JUNE 2013
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© Pauline Lewin
CLUBS & SOCIETIES 777 MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB Tel: 235231 or email: jeffgallagher@tiscali.co.uk BEAULY ANGLING CLUB Established around 1960, the club provides sea trout and salmon fishing to residents of Beauly as well as to visitors. Visit www.beauly-angling-club.co.uk CAPITAL SKATEPARK GROUP Tel: 714516 or email: agapeclothing@hotmail.co.uk
HIGHLAND QUILTERS 3rd Tuesday Sept- June (December meeting 2nd Tuesday). Meet in Smithton Free Church Hall at 7.30pm. New members and visitors welcolme. Contact Alice (234076) for more details. HIGHLAND BONSAI SOCIETY 3rd Wednesday every month, 7.30pm in Balloch Village Hall Contact Chris on 01349 865485
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2 - June 2013
THE HIGHLAND CHILDREN'S TRUST Tel: 243872 www.hctrust.co.uk EDITH MACPHERSON SCHOOL OF DANCE 50 Hill Street, Inverness Tel: 232112 INVERNESS & DISTRICT FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Apr - Sept. Call George Davidson, Smithton, Inverness tel: 798543
CHARLESTON YOUTH THEATRE For ages 12-18, Charleston Academy, Inverness
*2 $" *2 7+ " 6+ " /-$) -- +,*!$' /'' + "
CLACHNACUDDIN CYCLING CLUB Call 791000 or email: strathlynn@btinternet.com
NASTY NESSIES ROLLER GIRLS Beginner training sessions on Wednesday evenings from 8pm10pm. Must be over 18 and female. www.nastynessiesrollergirls.wordpress.com ROYAL MARINES ASSOCIATION HIGHLAND BRANCH Meetings last Friday in month at Royal British Legion, Huntly Street, Inverness. Call 07702 819751 or email secretary@rma-highlands.org.uk www.rma-highlands.org.uk ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CITY OF INVERNESS BRANCH 2nd Wed each month, 7:30pm, RBLS Club, Huntly Street. Ex or serving member or connection or interest in the Royal Navy? Guest speakers, day trips & swinging the lantern along with a tot or two. Email: Gordon Ross gwross@btinternet.com or Evan Jessiman at evan.jessiman@ btinternet.com SAYLIG INVERNESS We look at all aspects of life for people with learning disability and/or autism, SHIRLIE Project, Inverness, tel: 716179 or email rona.mem@hotmail.co.uk SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING IN INVERNESS Beginners: Crown Church Hall on Mondays 7.30pm -9.30 pm. General class: St Mary's Hall, Huntley Street on Thursdays 8.15pm-10.15pm. All welcome. Tel: 01463 235384.
SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL OF INVERNESS AND NAIRN 2nd and 4th Monday evenings in Lochardil House Hotel. Call Mrs Janet Home (Secretary) on 01463 221185 STRATH ART CLUB Relaxing setting for informal drop in sessions for budding artists. 7 - 9pm, £2 per session with the kitchen available for making of refreshments, Strathpeffer Community Centre. Call 01997 421989 or visit www.strathpeffer communitycentre.org.uk THE HIGHLAND BRIDGE CLUB Meets every Wednesday all year. New members welcome. Call Marsalaidh on 01463 224434 or Graham on 01463 792811 THE WAY FOUNDATION Help each other rebuild our lives after widowhood. Call us on 0870 011 3450 or email info@wayfoundation.org.uk TREES FOR LIFE GREEN DAYS OUT For people in Moray & Invernessshire. Spend a day carrying out conservation tasks. Transport, tools and training free of charge. Pick ups available. Volunteers over 18 with a reasonable level of fitness. Every Wed & last Sun of the month. Booking essential. Call Mick on 01309 691292 or email mick@treesforlife.org.uk VILLAGE VOICES IN GOOD TUNE Every Wednesday 7pm - 9pm in the Gordon Memorial Hall, Rosemarkie. No need to read music as all songs are taught by ear and harmonies develop easily. If you ever wanted to be part of a group & just haven't had the chance, come and join us!' For info call Maureen Weir at 01381 620559 or email maureen.weir@talktalk.net
WILDCATS CHEERLEADERS Call 01463 792360 or 07912650440 Email: wildcats cheerleaders@googlemail.com www.wildcatcheerleaders.co.uk INVERNESS SEA CADETS Tues and Thursday evenings, 7.15pm-9.30pm, tel: 226069 INVERNESS TENNIS & SQUASH CLUB Call 230751 or email: itsc.information@gmail.com www.itscnews.com LOCH NESS TOASTMONSTERS A group who’ve joined together to face one of the most feared things in general life - speaking in public. If you are interested in taming your own beast get in touch or drop into one of our fortnightly meetings. www.toastmonsters.co.uk MINI-NESS DOLLS HOUSE CLUB 2nd Wednesday each month. Promotes the hobby of dolls houses and miniature making. tel: 223590 or visit the website www.magpieminiatures.co.uk MORNING CALL FREE daily telephone call to be made to any person who needs the reassurance of such a call. Made between 8.30am & 10am. Call Alan Michael on 790410
PLEASE NOTE: Details of Clubs & Societies are published on a rotational basis.
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section, please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed in every issue.
WESTHILL INDOOR BOWLING CLUB Tues & Thurs 7.30 - 9.30pm Oct to Mar, Cradlehall Primary School. Call the Chairperson on 790524 or Gladys on 790834
tel: 01309 690063
The Great Brodie Beer Festival
7th, 8th & 9th June 35 BEERS (14 at a time)
All Cellar Conditioned through Hand Pumps
Tel: 01309 641 605
Ex Hire Rangers #ELTIC KILTS for sale
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3 Critical Features to demand from Your New Vet... Moving to a new area is a challenging process for your family, your pet will be stressed by the process as well. At Moray Coast Vet Group we want you to know that we are here to help you and your pets settle into the area. Why would you use us? Well it’s simple really, we have been vets in this area for a very long time and can offer your pet the following 3 critical benefits: to a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Accredited Practice, Access meaning your pet will be treated to the highest standards. convenient surgery locations making it easy to get to us Four day and night. and well equipped surgeries meaning we can treat all routine Modern conditions without the need to refer your pet. So all you need to do now, for peace of mind for you and your pet, is call us to say ‘hello’ and we will do all that is necessary to register your pet with our practice. Oh, and we will call your old vet to request your pet’s existing notes, so we can be familiar with everything we need to know. Now that is peace of mind for your pet.
