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Reader, you need to have your sins washed away and be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and His atoning death. It is the only way of salvation. There is only one mediator between God and Men; the man Christ Jesus. No greater love can He show for you than by giving His life on Calvary’s Cross for you, that if you would repent of your sins and receive Christ as your only Saviour and then you will have peace with God. Have you been reconciled with God through His Son?
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CLUBS & SOCIETIES ABERLOUR PARISH CHURCH GUILD Thurs (monthly), 2pm, Aberlour Parish Church. Call Betty Hay on 01340 881706. AVIEMORE JUNIOR YOUTH CLUB Tues, 6.30 - 8:.0pm. Call Vicki Gosling on 01479 810071 AVIEMORE TINY TOTS Fri, 9.30am - 11.30am (except Christmas Holidays), the Hub (above the Red Cross Shop), Aviemore. For u3 & their parents/ carers. Play, do crafts, music, outings, parties & snacks. Email aviemoretinytots@hotmail.co.uk B.A.L.L.- OVER 60S CLUB Wed (fortnightly), 10am -12pm, Richmond Hall,Tomnabat Court, Tomintoul. Promoting health & well-being for over 60s. Call Maureen Dawson, (Secretary, Ball Management Group) on 01542 886020
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page 4 - August 2017
BEADING & JEWLLERY MAKING WORKSHOPS The Imagination Workshop, Inverdruie, Aviemore. Learn how to use beads & wire to make your own amazing jewellery. Call Gayle Penney on 01479 812111 CARRON CREATES CRAFT GROUP Mon, 2pm-4pm. £2 per session. Guest instructors. Meets at Carron Village Hall. Call Jenny on 01340 810506. DISABILITY SNOW SPORTS UK Glenmore Lodge Grounds, Queens Houses, Glenmore, PH22 1QU. Call 0845 521 9338. www.disabilitysnowsport.org.uk DUFFTOWN B.A.L.L GROUP Tues, 9.45am-11.45am, Dufftown & Sports Community Centre. Promoting health & well-being for over 60s. Music, yoga, crafts & interesting talks. Call Margaret Forrest on 01340 820515 or Susan Daley 01343563510 CWDevelopmentTeam@ moray.gov.uk DUFFTOWN BOWLING CLUB Mon & Thurs evenings at the Memorial Hall. Call Mr A Wright on 01340 820071 www.facebook.com/groups/588 882437915700/ EDINVILLIE CRAFT CLUB Tues, 2pm - 4pm,Edinvillie Hall, (Oct - Apr). Tea & coffee available. There is also a visiting 'mobile craft shop', Lauraine's Crafts from Buckie buy yarn, patterns, etc. All welcome. Call Ina Whyte on 01340 871665 EDINVILLIE DARTS CLUB Wed, 7pm, the Edinvillie Hall. Anyone 13 years & over is welcome whatever your ability! Call Heather on 01340 871322
GRANTOWN 1ST RAINBOWS We meet once a week for fun, crafts & friendship. Ages 5-7. There may be a waiting list please call for details. Call Jaci on 01479 873728
KINGUSSIE HEALTH WALK GROUP Thurs, 10.30 am, Badenoch Centre. Call Anne on 01540 661878
GRANTOWN & DISTRICT BILLIARDS & SNOOKER CLUB Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat, 7pm 10pm, Old Church Hall in Dulnain Bridge, near Grantownon-Spey. GRANTOWN HEALTH WALK Tues, 10.30am, the Curling Rink Car Park, Anagach Wood. Call Isabell on 01479 872142 GRANTOWN ON SPEY U3A Fortnightly (Oct - Apr), Grant Arms Hotel, Grantown on Spey. www.grantownu3a.co.uk
NETHY BRIDGE HEALTH WALK GROUP Tues, 1pm, the Community Centre. Call Jane on 07519 569005
GRANTOWN YWCA COMMUNITY CENTRE Community Café every Fri, 10am - 2pm. Homemade soup, bread & cakes. Pancake Brunch first Sat of the month 10.30am - 12.30pm. Call 01479 872262.
ROTHIEMURCHUS & AVIEMORE TENNIS CLUB Court Hire: 10am to 5pm. Situated at Inverdruie, on the outskirts of Aviemore. Call 01479 812345
HEAVENLY PIECES Wed, 2pm - 4pm (Apr - Sept), Knockando Church. Afternoon teas, home bakes. All welcome. www.moraykirk.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
KINGUSSIE SWRI 2nd Tues of month, 7.30pm, Tala nan Ros, King Street (Sept - Apr) Visitors most welcome. Speaker & home baking tea.
