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CLUBS & SOCIETIES NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DECORATIVE AND FINE ARTS SOCIETIES (MORAY, BANFF AND BADENOCH BRANCH) Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11am in the Sherwood Suite at the Eight Acres Hotel, Elgin. Monthly lectures on a variety of arts related subjects delivered by experts from across the UK. New members always welcome. For more details, contact Sarah Fennings-Mills on 01343 831002 or www.nadfas.org.uk FORUM FOR MEN Social group for gay, bi and T-men. Meets at Macnabs Bar, 8pm. Look for the red post box! Text/call: 07745 930383 for details. Email: morgan@tramstop.org
LGBT 5K RUNNING GROUP Meets every Wednesday at Inverness Leisure at 6.30pm. Email: jampa40@yahoo.co.uk or text/call 07941 553620 for details FORRES CYCLING CLUB Weekly runs leave the Clubhouse in Cumming Street,
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page 4 - May 2013
Forres at 9:30am every Sunday. Midweek training most mornings. Summer Tuesday evening race/social league for all ages. Races from May to September. To be the next Wiggins or Hoy, contact club secretary Alan White on 01309 674698 or alan.white.245@btinternet.com www.forrescyclingclub.co.uk RIDING FOR THE DISABLED (FORRES, NAIRN & DISTRICT) Opportunities to ride and give therapeutic benefit to disabled children in the Forres and Nairn area. Call Mrs P. Christie 0845 241 5301 for details. CAWDOR BOWLING CLUB Provides a six rink green where club and open competitions are played. Spoon competition Friday’s 7pm. Coaching for learners on a Tuesday evening. Contact 453698. CROSSROADS Provide and develop a high quality, cost effective, domiciliary respite care service for carers within Nairn & Distict. Contact 455369. CULBIN SINGERS Regular Thursday evening practice sessions take place in St Laurence Church, Forres. New members welcome. Email: alasdair@manachie.eclipse.co.uk DALLACHY AEROMODELLERS Holds model aircrafts and helicopter flying at old Dallachy World War 2 airfield. Mainly at weekends. Offers training on dual control. www.dallachyaeromodellers.org.uk GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND New branch volunteers needed at Nairn & Moray Branch. Call Anna Temple or Anna Roberts tel: 01309 694866 HIGHLAND HISTORICAL SEARCH SOCIETY Inverness based metal detecting club. Free equipment loan, tuition and regular places to detect. Beginners & new members welcome. Contact Len: 01808 521340.
INVERNESS HOSPITAL RADIO Email requests to be played for someone in Raigmore Hospital, Inverness to: requests@invernes shospitalradio.co.uk. We are looking for ward visitors and technical team members. Email: enquiry@invernesshospitalradio .co.uk Contact Mr Atholl Menzies tel: 704500/704501 MEN’S CHOIR Alternate Tuesdays 7.30pm9.30pm at St. John’s Church, Forres. All kinds of music. No experience necessary. Contact Bill 01309 672951 for more details. MORAY & NAIRN FLORAL ART CLUB Come and watch talented flower demonstrators at work. Contact 01309 673431 or 673552. MUSIC NAIRN Charitable organisation to promote about seasonal events. Classical and chamber music of the highest quality chamber opera, poetry. Contact Nairn Community Centre 453476 NAIRN ANGLING ASSOCIATION Contact 459250 or email nairnangling@tiscali.co.uk NAIRN ARTS SOCIETY We meet in the Laing Hall, Fishertown. Regular demonstrations, exhibitions & sales of art works. Groups meet daily at various times. Contact Secretary Hazel Cullen: 456159 or visit www.nairnarts.co.uk NAIRN BAPTIST CHURCH KRAFT CLUB Meets alternate Thursdays form 2-4pm at Blossoms Cafe on the Brae. Contact number 01667 453289 NAIRN HYDROTHERAPY POOL Monday - Saturday from 9.30am. For general health and well-being. Helps all ages & many mobility problems. Contact 455351
SEAFORTH CLUB Private members club, welcoming guests & visitors to a warm, comfortable & friendly environment. Weekend entertainment incl. bingo. Contact 452509. THE ACCIDENTALS Nairn’s Community Choir. Practices every Wed, 7.30 9.30pm, St Columba’s church hall, Queen Street. Sing a cappella in four-part harmony. New members welcome. Call 453838 or just come along. ARENA96 BUSINESS NETWORK GROUP Meets on the last Thursday of every month. The next meeting is on 25 April at 7pm-9pm. Friendly networking group for business people along the A96 corridor. No ongoing commitment or membership fees. £15 includes a meal & opportunity to meet other business owners and customers. Book at www.arena96.com BEFRIENDERS HIGHLAND Voluntary organisation coordinating friendships between volunteers and people who have mental health problems & feel lonely or isolated. Contact Heather Forbes 451444. Email: nairn@befriendershighland.org.uk www.befriendershighland.org.uk PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for inclusion in June’s Clubs & Societies page is Friday 3rd May, 4pm. All clubs & societies are on a rotational basis.
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section, please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed in every issue.
