APRIL 2011
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In this issue...... Clubs & Societies 4/6 Pastoral Letter 8 Church Details 10 What’s On 13-17 Cinema Listings 15 Lifestyle Section 19 Boath House Review 22 Johnstons Tour 24 Spirit of Speyside 26 Pictish Stones 28 Wild West 30 Chef’s Confidential 32
Council News 34/36 Parliament Blog 31 Property Review 37 Useful Contacts 38 Local Holidays 38 Tide Times 40 School Term Dates 40 Cleaning Hints 42 Duffus Inn Review 44 SpotLight News 46 Advertisers Index 49
MAY ISSUE Editorial Deadline - Friday 1st April Advertising Deadline - Wednesday 6th April
To advertise in the next issue of SpotLight on Elgin & Lossie call 01309 690063 or go online for more details www.spotlighton.co.uk
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SpotLight Clubs and Societies
4TH LOSSIE BOYS BRIGADE Every Wednesday at Hythehill Primary School. Anchor boys (Primary 1,2 & 3) 5pm-6pm; Junior Section (Primary 4,5 & 6) 6pm-7.30; Company Section (Primary 7 and high school) 7.30pm-9pm. Contact James Allan tel: 542305 AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS A fellowship of relatives/friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength and hope to solve common problems. For details of local weekly meetings visit www.al-anonuk.org.uk or call 0141 339 8884, a helpline available 10am-10pm 365 days/year BANFF, MORAY & NAIRN CANINE CLUB Classes are held in Obedience and Ringcraft every Monday evening during school terms from 1800 hrs in Spynie Hall, Elgin. Call Joanne on 01542 810293 or Mary on 01542 850262 BANFF AND MORAY MEMBERS’ CENTRE, THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR SCOTLAND (NTS) Promoting the work of the NTS and fundraising to support local properties, our local properties are Brodie Castle and Leith Hall. We have a varied annual programme of events, including lunches with speakers, one day coach trips to places of interest, short holidays to NTS and other historic properties further afield, quiz night and theatre outings.If you are a member of the NTS and would like more information, please contact the secretary on tel: 01343 835258 or email secretary2.bmnts@ btinternet.com
Shop, Lossie Wynd, Elgin. Contact Kirsty Morgan 547494 ELGIN AND DISTRICT CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Second Tuesday of each month all year in Abbeyvale Care Home, Duff Avenue, Elgin. 7pm9.30pm. Contact June Edmonstone 541872 (Chair) or Elizabeth Macrae 543050 (Secretary) ELGIN AMATEUR ATHLETICS CLUB Coaching in running, jumps and throws - field and track athletics. Ages 9 and up. At Morriston Playing Field Apr-Oct and East End Primary Nov-Mar. Tuesdays and Thursdays 7pm-8.30pm. Membership fee + £1 each session. Contact Mr M Archibald 540201 ELGIN AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY Providing quality drama productions for Elgin and District, and comprehensive theatrical experiences for interested adults and young people, Kingsmills Studio. Contact Jenna Ward 552457 or 07873 497487 www.elgindrama.co.uk ELGIN BOOKMARK BOOK CLUB Meets every 2nd Monday of the month, 2pm, Blythswood Charity Shop, Lossie Wynd, Elgin. Contact Kirsty Morgan 547494 ELGIN BOWLING CLUB Open daily from 10am to dusk, April to September, all ages and abilities. Contact Douglas Sinclair 540165
BIRNIE VILLAGE HALL Community Events, Bowling, WRI, SICMA Astronomy Club, contact Clifford Miller 860232
ELGIN BRIDGE CLUBS Meets Monday to Friday, Elgin Bridge Centre, 1 Academy Street, Elgin. Contact Malcolm 549996 or Ronnie 549032. Visit us at www.theelginbridge centre.co.uk
CREATIVE WRITING GROUP Meets fortnightly on a Thursday, 1.30pm, Blythswood Charity
ELGIN CRICKET CLUB Meets every Thursday from April to September, 6pm, Cooper
page 4 - April 2011
Park, age 5 upwards, coaching available. Contact Allan Duncan 563177 or 821331 or email allaniduncan@btinternet.com ELGIN CYCLING CLUB Aims to promote cycling in the local area, meets Sunday morning 8.30am, Grant Lodge, Cooper Park. Contact Libby Amphlett by email libby.amphlett@btopen world.com ELGIN DARBY & JOAN CLUB Meets every Tuesday, October May, from 2pm - 4pm for a sociable afternoon with entertainment or bingo for the over 60’s, Elgin Community Centre. Contact Moira Webb 541001 ELGIN FILM CLUB Now a part of the Moray Arts Club. New program of films coming soon, dates and venue to be confirmed. Screening alternative and classic films in a friendly atmosphere, with a brief talk about the film. Contact Emma Cooper 07894 144021 or email emmaucooper@ btinternet.com or visit www.morayartsclub.com ELGIN FLOWER CLUB Enjoy the art of flower arranging, meets every month at Elgin High Church Hall. Contact Muriel Gerrard 550257 muriel.gerrard@virgin.net ELGIN HIGH CHURCH HIGH SPIRTS CLUB Meets every Wednesday 10am12noon in Church Hall, North Guildry Street, Elgin from September-April ELGIN ICE HOCKEY CLUB (JUNIOR DEVELOPMENT) For ages 6 to 16 years, Thursdays 7pm-7.45pm and Sunday 8am-9am, Moray Leisure Centre. Contact Lesley Johnston 543355 or 890237 email lj@abmsols.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
ELGIN INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Meets Mondays 6.30pm to 9.45pm and Wednesdays 7.15pm - 9.30pm. Contact James Junor 546069 or email jamesjunor@btinternet.com ELGIN JUDO CLUB Enjoy the sport of judo, at a recreational or competitive level to suit all age groups and fitness, Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm and Fridays 6.30pm - 8.30pm, Elgin Community Centre. Contact Audrey Pirie 550426 ELGIN-LANDSHUT TWIN TOWN ASSOCIATION Encourages friendship and exchange visits between Elgin and its beautiful twintown in Bavaria. Contact Lorna Paterson 542753 www.landshut-elgin.de ELGIN MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB Aims: To encourage a responsible attitude towards target rifle shooting, as an enjoyable sport, in a safe controlled environment, meets Mondays 7.15pm from September to March at Indoor Rifle Range, Pinefield. Contact Athole Manson 07779 710985 email: atholem@aol.com ELGIN MUSEUM Elgin Museum collects, safeguards and makes accessible artefacts and specimens which are held in trust for the people of Moray and visitors to the area, open Monday to Saturday from April to October. Contact David Addison 543675 or email curator@elginmuseum.org.uk www.elginmuseum.org.uk ELGIN BALL GROUP Meets 10am-12noon each Wednesday in the Holy Trinity Church Hall. A wide range of activities, dancing, exercise, craftwork & talks etc on offer. If you are retired come along & join in the fun! Old & new members warmly welcome. Contact Sandra tel: 821020
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
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SpotLight Clubs and Societies
Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright
ELGIN ROUND TABLE Meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month September - June at 7pm, Royal Hotel, Elgin. Contact Dominic Young 548167 or email dominicyoung31@aol.com ELGIN SCRABBLE CLUB Meets every Monday for a game of scrabble, all ages and levels welcome, Elgin Community Centre. Contact Margaret Armstrong 545377 ELGIN SENIOR CITIZENS DANCING CLUB Join the over 50’s for music and dancing in friendly company, every Monday 1.30pm to 4pm, Supper Room, Elgin Town Hall FOGWATT VILLAGE HALL Available for regular meetings or one-offs! Check out our website at www.fogwatthall.co.uk. Contact Audrey Munro 860352 GARMOUTH & KINGSTON PRE-SCHOOL GROUPS Playgroup; 2-3 Club and Tots Group. Contact Jessica Myers tel: 870262(am)/870620(pm) or visit www.garmouth playgroups.co.uk
year round and Wednesday evening May - October at Easterton Airfield, Birnie. Contact Anne Burgess 820834 www.highglide.co.uk HIGHLAND HANG-GLIDING AND PARAGLIDING CLUB To promote freeflying activities throughout Highland and Moray areas. Contact Gary Williamson 01463 236600 or 01463 811852 hg@highlandhg&pgclub.co.uk LGBT MORAY Social networking group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Moray. Monthly meetings - 1st Tues. & 4th Thurs. The Cooperage Bar, High St, Elgin, 7.30pm; 2nd Weds. Scribbles, High St, Elgin,11am: 3rd Sat. Time Out Café, High St, Forres,10.30am. For further info or to be met in advance tel: 07598418638, email us on lgbtmoray@gmail.com or find us on Facebook LOSSIEMOUTH FOOTBALL CLUB To promote football in the Lossie area and enter competitive competitions. Contact Alan McIntosh tel: 813328 or email alanlfcsec@aol.com
MORAY SENSORY SERVICE Provides services for people with sight loss, hearing loss and the Deaf Community in Moray. 0845 271 2345 or write to Elizabeth House, 10 Victoria Crescent, Elgin IV30 1RQ
LOSSIEMOUTH GIRL GUIDING Rainbows-Monday or Wednesday; Brownies-Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday; Guides-Mondays. Contact Dawn Coull tel: 810955
HIGHLAND GLIDING CLUB Enjoy gliding and soaring at all levels, from complete beginner upwards, Saturday & Sunday all
SpotLight on Elgin & Lossie is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss Iv36 3UA All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright. All rates are per month plus vAT and based on a Black & White 12 month series. Call 01309 690063 for more details. page 6 - April 2011
sessions; Themed Dance Nights; regular Lounge entertainment; Quiz Nights; Darst and Snooker competition; and home & away golf outings. For more details about the Club and Membership categories please visit www.lossiemouth-rna.org
group, meeting on a Tuesday and Thursday evening, that mountain bike the local area. Additionally, we organise day trips to both trail centres and natural trails. All details can be found at www.moray mountainbikeclub.co.uk/
ME MORAY SUPPORT GROUP Meets 2nd Tuesday each month, 7pm, Moray Resource Centre, Maisondeu Road, Elgin. It’s a great chance to meet up with other ME sufferers and talk about the condition, as well as being able to gain support and information. Regular guest speakers. Meetings are free and refreshments are provided. We also have an online community forum which offers support, information and just general conversation, for those who cannot attend meetings www.memoray.org.uk/forum
MORAY ROCK GARDEN GROUP Meets on the last friday every month, New Elgin Hall annexe, 7.30pm, guest speakers, garden visits in summer. Contact Hazel Robson 01340 871227, new members welcome ‘NO STRINGS ATTACHED’ CONFIDENTIAL HELPLINE If you are caring for someone who is affected by drugs, alcohol or mental health issues and you feel that it is having an impact on you and the rest of your family call 01343 555031 for help and advice. Anonymity if required
MORAY GAELIC GROUP We have conversation classes in gaelic led by three volunteer native gaelic speakers. Held in Moray College on Monday evenings 7.30pm-9pm. £1 per night, £5 year membership. Contact moraygaelicgroup @uhi.ac.uk or visit www.moraygaelicgroup.ning.com
QUARRIERS CARER SUPPORT SERVICE MORAY Providing practical and emotional support to the unpaid Carers of Moray. If you look after a family member, friend or neighbour and could use some help or just want to find out more about what we do, call us on 01343 556031
MORAY MODEL RAILWAY GROUP Contact Norman Dusty Millar tel: 01343 830928 or see our website www.moraymrg.org.uk
RIVERSIDE MACHINE KNITTING CLUB Hand and machine knitting encouragement and support, Wednesday 10am - 3pm, Elgin Community Centre. Contact Tricia Furr 870429
MORAY MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB We are a small, friendly local
SAMPLE ADvERT RATES Box £38 Big Box £71 ¼ Page £129 ½ Page £244 Business Profile £416 Full Page £461 Enhanced Listings in What’s On pages from £41
tel: 01309 690063
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
SpotLight I saw a bumper sticker the other day on a car: “I’m not drunk, I’m avoiding the potholes!”. Roads are never perfect, but this year due to the harsh weather at the end of last year, and some neglect in the past, huge potholes have appeared in the roads and we face a £2 billion plus bill for repairs. Wear and tear is unavoidable, but dangerous holes need to be repaired quickly. In Montreal in Canada, where their winters are consistently harder than ours, they have a saying: “a pothole is too big when you can put a chicken in it”. Between human beings, broken relationships are like potholes which litter our lives. We swerve around them and never get round to repairing them. Yet they remain with us. A family bust up. A marriage breakdown. A friendship turned sour. In the home, in our society and in the world, the consequences of such breakdowns in relationships often lead to violence, and even greater destruction. It’s time we applied the “chicken test” to our own relationships. Jesus said that they need urgent repair. “Therefore, page 8 - April 2011
if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24) If we are not reconciled then we harbour barriers that stop us being at peace with ourselves; at peace with one another and intimately stop us being at peace with God. If you have fallen out with someone, hard though it might be, you have to take steps to restore the relationship. It may take a phone call, or a letter, a card or a text. You may have to swallow your pride and even though you may think you are at fault, you can help to heal the hurt.