MORTLACH ART GROUP Thurs, 1pm-5pm, the Memorial Hall, Albert Place, Dufftown. £2 per meeting. Tuition available. Some materials are available. Call 01340-820151
GRANTOWN PARENT, BABY & TODDLER GROUP Twice weekly at Inverallan Church Hall for fun & play for children & parents/carers alike. All welcome Call Simone on 01479 873922
IYENGAR YOGA Tues, 10am - 11.30am Thurs 6pm - 7.30pm, Glenlivet Hall, Bridgend of Glenlivet, Ballindalloch. Concentrates on postural alignment & body awareness. Classes are sequenced to promote health in the body & stability in the mind, making you feel good! All welcome. Call Jo Macdonald on 07722 594966
KINGUSSIE PARENT, BABY & TODDLER GROUP Thurs, 9.15am - 11.30am, Badenoch Centre, Spey Centre, Kingussie. Call 01540 662485
THE OSPREY MUSIC SOCIETY (TOMS) A member group of Boat of Garten Community Company. TOMS hosts classical music performances in the Community Hall. Call Ann Napier on 01479 831213 or email at ann.nap@btinternet.com Jackie Wilson
PLEASE NOTE Details of Clubs & Societies are published on a rotational basis. If you would like your details to be included in this section please email linda@winterburnmedia.co.uk
When I was young, I think it is fair to say I did not like poetry. I came across this poem the other day which would have amused me at school, I believe:
“This is Just to Say,” (1934) I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox
and which you were probably saving for breakfast
Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold
William Carlos Williams
PUBLISHER .............. David Nelmes ADVERTISING.............. Susan Innes ADVERTISING....Rachel Engelmann ACCOUNTS ...................Wendy Day PRODUCTION ......... Linda J Donald
Tel: (01309) 672432
September Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 04/08/17
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Over the last few weeks in Aberlour we have been exploring different kinds of Psalms – On Sunday past we explored how we feel, might affect how we hear or read a Psalm at any given moment. The Psalm we explored was Psalm 30 – a Psalm of thanksgiving. The week prior to that we looked at Psalm 13 – a lament and we offered people the opportunity to take to God their own laments. But we started the series with a Psalm of real Joy – Psalm 100. Joy is something we need more of. The world can seem a bleak place at times. There is so much uncertainty about where we are heading politically as a country, as a world even. And it does us good to seek the joys in our lives. I am a Padre with the Army Cadets and one of my Army Cadet friends reminded me where we can find joy – he said this ‘joy is what we interpret as happiness and it comes from many things: seeing you child take their first steps on their own, getting the job of your dreams or simply bringing joy to others by being
yourself, joy is a personal thing that we should share with others to help bring joy to all and the world would be a happier, joyful place.’ Alan is right. We need to share our joys and, in doing so, make the world a happier, joyful place. And God so wants us to be happy. It is his dearly held wish that we all experience life in all its joyful wholeness. No-one is excluded from this. In The Message translation of the Bible, Eugene Peterson opens Psalm 100 like this: God, we praise you that however we are made you made us to praise you. Whether we’re tone deaf or pitch perfect, whether we have lots of words or few, whether we have rhythm and especially when we have none, our bodies, whole or broken, cry out your praise and you declare our efforts good! God, we praise you. God is not looking for faults – he sees in each of us perfection. And he loves us all. And that love for us
Kingussie Parish Church Sundays 11am. All welcome. www.kingussieparishchurch.org.uk Knockando, Elchies & Archiestown Parish Church of Scotland Sundays 10am. Contact Rev Robert M Anderson 01340 831381. Mortlach & Cabrach Church Dufftown. Sundays at 10.30am Tea & Coffee after. 01340 820049 (session clerk). All welcome. Rothes Parish Church Sundays 11.30am. Contact Rev Robert M Anderson 01340 831381. Rothiemurchus & Aviemore Church of Scotland St Andrews Church, Grampian Road, Aviemore. Sundays 11.15am. Website: www.standrews-aviemore.org.uk Sacred Heart RC Church Chapel Terrace, Aberlour, AB38 9LL Vigil Mass alternate Saturdays at 5pm. Tel 01340 810442 St Columba Episcopal Church High Street, Grantown. Sundays 10.30am: Holy Communion. Ven. Richard Gillings: richard.gillings698@btinternet.com or phone 01479 831365. page 6 - August 2017
is shown in dramatic fashion in the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. ‘This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.’ (John 3:16-18 The Messages) That is something to be truly joyous about. I hope you have something in your life that brings you personal joy. And may you know God’s love and God’s joy in you. Blessings
Rev Shuna Dicks Aberlour Parish Church
St John Episcopal Church Sunday 10.30am: Eucharist. Followed by refreshments in the church hall. Email: blessings@stjohns-rothiemurchus.co.uk St Mary’s RC Church Fife Street, Dufftown, AB55 4AP Vigil Mass alternate Saturdays at 5pm. Tel 01340 810442 St Michael Episcopal Church St Michael's Episcopal Church, Conval Street, Dufftown. Family Eucharist every Sunday at 11 am. All welcome. Tel: 01466 793841. St Margaret of Scotland, Episcopal Church High Street, Aberlour, AB38 9QD. Sundays 10am: Eucharist. Website: www.stmargaretsaberlour.co.uk Tomintoul Church of Scotland Sunday morning service 11.15am All welcome. Listed from K - T & regularly rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here or if there are any amendments to existing details, please email linda@winterburn.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
Sticks ‘n’ Stoves BEST PRICES
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PARLIAMENT BLOG It’s some time since my last contribution to Spotlight and a lot has happened since then. It was a huge honour and privilege to be elected as Member of Parliament for Moray and I would like to share with Spotlight readers what I said about my predecessor after the result was announced. While Angus Robertson and I have very different political beliefs, he served his Moray constituents extremely well during his sixteen years as MP. I will seek to represent people in the same efficient and professional way during my time as MP. My constituency office will remain in Forres and is available for people to pop into to raise any concerns with me. I will also be holding regular surgeries and am always available on email at douglas.ross.mp@parliament.uk or on the phone. I want to be as accessible as possible for everyone in Moray, no matter how they voted at the election.
