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WORDS BY THE WAYSIDE “Thou shalt not covet” One of the many effects of covetousness is that it can drive us heavily into debt. Many of us enter into binding financial arrangements for loans, hire-purchase and mortgages, to cover the cost of things we have set our hearts on, but which we cannot afford. These things may be a bigger house, a better car, luxury holidays or some other possession which carries with it a status symbol. In this way, we find ourselves on a treadmill of our own making, with a crushing burden of debt, from which we cannot escape, because of our lifestyle. We will get no help from God to maintain a standard of living which we may yearn after, but which we cannot afford. “Let your behaviour be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have” (Hebrews 13:5). Another evil effect of covetousness is the bad example it sets to others. We all have our own own sphere of influence either for good or evil and this is particularly true of overseers and deacons-hence the reason that such men in the church must not be covetous (1 Timothy 3:3-8). If we are marked by covetousness then our example will have a leavening effect upon others: encouraging them to a similar lifestyle. Yet we Christians are still not content with such as we have. Self denial and godliness with contentment are out of fashion.
heart, our soul, our strength, our mind, and it has become an idol to us, worthy of all veneration. Those who are determined to have the things of this world will find themselves ensnared. They will discover that covetousness is addictive because each fresh acquisition only whets the appetite for more and more. If covetousness marks us as a Christian it is evident that we are finding our pleasure in earthly things and that we are depending on something other than God for satisfaction. God made us for Himself and our heart should find no rest until it rests in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It must grieve the Lord, who has redeemed us for Himself, to see us striving after the things of this life – clothes, food, job or profession, car, garden, fortune, pleasures, etc. to the exclusion of the higher spiritual interests of our own soul. It must also follow that if God is displeased with us then we cannot enjoy communion with Him until our life-style is adjusted in line with His will. We cannot expect to grow in divine things if our heart is occupied with material things. Covetousness not only includes the active pursuit of material things and earthly benefits which lie in our grasp, but also includes the passive smouldering desire to obtain that which our neighbour has but is impossible for us to achieve, and this awakens the spirit of envy and jealousy.
Therefore let us set our affections on things above and beware of covetousness for the Lord Jesus Christ “died for all, that they which live Covetousness is also idolatry. If we are covetous should not henceforth live unto themselves, we spare ourselves no pains to achieve our but unto Him which died for them, and rose desired object. We love that object with all our again” (2 Corinthians 5:15)
L Let et y your our b behaviour ehaviour b be e without ccovetousness; ovetousness; and b be e ccontent ontent with such things as y ye e ha have ve
Published by Words by the Wayside. Registered Scottish charity SC041290
Hebr ews 13:5 Hebrews
3 Critical Features to demand from Your New Vet... Moving to a new area is a challenging process for your family, your pet will be stressed by the process as well. At Moray Coast Vet Group we want you to know that we are here to help you and your pets settle into the area. Why would you use us? Well it’s simple really, we have been vets in this area for a very long time and can offer your pet the following 3 critical benefits: to a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Accredited Practice, Access meaning your pet will be treated to the highest standards. convenient surgery locations making it easy to get to us Four day and night. and well equipped surgeries meaning we can treat all routine Modern conditions without the need to refer your pet. So all you need to do now, for peace of mind for you and your pet, is call us to say ‘hello’ and we will do all that is necessary to register your pet with our practice. Oh, and we will call your old vet to request your pet’s existing notes, so we can be familiar with everything we need to know. Now that is peace of mind for your pet.
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clubs & societies HIGHLAND SPIRITUAL CINEMA Inverness-based film group with monthly screenings of uplifting and inspiring films that educate, entertain and enlighten. Visit: www.highlandspiritualcinema.net
Ceroc resembles the dance styles of Jive, Ballroom, Tango and Salsa and for complete beginners, there will be a 45 minute class where 3 or 4 of the easier moves will be learnt. After which there will be two or three records (freestyle) where the routines can be practised. No need to bring a partner as you will get the chance to dance with everybody! www.cerocscotland.com
AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS Self help group for families and friends of people with a drink problem, with meetings held locally throughout the Highland area. Call 020 7403 0888 for a local contact number in your area or visit: www.al-anonuk.org.uk
ARENA 96 BUSINESS NETWORK GROUP 28 March, Ramnee Hotel, Forres, 7pm-9pm. Friendly networking group for business people along the A96 corridor. No ongoing commitment or membership fees. £15 includes a meal and opportunity to meet other business owners and customers. Book at www.arena96.com
FORUM FOR MEN Meets every Wednesday at Macnabs Bar, 8pm. Social group for gay, bi and T-men. Look for the red post box! Email morgan@tramstop.org or text/call 07745 930383 for info.
LGBT 5K RUNNING GROUP Meets every Wednesday at Inverness Leisure at 6:30pm. Email jampa40@yahoo.co.uk or text/call 07941 553620 for info.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DECORATIVE AND FINE ARTS SOCIETIES (MORAY BANFF AND BADENOCH BRANCH) Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11am in the Sherwood Suite at the Eight Acres Hotel, Elgin. Monthly lectures on a
CEROC DANCING IN ELGIN Meets at Eight Acres Hotel, Elgin, Sherwood Suite every Monday, 7:30pm-10:30pm.
