# / - - 5 . ) 4 9 s 3 4 9 , % s % !4 ) . ' / 5 4 s &! 3 ( ) / . This Month Travel.................................p14
Wedding F E AT U R E
Chef’s Confidential ............p18
Green Thumb.....................p22
PSE Auldearn .........................2 The Allan Studio ..................p7 Business & Trade Directory.p16 Cairngorm Windows ..........p17 Wedding feature......p19-21 Clubs & Societies, Pastoral Letter, Church Details, Council News, Useful Contacts, Local Holidays, What’s On, Parliament Blog, Tide Times and much, much more!
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© Nikki Mack
CLUBS & SOCIETIES WESTERN FRONTASSOCIATION We hold 9 meetings per year on Saturday afternoons in Elgin Library. Open to anyone with an interest in WW1. Contact Derek Bird on 01343 870562 or email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk PERFECTING LAW OF ATTRACTION CLASSES Teaching motivational self help for you to become all you can be, "the mind body matter conection". At Millburn Academy every Wednesday, 7pm to 9pm. Rolling eight week programme. £5 per week. For info and booking, text 07826543001, or go on www.perfectinglawofattraction.co.uk INVERNESS & DISTRICT MODEL RAILWAY CLUB Meet Tuesday evenings in Inverness to promote model railways. New members always welcome. Contact Gerry Parks for details on 07801 593637. FORUM FOR MEN Meets every Wednesday. Social group for gay, t-men & bi. Email morgan@tramstop.org or text/call 07745 930383 for info.
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page 4 - February 2013
LGBT 5K RUNNING GROUP Meets every Wednesday. Email jampa40@yahoo.co.uk or text/call 07941 553620 for info. T-EXCHANGE MAKERSPACE Make things, build things and exchange ideas. Third Friday of every month 7:30pm at Findhorn Village Centre. Details on www.t-exchange.net or contact Bill on 07925 551191. TORCH (FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED) Meet at the Kingsview Christian Centre at 2pm on the last Saturday of the month. Contact Clark Walls: 01463 221597.
SOUNDS FAMILIAR SINGING GROUP A singing group for people with dementia and for carers in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Starting on Tuesday February the 5th the 19th at Craigmonie Hotel, Inverness from 2:30pm-4pm. No charge for the activity. Contact for further information and reservations: 01463 233231 or 01463 230803. Email: soundsfamiliarmusic@aol.co.uk HIGHLAND BONSAI SOCIETY 3rd Wednesday every month, 7.30pm in Balloch Village Hall Contact Chris on 01349 865485 HIGHLAND HILLWALKING CLUB Call 791572 or email: highlandhillwalkers@fsmail.net www.spanglefish.com/ HighlandHillwalkingClub HIGHLAND HISTORICAL SEARCH SOCIETY Inverness based metal detecting club. Free equipment loan, tuition and regular places to detect. Beginners/new members welcome. Contact Len: 01808 521340 anytime HIGHLAND ITALIAN CIRCLE 3rd friday of the month 7.45pm from Oct to Mar. Visit: www.highlanditaliancircle.co.uk HIGHLAND WHEELCHAIR CURLING CLUB Tues 1.30 - 3.30pm, Inverness
Ice Rink. If you use a wheelchair or have mobility problems come and see what we do. Equipment provided. Call Mo Simpson 01463 716227 or 07798 710404 email: wheel77uk@yahoo.co.uk INVERNESS AND HIGHLAND BRANCH PARACHUTE REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION 2nd Monday of the month, 7:30pm in the Royal British Legion, Huntly Street Inverness. All ex Airborne are welcome Contact Chairman dennistoun38@gmail.com or 01349 862287 INVERNESS ADVANCED MOTORISTS To improve the standard of driving on UK roads. Five weekly courses run twice a year. Visit www.inverness-iam.org INVERNESS BRAVEHEARTS Wednesdays 6pm Gym Hall, Millburn Academy. Helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle to provide support to those with cardiac disease, together with their families. Call 01463 704554 INVERNESS CANOE CLUB Catering for paddlers of all abilities. Affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association. Meeting times vary so visit our website www.invernesscc.org.uk or email info@invernesscc.org.uk INVERNESS FIELD ARCHERY CLUB Winter - Wed 7pm - 9pm, North Kessock Hall, Spring/Summer 6pm to dusk. To teach & participate in Field Archery. Contact Gerry Parks (Secretary) 01667 462219 or 07801 593 637. INVERNESS GARDENING CLUB 2nd Tuesday each month SeptMay, 7:30pm in the Mackenzie Centre. Informal meetings with guest speakers. Call Graeme on 01463 224445 for info or email graememunro99@hotmail.com.
LEACHKIN ANGLING CLUB Contact 223621 or email ian@harrisholidays.com LOCH ACHONACHIE ANGLING CLUB Trout, Sea Trout & Salmon fishing on the Upper Conon & Blackwater rivers, Lochs Achonachie, Meig & Scardroy. www.laac.cononfishing.com PET FOSTERING SCOTLAND Supporting pet owners in an emergency situation. Volunteers care for your pet in their own homes for short periods. Reg. charity SCO15672. Volunteers needed. Tel: 0844 811 9909 www.pfss.org.uk THE NESS BRIDGE CLUB Visitors & beginners welcome. Located above the Cale Social Club, Greig Street, Inverness. Contact: Don 01463 232976 or Laura 07808 107130. WESTERN FRONTASSOCIATION We hold 9 meetings per year on Saturday afternoons in Elgin Library. Open to anyone with an interest in WW1. Contact Derek Bird on 01343 870562 or email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk AIRD & DISTRICT FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Sept-Mar. Call George Davidson, Smithton, Inverness. Tel: 798543. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for inclusion in March’s Clubs & Societies page is Friday 1st February, 4pm. All Clubs & Societies are on a rotational basis.