Douglas Ross MP
page 8 - August 2017
The Royal Highland Show exhibits all that is best in Scottish farming. The best Aberdeen Angus and sheep; the tastiest food and most modern machinery in farming and forestry. It also provides educational experience to 65,000 children a year - who get chances to try out things - like a simulator of forestry machinery used in harvesting! I commended those three young people who won the LANTRA awards for best achievement in learning on aquaculture, farming and forestry. I am to co-chair a taskforce aiming to encourage women in agriculture and bring about change in culture and attitudes to their helping to provide more farmers for the future - given the average age is now 59! Over 2 days, I undertook 26 engagements, 9 speeches, but managed to graze on finest cheese, yogurt, crisps and beef as well as tasting some special gin (after the speeches thankfully!).
Fergus Ewing MSP
tel: 01309 690063
I recently had the pleasure of tabling a motion that asked parliament to join me in celebrating the forty years of the community spirit that has ensured Merkinch Community Centre success. The centre has long been a place I admire – you really do feel the friendliness and enthusiasm upon every visit. Whilst over the years, the Centre has faced many challenges, throughout difficult times it has always remained a focal point for people to come together. This has been no small feat and is largely due to the motivation of the community and commitment from people like Elsie Normington and Anne Mcreadie. Indeed, the new book about the Centre, “Celebrating 40 years” recounts a history about a place run by the community for the community. This is real community empowerment and I believe that other communities could benefit from reading about the Merkinch Community’s journey. I encourage you all to pick up a copy.
Drew Hendry MP
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Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days
Local Holiday § Mon 18th Sept 2017 British Summertime Ends Sun 29th Oct 2017 Halloween Tues 31st Oct 2017 Bonfire Night Sun 5th Nov 2017 Remembrance Sunday Sun 12th Nov 2017 St Andrew’s Day Thurs 30th Nov 2017 1st Sunday in Advent Sun 3rd Dec 2017 2nd Sunday in Advent Sun 10th Dec 2017 3rd Sunday in Advent Sun 17th Dec 2017
Shortest Day Thurs 21st Dec 2017 Christmas Day Mon 25th Dec 2017 Boxing Day Tues 26th Dec 2017 Hogmanay Sun 31st Dec 2017 New Year’s Day Mon 1st Jan 2018 New Year’s Day (substitute) Tues 2nd Jan 2018 Epiphany Sat 6th Jan 2018 Burns Night Thurs 25th Jan 2018
for 2017/2018 (all dates inclusive)
for 2017/2018 (all dates inclusive)
Summer Holiday Ends In-Service Day Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Autumn Holiday Starts Autumn Holiday Ends Winter Term Starts
Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Autumn Holiday Starts Autumn Holiday Ends Winter Term Starts Winter Term Ends Christmas Holiday Starts
School Term Dates
Fri 11th Aug 2017 Mon 14th Aug 2017 Tues 15th Aug 2017 Fri 6th Oct 2017 Mon 9th Oct 2017 Fri 20th Oct 2017 Mon 23rd Oct 2017
Tues 15th Aug 2017 Fri 6th Oct 2017 Mon 9th Oct 2017 Fri 21st Oct 2017 Mon 23rd Oct 2017 Fri 22nd Dec 2017 Mon 25th Dec 2017
Useful Contacts
Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Aberlour Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871693 Aviemore Citizens Advice Bureau. . . . . . . . 01479 810919 Aviemore Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813141 Aviemore Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 811056 Aviemore Registrar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813146 Aviemore Social Work Services. . . . . . . . . 01479 810251 Aviemore Tourist Information. . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810930 Badenoch Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661596 Badenoch Learning & Resource Centre. . . 01540 662420 Dufftown Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 820244 Dufftown Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01340 820272 Grantown Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 873175 National Rail Enquires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 Moray Cats Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07837 342646 Railway Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 078419 85768 SCHOOLS Aberlour Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871255 Abernethy Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 821274 Alvie Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 651238 Aviemore Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813120 Carrbridge Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 841249 Craigellachie Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 881271 Dalwhinnie Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01528 522228 Deshar Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 831226 Gergask Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01528 544272 page 10 - August 2017
Glenlivet Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 590216 Grantown Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 872525 Grantown Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 872649 Inveravon Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 500217 Kingussie Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661354 Kingussie High. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661475 Knockando Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 810257 Mortlach Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 820268 Newtonmore Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 673252 Rothes Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 831269 Speyside High. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871522 Tomintoul Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 580271
DENTISTS Aviemore & Kingussie Dental Practice. . . . Kingussie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NHS Highland Dental Clinic. . . . . . . . . . . . Speyside Dental Clinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Perfect Smile Dental Clinic. . . . . . . . (Aviemore) Your Perfect Smile Dental Clinic. . . . . . . . (Grantown)
01479 810301 01540 661280 01479 811019 01340 871738 01479 812846
01479 872107
Rotated on a regular basis. To add a contact or to amend existing details, email linda@winterburnmedia.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
Exchange this voucher for
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Promote your events in the SpotLight ‘What’s On’
5 august - 27 august
You can now go online at www.spotlighton.co.uk Register an account and put your event online and in the magazine - both for free
Any events uploaded to the website by the closing date will be automatically printed in the magazine. Now there’s clever!!
*September Issue Deadline: Friday 4th August* Alternatively, you can still Email: linda@winterburnmedia.co.uk or Telephone: 01309 690063
tea in the park 11.30am - 4pm, glenlivet hall, ballindalloch. morning coffee, light lunches & afternoon teas will be served. local craft stalls. completely manned by volunteers. for info email tea.in.the.park@icloud.com Indoor car boot stalls on sat & sun, setting up from 10.30am, closing at 4pm during tea in the park. for info & to book contact minetta leslie on 01340821549 or e-mail minetta.leslie@tesco.net
until 6 august four artists: exhibition - gillian neish, rachel fermi, lynne at curious cranberry & philippa mitchell tbc, the long room gallery, logie steading
until 8 august here, there & everywhere tbc, iona gallery kingussie original paintings & prints by david fallows & ragan. cards & jewellery by lena fallows.
