Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 1
October 2011
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Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 2
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Bathrooms that are out of this world Visit Planet today and see our beautiful designer bathroom brands including Duravit and Speyside Furniture at fantastic sale prices.
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 3
Linda’s Dog Grooming (mobile service also available) For A More relaxing Experience & Less Stress For Your Pet Over 20 Years Experience Bellevue, 3 High Street, Portnockie
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We also offer 4EETH 7HITENING s &ACIAL 2EJUVINATION s $ERMAL &ILLERS 6 Crown Avenue, Inverness IV2 3NF
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Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 4
SpotLight Clubs and Societies
Picture by Alison Gelling , Copyright
BUCKIE AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND We meet in the Royal British Legion hall, Buckie, on Thursday evenings 6.30pm-9pm. Learners & experienced players welcome. www.buckiepipeband.co.uk BANFF AND MORAY MEMBERS’ CENTRE, THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR SCOTLAND (NTS) Promoting the work of the NTS and fundraising to support local properties, our local properties are Brodie Castle and Leith Hall. We have a varied annual programme of events, including lunches with speakers, one day coach trips to places of interest, short holidays to NTS and other historic properties further afield, quiz night and theatre outings.If you are a member of the NTS and would like more information, please contact the secretary on tel: 01343 835258 or email secretary2.bmnts@ btinternet.com BANFF, MORAY & NAIRN CANINE CLUB Classes are held in Obedience and Ringcraft every Monday evening during school terms from 1830 hrs in Spynie Hall, Elgin. Call Joanne on 07715 557395 or Mary on 850262
BUCKIE BRIDGE CLUB Weekly, on Wednesday at 7pm, September to April. Buckie Community High School. Contact Mr B.G. Smith 832731 FAITH AND LIGHT GROUP BUCKIE To provide an evening of respite care to the parents or carers of club members. 1st and 3rd Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Anne Gerrard 831124 GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND Nairn & Moray Branch are looking for new branch volunteers. If interested, please contact Anna Temple or Anna Roberts tel: 01309 694866
page 4 - October 2011
EAGLES BASKETBALL CLUB Developing Basketball in Moray. U12, U14, U16s in Buckie, Elgin & Forres, Adults mixed (Tuesdays 7.30-10pm Elgin Academy) & Adults Women (7-8pm Wednesdays Elgin Academy). If interested in any of the above contact Graham Stewart on 07972 178 790 or elgin.eagles@yahoo.com JOG SCOTLAND BUCKIE Meets on Tuesday 6.45pm at Swimming Pool car park, juniors meet on Monday 4.30pm at BHS Games Hall. Suitable for beginners. Tel: 842847 or email jsbuckie@walk jogrunmoray.org.uk KEITH AND DISTRICT SILVER BAND Practice night, Sunday 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Longmore Hall, Keith. Contact Wendy Jones 887529 or visit www.keithsilverband.org KEITH & DISTRICT RANGER GUIDES (GIRLGUIDING MORAY) Senior Section aged 14 years to 24 years, St Rufus Hall, Keith 5.30pm-7pm, 3 Wednesdays out of 4, tel: 01542 886422 evenings KEITH TANG SOO DO New class starting 4th August, Royal British Legion, 5.30pm7pm, contact Steve & Rosemary Reeve tel: 01542 886500 LGBT MORAY Social networking group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Moray. Monthly meetings - 1st Tues. & 4th Thurs. The Muckle Cross, High St, Elgin, 7.30pm; 3rd Sat. Time Out Café, High St, Forres, 10.30am. For further info or to be met in advance tel: 07598418638, email us on lgbtmoray@gmail.com or find us on Facebook ME MORAY SUPPORT GROUP Meets 2nd Tuesday each month, 7pm, Moray Resource Centre,
tel: 01309 690063
Maisondeu Road, Elgin. It’s a great chance to meet up with other ME sufferers and talk about the condition, as well as being able to gain support and information. Regular guest speakers. Meetings are free and refreshments are provided. We also have an online community forum which offers support, information and just general conversation, for those who cannot attend meetings www.memoray.org.uk/forum
MORTLACH ART GROUP Meets in the Memorial Hall, Albert Place, Dufftown every Thursday 1pm-5pm. Charge per meeting is £2. Tuition available if required, some materials are available
PET FOSTERING SCOTLAND We aim to support pet owners who are in an emergency situation or becoming temporarily homeless. Our volunteers will care for your pet in their own homes for short periods until you can be reunited. Volunteers always needed. Tel: 0844 811 9909. Reg. charity SCO15672 www.pfss.org.uk
QUARRIERS CARER SUPPORT SERVICE MORAY Providing practical and emotional support to the unpaid Carers of Moray. If you look after a family member, friend or neighbour and could use some help or just want to find out more about what we do, call us on 01343 556031
RAIN OR SHINE TODDLER GROUP Meets Wednesday’s 10am11.30am and Friday 1.15pm2.45pm, Lady Cathcart Hall, Buckie. Come & make new friends, have a chat & a cuppa. £1.50 per session. Contact Gail tel: 07921 558989
RHYTHYM & RHYME GYM TOTS Fun musical baby and toddler sessions. Movement, music, songs, soft play and healthy snack. Wednesdays from 9.30am-10.15am and 10.20am11.05 am. Contact Wendy tel: 832133
ROYAL BURGH OF CULLEN PENSIONERS CLUB Meets first Tuesday of each month at 7pm, for the welfare of the elderly in Cullen. Contact Bunty Gardiner 840653
SPEY BAY COMMUNITY HALL Tues. & Fri. 7.30pm Bowling tel 821947; Weds. morning BALL tel: 821713/820038; Thurs. afternoon Mother and Toddler tel: 820282; Fri. morning Body Conditioning Classes tel: 556370; general enquiries to Willie Pirie tel: 823995 THE LOFT Drop-in sessions for S1 to S6, Friday nights from 7pm till 10pm. Contact Sharon Duncan tel: 886630 TREES FOR LIFE GREEN DAYS OUT Open to everyone living in Moray and Inverness-shire. Spend a day carrying out a variety of different conservation tasks! Transport, tools and training provided, days are free of charge. Pick ups available. All volunteers must be over 18 with a reasonable level of fitness, running every Wednesday and the last Sunday of the month. Booking essential. Contact Rosie tel: 01309 691444 or rosie@treesforlife.org.uk WALKMORAY We are looking to recruit Volunteer Health Walk Leaders to lead short, social, low-level walks (daytime & evenings)in Buckie and Keith. For more details contact - Debbie Barron 01343 567172.