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section, please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed in every issue.
INVERNESS FLORAL ART CLUB Once a month enjoy a floral art demonstration by trained demostrators from all over the country. New members and visitors are welcome. Contact: Mary 224 or Ann 238605.
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Inverness & District
Getting married is one of the highlights of our short life on this earth. I wonder how many millions of tons of confetti have been spread around churches and other buildings over the centuries. I’m sure there will be mixed views over the environmental impact but, hey ho, it all seems like good fun to me. Hope you enjoy our short feature on weddings this month!
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An eco, low cost alternative to paved or tarmacked driveways or paths. Please look at our website for details.
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March Issue Deadlines Editorial: Friday 1st February, 4pm Advertising: Wednesday 6th February
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© Brian J Sm
PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS There was a programme on BBC2 that was worth unwinding to while you were waiting for the tatties to boil. It was all about buying and selling antiques and the like, with the profits going to charity. On one occasion, an old violin was bought at a car-boot sale. The buyer hoped that he had found a rare Stradivarius, but in taking it to an expert, it was found to be a replica.
Stradivarius? It has since been discovered that the wood Stradivarius used, while it was immersed in water, had microbes enter it and these ate out the centre of cells within the wood. This left, within the fibrous infrastructure of the wood, resonating chambers for the music. Stradivarius transformed trash into treasure.
This made me wonder, what is so special about a Stradivarius?
God too carries out transformations: “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God” (Psalm 40:2-3a). Unlike Stradivarius, God knows fully the treasure He is creating. God not only sees the ‘instrument’s’ initial beauty (say, Saul the blasphemer and violent man converted into the loving apostle Paul) but He sees the uniqueness of the finished article: conformed to the image of Jesus, “to see Him as He is and to be like Him.” (1 John 3: 2).
Antonio Stradivarius (1644-1737) was an Italian violin maker; today his violins are highly prized because of the rich and resonating sound they produce. Their unique sound cannot be duplicated. However, what is surprising is that these precious instruments were not made from the finest and most expensive wood, but instead they were made from dirty, waterlogged pieces of wood, which Stradivarius fished out of the filthy harbours where he lived. He could not afford the best of wood and so he would clean the dirty driftwood in his workshop and create instruments of rare beauty and unique sound. However, this doesn’t fully answer the question: What is so special about a
Yet, Jesus gives a grave warning: “Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7: 21-22). Therefore, while God rescues from the ‘slimy pit’ He
Inverness Church of God Sundays 10.30am and 6.30pm. Tel: 01463 241318. Inverness Crown Church, Church of Scotland 3 Midmills Road. Tel: 01463 230537. Inverness East Church, Church of Scotland Academy Street. Contact Rev. Professor ATB McGowan: 01463 236695. Website: www.invernesseast.com Inverness Greyfriars Stratherrick Free Church Greyfriars at Balloan Road, Inverness, and Stratherrick at Errogie, Stratherrick. Tel: 01463 714085. Website: www.greyfriarschurch.org Inverness Methodist Church Huntly Street, Inverness. Tel: 01463 231170. Website: www.churchesinverness.com Kiltarlity Church of Scotland Kiltarlity, Inverness-shire. Sundays: 12noon. Website: www.kiltarlityandkirkhill.org.uk Kiltarlity Free Church of Scotland Kiltarlity, Inverness-shire. Tel: 01463 741729. Email: jfraser@gmail.com Kings Fellowship Meets at Smithton Industrial Estate, Culloden. Tel: 01463 792700. Email: info@thekingsfactory.com Kingsview Christian Centre Balnafettack Road, Inverness, IV3 8TF. Sundays 11.30am and 6pm. Wednesdays 7.30pm. Tel: 01463 716843. Kinmylies Church of Scotland Kinmylies Way, Inverness. Sundays
page 6 - February 2013
does so only through our belief in Jesus: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3: 16). However, what does it mean to believe? The apostle Paul answers from experience: “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame”... for “everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved”” (Romans 10: 913). Intellectual acceptance of Christian values may cause someone to look like a Christian but if Christ is not in a person’s heart, there will be no true note of authenticity. The Expert will not accept replicas, not even for charity.
Rev. Sandy Sutherland, Fortrose Free Church
10.30am. Tel: 01463 714035. Website: www.kinmylies.co.uk Kirkhill (Wardlaw) Church of Scotland Sundays 10.30am. Website: www.kiltarlityandkirkhill.org.uk Knockbain Free Church Ferry Brae, North Kessock. Tel: 01463 731368. Email: nwmacleod@talktalk.net Maryburgh & Killearnan Free Church Seaforth Place, Maryburgh tel: 01349 863367. Killearnan Manse, Bogroy, Tore - tel: 731369 email: cswan@ctlconnect.co.uk Ness Bank Church of Scotland Inverness. Sundays 11am. Tel: 01463 243165. Website: www.nessbank.net North Kessock, Church of Scotland Main Street, North Kessock. Tel: 01463 731712. Website: www.churchofscotland.org.uk Old High St Stephen's, Church of Scotland 1) Old High Church, Church Street, Inverness. Sundays 11.15am. Tel: 01463 250802. 2) St Stephen’s Church, Southside Road at Old Edinburgh Road, Inverness. Sundays 10am. Tel: 01463 250802. Website: www.oldhighststephens.com This is listed alphabetically from I to O and will regularly be rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here, please email us with details and we may print this in future issues.
