January 2012
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Clubs & Societies AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS Fellowship of relatives/friends of alcoholics sharing experience and strength. Details of local weekly meetings can be found at www.al-anonuk.org.uk or call 0141 339 8884 (helpline 10am10pm 365 days a year) ALVES LADIES BOWLING CLUB Monday evenings, 7pm, Alves Hall, Alves. tel:01343850264 BIRNIE VILLAGE HALL Community Events, Bowling, WRI, SICMA Astronomy Club, contact Clifford Miller 860232 BIRNIE INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Come and play on our excellent carpets enjoy bowling and company, play Mon & Thurs 7pm tel: Charles Stewart 543307 BOWL 2000 JUNIOR BOWLING TEAM The club runs on a Saturday from 11am to about 12.30 - and
SAMpLE AdVErt rAtES Box £59 Big Box £111 ¼ page £201 ½ page £381 Business profile £416 Full page £720 Enhanced Listings in What’s On pages from £41 SpotLight on Elgin & Lossie is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV36 3UA, 01309 690063. All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright. page 4 - January 2012
is for under 18’s - they get taught by the Scotland coach to go and compete in competitions to win trophies etc. beginners are welcome DARNAWAY CURLING CLUB Small, friendly club would be delighted to welcome new members for the coming season. Why not come and try a new sport. For further details contact evrae@hotmail.com ELGIN AMATEUR DRAMATIC SOCIETY Quality drama productions for Elgin and District, and comprehensive theatrical experiences for interested adults and young people at Kingsmills Studio. Call Jenna Ward 552457 or 07873 497487. www.elgindrama.co.uk ELGIN CITY COMMUNITY FOOTBALL Football activities for boys & girls of all ages. Call Robbie Hope 01343 551114 or visit www.elgincommunityfootball.co.uk ELGIN DARBY & JOAN CLUB Every Tuesday Oct - May, 2 - 4pm for a sociable afternoon with entertainment or bingo for over 60’s. Elgin Community Centre. Contact Moira Webb 541001 ELGIN-LANDSHUT TWIN TOWN ASSOCIATION Encourages friendship and exchange visits between Elgin and its twin town in Bavaria. Contact Alastair Rossiter 542939 www.landshut-elgin.de ELGIN MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB Encourages a responsible attitude towards target shooting in a safe controlled environment. Mondays 7:15pm Sept - March at Indoor Rifle Range, Pinefield. Call Athole Manson 07779 710985 or email atholem@aol.com LAICH OF MORAY TRUST Providing transport for elderly, infirm and disabled within Moray. Mainly within Moray, but sometimes further. Contact Rob Tyson 545531
LHANBRYDE INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Promotes the game of indoor bowling, sociable and competitive, meets Sept - April on Mondays & Thursdays 7pm-10pm. Contact Ella Harley 814224 / 843194 EAGLES BASKETBALL CLUB Developing Basketball in Moray. U12, U14, U16s in Buckie, Elgin & Forres, Adults mixed (Tuesdays 7.30-10pm Elgin Academy) & Adults Women (6.30-8pm Mondays Elgin Academy). If interested in any of the above contact Graham Stewart on 07972 178 790 or elgin.eagles@yahoo.com LOSSIE FOLK CLUB Meets every Tuesday at 8.30pm in the Beach Bar, Lossiemouth MILTONDUFF VILLAGE HALL Available for regular meetings or one-off occasions. Community events are Badminton, Bowling, Gardening Club, Toddler Group on Tues & Thurs and Playgroup Mon - Fri. Contact Jeff Hyland 545360 or email jeff.hyland@virgin.net MILTONDUFF MINIS TODDLER GROUP Tues & Thurs 10 - 11.30am for 0-3 years, Miltonduff Hall. Toys, games and activities. Contact Claudette on 548984 or email miltonduffplaygroup@gmail.com MORAY FIGURE SKATING CLUB Fridays 5.45pm - 7.45pm, Moray Leisure Centre, Elgin. Figure skating at all levels. Contact Pamela McKenzie 549730 or pamelamcke1@btinternet.com or visit www.mfsc.org.uk MORAY GAELIC GROUP Mondays, 7:30 - 9pm, Moray College. Conversation classes in gaelic led by three volunteer native gaelic speakers. £1 per night, £5 year membership. moraygaelicgroup@uhi.ac.uk www.moraygaelicgroup.ning.com
tel: 01309 690063
MORAY VILLAGE HALLS For details of local Village Halls and how to book visit www.morayvillagehalls.org.uk STEP BY STEP IN MORAY Young parent feeling lonely and isolated and need company? We meet Fridays, 10 - 11.30am, Elgin Youth Cafe. Contact Anne Attenburrow 552330 or email aattenburrow@aol.com VOLUNTARY ACTION MORAY (VAM) Encourages and supports voluntary activity, assist local groups and identify needs which require development. Contact 01343 541713 WESTERN FRONT ASSOCIATION We hold 9 meetings per year on Saturday afternoons in Elgin Library. Open to anyone with an interest in the WW1. Contact Derek Bird on 01343 870562 or email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk YOUNG PERSONS ADDICTION COUNSELLING In Keith, offering free confidential counselling to Moray youngsters (12-24) with issues regarding addictions or are concerned about someone else’s addiction. If you think the service could benefit you can call Robert or Carol on 01542 886630
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.
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SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
The Editor
Well - that was fun wasn’t it. Another year another Christmas. As you read this you may be contemplating some Hogmanay celebrations or maybe you prefer the peace and quiet of your own home. Whatever your choice is, we at SpotLight would like to wish you a happy 2012 and hope that all your aspirations for the year come to fruition. If not - don’t worry there’s always next Christmas to look forward to!
PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ......................Eilidh Conners ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT ...............Megan Woodman DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson LISTINGS................Tamsyn Dickson Clubs & Societies ............................4 Pastoral Letter.................................6 Church Details.................................6 School Term Dates........................10 Useful Numbers ............................10 Local Holidays...............................10 Tide Times.....................................12 Parliament Blog.............................12 What’s On ................................15-18 Cinema Listings.............................17 Advertisers Index ..........................31
Clubs Get Involved................................4
What’s On Events..................................15-18
Pastoral Stuart J MacDonald ....................6
Chef’s Confidential Chocolate & Berry Roulade ......22
Parliament Blog R Lochead, A Robertson...........12
Travel Vietnam & Cambodia ................26
February Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 06/01/12 Advertising - Wednesday 11/01/12
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Pastoral letter and Church Meetings The story is told of Louis Verne the great 19th century French organist and of how he was approached by a woman at the conclusion of a Sunday morning service and asked if he she could see the organ on which he had played such beautiful and moving music. Verne happily agreed and escorted the woman up the narrow and winding staircase until they both reached the organ loft high above the church. The woman stood and surveyed the organ with it’s many keyboards stacked one to top of the other and the vast array of stops that surrounded them with strange and exotic sounding names. After a moments reflection she turned to Verne and asked him What are the black notes for and what are the white notes for?
In reply Verne is reputed to have said ‘Madam the black notes are for funerals and the white notes are for weddings.’ For all of us the old year that is now gone will have had those moments when both the black notes of sadness and the white notes of joy will have been our experience. For some of us the old year that is now gone has been in the minor key while for others it has been in the major key. But as any good musician will tell you in order to make beautiful music that can move people and bring glory to God we need to use the black and white notes together. And as this is true in music so too is it true in life. But this can only happen when we allow to Jesus to step into our lives and use both the good and bad that we experience, the black and white notes to create
Alves Church 1st Sunday of each month at 11.30am. 01309 690931 Birnie - Pluscarden Church Sunday Service Pluscarden 10am Birnie 11.30am and Elgin High Church Sunday Service 11am. Contact Parish Asst. Paula Baker tel: 01542 832662 Burghead Church Every Sunday at 11.30am. Contact 01309 690931 Elgin & Forres Free Church of Scotland Sunday Sevice 11am including Sunday School & Creche; Evening Service 6pm, Midweek Meeting Wednesday 7.30pm. Contact Colin Morrison 542196 Elgin Baptist Sunday morning worship 11am including crèche pre Sunday school, Sunday school and bible class, evening service 6pm Contact: 01343 548309 Elgin City Church Every Sunday 10.30am at Elgin Community Centre - Childrens church & creche available. Contact 543624 Elgin Community Church Sunday Morning Service 10.30am; Evening Fellowship & Youth Group at 6pm. Contact 54665 Hopeman Baptist Church meets every Sunday 11am & 6pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Rev. S.J. Macdonald 831175 or visit the website www.hopemanbaptist.org.uk Living Waters Fellowship, Bishopmill Hall, Bishopmill, Elgin. Family service - Sundays at 1.00pm with Tea, Coffee & food after service. Kids Church. Tel: 07730 256543 or visit www.livingwatersfellowship.co.uk Lossiemouth Baptist Church meets every Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am and 6pm. Junior Church Sunday 11.30am and Kids Church (P4-P7) Thursdays 6.15pm-8pm. Contact Rev. Rae Mackenzie 812062 www.lossiebaptist.org Lossiemouth Gospel Hall meets every Sunday for Sunday Club at 9.30am, Gospel Meeting at 6.30pm. Further details 812987 or visit www.lossiemouthgospelhall.org.uk Lossiemouth United Free Church of Scotland meets Sunday 11am and 6pm, including Sunday School. Contact Rev. Alexander Ritchie 810262 www.ufcos.org.uk/lossie Moray Grace Fellowship Meets Sunday mornings 10.30am in The Warehouse Theatre, Lossie.
page 6 - January 2012
something beautiful for as the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3 v 11 ‘He has made everything beautiful in his time’ For the Christian God most powerfully demonstrated this when he sent Jesus his Son into our dark and broken world to die on a cross in pain and disgrace as seaming failure so that he night deliver us from the darkness and brokenness of our sin and as a result create something new and beautiful within us as we put our faith and trust in him. And so as we enter into another new year having just celebrated his birth Jesus invites us again to welcome him into our lives and into the circumstances of our lives so that he might be able to make all things beautiful in his time. Rev. Stuart J. Macdonald Hopeman Baptist Church
Contact Vic Cameron for more details tel. 850142, email vic.cameron2803@btinternet.com or www.moraygrace.wordpress.com Scottish Episcopal Church Holy Trinity, Elgin Sunday Services 8am Holy Communion; 11am Family Eucharist; 6.30pm Evensong, tel: 547505 St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church, Morning Worship, including Young Church and Créche every Sunday at 11am. Evening Services on last Sunday of month at St Margaret's Hall, Urquhart at 7pm. Tel: Andrew Robertson 843765 St Gerardines High Church Lossiemouth, Family Worship Sunday 11am; Evening Service 6pm last Sunday in Month. Contact 823588 St Giles & St Columba’s South, Elgin Sunday 9.30am at St Columba’s South & 11am at St Giles Church, Wednesday 7.30pm & Thursday 12.30pm at St. Giles Church. Contact the Church Office tel: 551501 or visit www.elginstgiles.org St James Church of Scotland, Lossiemouth Family Worship 11am including creche and Sunday School; Evening Service 6pm; Swordfish Youth Group 7pm. Contact Rev. Graham Crawford 07817 504042 St Margaret’s Church, Lossiemouth Family Eucharist 9.30am; Holy Communion 10am Thursdays; Evening Prayer 5pm Thursdays St Sylvester's Catholic Church, Elgin Vigil Mass Saturday 7pm; Sunday Mass 11.45am. Contact 542280 www.stsylvesters.net Parish of Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman First Sunday of each month, one service (10.30 a.m.) in Hopeman if five Sundays in the month, all other Sundays Hopeman 10am, Duffus or Spynie 11.30am. Contact Rev. Bruce Lawrie 830276 or email: blawrie@zetnet.co.uk If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we may print this in future issues. Email: megan@spotlighton.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
Legal – Ease First Registration of Title - Boundary Comparisons
01343 850 066 Mobile:
07900 225 445
If you have owned your property since before 01 April 2003 (and it is located in Moray) when you come to sell your property for any form of ‘price’, your property will be subject to ‘first registration’. The Keeper of the Land Register of Scotland will amalgamate the information from all the previous Title Deeds in to one document, the Land Certificate, and allocate the property with its own unique Title Number.
