Forres September 2010

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The North’s Favourite FREE wee mag’!

Picture by Keith J Bissett, Copyright

In this issue...... Clubs & Societies 3 Pooches & Pedigrees 4 Pastoral Letter 6 Church Details 6 Council News 10/11 Property Review 12/13 What’s On 15/16/17/18 Whales and Dolphins 19 Chef’s Confidential 24 School Dates 26 Useful Contacts 28 Tide Times 28 Local Holidays 30 Advertisers Index 30 SAMPLE ADVERT RATES Box £23.37 Big Box £45.10 ¼ Page £82.00 ½ Page £155.80 Business Profile £265.68 Full Page £295.20 Enhanced Listings in What’s On pages from £25.60 All rates are per month plus VAT and based on a Black & White 12 month series. Deadline for October issue is Wednesday 8th September Call 01309 690063 for more details. SpotLight on Forres is published by Winterburn Media Ltd, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss IV36 3UA All material contained within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publishers prior consent, will be considered to be a breach of copyright.

SpotLight - Forres and District

DROP-IN @ NO1 LEASK ROAD Every Friday 10am-4pm, tea, ground coffee & biscuits. The place to bring, and meet, old and new friends. Hospitality, a listening ear, friendship & christian lending library. Whether you’re a mum with a toddler or, like some of us, a certain age, we welcome you to your friday meeting place FORRES AREA FORUM Meets on the second Wednesday of every month, 7-9pm in Forres Community Centre. For everyone who cares about Forres. Contact Jennifer Collins 676964 or email forresareaforum@ FORRES ACCORDION & FIDDLE CLUB Meets second Wednesday each month from September May, Victoria Hotel, Forres. All levels & ages welcome. Contact Ann Sharp 672672 FORRES CAMERA CLUB Meets Thursdays, SeptemberApril in Town Hall. All levels and ages welcome. Contact Eric Leitch 07881 673627 FORRES CURLING CLUB Season runs September to March at Moray Leisure Centre. Coaching available. Contact Ann Munro 690332 or email FORRES HOUSE BRIDGE CLUB Meets Wednesdays 7.15pm from September to April at Forres House for social Bridge. Contact Margaret Rankin 675353 or Forres House Community Centre 672838

FORRES OAP’S Recommences Wednesday 1st September, new & old members, Forres Town Hall, 1.45pm, teas & raffles, entertainment, contact June Kirk (secretary) tel: 673194 FORRES RAMBLERS Meets 1st Saturday of each month at 9.30a.m. at bottom of car park (opposite Applegrove School). Contact Carolyn Boyd 672286 FORRES ROTARY CLUB Meets Thursdays 12.30 for 1.00pm at the Ramnee Hotel. Contact Les Hester 672282 FORRES TENNIS CLUB “All ages, all abilities, all welcome”. Club Nights Friday evenings, courts available from 6.30pm. Come along and enjoy social tennis where there will always be someone to partner up with and have a game! Contact Julia Thomas 01343 890742 FORRES TOWNSWOMENS GUILD Meets 1st Wednesday monthly, St. Johns Church Hall. Contact Joan Tomkinson 673847 FORRES / VIENENBURG TWINNING ASSOCIATION Contact Mrs Jean Samuel 675027 FORWORDS The Forres Writing Group, Meets fortnightly 7-9pm. For more information phone Lesley on 675693 or email Helen at GIRLGUIDING MORAY Two Rainbow units, four Brownie units, four Guide

units and a Senior Section Unit in Forres and Kinloss. Contact Maxine Chappell 675501 or email GRANT PARK BOWLING CLUB Open daily 1pm-4pm & 6pm9pm, April to September. Non-members & visitors £1 per session, all levels & ages welcome, coaching available, contact Jim Hasman 673062 HIP HOP DANCE CLASS Movement to music classes for children aged 3-16 years in Forres (Mon); Findhorn (Tues) & Kinloss (Weds). Contact Tanya Meager 07507 558685 JOG SCOTLAND (FORRES GROUP) Meets Mondays 6.30pm, all welcome. Walk and jog your way to better health. Contact 676595 or 673859 MACMILLAN CANCER RELIEF (FORRES BRANCH) Contact Sheila Warrener 672216 MORAY MODEL RAILWAY GROUP Contact David Jackson 675441 MORAY & NAIRN FLORAL ART CLUB Enjoy flowers? Come and watch talented flower demonstrators at work. Meets 2nd Wednesday each month Applegrove Primary School Contact May Bichan tel: 01343 850634

If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. Not all clubs will be listed every issue. September 2010 - page 3

Calling all Pooches, Pups and Pedigrees!!!

Let your dog take you somewhere interesting! Hey dogs, are you fed up of that same old same old walk? well I’ll let you into a secret - Forestry Commission Scotland in Moray and Aberdeenshire manages over 60,000 hectares of land with over a third of that in Moray alone! That means lots of good spots for a walk and a sniff. I’m Tinker, a terrier who just loves those big open spaces and all those trees. I thought I would tell you about just two of the little gems that there are locally. Not up for anything strenuous then how about the white walk at Torrieston? The forest here is accessed from a car park on the Pluscarden Road near Elgin. The white walk is a perfect short walk of around a mile. It has been designed for all abilities of dogs (and humans!). The walk meanders through the pine plantation and down to the tranquil waters of the Black Burn. There are three other walks leading from here, they climb through majestic Douglas Fir and Scots Pine and onto Heldon Hill. For those younger pups out there, what about a climb up Whiteash Hill to the Duchess of Richmond Monument? Whiteash has a great car park at Winding Walks, on the A98 near Fochabers. From here follow the red and blue walks right up to the top. To combine these is a walk of a little under 5 miles but is well worth the view from the top. There is plenty of history in this forest to keep those humans busy whilst you run and play. Not got time to visit the top then try the maze of paths through a dramatic gully which are the Winding Walks themselves. The original paths and bridges were built in the 19th century under the auspices of the Duke of Gordon. Dogs contribute towards a healthier life by: • Encouraging more active lifestyles and reducing stress page 4 - September 2010

through taking regular walks, even on the dullest of days. • Making people feel more confident and less conspicuous when out for a walk. • Acting as an icebreaker for contact with others. • Helping children develop better social skills. • Preventing loneliness and isolation for older people. • Reducing their owners’ blood pressure and doctors visits. • Giving independence to over 5,000 people with disabilities such as mobility and visual impairments, deafness and epilepsy. The forest provides a fantastic place for dogs to get some exercise and air. Their owners benefit too. However it is also a place many other users go for some quiet time and a place packed with wildlife that may not like your dog!!