but have everlasting life” (John 3:16) The Christian message of Easter is of our relationship with God being restored. The potholes in our souls mended. And if we are at peace with God we can use that pattern to learn to live at peace with one another, whether at home or in the world. Apply the chicken test to your relationships. Have the potholes become too big? Then fix them now, and begin with fixing the one between you and God and you’ll find a way to fix your relationships with others too. Rev Jim Cowie Associate Minister Elgin: St Giles and St Columba’s South, Church of Scotland
If you find too that there is a distance between you and God, a broken relationship, then you may be surprised to find that God has taken the first step towards reconciliation. “For God so loved the world (you and me) that he gave his only son, (Jesus Christ) that whoever (put your name here) believes in Him will not perish, tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
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SpotLight Church Meetings
Picture by Mary E Byatt, Copyright
Lossiemouth Baptist Church meets every Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am and 6pm. Junior Church Sunday 11.30am and Kids Church (P4-P7) Thursdays 6.15pm-8pm. Contact Rev. Rae Mackenzie 812062 www.lossiebaptist.org Lossiemouth United Free Church of Scotland meets Sunday 11am and 6pm, including Sunday School. Contact Rev. Alexander Ritchie 810262 www.ufcos.org.uk/lossie St James Church of Scotland, Lossiemouth Family Worship 11am including creche and Sunday School; Evening Service 6pm; Swordfish Youth Group 7pm. Contact Rev. Graham Crawford 07817 504042 St Margaret’s Church, Lossiemouth Family Eucharist 9.30am; Holy Communion 10am Thursdays; Evening Prayer 5pm Thursdays St Gerardines High Church Lossiemouth, Family Worship Sunday 11am; Evening Service 6pm last Sunday in Month. Contact 813146 St Sylvester's Catholic Church, Elgin Vigil Mass Saturday 7pm; Sunday Mass 11.45am. Contact 542280 www.stsylvesters.net Lossiemouth Gospel Hall meets every Sunday for Sunday Club at 9.30am, Gospel Meeting at 6.30pm. Further details 812987 or visit the website at www.lossiemouthgospelhall.org.uk Burghead Church Every Sunday at 11.30am. Contact 01309 690931 Hopeman Baptist Church meets every Sunday 11am & 6pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Rev. page 10 - April 2011
S.J. Macdonald 831175 or visit www.hopemanbaptist.org.uk Parish of Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman First Sunday of each month, one service (10.30 a.m.) in Hopeman if five Sundays in the month, all other Sundays Hopeman 10am, Duffus or Spynie 11.30am. Contact Rev. Bruce Lawrie 830276 or email: blawrie@zetnet.co.uk Birnie - Pluscarden Church Sunday Service Pluscarden 10am and Evening Service 6.30pm 3rd Sunday each month; Birnie 11.30am and Evening Service 6.30pm 1st Sunday each month Scottish Episcopal Church Holy Trinity, Elgin Sunday Services 8am Holy Communion; 11am Family Eucharist; 6.30pm Evensong, tel: 547505 Elgin & Forres Free Church of Scotland Sunday Sevice 11am including Sunday School & Creche; Evening Service 6pm, Midweek Meeting Wednesday 7.30pm. Contact Colin Morrison 542196 Elgin Community Church Sunday Morning Service 10.30am; Evening Fellowship & Youth Group at 6pm. Contact 546654 Elgin City Church Every Sunday 10.30am at Elgin Community Centre - childrens church & creche available. Contact 543624 Elgin High Church Sunday 11am; Evening Service 2nd Sunday each month 6.30pm. Contact Rev. Julie Woods 542449 or email missjulie@btinternet.com Alves Church 1st Sunday of each month at 11.30am. Contact 01309 690931 tel: 01309 690063
St Giles & St Columba’s South, Elgin Sunday 9.30am at St Columba’s South & 11am at St Giles Church, Wednesday 7.30pm & Thursday 12.30pm at St. Giles Church. Contact Church Office 551501 or visit www.elginstgiles.org Riverside Gospel Hall, Bishopmill Brae, Elgin. For good ole preachin’, prayin’, singin’ Country Gospel Style. Country Gospel Singer Trevor James Mair sings most Sundays. Family Service Sunday 11.30am. Tel: 07730256543 or at the Riverside web page at www.trevorjames-tjmmusic.com Elgin Baptist Church Family Morning Worship (including creche), Sunday School and Bible Class 11am (1st Sunday each month at Seafield Primary); Evening Service 6pm; Youth Fellowship 7.30pm. Rev. Graham Swanson 547743 Moray Grace Fellowship Meets Sunday mornings 10.30am in Alves Village Hall. Contact Vic Cameron for more details tel. 850142 email vic.cameron2803@btinternet.com www.moraygrace.wordpress.com St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church Morning Worship, including Young Church and Créche every Sunday at 11am. Evening Services on last Sunday of month at St Margaret's Hall, Urquhart at 7pm. Tel: Andrew Robertson 843765 If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we may print this in future issues.
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
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Line Listings are FREE Enhanced Listings cost from £41 plus VAT Call 01309 690063 or email natalie@spotlighton.co.uk Deadline for May issue is Wednesday 6th April
SpotLight What’s On
Call of the Loonbird
MARCH 28 monday elgin museum (the moray society) training and update session, 2pm, the museum depends on its volunteers & members to remain open to the public, any new & previous volunteers are invited to attend, tel: 543675 or email curator@elginmuseum.org.uk
29 tuesday elgin museum (the moray society) training and update session, 10.30am, the museum depends on its volunteers & members to remain open to the public, any new & previous volunteers are invited to attend, tel: 543675 or email curator@elginmuseum.org.uk elgin museum brainstorming session, 2pm, volunteers, members of the moray society and anyone interested in the future of elgin museum are invited to attend, tel: 543675 or email curator@elginmuseum.org.uk charity chic : dress well for less by the british red cross, 7pm, elgin library, for more details contact elgin library tel: 562600 or visit www.moray.gov.uk famous buildings of moray by graeme wilson, 7pm, local heritage centre, institution road, elgin, for more details contact elgin library tel: 562600 or visit www.moray.gov.uk
APRIL 1 friday to 30 saturday pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, an opportunity to see this recreation of a pictish throne, the first to be made in over 1000 years, by master craftsman adrian mccurdy, who took his lines from ancient stone carvings, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact tel: 0844 493 2156
1 friday elgin museum reopens for summer season, 1 high street, elgin, iv30 1eq, mon-fri 10am-5pm, sat 11am4pm, for further information tel: 543675 visit www.elginmuseum.org.uk fil campbell, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170 for details
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
1 friday and 2 saturday moray & nairn floral art club present an exhibition of wedding dresses and flowers through the ages, friday 7.30pm-9.30pm : £8 includes glass of bubbly & shortbread, saturday 10am-4pm : £5, nairn community & arts centre, tel: 01343 850634 for info
2 saturday al-anon family groups ‘public meeting’, 10.30am12noon, the thistle hotel, millburn road, inverness iv2 3tr, if you are concerned about someone else’s drinking please come along - perhaps we can help the call of the loonbird, 4pm, universal hall, findhorn, £6/£5/£4, tel: 01309 691170 for details
April 2011 - page 13
APRIL 2011 continued quiz night, 7pm for 7.30pm, lhanbryde community centre, BYOB and nibbles, £2 per person and teams of up to four
3 sunday cuban dance workshops with noel hernandez (UKAPTD) british open professional salsa champion 2010, 11am-1pm cuban son all levels £15; 2-4pm cuban salsa all levels £15, 4-6pm social dancing £3, full day pass ONLY £25, elgin city football club, contact helenmustard@hotmail.com or claire on 07795 166433 salsa@almacubana.co.uk for tickets, private lessons also available, go to www.almacubana.co.uk
9 saturday forres farmers market, 10am to 2pm, andersons primary school playground, local foods, products and crafts, for further details contact anne marie skidmore tel: 01309 691616 jon fratelli, the loft venue, by kinloss, £12, tel: 850111 or visit www.loftgigs.co.uk
Jon Fratelli at The Loft Venue Saturday 9th April Jon Fratelli’s debut solo album is called Psycho Jukebox and, like any jukebox wirht it’s salt, is chock full of the kind of solid gold, easy action that makes you want to smile broadly.