Forres Surgery (main branch) 01309 672243 Nairn Surgery 01667 453161 Lossiemouth Surgery 01343 815335 Balloch Surgery 01463 794224 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER 01309 672243 www.moraycoastvetgroup.co.uk
PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS So I walk into the room, and there’s my one year old son: face to the floor, tears and wails like alarm bells alerting me to the latest bump he’s received today. Now, every parent suspects when there is foul play. I cast my eyes over the crime scene - my son wouldn’t have fallen over at that angle by himself... And his two year old sister has a very guilty look on her face, as she tries to pacify him with the toy he wanted and pleads with her brother, ‘Shhh! Shhh! It’s okay!’ Alas, her efforts to silence the victim before Detective Daddy walks in are in vain. She’s been caught. And now there’s trouble... But I love her. And I’ll always love her just as I find her. After dealing with her naughtiness, I’ll try to teach her to live her life differently; less brother-tippingly. On Sunday June 16th, we’ll be looking at the story of a woman who got caught out, in John 8:1-11. She’s dragged before Jesus by the religious authorities, in front of a crowd of people, accused of adultery. The religious leaders want to know what this so called ‘Son of God’ will do with her. In verse 5 they demand, ‘In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?’ At first, Jesus doesn’t say anything. He starts writing something on the ground.
Verse 7 - ‘When they kept on questioning Him, He straightened up and said to them, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.”’ And He calmly returns to whatever He was sketching out on the ground. The woman, wide eyed with fear and heart swirling with the violent guilt of being caught out, braces herself. But one by one, that crowd of accusers walks away, until only she and Jesus are left. What happens, when it’s just you and Jesus, and you know that every worst detail of your life is there on display for Him to see? Verses 10-11 - ‘Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no-one condemned you?” “No-one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” When God walks into the room, He sees you and He knows what you’re guilty of. But He loves you. So much, in fact, that in Jesus’ death, He takes the punishment you’re due from the Creator you’ve been hiding from. He dismisses everyone around you who doesn’t like what they see in you, and tells them to have a good look in the mirror. When it’s just God and you, Father and child, He says, ‘I know you.
St Andrew's Cathedral, Scottish Episcopal Church Ardross Street, Inverness. Tel: 01463 233535. Website: www.invernesscathedral.com St Clement's Parish, Church of Scotland Church Street, Dingwall. Sundays 11.30am. 6.30pm: evening worship. Sunday school meets in church hall 11.20am (term time). Tel: 01349 863063. St Columba, Church of Scotland Inverness. Sunday 11am. Wednesday 8pm: prayer at Holm Primary School. Tel: 07535 290092. Website: www.stcolumbainverness.org St John the Evangelist, Episcopal Church Southside Road, Inverness. Sunday service 10.45am. Wednesdays 11am: Holy Communion. Tel: 01463 235881. Website: www.stjohns-inverness.com St Ninian's Catholic Church 21 Culduthel Road, Inverness, IV2 4AN. Saturday Vigil 5pm. Sunday Mass 10am. Tel: 01463 236620. Website: www.saintninians.org.uk St Mary's Catholic Church 30 Huntly Street, Inverness, IV3 5PR. Saturday Vigil 6.30pm. Sunday Mass 11am and 6.30pm. St Columba’s Catholic Church Culloden, IV2 7PW. Sunday Mass 9.30am. Tel: 01463 233519. Website: www.stmarysinverness.co.uk St Mary-in-the-Fields, Episcopal Church Culloden. 9.45am: Sunday service and family communion. Tel: 01381 622438. St Michael & All Angels Abban Street, Inverness. Sunday Mass 11am. Contact Rev. Gerald Stranraer-Mull: 01463 870986. Email: stranraer-mull@btinternet.com.
page 4 - June 2013
I know what you’ve done wrong. I’ll take you and I’ll love you just as you are. I’ll deal with your mess, though it will cost me everything. But know this - now that you’re with me, it’s time to change.’ When Jesus came into the world, God came into your room. Now you can try to hide, just like my wee girl does - but parents always know where the kids are hiding... and why. If you stop hiding from Jesus for long enough to listen to what He has to say, you might not be very comfortable with His challenge. But when you get honest with Him, you’ll soon know how much He loves you just as you are, and how much He will give to change you to become so much more - now and forever.
Scott McRoberts, St. Columba Church
Website: www.stmichaelandallangels.org.uk Smithton Free Church Murray Road, Smithton, Inverness. Sundays 11am (with crèche) and 6pm. Tel: 01463 793191. Website: http://www.smithtonchurch.com/ The Reformed Baptist Church Telford Road, Inverness. Website: www.wicketgate.co.uk The Salvation Army Tomnahurich Street, Inverness. Sundays 10.30am and 6.30pm. Tel: 01463 225276. Website: www.salvationarmy.org.uk Trinity Church, Church of Scotland 60 Huntly Place, Inverness. Sundays 11am. First Sunday of the month: 6:30pm service. Website: www.trinityinverness.org.uk Urray & Strathconon Free Church Urray at West Road, Muir of Ord and Strathconon at The Strathconon Community Hall. Tel: 01463 871223. Email: dgmartin@homecall.co.uk West Hill Free Church (Continuing) Culloden, Inverness. Sundays 11am and 6.30pm. Thursdays and Saturdays 7.30pm. Tel: 07532010595. This is listed alphabetically from S to W and will be regularly rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here and would like to be considered for inclusion or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063
tel: 01309 690063
e rie
I recently came across a young man who professed to have the answer to life. Listen to nobody, ask for nobody’s help and rely entirely upon oneself. Good advice for a recluse maybe but I think that we were designed to interact with each other and when that goes well there can be no greater joy. All it takes is for us to think more of our neighbours than ourselves!