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Inverness & District
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© Alison Nelm
Parliament Blog
400 new jobs at Nigg is great news for the new year. They come in addition to the 800 existing posts. I was delighted to speak alongside Global Energy Boss Roy Macgregor at Nigg just before Christmas when the announcement was made. Many readers of SpotLight who remember the days when Nigg and Ardersier employed thousands may ask how long term these opportunities are. I think that they are very good long term prospects for a number of reasons. First, we are now at the start of a second oil and gas opportunity. Last year, there were announcements of numerous new oil and gas fields with multi-million pounds worth of planned investments. These will produce oil and gas until the middle of this century and I suspect much longer. Second, the industry is now international, with one half of the money earned from overseas work. Third, we have now, as well as oil and gas projects, renewable projects planned. Put simply, the waters around the north of Scotland are the best place in Europe to develop marine energy - wind wave and tidal. Of course, there are many challenges to achieving success and no shortage of critics keen to highlight this. However, the port towns and harbour communities of the North of Scotland, from Lerwick to Peterhead, from Kirkwall to Kishhorn, from Ardsier to Arnish, are the most proximate to most of the major developments that are planned or under consideration. 2013 will be a year of further work towards these projects’ success.
The severe weather we have faced over this winter has, once again, posed challenges for communities up and down the country. I know many constituents were concerned both about the dangers on our roads and the severe flooding which we saw on a national scale that perhaps few of us have seen before. In those conditions, even the shortest of journeys out to the city centre or a neighbouring town or village can be difficult. That is why, during these winter months, the services supplied by our local post offices in the heart of our communities are valued even more by their customers and deserve our support. Hilton Post Office was given a boost by the news that the DVLA had agreed to offer its Motor Vehicle Licensing service from there. That is a good example of the way I, and my LibDem colleagues in parliament, are working to ensure that our post office can become the front desk of government in our communities. By developing in this way, they can become more economically sustainable and guarantee a future for themselves as a vital resource in our communities, not just this year but through the future.
Fergus Ewing MSP
Danny Alexander MP
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR INVERNESS IN FEBRUARY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 08:01 08:34 09:22 11:30 00:50 02:16 03:29
PM 21:48 22:29 23:30 13:14 15:03 16:15
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
AM 04:33 05:27 06:10 06:49 07:25 07:59 08:31 08:58 09:14 09:34 10:28
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PM 17:14 18:02 18:45 19:24 20:01 20:36 21:08 21:30 21:27 22:01 23:12 13:41
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
The Mayflower Lounge at the Thistle Inn Inverness BINGO EVERY SUNDAY EVENING 7.00PM For further details please call
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AM 01:46 03:05 03:43 04:18 05:00 05:43 06:22 06:59 07:36
PM 15:01 15:54 16:37 17:14 17:48 18:23 19:00 19:37 20:14
# !
WHOM WILL YOU BLAME? Upon which of the following excuses are you YOU CANNOT SAY “I have not been warned,” for building your hopes of escaping Hell and reach- this publication containing God’s Word is your warning and it may be your last. Search the scriptures ing Heaven? and see if these things are so. If you are concerned about
Whom will you these matters it is God’s Spirit striving to show you your danger, your guilt and your helplessness. There is blame if like the rich pardon for you today if you will have it. If you resist the man in Luke 16, you Spirit, God says: “My Spirit shall not always strive with die, are buried and man.” Genesis 6:3. in Hell you lift up YOU CANNOT SAY “There is plenty of time to your eyes being in settle this matter,” Listen to His solemn warning torments? against delay, “because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded...Then shall they call upon Me, but I will not YOU CANNOT BLAME GOD for God is “not answer.” Proverbs 1:24-28. willing that any should perish.” II Peter 3:9. He would have all men to be saved, “For God so loved YOU CANNOT BLAME CIRCUMSTANCES the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that for there is nothing that can keep a sinner from whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Christ if he wants to come to Him for salvation. Jesus says “Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life.” John everlasting life.” John 3:16 5:40.
YOU CANNOT BLAME THE LORD JESUS YOU MAY SAY “I do not believe in Hell.” But, my CHRIST friend, two minutes in Hell amid the weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth will change your mind. You will realize then, as every one in Hell realizes today, that the Bible is the Word of God, that you are a sinner, that Christ died for sinners, that you could have been YOU CANNOT SAY “I am not a sinner,” for God saved had you believed and accepted the Saviour of says: “As by one man sin entered into the world, and sinners as your own personal Saviour. There are no death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that unbelievers in Hell, but they believed—too late. all have sinned.” Romans 5:12 You may say you do not believe all this, but the mere fact that you do not believe it does not alter the facts. YOU CANNOT SAY for He said “I am come that they might have life.” John 10:10 “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
“I am doing the best I can,” “I have turned over a new leaf ” “I have a good heart,” “God is too good to punish me in Hell.” “I have done nothing worthy of Hell.” God says all your “righteousnesses are as filthy rags” in His sight. Isaiah 64:6. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately (incurably) wicked.” Jeremiah 17:9. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12.
