SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District September 2011

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SpotLight Clubs and Societies

Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright

BIRNIE VILLAGE HALL Community Events, Bowling, WRI, SICMA Astronomy Club, contact Clifford Miller 860232 BOWL 2000 JUNIOR BOWLING TEAM The club runs on a Saturday from 11am to about 12.30 - and is for under 18’s - they get taught by the Scotland coach to go and compete in competitions to win trophies etc. beginners are welcome BUCKIE CHORAL UNION Buckie Choral Union is a mixed choir. Rehearsals are held on Thursday nights 7:30-9:30pm in the Buckie North Church Hall, Buckie. For additional information (including map showing venue) check our web site at DARNAWAY CURLING CLUB Small, friendly club would be delighted to welcome new members for the coming season. Why not come and try a new sport. For further details contact EDCSG DROP-IN CENTRE Mondays & Fridays 10am - 4pm starting 30th August in Victoria House, Victoria Crescent, Elgin (old Health Centre). Our volunteers will be there for anyone whose life has been affected by cancer to offer a friendly welcome, a listening ear, a cuppa & a chat, confidentiality & signposting. Tel: 543050 or

ELGIN AND DISTRICT PARKINSON'S SUPPORT GROUP Meets in the Resource Centre at 7.30pm, second Monday of the month, September to May, for information giving and sharing, support, fun, friendship and food! Contact Gillian Gibson (Secretary) tel: 541056 or visit ELGIN AND DISTRICT CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Second Tuesday of each month all year in Abbeyvale Care Home, Duff Avenue, Elgin. 7pm9.30pm. Contact Frank Cascarino 547102 (Chair) or Elizabeth Macrae 543050 (Secretary)

ELGIN FLOWER CLUB Enjoy the art of flower arranging, meets every month at Elgin High Church Hall. Contact Muriel Gerrard 550257

ELGIN-LANDSHUT TWIN TOWN ASSOCIATION Encourages friendship and exchange visits between Elgin

Spotlight on elgin & lossie is published by Winterburn media ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss Iv36 3Ua all material contained within the Spotlight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright. all rates are per month plus vat and based on a Black & White 12 month series. Call 01309 690063 for more details. page 4 - September 2011

ELGIN MINIATURE RIFLE CLUB Aims: To encourage a responsible attitude towards target rifle shooting, as an enjoyable sport, in a safe controlled environment, meets Mondays 7.15pm from September to March at Indoor Rifle Range, Pinefield. Contact Athole Manson 07779 710985 email: GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND Nairn & Moray Branch are looking for new branch volunteers. If interested, please contact Anna Temple or Anna Roberts tel: 01309 694866

ELGIN CYCLING CLUB Aims to promote cycling in the local area, meets Sunday morning 8.30am, Grant Lodge, Cooper Park. Contact Kevin Thomson tel: 01542 834972 or visit

ELGIN HIGH CHURCH HIGH SPIRTS CLUB Meets every Wednesday 10am12noon in Church Hall, North Guildry Street, Elgin from September-April

and its beautiful twintown in Bavaria. Contact Alastair Rossiter 542939

HIGHLAND GLIDING CLUB Enjoy gliding and soaring at all levels, from complete beginner upwards, Saturday & Sunday all year round and Wednesday evening May - October at Easterton Airfield, Birnie. Contact Anne Burgess 820834 HIGHLAND HANG-GLIDING AND PARAGLIDING CLUB To promote freeflying activities throughout Highland and Moray areas. Contact Gary Williamson 01463 236600 or 01463 811852 hg@highlandhg& HOPEMAN LUNCHEON CLUB Serving meals to pensioners at Hopeman Memorial Hall, Tuesdays 12.30pm - 1.30pm, £3 per meal. Contact Violet McPherson 830444

Sample advert rateS Box £38 Big Box £71 ¼ page £129 ½ page £244 Business profile £416 Full page £461 enhanced listings in What’s On pages from £41

tel: 01309 690063

JOG SCOTLAND ELGIN Meets at Elgin Library every Thursday at 6pm. Groups for complete beginners to advanced joggers. £5 per 10 week block. Further details email or Liz 813228 or Carol 556506 LADYBIRD DEVELOPMENTAL GROUP Caring for pre-school children with additional support needs we would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in joining us to help secure our future, contact 814618 or visit our website at LAICH OF MORAY TRUST The bus provides transport for elderly, infirm and disabled within Moray e.g. Day care, Lunch Club, Sports Club, Church etc. Mainly within Moray, but sometimes further. Contact Rob Tyson 545531 LHANBRYDE DISABLED CLUB Meets every Thursday from 1.30pm - 3.30pm, for games, bingo and outings, Lhanbryde Village Hall. Contact Mary Law 843044 LHANBRYDE INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Promotes the game of indoor bowling, both sociable and competitive, meets September to April on Mondays and Thursdays from 7pm-10pm. Contact Ella Harley 814224 / 843194 LOSSIEMOUTH BOWLING CLUB St Gerardine’s Road, Lossie tel: 813766

If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed every issue.

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

The Editor

It hardly seems five minutes ago that summer started and here we are slipping into Autumn. Let’s hope that we have one of those Indian Summers we hear so much about. We do our best to try and cheer people up in SpotLight and this month we are running features to encourage us all to get out and about and don’t forget to check out the listings of Clubs and Societies which change monthly!

PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ......................Eilidh Conners ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT .......................Natalie Hunt DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson Clubs & Societies......................4 & 6 Pastoral Letter.................................8 Tide Times.......................................8 Church Details...............................10 Council News ................................12 Parliament Blog.............................13 Useful Numbers ............................14 Local Holidays...............................14 School Term Dates........................16 What’s On ..............................19 - 23 Cinema Listings.............................21 Advertisers Index ..........................38



Prawn & Whitefish Curry...........26

Home & Garden GreenThumb......................28 - 29

Otters ........................................31

Leisure Water Babies ............................32

Travel Dreaming of a Cruise................30

October Issue Deadlines

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Editorial - Fri 2nd September Advertising - Weds 7th September


LOSSIEMOUTH CRUISING CLUB An active club with full programme of races & musters during the season. Come & along and chat with members crews always required. Contact sally skalke or john jones tel: 07840 198871, visit or email LOSSIE FOLK CLUB meets every Tuesday at 8.30pm in the Beach Bar, Lossiemouth LOSSIEMOUTH GIRL GUIDING Rainbows for girls aged five to seven; Brownies for girls aged seven to ten; Guides for girls aged ten to 14; and the Senior Section for young women aged 14 to 25. It offers an exciting and flexible programme with a huge variety of challenges and opportunities for personal development - sure to impress universities and potential employers! Contact Dawn Coull tel: 810955 for more information

MILTONDUFF MINIS TODDLER GROUP For 0-3 years, meets at Miltonduff Hall on Tues & Thurs from 10am till 11.30am. Come along and enjoy our toys, games and activities. Contact Claudette tel: 548984 or email miltonduffplay MONDAY DANCE CLUB Meets every Monday, 1.30pm4pm, Supper Room, Elgin Town Hall, for Set, Sequence, Latin & Ballroom Dancing. ÂŁ1.50, tea and cakes available MORAY BURIAL GROUND RESEARCH GROUP (MBGRG) Local heritage group who actively research and record monumental inscriptions in churchyards and cemeteries in Moray. For further information and to find out about our next meeting contact Helen Mitchell on 546620 or visit MORAY CAMERA CLUB Meets every Monday 7.30pm 9.30pm September to May, Elgin Library. Contact Rae Munro 544956