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variety of arts related subjects are delivered by experts from across the UK. New members always welcome. Contact Sarah Fennings-Mills: 01343 831002 or www.nadfas-in-elgin.org.uk CROMARTY BOWLING CLUB Outdoor at the Green - May Sept, Bowling for Beginners Fri 2pm - 4pm Indoor at Victoria Hall - Nov -Apr, Bowling for Beginners Fridays 2pm - 4pm Causeway, Cromarty. DINGWALL TAEKWONDO WTF Classes Tues 7.30pm, Dingwall Sportscentre, Fri 7.30pm Dingwall Academy. More than 45 years in the running. Black Belts advanced students only. Professional training and examinations.
INVERNESS FILM FANS Inverness Film Fans (InFiFa) Fortnightly at Eden Court for screenings & discussion. New members welcome. Details: www.invernessfilmfans.org INVERNESS RACING PIGEON CLUB Seeking new members young and old. Races held from Inverness to as far away as France with the North East Federation. All ages welcome. Call 01463 243038.
SOUNDS FAMILIAR SINGING GROUP A singing group for people with dementia and for carers in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. At Craigmonie Hotel, Inverness from 2:30pm 4pm. Contact for information and reservations: 01463 233231 or 01463 230803. Email: soundsfamiliarmusic@aol.co.uk
INVERNESS BLITZ American football, ages 11 to adult. All equipment supplied. Email info@invernessblitz.co.uk or call: 242431
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for inclusion in May Clubs & Societies page is Friday 29th March, 4pm. All clubs & societies are on a rotational basis.
INVERNESS TENNIS Bishop’s Road, Inverness, tel: 230751 or email: itsc.information@googlemail.com or visit www.itscnews.com
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As I write this, my mind is contemplating the natural order of things. There appears, to me, to be a real beauty in the change of seasons, especially as we move from Winter to Spring. The newness of life that Spring brings is a wonder to behold and motivates me to consider who is behind it all. We may all have differing views as to the answer to that, but one thing for certain is that it is indeed marvellous!
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PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS I hated the church back then - at least what I’d seen of it. I can remember storming out of church services, throwing chairs around, denouncing the clergy. I always thought there was something terribly wrong with it all - that it had just completely lost it’s way. I can once remember going into a Cathedral to pray, only to be confronted by a group of elderly people sat behind trestle tables insisting I give them money before being allowed in! My overall impression of the church, at that time, was one of deep hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness. I wanted nothing whatsoever to do with it. And yet... I couldn’t help warming to the man who, in his day, had had the courage to confront the hypocrisy of the religious leaders; the one who had stormed into the temple with a “whip of chords”, driving out the merchants, scattering the coins of the money changers and overturning their tables. I just couldn’t make the link between this deeply passionate man and the dismal assemblies that gathered in his name. It was only later on that I realised there were many within the so called “churches” who had not fully understood the reason for his coming. It seemed to me that they were like people selling the very finest soap that
money could buy, but because they themselves were so obviously “unwashed”, no one in their right mind would buy from them... They had failed to apply the very heart of his teaching to their own lives and in doing so - quite unwittingly - were turning many away from the Truth. On the one hand, they upheld the way of life embodied and proclaimed by the Master and yet, on the other, they seemed to have overlooked the very thing that made it all possible... In addressing one of Israel’s teachers, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born from above.” Nicodemus is confused by this statement and responds with the question, “How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!” (John 3:34) But Jesus was speaking of “the new birth"; the new beginning that He makes possible for all who will receive Him - “to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God, children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision, or a husband’s will, but born of God” (John 1:1213). It is this that lies at the heart of the Christian faith - the most extraordinary
Ardersier with Petty Parish Church, Church of Scotland Ardersier Sundays 10.15am. Petty Sundays 12 noon. Tel: 01667 462224. Avoch Congregational Church High Street, Avoch. Sundays 11.30am. Refreshments afterwards. Website: www.avochcongregationalchurch.co.uk Black Isle Charge Episcopal Churches 1 Deans Road, Fortrose. Tel: 01381 622241. Cale House, Church of Scotland Millburn Road, Inverness. Tel: 01463 718616. Christian Group in Inverness Tel: 07724 992790. Website: www.christian-group-inverness.org CityLife Church Mercure Hotel, Church Street, Inverness. Sundays 10:30am. Tel: 01463 714839. Email: info@citylifechurch.org.uk. Website: www.citylifechurch.org.uk Culduthel Christian Centre Culduthel Avenue, IV2 6AS. Sunday family service at 11am and evening service at 6pm. Phone 01463 222795. Minister: Rev Bill Slack. All welcome. Culloden Baptist Church Culloden Academy. Sundays 10.30am. Tel: 01463 794005. Email: culloden.baptist@btconnect.com. Website: www.cullodenbaptistchurch.org.uk Barn Church of Scotland Culloden. Sundays 10.30am. First and third Sundays of the month 6.30pm service. Website: www.barnchurch.org.uk Croy & Dalcross Parish Church Church of Scotland Croy Village. Every Sunday 12noon. Dalneigh & Bona Church of Scotland St Mary’s Avenue, Inverness. Bona Church, Lochend by Inverness: 10am. Dalneigh Church, St Mary’s Avenue, Inverness: 11.30am and 6.30pm. Tel: 01463 232439. Dingwall Baptist Church Tulloch Street, Dingwall. Website: www.dbc.org.uk Dingwall Castle Street Church of Scotland Website: www.dingwall-church.co.uk
6 - April 2013
thing; that He has in fact made a way for us to be made new... for the slate to be wiped clean... for our hearts to be healed, and for our lives to be transformed. Despite all of my reservations... it happened to me. As I became aware of His true identity as God’s only Son; realising that He had died for my sins and risen from the dead in confirmation of His unique identity, I was finally moved to acknowledge my need of a Saviour. And then... renouncing all that was displeasing to Him, and reaching out towards Him in prayer - as promised - He poured His Holy Spirit into my heart to make me new! It was simply that decision to hand over control of my life to Him... And O, what joy to find the Saviour... and to be part of this wonderful family that is His Church! Jesus said “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full... If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink” (John 10:10, 7:37)
Howard David Grace Community Church
