April 2012
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Clubs, Societies & Regular Meetings ALVES LADIES BOWLING CLUB Monday evenings, 7pm, Alves Hall, Alves. tel:01343850264 BIRNIE INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Come and play on our excellent carpets enjoy bowling and company, play Mon & Thurs 7pm tel: Charles Stewart 543307 DARNAWAY CURLING CLUB Small, friendly club would be delighted to welcome new members for the coming season. Why not come and try a new sport. For further details contact evrae@hotmail.com ELGIN AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY Quality drama productions for Elgin and District, and comprehensive theatrical experiences for interested adults and young people at Kingsmills Studio. Call Jenna Ward 552457 or 07873 497487. www.elgindrama.co.uk
SAMpLE AdVErt rAtES Box £59 Big Box £111 ¼ page £201 ½ page £381 Business profile £416 Full page £720 Enhanced Listings in What’s On pages from £41 SpotLight on Elgin & Lossie is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV36 3UA, 01309 690063. All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright. page 4 - April 2012
ELGIN BOOKMARK BOOK CLUB Meets every 2nd Monday of the month, 2pm, Blythswood Charity Shop, Lossie Wynd, Elgin. Contact Kirsty Morgan 547494 ELGIN CITY COMMUNITY FOOTBALL Football activities for boys & girls of all ages. Call Robbie Hope 01343 551114 or visit www.elgincommunityfootball.co.uk ELGIN DARBY & JOAN CLUB Every Tuesday Oct - May, 2 - 4pm for a sociable afternoon with entertainment or bingo for over 60’s. Elgin Community Centre. Contact Moira Webb 541001 ELGIN-LANDSHUT TWIN TOWN ASSOCIATION Encourages friendship and exchange visits between Elgin and its twin town in Bavaria. Contact Alastair Rossiter 542939 www.landshut-elgin.de ELGIN MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB Encourages a responsible attitude towards target shooting in a safe controlled environment. Mondays 7:15pm Sept - March at Indoor Rifle Range, Pinefield. Call Athole Manson 07779 710985 or email atholem@aol.com ELGIN MUSEUM The Museum collects and safeguards artefacts and specimens held in trust for the people of Moray and visitors to the area. Open Mon - Sat, April - Oct. Call Bill Dargano 543675 or email curator@elginmuseum.org.uk www.elginmuseum.org.uk LAICH OF MORAY TRUST Providing transport for elderly, infirm and disabled within Moray. Mainly within Moray, but sometimes further. Contact Rob Tyson 545531 LHANBRYDE INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Promotes the game of indoor bowling, sociable and competitive, meets Sept - April on Mondays & Thursdays 7pm-10pm. Contact
Ella Harley 814224 / 843194 LOSSIEMOUTH BOWLING CLUB St Gerardine’s Road, Lossie. Call 813766 for more information LOSSIEMOUTH CRUISING CLUB Active club with full programme of races & musters. Crews always required. Contact Sally Skalke or John Jones on 07840 198871, visit www.lossiecc.co.uk or email sallyskalke@tiscali.co.uk LOSSIEMOUTH ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION BRANCH AND SOCIAL CLUB Join us for a variety of social activities . For more details about the Club and Membership please visit www.lossiemouth-rna.org MORAY & NAIRN FLORAL ART CLUB Come and watch talented flower demonstrators at work. Meets 2nd Wednesday each month at Applegrove Primary School Contact May Bichan 01343 850634 MORAY ARTS CLUB Bringing 'The Arts' to the people of Moray. Call Emma Cooper on 07894 144021 or email emmaucooper@btinternet.com or visit www.morayartsclub.com MORAY ACCESS PANEL To help improve access to buildings or other access problems in Moray. An advisory body of disabled and Moray Council reprentatives. Meets monthly at The Moray Resource Centre, Elgin. Pleased to offer advice to anyone. New members are always welcome. Email wheelsgalore100@googlemail.com MORAY BUSINESS WOMEN Informal club for women in the Moray area with an interest in business, networking & general socialising. 1st Thursday of every month. Tel: Moira Hickey on 07792 831095 or e-mail us at moirahickey@aol.com MORAY CEILIDH CLUB Informal, fun night out! All welcome! Dances explained for
tel: 01309 690063
beginners and those members who cannot remember! BYOB. Contact Anna Ross 842953 or visit www.moraycc.org NHS RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Every 2nd Wednesday, 2pm, Sept - Jun. Elgin Town Hall Supper Room. Contact Mary Nelson 01309 675371 RIVERSIDE MACHINE KNITTING CLUB Wednesday 10am - 3pm, Elgin Community Centre. Hand and machine knitting encouragement and support. Contact Tricia Furr 870429 ROTARY CLUB OF ELGIN Thursdays, 12.30pm for 1pm, The Mansion House Hotel. Contact Brodie Ross 01309 696272 SIGMA - MORAY'S ASTRONOMY CLUB 1st Friday of the month, 7pm for 7.30pm, Birnie Village Hall. Encouraging an interest in space related subjects teaching the use of astronomical equipment. Visit www.sigma-astro.co.uk STEP BY STEP IN MORAY Young parent feeling lonely and isolated and need company? We meet Fridays, 10 - 11.30am, & Tuesday 1-2.30pm, Elgin Youth Cafe. Contact Anne Attenburrow 552330 or email aattenburrow@aol.com
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.
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SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
The Editor As spring blooms forth and we head ‘confidently’ towards a ‘scorcher’ of a summer save a thought for those poor souls that do not witness the changing seasons. It is a real joy to behold the newness of life that we see each year and we hope that this might also herald some green shoots for our local economy. We live in hope!
PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ......................Eilidh Conners ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT ...............Megan Woodman DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson LISTINGS................Tamsyn Dickson Clubs & Societies ............................4 Pastoral Letter.................................6 Church Details.................................6 Council News ..................................8 Useful Numbers ............................10 Local Holidays...............................10 School Term Dates........................10 Tide Times.....................................12 Parliament Blog.............................12 What’s On ................................19-24 Cinema Listings.............................24 Advertisers Index ..........................38
The Pallywags...........................21
Choctober @ Easter ............30-31
Family Easter Extravaganza.................26
Morocco ....................................32
Chef’s Confidential Lightly Smoked Salmon ............28
Charity Show Your Support ...................36
May Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 30/03/12 Advertising - Wednesday 04/04/12
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Pastoral letter and Church Meetings Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright
Many would argue that the financial climate is the most serious of situations facing countries, governments, companies, families and even football teams!!! The debt of many of the above just appears to continue to grow and grow. There seems no way out and many people are affected through job losses cuts to services and many other cost cutting exercises. Many are looking for a clean slate the opportunity to start again to have their debt paid off. Serious as the financial climate is there is an even more serious situation that faces every single one of us and that is the matter of sin. It is not a
very popular word today and though we never like to talk about it it seems we all like to engage in it. We try to excuse it, blame it on our upbringing, however, the bible makes clear that we have all sinned and fell short of the glory of God. It also teaches us that this debt must be paid for; yet who is able to pay such a price? We are approaching Easter time that time of the year when we remember the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The message of Easter, indeed the message of the Christian gospel, is that Jesus Christ paid the debt of our sin. By putting our trust in
Alves Church 1st Sunday of each month at 11.30am. 01309 690931 Birnie - Pluscarden Church Sunday Service Pluscarden 10am ; Birnie 11.30am and Elgin High Church Sunday Service 11am. Contact Parish Asst. Paula Baker tel: 01542 832662 Burghead Church Every Sunday at 11.30am. Contact 01309 690931 Elgin & Forres Free Church of Scotland Sunday Service 11am including Sunday School & Creche; Evening Service 6pm, Midweek Meeting Wednesday 7.30pm. Contact Colin Morrison 542196 Elgin Baptist Sunday morning worship 11am including crèche pre Sunday school, Sunday school and bible class, evening service 6pm Contact: 01343 548309 Elgin City Church Every Sunday 10.30am at Elgin Community Centre - Childrens church & creche available. Contact 543624 Elgin Community Church Sunday Morning Service 10.30am; Evening Fellowship & Youth Group at 6pm. Contact 54665 Hopeman Baptist Church meets every Sunday 11am & 6pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Rev. S.J. Macdonald 831175 or visit the website www.hopemanbaptist.org.uk Living Waters Fellowship, Bishopmill Hall, Bishopmill, Elgin. Family service - Sundays at 11.30pm with lunch after the service. Kids Church. Tel: 07730 256543 or visit www.livingwatersfellowship.co.uk Lossiemouth Baptist Church meets every Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am and 6pm. Junior Church Sunday 11.30am and Kids Church (P4-P7) Thursdays 6.15pm-8pm. Contact Rev. Rae Mackenzie 812062 www.lossiebaptist.org Lossiemouth Gospel Hall meets every Sunday for Sunday Club at 9.30am, Gospel Meeting at 6.30pm. Further details 812987 or visit www.lossiemouthgospelhall.org.uk Lossiemouth United Free Church of Scotland meets Sunday 11am and 6pm, including Sunday School. Contact Rev. Alexander Ritchie 810262 www.ufcos.org.uk/lossie Moray Grace Fellowship Meets Sunday mornings 10.30am in The Warehouse Theatre, Lossie. Contact Vic Cameron for more details tel. 850142, email
page 6 - April 2012
Him, by repenting of our sin, we all can know forgiveness and cleansing and a clean slate. Jesus paid the price that none of us could afford. Not with silver or gold but with His precious blood shed on the cross. Why not take time to find out more. Visit a local church this Easter and find out just how much God really loves you. This is love not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Happy Easter Graham Swanson Elgin Baptist Church
vic.cameron2803@btinternet.com or www.moraygrace.wordpress.com Scottish Episcopal Church Holy Trinity, Elgin Sunday Services 8am Holy Communion; 11am Family Eucharist; 6.30pm Evensong, tel: 547505 St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church, Morning Worship, including Young Church and Créche every Sunday at 11am. Evening Services on last Sunday of month at St Margaret's Hall, Urquhart at 7pm. Tel: Andrew Robertson 843765 St Gerardines High Church Lossiemouth, Family Worship Sunday 11am; Evening Service 6pm last Sunday in Month. Contact 823588 St Giles & St Columba’s South, Elgin Sunday Services at 10.30am – the months of January, March, May, July, September and November in St Giles’ Church and the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December will be in the St Columba’s South Church, Wednesday 7.30pm & Thursday 12.30pm at St. Giles Church. Contact the Church Office tel: 551501 or visit www.elginstgiles.org St James Church of Scotland, Lossiemouth Family Worship 11am including creche and Sunday School; Evening Service 6pm; Swordfish Youth Group 7pm. Contact Rev. Graham Crawford 07817 504042 St Margaret’s Church, Lossiemouth Family Eucharist 9.30am; Holy Communion 10am Thursdays; Evening Prayer 5pm Thursdays St Sylvester's Catholic Church, Elgin Vigil Mass Saturday 7pm; Sunday Mass 11.45am. Contact 542280 www.stsylvesters.net Parish of Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman First Sunday of each month, one service (10.30 a.m.) in Hopeman if five Sundays in the month, all other Sundays Hopeman 10am, Duffus or Spynie 11.30am. Contact Rev. Bruce Lawrie 830276 or email: blawrie@zetnet.co.uk If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we may print this in future issues.
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Community Council News Picture by Roger Carr, Copyright
Part two radio communications mast Pinefield This has gone ahead. Bryan Watson reiterated that it was good to see two networks using the same site. The Chair asked if there had been any pre-application consultation on the proposals to develop sites R9 (Bilbohall North) and R10 (Lesmurdie House North). Bryan Watson advised Planning had reported on this December 2010. hardcore at linkwood Way Murray Ross asked about this and expressed concern over the boundaries of this area, as there were no pavements. This site is for R&M Cars. George P Littlejohn advised R&T had asked for boundaries some years ago but never got a clear answer on who owns the land. ladyhill Flowerbeds As per committee report, Anne Glover had done a few hours digging and planting of her own bulbs. The Chair to report on this progress to ENAF. Fair trade Stall As per committee report, Mary Wall reported a successful day with a lot of engagement with and interest from passers by, particularly youths and schools. A member of Elgin Youth Café expressed an interest in joining Elgin Community Council. A lot was learned for future events. Thanks were given to George P Littlejohn, Alastair Kennedy, Anne Davidson (Co-op), Starbucks and Holland & Barrett for their help and support. Fair trade meeting The Chair reported a good meeting and informative presentation by Martin Forbes, Convener of the Scottish fair trade forum. Few members of the public attended. Fair trade City Moray Council need to pass a resolution for this to happen. George P Littlejohn suggested passing the list of Scottish Fair Trade towns to City of Elgin Moray Council Councillors, Community Council members and the press. It was agreed Mary Wall will do this.
Path around Wards wildlife area Bryan Watson reported this had recently been upgraded to an excellent standard by Moray Council but contractors carrying out bore tests along the proposed distributor road route have been driving over it. As well as damaging the path, they present a risk to pedestrians and cyclists. It appears they could have accessed the desired site by other means. Bryan Watson wished to make elected officials aware and ask if the contractors had permission to do this and will they put the damage right. Cllr Russell will bring this to the attention of Moray Council Transportation Department. roads & transportation Cockmuir Place R&T had no objections to the proposed 20mph speed limit. George P Littlejohn proposed the motion that this be accepted. Bryan Watson seconded. There were no objections. Murray Ross will submit an acceptance rail Consultation George P Littlejohn attended a Transport Scotland Railways 2014 meeting. Once R&T have read the consultation document they propose to prepare a letter regarding suggested upgrades to the Inverness to Aberdeen line, suggested upgrades to the rail service for the whole of Scotland and cross border services The Chair commented that this is a public consultation and represents an opportunity for rail users to comment on this service. George P Littlejohn advised this can be online. (http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/strat egy-and-research/publications-and-consultations/j203179-00.htm) Batchen Street Pedestrian Signage – drivers are using this as a through route. R&T to investigate location of signage as they may be too far into Batchen Street to appear prominent to a driver. a96 & a941 master Chart Mr Stuart Edgar, A96 & A95 Manager Transport Scotland, wrote to thank R&T for the chart and commented on several issues highlighted. He is happy to meet
R&T re Transport Scotland. taxis George P Littlejohn sent a letter re upgrade of City of Elgin taxis. A reply was received from Vlad Valiente, solicitor on the Licensing Committee, stating an investigation will be undertaken after elections in May 2012, as previously advised by Cllr Divers. 2nd letter to transport Scotland Approval was sought to send a second letter to Transport Scotland regarding the Aberdeen to Inverness line. This is due to a number of extra services running on this line. There were no objections. Western Distributor road A discussion was held around the feasibility of dropping the railway line to lessen the impact of a bridge at the bottom of Wittet Drive. Costs, including compensation to line users, can be prohibitive and proximity to the river may lead to problems. youth Website – Adian Milne is continuing to work on the website. Murray Ross is to send him a password. The changeover period was discussed. Aidan Milne is to investigate possible automatic forwarding to home email addresses. Aidan Milne reported there had been 663 hits on the website so far. Approx 300 in October, 100 in November, 200 to date in December. The Committees were reminded to provide website content about their activities. moray Council twitter Feed Point of interest. Bryan Watson noted he had seen useful tweets about refuse collection on the day of industrial action. He also recommended Grampian Police’s Twitter feed. Presentation from Elgin Academy pupils on litter and environmental plan. Harry Torry felt this was an excellent presentation and the pupils should be invited to present to the Litter Group.
othEr Community CounCil ContaCtS heldon Community Council Meetings - 7.30pm at Mosstowie Primary School. Contact: Angela Hyland (Secretary) tel: 545360
page 8 - April 2012
Burghead & Cummingston Community Council Meets first Thursday of every month (excluding July) 7.30pm at Burghead Harbour Masters Office. Contact: Chris Tuke (Secretary) tel: 835537
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
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Will You Be Surprised With Life After Death? all our righteousnesses [good deeds] are as filthy rags."
