Lewis jan 19

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Cover JAN 19.pdf







autoparts dec 18.pdf




THE WESTERN ISLES PREMIER PARTS RETAILER AUTOPARTS, ISLAND RD, STORNOWAY HS1 2RD Dfe[Xp kf =i`[Xp /Xd $ ,%*'gd JXkli[Xp 0Xd Æ ,gd K1 '(/,( .' -0*0 <1 jXc\j7Xgj$[`i\Zk%Zf%lb nnn%XlkfgXikj$jkfiefnXp%Zfd =`e[ lj fe



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ÂŁ n ĂŠ i Â? Â? Ăƒ ĂŠ , Âœ > ` ] ĂŠ - ĂŒ Âœ Ă€ ˜ Âœ Ăœ >Highland Ăž ĂŠ -Blindcraft ÂŁ ĂŠ Ă“ , Jan We are constantly looking to improve what we put into SpotLight and last month we experimented with a different type of paper which many people felt was a bit cheaper. Although obviously the content didn’t change we do appreciate that the feel of the magazine is also important and we have therefore reverted to the ‘glossier’ feel this month. Experiment over! We have also expanded the number of pages in some of the areas that we go to and added additional (hopefully interesting) editorial. If you feel that you have a good story to tell about a local event or interesting local topic then please let us know - email any suggestions to david@winterburnmedia.co.uk

PUBLISHER ..............David Nelmes ADVERTISING ..............Susan Innes PRODUCTION .........Linda J Donald ART & DESIGN ..............Flo Skinner ACCOUNTS ..................Alan Radley

February Issue Deadlines Editorial - Thursday 03/01/19 Advertising - Tuesday 08/01/19




A t Hi g h l a n d B l i n d C r a f t y o u ’ ll f in d a b e d f or e ve r y b e d ro o m s it u a t io n im a g in a b le S o ge t in c o n t a c t w it h u s n o w a n d s e e h ow w e c a n h e lp y o u g e t b e d s t h a t w o r k l i k e a d re a m .

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SpotLIGHTon .co.uk

What’s on, Clubs, Eating out, Trades Listings and much more...

Clubs and Societies DEMENTIA FRIENDLY COMMUNITY CAFE 2nd Tues of month, 2pm 3.30pm, the Tigh Ceilidh, North Tolsta. Hosted by staff volunteers from Alzheimer Scotland, who are keen to hear from anyone in the local community that is interested in volunteering on a rotational basis. Call Marion Macinnes on 01851 702123 or email mmacinnes@alzscot.org EOLAS Various venues & timings (see the What's On Section of SpotLight). The purpose is to give Carers an opportunity to meet together socially over afternoon tea or morning coffee. Carers of all ages welcome & to all venues. Free. Call Katie or Peggy on 01859 502588 info@wiccf.co.uk

of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. Formed at the end of 2007 and cater for both road and MTB riders. Their aim is to promote and develop biking in the islands. Email at gavin_earons@hotmail.com www.hebrideancycleclub.com LEWIS AND HARRIS RANGERS SUPPORTERS CLUB Opens 4pm, 19 Inaclete Road, Stornoway. Call 01851 702028

LEWIS AND HARRIS RIDING CLUB Tues (Club nights), 7pm, Lochside Arena, 6 Gearraidh Ghuirm, Upper Coll, Isle of Lewis HS2 0LW. We are an extremely friendly, supportive club of mixed riding abilities & are always delighted to welcome new members along. We also organise shows, dressage HARRIS ASTRONOMY GROUP leagues & showjumping 1st Wed of Month, 7pm, Tarbert leagues. Call 07796 504107 or Library, Tarbert, Harris. Email at Ad rates - Lewis.qxp 03/12/2018 12:01 Page 1 email shona@shore-print.co.uk sasastronomer@googlemail.com www.facebook.com/ www.stornawayastro.org lewisandharrisridingclub HEBRIDEAN CYCLE CLUB The Hebridean Cycle Club is LEWIS AND HARRIS YOUTH based in Stornoway on the Isle CLUBS ASSOCIATION Scaladale Centre, Isle of Harris Sample one-off advertising HS3 3AB. For further information rates (colour advert) call 01859 502681

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£46 £74 £120 £209 £399

Discounts available for series bookings and for black and white


Winterburn Media Ltd Unit 15, Horizon Scotland, Enterprise Park, Forres, Moray, IV36 2AB (01309) 690063

All material within the SpotLight magazines is subject to formal copyright restrictions and therefore the reproduction of any listings, editorial, advertiser artwork or any other content, without the publisherʼs prior consent, will be considered a breach of copyright.

page 4 - January 2019

NEURO HEBRIDES CUPPA & CATCH UP Mon, 2pm - 3pm, Lewis Retirement Centre, Bayhead, Stornoway. Do you or someone you know live with a neurological condition, eg MS, Parkinsons, Fibromyalgia, etc? If so, please come along. Call 07443 513 761 or email at n.heb@outook.com OUTER HEBRIDES FISHERIES TRUST The Trust is involved in a wide variety of ongoing projects, encompassing Fisheries Management, Angling Promotion & Aquaculture. Fisheries Management projects incorporate electrofishing & habitat surveys, genetic analysis, biosecurity panning & education. Call 01851 703434

SATURDAY ART CLUB Times: P1-P2: 1-2pm P3-P4: 2.30-3.30pm P5-P7: 4-5pm. A range of visual art & design activities for Primary school children every Saturday in term time. Saturday art clubs are taught by An Lanntair Education & Outreach staff & freelance artists. Wear clothes that can get messy. Cost £4 / £3 family membership. Call 01851 708480 or email at info@lanntair.com www.lanntair.com/events/event/ saturday-art-club STORNOWAY ANGLING ASSOCIATION SAA membership is open to local, as well as visiting anglers, & members have access to some superb fishing. Call Ivar Macary on 01851 860541 & 07464 763541 or email at info@syangling.com STORNOWAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 2 Cromwell Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis HS1 2BD. To date, it has been instrumental in raising awareness of the general public to the need to preserve all aspects of the town’s early & most recent history. Membership of the Society is open to all who have an interest active & passive, in the history of the town.Call 01851 702206 STORNOWAY LIBRARY OPEN READING GROUP A reading group in which members may never even meet. Each month, a couple of books are displayed on the special reading group stand. Each book has a review card inside & readers are encouraged to fill them in. When the books – & the cards – are returned, the reviews are displayed on the reading group noticeboard for all to see. There is no registration- any member of the library is welcome to take part! Call Stornoway Library on 01851 822744 STORNOWAY WRITER'S CIRCLE Tues, 7pm - 9pm, the Community Room, 3rd floor of An Lanntair. Love to write? We're