MORAY VILLAGE HALLS For details of local Village Halls and how to book visit MORAY WHEELCHAIR CURLING CLUB Meets every Monday and Wednesday afternoon 2pm 4pm from September to March at Moray Leisure Centre. NHS RETIREMENT FELLOWSHIP Meets every second Wednesday each month from September June. Elgin Town Hall Supper Room at 2pm. Contact Mary Nelson 01309 675371 NEW ELGIN LADIES INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Meets every Thursday at 7pm from September to March inclusive (excluding away match dates), New Elgin Hall. Contact Susan Grant 541867 QUARRIERS CARER SUPPORT SERVICE MORAY Providing practical and emotional support to the unpaid Carers of Moray. To find out more about what we do, call us on 01343 556031


Traditional Garden Tapas menu Dishes from only ÂŁ3.00 Buy 3 dishes get 4th FREE with this voucher during September


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URQUHART WEDNESDAY CLUB Provides a meeting place for, but not necessarily, the over 60’s, carpet bowling, Wednesday afternoons, end of September to end of April, Urquhart Parish Hall. Contact Mary Climie 842526 YOUNG PERSONS ADDICTION COUNSELLING Based in Keith, offering free confidential counselling to Moray youngsters aged 12-24 who have issues regarding addiction of any type or are concerned about someone else’s addiction. Those who think the service could benefit them can call Robert or Carol on 01542 886630





SIGMA - MORAY'S ASTRONOMY CLUB Encouraging an interest in all space related subjects and to teach the use of astronomical equipment, first Friday of the month, doors 7pm for 7.30pm, Birnie Village Hall. Contact details through our website at



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page 6 - September 2011

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District


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SpotLight David Cameron has spoken candidly of a ‘Broken Britain’. In fact, after the rioting in August within England he said: “There are pockets of our society that are not just broken but, frankly sick.” In fact every time I turn on the news there seems such darkness within our nation and within our world. There is hunger, poverty, violence, suffering, injustice, economic meltdown. All over our world there is much hurt and pain. However, in the midst of the darkness there are often shafts of light that shine. These are stories that need to be told of people of courage, compassion, love and grace. Stories to be celebrated and shared in an often dark world. People who have extended loving kindness to people in need. People who have given sacrificially to the poor of our world. People who have courageously forgiven in the face of hurt and injustice. People who have demonstrated outrageous grace to those who did not deserve it.

LOW TIDE TIMES FOR LOSSIE IN SEPTEMBER Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


08.40 09.24 10.10 11.04 00.57 02.34

page 8 - September 2011

20.51 21.35 22.27 23.31 12.12 13.37 15.07

Pastoral letter and Tide Times

In the story of Jesus Christ we see someone who embodied compassion, kindness, love and grace to many of the neediest within the society of his day. He touched lepers, he fed the poor, he respected the marginalised and he stood against injustice. The bible says that Jesus was the image of the invisible God. When people looked into the face of Jesus they were looking into the face of God. The story of Jesus is a story of a God who loved the world so much that he sent his Son into the world to show God’s love and to die as a saviour for our sins. Jesus truly is the light of the world who stepped down into the darkness of our world. His truth shines in the darkness of a broken world.

Jesus spoke to his followers and said that they also were the light of the world. Why? Well, because they were to share God’s truth, love and compassion by reaching out to those in need within our world.

8 TH 9 F 10 SA 11 SU 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 TH 16 F 17 SA 18 SU 19 M

AM 03.53 04.48 05.31 06.07 06.40 07.00 07.37 08.06 08.34 09.04 09.37 10.16

tel: 01309 690063

PM 16.12 17.00 17.39 18.13 18.46 19.16 19.46 20.15 20.46 21.19 21.58 22.46

In fact each one of us can learn from Jesus’ example as we seek to reflect on how we can bring light into the darkness of our world. Jesus calls us to reach out to those in need. He actually said. “..whatever you did for the least of these you did for me.” Matthew 25 v34-40 says “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. And the king will assure you, whatever you did for the least of these you did for me.” In the midst of the brokenness of our world, Jesus is the light. He shines. May we shine too. Rae McKenzie Lossie Baptist Church

20 TU 21 W 22 TH 23 F 24 SA 25 SU 26 M 27 TU 28 W 29 TH 30 F

AM 11.06 01.25 02.54 03.56 04.45 05.28 06.10 06.52 07.34 08.16

PM 23.52 12.20 14.02 15.22 16.17 17.02 17.44 18.25 19.06 19.48 20.31

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

Legal – Ease

The positive news about RAF Lossiemouth remaining open and becoming the new home for the Typhoon fighter jets, and RAF Kinloss being utilised as an army base has proved to be a great boost for the area. Confidence should be restored to the property market with sales and purchases beginning to pick up again. There has already, on the back of the announcement, been an increase in conveyancing transactions within this firm and generally it is expected that the trend will continue upwards. Now is still a good time to secure a property at a reasonable cost before the prices begin to inflate! Remember, if you do want to offer for a property, ensure your funding is in place by securing your mortgage offer in principle (if you are obtaining borrowing) and seek the advice of your Solicitor at an early stage to ease the process. If you are contemplating either purchasing or selling a property and you would like a legal representative please call:-

Cherry Fairley Solicitor & Notary Public Fairleys Solicitors, Elgin Tel: 01343 551126


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SpotLight Church Meetings

Alves Church 1st Sunday of each month at 11.30am. 01309 690931 Birnie - Pluscarden Church Sunday Service Pluscarden 10am ; Birnie 11.30am and Elgin High Church Sunday Service 11am. Contact Parish Asst. Paula Baker tel: 01542 832662 Burghead Church Every Sunday at 11.30am. Contact 01309 690931 Elgin & Forres Free Church of Scotland Sunday Sevice 11am including Sunday School & Creche; Evening Service 6pm, Midweek Meeting Wednesday 7.30pm. Contact Colin Morrison 542196 Elgin City Church Every Sunday 10.30am at Elgin Community Centre - Childrens church & creche available. Contact 543624 Elgin Community Church Sunday Morning Service 10.30am; Evening Fellowship & Youth Group at 6pm. Contact 54665 Hopeman Baptist Church meets every Sunday 11am & 6pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Rev. S.J. Macdonald 831175 or visit the website Living Waters Fellowship, Bishopmill Hall, Bishopmill, Elgin. Family service - Sundays at 11.30am with Tea, Coffee & lunch after service. Kids Church. Tel: 07730 256543 or visit Lossiemouth Baptist Church meets every Sunday 9.30am, 11.30am and 6pm. Junior


Church Sunday 11.30am and Kids Church (P4-P7) Thursdays 6.15pm-8pm. Contact Rev. Rae Mackenzie 812062 Lossiemouth Gospel Hall meets every Sunday for Sunday Club at 9.30am, Gospel Meeting at 6.30pm. Further details 812987 or visit Lossiemouth United Free Church of Scotland meets Sunday 11am and 6pm, including Sunday School. Contact Rev. Alexander Ritchie 810262 Moray Grace Fellowship Meets Sunday mornings 10.30am in The Warehouse Theatre, Lossie. Contact Vic Cameron for more details tel. 850142, email or Scottish Episcopal Church Holy Trinity, Elgin Sunday Services - 8am Holy Communion; 11am Family Eucharist; 6.30pm Evensong, tel: 547505 St Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church, Morning Worship, including Young Church and Créche every Sunday at 11am. Evening Services on last Sunday of month at St Margaret's Hall, Urquhart at 7pm. Tel: Andrew Robertson 843765 St Gerardines High Church Lossiemouth, Family Worship Sunday 11am;

