Nairn March 2010

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MARCH 2010




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In this Issue... page 3 clubs and societies; page 4 nimrod - 40 years of service; page 6 pastoral letter; pages 10, 15 & 16 what’s on listings; pages 12, & 13 eating out guide; page 18 chef’s confidential; page 20 council news; page 21 school term dates; page 22 useful numbers, tides and holidays; page 23 advertisers index

New 9-week course starts Tuesday 26th January 2010

6:30pm - 8pm Nairn Free Church Time to discover... Call Murdo on 01667 459131 who Jesus is, why he came and what it or James on 01667 453838 means to follow him

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on Nairn and district ...information on your community

Richard. Call and C all today today a nd talk talk to to Ian Ian or Richard. Support a nd enhancements. enhancements. IT Support and W: PC PC S urgery. NEW: Surgery.

Tel: Tel: 01309 01309 676151 676151 ww Horizon Scotland, Scotland, The The Enterprise Enterprise Park, Park, Forres, Forres, Moray, Moray, IV36 IV36 2AB 2AB Horizon

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Environmental Education in Action

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Holiday and School time Bushcraft Courses and After School Nature Club

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Westwood, Littlemill, Nairn Tel. 01667 454536 or


Ca ttery

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Feline Advisory Bureau Registered, Listed in Good Cattery Guide

Available for booking now!

Let your wild side out and get to know the wild things! on your doorstep 01309 690 450

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Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:27 Page 3


SpotLight Clubs and Societies

Picture by Roger Carr, Copyright

AULDEARN SWRI Meetings include talks and demonstrations including craft, travel, social and international affairs. Preserves and enhances awareness of Scotland's rural heritage. Second Wednesday of month, 7.30pm, Dunbar Hall (excluding July & August). Contact 451374 or email prentice BEFRIENDERS HIGHLAND Voluntary organisation, which co-ordinates friendships between volunteers and people who have experienced a mental health problem and are lonely or isolated. Contact Heather Forbes 451444 BOYS BRIGADE Contact 452950 CAWDOR BOWLING CLUB Provides a six rink green where club and open competitions are played. Spoon competition Friday’s 7pm. Coaching is given to learners on a Tuesday evening. Contact 453698 HIGHLAND RUSSIA CONNECTION Offers Russian language lessons, art and craft workshops, Russian dancing, educational talks, displays and exhibitions. Contact Elena Reid 456245 or e-mail elena.k.reid@

SpotLight - Nairn and District

INVERNESS CANOE CLUB Inland, sea and surf kayaks as well as open canoe SCA affiliated club. SCA Coaches provide in club training and courses. Equipment hireable by club members. Pool lessons throughout the year. Contact 404725 or 07775 682034 email INVERNESS ORIENTEERING CLUB Contact 454546 MORAY ADVANCE MOTORISTS & MOTORCYCLISTS

Reg. Scottish Charity (SC 033561) visit or 01309 673954 MUSIC NAIRN A charitable organisation to promote about 20 events each season. Classical and chamber music of the highest quality, poetry, chamber opera. Contact Nairn Community Centre 453476 NAIRN & DISTRICT BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION An Association for beekeepers in and around Nairn. We welcome new beekeepers or visitors to join us for our monthly meetings. Contact 404314 or email NAIRN & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB Meets on the third Monday in month at Nairn

Community Centre at 7.30pm. A variety of topics are covered from visiting speakers. Contact 493326 or 452331 for further details NAIRNSHIRE CEILIDH DANCE GROUP Meets every Tuesday 7.30pm-10pm & Thursday 2pm-4pm in the Seaforth Club, Gordon Street, Nairn. Anyone interested in learning & enjoying old time and ceilidh dancing in a friendly and informal group. All welcome. Contact Doreen 451430 or Alistair 01309 674499 PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Come to our informal meetings. Meet a group of people who think that having fun is the most important thing. Whatever your photographic aspirations, you will be made very welcome. Contact 455238 or email john.ashford@ RELATE HIGHLAND Offering the services of a counsellor in Nairn on Wednesday afternoons. Contact 01463 712888 (Monday-Thursday 10-1, or leave a message and you will be called back) RIDING FOR THE DISABLED We are a voluntary organisation that enables physically and mentally disabled children & adults to enjoy the benefits of horse riding. We are always looking for volunteer

helpers. Contact 01309 691823 or email ROYAL AIR FORCES ASSOCIATION (RAFA) RAFA is an organisation offering friendship and welfare support to serving and ex-serving members of the RAF and their families. The Branch meets every second Tuesday of the month in the Royal British Legion, Nairn at 8pm. Contact 455001 or email SEWING GROUP NAIRN Contact 455012 SPEAKERS CLUB Leisure pursuit which encourages and develops proficiency in public speaking. A training manual is available and new speakers follow a 10 speak programme which is individually evaluated. Contact 453373 SSPCA INVERNESS Contact 455012 VOLUNTEERING HIGHLAND Volunteer Centre in Nairn Welcomes anyone who would like to volunteer in the local area. Contact Fiona Barnes 453055 or nairn@volunteeringhigh

If you would like details of your club or society included in this section please let us know. Not all clubs will be listed every issue. March 2010 - page 3

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:27 Page 4

The Nimrod MR2 40 years of service He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; therefore it is said, ‘Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.’ Genesis 10:9 Recognising the need to remain at the forefront of maritime warfare technology, the RAF realised that the Nimrod MR1 required updating if it was to remain a viable weapons platform until the end of the century. On the 23 August 1979, the first Nimrod Mk2, XV 236 was transferred to RAF Kinloss having emerged from the British Aerospace factory at Woodford following conversion. The vast majority of the conversion from MR1 to MR2 involved a major refit of the navigational and attack systems. The Nimrod MR1 (Maritime Reconnaissance), which replaced the aging Avro Shackleton, was introduced in 1969. The design of the aircraft was based upon the world’s first ever passenger jet, the Comet, whilst inspiration for the aircraft’s name came from the Bible; and to this day the MR2 is familiarly known as ‘the Mighty Hunter’. During the intervening years the aircraft has undergone significant upgrades to its mission system, sensors and self defence suites, thus maintaining the Nimrod as an extremely capable surveillance and attack platform. Since RAF St Mawgan closed in 1992, all Nimrod MR2s have been based at RAF Kinloss as part of 325 Expeditionary Air Wing, equipping Numbers 120 and 201 Squadrons along with the Operational Conversion Unit, No 42 (Reserve) Squadron. Another squadron, 206 Squadron was disbanded in 2005. The MR2 is a versatile platform which makes it ideally suited to operate in a wide variety of roles including: communications, surveillance and attack support to land and maritime forces; maritime reconnaissance; anti-submarine warfare; and search and rescue. The Nimrod MR2 has made a significant contribution to all the major operations in which the UK has been involved in recent years. In particular the Nimrod has served with distinction in the Cold War, the Falklands Conflict, 2 Gulf Wars, and in support of the maritime blockade of the Balkans during the Bosnia crisis. From 2001 until 2009 the Nimrod maintained a presence in the Gulf area, where crews regularly flew over Iraq, Afghanistan, the Indian page 4 - March 2010