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The Editor
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TRADITIONAL 3 COURSE SUNDAY LUNCH£ .95 per person for only
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PUBLISHER ..............David Nelmes SALES ..........................Peter Evans ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson LAYOUT .................Tamsyn Dickson
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USEFUL INFORMATION Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days Spring Bank Holiday Father’s Day Local Holiday ‡ Summer Bank Holiday Local Holiday ‡ British Summertime Ends Local Holiday ‡ Guy Fawkes Day
Mon 27th May 2013 Sun 16th Jun 2013 Mon 1st Jul 2013 Mon 5th Aug 2013 Mon 7th Oct 2013 Sun 27th Oct 2013 Mon 4th Nov 2013 Tues 5th Nov 2013
St Andrew’s Day Sat 30th Nov 2014 St Andrew’s Day (observed) Mon 2nd Dec 2013 Christmas Day Wed 25th Dec 2013 Boxing Day Thurs 26th Dec 2013 New Year’s Eve Tues 31st Dec 2013 New Year’s Day Wed 1st Jan 2014 Scottish Bank Holiday Thurs 2nd Jan 2014 ‡ Inverness
School Term Dates for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Summer Term Ends Fri 28th Jun 2013 Regional Closure Mon 19th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Starts Tues 20th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Ends Fri 4th Oct 2013 Regional Closure Mon 21st Oct 2013 Winter Term Starts Tues 22nd Oct 2013 Winter Term Ends Fri 20th Dec 2013 Spring Term Starts Mon 6th Jan 2014 Holiday Closure Mon 17th Feb 2014
Holiday Closure Regional Closure Regional Closure Regional Closure Spring Term Ends Good Friday Holiday Easter Monday Holiday Summer Term Starts May Day Holiday Summer Term Ends
Tues 18th Feb 2014 Wed 19th Feb 2014 Thurs 20th Feb 2014 Fri 21st Feb 2014 Fri 4th Apr 2014 Fri 18th Apr 2014 Mon 21st Apr 2014 Tues 22nd Apr 2014 Mon 5th May 2014 Thurs 3rd Jul 2014
Useful Contacts Beauly Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782930 Black Isle Leisure Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 621252 Bus Station, Inverness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239292 Citizens Advice Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08444 994111 Cromarty Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 600318 Culloden Academy Community Complex . . . . . 01463 792794 Culloden Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 792531 Dalcross Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01667 464000 Fortrose Community Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01381 622235 Highland Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01349 886606 Inshes Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 725928 Inverness Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 667500 Inverness Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236463 National Rail Enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 SCHOOLS Aldourie Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 751272 Balloch Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 790287 Balnain Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 476262 Beauly Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782576 Bishop Eden’s Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 237103 Bun-Sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 725980 Cannich Bridge Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 415304 Cauldeen Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 235905 Central Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 233906 Charleston Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 234324 Cradlehall Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 791195 Crown Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 233879 Culloden Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 790851 Dalneigh Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 232636
page 8 - June 2013
Daviot Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 772226 Dochgarroch Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 861240 Drakies Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 236032 Drummond School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 701050 Duncan Forbes Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 791897 Foyers Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 486612 Glen Urquhart High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 459134 Glenurquhart Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 450458 Hilton Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 230435 Holm Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 232697 Inshes Primary School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 725920 Inverness High School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 233586 Inverness Royal Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 222884 Kinmylies Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239720 Kirkhill Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 831543 Lochardil Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 230250 Merkinch Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 232962 Millburn Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 729152 Muirtown Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 239537 Raigmore Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 234971 Smithton Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 791606 St. Joseph’s R.C. Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 231837 Strathdearn Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 226197 Stratherrick Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01456 486630 Teanassie Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 782581 Tomnacross Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 741497 Other useful numbers including village halls & community centres, vets, doctors and dentists are rotated on a regular basis and will appear in subsequent issues. If you would like to add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063
tel: 01309 690063
Parliament Blog
Recently my four year old daughter told me: "Daddy - you look like SHREK" I must admit, people have said nicer things to me. But those Spotlight readers who have seen the movies, will know that Shrek is a lovable character - so perhaps that is what she meant. I regaled the 200 strong audience with this tale when speaking at the SHREC event in Inverness - Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference! There is a positive tale to be told: now there are no less than 15,000 jobs in the Highlands & Islands in energy - oil gas renewables, nuclear decommissioning, biomass and so on. Ten years ago that figure was only 10,000. So, the efforts that many have been making are bearing fruit. And, in the Highlands, the angry seas, strong tides, howling winds are not in fact just bad weather - they are an enormous opportunity. Inverness is increasingly seen as the Renewable Energy Gateway. The conference heard the huge progress made in community renewables which creates funding for many of the most remote communities all over. Of course, renewables, and in particular on shore is controversial - but there is clear support and we are working hard to improve the procedures to ensure that turbines are appropriately located. So, this SHREC conference was a chance to have further communication to work closely together for the future. And, I must deny any claim that I have funny vuvuzela shaped ears!
As a keen bird enthusiast, I was delighted to take part in one of the RSPB Caper-Watches during the capercaillie mating season this spring. The watch was held at the Loch Garten Osprey Centre and, despite the 5am start, the renowned mating display of the male capercaillie is a popular attraction with visitors to the area and local enthusiasts alike. Although I am no stranger to an early start, I’m rarely able to spend one in such stunning surroundings as those at Loch Garten – made all the more beautiful by the unseasonal May snowfall. It is a glorious example of the sort of natural, educational experience we can offer our own young people to encourage their appreciation of our local environment. I thoroughly enjoyed my first Caper-Watch and think it’s a fantastic experience to be able to offer visitors. I am grateful to the RSPB for inviting me along.