tel: 01309 690063

open to anyone over the age of 16 at any level of ability. If interested, go along (no need to book in advance, just turn up) or contact the group for further information. Email at enquiries@ stornowaywriterscircle.uk. www.stornowaywriterscircle.uk TALLA NA MARA A brand new Community Enterprise Centre overlooking the golden sands of Niseaboist Beach on the Isle of Harris. Talla na Mara is Gaelic for the “Centre by the sea” & is owned & managed by the West Harris Trust on behalf of the local community. Pairc Niseaboist, Isle of Harris HS3 3AE. Call 01859 503900 or email at info@tallanamara.co.uk www.tallanamara.co.uk THE 'WELL' (THE SHED PROJECT) Mon & Wed, 10am - 4pm, 11 Francis Street Stornoway, UK. A safe place for anyone whose life is affected by their own or someone else’s drug or alcohol use. Call 01851704557 or email admin@theshedproject.org.uk www.theshedproject.org.uk THE BEACON CAFE Last Sat of month, 10am - 4pm, Tiumpanhead Community Centre. Soup, paninis, sandwiches, teas, coffee & cake. Call Grace Smith on 01851 870771 WOOLCRAFT AND SPINNING GROUP Barvas & Brue Community Centre. All ages & abilities welcome! Learn & share skills: spinning wool, felting, weaving, braiding, natural dyeing, textile art, knitting, crochet etc. www.en-gb.facebook.com/ woolcraftandspinningbarvas/

PLEASE NOTE: Details of Clubs & Societies are published on a rotational basis.


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SpotLIGHTon .co.uk

What’s on, Clubs, Eating out, Trades Listings and much more...

Pastoral Le er & Church Meetings Philae On 15th November 2014 a robotic lander called Philae made headlines! It comet 67P/Churyumov– reached Gerasimenko, after a journey of 6.4 billion kilometres which took 10 years! With a bump greater than a flight landing at Stornoway airport in a gale, Philae finally landed and began to transmit a “rich signal” of data. Scientists said the detection of “organic (carbon) compounds” supported the view that comets may have brought chemicals to earth to “kick-start” life. The European Space Agency stated, “There is convincing evidence that comets played a key role in the evolution of the planets. Comets, for example, probably brought much of the water in today's oceans. They could even have provided the complex organic molecules that may have played a crucial role in the evolution of life on Earth.” On the origin of life, Christians do not depend on scientific experiments to provide the data. It’s in the Bible. It took ten years for Philae to reach its target and send its data. It takes less than ten minutes to read Genesis chapters 1 and 2, opening with “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”! Receiving God’s “rich signal” in the Bible, we believe that life on earth began with the creative activity of God, not with a kick-start by a comet! It takes a great

leap of faith to believe that a chemical “kick-start” could ultimately result in the great intellects which guided Philae to comet 67P? The Bible’s purpose is to tell us about God’s creation of eternal life for us in Jesus Christ, not to provide a scientific account of the universe. This does not mean that its data is unreliable or anti-science. To our fascination, the regular reports about the lander gradually “humanised” it in our thoughts! The “little lander”, a tiny speck in space, as if engaged in an epic struggle before winning through to its objective; then its “demise”, slowly “dying” as its batteries gave out, and “with its last ounce of strength” sent back the final precious data; finally we were told “it may come back to life, as the comet’s route brings it nearer to the sun.” It was so easy to become emotionally involved in the “life” of this “little lander” that I remember thinking I would cry for joy if it was discovered to be alive after all! We should be much more intellectually and emotionally involved in the Christmas narrative. God came on a mission to planet earth to “kick-start” life - “But God, being rich in mercy, for the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ…and raised us up with him” (Ephesians 2:46 ESV). The Bible’s data shows that Jesus lived a perfect life, died for our

Point Free Church Sundays 12pm and 6pm (Sunday School during morning service. Midweek meeting, Thursday 7.30pm at Church. For more information visit www.pointfreechurch.wordpress.com St Columba's (Old Parish) Church of Scotland Sunday services at 11am and 6.30pm. Gaelic Service on the first Sunday of each month at 12.30pm. Meeting for Bible Study and Prayer every Thursday at 7.30pm. Tel: 01851 705933 St Peter's Episcopal Church Eucharist Service 11am, Evensong 7pm with Said Eucharist at 8.30am on the 1st Sunday or every month. For more information visit www.stpeterstornoway.blogspot.com Stornoway Associated Presbyterian Church Sundays, 11am and 6.30pm with Sunday School and Youth Group at 12.15pm. Mid-week meeting on Thursdays at 7.30pm. Worship at 72 Keith Street, Stornoway, HS1 2JG. Contact Church Officer & Deacon, Murdo Smith: 01851 870260 or email murdosmith1947@hotmail.com Stornoway Free Church Sundays 11am and 6.30pm. (Gaelic service held in the Seminary on Francis Street at 7.30pm.) Kenneth Street HS1 2DR. Tel: 01851 703860

page 6 -January 2019

sins, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. This is God’s “rich signal” calling for our response in repentance, faith and obedience. One of the Philae team said in interview, ‘if you ask me whether we have done all we could have done, the answer is “No”, but I remain optimistic that the thing will come back to life and we will get the chance to do those things.’ How different that is to Jesus! He left nothing undone in his mission to save! As the energising warmth of Christ’s resurrection power comes into contact with our “dead batteries” we experience regeneration and a reconnection with God. The “signals” of worship, praise and prayer are once again active and God’s data relayed to us by the Bible takes on a new meaning. Philae sent its last signal on 9th July 2015. Is it dead? Who knows? But, as a Christian, “I know that my redeemer lives, and that at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and not as a stranger. My heart yearns within me!” (Job 19:25-27 ESV).