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 5
The Editor
As summer draws to a close, I often look forward to seeing the incredible panoply of colours brought to us by the autumn leaves. From reds to browns, yellows and greens it is a sight to behold. Americans talk of the Aspen woodlands but we have just as stunning autumn scenery along the Moray Firth Coastline. Try stopping alongside one of the many fast flowing rivers and sucking in the views. It cannot be beaten!
Science & Nature Northern Lights ......................8 - 9
Life Inspirational Harping.................26
PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ......................Eilidh Conners ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT ...............Megan Woodman DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson Clubs & Societies ............................4 Pastoral Letter.................................6 Church Details.................................6 Council News ................................10 Parliament Blog .............................11 School Term Dates........................12 Local Holidays...............................12 Tide Times.....................................12 What’s On......................................15 Cinema Listings.............................17 Useful Numbers ............................30 Advertisers Index ..........................30
Chef Whisky Christmas Cake............20
Travel Dreaming of Ski-ing ..................22
Business Profile Planwell Roofing .......................27
Employment Tommy the Typhoon..................28
November Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 30/09/11 Advertising - Wednesday 5/10/11
McDonald & Munro Ltd
Electrical Engineers & Contractors DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 4 Moycroft Industrial Estate, Elgin ‹
Spotlight on Buckie & Keith is published by Winterburn media ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss Iv36 3Ua all material contained within the Spotlight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers Sample advert rateS prior consent, will be Box £30 considered a breach of Big Box £57 copyright. all rates are per Ÿ page £104 month plus vat and ½ page £195 based on a Black & White Business profile £333 12 month series. Full page £369 Call 01309 690063 for enhanced listings in What’s more details. On pages from £33
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 6
Picture by Karen Barlclay, Copyright
Have you heard or read anything inspiring recently? We need to be inspired if we are to really live, rather than plod along putting up with things, as they, it seems, get slowly worse and worse! One thing I read last weekend really did hearten me, whilst also bringing a few tears to my eyes. Tony Benn was thinking back to the days when he supported Jimmy Reid and the shipbuilders on the Clyde in their struggle against the owners and government to close down the yard, to bring ship building there to an end.
Pastoral Letter and Church Meetings ally the government made an investment in them, jobs were saved, and life for families was restored- and continued at least until the next economic crisis. A story of courage, determination to defend what was right for their communities rather than give in to “inevitable” impoverishment. In a real way, Moray’s fight to retain an airbase this year has the same determination and compassion for people facing job loss and comparative poverty. May people be inspired to defeat the thinking which sees cuts to services as “inevitable”, perhaps even an equivalent to the shipyard’s workin.
Here was not a thoughtless or violent protest against seemingly realistic economic measures, but a non-violent determination to continue working, preventing closure of the yard simply by staying there, working on. Eventu-
One other thing which has inspired hope in my heart; some thousands of years ago a man in exile from most of his countrymen, felt God inspiring him
All Saints Episcopal Church, Buckie Sundays:parish eucharist 11am, contact Canon Jeremy paisey tel: 832312 Buckie Baptist Church meets Sundays 11am & 5.45pm. Contact Rev. V MacDougall Email bydand52@aol.com - Children welcome, Contact Irene 840821 Buckie North, C of S, Cluny Square Contact Mrs Elizabeth Reid c/o tel: 831907 Buckie Salvation Army Sunday Services 10.30am & 6pm, plus others during week. Contact Caroline Buchanan tel: 823790 Buckie South & West, C of S, High Street meets for Sunday worship at 11.30am, including Sunday School, Contact Rev’d Alan Macgregor 833775 or email buckiesouwester@btconnect.com Buckie, Riverside Christian Church, Sundays 10.30am, contact 01542 833923 or visit www.riversidebuckie.org Buckie, St Peters Church RC 832196 Buckie Methodist Church Sundays 11am & 6pm. Sunday School, Bible Studies, Prayer Meetings, Study & House Groups, Alpha, Women’s Guild, Men’s Prayer Breakfast Cullen & Deskford C of S, 1st Sunday of the month at the Hall Church at 11am (followed by soup & sweet), every other Sunday at the Auld Kirk at 10.30am, and the 2nd & 4th Sundays at the Jubilee Hall, Deskford at 12noon. Contact
Gordon McNeill tel: 840193 or email: gordonmcneillg@btinternet.com Cullen Methodist Church, Seatown, Cullen, Buckie Sunday morning worship at 11am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher; Enzie Parish Church, Portgordon, Buckie meets for Sunday worship at 10 am, Sunday School. Contact Rev’d Alan Macgregor 833775 or email enziekirk@btconnect.com Findochty Church of Scotland meets for Sunday Worship 11.15am. All welocme. Contact David Pirie tel: 834123 Findochty Methodist Church welcomes you to fellowship Sundays at 11am Keith, Holy Trinity Episcopal Family Eucharist 11.30am Keith, C of S - North, Newmill, Boharm and Rothiemay : North Church : Sunday 11am; Boharm Church : Sunday 9.30am (first Sunday of the month at Mulben village hall); Rothiemay Church : Sunday 9.30am, except the first Sunday in each month. Contact Rev G Hutton Steel or email knnbrchurch@btconnect.com Keith, C of S - St Rufus, Botriphnie and Grange : St Rufus Church : Sunday 10.15am; Botriphnie Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays); Grange Church : Sunday 11.45am (alternate Sundays), contact: Rev Ranald S.R. Gauld or email:
page 6 - October 2011
tel: 01309 690063
to believe in God’s love, despite their desperate plight. He understood that God was not punishing them but bringing them to their senses, and wanting to fill them with hope and courage; to free them from shame and despondency. God said “Have no fear, do not let your hands fall limp. Your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult with joy over you, he will renew you with his love; he will dance with shouts of joy for you as on a day of festival.” Perhaps we might like to believe in that God!
To ni Milnes, parishioner of St Tho mas.
kay_gauld@btinternet.com Keith, St. Thomas’ Church RC Vigil-Mass 9.30am and 6.30pm Confessions Saturday 10am on request. Portessie Assembly Hall, Ogilvie Street welcomes you to our Gospel Meeting Sunday 6:15pm and Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesday 7:30 pm Portessie Methodist Church, Portessie, Buckie Sunday worship at 11am and at 6pm (alternately here & at Buckie). Portgordon Methodist Church meets for Sunday worship at 11am, bible study meeting on alternate Mondays with the Church of Scotland congregation at 2pm, craft group meets on Wednesdays at 2pm Portknockie Church of Christ Sunday 11am Breaking of Bread; Sunday 6pm Gospel Service; Friday 7pm Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Ladies Fellowship (September--March) every second Monday 7pm. Prayer Breakfast 8am Wednesdays. Leader Mr Stewart Gray 836007 Rathven Church of Scotland Sunday morning worship at 9.45am led by a Minister or an authorised Local Preacher. Contact Moira 833956 or Ann 831607 If you are a member of a church not listed here, please email megan@spotlighton.co.uk and we may print this in future issues.