NAIRN SPORTS CLUB Something for everyone - Fitness classes, Gym, Tennis, Squash & Badminton Courts, Sauna, Non-members welcome. Contact 454523 or email info@nairnsportsclub.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
We hope you like the front cover image this month. It is a painting taken from an exhibition of Fostered Children’s artwork. The competition rules asked the children to draw something close to their hearts and this was one of the category winners. It probably reinforces our own awareness of the importance of home and family.
The Editor
a £5 Voucher
1 Greshop Estate, Forres, IV36 2GW
Tel:01309 696940
PUBLISHER ...............David Nelmes SALES ...........................Peter Evans ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood LAYOUT ........................Michelle Ho DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson ADMIN ....................Tamsyn Dickson
June Issue Deadlines Editorial (including Clubs & Societies and What’s On): Friday 3rd May, 4pm Advertising: Wednesday 8th May
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PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS In late July 1941, a prisoner at Auschwitz concentration camp went missing and could not be found. Karl Fritzsch, the deputy commandant, announced a terrible reprisal against those who remained. Ten men from the fugitive’s bunker were to be locked up without food or water until all were dead. As the ten were selected at random, one of them, Franciszek Gajowniczek, cried out: “My wife! My children! What will they do?” Fritzsch was uninterested in the man’s anguish, but what happened next took him completely by surprise. Another prisoner stepped quietly forward from the crowd, removed his cap and said: “Let me take his place. I am old. He has a wife and children.” The man’s name was Maximilian Kolbe, a Catholic priest from Poland. After a moment’s hesitation, Fritzsch accepted his offer and Kolbe was condemned to die in Gajowniczek’s place. The ten men were thrown down the stairs of the starvation bunker and left to die. Maximilian Kolbe spent the next two
weeks singing, praying and encouraging the other men. By the end of the fortnight, Kolbe alone was still alive, and his captors, requiring the bunker for new atrocities, ended his life with a fatal injection of phenol. Imagine for a moment how it would feel to be Franciszek Gajowniczek, sentenced to death and then suddenly reprieved by the sacrifice of another. Your gratitude to Maximilian Kolbe would be overwhelming. Gajowniczek lived for 53 years after the day his life was saved. He never forgot what Kolbe had done and never ceased to express his gratitude to the man who had died on his behalf. The amazing reality is that we all have a reason for such gratitude. Every person on this planet has been served with a spiritual death sentence which cuts us off from God. None of us can reach God based on our own merits, no matter how hard we try. Two thousand years ago, a man stepped forward from the crowd and offered to die in our place. His name
Ardersier with Petty Parish Church, Church of Scotland Sundays 10.15am. Petty Sundays 12 noon.Tel: 01667 462224. Nairn Baptist Church Nairn Community Centre. Sundays 11am. Every third Sunday monthly 6pm. Contact the pastor: 01667 459672. Website: www.nairnbaptistchurch.org.uk Auldearn and Dalmore Parish Church Sundays 12noon. Contact Rev. Ricky Reid: 01667 451675. Cawdor Parish Church Sunday 10.15am. Contact Rev. JS Mathieson: 01667 493217. Nairn Christian Fellowship Sundays 10.30am. Wednesday 7.30pm: praise and Bible study. Contact Sandy Shaw: 01667 456492. Nairn Free Church Sundays 11am with Sunday school and crèche (Gordon St). Evening 6pm (Gordon St). Youth club for S1 up on Wednesday at 6.30pm (Rosebank Hall). Prayer and Bible study Thursday 11am or 7:30pm onalternate weeks (Gordon Street). Contact Minister Murdo MacLeod: 01667 459131. Nairn Joint Service St Ninians. First Sunday monthly 6.30pm.
page 6 - May 2013
was Jesus. The Bible puts it like this: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) Love in this context is not a feeling or an emotion, but a selfless action on behalf of another person. Love is Maximilian Kolbe stepping forward to die in place of his fellow prisoner. And love is Jesus stepping forward to die in place of you and me. This leaves each of us with a decision to make, whether to accept God’s offer to cancel the death sentence hanging over our lives. Many years ago, I reached a turning point in my life and decided to choose God’s way. Although life as a believer is not always easy, I am certain that I made the right choice. Owen Morris, CityLife Church Inverness Due to circumstances outwith our control, we are unable to place a pastoral letter from the Nairn area.
Old Parish Church 10.30am: holiday worship and crèche. Contact Rev. Alistair S Younger: 01463 242873. St Ninians Church Sunday services and Sunday school: 10.15am. Wednesday 7.30pm: prayer meeting. Contact Rev. Ricky Reid: 01667 451675. St Columba’s Scottish Episcopal 10.30am: family worship. 6.30pm: evening prayer. Contact Rev. Canon Alison Simpson: 01667 452458. St Mary’s Catholic Church IV12 4RJ. Saturday Vigil 6pm. Sunday Mass 11.30am. Tel: 01667 453323. United Reformed Church Sunday services and Sunday School with crèche 11am. Contact Rev. Steven Manders: 01667 451443. The Pentecostal Church of God Nairn Sundays 10.30am. Contact Minister JD Grant: 01667 456088. Website: www.churchofgodnairn.org If you are a member of a church not listed here and would like to be considered for inclusion or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please let us know before Friday 3rd May, 4pm.