Here’s what Forestry Commission Scotland says about dogs Forestry Commission Scotland welcome dogs to their sites but we do ask that their owners look out for them and keep them safe. Most of our staff are dog owners and we are all keen to promote the land we manage as fun and interesting places for your dog. Please keep your dogs under close control (within sight) or on a short lead. Dogs are welcome off lead but please they need to be under good verbal command so as to not upset other users or wildlife, or to stray into areas they may be at risk of harm. In certain locations and at certain times of year, Forestry Commission Scotland asks that all dogs are on leads, for example in the breeding season for many ground nesting birds. Forestry Commission staff are happy to provide guidance on where and when we may require this (and we provide signage is conservation sensitive areas). We are also very keen to offer alternative walks for these sensitive times. If you have any queries about access or dogs in the countryside check out If you have any queries about access on Forestry Commission land then please get in touch with the District Office (01466 794161) and staff there will be pleased to advise you. The last word from Tinker - get out and enjoy the woods even without a dog. “WOOF!”, Tinker

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Picture by Maggie Grigor, Copyright

Where does morality come from? How do we know what is right or wrong; who decides, and how? Like many Christians I believe that all morality stems from God. I do not however believe that the Bible should be treated like a car repair manual to be carefully followed in every particular - that leads to fundamentalism. Whilst I do not think God’s view of His creation changes, I do think our human understanding of Him does change. For instance in parts of the Bible we find that it was acceptable to keep slaves, similarly in the oldest writings of the Old Testament we find that child sacrifice was practised; both things we would not want to do today. There are many other similar examples of common practices in the Bible that would be out of place today. We grow and evolve and our understanding of God and His world changes. Christianity properly practised is about growth to a full spiritual maturity, as indeed is much of the teaching in

many of the other world religions. Jesus, well aware of our common human failings, and need for growth throws the responsibility for understanding morality back on us. In Matthew Chapter 7 verse 1 he enjoins us not to judge others something humans are all too prone to do. Of course the greatest commandment of all which Jesus quoted from Hebrew scripture is: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:28-31) He quoted this to a crowd of the intelligentsia of his day, to remind them of their responsibilities which they singularly appeared to have forgotten, but more importantly he

Lighthouse Church meets every Sunday at Forres Academy. Coffee at 10.15am, Service starts at 11am. tel: 672215 or email Edinkillie Parish - Church of Scotland Sunday Worship 12noon. Contact Mrs A. Young (Session Clerk) 611271 St. Leonards Church meets every Sunday at 10.30am for Family Service and 6.30pm for Evening Worship, tel: 641239 or (For services at Rafford and St Michael’s Dallas please contact St Leonards.) St. Margaret’s Catholic Church mass on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 10am. Contact Father Barnett tel: 01667 453323 Caroline Street Gospel Hall Gospel Meeting every Sunday at 6.30pm. For more details tel: 674375 email: Rafford Church meets every Sunday at 9.30am for FamilyService, our praise is from CH3 and Mission Praise. After the service

page 6 - September 2010

was giving them, as he gives us, guidance on how to make the world a better place, but leaving us to work out for ourselves the full meaning of the words. Today in some circles it has become fashionable to claim that religion is the cause of the world’s ills. Of course some people have done terrible things in the name of God but to blame religion for their failings is mistaken. Three of the worst world leaders, Pol Pot of Cambodia, Mao Tse Tung of China and Stalin of Russia, who caused more suffering and death than any others were avowed atheists. It is people who cause problems, not religions, and if we blame the world’s ills on institutional religion, we abrogate our own moral responsibilities. Tony Gilbert Senior Chaplain for RAF Lossiemouth and RAF Kinloss

we enjoy fellowship over a cup of tea and a biscuit. Contact Anne Garrow (Session Clerk) 672930. St. John the Evangelist Church meets every Sunday at 8am for Communion and 10am for Family Service tel: 672856 or email: St. Laurence Church meets every Sunday at 10am for Family Service, tel: 672260 email: Kinloss, Findhorn & Alves Church of Scotland Alternating weekly, Kinloss and Findhorn, at 10am, and Alves 1st Sunday of each month 11.30 am. Contact 690931 or 690349. Moray Grace Fellowship Meets Sunday mornings 10.30am in Alves Village Hall. Contact Vic Cameron for more details tel. 850142 email or online at If you are a member of a church not listed here please email us the details and we will print this in future issues.