Danny Alexander MP
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR INVERNESS IN JUNE Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 00:15 02:03 03:24 04:24 05:15 05:59 06:35
page 9 - June 2013
PM 13:39 14:57 16:01 16:57 17:44 18:21 18:44
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Fergus Ewing MSP
AM 07:02 07:31 08:05 08:42 09:19 09:48 10:01 10:36 11:42 00:58 02:20
PM 18:56 19:23 19:55 20:21 20:40 21:02 21:34 22:17 23:29 13:05 14:32 15:36
tel: 01309 690063
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
AM 03:51 05:01 06:02 06:55 07:46 08:34 09:23 10:12 11:01 11:51
PM 16:34 17:34 18:29 19:18 20:04 20:49 21:35 22:18 22:58 23:35 12:47
Please send Us details Of YOUr events deadline for the July issue: friday 31st May, 4pm Website: www.spotlighton.co.uk email: tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk telephone: 01309 690063 inclusion of events into the What’s On is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops.
stationery & wedding albums, pens & writing equipment, handmade bindings, postcards, photographs, maps & more. for details e-mail picaresque@btinternet.com or call 07843 462176
4 tuesday inverness floral art club agm 7:30pm, cauldeen school. venue change * sounds familiar singing group 2:30pm-4pm. hilton church, inverness. for people with dementia & their carers. for info & reservations, contact 01463 233231.
Please note: contact venues and organisers first as there may be changes to events.
MAY 27 monday glen affric walking festival journey around, up & down munros & corbetts, acquire new skills and an increased awareness of this outstanding wild and mountainous environment. www.visitlochness.com
7 friday - 9 sunday rockness 2013 in its eighth year, the three-day long festival offers an eclectic selection of bands in a beautiful location on the banks of loch ness near inverness, in scotland. visit www.rockness.co.uk
30 thursday headway highland social night 7pm. inshes church. if you have suffered a brain injury or are a carer or family member, come along for a chat. for info, call susanne: 07767 416006. souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
31 friday gathering in the glen 9am-6pm. meeting place given out on booking. grade d. adults £10, conc £6. contact corinne 01463 255291 or email rangers.inverness@highland.gov.uk northern roots music festival 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com cinema nairn: “the angel’s share” (15) 7:30pm, nairn community & arts centre. tickets on the door. call 01667 453476 or www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
JUNE 2 sunday moray & highland junior orienteering competition. 10.30am, dallaschyle near cawdor. an annual event aimed at youngsters who have discovered orienteering through school. adults welcome too. for details visit www.invoc.org.uk
3 monday book & paper fair 10am - 4:30pm, the waterside hotel, inverness. free admission. browse and buy from a great selection of stalls. also handmade admin@spotlighton.co.uk
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre Your local venue for films, shows, concerts, and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.
JUNE EVENTS Sat 1st...............................................................Musical Showcase Fri 7th...Book Signing – Gillian Galbraith Scottish Crime Writer Fri 7th....................Inverness Mahler Players, Classical Concert Sun 9th .. Nairn 10mile Road race & 5k (CLIC Sargent and Yorkhill) Fri 14th...................................Scottish Ensemble – String Sextet Wed 19th.... “ Sci-Fi & Fantasy Theatre” 3 exciting & original plays from Yellow Dog Drama Group Fri21 & Sat 22................................Mellow Yellow Summer Show Fri 28th...................................Cinema Nairn “A Small Act” (12A) For further details, telephone 01667 453476, e-mail info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
June 2013 - page 11
8 saturday
cake walk with story ryvoan circuit (glenmore near aviemore). 10am at highland council, glenurquhart road. contact guy & jocelyn on 07724 992790 for details and a lift.
strathpeffer victorian day 11am - 4pm. market, magic, bagpipes, baked goods, treasured vehicles, treats, colouring, craic, crafts, competitions, dress like a victorian & more! free park & ride macbrayne’s vintage bus & shopmobility – open to all for the day. call 01997 423209 for details. strathpeffer art & music trail 10 venues throughout the village & connected by park & ride are hosting arts, crafts & music. have portraits done while you wait. look out for flyers, maps & victorian day programmes for full details or call 01997 423209 dingwall environment day 10am - 4pm. wildlife walk and children’s activities. meet at the greenhouse, dingwall. visit www.dingwallenvironmentgroup.co.uk
highland literary salon 7:30pm. glenmhor hotel, inverness. guest speaker: rosemary bailey. www.highlandlitsalon.com highland quilters 7:30pm. smithton free church hall. a talk by dawn cameron-dick ‘blooming great tea party’ on cairngorm mountain 2:30pm - 4pm bring a friend & enjoy delicious tea and cakes in a glorious setting & help support marie curie! for details & to book in advance email cairngormmountain.org.uk or phone 01479 861300.
8 saturday - 29 saturday
19 wednesday
shazia mahmood: landscape oil paintings mon-sat 9am-5pm. castle gallery, 43 castle street, inverness. 01463 729512. www.castlegallery.co.uk
9 sunday walk, jog, run moray summer 5k and 1.5k challenge aberlour. www.walkjogrunmoray.org.uk bl’azz: “the bob hall show” @ maclean room, eden court 2:30pm-5pm. tickets £8 from eden court box office or contact 01463 234234.
11 tuesday should we 'have a go' against criminals and hooligans? 7.30pm, riverside lounge, glen mhor hotel. the pink castle philosophy club - your fun & friendly 'thinking lgbt club' www.pinkcastle.eu inverness film fans - ‘the lady vanishes’ & ‘ night mail’ 7:15pm, eden court cinema. for details visit www.invernessfilmfans.org
13 thursday
souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
13 thursday - 22 saturday art around the firth beauly gallery. view our local artists at work & marvel at a selection of their finished pieces in the form of an exhibition of small works.01463 783508 www.beaulygallery.co.uk
14 friday sticky kids present a funky monkey singalong 10am. strathpeffer pavilion. tickets £6 from the pavilion 01997 420124 / wegottickets.com / stickykids.net music nairn presents scottish ensemble (string sextet) 7:30pm nairn community and arts centre. a beautiful programme of shostakovich, wolf, strauss and brahms. call 01667 453476 for details.