Rev James MacIver Stornoway Free Church Isle of Lewis

Stornoway Reformed Presbyterian Church Sundays at 11am and 6.30pm and Midweek meeting on Thursdays at 7.30pm, Bridge Centre Bayhead. Tel: 01851 701529. For more information visit www.stornowayrpcs.org Stornoway Seminary Sundays 11am, Midweek meeting, 7.30pm Saturdays. Held at Francis Street, HS1 2NF All services are held in Gaelic. Tel James MacIver on 01851 870207 or email jmknock@uwclub.net The Salvation Army Church Sundays 11am worship, Sunday School from 1pm - 3pm, Midweek Bible Study 12pm - 2pm. Tel: 01851 703875 For more information email stornoway@salvationarmy.org.uk or visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/stornoway

Listed P - T and regularly rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed and would like to be considered for inclusion or to amend existing details, please email linda@winterburnmedia.co.uk

tel: 01309 690063


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What’s on, Clubs, Eating out, Trades Listings and much more...

call to MPs.pdf 1 & 09/11/2018 14:22 Parliament Blog Tide Times

Call out to MP's and MSP's Are you an MP or MSP? If so, we invite you to present a regular “parliamentary blog" which will be printed in the monthly SpotLight.

We would like to include all Parliamentary Representatives. Please phone: 01309 690063 or email: linda@winterburnmedia.co.uk to obtain more details

LOW TIDE TIMES FOR STORNAWAY IN JANUARY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times. For all beaches to the south, timings are approx 27 mins earlier. 11 2 3 4 5 6 7




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tel: 01309 690063



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r a e h o tt n a w e W ! U O Y m fro 2019 READER SURVEY

Spotlight is conducting a survey into what you feel about your monthly magazine. We want to know: t What you like t What you don’t like t What you would like to see included which isn’t already. In order to contribute your views we would invite you to go to the home page of our website: www.spotlighton.co.uk

and click on the survey button. Alternatively, if you prefer to just send us an email then please forward your comments to admin@winterburnmedia.co.uk

Crafty Corner NAIL VARNISH MARBLED COASTERS Materials needed for this project: s Nail polish s Disposable container s Tepid water s Tiles s Wooden sticks s Disposable gloves s Nail polish remover – for clean up Here’s how you make this project: Before you start you want to cover your work area with scrap paper as nail varnish can be tricky to clean off. . Fill your container with a couple of inches of tepid water. Begin dropping in the polish. The first colour to hit the water will span out over the whole surface, so beginning with a light colour is best. Continue to add colours to your desire. However, you must work fast. You want to hold your polish close to the surface so that it doesn’t hit the water too hard and just drop to the bottom. Quickly use a toothpick or wooden skewer to make swirls. Be sure to glide around just the surface of the water, if you poke too far into the water the polish will stick onto the skewer and the polish will ball up. (The polish hardens when the skewer is too far into the water.) Then take your tile and dip it into the water with the tile facing down. If you want to cover the whole tile then dip it in as flat as you can so as to not cause any air bubbles. Lif t out the tile and slowly turn it over and let it air dry for a few hours. Once the tile is completely dry, spray with a sealant to make it heat safe. Then cut out squares of felt and use double sided tape to stick them to the bottom of the tile to prevent them scratching surfaces.

« Life Hack #142 » You can prolong the lifetime of Did you know? Did you know an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain

your flowers by dropping a penny into the vase and adding a pinch of sugar.

THE HARRIS TWEED PROJECT Local school children design pattern of unique H a r r i s Tw e e d c l o t h i n i s l a n d - w i d e c o m p e t i t i o n

Pupils from Sir E Scott School in Tarbert using wooden handlooms. Picture credit: Laurence Winram

As part of the Year of Young People 2018, the Isle of Harris Distillery, in collaboration with Harris Tweed Hebrides and the Harris Tweed Authority invited school children from across the Outer Hebrides to join them in creating a unique Isle of Harris Distillery Harris Tweed cloth. In September the distillery launched the competition to design the final pattern through a series of guides, practical workshops and class visits as part of an island-wide project run through local schools and supported by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Education Services. The first round of judging has just taken place and 140 wonderful creations from school children across the Outer Hebrides have been whittled down to a very strong shortlist of 35 designs which will be displayed at the Isle of Harris Distillery throughout December. At the end of January 2019 prizes will be awarded to the best entries across four age

categories, with a final overall winner going on to spend time with the team at Harris Tweed Hebrides at their mill in Shawbost, Isle of Lewis to bring their final creation to life. Harris Distillery Managing Director Simon Erlanger said: “The reason the word ‘Harris’ evokes such wonderful imagery is in no small part thanks to the extraordinary fabric that is Harris Tweed. It inspired the work done at the distillery today, setting the high standards of quality and provenance required of anything that bears our island's name. We look forward to working together with the Tweed industry, developing the distillery’s own cloth, importantly designed by the young people of the islands, whose future the distillery was established to support. Margaret Ann Macleod, Sales Director, Harris Tweed Hebrides added. "Creating sustainable employment for young people in the Harris Tweed industry has been a key focus for Harris

Tweed Hebrides since we were established over 10 years ago. Working with the Harris Tweed Authority and the Harris Distillery we have developed an innovative project which will cover all aspects our unique industry from the pure new wool right through to the finished Orb stamped fabric which is exported all over the world from our base in Shawbost. We are all looking forward to seeing the creative ideas and design inspiration which we know the young people of our islands will bring to this project." Lorna Macaulay, CEO Harris Tweed Authority (HTA) said: "The Harris Tweed industry shares many aspirations and brand values with the Isle of Harris Distillery (IOHD) having worked successfully together on several promotional projects over the last 3 years, including both the HTA and IOHD working together as business representatives on the local 'Developing Young Workforce' Board.

magnificent interiors at the distillery since its initial design phase and it is hoped that together as a team - the distillery and the mill, making use of the HTA's Educational Trust's brand room in Stornoway Town Hall will whet the appetite of the young people as to the design, manufacture, branding and storytelling considerations and processes of both the distillery and the Harris Tweed industry.�

In this Year of Scotland’s Young People, it is great to see the design project, which has been in the planning for a couple of years, finally come to fruition. Harris Tweed Hebrides (HTH) have been Harris Tweed suppliers to the

Find out more at: www.harrisdistillery.com

SpotLIGHTon .co.uk

What’s on, Clubs, Eating out, Trades Listings and much more...