We get surprised Being a good person is not enough to make us acceptto God. We are still filthy sinners. In God's eyes, all when things come able have sinned; "There is none that doeth good, no, not one" upon us unexpect- (Romans 3:12). Sin means "missing the mark." We have missed God's mark even though we may do many edly. Many things all good things. If you think a person's goodness gets him that occur in our to heaven, you will be surprised! lives come with- Do you think hell will be just a big party? Matthew 13:50 says that the wicked will be cast "into the out warning. Sometimes things like sickness, bills and family crises just cannot be anticipated. Even our own death can come by surprise.
furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." A furnace of fire, wailing, and gnashing of teeth do not paint the picture of a party atmosphere. In reality, hell will be filled with only suffering and anguish. Luke 16:22,23 tells of a man who "died, and was buried; and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments." If you think there will be any pleasure in hell, you will be surprised!
What comes after death, however, is something that does not need to be a surprise for anyone. It is not God's desire that you be surprised after you die. He tells us in the Bible that every one of us will live Do you put off thinking about death and eternity, hoping it will just "turn out well"? somewhere forever. John 3:18 says, "He that believeth not is condemned To be prepared for life after death, we must first already, because he hath not believed in the name of the examine what we believe about this matter in the light only begotten Son of God." The person who has not of God's Word, the Bible. trusted in The Lord Jesus Christ is in peril of eternal Do you think a person stops existing after condemnation already! "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" (Hebrews 2:3). These matters death? are too important to leave unconsidered. The Lord Jesus Hebrews 9:27 says, "It is appointed unto men once to die, Christ shed His blood and died on the cross to pay the but after this the judgment." The word "after" tells us that punishment for your sin that you deserve. “For God so life does not end with death. No matter what you think will happen when you die, God says that His judgment loved the world, that he gave his only begotten will follow. If you are anticipating "nothing" after death, Son, that whosoever believeth in him should you will be surprised! not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16) Do you think God would never send you to hell? The resurrection of Christ is proof that God accepted His payment for sin. If you do not repent of your sin and Psalm 5:4 says, "For thou art not a God that hath pleasure receive The Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you will in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with Thee." be surprised! Because God is holy, He must punish sin. Sin cannot be where God is. We are all sinners. If a person's sin is not The God and Saviour you believe in must be the God cleansed by the blood of The Lord Jesus Christ, God and Saviour of the Bible and not a god that only exists in must send him to hell, "And whosoever was not found your own imagination. Dear Reader, don’t go to Hell written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” with the knowledge of the way to Heaven in your head. (Revelation 20:15). If you think no one goes to hell, you God loves you, and Christ died for you. Repent of will be surprised! your sin and receive Jesus Christ as your
Do you think being good will get you to heaven? Saviour and Lord; He says “..him that cometh Isaiah 64:6 says, "But we are all as an unclean thing, and to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37)
...and .. ..and in H Hell ell he lift lift up his e eyes yes b being eing in ttorments... orments...
LLuke ukee 16v 23 2
Published by www.wordsbythewayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
Picture by Eileen Fitzpatrick, Copyright
Local Holidays, School Term Dates &Useful Numbers Local Holidays Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Good Friday Elgin Holiday § May Day Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Queens Diamond Jubilee Elgin Holiday § Summer Bank Holiday Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday §
Mon. 2nd April 2012 Fri. 6th April 2012 Mon. 9th April 2012 Mon. 7th May 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Tues. 5th June 2012 Mon. 25th June 2012 Mon. 6th Aug. 2012 Mon. 13th Aug. 2012 Mon. 3rd Sept. 2012
Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday § St Andrews Day Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday
Mon. 17th Sept. 2012 Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 Fri. 30th Nov. 2012 Tues. 25th Dec. 2012 Wed. 26th Dec. 2012 Tues. 1st Jan. 2013 Wed. 2nd Jan. 2013
* substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday ‡ includes Hopeman & Burghead § includes Lhanbryde, Fochabers, Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay and Urquhart
School Holidays Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012 Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012 Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012 Lossie High & Feeders Friday 4th May 2012 May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012 In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive)
Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Winter Term Starts In-service Closure In-service Closure Winter Term Ends Spring Term Starts Mid-term Holiday Mid-term Holiday
Tuesday 21st August 2012 Friday 12th October 2012 Monday 29th October 2012 Monday 19th November 2012 Tuesday 20th November 2012 Fri. 21st December 2012 Monday 7th January 2013 Friday 15th February 2013 Monday 18th February 2013
Useful Numbers SCHOOLS Alves Primary School ..................................(01343) 850247 Bishopmill Primary School ..........................(01343) 547841 Burghead Primary School ..........................(01343) 835529 East End Primary School ............................(01343) 542381 Greenwards Primary School ......................(01343) 541661 Hopeman Primary School ..........................(01343) 830281 Lhanbryde Primary School..........................(01343) 842649 Mosstowie Primary School..........................(01343) 547119 New Elgin Primary School ..........................(01343) 547587 Seafield Primary School ..............................(01343) 547792 St Sylvesters R.C. Primary School ..............(01343) 541453 West End Primary School............................(01343) 543161 Elgin Academy ............................................(01343) 543485 Elgin High School........................................(01343) 545181 Hythehill Primary School ............................(01343) 812014 St Gerardine Primary School ......................(01343) 812251 Lossiemouth High School ..........................(01343) 812047 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Bus Station, Elgin .......................................(01343) 544222 Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01343) 550088 Dalcross Airport ...........................................(01667) 464000 Dallas Village Hall .......................................(01343) 890243 Elgin Town Hall ................(01343) 547767/562600-To Book Lossie Town Hall ............................(01343) 813327/815309 Moray Council .............................................(01343) 543451 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 Elgin Library ................................................(01343) 562600 Lossie Library ..............................................(01343) 813334 Elgin Community Council ............................(01343)540615 Moray Leisure Centre .................................(01343) 550033 Lossie Swimming Pool ................................(01343) 815299 page 10 - April 2012
DOCTORS Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin ...............................0845 456 6000 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Hopeman (01343) 830269 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Burghead (01343) 835780 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Lossie ........0845 337 1190 Elgin Community Surgery ..........................(01343) 542234 Linkwood Medical Centre ............................0845 337 6350 Maryhill Health Centre ..................................0845 337 0610 DENTISTS South Street Dental Practice ......................(01343) 542729 Trinity Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 542697 Apex Dental Studio......................................(01343) 556606 Pure Spa Dental ..........................................(01343) 541164 Laich Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 816316 PHARMACIES Alliance Pharmacy ......................................(01343) 542186 Bishopmill Pharmacy ..................(01343) 547374 / 547393 Boots The Chemist ......................................(01343) 543311 G.F Duthie Phramacy, Burghead ................(01343) 835370 G.F Duthie Phramacy,Hopeman ................(01343) 830249 Lhanbryde Pharmacy ..................................(01343) 842531 Lloyds Pharmacy, 48 High St ......................(01343) 547065 Lloyds Pharmacy, 176 High St ....................(01343) 542571 Lloyds Pharmacy, Lossie ............................(01343) 812818 Lossiemouth Pharmacy ..............................(01343) 813095 VETS Allen and Matthews ....................................(01343) 544811 Miller and Swann ........................................(01343) 542255 Moray Coast Vets, Lossie ............................(01343) 815335
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
Legal – Ease Closing dates Now that the property market is picking up we may start to see the re-emergence of the Scottish tradition of setting a ‘closing date’. A closing date is in effect a deadline by which a buyer must submit their best offer for the property that they want to purchase. A closing date is likely to be set by a seller’s agents when several parties are interested in the same property and each are equally in a position to buy. The selling agent will advise the buying parties of the date and time of the closing date and the buyers will then have to submit their best offer in writing in Scottish legal form (via their own Solicitor) to the seller’s agents no later than the closing date.