YOU ARE LEFT WITHOUT EXCUSE “What wilt thou say when He shall punish thee?” Jeremiah 13:21 The responsibility where you spend Eternity – (Heaven or Hell) is yours and yours alone. Friend, listen! God is offering you mercy and pardon: God loves you, Christ died as a substitute for your sins on the cross. You have to receive Him for yourself; no-one can do it for you..you need to have repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus ChristBut do it now – or whom will you blame?
Jesus said … ‘’I am the W Way, ay, the T Truth ruth and the Lif Life; e; no man cometh cometh un unto to the FFather ather but b byy me me,,’’ 1 John 14:6
Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
© Karen Barc lay
Local Holidays Local Holiday ‡ Mon 4th Feb 2013 Local Holiday ‡ Mon 4th Mar 2013 Good Friday Fri 29th Mar 2013 British Summertime Begins Sun 31st Mar 2013 Easter Monday Mon 1st Apr 2013 Early May Bank Holiday Mon 6th May 2013 Spring Bank Holiday Mon 27th May 2013 Mon 1st Jul 2013 Local Holiday ‡ Summer Bank Holiday Mon 5th Aug 2013
Local Holiday ‡ Mon 7th Oct 2013 British Summertime Ends Sun 27th Oct 2013 Mon 4th Nov 2013 Local Holiday ‡ St Andrew’s Day Mon 2nd Dec 2013 Christmas Day Wed 25th Dec 2013 Boxing Day Thurs 26th Dec 2013 New Year’s Day Wed 1st Jan 2014
‡ Inverness
School Term Dates Mid-Term Break Mon 11th - Fri 15th Feb 2013 Spring Term Ends Thurs 28th Mar 2013 Good Friday Holiday Fri 29th Mar 2013 Easter Monday Holiday Mon 1st Apr 2013 Summer Term Starts Mon 15th Apr 2013 May Day Holiday Mon 6th May 2013 Summer Term Ends Fri 28th Jun 2013 Regional Closure Mon 19th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Starts Tues 20th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Ends Fri 4th Oct 2013
Regional Closure Mon 21st Oct 2013 Winter Term Starts Tues 22nd Oct 2013 Winter Term Ends Fri 20th Dec 2013 Spring Term Starts Mon 6th Jan 2014 Holiday Closure Mon 17th - Tues 18th Feb 2014 Regional Closure Wed 19th - Fri 21st Feb 2014 Spring Term Ends Fri 4th Apr 2014 Good Friday Holiday Fri 18th Apr 2014 Easter Monday Holiday Mon 21st Apr 2014 Summer Term Starts Tues 22nd Apr 2014
Useful Contacts Police Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08456 005703 Bus Station, Inverness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239292 Citizens Advice Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08444 994111 Dalcross Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 464000 Highland Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01349 886606 National Rail Enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 Ardersier Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 462658 Beauly Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782930 Cromarty Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 600318 Culloden Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 792531 Fortrose Community Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 622235 Inshes Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 725928 Inverness Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236463 Black Isle Leisure Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 621252 Culloden Academy Community Complex . . . 01463 792794 Inverness Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 667500 VILLAGE HALLS & COMMUNITY CENTRES Abriachan Village Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 861257 Ardersier Old School Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 462658 Balloch Community Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07955 756310 Cameron Youth Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 234785 Cannich Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 459224 page 10 - February 2013
Croy Public Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 493979 Culduthel Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712844 Farr Community Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01808 521346 Floral Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 713553 Kiltarlity Community Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 741447 Kirkhill Community Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 831737 Merkinch Community Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239563 Phipps Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782930 Smithton-Culloden Youth Centre . . . . . . . . . 01463 793284 The Green Hall, Smithton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07977 852083 Spectrum Centre & Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 221842 Stratherrick Public Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 486350 Strathnairn Hall (Daviot) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 772228 VETS Crown Vets (Argyle St) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 237000 Crown Vets (Carsegate Rd Sth) . . . . . . . . . 01463 712202 Culloden Veterinary Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 793700 Eastgate Veterinary Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 230893 Fish Vet Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 717774 Inshes Veterinary Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 711777 Kessock Equine Veterinary Clinic . . . . . . . . . 01463 731107 Moray Coast Vet Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 794224
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Inverness & District
What’s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4# Please send Us details Of YOUr events Website: www.spotlighton.co.uk email: michelle@spotlighton.co.uk telephone: 01309 690063
inclusion of events into the ‘What’s On’ is free.
the ‘What’s On’ listings deadline for the March issue is friday 1st february, 4pm. Please note: contact venues and organisers first as there may be changes to events
JANUARY 2013 28 monday - 29 tuesday infinite scotland @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
29 tuesday a midsummer’s night dream @ eden court 7:15pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
30 wednesday free public health talk on men’s health (men’s health highland) 9:30am. inverness town house. all welcome. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com
31 thursday rspb highland local group: “sea to summit� talk by derek mcginn 7:30pm. fraser park bowling club, macewen drive, inverness. banff mountain film festival @ eden court 7:30pm 10:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
FEBRUARY 2013 1 friday british heart foundation (bhf) scotland: rock up in red wear your best red items. order free fundraising pack: 0300 330 0645. bhf.org.uk/red inverness courier’s girls’ night out @ eden court 7pm. £10. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk fireproof: the movie (women’s event) 7:30pm. culduthel christian centre, inverness. www.culduthelchristiancentre.org
2 saturday inverness ramblers: loch achilty - achilty forest, 11 miles 9am. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. happy mums market 10am - 1pm. nairn community SpotLight on Inverness & District
Nairn Com Community munity & Arts Cen Centre tre Your Y our local venue for films, shows, concerts and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.
