Have a new you this summer
Tony welcomes you to his friendly salon with reasonable prices To book an appointment please call: 01463 238448 or 07896 158697
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This space could have been promoting your business! SpotLight covers six areas along the Moray Firth Coastline from Buckie & Keith across to Inverness and then down to Aviemore - and all the places in between!
Contact us for details of rates and sizes: (01309) 690063
AUTISM RIGHTS GROUP HIGHLAND (ARGH) Run by and for autistic adults to make the adult autistic voice heard. We uphold ‘Nothing About Us Without Us’ principle. Contact kb@arghighland.co.uk www.arghighland.co.uk BEAULY BRIDGE CLUB Tuesdays 7.00 - 9.30pm, September to March in Phipps Hall, Beauly. Call Bill Forsyth on 783774. BL’AZZ Non-profit organisation promoting awareness and understanding of Jazz & Blues in the Highlands. Call Nigel Mackenzie on 221460 / nigel.mackenzie@blueorg.com www.nigelsnonsense.org/blazz.htm HIGHLAND GERMAN SOCIETY 1st Wednesday each month, 8pm, St.Ninian’s Church Hall, Culduthel Road, Inverness. Call Rosa Finlayson on01463 238560 or rosafinlayson@btinternet.com
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page 2 - January 2014
HIGHLAND HILLWALKING CLUB Call 791572 or email: highlandhillwalkers@fsmail.net www.spanglefish.com/ HighlandHillwalkingClub HIGHLAND HISTORICAL SEARCH SOCIETY Inverness based metal detecting club. Free equipment loan, tuition and regular places to detect. Beginners/new members welcome. Contact Len tel: 01808 521340 anytime HIGHLAND LONGBOWS Call 741307 or email: barbara39campbell@ btinternet.com HIGHLAND RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Coaching & competitive opportunities in Rugby Football for the whole community. Call Andrew Russell on 243972 or 07786 256891 HIGHLAND WHEELCHAIR CURLING CLUB Tues 1.30 - 3.30pm,Inverness Ice Rink. If you use a wheelchair or have mobility problems come and see what we do. Equipment provided. Call Mo Simpson 01463 716227 or 07798 710404 email: wheel77uk@yahoo.co.uk
INVERNESS BRAVEHEARTS Wednesdays 6pm Gym Hall, Millburn Academy. Helping to maintain a healthy lifestyle to provide support to those with cardiac disease, together with their families. Call 01463 704554 INVERNESS CANOE CLUB Catering for paddlers of all abilities. Affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association. Meeting times vary so visit our website www.invernesscc.org.uk or email info@invernesscc.org.uk HIGHLAND DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY (HDFAS) 2nd Thursday, 2pm, at Smithton Free Church, Inverness IV2 7YU. Interested in learning more about art? Volunteering to record Churches for posterity? £5 per month. Contact 07595 219308 or drmaryharrison2@yahoo.com or davidmartin30@hotmail.com
INVERNESS WINE APPRECIATION SOCIETY Bringing together people with an interest in wine and to develop their interest by holding tastings, usually led by a member of the wine trade and accompanied by suitable food, tel: 221535 PET FOSTERING SCOTLAND Supporting pet owners in an emergency situation. Volunteers care for your pet in their own homes for short periods. Reg. charity SCO15672. Volunteers needed. Tel: 0844 811 9909 www.pfss.org.uk INVERNESS CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY Music lovers promote concerts of chamber music by professionals in the Town House, Inverness, Sept - April/May. Call Paul Crowe on 221535 or visit www.invernesschambermusic.com
INVERNESS AND HIGHLAND BRANCH PARACHUTE REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION 2nd Monday of the month, 7.30pm in the Royal British Legion, Huntly Street Inverness. All ex Airborne are welcome Contact Chairman dennistoun38@gmail.com tel: 01349 862287 INVERNESS ADVANCED MOTORISTS To improve the standard of driving on UK roads. Five weekly courses run twice a year. Visit www.inverness-iam.org INVERNESS ANGLING CLUB Call Don MacKay, Inverness Angling Club, 4 Maxwell Drive, Inverness IV3 5EX www.invernessanglingclub.co.uk
BUY 3 HALF PRICE PAY FOR 2 and get another
on selected lines
on selected lines
World of Blinds 60 Seafield Rd,
INVERNESS BLITZ American football, ages 11 to adult. All equipment supplied. Email info@invernessblitz.co.uk or call: 242431
tel: 01309 690063
AIRD & DISTRICT FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Sept - Mar. Call George Davidson, Smithton, Inverness tel: 798543
65 B8
(01463) 222 522 admin@spotlighton.co.uk
The Editor How long will we live? The other day I heard someone say that “you will die if you have too much fat in your diet”. Then I thought - well we’ll all die no matter how much fat we eat!
PUBLISHER .................................................David Nelmes SALES .............................................................Peter Evans ACCOUNTS ......................................................Wendy Day DESIGN ....................................................Alistair Davidson LAYOUT ....................................................Tamsyn Dickson
Not that I would be advocating a careless attitude to our food but maybe we should relax
February Issue Deadlines
a bit more and try to worry less for “who would add one day to his life by worrying?”