www.loftgigs.co.uk tel: 01343 850111
9 saturday and 10 sunday daffodil tea at brodie castle, 1.30pm-4pm, enjoy home baking from the castle kitchens in a marquee on the lawns, brodie is famous for its daffodil displays and cut flowers will be available for sale, live music, free entry, teas charged as taken, daffodil display in drawing room, contact tel: 0844 493 2156
13 wednesday caged, 7pm, universal hall, findhorn, £6/£5/£4, tel: 01309 691170 for details
14 thursday sean hughes, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £14/£12, tel: 01309 691170 for details western front association - postal and paper ephemera of the great war - jim mackay, branch member, 2.30pm, the gallery, elgin library, contact derek bird tel: 870562, email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk
16 saturday red room, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170 for details
page 14 - April 2011
Sean Hughes
16 saturday buckie arts and craft spring fair, 10am-4pm, fishermens hall, buckie, free entry, high quality locally made crafts & art, support your local makers and treat yourself to the finest of handmade wares, tel: 01542 834562 or email bronagh52@yahoo.co.uk for details, to exhibit email kimbright85@aol.com daffodil tea, 2pm-4pm, anderson's residential care home, elgin
16 saturday and 17 sunday north east FIS races, cairngorm mountain, visit www.ski-scotland.com
20 wednesday elgin high church ‘high spirits club’ coffee morning, 10am-12noon, high church hall, elgin
23 saturday and 24 sunday cadbury easter egg trail at brodie castle, 11am-4pm, enjoy following the trail around the grounds then claim your easter egg, extra children’s activities available, £2 per child, contact tel: 0844 493 2156
28 thursday to may 2 monday spirit of speyside whisky festival 2011, 5 days of whisky, food, music and fun throughout speyside, for more details and a full programme of events visit www.spiritofspeyside.com
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
Eden Court Theatre, Inverness The Eagle (12a) You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger (18) My Blueberry Nights (12a) plus many others
Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details
Cinema Listings April 2011 Vue Cinema, Inverness
From Friday 1st Hop () Killing Bono () From Friday 8th Rio 2D & 3D () Mars Needs Moms 2D & 3D () From Friday 15th Scream 4 () Red Riding Hood () Winnie The Pooh () From Friday 29th Thor 2D & 3D () KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1 / VIP Tickets £2.50 Teen Screens Every Thursday & Friday afternoon Tickets £2 / VIP Tickets £3.50 Over 18 Screenings Every Sunday & Tuesday evening Tickets £1 / VIP Tickets £2.50 extra on top of standard ticket price Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit www.highlandspiritualcinema.net or telephone 01463 237452
Cinema Nairn
Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Visit www.myvue.com for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email portessiepublichall@hotmail.co.uk
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
April 2011 - page 15
APRIL 2011 continued
29 friday moray rock garden club - carole and ian bainbridge ‘patagonia’, 7.30pm, new elgin hall annexe, for more details contact colinne souter tel: 01340 871504 or netta milne tel: 01343 881558
29 friday and 30 saturday eight acres comedy weekend - jongleurs style, 8pm, eight acres hotel, elgin, £10 per person per event / £15 for weekend ticket, contact tel: 543077
mancuban salsa (manchester and chester), eden court theatre, inverness including a salsa cruise down loch ness, numerous one hour classes and cuban dance styles to choose from, only £6 per class, for full details go to www.almacubana.co.uk, or cruise tickets contact helenmustard@hotmail.com or claire on 07795 166433 salsa@almacubana.co.uk vladimir mctavish, the loft venue, by kinloss, £10/£12.50/whisky dinner and show for two £70, tel: 850111 or visit www.loftgigs.co.uk
Vladimir McTavish The Loft Venue
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Saturday 30th April
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This top comedian will give you an illustrated tour round whisky country & a hilariously sobering look at drink.
www.loftgigs.co.uk tel: 01343 850111
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30 saturday spring clean scotland litter pick, meet at 11am, roseisle forest / beach car park, gloves, bags and litter pickers provided, tidy the beach and forest areas, dogs welcome BOOKING DEADLINE - highland salsa weekend - cuban dance workshops with noel hernandez (UKAPTD) british open professional salsa champion 2010 in conjunction with lorraine mason and les murray of
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Red Room
page 16 - April 2011
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
To advertise in the next issue of SpotLight on Elgin call 01309 690063 or go online at www.spotlighton.co.uk for more details MAY 2011 in brief 1 sunday paul anderson - scots fiddle champion - plays music in a marquee at brodie castle, 1.30pm-4pm, a renowned scots fiddle player and composer, paul plays a selection of his favourite music, home baking including whisky cake, this event is part of the spirit of speyside whisky festival, free entry, teas charged as taken, contact tel: 0844 493 2156 sponsored walk and afternoon teas for christian aid, 2pm-4pm, pluscarden hall 5 thursday the wilders, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £13/£11/£9, tel: 01309 691170 for details 6 friday moray fresh start quiz night, 7.30pm, church hall of holy trinity episcopal church, elgin, with a stovie supper and raffle, £5 per person, byob, please contact catherine tel: 552794 too many kooks, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7/£5 u-16, tel:01309 691170 for details 7 saturday elgin museum agm, 7pm, followed by a free public lecture at 8pm by andrew wright about elgin’s historic architecture, tel: 543675 or email curator@elginmuseum.org.uk 8 sunday car boot sale in aid of children 1st, 9am-12:30pm, spynie hall, for more details contact veronica maclean tel: 547308 free walk and talk for speakers of other languages with angela innes, 2pm, la caverna, clifton road, lossiemouth, come for a walk along the beach, meet new people and practise speaking english, all welcome, visit www.english4moray.co.uk or phone / text 07922 051930 for more information
all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to natalie@spotlighton.co.uk
bar and club
Permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or money-making) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like an enhanced listing (white box) this costs from £41 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. Deadline for May Issue is Wednesday 6th April
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
12 thursday elgin and district cancer support group - ‘indulgence evening’, 7pm, st giles church hall, therapies and stalls, tickets £5 which includes a taster of any treatment and refreshments 13 friday eduardo niebla, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170 for details 14 saturday western front association - hitler’s first war : adolf hitler, the men of the list regiment, and the first world war - dr thomas weber, university of aberdeen, 2.30pm, the gallery, elgin library, contact derek bird tel: 870562, email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk 18 wednesday salsa celtica, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £14/£12, tel: 01309 691170 for details 21 saturday to 3 june friday portgordon art group exhibition, in the gallery of elgin library during normal library opening hours, for more details tel: 01542 850409 25 wednesday session a9, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £12/£10, tel: 01309 691170 for details 27 friday jj gilmour, the loft venue, by kinloss, £10/£12, tel: 850111 or visit www.loftgigs.co.uk 28 saturday birnie-pluscarden church plant sale and coffee morning, 10am-12noon, miltonduff hall 28 saturday & 29 sunday feis mhoireibh, moray college, elgin, music sport drama gaelic singing and dance festival welcomes all from 8 to 18 years,for entry forms email feis_mhoireibh@yahoo.co.uk or tel: steph 842223 Tel 01343 55175 14-18 Thunderton Place, Elgin
Great Food, Great surroundings, Great Night out! email:granary.elgin@belhavenpubs.net
April 2011 - page 17
Elgin & District
Mike R Duff Flooring
Professional Flooring Installations
100’s of samples to choose from, at unbeatable prices!!
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Easter at Roseisle For Forest Whether you are a regular or a new visitor try coming down on Easter Sunday. The Forestry Commission hold a bunny hunt at the forest with the chance to meet staff and many other groups who use the forest. There are a range of displays and plenty of activities to take part in to keep all of the family busy. This year some of the highlights will include the chance to “Hug a Husky”, a member of the local Sled Dog Group will be bringing their dogs down to offer you a chance for a hug. Any monies raised will be going to a Husky Rescue charity. Outf!t Moray will be on site with mountain bikes to give youngsters a chance to try out riding in the woods. Experienced trainer/leaders will be on hand to ride with each group. Make a bird feeder with the RSPB, or find out more about the life of peregrine falcons from the staff at the Huntly Peregrine Wildwatch. The giant bunnies will be around to help with the egg hunt and a chocolate egg is on offer for completed entries. You can learn to light simple bushcraft and survival skills with the rangers from Moray Council or try to identify forest creatures with rangers from the Forestry Commission. There will be burgers (and hopefully icecream!) on sale to keep you going but why not bring a picnic too.
The event is April 24th between 1pm and 4pm at Roseisle. The car park is accessed from the B9089 between College of Roseisle and Kinloss. There is a cost of £5 per car on the day. This covers costs of running the events and the remainder goes in donations to local groups and charities. The forest itself is a great coastal pinewood lining Burghead Bay and offers the perfect place for a family outing. Why not make a day of it, have a picnic or use a fixed barbeque site (or bring your own). The children can have fun in the equipped play area and the dog can enjoy a run on the beach or a walk in the woods themselves. There is an opportunity to explore a bit further towards Burghead or the College of Roseisle on waymarked routes that undulate through the sand dunes. There is also a bird hide on the white walk where you can see a range of woodland birds and maybe even a red squirrel. The site is also equipped for less able users with a disabled toilet (there are male/female ones too!) which is open seasonally from April to October. There is also a wooden boardwalk to make access to the beach much easier and one barbeque is accessed along a paved track.
Image Paul Walsh
Image CHJ Taylor
North East
informal ive network of formal and g and cycling on the extens lkin wa tle At Culbin You can enjoy gen from the tower. take in the stunning views and l trai 99 Hill the low Fol trails. for a family outing. offering the perfect place ood ew pin l sta coa ul utif Ros eisle is a bea lk or cycle ride. sandy beach or go for a wa Enjoy a picnic, relax on the For more information visit our untain bike routes, With miles of singletrack mo website or call us on 01466 794161 ing eth som has ils Moray Monster Tra www.forestry.gov.uk/scotland for eve ryone.
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Sumptuous & delightful... and handmade canapes, and enquired as to our specific dietary requirements.
AULDEARN - NAIRN tel: 01667 454896
A Spotlight on The Boath House By Natalie Hunt Boath House, nestled in 20 acres of secluded woodland on the outskirts of Auldearn, is a dining experience not to be missed. This stunning Georgian Hotel & Restaurant has a coveted Michelin Star and 4 AA Rosettes. Making it one of only 3 restaurants in Scotland to have achieved these accolades. Head Chef Charlie Lockley, Scottish Chef of the Year 2010, creates a different menu for each day, using locally sourced meat, fish and vegatables, as well as produce grown in Boath House’s own walled garden. Offering Lunch, Afternoon Tea and Dinner, Boath House has a range of meals to suit all diners. My husband & I opted for the 3-course lunch menu which is available daily from 12.30pm, though it is advisable to book. Jonny, the General Manager, greeted us in the reception hall and settled us into the Lounge with beautifully upholstered easy chairs, an open fire and stunning views over the gardens. While we made our choices from the menu, Jonny brought us drinks
get the truth. then go.