Certified ISO 14001:2004 International Environmental Standard
Once the closing date is past, the seller’s agents will take instructions from the seller as to which, if any, offer they want to accept. The acceptable offer does not have to necessarily be the highest as all the terms will be considered including price, date of entry, any special conditions, etc. All parties involved will then be advised whether they have been successful or not and the conveyancing will proceed between the successful parties. If you are considering selling or purchasing a property and you would like further advice and/or legal representation please call:Cherry Fairley, Solicitor & Notary Public of Fairleys Solicitors, 7 Mayne Road, Elgin IV30 1NY Tel: 01343 551126
HEATING & PLUMBING for all enquiries please contact
Gordon Christie on
01343 862832 07733 228702 gordchrist@btinternet.com
7 Mayne Road Elgin IV30 1NY tel: 01343 551126 e-mail: property@moraylegal.co.uk
FREE INITIAL 1/2 HOUR CONSULTATION t &45"5& "(&/$: t $0/7&:"/$*/( t -&55*/( t t .035("(&4 t 8*--4 t &9&$653*&4 t t 108&34 0' "5503/&: t /05"3*4*/( %0$6.&/54 t
Parliament Blog & Tides “ Parliament Blog ” Given the rural nature of Moray and having the stunning Moray Firth it is not surprising that my duties as a Minister, rather than as an MSp and resident of the area, bring me to events in the area. It was in that capacity that I recently visited the dolphin Centre at Spey Bay, where both employees supporters do a power of work. Wildlife tourism has great potential in Moray but the event was also a good reminder for me of exactly why I love living and bringing up a family in the north east, which has such a fantastic environment. It's a great place just to stop for a minute and admire what's on our doorstep.
Richard Lochhead MSP
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR LOSSIEMOUTH IN APRIL Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 0130 0305 0407 0453 0533 0612 0651
% ,$'# $%$'# $'#%! %0
PM 1429 1541 1632 1716 1757 1836 1916
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Speaking to folk around Moray I have picked up on an interesting side-effect of the impact of changing home-heating technologies. It seems that with the rapidly increasing take up of heating systems using sustainable wood sources for fuel the decline in demand for the traditional chimney sweep is turning back into a growth industry! Logical when you think about it and I have spotted at least one newsweep business with the good North East name of 'A Clean Lum'! Hopefully this trend spells a bit of a revival for at least one traditional trade and I hope that the local sweeps, old and new, can look forward to a busy future.
Angus Robertson MP
AM 0731 0813 0858 0950 1050
PM 1956 2040 2125 2217 2321 1207 1336 1459 1605 1653 1731 1803
0041 0208 0324 0422 0505 0542
$ (" &$$ )!* &
AM 0615 0646 0718 0748 0819 0853 0930 1014 1107 0043
PM 1834 1902 1931 2000 2031 2104 2142 2227 2325 1215 1339
The Garden Man
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
07717 791056 I’m I’M lO CAL Local
$ ("
Hedge Work Grass Work Tree Work Undertaken
page 12 - April Month2012 2011
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLighton onElgin, Inverness and SpotLight Lossie & District
Scooters Riser/ Riser/Recliners Recliners Electric Electric Beds Beds
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Spring priing FFayre ppring ayyrree
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Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4#
PLeaSe Send uS detaiLS of YouR eventS Log on to www.spotlighton.co.uk email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk call 01309 690063 Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s~on listings deadline for May issue is friday 30/03/12
Rolling Event 28 march - onwards interactive exhibition of modern automata and kinetic art 10am - 5pm, tuesday - saturday at the house of automata, kinloss (next to petrol station). free entry. tel: 01309 691212 for more information or visit www.thehouseofautomata.com
MARCH 28 wednesday richard durrant @ universal hall 7:30pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets ÂŁ10/ ÂŁ8 conc / ÂŁ6 u16 available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110
30 friday phil cool @ ironworks 7pm. 16+. seated. tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 or www.ironworksvenue.com the syndicate presents a night of thrash & death metal 8pm, flanagans bar, elgin. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;thrashist regimeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; debut and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;bonesawâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; make a welcome return. ÂŁ5 entry. email thesyndicate2008@btinternet.com or visit www.facebook.com/thesyndicate2008 the moray society lecture series continues 7pm, elgin museum hall. a musical evening "simply music" by glenn munro & partner donations ÂŁ3, ÂŁ2 for society members. refreshments will be available.
31 saturday handmade in scotland spring craft fair 10am - 1pm, lossiemouth high school. free entry, free tea & coffee & free facepainting. charity raffle for ladybird group. email islaandesme@gmail.com more info. cloud man @ universal hall 4pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets ÂŁ6/ ÂŁ5 conc / ÂŁ4 u16 available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110 highland hospice fundraiser @ ironworks 7:30pm. 18+. with special guests â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the complete stone rosesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit the website www.ironworksvenue.com miltonduff annual gardening club coffee morning 10am - 11:30am, miltonduff hall. There will be plant, cake & candy, bric a brac & book stalls and more. all proceeds go to the flower displays in the village. elgin museum reopens for more information visit www.elginmuseum.org.uk
Saturday 14th April, 8pm ÂŁ10/ÂŁ8 (concessions)
Wednesday 18th April, 7.30pm
ÂŁ10/ÂŁ8/ÂŁ6 U16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (concessions)
Tickets available at the Phoenix Stores tel: 01309 690110 For more details tel: 01309 691170 or see w w w. u n i v e r s a l h a l l . c o . u k
3 tuesday seahorses and starfish 1pm-3pm, free family drop-in at the falconer museum. model a marine invertebrate. contact 01309 673701 for more information.
4 wednesday new elgin WRI meeting 7pm at cedarwood, edgar road, elgin netmums sponsored toddle 2pm, cooper park, elgin. sponsored walk around the park, all proceeds to fraser smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disneyland fund. any age of child welcome (accompanied by an adult). for sponsor forms call claire brenton 07989 135607 or email claireymac1@aol.com
5 thursday magical dioramas 1pm-3pm, free family drop-in at
April 2012 - page 19
10 tuesday
APRIL 2012 continued the falconer museum. make a mini museum full of exotic exhibits. call 01309 673701 for more info.
bugs and blossoms 1pm-3pm, free family drop-in at the falconer museum. make a flower crown. call 01309 673701 for more information.
6 friday
11 wednesday
the wee man presents nedator to land @ ironworks 7pm. seated. 16+. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
12 thursday
Wiggle, giggle, Zumba Dance your way to losing pounds and inches!