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Evening Service 6pm last Sunday in Month. Contact 813146 St Giles & St Columba’s South, Elgin Sunday 9.30am at St Columba’s South & 11am at St Giles Church, Wednesday 7.30pm & Thursday 12.30pm at St. Giles Church. Contact the Church Office tel: 551501 or visit St James Church of Scotland, Lossiemouth Family Worship 11am including creche and Sunday School; Evening Service 6pm; Swordfish Youth Group 7pm. Contact Rev. Graham Crawford 07817 504042 St Margaret’s Church, Lossiemouth Family Eucharist 9.30am; Holy Communion 10am Thursdays; Evening Prayer 5pm Thursdays St Sylvester's Catholic Church, Elgin Vigil Mass Saturday 7pm; Sunday Mass 11.45am. Contact 542280 Parish of Duffus, Spynie and Hopeman First Sunday of each month, one service (10.30 a.m.) in Hopeman if five Sundays in the month, all other Sundays Hopeman 10am, Duffus or Spynie 11.30am. Contact Rev. Bruce Lawrie 830276 or email: If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we may print this in future issues.

New Exercise Class Starting Thursday 1st September 2pm - 3pm Westray Suite, Eight Acres Hotel Low Impact excercise class for Stretching and Toning. New members welcome

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page 10 - September 2011

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SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

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SpotLight Picture by Brian J Smith, Copyright


Roads & Transportation • The speed limit signs at Duffus Road still require to be changed to bring them into line with the speed limit order in force there. • Murray advised that he had been in touch with Springfield regarding the removal of the proposed flower beds at the entrance to Elgin on the A941 from Rothes. Planning • The Bike Sheds at Bishopmill Primary had not yet been looked at as Bryan has still to see the planning application. • There is no update regarding the proposed fast food outlet at Lidl. Leisure and Environment • Anne advised that the Community Council Posters are now finished, and a copy was passed around members for their approval. They are to be collected and distributed in the next few days. • Mary is awaiting word from Moray Council hoping they will agree to serve Fair Trade Coffee and Tea in Council Buildings. • Pat had contacted Stagecoach again re delays on the Aberdeen/Inverness bus route. She was advised that an incident had occurred and the bus was running one and half hours late with no explanation given at the time. she was later informed there had been a suicide on the route. Having contacted Mr Leslie she was informed they may consider rerouting the number 10 September at an earlier stage should there be delays in future. • George asked about communication on buses and drivers using their own mobiles. He suggested that this could be done through a centrally controlled radio system. • Pat has been advised by a Mr Leslie that there are few depots on this route to send out a replacement bus if a breakdown occurs. Elgin North Area Forum • Ladyhill Plans: This was discussed in particular that the pathway encircles the monument allowing wheelchair access to

view all around the town and keep traffic moving. It was suggested that the grass needs cutting at foot of Ladyhill and a forum member wanted the removal of flower beds at Ladyhill to be reconsidered. • Donnie advised that residents were expressing concern over the windows of the new Academy overlooking homes and therefore invading the privacy of residents. • The litter problem around the Academy was discussed and Chair advised that during a recent meeting with police, Inspector Mowat felt that the Community Council should be the lead agency involved in setting up a litter group to tackle the problem. Elgin South Area Forum • Condition of Elgin High is being discussed with meeting to be held. • There are also concerns regarding the reshaping of elderly care. Deanshaugh Playing Fields • The future of the playing fields is dependent upon work undertaken during flood alleviation. George requested that when completed, the playing fields be set up as they were before so the public could get the proper use out of them. National Police & Fire and Rescue Services / Future Consultations • The public consultation regarding the future of community care was discussed. Following this Harry stated the old peoples group have not seen any consultation on this. Grant Lodge • There was a general discussion about the future of Grant Lodge which is not in as poor a condition inside as was widely believed. It was suggested that the embankments proposed in the flood alleviation scheme be used to improve the general area. • It was suggested that Historic Scotland be contacted about the length of grass at the Elgin Cathedral.

• Harry attended first meeting of new group. There have been problems as to the future shape of this group. John Smart is now taking over and has been given a copy of the constitution and code of conduct of the community council. Promoting the Community Council • Michael advised that the idea of promoting Community Council on Social websites was still ongoing. Bryan explained that he had asked if community council could have their own page and email address on the council website but was advised this was a nonstarter. He is looking into possibility of a generic e-mail address that all members can access. • Gordon advised that he had found information online about a community fair in England. He intended to contact the organiser for further information. AOCB • The disabled parking situation in Elgin was discussed. George asked why the amount of taxi spaces on High Street had been increased from four to eleven. It was agreed that disabled parking spaces may have to be reconsidered, due to the recent public outcry. • Harry asked why there was such a mess of litter left after grass cutting. Anne will contact Tesco and council about this. • Cllr Russell introduced the new food waste collector that every household in Elgin will be issued with; a kitchen caddy. All food waste can be wrapped in newspaper and put in the brown bin, emptied two weekly. Mini brown bins to be issued to people who have no brown bins. • The chairman was contacted by Innes Community Council regarding the proposal to place bollards at Dunkinty. This is the only route that combine harvesters can use between Elgin and Mosstodloch rather than main roads. Referred to R&T committee for consideration.

OThER COmmuNiTy COuNCiL CONTACTS heldon Community Council Meetings 15/3/11; 26/4/11; 7/6/11; 19/7/11; 30/8/11 and 18/10/11 - 7.30pm at Mosstowie Primary School. Contact: Angela Hyland (Secretary) tel: 545360 page 12 - September 2011

Burghead & Cummingston Community Council Meets first Thursday of every month (excluding July) 7.30pm at Burghead Harbour Masters Office. Contact: Chris Tuke (Secretary) tel: 835537

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

“ Parliament Blog ” Since this is the Spotlight first edition since the announcement that RAF Lossiemouth is to continue as an RAF base and Kinloss is to convert to an Army Base, I will use the opportunity to thank everyone in the community - residents, businesses, elected representatives from all parties and none, public sector representatives and many, many

others, who pulled together in an unprecedented show of community spirit.

The summer in Moray has been a bit changeable weather wise but the wetter spells haven’t managed to put a dampner on the many fetes, games and shows that I have been at!

It is, of course, slightly surreal to be talking serious agricultural issues or the impact of the work of a local organisation, then five minutes later getting hit on the hid with an inflatable hammer, won by my eldest son for hooking a plastic duck.

The summer calendar is a bit of a mix of work and leisure with the opportunity to speak to lots of folk but equally a good day out with the family.

Richard Lochhead MSP

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Angus Robertson MP

It’s probably a good balance though!

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We have built enormous momentum and the decision to retain Lossiemouth and have a future army role for Kinloss is vindication of those efforts. We must now take that momentum and continue to drive forward to grow and diversify Moray’s economy.