Editorial - Friday 03/01/14 Advertising - Wednesday 08/01/14
Enjoy life and enjoy 2014!
NEW day, evening & weekend classes start January.
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3 Critical Features to demand from Your New Vet... Moving to a new area is a challenging process for your family, your pet will be stressed by the process as well. At Moray Coast Vet Group we want you to know that we are here to help you and your pets settle into the area. Why would you use us? Well it’s simple really, we have been vets in this area for a very long time and can offer your pet the following 3 critical benefits: to a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Accredited Practice, Access meaning your pet will be treated to the highest standards. convenient surgery locations making it easy to get to us Four day and night. and well equipped surgeries meaning we can treat all routine Modern conditions without the need to refer your pet. So all you need to do now, for peace of mind for you and your pet, is call us to say ‘hello’ and we will do all that is necessary to register your pet with our practice. Oh, and we will call your old vet to request your pet’s existing notes, so we can be familiar with everything we need to know. Now that is peace of mind for your pet.
Forres Surgery (main branch) 01309 672243 Nairn Surgery 01667 453161 Lossiemouth Surgery 01343 815335 Balloch Surgery 01463 794224 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER 01309 672243 www.moraycoastvetgroup.co.uk
PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS There’s little to match the disappointment of feeling you’ve arrived at a new beginning, only to discover that you weren’t able to follow through with it… Like someone throwing their last cigarettes into the fire only to find themselves rifling through the kitchen bin in search of dog-ends, or like someone pouring the last of the drink down the sink, only to find themselves back at the supermarket checkout, guiltily piling the bottles and cans onto the conveyor belt. There’s no doubt about it, January 1st remains one of the most promising and compelling dates in the whole of our calendar, bringing with it a sense of completion - even closure as that almost inevitable sense of disappointment gives way to new hope. It’s almost as though we’re being given another chance; another bite of the cherry, another “go” at life… I suppose we’re all drawn to the idea of new beginnings; the idea of being able to make a brand new start. Perhaps this is why New Year is so important to so many of us. We all struggle to live the kind of life we want to live, to become the kind of person we want to become, and that can be intensely frustrating. Occasionally,
someone might have such a clear and compelling idea as to how they want their lives to be that, through sheer force of will and intensity of aspiration, they are able to make the necessary changes, but for most of us that kind of approach doesn’t usually bear lasting fruit. In reality, it’s usually only the anguish of disappointment and regret that serves as a springboard to lasting change. In amongst all of the excesses of the season, the over-indulgence and the giving and receiving of gifts, I suspect we’ve all heard at least the whisper of a greater hope and of a more enduring victory. Whether it was a hymn being played in the supermarket, or a tract handed out by a well-meaning Christian, whether it was something you saw on TV or something you heard at a children’s nativity play, you will undoubtedly have heard of the one heralded as the “Saviour”, the “Son of God” whose “Kingdom will never end”, the one of whom the angels spoke when they appeared to the shepherds, saying, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests”. And the gift that he has brought into the world – a gift that is for all who will
Ardersier with Petty Parish Church, Church of Scotland Ardersier Sundays 10.15am. Petty Sundays 12 noon. Tel: 01667 462224. Avoch Congregational Church High Street, Avoch. Sundays 11.30am. Refreshments afterwards. www.avochcongregationalchurch.co.uk Black Isle Charge Episcopal Churches 1 Deans Road, Fortrose. Tel: 01381 622241. Cale House, Church of Scotland Millburn Road, Inverness. Tel: 01463 718616. Christian Group in Inverness Call 07724 992790 or visit www.christian-group-inverness.org CityLife Church Mercure Hotel, Church Street, Inverness. Sundays 10:30am. Tel: 01463 714839. Email: info@citylifechurch.org.uk. Website: www.citylifechurch.org.uk Culduthel Christian Centre Culduthel Avenue, IV2 6AS. Sunday family service at 11am and evening service at 6pm. Phone 01463 222795. Minister: Rev Bill Slack. All welcome. Culloden Baptist Church Culloden Academy. Sundays 10.30am. Tel: 01463 794005. Email: culloden.baptist@btconnect.com. Website: www.cullodenbaptistchurch.org.uk Barn Church of Scotland Culloden. Sundays 10.30am. First and third Sundays of the month 6.30pm service. www.barnchurch.org.uk Croy & Dalcross Parish Church Church of Scotland Croy Village. Every Sunday 12noon. Dalneigh & Bona Church of Scotland St Mary’s Avenue, Inverness. Bona Church, Lochend by Inverness: 10am. Dalneigh Church, St Mary’s Avenue, Inverness: 11.30am and 6.30pm. Tel: 01463 232439. Dingwall Baptist Church Tulloch Street, Dingwall. www.dbc.org.uk Dingwall Castle Street Church of Scotland www.dingwall-church.co.uk
page 4 - January 2014
receive it – is the gift of New Life and New Hope – the resources we need in order to fulfil the purpose for which we’ve been created. It is the awesome gift of a genuinely New Beginning. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). In fact, his message was referred to by the New Testament writers as the message of “New Life”. They reveal to us the great mystery that, although we cannot see him, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8) – able to help all those who seek a fundamental change in their lives. This message of New Life is surprisingly simple. We are to earnestly seek the Lord in prayer, asking him to forgive all of the “stuff” that gets in the way of things working out properly in our lives (our sin), and inviting him into our hearts as Saviour and Lord. When we call upon him in this way, abandoning all hope of making it alone, and asking him to pour the “living waters of his Spirit” into our hearts, he can be trusted to meet our deepest need; the need for a radically new beginning. Rev Howard David Grace Community Church Inverness