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 7
A Lot of Shopping under one roof
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Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:32 page 8
Dancing Lights By Stan Barber With long winter nights approaching there’s a chance to see one of the most exhilarating sights in the night sky, the Northern Lights, particularly if you know when, where and what to look for. Our ancestors marvelled at these strange lights that danced in the northern sky and there were many ideas on their cause, some extremely fanciful. Vikings believed they were reflections from the shields and armour of Valkyries, mythical mounted warriors. Another was that the lights were a bridge from Earth to Heaven called Bifrost (the Quivering Roadway) leading fallen warriors to the Great Hall of Valhalla. In the Middle Ages many believed that the lights were signs from God. It was not until the early 20th century that the causes of aurora were better understood, and the essential driving forces determined. The main driver of aurora is the Sun and in particular the solar wind, a stream of charged particles ejected from its upper atmosphere. Streaming out in all directions, some of these highly charged particles interact with the
Earth’s magnetic field and are funnelled down along the lines of magnetic flux towards the magnetic poles. In the northern hemisphere the phenomenon is called the Aurora Borealis while in the southern hemisphere it is referred to as the Aurora Australis. Solar wind particles collide with atoms and molecules in our upper atmosphere with green or brownish-red light resulting from collisions with oxygen molecules, and blue or red light from nitrogen. The intensity and activity of
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 9
aurora vary mainly as a result of the
computer then there’s a number of sites
intensity of the solar wind, which can be
that offer free aurora warnings by email
augmented by solar eruptions associated
such as the Department of Physics at
with sunspots and even larger events such
Lancaster University.
as Coronal Mass Ejections. Aurora are
normally seen only in higher latitudes, between about 60-70 degrees north and
The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis
south. However, major eruptions of
can often be seen in winter time in the
particles from the Sun can cause aurora to
north of Scotland - sometimes further
be seen at much lower latitudes as far
south too. But as a result of this song they
south as Spain.
seem to be associated more with Aberdeen than anywhere else! When I was a lad, a tiny wee lad My mother said to me Come see the Northern Lights my boy They' re bright as they can be She called them the heavenly dancers Merry dancers in the sky I'll never forget, that wonderful sight They made the heavens bright
Photo: Alan Tough
As there’s a link between aurora and sunspot activity, the phase of the Sun’s 11-year sunspot cycle has an effect. Solar activity, has picked up recently with the next maximum predicted anywhere between autumn 2011 and autumn 2012. Local astronomer and astro-imager Alan Tough captured this image from Elgin in March this year. So next time it’s clear and dark, why not spend some time outside, especially in places where there’s a clear, dark horizon. Any location with a clear northern horizon is good but it’s much
Chorus The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen Mean home sweet home to me The Northern Lights of old Aberdeen Are what I long to see I’ve been a wanderer all of my life Any many a sight I've seen God speed the day when l'm on my way To my home in Aberdeen I've wandered in many far-off lands And travelled many a mile I've missed the folk I cherished most The joy of a friendly smile It warms up the heart of a wand'rer The clasp of a welcoming hand To greet me when I return, Home to my native land Chorus
better if you can get away from street light pollution and there’s a dark northern
For further information try out the Highland
horizon. A number of places along the
Astronomical Society at :
Moray Firth coast will fit this bill, with Spey
www.spacegazer.com or SIGMA at:
Bay a particularly good spot. If you have a
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 10
Presentation – Tish Richford, team manager from the Criminal Justice Services gave a very informative talk about the Community Payback scheme which we have in Moray. She went on to explain the new Payback Orders the new name since February 2011 replaces previous probation orders and community service orders. instead of community service it is now referred to as Community Payback Orders and unpaid Work orders. There are two levels of order. level one is 20t to 100 hours (three months) which are less serious offences level two is 101 to 300 hours (six Months) for people who have committed serious assaults, fraud, etc. Offenders must start work within 7 days of the order being imposed. Most are signed up to doing at least two days of work. Offenders are supervised seven days a week. The team is based in Elgin with a workshop in Grampian Road where offenders make for example plant containers, garden picnic tables and benches. The examples of work in Moray were shown to members by means of photographs. The projects they have undertaken are environmental projects and community projects. The benefit to the community is that work is being done by offenders that may never be done otherwise. it ensures that the offender gives direct repatriation to the community that they live in. This work is used as an alternative to custody and is not a soft option. Research has shown that offenders are less likely to offend again in the future. Plaques are erected to say that projects have been done by offenders. The Senior task Supervisor can be contacted on 01343 557200.
if offender does not participate order is returned to the court. Offenders don’t go into the community that they offended in. A number of projects were spoken about that could be done by offenders in the Keith area. Members of KCC will make a list and email Tish. CORRESPONDENCE There was correspondence about the Beatice Field - Shetland to Portgordon Windfarm. There will be an exhibition to which councilors will be invited to in the longmore hall in the future. JM has received a cheque from the Phoenix group. A letter of thanks will be sent out. COMMUNITY COUNCILLORS UPDATES Cl - Roads and Rights of Way – Cl complained about the state of the pavements in Keith which need to be swept. The A96 has not been swept either which is BEARs duty. A man hole at Broad lane is dirling and needs to be seen to by Scottish water SC said he would deal with it. lorrys getting tyres on A96 at Darren Williams premises are causing an obstruction. Police would have to deal with this matter. Another police matter is cars that park on pavement on A96. Bridge of Haughs is still flooding. White lines have still to be painted on roads. number of lights not working including the one outside the Royal (3 years ). Cl will contact Chivas about rotten trees which are a danger at end of fife Keith. lot of water collecting at bottom of Earlsmount an ongoing problem.GC has told BEAR about this. union Bridge – light not working but been reported. north Church – suggested that White lines be painted on slabs as there are step downs to pavement.