14 friday - 22 saturday
18 tuesday
social diners - why eat alone? 7pm for 7:30pm dining at kinkell house hotel, easter kinkell. for information and to book call gill on 01349 877061
20 thursday after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, culbin forest. a beginner-level event ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the big 6-day festival at the end of july. visit www.moravianorienteering.org please note the performance of ‘treasure island’ at cawdor castle is on july 20th not june 20th as previously advertised.
21 friday after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, roseisle forest. a repeat of last beginner-level event. ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the 6-day festival in july. www.moravianorienteering.org
22 saturday orienteering in forres 10:15am. the latest in moravian orienteering club's popular saturday series incorporating the moray schools league competition. www.moravianorienteering.org exalt festival (summer worship event) @ ironworks 7pm. standing. all ages. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
22 saturday - 23 sunday scottish traditional boat festival 10am. portsoy. 01261 842951. www.scottishtraditionalboatfestival.co.uk
23 sunday the glen moray great bike ride elgin. three distance options: 10 miles, 25 miles & 75 miles. contact moray council: 01343 563891. bl’azz: ‘the farr bay blues-blowers’ @ eden court 2:30pm - 5pm, maclean room. tickets £8 from eden court box office or contact 01463 234234.
art around the firth 10:30pm - 4pm daily, greig street studio & gallery, inverness. paintings by frances baxter, isabell dickson, elizabeth joss, margaret mckay.
inverness film fans - ‘human desire’ 7:15pm, eden court cinema. visit www.invernessfilmfans.org
15 saturday
26 wednesday
the western front association: “first blitz: the 1918 german campaign to bomb london” 2:30pm. elgin library. 01343 870562. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net
page 12 - June 2013
25 tuesday
curtis stigers @ ironworks 7:30pm. seated. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
tel: 01309 690063
Cake Walk with a good story
Enjoying life, creation & each other’s company. Because there’s more to life than meets the eye. Regular walks - see ‘what’s on’ page (15th June).
27 thursday “collecting george bain: the groam house museum collecting cultures projectâ€? 7:30pm, fortrose community theatre. a talk by dr eric grant, norman newton & wendy sanders. admission ÂŁ4 / members ÂŁ2. for details call 01381 621252 headway highland social night 7pm - 9pm at inshes church. if you have suffered a brain inury or are a carer or family member come along for a chat. for more details contact 07767 416006 souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. ÂŁ3. text/call: 07745 930383. after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, roseisle forest. a repeat of last week's beginner-level event. visit www.moravianorienteering.org
JULY in brief 4 thursday - 28 september mixed summer show mon - sat, 9am - 5pm, castle gallery, 43 castle street, inverness. call 01463 729512 or visit www.castlegallery.co.uk for details. 5 friday - 7 sunday burgie international horse trials 9am - 5pm. burgie house, by forres. 01343 850128. secretary@burgie.org www.burgie.org 6 saturday glengarry highland games 1pm - 5pm. glengarry shinty field, invergarry, inverness-shire. 7 sunday bl’azz: 'the north coast jazz band' @ eden court 2:30pm 5pm, maclean room. tickets ÂŁ8 from eden court box office or contact 01463 234234. 11 thursday “iain mccormick of iona and paisley: his celtic art archive at groam house museumâ€? 7:30pm, fortrose community theatre. a talk by e. mairi macarthur, author of iona celtic art. admission ÂŁ4 / members ÂŁ2. for details call 01381 621252 11 thursday - 14 sunday scottish open witness top level golf with panoramic coastal views and the opportunity to spot resident dolphins. www.visitlochness.com 13 saturday the western front association: “fishermen against the kaiserâ€? by douglas d’enno 2:30pm. elgin library. 01343 870562. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net www.highlandlitsalon.com
28 friday scottish chamber orchestra 8pm. strathpeffer pavilion. tickets from june’s card shop in dingwall & pavilion 01997 420124. www.sco.org.uk & www.gergelymadaras.com luke from channel 4’s ‘undateables’ @ ironworks 8pm. 16+ 0871 7894173. www.iroworksvenue.com cinema nairn presents 'a small act' (12a) 7.30pm, nairn community & arts centre. tickets at door. call 01667 453476 or visit cinemanairn.blogspot.co.uk after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, culbin forest. a repeat of last week's beginner-level event ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the big 6day festival at the end of july. for details visit www.moravianorienteering.org
w w w. mo ra y go lf. co . u k
Country Membership and Full Package of Benefits
29 saturday armed forces day event starting from the eastgate centre parading through the city centre to the northern meeting park. there will be a drumhead service followed by an afternoon of entertainment. www.armedforcesday.org.uk ironworks summer dj showcase @ ironworks 8pm. 18+. 08717894173. www.ironworksvenue.com family fun day 12pm - 4pm, resolis memorial hall, black isle. fancy dress competition, bbq, stalls, teas, ice cream, face painting, bouncy castles & more
29 saturday - 30 sunday
scotland's gardens - cuddy's well, clephanton 12:30pm-8:30pm.