“Get “Get mobile mobile in in Autumn” Autumn” with

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50% OFF

Selected Cookshop, Clothing & Gifts Highland Village, Fochabers 10am - 5pm daily Tel: 01343 820666


SpotLight Useful Numbers and Local Holidays

Picture by Eileen Fitzpatrick, Copyright

SCHOOLS Alves Primary School ..................................(01343) 850247 Bishopmill Primary School ..........................(01343) 547841 Burghead Primary School ..........................(01343) 835529 East End Primary School ............................(01343) 542381 Greenwards Primary School ......................(01343) 541661 Hopeman Primary School ..........................(01343) 830281 Lhanbryde Primary School..........................(01343) 842649 Mosstowie Primary School..........................(01343) 547119 New Elgin Primary School ..........................(01343) 547587 Seafield Primary School ..............................(01343) 547792 St Sylvesters R.C. Primary School ..............(01343) 541453 West End Primary School............................(01343) 543161 Elgin Academy ............................................(01343) 543485 Elgin High School........................................(01343) 545181 Hythehill Primary School ............................(01343) 812014 St Gerardine Primary School ......................(01343) 812251 Lossiemouth High School ..........................(01343) 812047 Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Bus Station, Elgin .......................................(01343) 544222 Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01343) 550088 Dalcross Airport ...........................................(01667) 464000 Dallas Village Hall .......................................(01343) 890243 Elgin Town Hall ................(01343) 547767/562600-To Book Lossie Town Hall ............................(01343) 813329/815309 Moray Council .............................................(01343) 543451 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 Elgin Library ................................................(01343) 562600 Lossie Library ..............................................(01343) 813334 Elgin Community Council............................(01343) 544091 Moray Leisure Centre .................................(01343) 550033 Lossie Swimming Pool ................................(01343) 815299

DOCTORS Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin ...............................0845 456 6000 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Hopeman (01343) 830269 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Burghead (01343) 835780 Moray Coast Medical Practice - Lossie ........0845 337 1190 Elgin Community Surgery ..........................(01343) 542234 Linkwood Medical Centre ............................0845 337 6350 Maryhill Health Centre ..................................0845 337 0610 DENTISTS South Street Dental Practice ......................(01343) 542729 Trinity Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 542697 Apex Dental Studio......................................(01343) 556606 Pure Spa Dental ..........................................(01343) 541164 Laich Dental Practice ..................................(01343) 816316

PHARMACIES Alliance Pharmacy ......................................(01343) 542186 Bishopmill Pharmacy ..................(01343) 547374 / 547393 Boots The Chemist ......................................(01343) 543311 G.F Duthie Phramacy, Burghead ................(01343) 835370 G.F Duthie Phramacy,Hopeman ................(01343) 830249 Lhanbryde Pharmacy ..................................(01343) 842531 Lloyds Pharmacy, 48 High St ......................(01343) 547065 Lloyds Pharmacy, 176 High St ....................(01343) 542571 Lloyds Pharmacy, Lossie ............................(01343) 812818 Lossiemouth Pharmacie ............................(01343) 813095 VETS Allen and Matthews ....................................(01343) 544811 Miller and Swann ........................................(01343) 542255 Moray Coast Vets, Lossie ............................(01343) 815335

Local Holidays 2011 Elgin Holiday § Lossiemouth Holiday Elgin Holiday § St Andrews Day Christmas Day Holiday * Boxing Day Holiday * New Years Day Holiday* 2nd January Holiday* Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Good Friday Elgin Holiday § May Day Bank Holiday page 14 - September 2011

Mon. 5th Sept. 2011 Mon. 19th Sept. 2011 Mon. 17th Oct. 2011 Wed. 30th Nov. 2011 Mon. 26th Dec. 2011 Tues. 27th Dec. 2011 Mon. 2nd Jan. 2012 Tues. 3rd Jan. 2012 Mon. 2nd April 2012 Fri. 6th April 2012 Mon. 9th April 2012 Mon. 7th May 2012

Spring Bank Holiday Mon. 4th June 2012 Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Mon. 4th June 2012 Queens Diamond Jubilee Tues. 5th June 2012 Elgin Holiday § Mon. 25th June 2012 Summer Bank Holiday Mon. 6th Aug. 2012 Mon. 13th Aug. 2012 Lossiemouth Holiday ‡ Elgin Holiday § Mon. 3rd Sept. 2012 * substitute, as this holiday falls on a weekend or other bank holiday ‡ includes Hopeman & Burghead § includes Lhanbryde, Fochabers, Garmouth, Kingston, Mosstodloch, Spey Bay and Urquhart

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

/HLVXUH &RXUVHV VWDUWLQJ LQ $XJXVW DQG 6HSWHPEHU Afro-Latin Drumming & Percussion Archery for Beginners Cake Decorating/Sugarcraft Circuit Training Creative Writing

Tuesday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Dancing for Fitness and Health Thursday Flower Arranging for Beginners Wednesday German for Beginners Tuesday Indian Cookery Tuesday Introduction to Aromatherapy Tuesday Introduction to Internet & Email Wednesday Italian Cookery Tuesday Laughter Yoga (Hasyayoga) Wednesday Perfect Your Home-Made Christmas Dinner Tuesday Personal Presentation - Skin Care & Make-up Tuesday Pilates Tuesday Pilates Level 1 Monday Pilates Level 2 Monday Salsa Dancing Monday Spanish Beginners Tuesday Spanish Intermediate Thursday Yoga Monday

30 Aug 11 06 Sept 11 29 Aug 11 30 Aug 11 06 Sept 11 08 Sept 11 15 Sept 11 21 Sept 11 30 Aug 11 23 Aug 11 30 Aug 11 07 Sept 11 06 Sept 11 31 Aug 11 15 Nov 11 30 Aug 11 13 Sept 11 12 Sept 11 12 Sept 11 29 Aug 11 30 Aug 11 1 Sept 11 19 Sept 11

7pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm 5.30pm - 6.30pm 2pm - 4pm 6.30pm - 8.30pm 7pm - 8pm 7pm - 9pm 7.30pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm 7pm - 9pm 6.30pm - 8.30pm 6pm - 9pm 6pm - 7.30pm 6pm - 9pm 6.30pm - 8.30pm 7.30pm - 8.30pm 7pm - 8pm 5.30pm - 6.30pm 6.30pm - 8.30pm 6.30pm - 8pm 6.30pm - 8pm 7pm - 8.30pm

6 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 6 weeks 12 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 10 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks

Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Speyside High School, Aberlour £49.60 Elgin High School, New Elgin £24.80 Milne’s Learning Centre, Fochabers £62 Moray College UHI, Elgin £62 Moray College UHI, Elgin £31 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £55.80 Lossiemouth Community Centre £31 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £62 Moray College UHI, Elgin £74.40 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £46.50 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Speyside Community Centre, Aberlour £31 Moray College UHI, Elgin £31 Moray College UHI, Elgin £31 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £37.20 Moray College UHI, Elgin £46.50


To book a place on any of the courses above: Telephone 01343 576216 or email Board of Management of Moray College is a Registered Scottish Charity, No. SC021205

english4moray ESOL - English Classes for Speakers of Other Languages ÂŁ\ÂŁĂŠ ĂŠ- ĂŠ ,"1*-ĂŠUĂŠ ,ĂŠqĂŠ 6

For details and bookings Tel: 07922051930 XXX FOHMJTI NPSBZ DP VL t FOHMJTI NPSBZ!ZBIPP DP VL

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SpotLight School Term Dates

for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011 Winter Term Starts Monday 24th October 2011 In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011 Spring Term Starts Thursday 5th January 2012 Elgin High & Feeders Thurs. 9th Feb. 2012 Elgin Academy & Feeders Thurs. 9th Feb. 2012 Mid-term Holiday Friday 10th February 2012 Mid-term Holiday Monday 13th February 2012 Spring Term Ends Friday 30th March 2012 Good Friday Holiday Friday 6th April 2012

page 16 - September 2011

Summer Term Starts Monday 16th April 2012 Lossie High & Feeders Friday 4th May 2012 May Day Holiday Monday 7th May 2012 In-service Closure Thursday 17th May 2012 In-service Closure Friday 18th May 2012 Summer Term Ends Thursday 28th June 2012 for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 21st August 2012 Autumn Term Ends Friday 12th October 2012 Winter Term Starts Monday 29th October 2012 In-service Closure Monday 19th November 2012 In-service Closure Tuesday 20th November 2012 Winter Term Ends Fri. 21st December 2012