FEBRUARY FEBRUAR Y EVENTS Saturday 2nd ........................................................“Happy ........................................................ “Happy Mums Market� 10am-1pm. The Highland’ Highland’ss first pop-up market for savvy mums Friday 15th ............................. Cinema Nairn Nairn:: “Bride & Prejudice� (12a) 7:30pm. Bollywood Night with nibbles Saturday 16th ........................... Music Nairn: The Gildas String Quartet W ednesday 20th ...................................... June Field - Spiritual Evening Wednesday
Feis Inbhir Narainn Saturday 23rd TTraditional Music Group work for all abilities, from 8 to adult. Advanced group work with Duncan Chisholm & Marc Clement 9.30am–5pm. Family Ceilidh 7pm–10pm. All welcome. www.feisinbhirnarainn.co.uk More info from www.feisinbhirnarainn.co.uk
For further details, telephone 01667 453476, e-mail info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
& arts centre. ÂŁ10 stallholders, ÂŁ1 entry fee per shopper. happymumsmarket@live.co.uk jericho hill - johnny cash tribute @ ironworks 7:30pm. ÂŁ10. standing. u16s to be joined by responsible adult. www.ironworksvenue.com session a9 (music) @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk bbc sso - runnicles conducts beethoven 5 @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk “hammers, prelude to the hunt & cleaversâ€? flanagans bar, elgin. “hammersâ€? starts off our gigs this year alongside “prelude to the hunt & cleaversâ€?
3 sunday great glen walking club: raigbeg - insharn, 12 miles, grade b, os sheet 35, gr nh811290 9am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204.
tel: 01309 690063
February 2013 - page 11
monthly praise service @ dyke church uplifting contemporary worship with the praise band. 01309 641489. jazzyjen1504@btinternet.com
10 sunday - 13 wednesday
5 tuesday
11 monday
sounds familiar singing group for people with dementia & for carers 2:30pm. craigmonie hotel, inverness. no charge. 01463 233231 or 230803. “to boldly stop? for and against humans in space” (highlands astronomical society) 7pm. smith-culloden free church. www.spacegazer.com inverness film fans: “waltz with bashir” @ eden court 7:15pm. www.invernessfilmfans.org scottish ornithologists’ club: “spanish steppes: birds of the laguna de gallocanta” 7:30pm. culloden library. £3/£4. call 01463 221661 or 01808 511740. icm concert series: ueda rinaldo duo 8pm. town house, inverness. www.invernesschambermusic.com
6 wednesday “new year new start”: free talk with sheena taylor to kickstart your life into action 6:30pm. riverdale centre, inverness.tel: 01463 231840 or 01463 250589.
7 thursday back to broadway @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
7 thursday - 24 sunday moray school of art: third year exhibition @ eden court, inverness
8 friday free public health talk on men’s health (men’s health highland) 9:30am. inverness town house. all welcome. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com the classic rock show @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
9 saturday great glen walking club: dalmagarry (south of moy) to farr wind farm via carn na h-easgainn, 8.5 miles 9am. highland council car park. 01463 236204. cake walk with story 10am. meet at highland council. loch an eilein, rothiemurchus. 4 miles. contact guy & jocelyn for more details & a lift : 07724 992790. cannon, campbell, watchorn & o’connor formerly of the dubliners (music) @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk inverness caledonian thistle vs celtic fc tulloch stadium. 01463 222880. http://ictfc.com/
10 sunday inverness ramblers: lochness-side and abriachan forest/hills, 9 miles, grade b, os sheet 26 9:30am. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. andrew lawrence is coming to get you @ eden court 8pm. 14+. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk page 12 - February 2013
jersey nights (music) @ eden court various times. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk royal scottish geographical society lecture: the virtues of ‘staycations’ & true journeying 7:30pm. highland council chamber. rpreece@onetel.com
12 tuesday inverness airport travel fair 2pm-6pm. free parking. airlines & travel agents will be available to advise you on breaks to various places. inverness floral art club 7:30pm. will meet in cauldeen school. new members and guests welcome. inverness gardening club: renovation of scotsburn walled garden by dave mercer 7:30pm. mackenzie centre, inverness. v.weir656@btinternet.com scottish opera: opera highlights @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk the pink castle philosophy club 7:30pm. riverside lounge, glen mhor hotel, inverness. your fun and friendly ‘thinking lgbt club’. www.pinkcastle.eu
13 wednesday “the cairngorm rare plants project” (highland rock garden club) 7.30pm. nairn community centre. john owen: 01320 366246.
14 thursday murder, marple and me (play) @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
15 friday men’s health highland group meeting 9.30am 12noon. inshes church, inverness. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com cinema nairn: “bride & prejudice” (12a) 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. tickets at door. 01667 453476. cinemanairn.blogspot.co.uk
15 friday - 16 saturday boeing-boeing (drama) @ eden court various times. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
16 saturday inverness ramblers: foyers - whitebridge, 9 miles, grade c, os sheets 26/34, gr nh498202 9am. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204. nairn men’s breakfast 9:45am for 10am. windsor hotel, nairn. speaker: howard cockburn. to book, phone campbell (01667 455149) by friday 15/02/13. highland branch of saltire society: “the second world war in wester ross” 2pm. strathpeffer community centre. 01667 459449. alan.niven@hotmail.com craig hills - jock’s trap @ eden court 7:30pm. 16+. 01463234234. www.eden-court.co.uk scooty & the skyhooks + slammin’ sam band @ ironworks 7:30pm. £10. standing. u16s to be joined
tel: 01309 690063
SpotLight on Inverness & District
with responsible adult. www.ironworksvenue.com music nairn presents the gildas string quartet playing britten, beethoven & brahms 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476.