There will be no Zumba classes first two weeks of April at Miltonduff Hall (break for Easter!) Classes will resume Monday 16th of April
Monday 16th April 7-8pm for all participants old, new and present - Celebrating one year of Zumba at Miltonduff
Come along and try a session FREE OF CHARGE and join the Zumba party! No previous experience needed! Classes at ONLY £4 S S A CL A
MILTONDUFF HALL Monday 7-8pm, Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm
For more info contact Sue Taylor (Instructor) mobile: 07960 980 990
7 saturday lhanbryde community challenge quiz night 7pm for 7:30pm, lhanbryde community centre. £2 per person with teams of four. BYOB and nibbles. ironworks easter showcase 7pm. over 14s. 8 top quality acts from around the highlands. tickets or info tel: 0871 7894173 or www.ironworksvenue.com
8 sunday - 15 sunday royal findhorn yacht club open week club open to non members – activities, bar, restaurant, café, special food nights. www.rfyc.net
9 monday spring clean scotland litter pick 1:30pm, meet at roseisle forest / beach car park. gloves, bags and litter pickers provided. tidy the beach and forest areas. dogs welcome.
page 20 - April 2012
diabetes uk public meeting 7pm at elgin town hall supper room. includes a presentation on healthy eating by community food moray. for mor info email admin@diabetesukmoray.org.uk tanagrams - a chinese puzzle 1pm-3pm, free family drop-in at the falconer museum. how many birds can you make from your egg? call 01309 673701 for more information.
13 friday frightened rabbit @ the loft 8pm. east grange farm, kinloss, forres. call 01343 850 111 for info or visit www.eastgrange.co.uk skerryvore @ ironworks 7:30pm, 14+, standing. for tickets or information call 08717894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com the pallywags 2:30pm & 6pm at nairn community & arts centre. starring ‘spencer’ from balamory & lauren hair from got to dance. tickets £7 available from www.thebooth.co.uk or call the centre on 01667 453476
14 saturday the western front association meeting 2:30pm, ’the gallery’ elgin library. ‘war surgery 1914 - 1918’. there will be a collection for branch funds. call derek bird 01343 870562 or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk twin atlantic @ ironworks 7:30pm. over 14s. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com keith horticultural society spring flower show 1pm 4pm, longmorn hall, keith. teas served by brownies. call 01542 882449 for more information. daffodil tea 2pm - 4pm, anderson’s care home. phil kay @ universal hall 8pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £10/£8 concessions available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110
18 wednesday dannsa @ universal hall 7:30pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £10/£8 concessions £6 u16s available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110
20 friday red kites @ ironworks 7pm. over 14s.tickets or more info tel: 0871 7894173 or www.ironworksvenue.com
23 monday miles kane @ ironworks 7pm. standing. over 14s. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
Something for everyone! This bright modern adaptable building has become a vital part of the Community, promoting
The Pallywags are magical creatures that live on a rainbow and love to entertain with singing, dancing
Arts and Culture in addition to the more traditional Community Centre Activities. Excellent meeting and training facilities available for hire. There is something for everyone, from
and humour.
children’s activities to films, concerts and shows. The large comfortable theatre can seat up to 300.
producer, Rory Mhor Nicoll, worked with Prince and was part of the production team behind the Swedish
Look out for our monthly advert with what’s on, or check out our website. Looking for something to do with the children
This event is supporting the "Archie Foundation" for Raigmore Hospital.
Featuring Rodd Christensen (Balamory’s Spencer) and Lauren Hair from “Got to Dance” Music is one of the strengths of the Pallywags. Its
pop group Ace of Base.
during the Easter break?
We have a fabulous show coming up in April for children The Pallywags “Chasing Rainbows” are appearing on 13th April with 2 shows at 2.30pm and 6.00pm. Tickets are priced at £7 and are available from the Centre, or telephone 01667 453476
Friday 13 April - 2.30pm & 6.00pm Tickets £7 Nairn Community & Arts Centre Tickets Available from Nairn Community & Arts Centre on 01667 453476
2012 continued
24 tuesday greyfriars club tea & competitions 6:30pm, elgin town hall. ÂŁ1 entry. call pam ross 01343 544487 for more information.
house of automata, kinloss (next to petrol station), forres. enter a magical world where rare mechanical entertainers come to life. 40 minute show ÂŁ5, book at www.atlasobscura.com. contact 01309 691212 elgin & district cancer support group â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;garden partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 10am - 2pm at 1 halliman way, lossiemouth. various stalls. all welcome.
26 thursday admiral fallow @ ironworks 7:30pm, 14+, standing. for tickets or information call 08717894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
Sunday 29th April
All children welcome
27 friday the moray society AGM & lecture doors 7pm, elgin museum. followed by last lecture of the season â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the two cuthbert grahamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by dr elizabeth ritchie. the syndicate presents found on the floor, filthpact & the obscenities 8pm, flanagans bar, elgin. a night of punk, metal & catchy choruses. for more info email thesyndicate2008@btinternet.com or visit www.facebook.com/thesyndicate2008
28 saturday pritchard vs dainton @ ironworks 8pm, 18+. tickets or info call 08717894173 / www.ironworksvenue.com a talk by derek bird 2pm at elgin library. 'the spirit of the troops is excellent' : the 6th moryashire battalion, seaforth highlanders in the great war. free admission call 01343 562600 for information. the house of automata and obscura day 5pm at
Sessions: ÂŁ4 per child (booking desirable but not essential).
29 sunday lofty arts @ the loft 10am - 12noon, east grange farm, kinloss. creative fun sessions ÂŁ4 per child - all children welcome (accompanied by an adult). booking recommended call 01343 850111
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We also run: â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Birthday parties Intro courses After school clubs
Discounts available!
We are delighted to be working with Earthtime this Easter too! www.earthtime.co.uk WL°HYL°KLSPNO[LK°[V°IL°^VYRPUN°^P[O°,HY[O[PTL°[OPZ°,HZ[LY°[VV °^^^ LHY[O[PTL JV \R
page 22 - April 2012
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
Cinema Nairn Friday 20th April, 7.30pm Another Time, Another Place (15) Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cinema Listings April 2012 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness Throughout April
The Hunger Games (12a) Red Dog (PG) The Muppets (U) Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details
Vue Cinema, Inverness From Monday 2nd April Mirror Mirror (tbc) Iron Sky (tbc) Titanic 3D (tbc)
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
Headhunters (tbc)
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk
Battleship (tbc) Rigoletto (tbc) Salmon Fishing In The Yemen (tbc) The Avengers 3D (tbc)
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit www.highlandspiritualcinema.net or telephone 01463 237452
KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Visit www.myvue.com for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email: portessiepublichall@hotmail.co.uk
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight SpotLight on on Elgin, Elgin, Lossie Lossie & & District District
April April 2012 2012 -- page page 23 23
MAY 2012 in brief 5 saturday funk'void & silicone soul @ ironworks 7:30pm. 18+. for tickets 08717894173 / www.ironworksvenue.com jamp @ universal hall 2pm. findhorn foundation, the park, findhorn. tickets £7/£6 concessions £4 u16s available at the phoenix stores 01309 690110 11 friday dodgy @ ironworks 7:30pm. tickets or info call 08717894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com 12 saturday heritage open day 10am - 3:30pm, elgin library. come and discover your heritage. free activities & displays from heritage groups across moray. free admission. visit www.morayconnections.com for more information. 16 wednesday roddy woomble @ ironworks 7:30pm. unreserved cabaret seating . for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com 19 saturday the western front association meeting 2:30pm, ’the gallery’ elgin library. ‘you want to build it where!?: military engineering on the italian front’. there will be a collection for branch funds. call derek bird 01343 870562 or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk horrible history - medieval warriors 11am - 4pm at
elgin museum. watch a knight being accoutred and welding his weapons. hands on living history activities. free family event for festival of museum. call 01343 543675 for more information. horrible history - crime and punishment 11am - 4pm at the falconer museum. experience mock trials, witches, crime and even a set of stocks to try. free family event for festival of museums. call 01309 673701 for more information. 20 sunday lhanbryde community centre car boot sale 9am - 12 noon. indoor and outdoor. call 01343 843025 for information and bookings. proceeds to lhanbryde community challenge (SC029433) horrible history - filthy lucre 12 - 5pm at the findhorn heritage centre & icehouse. meet 17th c merchants who made findhorn a wealthy international port. free hands-on activities for all the family for festival of museums. call 01309 690659 for more information. 26 saturday birnie-pluscarden church plant sale 10am - 12noon at miltonduff hall. 26 saturday - 4 june royal findhorn yacht club open week club open to non members – activities, bar, restaurant, café, special food nights. www.rfyc.net
by Isobel
Domestic & Contract Work
New premises - Now at 7 Wards Road, Elgin!! (next door to Robert Pozzi)
Grand Opening All Day Thursday 29th March Come along, see our new showroom and enjoy a glass of wine!! Curtains Pelmets, Roman Blinds Cushions & Bedding
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Choose from a selection of Quality Fabrics or Supply your own! page 24 - April 2012
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Easter Extravaganza at Roseisle Sunday 8th April Having been such an open Winter and the woods full of early spring flowers, it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel like it could possibly be April already but just to prove it is, Forestry Commission Scotland invite you to join them at their popular Easter Extravaganza at Roseisle. Make a date in your diary to come and join us for a fun packed family afternoon in the lovely setting of Roseisle Forest.