tel: 01309 690063
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COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS ExTrACTS FroM ThE MinuTES oF ThE MEETing oF 25Th FEbruAry 2013 oF nAirn WEST CoMMuniTy CounCil
4. POLICE REPORT RY welcomed Sgt Allan Ross to the NWCC meeting. A new Chief Inspector had been appointed, Chief Inspector Mairi Grant who will take up the post in the next few weeks. Cllr MacA commented that CI Mairi Grant held a meeting on 9 January to pull together views from various sectors in Nairn [Note: as it was convened at short notice, NWCC had not been informed and thus did not attend]. The meeting gave community representatives an opportunity to directly influence how policing is carried out in the local area during the forthcoming year. Local priorities for Nairn will include antisocial behaviour, drugs and road safety. Plans will be available on the new Police Scotland website from 1 April 2013. Sgt Ross drew attention to several house/shop break ins, bicycle theft and items taken from unlocked vehicles. He emphasised the importance of locking/securing doors, bikes, and cars to prevent opportunist theft. Plant theft in rural areas has been happening in Aviemore/Strathspey areas but the police have farm watch in place. Sgt Ross also commented on the criticism levelled at local police for not showing support for altered traffic management plans or speed limits on the A96 at the west side of the town. The Inspector wished to clarify that Nairn Police have had no approach or correspondence from BEAR Scotland regarding supplying statistics about this area of concern. Inspector Bryce has raised this inaccuracy with BEAR Scotland. Sgt Ross added that detection rates had dropped slightly from 69.7% in December to 68% in January mainly due to plant theft from Badenoch/Strathspey area. Sgt James Taylor recently started at Nairn Police Station. The staffing at Nairn Police Station will remain the same. (Full Police report attached with Minutes) GK asked if litter came under antisocial behaviour and whether Nairn Police would become more active in this regard. Sgt Ross encouraged the public to report littering. RY commented that NWCC had always stressed the importance of litter being picked up to keep Nairn a desirable tourist destination. There also followed discussion regarding
page 8 - May 2013
dog fouling which has been particularly noticeable during this mild February weather. Sgt Ross commented that they had been in touch with Highland Council and were going on patrol to try to do something about this problem. Des Scholes commented and members agreed, that more action regarding fining of individuals caught not picking up after their dog could act as a deterrent, but that fines should be increased as at present, persons caught dog fouling can only be fined £40. Des Scholes had researched and found that there had been no fines for dog fouling in Nairn in the past five years. There are no specific dog wardens, two posts costing £70,000 per year cover many duties but last financial year only £560 fines came in. MP’s and local Councillors need to look at this and do more. RY highlighted that Nairn beach had been nominated by Trip Advisor as the best beach in Scotland. Sgt Ross said that there is a specific officer who liaises with the Council on this particular problem, he will follow up. Sgt Ross stressed that continued cooperation between the community and police will assist in keeping a high detection rate and to contact Police if there are any concerns. ACTION: Sgt Ross to follow up with Highland Council about action on dog-fouling
5. TREASURERS REPORT GM (Treasurer) stated that the expenditure since our last report has been the usual cost of advertising our CC meetings in the Nairnshire Telegraph, and the hire of the venue. In addition to these costs, there was a contribution of £500 to NICE and £100 to Highland Council towards the cost of turning on Nairn’s Christmas lights and associated activities. That left the current NWCC balance at £2,082.74.
6. ROLE OF COMMUNITY COUNCILS Highland Council is conducting a review after the first year of the new Community Council scheme. A questionnaire had been issued to all Community Councils for completion by April 2013. The questionnaire seeks views on various minor changes which had been suggested to the current rules for conduct and activity. BS commented that the questionnaire did
tel: 01309 690063
not address directly the possible change in the role of Community Councils, where, because of budget cuts, local authorities were looking to Community Councils to take on additional service-delivery tasks. BS felt that such a review should also look at the current and future role of the Nairnshire Partnership and the Ward Forum, both of which involved Community Councils. BS added that CC’s should have more effective influence on what happens in the town, rather than only being able to react to plans and proposals after they were submitted. ACTION: Brian Stewart/Graham Kerr to complete questionnaire on behalf of NWCC.
8. BYPASS AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT RY mentioned the problems of traffic on the A96 at the weekend. Cllr MacA reported that a sensor at the Lochloy junction had failed and later been fixed. Ralph Newlands of BEAR Scotland had invited Community Councillors to contact him by email if any similar problems arose in future. GK emphasised again the need to keep up the pressure for a bypass by writing to Fergus Ewing MSP and Scottish Transport Minister Keith Brown. BS mentioned that a detailed letter about the A96 and the bypass had already been sent to Transport Scotland following up the meeting with them on 12 December 2012. A reply was still awaited.