17 sunday great glen walking club: abriachan – carn-na-leitire, 9 miles, grade b, os sheet 26, gr nh562330 9am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204. wedding fayre 12-4pm. the newton hotel, nairn. free admission. exhibitors will be offering their advice and expertise. contact hannah: 01667 459001. moray wedding exhibition 12pm. elgin town hall. hosted by olive tree chocolate. free admission. 01343 547700.
19 tuesday sounds familiar singing group for people with dementia & for carers 2:30pm. craigmonie hotel, inverness. no charge. 01463 233231 or 230803. schools rock challenge @ eden court 7pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk inverness film fans: “the apartment” (members’ choice) @ eden court 7:15pm. www.invernessfilmfans.org
20 wednesday fell clarinet quartet 1pm. town house, inverness. www.invernesschambermusic.com balletboyz: the talent 2013 @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk june field - spiritual evening nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. info@nairncc.co.uk
21 thursday yamato the drummers of japan @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
21 thursday - 24 sunday
inverness fiddlers’ rally 2013 @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.invernessfiddlers.org feis inbhir narainn nairn community & arts centre. traditional music group work for all abilities, from 8 to adult. www.feisinbhirnarainn.co.uk
23 saturday - 6 march inverness music festival eden court, inverness. www.invernessmusicfestival.org .
24 sunday inverness ramblers: foray to loch coire mhic fhearchair, 9 miles, grade b 8:30am. meet at highland council car park. tel: 01463 236204.
25 monday “listen to your body” workshop 6:30pm. riverdale centre for complementary therapies. 105-107 church st, inverness. £10. www.therapies-inverness.co.uk
27 wednesday free public health talk on men’s health (men’s health highland) 9.30am. inverness town house. all welcome. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com inverness caledonian thistle vs dundee united tulloch stadium. 01463 222880. http://ictfc.com/
28 thursday the courteeners @ ironworks 7pm. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com dominic kirwan and the nashville singer songwriters @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.invernessfiddlers.org rspb highland local group: “birds and wildlife in the indian ocean” by bozena kalejta-summers” 7:30pm. fraser park bowling club, macewen drive, inverness.
wow! wedding open week at main hall of strathpeffer pavilion open 11am to 4pm on 23rd & 24th. to visit on 21st or 22nd, call andrew: 01997 420124.
22 friday free public health talk on men’s health (men’s health highland) 9.30am. inverness town house. all welcome. 01463 239746. tescott@btinternet.com big sean, mikey and me @ eden court 8pm. 16+. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
22 friday - 23 saturday scottish community drama association (scda): one act play festival 7:30pm. florians theatre, inverness. £7, £5 concs.contact ronald singleton: 01349 863110.
! !!
23 saturday great glen walking club: strathpeffer to dingwall, 12 miles, grade c+. os sheet 26, gr nh483582 8:50am. meet at highland council car park. 01463 236204. happy mums market 10am - 1pm. thistle hotel, millburn road, inverness. pop-up market dedicated to preloved baby & children’s items. SpotLight on Inverness & District
tel: 01309 690063
February 2013 - page 13
Dreaming of... ...Bermuda
Bermuda is located 1,000 miles north of the Caribbean and just 2 hours flying time from the East Coast of America which makes it a perfect destination for a stop-over en-route to New York or Boston. It is just 8 hours from Gatwick and British Airways offer connections from Inverness.
Port Royal Golf Course
The island’s culture is a rich fusion of British colonial history and African heritage. Bermudans are well known for their sincere friendliness and warmth. The island is famous for its Bermuda shorts that were fashioned on the British Military uniform for hot climates in the 20th century, and the Royal Navy still have them as part of their uniform today. This is taken very seriously with rules stating that Bermuda shorts should not be worn shorter than 6 inches above the knee. Bermuda’s capital, the city of Hamilton, is packed with historic buildings, churches, shops, museums, galleries, parks and gardens. All of this set alongside a beautiful harbour. During the summer months Front Street in Hamilton City is closed to traffic one night a week for Harbour Nights. This is where the cruise ships dock and the harbour is transformed into a bustling festival of arts, crafts and food stalls, late night shopping and colourful live performances! Bermuda is an all-year-round destination. The spring, summer and autumn months are the best time of year to make the most of spotless pink beaches such as the popular Elbow Beach and the exciting diving opportunities on offer. There are over 200 species of hard coral and wreck dives are very popular too with Bermuda boasting over 400 dive sites. It is also famous for its 7 golf courses! This is more golf courses than any other small island in the world. The winter months are the perfect time of year for golfing. In 2013 the PGA Grand Slam of Golf will be played at the prestigious Port Royal Golf Course between the 16th and 18th of October.
Elbow Beach
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Direct Flights from
Direct Flights from
French Riviera 8th June, B&B,
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Hidden Portugal 24th June - H/B,
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Portugal 4 star 24th June, A/I
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FORRES 01309 672203
7n ts
from ÂŁ829 pp 7
Dubrovnik Riviera ts 7th Oct, S/C,
from ÂŁ484 pp
7n ts
Lake Maggiore nts & The Matterhorn 6th July - B&B,
from ÂŁ699 pp
Beaver Travel, 78 High Street, Forres 6RXWK 6WUHHW (OJLQ ‡ ZZZ EHDYWUDY FRP
ELGIN 01343 548844
Beaver Travel (Elgin and Forres) is a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - at Box office prices - NO BOOKING FEE!