Useful Information

Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days

New Year’s Day Tues 1st Jan 2019 New Year’s Day (substitute) Wed 2nd Jan 2019 Epiphany Sun 6th Jan 2019 Burns Night Fri 25th Jan 2019 Valentine’s Day Thurs 14th Feb 2019 St David’s Day Fri 1st Mar 2019 Shrove Tuesday Tues 5th Mar 2019 Ash Wednesday Wed 6th Mar 2019 St Patrick’s Day Sun 17th Mar 2019 Purim (J) & Holi (H) Wed 20th Mar 2019 British Summertime Starts Sun 31st Mar 2019 Mothering Sunday Sun 31st Mar 2019

April Fool’s Day Isra & Mir’aj (M) Palm Sunday Baisakhi - New Year (S) Maundy Thursday Good Friday First Day Of Passover (J) Easter Sunday Easter Monday St George’s Day

Mon 1st Apr 2019 Wed 3rd Apr 2019 Sun 14th Apr 2019 Sun 14th Apr 2019 Thurs 18th Apr 2019 Fri 19th Apr 2019 Fri 19th Apr 2019 Sun 21st Apr 2019 Mon 22nd Apr 2019 Tues 23rd Apr 2019

(H - Hindu; J - Jewish; M - Muslim; S - Sikh)

School Term Dates for 2018/2019 (all dates inclusive) Christmas Holiday Ends Sun 6th Jan 2019 Spring Term Starts Mon 7th Jan 2019 In-Service Day Wed 6th Feb 2019 Mid-Term Holiday Thu 7th Feb 2019 Mid-Term Holiday Mon 11th Feb 2019 Spring Term Ends Fri 29th Mar 2019 Spring Holiday Starts Sat 30th Mar 2019 Spring Holiday Ends Sun 14th Apr 2019 Summer Term Starts Mon 15th Apr 2019

Mid-Term Holiday Mid-Term Holiday Summer Term Ends Summer Holiday Starts

Fri 3rd May 2019 Mon 6th May 2019 Fri 28th Jun 2019 Sat 29th Jun 2019

for 2019/2020 (all dates inclusive) Summer Holiday Ends (Proposed) Wed 14th Aug 2019 Autumn Term Starts (Proposed) Thu 15th Aug 2019

Useful Contacts

Abused Men in Scotland .................................. 0808 800 0024 Alcoholics Anonymous .................................... 0845 769 7555 Breathing Space .................................................. 0800 838587 Caledonian MacBrayne (Ferry) ........................ 01851 702 361 Citizens Advice Bureau (Harris)..........................01859 502431 Citizens Advice Bureau (Stornoway) ................ 01851 705727 Community Learning Hebrides ........................ 01851 822716 Council Offices Sandwick Road, Stornoway.... 01851 703 773 Drug and Alcohol Support Workers .................. 01851 709816 Harris Alcohol & Drugs Action Group .............. 01859 502171 Hebrides Alpha .................................................. 01851 820380 Inverness Airport.................................................01667 464000 Learning Shop .................................................. 01851 822718 Men in Recovery ............................info@meninrecovery.org Narcotics Anonymous ...................................... 0300 999 1212 National Domestic Abuse & Forced Marriage Helpline ..........................................................................0800 027 1234 National Rail Enquiries........................................03457 484950 Police Station (Stornoway) ................................ 01851 702222 Rape Crisis Scotland National Helpline .......... 08088 01 03 02 Salvation Army (Stornoway) ..............................01851 703875 Samaritans ........................................................ 01851 703777 ................116 123 (National Helpline) or jo@samaritans.org Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline .................... 0800 0271234 Shelter Scotland .............................................. 0808 800 4444 Stornoway Airport ............................................ 01851 702 256 Tourist Information Office (Stornoway) ............ 01851 703 088

page 14 January 2019

Western Isles Alcohol & Drug Partnership Support Team ........ ..........................................................................01851 762 017 Western Isles Foyer .......................................... 01851 705366 Western Isles Women’s Aid .............................. 01851 704750 DOCTORS Broadbay Medical Practice ................................ 01851 703588 Hospital Macaulay Road, Stornoway ................ 01851 704704 Langabhat Medical Practice (Lewis) .................. 01851 860222 Leverburgh Surgery (Harris ..............................) 01859 520278 NHS Community Psychiatry Health Centre (Stornoway) .......... ..............................................................................01851703069 North Harris Medical Practice (Isle of Harris ....) 01859 502421 South Harris Medical Practice............................ 01859 520278 Stornoway Health Centre .................................. 01851 763300 The Doctors Surgery (Isle of Harris) .................. 01859 520200 The Group Practice ............................................ 01851 703145 NHS 24 ................................................................................ 111 PHARMACIES Back Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MacDonald K J Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carloway Dispensary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boots Stornoway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

01851 820333 01851 703131 01851 643388 01851 701769

If you would like to add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please email linda@winterburnmedia.co.uk

tel: 01309 690063


SpotLIGHTon FREE Listings, FREE to View, FREE to upload Promote your events in this section by going online at www.spotlighton.co.uk Register, key in details which will then automatically be printed in the magazine.

*February Issue Deadline: 3rd January*. Inclusion of events is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops.Contact venues & organisers first as there may be changes.

salvation army coffee & sale a selection of home baking, bric-a-brac, tea & coffee, as well as a light lunch for you to enjoy 12pm, salvation army, bayhead, stornoway. call 01851 703875 or email at stornoway@salvationarmy.org.uk the ark drop in centre for women whose life is affected by substance abuse 10am - 12pm, the shed, francis street, stornoway. call 01851 704557 or email at admin@theshedproject.org.uk

29 saturday

Rolling Events 8 january - 19 february “christianity explored”: presentation videos (every tues) 7.30pm - 9pm, associated presbyterian churches (apc), 72 keith street, stornoway. call 001851 705513

December 2018 26 wednesday the top guns: boxing day fun 10.30pm , stornoway sea angling club, south beach quay. call 01851 702123

27 thursday salvation army baby bank 10am - 12pm, salvation army, bayhead, stornoway. free baby clothes & equipment under 36mnths available to all families, donations welcome. call 01851 703875 or email at stornoway@salvationarmy.org.uk open mic night 8.30pm - 11.59pm, mcneill’s pub, 11 cromwell street. stornoway. open to all. call 01851 703734 or email mcneillsbarstornoway@gmail.com elephant sessions (re-scheduled from oct) 8pm, an lanntair. adults £15; u27s £12. call 01851 708480. tickets at www.tickets.lanntair.com admin@winterburnmedia.co.uk

28 friday

the beacon cafe: soup,paninis, sandwiches, teas, coffee & cake 10am - 4pm, tiumpanhead community centre, point, isle of lewis. call grace smith on 01851 870771 exhibition iolaire 100 (opening): margaret ferguson; a collection of 100 portraits created over the past 2 years of sailors lost & saved on the iolaire 4pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. call 01851 708480 or email at info@lanntair.com sal: iain morrison & dalziel + scullion; to mark the centenary of the iolaire tragedy, 14-18 now & an lanntair have commissioned two new suites of gaelic music 8pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. call 01851 708480 or email at info@lanntair.com