Dingwall Catholic Church, St Lawrence 21 Castle Street, Dingwall. Tel: 01349 863143. Dingwall Episcopal Church, St James The Great Castle Street, Dingwall. Tel: 01349 862204. Website: www.stjames-stannes.org.uk Dingwall Free Church High Street. Sundays 11am and 6pm. Website: www.deep-river.co.uk Ferintosh and Resolis Free Church Rev. Chris Smart. Website: www.ferintosh.org.uk Free North Church Bank Street, Inverness. Tel: 01463 224332. Website: www.freenorthchurch.org Fortrose Free Church, 5 Church Street, Fortrose, IV10 8TE. Sunday: 11.30am and 6pm. Website: www.freechurch.org Grace Community Church Inshes Primary School. Sundays 10.30am. Email: thenewseed@yahoo.com Highland International Church Palace Hotel, 8 Ness Walk, Inverness, IV3 5NG. Sundays 11am. www.hicinverness.org.uk Hilton, Church of Scotland Tomatin Road, Inverness. Tel: 01463 233310. Website: www.hiltonchurch.org.uk Inshes, Church of Scotland Sir Walter Scott Dr, Inverness. Tel: 01463 226727. Website: www.insheschurch.org Inverness Baptist Church 69 Castle Street. Rev. Tom Urquhart. Tel: 01463 223506. Email: tajurquhart@btinernet.com Inverness Christian Fellowship Millburn Academy, Diriebught Road. Sundays 10.30am. Website: www.icfchurch.co.uk Inverness Church of God Friars Lane. Sunday 10.30am and 6.30pm. Tel: 01463 241318.
This is listed alphabetically from A to I and will regularly be rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please let us know before 29th of March, 4pm.
tel: 01309 690063
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USEFUL INFORMATION Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days Good Friday British Summertime Begins Easter Monday Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Local Holiday ‡ Summer Bank Holiday Local Holiday ‡ British Summertime Ends Local Holiday ‡ St Andrew’s Day
Fri 29th Mar 2013 Sun 31st Mar 2013 Mon 1st Apr 2013 Mon 6th May 2013 Mon 27th May 2013 Mon 1st Jul 2013 Mon 5th Aug 2013 Mon 7th Oct 2013 Sun 27th Oct 2013 Mon 4th Nov 2013 Mon 2nd Dec 2013
Christmas Day Boxing Day
Wed 25th Dec 2013 Thurs 26th Dec 2013
2014 New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday Local Holiday ‡ Local Holiday ‡ Easter Monday May Day
Wed 1st Jan 2014 Thurs 2nd Jan 2014 Mon 3rd Feb 2014 Mon 3rd Mar 2014 Mon 21st Apr 2014 Mon 5th May 2014
‡ Inverness
School Term Dates Spring Term Ends Thurs 28th Mar 2013 Good Friday Holiday Fri 29th Mar 2013 Easter Monday Holiday Mon 1st Apr 2013 Summer Term Starts Mon 15th Apr 2013 May Day Holiday Mon 6th May 2013 Summer Term Ends Fri 28th Jun 2013 for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Regional Closure Mon 19th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Starts Tues 20th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Ends Fri 4th Oct 2013
Regional Closure Winter Term Starts Winter Term Ends Spring Term Starts Holiday Closure Holiday Closure Regional Closure Regional Closure Regional Closure Spring Term Ends
Mon 21st Oct 2013 Tues 22nd Oct 2013 Fri 20th Dec 2013 Mon 6th Jan 2014 Mon 17th Feb 2014 Tues 18th Feb 2014 Wed 19th Feb 2014 Thurs 20th Feb 2014 Fri 21st Feb 2014 Fri 4th Apr 2014
Useful Contacts Ardersier Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 462658 Beauly Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782930 Black Isle Leisure Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 621252 Bus Station, Inverness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239292 Citizens Advice Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08444 994111 Cromarty Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 600318 Culloden Academy Community Complex . . . . . 01463 792794 Culloden Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 792531 Dalcross Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 464000 Fortrose Community Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 622235 Highland Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01349 886606 Inshes Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 725928 Inverness Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 667500 Inverness Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236463 National Rail Enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 Police Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08456 005703
DOCTORS Beauly Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782794 Burnfield Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 220077 Cairn Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712233 Cromarty Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 600224 Culloden Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 793400 Crown Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0844 576 9977 Drumnadrochit, Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 450577 Dunedin Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712157 Fairfield Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 713939 Fortrose Medical Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08444 772497 Foyers Medical Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 486224 Kingsmills Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 235245 New Craigs Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 704000 Riverside Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 715999
8 - April 2013
Raigmore Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 704000 RNI Community Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 706966 Strathlene Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 870843 The Aird Medical Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782214 The Surgery, Munlochy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 811200 Southside Road Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 710222
DENTISTS 21 Kingsmills Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 233416 Abban Street Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 718140 Academy Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 232423 Burnfield Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 241515 Black Isle Dental Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01349 877082 Castle House Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 234598 Dalneigh Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 243767 Dental Clinic, New Craigs Hospital. . . . . . . . . . 01463 704000 Fraser Street Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 242344 High School Dental Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 235468 Inshes Dental Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 794949 Inverness Dental Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 255866 Ness Bank Dental Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236295 Riverside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 226358 Southside Surgical Dentistry Centre . . . . . . . . 01463 710760 Southside Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 710760 Torwood Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712772 Dental Helpline .........................0845 6442271 Other useful numbers including village halls and community centres, vets, and schools are rotated on a regular basis and will appear in subsequent issues. If you would like to add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please let us know before 29th of March, 4pm.