Inclusion of events in What’s On is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops.
Contact venues & organisers first as there may be changes to events.
8 august - 27 august inspired 2017: an exciting exhibition of paintings & ceramics 10am - 5pm, the long room, logie steading featured artists: mary black, george mackenzie, sue sabrovalaki & jude edgar. ceramics, oils, acrylics, watercolours, etc
Rolling Events until 28 july "lost in nature": art exhibition by annette purdie elgin museum opening hours. free. all welcome
ceilidh trails:feis inbhir narainn/nairnshire & caledonian canal tbc. varous venues. musicians & singers (16 - 25yrs) creative cairngorms summer exhibition 1pm - 5pm, abernethy old kirk. free. exhibition & sale of quality art & crafts by local artists. tea, coffee & cake for sale. call 01540 673486 or email katiejackson284@btinternet.com admin@winterburnmedia.co.uk
29 july - 13 august until 30 july
until 10 august heritage in action days 10.30am - 5.30pm (every thurs), highland folk museum, newtonmore. demos across the site of traditional skills - rope making, spinning & weaving, etc. call 01540 673551 www.highlifehighland.com/highlandfolkmuseum
tel: 01309 690063
August 2017 - page 13
My Grass is Mostly Weeds and Moss – Am I Too Late to Fix it This Year ? No, spring and summer months are the best months to achieve an effective weedkill application. You will likely need 2 applications 2 months apart.
scarification. The BBC Beechgrove Garden does a feature on this every year in one of their last episodes of the series You should be able to clear both weeds and moss this season therefore, if you start now.
If you want to do this yourself, the garden centres have products on the shelves, but be careful which weedkill you buy. The total weedkillers such as Pathclear and Weedol should NOT be used on lawns. They are total herbicides for use on driveways, paths etc and kill all green leafy plants (including grass). You need a selective, broadleaf weedkiller for use on lawns. We’re actually offering to do this first weedkill for you for FREE as part of our Summer Offer (see opposite). Just get in touch by phone or email..You need to have NPTC accreditation (City & Guilds) to spray herbicides on customers’ lawns, which obviously we do. The moss clearance generally follows on in the autumn and might include both a mosskill application and
For more information about seasonal lawn treatments from just £11.25 per month, plus useful downloads and photos, go to www.greenthumb.co.uk. Although GreenThumb is a national franchise with over 500,000 customers and 200 branches across the UK, we are the local franchise, based in Nairn and cover the whole Moray Firth area. Contact Alastair or Fiona for a FREE LAWN ANALYSIS on 01667 460012, or email us at: inverness@greenthumb.co.uk
Alastair Watt
Summer Offer 1st Treatment Free valid until 31 August 2017
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until 2 september valhalla: life & death in viking britain tbc, inverness museum & art gallery. life in britain during the 9th & 10th centuries is explored through everyday objects
until 1 october 1917 wwi exhibition tbc, ground floor of the highlanders museum, fort george, ardersier. original objects, archives & photographs, call ann-marie peckham, curator on 0131 3108764/0131 3108702 or email ann-marie@thehighlandersmuseum.com. www.thehighlandersmuseum.com
until 31 october
intrepid explorers 1pm onwards, rspb insh marshes reserve, kingussie. explore the trails with games, maps & treasure hunts.
26 wednesday - 2 august musical marshes, insh marshes 1pm onwards, rspb insh marshes carpark, kingussie. free but donations welcome. notice the sounds around you & have fun experimenting & creating your own sounds.
27 thursday lz7@refuel17 tbc, gordon castle estate, fochabers £5. christian music & dance team will be presenting a one night special event. call 01343 820244
moray supports refugees: appeal for warm clothing, tents & equipment for adults, children & babies living in refugee camps. for collection points contact christine preece at chrispreece1@hotmail.com richard watt (18th century artist): exhibition tbc, grantown-on-spey museum. explores the turbulent & intriguing world of a highland clan at the time of the jacobites
28 friday
until 31 december
speyfest tbc, fochabers. red hot chilli pipers, manran, blazin' fiddles, etc. www.speyfest.com
year of history, heritage & archaeology 2017 tbc, moray, speyside & the highlands. various events. www.visitscotland.com/hha2017
28 friday - 30 sunday 29 saturday
July 2017 24 monday unravelling the mysteries of migration: speaker: dawn balmer, national survey coordinator at the british trust for ornithology (bto) 8.30pm, grant arms hotel, grantown on spey
25 tuesday wolf brother comes to life! 12pm, the hatfield, glenmore forest park, aviemore. an opportunity to explore the mesolithic world with wolf brother based activities. come dressed up if you want! luke jackson & andy sharps@old bridge inn, aviemore 8.30pm, all welcome
25 tuesday - 29 saturday contemporary dance summer school (ages 11 - 19) 10am - 3pm, the williamson hall, duff avenue, elgin week-long intensive learning new skills & creating work, culminating in a performance at on sat 29 july