31 monday iolaire community remembrance event 9.30pm, lewis sports centre iolaire centenary: sal & an treas suaile - gaelic music commissions to mark the centenary of the iolaire tragedy, an lanntair have commissioned two new suites of gaelic music 8pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. call 01851 708480 or email at info@lanntair.com new year's eve bash 10pm, stornoway sea angling club, south beach quay. call 01851 702123

tel: 01309 690063

January 2019 - page 15

Traigh Mhor Pony Trekking

Traig h M hor pony trekking is a ne w b u sine ss ven ture off erin g a unique all year round horse riding a round t h e quie t, crof t ing t ow nship of Nor th To lsta, Isle of Lewis. It is a s ma ll, f a mily ru n business t hat st rives to p rov id e a fri e ndly, personal an d en c our a ging e xperience wh ilst exploring s ome of the Wester n Isles’ impressive a nd of te n o v erlo o ked lan dscapes on hor s e b a c k . T h e c e ntre is ru n by L eigh M inion w ith h e lp fro m h er dau ght er, K ir s ty, a nd he r h u sband, G avin . T h e business off ers a n um b e r of d iff e re nt t re ks a nd hacks: in cluding on the m oo rland, san d dun es, be a c he s , a round t h e villag e an d t he Comm on G r a zings ra n g ing from 4 5 min s t o 2. 5 hour s f or b oth child ren and adu lts. Fla t a nd j u mping rid ing lesson s are a ls o on off e r o n o ur quiet crof t f or beg inne r s , nov ic e s a n d inte rmediate level ride r s .

Le igh has a l wa y s h a d a l i f e l o n g pa s s i o n f or hor s e s a n d wh e n s h e a c qu i re d t h e c rof t it so o n be c a m e a ppa re n t t h a t t h e a re a w a s i de a l f o r po n y t re k k i n g . " T h e b a c k grou n d s c e n e r y t o o u r l e s s o n s a n d tre k s is u n p a r a l l e l e d. " L e i g h a dds . " Yo u ha v e s e e n t h i s l a n d s c a pe m a n y t i m e s b e f ore a n d t h e n y o u g e t t h e re d s u n r i s e , the d a y s o f e n d l e s s c l e a r, bl u e s k i e s o r the mood y a t m o s p h e r i c b a c k d ro p t o t h e w ild e r ne s s t h a t s t re t c h e s o u t t o t h e Nor th a n d We s t a n d i t i s j u s t mesmerising . " Le igh' s p a s s i o n a n d l o v e f o r h o r s e s i s i n the ge ne s t o o , wi t h K i r s t y a s e q u a l l y e nthus ias t i c a bo u t t h e C e n t re . Sh e h a s joine d her m u m i n p a s s i n g h e r Ri d e Le a d e r E x a m i n Au g u s t a n d h a s a s p ir a tio n s t o u n de r t a k e h e r Br i t i s h Hor s e S o c i e t y s t a g e s a n d e x a m s i n t h e f uture . G a v i n h e l ps o u t t o o - f ro m ma inta in i n g t h e f e n c e s t o t a c k i n g u p a n d le a d ing p o n i e s .


I t ha s be en an incredibly b us y s ta r t to t h e business. "In the past f e w months w e h a ve se e n many customer s , r a nging f rom t h re e ye a rs old t o those into the ir s e ve nties." said Kirst y. " We ha v e ha d c om ple te begin ners, to a p e r s on tha t re gularly compet es in Thre e Da y Ev e nting a c co m pa ny u s on our moo r la nd a nd b e a c h ride s." T h e c e ntre has proved as p op ula r w ith t h e lo c a l children an d adults a s it ha s w i t h visito r s t o the island, w ith the s c ho o l ho lidays and Sat urd a y s p rov id ing t h e business w ith some of the ir b us ie s t d a ys. It is slowly expanding to me e t the d e m and with t he addit ion of tw o ne w s mall c hildren ’s pon ies: Pola r is , the d a shing , a lmost w hit e, Wels h M ounta in P o n y and Pepsi, a very cute , b la c k S h etla nd G eldin g. They ha v e joine d , G i nti, O akie, Six an d, f or the w inte r

months , D a r by. A f e w l o c a l To l s t a y o u n g p e op le ha v e be e n v o l u n t e e r i n g o n S a turd a ys a n d du r i n g t h e s c h o o l holid a y s . L e i g h h o p e s t h a t , o n c e t h e b us ine s s i s g o i n g f o r wa rd, s h e wi l l b e a b le to o ff e r t r a i n i n g a n d p a i d e mp loy m e n t t o t h e m du r i n g t h e i r s u m m e r holid a y f ro m U n i v e r s i t y o r C o l l e g e .

The trekking centre is open all year round, Monday to Saturday from 9am to dusk, and after the New Year's Day rides, they will be offering saddle clubs, Own a Pony Day and, as the daytime hours increase moving towards Spring, they will be able to offer evening rides and lessons.

Traigh Mhor Pony Trekking 41 NorthTolsta, Isle of Lewis For more information and bookings contact: 01851 890453 v i s i t t h e f a c e b o o k p a g e o r w w w. t o l s t a 4 1 . c o m

January 2019 1 tuesday

prizes to be announced! to apply to play please email. over 18s only. email at venue-hire@thetoothandclaw.co.uk

knit & natter group 7pm, tigh ceilidh, north tolsta, isle of lewis. come along for blether & a cuppa new year's day beach rides: bring in the new year with a two hour beach ride traigh mhor pony trekking, 41 north tolsta, isle of lewis. please call 01851 890453 for details. www.facebook.com iolaire shinty challenge: camanachd leodhais vs Traigh Mhor Jan 19.pdf 1 28/11/2018 kinlochshiel shinty club 1.30pm, bayhead playing fields. spectators welcome

1 tuesday - 30 saturday (march)

Traigh Mhor Pony Trekking 41 North Tolsta Isle of Lewis

dougie cunningham photography exhibition 9am 5pm, talla na mara, pairc niseaboist, isle of harris www.tallanamara.co.uk

1 tuesday - 4 saturday (may) iolaire 11:48

commemoration exhibition: commemorating the centenary of the loss of hms iolaire on 1 january 1919 mon - wed & fri - sat: 1pm - 4pm museum & tasglann nan eilean, lews castle, stornoway. call 01851 822 746 or email at museum@cne-siar.gov.uk