Our bunny hunt is always popular for young and old alike, with giant bunnies on hand to help and the bonus of a chocolate egg for all completed entries. We will have the usual groups and some new ones as well with a range of interactive displays. The Moray Sled Dogs will be back again with their wonderfully trained Huggable Huskies. Outfit Moray are going to be doing a session on archery for all you budding Robin Hoods and Bear Grylls lookalike, Moray Rangers will teach you some survival and bushcraft skills. The RSPB and Scottish Wildlife Trust alongside our own conservation staff will be there with displays and activities to help us understand some of the things the local wildlife are getting up to. Grampian Fire and Rescue will make an appearance with an appliance (as long as their services arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t required elsewhere!), also Earthtime, Active Schools and Moravian Orienteersâ&#x20AC;Ś.. the list goes onâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;Ś. so there should be something for everyone. There will be burgers and ice cream on sale to keep you going but why not bring a picnic to eat at our picnic site or take the boardwalk down to the beach. The event is on Sunday April 8th between 1pm and 4pm. The carpark is accessed from the B9089 between College of Roseisle and Kinloss. The site is equipped with all ability toilet facilities. The cost is only ÂŁ5 per car on the day. This helps cover the cost of the event with any surplus used to fund other events throughout the season.
Another important date to remember is the first of April when Forestry Commission Scotlandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s award winning Huntly Peregrine WildWatch opens for the season and gives you a wonderful oppportunity to view these top predators close up in their natural environment. The centre is open every day from 10am-5pm until early September and has something to offer everyone from serious wildlife watchers to those wanting a family outing. For more information on FCS events please contact: Forestry Commission Scotland, Moray & Aberdeenshire District, 0ORTSOY 2OAD (UNTLY !" 3* s 4EL HTTP WWW FORESTRY GOV UK SCOTLAND s HTTP TWITTER COM FCSCOTLAND 3EE OUR LOCAL NEWSLETTER AT HTTP WWW FORESTRY GOV UK PDF !BERDEENNEWLSETTER PDF
North East
informal ive network of formal and and cycling on the extens g lkin wa tle gen oy enj At Culbin You can views from the tower. l and take in the stunning trails. Follow the Hill 99 trai outing. perfect place for a family stal pinewood offering the coa ul utif bea a . is le ride eis le Ros lk or cyc sandy beach or go for a wa Enjoy a picnic, relax on the For more information visit our untain bike routes, With miles of singletrack mo website or call us on 01466 794161 ing eth som Moray Monster Trails has www.forestry.gov.uk/scotland for everyone.
covesea cafe ality! hele lfish ouur sppececciia
Freesh S
Wee are open daily W da from 9am for Breakfasts, Lunches and Home Bakes
available from our Deli counter our own local caught Lobsters, Crabs and Langoustines and also our Coleslaw, Cullen Skink and Home Cooked Meals to order.
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BRUNTLANDS COTTAGE, ROSEISLE, ,Ă&#x160; 1, ]Ă&#x160; 6Ă&#x17D;äĂ&#x160;n1< "vviĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;"Ă&#x203A;iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x2039;Ă&#x17D;ää]äää
Nairn Scenic Properties
Superior newly extended 6 bedroom/ 4 bath property located in stunning rural area minutes from Roseisle Park and Beach. Also comprises 2 Reception Rooms, Kitchen and spacious garage. Extensive gardens and parking area. Ideal Bed & Breakfast enterprise.
ä£Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x160;{xÂ&#x2122;nnÂ&#x2122;Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;äĂ&#x2021;nĂ&#x17D;xĂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2021;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2C6; XXX OBJSOTDFOJDQSPQFSUJFT DPN tÍ&#x192;BENJO!OBJSOTDFOJDQSPQFSUJFT DPN
Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Confidential Lightly Smoked Salmon with Lemon and Herb Creme Fraiche The perfect lunch or supper dish that needs very little preparation and served with Sweet Potato Wedges, makes a welcome change from new, or mashed potatoes. The Salmon fillets are available at most fish counters in supermarkets. Enjoy! Serves 4 4 x lightly Smoked Salmon Fillets 1 x 200grm tub Creme Fraiche 1 x tablespoon finely chopped fresh Parsley leaves 1 x tablespoon finely chopped fresh Mint leaves 1 x tablespoon finely chopped fresh Dill (the herbs can be chopped in a mini electric chopper for ease) 1 Lemon Salt and Pepper 500g Sweet Potatoes cut into wedges 1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil Method 1. Pre heat the oven to 200°C. 2. Place the potato wedges in to a pan of cold water and bring to the boil, and boil for 5 mins. Drain and pat dry with kitchen paper towel. 3. Place the roasting tin with oil in it in the the oven to heat up. Add the potatoes, season with salt and pepper and return to the oven on a high shelf for 20 minutes to roast. 4. Place the salmon on an oven proof tray and season with pepper. I don't use salt as there is enough in the cured salmon. Cook the salmon on the centre shelf for 20 minutes. 5. Whilst the potatoes and salmon are cooking. Chop the herbs, and place them in a bowl. Add the crème fraiche and the squeezed juice of half a lemon. Mix thoroughly. 6. Remove the salmon and potatoes from the oven and serve immediately with a green vegetable or side salad.