SpotLight Local Interest

Ocean and the Gulf of Oman. Additionally it has been involved in many other operations both in the UK and abroad, including providing support to the Lebanon crisis in July 2006. All this has made the Nimrod MR2 one of the busiest aircraft in the RAF’s inventory. Peacetime work includes surface and sub-surface surveillance, monitoring civilian and military shipping movements in the North Atlantic, and participating in Joint and multi-national exercises around the world. There is always an aircraft on a 2-hour readiness for search and rescue (SAR) controlled by the Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre, located at Kinloss. Although the SAR service is primarily for downed military aircrew and military maritime incidents, the Nimrod also attends many civilian emergencies and provides a valuable addition to the work of the Maritime Coastguard Agency. With its capability to operate as low as 200 feet whilst over the sea, at speeds of under 200 mph and equipped with a powerful searchlight, the Nimrod can carry out searches, assist SAR helicopters or act as an on-scene commander for major maritime disasters. During the MR2’s 41 year history, it has been involved in many high profile rescues, but equally many of its successes are still restricted information. In August 1985, Nimrods from Kinloss and St Mawgan were involved in the shepherding and ultimately, the rescue of Richard Branson and the crew of the Virgin Atlantic Challenger following a failed attempt at the Blue Riband Atlantic sea-crossing record. In 1988 3 Nimrods coordinated the rescue following the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster in the North Sea. The MR2 is to be replaced by the MRA4, with the first of nine aircraft expected to arrive at RAF Kinloss in Spring 2010. Whilst 94% of the MRA4 is new, it builds on the capabilities provided by the MR2 but can gather, process and display up to 20 times more data than its predecessor. It’s maximum speed is slightly faster than the MR2 at 420 knots and it can fly 6000 miles or 14 hours without refuelling, almost twice as much as the MR2. This is the equivalent to being able to fly to the Caribbean or Washington and back without the need to refuel. The legacy of the MR2 though will remain now that RAF Kinloss has, for the first time, got its very own gate guardian. XV 240 was positioned in September 2009 and will provide a permanent reminder of the Mighty Hunter’s

SpotLight - Nairn and District

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Up c o m i n g E v e n t s

Le i s ur e C lub O p e n Da y

Mu rd er My ster y Dinner Sa t ur d a y 1 3 t h M a r c h

o n T hu r s d a y 4 t h M a r c h

Enjoy a delicious 3 course dinner and an exciting evening of murder, mystery & suspense £ 3 0 pe r pe r s on M o t h er ’ s D a y L u n c h Su n d a y 1 4 t h Ma r c h Join us on this special occasion and treat yourself to a 3 course lunch served in the Links Brasserie, overlooking the hotel’s gardens and the stunning Moray Firth £ 1 7 . 5 0 pe r pe rs o n B o ok th e s e e ve n t s n ow on 0 1 6 6 7 4 5 2 3 0 1 !

The open day will run from 10am – 8pm Pop in for a look at our gym and spa. Members of the team will be available to answer questions and advise you on membership options. Call the hotel now for more details!


Soup and a Throughout sandwichMarch combo or Two lunch ONLY £5.95 enjoy£5.25 a 2 course lunch course Monday to Saturday from £6.50 per person and Sundays from £9.50 per person.

Served between 12 noon - 1.30pm Monday to Friday Served from 12 – 2pm

G OACRES LF VI E W H O&TLEISURE EL & SPA EIGHT HOTEL CLUB The Seafront, Nairn Morriston Road, ElginIV12 IV304HD 6UL Telephone 452301 Email: Telephone:01667 01343 543 077


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Picture by Karen Barclay, Copyright

Pastoral letter and Church Meetings

Several times in the New Testament, the apostle Paul makes reference to sporting events. His favourite image in this context is that of the runner who runs a race in order to win a prize.

prove something to themselves and raising money for charity in the process. (As a Christian minister I wish they wouldn't do it on a Sunday morning, but that's another matter).

In Philippians Chapter 3, verses 13-14, he makes such a reference : One thing I do : Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.

In Biblical terms life is like a marathon race (not a sprint!) and we all ought to be in it (the ultimate Human Race!) and we all ought to be in it for the same reason that Paul wanted to be in it. There's a wonderful prize awaiting all who complete this race - the prize of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

What Paul is saying is, that like an athlete who is single-mindedly running a race and determined to win it, he is committed to living his life in such a way that at the end of it he will be blessed by God with the unmatchable prize of spending the rest of eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ his Saviour. To him this is a trophy that is so precious that he will dedicate his whole life to making sure that he succeeds. We're all familiar with marathon runners these days - not only the amazing Olympic athletes, but also the ordinary men and women who pound the streets of some large city or other trying to

Like with the street marathons the crucial thing in life's spiritual marathon is not so much the winning as the taking part. It's the getting there in the end that matters, not how fast or slow you get there! Street marathon runners are of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities. Some have succeeded in wheelchairs or on crutches. I recall one guy in a diver's suit taking about a week to plod round, and was it last year when a legless former soldier managed to complete the race in about a month, one mile a day, and raisng a million pounds for charity in the process?

Nairn Baptist Church meets in Nairn Community Centre, King St. All welcome 11am every Sunday and 6pm every third Sunday of the month. Contact the Pastor 459672 or visit the website Auldearn and Dalmore Parish Church Morning Service 12 noon. Contact Rev. Ricky Reid 451675. Cawdor Parish Church Morning Service 10.15am. Rev. JS Mathieson Nairn Free Church Morning Service 11am with Sunday School & Creche (Gordon St); Evening Service 6pm (Rosebank Hall); Youth Club for S1 upwards Wednesday 6.30pm (Rosebank Hall); Prayer and Bible Study Thursday 7.30pm (8 George St). Minister Murdo MacLeod 459131. Nairn Christian Fellowship Sunday Worship 10.30am; Praise and Bible Study Wednesday 7.30pm. Contact Sandy Shaw 456492. Old Parish Church meets at 10.30am for Holiday Worship. Rev. Ian WF Hamilton. page 6 - March 2010

No matter how fast or slow they reach the finishing line, these are all winners in one sense - because just completing the course is a victory. God calls us each to be in his race - not in this world's race in pursuit of fame, fortune, applause and passing glory but in his spiritual race of following Jesus and knowing his blessing for now and forever. An old song once said, ‘It's not where you start, it's where you finish!’, and that was never more true than in the race of life which Paul is talking about. You'll also be familiar with the phrase, ‘You've got to be in it to win it!’ - remember that only those entering God's race, running it by his strength, and crossing his finishing line at the end, will ever win his prize and have cause to celebrate at his victory parade. Make sure that you're a runner in God's race - there's no prize for the spectators!