tel: 01309 690063
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PARLIAMENT BLOG & TIDE TIMES You may have missed it, but investment in the oil and gas sector is in the pipeline for waters off Scotland and set to be of the order of one hundred billion pounds. My job, as energy minister, is to make sure that, working with the sector, we secure as much of that investment for companies in Scotland. Here in the Highlands we see the continuing success of Global Energy Group based at Nigg. But increasingly, all over the country, we see jobs being created in a vibrant sector. We were of course told, mostly by self-appointed experts based in London that "the oil will run out in ten years." They were nothing if not consistent. They told us this in the seventies - and they were wrong. Then in the eighties and they were wrong. And then in the nineties when they were wrong again. A hat trick of havers! Now it is clear that our oil and gas reserves, worth over a trillion pounds, will last for several decades to come- and in fact may still be extracted at the end of this century. What is not appreciated much though is this important fact: The oil and gas industry in Scotland is increasingly an international business. In fact, half of the total earnings they make are made from work done overseas. I have visited around 70 to 80 companies in the twenty one months I have been minister. They exemplify some of the most exciting and dynamic businesses in the world - and we are truly world leading in subsea and other technologies perfected in the harsh environment of the North Sea and West of Shetland. This month I lead a Scottish business trade delegation to Brazil which is a market of over $200 hundred billion. In fact, wherever oil and gas is discovered and extracted all over the world, it will not take you very long before you hear a Scottish accent! Fergus Ewing MSP
The revolution that texting has brought to communications is something that can easily be taken for granted. But it is increasingly becoming a tool that our local charities are discovering can help them maximise their income from donations. Last month, I learned firsthand what a difference it is making when I chaired an exciting Charity Fundraising Techniques & Tools ‘JustTextGiving’ event at the Spectrum Centre in Inverness. The gathering, attended by members from eighteen Highland charities, was set up to help train non-profit organisations in the Highlands to raise funds through new and innovative technologies. Leading the training on ‘text-giving’ were staff from the Scottish Council for Volunteer Organisations, Marie Curie Highlands and Vodaphone. Unlike many ways of giving, charities receive 100% of every donation; and the number of people using ‘text-giving’ is on the rise. Encouragingly, 15,000 charities and 30,000 fundraisers have already signed up to ‘JustTextGiving’. I believe that it’s essential that our local charities and non-profit organisations are given the opportunity and training to keep them ahead of the pack. I hope that the training received at last month’s event will allow them to fundraise better than ever before.
Danny Alexander MP LOW TIDE TIMES FOR INVERNESS IN APRIL Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 10:21 11:16 01:12 03:07 04:16 05:12
PM 22:56 23:53 12:29 14:21 15:49 16:54 17:46
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
AM 05:59 06:37 07:08 07:37 08:07 08:39 09:09 09:20 09:30 10:13 11:29
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20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
PM 15:21 16:09 16:55 17:42 18:28 19:10 19:52 20:34 21:16 21:59 22:46
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tel: 01309 690063
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4# art & music trail hosted by strathpeffer victorian day on saturday, june 8th taking place at various venues in the village. if you are an artist or musician and would like to take part or would like more info, please contact 01997 423209.
MARCH 2013 25 monday barry & stuart - show and tell @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
26 tuesday a bright future for women in stem (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) wea women@work. 9.30am. free entry. 01463 710577. booking essential at www.weawomenatwork.org.uk nicola benedetti: the silver violin tour @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk & www.nicolabenedetti.co.uk
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre Your Y our loca locall venue for films, shows, concerts, and parties. Wide W ide range of activities for all ages.
27 wednesday free public health talk on menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health (menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health highland) 9:30am. inverness town house. all welcome. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com â&#x20AC;&#x153;life in the beauly glensâ&#x20AC;? by ian mackay, author of â&#x20AC;&#x153;the dark mileâ&#x20AC;? 12:30pm. dingwall community centre, tulloch street, dingwall. 01463 710577. inverness@weascotland.org.uk inverness stravinsky players - the soldierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tale 8pm. inverness town house. tickets ÂŁ8/ÂŁ5 from leakeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bookshop and the music station. 01463 224564. donnie munro @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
28 thursday â&#x20AC;&#x153;a northern pictish kingdom: recent excavationsâ&#x20AC;? by gordon noble 2pm-4pm, elgin museum hall. ÂŁ3/ÂŁ2. 01343543675 or curator@elginmuseum.org.uk headway highland brain injury support group @ inshes church 7pm-9pm. contact susanne for further details on 07767 416006. rspb highland local group talk: â&#x20AC;&#x153;red squirrels and woodland birdsâ&#x20AC;? 7:30pm. fraser park bowling club, macewen drive, inverness.