ÂŁ 231.50 Contact us on: 01343 812018 or email: secretary@moraygolf.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
June 2013 - page 13
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At Last! A NEW FORM OF HEATING FROM GERMANY Simple to install, powerful, economical and ideal with wind and solar power This incredible heating could be the answer to help beat the ever increasing energy costs. Amazingly it is not gas or oil, nor solid fuelbut clean electric! All you need is a standard electricity supply and NO special night tariff. In Germany, Austria, Poland Russia, Eastern Europe and increasingly in the UK, more and more people are choosing to heat their homes and offices with this very special form of electric heating in preference to gas, oil, LPG or any other form of conventional central heating or night storage. When you see this incredible heating for yourself, you could be next! As you can see from the picture, the heating looks just like a conventional radiator but STOP! It is very, very different! Put simply that clunky central heating boiler that needs constant servicing and replacement parts isn’t the only choice any more! Now you can choose to heat your homes, offices or extensions or conservatories with this incredible German heating which provides individual control over every single room without the need for a central control or space to site a boiler. Now the
boiler space can become a valuable storage area! Installation takes minutes and running is completely clean with no danger of leakage, no holes through walls, no floor boards up and no tradesmen trundling around the house wielding pipe cutters, spanners, hammers, wrenches and dirty work-boots! This incredible German heating simply plugs in and that’s it! Job done! You can even do just one room or the whole house. Get your free info pack right now by calling 01343 819676 or online at www.elsco.co.uk This heating is NEW in Scotland yet in many parts of Europe it has been a mainstream form of heating for a long time. We are the only outlet for this heating in the whole of Scotland, now giving a truly Scotland wide coverage operating from Glasgow for the central belt and borders and Elgin for Grampian and Highlands and Islands. Discover for yourself this incredible German heating, get your FREE info pack right away by calling Elsco Heating on 01343 819676 and ask for John or online at www.elsco.co.uk
Dreaming of... Popular for some years now, particularly for those whose time is very limited, a City Break is an excellent way of getting away for a few days and nights, and seeing some interesting and different culture. One of the most common Cities from this part of the world has been Paris because, as with Amsterdam it is accessible in one flight from Aberdeen, but there are many European cities which now see large numbers of short-term visitors from Scotland. The advantage of a City break is that you can come and go on any days of the week that you select, normally using scheduled aircraft to spend 3 or 4 nights in a city, with a complete selection of differing hotels. Imagine flying to Nice or Cannes for 3 or 4 nights, staying in a smart city hotel full of character for Bed and Breakfast because there are so many restaurants that you would want to try for lunch and dinner in the evening. Because time is limited you don't wait hours for transfer coaches, but are transported to your hotel by taxi or car. Cities like Nice are excellent for walking about, seeing the marinas and the waterfront. Though no direct flights exist from Scotland, Vienna is another popular destination, with all its imperial splendour, Art Nouveau, waltzes and coffee houses. A grand ring of 19th century palaces surrounds the mediaeval city, with its narrow streets, hospitable inns, cafes and shops. Customers have recently joined a break to Vienna with a trip to Budapest, using the train to travel from one to the other. Both cities boast much of the 19th century grandeur of the Hapsburg Empire. It's Bela Bartok and Liszt Museums in Budapest as it is the Strauss family in Vienna. There are many suitable Italian cities to visit for a short time, and Florence is one of the finest settings of them all. On the banks of the River Arno, Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance and the city of Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Giotto, Dante and their patrons the Medici family. When you are there a visit to the Uffizi Gallery (recently acclaimed to be the best Art Gallery in the world) and Museum is a must! It is there that you will find The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. There are direct flights now from Edinburgh to Athens, Bergen, Brussels, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Frankfurt, Krakow, Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Naples, Oslo, Paris Prague, Reykjavik, Rome, Salzburg, St Petersburg, Stockholm, Tampere and Toulouse to mention but a few.
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Pilates is rapidly becoming the most desired form of exercise class to improve your health and posture…it works for Andy Murray and Kate Middleton and you’re never too old to start so why not give it a go! The technique is recommended by most physiotherapists. This gentle, non-aerobic approach of mind/body conditioning builds flexibility and strength through precise, controlled, flowing movements giving long term results for either the serious athlete or those seeking release from specific problem areas including relief from back, shoulder, neck, hip and peripheral joint pain by developing strength and control in the “core” muscles of the deep abdominal and back, pelvic and shoulder stabilising muscles. It trains the pelvic floor muscles so can help with incontinence. It combines breath with spinal and pelvic alignment, allowing oxygen to flow to the muscles thereby toning and stretching.
Improved skeletal alignment helps build strength and balance thus easing pain from poor posture or injury. It is also a great way to release physical and mental stress working the brain with co-ordination, concentration, and relaxation skills. The best way to get started is to join a small class where you can learn from a qualified teacher, in a small group or 1:1 setting, who will ensure that you are moving and controlling the muscles correctly and ultimately improve your movement in daily life achieving the results you wish to gain. Pilatesinverness Studio, est 2008, offers tailored group classes and bespoke private mat and apparatus lessons. All teachers working from the studio are involved with extensive continuing professional development each year based on current medical research.
pilatesinverness THE CITY
Pilatesinverness is the Highland’s first fully equipped and dedicated Pilates Studio on Ness Bank, Inverness est. 2008 specialising in group mat classes and bespoke private mat and pilates apparatus lessons.
info@pilatesinverness.com Tel: 07834 82 78 76 Classes also available in: Drumnadrochit, Balloch, Cawdor and Croy. Visit website Team page for details of these classes. www.pilatesinverness.com