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Dreaming of... ...Bermuda
Bermuda is located 1,000 miles north of the Caribbean and just 2 hours flying time from the East Coast of America which makes it a perfect destination for a stop-over en-route to New York or Boston. It is just 8 hours from Gatwick and British Airways offer connections from Inverness.
Port Royal Golf Course
The island’s culture is a rich fusion of British colonial history and African heritage. Bermudans are well known for their sincere friendliness and warmth. The island is famous for its Bermuda shorts that were fashioned on the British Military uniform for hot climates in the 20th century, and the Royal Navy still have them as part of their uniform today. This is taken very seriously with rules stating that Bermuda shorts should not be worn shorter than 6 inches above the knee. Bermuda’s capital, the city of Hamilton, is packed with historic buildings, churches, shops, museums, galleries, parks and gardens. All of this set alongside a beautiful harbour. During the summer months Front Street in Hamilton City is closed to traffic one night a week for Harbour Nights. This is where the cruise ships dock and the harbour is transformed into a bustling festival of arts, crafts and food stalls, late night shopping and colourful live performances! Bermuda is an all-year-round destination. The spring, summer and autumn months are the best time of year to make the most of spotless pink beaches such as the popular Elbow Beach and the exciting diving opportunities on offer. There are over 200 species of hard coral and wreck dives are very popular too with Bermuda boasting over 400 dive sites. It is also famous for its 7 golf courses! This is more golf courses than any other small island in the world. The winter months are the perfect time of year for golfing. In 2013 the PGA Grand Slam of Golf will be played at the prestigious Port Royal Golf Course between the 16th and 18th of October.
Elbow Beach
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV
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Chef’s Confidential Turkey & Cranberry Meatloaf Ingredients (serves 8) 1 kg turkey mince 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 small brown onion, grated 1 Granny Smith apple, grated 2 garlic cloves, crushed ¼ cup shredded fresh sage leaves 2 tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves ¾ cup dried breadcrumbs ½ cup cranberry jelly, melted
Method 1. Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan. Grease a 6 cm-deep, 14 cm x 21 cm loaf pan. Line with baking paper, leaving a 5 cm overhang at both long sides. 2. Using hands, combine turkey, egg, onion, apple, garlic, sage, parsley and breadcrumbs in a bowl. Press mixture into prepared pan. 3. Brush top with 2 tablespoons cranberry jelly. Bake for 1 hour or until cooked through. Stand in pan for 5 minutes. Using paper lining, remove from pan. Transfer to a platter. Brush with remaining jelly.
Great served in a lunch box with crackers. You could replace the turkey mince with pork mince - this tastes great, too!
Steven Scutt
Bog Roy Inn, Kirkhill IV5 7PX Tel: 01463 831 296
Wedding feature
Your week at
Humanist Weddings
An afternoon of card playing from 2.00pm 4.00pm with tea, Coffee It’s–not surprising that we’re the fastest and cakes...£3.00 growing provider of weddings in Scotland – – THURSDAY MONDAY because people who go to Humanist
like them so much! KIDS EATCeremonies FREE
One 10’ eats free from celebrates the people A‘under Humanist Wedding 3.00pm – 6.00pm when involved – the couple, their family and friends. accompanied by an adult Ask us about symbolic purchasing a 2 course meal gestures (like wedding band warming, handfasting and candleWEDNESDAY lighting), how you can involve your family and OVER 60’s LUNCH friends in the ceremony, and choices of A two course meal followed by tea wording for your vows. You can be as traditional or coffee....£5.50 or unusual your choices as you like. We work Please book inin advance as this lunch menu is very popular! hard to tailor the ceremony to fit you – making it
a unique, personal celebration of your love SUNDAY and future That’s why Kirsteen said to CARVERY ANDtogether. PUDDING CLUB her aCelebrant: you with all our hearts – Enjoy choice of two‘Thank roast meats our our wedding ceremony from carvery served with all was utterly joyous and theunforgettable. trimmings. It was better than we dreamt Introducing our PUDDING possible, and we felt you understood us CLUB DESSERTS: Four and the wordsfrom we wanted to say.’ mouth watering puddings Kirkhill IV5 7PX todays dessert menu all on one Find out more from Tel: 01463 831 296 plate – HEAVEN highlandweddings@humanism-scotland.org.uk
Bog Roy Inn
Humanist Weddings It’s not surprising that we’re the fastest growing provider of weddings in Scotland – because people who go to Humanist Ceremonies like them so much! A Humanist Wedding celebrates the people involved – the couple, their family and friends. Ask us about symbolic gestures (like wedding band warming, handfasting and candlelighting), how you can involve your family and friends in the ceremony, and choices of wording for your vows. You can be as traditional or unusual in your choices as you like. We work hard to tailor the ceremony to fit you – making it a unique, personal celebration of your love and future together. That’s why Kirsteen said to her Celebrant: ‘Thank you with all our hearts – our wedding ceremony was utterly joyous and unforgettable. It was better than we dreamt possible, and we felt you understood us and the words we wanted to say.’ Find out more from highlandweddings@humanism-scotland.org.uk
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If you’d like a Humanist Wedding, our ready Weddi If Celebrants you’d like aare Humanist to talk to you! And we’re authorised to to marry talk toyou you! And we’re a wherever you’re having your ceremony. wherever you’re havi
“We look back on our humanist ceremony with feeling of real joy!” “Wea look back on our humanist cere “We haven’t stopped smiling three months later.” “We haven’t stopped smilin “Thank you so very much for helping to make our day such a success.” “Thank you so very much for helping
Humanists think it’s possible to live a good, worthwhile life without religion. Humanists think it’s possible to live a go Wedding feature
Looking for the right attire?