Murdo Macleod Nairn Free Church

St Ninians Church Morning Worship and Sunday School 10.15am; Prayer Meeting Wednesday 7.30pm. Rev. Ricky Reid 451675. St Columba’s Scottish Episcopal Family Worship 10.30am; Evening Prayer 6.30pm. Rev. Canon Alison Simpson 452458. St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church Sunday Mass 11am; Saturday Vigil 6pm. United Reformed Church Morning Service with Sunday School and Creche 11am. Contact Rev. Steven Manders 451443. The Pentecostal Church of God Nairn Sunday Service 10.30am. Minister: JD Grant 456088. Nairn Joint Service first Sunday of each month St Ninians 6.30pm. If you are a member of a church not listed here please email with details and we will print this in future issues. SpotLight - Nairn and District

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:27 Page 7


Gateaux Regal

Learn to make the most of your voice with an experienced professional vocalist/teacher.

For bookings and enquiries, contact Andrea Turner

07846 048680


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Contact Jean Luc on 01667 455166 or visit at Unit 13 C1 Balmakeith Industrial Estate, Nairn


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Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:27 Page 8


SPRING EXHIBITION AT THE One ofART the GALLERY strengths of Logie Steading is that

all the businesses are individually owned and CAFE run by people who have a passion for their GIFTS ‘trade’. Gill and Weller de Oliveira are ANTIQUES bringing their passion for good food to the & RESTORATION café. SECONDHAND BOOKS River Walk & Playground

The Olive Tree Cafe It has always been a dream of ours26th to run a coffee Opening daily from February shop. From the middle of February, the cafe See our Business Profile on page 8 formerly knownofaschanges ‘Treats at for details atLogie’ Logie will become ‘The Olive Tree Café’, derived from our surname 6 miles south of Forres on A940 Oliveira.

01309 611378

After eight years at Logie, Emma Swan is moving on to new ventures. We will continue her ethos of great food sourced locally and seasonally, adding a flare of our own incorporating our backgrounds.

Business Profile

I grew up in Scotland and, coming from Brazil, my hs of Logie Steading is that all the businesses are individually husband Weller from a and culture of warmth people who have a passion fororiginates their ‘trade’. Gill Weller de ing their passion good food to the café: andfor genuine hospitality. We met in Italy in the beautiful metropolis of Florence where I was attending the Apicius The Olive Tree Café Culinary School. Our experience working together in the Italian culture heightened our appreciation of great food and wonderful coffee. Now with two fun loving boys we look forward to opening our doors to you to dabble over freshly een a dream in ofsome ours delicious to run a delicacies coffee shop. From thebrewed middle of coffee and tea at The Olive will Treebecome Café, Logie afe formerly known as ‘Treats at Logie’ ‘The Olive 01309 611733 ved from our Steading. surname Oliveira.

s at Logie, Emma Swan is moving on to new ventures. We will os of great foodpage sourced locally and seasonally, adding a flare of 8 - March 2010 rating our backgrounds.

otland and, coming from Brazil, my husband Weller originates of warmth and genuine hospitality. We met in Italy in the polis of Florence where I was attending the Apicius Culinary


SpotLight Business Profile

Antiques & Restoration Giles Pearson offers a wide range of interesting traditional Country Antique furniture, and a Restoration service specialising in Cane and Rush seated chairs. All furniture is sourced within the U.K: Georgian furniture, Arts n' Crafts tables, Victorian Chests and Windsor chairs are always available and, if not in stock, Giles is happy to help source items 01309 611280 Bookshop Helen Trussell’s bookshop stocks mostly secondhand books. Prices to suit pockets shallow & deep. Scottish books have a room to themselves. Wide range of subjects both factual & fictional. Open daily all year round, 11-5. Phone: 01309 611373 Art Gallery Panny Laing’s Art Gallery sources individual works of art from all over Scotland: from oil paintings and sculpture to jewellery and cards, the exhibition is an ever changing range to inspire an even wider range of tastes! 01309 611378 Diva Designs Christine and Kirsty, the Divas, have developed a distinct style with their unique fashion accessories and ‘objets’ made from raw wool and tweed, often embellished with embroidery. Their imaginations know no bounds and they now run courses. Visit Logie Steading • Open daily from February 26th • 10.30am to 5pm On the B9007, 6 miles South of Forres

SpotLight - Nairn and District

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Lunch Served Monday - Saturday 12noon - 2.30pm 2 courses (soup and main course) under £5! Pie of the day (supplied by Murdoch’s Butchers, Forres) • Friendly Welcome • Big Screen TV • Quiz night every Sunday - 9pm start • Thunderton Backpackers (

Victoria Hotel 57 High Street Nairn

• Sky Sports/ESPN • Pool Table • Big Screen TV • Friendly Welcome • Live music every Saturday afternoon

see our listings on

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Thunderton House

‘The Works’ Breakfast only £4.95! Available Monday - Saturday 10am - 11.30am

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01343 554920



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Thunderton Place Elgin


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78 High Street, Nairn, Tel: 01667 456777




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113 High Street, Forres Tel: 01309 675577

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The Centre provides a wide range of activities for all ages. It contains excellent meeting and conference facilities at reasonable costs. Mid scale arts venue, seating up to 300, with a variety of shows and concerts planned for 2009.

25th 7.30pm - Traditional Music Concert with Charlie McKerron (Session A9 & Capercaille), Marc Clement (Blazin’Fiddles) & Tim Edey (Sharon Shannon Band) 20th 8pm - Sally Johnson Soprano, Michael Hampton Piano 26th 7.30pm - “Moon” (15) - Best British Independent Film 2009

For further details Telephone: 01667 453476 e-mail: or check out our website on

All rates below assume a 12 month series of Black & White advertisements Box

1/4 Page

Bus. Profile


SpotLight Rates


Big Box


Full Page £265.68


1/2 Page



Call 01309 690063 to book your advertising or email

Full rates at

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:27 Page 10


If you are a Pub, Bar/Hotel


that hosts entertainment

What’s On

events - we will publish these free of charge. Call 01309 690063


FEBRUARY 25 thursday

abbamania - the concert, 7.30pm, elgin town hall, £17.50, contact robert pratt for details 0141 5777798 help for heroes! live music charity showcase, 8pm, kinloss rugby club, all welcome, contact gavin connolly tel: 07984 197093 or email

jane crawford 01343 810676 kieran goss, 8pm, the loft, east grange, £10/£12, contact 07977 150641/01343 850111 for tickets

7 sunday

showjumping, mundole, tel: 07901 602042

8,9,10,11 mon, tues, wedS, thurs.