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District


Pamper Day Elemis Booster Facial or Deep Tissue Back Massage Relaxing Mini Scalp Massage Elemis Goodie Bag 2 Course Light Lunch Full use of the Leisure Facilities only £85 (£100 during weekends)

SEPTEMBER OFFER Leisure Club FREE JOINING during September at the Eight Acres!!! Call 01343 543551


3 Course Meal and ½ Bottle of Wine per person



Beauty treatments and therapies are also available in our Sonas Spa SUNDAY CARVERY every Sunday 12pm - 2.30pm EIGHT ACRES HOTEL CLUB EIGHT ACRES HOTEL&&LEISURE LEISURE CLUB Morriston Road, Elgin IV30 6UL

Morriston Road, Elgin IV30 6UL

Email: Telephone:01343 01343 543 077 Email: Telephone: 543077


222 2

2 God placed Himself in men’s hands when He sent Jesus Christ into the world as perfect God and perfect Man in one Being. He was then in man’s hands. They cursed Him. It was permitted. Men spit on Him. God allowed it.

God is in your hands, now‌ God has already set the day when you will be in His hands.

What He does with you then depends on what you do with Him now.

They called Him a devil. God withheld His wrath. Finally men arrested Him, gave Him a mock trial, flogged Him, nailed Him on a cross and hung Him between earth and heaven; and God allowed it.

Then it will be a “fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living Godâ€? Hebrews 10:31, if you have abused Him in your hands. In that day God will have only two verdicts: “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angelsâ€? Matthew 25:41, or You can do likewise, though Christ is not bodily present. “enter thou into the joy of thy Lordâ€? Matthew 25:21. The You can ignore Him. You can ignore His Book, the Bible. verdict that will fall upon you depends on what you You can laugh at His bloodbought salvation, curse His do with Christ now. followers, and laugh at hell. It is permitted. The eternal The Lord Jesus Christ is the only shelter in the day of Christ may knock at your God’s wrath; He is the appointed expression of God’s soul’s door, calling you to give love to us, demonstrated in His life, death, and resurrecup sin and prepare for heaven. tion. Through the Holy Spirit, He continues His love, You may refuse Him, spit on moving upon our human spirit and prompting our Him, call Him a devil, curse human conscience. You have no connection with God Him. It is permitted. or with heaven but through the Lord Jesus Christ. There You may take His Name upon your lips in oaths and is “one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus‌â€? I Timothy 2:5 curses if you so choose.

On the other hand, you may seek His favor, humble yourself before Him and beg His mercy, implore His forgiveness, forsake your sins, and commit your whole life to Him. He has said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.� Revelation 3:20

You may choose to be neutral, but that is delusion. You may postpone decision, so to speak. But, to the ear of God, the postponement is a flat “no.� This is your day. He is in your hands. In God’s day, when you are in His hands, there will be no postponement of sentence, no neutral place between heaven and hell, no mediator between God and man. No mediator - for He who is now mediator has already been appointed to be Judge in that day.

The choice is up to you. The latch is on your side of the door. The choice is yours: the revellings and pleasureseekings of this world or quiet communion with God; the ever burning lusts of the flesh or the powerful victory of Holy Spirit discipline. The choice is yours:

If you want mercy and pardon, you will have to get it now. God loves you, Christ died as a substitute for your sins on the cross. You have to receive Him for yourself; no-one can do it for you. But do it now.

He is in your hands - now.

“But G God od ccommendeth ommendeth H His is love love towards towards us us,, in tha that, t, we were sinners,, C Christ us.� while w ew ere yet yet sinners hrist died ffor or us .� RRomans omans 5 : 8


Visit a Gospel Hall near you this week


Published by Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290


Please send us details of Your events log on to email or call 01309 690063 diary deadline for october issue is Wednesday 7th september

SpotLight What’s On

AUGUST 29 monday to 31 wednesday ‘landscape and heritage’ exhibition by A.B. loveland photography, elgin museum

SEPTEMBER until oct 31 monday

grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit

7 wednesday

pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for details tel: 0844 493 2156

concert by the band of her majesty’s royal marines scotland, 7.30pm, elgin town hall, tickets £16 on sale at elgin library, tel. 01343 562600, in aid of SSAFA forces help and the royal marines charitable trust, organised by the rotary club of elgin

1 thursday to 30 friday

8 thursday

exhibition ‘paintings & pots’ by bill & claire smith, elgin museum, tel: 543675

3 saturday moray farmers market, elgin plainstones wrvs annual coffee morning, 10am-12noon, elgin high church hall, tea/coffee £2, all the usual stalls miltonduff public hall open day, 12noon-4.30pm, piper, BBQ, sports afternoon and ceilidh, for more details tel: 545360 kids’ drop in day - ‘fossils’, 2pm, elgin museum, an opportunity to handle fossils and take part in activities about them, £4 per child, with accompanying adult free, tel: 543675 for more details walk ten at belladrum’s italian gardens with marie curie cancer care, 6pm-10pm, enjoy a twilight stroll and raise money for the charity, visit the website at to register

3 saturday to 24 saturday photography exhibition ‘wild in moray’, 10am-8pm, the gallery, elgin library, wild life by allan adam & sea scapes by jim robertson, for more details contact allan adam tel: 540810 or 07974 959804

4 sunday 30th moray marathon, 9.30am, cooper park, elgin, visit for details antiques & collectors fair, 10.30am-4pm, lhanbryde community centre, admission £1 (children free), in aid of community centre funds, charity registered in scotland sc029433 grampian motorcycle convention, 11am-5pm, in association with the bon accord motorcycle club, the north’s premier motorcycle event! vintage, classic and modern bike parades, classic racer demonstrations, trade shows, arena trials, super motos and the famous scottish championship moped marathon! SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

international forest film festival - winners presentation, 6.30pm, eden court theatre, inverness, free, for details and to book visit a history of spynie palace, 8pm, lossiemouth library, an illustrated talk by lynda dean, free entry, for further details tel: 813334


Elgin City Centre from 10am - 5pm

SATURDAY 17th SEPTEMBER 2011 and Enjoy the tantalising sights & drink smells of Moray at our food day extravaganza. However, this y food will be more than just Mora rating celeb and drink as we will be including the Rugby World Cup and taking tastings from many countries part in the tournament to ing. Offer tish Scot complement the Test your rugby skills with the tained Rugby Inflatable and be enter and by Bubbles the Clown, Elgin Reel. District Pipe Band and Nae n to win Enter our special competitio theme prizes and visit the special tions nstra demo Food street market. and much more

For ongoing developments visit:

September 2011 - page 19

SEPTEMBER 2011 continued

10 saturday coffee morning, 10am-12noon, st. giles church hall, greyfriars street, elgin, various stalls, £2 entry order of eastern star coffee morning, 10am-12noon, the masonic hall, aberlour, £1.50, all welcome, proceeds to local charities


11 sunday

Nairn Community & Arts Centre

car boot sale, 9am, baxter’s staff car park, in aid of mateite agricultural development project in sierra leone, cars cost £6/vans £10, free customer parking

Your local venue for films, shows, concerts and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.