Dingwall Catholic Church, St Lawrence 21 Castle Street, Dingwall. Tel: 01349 863143. Dingwall Episcopal Church, St James The Great Castle Street, Dingwall. Tel: 01349 862204. Website: www.stjames-stannes.org.uk Dingwall Free Church High Street. Sundays 11am and 6pm. Website: www.deep-river.co.uk Dores Fcc Reformed Church, Psalm Singing - New Building On The B862 Towards Fort William, near village centre. Sundays 11am (With Children's Program) & 6.30pm, Wednesdays 7.30pm. 01463 709729 www.dores-church.org.uk - Email: davideratti@fccontinuing.org - All Welcome - Translation Provided In Italian, French, Spanish. Ferintosh and Resolis Free Church Rev. Chris Smart. Website: www.ferintosh.org.uk Free North Church Bank Street, Inverness. Tel: 01463 224332. Website: www.freenorthchurch.org Fortrose Free Church, 5 Church Street, Fortrose, IV10 8TE. Sunday: 11.30am and 6pm. Website: www.freechurch.org Grace Community Church Inshes Primary School. Sundays 10.30am. Email: thenewseed@yahoo.com Highland International Church Palace Hotel, 8 Ness Walk, Inverness, IV3 5NG. Sundays 11am. www.hicinverness.org.uk Hilton, Church of Scotland Tomatin Road, Inverness. Tel: 01463 233310. Website: www.hiltonchurch.org.uk Listed from A to H and regularly rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here and would like to be considered for inclusion or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
)255(6 52$' ‡ (/*,1 ‡ ,9 81 Email: info@oakwoodcookery.co XN ‡ZZw.oakwoodcookeryschool.co.uk www.aeg.co.uk
Party in the New Year With the people who really know how to party! ...Bog Roy Inn
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USEFUL INFORMATION Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday Chinese New Year Local Holiday ‡ Valentine’s Day
Wed 25th Dec 2013 Thurs 26th Dec 2013 Tues 31st Dec 2013 Wed 1st Jan 2014 Thurs 2nd Jan 2014 Fri 31st Jan 2014 Mon 3rd Feb 2014 Fri 14th Feb 2014
Local Holiday ‡ Mothering Sunday British Summertime Starts Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Early May Bank Holiday ‡ Inverness
Mon 3rd Mar 2014 Sun 30th Mar 2014 Sun 30th Mar 2014 Fri 18th Apr 2014 Sun 20th Apr 2014 Mon 21st Apr 2014 Mon 5th May 2014
School Term Dates for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Spring Term Starts Mon 6th Jan 2014 Holiday Closure Mon 17th Feb 2014 Holiday Closure Tues 18th Feb 2014 Regional Closure Wed 19th Feb 2014 Regional Closure Thurs 20th Feb 2014 Regional Closure Fri 21st Feb 2014 Spring Term Ends Fri 4th Apr 2014 Good Friday Holiday Fri 18th Apr 2014
Easter Monday Holiday Mon 21st Apr 2014 Summer Term Starts Tues 22nd Apr 2014 May Day Holiday Mon 5th May 2014 Summer Term Ends Thurs 3rd Jul 2014 for 2014/2015 (all dates inclusive) In-Service Day Mon 18th Aug 2014 Autumn Term Starts Tues 19th Aug 2014 In-Service Day Thurs 25th Sep 2014 In-Service Day Fri 26th Sep 2014
Useful Contacts Ardersier Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 462658 Beauly Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782930 Black Isle Leisure Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 621252 Bus Station, Inverness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239292 Citizens Advice Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08444 994111 Cromarty Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 600318 Culloden Academy Community Complex . . . . . 01463 792794 Culloden Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 792531 Dalcross Airport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 464000 Fortrose Community Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 622235 Highland Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01349 886606 Inshes Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 725928 Inverness Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 667500 Inverness Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236463 National Rail Enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 Police Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
VILLAGE HALLS & COMMUNITY CENTRES Abriachan Village Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 861257 Ardersier Old School Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 462658 Balloch Community Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07955 756310 Cameron Youth Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 234785 Cannich Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 459224 Culduthel Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712844 Farr Community Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01808 521346 Floral Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 713553 Kiltarlity Community Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 741447 Kirkhill Community Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 831737 Merkinch Community Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239563 Phipps Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782930 Smithton-Culloden Youth Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 793284 The Green Hall, Smithton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07977 852083 Spectrum Centre & Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 221842 Stratherrick Public Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 486350 Strathnairn Hall (Daviot) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 772228
page 6 - January 2014
VETS Crown Vets (Argyle St) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 237000 Crown Vets (Carsegate Rd Sth) . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712202 Culloden Veterinary Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 793700 Eastgate Veterinary Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 230893 Fish Vet Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 717774 Inshes Veterinary Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 711777 Kessock Equine Veterinary Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 731107 Moray Coast Vet Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 794224