2 wednesday own a pony day 10am - 3pm, traigh mhor pony trekking, 41 north tolsta, isle of lewis. call 01851 890453. www.facebook.com

5 saturday barvas traditional music session 8pm - 11.30pm , barvas & brue community centre. bring along your instrument & enjoy a tune ...or just come & enjoy the music. call 01851 840400 or email at macleodpeggy@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/pg/barvasbruecentre/

t: 01851 890453



Check for upcoming events

1 tuesday - 5 saturday bless the weather exhibition by christopher swan tbc, talla na mara, pairc niseaboist, isle of harris. call 01859 503900 or emai at info@tallanamara.co.uk www.tallanamara.co.uk

1 tuesday - 31 thursday battle of the bands@tooth & claw, inverness tbc, grand prize ÂŁ1,000 cash plus loads of runner up page 18 - January 2019

dementia friendly community cafe (alzheimer scotland lewis & harris) 2pm, tigh ceilidh,airigh a bhreide, tolsta, isle of lewis. the cafe will be hosted by staff and volunteers from alzheimer scotland. call marion macinnes on 01851 702123 or emai at mmacinnes@alzscot.org

8 tuesday - 15 tuesday kids’ ballroom & latin dance class: introduction taster 4pm - 5pm, lewis sports center, 2 springfield road, isle of lewis. for ages 7 - 11yrs old. call louise davidson on 07980 832207 or email at firedance100@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/absolutelyheb

15 tuesday eolas: coffee morning 10.30am - 12pm, woodlands centre, stornoway. free. all carers welcome. call katie or peggy on 01859 502588 or email at info@wiccf.co.uk knit & natter group 7pm, airigh a bhreide, tigh

tel: 01309 690063


ceilidh, north tolsta, isle of lewis. come along for a blether & a cuppa

16 wednesday - 19 saturday pantomime: robin hood 7pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. stuart morrison in association with the stornoway thespians presents a fabulous fun filled panto. call 01851 708480 or email at info@lanntair.com. www.lantair.com

19 saturday park circus@the ironworks, inverness 7.30pm. www.ironworksvenue.com

22 tuesday eolas: afternoon tea 2.30pm - 4pm, borve house hotel, isle of lewis. free. all carers welcome. call katie or peggy on 01859 502588 or email at info@bwwc.co.uk knit & natter group 7pm, airigh a bhreide, tigh ceilidh, north tolsta, isle of lewis come along for a blether & a cuppa

23 wednesday eolas: afternoon tea 2.30pm - 4pm, crown hotel, stornoway. free. all carers welcome. call katie or peggy on 01859 502588 or email info@wiccf.co.uk

24 thursday eolas: afternoon tea 2.30pm - 4pm, harris hotel, scott road, tarbert, isle of harris. free. all carers welcome. call katie or peggy on 01859 502588 or email at info@wiccf.co.uk

25 friday salvation army coffee & sale 12pm, salvation army, bayhead, stornoway. a selection of home baking, bric-a-brac, tea & coffee, as well as a light lunch for you to enjoy. call 01851 703875 or email at stornoway@salvationarmy.org.uk scotland's winter festivals: the music of robert burns; a presentation of the music of burns performed by neil johnston’s string quartet & the nicolson institute school choir 8pm - 9pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. £10. call 01851 708480 or email at info@lanntair.com scotland's winter festivals: scottish food and gin pairing 9.15pm - 10.30pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. £10. following on from musical celebrations we are hosting a special scottish food and gin tasting event in the restaurant. call 01851 admin@winterburnmedia.co.uk

708480 or email at info@lanntair.com enter shikari plus palaye royale & black peaks@the ironworks, inverness 7pm. age 14+ (u16 with adult). tickets from www.entershikari.com

26 saturday the beacon cafe 10am, tiumpanhead community centre, point, isle of lewis. soup, paninis, sandwiches, teas, coffee & cake. call grace smith on 01851 870771 scotland's winter festivals: quiz night scotland on all things scottish followed by live traditional music 7pm, an lanntair, kenneth street, stornoway. free, registration required with email. teams up to five! email at alex@lanntair.com torridon burns night special@the ironworks, inverness 8pm. www.ironworksvenue.com

26 saturday - 27 sunday aviemore sled dog rally times vary, glenmore forest park, aviemore. the largest event of its kind in the uk, with over 1,000 sled dogs & 250 mushers. www.siberianhuskyclub.org.uk

29 tuesday knit & natter group 7pm, airigh a bhreide, tigh ceilidh, north tolsta, isle of lewis. come along for a blether & a cuppa. call 01851 840400 or email at macleodpeggy@hotmail.com

30 wednesday the classic rock show 2019 7pm - 10pm, eden court, inverness. tickets from www.ticketmaster.co.uk

31 thursday banff mountain film festival tour 2019 eden court, inverness. the films feature intrepid explorers on expeditions in the most remote & spectacular reaches of the planet. www.banff-uk.com

February/March 2019 28 thursday - 6 wednesday inverness music festival 2019 eden court theatre open to all ages and abilities, both children and adult. There is something for all performers of music of every genre and level. We also run speech and drama classes

tel: 01309 690063

January 2019 - page 19

Adult Fiction


By Stephen Fry Heroes is the story of what we mortals are truly capable of at our worst and our very best. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Witness wily Oedipus solve the riddle of the Sphinx and discover how Bellerophon captures the winged horse Pegasus to help him slay the monster Chimera.

Adult Fiction


By Ben Schott Jeeves, it transpires, has long been an agent of British Intelligence, but now His Majesty's Government must turn to the one man who can help... Bertie Wooster. In this magnificent new homage to P. G. Wodehouse, Ben Schott leads Jeeves and Wooster on an uproarious adventure of espionage through the secret corridors of Whitehall, the sunlit lawns of Brinkley Court, and the private clubs of St James'.

Junior Non Fiction Adult Non Fiction

I need a new bum!

Made in Scotland

By Dawn McMillan

By Billy Connolly After my knighthood was announced, a woman from the BBC came to Glasgow to interview me. We sat down in a lovely hotel in a nice part of town, and she hit me with her first question: "This must mean a lot to you, with you coming from nothing?" Scotland is a unique and wonderful place. Its national motto says a lot about it: Nemo me impune lacessit. A decent translation might be: `By all means punch me in the nose but prepare yourself for a kick in the arse.' I did'nae come from nothing: I come from Scotland. And this book is about why I will always be happy and proud that I do.'

