JUNE 2013
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© Leanne Eddie
CLUBS & SOCIETIES AVIEMORE CEILIDH DANCERS Meet monthly, 8pm - midnight at the Aviemore Village Hall. Licensed bar and interval with refreshments and raffle. For details contact Patsy Thompson on 01540 651377 AVIEMORE COMMUNITY CAFE Wednesdays 10am - 4pm. St Andrew's Church Hall. Tea, coffee, home baking; and homemade soup and roll or cheese scone from 12noon. A warm welcome awaits you. Contact Jane Alexander: pjanealexander@gmail.com AVIEMORE TINY TOTS Wednesdays 10am - 12noon, Aviemore Youth Centre. Indoor play equipment & activities for 0 - 3 year olds. Facebook page Aviemore Tiny Tots. Email :aviemoretinytots@hotmail.co.uk. BEADING & JEWELLERY MAKING WORKSHOPS The Imagination Workshop, Inverdruie, Aviemore. Learn how to use beads and wire to make your own amazing jewellery. Call Gayle Penney on 01479 812111
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ARCHERY IN ABERLOUR GLENLIVET ARCHERS Target Archery club, for Recurve, Traditional & Longbow archers. Small, friendly club, junior to senior, all abilities. We shoot every Wednesday and Sunday. Affiliated to Archery GB (GNAS) & Scottish Archery Association. For details or general nformation call Michael on 01807 590493, or email: m_cooper13@sky.com BADENOCH & STRATHSPEY RAMBLERS Every other weekend, alternate Saturdays & Sundays. Contact Elizabeth Longley 01479 851735 / timlis.longley@tiscali.co.uk for more information about our walks and membership details. BALL - OVER 60'S CLUB Meets on Wednesdays from 10am - 12.15pm at Memorial Hall, Tomintoul. BOHARM BOOTCAMP Monday and Thursday classes 7pm - 8pm. Beginners’ class starting Tuesday 4th September 7:30pm - 8.30pm at Boharm Hall, Mulben. Classes £1.50. Contact Lorraine: 01582 860338. DUFFTOWN OVER SIXTIES Meet every Wednesday afternoon 2pm-4pm in Back Hall of Memorial Hall, Dufftown. Varied weekly entertainment: quiz, bingo, live entertainment etc and a cup of tea every week. Membership £3. Annual summer bus outing. Tel: 01340 820388, 01340 820582, or 01340 820264. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION The Square, Grantown-on-Spey Morayshire, PH26 3HF. Call 01479 873690
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page 2 - June 2013
FITNESS CLASSES AT BADENOCH CENTRE Spey Street, Kingussie. Variety of aerobic classes including aerobics, body blast, piyo, turbo kick, boxercise, circuits. Call Donna Reilly on 01540 662485 GRANTOWN & DISTRICT DRAMA GROUP Thursdays, 7pm, YM/Community Centre. All new members and young people welcome. Call Jennifer Tiller on 01479 872262
GRANTOWN AND DISTRICT BILLIARDS AND SNOOKER CLUB Meets on Monday, Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays 7pm 10pm at Old Church Hall in Dulnain Bridge, near Grantownon-Spey. GRANTOWN 1ST RAINBOWS We meet once a week for fun, crafts and friendship. Ages 5-7 Contact Jaci for information or to put a girl on the waiting list. Tel: 01479 873728 GRANTOWN ON SPEY BOWLING CLUB Club nights on Monday. ‘Come and Try’ on Thursday evenings from May to September. All welcome. Equipment provided Contact: Sandra South on 01479 873510 STRATHSPEY RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Poll Creagan, Newtonmore. Contact the secretary Ian Chadburn on 01540 673686 THE UPHILL SKI CLUB OF GREAT BRITAIN 8 Gran Cairngorm Ski, Aviemore PH22 1RB. Call 01479 861 272 THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Burnside Road, Aviemore, Highlands and Islands PH22 1SQ. Contact us on 01479 810892 TREES FOR LIFE GREEN DAYS OUT For people in Moray & Invernessshire. Spend a day carrying out conservation tasks. Transport, tools and training free of charge. Pick ups available. Volunteers over 18 with a reasonable level of fitness. Every Wed & last Sun of the month. Booking essential. Call Mick on 01309 691292 or email mick@treesforlife.org.uk WESTERN FRONT ASSOCIATION We hold 9 meetings per year on Saturday afternoons in Elgin Library. Open to anyone with an interest in WW1. Contact Derek Bird on 01343 870562 or email chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net www.wfascotlandnorth.org.uk
