the farm the potatoes were tipped into a shallow pit. When the clamp was full straw was spread over it for insulation and then, once the potatoes had cured a little, a casing of earth was put over the top and firmly patted down. The pit was carefully opened periodically over the winter months and potatoes taken out as required, using a tattie graip, a close spaced fork with bulbous ends to the tines to protect the potatoes. Pits are seldom used for storage now but some farmers still use traditional methods of harvesting as it allows smaller amounts of a wider range of interesting and tasty varieties to be grown. People up here are very particular about their tatties and often describe them not in terms of taste but rather of consistency and texture using words such as wet, dry, mealy and waxy. For further information on our locally grown Tatties or other vegetables please contact Jock at Scotgro on Tel: 07580 231030 or pop by to our farm at Broombank Farm, Auldearn, Nairn (There’s always tatties at the end of the road!)
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Dreaming of... ...a Christmas Break
There are few things more magical than the atmosphere of the traditional Christmas market. Every year more and more visitors are enjoying the unique festive charms of Christmas markets in German cities such as Cologne, Nuremberg and Dresden as well as in other European cities such as Vienna, Bruges and Prague. The twinkling scenes of festively decorated plazas with their enchanting market stalls and glittering Christmas trees set against the backdrop of beautiful historic buildings, let visitors relive the magic of yesteryear. The smell of hot mulled wine and roasted chestnuts fills the air. Nurembergâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Christkindlmarkt is one of the biggest and most famous of the Christmas markets. Nearly 200 festive wooden stalls adorn the Old Town square from the beginning of Advent. Over 2 million visitors from all round the world enjoy the candlelit stalls in this beautiful Bavarian city. There are 21 Christmas markets in Vienna. The Advent Market is in front of the fabulous Schonbrunn Palace where visitors can buy traditional tree decorations, handmade gifts and a large selection of culinary delicacies. There is also the Christmas Village in Maria Theresien Platz with 50 stands with a wide range of goods and a choir is often to be heard. In Prague the markets takes place in Wenceslas Square and in Old Town Square. Huge Christmas Trees sparkle, 150 wooden stalls many selling traditional crafts and the sound of Christmas concerts taking place all add to the magical atmosphere. Whether you want to travel by plane or coach, independently or in a group there are lots of options starting in Moray. If you are looking for an extra special treat for children or grandchildren what could be more exciting than a trip to Lapland. This really is a once in a lifetime experience â&#x20AC;&#x201C; seeing Father Christmas in his secret hideaway deep in the pine trees. It is the stuff that dreams are made of and you can see it on the faces of young and old alike. A trip on a skidoo or in a sleigh pulled by reindeer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the excitement can all be fitted into a day trip â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a long and busy day but it is possible! Alternatively a few days provides a more relaxed atmosphere giving you more time to try out the winter activities.
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Â&#x2021; +LJK Street, FRUUHV
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Beaver Travel, 2-6 South Street, Elgin Also at: 78 High Street, Forres Beaver Travel is also a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - No booking fee.
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If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers, please email these to SCHOOLS Botriphnie Primary School ............................01542 810207 Cluny Primary School....................................01542 831417 Crossroads Primary School ..........................01542 870221 Cullen Primary School ..................................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ............................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ....................................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School ................................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School ..................................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ........................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ................................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ..............................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ..........................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ..........................01542 840244 Rothiemay Primary School .......................... 01466 711220 St Peters RC Primary School ........................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School ......................01542 882256 Buckie High School ......................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ..................................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ......................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ....................................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ................................01542 835577 Cullen Medical Centre....................................01542 840272 Keith Medical Centre......................................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000
Anderson & England ..............................................7 Ashley Ann ................................Outside Back Page Attic Clothing ........................................................31 AW Landscapes ......................................................5 Baxters ....................................................................9 Beaver Travel ........................................................29 Best Western Windsor Hotel ..................................2 Brodie Countryfare ................................................27 Clark's Pharmacy ..................................................29 Dallas Designs ......................................................11 Divine Gifts ............................................................29 Doctor Denture........................................................9 Elgin Eagles Basketball Club ..................................4 Harrisons ................................................................3 Indulgence Salon & Spa ........................................9 J Bee’s ..................................................................29 Linda Marlow Dog Grooming..................................3 SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice ............................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ................................(01542) 831163 PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith..................................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ..........................01542 882533 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ......................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ..............01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ........................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ............................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre....................................01542 832841 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre................................01542 882222 Keith Swimming Pool ....................................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ..................................01542 886174 Keith Library ..................................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ................................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith................01542 885500 Registrar ........................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr......................................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ....................................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ............................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950
Mackenzie & Cruickshank ....................................21 McDonald & Munro ..............................................19 Michael Sharp Joinery ..........................................19 Moray Piano Trust ................................................18 Nairn Community & Arts Centre ..........................16 Rachel’s Pet Sitting ................................................5 REAP Scotland ......................................................13 Reid Furniture........................................................23 Roof Wizard ............................................................9 Scotengineering ....................................................11 Spotty Bag Shop ..................................................14 The Steading Cafe ................................................11 Unique Beauty ................................Front Cover & 3 Universal Hall ......................................................15 Wheelchair Care......................................................8 Words By The Wayside ........................................25
November 2011 - page 30
Come in and see whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new. NOW OPEN
The refurbishment of our Elgin kitchen and bedroom showroom is now complete. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite a transformation and we hope that you will agree that it was well worth any inconvenience caused while it was closed. The finished result is stunning with classic and contemporary new styles, fantastic design ideas and amazing storage solutions. On show alongside our award winning Metris displays we are also showing our new Fusion range and our Classic Painted collection. All our kitchens and bedrooms are manufactured at our Highland factory with fantastic build quality which we have continued to update over the past 25 years. Our skilled manufacturers, designers and installers will continue to offer unrivalled quality and service and we look forward to welcoming you to our stunning new refurbished Elgin showroom.
ELGIN: 27 Tyock Ind Est 01343 545155 Also at: INVERNESS: 18 Carsegate Rd 01463 711548