9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS WASTEBUSTERS BS suggested that NWCC should express support for the initiative taken by Nairn River CC in setting up a working group to create an organisation in Nairn similar to Moray Wastebusters. This would reuse more materials, furniture, bicycles, paving slabs, etc rather than disposing in landfill, which would benefit the local community and create employment. RY agreed to write a letter of support to River CC regarding this worthwhile project. ACTION: Chairman to write letter of support. Visit the Community Council section on The Highland Council website:
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USEFUL INFORMATION Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Father’s Day Summer Bank Holiday British Summertime Ends Halloween Guy Fawkes Day St Andrew’s Day St Andrew’s Day (observed) Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve
Mon 6th May 2013 Mon 27th May 2013 Sun 16th Jun 2013 Mon 5th Aug 2013 Sun 27th Oct 2013 Thurs 31st Oct 2013 Tues 5th Nov 2013 Sat 30th Nov 2014 Mon 2nd Dec 2013 Wed 25th Dec 2013 Thurs 26th Dec 2013 Tues 31st Dec 2013
2014 New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday
Wed 1st Jan 2014 Thurs 2nd Jan 2014
Chinese New Year Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day Good Friday Easter Sunday Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Summer Bank Holiday Halloween Guy Fawkes Day St Andrew’s Day St Andrew’s Day (observed) Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve
Fri 31st Jan 2014 Fri 14th Feb 2014 Sun 30th Mar 2014 Fri 18th Apr 2014 Sun 20th Apr 2014 Mon 5th May 2014 Mon 26th May 2014 Mon 4th Aug 2014 Fri 31st Oct 2014 Wed 5th Nov 2014 Mon 30th Nov 2014 Mon 1st Dec 2014 Thurs 25th Dec 2014 Fri 26th Dec 2014 Wed 31st Dec 2014
School Term Dates for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) May Day Holiday Summer Term Ends
Mon 6th May 2013 Fri 28th Jun 2013
for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Regional Closure Mon 19th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Starts Tues 20th Aug 2013 Autumn Term Ends Fri 4th Oct 2013 Regional Closue Mon 21st Oct 2013 Winter Term Starts Tues 22nd Oct 2013 Winter Term Ends Fri 20th Dec 2013
Spring Term Starts Holiday Closure Holiday Closure Regional Closure Regional Closure Regional Closure Spring Term Ends Good Friday Holiday Easter Monday Holiday Summer Term Starts May Day Holiday
Mon 6th Jan 2014 Mon 17th Feb 2014 Tues 18th Feb 2014 Wed 19th Feb 2014 Thurs 20th Feb 2014 Fri 21st Feb 2014 Fri 4th Apr 2014 Fri 18th Apr 2014 Mon 21st Apr 2014 Tues 22nd Apr 2014 Mon 5th May 2014
Useful Contacts SCHOOLS Auldearn Primary School ..........................(01667) 452118 Cawdor Primary School ............................(01667) 402460 Millbank Primary School............................(01667) 452240 Rosebank Primary School ........................(01667) 454090 Nairn Academy ..........................................(01667) 453700 Moray College Nairn Learning ..................(01667) 456759 DOCTORS Nairn Hospital A&E ...................................(01667) 452101 Nairn Healthcare Group ............................(01667) 452096 Arderseir Medical Practice ........................(01667) 462240 Nairn Sports Medicine Clinic ....................(01667) 454523 DENTISTS Jones Jones & Behrendt ..........................(01667) 453189 RM Donald & Associates ..........................(01667) 454603 Dental Unit at Nairn Hospital ....................(01667) 422722 PHARMACIES Lloyds Pharmacy ......................................(01667) 453100 Boots The Chemist ....................................(01667) 453169 page 10 - May 2013
VETS Moray Coast ..............................................(01667) 453161 Inshes Veterinary Clinic Inverness ............(01463) 711777 Nairn Community Centre ..........................(01667) 453476 Police Station ............................................(01667) 452222 Stagecoach Inverness ...............................(01463) 239292 Citizens Advice Bureau .............................(01667) 456677 Nairn Museum............................................(01667) 456791 Dalcross Airport ...........................(01667) 464000/462280 Inverness Job Centre....................(01463) 888100/888200 Highland Council ......................................(01667) 458500 Victim Support............................................(01463) 710806 Samaritans ................................................(01463) 713456 Gas - Emergency ..........................................(0800 111999 Water - Emergency ......................................08456 008855 British Red Cross Inverness ......................(01463) 231620 Crossroads ................................................(01667) 455369 National Rail Enquiries ................................08457 484950 If you would like to add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please let us know before Friday 3rd May, 4pm.
tel: 01309 690063
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Inn of the Year 2012’ N.E. Scotland
01309 641605
PARLIAMENT BLOG & TIDE TIMES Returning home to Aviemore following the Budget, I was looking forward to getting away from the cut and thrust of parliamentary business and questions. Little did I know I had a different, and in some ways even more challenging audience awaiting me in Aviemore! Being quizzed by Aviemore Primary pupils was certainly more fun than the House of Commons or the TV studios but no less difficult. Questions such as ‘Can we move Big Ben to the Highlands?’ and ‘If you are my MP, who is your MP?’ made for a busy and entertaining chat. But it was also hugely informative for me. Primary two pupils at the school re-enacted their category winning performance from the Badenoch and Strathspey Music Festival. It was a superb underwater themed musical presentation and one young man received his winning certificate for his awareness raising artwork for the Earth Hour Poster Competition. I was also given a tour of the new hightech specifications of the school. Pupils told me they particularly enjoyed the interactive technology, such as the electronic whiteboard and the communal laptops. Congratulations to everyone involved and thank you to the teachers and pupils for a thrilling afternoon. Hopefully I will get to visit many more of our schools, organisations and businesses this spring and summer as I extend my regular surgeries to include additional events for constituents in the smaller communities of Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey.