DENTISTS 21 Kingsmills Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 233416 Abban Street Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 718140 Academy Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 232423 Burnfield Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 241515 Black Isle Dental Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01349 877082 Castle House Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 234598 Dalneigh Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 243767 Dental Clinic, New Craigs Hospital . . . . . . . . . . 01463 704000 Fraser Street Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 242344 High School Dental Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 235468 Inshes Dental Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 794949 Inverness Dental Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 255866 Ness Bank Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236295 Riverside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 226358 Southside Surgical Dentistry Centre . . . . . . . . . 01463 710760 Southside Dental Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 710760 Torwood Dental Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 712772 Dental Helpline 0845 6442271 Useful numbers are rotated on a regular basis. To add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
Weddings and Corporate Entertainment A Unique place for any Occasion It is difficult to imagine a more romantic setting for your wedding than a 17th century house set in a sheltered walled garden. However, Innes is not just a stunning venue which you and your guests will never forget, but also offers a wholly flexible programme to enable you to plan your day exactly as you would like. Every wedding is unique and tailor-made for each couple. You may hold the ceremony here in the garden or in one of the two beautiful reception rooms. After the service your guests can wander around the gardens whilst you have your photographs taken in these tranquil, romantic surroundings. The reception and dinner may be held in the East Dining Room or larger parties can be held in our marquee extension which covers a walled garden complete with a summer house for the bar and a fountain around which the tables are set. After dinner you may enjoy dancing or other entertainment and then drive away down the tree lined avenue and look back on a magnificent floodlit house. Alternatively, you and some of your guests may stay the night in one of our splendidly appointed bedrooms and leave after a leisurely breakfast the next morning.
“Many venues have a marquee in their garden, but how many have a garden in their marquee…?”
Innes House – Elgin – Moray – IV30 8NG Tel. 01343 842410 enquiries@inneshouse.co.uk – www.inneshouse.co.uk Please quote ‘SpotLight’ when making an enquiry
PARLIAMENT BLOG & TIDE TIMES Let me start by saying that I sincerely hope everyone had a very enjoyable Christmas and New Year. I am writing this blog in December, so I can tell you that I am very much looking forward to spending some time with my family in Aviemore over Christmas. Last year, I was able to spend a day on the Mountain teaching my girls to ski. I’m told that Cairngorm are expecting another record breaking year, so I’m hoping to do the same again this year. It was also good to be able to stop on the village high street to speak to so many folk out doing their last minute Christmas shopping. Like me! I would like to end by wishing everyone in the Highlands all the best for 2014. It will be a very important time for many people and it is a very important year for our country. If I can ever do anything to help you over the coming year, no matter how big or small, please do email me at danny@highlandlibdems.org.uk or call my office on 01463 711280.
2014 will not be boring! This year will see Scotland host the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup, which will be watched by 500 Million people all over the planet. We will celebrate the Year of the Homecoming, with hundreds of events all over the country, and the centrepiece Bannockburn Live held on the 28th - 30th June near Stirling, combined with Armed Forces Day there. This will see Scotland on the world stage as never before. A huge amount of effort has been devoted to the success of these events, to promote Scotland, as a great place to visit, with a vast array of visitor attractions and quality accommodation as well as food and drink. As Tourism Minister, I will be busy to play a part in making the most and the best of the opportunities this year brings, when we will portray ourselves as a positive welcoming friendly country - democratic and dynamic innovative but traditional, with whisky, tartan and the bagpipes recognised and loved by people from all over the world. Oh yes - there is also something else happening in 2014. A time to choose the future we wish for Scotland.
Danny Alexander MP LOW TIDE TIMES FOR INVERNESS IN JANUARY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 05:50 06:38 07:24 08:07 08:50 09:32 10:10
PM 18:23 19:10 19:57 20:44 21:32 22:18 23:05
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Range of High back chairs Riser/Recliner Chairs & Electric Beds... ...everything to keep you comfortable this winter.
Fergus Ewing MSP AM 10:50 11:46 01:52 03:03 03:59 04:45 05:19 04:54 05:36 06:18 06:56 07:28
PM 23:59 14:26 15:31 16:25 17:11 17:47 18:15 18:43 19:14 19:48 20:23
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
AM 07:45 07:49 08:14 08:50 09:38 11:41 01:26 02:35 03:38 04:41 05:37 06:24
PM 20:53 21:16 20:56 21:32 23:55 13:47 15:19 16:25 17:23 18:13 18:58
LOSE WEIGHT, FEEL GREAT, HAVE FUN! And/or make an extra £200 - £1k a month, part-time. How does it get any better than this?! Contact Morag, your Herbalife Independent Distributor morag@somethingmorehealth.com 07803 04 66 53
Hours of Business MON - FRI 9am - 5pm
01309 676677 sales@wheelchaircare.co.uk 21 West Road, Greshop Industrial Estate, Forres IV36 2GW (Behind Lidl) Easy Parking & Disabled Toilet Facilities
page 8 - January 2014
tel: 01309 690063
PLeaSe SenD US DeTaiLS Of YOUr evenTS Deadline for the February Issue: Friday, 3rd January Website: www.spotlighton.co.uk Email: tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk Telephone: 01309 690063 Inclusion of events into the What’s On is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops.
russian christmas celebration 12pm - 2pm at 1 ardconnell terrace, inverness enquiries 01667 456245 visit www.highlandrussia.org.uk
5 sunday great glen walking club culnaskiach falls - kiltarlity. 6 miles. depart 10am highland council car park. contact 01463 236204 for further information.