MC – Signs and street furniture – no update from MC. SC will see that the TARTAn Museum sign is taken down. Two signs been taken down. JM thought they were being replaced. CC will see MC about this. Pictures on the old Coop building will be relocated somewhere else in the town as Coop undergoing a transformation. Peter laing was interested in them going somewhere else in the town. Greigs – mess is getting worse Viewfield – no progress on the house which was burnt downCaravan Site – no progressChlorine in water still not rectified. MR – Cleansing –no updates although SH mentioned St Rufus path leading down side of manse has been reported as having lot of debris and rubble lying there. GC seeing to this. Toilets are now open 24 hours in Keith and Fife Keith. Xmas Lights – There is a meeting on 8th June at Keith Community Centre. JM received a cheque from the Phoenix group and a letter of thanks will be sent to them. A.O.C.B Keith Skatepark – June Simpson and JM are to go to a couple of meetings to guide the members there. Douggie MacPhee will attend as well. Next Meeting The next meeting of Keith Community Council will be on Monday 4th July 2011 at 7.00pm in Keith Sports and Community Centre. Charlielawson ianCattanach Stewart Cre Carol Cowie Diane Halley Jane Martin Ron Shepherd Gary Coull Stewart Cree
COMMUNITY COUNCIL CONTACTS Keith Community Council: Buckie Community Council Meets first Monday of each month (excluding Meets third Tuesday each month (excluding July) January/August) 7pm at Keith Community Centre. 7pm Town House West. Contact: Diane Halley (Secretary) tel: 886640 Contact: Gordon Cowie (Secretary) tel: 831956 page 10 - October 2011
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 11
“ Parliament Blog � recently I was delighted to be asked to visit the Highland Gliding Club, who are based at an airfield south of elgin. the occasion was the official opening of their new hanger - built to replace one that had collapsed under the wait of snow over 18 months ago, causing major damage to the gliders inside at the time. two things struck me, firstly the fact that the impact of that severe weather can, in many cases, take a considerable amount of time and there will be people elsewhere in moray and in the North who are still in the process of recovering from that. Secondly - the hanger is something of a phoenix from the ashes. the necessity of coming together in adversity has, I believe, made the club stronger. they now have a better facility than before and are looking to the future. It was also wonderful to get a birds eye view of moray in one of the gliders and I would recommend it for anyone thinking of trying something new! Angus Robertson MP
In early September I was delighted to welcome my Scottish Government Cabinet colleagues to elgin, where we held the 4th of our summer cabinets that take us around Scotland. It was, of course, a further opportunity to recognise the community effort to retain raF lossiemouth and challenges facing the community around Kinloss as they go through a transitional period, however it was also a chance to see many of the sports available in moray being demonstrated in the Cooper park. Sports activity was a key theme for the visit and it was great to see coaches, young people and adults all demonstrating their skills in some of the less wellknown sports as well as those we would all recognise. a big thank you to everyone who came out to show off their skills, ask the questions in the town Hall and take time out of their day to talk to us. It was very productive and I personally got a great deal out of the day, as I know the rest of the cabinet did as well. Richard Lochhead MSP
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 12
Advertise here from only £30 per month plus VAT. Call 01309 690063 or email david@spotlighton.co.uk. Advertising deadline for November issue is Wednesday 05/10/11
School Term Dates Holidays and Tide Times
for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011 Winter Term Starts Monday 24th October 2011 In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011 Spring Term Starts Thursday 5th January 2012 Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012 Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012 Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012
Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012 Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012 Milne’s High & Feeders Friday 4th May 2012 May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012 In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Keith Grammar & Feeders Monday 4th June 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 Buckie High & Feeders Monday 11th June 2012
Local Holidays 2011 Buckie Holiday § Fochabers Holiday ‡ Keith Holiday St Andrews Day Christmas Day Holiday * Boxing Day Holiday * New Years Day Holiday * 2nd January Holiday Buckie Holiday § Keith Holiday Good Friday May Day Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Keith Holiday
Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Wed. 30th Nov. 2011 Mon. 26th Dec. 2011 Tues. 27th Dec. 2011 Mon. 2nd Jan. 2012 Tues. 3rd Jan. 2012 Mon. 2nd April 2012 Mon. 2nd April 2012 Fri. 6th April 2012 Mon. 7th May 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR BUCKIE IN OCTOBER Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
08.51 09.39 10.35 11.48 00.44 02.20 03.36
page 12 - October 2011
21.09 22.05 23.14 13.17 14.47 15.52
8 SA 9 SU 10 M 11 TU 12 W 13 TH 14 F 15 SA 16 SU 17 M 18 TU 19 W
Queens Diamond Jubilee Tues. 5th June 2012 Mon. 11th June 2012 Buckie Holiday § Buckie Holiday § Mon. 30th July 2012 Summer Bank Holiday Mon. 6th Aug. 2012 Keith Holiday Mon. 13th Aug. 2012 Mon. 10th Sept. 2012 Buckie Holiday § Keith Holiday Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 Buckie Holiday § Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 St Andrews Day Fri. 30th Nov. 2012 * substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday § includes Cullen, Findochty & Portknockie ‡ includes Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay & Urquhart
AM 04.27 05.06 05.37 06.06 06.33 07.00 07.27 07.55 08.26 09.00 09.40 10.32
tel: 01309 690063
PM 16.37 17.14 17.46 18.15 18.44 19.12 19.42 20.13 20.48 21.28 22.17 23.22
20 TH 21 F 22 SA 23 SU 24 M 25 TU 26 W 27 TH 28 F 29 SA 30 SU 31 M
AM 11.46 00.49 02.17 03.24 04.17 05.02 05.44 06.23 07.05 07.46 07.31 08.19
PM 13.22 14.47 15.48 16.36 17.19 17.59 18.40 19.22 20.08 19.57 20.53
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 13
DON’T GET THE WRONG IDEA! Men have many strange, un-scriptural ideas about what it takes to be forgiven and be at peace with God. WHO TOLD YOU THAT...all you have to do is live a good life and God will then accept you? Does God say that your best is good enough for you to be acceptable to Him? God’s viewpoint is “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Romans 3:10. Why is this true? God states, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. God cannot accept you because you have already sinned. WHO TOLD YOU THAT... being a member of a church would get you into Heaven? To get into Heaven God must deal with your sin problem. Joining a church will not save you. You need forgiveness and cleansing so that God can associate with you. This change is a spiritual birth where God causes a brandnew spiritual nature to live in you. The Bible says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” II Corinthians 5:17. To be forgiven and associate with God you need to be born again. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3.
WHO TOLD YOU THAT.... obeying God’s law will save you? It is too late. God’s Word states, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” James 2: 10. Every one of us has broken at least one of God’s laws. WHO TOLD YOU THAT... loving every one has anything to do with being saved? This is commendable, however we are separated from God because of our sin nature. Even a sinful person can be loving, however he is stiIl sinful until God removes the stain in Christ.
Men have many strange, un-scriptural ideas about what it takes to be forgiven and be at peace with God. That we can be forgiven and enter a peaceful relationship with God is a matter of scriptural record. Romans 5: I states, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Have you
found forgiveness and peace with God, dear reader?