The Convention of the Highlands and Islands is a meeting between the Scottish Government and Highlands and Islands councils, health, enterprise, environment and skills leaders. Writing this from Lerwick, where the Convention has just met, we have just had a day of discussions on health, community planning, youth employment and energy. We have also had a beautifully sunny day and, reputedly at least, the weather here was the best in Scotland! The aim of the Convention is to make sure that the Highlands and the Islands are not neglected, in the grand scheme of things, by Ministers in Edinburgh or, for that matter, London. And it is a means of ensuring that Ministers can discuss with Council leaders matters of concern and importance. In addition to attending the Convention and during the three day visit, I met the local Port Authority in Lerwick, who are very busy and looking to be able to carry out the work needed to decommission oil rigs. In addition, I visited Sullom Voe and also met with local campaigners on a variety of issues. We have, in my party, always supported the idea that the Islands should enjoy the power to control their own future - and that we should work with them in partnership. The only way to do that is to have regular meetings - which we do every six months. There is no shortcut or substitute in politics and in government in spending the necessary time to listen and learn - it is time well spent.
Fergus Ewing MSP
Danny Alexander MP
LOW TIDE TIMES FOR NAIRN IN MAY Walking on the beach should be possible 2 hours either side of these times 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
AM 11:04 00:37 02:32 03:38 04:32 05:17
page 12 - May 2013
PM 23:25 12:18 13:54 15:12 16:12 17:03 17:46
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
AM 05:56 06:26 06:54 07:23 07:56 08:31 08:57 09:00 09:35 10:40 00:17
PM 18:21 18:46 19:05 19:28 19:52 20:09 20:26 20:56 21:38 22:45 12:25 14:12
tel: 01309 690063
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
AM 01:45 03:21 04:14 05:06 05:57 06:44 07:30 08:17 09:08 10:04 11:02
PM 15:07 15:55 16:46 17:37 18:25 19:10 19:55 20:40 21:28 22:17 23:07 12:07
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01343 813027
What’s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4# Please send Us details Of YOUr events deadline for the June issue: friday 3rd May, 4pm Website: www.spotlighton.co.uk email: michelle@spotlighton.co.uk telephone: 01309 690063 inclusion of events into the What’s On is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops. Please note: contact venues and organisers first as there may be changes to events.
APRIL 23 tuesday - 28 sunday the sleeping beauty on ice @ eden court various times. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
24 wednesday alejandro ziegler 7:30pm. universal hall, findhorn. ÂŁ12/ÂŁ10 concs/ÂŁ8 u16s. tel: 01309 691170. www.universalhall.co.uk
25 thursday tullamore 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk an audience with richard gordon 7:30pm. the little theatre, king st, nairn. tickets (£6) from uncle bob’s bar, westerlea or donald graham.
26 friday
NAIRN Nairn Community & Arts Centre Your local venue for films, shows, concerts, and parties. Wide range of activities for all ages.
MAY EVENTS Sun 5th ......................................Black Isle Jazz - 2pm-4pm Fri 10th ..................Phil Cunningham & Aly Bain - 7:30pm Sat 18th ...................... Donnie Munro in Concert - 7:30pm Fri 24th ..............................................................Music Nairn: Song Studio from RCS Vocalists “Magic, Myth and Legend� Fri 31st............................................................Cinema Nairn: “The Angel’s Share� (15) - 7:30pm For further details, telephone 01667 453476, e-mail info@nairncc.co.uk or check out our website at www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
moray society lecture: “the moray gigâ€? by mary byatt 8pm. elgin museum. ÂŁ3 or ÂŁ2 for society members. 01343 543675. curator@elginmuseum.org.uk
28 sunday
27 saturday
bl’azz: “the r.s.j. quintetâ€? @ eden court 2:30pm-5pm. tickets ÂŁ8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234.