Taking clients from design & planning right through to completion...
As part of the process of first registration the Keeper will compare your Title Deed Plan against the Ordnance Survey map. Quite often, especially with rural properties, the comparison reveals discrepancies between the two plans, for example, if a watercourse was used as a boundary the route of these divert over time, or fence lines move when replaced.
Whatever the reason, the Keeper will need to know whether the buyer will accept the occupational extent of the property if it is smaller than the legal extent. A purchaser will usually accept the position as they will have submitted an offer based on what they thought was included in the price.
However, matters can be more complicated if the legal title is smaller than the occupational extent. The Keeper may require corrective conveyancing so that the legal and occupational extents coincide. This may not be possible if the ground ‘outwith’ the legal extent has already been registered to another party.
It is therefore sensible to have a Boundary Comparison Report carried out in the early stages of marketing your property ie, before or soon after offering it ‘for sale’ so that you can take steps to rectify the title if necessary and you are not taken unawares when a buyer submits an offer and wants to move quickly.
! !!
If you are considering selling or purchasing a property and you would like further advice and/or legal representation please call:-
Cherry Fairley, Solicitor & Notary Public of Fairleys Solicitors, 7 Mayne Road, Elgin IV30 1NY Tel: 01343 551126
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Divine Gifts
Local Holidays, School Term Dates &Useful Numbers Local Holidays New Years Day Holiday* 2nd January Holiday* Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Good Friday Elgin Holiday § May Day Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Queens Diamond Jubilee Elgin Holiday §
Mon. 2nd Jan. 2012 Tues. 3rd Jan. 2012 Mon. 2nd April 2012 Fri. 6th April 2012 Mon. 9th April 2012 Mon. 7th May 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Mon. 4th June 2012 Tues. 5th June 2012 Mon. 25th June 2012
Summer Bank Holiday Mon. 6th Aug. 2012 Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Mon. 13th Aug. 2012 Elgin Holiday § Mon. 3rd Sept. 2012 Mon. 17th Sept. 2012 Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday § Mon. 15th Oct. 2012 St Andrews Day Fri. 30th Nov. 2012 Christmas Day Tues. 25th Dec. 2012 Boxing Day Wed. 26th Dec. 2012 * substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday ‡ includes Hopeman & Burghead § includes Lhanbryde, Fochabers, Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay and Urquhart
School Holidays Spring Term Starts Elgin High & Feeders Elgin Academy & Feeders Mid-term Holiday Mid-term Holiday Spring Term Ends Good Friday Holiday Summer Term Starts Lossie High & Feeders May Day Holiday In-service Closure
Thursday 5th January 2012 Thurs. 9th Feb. 2012 Thurs. 9th Feb. 2012 Friday 10th February 2012 Monday 13th February 2012 Friday 30th March 2012 Friday 6th April 2012 Monday 16th April 2012 Friday 4th May 2012 Monday 7th May 2012 Thursday 17th May 2012
In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 21st August 2012 Autumn Term Ends Friday 12th October 2012 Winter Term Starts Monday 29th October 2012 In-service Closure Monday 19th November 2012 In-service Closure Tuesday 20th November 2012 Winter Term Ends Fri. 21st December 2012 Spring Term Starts Monday 7th January 2013
Useful Numbers SCHOOLS Alves Primary School ..................................(01343) 850247 Bishopmill Primary School ..........................(01343) 547841 Burghead Primary School ..........................(01343) 835529 East End Primary School ............................(01343) 542381 Greenwards Primary School ......................(01343) 541661 Hopeman Primary School ..........................(01343) 830281 Lhanbryde Primary School..........................(01343) 842649 Mosstowie Primary School..........................(01343) 547119 New Elgin Primary School ..........................(01343) 547587 Seafield Primary School ..............................(01343) 547792 St Sylvesters R.C. Primary School ..............(01343) 541453 West End Primary School............................(01343) 543161 Elgin Academy ............................................(01343) 543485 Elgin High School........................................(01343) 545181 Hythehill Primary School ............................(01343) 812014 St Gerardine Primary School ......................(01343) 812251 Lossiemouth High School ..........................(01343) 812047 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Bus Station, Elgin .......................................(01343) 544222 Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01343) 550088 Dalcross Airport ...........................................(01667) 464000 Dallas Village Hall .......................................(01343) 890243 Elgin Town Hall ................(01343) 547767/562600-To Book Lossie Town Hall ............................(01343) 813327/815309 Moray Council .............................................(01343) 543451 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 Elgin Library ................................................(01343) 562600 Lossie Library ..............................................(01343) 813334 Elgin Community Council............................(01343) 544091 Moray Leisure Centre .................................(01343) 550033 Lossie Swimming Pool ................................(01343) 815299 page 10 - January 2012
DOCTORS Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin ...............................0845 456 6000 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Hopeman (01343) 830269 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Burghead (01343) 835780 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Lossie ........0845 337 1190 Elgin Community Surgery ..........................(01343) 542234 Linkwood Medical Centre ............................0845 337 6350 Maryhill Health Centre ..................................0845 337 0610 DENTISTS South Street Dental Practice ......................(01343) 542729 Trinity Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 542697 Apex Dental Studio......................................(01343) 556606 Pure Spa Dental ..........................................(01343) 541164 Laich Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 816316 PHARMACIES Alliance Pharmacy ......................................(01343) 542186 Bishopmill Pharmacy ..................(01343) 547374 / 547393 Boots The Chemist ......................................(01343) 543311 G.F Duthie Phramacy, Burghead ................(01343) 835370 G.F Duthie Phramacy,Hopeman ................(01343) 830249 Lhanbryde Pharmacy ..................................(01343) 842531 Lloyds Pharmacy, 48 High St ......................(01343) 547065 Lloyds Pharmacy, 176 High St ....................(01343) 542571 Lloyds Pharmacy, Lossie ............................(01343) 812818 Lossiemouth Pharmacie ............................(01343) 813095 VETS Allen and Matthews ....................................(01343) 544811 Miller and Swann ........................................(01343) 542255 Moray Coast Vets, Lossie ............................(01343) 815335
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
Come in and see what’s new. NOW OPEN
The refurbishment of our Elgin kitchen and bedroom showroom is now complete. It’s quite a transformation and we hope that you will agree that it was well worth any inconvenience caused while it was closed. The finished result is stunning with classic and contemporary new styles, fantastic design ideas and amazing storage solutions. On show alongside our award winning Metris displays we are also showing our new Fusion range and our Classic Painted collection. All our kitchens and bedrooms are manufactured at our Highland factory with fantastic build quality which we have continued to update over the past 25 years. Our skilled manufacturers, designers and installers will continue to offer unrivalled quality and service and we look forward to welcoming you to our stunning new refurbished Elgin showroom.