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright

extraCts froM the Draft Minutes of the MeetinG of thursDay 17th June 2010 of forres CoMMunity CounCil

Police Report • forres area beat figures are included within a wider area however there was nothing to report. CC McKenzie raised the issue of traffic speeds in st leonards road by young speedsters and asked Constable Dornan if something could be done by way of speed cameras. it was also noted that the speed sign in leys road was positioned in the wrong place. this would require to be addressed by Moray Council as they were the responsible parties for the erection of these signs. CC McDowall commented on the elderly and those with zimmers who require crossing this section of road and suggested there should be a 20 MPh limit. Public Session • Mr Mcewan of forres taxis raised the issue again of road situation at Waterford. Cllr Bell had advised at previous meeting he would get back to him on this issue. he also asked of the long term future for Waterford Circle. it was believed that Chief executive of Moray Council - Mr alastair Keddie had advised that it was uneconomical. two reports from 2006 referred to contamination and that it would be dangerous. Moray Council had intimated to two prospective businesses they would have to clean up the contaminated land prior to use. • forres in Bloom representative advised they are busy planting and window boxes and tubs are now being installed • CC smith asked what the situation was with respect to the new health Centre and was it getting down sized. Cllr Bell was on the health Board but could not answer this query as he was not present. CC hellyer stated that leachcoil was being run down and not fully in use. CC hayward to request andrew fowlie of Grampian nhs to attend with Community Council to give an update on situation. • the issue of the under 13s having to page 10 - September 2010

pay to use the football pitch was unacceptable and where was the alternative. CC hellyer said that the roysvale ground was Common Good land and wanted to see a football pitch there but Moray Council had disputed that it was Common Good land. Secretary’s Report • CC hellyer referred to letter received from Moray Council Chief executive dated 24 May 2010 in response to his letter from CC dated 4 april 2010 re Community support unit and that he had been misinformed as the meeting which took place with helen shaw was in his shop in forres. our administration is through tracy rae who reports to the Chief executive. a letter would be sent by Chairman John Bremner to Mr Keddie. • late opening of tesco re. the selling of hot food only and for an interpretation of the license with regard to ‘catering’. Moray Council had refused the Matrix Garage on nairn road to sell food on late opening hours owing to its residential situation. Chair’s Report • Chmn John Bremner referred to letter on Consultation re funding of Community Councils. he referred to oP2 appendix B which was to be answered with the same options as before and that appendix a was not acceptable. External Groups Report • Mount Dora - CC Duncan advised two american students would be arriving saturday lunchtime on an exchange visit to forres and staying with local families. • CC Mackenzie advised heritage fee for heritage trust limted would be £7 to open nelson’s tower and the tolbooth and hoped that Moray Council would pull out all the stops for this to go ahead. he also advised he had received a letter from the rector of forres academy for pupils to enter the tolbooth. he would invite Mr Campbell to move items from the downstairs part of the tolbooth asap tel: 01309 690063


“ Blog ”

I was lucky enough to get along to Speyfest in Fochabers for some fantastic music from musicians who had travelled from near and far, as had the audience. The atmosphere was great with some great stories being swapped in between the lively foot-tapping efforts of the musicians. For me the highlight was Calum Stewart opening for Capercaille. It was great to catch up with Calum who, as well as being able to charm an audience with phenomenal flute playing alongside Breton guitar marvel Heikki Bourgault, is also a former neighbour of mine! Celtic supergroup Capercaille then played with a brilliant set.They are a band I have followed for many years and it took me back to my previous career as a radio journalist when I played them as the top track on an Austrian radio show about Scottish music. I can say with some confidence that a great Speyfest was had by all! Angu s Robert son MP The Scottish Parliament is in summer recess allowing me to catch up on a range of constituency visits and surgery tours. I also get the time to visit the dozens of summer fetes and shows in Moray and catch up with my constituents in a more informal setting. I take my hat off to the volunteers that run these events and keep the community spirit alive. My young sons probably enjoy these events even more that myself because they get to tour Moray’s bouncy castles and lucky dip stands! I also find that I am a lot luckier when I get my sons to pick the tombola tickets and so far they have won me sparkling wine and various tins of soup. I am hoping for more of the former because my kitchen cupboard is already overflowing with soup. Richard Lochhead MSP SpotLight - Forres and District

for the setting up of a youth Cafe. Treasurer’s Report • Balance = £653.15. Cheques made to forres in Bloom, association of Community Councils, the falconer Museum, lunch Club and special Projects. Balance therefore at half year mark = £337.45.

A.O.C.B. • Cllr young had spoken with Dr anderson regarding the football issue for youngsters and agreed that finance was a problem and it was hard times for all. it would be suitable for the summer league to take place at roysvale. Cllr Bell to address this matter. • the issue of travellers at King’s

OThER COmmuniTy COunCil COnTACTS Dyke landward Community Council: meets third Wednesday of each month (excluding august and December) 7pm at Dyke Village hall. Contact: Karen hamilton (secretary) on 641236.

meadow was again raised. CC hellyer advised that the Crown estates said ‘no’ to leasing ground therefore why can’t we have the same courtesy to refuse travellers on Common Good land. Council was advised Cllr ogilvie did not know where the travellers sites were yet to be. Date of next Meeting • thursday 16th sept. 2010 at 7.30pm

Findhorn & Kinloss Community Council: meets last thursday of every month (excluding July and December) 7.30pm at alternate venues. Contact: Mr tim negus (secretary) on 691823.

Is it the right time to buy? SpotLight property market survey ‘As safe as houses’ - a phrase that we often hear to reflect something that is beyond risk and a solid investment. In the last few years the national media would have us believe that the property market is no longer ‘as safe as houses’. But how much of this is scaremongering to make a good story, and how much of it is actually based in truth. Below is a table of house values across the whole of the UK including Scotland, which shows price movements over the past 35 years, moving from an average house price (adjusted to take into account inflation) in 1975 of £75,188 to the current level of £168,719. We can see from the graph that there has been a general movement upward with occasional periods of falling prices, most notably in the period 1990 to 1995, and then 2007 to the present time. But it can be seen that these periods are generally temporary and in the past growth has returned relatively quickly.