With beautiful views over the lake and gardens, the relaxing & peaceful atmosphere in the dining room encourages a long & leisurely lunch and we took full advantage of the unhurried service. Jonny was incredibly knowledgable on all aspects of the meal and was happy to spend the time describing each course in detail. Charlie’s skills in the kitchen were clearly eveident with every dish, and the attention to detail and stunning presentation made every mouthful a treat to be savoured. Highlights of the meal were the Salmon starter, cooked to absolute perfection; Roe Deer for main course, which had a wonderful smoky flavour, and the divine Alpaco Chocolate Pudding, cooked from scratch to order with a meltingly delicious centre. After our meal we retired to the Lounge & enjoyed freshly ground coffee with handmade Petit Fours and took the time to view some of the beautiful art on display – Boath House is a designated art gallery and the pieces on display are all available to purchase. Boath House is truly exquisite and should be enjoyed by all. Whilst not inexpensive, the culinary experience is really quite stunning. We are fortunate to have a top class Michelin starred restaurant on our doorstep, serving the most delightful food and offering a warm & inviting welcome to each and every guest. We would unreservedly recommend Boath House to all walks of life.
See us at
Auldearn, Nairn IV12 5TE s tel: 01667 454896 s fax: 01667 455469
... no better description!
Voted Voted AA National National Hotel of the the Year Year 2010/2011 available Lunc Lunch, h, Afternoon After noon Tea Tea and Dinner are are available oom each each day day of to non-r non-residents esidents in our dining rroom the week. fer a per sonal touc AApproachable pproachable local staf stafff of offer personal touchh vice service to a visit to Boath. Sample menus and ser bsite. Please call or email times ar aree listed on our we website. to book yyour our ta table. ble. Wee ar aree a licensed to hold mar marriages civil riages and ci vil partnerships. par tner ships. Gift vouc vouchers her s are are av available ailable ffor or specific ggoods oods and services including ser vices inc luding beauty treatments treatments in our Aveda therapy beauty ther apy rroom. oom. Auldear n, Nairn, Boath House Hotel, Auldearn, Nair n, IV12 5TE (PDLO LQIR#ERDWK KRXVH FRP Â&#x2021; 7H 7HO (PDLO LQIR#ERDWK KRXVH FRP Â&#x2021; 7HO
web: www.boath-house.com s email: info@boath-house.com
A Spotlight on Johnstons of Elgin B Byy LLynn ynn W Wood ood Independently run since 1797, Johnstons has been knitwear,r, clothing and accessories ffrom making beautiful knitwea rom the most luxurious wools known to man for over two centuries. At the mill on the banks of the River Lossie in produce home-Elgin, Johnstons still p roduce woven accessories, home wares more. wa res and much mo re. pioneered Cashmere The mill pionee red the weaving of Cashme re and Vicuna V icuna (a rrelative elative of the Llama) in Scotland in 1851 and processing fibres have been p rocessing luxury fib res since that period. The transform flagship mill at Elgin is the only mill in Britain to transfo rm cashmere fibre ensures cashme re ffrom rom raw fib re to finished article and ensu res consistent quality. In the 1920's, Scotland established itself as a specialist supplier of fabric and sweaters, knitting and weaving. Coco Chanel and fellow Parisian couturier Jean Patou loved wonderfully r fully diverse spectrum of working with the fine Scottish jersey weights and the wonde cashmere re became a must have item for film stars like colours, and Scottish cashme Grace Kelly. TToday, oday,
Cashmere re Cashme
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mbers climbers
Everest attempting Eve rest as well as those scaling the You heights of luxury fashion. Y ou will find Johnstons designer collections in some of the world's most famous outlets ffrom rom London to TTokyo. okyo. Woolen Centre Johnstons W oolen Mill has a fabulous Heritage Cent re offering o ffering FREE tours of the Mill and allowing visitors to processes, Cashmere rom raw Cashme re to the follow the p rocesses, ffrom product. children finished p roduct. I took 3 very enthusiastic child ren along and it was a great great experience for them and was educational at the same time.
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The tour began in the beautiful grounds grounds of the Courtyard Courtyard where where a tour guide met us. Our guide for the day was Sue who is Assistant Manager, Manager, her enthusiasm and knowledge of the family run business showed a real real passion for the job. The children children particularly enjoyed the Heritage Centre Centre where where they touched different from, different wools and had to guess which animals each one came from, examples were were Camel Hair, Hair, Angora, Cashmere Cashmere and the most expensive Vicuna, Vicuna, a luxury jumper made with this will cost ÂŁ1500. Watching process from from Mill to Shop is very interesting thoroughly interesting and a thoroughly Watching the process enjoyable
whole process, process, from from how they make the bobbin to the finishing of the
products, products,
fascinating The kids absolutely loved the whole experience and were were delighted to leave the tour with some cashmere cashmere samples. We rounded off off our visit with a We rounded browse round the gift shop and browse round enjoyed some refreshments refreshments in the wonderful wonder ful and highly recommended recommended Courtyard Coffee shop, where where you Courtyard Coffee can enjoy a light snack or coffee coffee and cakes. Overall this was a fantastic family outing, which I would recommend recommend to visitors of all ages. To To have this on our doorstep and easily located within Elgin makes it a must-do for moray residents residents as well as those visiting the area. area.
o m o us J
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Johnstons, Newmill, Elgin Morayshire IV30 4AF Scotland
Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival Thursday 28th April to Monday 2nd May 2011
w e h i s k y galore d i s y e Sp
Held each year during the first long weekend in May, the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival is a five day celebration of Scotland’s national drink – and you don’t even have to drink a drop of the stuff to enjoy yourself! From drams to drama and the angels’ share to the open air there is something to suit all ages and tastes at the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival (Thursday 28th April to Monday, 2nd May). Distilleries, shops, hotels, restaurants, pubs and villages throughout Speyside will be welcoming visitors with quality malt whiskies, special tastings, outdoor activities, music and many other entertaining events. One of the biggest whisky festivals in Europe, the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival sees some of the world’s most iconic whisky distilleries – names such as Cardhu, Glen Grant, The Glenlivet, Glenfiddich, The Macallan and Benromach - lining up to take part in what has become a major international event on the Scottish tourism calendar. Festival goers can also enjoy a rare peek behind the scenes at other well-known distilleries in the area, usually closed to the public, including Benrinnes, Glenrothes and Mortlach. Events range from distillery tours, whisky masterclasses, cooperage tours, guided whisky walks and landrover tours to ceilidhs, live music, book launches, free events and locally organised family friendly activities. For the first time, this year’s Festival programme highlights Speyside’s culinary heritage, abundance of natural resources and wide array of traditional food producing skills, with the introduction of two Food and Drink Tours. Visitors can learn about top quality Scottish barley, meats and game direct from the farmers themselves, sample offerings from across the region, which is home to iconic Scottish brands Baxters and Walkers, and visit Pluscarden Abbey where the spiritual community offers an alternative ‘spirit of Speyside’ made with apple juice and honey. Continuing along the food theme, whisky lovers and would-be gourmets can take the
opportunity to learn more about the spirit’s role as an ingredient or accompaniment. Workshops looking at the relationship between whisky and chocolate to whisky and sausages will run throughout the festival. Look out for special whisky dinners in distilleries and at restaurants, cookery demonstrations, whisky flavoured lunches and picnics, food fairs and farmers’ markets. Several free events offer the opportunity for families to immerse themselves in the culture of Scotland’s whisky country including the Benromach Forres Theme Day, when the pretty market town of Forres plays host to a collection of some of the finest vintage and classic vehicles from around Scotland; afternoon tea and fiddle music in a marquee in the grounds of the beautifully conserved Brodie Castle; an art and craft exhibition at Strathisla Distillery with demonstrations ranging from spinning, kiltmaking, fused glass, jewellery and architectural ceramics; and some rousing music from the Keith and District Silver Band and the Dufftown and District Pipe Band who will both be playing in Dufftown during the Festival. Alternatively, festival-goers and families can step back in time and enjoy a journey on the historic 11-mile stretch of line with the Keith & Dufftown Heritage Railway – reopened in 2001 by
e – and s o much more volunteers - with shortbread or whisky cake and a dram for the adults; take part in an evening of Scottish country dancing at the Fleming Hall in Aberlour; or join in the excitement of a Fun Day & Grand Ceilidh at Coleburn Distillery in Elgin with the all-terrain whisky barrel buggy races, Johnstons of Elgin Tartan Fashion Show, cookery demonstrations, interactive Kiddies Adventure corner and live music culminating in the
Grand Coleburn Ceilidh Finale. There’s more than just whisky on offer at the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival guaranteeing visitors five days of undiluted whisky, music, food and fun blended together with the true spirit of Speyside hospitality. To find out more and book tickets for events go to www.spiritofspeyside.com, and keep up-to-date with the Festival programme on www.facebook.com/WhiskyFestival or www.twitter.com/spirit_speyside.
The Pictish stones of Moray and where to see them Who were the Picts? The question is still only partly
In the east is the eleven feet high ogham stone on
answered. One problem is the dearth of
the Altyre estate (NJ039544), originally from
conventional writing left by them or reliable
Longhillock Farm, Duffus Parish (area NJ141641). Also
record written about them by their contemporar-
bearing oghams, an ancient linear script of possible
ies. As the Picts’ major visual legacy is their
Irish origin, is ‘Rodney’s stone’. Now near the visitors’
enigmatic stone carvings, the meaning of the
entrance gate at Brodie Castle, it was found in
symbols has been the subject of much conjec-
digging the foundations for the church of Dyke and
ture. The term “Pict” was first applied by the
Moy, and put up in Dyke village to commemorate
Romans to the “painted people” they met in the
Admiral Rodney’s victory in 1782 over the French fleet
third century in what is now Scotland. The Pictish
during the American Wars of Independence.
culture, their stone and elaborate metalwork, died out when the Scots became dominant
The Falconer Museum, Forres was given a very
after 843 AD.
mutilated symbol stone, from a garden wall in St Leonard’s Road, about twenty years ago, so new
In Moray, we are fortunate in the number of
carvings still come to light. The find site is not far from
Pictish carvings that are readily accessible, or for
St Leonard’s Chapel, Chapelton (NJ046581),
which a visit can be the basis of an expedition of
opposite Leanchoil Hospital. Was this a reuse of stone
discovery in our countryside – and seaside.
from an early Christian site with Pictish connections?