26 friday

tribute to elton john, 8pm, the mosset tavern, forres, £7, tel: 01309 672981 nairn literary institute illustrated talk - highland emigration history in story and song by dr margaret bennett, 7.30pm, st ninian's church hall, nairn

27 saturday

1st cawdor brownies coffee morning, 10am, nairn british legion, £1.50 live music - bill alexander, 9pm, nairn british legion club m disco, til 3am, the mosset tavern, forres, £3 before midnight/£5 after, tel: 01309 672981

28 sunday

dressage, mundole,

nairn drama club presents the steamie by tony roper, see enhanced listing below

Nairn Drama Club presents The Steamie, by Tony Roper 8th, 9th,10th & 11th March 2010 7.30pm Venue: The Little Theatre, King Street, Nairn Tickets: £7 From Atmosphere, 5 High Street, Nairn (Tel 01667 451800) Or Avril (Tel 01667 453736)

10 wednesday

MARCH 3 wednesday

gilded balloon comedy, universal hall, findhorn, £14/£12, contact 01309 691170

highland rock garden club:the plants of the hohe tauern - carol & david shaw, 7.30pm, nairn community centre, £2, tel: 01309 641405 for more details

5 friday

12 friday

quiz night at nairn academy, 7.30pm for 8pm start, £5 per person, teams of 6 or less, raffle, non alcoholic refreshments and snacks provided but teams can bring other refreshments, all welcome if 18 or over.

6 saturday

swri coffee morning, 10am, nairn british legion, £1.50 young musician competition, 2pm-4pm, st. coloumba’s church, elgin, free admission, contact dr


Ken Campbell’s Ideal Band £9/£7 Friday 12th Mar. - 8pm

The Government Inspector £9/£7/£5 Saturday 13th Mar. - 7.30pm Maggie MacInnes £9/£7 Friday 19th Mar. - 8pm

page 10 - March 2010

dyke garden club - ian suttie ‘changes in wildlife in the forres area’, 7.30pm, dyke village hall nairn literary institute illustrated talk - the travels and travails of the scots herring girls by jill de fresnes, 7.30pm, st ninian's church hall, nairn ken campbell’s ideal band, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7, contact 01309 691170

13 saturday

cawdor primary school coffee morning, 10am, nairn british legion, £1.50

One Up And One Down £9/£7/£5 (U16) Saturday 20th Mar. - 7.30pm

Shakespeare Vs Shakespeare £9/£7/£5 (U16) Saturday 27th Mar. - 7.30pm Tickets available at the Phoenix Stores 01309 690110, or online at For more details tel: 01309 691170 or see the website w w w. u n i v e r s a l h a l l . c o . u k SpotLight - Nairn and District

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:27 Page 11

Some people just can’t wait to save money

The M&C loyalty card

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 12

SpotLight Eating Out Guide

GOL F VIEW H OTEL & SPA Ideal for any occasion Weddings, Functions, Brasserie meals, AA Red Rosette Restaurant Leisure Club & Health and Beauty Spa Tel 01667 452301 Following my first 18 months at the Golf View Hotel as Head Chef, and with the recent refurbishment of our Brasserie restaurant, Function Room and fine dining Restaurant I look forward to a busy spring & summer ahead, as I am sure all accommodation and food providers in the area do also. There is much optimism that the Nairn tourism sector will have a positive year ahead as we look to provide a high quality dining experience to both locals and visitors alike throughout the next year. We look forward to welcoming you. Lee Pattie, Head Chef, Golf View Hotel. 1ST PIZZA DIRECT The Manager Park House King Street Nairn IV12 4BR Tel: 01667 456268 AL RAJ INDIAN RESTAURANT The Manager 25 Harbour Street Nairn IV12 4NX Tel: 01667 455370

ALBERT INN The Manager 1 Albert Street Nairn IV12 4HP Tel: 01667 454474

BEST WESTERN WINDSOR HOTEL The Manager 16 Albert Street Nairn Tel: 01667 453108

ALTON BURN HOTEL The Manager Alton Burn Road Nairn IV12 5NB Tel: 01667 453325 ANATOLIA The Manager 53 High Street Nairn IV12 4AG Tel: 01667 459483

BOATH HOUSE The Manager Auldearn Nairn IV12 5TE Tel: 01667 454896

BRAEVAL HOTEL The Manager Crescent Road Nairn IV12 4NB Tel: 01667 452341 CAFE NAIRN The Manager 117 High Street Nairn Hotel

AURORA HOTEL & ITALIAN RESTURANT Enrico Sulejmani 2 Academy Street Nairn IV12 4RJ Tel: 01667 453551

page 12 - March 2010

BRACKLA HOTEL The Manager 50 Harbour Street Nairn IV12 4NU Tel: 01667 452198


AURORA Italian 2 ACADEMY STREET, NAIRN, IV12 4RJ TEL: 01667 453551

SpotLight - Nairn and District

email Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 13

2 x Adverts for inclusion in March Food & Drink guide

LaTinos The Manager 10 Harbour Street Nairn IV12 4NU Tel: 01667 459904 latino@chefkev

SUNNY BRAE HOTEL The Manager Marine Road Nairn IV12 4EA Tel: 01667 452309 reservations@sunny

2 x Adverts for inclusion in March guide

Sea View Restaurant, Excellent Sea Food, Food Drink Bar Meals, A La Carte & Real & Ales Braeval Hotel, Crescent Rd, Nairn T: 01667 452341 CALEDONIAN BAR The Manager 46 High Street Nairn IV12 4AU Tel: 01667 455526 CAWDOR CASTLE David Broadfoot Nairn IV12 5RD Tel: 01667 404401 info@cawdor

Links Tearooms HAVELOCK HOUSE HOTEL The Manager The Manager The Links Sea Food, Sea View Road Restaurant, Excellent Crescent Marine Nairn IV12 Bar4NB Meals, A La Carte &Road Real Ales Nairn IV12 4EANairn Tel: 01667 455500Hotel, Crescent Braeval Rd, Tel: 01667 455131 T: 01667 452341 HIGHLAND FOODSTOP LOVAT LODGE HOTEL The Manager The Manager 3 Cawdor St Thurlow Road Nairn IV12 4QD Nairn IV12 4EZ Tel: 01667 456323

COVENANTERS INN The Manager High Street Auldearn Nairn IV12 5TG Tel: 01667 452456 FRIAR TUCKS The Manager 30 Harbour Street Nairn IV12 4NU Tel: 01667 455759 GOLF VIEW HOTEL & LEISURE CLUB Murray McPhee The Seafront 63 Seabank Road Nairn IV12 4HD Tel: 01667 452301 HARBOUR CAFE The Manager 136 Harbour Street Nairn IV12 4PH Tel: 01667 461051

SpotLight - Nairn and District

THE CHIP INN The Manager King Street Nairn IV12 4BE Tel: 01667 455544 THE CLASSROOM BISTRO BAR Willi Lean 1 Cawdor Street Nairn IV12 5XP Tel: 01667 455999