Real House Prices Sources Nationwide Building Society

£190,000 £170,000

Base 2010 Q2 Trend from 1975 Q1 to present Trend = c2.9% per annum

£150,000 £130,000 £110,000 £90,000 £70,000










DCLG mix-adj House Prices - Regional 2000-2010 So what has been happening in Scotland? In the graph to the right we see that average house prices in Scotland overall have risen from approximately £75,000 at the beginning of 2000 to approximately £162,000 at the end of June 2010.

price GB £000s 360 340 320 300 280 260

United Kingdom England London South East SCOTLAND


More regionally still, in 2010 it now appears that Glasgow, Edinburgh and the Central Belt have now begun moving into a more stable growth situation with the rest of Scotland (including the North more generally and the Moray Firth Coast in particular) hot on their heels (source Lloyds TSB Scotland).

220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60

Property professionals in the Moray Firth region have reported increased levels of sales activity generally, with prices starting to firm up.

40 20 0 2000 2001










house cont.

SpotLight property market survey cont.

The next table shows average house prices in each of the “SpotLight Regions” (apologies to residents in Nairn where the volume of sales was not sufficient to draw accurate average figures).

Inverness £270,069 £149,565 £138,166 £116,100 £175,760

Aug 2010 Detached Semi Terraced Flat All

Forres £259,200 £130,900 £116,692 £101,378 £157,312

Elgin £263,887 £145,065 £108,948 £108,999 £197,501

Buckie/Keith £191,285 £127,380 insufficient data £120,500 £149,163

New house developments are ‘springing up’ all along the Moray Firth Coast and below are a number of the more prominent sites: Developer



prices from




Robertson Homes

Hamilton Gardens, Duffus Heights, Elgin




0845 890 9448

Robertson Homes

Darliston, Elgin




0845 890 9448

Robertson Homes

Westercraigs, Inverness




0845 890 9448

Robertson Homes

Westercrags, West Wing




0845 890 9448

Kylauren Homes

Meadow Lea, Nairn



65 lots

01667 452508


Glassgreen Gardens, Elgin




01343 552550


Dunkinty, Elgin




01343 552550


Knockomie Meadows, Forres

3, 4



01343 552550


Letterfourie, Buckie

2, 3, 4



01343 552550


Linkwood, Elgin

3, 4



01343 552550


Moravia Apartments, Elgin

2, 3



01343 552550


The Coach House, Elgin




01343 552550


The Paddock, Alness

Tulloch Homes

Inverness Area

Tulloch Homes

Kirkhill, Black Isle

Scotia Homes

Hamilton Gardens, Elgin

Scotia Homes

Fairways, Muir of Ord

3, 4 £152,500 8 6 Various developments of different styles

01343 552550

01463 772556




01463 229300

3, 4



0800 0855 455

3, 4, 5



0800 0855 455

So - is it the right time to buy? This is up to you but some of the relevant facts are laid out above to assist you in making this decision - happy house hunting! Article edited by the SpotLight Property Consultant.


5 sunday

3 friday

car boot sale, 11am-3pm, garages adjacent to findhorn village centre, come and grab a bargain and find some treasure, for more information and to book a slot call the findhorn village centre 692339 showjumping, mundole equestrian, forres, tel: 07901 602042 or visit

forres academy reunion lunch, 12.30pm for 1pm, mosset tavern, gordon street, forres, contact vima tulloch for details tel: 675959 the band of her majesty’s royal marines scotland, 7.30pm, elgin town hall, tickets £16 from elgin library tel: 01343 562600 the wall youth music festival - in aid of lossie high climbing wall, 8pm-10pm, station park, lossiemouth, music from ‘soul casino’ (uk finalists in live & unsigned), ‘dead rabbit’ & ‘nny’, bbq & snack stall calum carlyle & friends - free friday, the loft venue, by kinloss, tel: 01343 850111

members day, 9am, mundole equestrian, forres, tel: 07901 602042 or visit ‘the dinner party’ - cookery demonstration by john mccruden of chapter one, 7.30pm, nairn community & arts centre, tel: 01667 453476 or visit

8 wednesday

Calum Carlyle and Friends The Loft Venue

orienteering at grant park, forres, 5.30pm-6.15pm, choice of 2 different courses to test your fitness and map reading skills, suitable for all ages from beginner to expert, £3 adults/£2 juniors, visit for details moray & nairn floral art group opening meeting, 7.30pm, applegrove primary school, forres, contact may bichan tel: 01343 850634 or see the entry on p3

Friday 3rd September FREE ENTRY Free Friday Gig with singer-songwriter Calum Carlyle, bass player Sam Bradley and Tim Holehouse. Tel: 01343 850111 or visit

4 saturday lodge st john coffee morning, forres town hall carve carrbridge 2010, elgin museum medieval themed open day, 11am4pm, meet members of the historic saltire society in full regalia, visit the wall youth music festival family day- in aid of lossie high climbing wall, 1pm-5pm, station park, lossiemouth, music from ‘180 live’, ‘3dr’, ‘superfast jellyfish’ & others; stalls; car boot, bouncy castle & much more fashion show in aid of highland hospice, 7.30pm, nairn community & arts centre, tel: 01667 453476 or visit elgin city social club - clark stewart, in aid of club house stair lift, 8pm, elgin city club house, singing everything from frank sinatra to michael buble, £7, tel: 01343 551114 or 01343 541305 after 6pm comann nam parant inbhir narainn celidh featuring “chompin’ at the bit”, 8pm til late, nairn british legion, adults £6/under 16’s £4, tickets 01667 453082 or 453068 SpotLight - Forres and District

6 monday

9 thursday the theatre bus - ‘calendar girls’, 1.30pm at eden court theatre, inverness, coach pick up points along a96 from keith to nairn, ticket & coach £27 (approx.) tel. 01343 850282