Starting in the south at Inveraven church, there
Sueno’s Stone, at the east end of Forres, if Pictish,
are four stones, and the Parish has an exciting
probably dates from the ninth century, but has not
project to bring the stones under shelter. There are
been convincingly shown to commemorate any
also Pictish stones at the old church at Mortlach,
specific battle.
just outside Dufftown, and at Knockando Church; those at Knockando came from the old burial
In the area south of Elgin, there is a simple stone in a
ground at Pulvrenan (NJ203422), on the
field at Upper Manbeen Farm (NJ 187576), and
Speyside Way.
another by the old entrance gate at Birnie Kirk. Pictish stones found at Birnie suggest occupational links between the present Kirk and the adjacent field, excavated by Dr Fraser Hunter and his team and where the Roman coin hoards were found. In Elgin Cathedral is a granite stone, moved there from Elgin’s Plainstones area. Moray’s other surviving Pictish carvings use the far easier worked local sandstones, but despite this, the Cathedral stone depicts a hunting scene, complex early Christian iconography, Pictish symbols and intertwined beasts. On the coast, Moray’s northern edge, there is a concentration of evidence of the Picts from Burghead to Lossiemouth. In the first millennium A.D., the coastal ridge would have been backed by a
substantial body of water, where now we have only
Article contributed by Elgin Museum:
the Loch of Spynie and a still active drainage system. The Firth would not have been a barrier but
a route of communication, for example with
Portmahomack on Tarbatness , now with its
Janet Trythall, Elgin Museum Volunteer,
excellent museum of Pictish stones in the old parish
trythallj@btinternet.com 31/1/2011
church. Burghead, a Pictish naval fort, is famous for its magnificent series of carvings of powerful bulls, and has an excellent visitor centre on the site. Seven miles east is Kinneddar, the old graveyard near the entrance to RAF Lossiemouth. Around here, some thirty Pictish stones have been found at what may have been an early monastery and stone workshop. One is now in the National Museum in Edinburgh, donated by a somewhat notorious nineteenth century collector. The rest are on display in Elgin Museum, with two Burghead bulls and a replica of the bull in the British Museum. An illustrated catalogue of all the known Burghead and Kinneddar stones is published by Elgin Museum. Between these two settlements, in a cave at the base of the cliffs at Covesea, are several Pictish carvings, for which it is known as the Sculptorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cave. The cave has been fully excavated but only recently have the surviving bones been radiocarbon dated. The neck bones that show signs of beheading date to 250-350 AD: the Roman Iron Age, earliest Pictish period. Several of the finds are on display in Elgin Museum, and a guide to the Cave is available giving advice about access. Elgin Museum is a must for anyone with an interest in the story of Moray from before the dinosaurs, via the Picts to the present day. The Museum opens for the season on 1st April, but in the winter months welcomes visitors by appointment, and is always looking for more volunteers.
Welcome corner. ner. I’m Ian MacLeod, a W elcome to wild, Spotlights wildlife cor Great Glen. Over life guide living in the Gr photographer and wildlife the months to come, I’ll be telling you about the wildlife you can see in the highlands. I’d also like your help in keeping up to date with what’s happening so if you have any great Wildlife stories let me know. This month, I’m going to start on my home patch Gle Glengarry, offf the Gr Great eat glen. LLoch just of Garry itself is a magnet for a birds, and whole host of special bi protection area otection a has special pr the loch is status. In the summer th home to the common sscoter (which is anything but black common) and the blac throated diver.. The bir birds thr oated diver ds will be from arriving back fr om their winter habitats around around now.
throated diver is one of the most beautifully marked birds The black thr oated dive with its chinstrap and chess board patterned to be found in the UK, w back. I would defy any wildlife lover not to be moved b by the haunting, eerie call of th this bird acr oss the loch on a stil across still spring evening. The black thr oat is clum throat clumsy on land and so it builds a n nest close to the waters edg edge. Consequently the nest a and chicks ar e vulnerable to are changes in the water le level, a constant hazar d on Sco hazard Scottish lochs. The RSPB and for e forestry commission have built n nesting rafts in a number of locations to encourage the bir ds to nest where they will be safe from fluctuating birds water t levels. l l A number b of these have been successfully used. On loch lochy for the past five years we ar e privileged to have had are osprey nesting, successfully rrearing earing a number of youngsters a pair of osprey Ospreys of course ar e one of the gr eat conservation in that time. Ospreys are great success stories, numbers having gr own fr om a single pair in 1960 to grown from 150 pairs today. Speyside is ospr ey central but the bir ds ar e now osprey birds are throughout the highlands. In 2010, the Loch lochy pair found throughout fledged two youngsters and I look forwar d to seeing if any of these forward return to this ar ea return area Next month. Extr eme squirr eling Extreme squirreling Ian MacLeod runs W ild W est, www.wildwestsafari.co.uk Wild West, ian@wildwestsafari.co.uk Of fering wildlife safaris in the Gr eat Glen and surr ounding ar eas. Offering Great surrounding areas.
April Aprril
around Only ar ound 50 pairs of scoter nest in the UK and they favour small west of Scotland. 28 birds were counted on lochs in the north and w year,r,, over breeding Loch Garry last year ove 25% of the br eeding population. The easily identifiable male is all black lack with a yellow patc patch on in its beak. Think blackbird pretty of a duck shaped blackbir d and you’ve pr etty well got it!
“ Parliament Blog ” Community Spirit Can't Be Beaten
One very positive thing in Moray in recent months has been the phenomenal community spirit shown in the face of extremely challenging times.
It has been a humbling experience to be part of the efforts of many, many people fighting Moray's corner. It is a trait of Moray that in challenging times the community really pull together and I am proud to live and work in that community. Angus Robertson MP
The past weeks in the Scottish Parliament have been hectic and MSPs have ploughed through legislation and other business to ensure everything is through in time for Parliament breaking up for the elections. As from midnight on 22nd March there are no MSPs -
probably quite a popular thing for many people! I am looking forward to the final few weeks of campaigning in Moray, pounding the streets and speaking to people. I am particularly looking forward to getting some fresh air and exercise, which are always the indirect benefits of election campaigning! Richard Lochhead MSP
Eggs, Eggs, Eggs The charity the National Trust for Scotland has teamed up with Cadbury to bring Easter egg trails to 40 historic places across Scotland this year. Follow the trail, collect the clues, solve the puzzle and then enjoy your chocolatey reward - a delicious Cadbury Egghead - as well as enjoying plenty of activities and fresh air! Each trail is completely different, so why not join us with your family as you turn detective at some of Scotland’s most stunning locations. Alexandra Mackenzie-Copp, Property Manager of Brodie Castle says ‘The Cadbury and National Trust for Scotland Easter Egg Trails will offer lots of activities for the whole family and this year the fun and games will range from traditional Easter Egg Trails and face painting through to more interactive children’s entertainers and outdoor games at some places, providing mums, dads and even grandparents with a great way of getting involved in a fun filled day out.’ ‘With 40 trails across Scotland, all you need to do is choose which trail (or trails!) to visit!’ You can find information on your nearest trail by visiting www.nts.org.uk
Legal – Ease Making a Will is a sensitive subject avoided by most as it leads to thinking about matters that we would rather not contemplate. This is reflected in statistics that estimate that only about one third of the population have made their Will. The law makes provision for the distribution of a person’s estate in the event that they die intestate (without having made a Will) but the entitled persons may not be the ones that the deceased would necessarily have wished to inherit. Dying intestate can lead to increased expense and delay for those left behind, at a time when they may be least able to cope with the additional burden. Making a Will is of vital importance if you have young children or children from previous relationships, if you are recently married or divorced, have a large estate which may benefit from tax planning and in many other situations. Some of the matters you may want to consider when making your Will include who will inherit part or all of your estate (including possessions, money and property), who to appoint as your Executor to administer your estate and carry out your wishes, who to appoint as Guardian to your children until they reach adulthood, whether you want to make gifts of money or personal items or leave money to charity, and any special arrangements you may want for your funeral. Scottish law does not allow a person to disinherit their spouse or children and provides certain overriding legal rights in their favour. Your solicitor can ensure that any legal presumptions are taken in to account when drawing up your Will and ensure that your Will is properly executed when signed. If you would like to discuss making your Will please feel free to call. Cherry Fairley, Solicitor & Notary Public Fairleys Solicitors, Elgin 01343 551126
7 Mayne Road Elgin IV30 1NY tel: 01343 551126 e-mail: property@moraylegal.co.uk
FREE INITIAL 1/2 HOUR CONSULTATION t &45"5& "(&/$: t $0/7&:"/$*/( t -&55*/( t t .035("(&4 t 8*--4 t &9&$653*&4 t t 108&34 0' "5503/&: t /05"3*4*/( %0$6.&/54 t
SpotLight Chef’s Confidential
Provençale Chicken
Now that the days are stretching out and Spring is on it's way this is a lovely chicken dish that is quick to make, delicious and goes very well with Spring vegetables, such as purple sprouting broccoli, cauliflower, spring greens and new potatoes. Serves 4 8 boned chicken thighs (skin on or off) 125g mushrooms quartered 1 red pepper roughly chopped 4 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced 150g shallots, peeled 500ml dry white wine 2 tablespoons fresh tarragon 125ml crème fraiche salt and ground black pepper 2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil Fresh tarragon leaves to garnish
page 32 - April 2011
Heat the oil in a large frying pan, or heat proof casserole, season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper and add to the heated oil and fry until golden brown. Once brown remove to a plate to rest. Add the vegetables to the pan and stir and cook for 23 minutes as the shallots turn golden. Add the white wine to the pan, return the chicken to the pan, add the freshly chopped tarragon and let it bubble on a high heat for 5 minutes before turning the heat down and let it barely simmer for 40 minutes to allow the chicken to cook and the liquid reduce. Remove the chicken to a warm plate and, if there is still a large amount of liquid, turn the heat up and reduce it to about 250ml. Once it is reduced remove, from the heat, stir in the crème fraiche and return the chicken and serve. Garnish with spigs or leaves of fresh tarragon. Penny Ellis, Owner Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
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Book a Colour & Cut and get 2 Childrens (under 15) Haircut for FREE
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SpotLight Council News
Picture by Terry Harvey, Copyright
Matters Arising from 11th January George P Littlejohn advised the meeting that the lifting of the brown bins as advised by Cllr Russell at this meeting was not the case at his address. When asked the bin men responded that they were told to collect green bins. Murray Ross also experienced a similar problem. Murray Ross had found out that the timetable had been changed first thing on the Monday morning from brown bins to green bins. Murray Ross had checked the Moray Council website and this advised the public that it was brown bins that were being uplifted. When Murray Ross queried this further with council staff he was advised that it was indeed wrong. Murray Ross stated he hoped that the uplifting schedule for the rest of the year was accurate. Cllr Russell advised those present that he would take the blame for this, but the information he shared at the last meeting was given in good faith. Cllr Russell agreed with members that this was a little unsatisfactory this year. Mosaic on Plainstones The Chairman advised that he had received further written correspondence from the local school girl who had been in contact with the community council previously. She had written to tell the Chairman that she had organised an art competition within her school with all profits going to the mosaic. Anne Glover said that she had written a draft letter to be distributed to large local firms to request financial assistance in uplifting the mosaic, however she will need to consult with Moray Council on how the hole can be replaced / repaired should the mosaic be successfully uplifted. Cllr Russell stated that the Common Good Fund may be in a position to back the uplifting and reconstituting of the Plainstones with finance. Cllr Russell agreed to discuss this with the other Elgin councillors. The Chairman advised that a bid to
this effect had been submitted to the Common Good Fund. Anne Glover pointed out that the original artist would be keen to lift the mosaic himself. Scottish Fair Trade Forum Mary Wall said that she had been making enquiries and discussing this with various people. She stated that she plans to discuss this with Aberdeen City Council which supports fair-trade and the Cooperative Stores which also support this cause. Mary had found Marks & Spencer’s very co-operative and they had listed all their fair-trade products for her. Marks & Spencer’s said that their store in Inverness comprehensively lists all their fair-trade items and Mary plans to take a trip through to Inverness to take pictures to show local shops and cafes how they can replicate this model. Cllr Leadbitter agreed to discuss this with Mary Wall and will endeavour to locate documents that he had produced a number of years ago. Alex Macmillan also agreed to check his archives for these documents. George P Littlejohn queried if it was the Aberfeldy area that had been discussed previously. Cllr Leadbitter responded that it was and that Strathven was also a fairtrade town. Alex Macmillan reminded members that the community council had looked at Elgin becoming the first fairtrade city previously but this had since been superseded by other areas. Skateboarding The Chairman advised that this had been carried on from the November meeting and that he had since met with Inspector Mowat regarding this. Inspector Mowat is now in possession of all the necessary documents relating to this matter. Cllr Leadbitter stated that Moray Council was awaiting a reply from the Scottish Government with regards to a by-law and that he is in continual discussion with
Inspector Mowat. It is anticipated that the cost for such a by-law could be between five and twenty thousand pounds which would take into account the legal costs. Alex Macmillan asked for clarification if a standing complaint is in place does that give the police the authority to take action? Inspector Mowat responded that it would still be a struggle to prove that a particular skateboard caused specific damage but there would be no doubt that a by-law would put the matter in place. George P Littlejohn asked if anyone present knew whether the wrought iron railings were in place on the Plainstones? The Chairman responded that he has spoke with the person in charge but that it needed to be discussed with the architect. The Chairman agreed to follow this up further with the member of staff. George P Littlejohn stated that this might help prevent incidents from happening and in turn assist the police. Cllr Russell said it was his understanding that the railings are in place, pillar to pillar, and that the job is complete. The Chairman agreed to query this and report back at the next meeting. Snow clearing in car parks Murray Ross stated that all members have received a copy of the letter pertaining to this and that this should now be taken off the agenda. Bishopmill pedestrian crossing Murray Ross advised members that he had been informed that if the system lies idle for a while and then is pressed the lights will turn red immediately, thereafter there will be a ten second delay cycle. Murray Ross said that this was also the case for the pedestrian crossing at Lossie Wynd and advised that this item should be removed from the agenda.