Please note: contact venues and organisers first as there may be changes to events.
9 thursday
DECEMBER 26 thursday great glen walking club boxing day walk. 6.5 miles. go directly to the car park in fortrose by 10am. contact 01463 236204 for further information.
28 saturday great glen walking club roseisle to burghead circular. 9 miles. depart 9am highland council car park. contact 01463 236204 for further information. slam @ ironworks 10:30pm. call 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
highland decorative & fine arts society (hdfas) art lecture - ‘mysterious land: legends and archaeology of ethiopia’ talk by louise schofield 2pm - 3:30pm at smithton free church, murray road, inverness iv2 7yu. non members £5. for more info call 07595 219308 or email drmaryharrison2@yahoo.com or davidmartin30@hotmail.com bl’azz presents 'gentle jazz' from 1pm, at the town house, inverness. tickets £5.
29 sunday inverness ramblers mid festive wander by dores / aldourie. 7 miles. meet 10:30am highland council car park. call 01463 236204 for further information.
31 tuesday hogmanay @ strathpeffer pavilion 8pm - 1am. family-friendly hogmanay hooley. tickets £24 / £16 for u16 visit www.strathpefferpavilion.org rhythmnreel hogmanay party @ ironworks 9pm. call 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
JANUARY 2014 1 wednesday new year's day ceilidh 7:30pm at the glen mhor hotel, inverness. tickets £12.50 (includes stovies) tickets & info at www.reelceilidhs.moonfruit.com
2 thursday inverness ramblers craig dunain circuit. 7 miles. 10am start at the aquadome. call 01463 236204 for further information.
4 saturday inverness ramblers fortrose-chanory-rosmarkie. 8 miles. meet 10am higland coucil car park. contact 01463 236204 for further information.
Nairn Community & Arts Centre
Your Y our local venue for films, shows, concerts, and parties. Wide W ide range of activities for all ages.
JANUARY JANUARY EVENTS Saturday 111th 1th ................... W Wedding edding Exhibition Friday 17th .............. Music Nairn – Pure Brass Monday 20th ................ Cinema Nairn, Matinee “Calamity Jane” For further details, telephone 01667 453476, e-mail info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
January 2014 - page 9
11 saturday
25 saturday
great glen walking club around dores. 7 miles. depart 10am highland council car park. contact 01463 236204 for further information. burning of the clavie 6pm - 9pm, brander street, burghead. ancient traditions are rekindled at this ancient fire festival.
great glen walking club yankee pier - alness golf course figure of 8. 10 miles. depart 9am highland council car park. contact 01463 236204 for info. burns night ceilidh 7:30pm at the glen mhor hotel. tickets £14.50, includes haggis, neeps & tatties www.reelceilidhs.moonfruit.com
12 sunday inverness ramblers south loch ness trail (part 1). 6.5 miles. meet 10am at highland council car park. call 01463 236204 for further information.
13 monday royal scottish geographical society lecture 7:30pm, highland council chamber, glenurquhart road, inverness. laurie campbell (photographer): wild harris. adults £8, students, under 18's and rsgs members free.
14 tuesday pink castle philosophy club - how should i live in 2014 7:30pm riverside lounge, glen mhor hotel, ness bank, inverness. www.pinkcastle.eu scottish ornithologists' club: ‘birding trip to costa rica’ by al mcnee 7:30pm, culloden library. call 01463 221661 or 01808 511740 £3 members; £4 non members.
17 friday music nairn presents pure brass 7:30pm at nairn community and arts centre. fun and fabulous playing from this scottish brass quintet. for details call 01667 455701 or visit www.musicnairn.org.uk
25 saturday - 26 sunday arden grange and siberian husky club of GB 30th anniversary aviemore sled dog rally 9am - 4pm. run on forest trails around loch morlich, in the shadow of the cairngorms. for more information call 07990 848898 or email aviemore@siberianhuskyclub.com
26 sunday inverness ramblers grantown-nw to tobar alain. 9 miles. meet 9am at highland council car park. call 01463 236204 for further information. beyond presents: newton faulkner @ ironworks 7:30pm. over 14s - u16s with adult. call 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com
30 thursday rspb talk “swanning around in scotland and iceland”- whooper swans 7:30pm, fraser park bowling club, macewen dr, inverness.
inverness ramblers revack to nethy bridge circular. 12 miles. meet 9am at highland council car park. call 01463 236204 for further information.
19 sunday great glen walking club avoch, munlochy bay, rosehaugh circular. 7 miles. depart 9:30am highland council car park. contact 01463 236204 for info.