29 friday critical mass bike ride around elgin 5pm-6pm. meet at elgin community centre. open to all. join the revolution. i am i @ ironworks 7:30pm. ÂŁ10. standing. over 14s. www.ironworksvenue.com
29 friday - 28 april photo fest 2013 11am. the old kirk, nethy bridge. tombola, second-hand books & refreshments. free entry & parking. www.oldkirknethybridge.org
Fri 5th-Sat 6th ... Highland Festival of One-Act Plays, 7pm Fri 12th ..........................................................Cinema .......................................................... Cinema Nairn: â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Single Manâ&#x20AC;? (12a), 7:30pm Thurs 25th ..............................................Tullamore, ..............................................Tullamore, 7:30pm Acoustic/Celtic/Folk Band from Kansas City Sat 27th ..........................................................Family .......................................................... Family Ceilidh Sun 28th ............................................................Music ............................................................Music Nairn: Arta Arnicane - Piano For further details, ttelephone elephone 01667 453476, e-mail info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www .nairncommunitycentre.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
30 saturday chocolate festival nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. info@nairncc.co.uk www.choctober.co.uk inverness ramblers: walk 1 - druim fada (locahaber), 11 miles, grade a, os sheet 41, gr nn095847 8:30am. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. rspb highland local group outing to west in search of divers meet at highland council car park 9am or conon bridge at 9:20am. 01997 433283. bike revolution used bike sale 9:30am-12:30pm. 15 shore street, lossiemouth. inverness ramblers: walk 2 - nairn to whiteness head, 10 miles, grade c, os sheet 27 10am. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health highland info stand 10am. eastgate centre. nurses checking blood pressures, heights & weights. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com
tel: 01309 690063
April 2013 - 13
art society of inverness: artist demonstration by jonathan shearer 2:30pm. the king's factory, unit 4, smithton industrial estate, inverness. 01463 870889. www.artinverness.com treebadour puppet theatre’s marionette easter special “the dragon & the rainbow lettuce” 3pm. kinloss church comm. hall. www.treebadour.co.uk dyke hall tales evening 7pm. dyke village hall. an evening of entertainment, drama, film and a photographic exhibition. tickets: 01309 641621 or forres hub. pre-booking essential. austen’s women @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk crippled fox, xsaxonx, fxaxsxtx & bin laden’s daughter 8pm. flanagans bar, elgin. expect it fast and loud. for info: www.facebook.com/thesyndicate2008
30 saturday - 31 sunday elgin endurance club host round 1 of the british motorcycle enduro championship lossiemouth forest & birkenhill woods. www.elginenduranceclub.com
30 saturday - 1 april try your skills at following clues with the cadbury easter egg trail 12pm. hugh miller’s birthplace cottage & museum, church street, cromarty. £2 per trail. 0844 4932158.
31 sunday great glen walking club: dunmaglass estate - circular, 9.5 miles, grade c+, os sheet 35 9am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204. risen @ eden court 6:30pm. free but ticketed. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
31 sunday - 1 april the ironworks easter showcase 7pm. standing. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
APRIL 1 monday take a ‘waulk’ on the wild side (family activity) 1pm-3pm. knockando woolmill. £2 child or adult. booking required. also taking place on wed 3rd and mon 8th. 01340 810 345. www.knockandowoolmill.org.uk/familyactivities.html
an evening with jai mcdowall @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.edencourt.co.uk, www.jaimcdowallofficial.com the government inspector @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
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5 friday - 6 saturday highland festival of one-act plays 7pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
6 saturday great glen walking club: the conivals – meikle conival and little conival, 6 miles, grade b 9am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204. the inverness whisky festival 12pm-6pm. last entry 4pm. bogbain farm. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com an evening of burlesque @ eden court 8pm. tickets £22. concs £20. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk vitalic @ ironworks 10pm. 18+. standing. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
6 saturday - 7 sunday food & craft fair 10am. strathpeffer pavilion. a variety of stalls including stationery, food, interiors and gifts. free entry. refreshments available.
7 sunday
1 monday - 28 sunday photo fest 2013 11am-5pm. old kirk, nethy bridge, second hand books, tombola, refreshments, free entry/parking. www.oldkirk@nethybridge.org
2 tuesday marti pellow @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
3 wednesday culloden creature trail 1pm-3pm. culloden avenue car park, next to the doocot. nh729464. grade a. £3 per child. contact john: 01463 255291. rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk how to make a killing in bollywood @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
inverness ramblers: ridorroch, ullapool (car shuttle) 9am. grade b, os sheet 19/20, nh125942. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. finding the findhorn 2pm-5pm. meeting place given out on booking. grade c. adults £5, conc £3. contact john: 01463 255291 or email rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk bl’azz: “the ness river rhythm kings” @ maclean room, eden court 2:30pm. the best in dixieland jazz from the 1920s & 30s. tickets £8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234. singing i’m no a billy he’s a tim @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
8 monday
4 thursday
chris addison: the time is now, again (comedy) 8pm. eden court, inverness. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
souledout! ecstatic dance 7.45pm for mind, body, spirit. £2. text/call: 07745 930383.