2 friday grand auction, viewing from 6pm-7pm, auction starts at 7pm, miltonduff hall


17 saturday themed market to celebrate national food & drink fortnight, 10am-5pm, elgin plainstones, by elgin BID in partnership with moray farmers market western front association - the railway operating division, royal engineers, in the great war - niall ferguson, 2.30pm, the gallery, elgin library, contact derek bird tel: 870562, email chairman.wfasnb@ or visit

31st Aug- 4th Sept........ Nairn Book & Arts Festival 10th Sept .................Highland Russian Connection Family Ceilidh 30th Sept .......................................... Cinema Nairn “The Kids are All Right” 2010(PG) For further details Telephone 01667 453476, e-mail, or check out our website at

17 saturday to 21 wednesday sale of withdrawn library stock, 10am-12noon mon, weds, sat; 2.30pm-5pm/5.30pm-8pm tues, thurs, aberlour library, tel: 01340 871693 for details

25 sunday

18 sunday car boot sale, 9am-12noon, lhanbryde community centre, £7 per boot or indoor table, tel: 843025, in aid of community centre funds, charity registered in scotland SC029433 heritage open day, 10.30am-3.30pm, baxters highland village, come along and discover your heritage, free activities for families, and displays from heritage groups across moray, free admission, contact baxters tel: 820666 or visit for further details

laigh o’ moray vintage charity rally & fun day, inchkeil steading (on the elgin/burghead road, 4 miles west of elgin), in aid of the friendship fund for people with MS, contact morag davidson tel: 01309 676815 or gordon mckenzie tel: 01343 541665, adults £5/OAP’s £3/children £2/ under 5’s free edinkillie community hall committee autumn teas afternoon, a great opportunity to walk/cycle to dunphail for refreshments and live music entertainment, email

21 wednesday

29 thursday

masayuki kino & mami shikimori, 7.30pm universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170

21 wednesday to 24 saturday

blayz : electric string quartet, 7:30pm, st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit for more details, tickets available from

‘get moray reading’ book festival, st giles church, elgin, sponsored by elgin BID, yeadons and supported by the scottish book trust

23 friday the moray society lecture ‘archaeological sciences’ by alison cameron, doors 7pm, elgin museum aly bain & phil cunningham, 8pm universal hall, findhorn, £16/£14, tel: 01309 691170

HOW tHe “WHat’S On” WOrKS all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or money-making) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like an enhanced listing (white box) this costs from £41 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. deadline for October Issue is Wednesday 7th September.

page 20 - September 2011

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

Cinema Nairn

Visit or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details

Cinema listings September 2011 Eden Court Theatre, Inverness The Skin I Live In (15) One Day (12a)

Visit or call 01463 234234 for details

Moray Playhouse, Elgin

New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit

Highland Spiritual Cinema

Monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that inform, enlighten and entertain. For further details please visit or telephone 01463 237452

Vue Cinema, Inverness

From Friday 2nd Fright Night 3D (tbc) Apollo 18 (tbc) From Friday 9th Jane Eyre (tbc) Friends With Benefits (tbc) From Friday 16th Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (tbc) The Change Up (tbc) From Friday 23rd Drive (tbc) Crazy, Stupid, Love (tbc) Killer Elite (tbc) Warrior (tbc) From Friday 30th The Debt (tbc) Abduction (tbc) Shark Night 3D (tbc) KidsAM Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am Tickets £1.25 / VIP Tickets £2.75 Senior Screenings Every Tuesday afternoon Tickets £3.05 / VIP Tickets £4.55 Includes tea/coffee & biscuits

Visit for details

Portessie Public Hall

Regular films including Saturday matinees. For further details email

Universal Hall, Findhorn

Showing films through the year Visit or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

September 2011 - page 21

OCTOBER 2011 in brief

SEPTEMBER 2011 continued

30 friday quiz night, 7pm for 7.30pm, garmouth village hall, in aid of mateite agricultural development project in sierra leone, entry £2.50 per person to include tea/coffee and biscuits at the interval, sales tables moray branch of UNICEF fundraising quiz with a difference, 7pm for 7.30pm, johnston’s of elgin, £10 including punch & buffet, wine/soft drinks available, raffle, teams of 4, to reserve a table contact tricia tel: 551482 or irene tel: 544600 craig campbell, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, tickets £12, tel: 850111, visit the bevvy sisters, 8pm universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8/£6, tel: 01309 691170

Craig Campbell - The Loft Venue Friday 30th September 8pm “Bringing a tale to life like a young Billy Connolly” (The Edinburgh Evening News) Over 16’s. Tickets £12 Tel: 01343 850111

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the bar and club

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until 31 monday pictish throne exhibition at brodie castle, during normal opening hours, on loan from the national museum of scotland, included in tour of the castle, contact brodie castle for details tel: 0844 493 2156 1 saturday to 29 saturday exhibition ‘seashore’ by jessie white, elgin museum, tel: 543675 1 saturday quiz night in lhanbryde community centre with raffle, 7pm for 7.30pm, £2 per person, teams of up to four, BYOB and nibbles, (all proceeds go to community centre funds), registered as a charity in scotland : sc029433 2 sunday automobile autojumble, 9am-3pm, one of scotland’s largest autojumbles, over 60 stalls selling everything associated with land travel and transport from small parts to complete vehicles grampian transport museum, alford, tel: 019755 64517 or visit 3 monday to 29 saturday art exhibition ‘seashore’ by jessie white, elgin museum, tel: 543675 6 thursday printed times : history of the northern scot, 8pm, lossiemouth library, join editor mike collins as he reveals the history of the newspaper, free entry, for further details tel: 813334 7 friday ivan drever, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, tickets £10, tel: 850111, visit 8 saturday guide dogs for the blind 80th anniversary coffee morning, 10am-12noon, st leonards church hall, forres, the usual stalls plus guide dogs merchandise 13 thursday the magnets : the acapella singing and beat-boxing sensation, 7:30pm, st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £15/£7.50, visit for more details, tickets available from 20 thursday to 25 tuesday western front association - branch battlefield tour to the somme, arras and ypres, contact derek bird tel: 870562, email or visit 28 friday the moray society lecture ‘the archaeology and facts about culbin’ by cathy maciver, 7pm, elgin museum 29 saturday des horsfall’s kuschty rye, 8pm, the loft venue, kinloss, ‘pass-the-hat’ gig suggested £5 donation, tel: 850111, visit

Moray Dance

Tel 01343 555175 14-18 Thunderton Place, Elgin


PLACES STILL AVAILABLE ZZ JAZZ AP AND NOW JA ES IN FORRES - BALLETT,, TTAP ASSES CLASS W CL NE NEW Elg in Community Community Centre on, Wed Wed & S at Centre - M Elgin Mon, Sat M ues emorial Hall H ll Hopeman - T Memorial Tues L ossiemouth C ommunity C entre - T hu Lossiemouth Community Centre Thu F orres C entre - T hu ommunity C Forres Community Centre Thu IInstitute nstitute Hall F ochabers -F ri h Fochabers Fri DON ’T DEL AY BOOK TTOD ODAY!!! TEL: 07917533516 DON’T DELAY TODAY!!! Email: page 22 - September 2011

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District





20% %


Summer Clo Clot othing ot Clothing


and CAPTAIN’S TABLE CAFE TTraining raining Centre Centre



Moray Steiner School HARVEST FESTIVAL & OPEN DAY Children’s Activities, Cafe, Crafts, Produce & Preserves, Books and Food Stalls School Tours and Music

Ignite a Love of Learning In Your Children Steiner education follows a unique curriculum designed to work with the whole child developing physical, emotional and intellectual well being. It is through the use of art, story and music and by exploring the senses that everyday learning is brought to life. The children discover for themselves an enthusiasm for learning that stays with them throughout their lives. Discover more about this education at

Moray Steiner School

Saturday 1st Oct. 11am till 3pm

Affordable fees and funded places are available for the under fives.