20 monday cinema nairn matinee 'calamity jane' (u) 2pm nairn community and arts centre. tickets at door. includes tea and bakes. visit cinemanairn.blogspot.co.uk for further info.
21 tuesday highland literary salon 7:30pm in glenmhor hotel, inverness. guest speaker: anne macleod. for details visit www.highlandlitsalon.com inverness botany group - talk: mountain woodlands 7:30pm, smithton free church, murray rd, smithton, inverness. 01463 791348.
24 friday - 25 saturday the vatersay boys @ ironworks 8pm. u16s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. call 0871 7894173 or visit www.ironworksvenue.com page 10 - January 2014
Use our website enquiry form at: www.1renewables/get-in-touch.php
18 saturday
tel: 01309 690063
JOIN OUR GROWING LIST OF INVESTORS IN SINGLE TURBINES 1 RENEWABLES LTD, a local wind-power company, seeks investors for renewables projects secured by the UK Government Feed-in Tariff. Our 1st portfolio is now almost fully funded by a combination of large and small investors, with 2nd and 3rd portfolios developing. Minimum amount 5k, no maximum amount. Excellent returns for 20 year FiT programme, or for shorter periods if preferred. Corporate and personal guarantees provided. CONTACT
Ian on 07713 912473 ian@1renewables.com or alastair@1renewables.com admin@spotlighton.co.uk
Local charity Wild things!... ...are delighted to host the award winning feature length documentary Project Wild Thing at Eden Court on the 7th of February at 8.15pm.
proudly hosts
The Project Wild Thing film takes a funny and revealing look at the complex issue surrounding the increasingly disparate connection between children and nature. The film shares Wild things! vision, to inspire people to get outside and explore the wilderness on their doorstep. Wild things! will be hosting a Q+A session with refreshments and a raffle, after the film.
7 Feb 2014 - 8.15pm
Project Wild Thing tickets for sale: Eden Court 01463 234 234
advice, home visits, measures, quotes
call... 01463 229746 or visit at our showroom, open : monday to friday 9am - 5pm and saturday 10am - 3pm
full range of soft furnishings,fabrics and accessories. Interior Design by Jane Grant
original affordable exciting
Property Feature
SOLAR: A WISE INVESTMENT Of course we are all concerned when the government makes changes to renewable incentives – but as energy prices rise and solar panel prices fall, solar is still a wise investment. The proof is in the figures, a comparison with the latest ISA’s showed the best ISA to return 3.02% (source: Money Supermarket) compared to returns of up 13% for solar panel installation. Of course, solar PV is more than just installing panels on your roof; any initial outlay will be significantly improved by simple, extra additions; LED lighting, solar generated immersion pre-heats, and battery backup storage (UPS), together with a better understanding of how to reduce your normal energy usage. Green Moray Renewables is a family run business with twenty years experience in the electrical industry. It has been SELECT and Scottish Building Standard registered since 2005. We have now installed over 250 solar PV installations, on the roof, on ground mounts and 50kw commercial system arrays. We know our business. As an example: 4kw array (16 panels) = feed in tariff + export tariff + total system benefit = a net gain of £600 to £800 avg. per year + Free electricity AND independence from the continual rising costs of energy usage.
Legal Will Writers of Moray .....are based in Elgin and offer the highest standards and value with a friendly professional home visit service covering from Inverness to Aberdeen. As members of the Society of Will Writers and Estate Planning Practitioners they are qualified to draft Wills in either Scottish or English Law and carry Professional Indemnity Insurance of £2.5 million to cover each and every Will. Making a Will is the only way to ensure that your wishes are carried out after your death. Although most people consider having a Will, they are unaware of the outcome of dying intestate (without a Will). If you die without a Will there are certain rules which govern how your estate will be handed out. This may not reflect how you wish your money and possessions to be allocated.
ÀÊ`iÌ> Ã\Ê"vv ViÊä£Î{ÎÊn£n£äÓÊUÊ À> > ÊäÇ äÎÊ{ {Ç£n } Ài iÜ>L ià Ì`J Ûi°V °Õ
So who should make a Will? The short answer is everyone but those groups in most need of a valid Will are those with changed circumstances: newly married, divorced, parents with children under 16, unmarried with partners, and the retired. Legal Will Writers of Moray also offer full estate planning services including: Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Inheritance Tax, Planning for Care Home Fees, Living Wills, Safe Document Storage.