knockomie HOTEL
Penny Ellis, Owner - Knockomie Hotel, Forres. Tel: 01309 673146
April Specials! 2 course Lunch* (excludes Sundays) .............ÂŁ8.95 3 course Sunday Lunch .................... ÂŁ19.95 2 course Sunday Lunch .................... ÂŁ15.95 Spring into Summer Menu* including complimentary bottle wine (per couple) ....... ÂŁ40.00
Afternoon Tea includes: sandwiches, scones, cakes, Tea and Coffee from ............................ÂŁ8.95
*Maxâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; table of 6
Knockomie Hotel is licensed to hold Civil Weddings
Grantown Road, Forres see us on
Tel: 01309 673146
PHYSIOTHERAPY PILATES ELGIN, FOCHABERS & PORTGORDON (Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Classes) ^ƾžžÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x152; dÄ&#x17E;Ć&#x152;Ĺľ ^Ć&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x152;Ć&#x;ĹśĹ? ĎϲĆ&#x161;Ĺ&#x161;ͲĎĎ´Ć&#x161;Ĺ&#x161; Ć&#x2030;Ć&#x152;Ĺ?ĹŻ ĎŽĎŹĎĎŽ For booking details contact Kate Robertson
01343 550 737
M O R AY Time Served City and Guilds Award Winning Plasterer 25 Years experiance All aspects of internal and external works undertaken
Serving customers across the region from Keith to Inverness. With our renowned lawn care feeding program to help you acheive that Deep Green Lawn you have always wanted Removes weeds & moss Greens & thickens the lawn Safe for children & pets Cheaper than DIY No Contract Reliable - Competitive service
We use only top quality materials to enhance your lawn We also offer Scarifying - Hollow tining - Aeration - Over Seeding services to further enhance your lawn For your free survey & no obligation quotation please telephone
10% discount if you mention Spotlight
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A local business built on trust reliability & quality of service
Email: dpplastering@ymail.com
www.highlandgreenlawncare.co.uk NPTC Qualified
SEPA Registered
Elgin Easter Chocolate...yu...mmm...y! Elgin is the place to be on Saturday 7th April. Elgin Business Improvement District and Olive Tree Chocolate have teamed up to bring you a fun packed day in celebration of Easter and National Chocolate Week. There are so many activities that there is bound to be something to suit, whatever your preference. The whole day kicks off at 10am with the Easter Street Market in the City Centre offering a wide range of locally produced foods and crafts and Easter treasures. Starting from 11am there will be a Chocolate Cookery demonstration, Easter Treasure Hunt, Easter Fancy Dress Competition, games and crafts activities (on the Plainstones) including Easter bonnet making. Moray Titans rugby club will be undertaking a charity car pull in aid of the Moray Friends of Archie throughout the day till 2pm. The Easter Treasure Hunt will take you around the City Centre (including the Town Hall). The treasure will be letters which you collect to make up a famous word. Letters will be placed in the windows of City Centre retailers as well as at the Town Hall – the home of Choctober @ Easter. Entry forms are available from Unit 4 (between Orange phone shop and Dorothy Perkins) in the St Giles Centre and completed entries can be returned by 4pm to the Town Hall Reception or back to Unit 4. To enter the fancy dress competition all you have to do is dress up in an Easter theme and register your entry between 11.15am – 11.50am also at Unit 4, St Giles Centre. There are 3 age categories: up to 5 years, 6 – 9 years, 10 – 15 years. Entrants will parade (in costume) through the City Centre at 12 noon ending up on the Plainstones where judging will take place at approx. 1pm.
Prizes for both competitions will be £30.00, £20.00 and £10.00 to be spent with a City Centre retailer.
Wave radio will also be broadcasting throughout the day. Choctober @ Easter at the Town Hall offers no end of exciting activities. Starting at 11am the second chocolate festival for Elgin (also the most Northerly festival of its kind in the UK) has built on the success of the first festival held in October also at Elgin Town Hall. Falling on National Chocolate week, the afternoon entertainment is themed around a carnival. On arrival you will be treated to a demonstration of balloon modelling, circus skills and story telling. In the Main Hall will be the Chocolate High Street and Restaurant. This will recreate a typical High Street but linked to chocolate. For example florists selling chocolate bouquets, travel agents traveling the world in chocolate. The restaurant will be serving refreshments and hot meals throughout the afternoon. For the more adventurous why not visit the chocolate making workshops where you can learn how to create simple hand roiled truffles in one hour, (must be pre-booked). There will be a chefs theatre which starts on the High Street (Plainstones) at 11am and continues at the Town Hall stage area. The chefs will create dishes in the format of a starter, main course and dessert all including chocolate. Great to pick up ideas on how you can cook something with a difference. Last, but by no means least, there will be a large craft fayre upstairs in the Supper Room consisting of locally made crafts. Entrants to the Easter Egg design competition will be announced and presented with their prize at approx. 3.30pm at Elgin Town Hall. The prize for each age category is a recreation of their design on a hand-made egg from Olive Tree Chocolate.
Saturday 7th April 10am to 3pm, Elgin City Centre 11am to 4pm, Elgin Town Hall
Dreaming of... ...Morocco
Your correspondents have recently returned from an interesting holiday in Morocco. This amazing country has thrived on being at the north end of the Sahara Desert and on the trade route to Europe. We spent three nights in Marrakech where we walked for miles taking in all the sights, sounds and smells which make it such an extraordinary and vibrant city. We enjoyed the Djemaa El Fna Square with its music, snake charmers, street entertainers and stalls selling delicious freshly squeezed orange juice and in the evening hundreds of barbeques seem to appear from nowhere. The rabbit warrens of the Souks are unlike anything we had seen before. We stayed in a wonderful Riad within the Medina. The staff were incredibly welcoming and friendly and our room combined Moroccan style with a contemporary twist and we enjoyed being able to lie back and rest on our own roof terrace. It was one of the best places we have ever stayed in but was a world away from what we found outside the Riad and by the time we moved on we had really had enough of being hassled endlessly to buy things. From Marrakech we went into the Atlas Mountains for three nights of peace and tranquillity. The weather was lovely and we enjoyed a few walks through the hills passing small hamlets where children, who appeared from nowhere, were not sure whether to hide or ask for 'bonbons'. We were then driven west across the country to Essaouria, a charming fortified emplacement created by the Portuguese in the 15th Century, which is now an unspoilt fishing port â&#x20AC;&#x201C; not a bar or club to be seen! We found excellent fish restaurants and stayed in another excellent Riad with a roof top pool. There are miles of lovely beaches and at other times of the year the Atlantic breezes attract windsurfers. The early morning drive back to Marrakech was fantastic â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it was market day in one of the towns and we watched hundreds of men riding across fields on donkeys draped with panniers bringing their wares to market â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it was an unforgettable and almost biblical sight. Morocco is ideal for a long weekend or for longer multi-centre journeys as we did. Riads are smaller boutique hotels with central atriums open to the skies and roof terraces, negating the need for windows to the exterior, and Kasbahs are larger guest houses with grounds â&#x20AC;&#x201C; both are generally very characterful and certainly a contrast to a normal city hotel. Temperatures in the towns and cities are comfortable all year round, becoming hotter from June to October, and being really at its hottest from July to September. Evenings tend to be cooler, and in the mountains it can also be cooler all of the time.
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Â&#x2021; +LJK Street, FRUUHV
www.beavtrav.com INVERNESS departures
ABERDEEN departures
DUBROVNIK - 4th June S/C from..................................... ÂŁ549pp
VENICE - 27th May B&B from ............................ ÂŁ579pp
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VENICE and VERONA 1st July HB from ................. ÂŁ875pp LAKE GARDA 1st July B&B from.............. ÂŁ589pp 7th Oct B&B from.............. ÂŁ588pp
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FORRES 01309 672203
SICILY - 6th October B&B from ............................ ÂŁ649pp
All holidays are priced per person, for 7 nights based on 2 people sharing a room.
Beaver Travel, 2-6 South Street, Elgin 78 High Street, Forres
Beaver Travel (Elgin and Forres) is a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box office prices - NO BOOKING FEE!
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Spring is here, and thank goodness. The last few Winters have seen some pretty serious weather in the Moray Firth area, causing lots of problems, and challenges, for gardeners. Prolonged lying snow with frost and ice does also inevitably leave the grass looking pretty poorly. Around March in Scotland, you should also look out for brown, possibly dying patches appearing. These may be a symptom of leatherjacket activity. Leatherjackets are the larvae of crane flies, or daddy-long-legs, which hatch from eggs laid in turf in the Autumn. If you remember seeing lots of crane flies around last Summer, or see flocks of starlings pecking furiously at the grass, investigate further. The grubs start to feed on the roots of the grass plants, which kills the grass and can cause severe damage to a lawn very quickly if not treated. Try lifting a square of turf if you see damage, and if there are lots of grubs evident you should treat the whole lawn as soon as possible with a suitable insecticide. We spray with a very effective insecticide and the next morning there are usually thousands of dead grubs lying on the grass. With the mower coming out of the shed now, it is a good time to check the blade, and if it is blunt or pitted, get it sharpened. A blunt blade chews the grass rather than cutting it, and will leave a ragged cut on the grass leaf causing bruising and brown tips, and making the plant more susceptible to disease. Also check the cutter height is not set too low, we recommend a cut of not less than 1” as it leaves a decent amount of leaf on the plant, allowing good photosynthesis to occur and a green and healthy plant. The most common problems we see are scalped, weak lawns with poor colour and the resultant bad moss. Now is a good time to aerate and scarify the lawn, especially if you didn’t get it done last Autumn. We tend not to scarify once new grass starts growing as we find it often takes too much of a hammering from a vigorous scarifying machine such as ours. We use a professional blade scarifier which cuts through thatch build up (the perfect habitat for moss to flourish). This is a more rigorous process than simply raking out existing moss (which just grows back) as it actually removes the main cause of moss growth.