ELGIN: 27 Tyock Ind Est 01343 545155 Also at: INVERNESS: 18 Carsegate Rd 01463 711548
Parliament Blog & Tides “ Parliament Blog ” A Happy New Year to one and all! Certainly, from my own perspective,2012 looks to be an exciting year, not least because of a house move (albeit only a couple of miles away) in a matter of weeks! 2012 is also set to be an exciting year in terms of the constitutional debate that is happening in Scotland. It is an exciting time to be in politics with the mix of day-to-day issues combined with the very long-term and strategic decision that will face the people of Scotland in the referendum. All in all 2012 will be a busy and challenging time for most folk and wish everyone power to their elbow in their own challenges.
Richard Lochhead MSP
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR LOSSIEMOUTH IN JANUARY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1053 0048 0200 0304 0352 0432
2340 1203 1321 1436 1534 1618 1656
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Here’s tae a guid 2012 for a’body! I can’t really claim to be fluent in doric or, indeed, any dialect of Scots but like most folk around the country I use phrases and words that have seeped into the brain over the years, perhaps from reading the obligatory Broons and Oor Wullie annuals around Christmas and New Year and, more recently, the Chewin’ the Fat and Still Game Christmas specials! It has struck me over the festive period the importance that humourplays in helping to maintain our traditional language and culture. It is particularly important in financially tough times that can be very stressful for families and individuals that we have that humour which gives us a bit of valve to release the pressures that build up each day. In that vein I wish everyone a bit Angus Robertson MP of humour through 2012.
AM 0507 0541 0617 0652 0729 0807 0849 0935 1032 1143 0038 0200
PM 1732 1806 1844 1921 2001 2042 2127 2219 2321 1311 1438
Moray Dance ELGIN FOCHABERS HOPEMAN New term starts Mon 9 Jan for Elgin and Thurs 12 Jan
for Forres
Elgin Community Centre - Mon, Wed & Sat Memorial Hall Hopeman - Tues Lossiemouth Community Centre - Thu Forres Community Centre - Thu Institute Hall Fochabers - Fri DON’T DELAY BOOK TODAY!!! TEL: 07917533516 Email: moraydanceschool@yahoo.com www.moraydance.co.uk page 12 - January Month 2011 2012
AM 0314 0412 0500 0540 0619 0654 0729 0803 0838 0914 0957 1050
PM 1547 1641 1728 1810 1849 1925 2000 2033 2108 2145 2229 2328
07896 756 746 KTY Properties is a modern progressive property rental agency in Moray
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NEW YEAR FORTHCOMING EVENTS Day Country Music Festival One Saturday 28th January – from 12pm onwards Buble Tribute with Jason Porter Michael Saturday 18th February – Tickets £10.00 pp Tribute Night Abba Saturday 3rd March – Tickets £10.00 pp Comedy Night Irish Friday 16th March – Tickets £10.00 pp
WHEN YOU SIGN UP FOR OUR ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP * 12 Month membership (9months + 3months FREE)
SUNDAY Beauty treatments and therapiesCARVERY are also available in our Sonas S Every Sunday 12pm - 2.30pm
EIGHT ACRES HOTEL &IV30 LEISURE CLUB Morriston Road, Elgin 6UL Morriston Road, Elgin IV30 6UL
Email: eightacres@crerarhotels.com Telephone:01343 01343 543 077 Email: eightacres@crerarhotels.com Telephone: 543077
Real Homecooki ng VISIT OUR and Bak ing at REAL prices !
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13 Old Market Place, Banff AB45 1HE Tel: 01261 815623
What’s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4#
DECEMBER 27 tuesday the complete stone roses at the ironworks 7.30pm. ÂŁ12.50. tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
28 wednesday - 29 thursday winter showcase @ ironworks 7pm. over 14s. two nights back to back featuring the most exciting emerging talent in the highlands and islands and celebrating the quality and diversity of the current contemporary music scene across the region. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
29 thursday fourth thursdays mac film night the warehouse theatre, lossiemouth. doors open 6:45pm, film starts at 7pm. admission: free for moray arts club members (new members accepted at the door). to book contact emma cooper tel: 01343 548475
30 friday winter showcase club night @ ironworks 10pm. over 18 +. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
Elgin Sports & Community Centre
2/3 Group
We have spaces in our 2/3 Group If you would like more information please contact Jan, Brenda or reception Tel: 01343 543736 ecec@moray.gov.uk
31 saturday torridon’s hogmanay bash + niteworks @ ironworks 9pm. over 18s. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre Yo Your our local venue for films, shows, concerts and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.