26 wednesday the drouthy cobbler comedy club@the drouthy cobbler, elgin 8pm. www.thedrouthycobbler.co.uk badger watch times vary, boat of garten. £10 per person. accompanied children under 16 free www.highlandbadgers.net the a - z of changes of birds in scotland: speaker: dawn balmer is head of surveys at bto, and was lead author of bird atlas 2007–11 8.30pm, grant arms hotel, grantown on spey page 16 - August 2017
where 2 today music afternoon tea dance/ceilidh 2pm - 4pm, aviemore legion. £2.50 for tea, music, dancing, singing &raffle. 2-4pm all welcome. call ros munro on 01479 810004 or ros@ct4u.co.uk. www.ct4u.co.uk
strathfleet buttons & bows 10.30am - 5.30pm, highland folk museum, newtonmore. fiddle & accordion music performances throughout the day. for information call 01540 673551 www.highlifehighland.com/highlandfolkmuseum become an ice star! tbc, moray leisure centre. learn to skate, improvise, dance, perform, socialise & have fun on the ice! milton loch volunteer madness 10am - 4pm, milton loch, boat of garten. free. lots of conservation jobs available for big & little people. all equipment provided. call 07710 387510 or email alison.greggans@rspb.org.uk 125th dufftown highland games 11am- 5pm, dufftown. full programme of all light & heavy events, afternoon teas & beer tent. www.dufftownhighlandgames.com nairn show 2017 & marquee dance (16+) 10am; dance 9pm - 1am, kinuddie farm. livestock exhibitions, craft & food fairs, produce, baking, children's acivities, etc. call 01667 455214 or at secretary@nairnshow.org.uk. www.narnshow.org.uk badenoch & strathspey ramblers: croidh-la hill 10am, ardvonie car park (off gynack road). grade b/moderate. distance - 8 miles. call rosi warner on 01540 651233 scotland's gardens: 10 stuart avenue, ardersier open day 10.30am - 4.30pm, ardersier. plant stall
30 sunday queen lear shakespeare's best loved tragedy reimagined from the perspective not of a king, but a great queen. 7.30pm, cawdor castle. tickets from the website. call 01667 404401. www.cawdorcastle.com
tel: 01309 690063
Music lovers are in for a treat at the Drouthy Cobbler this month, with a wide range of genres and styles ready to be enjoyed. They kick off on 5th August with Saltfishforty, from the Orkney Islands. Douglas Montgomery (fiddle/viola) and Brian Cromarty (songs/guitar/mandola) combine the rich traditional music of Orkney with original compositions. Their blend of traditional, contemporary and original material, influenced also by Americana, East European folk, plus a high-octane whiff of heavy metal leads to a raw, thrilling sound not to be missed. On 13th, they play host to Ben Maggs, an award winning singer-songwriter who has been described as 'mesmerising', 'crackling with creativity' and 'magnificent'. Inspired by wild nature, human nature and the nature of love, Ben’s ‘stunningly beautiful vocals’, melodies and poetic lyrics, are all wrapped in the warmth of artfully played acoustic guitar. For those of a louder nature, Ayrshire based bands, The Hostiles and Spoke Too Soon, will be bringing upbeat energy of west coast US ska punk to the less-sunny climes of northern Scotland. Their take is spirited and infectious, combining guitars riffs, in-your-face vocals and a two-pronged brass backbone of trumpet and trombone. It’s a formula that’s helped the five-piece be described as 'Awesome!' by Reel Big Fish'. For a more traditional sound, Glasgow’s own Eddie & Luc will be showing why they are one of the most highly regarded duo’s on the scene on 21st, whilst Chris Sesar & Gill Halliday will be providing some Celtic folk, roots & country music with a brush of gypsy jazz on 27th. They round off their month on 30th with their highly regarded Drouthy Cobbler Comedy Club featuring some of the country's best comedians. As always, please be aware that while live comedy can often be hilarious, it is also highly subjective and some material might not be to your tastes!
The Hostiles
car boot sale (idca) inchberry 8.30am - 1pm, inchberry hall, orton, fochabers. no booking required, just turn up early in car with table before 8.30am. tea, coffee, butteries, etc, bbq. www.wherecanwego.com texas scramble 9am start, abernethy golf club, nethy bridge. £40 per team of 4. texas scramble open golf competition. teams of 4 (unisex or mixed). call 01479 821305 or email info@abernethygolfclub.com cream tea 2pm - 4pm, glenrinnes community centre homemade strawberry tarts & other goodies summer car boot sale 11.30am to 3.30pm, farmers show field, cromdale road, grantown. trading pitches from £10. field opens to traders from 9am. call maggie lawson on 01479 810004 or email at info@ct4u.co.uk. www.ct4u.co.uk angus grant art exhibition & craft fair 9.30am 4.30pm, glenmore visitor centre, aviemore. free. call angus grant on 07919 091324 or email at angusgetshisletters@hotmail.com. www.angusgrantart.com
August 2017 1 tuesday young marvels - knights & ladies 1.30pm – 2.30pm & 2.30pm – 3:.0pm, elgin museum. free. moray in medieval times. for children. confidence to move on 2pm - 4.30pm, moray mental health & wellness centre. for more info & to book a place email moraywellnesscentre@penumbra.org
1 tuesday - 2 wednesday musical marshes, insh marshes, kingussie all day, meet at rspb insh marshes car park.
2 wednesday skippinish@ ironworks, inverness 8pm. www.ironworksvenue.com a morning of moths: beginners course 9.30am-1pm, kingussie. £12.50. rspb insh marshes carpark.