family ceilidh nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk annual spring flower show and plant sale (highland rock garden club) opens 10.30am. nairn community centre. show exhibits available to view from 12noon. contact john owen: 01320 366246. albert lee @ ironworks 7pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com comann nam pĂ rant inbhir narann spring fling family ceilidh 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. contact 01667 453068 or arteze@excite.com page 14 - May 2013
music nairn: arta arnicane - piano 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
MAY 1 wednesday bring me the horizon @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
2 thursday public service broadcasting @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
tel: 01309 690063
souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
3 friday lee nelson @ ironworks 7pm. 16+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com royal scottish national orchestra concert @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
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4 saturday nairn gaelic choir coffee morning 10am-12pm. royal british legion, high st/cawdor st, nairn. entry £1.50. raffle, baking stall, bottle stall and bric-a-brac. toby michaels @ ironworks 7pm. standing. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com mark of zorro 7:30pm. universal hall, findhorn. £7/£6 concs/£5 u16s. tel: 01309 691170. www.universalhall.co.uk dave pearce @ ironworks 10pm. standing. 18+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
+ +!(%
brodie castle gardens walk 11am. £3. booking essential on 0844 4932156 or www.nts.org.uk/events brodie castle family garden adventure 2pm. £3 child, £1 adult. booking essential on 0844 4932156 or www.nts.org.uk/events
7 tuesday macs moray area cancer support 2pm-4pm. moray coast medical practice, lossiemouth. call 07516 219151 for info. sounds familiar singing group for people with dementia & their carers 2:30pm-4pm. craigmonie hotel, inverness. for info and reservations, contact 01463 233231. wordpress meetups 7pm. forres. friendly networking group to support users & those interested in wordpress. booking essential at wpscotland.org lucy rose @ ironworks 7:30pm. standing. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
8 wednesday nadfas fine art lecture: ‘a family affair: florence & the house of medici’ by jo walton 11am. sherwood suite, eight acres hotel, elgin. visitors welcome. orienteering event fundraiser for andersons primary school’s p7 year group 6pm-8pm. grant park, forres. moray and nairn floral art club 7:30pm. ramnee hotel, forres. all welcome. for information, contact 01309 673431 or 673552. 16 - May 2013
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6 monday
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5 sunday black isle jazz 2pm-4pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. info@nairncc.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk dandy trap presents “the death of tintagiles” (play) 7:15pm. little theatre, nairn. not suitable for children. £7. ensure a seat, phone rose: 07969 017977. the complete stone roses @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
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vamm 7:30pm. universal hall, findhorn. £12/£10 concs/£8 u16s. tel: 01309 691170. www.universalhall.co.uk o duo 8pm. town house, inverness. www.invernesschambermusic.com
9 thursday - 11 saturday scottish ballet: highland fling @ eden court 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
10 friday national trust of scotland (nts) & brodie castle collections 10:30am. talk with nts experts. book at 0844 4932156 or www.nts.org.uk/events colin macleod @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com phil cunningham & aly bain 7.30pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk camille o’sullivan @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
11 saturday macmillan 5k mini mudder, grantown on spey £10 registration per person. contact 01479 870320 or 01479 872872. www.macmudders.co.uk the western front association: “ladies from hell? morale in the highland battalions 1914 -1918” 2:30pm. elgin library. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net cinema nairn: ‘life is beautiful’ (pg) 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. tel: 01667 453476. tickets at door. for further info: cinemanairn.blogspot.co.uk the culbin singers’ spring concert 7.30pm. st laurence church forres. music by jenkins & others. www.manachie.eclipse.co.uk/culbinsingers/culbinsingers.htm
tel: 01309 690063
12 sunday buckie classic car show 10:30am. linzee gordon park. 07831 263915. www.buckieclassiccarshow.org enquiries@buckieclassiccarshow.org bl’azz: “blue and sentimental” @ maclean room, eden court 2:30pm. tickets £8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234. loudon wainwright lll (music) @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
14 tuesday the pink castle philosophy club - your fun & friendly ‘thinking lgbt club’ 7.30pm. riverside lounge, glen mhor hotel. www.pinkcastle.eu
15 wednesday a conversation with carmel 7:30pm. universal hall, findhorn. £10/£8 concs/£6 u16s. tel: 01309 691170.
16 thursday heroic arias – reno and gail troillus + guests showstopperz and troillus ensemble @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
18 saturday world whisky day 2013 various venues around speyside, dufftown. 01340 881616. nairn men’s breakfast 9:45am for 10am. dunbar golf club, nairn. speaker: alasdair moodie. phone campbell (01667 455149) by fri 17th to book a place. cawdor parish church grand plant sale, coffee morning & various stalls 10am-12pm. cawdor community centre. entry £3 including refreshments. craft fair to raise funds for cystic fibrosis 10am-1pm. croy village hall. the doors alive @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com inverness choral society spring concert @ eden court 7:30pm. orff carmina burana & beethoven mass in c.
gordon castle
highland games & country fair
donnie munro in concert 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. info@nairncc.co.uk www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
19 sunday gordon castle highland games and country fair 11am-5pm. fochabers. all day fun for all the family. new concert corner, gordon setter parade & dog show, air display, traditional events, massed bands, sporting activities, highland dancing, solo piping, masses of shopping & lots of food and drink. more details at www.gordoncastle.co.uk/highland-games contact events@gordoncastle.co.uk or 07500 879687. be silent or be killed universal hall, findhorn. 7:30pm. £10/£8 concs/£6 u16s. tel: 01309 691170. www.universalhall.co.uk
21 tuesday sounds familiar singing group for people with dementia & their carers 2:30pm. craigmonie hotel, inverness. for info & reservations, call 01463 233231.
22 wednesday rachel sermanni @ ironworks 7pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com blazin’ fiddles 7:30pm. universal hall, findhorn. £14/£12 concs/£10 u16s. tel: 01309 691170. www.universalhall.co.uk
24 friday red hot chilli pipers @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com music nairn: song studio from rcs vocalists “magic, myth and legend” nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
25 saturday what on earth!? 2pm. universal hall, findhorn. £7/£6 concs/£5 u16s. tel: 01309 691170. www.universalhall.co.uk inverness abc boxing tournament @ ironworks 7pm. seated. 16+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
26 sunday bl’azz: “the kyle-keddie quintet'” @ eden court 2:30pm. tickets £8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234.