CAWDOR TAVERN Christine Sinclair Cawdor Nairn IV12 5XP Tel: 01667 404777 enquiries@cawdor CLAYMORE HOUSE HOTEL The Manager 45 Seabank Road Nairn IV12 4EY Tel: 01667 453731 claymorehouse@

THAI COTTAGE The Manager 77a High Street Nairn IV12 4BW Tel: 01667 454633

Tel: 01667 453298 HIGHLAND PALACE CHINESE/CANTONESE RESTAURANT The Manager 102 High Street Nairn IV12 4DE Tel: 01667 454211

MR TAN The Manager 76 High Street Nairn IV12 4AU Tel: 01667 453884

HOUSEHILL COURTYARD Fiona Lean Househill Farm Shop Grantown Road Nairn IV12 5RY Tel: 01667 452548 Jacko's The Manager 44 Harbour Street Nairn Tel: 01667 455422

NAIRN TANDOORI RESTAURANT The Manager 61 High Street Nairn IV12 4BW Tel: 01667 456293

NEWTON HOTEL & HIGHLAND CONFERENCE CENTRE The Manager Inverness Road Nairn IV12 4RX Tel: 01667 453144 ROYAL BENGAL INDIAN RESTAURANT The Manager 89 High Street Nairn IV12 4DB Tel: 01667 454442 STAR HOTEL The Manager 3 Church Street Nairn IV12 4AP Tel: 01667 454775 E ATING O UT G UI DE

THE DOLPHIN CHIP SHOP Douglas Edwards 69 High Street Nairn IV12 4BW Tel: 01667 455534 THE KIST RESTAURANT The Manager 10 High Street Nairn IV12 Tel: 01667 459412

WAVERLEY HOTEL The Manager 4 High Street Nairn IV12 4BJ Tel: 01667 453001 WESTERLEA HOTEL The Manager Inverness Road Nairn IV12 4SD Tel: 01667 452136 WINDSOR HOTEL The Manager 16 Albert Street Nairn IV12 4HP Tel: 01667 453108 March 2010 - page 13

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 14

Vibration training on the Body Action is a nonstrenuous, low impact method of exercise that takes only 10 minutes, yet achieves greater results than conventional training without the effort. Vibration training is the perfect tool for people who want more from their workout - from the professional athlete to those with physical limitations.

A complete Body Workout in only

Body Action workouts offer the following benefits in a 10 minute workout without placing high loads on the tendons and joints:

❋ Improved body shape

❋ Increased muscle strength ❋ Fat reduction

❋ Improved flexibility

❋ Reduced appearance of cellulite

❋ Increased range of motion ❋ Increased toxin removal ❋ Increased bone density

❋ Reduced lower back pain ❋ Enhanced pain reduction

❋ Improved explosive power

10 minutes

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 15


SpotLight What’s On

All Whats On Listings are printed FREE of charge. If you have a community event you would like to promote, please email or call 01309 690063. Deadline for April Issue Wednesday 3rd March

MARCH 2010 (continued)

13 saturday (continued)

the government inspector, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7/£5 children, contact 01309 691170 dream team ceilidh, 8pm, nairn british legion

14 sunday

dressage, mundole, tel: 07901 602042

15 monday

katona twins - guitar duo, 7.30pm, south room, gordonstoun school, near elgin, £10/£5, tel: 01343 837894 or email

19 friday

bandstand beer festival - opening ceremony, 6.30pm, followed by music by crazy g with local singer & karaoke at 8pm, braeval hotel, nairn see for more details bandstand beer festival - music with andy may on keyboards & guest vocalist, 8pm, claymore house hotel, nairn, see for more details maggie macinnes, 8pm, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7, contact 01309 691170

20 saturday

dyke primary school pta coffee morning 10am-12noon, forres town hall old parish guild coffee morning, 10am nairn british legion, £1.50 bandstand beer festival - meet the brewer, 2pm/3pm; whisky tasting, 4pm, £15; scottish piper & screening of final match rbs 6 nations - scotland v ireland, 5pm; live music & disco by old spice, 8pm, braeval hotel, nairn see for more details band stand beer festival - charity dinner, 7pm, claymore house hotel, £25, booking essential, contact 452341, see for more details organ spectacular with carlo curley, 7.30pm, st leonards church, forres, tickets £10/£5 under 16’s available from mackenzie & grant estate agent, forres or by emailing christine andrew SpotLight - Nairn and District

one up and one down, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7/£5 under 16’s, contact 01309 691170 music nairn:sally johnson (soprano) and michael hampton (piano), 8pm, nairn community centre, £12/£10/£2, contact 01667 404763

21 sunday

bandstand beer festival - open mic, 2pm-7pm; meet the brewer, 3pm/4pm; charity ale quiz, 5pm, £2 entry; live music & disco by old spice, 8pm, braeval hotel, nairn, see for more details showjumping, mundole, tel: 07901 602042

22 monday

bandstand beer festival - charity pool tournament, 8pm, £2 entry, braeval hotel, nairn see for more details

26 friday

cinema nairn - moon(15), 7.30pm, nairn community centre, king street, nairn, £4 aduts/£3 under 18’s, visit for details tribute to girls aloud, the mosset tavern, forres, £10, tel: 01309 672981 club m disco, til 3am, the mosset tavern, forres, £3

JJ Gilmour at The Loft Venue Saturday 27th February 9pm £10/£12 JJ has built up a staunch fan base across Europe, and is widely recognised as one of Scotland’s most distinctive singer/songwriters, abe to fuse moving, intelligent lyrics with melodic harmonies. More details on JJ can be found at

before midnight / £5 after, tel: 01309 672981

27 saturday

eastern star coffee morning, 10am nairn british legion, £1.50 shakespeare vs shakespeare, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £9/£7/£5 under 16’s, contact 01309 691170 jj gilmour, 9pm, the loft venue, by elgin, £10/£12, contact 01343 850111 March 2010 - page 15

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 16

Advert for inclusion in March What’s On

Nairn’s 2nd Beer Festival 19 – 23 March

in aid of cashforkids


Departures DIRECT from INVERNESS 50 Scottish & English Real Ales, Music, Great Food, Charity Events & Prizes Braeval Hotel, Crescent Rd, Nairn T: 01667 452341 email

APRIL 2010

4 sunday forestry commission easter extravaganza, 1pm 4pm, the ever popular bunny hunt is back, and this year is bigger and more spectacular than ever! meet at Roseisle car park, near Elgin, £2 per car.