Continued on Page 36
oTher coMMuniTy council conTAcTS heldon community council Meetings 15/3/11; 26/4/11; 7/6/11; 19/7/11; 30/8/11 and 18/10/11 - 7.30pm at Mosstowie Primary School. Contact: Angela Hyland (Secretary) tel: 545360 page 34 - April 2011
Burghead & cummingston community council Meets first Thursday of every month (excluding July) 7.30pm at Burghead Harbour Masters Office. Contact: Chris Tuke (Secretary) tel: 835537
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
The Mansion House Country Club is a unique experience of health and relaxation set in the heart of Elgin in which to enjoy your leisure time. The country club is open to members, guests and residents of the hotel
Inviting new members now. The Country Club has the following facilities: = 10m Heated Swimming Pool = Heated Spa Bath = Exercise Classes = Swimming Lessons = Beauty Spa Facilities = Hairdressing Facilities = Sauna and Steam Room = Gymnasium equipped Exercise Class Times - April Timetable Mondays:
Studio Circuits Stretch & Tone Tuesdays: Studio Circuits Wednesdays: Tums, Hips & Wobbly Bits
9.30 - 10.30am, Sam 6.45 - 7.30pm, Amanda 6.30 - 7.30pm, Sam 7.00 - 7.45pm, Amanda
All classes are open to everyone, call and book or just turn up. Costing £2.50 for our members and £4.00 for non members. *Classes may be cancelled on occasions for hotel functions
MEMBERSHIP PRICES (Payable on joining) 1st Month fee Monthly Payment Adult £28.00 £28.00 Couple £56.00 £56.00 Youth (16-18yrs)
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DINING Lunches are served daily from 12-2pm. Evening dining also available every day from 6-9pm for our Bistro and 7-9pm for our à la carte restaurant. Private dining also available. For table reservations please telephone reception on 01343 548811. THE HAUGH, ELGIN, MORAY IV30 1AW Email:reception@mhelgin.co.uk Website:www.mansionhousehotel.co.uk
OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday: 7:30 am - 21:00 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 19:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am - 20:30 pm
Continued From Page 36 Treasurer’s report Steven Milne had sent members an email with the updated figures. No.1 account = £1810.78 No. 2 account = £3798.58 Recent outgoings have included payment to the minute secretary (from account 1) and payment for planting at the Eight Acres (from account 2) Gordon Methven asked the Chairman why there were two accounts. The Chairman responded that account number 1 is the community council account and account 2 is used for the Beautification Scheme as separate funding was specifically received. elgin ear Alex Macmillan said that all reports that had been received in to the Elgin Ear had been resolved and closed. The last report to be closed related to the bins at the cemetery and that these had been changed with the situation being monitored. The request for community notice boards is an ongoing project. The listening post from CJ’s Plaice has been moved to NEON. An article and photograph was recently taken for inclusion in the Northern Scot. There is an Elgin Ear Steering Group meeting planned for 11th February 2011 and the evaluation of the project is to take place during March and April 2011. Deanshaugh Playing Fields The Chairman advised that a letter had been sent as requested by members to Bob Stewart and that a copy had been received. The Chairman read the response to members. A copy of the letter is available should members wish to look at it further. It was requested by members that this item be kept on the agenda and monitored. Air Gun legislation Bryan Watson informed members that he was to attend the next JCC meeting to ascertain more views. Since the last community council meeting Bryan Watson reported that he had a received a positive response from the public via phone calls, emails and discussion. Bryan Watson also pointed out to members that there had been a response in the letters page in the Northern Scot around airgun laws. Bryan Watson agreed to report back to members after the JCC meeting. Alex Macmillan expressed that he thought it extremely relevant to have had the discussion at the last community council meeting given the recent incident at Elgin Library with a BB Gun. Bryan Watson said that the feedback / general consensus in his area was around concerns of air gun storage, air gun ownership / licensing and discharging of air guns in residential areas. community notice Boards Anne Glover and Mary Wall had met with Denise Gormley recently to look at how to progress this. It was agreed that this was a large project and there were specific areas that were to be investigated: Costings from local joiners; Different designs of notice boards; Possible locations for community notice boards; Working in partnership to further develop the use of the notice board in the city centre; updating and maintenance of community notice boards; Planning permission; Sponsorship Anne Glover and Mary Wall pointed out that it appeared the notice board in the city centre was not being used to its full potential; out of date information still on display. Cllr Russell said that Elgin BIDS had used the notice board extensively over the past year. correspondence The following correspondence was presented and members were invited to read the following documents: a) Letter from Bob Stewart in reply to Chair letter on Deanshaugh; b) Letter from uK Department of Transport re. Rail Services London/Aberdeen/Inverness; c) Letter from Murray Ross to Moray Council re. snow clearance of car parks; d) Letter from
page 36 - April 2011
Denise Gormley re. launch of Community Support unit Handbooks; e) Letter from Moray Council in response to snow clearance of car parks; f) Letter from Transport Scotland (Rail Directorate) in response to comments re. Aberdeen/Inverness Rail Improvements Project; g) Letter from Moray Council indicating commencement of tree thinning works at Quarrelwood AocB • Local Outdoor Access Forum Anne Glover has returned the form but not heard anything back as yet. It is anticipated that Wilma Milne will be interested in this but Anne Glover returned the paperwork to ensure the community council did not miss out on the opportunity of a place. • Maternity Review Anne Glover informed members of a maternity review seminar taking place on 2nd March 2011 in Aberdeen, 9.30am-4.pm. Anne Glover is unable to attend but has requested the minutes. • Replacement Secretary Alex Macmillan also informed members that Gordon Methven had intimated that he would be interested in taking up the Secretary role on an interim and trial basis. Alex expressed his gratitude for this and he will do the handover with Gordon Methven. Anne Glover asked if an advertisement could be placed in the Northern Scot for the position of Minute Secretary. The Chairman agreed to progress this. • Cycle Path Murray Ross said that a letter is to be sent to the Secretary with regards to the cycle path alongside the cemetery. Murray Ross asked the Chairman to clarify if Alan Sim was still a community council member. The Chairman indicated that he was. Murray Ross raised concerns over his attendance since becoming a member and requested that records are kept up to date and action taken if necessary. Murray Ross was particularly concerned that this may affect co-options. Alex Macmillan stated that under the constitution there is a requirement for members to attend meetings and that this is also the case for Morna Abernethy. The Chairman has been in contact with Morna Abernethy to clarify her membership and she has resigned from the community council. The Chairman also pointed out that Alan Sim works offshore and that may affect his ability to attend every meeting. The Chairman informed members that he intends to conduct oneto-one meetings with all members of the next month or two. • Bus stop signs at Railway Station George P Littlejohn asked if there had been any progress on this matter with Alastair Campbell. As nothing had been done, George P Littlejohn suggested that contact be made with his manager to ensure action. • Pathway at Reiket Lane - Shaw Place Cllr Divers explained that this path had been upgraded with part of it being tarred and extra lighting installed. This was achieved through Moray Council working with Grampian Housing Association and securing funds to undertake this work. • Mobile Library Harry Torry explained to members that he undertakes voluntary work with the library and that he is concerned over the use of the mobile library service. Harry Torry explained to members that this provision can be accessed by all members of the community and that they can contact the library with a request. The library will endeavour to plan a route to facilitate this request. Harry Torry said that he felt people need to use this service or lose it. The Chairman asked if this was a Moray-wide provision. Harry Torry responded that it was Mary Wall explained that she had previous experience of the mobile library service coming out to schools and thought that it was a great resource. The Chairman agreed to take this matter to the next JCC meeting. next Meeting The next meeting of the City & Royal Burgh of Elgin Community Council will be held on Tuesday 12th April
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
property market report W h a tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s h a p p e n i n g i n th e S c o t ti s h propert y m arket an d wh at a re our p red ict ions for 20 11? We ar e e xp e c ti ng a f a ir ly st e a dy m a r ket fo r 2 0 11 . We p re d ic t p r ic es wil l b e u nd e r a l i t t l e p r e s s u r e b u t ov e r a l l t h e y w i l l h o l d u p w e l l a n d w e a l s o p r e d i c t a m o de r a t e i n c r e as e i n t h e o v e r al l s a l e s v o l u m e . T h e s e p r e d i c t i on s h a v e t a k e n i n t o c o n s i d e r a ti o n a n t i c i p a t e d i n c r e as e s i n i n t er es t r a t es an d t h e r ed u c t i o n s i n e x p en d i t u r e a t t h e v a r i o u s g o v e r n m e n t l e v el s . G e n e r a l r e g i s te r s o f S c o t l a n d i n d i c at e d t h a t f o r 2 0 1 0 t o t a l t r a n s a c t i o n s t o ta l l e d 7 4 , 5 4 0 c o m pa r ed w i t h 6 7 , 0 0 0 f o r 2 0 0 9 w e b e l i e v e t h a t 2 0 1 0 r ep r es e n t e d t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e p r o p e r t y m ar k e t t ur n a ro un d in S c o tl a nd . We a re o p ti m i s t i c a b o u t th e S c o t ti s h a n d i n d e e d t h e l o c al p r o pe r t y m a r k e t a n d w h i l e i t wi ll b e unl ike ly t ha t t he ma r ke t w ill e v e r r e t u r n t o t h e s tr a to s p h e r i c l e v e l s o f s a l e s e x p er i e n c e d i n 2 0 0 7 t h e n e x t f ew y ea r s w i l l s e e a g r ad u al l y a n d s t e ad i l y