9 tuesday
5 friday roy chubby brown @ ironworks 7pm. general seating £20. balcony seating £30. over 18s. reserve on 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com 14 - April 2013
live ‘n’ deadly dsi - deadly scene investigation 2pm. the cover, kilmore rd, drumnadrochit. nh515295. grade a. £3 per child. call 01463 25529. rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk highlands astronomical society agm and astroseismology
tel: 01309 690063
7pm. smith-culloden free church. www.spacegazer.com inverness floral art club 7.30pm. will meet in cauldeen school. new members and guests welcome. inverness gardening club: scotland’s garden scheme by paddy scott 7:30pm. mackenzie centre, inverness. v.weir656@btinternet.com the pink castle philosophy club: “is genuine democracy possible?” 7:30pm. riverside lounge, glen mhor hotel. your fun & friendly “thinking lgbt club”. www.pinkcastle.eu
9 tuesday - 11 thursday
bl’azz: “mama’s brand new bag” @ eden court 2:30pm. kate kershaw & her sidemen with mainly the blues but more. tickets £8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234. cahalen morrison & eli west 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com scottish chamber orchestra: sinfonia concertante @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk opera bohemia with madame butterfly @ strathpeffer pavillion tickets from 08444 771000, june's card shop in dingwall, and the pavilion.
nickelodeon’s dora the explorer live @ eden court various times. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
10 wednesday lords of the dance, kincraig 5am-7am. meeting place given out on booking. grade a. booking essential by 09/04, 5pm. contact 01479 873706. rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk dragons! reelig glen 2pm-4pm. reelig glen. nh558431. grade a. £3 per child. contact corinne 01463 255291 or email rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk “cluny gardens through the seasons” (highland rock garden club) 7:30pm. nairn community centre. john owen: 01320 366246. “bogs, butterflies and bioblitzes” by jonathan willet perrins centre, alness. min. of £1 donation. all welcome. no need to pre-book. 01463 710577. inverness@weascotland.org.uk
Country Membership and Full Package of Benefits
12 friday donnie munro acoustic concert @ strathpeffer pavilion £16/£14. tickets from 08444 771000, june’s card shop in dingwall high street & from the pavilion: 01997 420124. murder mystery dinner royal hotel, cromarty. 01381 600354. info@cromartyartstrust.org.uk, www.cromartyartstrust.org.uk kite making 2pm-3:30pm. braeview park, beauly. nh523463. grade a. £3 per child. contact corinne on 01463 255291 or email rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk cinema nairn: “a single man” (12a) 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
£ 231.50
13 saturday saturday night in resolis hall cromarty arts trust. seattle duo cahalen morrison and eli west in concert with sutor creek supper. 01381 600354. www.cromartyartstrust.org.uk inverness ramblers: strathdearn 9am. grade c+, os sheet 35, nh755235. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. drop in session celebrating the anniversary of the first manned space flight 2pm-4pm. contact elena: 01667 456245. www.highlandrussia.org.uk the western front association: “julian the tank bank” by john ross 2:30pm. elgin library. 01343 870562. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net kate nash @ ironworks 7pm. www.ironworksvenue.com movimientos presents rumba do bodas // lokandes / sam green & the midnight heist 8pm-3am. hootananny, inverness. 01463 233651. www.hootananny.co.uk
13 saturday - 14 sunday crime & thrillers illustrated talks: ian rankin, david hewson, val mcdermid & anne perry taking place in locations all over cromarty. www.cromartyartstrust.org.uk 01381 600354.
14 sunday great glen walking club: invergarry – loch oich circular, 8.5 miles, grade c+, os sheet 34 9am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204.
Contact us on: 01343 812018 or email: secretary@moraygolf.co.uk
16 tuesday scottish ornithologists’ club: “birds of poland, hungary, estonia & norway” by bozena summers 7:30pm, culloden library. contact 01463 221661 or 01808 511740. £3 members. £4 non members. highland literary salon meeting at 7:30pm. workshop at 6pm. guest speaker: pauline mackay of ablekids press. glenmhor hotel, inverness. www.highlandlitsalon.com
17 wednesday lords of the dance, kincraig 5am-7am. meeting place give out on booking. grade a. book by 16/04, 5pm. contact 01479 873706 or email rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk enter shikari @ ironworks 7pm. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com social diners 7pm for 7:30pm. carnegie lodge hotel, tain. contact gill to book: 01349 877061. edwyn collins (music) 8pm. strathpeffer pavilion. 01997 420124. www.strathpefferpavilion.org
tel: 01309 690063
April 2013 - 15
18 thursday souledout! ecstatic dance 7.45pm for mind, body, spirit. £2. text/call: 07745 930383.
20 saturday nairn men’s breakfast 9:45am for 10am. dunbar golf club, nairn. speaker: jim rettie (from chest to chancel). contact campbell (01667 455149) by 19/04 to book. rose marie @ strathpeffer pavillion tickets from 08444 771000 and june's card shop in dingwall. saltire society scotland (highland branch): bettyhill part 2 12pm. chieftain hotel, inverness. contact alan: 01667 459449 or alan.niven@hotmail.com explore reelig glen 1pm-3pm. reelig glen car park. nh558431. grade b. adults £3, conc £2. contact corinne on 01463 255291 or email rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk “a different drum” 7:30pm. smithton-culloden free church, inverness. tickets: £10 each (group offer: buy 10 get the 11th free). 01904 613000. www.ridinglights.org/drum
21 sunday inverness ramblers: creag an loin, newtonmore 9am. grade b, os sheet 35, nh716993. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. in the footsteps of john muir, kingussie 10am-3pm. ruthven barracks car park. nn765996. grade b/c. adults £5, conc £3. contact 01479 873706 or rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk south loch ness man vs horse challenge 11am. 26km course from whitebridge hotel to loch ness riding at drummond farm, dores. tea & cakes at finish. www.visitlochness.com national youth choir of scotland @ strathpeffer pavilion 2pm. more information at www.strathpefferpavilion.org
25 thursday headway highland social night 7pm. inshes church. those who suffered brain injury/a carer/a family member, join for a chat. call susanne: 07767 416006. rspb agm & talk history of bird conservation in scotland 7:30pm. fraser park bowling club, macewen dr, inverness. contact 01997 433283. tullamore 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk msfits theatre in “i spy mrs peery” @ strathpeffer pavilion 8pm. £10. £6 for school pupils. tickets from june’s card shop, dingwall and the pavilion.