Reiki is a powerful, effective healing system suitable for people, animals & even plants! Reiki offers a practical way to help ourselves and an effective tool to assist others. It is a powerful and effective Japanese healing system that addresses the whole person – body, mind, spirit and emotions. It can be used as first aid or as a holistic therapy. It can be used for yourself, your friends, family pets and even plants. Reiki works by stimulating and accelerating the body’s innate, natural healing mechanisms. Although it supports orthodox care and assists people to cope with ongoing medical conditions, you don’t need to have anything ‘wrong’ with you to benefit from Reiki. Reiki is one of the fastest growing complementary therapies due to a combination of 2 factors – it works and it’s easy to learn. The second level gives access to insurance and allows you to practice professionally while further training allows you to teach others. You don’t need any previous experience to attend the basic workshop, nor do you need to adopt any particular belief system. Elizabeth has been practicing Reiki for 2 decades and is an experienced and International teacher. All Reiki Training Centre courses are IPTI Accredited. Regular Reiki can: UÊIncrease wellbeing UÊ ÃÌÊi iÀ}ÞÊ iÛi à UÊ,i`ÕViÊÃÌÀiÃÃÊEÊ> Ý iÌÞ UÊ,i iÛiÊ«> ÊEÊ «À ÛiÊvÕ VÌ UÊ*À ÌiÊÀi >Ý>Ì ÊEÊ «À ÛiÊà ii«Ê«>ÌÌiÀ à UÊ V ÕÀ>}iÊÃi vÊV v `i Vi]Ê« Ã Ì Û ÌÞÊEÊÃi ÃiÊ vÊ«ÕÀ« Ãi UÊ > > ViÊÃÕLÌ iÊi iÀ} iÃÊ vÊ iÀ ` > Ã]ÊV > À>ÃÊEÊ>ÕÀ> UÊ VVi iÀ>ÌiÊë À ÌÕ> Ê}À ÜÌ ÊEÊ«iÀà > Ê`iÛi « i Ì UÊ > ViÊVÀi>Ì Û ÌÞÊEÊ«À `ÕVÌ Û ÌÞ UÊ VÀi>ÃiÊÃi vÊ>Ü>Ài iÃÃ]ÊÕ `iÀÃÌ> ` }Ê> `Ê Ã } Ì Unsolicited student’s feedback: " Reiki has transformed my life. There is no other word to describe the difference I feel in myself. Friends I have worked with for the past 6 years cannot believe the difference in me. I feel so positive and refuse to feel put down any more. One friend at work said "you even look different"
“Hello Elizabeth, Just thought I would send you an email to thank you for the Attunement on Friday. It was an experience I will never forget. Presently, I am feeling 10 years younger than I was before coming to your meeting. My knees no longer hurt and I find my brain is functioning at a higher level and I am sleeping better. The feeling on the top of my head is still there, but it’s getting smaller by the day. Thank you for the gift of Reiki.” John “I'm now addicted to Reiki and love it, as much as it’s a pleasure to receive, I also gain so much from giving it to others. The feedback I've received has been great and I've managed to convert a few sceptics, who are now raving about how it’s helped them: Insomniacs, irritable bowel and a few with general aches and pains! Roll on level 2.” Donna “Reiki is indeed wonderful. It is making a huge difference to my life - every day I feel a little stronger - more alive, yet more at peace.” Fiona
IPTI Accredited, inspirational Reiki Courses in:
Burghead, Findhorn and Aberdeen. Other dates and locations by arrangement - please ask.
Burghead & Findhorn courses: Reiki I (Foundation Level) 29th& 30th June Reiki II (Practitioner Level) 3rd & 4th August Reiki Masters 20th-22nd September Karuna Reiki Masters 31st May – 2nd June For info pack contact Elizabeth Harley RGN KRM Usui/Tibetan & Karuna Reiki Master and Grand Master, (India) 01343 830052 elizpeace@live.co.uk Or see www.reikitraining.org.uk Elizabeth teaching in Bali
“My sister said I am back to what I was many years ago. Reiki is beautiful, all my love, Ann” "I am having wonderful experiences with my Reiki. I wonder how I even lived without it." J “I wanted to send this email to thank you for giving me this gift. I have a feeling of contentment today and like so many others have said before, a feeling of coming home. I returned to work today after being off for six months. When I came back I had no apprehension and no fear of pain which has ruled my life so far this year.” K
What will YOU do...? Long ago a Roman judge named Pilate asked “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22) Did it ever occur to you that everyone must answer this question? I must answer it. You must answer it. It’s the most important question you will ever answer. God requires an answer. Your whole future depends upon the answer to this question! I cannot answer for you and you cannot answer for me. Each must answer for himself. We MUST answer since God holds each of us personally, and eternally, responsible for what we do with His Son, Jesus Christ the Saviour. If you were in the crowd that day, would you have cried ‘Crucify Him!’ Or would you, like Pilate, just try to avoid the issue? Pilate washed his hands and said that he was innocent of this man’s blood – but he was guilty of rejecting Christ...and if we do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ for what he is – the Son of God and Saviour of the world – then we too are guilty of his blood, and God will hold us to account. The question is now; What will YOU do with Jesus which is called Christ? We need a Saviour because we are all sinners guilty of offending a Holy God, and God’s righteous wrath is what we deserve. But God in mercy has provided a Way of escape. He gave his only Begotten Son, that “whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). He came into the world that whosoever believeth in Him should not walk in darkness The Lord Jesus Christ, by His death,
met every just and holy claim God had against sin. And then He rose again in victory for death had no hold on Him. What will YOU do with Jesus which is called Christ? The question is not ‘Are you sincere?’ or ‘Are you doing the best you can?’ or ‘Have you joined a church? or ‘Have you been baptised?’ Perhaps you still think that your good works and morality will save you? No, it is a divine, living Person that is before you, the One who said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6) Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour? Are you trusting in His shed blood and work on the cross alone for salvation? Will you acknowledge that you are a guilty sinner? Will you repent of your sin? And will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? What will YOU do with Jesus which is called Christ? There is no way to avoid the question. To reject it, or even just to ignore it, is to reject Him who died to be your Saviour. If we do not accept Him as our Saviour, we will one day face Him as our Judge. The Bible says “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15) Is your name in the Book of Life?
Ask yourself the question... ”What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” Just as there was only one door into the ark for salvation from the flood, so there is only one ‘door’ for you to enter into God’s salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ is that Door. Will you enter in? Do not reject Him any longer. He died to save you.
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is” (Jeremiah 17:7)
He that that believeth believeth on the SSon on ha hath th ev everlasting erlasting life: life: and he that that believ believeth eth not the SSon on shall not see lif life; e; but the wrath wrath of God God abideth on him. John 3: 3:36 :36
Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
Nairn Scenic Properties NAIRN SCENIC PROPERTIES 1 Bridge Street, Nairn IV12 4EJ
01667 459889 07835979996 www.nairnscenicproperties.com admin@nairnscenicproperties.com £20,000 BELO W SURVEY VA
25 Wyvis Drive Fixed Price £180,000
5 Simpson Street Offers in the Region of £150,000
54 Harbour Street Offers Over £130,000
Very well presented three bedroom bungalow with very large gardens allowing for further development of the property. Lounge/dining area, Kitchen, three double bedrooms and bathroom.
Spacious 3 bed villa in Fishertown with garden. Lounge, Kitchen/Diner, 2nd Reception/Bedroom, Downstairs Shower Room. Upstairs two bedrooms, Bathroom and Box Room/Study.
Charming two bedroom cottage in Fishertown close to beach and town. Kitchen/diner, Lounge, downstairs shower room, two bedrooms and bathroom upstairs. Conservatory and low maintenance garden. Good parking.