What must you do to be saved? Go to God in prayer and acknowledge that you are a sinner and need His help. Understand that Jesus Christ died on the Cross to pay God’s penalty for your sins. Ask WHO TOLD YOU THAT ... baptism will save God to accept this death on your behalf. Invite you? Bible baptism has nothing to do with Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour, washing away sin, which is our problem before a to live and reign within you. I urge you to turn holy God. The Apostle Peter wrote that baptism to God now, that you may be saved. is, “Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh...” I Peter 3:21. Baptism with water is the vivid You can be saved today if you will come to God symbol of the changed life of one who has a and accept His sacrifice for you. conscience at peace with God through faith in Christ. Will you respond to Him today?
““Therefore Therefore being justified b byy faith, w we e have have peace peace with G God od thr through ough our LLord ord Jesus Chr Christ. ist.”
Romans R omans 5:1
Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 14
WINDSOR HOTEL - NAIRN 01667 453108 CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR DINING Christmas Day & New Year’s Day Carvery £9.95 per head Seatings at 12 noon, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm on both dates £5 deposit per person required on bookling places selling fast - book yours now!
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For more information or to book call in and see us Give us a call - 01667 453108 or send us an email windsorres@btconnect.com
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 15
PleAse seNd us deTAils of Your eVeNTs
log on to www.spotlighton.co.uk email megan@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063 diary deadline for November issue is friday 30/09/11
What’s On &
SEPTEMBER until oct 31 monday pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for details tel: 0844 493 2156 scotland SC029433
29 thursday
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blayz : electric string quartet, 7:30pm, st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit www.thegcs.org.uk for more details, tickets available from www.thebooth.co.uk
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30 friday swish party get fab gear, be eco friendly, spend less...you can't afford to miss this posh jumble sale.at miltonduff village hall 7pm - 9pm wine & canapes £5.00 contact michelle at moray business woman on 07887730708 quiz night, 7pm for 7.30pm, garmouth village hall, in aid of mateite agricultural development project in sierra leone, entry £2.50 per person to include tea/coffee and biscuits at the interval, sales tables the bevvy sisters, 8pm universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170 live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit www.discovercullen.com for details
Craig Campbell - The Loft Venue Friday 30th September 8pm “Bringing a tale to life like a young Billy Connolly” (The Edinburgh Evening News) Over 16’s. Tickets £12 Tel: 01343 850111 www.eastgrange.co.uk
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7pm for 7.30pm, £2 per person, teams of up to four, BYOB and nibbles, (all proceeds go to community centre funds), registered as a charity in scotland : sc029433
throughout october the big draw - moray arts club, art rocks! drawn on stone - spontaneous drawing activities popping up in spaces around elgin. no booking necessary. contact emma the art convener on 01343 548475
craig campbell, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, tickets £12, tel: 01343 850111, visit www.eastgrange.co.uk
OCTOBER until 31 monday pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for details tel: 0844 493 2156
1 saturday quiz night in lhanbryde community centre with raffle, SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
2 sunday Orienteering at Quarrelwood - Moravian Orienteers Seven different courses to suit all ages, fitness levels and map reading ability. Registration at Spynie Hall 1030am-1230pm www.moravianorienteering. orgautomobile autojumble, 9am-3pm, one of scotland’s largest autojumbles, over 60 stalls selling everything associated with land travel and transport from small parts to complete vehicles grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit
October 2011 - page 15
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 16
OCTOBER 2011 continued www.gtm.org.uk Guide Dogs sponsored dog walk 11am -3pm, Cooper Park, Elgin,tel:0845 600 6787.
3 monday to 29 saturday art exhibition ‘seashore’ by jessie white, elgin museum, tel: 543675 150th anniversary of highland railway on 17th october 1861 from forres over dava towards perth,monday to saturday 10am to 5pm, falconer museum, tolbooth street, forres,tel: 01309 673701 or 01309 696261, ianlambyct@tiscali.co.uk,visit; www.moray.gov.uk/museums Last orders ,7.30pm, £10/£8 £6 u-16’s ,universal hall, findhorn
5 wednesday babs dial a bus,tombola, 6:30 for 7:30, fisherman's hall, buckie, star prize £60.00 voucher, bring own cup.!!!!
7 friday fi5her live at downtown usa,10pm, elgin, a clever 4 piece band playing original material and a diverse range of covers,visit :www.fi5her.co.uk
Ivan Drever - The Loft Venue Friday 07th October 8pm Drever’s music is a reflection of his Orcadian heritage. Tickets £10 Tel: 01343 850111 www.eastgrange.co.uk
ivan drever, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, tickets £10, tel: 01343 850111, visit www.eastgrange.co.uk
8 saturday guide dogs for the blind 80th anniversary coffee morning, 10am-12noon, st leonards church hall, forres, the usual stalls plus guide dogs merchandise family fun day,10am -3pm,1.50pm,fishermans hall in buckie ,all proceeds go to rain or shine toddler group
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre Your local venue for films, shows, concerts and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.
OCTOBER EVENTS 1st Oct ..... Music Nairn presents ‘Pure Brass’ 8pm 21st Oct ............................................ Cinema Nairn ‘A Children’s Special Up’ 2009 (U) 5.30pm 28th Oct............................................ Cinema Nairn ‘Spooky Double Bill’ For further details Telephone 01667 453476, e-mail, info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
18 tuesday
fiddlers bid 7.30pm, £14/£12,universal hall,findhorn
19 wednesday how the koala learnt to hug,7pm,£6/£5 ,£4 u16’s,concessions, universal hall,findhorn
20 thursday to 25 tuesday western front association - branch battlefield tour to the somme, arras and ypres, contact derek bird tel: 01343 870562, email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk
21 friday to 24 monday
9 sunday
get moray reading book festival ,booking essential from elgin library,tel:01343 562623.
arthur, 7.30pm,£14, £12 concessions, universal hall,findhorn
22 saturday
13 thursday the magnets : the acapella singing and beat-boxing sensation, 7:30pm, st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £15/£7.50, visit www.thegcs.org.uk for more details, tickets available from www.thebooth.co.uk
17 monday elgin farmers market,10am-4pm scottish food and drink(with a twist)10am-4pm
page 16 - October 2011
tel: 01309 690063
try curling, 9am to 11am, moray leisure centre elgin OWbook tHe “W ’S ONcontact ” WOrKSles morgan, for details andHto a Hat place all line listings are free morgan.les@btinternet.com,tel: 01309 676716. send us details of any events coming up to
Artinkulate Charity Thistle Auction The Station Hotel, Portsoy on Dec 2nd, 7pm Around 35 mainly local artists are creating their own interpretation of the iconic Thistle image, in whatever medium they favour followed by a charity auction. contact 01542 842888, info @artinkulate.co.uk, or via the Facebook page Artinkulate's Charity Thistle Challenge.”