MADEIRA - 31st March and 9th Nov. from £499 B&B MALTA - 13th April from £399 B&B LAKE GARDA - 27th June from £489 B&B CROATIA - 28th June from £579 HB JERSEY - 31st July and 21st August from £599 B&B PORTUGAL - 5th October from £679 All Inclusive

Departures DIRECT from ABERDEEN SORRENTO & BAY OF NAPLES - 5th June and 2nd October from £529 B&B HIDDEN PORTUGAL - 18th May from £569 HB CROATIA - 27th Sept. from £549 HB MADEIRA - 7th April from £519 B&B

2 x Adverts for inclusion in March Food & Drink guide All prices for 7 nights, direct flight, based on 2 sharing

9 friday

dyke garden club - agm, 7.30pm, dyke village hall paul rose band, 9pm, the loft venue, £8, contact 01343 850111

Sea View Restaurant, Excellent Sea Food,

10 saturday Bar Meals, A La Carte & Real Ales middleBraeval eastern film festival - pomegranates & myrrh, Hotel, Crescent Rd, Nairn 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £4/£3 under 16’s, T: 01667 452341 contact 01309 691170

11 sunday middle eastern film festival - on the way to school, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £4/£3 under 16’s, contact 01309 691170

14 wednesday highland rock garden club:propogating my way john owen, 7.30pm, nairn community centre, £2 tel: 01309 641405 for more details

16 friday elizabeth rogers, 7.30pm, universal hall, findhorn, £10/£8, contact 01309 691170

24 saturday highland rock garden club:annual show, plant sale & coffee morning, 10am, nairn community centre, £2, tel: 01309 641405 for more details

30 friday cinema nairn - the searchers (u), 7.30pm, nairn community centre, king street, nairn, £4 aduts/£3 under 18’s, visit for details page 16 - March 2010

Beaver Travel, 78 High Street, Forres

Tel: 01309 672203

Beaver Travel in Forres is also a ticket agent for Eden Court Theatre, Inverness – at Box Office prices

A B T A a n d I AT A B o n de d f o r y o u r pr o t e c t i on

SpotLight on Nairn is published monthly and delivered free to 6000 homes and busineses in IV12, by Royal Mail door to door delivery. To advertise, call 01309 690063 or email us on Deadline for April Issue Wednesday 3rd March. JC’s Chimney Sweep Service

Also supply/fit bird guards & cowls, bird nest removal - Guaranteed NO mess NACS & HETAS registered

Call John on 01667 456632 or 07712049774 SpotLight - Nairn and District

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 17

SpotLight Business Profile

, part of the Moorings , part of the Moorings Mediquip Group, supply & service mobility Mediquip Group, supply & service mobility equipment from Shetland to the North of equipment from Shetland to the North of England for the general public, NHS, Council England for the general public, NHS, Council Authorities & Charity Organisations. We pride Authorities & Charity Organisations. We pride ourselveson onthe thelevel levelofofservice servicewe wehave have ourselves achieved over the last 20 years and have three achieved over the last 20 years and have three fully equipped vans to deal with any emergency fully equipped vans to deal with any emergency breakdown downexperienced experiencedbybyour ourcustomers customersor or break forour ourgeneral generalservice service&&maintenance maintenancework. work. for

the product that is the product that is best suited & best suited & tailored if tailored if necessary to necessary to their specific their specific requirements,aa requirements, cupofoftea teaor or cup coffee is always coffee is always welcomedbyby welcomed ourcustomers. customers. our

Wehave havetwo twoArea AreaConsultants Consultantscovering coveringthe the We area,Bill BillMcLauchlan McLauchlanininthe theNorth Northand andMary Mary area, Bryansininthe theSouth. South.Both Bothare arevery veryexperienced experienced Bryans and possess an exceptional level of knowledge and possess an exceptional level of knowledge assistingour ourcustomers. customers. totoassisting

OurWorkshop WorkshopManager ManagerisisEd EdGrigor Grigorwho who Our overseesthe thefield fieldengineers engineersand andundertakes undertakesthe the oversees day to day running of our fully equipped day to day running of our fully equipped workshops.Ed Edisisalways alwaysatathand handtotooffer offer workshops. assistanceand andadvice. advice. assistance

Aswell wellasasout outininthe thefield fieldwe wehave havetwo twohighly highly As trained&&experienced experiencedladies ladieswho whowork workfrom from trained ourMobility Mobility&&Independent IndependentLiving LivingCentre Centreinin our Forrescovering coveringshowroom showroomenquiries enquiriesand and Forres customerservice. service.Great Greattime timeisistaken takenwith withallall customer ourvisitors visitorstotothe thecentre centretotoensure ensurethat thatwe wefind find our

Weoffer offerfree freeof ofcharge chargehome home We demonstrationsand andtrial trialperiods periodswhere whereour our demonstrations customershave havethe theopportunity opportunitytototry tryout outthe the customers product at their leisure within their own product at their leisure within their own environment. environment.

#!" #!"

Withususbeing beingpart partofofthe theMoorings MooringsMediquip Mediquip With Groupwe weare areable abletotosource source&&import importnew newand and Group innovativeproducts productsfrom fromaround aroundthe theworld worldand and innovative bringthem themtotoyou youhere herewhether whetherititbe beaasmall small bring lightweightmanual manualchair chairfrom fromItaly Italytotospecialised specialised lightweight paediatricaids aidsfrom fromAmerica. America.Our OurChief Chief paediatric Executive, Girvan MacCorkell aims achieve Executive, Girvan MacCorkell aims totoachieve andpromote promoteananexceptional exceptionalproduct productrange rangeand and and FirstClass ClassService Servicetotoall. all. First

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"" """"" """ page 17 - March 2010

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!! SpotLight - Nairn and District


Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 18

The Great Wall Run!

Sweet & Sour Chicken


SpotLight Chef’s Confidential

This month we are going all Chinese with this great recipe and it’s really easy. The reason we have gone Chinese this month is that I am going to Beijing in May to run the Great Wall of China Marathon. Some say it is the hardest marathon in the world and some say if there is one marathon you have to run before you die it would be the great wall. The Great Wall Marathon will be a tough, beautiful and definitely extraordinary experience. The 5164 steps of the Great Wall will put me to the test, The Great Wall Marathon is the ideal way to combine an unusual running event with exploring one of the world’s most astonishing sights. We have hooked up with Tom Chamberlain from Marys Meals Charity to raise money. I would like to say a big thanks to DC (Doug Cowie) and the Sunday morning club for helping me get the miles in!! For the sauce 4 tbsp chicken stock 2 tbsp tomato ketchup 1 tbsp soy sauce 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar 2 tbsp caster sugar For the batter 1 egg yolk freshly ground black pepper 1½ tbsp cornflour 1 tbsp milk Ingredients 200g white rice 4 tbsp vegetable oil 250g chicken breast, diced 75g carrots, cut into thin 'matchsticks' 60g baby sweetcorn, sliced 60g green beans, trimmed 2 tbsp sliced spring onions

page 18 - March 2010

Method Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packet then make the sauce by mixing together all the sauce ingredients in a bowl. Beat together the batter ingredients in another bowl. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a saucepan. Dip the chicken in the batter, then fry it carefully. Remove from the pan and set aside. Next, stir fry the carrots, baby corn and green beans in the remaining two tablespoons of oil for four minutes. Add the sauce and boil for one minute. Then add the chicken and spring onions and heat through. Spoon a helping of sweet and sour chicken on top of a bed of rice. Serve. Climbing the Great Wall of China might not take your breath away but the scenery most certainly will. Happy Cooking! John McCruden head chef, chapter one restaurant forres high street