26 friday explore glen strathfarrar 11am-3pm. meeting place given out on booking. grade b. adults £5, conc £3. contact 01463 255291 or rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk dingwall rotary club ceilidh @ strathpeffer pavilion 7:30pm. tickets from 08444 771000, june's card shop in dingwall high street, the dingwall rotary club & the pavilion. moray society lecture: “the moray gig” by mary byatt 8pm. elgin museum. £3 or £2 for society members. 01343 543675. curator@elginmuseum.org.uk
27 saturday family ceilidh nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk inverness ramblers: shenavall circuit 8am. grade b, os sheet 35, nh114852. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204. rspb car outing to bonar br. & shin falls 9am. highland council car park. contact 01997 433283. inverness choral society coffee morning 10am-12pm. town house. sheila bruce on piano. happy mums market 10am-1pm. thistle hotel, inverness. www.facebook.com/happymumsmarket annual spring flower show and plant sale (highland rock
garden club) 10:30am. nairn community centre. john owen: 01320 366246. redcoats and redshanks, kingussie 1pm-4pm. ruthven barracks car park. nn765996. grade a. £3 per child. contact 01479 873706 or rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk art society of inverness: artist demonstration by hugh kirkwood 2:30pm. the king's factory, unit 4, smithton industrial estate, inverness. 01463 870889. www.artinverness.com albert lee @ ironworks 7pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com inverness music festival highlights concert 7pm. onetouch theatre, eden court. www.invernessmusicfestival.org the paul mckenna band 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com
27 saturday - 28 sunday anne’s garden at the boots (drynie park north, muir of ord) will open 2pm. all donations to the british heart foundation scotland, inverness branch. tel: 01463 870515.
28 sunday great glen walking club: hopeman - lossiemouth and return, 11 miles, grade b, os sheet 28 9am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204. bl’azz: “the r.s.j. quintet” @ eden court 2:30pm-5pm. led by roy stevenson on reeds, with his hand-picked backers. tickets £8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234. music nairn: arta arnicane - piano 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
DEADlinE fOr SEnDing in EvEntS fOr thE MAy iSSuE: Friday 29th March, 4pm. Contact michelle@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063
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Dreaming of... ...Madeira Enjoying an excellent year round climate, stunning scenery and superb quality hotels Madeira holidays are perfect for those wanting to escape the stresses of everyday life. The people are friendly and there are few places where you would enjoy better or more courteous service. The Island of Eternal Springtime, Loversâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Isle, Pearl of the Atlantic & Floating Garden of the Atlantic are just a few of the epithets awarded to Madeira, the largest of the islands in the Madeiran Archipelago which also includes the sand and sea worshippersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; island of Porto Santo. Located 400 miles west of Morocco and 600 miles from mainland Europe, the islands are located on similar latitudes to Bermuda and Los Angeles, allowing holidays to Madeira to be enjoyed in summer and winter months. Approximately half the islandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population lives in Funchal and the centre of town is especially busy where the 16th century streets attempt to cope with 21st century traffic! Most of the hotels are located west of the city centre at Funchal Lido â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an important tourist area with shops, restaurants and cafes. The style is changing, however, with colonial mansions being converted into luxurious hotels although many enclaves and the port still retain an old fashioned feel mixed with the commercial buzz of its working environment and the port area provides a fabulous vantage point to gaze at the rich (and sometimes famous) as cruise ships moor up for their overnight stops. 5* Quinta das Vistas Palace Gardens is magnificently situated on the brow of a hill and surrounded by mature gardens, and you will never be short of space to completely unwind and relax even though you are only a short drive from Funchal centre. Well-appointed guest rooms and suites are elegantly furnished and the restaurant provides a wonderful colonial atmosphere and benefits from a veranda and terrace for al fresco dining. With an unusual swim-through indoor-outdoor pool and a host of spa facilities Quinta das Vistas offers something for everyone. For a chance to win a FREE 5* holiday, see our advert on the top right hand page!
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Â&#x2021; +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Eating Out
WIN A FREE 5 HOLIDAY FOR 2 Brodie, Forres, IV36 2TD Phone 01309 641 605
Friday Night ‘Fish@The Mill’
s ourse Fish C y Buy 2 d only pa an
ELGIN FORRES 01309 672203 01343 548844
Beaver Travel, 78 High Street, Forres
and 2-6 South Street, Elgin www.beavtrav.com Beaver Travel (Elgin and Forres) is a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box office prices - NO BOOKING FEE!