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 17
Cinema Nairn
Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cinema listings October 2011 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Up to 6th of October In A Better World (15) The Big Picture (15) You’ve Been Trumped The Inbetweeners(15)
Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit www.highlandspiritualcinema.net or telephone 01463 237452
Vue Cinema, Inverness
From Friday 30th The Debt (tbc) Abduction (tbc) Shark Night 3D (tbc) From Friday 7th Johnny English 2 (tbc) Tyrannosaur (18) The Lion King 3D (U) The Three Musketeers 3D (tbc) From Friday 14th Real Stee (12a) Footloose (tbc) Dolphine Tale 3D From Friday 21st Paranormal Activity 3 (tbc) Monte Carlo (PG) Contagion (tbc) The Help (12a) KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Visit www.myvue.com for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email portessiepublichall@hotmail.co.uk
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
October 2011 - page 17
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 18
“Get “Get mobile mobile in in Autumn” Autumn” with
Wheelchair Care
For over two decades we have been supplying and servicing a wide variety of mobility and daily living aids throughout the North of Scotland and beyond. A very friendly atmosphere and pleasant surroundings ensure that your purchase or browse will always be comfortable. We also have two full time Area Consultants who are available to take equipment to your home for demonstration and they will always encourage a ‘Free of charge’ trial period where you can take your time to assess equipment suitability within your own environment.
Buy on the internet Full online shopping service from the comfort of your home on www.mooringsmediquip.com Hours of Business MON - FRI 9am - 5pm
01309 676677 sales@wheelchaircare.co.uk 21 West Road, Greshop Industrial Estate, Forres IV36 2GW (Behind Lidl) Easy Parking & Disabled Toilet Facilities
OCTOBER 2011 continued
28 friday the moray society lecture ‘the archaeology and facts about culbin’ by cathy maciver, 7pm, elgin museum live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit www.discovercullen.com for details
Des Horsfall’s Kuschty Rye - The Loft Venue Saturday 29th October 8pm “This is a killer record….KILLER” – Pete Townshend (The Who). Pass the Hat'-gig, suggested donation £5. Tel: 01343 850111 www.eastgrange.co.uk
29 saturday orienteering at hopeman - moravian orienteers are repeating the popular event that was staged during Hopeman Gala Week as the 10th event of their Saturday League and Schools Competition. 1015am1115am and full details are on www.moravianorienteering.org the hunted,7pm,£6/£5 / £4 u-16’s,universal hall,findhorn des horsfall’s kuschty rye, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, ‘pass-the-hat’ gig suggested £5 donation, tel: 01343 850111, visit www.eastgrange.co.uk
NOVEMBER 2011 in brief
A little bit of the Countryside in the Town Enjoy delicious coffees, teas, light lunches and farmhouse-style baking made with locally sourced ingredients and free-range organic eggs. Buy local artisan products including our own Steading dressing, Ola Oils and Huntly Herbs organic preserves.
Autumn Opening Times Coffee Shop Monday - Friday 10am - 4.30pm Saturday 9.30am - 5pm Bistro Evening Dinner menu served from 6.30pm on Saturdays.
Open for Bistro Evenings on Saturdays
NOVEMBER 10 thursday crossroads primary school, grange - Xmas fayre 6.30pm-8.30pm, school hall. 12 saturday mundole equestrian m&n pony club rally, contact 07901 602042 or visit www.mundoleequestrian.com orienteering at buckie - the first orienteering event ever to be held in Buckie Moravian Orienteers head for the High School where they are staging the 11th event in the Moray Saturday League and Schools Competiton. No previous experience necessary - everyone welcome. 1015am-1115am and full details are on www.moravianorienteering.org 12 saturday -13 sunday elgin modelfair open 10.00 am to 5.00 pm both days,elgin town hall, moray, adults £4.50, children. £3.50, family (2+2) £10.00, children under 5 free.info: modelfair@elginmodelrailwayclub.co.uk. 19 saturday western front association - members’ forum, 2.30pm, the gallery, elgin library, contact derek bird tel: 01343 870562, email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk 25 friday the moray society lecture ‘climate change in moray : should we care?’ by dr garry campbell, doors 7pm, elgin museum live entertainment, 8pm-11pm, cullen bay hotel, visit www.discovercullen.com for details To advertise in the next issue of spotlight on Buckie & Keith call 01309 690063 or go online at www.spotlighton.co.uk for more details
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 19
Don’t miss our late-night opening on Friday 14th October - there’s a whopping
10% OFF ALL CHRISTMAS & GIFT ITEMS together with a few star-buys! It’s for one night only, but to give you plenty of time to browse around, we’ve extended our opening hours from 6pm until 9pm. Go on, make a night of it - and remember the bargains begin at 6pm. Check-out our website for more details www.mackenzie-cruikshank.com Bringing life to your home and garden...
1 West Road, Forres IV36 2GW 01309 696940
Divine Gifts !
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Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 20
Chef’s Confidential As the nights draw in there is a sense that winter is on the way and without being alarmist I thought I would talk about whisky and food this month, in particular sharing with you my recipe for Whisky Christmas Cake. This is a real family favourite during the festive period and now is the best time to make it and let it mature over the coming weeks. Whilst I am not one for putting the best single malts into the cake it is worth using a really good blended whisky that is full of character and flavour. My favourite for this recipe is Chivas Regal 12 year old, it has a lovely fruity and toffee aroma and when steeping the fruit in it brings out the most amazing flavours. Any good blended whisky can be used.
Whisky Christmas Cake Preheat the oven to 170°C (150°C fan oven) Gas Mark 3 Dried Fruit
Ready to eat prunes
Grated lemon rind and juice
1 lemon
Chivas Regal
Whisky Liqueur
Softened butter
Ground Almonds
Muscovado Sugar
Large eggs
Wholemeal Self raising flour
Mixed Spice
1.5 tsp
1 tsp
Method 1. Soak the dried fruit, prunes and grated lemon rind in a bowl with the whisky and whisky liqueur. Soak at least overnight but preferably longer. 2. Grease and line the base and sides of an 20.5com round cake tine, with a removeable base. Use a double thickness of baking parchment. Wrap a double thickness of brown parcel paper around the outside of the tin and secure with string. 3. Using an electric hand mixer beat together the soft butter and sugar. Add the eggs a little at a time and continue beating until smooth. Mix the flour and spices together and using a large metal spoon add gradually to the egg and butter mixture. Finally add the ground almonds. 4. Place half the soaked fruit into a food processor and pulse to a puree. Add this and the rest of the fruit to the rest of the mix and combine well. 5. Spoon into the cake tin and place in the oven on a centre shelf, for 2 .25 to 2.75 hours. 6. Remove from the oven after the minimum cooking time and test using a skewer to see if cooked. The skewer should come out clean. If it doesn't place back in the oven and check after a further 15-20mins. If the cake starts to look quite dark on the top, cover with brown paper with a whole cut in the middle to prevent it getting too discoloured. 7. When cooked, allow the cake to cool in the tin before removing the lining paper. If storing for Christmas then leave the lining paper on, cover with foil and finally cling film and store in a cool dry cupboard until you are ready to decorate.