i m p r o v i n g p r o p e r t y m ar k e t i n t e r m s o f bo t h p r i c e s an d v o l u m e o f s a l e s . O n a m o r e l o c a l c o m p a r i s o n s i m i l ar f i g u r e s s u g g e s t M o r a y s a w to t a l tr a n s ac t i o n s f o r 2 0 1 0 o f 1 , 3 9 9 c o m p a r e d w i t h 1, 2 48 f o r 2 00 9 . T h e f i g u r e s f o r Hi g h l a n d w e r e 3 , 3 7 8 f o r 2 0 1 0 c o m p ar e d w i t h 3, 2 05 i n 2 0 0 9. C on s i d e r i n g t h e l o c a l e c o n o m i c c l i m a t e (u n c e r t a i n ty o v e r t h e R A F b a s e s ) th e s e figu re s a re in d ee d pr o m isi ng fo r b ot h t h e l o c a l m a r k et a n d t h e S c o t t i s h m a r k e t ov e r a l l . T h e S c o t t i s h m a r k e t s h o w e d a c o n s i d e r a b l e i n c r e as e f o r t h e s ta r t o f 2 0 1 1 w i t h a r i s e o f h ou s e s a l e s i n e x c e s s of 6 0 % i n t h e m on t h o f F e b r u a r y p e r h a p s pa r t l y d u e to a s l o w l y i m p r o v i n g av a i l ab i l i t y o f m o r t g a g e f i n an c e , pa r t ic ula r ly t o t h e f ir st t im e bu ye r. G re e n s h o o t s i n d e ed . J i m M a r s h al l R E / M A X C o a s t 2 co u n t ry E lgi n 01 3 43 5 52 1 14
SpotLight Useful Numbers and Local Holidays
Picture by Al Donnelly, Copyright
SCHOOLS Alves Primary School ..................................(01343) 850247 Bishopmill Primary School ..........................(01343) 547841 Burghead Primary School ..........................(01343) 825529 East End Primary School ............................(01343) 542381 Greenwards Primary School ......................(01343) 541661 Hopeman Primary School ..........................(01343) 830281 Lhanbryde Primary School..........................(01343) 842649 Mosstowie Primary School..........................(01343) 547119 New Elgin Primary School ..........................(01343) 547587 Seafield Primary School ..............................(01343) 547792 St Sylvesters R.C. Primary School ..............(01343) 541453 West End Primary School............................(01343) 543161 Elgin Academy ............................................(01343) 543485 Elgin High School........................................(01343) 545181 Hythehill Primary School ............................(01343) 812014 St Gerardine Primary School ......................(01343) 812251 Lossiemouth High School ..........................(01343) 812047 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Bus Station, Elgin .......................................(01343) 544222 Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01343) 550088 Dalcross Airport ...........................................(01667) 464000 Dallas Village Hall .......................................(01343) 890243 Elgin Town Hall ................(01343) 547767/562600-To Book Lossie Town Hall ............................(01343) 813329/815309 Moray Council .............................................(01343) 543451 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 Elgin Library ................................................(01343) 562600 Lossie Library ..............................................(01343) 813334 Elgin Community Council............................(01343) 544091 Moray Leisure Centre .................................(01343) 550033 Lossie Swimming Pool ................................(01343) 815299
Local Holidays 2011 Burghead Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday § Good Friday Easter Monday Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Burghead Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday § Summer Bank Holiday Burghead Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday § Burghead Holiday page 38 - April 2011
Mon. 4th April 2011 Mon. 11th April 2011 Fri. 22nd April 2011 Mon. 25th April 2011 Mon. 2nd May 2011 Mon. 30th May 2011 Mon. 6th June 2011 Mon. 27th June 2011 Mon. 1st Aug. 2011 Mon. 8th Aug. 2011 Mon. 5th Sept. 2011 Mon. 19th Sept. 2011
DOCTORS Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin ...............................0845 456 6000 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Hopeman (01343) 830269 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Burghead (01343) 835780 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Lossie ........0845 337 1190 Elgin Community Surgery ..........................(01343) 542234 Linkwood Medical Centre ............................0845 337 6350 Maryhill Health Centre ..................................0845 337 0610 DENTISTS South Street Dental Practice ......................(01343) 542729 Trinity Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 542697 Apex Dental Studio......................................(01343) 556606 Pure Spa Dental ..........................................(01343) 541164 Holly Tree Dental Practice, Lossie ..............(01343) 814625 Rivermouth Dental Practice, Lossie ............(01343) 813325
PHARMACIES Alliance Pharmacy ......................................(01343) 542186 Bishopmill Pharmacy ..................(01343) 547374 / 547393 Boots The Chemist ......................................(01343) 543311 G.F Duthie Phramacy, Burghead ................(01343) 835370 G.F Duthie Phramacy,Hopeman ................(01343) 830249 Lhanbryde Pharmacy ..................................(01343) 842531 Lloyds Pharmacy, 48 High St ......................(01343) 547065 Lloyds Pharmacy, 176 High St ....................(01343) 542571 Lloyds Pharmacy, Lossie ............................(01343) 812818 Lossiemouth Pharmacie ............................(01343) 813095 VETS Allen and Matthews ....................................(01343) 544811 Miller and Swann ........................................(01343) 542255 Moray Coast Vets, Lossie ............................(01343) 815335
Elgin Holiday § Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 St Andrews Day Wed. 30th Nov. 2011 Christmas Day * Mon. 26th Dec. 2011 Boxing Day * Tues. 27th Dec. 2011 Mon. 2nd Jan. 2012 New Years Day * 2nd January Tues. 3rd Jan. 2012 Good Friday Fri. 6th April 2012 Early May Bank Holiday Mon. 7th May 2012 Spring Bank Holiday Mon. 4th June 2012 * substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday § includes Lhanbryde ‡ includes Hopeman & Lossiemouth
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
Local Departures for 2011 FROM INVERNESS
Portugal 16th May 4 star all-inclusive ....................... from £699
Sorrento 4th June B&B ................. from £559 Sicily 11th Jun HB ... from £609
Sorrento 25th June B&B ................. from £559
ELGIN 01343 548844
Venetian Riviera 3rd July B&B .. from £589
FORRES 01309 672203
Lake Garda 3rd July and 16th October B&B ................. from £479
All prices are per person for 7 nights
Sicily 8th October HB.................... from £619
Lake Garda 19th June B&B ................. from £558 Dubrovnik 27th June, 12th Sept HB.. from £619 Portugal 4th July 4 star all-inclusive .... from £699 Western Norway 20th Sept HB.. from £639
Beaver Travel, 2-6 South Street, Elgin 78 High Street, Forres
Beaver Travel in Forres is also a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box Office Prices
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Treats! T reats!
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Easter Holidays & Mothers day no better place to enjoy these special days!
Yummy scrummy )JHI 4USFFU t &MHJO
SpotLight Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright
for 2010/2011 (all dates inclusive) Spring Term Ends Friday 1st April 2011 Summer Term Starts Monday 18th April 2011 Good Friday Holiday Friday 22nd April 2011 May Day Holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 In-service Closure Thursday 19th May 2011 In-service Closure Friday 20th May 2011 Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011 for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 16th August 2011 Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011 Winter Term Starts Monday 24th October 2011 LOW TIDE TIMES FOR LOSSIE IN APRIL Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
05.31 06.04 06.35 07.05 07.34 08.04 08.36
17.55 18.25 18.54 19.22 19.51 20.20 20.51
8 F 9 SA 10 SU 11 M 12 TU 13 W 14 TH 15 F 16 SA 17 SU 18 M 19 TU
In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011 Spring Term Starts Thursday 5th January 2012 Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012 Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012 Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012 Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012 Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012 May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012 In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 AM 09.10 09.51 10.41 11.49 00.19 01.56 03.13 04.11 04.59 05.44 06.28 07.11
3"% #"--&5 t *45% .0%&3/ 5"1 ) *()-"/% t %*4$0 )*1)01 )*()-"/% t %*4$0 )*1)01 entre - M on, Wed Wed & SSat at Elg in Community Community C Elgin Centre Mon, ues M emorial Hall Hopeman - TTues Memorial ommunity C LLossiemouth ossiemouth C entre - TThu hu Community Centre ochabers - FFri IInstitute nstitute Hall FFochabers ri
PM 21.25 22.07 23.02 13.18 14.42 15.46 16.39 17.26 18.11 18.55 19.37
20 W 21 TH 22 F 23 SA 24 SU 25 M 26 TU 27 W 28 TH 29 F 30 SA
AM 07.55 08.41 09.29 10.22 11.25 01.04 02.25 03.30 04.19 04.58
PM 20.21 21.04 21.51 22.43 23.47 12.41 14.02 15.13 16.04 16.45 17.19
07507 635 448 or email@moraydogwalking.co.uk www.moraydogwalking.co.uk Dog walking. Pet sitting in your home. Pet visits. Pet taxi. xi © Al Donnelly
DON DON’T ’T DEL DELAY AY BOOK TOD TTODAY!!! ODAY!!! TEL: 07917533516 Email: mor moraydanceschool@yahoo.com aydanceschool@yahoo.com w www.moraydance.co.uk ww.moraydance.co.uk page 40 - April 2011
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
Spring Fayre
McDonald & Munro Ltd
Electrical Engineers & Contractors DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL
Join our Springtime celebrations! Thursday 14th April 2011
INDUSTRIAL 4 Moycroft Industrial Estate, Elgin Â&#x2039;
11am - 4pm Meet Mr Rabbit, Miss Lady Bug & Friends Lambs and Rabbits Face Painting 11am-3pm Lucky Dip Delicious Food Tastings Tastings New Spring Fashion Egg-citing Gift Ideas Brodie Brodie by Forr Forres es 01309 641555 Open 7 days 9.30am - 5.30pm www.brodiecountryfare.com w w w. b r o d i e c o u n t r y f a r e . c o m
Volunteers are required throughout the Moray area to lead short, low level walks. A FREE one day training course is provided. There are daytime and evening walks, so if you have some spare time and would like more information please contact... Debbie Barron â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 01343 567172
Slating Tiling Fascias Guttering Single Ply & GRP Flat Roof Systems G
General property maintenance service. Chartered surveyor ref on request
OF RO O F WIIZARD Z ARD 01343 850063 07765 947025
email: enquiries@roof-wizard.co.uk
Beautiful & Romantic Jewellery
113 High Street, Forres
78 High Street, Nairn
Tel: 01309 675577 Tel: 01667 456777
Carpet Cleaning Hints & Tips from the Team at Can-Do Services Welcome to a new regular feature of Hints and Tips form the cleaning specialists â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CanDo Services. All the tips are tried and tested and if you need any further help please call the team on the numbers below. We hope that you enjoy the feature and find it useful! There are many products on the market that guarantee to remove stains quickly and effectively with every supermarket shelf stocked with the latest potions. Stain removal is one of the most common problems when cleaning carpets whether it simply be dirt from shoes to blood, drink stains, bodily fluids and much much more.