To celebrate 40 years of selling travel this year, Beaver Travel is pleased to be offering a free holiday to this hotel in a Prize Draw, in league with Tour Operator Classic Collection. The holiday includes return flights and a 7 night stay at 5 Quinta das Vistas Palace Gardens on a Bed and Breakfast basis. The Draw will be made in early August amongst all customers who book a holiday with Beaver Travel from January 2013 to July 2013.
u for yo
r star
Please find below sample dishes from our ‘Fish @ The Mill’ menu
Starters Prawn, crayfish and avocado cocktail, homemade bread and lemon salad ........ £5.75 Old Mill Cullen Skink .................................. £5.25
Mains Pan roasted monkfish tails, wrapped in parma ham and served with a peppercorn sauce .................................. £15.25 Baked salmon and spinach gateaux, wrapped in puff pastry and served with a chive butter sauce ...................... £14.95
01309 641605 The Old Mill Inn, winner of the
‘Country Inn of the Year 2012’ N.E. Scotland
Eating Out
Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Confidential Scottish Fudge/ Tablet Cheesecake Ingredients 250g/9oz Hobnobs (or oaty biscuits), crushed 75g/2.75oz Butter, melted 200g/7oz Cream Cheese 250g/9oz Scottish Fudge/Tablet 600ml/20fl oz/1pt Double Cream, lightly whipped Method 1. Lightly butter a 25cm/9.5inch cake tin. Make the base by combining the biscuits and butter, pressing into the base of the prepared tin. 2. Beat the cream cheese until soft. 3. Grate 200g/8oz of the fudge and tip into cream cheese. Combine gently - folding in slowly - with the cream. 4. Chop the remaining fudge and scatter over the cheesecake base in the tin. Spoon the cream mixture over the top and cover. Chill for at least six hours before carefully decanting and serving in wedges.
Steven Scutt
Bog Roy Inn, Kirkhill IV5 7PX Tel: 01463 831 296
All round satisfaction at... Your week at The Bog Roy Inn MONDAY WHIST AFTERNOON
WEDNESDAY OVER 60’s LUNCH A two course meal followed by tea
or coffee ..................... £6.00 Please book in advance as this lunch menu is very popular!
An afternoon of card playing from 2pm- 4pm with tea, coffee and cakes...£3.00 MONDAY – THURSDAY KIDS EAT FREE One ‘under 10’ eats free from 3pm 6pm when accompanied by an adult purchasing a 2 course meal.
SUNDAY CARVERY AND PUDDING CLUB Enjoy a choice of two roast meats from our carvery served with all the trimmings. Introducing our PUDDING CLUB DESSERTS: Four mouthwatering puddings from todays dessert menu all on one plate – HEAVEN.
Bog Roy Inn Kirkhill IV5 7PX Tel: 01463 831 296
Servicing customers across the region from Keith to Inverness. With our renowned lawn care feeding program to help you acheive that...
...Deep Green Lawn you have always wanted
Professional SPRING
Hollow Tine Aeration Removes cores from the lawn to de-compact the soil. Tining also helps allow water, nutrients and oxygen to reach the root zone of the grass plant more easily. Scarifying Will thin out and remove much of the thatch and moss which has built up over the last season (which was extremely wet last year) giving room for new shoots to grow and spread in the Spring.
Please note that we clean up and remove all the waste after scarifying or hollow tining your lawn
please phone for your no-obligation survey, analysis & quotation SEPA Registered NPTC Qualified
01343 811114
AA local local business business built built on on trust trust reliability reliability && quality quality of of service service website under construction at www.highlandgreenlawncare.co.uk
2EDUCE YOUR #ARBON &OOTPRINT 1,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planet's surface. If we could collect all of that energy, we could easily power our homes and offices for free.
Benefits of Solar PV Panels
You've probably seen calculators with solar cells - devices that never need batteries and in some cases, don't even have an off button. As long as there's enough light, they seem to work forever. You may also have seen larger solar panels, perhaps on emergency road signs, call boxes, buoys and even in parking lots, to power the lights. Although these larger panels aren't as common as solar-powered calculators, they're out there and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. In fact, photovoltaics - which were once used almost exclusively in space, powering satellites' electrical systems as far back as 1958 -
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Why choose Cairngorm? An established family run company since 1953, high quality locally employed staff, all planning and warrant issues dealt with by ourselves and a fast response in the unlikely event of any problems. 4HAT S WHY
For further information contact: Cairngorm Solar Panels on 01463 238000 www.cairngormwindows.co.uk
Caring about...
...Moss and thatch removal Pre season (NOW) Many of you will be thinking about giving your lawn a good scarifying about now. Last year’s old thatch plus the usual build-up of moss over the winter will choke your grass this season unless it is raked out. Ideally this should be done before you need to start feeding and mowing your lawn. You can do this by hand with a spring rake, or many of you will have a small electric scarifier/rake to help. We use a much more rigorous blade scarifier which cuts out the thatch. The small electric rakes are good for lifting off annual moss but aren’t powerful enough to tackle thatch. We often work together with our customers at this time of year, we take out the thatch and they follow on with the electric rake – that works best of all. I thought it would be worth including a photograph of a typical scarifying job in progress. This might give you an idea of the scale of the exercise – not for the faint hearted. Good luck !
For more information about seasonal lawn improvements from just £15 per qtr, plus useful downloads and photos, go to www.greenthumb.co.uk. Although GreenThumb is a national franchise with over 200 branches and 500,000 customers across the UK, we are locally based in Cawdor and cover the whole Moray Firth area. Contact Alastair or Fiona for a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS on 01667 404774, or email us at: inverness@greenthumb.co.uk
Happy Easter
Call in the professionals! GreenThumb’s annual treatments ensure your lawn looks lush, green and healthy. With prices starting from £15 per treatment, your lawn nightmare will soon be history. Call your local branch today for a FREE lawn analysis and no obligation quote on:
0800 0111 222 Find us online at: www.greenthumb.co.uk
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