A young boy suddenly notices a big problem - his bum has a huge crack! So he sets off to find a new one. Will he choose an armour-plated bum? A rocket bum? A robot bum? Find out in this silly, quirky tale with hilarious illustrations.

Junior Fiction


By Michael Grant When the lines between hero and villain blur, it's hard to tell who's the real monster. Dillon Poe wanted to be a comedian once... but everyone made fun of him. Dillon the loser, the freak. Now he can control anyone with the power of his voice and he's preparing to send thousands to their deaths. Who's laughing now? Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo and a new mutant with unmatched powers are all that stand in Dillon's way.

Junior Non Fiction


By Malala Yousafzai Raised in a changing Pakistan by an enlightened father from a poor background and a beautiful, illiterate mother, Malala was taught to stand up for her beliefs. When terrorists took control of her region and declared that girls were forbidden from going to school, Malala refused to sacrifice her education. And on 9 October 2012, she nearly paid the ultimate price for her courage when she was shot on her way home from school. The extraordinary, true story of a young girl's courage in the face of violence and extremism, and an incredible testament to what can be achieved when we stand up for what we believe in.

Discover the wonderfully diverse West Coast islands of Scotland the easy way with CalMac Ferries. You’ll be guaranteed good travel and connection times, regularity and service on all of our 28 routes. CalMac has been providing passenger ferry services to the west coast and peninsula communities for more than 150 years. Scotland’s west coast islands are magical places that offer something special for every visitor, for example great beaches, breath taking scenery and everywhere you go, a great Scottish welcome. Every island has its own individual character and charm. Irrespective of whether it’s a trip to the islands off the Clyde Coast, the Inner and Outer Hebrides, or Skye and the nearby Small Isles, all count amongst some of Scotland’s finest and most dramatic natural landscapes.

While you are on board While you are on board why not take advantage of our wide range of hot and cold snacks and meals - all prepared freshly on board and using locally sourced produce. Don’t forget to buy a few souvenirs too in our onboard shops.

CalMac Adventures A selection of day trips and mini cruises. Departing from Oban, Mallaig, Uig/Skye, and Ullapool as well as Wemyss Bay (for Bute) Kennacraig (for Islay) and Ardossan (for Kintyre and Arran) Take your pick from a short trip of a couple of hours, or a make a full day of it.

Further information Our website at www.calmac.co.uk offers a wealth of information about the routes and islands we serve – including detailed information on timetables, fares, day trips as well as updates on service status.

Wild Haggis WILD HAGGIS (given the humorous taxonomic designation Haggis scoticus) is a fictional creature of Scottish folklore, said to be native to the Scottish Highlands. It is comically claimed to be the source of haggis, a traditional Scottish dish that is in fact made from the innards of sheep (including heart, lungs, and liver). According to some sources, the wild haggis' left and right legs are of different lengths, allowing it to run quickly around the steep mountains and hillsides which make up its natural habitat, but only in one direction. It is further claimed that there are two varieties of haggis, one with longer left legs and the other with longer right legs. The former variety can run clockwise around a mountain, while the latter can run anticlockwise. The two varieties coexist peacefully but are unable to interbreed in the wild because in order for the male of one variety to mate with a female of the other, he must turn to face in the same direction as his intended mate, causing him to lose his balance before he can mount her. As a result of this difficulty, differences in leg length among the haggis population are accentuated. HAGGIS ABROAD The notion of the wild haggis is widely believed, though not always including the idea of mismatched legs. According to an online survey, commissioned by haggis manufacturers Hall's of Broxburn, released on 26 November 2003, one-third of U.S. visitors to Scotland believed the wild haggis to be a real creature. Wikipedia.com

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o the puddin'-race! Aboon them a' ye tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm: Weel are ye worthy o' a grace As lang's my arm. Address to a Haggis Robert Burns

A fictional wild haggis specimen, Haggis scotticus, as displayed in the Glasgow Kelvingrove Gallery.

HOW TO HUNT WILD HAGGIS First, be sure to identify whether the creature you are stalking is a clockwise or anti-clockwise variety. Dig a large hole in which to hide and then, as it approaches, leap up and yell, "BOOOO!!" in its face as loudly as your lungs permit (It will be noted that facing in the wrong direction at this point would be rather ineffectual, hence the importance of pre-determining the rotational preference of the intended prey). Correct application will cause the animal to take fright, recoil and turn to attempt to run in the opposite direction, the consequences of which will be immediately apparent. While it is still stunned from rolling downhill, simply pick it up (assuming that you have managed to keep pace with its rate of descent and reach it before it has recovered), whack it over the head with your walking stick and pop it into your backpack. OTHER INFO Wild Haggis do exist, It is rare to catch on camera, but when it does happen, the flash from the camera causes them to create a loud screech, which tends to attract a Giant Bagpipe Spider or two. http://strangeanimals.wikia.com






atching my resident red squirrel feeding in my garden this morning, I was happy to see that he’d brought along a friend. And a few weeks back, when I first put this feeder up, I derived great enjoyment from watching the squirrel and the rooks all trying to work out how to access the peanuts in this particular feeder. One of the great joys of living in the Highlands is the abundant, wonderful wildlife that we have on our doorstep. A garden well managed for wildlife can bring an enormous amount of enjoyment through the winter months. I find watching the birds in the morning a helpful reminder that there is a whole busy world out there getting on with surviving and living, and in the process helping to dwarf any day-to-day trivial problems that might be distracting me. My one-legged blackbird Bob (because he ‘bobs’ up and down) is a case in point! Immediately outside my kitchen windows I have arranged three bird feeders that hang from various sections of drainpipe, meaning that the birds are inches from my windows. I’ve seen a number of places where people have done this. Some people are even lucky enough to have red squirrels happily feeding at their window.