Penny Ellis, Owner Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 21
Wicked Halloween Costumes for all the family
Everything for the little devils.
visit our
Real home cooking and baking at REAL prices!
The ‘Famous’ Spotty Bag Shop 13 Old Market Place, Banff, AB45 1HE Tel: 01261 815623
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 22
Dreaming of... ...a Skiing Holiday
At this time of year our minds turn to that wonderful winter pastime – the skiing holiday. Europe has become closer and closer with dedicated flights from Scottish airports, mainly Edinburgh and Glasgow with some from Aberdeen. A good skiing holiday is a total change to your normal routines, but it is not a lazy option – skiing or snowboarding use muscles that we don't otherwise use every day, and although exhilarating it can be hard work to ski all day every day for a week or a fortnight. It is a great advantage to be able to test your interest in skiing at a Scottish resort – if you like it you can continue to use the local facilities at weekends but it is tempting to go to the greater snow fields of Europe, and then the ultimate treat is in North America and Canada. In Europe the popular countries are France, Switzerland and Austria. French resorts tend to be high such as Tignes (the highest in France) or Chamonix which is a small French industrial town surrounded by three clear skiing areas. Swiss resorts tend to be picturesque and Alpine-like, including Verbier and Zermatt – Verbier is high with good skiing, and is a mecca for the British if that is what you want, whereas Zermatt has retained its charm as a Swiss-style resort. Austria, although not the highest resorts, offers the most charming and stylised such as Kitzbuhel and St Anton. The west coast of Canada has wonderful skiing in Banff, Lake Louise and Whistler, where the winter Olympics were held in 2010. Whistler offers so much choice there are even 2 mountains to choose from, both offering guides to show you round. The ski lifts are generally larger and wider than European ones, as are the pistes, and the mountain restaurants are enormous and modern, but very efficient. The ski police keep you on your toes. The final but very important consideration is the cost of your skiing holiday. The key components are your flights, your accommodation, your food and drink bills, your equipment hire (skis or snowboard and boots), and your lift passes, but these can range enormously in price and there are always some very good deals around. Switzerland is likely to feel the most expensive this season for the British due to the current very strong Swiss Franc.
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 23
Dubrovnik Riviera 4th June HB ..........from £639pp Portugal 11th June and 3rd Sept HB from £669pp Austrian Tyrol and Lake Garda 1st and 8th July HB ............................. from £749pp
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S factor colour shampoo worth £15.99 with every colour book DURING OCTOBER FOR LOYALTY CARD HOLDERS
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 24
FULLRx?BMM>=xDBMCA>GLx:G=xB:MARHHFL ?NEEx<>GMK:ExA>:MBG@x:G=xBHBE>KxCA:G@>(K>P:BK :EExWHKDx@U:K:GM>>= @Zlxl^rob\^ l _rhfx{.)x$xvZm Ghx\ZeexhnmxcaZk`^x_hkxO:I l 2-xahnkx\Zeexhnmxl^rob\^ @Zl lZ_^xr^`blt^r^] H_t^\xr^`blt^r^]x Lgbi^_ r^`blt^r^] :ee wordx`nZrZgt^^] Gb\^b\ r^`blt^r^] >x\^ee^gmxirb\^lxhgxZeexg^px\^gmrZexa^Zmbg` Dbmca^glxZg]x[ZthrhhfxlniierxZg]xbgltZeeZmbhgxZmxZgx^x\^imbhgZexirb\^x >qt^glbhglxZg]x\hgl^rvatorb^lxng]^rtak^gx LNIILRx:G=x?BMxG>PxBHBE>KLxPBMAx1R>:Kx GU:K:GM>>xHGxP:RMLx:G=xL:BHNKx?RHFx{10.)$V:M
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Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 25
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Extra 10% discount is excluded from 12 hour events and VIP Events. Voucher valid from 26th September until 21st October 2011. Terms and conditions apply. See instore for details.
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 26
life style
Seeing is Believing How do people with very little sight do things like play the
Day Three:
Harp. Fiona Kyle has been visually impaired since birth, but
Today I’m delivering a workshop to a group of older people in
this has not prevented her from running a small business
a sheltered housing complex. Once again, I have to find
that provides her with an income. However, playing the
someone to drive me as not all the care homes are easy to
Harp is just one aspect when it comes to running a
access via public transport.
business and the different challenges it brings for
The workshops are part of my “Harping Back” series. A chance
someone with severe sight loss are many. With the aim of
for people to chat informally and listen to their favourite
being an inspiration to anybody experiencing a
Scottish Traditional tunes played on the Harp. Following each
temporary or permanent disability we have asked Fiona
tune residents are invited to reminisce about past events in
to give us an insight into what she actually does from one
their lives.
day to the next.
workshops, providing a great icebreaker at moments where
The following is therefore a sample of what her typical day
discussion is not forthcoming.
My Guide Dog Gerri is a great asset to these
might involve: Day Four: Day One:
Today, I’m at home, catching up with admin tasks. I have
My day can start as early as 6.30 AM, with a full-day in the
specialist software on my computer which talks back any
recording studio. Thanks to a music project in Aberdeen
information from emails, word documents or the internet. I also
I’ve been able to fulfil a life-long ambition of recording a
have a Braille notetaker which is the equivalent to a sighted
CD comprising of an eclectic mix of traditional, modern
person’s pen and paper!! It allows me to take notes quickly
and self-written pieces.
and is useful for storing set lists and booking information Etc. I
A Taxi ride normally takes me, my Guide Dog Gerri and my
also have a volunteer Admin Assistant who reads out any
Harp Ailish to the train station at about 8 A.M and I’m met
printed material sent through the post and proofreads and
at the station by my sound engineer Kev. The railway staff
formats documents on the computer so that they are accurate
are fantastic, helping to carry my Harp and stool on and
before being emailed or sent out.
off the train. As you can see from my diary my work is varied and enjoyable. Day Two:
However, if Inspirational Harping is to progress I really need
Today I’m off to a Wedding ceremony. Choosing clothes
adequate transport arrangements to ensure that I can travel
for a wedding can be challanging, making sure I’m
within Moray and beyond.
wearing the right colours and jewellery to match. To do
So, if anyone is interested in helping Fiona out on a voluntary
this I would normally ask a friend to help or use outfits that
basis and you live close to Elgin then please get in touch with
I have committed to memory from their feel. This
her direct.
particular wedding, I’ve been asked to play for the bridal party’s entrance and exit and at the signing of the
Fiona Kyle, Inspirational Harping,
register. The couple have also asked for background
01343 544062
music for their drinks reception. Since losing my funding for employing someone earlier this year, I now don’t have a specific paid driver to take me to performances, so it has been a case of relying on the goodwill of family and friends. When we arrive at the wedding venue I usually need help to set up my harp and Amplifier. During the ceremony I also need verbal prompts when it’s the right moment to play. It’s a nerve-wracking but enjoyable experience, being a part of a couples’ special day.