Drumduan House Clovenside Road Forres Telephone 01309 676300

Come along to our Open Day or call 01309 676300 for a tour of the school

For ages 3 to 15 years


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ELGIN 01343 548844

Cruise Week

FORRES 01309 672203

19th – 24th September Come along and receive expert advice at either of our retail outlets Monday – Saturday, 9.00am – 5.00pm Cunard, Carnival, P&O, Princess, Norwegian Cruise Line, Fred Olsen, Hurtigruten, Royal Carribean, Celebrity, MSC, Swan Hellenic, Cruise and Maritime Voyages, Voyages of Discovery, Regent 7 Seas, Crystal, Silverseas, Holland America, Costa, Azamara, and more..!

2-6 South Street, Elgin

Beaver Travel, 78 High Street, Forres Have you got your tickets for Cinderella at Eden Court this Christmas? Beaver Travel is a ticket agent for Eden Court, with NO booking fees.

Delivering fresh local produce to your Door to Inverness, Evanton, Black Isle, Nairn, Forres, Elgin and Lossiemouth

Scotgro, Broombank Farm, Auldearn, Nairn

Scotgro can deliver a box containing a selection of fresh local vegetables from our Nairnshire farm to your doorstep. Subscribing online for a regular weekly or fortnightly box is easy – you can even tell us which vegetables you don’t like so that we know not to put them in your box.

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Mini £10 (1-2 people) Box £12 (2-4 people) Crate £16 (4-7 people)

01309 676807


Chef’s Confidential As the nights draw in, this is a great dish that is quick to prepare and can be done in advance, perfect for supper with friends

Prawn and Whitefish Curry 2 Green Chillies 2 Onions - thinly sliced 3cm Fresh Root Ginger 2 dessert spoons Green Thai Curry Paste 400grm can Coconut Milk 1 teaspoon Garam Masala 225grm cooked and peeled King Prawns 500grm firm White Fish (pollock, haddock, cod) 1 tablespoon Vegetable Oil 3 teaspoons Tumeric Powder Cut the stalks from the green chillies, slice thinly. If you prefer to have your curry not so hot, de-seed the chillies. Peel the root ginger and shred into fine matchsticks. Place the onions and chillies in a frying pan with the vegetable oil on a medium heat to soften the onions. Add the ginger and curry paste, garam masala and 2 teaspoons of the tumeric. Put the coconut milk into a measuring jug and fill to ž litre with boiling water. Pour the milk mixture into the frying pan and simmer for 10 minutes to reduce slightly. Dice the white fish into chunks, and toss with the king prawns in the remaining tumeric. This can be set aside until you are ready to eat. Just before you are about to eat, heat the sauce up and when simmering add the fish and prawns, cook for 5 minutes until the fish is cooked and the prawns thoroughly heated. Serve with boiled rice. For added flavour garnish with freshly chopped coriander. Penny Ellis, Owner Knockomie Hotel, Forres tel: 01309 673146


Express Menu Dine in our stylish restaurant, The Grill Room, and enjoy a delicious, beautifully presented meal prepared to the highest standards at our fantastic Express Menu price!

2 course only ÂŁ14.95 3 course only ÂŁ19.50 Must be pre-booked and quote ‘Express Menu’ when booking

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The M&C Loyalty Card. The rewards are truly surprising! Starting September 2011

1 West Road, Forres IV36 2GW 01309 696940

Summer 2011 has proven to be rather wet and cool in the North East. Our usually favourable climate here is due mainly to the prevailing wind being from the south-west, but this year there has been an awful lot of wind from the north and east – not great at any time of year. On top of a very severe winter, followed by the driest March and April for years, then offered one of the coolest wettest summers for years, it is no surprise to be told when we visit “our” lawns around the area that gardens have been very slow and disappointing, poor vegetables and poor flowers. Lawns have been struggling too with many stressed lawns showing signs of Red Thread fungal disease. I mentioned this emerging last time and now it is fairly rampant across the whole of the North of the UK (the wet bit)! Symptoms are patches of brown/pinkish grass, looks like it’s drying out or dying. It is not fatal, the frosts clear it up, but until then, once you have it, it remains unless you put on a fungicide (though September is probably too late). Moss is getting going now with poor weather and stressed grass not standing up for itself. Moss is the No.1 problem we see in these parts, the main causes being Cut too short – weakens grass, poor colour Damp/shaded conditions Compacted ground – often just an age thing Thatch build up – old dead material etc Keen gardeners, TV gardening programmes, magazines and GreenThumb, all recommend aerating and scarifying the grass in the autumn/winter. You can try doing this with a garden fork and raking out, but most agree this is a job best tackled with machines. Some jobs are just not hand tool jobs ! Some gardeners have small electric lawn rakes which are fine for taking off surface moss, but it just comes back again since the cause of moss growth remains unchanged, usually thatch and compacted ground.

We use a large blade scarifier to chop through thatch (under which moss grows and thrives) and remove it from the lawn.

Aerator & Scarifier

We also have a big, heavy aerator with hollow-core tines to take out thousands of cores from compacted ground, easing compaction, and improving draining and ventilation in the root zone. It also leaves space for the grass to produce new roots and new grass. Golf clubs and bowling clubs do this all the time for the same reasons. Finally, try and keep falling leaves off the grass for all sorts of reasons For more information about seasonal lawn improvements from just £15 per qtr, plus useful downloads and photos go to or contact Alastair or Fiona for a FREE lawn analysis on 01667 404774. Although GreenThumb is a national franchise with over 200 branches across the UK, we are locally based in Cawdor and cover the whole Moray Firth area.



Dreaming of... ...a cruise

Celebrity Silhouette launched in June 2011 capacity for 2,880 passengers.

One of the most rapidly expanding sectors of the Travel Industry is Cruising. It can be described as living in a luxury hotel, which moves from destination to destination, and there is no need to pack or unpack your suitcases more than once! Fewer than one third of the British population go on Cruises, although it is double that number in the USA. The market has seen steady growth, driven by innovation and the quality of the experience. There are large capacity increases being launched all the time, so what might have seemed like a very exclusive mode of transport historically has become much more available to the seasoned holidaymakers. Born out of the need to take Mail and certain important goods round the world, cruising has evolved from being a byproduct of a necessary industry to an industry in itself. There are still certain types of working boats that will take passengers as well, but the predominance of Cruise liners today are purpose-built and very luxurious. They are large ships with all the facilities, such as sports, health and wellbeing Spa facilities, as well as theatre and cultural entertainment. There is a perception that cruising is very formal and only for the older generation, but that is changing. The average age of Cruising people comes down each year, and ships are coming into service to cater for different needs. Some prefer to do a Fly Cruise, where you join the ship in an already exotic or interesting destination. Some prefer a Fly and Stay, where they join the ship and before or after their cruise they spend some time in that country. Some prefer to depart and return to a home port, negating the need to fly at all. Although the prices sometimes look expensive, you have to remember that all your meals are normally included in the price, and the only things to spend your money on are drinks. Imagine spending a day in an interesting European city, retiring to the ship for dinner and a good night's sleep, and then waking up in the morning in another fascinating destination. That's Cruising!