The secret to effective stain removal is to act quickly to remove as much of the stain as possible and then through cleaning with an effective carpet cleaning system to withdraw as much of the stain as possible. The best way to remove stains is by blotting the stain through a cloth, paper towel or towels. Stains are often left due to acidic compounds and quick action will increase the chance of effective removal. Rug Doctor products are designed specifically to breakdown these compounds with specialist treatments available for Urine, Grease, Paint, Nail Varnish, Wax and many more. So remember BLOT the stain quickly to remove as much as possible and if possible use an effective stain removal product to enhance the breakdown of compounds that cause the stain.
DH Fitness and Personal Trainer Louise Cartmell bring to Elgin...
4 Week Bootcamp Starts 9th May 2011 Times to suit everyone!
Get in your best shape ever this Summer with BOOTCAMP For more details call Dawn 07825 087 326 Louise 07871 600 007 or www.louisecartmell.com
FFREE REE Martial Art Artss fitness ses for classes 4weeks ks only feess starting 2 people join & only 1 pays fee from £35.99 per month Adults can expect - Fun, amazing weight loss, toning, improved fitness and a huge boost to their confidence 2011. for 2011. Kids can expect - Fun, improved concentration, confidence building, nutritional guidance and not to 2011. be bullied at school during 2011. There has never been a better time to join the biggest Fitness Martial Arts Group in Scotland. Give you and your family the gift 2011. of good health & wellness for 201 1.
Please contact your Sansum Black Belt Academy Instructor:
Lisa Clarkson
01343 812021 Clifton Road, Lossiemouth Lossiemouth www.sansumblackbeltacademy.com www .sansumblackbeltacademy.com
Thinking hinking of Moving? Glassgreen, Elgin
3 Bedroom Semi Detached Close to o local schools Offers Over er £149,000
A Free Sales Appraisal Pro-active Marketing A Professional Service Touch The personal Touch
Coast2Country Coast2Country
The World’ World’s W orld’s leading Estate Agency orld’s
Call today for a no obligation chat 25 High Street, Elgin
01343 5521 552114 14
A SpotLight on the Duffus Inn By Alison Nelmes The Duffus Inn is situated in the small village of Duffus, five miles from Elgin and 11 from Forres. It has been owned by Robert and Eleanor Sheach for the past seven years and over that time they have built up a popular bar and restaurant. The Inn caters for all, from young families to the more mature and the very reasonably priced menu caters for all ages and tastes. You will find traditional pub favourites â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Thai curry, scampi, fish and chips etc. and a wide range of locally reared steaks and different sauces with delicious homemade chips, but their main menu is particularly inspiring. This new menu has been created by Chef Andrew Fyfe and Chris McCann who have taken traditional dishes (e.g. pork, duck, venison, steak pie, lamb casserole, homemade burger) and added a slight twist to them. All the seafood, game and meat are from local suppliers My friend Anne and I went on a Saturday night at 7.30pm. On entering the pub you come to a small and inviting bar area. We were welcomed by Eleanor who was serving behind the bar and by Alexa who is head waitress. We were invited to sit in the bar area and our
drinks order was taken. We were than given the menus to peruse. We both enjoyed sitting in this area choosing our meals and drinking aperitifs. There is also a good selection of reasonably priced wines which you can buy by the glass or by the bottle. Alexa was excellent at making recommendations from the menu and was well informed of all the dishes on the menu, which enabled her to answer any questions we had. Both the bar area and the restaurant were very busy and I would definitely recommend booking a table. We were then shown to our table. The restaurant was full and it was good to see that there was a wide variety of ages enjoying a night out. Our starters arrived. We had the Smoked Venison Salad with braised chicory and the Pan Fried Sea Bass. Both dishes were beautifully presented. The venison was very tender and it went extremely well with the slight crunchiness of the chicory and salad. The flavours of sea bass dish were excellent and all the different elements of the dish tasted perfect together. For main course we had wild duck breast and confit leg and the pork stuffed with black crowdie cheese. Each dish came with accompaniments fitting to each dish and neither dish could be faulted. Each plate was not overcrowded and no portion was too big. The dessert menu offers a wide selection e.g. chocolate fondant, sticky toffee pudding, a selection of local ice creams but we went for two of the more unusual selections â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fruit Pastille Parfait with edible sweetie Wrapper and the Buckfast cheesecake Irn Bru ice cream and deep fried Mars Bar in Coca Cola batter. The parfait came on a piece of slate and looked just like a
homemade! packet of fruit pastilles in a see through wrapper, each piece of parfait having a different flavour. The cheesecake was delicious with the Buckfast giving it a subtle fruity flavour. The irn bru ice cream also had a very subtle flavour of irn bru at the end. And if you have never had a deep fried mars bar do not knock it until you have tried it. They had never appealed to me but now I am a complete convert! I would highly recommend going to the Duffus Inn for its relaxing atmosphere, service and above all the food.
DUF UFFUS FUS I NN ...a delicious idea! Easter & Mother’s Day Set Price Menu from £14.00 Full Lunch Menu & 2 Course Specials at £8.00 ALSO providing a comprehensive outside catering service for weddings, Buffets, Buffets, Parties etc.
DUF UFFUS FUS I NN ...a delicious idea!
T To o avoid disapointment book today 013 01343 43 835065 Z ZZZ GXIIXVLQQ FR XN DGPLQ#GXIIXVLQQ FR XN 23(1 '$<6 Z Z G X I I X V L Q Q F R X N D G P L Q # G X I I X V L Q Q F R X N 2 3 ( 1 ' $< 6
News...News...News...News ..News...News...News...Ne
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To take advantage of these deals, visit one of our Marketing Suites today. Marketing Suites open Thursday to Monday, 10.30am to 5.30pm. Westfields open Friday to Sunday, 10.30am to 5.30pm.
robertsonhomes.co.uk * Offers available on selected plots and developments only, full details of the Terms and Conditions are available on request. Reservations must be made before the 31st March 2011. ** Reservations taken prior to 31st March 2011. Offer advertised is available on selected plots and developments, not available in conjunction with any other offer, and is subject to Robertson Homes terms and conditions. Images used are typical of a Robertson Home and may not be representative of the particular developments advertised.
#!,, ELGIN CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 3OUTH 3TREET %LGIN WWW ELGINCHIROCLINIC CO UK Dr David Morgan (DC) & Dr Karin Robertson (DC) GCC Registered SCA BCA Members Registered with BUPA & PPP Healthcare
SpotLight Advertisers Index
Alistair Young & Sons........................................................18
Moray Coast Veterinary Group ..........................................3
An Easy Drive ....................................................................33
Moray Community Health & Social Care Partnership ......41
Bakehouse Cafe................................................................43
Moray Dance School ........................................................40
Beaver Travel ....................................................................39
Moray Dog Walking ..........................................................40
Big Sky Print........................................................................5
M R D Flooring ..................................................................18
Boath House ....................................................................23
Physio Pilates ....................................................................49
Brodie Countryfare............................................................41
Potty Expressions................................................................5
Buckie Furniture ..................................................................9
Re/Max Coast2Country ....................................................43
Can-Do Services ..............................................................42
D H Fitness........................................................................43
Robertson Homes ............................................................48
Dallas Designs ..................................................................48
Roof Wizard ......................................................................41
Dittmar Herrnkind, Your Handyman..................................49
SBBA Lossie......................................................................43
Divine Gifts ........................................................................18
Scotengineering ................................................................50
D L P Storage ....................................................................33
Scribbles ..........................................................................39
Duffus Inn ..........................................................................45
Seaforth Windows Home Improvements............................5
Eight Acres Hotel ..............................................................12
S H K Roofing....................................................................41
Elgin Chiropractic Clinic....................................................48
Simone Herrnkind German Tutor......................................21
Excel Scotland ....................................................................5
Smith & Castle Jewellers ..................................................41
Fairley Solicitors ................................................................31
Stevenson & Foster ..........................................................18
Forestry Commission ........................................................21
Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival ....................................27
Gordon Scott Chartered Accountant ................................21
Springfield Properties ......................................................51
Home Comforts By Sandra ..............................................33
The Blind Spot ......................................................................
Ian’s Handyman Services ................................................21
The Granary Bar & Restaurant..........................................17
Johnstons ............................................Outside Back Cover
The Loft Venue ....................................................................5
Joanne Newsome Canine Behaviourist............................21
The Picture Framer............................................................33
Knockomie Hotel ..............................................................33
Ultimate Hair & Beauty......................................................33
Kylauren Homes..................................................................2
Unique Beauty ............................................Front Cover & 3
Mackenzie & Cruickshank ..................................................7
Universal Hall ....................................................................16
Mansion House Hotel & Country Club ............................35
Veronique’s ......................................................................39
McDonald & Munro ..........................................................41
Wheelchair Care................................................................11
(Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Classes) For booking details contact Kate Robertson
01343 550 737
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District
April 2011 - page 49
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SMILE, the sofa that says it all. SMILE is the latest design from Relax. Chairs and sofas that can stand alone, or mix together. Changing headrest heights, optional arms, SMILE has it all.
SMILE This traditional computer / office desk is superb, with keyboard drawer, filing drawer and hidden tower cupboard. Are we sure the Victorians didn’t have computers? Lossie Wynd, Elgin Mon-Sat, 9-5 Tel 01343 547010 www.relaxinelgin.co.uk
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