Buckie Oct 2011 12/09/2011 16:33 page 27
Business Profile On Planwell Roofing Supplies Planwell roofing supplies has been a name synonymous with quality for the last 22 years. The reputation is such that as well as servicing customers in the North East the firm’s business also extends throughout Scotland. Planwell manufacture and supply Permaroof box metal roof sheeting for the building trade, roofing contractors, farmers and DIY enthusiasts – all with a 10 year guarantee. Established in 1989 by parent company John Duncan Construction to meet the growing demand for quality roofing products the business
has grown steadily to forge a path to being at the forefront of one of the most competitive British Industries. Managing Director, Murray Duncan, said it was the commitment to continual development and customer care that had helped to make Planwell the success story that it is today. He said “the materials we supply are all of top quality and will stand the test of time and to us that is paramount.” For further details on Planwell please Telephone 01542 832170.
Planwell Plan nwe nwell ell roofing supplies
per square metre (price includes V VAT) VA AT)
price examples (standard sheeting)
7m x 2.9m (20sqm)....................... .O ONLY ON N LY LY
10m x 3m (30sqm)....................... .O ONLY ON N LY LY
WE DELIVER THROUGHOUT SCOTLAND Planwell Roofing Supplies Ltd, “ The Roofing Centre”, March Road Industrial Estate, Buckie AB56 4BU Fax: 01542 832182 Email: enquiries@planwell.co.uk
8m x 5m (40sqm)....................... .O ONLY ON N LY LY
£397 £562 £709
0800 0 8 0 0 02 02 8 88 8 2 272 72
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spotlight Magazines
To advertise in the next issue of spotlight on Buckie & Keith call 01309 690063 or go online for details www.spotlighton.co.uk
SpotLight spotlight Qr Code
Useful Numbers and Advertisers Index
If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers, please email these to megan@spotlighton.co.uk SCHOOLS Botriphnie primary School ......................01542 810207 Cluny primary School ............................01542 831417 Crossroads primary School ....................01542 870221 Cullen primary School ............................01542 840279 Findochty Primary School ......................01542 832287 Keith Primary School ..............................01542 882802 Millbank Primary School..........................01542 831113 Milne’s Primary School............................01343 820977 Mosstodloch Primary School ..................01343 820476 Newmill Primary School ..........................01542 882788 Portessie Primary School ........................01542 832288 Portgordon Primary School ....................01542 831198 Portknockie Primary School ....................01542 840244 Rothiemay Primary School .................... 01466 711220 St Peters RC Primary School ..................01542 831339 St Thomas RC Primary School................01542 882256 Buckie High School ................................01542 832605 Keith Grammar School ............................01542 882461 Milne’s High School ................................01343 820611 DOCTORS Ardach Health Centre ..............................01542 831555 Seafield Medical Centre ..........................01542 835577 Cullen Medical Centre ............................01542 840272 Keith Medical Centre ..............................01542 882244 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin ........................0845 456 6000
Artinkulate..............................................................16 Ashley Ann ............................................................31 Beaver Travel ........................................................23 Best Western Windsor Hotel ................................14 Divine Gifts ............................................................19 Doctor Denture........................................................3 Elgin Eagles Basketball Club ..................................4 Green Home..........................................................23 Indulgence Salon & Spa ......................................23 Johnstons of Elgin ..................Outside Back Cover Linda Marlow Dog Grooming..................................3 Mackenzie & Cruickshank ....................................19 McDonald & Munro ................................................5 McEwens of Perth ................................................29
SpotLight on Buckie, Keith and District
DENTISTS The Keith Dental Practice......................(01542) 886251 Buckie Dental Practice ..........................(01542) 831163 PHARMACIES Bairds Pharmacy, Keith ..........................01542 882512 Clarks Pharmacy, Fife-Keith ....................01542 882533 Listermac Pharmacy, Union St ................01542 840268 Listermac Pharmacy, W. Church St ........01542 833321 W.S. Taylor, Buckie ..................................01542 831116 Normac Pharmacy, Buckie ......................01542 831147 Buckie Leisure Centre ............................01542 832841 Police Station ..........................................0845 600 5700 Keith Community Centre ........................01542 882222 Keith Swimming Pool ..............................01542 882222 Keith Resource Centre ............................01542 886174 Keith Library ............................................01542 882223 Keith Sports & Com. Ctr ..........................01542 882222 Moray Council Access Point, Keith ........01542 885500 Registrar ..................................................01542 885525 Keith Tourist Info. Ctr ..............................01542 888423 Keith Community Bus ..............................01542 882222 Babs Dial A Bus ......................................01542 835800 National Rail Enquiries ............................08457 484950
Moray Council - Leisure ........................................11 Nairn Community & Arts Centre ..........................16 Planet BBK Ltd ........................................................2 Planwell Roofing Supplies ....................................27 Reid Furniture........................................................25 Roof Wizard ..........................................................23 Spotty Bag Shop ..................................................21 St Giles Shopping Centre ......................................7 The Steading Cafe ................................................18 Unique Beauty ................................Front Cover & 3 Universal Hall ......................................................15 Wheelchair Care....................................................18 Wilson Services Ltd ..............................................24 Words By The Wayside ........................................13
October 2011 - page 30
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Come in and see whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new. NOW OPEN
The refurbishment of our Elgin kitchen and bedroom showroom is now complete. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite a transformation and we hope that you will agree that it was well worth any inconvenience caused while it was closed. The finished result is stunning with classic and contemporary new styles, fantastic design ideas and amazing storage solutions. On show alongside our award winning Metris displays we are also showing our new Fusion range and our Classic Painted collection. All our kitchens and bedrooms are manufactured at our Highland factory with fantastic build quality which we have continued to update over the past 25 years. Our skilled manufacturers, designers and installers will continue to offer unrivalled quality and service and we look forward to welcoming you to our stunning new refurbished Elgin showroom.
ELGIN: 27 Tyock Ind Est 01343 545155 Also at: INVERNESS: 18 Carsegate Rd 01463 711548
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