Legal Will Writers of Moray We offer a friendly professional and inexpensive service for Wills, Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning, from Inverness to Aberdeen
Free Information Pack - Home Visits
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Property Feature
Property Feature
ENERGY SOLUTIONS WHICH CAN IN TURN SAVE MONEY As aenergy pricesefficient rise and solar panel prices fall, solarcost power is method still a wise investment. Creating more energy environment has become a viable cutting for businesses and homeowners to cutbecoming back and make changes to their properties in a money bid to cut costs. What was once a luxurylooking is rapidly a real consideration. Use your when Renewables as local electrical and plumbing contractors Green Moray Renewables can help spend less and where youyou need it most. money by assessing the technology that can work for you:
The changing cost of UK Energy
Source: N.Power
Ë Ë • Ë Ë• Ë• Ë•
Electrical installations and consultation
Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Plumbing Ë ËË Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Solar Systems Ë Photovoltaic Ë Ë Ë Photovoltaic Ë Ë Ë Solar Add-Ons Ë Ë Ë System Ë Ë Ë Ë • Solar Thermal Systems Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë • ‘Intelligent’ Electrics Ë Ë Ë Ë •ËElectric Ë Vehicle Charging Unit • Battery Back-up andË Storage Ë Ë Ë
Contact: Graham | 07903 494718 Dave | 07787 510665 Sharon | 01343 818102
gmrenewablesltd@live.co.uk • Dallas, Forres, Moray IV36 2RZ Property Feature
Dreaming of... Australia Australia is a huge destination for many and is, of course about as far as you can get, in distance, from home. Whether it is Sydney, Melbourne or one of Australia’s other fantastic cities, there is always plenty to do. There is culture and entertainment, live music and festivals and art galleries and museums.
Sydney Opera House and Bridge
On the way and the return there are a variety of stopovers in cities such as Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai or San Francisco, or relaxing on a beautiful South Pacific Island such as Raratonga. The country is so vast that it covers 3 different time zones and it is around 2,800 miles from Perth in the west to Brisbane in the east. Much of the country is arid desert, mainly in the centre, with the population generally living nearer to the coastline. One of the world’s most famous cities Sydney is loved for its Opera House, Harbour Bridge (the coat hanger), waterways and lifestyle. Melbourne and its surrounds are particularly popular with sports enthusiasts and lovers of the great outdoors. There is the world heritage wilderness of Queensland’s Fraser Island with its massive sand dunes, coloured-sand cliffs, silent rivers and 120km of spectacular beaches. There are freshwater lakes and towering rain forests with rare plants and bird species and from August to October you may well spot a humpback whale. There are several ways of getting about in Australia, including the flexibility of a motorhome, self-drive, escorted tours, generally by coach, which have a certain air of quality about them, and trains such as the Tilt train from Brisbane to Cairns and the Ghan train from Adelaide to Alice Springs. When you visit Uluru (Ayers Rock), the world’s largest monolith, a sunrise or a sunset tour with an Aboriginal guide will be an unforgettable experience. We are always surprised how popular Australia is as a destination from Western Europe, and of course many take in New Zealand as well, although a considerable amount of time is recommended for such a trip. 12 Apostles
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Steam & No Chemicals Using Dry ly allllly al leaning ntta nt en C me nm ron e l nvviiro i En ul,l, E ul erffu ower Po P Mob errrvviicce Se ng S niin an ea le Cl dllyy C nd ndl en ie Frrriie F allll ma Sm e &S mes om Ho orr H o Fo F ess esssse ne ussiin Bu B
nssttaanttlly Dry IIn ch Dr Touch urr ou Ho An H Dry IIn A ely Dr Complleetel
France, Spain & Guernsey from Rosyth, Double cabin 3 Sept, 11nts from ............ £809
Scandanavia/St Petersburg from Rosyth, Double cabin 10 Aug, 13nts from .........£1299
Norwegian Fjords from Greenock, Double cabin 16 Sept, 10nts from .......... £719
UK and Ireland from Rosyth Double cabin, 23 Aug, 11nts from ...............................£1079
Portugal & Azores from Greenock, Double cabin 26 Sept, 14 nts from .......£1119
w ON Q TIIO T A AT , NO OBLIG FOR A FREE 74 6174 5 2361
/0779 18066/0 81 g’s For Us’ 1343 8 01 ell:: 0 T Te ving, Cleanin Li or Is F ‘Life
e 37 xperie n ce 43
Cruises from Scotland in 2014 Norwegian Fjords from Rosyth, Double cabin, 31 July, 10nts from ................................. £899
ens Leather), Ov ollsstteerryy (Inc. ho ph de & Out) U Up si , s, ts (In et s pe rp r ie rie or Ca t to : at v n erva Indoor ns, Cons vans rava ra a C Ca , s uk r rs a o. C Ca .c : mdemon Outdoor UOTE ww.drystea
ELGIN 01343 548844
Beaver Travel, 78 High Street, Forres
Also at: 2-6 South Street, Elgin www.beavtrav.com Beaver Travel is also a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - No booking fee.
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Traditional 3 Course Sunday Lunch 12.30 - 4pm £15.95 Per Person
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All prices are per person
VALENTINES DAY 14th February
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30th March Book your table early to avoid disappointment
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Health & Well-being
New Year, New You
Many pharmacies are able to offer patients a weight management programme where they are counselled on healthy eating plans and lifestyle choices including exercise regimes. For patients booking their annual trip abroad in January pharmacy can also play a role in advising on travel health. Our pharmacy at Lochardil can also provide private prescriptions and administration for travel vaccines and anti-malarials. Of course at this time of year there are still lots of bugs and coughs and colds hanging around. Your community pharmacy team can advise you how to treat these, referring you to your GP if required. The NHS Minor Ailment service for eligible patients allows your community pharmacist to prescribe over the counter medication, give advice or refer as appropriate without the need for an appointment.