Quen Elizabeth 2 (fore) and Queen Mary 2 meet in Sydney Harbour

Information kindly supplied by


2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV


The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is one of our most charismatic if elusive mammals, and whilst otter populations have suffered serious decline, numbers in the north of Scotland have remained relatively stable. This is probably due in part to not having suffered the pollution problems of elsewhere in the UK , and partly down to quieter roads. Road kill is a major factor in declining otter populations as otters hunt over large areas, often crossing roads.

To see otters, first of all I'd suggest looking for signs of activity. Start off by looking around an incoming stream. Whilst they may live and hunt in salt water, they need a freshwater source to clean the salt from their fur. Look for otter droppings (spraint) on top of rocks above the high tide line. The males do this to mark their territory. Also look out for part eaten fish and remains of crabs, which indicates a feeding site. The best time to look for them on the coast is at dawn or dusk, about 2-3 hours after low tide when the incoming tide is at it's fastest. Ideally you will need flat calm conditions, and look for the v shaped ripple that the otter makes as it swims. Otters are distinguishable from seals as the tail comes out of the water when they dive. Otters are well camouflaged when onshore and you will need to watch very closely for any movement to spot them. Binoculars are essential. Once spotted , you may be able to enjoy watching them for some time as they hunt, forage and play on the shoreline. Small prey they will eat in the water, lying on their back. Larger ones they will come ashore to eat After last months article on pine martens, I had a phone call from a reader whose son had seen a brown animal with a light patch on its front swimming in the canal. Could this be a pine marten? The answer is yes. Pine martens are strong swimmers and the only mammal better in water is the otter!

Ian MacLeod runs Wild West Offering wildlife safaris in the Great Glen and surrounding areas.


Contrary to popular belief, we only have one species of otter in the UK and this is a freshwater species - the sea otter is only found in the northern pacific. The Eurasian otter is a nocturnal mammal, mainly active at night explaining why we rarely see them inland during the day. However, those that have chosen to live in coastal waters are much more active during the day as their movements are dictated by the tides.

Next month: The red deer rut



Water babies You will find that there are many benefits and pleasures to be had by bringing your baby swimming at an early age. It is considered that it is appropriate to take a baby to a swimming pool from the age of six months onwards providing that the conditions are right e.g. warm water, adequate changing facilities etc. Health professionals do not consider that the immunisation programme should affect the opportunity to go swimming. However, please remember that the chemicals in the water may have an effect on a very young baby and that the water temperature will chill them quickly. It has been proven that babies who develop their swimming abilities at an


early age are normally very alert for their age and may progress in crawling and walking more quickly. If you start early enough your child will not have had a chance to develop a fear of the water as a baby is naturally at home in an aquatic environment. You will have the pleasure of seeing your child growing into a relaxed and confident swimmer at an early age which will not only make him/her safer playing near water but will prove to be a valuable form of recreation and exercise which everyone can join in on. You will also find the exercise helps your baby to sleep well.

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With our in-house embroidery service Dallas Designs Ltd should be your Primary choice for School Uniforms, Club Jumpers or Teams Shirts. Our fantastic quality and service makes us a League above the rest. A full selection of clothing is available on request. For further information or details on our other services please give us a call!

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Our intimate award winning Restaurant offers a mix of modern and traditional menus with a few Scottish favourites. As a great alternative, visit the Hotel’s Bistro and enjoy a superb selection of food in a less formal atmosphere. Only the finest of fresh local produce is used in both Restaurants and the Hotel boasts a fine selection of wines from around the world.

Restaurant 12pm 2pm and 7pm 9pm Daily Bistro 12pm 2pm and 6pm 9pm Daily For table reservations please contact


The Haugh, Elgin, Moray Iv30 1aw


Tel: 01343 548811.

Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher VoucheronVoucher Voucher Voucher Voucher food from the Bistro or Restaurant Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher Voucher valid until end of November 2011 and must be stated Voucher Voucher Voucher at time Voucher of booking. Voucher Voucher



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spotlight Magazines



Anderson & England ..........................................................11 Anderson Removals ..........................................................10 Ashley Ann..........................................................................39 Baxters of Speyside............................................................13 Beaver Travel ......................................................................25 Big Sky Print ........................................................................5 C & S Ames Tapers ..............................................................9 Christie’s Heating & Plumbing ..........................................27 Covesea Café ....................................................................35 Creative Piano ....................................................................10 Duffus Inn ............................................................................6 Eight Acres Hotel................................................................17 DH Fitness ............................................................................3 Dallas Designs....................................................................33 Delta Electrical....................................................................38 Dittmar Herrnkind Your Handyman ......................................9 Divine Gifts..........................................................................25 DLP Storage ......................................................................10 Elgin Library........................................................................23 English 4 Moray..................................................................15 Excel Scotland Ltd................................................................9 Fairleys Solicitors..................................................................9 Findhorn Marina & Boatyard ..............................................23 Fitness League ..................................................................10 Forres Tree Services ..........................................................15 Gordon Scott Chartered Accountant ................................25 GreenThumb Inverness......................................................29 Harrison’s ............................................................................7 ilash Theatre ......................................................................15 Ian’s Handyman Services ..................................................15 JNK Kitchen Studio ............................................................35 Joanne Newsome Canine Behaviourist ............................15 Knockomie Hotel ................................................................27


2 , *9 7 0* (2

Advertisers Index

spotlight Qr Code

577, 8

Kylauren Homes ................................................................24 Mackenzie & Cruickshank..................................................27 Mansion House Hotel ........................................................34 Mark Valentine Joinery Services ........................................33 McCalls ..............................................................................33 McDonald & Munro ............................................................23 Moray Coast Veterinary Group ............................................3 Moray College ....................................................................15 Moray Council Leisure........................................................32 Moray Dance School ..........................................................22 Moray Steiner School ........................................................23 MRD Flooring......................................................................23 Nairn Community & Arts Centre ........................................20 Planet BBK ............................................Outside Back Cover Reid Furniture ....................................................................36 Roof Wizard ........................................................................25 Rose Abbey School..............................................................6 Scotengineering ................................................................35 ScotGro ..............................................................................25 Simone Herrnkind German Tutor ......................................15 St Giles Shopping Centre ....................................................2 Sue Taylor Zumba ..............................................................38 The Blind Spot ......................................................................9 The City of Elgin BID ..........................................................19 The Granary Bar & Club ....................................................22 The Green Home ................................................................16 The Loft Venue....................................................................37 Unique Beauty ..............................................Front Cover & 3 Universal Hall......................................................................22 Varis Training ......................................................................13 Wheelchair Care ................................................................13 Words by the Wayside........................................................18


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tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight on Elgin, Lossie and District

Come in and see what’s new. NOW OPEN

The refurbishment of our Elgin kitchen and bedroom showroom is now complete. It’s quite a transformation and we hope that you will agree that it was well worth any inconvenience caused while it was closed. The finished result is stunning with classic and contemporary new styles, fantastic design ideas and amazing storage solutions. On show alongside our award winning Metris displays we are also showing our new Fusion range and our Classic Painted collection. All our kitchens and bedrooms are manufactured at our Highland factory with fantastic build quality which we have continued to update over the past 25 years. Our skilled manufacturers, designers and installers will continue to offer unrivalled quality and service and we look forward to welcoming you to our stunning new refurbished Elgin showroom.

ELGIN: 27 Tyock Ind Est 01343 545155 Also at: INVERNESS: 18 Carsegate Rd 01463 711548

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Bathrooms that are out of this world Visit Planet today and see our beautiful designer bathroom brands including Duravit and Speyside Furniture at fantastic sale prices.


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