38 Old Bar Road Offers Over £175,000
46 Sutors Park Fixed Price £160,000
28 Union Street Offers Over £205,000
Luxury three bedroom, two bathroom penthouse apartment with fabulous views from south facing balcony. Large open plan Kitchen/ Lounge/ Dining room.
Walk in condition, two bedroom, two bathroom bungalow with spacious lounge and Kitchen/diner. Large garden with shed and good sized single garage.
Exquisite period villa in Fishertown. Lounge, Kitchen, Conservatory, Downstairs bedroom with en suite. Two double bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, study area, Garage and garden.
23 Culbin Crescent Fixed Price £205,000 Superb new build in the Meadow Lea development with south facing garden. Spacious hallway with large WC/Cloakroom, Lounge, Kitchen/Dining room/Sun room. Master Bed with en suite, 2 further double bedrooms, Family Bathroom. Garage foundation laid.
ARCHITECT/TECHNOLOGIST £ Well Remunerated We require a highly experienced Architect or Technologist to take a lead role in Building Warrant applications for timber buildings. The position can be permanent, but a 3 month contract is also acceptable. Our offices are at Inverness Airport, but we will consider a degree of home working combined with attendance in the office.
1 archs drumduan 14/05/2013 07:24 Page 1
DRUMDUAN UPPER SCHOOL ...is a new school for
students aged 16-18, in the same grounds as Moray Steiner School, Forres. Although independent from one another the two schools will provide an integrated educational campus based on Steiner principles for students aged 3-18. We are seeking individuals with or without an educational background to serve as trustees of the new school, and will be pleased to receive applications from any interested parties. Please provide as much background information as possible.
This post will be well-remunerated for a suitable applicant, and there are strong prospects of a management role for the right person. Apply by email only to ian@1architects.com
Apply to rachel@drumduan.org or write to: Rachel Phillips, Drumduan Upper School, Clovenside Road, Forres IV36 2RD
“Following on from our Spring Burgie success where we received praise galore from the competitors we are hoping that the Event scheduled for the 15th and 16th June will be an even greater success. Saturday 15th heralds showing and unaffiliated classes. Sunday gives way to the highest level Eventers tackling Dressage, show jumping and Cross Country - where a few new jumps will prove challenging. To keep the children entertained there will be kiddie quads, water walking and loads more!! In an exciting addition to the entertainment we welcome the support of the Army with 39 Royal Engineer Regiment attending with a stand for all ages. Also we will have a dog agility display amongst other things!!! If you are in need of upgrading your horse riding equipment there will be plenty of trade stands. Entry is £10 per car.”
Keith Golf Club Keith Golf Club is a family orientated parkland course on the outskirts of the town, with challenging greens and views of the surrounding countryside. The recently renovated lounge provides a bright airy room for a relaxing drink or meal after your round. We welcome Golfing Outings and can tailor packages to your needs, including full catering. Details of our Opens and Club House events on our website:
Full Adult Membership only £270 (Discount for 1st Year subscription)
House Membership only £15 Outings from £30 per person (including full catering)
www.keithgolfclub.co.uk We look forward to welcoming you at our course and Club house.
01542 882469 secretary@keithgolfclub.co.uk Leisure
FUN ON THE RUN Orienteering is no ordinary run. And this is no ordinary event. The Scottish 6 Days Orienteering Festival has been happening every two years in Scotland since it was first staged (in Moray) in 1977. Since then it has grown to become one of Scotland’s biggest mass-participation sporting events. Returning to this area after a 10-year absence, with an iconic whisky still as its logo, Moray 2013 is set to bring a £2 million boost to our economy. Up to 4,000 runners, joggers and walkers will descend on us from all over the world, attracted by the fabulous Moray terrain and the unique Scottish flavour of what’s on offer outside the competition. Brodie Castle hosts the Event Centre and official camp site while nearby Dyke Village Hall will host a busy programme of entertainments all week long. But this is no elitist competition. The beauty of orienteering is that it
provides something for everyone – and you don’t have to be competitive either. Just as Moray is laying down the welcome mat to everyone associated with the event, the organisers want to welcome locals to be part of the biggest sporting occasion that Moray will ever have staged. This is a sport where a 9-year old can share the same start line as an international athlete. One might be heading 15 Km in one direction while the other has just 2Km to go along the forest trails. It’s not uncommon for 4 generations from the same family to take part together. There were more than 200 people aged 70 or over, and 500 under 18s amongst the 3,000 people who had entered by mid May! You don’t even have to run. Orienteering is all about finding your way round a course with a special map as quickly as you can. The hares certainly don’t always win! There are 36 different courses plus special ‘follow the string’ routes where even
toddlers can take their first steps at orienteering with a special picture map, discovering an array of woodland characters on their way! There will even be a disability-friendly “Trail O” at Culbin on the Wednesday rest day and some Mountain Bike Orienteering in Monaughty! If you’ve never tried orienteering, this is the time to do it. But please make life easy by entering by 30th June if you possibly can. Entries on the day are possible, but big queues are expected so patience will be needed if you turn up on the day! If you're unsure what course to enter, why not go to one of the many smaller events being held in Moray and Nairnshire during June and see how you get on? You can find details on www.moravianorienteering.org Getting lost has never been so much fun.
Experience one of Scotland’s best-kept sporting secrets and discover the parts of Nairnshire and Moray that normal visitors don’t reach! The Scottish 6 days is a summer festival of adventure running where the fastest runners SOMETIMES win. Whoever makes fewest mistakes is king! Join 3,500 competitors from all over the world to find out if you’re magic or tragic with a map in your hand. Run, jog or walk against the clock to see how quickly you can complete your course in six fantastic locations in the local countryside. From toddlers on the ‘follow the string through the woods’ course, to some of the world’s best adventure runners toughing it out at the top, there’s something for everyone who enjoys the great outdoors. www.scottish6days.com/2013
28th July - 3rd August 2013 Photo: Chris Spencer Leisure