JANUARY JANUAR RY EVENTS W ed 18th January .................. 8.00pm,Tickets ÂŁ10 Wed ..................8.00pm,Tickets “An evening of mediumshipâ€? with June Field Sat 28th January ...................................... 8.00pm Music Nairn presents ..... “Finzi String Quartetâ€? elephone 01667 453476, For further details Te Telephone e-mail, info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk the big hogmanay party 9pm til late. mosset tavern, gordon street, forres. tickets ÂŁ15, includes stovies. tel:01309 672981 or email info@mossettavern.com
JANUARY 3 tuesday - 28 saturday ‘hugo’ film exhibition props, automata, drawings and photographs from the 3D film by martin scorsese. tuesday - saturday, 10am-5pm, free entry. the house of automata, seapark, kinloss (next to petrol station) tel: 01309 691212 www.thehouseofautomata.com
13 friday action for happiness present ‘happy’ a film 7:30pm, nairn community and arts centre. entrance fee ÂŁ5 per adult and half price for under 18s. from roko
January 2012 - page 15
JANUARY 2012 continued belic, director of the academy award nominated ‘genghis blues’. call 01667 456747 for more info.
! %
Training Classes commence Obedience Bronze # !" $ !% !" Ringcraft # $ !% Obedience - Silver/Gold # !" $ !%
- # "% ( +% *"&% )+"* , "# # &( ## & )"&%) "(*! .) %%", () (" ) " (*" ) * % " !*) +% ( # ) * ("% . '+ )* &( $&( "% & ## % ( &% & % (
Further details re Obedience call Joanne on 07715 557395 or Ringcraft call Mary on 01542 850262 Venue: Spynie Hall, Elgin
18 wednesday ‘an evening of mediumship’ with june field. 8pm at nairn community arts centre. tickets £10. tel 01667 455701
19 thursday the moray society lecture ‘history of the sheriff court in elgin’ by noel mcpartlin 2pm. elgin museum
20 friday burns supper in dallas hall top table includes councillor douglas ross and ben & christine macdonald. tickets £10 available from ian sutherland 01343 890420. vegetarian haggis available if requested when buying ticket. thin lizzy @ ironworks 19:30. for tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com a taste of burns 7:30pm - 12:30am, roseisle village hall. tickets £12.50 each. call 01343 835167 for more information
21 saturday Nairn Men’s Breakfast 9.45 for 10am, you are invited to hear Brian Irvine ex Pro footballer at Windsor Hotel Nairn. Come along and meet other men Christian and non Christians share food and fellowship and hear what GOD has done in Brian's life. Phone Campbell 01667 455149 or Dereck 01667 456088 by friday 20th January to book a place.
details call 01309 673701
26 thursday saxecose: young, vibrant saxophone quartet 7:30pm. st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin. £12/£6. visit www.thegcs.org.uk for more details. tickets from www.thebooth.co.uk
28 saturday the western front association meeting 2:30pm,’the gallery’ elgin library. john macgregor, nairn’s vc. speaker - dave shillabeer. there will be a collection for branch funds. contact derek bird 01343 870562 or visit www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk moray introducing - ‘rostow’ and ‘thousand stars’ 9:30pm - 1:30am, beach bar, lossiemouth. free admission. showcasing the best unsigned band and singer/songwriter talent from the moray, grampian and highlands area. call christina on 07884181957 or email christinatatlow@hotmail.co.uk ‘music nairn’ presents a concert by the finzi string quartet playing haydn, ravel and brahms. 8pm at nairn community arts centre. tickets £18, members £14 and students £2. tel 01667 455701 a celebration of chinese dance, food art and culture 1:45pm - 4pm, forres town hall. fan dancing performances too. call 01343 835167 for more information. fake blood @ ironworks 10pm. over 18s. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
New Year New You!
22 sunday
ZUMBA your way to good health in 2012
lion dance 2pm at the falconer museum. wake up the lion and watch him dance and bring good luck for the year. call 01343 835167 for more information.
22 sunday - 28 saturday chinese new year come and celebrate a wee of events in forres. visit the made in china exhibition at the falconer museum, experience tea ceremonies, learn about chinese culture, religion and art through a programme of talks and workshops. for more page 16 - January 2012
tel: 01309 690063
Wiggle, giggle, Zumba Dance your way to losing pounds and inches!
Classes at
MILTONDUFF HALL Monday 7-8pm, Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm
For more info contact Sue Taylor (Instructor) mobile: 07960 980 990
SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
Cinema Nairn
Visit cinemanairn.blogspot.com or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details
Cinema Listings January 2012 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness
Vue Cinema, Inverness
Over January The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo (tbc) My Week With Marilyn (15) Home Alone (PG)
From friday 6th January Shame (tbc) The Descendents (15) The Artist (PG) The Darkest Hour 3D (12ac) The Iron Lady (12a) War Horse (tbc) The Sitter (15) A Monster in Paris (tbc) Coriolanus (tbc) J. Edgar (15) Underworld: Awakening 3D (tbc)
Visit www.eden-court.co.uk or call 01463 234234 for details
Moray Playhouse, Elgin
New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit www.morayplayhouse.co.uk
Highland Spiritual Cinema
Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit www.highlandspiritualcinema.net or telephone 01463 237452
KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits
Visit www.myvue.com for details
Portessie Public Hall
Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email portessiepublichall@hotmail.co.uk
Universal Hall, Findhorn
Showing films through the year Visit www.findhorn.org/uhall or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie & District
January 2012 - page 17
JANUARY 2012 continued
29 sunday lofty arts creative fun day, 10am till 12 noon, for kids under 10, sessions: £4 per child, or three children for £10, booking desirable but not essential, children must be accompanied by an adult, The Loft East Grange Farm Kinloss tel:01343 850111.