SpotLight - Nairn and District

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Chapter One



10-11am pizza and pasta buffet

Bottle of Wine (See voucher for details) CanapĂŠs Chapter One Bread 10p Mix-Up Bag after your meal



near Forres


Opening daily from February 26th See our Business Profile on page 8 for details of changes at Logie 6 miles south of Forres on A940

01309 611378

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 20


SpotLight Council News

extRaCts fRom the DRaft mInutes of the meetIng of JanuaRy 26th 2010 of naIRn suBuRBan CommunIty CounCIl

Police Report • Cons. mackay gave an update to Policing in nairn area. they have moved into their new station and it has made a big difference. It is hoped to hold an ‘open Day’ to allow the Public to see the new station. • Com. Cllr. mackie raised the issue of indiscriminate parking, in particular outside the Co-op, moss-side Road, and on footpaths in seaforth Road / Cameron Road. however, parking on footpaths appears to be a general trend throughout the town. Matters Arising • sandown lands Planning enquiry ~ the Inquiry is due to start on 2nd. march 2010 in nairn Community Centre and all parties who are participating will have received letters of notification. a discussion ensued on the various concerns about the validity & impartiality of the Inquiry, and how much was likely to be agreed between the parties prior to the start. nairn Resident Concern group are to be prime speakers at the Inquiry on behalf of local residents, and nsCC will submit a letter of support, as the Reporter made it clear he does not want numerous groups repeating the same views and objections. We will submit a precognition outlining the concerns of the “man in the street” towards this particular type of development. • a96 & nairn Bypass ~ Com. Cllr. mackie gave a resume of where we are at with the bypass, awaiting a decision on the preferred ‘line’ that has been submitted to transport scotland. With regards to the a96 a meeting was held with Bear scotland regarding the lampposts which have been erected in the middle of the pavement, and the explanation given was that other services had been put along the back of the pavement which meant they could not put the lamp-posts there and it would be too costly to move those page 20 - March 2010

services. David stewart msP had also raised the issue with transport scotland on our behalf and got the same explanation. all that shows is the poor quality Planning of such matters in the past. not a very satisfactory situation. Correspondence • Com. Cllr. mackie wrote to stagecoach regarding the changes to the Bus Routes asking for a face to face meeting, but they haven’t even bothered to respond, so he intends writing to stagecoach h.Q. to see if that proves more successful. Chair’s Report • nairn Buses ~ following on from above, the local bus service has also been reduced during the weekday afternoon services. the 3.40pm bus to tradespark/achareidh has been cut. this means that when the Doctor surgery moves to nairn hospital there will be no Public transport to or from those services between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. lochloy area will have no bus between 2pm and 4pm; achareidh no bus between 2.50pm and 4.20pm. the residents from Cranloch and tradespark can use the 10 or 305. little wonder folk are reluctant to give up their cars, being treated like this without prior notice or consultation is likely to do little to change the car habit. • Inclement Weather ~ In spite of all the bad publicity the Council workers got, I think they deserve a ‘Pat on the Back’. our local workers DID grit the roads and pavements but due to the amount of snow and the extreme cold it had little effect. We can hardly blame them for the temperatures. I reported a lack of grit Bin at moss-side Brae and lack of road gritting at same area on behalf of local residents, and the local service Point staff and the local teC staff quickly dealt with the problem. so we should say a big thanK you to them for their efforts in such extreme conditions

Community Council Elections We are soon to reach the end of our 4 year term of office and are due to stand for election. the schedule for the election is as follows:2nd. february 2010 ~ notice for termly election to appear in local Press. nomination papers for prospective Community Councillors signed by 2 x sponsors and candidate to be completed and returned to Ward manager before 5pm on 15th. february 2010. Public meeting at 7.30pm on tuesday 2nd. march 2010 in nairn academy when nomination will be accepted with 6 x sponsors. If 6 or more Candidates we move to a Postal Ballot (If 3 - 5 candidates they will be duly elected on the night. If less than 3 candidates, the Community Council will fold). It is very important that we get new blood onto the C.C., most of our current Com. Cllrs. are standing down; I intend standing for one more term to see the C.C. Consultation through, and Dick is unsure whether to stand again, so I may be the only current Councillor standing for re-election. If we do get enough candidates I would like to stand down from the chair, and possibly look at another position. I have been chair for past 7 years and feel we need a new voice and viewpoint. Treasurer’s Report • Com. Cllr. Dick youngson reported we have £468.71 in funds. Planning Issues • there have been very few Planning application and those there have been tend to be house extensions. Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting at 7.30pm on tuesday 23rd. february 2010 within nairn academy (last meeting before election)

SpotLight - Nairn and District

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 21

SpotLight School Term Dates

School Dates for 2009/2010 (all dates inclusive) Spring Term Ends Friday 26th March 2010 Summer Term Starts Monday 12th April 2010 May Day Holiday Monday 3rd May 2010 Summer Term Ends Friday 2nd July 2010 for 2010/2011 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Tuesday 17th August 2010 Autumn Term Ends Friday 8th October 2010

Winter Term Starts Monday 25th October 2010 In-service Closure Friday 12th November 2010 Winter Term Ends Thurs. 23rd December 2010 Spring Term Starts Monday 10th January 2011 In-service Closure Friday 11th February 2011 In-service Closure Monday 14th February 2011 Spring Term Ends Friday 8th April 2011 Summer Term Starts Tuesday 26th April 2011 May Day Holiday Monday 2nd May 2011 Summer Term Ends Friday 1st July 2011

For full details of advertising rates please visit our website or call 01309 690063 Deadline for April Issue - March 3rd. SpotLight - Nairn and District

March 2010 - page 21

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 22


Useful Contacts Holidays and Tide Times

SCHOOLS Auldearn Primary School ............................(01667) 452118 Cawdor Primary School ..............................(01667) 402460 Millbank Primary School..............................(01667) 452240 Rosebank Primary School ..........................(01667) 454090 Nairn Academy ............................................(01667) 453700 Moray College Nairn Learning ....................(01667) 456759

DOCTORS Nairn Hospital A&E .....................................(01667) 452101 The Lodgehill Clinic ....................................(01667) 452096 Arderseir Medical Practice ..........................(01667) 452278 Nairn Sports Medicine Clinic ......................(01667) 454523 DENTISTS Jones Jones & Behrendt ............................(01667) 453189 RM Donald & Associates ............................(01667) 454603 PHARMACIES Lloyds Pharmacy ........................................(01667) 453100 Boots The Chemist ......................................(01667) 453169