2 wednesday - 3 thursday
31 monday cairngorms ceilidh trail 10.30am - 5.30pm, highland folk museum, newtonmore. ceilidh music throughout the day. for info call 01540 673551. Keith and Dufftown Railway Aug 17.pdf 1 www.highlifehighland.com/highlandfolkmuseum
the black isle show, all the fun of the farm, muir of ord 9am, mannsfield showground, muir of ord, preview august 2. livestock, tractors, food, speciality bars, funfair,08:16 crafts. family day out. call rod 30/06/2017 mackenzie on 01463 870870 or email at blackisleshow@btconnect.com
The Whisky Line - Keith & Dufftown Railway Open weekends from Easter to September plus Fridays from July to September - See website for timetable
If you go down to the woods today... you’ll find...
Teddy Bears Weekend 4th - 6th August
Bring your Teddy for a day out on the Railway and enjoy a journey on the train. No booking is required, just come along for a great day out. KDRA Teddies will be in charge over the weekend. Trains running to usual timetable and normal ticket prices apply Visit The Sidings Cafe for morning coffee, lunches and light snacks. Open daily until 4pm.
Telephone: 01340 821181 www.keith-dufftown-railway.co.uk Dufftown Station, Dufftown, Banffshire, Scotland, AB55 4BA We welcome charters and group bookings and have disabled facilities at both stations.
page 18 - August 2017
tel: 01309 690063
KDRA is a registered charity No SCO46348
2 wednesday - 16 sunday ugly bugs, insh marshes, kingussie 1pm, free. discover some of the beasties that are lurking along the trails, donations welcome. meet at rspb insh marshes car park
3 thursday musical group from aberdeen international youth festival 7.30pm, st margarets church, aberlour. £10 (incl refreshments), children free
3 thursday - 5 saturday belladrum tartan heart festival tbc, phoineas house, belladrum estate, by beauly. call 01463 741366 or email at info@tartanheartfestival.co.uk
4 friday earth guardians 2pm, wdc scottish dolphin centre £2.50. become a wildlife presenter,etc. ages 10-14
4 friday - 6 sunday teddy bears weekend tbc, keith & dufftown railway. bring your teddy & enjoy a journey on the train. no booking is required,call 01340 82118i. www.keith-dufftown-railway.co.uk/
5 saturday saltfishforty@the drouthy cobbler, elgin 8pm, www.thedrouthycobbler.co.uk giovani musicisti ossolani 7.30pm, elgin town hall regional youth orchestra that hails from the north of italy & switzerland ladies open golf competition 9am, abernethy golf club. members £9, non members £12. call 01479 821305 or email at info@abernethygolfclub.com schiehallion@hootananny, inverness, 9.30pm, www.hootanannyinverness.co.uk aberlour strathspey highland games 1pm - 5.30pm, high school playing fields, aberlour. all welcome www.aboutaberlour.co.uk scottish nine hole opens (ladies & gents) tbc, carrbridge golf club. for info call 01479 841623. www.carrbridgegolf.co.uk
6 sunday little mix magic tribute night@ironworks, inverness 12.30pm. ironworks. www.ironworksvenue.com lmm@ironworks, inverness 12.30pm. www.ironworksvenue.com keep it country@ironworks, inverness 7.30pm iwww.ironworksvenue.com pipe meets organ: christian lontzek & sebastian schmoock 7.30pm, st margarets church, aberlour. £10 (incl refreshments), children free. hen harrier day 1pm, boat of garten community hall to raise awareness of the serious persecution suffered by these spectacular birds of prey. belladrum special - with i see rivers 8.30pm, old bridge inn, aviemore. all welcome admin@winterburnmedia.co.uk
junior nine hole open (up to 16yrs) tbc, carrbridge golf club. for information call 01479 841623. www.carrbridgegolf.co.uk
6 sunday - 7 monday keith show 8am - 4.30pm, keith fun, entertaining & educational day out for all the family. truck show, vintage display, livestock, food & much more
7 monday the victorians 11am, elgin museum hall. take inspiration from the victorians & create your own decoupage box to take home. call 01343 543675
8 tuesday young marvels – knights & ladies – march to elgin castle 11am - 1pm, elgin museum. free. (registration required, refreshments provided). all children accompanied by adult
10 thursday sesar & halliday@old bridge inn, aviemore. 8.30pm, all welcome grantown show 8am - 5pm, heathfiled park, grantown on spey. agricultural show, trade stands, pageant & marquee dance (9pm - 1am). call julie grant (secretary) on 01343 551113 or email at grantownshow@btinternet.com
10 thursday - 13 sunday the big white tent on eden court lawn tbc, eden court. £12, reduced rate £10, u18 £7. fairytale acrobatic theatre company for all the family
11 friday earth guardians 2pm, wdc scottish dolphin centre £2.50. become a wildlife presenter, create your own nature survey, make your own recycled paper & more! ages 10-14.