To ensure wildlife wants to come and visit your garden at any time of the year, you need to make sure you are looking after them through the whole year. That means putting bird food out all year, not just in the winter, though it is obviously more critical for them in the winter. The single best thing you can do for wildlife in your garden is to have a body of water in your garden. If you’re lucky enough to have space for a pond then that’s perfect, but there are other options. I have a mini pond that I have created in an old Belfast sink, with bricks at the side creating an access point for frogs. It is important that the pond has a shallow area so that birds can use it to bathe, and again I have used bricks and stones to create a shallow area. Aquatic plants finish off the essential items, and whatever size pond you have it is best not to have fish if you want to have maximum benefit for wildlife. Other things you can do to create a wildlife-friendly garden are cutting a small hatch in the bottom of your back fence to enable hedgehogs to get in; piles of branches and twigs left to rot down are also a great addition because the woodlice and beetles that make their home become food for larger animals and you have helped create a little garden ecosystem of your own. In a larger garden, leaving areas of longer grass is good thing to do, and if you want to avoid it looking too messy then just mow around the longer grass and it will suddenly become an intentional-looking garden feature. Bird boxes are a great idea too. You can buy ones with cameras in now that allow you to watch the roosting, nesting, feeding and squabbling birds from the comfort of your TV! Sometimes you have to love technology! Hopefully this gives you a few ideas, but there are so many more things you can do to attract wildlife and in turn create a garden with a diverse and exciting ecosystem. Don’t forget that winter is also the best time for planning future projects and carrying out structural changes to your garden. To find out a bit more about what jobs I’ve got on at the moment just head to www.angelhort.com.


Flourless C h o c o l at e Cake INGREDIENTS Cake: 240g Butter 240g Dark chocolate drops 150g Caster sugar 6 Egg yolks 8 Egg whites

Chocolate Ganache: 500g Dark chocolate 500ml Double cream

Chocolate Cake 1. Melt chocolate and butter together 2. Whisk egg whites until firm and forming soft peaks 3. Whisk egg yolks and sugar to pale in colour and double the volume 4. Line a spring form tin (23cm) 5. Fold chocolate mix and egg yolks, then fold in egg whites 6. Place in lined tin and bake at 145ºc for 45-55 minutes until firm to touch 7. Leave to cool, and don’t be alarmed, it will sink 8. Turn upside down and place on a cooling rack and chill

Chocolate Ganache 1. 2. 3. 4.

Bring cream to the boil Remove from heat and beat in chocolate Cool to 35-40Âşc Pour over cake using a palette knife to cover sides as well and chill

Gluten Free Cashew and Dark Chocolate Brownie 118 High Street, FORRES IV36 1NP

Moist, gluten-free brownies with cashew chunks are the perfect snack to satisfy your sweet tooth. A quick and easy recipe, whether you’re gluten free or not!

Ingredients: 250g Butter (salted) 275g Dark chocolate in pieces 325g Caster Sugar 4 Eggs 175g Gluten free plain flour 1 tsp Baking powder 50g Chopped cashews

Method: 1. In a large heavy bottomed pan, first melt the butter on a low heat. 2. Then add in the chopped dark chocolate and gently stir in. 3. Add the caster sugar and allow to dissolve over a very low heat for a few minutes. 4. Allow the mix to cool a little, then add the eggs, one at a time and beat well after each one. 5. Sift in the flour and baking powder and beat the mix until glossy and smooth. 6. Stir in the cashew nuts. 7. Bake in a 30cm x 20cm parchment lined tin at 180°c for 30-40 minutes until risen but wobbly.

L Chop the onion and garlic, dice the sweet

1 large Onion 1 400ml tin of Coconut Milk 800g Diced Sweet Potato 650ml Vegetable Stock

potato and ginger. Place into a pan, along with the lime juice and sautĂŠ.

Add the vegetable stock and boil until all

The juice of 1 Lime

ingredients are cooked and soft. Add the

4 cloves of Garlic

coconut milk and remove from the heat.

4cm of Fresh Ginger (roughly a thumb’s length)

Blitz with a hand blender until smooth

Salt & Pepper for seasoning

and return to heat for desired temperature.

] Serve with Crusty Bread and Butter.

Read this... Before you make your next Resolution M o s t C o m m o n N e w Ye a r ' s R e s o l u t i o n s "DDPSEJOH 5P " 3FDFOUø$PNSFT 1PMM 5IF .PTU $PNNPO /FX :FBShT 3FTPMVUJPOT "SF 1. Exercise more (38%) 2. Lose weight (33%) 3. Eat more healthily (32%) 4. Take a more active approach to health (15%) = 5. Learn new skill or hobby (15%) =

6. Spend more time on personal wellbeing (12%) = 7. Spend more time with family and friends (12%) = 8. Drink less alcohol (12 %) = 9. Stop smoking (9%) 10. Other (1%)

W h y d o p e o p l e f a i l a t N e w Ye a r ' s r e s o l u t i o n s ? A poll of 2,000 British people, published by Bupa, found that of those who said they XPVME CF TFUUJOH B /FX :FBS T SFTPMVUJPO IBMG XFSF OPU DPOGJEFOU UIFZ XPVME TUJDL UP JU Around one in five people also admitted to setting overly ambitious, potentially unsustainable goals. More women (58 per cent) than men (45 per cent) say setting TNBMMFS BOE SFBMJTUJD HPBMT XJMM IFMQ UIFN LFFQ UIFJS /FX :FBS T SFTPMVUJPOT XIJMF NPSF men (26 per cent) than women (21 per cent) say technology is the key to helping them keep their goals on track.

H o w c a n I a c h i e v e m y N e w Ye a r ' s r e s o l u t i o n s ? 1. Is it specific? Goals need to be specific, as humans we work better when we have a clear goal in mind. 2. Can it be measured? As you can see in the above goal, it’s specific but it’s also allows us to measure it and see progression as time passes. This helps with keeping you motivated as ZPV DBO TFF IPX GBS ZPV IBWF DPNF ø 3. Is it achievable or attainable? This is a key component of the action plan. Is the goal I am setting attainable? You want a balance of challenge, to keep you motivated, but not too hard as you might lose focus and experience feelings of anxiety and stress. 4. Is it realistic? Make sure your goal can be achieved realistically in the time frame you are MPPLJOH UP BDIJFWF UIFN JO ø

5. Is it exciting? Your goal needs to be exciting. If planned correctly, this can help you stay motivated when you are experiencing a particular tough decision that takes you away from your goal. Try coming up with different and interesting ways of making your goals exciting. . 6. Is your goal recorded? We make many goals in our head that we end up forgetting so “ink it, don’t think it�. By recording your goal, you make a conscious commitment that this is what you want to achieve. Once you have made this commitment, put it in places that can easily be seen. Put it in your gym bag, put it on your bathroom mirror or your kitchen fridge. As you can see all these goals are in a positive assertive fashion. This type of mind-set will help you stay motivated for achieving those goals.

P u zz le Pa g e




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