10 friday dyke garden club - ‘fruit trees and fruit’ by sandy mcfarlane-grieve, 7.30pm, dyke village hall, contact 641342 or 641565

10 friday & 11 saturday forres flower show, forres town hall

11 saturday farmers’ market, from 10am-2pm, anderson’s school playground & forres house community centre, locally produced beef, cheeses, bread, fish, eggs, vegetables, chocolate, preserves and arts and crafts, contact anne marie 691616 ‘duncan meets cape breton’ - traditional music concert, 7.30pm, nairn community & arts centre, visit

September 2010 - page 15

SEPTEMBER 2010 continued

19 sunday

11 saturday continued

12 sunday

hunter trial, mundole equestrian, forres, tel: 07901 602042 or visit free walk & talk for speakers of other languages, 2pm, lossiemouth east beach, come for a walk & practise speaking english, meet new people, all welcome, visit or contact angela innes tel: 07922 051930 cawdor 10k, staging though cawdor castle, visit for details

british dressage & unaff, mundole equestrian, tel: 07901 602042 or visit

20 monday tel: 01667 453476 hans theessink, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8, contact 690110 ‘north sea gas’ - musical, 8pm, the warehouse theatre, lossiemouth, £10, contact 01343 814004 or visit to book

13 monday members day, 9am, mundole equestrian, forres, tel: 07901 602042 or visit cinema nairn - a canterbury tale (u), 2pm, nairn community centre, king street, nairn, £4 aduts/£3 under 18’s, visit for details elgin museum roman food talk & taste, 7pm-9pm, learn the delights & unusual tastes of the romans, ticket £5-first 50 only visit rscds forres branch classes commence, 8pm-10pm, lesser town hall, forres, tel: 673325 for details

17 friday ceilidh in aid of dr graham’s homes in kalimpong, india, 7.30pm-11pm, croy village hall, tickets available at cawdor and croy village stores and the village green, cawdor, music from the inverness fiddlers, stovies & trifle, byob dean friedman, 8pm, the warehouse theatre, lossiemouth, contact 814004 or visit to book tom hingley - free friday, the loft venue, by kinloss, tel: 01343 850111

Tom Hingley at The Loft Venue Friday 17th September FREE ENTRY Inspiral Frontman frontman returns to The Loft to amuse and entertain with new tunes, inspiral classics done on a ukelali and other amazing feats. Tel: 01343 850111 or visit

18 saturday uganda aid person to person, 10am-12noon, forres town hall, £1, cntact marlyn somers tel: 675089 orienteering at aberlour, 10.15am-11am, speyside high school, another event in the moravian's saturday series using a brand new map of an area never used before for orienteering, £3 adults/£2 juniors, visit terry oldfield and soraya, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £12/£10, contact 690110

page 16 - September 2010

medicine & compassion - a public talk by chokyi nyima rinpoche, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, advice on how to expand our ability to be compassionate, on a daily basis, tickets £10 (concessions available), organised by gomde trust, scottish charity sc040361, tel 0778 453 1420 or email

Medicine & Compassion Monday 20th September 7.30pm £10 Public talk by Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche. Advice from a Tibetan Lama on how to expand our ability to be compassionate, on a daily basis even when confronted with sickness, death, grief and bereavement. The Universal Hall, Findhorn. Organised by Gomde Trust, Scottish Charity SC040361 Tel 0778 453 1420 or email

21 tuesday - 23 thursday the five powers - a 3 day seminar based on the meditation practices of a classic buddhist text, given by chokyi nyima rinoche, organised at hardmuir woodland by gomde trust, scottish charity sc040361, further details tel 0778 453 1420 or email

23 thursday o duo:percussion duo, 7:30pm, st christopher’s chapel, gordonstoun school, nr elgin, £12/£6, visit for details or tel: 01343 837917

24 friday worlds biggest coffee morning, forres town hal rscds forres branch 60th anniversary buffet dance, forres town hall, £12, tel: 673325 for details music nairn present ivan ilic piano, 8pm, nairn community centre, playing bach, beethoven, liszt, chopin/godowsky & ravel, tickets £12/£10/£2, tel 01667 404763

25 saturday living food at cawdor castle, 10am-5pm, organic food festival, visit for details

Advertise your event here from only £25.60 plus VAT. Call 01309 690063 or email Deadline for October issue is Wednesday 8th September

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Cinema Nairn 13/9 A Canterbury Tale (U)

Visit or contact Nairn Community Centre on 01667 453476 for details

Cinema Listings September 2010 Vue Cinema, Inverness From 3/9 Jonah Hex (15) Dinner for Schmucks (15) The Switch From 10/9 Resident Evil: Afterlife (15) The Runaways From 17/9 The Other Guys (12a tbc) Just Wright From 24/9 Eat, Pray, Love (12a tbc) Cyrus (15)

Eden Court Theatre, Inverness The Girl Who Played With Fire (15) The Secret In Their Eyes (18) Tamara Drewe (15) The Illusionist (PG) White Material (15) The Rebound (15) Jasper, Penguin Explorer (U) The Fall of the House of Usher (15) London River (12A) Beautiful Kate (15) Gainsbourg (15) The Karate Kid (PG) The Concert (15) Splice (15) Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (U) Skeletons (tbc) Sexy Beast (18) King of New York (18) Dead Poets Society (PG) Breathless (PG) Cleo from 5 to 7 (PG) My Night With Maud (PG) plus many others

KidsAM - Every Saturday & Sunday at 10.15am - 95p per ticket Senior Screenings - Every Tuesday at 12.30pm - ÂŁ3 inc. refreshments

Visit for details

Visit or call 01463 234234 for details

Moray Playhouse, Elgin New Screenings begin on Fridays Call 01343 542680 or visit

Universal Hall, Findhorn Showing films throughout the year. Visit or call 01309 691170 for details. SpotLight - Forres and District