+ " ,
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FEBRUARY 2012 in brief
1 thursday new elgin WRI meeting 7pm at cedarwood, edgar road, elgin 3 friday feeder @ ironworks 7pm. over 14s. for tickets or more information tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com 4 saturday ‘sold on soul’ dance in aid of unicef doors open 7:30pm, elgin town hall. tickets £10. over 18s only. licensed bar and raffle. tickets from sound & vision, elgin or tel: 01343 543092 soup and sweet lunch 12 - 2pm, holy trinity church hall, elgin. £3.50, in aid of christian aid and church funds. call 01343 541324 for more details. lhanbryde community challenge quiz night 7pm for 7:30pm, lhanbryde community centre. £2 per person with teams of four. BYOB and nibbles. rachel sermanni @ ironworks 7:30pm, under 16s to be accompanied by an adult. for tickets or info tel: 0871 789 4173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com 9 thursday - 11 saturday LADS drama group perform the play ‘cheshire cats’ 7:30pm at the holy trinity church hall, elgin. tickets £10 or £8 concessions. call estelle on 01343 544610 16 thursday catriona mckay (gaelic harp) and chris stout (shetland fiddle) 7:30pm, ogstoun theatre, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit www.thegcs.org.uk for more details, tickets from www.thebooth.co.uk 22 wednesday rizzle kicks - bring on the trumpets, 7pm, the ironworks, inverness, visit www.ironworksvenue.com 24 friday the moray society lecture ‘robert reid : abbott of kinloss and bishop of orkney’ by howie firth doors 7pm, elgin museum
Ian’s Ian ’s Handyman Handym S Service ervice A reliable, reliable, friendly friendly and tidy handyman ser service vice
page 18 - January 2012
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Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Confidential Chocolate and Berry Roulade Ingredients 150g Caster Sugar 6 large eggs 50g Cocoa Powder 500g mixed frozen fruit (thawed) 50ml Sloe Gin 250ml Double Cream 1 tablespoon Caster Sugar 1 heaped teaspoon of Ground Arrowroot Icing sugar for dusting 1 x 27cm x 22cm baking tin / swiss roll tin 2cm deep baking parchment 1.Lightly grease the baking tin and line with the baking parchment 2.Using two bowls separate the eggs with the whites in one bowl and the yolks in another. Whisk the egg yolks with an electric whisk until they start to thicken. Add the caster sugar and beat until fully mixed. Stir in the cocoa powder. Wash and dry thoroughly the electric beaters. 3.In the separate bowl beat the egg whites until they stand in soft peaks. Fold gently in to the chocolate mixture. 4.Pour in to the lined baking tin and bake in the centre of a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes until it has risen and springy to touch. Remove from the oven and leave in the tin until completely cooled. 5.Place the thawed frozen fruit into a sieve and strain the juice in to a bowl. Place the fruit and one tablespoon of the juices in to a pan with the Sloe Gin and one tablespoon of caster sugar, and heat to simmering point. Mix the Ground Arrowroot with a little of the reserved fruit juice to a paste before stirring in to the fruit mixture to thicken. Allow to cool completely. 6.Place a sheet of greaseproof or baking parchment on to a clean dry service and dust with icing sugar. Turn out the chocolate roulade on to this, and carefully peel off the baking parchment. 7.Spoon the fruit mixture on to the chocolate roulade in a thin layer. Whip the cream to form soft peaks and spoon over the fruit mixture. 8.Roll up the roulade as tightly as you can and place on a serving dish. Chill until you are ready to serve. Don't worry if it cracks as this adds to character of the dish. For a really decadent finish, drizzle melted chocolate over the roulade! Penny Ellis, Owner Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146
d n 2 We lose d Ja 201 c 2n n are the th Ja m 16 fro the til un
Wedding Day
At Knockomie we will help make your wedding day a perfect day. It's why we have come up with our new Weddings Wrapped Up package. It's here to give you the peace of mind that you will have the professional service you deserve at a price you can afford. Our highly personal approach will create a perfect and truly memorable day, designed to Â?Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160; Â&#x203A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D; Â&#x2022;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;Ď?Â&#x2039;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201D;Â&#x2021;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2039;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2021;Â?Â&#x2021;Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201D; Â&#x203A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014; Â&#x192;Â?Â&#x2020; up to 40 guests.
Are you fed up with your smile?
Knockomie Hotel is licensed to hold Civil Weddings
Because of its success we are continuing our
2 Course Lunch for only ÂŁ8.95pp (max table of 6)
- 31st Jan 2 Voucher 16th 2012 10am -12noon. for Coffee Onlywith available voucher 1
6 Crown Avenue, Inverness IV2 3NF
Tel: Â&#x2021; Grantown Road, Forres
01463 226118
29th February 2012)
" I didn't used to speak about it...â&#x20AC;?
Do you have a friend who lives with someone who has a
"I didn't used to speak about it. You tend to hide it,
drink or drug problem ?
but everyone knows anyway. You are in denial. You
Are you worried about how they are coping and don't
keep thinking 'It's not that bad' and then you hit
know what to say to them ?
rock bottom. You need help before you go to
Want to help them but have been putting off, as you don't
pieces. Support from Quarriers has made me feel
know how to help ?
more empowered and informed and more able to
Quarriers Carer Support Service (Moray) provides
continue caring" - wife of husband who drinks too
confidential help and advice to unpaid Carers throughout
Moray. We know from experience that those who care for family members who misuse substances, particularly
"Help can take various forms. Usually people initially
alcohol, are worried about the implications of discussing
want to offload to someone who understands but
their concerns outwith their own family and close friends.
isn't a family member. We have a team of discreet
Many don't consider themselves to be Carers and,
and professional staff who will listen. We also
therefore, don't realise that Quarriers Carer Support
provide opportunities for you to meet others living
Service (Moray) is here to help. We have staff who will
in similar situations, training to help cope e.g.
listen and understand.
managing difficult behaviour or setting boundaries,
We also know the very important role friends play. Most
as well as advice and information on a wide range
family members who come to us for help, do so in the first
of subjects e.g. debt" - Susan Leonard, Project
instance with the support of a close friend. So help your
friend take that all important first step by calling Quarriers
on 01343-556031 or if you wish to remain anonymous call
It's 2012 . Don't put off any longer. Make a change
our confidential helpline on 01343-555031.
by calling Quarriers.