Aeration is good at any time and I know some of you will have forked the lawn (back breaking and ineffective). We use a big hollow-core tining machine as do the golf and bowling clubs. It takes thousands of cores out of the root zone easing compaction, improving ventilation and drainage and allows new root growth. If you have problems with moss and lichen this is one of the best things we can do for you.
For more information about seasonal lawn improvements from just £15 per qtr, plus useful downloads and photos go to www.greenthumb.co.uk. Although GreenThumb is a national franchise with over 200 branches across the UK, we are locally based in Cawdor and cover the whole Moray Firth area. Contact Alastair or Fiona for a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS on 01667 404774 or email us at: inverness@greenthumb.co.uk.
Call in the professionals! GreenThumb’s annual treatments ensure your lawn looks lush, green and healthy. With prices starting from £15 per treatment, your lawn nightmare will soon be history. Call your local branch today for a FREE lawn analysis and no obligation quote on:
0800 0111 222
Services of our Lawn y n agazine a F F £10 O SpotLight M m o r fr e uch with this vo ! c ustomers for all new
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ÀÌ Ã }
Show your support!
the day, supporting us from
wanted to do something in memory of my granddaugh-
the start to the finish line.
ter Casie Heyes, who died in 2007 aged only 8 weeks
As we have a local business we decided
My name is Mary Ross and this came about because I
from Neuroblastoma, a children's Cancer. There are
that we needed to find another way to donate so
now several of us from different generations of friends &
up this year for every order until the 6th of May
family called Team-Casie representing The Blind Spot,
we will donate £5.00 to Cancer Research UK. received
Elgin, at Race for Life in Inverness on 6th May this year.
We witnessed first hand the medical ,emotional & practical help given to Casie & her mum & dad
throughout her short life, they even flew her to Great Ormond Street Hospital in London from Aberdeen in the hope of saving her. Who knows what this alone cost, something we never even considered at the time The point is, it was available and has to continue to be
available. We all hope that a cure will be found and one possible way is through Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK is entirely funded by the public,
which came as a shock to me, so we need as many
age or fitness level can do Race for Life. You can Walk
01343 549939, I have sponsor sheets available.
personal trainer, is helping at the moment but I want to
to From all a huge thank you of us on Team-Casie, everyone for their support, encouragement and donations,it means so
go on and do other races. For this race I am pushing my youngest granddaughter
much to us all.
in her buggy (something to hold onto) on the day of the race. My sister Jane is carrying a rucksack with the
the next few months and everyone else on the team will be doing something to make it fun or more of a challenge on the day. Most of us probably walk 5k's on
achievable. I was surprised and delighted by the
www.raceforlife sponsorme.co.uk/team-casie or call me on
Jog or Run it , for me personally, Louise Cartmell, a local
a shopping trip or even just going for a walk, it is very
saved and lives to be We are doing it for lives lost, lives saved, so please sponsor us. You can do it online at
women as possible to participate. All women of any
equivalent weight of any weight loss she has over
• All Types & Sizes Of Interior Blinds Made To Measure • Conservatory Blind Specialists Est. 1986 • Member of the British Blind & Shutter Association BBSA • Guaranteed After Sales Service
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support of friends and family, either by taking part or promises to sponsor us.
Neil & Mary Ross
From thinking I would be doing it on my own there is now a team of us. It really only takes one person to start the fund raising. The only disappointment was from the men in the family who would have liked to have participated, it is for women only although Cancer Research UK is for all of us, I am sure we will find something else for them to do and they will be there on
01343 549939 All of types & sizes interior blinds made to measure 23 Castlehill Street, New Elgin, Moray IV30 6HB Fax : 01343 555223 • E-mail : blindspotinelgin@btinternet.com )/ "* '"& 1 ,&+"$ +! +! '
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is held Tuesday night 7.15pm, £4 non members & £3.00 members, lasts 45 minutes.
SUNDAY Beauty treatments and therapiesCARVERY are also available in our Sonas S Every Sunday 12pm - 2.30pm
EIGHT ACRES HOTEL &IV30 LEISURE CLUB Morriston Road, Elgin 6UL Morriston Road, Elgin IV30 6UL
Email: eightacres@crerarhotels.com Telephone:01343 01343 543 077 Email: eightacres@crerarhotels.com Telephone: 543077
Index of Advertisers Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright
All in a Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Work ..................................................5 Anderson Removals ................................................7 Ashley Ann ............................................................14 Beaver Travel....................................................32-33 Big Sky Print..........................................................11 Brodie Countryfare ................................................15 Christieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Heating and Plumbing ..........................11 City of Elgin BID Limited ..................................30-31 Covesea Cafe ......................................................27 D P Plastering........................................................29 Dittmar Herrnkind - Your Handyman ....................38 DLP Storage ............................................................5 Dry Cleaning Well..................................................17 Easymove Removals ............................................15 Eight Acres Hotel ..................................................37 Excel Scotland Ltd ..................................................7 Fairleys Solicitors ..................................................11 Forestry Commission ................................26-27 Forres Precast ..................................................18 Forres Tree Services..............................................17 Gordon Scott Chartered Accountant ................15 GreenThumb (Inverness) ........................ 34-35 Highland Green ....................................................29 Highland Wildlife park ..........................................15 Home Comforts By Sandra .............................. 38 Ianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Handyman Services ................................15 ilash Theatre ..........................................................22 Johnstons of Elgin ..........................Inside Front Knockomie Hotel ..................................................29
Kylauren Homes....................................................16 Mackenzie & Cruickshank......................Inside Back Moray Coast Veterinary Group ..............................3 Moray Office Supplies ..........................................18 MRD Flooring ........................................................15 Nairn Community & Arts Centre ..........................21 Nairn Scenic Properties ........................................27 NorthSat ................................................................25 Outfit Moray ..........................................................22 Physio Pilates ........................................................29 Planet BBK Ltd ....................................Outside Back Roof Wizard ..........................................................12 Rose Abbey School ................................................3 Rural Rusticks........................................................29 Scotengineering ....................................................17 Simone Herrnkind - German Tutor........................38 SJ Chimney Services ..............................................7 Soft Furnishings by Isobel ....................................24 Sue Taylor Zumba ................................................20 The Blind Spot ......................................................36 The Garden Man ..................................................12 The House of Automata ..........................................7 The Loft Bistro..........................................17,18 & 22 The Vintage Swallow ..............................................7 The Wood Centre Ltd ..........................................33 Unique Beauty ................................Front Cover & 3 Universal Hall ......................................................19 Wheelchair Care....................................................13 Words By The Wayside ..........................................9
Home Comforts by Sandra
Ready made or Made to order
Bedding, Cushions & Blinds 5 Orchard Road, Forres
01309 671617
to advertise in the next issue of SpotLight on elgin & Lossie call 01309 690063 or go online www.spotlighton.co.uk
Fill the gap at M&C 11 10
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Choice of main course, tray bake, plus tea or coffee just ÂŁ6.95! 5pm - 7pm Thursdays
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Late tea, or early supper? Join us at M&C on Thursdays* Thursday is late night shopping and dining at the Garden Centre. Bring your family and friends and enjoy some fabulous food and pick up a Spring bargain * Late night Thursdays, March 29 to June 14
Garden Centre 1 West Rd, Forres, IV36 2GW 01309 696940 mackenzie-cruickshank.com