September 2010 - page 17

SEPTEMBER 2010 in brief cats protection coffee morning, 10am-12noon forres town hall, £1, contact penelope smitten 01343 850315

crafts, jewellery, dresses, bags, fudge, chocolate & many other things to make you smile, have a mini pampering session with local therapists, admission £2 (including a raffle ticket), profits to macmillan cancer support & maggies highland

Mad Ferret Festival at The Loft Venue

27 monday

25 saturday CONTINUED

Saturday 25th September Tickets £25 Twisted Wheel, Figure 5, Vigo Thiefs, Them Beatles, Dead Sea Souls, The 10 04’s, NNY, The Amphetameanies, Roots System, Rioteers & more!

members day, 9am, mundole equestrian, forres, tel: 07901 602042 or visit

Dyke Garden Club Programme for 2010 - 2011

Tel: 01343 850111 or visit

Dyke Village Hall Fridays 7.30pm

wee burgie one day event, visit or email highland-russia connection charity family ceilidh, 7pm-10pm, nairn community centre, featuring the monach isle ceilidh band, £3.50 at door, bar open for refreshments a promised land presented by theatre objektiv, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8, contact 01309 690110 mad ferret festival, the loft venue, by kinloss, £25, tel: 01343 850111

10th September - ‘Fruit Trees & Fruit’, Sandy McFarlane-Grieve 8th October - ‘Really Garlicky’, Glen & Gilli Allingham 12th November - ‘Hydroponics’, Jenny Stewart 10th December - ‘Christmas Night’ details to be arranged 11th February - ‘Shrubs For All Seasons’, Archie McLaren 11th March - ‘Sweet Peas’, Allan McGowan 8th April - AGM & ‘Garden Hints & Tips’ Visitors £2 / subscription £8 (September to April) Includes refreshments. Weekly raffle. Contact Chair 01309 641342 or Secretary 01309 641565

HOW THE “WHAT’S ON” WORKS all line listings are free send us details of any events coming up to Permissable events include any event open to the public (whether they have a ticket price or not, charitable or money-making) such as; pub music, entertainment, coffee mornings, fetes, fairs, rallies, walks, runs, sports, theatre, drama, car boots, markets, crafts, equestrian, fundraising etc etc... If you would like an enhanced listing (big white box) this costs £38.40 plus vat. Call 01309 690063 for details. Deadline for October Issue is Wednesday 8th September.

26 sunday unaffiliated dressage, mundole equestrian, tel: 07901 602042 or visit forres community market, 10am-2pm at bogton community gardens, all cars follow signs for entry from a96, pedestrians and cyclists can still enter from bogton road, tel: 691616 unique beauty ‘celebration of life’ fair, 12pm-4pm, portree community centre, portree, isle of skye, come along & enjoy music, dance, hand made page 18 - September 2010

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Whales and Dolphins around the Moray Firth At the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) we are only too aware of how much whales and dolphins have always fascinated us humans and that seeing these amazing animals in their natural environment is often a memorable experience. People tell us just that every day! If you choose the right site and invest a little patience, then you could glimpse one or more of the 24 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises recorded around the Scottish coast. If you do fancy getting out by yourself, with the family or the dog to see some of these creatures, then the Moray Firth is a fantastic area to see whales, dolphins and porpoises from land. The resident population of bottlenose dolphins tends to spend a lot of time close to the coast and can be very active, making them easy to spot. Porpoises are smaller and tend to be quite shy but with a bit of practice, they can also be seen around the coast. Even minke whales make regular

visits to some of the deeper coastal waters like Cullen Bay. Before you get out and about, there are some considerations that you will need to take onboard- a good set of binoculars for a start! In the Moray Firth area, the bottlenose dolphins and minke whales tend (not always though) to be seen more regularly in the summer months - watching in good weather (and earlier in the day) will increase your chances of sighting a whale or dolphin. On a windy day, waves and sea spray may obscure a dorsal fin breaking the surface. As for good viewing spots, there are countless great places from which you can watch for whales and dolphins in the Moray Firth. Top sites include; Cromarty Sutors, Chanonry Point, WDCS Dolphin and Seal Centre at North Kessock, Fort George, WDCS Wildlife Centre at Spey Bay, Cullen Bay, Broughty Ferry Castle, and Aberdeen Harbour. If you want to watch for whales and dolphins in comfort and with easy access to food and facilities, then the WDCS centre at North Kessock is ideal. From the Cullen Bay Hotel too, you can even look for minke whales through the dining room windows while you eat! Other sites such as Lossiemouth, page 19 - September 2010

Nairn and Spey Bay offer easy access to cafés and toilets. Fancy being guided by the experts? Then WDCS can help here too. Some of the best encounters with whales and dolphins are when out walking the cliffs and beaches, and if it is an all round encounter with nature that you are interested in then you could sign up to WDCS' PoD Plod, a brand new challenge event taking place in August, and created to help raise funds to protect the dolphins of the Moray Firth. The event is a 26-mile sponsored walk along the breathtaking Moray Coastal Trail from Findhorn Bay to Spey Bay….. the challenge is to do it in 2 days! Guided by Sarah Dolman, WDCS’s head of policy for Scotland, and Alice Pope, WDCS’s Scottish Conservation Officer, you will also be taken on a dolphin and wildlife boat cruise, look out for dolphins from viewing spots along the route, enjoy a reception and guided tour of the WDCS Wildlife Centre at Spey Bay and finish with a dolphin watching trip to Chanonry Point with resident dolphin expert, Charlie Phillips. No matter where or how you choose to go watching, a notebook and ID guide are useful to take with you. These will help you to make notes about what you are seeing and look up the details if you are not sure. If you spot something that puzzles you then WDCS now has a comprehensive species guide that can be accessed on-line through Make good notes and take pictures, then check them on-line when you get home. If you get hooked, then you could become a regular WDCS shore watcher. Contact our volunteer manager and we’ll get you trained up and watching the sea! It’s a vital part of what WDCS does as we use our shore watch data and other research to try to understand dolphin movements all year round and better manage potential impacts to them and their environment. For more information on the PoD Plod or Shorewatch go to Wildlife Centre 01343 820 339 Email:

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Featherblade Steak with Creamy Horseradish Mash, Root Vegetables and Whisky Jus At Knockomie, we pride ourselves on using the finest local produce and try to source as much of our food from local suppliers. Macbeth's Butchers has supplied Knockomie with their quality meats for 23 years. The Feather Blade cut of meat that we have used is a lesser known cut from the shoulder of the beast, however is one of the tastiest and I would say outshines fillet in comparison of flavour. Feather Blades are available from good local butchers like Macbeths or do ask at your local supermarket butcher/meat counter, if they don't have this do ask for a stewing steak such as Brisket. Ingredients (feeds two) 2 Featherblade Steaks (each weighing 250grms) Half A Celeriac (Roughly chopped) Half an onion roughly chopped Two Carrots (roughly chopped) Half Bottle Cheap Red Wine Six Pink Peppercorns Two Sprigs Fresh Thyme (or one sprig Rosemary) Two Bay Leaves Beef Stock (250ml) 25ml Benromach 10 year Old Whisky One Teaspoon Creamed Horseradish Butter to taste Cream to taste 6 Large Good Quality Mashing Pota toes (Maris Piper are ideal)

Method - Creamy Mashed Potatoes Cook your potatoes either in water (or in the oven with their skins on - once cooked spoon out the potato flesh) or drain well and then mash with either a masher or press through a sieve (a sieve will be hard work but is worth it). Season and add butter, cream and Horseradish to taste - I like to add a good bit of cream and butter as these are a chefs best friend ! After a very busy August at Knockomie we come into an exciting new season for food with a lot of game coming into season. You will be likely to see on my menus over the coming months, Guinea Fowl, Partridge, Pheasant, and my favourite Venison just to mention a few. Also in season is some lovely seafood including, Sea bass, Squid, Halibut, Scallops, Lemon Sole, and my favourite Monkfish will all make an appearance on the menus.

Method - Feather Blade Steaks Season Feather Blades with salt then seal in hot oil in a frying/sautee pan, then put in roasting tray, oven proof container with lid or slow cooker with the Red wine, peppercorns, thyme (or Rosemary) and bay leaves. Make sure steaks are covered by liquid and, if you need to, add some water then cover tightly with tin foil. Cook at 180°C / Gas Mark 5 for 2½ hours or until tender. After 1½ hours add the rustic vegetables and cook for remaining hour. Take out the feather blades then pass liquid through a sieve, reduce liquid by half and thicken with a touch of flour and feather blade juices, Add some Benromach 10 year Old Whisky (to taste). Pour over the beef and vegetables and serve with Creamy Horseradish Mash. page 24 - September 2010

In the vegetable and fruit corner, as well as our edible flowers and fantastic micro herbs (supplied by Speyfruits of Elgin) there will be some lovely fresh herbs, also some, Kale, Parsnips, Pumpkins, Spinach, Leeks and Butternut Squash just a few fantastic and tasty things that will be at their best! As always we look forward to welcoming you to Knockomie. Peter Norrie, Head Chef Knockomie Hotel, Forres 01309 673146

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Picture by Brian J smith, Copyright

School Dates for 2010/2011 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Ends Friday 8th October 2010 Winter Term Starts Monday 25th October 2010 In-service Closure Thursday 11th November 2010 In-service Closure Friday 12th November 2010 In-service Closure Monday 15th November 2010 In-service Closure Tuesday 16th November 2010 Winter Term Ends Wed. 22nd December 2010 Spring Term Starts Thursday 6th January 2011 Forres Academy & Feeders Thu. 10th Feb. 2011 Mid-term Holiday Friday 11th February 2011 Mid-term Holiday Monday 14th February 2011 Spring Term Ends Friday 1st April 2011

page 26 - September 2010

Summer Term Starts Monday 18th April 2011 Good Friday Holiday Friday 22nd April 2011 May Day Holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 In-service Closure Thursday 19th May 2011 In-service Closure Friday 20th May 2011 Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011 for 2011/2012 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 16th August 2011 Autumn Term Ends Friday 7th October 2011 Winter Term Starts Monday 24th October 2011 In-service Closure Monday 21st November 2011 In-service Closure Tuesday 22nd November 2011 Winter Term Ends Wed. 21st December 2011

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Picture by eric leitch, Copyright

SCHOOLS Andersons Primary School..........................(01309) 672887 Applegrove Primary School ........................(01309) 672367 Dyke Primary School ..................................(01309) 641275 Kinloss Primary School ..............................(01309) 690376 Pilmuir Primary School ................................(01309) 673034 Forres Academy ..........................................(01309) 672271

DENTISTS Dentist - Orchard Road................................(01309) 675544 Dentist - Leys ..............................................(01309) 673553

PHARMACIES lloyds Pharmacy ........................................(01309) 672614 rowlands Pharmacy ..................................(01309) 672784 Boots ..........................................................(01309) 673370

Police Station ................................................0845 600 5700 Bus Station, Elgin .......................................(01343) 544222 Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01343) 550088 Dalcross Airport ...........................................(01667) 464000 Dallas Village Hall .......................................(01343) 890243 James Milne Institute (Findhorn) ................(01309) 692365 Rafford District Hall......................................(01309) 674583 Forres Town Hall ..........................................(01309) 675140 Moray Council (Forres).................................(01309) 694000 Moray Council (Elgin) .................................(01343) 543451 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 Forres Library ..............................................(01309) 672834 Forres House Com Education Centre ........(01309) 672838