Carer Support Service (Moray)
New Year New You! The Mansion House Country Club is a unique experience of health and relaxation set in the heart of Elgin in which to enjoy your leisure time. The country club is open to members, guests and residents of the hotel
Inviting new members now. The Country Club has the following facilities: 10m Heated Swimming Pool
Heated Spa Bath
Exercise Classes
Swimming Lessons
Beauty Spa Facilities
Hairdressing Facilities
Sauna and Steam Room
Gymnasium equipped
Kickboxercise Classes now available, please telephone for details.
MEMBERSHIP PRICES (Payable on joining) 1st Month fee Monthly Payment
Per Annum
Youth (16-18yrs)
DINING Lunches are served daily from 12-2pm. Evening dining also available every day from 7-10pm for our à la carte restaurant. Private dining also available. For table reservations please telephone reception on 01343 548811. THE HAUGH, ELGIN, MORAY IV30 1AW Email:reception@mhelgin.co.uk Website:www.mansionhousehotel.co.uk
OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday: 7:30 am - 21:00 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 19:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am - 20:30 pm
Dreaming of... ...Vietnam and Cambodia
In these days where people are looking for more exotic destinations, Vietnam and Cambodia are among the next popular countries to travel to. Vietnam offers a fantastic range of places to see and visit, whether you are looking for sightseeing, beaches or a touring holiday. In the city locations an organised tour is a good way to help you become orientated. If you want to explore independently there are a whole array of taxis and 'cyclos' which like a modern day rickshaw offer a novel and fun way to get around. World events have inevitably cast their shadow across this country, which was for so many years the subject of news bulletins rather than travel brochures. In the last 20 years this charming nation of people has opened its doors to visitors. Not only does Vietnam have a variety of places to see, but it also enjoys a vast and beautiful coastline, mist shrouded mountains, mighty rivers and cascading waterfalls. Whether your passion is for history, scenery, food or culture the delicate tapestry of this nation will offer you all of this and much more besides. Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam, and one of the hidden gems of South East Asia. It retains an elegance and charm not often found in this part of the world. Enjoy in particular the city's French influence, seen in fine old colonial buildings and tree lined boulevards. The vibrant and dynamic Ho Chi Minh city, formerly Saigon, is the largest and most energetic city in Vietnam, and the cultural heart of the nation. Hoi An is a well preserved trading port dating back to the 15th century, and the Mekong Delta and Cu Chi Tunnels (once home to 10,000 people) are well worth visiting. Cambodia was for many years off limits for travellers but now welcomes them with open arms. This magical land boasts ancient temples, dense forests, glorious beaches and a captivating culture and history. The most famous of the country's ancient sites is Angkor. This awe inspiring construction is quite rightly named as one of the 'Seven wonders of the world'. By travelling further afield you can enjoy lazy sun kissed beaches in Sihanoukville, sleepy towns and spectacular national parks. The evocatively named Phnom Penh is a beautiful city full to the brim with charmingly dilapidated colonial heritage. There is also a vibrant riverside promenade and a whole selection of cafes and restaurants. It is important to remember that with developing countries the tourism infrastructure is not as refined as in other places in the region. Hotel standards vary enormously and can be subject to delays and changes. Vietnam and Cambodia are two fantastic countries waiting to be discovered â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we should all go before they become tourist traps and become spoilt.
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Â&#x2021; +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Highlights of Vietnam 10 days Highlights of Vietnam Classic Option 5 May â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20 Jun 2012 ....ÂŁ2,389pp
Cycling Vietnam 19 days Cycling Vietnam Classic option 7 May â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4 Jun 12 ....... ÂŁ2,689pp
Highlights of Cambodia 7 day Highlights of Cambodia Classic Option 29 Apr â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20 Jun 12....... ÂŁ1,859pp
Temples of Angkor 5 days Temples of Angkor Classic option 3 Apr â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20 Jun 2012 .. ÂŁ1,629pp
Cambodia & Vietnam Explorer 14 days Cambodia & Vietnam Explorer Classic option 1 May â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20 Jun 2012 .....ÂŁ3,049pp
ELGIN 44 01343 548844
All offers are Return flights from Glasgow per person, based on a twin share, and must be booked by 16th January, 2012.
FORRES 1309 672203 01309
Beaver Travel, el, 2-6 South Street, Elgin 78 High Street, Forres
Beaver Travel in Forres is also a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box Office Prices
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leisure leisur e
Physical activity, health and well-being ofessionals and professionals It is well accepted by both health pr cise of moderate exercise egular exer the fitness industry that rregular ee to five vigorous intensity, carried out at least thr three to vigorous times per week is good for us and that this exer cise exercise should be for about 30 - 60 minutes per session. Exercise incr eases strength, strength, improves improves the heart and Exercise increases lungs, maintains flexibility and generally leads to a feeling of well-being. As well as this it can be fun, outine is rrewarding ewarding and intensely addictive once a rroutine e starting to be felt established and the benefits ar are which may be weight loss, muscle tone, flexibility and e on top of these. many mor more oss Moray ther e ar e a number of Fitness-r oom Acr Across there are Fitness-room facilities operated by the Moray Council Sports & Leisur e Services section, all of which ar e open to the Leisure are public, have no joining fee, ar e fully equipped with are up to date equipment and have qualified staf stafff on hand to lend support and advice if rrequired. equired.