30 thursday Sunday 19th May 11am -5pm Fochabers DON’T MISS IT! Full details and discounted tickets online www.gordoncastle.co.uk/highland-games
souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
31 friday northern roots music festival 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com cinema nairn: “the angel’s share” (15) 7:30pm. nairn community & arts centre. 01667 453476. www.nairncommunitycentre.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
May 2013 - 17
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Chef’s Confidential Chocolate Tart Ingredients 250g Butter 350g Dark Chocolate 1.5 Cups of Sugar 6 Eggs Whole
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Edwin Blackhall Clubhouse Nairn, 45 Seabank Road, Nairn IV12 4EY Tel : 01667 453321 Fax 01667 300930
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Dreaming of... New York New York! Daily direct flights with United Airlines from Glasgow and Edinburgh have made this a popular destination year round from Scotland. Arriving into New York via Newark or JFK, taxis are easily picked up and will whisk you into the centre of bustling Manhattan. The famous skyline appears before your eyes, you will easily pick out the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, both iconic sights in New York. Manhattan is extremely diverse from the leafy, quiet streets of Greenwich Village, and the affluent Upper East Side to the hustle and bustle of Times Square - which is like a huge movie set with all its lights and billboards. Surrounded by Broadway theatres, a show is another must see in this city. Of the many museums in New York my personal favourite was the American Natural History Museum, so much to see and free tours offered daily. For the best views in Manhattan head to the Rockefeller Centre, the top of the rock observation deck has absolutely breathtaking views; make sure you have your camera to hand! Spot the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance, linking Manhattan to Brooklyn, the bridge is easily accessed and is a popular walking route. For something different head to Battery Park (named after the old artillery battery therein) and take in a harbour cruise sailing on the East river and the Hudson to see the city from a different angle. For the more adventurous take a helicopter tour for a bird’s eye view of the city. A trip to New York would not be complete without a stroll through Central Park, where you will have the opportunity to ice skate or visit the zoo! The city that never sleeps has something for everyone, full of easily identified sights, fabulous museums and fantastic shops, bars and restaurants!
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 ‡ +LJK Street, FRUUHV
The Newton Hotel Nairn
Cracking Cr acking Fares Fares to to the the USA USA
per guest
Served from 2pm-5pm, bookings only. Join us during May and enjoy a sublime afternoon tea to include a selection of finger sandwiches and cakes, homemade scones with fresh cream and speciality jams with a choice of speciality teas.
All Flights Flights are direct from from Edinburgh Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow LOS LOS ANGELES and SAN SAN DIEGO 3nts His Historic toric Ma Mayfair yfair Hot Hotel, el, LA - 7nts Handler Handleryy Hotel, Hotel, SD SD and Car Hire. 1 15 5 Apr to to 30 June .................. from from £1 £1,299 ,299 ORLANDO New New I-Drive I-Drive Hotel 14nts, 14nts, Free Free shuttle to to Univer Universal, sal, Sea World, World, Wet Wet ‘n’ Wild &Disney World World (Epcot). 1 18 8 Aug to to 20 Sept......from Sept. ..... from £75 £755 5 NEW YORK YORK 3nts Fitzpatric Fitzpatrickk Hot Hotel el -20 Aug to to 20 Sept .......from ....... from £83 £839 9
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Beaver Travel, Beaver Tra vel, Street, 78 High S treet, Forres
For bookings or further information please call
01667 453144 or email:
and and 2-6 South South Street, Street, Elgin www.bea vtrav.com www.beavtrav.com Beaver TTravel ravel is also a ticket ticket agent for for Eden Court Cour t Theatre, Inverness - No No booking fee. fee.
Prices 1 Lowest GUARANTEED
Inverness Airpark Lowest Cost Short Stay Parking One Minute from Inverness Dalcross Airport. Inverness Airpark provide low cost, short stay or long stay car parking parking at Inverness Dalcross Airport Airparks for pleasure or business passengers. Enjoy peace of mind that your vehicle is parked safe & secure until your return at the lowest prices available. Secure Airport Parking - Inverness Airpark offer a purpose built secure airport parking compound enclosed by security fencing and flood-lit at night. Vehicles are insured whilst in our airport car park. (See conditions of parking / insurance).
Car park with shuttle...why walk? Indoor parking available at a small premium.
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Volkswagen - a family tradition FOR sixty years the Hawco family has been synonymous with the motor trade in Moray and the Highlands – a respected name that continues today as one of Scotland’s largest Volkswagen franchises and an expanding used car business. From their main base at Inverness, Hawco Volkswagen has busy branches at Elgin and Peterhead with a strong presence in Fort William. At Elgin under the management of Ken Hammond the main dealership at Wards Road has recently added a large Volkswagen Approved Used Car Centre operating just a few hundred metres away on Edgar Road where some of the finest pre-owned cars in the area are now on display.
Another top choice is the latest Polo. Costing from just £10,490 it is available with 12 month’s free insurance for over 21-yearolds and a finance deal that includes a £1000 deposit contribution from Volkswagen and a three-year/30,000-mile servicing package for only £249.
The Golf Plus from Hawco Volkswagen comes with a £1500 discount.
To celebrate their 60th anniversary everyone who buys a new or used car from any Hawco Volkswagen branch this year will be automatically entered into a draw and could win a brand new Volkswagen Beetle. Hawco has represented the Volkswagen brand in Elgin since 1953. Today the wider Hawco Group employs more than 150 people at various locations and retails cars and commercials throughout Scotland. The Elgin branch is fully equipped to sell and service all Volkswagen models and are prepared for the arrival of summer with some outstanding Spring offers covering favourites from the range, including the compact Tiguan SUV and Touran MPV. The new Golf Plus is available on a hire purchase offer with zero per cent finance until June 30. It’s a great deal for a spacious five-door that can also be driven away on a retail cash deal with a £1500 discount. The finance offer means that a high-efficiency 1.2 TSI in S trim costing £16,310 can be delivered for a deposit of £6626 followed by 36 equal payments of £269.