12 saturday fèis rois ceilidh trail finale concert 8pm, onetouch theatre, eden court £12/ reduced rate £10 www.eden-court.co.uk
12 saturday - 13 sunday amazing ages! tbc, fort george, ardersier adult £13, conc £11, child £8. hundreds of performers tell scotland's story. visit encampments, view re-enactments. meet archaeologists, etc. call 0131 668 8885 or email at events@hes.scot www.historicenvironment.scot forest fest tbc, highland folk museum, newtonmore a weekend of traditional skills, including a demonstration of traditional tree felling using axes & hand saws, etc. call 01540 673551
13 sunday wdc pirate day 10.30am - 4.30pm, spey bay “oooh arrr there be pirates in spey bay….” all welcome. call 01343 820339. www.whales.org
tel: 01309 690063
August 2017 - page 19
historic wheel's club 2pm, brodie castle. charity event, annual rally. call 07872 692436 lossiemouth raft race 3pm (race starts), lossiemouth fairground, stalls, raffle, bouncy castle, snacks. special guests lego batman, minion & doc mcstuffin email at lossieraftrace@gmail.com ben maggs@the drouthy cobbler, elgin 8pm. www.thedrouthycobbler.co.uk car boot sale in aid of madp 9am - 1pm, staff car park, baxter's of fochabers. all welcome. last sale of the season! call 01343 870540 badger watch tbc, boat of garten. £10 per person. children (u17) free. www.highlandbadgers.net paws outdoor roadshow 1pm - 4pm, the craig phadraig woods car park, off leachkin brae, inverness. £3 per dog. how to be a responsible dog owner out & about. call 01463 255291 or email at john.orr@highland.gov.uk
14 monday light & life 7pm - 9pm, costa coffee, 66 high st. elgin free spiritual readings, dream interpretation, spiritual art, personality styles, massage, healing, music. call alyson sim on 07733 127539 or email at malalysim@lightlife.org.uk. www.lightlife.org.uk
15 tuesday - 20 sunday boys' amateur golf championships tbc, nairn dunbar golf club. the 91st boys amateur championship is played at the nairn & nairn dunbar.
18 friday the hostilities/spoke too soon@the drouthy cobbler, elgin. 9pm. www.thedrouthycobbler.co.uk a midsummer's night dream 7pm, brodie castle production will go ahead in all but the worst weather conditions, dress appropriately. bring your own seating call 01309 641371 summer talks in nethy bridge 7.30pm - 9.30pm, nethy bridge visitor centre. donations support explore abernethy. jane macauley, a local historian & author, tells the story behind the nethy bridge visitor centre & its artefacts. call 07710 387510 or email at alison.greggans@rspb.org.uk
19 saturday food & drink festival 10am - 5pm, elgin city centre headline acts & oakwood cookery school return with hands on cookery experiences for the public to have a go at charity garden open day: haugh garden 2pm - 5pm, college of roseisle highlands. £4, accompanied children free. home-baking, teas & plant stall. all welcome. call 01343 835790 nairn half marathon tbc, nairn highland games, the links, nairn. www.nairnroadrunners.co.uk nairn royal brackla highland games 11.30am - 5pm, the links, nairn. traditional highland games with heavy events, athletics, dancing, piping, massed pipe bands, tug of war. page 20 - August 2017
www.nairnhighlandgames.co.uk speyside way race 9am (bus will leave buckie at 7.45am) , speyside way. registration in buckie community high school. total distance is 36.5 miles. for info email kiminto@tiscali.co.uk. www.speysidewayrace.co.uk cromdale & advie church coffee morning with sales tables 10am - 12pm, cromdale village hall. home baking. sales tables. children's games. call diane brazier on 01479 872547 or at brazier39@gmail.com
19 saturday - 20 sunday groove loch ness 2pm - 2am, clune farm, dores scotland's night club under the stars the insider festival tbc, inshriach house, by aviemore 300 scottish musicians entertain
20 sunday moray field club walk: tomintoul - avon valley followed by high tea 10am, elgin. bus leaves from elgin community centre. distance: 3 - 4 miles, fairly level. email bookings by 6pm on preceding thurs. call 01343 547968. morayfieldclub@outlook.com or call lynda anderson on 07990 600499 or jameslynda.anderson@tiscali.co.uk craft fair on the green 12pm - 4pm, village green, aviemore. great selection of local items, food & drink stalls - something for all the family! blood donors 5.15pm - 8.15pm, craig maclean leisure centre, grantown on spey. all welcome. please book an appointment. call 0345 30 17 2 70, mon to thu, 9am – 7pm | fri, 9am – 5pm or email at nss.snbtsenquiry@nhs.net big breakfast 10am - 12pm, glenrinnes community centre. all welcome
20 sunday - 23 wednesday badenoch & strathspey sheepdog trials 9am - 5pm, dunachton farm, glenbanchor & tomachrochar various prices £1, £2, donations refreshments available & raffle
21 monday eddie & luc@the drouthy cobbler, elgin. 8pm. www.thedrouthycobbler.co.uk
23 wednesday badger watch tbc, boat of garten. £10 per person. children free. www.highlandbadgers.net florida gulf coast birding: speaker: ellen mckeefe 8.30pm, grant arms hotel, grantown on spey
24 thursday boat of garten annual auction sale 12pm, boat of garten community hall, all welcome. www.boatofgarten.com william thomas 8.30pm, old bridge inn, aviemore
25 friday where 2 today music afternoon tea dance/ceilidh 2pm - 4pm, grantown legion. £2.50. fabulous
tel: 01309 690063
afternoon tea, music, dancing, singing & raffle. all welcome. call ros munro on 01479 810004 or email ros@ct4u.co.uk. www.ct4u.co.uk
25 friday - 26 saturday north sea gas@hootananny, inverness 9.30pm, www.hootanannyinverness.co.uk
25 friday - 28 monday 'thunder in the glens' harley davidson motorcyle rally 10am, aviemore. free. www.dunedinhog.com
26 saturday lerwick jarl squad tbc, inverness museum & art gallery & inverness city centre. call gerry reynolds on 01463 795006 or gerry.reynolds@highland.ov.uk family fun day 12pm - 4pm, marine park, lossiemouth. hosted by action marine park (games & activities, bbq, teas, beat the goalie, tombola, fun junior tennis skills competition (10am - 12.30pm) outlander day tbc, highland folk museum. follow in the footsteps of jamie & claire to step back in time to the 18th century a must for outlander fans call 01540 673551 coffee morning 10.30am-12pm, village hall, main street, newtonmore. £3 including refreshments fund raising for badenoch arthritis support group, home baking preserves, bric-a brac, raffle auction sale 12pm, boat of garten community hall paintings, WML prints, etc.17.pdf good quality items Artfurniture, Job August 1 10/07/2017 accepted as donations for the hall. cake & raffle
27 sunday car boot sale (idca) inchberry & district community association 8.30am - 1pm, inchberry hall, orton, fochabers. no booking required, just turn up early in car with table before 8.30am. tea, coffee, butteries, etc, bbq. www.wherecanwego.com buckie classic car show 11am, linzee gordon park, buckie. some of the finest vintage,classic,modern classic,future classic cars,bikes & tractors. call pene on 01261 843144 or email enquire@buckieclassiccarshow.co.uk. www.buckieclassiccarshow.co.uk louise mixed foursomes tbc, abernethy golf club, nethy bridge. all welcome photography walk 11am-1pm & 2pm-4pm, logie steading. all welcome great expectations 7.30pm (gates open 6.30pm), cawdor castle. £15 full price, £8 conc. all welcome call 01667 404401 grantown on spey highland games 1pm, grantownon-spey.heavy events, pipe bands, etc all welcome!