These days Community Pharmacies can do a lot more than dispense prescriptions. There are many ways pharmacy can help you to improve your health and to keep you healthy. As the start of a New Year beckons it may be time to kick your health into shape. Some people have the desire to take on healthy New Year’s resolutions from losing weight to getting fitter or giving up smoking to name a few. Pharmacies are well placed to help patients looking for support to achieve their goals.
At Lochardil Pharmacy we offer all of these services on a daily basis with experienced staff always on hand to help.
Community pharmacies offer smoking cessation programmes in line with the NHS providing advice and support using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) free of charge.
Morven Road, Inverness IV2 4BU. Tel: 01463 236 263
ơ ǣ NHS & private prescription dispensing Repeat prescription collection service from all Inverness surgeries NHS Minor Ailment Service NHS Chronic Medication Service Smoking cessation advice Travel health advice and clinic Delivery service for Housebound Patients
lac e
Your new, local Independent Pharmacy in Inverness
ǣ Monday – Friday ͠ǣ͛͘ Ǧ͝ǣ͛͘ Saturday ͡ ͝
d oa il R
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Plac e
Loc h
Morven Road, Inverness IV2 4BU 01463 236 263
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Pharmacies also available in the Highlands: Alness Pharmacy ͙͛͘͜͡ ͛͜͜͜͠͠ Balintore Pharmacy ͙͚͘͠͞ ͚͚͙͛͠͡ LochardilPharmacy
Health & Well-being
Health & Well-being
Moray Healing & Retreat Centre opens for 2014 Avalon, the mystical isle where King Arthurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sword was forged was also where he was taken to heal his battle wounds. It was a magical place where man and nature worked in harmony, where the land is reputed to produce an abundance of fruit with no need for toil. This mystical isle could only be found by those who were ready. Avalon, Roseisle, was originally built around 1995 by a visionary artist from Findhorn. Now run as a retreat centre, it is a magical place connected energetically with Findhorn, Glastonbury and Iona. It is the perfect place to come to find your own tools of empowerment, to heal old wounds, to deepen your connection with nature and develop skills to enhance your life with greater harmony, abundance and authenticity, to find your path and purpose and follow your dreams. Are you ready to accept your sword of destiny? Avalon offers regular meditation evenings, chanting evenings, Reiki shares & film nights as well as individual Reiki healing and Metamorphic Technique sessions. 2014 courses and retreats include: Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Meditation, Angels, Sound Healing, Crystals, Animal Communication, Metamorphic Technique, Ascension and Lemurian Healing. For dates and more information see www.reikitraining.org.uk or contact: Elizabeth Harley 01343 209616 elizpeace@live.co.uk Avalon, Roseisle, Moray, IV305YD
Avalon Retreat Centre Sessions, Workshops, Retreats & Groups
Reiki & Karuna Metamorphic Technique Angels & Crystals Animal Communication Meditation & Sound Healing Elizabeth Harley U 01343 209616 www.reikitraining.org.uk U elizpeace@live.co.uk Health & Well-being
SALE F R I D AY 3 R D J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 9 . 3 0 A M TO 5 P M
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Old Perth Road, Inverness, IV2 5BE T: 01463 236451 events@drumossiehotel.co.uk www.drumossiehotel.co.uk
Ja nuary Inv itation
We would like to invite you to our Wedding Open Weekend on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th January, 11am – 3pm
Join us for a glass of Bubbly and view our Suites set up for a ceremony and a wedding meal. Complimentary extras for new bookings confirmed on the day!
Fe bruary Inv itation Saturday 15th February
Toe2Toe Dance presents “The Glitter Masquerade Ball” £25.00 includes buffet
£35.00 includes buffet and masquerade mask OR
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th February
Enjoy a romantic dinner in our intimate 2AA Rosette Restaurant £35.00 Sunday 16th February, 11am – 4pm
“Through the Looking Glass” – Wedding Exhibition
Meet a host of exhibitors to help you plan your special day
easy to call • easy to click • easy to go ONLY SCOTTISH COMPANY LIKE US OPEN ‘TIL 9PM! All offers include evening meal and breakfast unless otherwise stated. Hotels with include leisure facilities. BB = bed & breakfast.
We’ll price match if you find any of our breaks at a better price elsewhere!*
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Fairmont St Andrews
2 nights (Thur-Sun)
January to March 3 nights (Thur-Sun)
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DoubleTree by Hilton Dunblane Hydro
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1 night (Mon-Thur)
January to March 2 nights (Fri arrival)
January to March 2 nights
Kingsmills Hotel
Carnoustie Golf Hotel
January to March 2 nights
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2 nights (Sun-Thur)
January to February 2 nights (Fri arrival)
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Terms and conditions: All rates are per person, per break based on two guests sharing a double or twin room and include dinner, bed and breakfast unless otherwise stated, please check for family and single room rates and availability. All reservations must be pre-paid at time of booking by credit or debit card and an administration charge applies to each reservation. All rates are subject to availability which may be limited- when they’re gone, they’re gone, and excludes festive period, so book quickly to avoid disappointment. *If you find the same deal cheaper on any other third party booking site, we will match that rate. Full terms and conditions apply, please see website.
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