Fitness-rooms have a selection of equipment The Fitness-rooms treadmills, rowing rowing machines, cross-trainers, cross-trainers, such as treadmills, resistance (weights) for cycles as well as resistance incr easing muscle str ength and tone. increasing strength Why not make it your long ter Year m New Y ear term rresolution esolution and take up the of fer of our 2 for 1 offer induction of fer during January and February at offer only ÂŁ15.00 for two. Facilities are are available at: Centre Buckie Swimming Pool & Fitness Centr e Forres Forres Swimming Pool & Fitness Centre Centre Centre Keith Sports & Community Centr e Learning Centre Centre Fitness Room (Fochabers) Milneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Learning The Shand Centr e (Dufftown) (Duf ftown) Centre offer Please book for the 2 for 1 of fer by e-mail to sportandleisure@moray.gov.uk sportandleisur e@moray.gov.uk or you can call the booking number on 01542 - 888055.
% !# "
Have you made up your own "God"? God is Holy and He demands something from us. He wants us to put our faith in His Son for salvation. Many people today think that they will be in Heaven as long as they don’t commit any heinous crimes. But the Bible teaches that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23). We have all – you & me, everyone - fallen short of God’s moral standards. We have all broken His laws, and our sin makes us unfit for heaven. Only by personally accepting Christ as our own Lord and Saviour – believing that he died for OUR sins and was raised for OUR justification, and forsaking our sins to live in subjection to Him – can we approach this Holy God. The Bible says "He that believeth on the "You turn things upside down, as if the potter were Son (Jesus Christ) hath everlasting life: and he that thought to be like the clay." Isaiah 29:16 believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”(John 3:35-36) Some have turned God into a loving Santa Claus What have you done then with Jesus which is called who showers us with good things when we are nice. Christ? When we are naughty, however, He isn’t quite as generous. Perish the thought that He would ever God is Just and will by no means pass by sin. punish us! He is a loving God. They think that in the You may not like thinking about this, but the Bible states end He will forgive everyone…except the Hitlers and that God has appointed a day in which He will judge you the Stalins. by that man (Jesus Christ) whom He has appointed. Each of us will personally meet with God one day. We Others have made God into a family doctor. He is will either meet Him in our sins and be judged by Him, there when we need Him. Most of the time we can and be cast into the lake of fire, or if we are saved, we will get on quite well without Him. In fact, we rarely even meet Him clothed in the righteousness of His Dear Son, think about Him unless we have a problem. But when so that when God looks at us He no longer sees our sin, misfortune strikes, they want God to hear their call for but instead sees us clothed in the righteousness of Christ help and come to their rescue. . "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, (John 3:18). Still others have formed God into a watchmaker. He created the universe, set it in motion and then God is Gracious and Merciful and has given us ample they think He sat back to watch it tick away on its time and opportunity to accept His one way of salvation. own. He is far removed and doesn’t get involved in “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be our affairs. So they believe they are free to form their saved.” Acts 16:31 own laws, their own standards of right and wrong, even their own religion. Have you made a "God" of your own liking, a "God" who
Have we formed our own opinions about who God is; what He is like, what type of lifestyles He approves of and whom He will forgive? Are we making up our own “God”? Have we turned things upside down ?
If we really want to know what God is like and what He thinks and expects of us, we must be willing to set aside our opinions and listen to what He has to say about Himself. We must turn to God’s Word, the Bible. What does the Bible say about God – the God with whom we have to do?
resembles a Santa Claus, a watchmaker, a doctor or something else? If so, then you have turned things upside down. Your "God" exists only in your imagination. He is not the God of the Bible, or the God you will meet in eternity. To be ready to meet the true God you must prepare on His terms – your own imagination will only take you to Hell.
e is one G od, and one media For ther For there God, mediator tor b etween G od and men, the man C hrist Jesus us between God Christ
1 Timothy Timothy 2:4-6
Published by www.wordsbythewayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
Index of Advertisers Ashley Ann ........................................................................11 Banff, Moray & Nairn Canine Club....................................16 Beaver Travel ....................................................................27 Brodie Countryfare............................................................19 Chemsafe ..........................................................................30 Christie’s Heating and Plumbing ......................................21 Covesea Cafe ..................................................................31 Dittmar Herrnkind - Your Handyman ................................21 Divine Gifts ..........................................................................9 DLP Storage ........................................................................3 Doctor Denture..................................................................23 Eight Acres Hotel ..............................................................13 Elgin 2/3 Group ................................................................15 Elgin Eagles Basketball Club..............................................4 Excel Scotland Ltd ..............................................................7 Fairleys Solicitors ................................................................7 Forres Tree Services ........................................................21 Gail Brown Mobile Hairdressing ......................................27 Gordon Scott Chartered Accountant ................................31 Ian’s Handyman Services ................................................18 Knockomie Hotel ..............................................................23 KTY Properties ..................................................................12 Kylauren Homes..................................................................8 Mackenzie & Cruickshank ......................Inside Front Cover Mansion House Hotel........................................................25 McCalls..............................................................................23 Mhairi Donald ....................................................................21 Mike O'Driscoll Builders ....................................................19 Moray Coast Veterinary Group ..........................................3 Moray Council - Leisure ....................................................28 Moray Dance School ........................................................12 MRD Flooring ....................................................................27 Nairn Community & Arts Centre ......................................15 Olive Tree Chocolate ..........................................................9 Physio Pilates ....................................................................21 Planet BBK Ltd ........................................Inside Back Cover
Pole Dance Scotland ........................................................27 Quarriers............................................................................24 Reid Furniture....................................................................20 Roof Wizard ......................................................................27 Sansum Black Belt Academy..............................................9 Scotengineering ..................................................................7 Simone Herrnkind - German Tutor....................................27 SJ Chimney Services ..........................................................5 Smith & Castle Jewellers ..................................................19 Spotty Bag Shop ..............................................................13 Springfield Bar ..................................................................16 Stevenson & Foster ........................................................3 Sue Taylor Zumba ............................................................16 The Blind Spot ....................................................................7 The Loft Bistro ..................................................................18 Unique Beauty ............................................Front Cover & 3 Varis Training ....................................................................21 Veronique’s ......................................................................21 Wheelchair Care..................................................................5 Words By The Wayside ....................................................29
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