VETS Moray Coast Veterinary Group....................(01309) 672243

If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers please email these to us on

DOCTORS Forres Health Centre ....................................0845 337 1120 Leanchoil Hospital ......................................(01309) 672284 Dr Grays Hospital, Elgin................................0845 456 6000

LOW TIDE TIMES FOR FINDHORN BAY IN SEPTEMBER Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6


11.02 12.02 00.51 02.29 03.44 04.42

23.33 13.30 15.04 16.10 17.03

7 T 8 W 9 TH 10 F 11 SA 12 SU 13 M 14 T 15 W 16 TH 17 F 18 SA

AM 05.33 06.22 07.08 07.53 08.35 09.17 09.59 10.44 11.38 00.20 01.56 03.22

PM 17.52 18.37 19.21 20.03 20.45 21.29 22.14 23.08 12.53 14.26 15.39

19 SU 20 M 21 T 22 W 23 TH 24 F 25 SA 26 SU 27 M 28 T 29 W 30 TH

AM 04.19 05.02 05.38 06.11 06.42 07.11 07.42 08.11 08.41 09.14 09.50 10.36

PM 16.30 17.10 17.45 18.19 18.50 19.21 19.52 20.24 20.57 21.33 22.17 23.15

MacMillan Cancer Support Unique Beauty are holding a Celebration of Life Fair at Portree Community Centre, Portree, Isle of Skye on Sunday 26th September 12-4pm. Please come along & enjoy - music, dance, hand made crafts, jewellery, dresses, bags, fudge, chocolate & many other things to make you smile. Have a mini pampering session with local therapists - reiki, massage, reflexology & many other tasters available on the day. Admission £2 which includes a raffle ticket for approx £1,000 of prizes. Profits to MacMillan Cancer Support & Maggies Highland. page 28 - September 2010

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

Picture by rachael Jones, Copyright

Ace Adventure Ltd ............................................................14 Alastair Munro Plumbing & Heating ..................................8 Amanda’s Pet Grooming ..................................................22 An Easy Drive ....................................................................23 Aqualiss ............................................................................22 Bakehouse Cafe................................................................23 Beaver Travel ....................................................................22 Big Sky print Ltd................................................................22 C & S Ames Tapers ............................................................5 Can-Do Services ................................................................2 Canary Dwarf ......................................................................2 Cawdor Castle ......................................Outside Back Cover Dallas Designs Ltd ............................................................29 Delta Electrical Ltd ............................................................23 Dyke Garden Club ............................................................18 Earthshare ..........................................................................5 East Grange Activity Centre ..............................................14 Ferrari Horsefeeds ............................................................11 Firefly IT Solutions..............................................Front Cover Forestry Commision Scotland ..........................................29 Gateaux Regal ....................................................................5 Gomde Trust......................................................................16 Gold 375............................................................................27 Gordon Scott Chartered Accountant ................................29 Hand Drums, Carol Scorer ..............................................30 Helping Hands Forres ........................................................5 Highland Beauty Clinic......................................................22 Home Comforts by Sandra ..............................................22 Ian Fraser Decorator ..........................................................5 Jane Miller Tutor ................................................................11 Jaycees Computer Centre ................................................29 JC Chimney Sweep ............................................................8 Kaizen Fitness Studio..........................................................2 Kinloss Swimming Pool ....................................................23 Knockomie Hotel ..............................................................25 Lens Taxi’s ..........................................................................7 Les Hester Photography ....................................................7 Little Flower ......................................................................21 Logie Steading ..................................................................20 Mac’s Taxi ....................................................................15/21 Mackenzie & Cruickshank Ltd ..........................................20 Masonry & Lime ................................................................21 McClintock Opticians ........................................................21 McDonald & Munro ............................................................2

Moray Art Centre ................................................................9 Moray Pest Control ............................................................8 Mosset Tavern ....................................................................8 MRD Flooring ....................................................................21 Neil Matheson, Builder........................................................7 On a Roll..............................................................................7 Paul Etherington Decorator ..............................................21 Parkhead Lodge................................................................14 Physiofirst ..........................................................................21 Pitman Training ................................................................26 PM Designs ........................................................................7 Rafford Cycles ..................................................................20 Re/Max Coast2Country......................................Front Cover Robertson Homes (North) Ltd ..........................................13 Rock Academy of Performing Arts....................................18 Roof Wizard ........................................................................2 Royal Findhorn Yacht Club ..............................................25 Scotengineering ................................................................25 Smith & Castle Jewellers ....................................................8 Sound & Vision (Elgin) Ltd..................................................5 Springfield Properties Plc........................Inside Back Cover Stuart Allan Plumbing & Heating ......................................25 Stuarts Cycles ....................................................................7 Sylvan Firewood..................................................................7 The Crooked Inn ................................................................2 The Loft Bistro ....................................................................5 Thistle Roofing ....................................................................7 Time Out Cafe ..................................................................14 Ultimate Hair & Beauty........................................................8 Unique Beauty ..................................................Front Cover Universal Hall Ltd ..............................................................18 Watson Plumbing & heating ..............................................8 Wheelchair care ................................................................11 Wyvis Tree & Garden Services..........................................14 Younies Electrical Store ....................................................11

Holiday Dates 2010/2011 Forres Holiday Forres Holiday St Andrews Day Christmas Day * Boxing Day *

Monday 20th September Monday 18th October Tuesday 30th November Monday 27th December Tuesday 28th December

page 30 - September 2010

New Years Day * 2nd January * Forres Holiday

Monday 3rd January Tuesday 4th January Monday 18th April

* substitue day

tel: 01309 690063

SpotLight - Forres and District

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