LOW TIDE TIMES FOR NAIRN IN MARCH Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times AM PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


06.11 06.49 07.26 08.03 08.38 09.15 09.57

18.42 19.23 20.03 20.43 21.20 21.53 22.31

8 M 9 TU 10 W 11 TH 12 F 13 SA 14 SU 15 M 16 TU 17 W 18 TH 19 F

VETS Moray Coast ................................................(01667) 453161 Inshes Veterinary Clinic Inverness ..............(01463) 711777

Police Station ..............................................(01667) 452222 Stagecoach Inverness .................................(01463) 239292 Citizens Advice Bureau ...............................(01667) 456677 Nairn Museum ............................................(01667) 456791 Dalcross Airport .............................(01667) 464000/462280 Job Centre ..................................................(01667) 422500 Highland Council ........................................(01667) 458500 Victim Support ............................................(01463) 710806 Samaritans ..................................................(01463) 713456 Gas - Emergency ............................................(0800 111999 Water - Emergency ........................................08456 008855 British Red Cross Inverness ........................(01463) 231620 Crossroads ..................................................(01667) 455369 National Rail Enquiries ..................................08457 484950 If you have any suggestions for additional useful numbers please email these to us on

AM 11.15 00.57 02.31 03.29 04.14 04.44 05.02 05.23 05.54 06.27 06.59 07.27

PM 14.07 15.15 16.07 16.48 17.18 17.36 17.56 18.22 18.54 19.26 19.52

20 SA 21 SU 22 M 23 TU 24 W 25 TH 26 F 27 SA 28 SU 29 M 30 TU 31 W

AM 07.23 07.36 08.14 09.17 01.16 02.42 03.42 05.32 06.13 06.50 07.27

PM 19.14 19.41 20.55 21.33 12.33 14.06 15.13 16.10 17.57 19.39 19.18 19.55

Holiday Dates 2010 Inverness Holiday Monday 1st March Good Friday Friday 2nd April Easter Monday/Inverness Holiday Mon. 5th April Early May Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May

Spring Bank Holiday Inverness Holiday Summer Bank Holiday Inverness Holiday

Monday 31st May Monday 5th July Monday 2nd August Monday 4th October

SpotLight on Nairn is published by Win terburn Media L imited, Comraich, Woodside Farm, Kinloss, Forres, IV36 3UA. All advertising and editorial enquiries tel: 01309 690063 or email: www.spotligh ton page 22 - March 2010

SpotLight - Nairn and District

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 23


SpotLight Advertisers Index

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relax - in the beautiful and contemporary surroundings where attention is paid to detail.

eat - 2 course supper special £9.95 mon - fri or enjoy a complimentary pastry/cake with your morning coffee/afternoon tea.

drink - from organic fruit drinks, fine teas and coffees to premium draught and bottled beers, premium spirits, fine wines. We also have a fully stocked bar downstairs where we regularly have live music.

simply red restaurant + cafe bar 01309 676737•


Advertisers Index Ace Adventures ..................................................................7 Alastair Munro Plumbing & Heating ................................23 Andrea Turner, Singing Tutor ..............................................7 Aqualiss Hair ......................................................................7 Aurora Hotel & Italian Restaurant ....................................12 Beaver Travel ....................................................................16 Bowlts ..................................................Outside Back Cover Bandstand Bar Beer Festival ............................................16 Bandstand Bar & Restaurant ............................................13 Brodie Countryfare..............................................................2 Chapter One Restaurant ..................................................19 Claymore House Hotel......................................................13 East Grange Activity Centre ..............................................19 Firefly IT Solutions..............................................Front Cover Gateaux Regal ....................................................................7 Golf View Hotel ..........................................................5 & 12 Gordon Scott, C. A. ............................................................7 JC Chimney Sweeps ........................................................16 Kleeneze, Sky High Team ..................................................2 Les Hester Photography ....................................................7 Logie Steading............................................................8 & 19 Mackenzie & Cruickshank ................................................11 McDonald & Munro ............................................................2 Moray Coast Vets ..............................................Front Cover Moray Steiner School........................................................21 Morscot Utilities..................................................Front Cover Nairn Community Centre ....................................................9 Nairn Drama Ltd ................................................................10 Nairn Free Church ............................................Inside Front Simply Red Restaurant ....................................................23 Smith & Castle Jewellers ....................................................9 The Loft Music Venue ................................................9 & 15 Unique Beauty ..........................................Front Cover & 14 Universal Hall ....................................................................10 Victoria Pub ........................................................................9 Westwood Cattery ..............................................................2 Wheelchair Care ........................................................7 & 17 Wild Things ........................................................................2

There are now four separate monthly SpotLight magazines covering the following areas 1. Buckie, Keith & District; 2. Elgin, Lossie & District; 3. Forres & District and 4. Nairn & District. Across these four areas SpotLight is now being delivered to 44,945 homes and businesses each month, with an estimated readership of 121,350.

SpotLight - Nairn and District

March 2010 - page <#>

Nairn March 2010 08/02/2010 14:28 Page 24

Residential Proper Property Pr oper ty Ser Services vices Bowlts are firm of chartered char tered surveyors, sur veyors, are a well established firm experienced in advising buyers and sellers of quality residential property purchases, profitable profitable sales, rental rental residential pr oper ty on purchases, and management for letting. Wee provide provide our clients with professional professional residential residential estate W agency ser services vices and have a rreputation service, eputation for ser vice, using our local knowledge, contacts and experience to ensur ensuree you get the best price for your pr property oper ty in a timescale that suits you.

property U Intimate knowledge of the pr operty market. property UUĂŠĂŠ A team of dedicated pr operty specialists. service, UUĂŠĂŠ An efficient and personal ser vice, tailored tailored to your needs. UUĂŠĂŠ Close liaison with your other advisers. UUĂŠĂŠ A track rrecord ecord of str strong ong deal-making. opportunities. UUĂŠĂŠ Advice on development oppor tunities. UUĂŠĂŠ V Valuation aluation advice. UĂŠ UĂŠ Management and letting ser service vice UĂŠ protection UĂŠ RICS pr otection and indemnity. indemnity. esidential pr oper ties, Wee specialise in the sale of rresidential W properties, fr from om quality town houses and apartments apar tments to country countr y homes. Wee provide W provide consultancy on the sale of residential residential development land and buildings which offer of fer rredevelopment edevelopment oppor tunities. opportunities. for fur further ther infor information mation contact:

Barnhill, Barnhill, Pluscarden, Pluscarden, by Elgin, Moray, Moray, IV30 8TZ T Tel: el: (01343) 890400 Fax: (01343) 890222 and at: Seafield of Raigmore, Inver Inverness, ness, IV2 7PA 7PA T Tel: el: (01463) 235753 Fax: (01463) 235838


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.