Family owned and operated since 1887, McCalls provides high quality Scottish Highland Dress, Formal Hire and Scottish Giftware which are also available at www.mccalls.co.uk. Our philosophy is simple, good value for money and top quality service. We have everything to cater for your wedding party’s needs. Kilts and Jackets All of the made to measure kilts sold by McCalls are produced in Scotland and use only the very finest quality Scottish materials. McCalls also design and manufacture our own tartan, Pride of Scotland, which has 12 designs to choose from for a more contemporary look. We also offer a choice of jacket styles to match the formality of your occasion, Argyll to Prince Charlie, Tweed to Doublet. Our trained staff are pleased to advise. Outfit Designer All designs and options can be viewed on the McCalls website in the ‘Outfit Designer’ section. This is an online tool which enables you to design and piece together your outfit, save the options selected so you can either forward onto members of the wedding party or send directly to store to check availability of stock and arrange your fitting.
At McCalls of Elgin we have designated areas for group fittings and provide a dedicated service just for you. Arrange this in advance by calling 01343 540590. Packages There are 4 kilt packages available at McCalls that not only provide a top to toe outfit, but also saves you money too. Packages start at £759.00 and go up to the deluxe package at £1,099. All of the packages offer a generous discount in comparison to buying the items separately and can be viewed on the website. The groom may also want to upgrade and add plaid, a special sporran or have a special jacket made with unique details to match his kilt or accessories, and as McCalls like to keep up with the trends, there is an extensive selection of cravats and ties to match the theme of the big day. Our knowledgeable staff will be pleased to help the groom and his party choose an outfit that he will be proud to wear. Hire McCalls also offer a significant range of Highland Wear to hire. With a comprehensive range of both traditional tartans and the contemporary, Pride of Scotland, we also have a range of jacket styles to get the right look for your day. McCalls offer hire package which include 6 hires for the price of 5. Giftware McCalls have a vast selection of Scottish giftware and highland accessories.
McCalls of Elgin
Ex-Hire Sale 2013
2nd 2nd March March -- 9th 9th March March Including:-
Kilts from £140 Jackets from £85 Sporrans from £30 and more!
McCalls of Elgin
54 South Street
01343 540590
Wedding feature
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The Studio, The Dairy at Daviot, Daviot Estate, Daviot, Inverness IV2 5ER Ϭϭϰϲϯ ϳϳϭϵϳϱ ͻ ŝŶĨŽΛĐĂŶŽŶďƵƌLJŝŶƚĞƌŝŽƌƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ
Wedding feature
Caring about... Before Renovation
...complete Lawn Renovation. A project this year ? Many of you will, in your darkest moments, consider giving up on your lawn… too far gone… wouldn’t know where to start… best to get it dug up and put down a new lawn ! Replacing a lawn can be very expensive however whether you plan to replace it with a new lawn or even slabs or gravel. Consider this, a worn-out lawn can actually be renovated in situ at a fraction of the cost of removing and replacing the whole thing. I have included here a before and after picture taken just a few weeks apart last summer. I suggest there are 4 stages in the process, and you could either try this yourself, probably with some hired machines, or get some help (probably best as you have to live with the results for years to come). 1. Hollow tine Aeration removes thousands of cores, reducing compaction and allowing air to move in the root zone, encouraging microbial activity and root development. 2. Severe Scarification removes as much thatch as possible, allowing the seed to find the soil surface which always aids germination. Once the thatch has been removed it has to be cleaned off the surface by either raking or sweeping, using a leaf sweeper. 3. Seeding should be applied at a rate of 20-25gms per m². The seed, being on the soil surface, puts it in direct contact with the material that will help it germinate; it is however open to the elements and can be disrupted by heavy winds and birds’ feasting. 4. Top Dressing covers the seed. Many think top dressing should be a sandy soil mix. We actually use a lawn compost, manufactured from recycled green waste and therefore environmentally friendly. It contains nutrient to assist existing grass and promote good germination from the seed and aids good microbial activity. This is applied at 2kg per m². All that’s required now is regular watering until the seed germinates (regular rainfall isn’t usually a problem in these parts). The best time to tackle this is June-Sept in Scotland, and that means starting planning now for your new lawn this summer. At around £2 per m2 to renovate, compared with around £12 per m2 to replace, it really is worth considering.
After Renovation For more information about seasonal lawn improvements from just £15 per qtr, plus useful downloads and photos, go to www.greenthumb.co.uk. Although GreenThumb is a national franchise with over 200 branches across the UK, we are locally based in Cawdor and cover the whole Moray Firth area. Contact Alastair or Fiona for a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS on 01667 404774, or email us at: inverness@greenthumb.co.uk
Call in the professionals! GreenThumb’s annual treatments ensure your lawn looks lush, green and healthy. With prices starting from £15 per treatment, your lawn nightmare will soon be history. Call your local branch today for a FREE lawn analysis and no obligation quote on:
0800 0111 222 Find us online at: www.greenthumb.co.uk
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