Hawco Group
Special Spring offers are available on the new Polo range.
Hawco Volkswagen have great offers on the latest Tiguan. For further details on our full range of cars, please CALL )NVERNESS s %LGIN or check out our website at: www.hawcogroup.co.uk
Approved Used Volkswagens from Hawco
Das WeltAuto. Used cars you can trust. Guaranteed. Check out our fantastic range of Approved Used Volkswagen models at our branches throughout the North. New Used Car Centre now open at Edgar Road, Elgin. www.hawcogroup.co.uk
48 Harbour Road, Inverness. 01463 236111 6 Wards Road, Elgin. 01343 544977
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Whisky and Food Whisky Festival Menu featuring dishes enhanced through great combinations of whisky and food. HOTEL
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Marvellous Malts For the duration of the Festival 25% discount on all featured Speyside Malt Whisky
New Lunch Menu including Snacks Speciality Sandwiches and Salad Bowls
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Choose your own fully integrated kitchen with Smeg appliances Complete with: Dishwasher, Tumble Dryer, Oven, Hob, Fan and Splashback.
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MOSS – last chance saloon (for this year) Scarifying the winter moss and thatch needs done now, either with a spring rake, an electric scarifier (if you have one), or hiring a big scarifier (or getting us to do it). Spring is very late this year and Easter passed with very few lawns needing their first cut. Scarifying is done outwith the growing season (usually at the very end, or the very beginning of the season). Why not scarify in the summer when the weather is better some of you will ask? There are at least 3 good reasons: 1 Scarifying is very traumatic for the grass and new growing grass is too fragile to survive a rigorous scarifying, it will be ripped out. 2 Most scarified lawns look pretty poorly until they recover, Winter doesn’t matter so much, but most people want to enjoy their gardens in the Summer. 3 Putting on a feed and then trashing the grass is rather counterproductive, not to mention a bit of a waste of your money. We had a lot of pretty horrified feedback from the scarifying photo in last month’s Spotlight Magazine, so I’ve put it in again as a reminder!
For more information about seasonal lawn improvements from just £15 per qtr, plus useful downloads and photos, go to www.greenthumb.co.uk. Although GreenThumb is a national franchise with over 200 branches across the UK and treat around 500,000 lawns, we are locally based in Cawdor and cover the whole Moray Firth area. Contact Alastair or Fiona for a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS on 01667 404774, or email us at: inverness@greenthumb.co.uk
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WHY DID JESUS DIE? This question is of vital importance because your eternal destiny depends upon your answer to it. Do you know why Jesus died? If not, I believe God has sent me across your path to tell you. Sin Brings Death In God’s Word, the Bible, we learn that death came into the world because of sin. “Wherefore … by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). You and I die because we are sinners; we have forfeited our right to live on the earth. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Jesus Died For Us Did Jesus die because He had sinned? No. Listen to the inspired Word of God: “In Him is no sin” (1 John 3:5); “Who did no sin” (1 Peter 2:22); “Who knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Therefore, death had no claim upon Him. But, blessed be His Name, He “gave Himself for our sins” (Galatians 1:4). It was love to you and me that caused the Lord Jesus Christ to come down from heaven and die on Calvary’s cross. It was love to us that held Him on that shameful cross until He had finished the work of atonement to the glory of God. A holy, righteous, just God cannot let sin go unpunished. On the cross the Lord Jesus bore God’s judgment against sin in our stead, as our substitute; and now God is offering not only forgiveness, but also justification to the repentant sinner who believes in Jesus. He is “just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Romans 3:26). God showed His approval of that mighty work by raising the Lord Jesus from among the dead and seating Him at His own right hand in heaven (Mark 16:19).
Jesus Is The Way There is no other way you can be saved but through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus. He says : “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Why did Jesus die? Have you ever realized that it was your sins that caused Him to die upon the cross, or ever felt your need of Him as your personal Saviour? As you read this little message, He looks down from heaven upon you, and He reads the thoughts and intents of your heart. He knows your attitude toward your sins, as well as your attitude toward the One who wants to be your Saviour. If you don’t know the forgiveness of sins, there is only one person in the world to blame and that is yourself. God is ready to forgive you, if only you are ready to turn from your sins and be forgiven.
Turn To Him Today God knows all about you. I urge you not to lay aside this opportunity until you have settled this great question of your sin and eternity and have received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Once you see the seriousness of your sinful condition before God, you will never get rest of conscience and heart until you have trusted the Saviour of sinners. He made “peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20). We are “reconciled to God by the death of His Son” (Romans 5:10). If you do not trust Him now as your Saviour, you will meet Him in eternity as your Judge. For God “hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). Won’t you flee to Him now for refuge while it is the day of salvation? He will be your shelter. “We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). “Dost thou believe on the Son of God?”( John 9:35) Have faith and doubt not.
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Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
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