30 wednesday the drouthy cobbler comedy club@the drouthy cobbler 8pm. www.drouthycobbler.com northern meeting piping competition tbc, eden court theatre - various. the world's most famous solo piping event. call gerry reynolds on 01463 785006 09:21
An exciting opportunity has arisen to work in a small team in a growing media company, based in Kinloss. The job will mainly entail the application of computer-based design in the preparation and completion of advertising artwork and editorial content in a range of successful magazines. Experience with design software is essential. The following characteristics are also considered essential: UÊ Ê« Ã Ì ÛiÊ> `ÊvÀ i ` ÞÊ > iÀ UÊ ÊÕ `iÀÃÌ> ` }Ê vÊÜ >ÌÊ ÌÊ i> ÃÊÌ ÊÜ À Ê Ê>ÊÃ > ÊÌi> UÊ ÊV ÌÌi`Ê> `Ê`iÌiÀ i`Ê>ÌÌ ÌÕ`i UÊ ÊÜ } iÃÃÊÌ Ê i>À The position is intended to be full-time but part-time may be an option depending on previous experience. Salary is above average for the area but subject to experience. The position is available immediately and full training will be given where required. Please phone 01309 690063 or email: david@winterburnmedia.co.uk to apply for the position. Previous applicants need not apply
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All answers printed in next issue of Spotlight Here are the last issueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answers!
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Chef’s Confidential
Tomato and Red Pepper soup This is without a doubt one of my absolute favourite soup recipes. It is just so amazingly rich, warming and delicious. I love the bright red colour too. All of the ingredients are naturally wonderful, however, it is the roasting process that takes this soup to the next level as it really intensifies the original flavours, making them even more scrumptious. Ingredients: 3 White onions 3 Red peppers 2nd ripe tomatoes 1 Bulb garlic 2 Red chilli's 2 Tins chopped tomatoes 1 Litre vegetable stock Salt and pepper to taste Fresh basil to serve Method: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, half the tomatoes, peppers, garlic and place on a baking tray. Drizzle with a little olive oil and roast in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until brown and blistered. Meanwhile, roughly chop the onions and sweat in a large saucepan for 5 to 10 minutes. Add in all the roasted vegetables and stock, season and simmer for about 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly then puree with a stick blender and pass through a sieve using the back of a spoon to work the juice through. Adjust seasoning accordingly. Reheat to serve and garnish with fresh torn basil leaves. Everybody has their favourite bread to accompany soup but, for me, this one cries out for some freshly warmed Ciabatta, available from most local supermakets now. Enjoy!!
118 High Street, FORRES IV36 1NP ¬
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Fed up with poorly fitting dentures or that unsightly gap? Dental Implants may offer the Gold Standard Solution to Transform your Smile and Self Confidence. Our implants are only placed by one of Scotlands Leading Dental Implantologists: Dr Bruce Strickland BDS DipImpDent RCS (Eng)
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FACIAL REJUVENATION TREATMENTS Reverse the signs of ageing and achieve a fresher more youthful appearance. Using muscle relaxing injections and dermal filler techniques we are able to offer treatments for:
LINES AROUND THE MOUTH FOREHEAD AND FROWN LINES (SMOKERS/SUN DAMAGE LINES) CROW'S FEET AND CHEEK WRINKLES EYEBROW LIFT UNDER ARM EXCESSIVE SWEATING DOWN-TURNED CORNERS OF THE MOUTH NOSE TO MOUTH FOLDS All treatments individually tailored and carried out by Dr Gordon McGovern. Total discretion assured. Call us for further information or to book a free, no-obligation consultation. * with the exception of Hygienist Scalings and Fissure Sealants
"My experience of this practice was excellent from the receptionist who took my initial phone call to the dentist I was seen by. The care I received as a very anxious patient for a last minute appointment was exceptional" "You have a lovely practice and great staff"
*with the exception of hygienist scalings and fissure sealant treatments