tel: 01309 690063
T-EXCHANGE MAKERSPACE Make things, build things and exchange ideas. Third Friday of every month 7:30pm at Findhorn Village Centre. Details on www.t-exchange.net or contact Bill on 07925 551191. EDINVILLIE BADMINTON CLUB Meets Thursdays at the Hall. There is a junior section which starts at 6pm until 7.30pm. Junior coaching for attendees only from 7.30pm - 8pm. ALL juniors MUST be accompanied by an adult. Adult section starts at 8.00pm until late. Call Paula Roberts on 01340 810620 or for the Junior Club Andrea Fuller on 01340 871745. EDINVILLIE DARTS CLUB Meets Wednesdays from 7pm in the Edinvillie Hall. Anyone 13 years and over is welcome whatever your ability! For more information call Heather on 01340 871322 SALTIRE SOCIETY HIGHLAND BRANCH Meets Saturday mornings in Inverness for talks on a wide range of Scottish topics. St Andrews Day celebrations, Burns lunch and summer outing. Call Alan Niven on 01667 459449 or email: alan.niven@hotmail.com PLEASE NOTE: Details of Clubs & Societies are published on a rotational basis.
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section, please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed in every issue.
ARCHITECT/TECHNOLOGIST ÂŁ Well Remunerated We require a highly experienced Architect or Technologist to take a lead role in Building Warrant applications for timber buildings. The position can be permanent, but a 3 month contract is also acceptable. Our offices are at Inverness Airport, but we will consider a degree of home working combined with attendance in the office.
DRUMDUAN UPPER SCHOOL ...is a new school for
students aged 16-18, in the same grounds as Moray Steiner School, Forres. Although independent from one another the two schools will provide an integrated educational campus based on Steiner principles for students aged 3-18. We are seeking individuals with or without an educational background to serve as trustees of the new school, and will be pleased to receive applications from any interested parties. Please provide as much background information as possible.
This post will be well-remunerated for a suitable applicant, and there are strong prospects of a management role for the right person. Apply by email only to ian@1architects.com
Apply to rachel@drumduan.org or write to: Rachel Phillips, Drumduan Upper School, Clovenside Road, Forres IV36 2RD
HEATING & PLUMBING for all enquiries please contact
Gordon Christie on
01343 862832 07733 228702 gordchrist@btinternet.com
PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS It’s flaming June and no doubt we are all hoping for a long, hot, glorious summer. We want to put on the sun cream and look out the sunglasses so that we can gaze at the brightness of the sun. But can you still have warmth and light even if the sun doesn’t shine? Not the artificial warmth and light that comes from a sun bed, but real genuine warmth and light? Yes, you can! Better still we can actually be the source of warmth and light for other people by letting the love of Jesus shine through us when we live and act according to his example and command. We all know what it is like when we meet someone who is rude to us. It could be someone we meet in the course of our work, or at the shops or a neighbour or even a family member. Encounters such as these leave us feeling cold and grey and dispirited. If we are honest, we have almost certainly, in a moment of weakness, treated someone like that ourselves – and often regretted it later. How much better it is when we have given people a glow that lasts all day and even longer because we showed
them kindness, understanding, encouragement, forgiveness and generosity. It is quite possible, indeed quite certain, that by a kind word or deed we will often have brought warmth and light to a person without even realising it. John’s Gospel in Chapter 13 and verse 34 records how Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment to love one another. “As I have loved you, so are you to love one another” he said. It hardly seems like a new commandment however as the Bible is full of exhortations to love God and one another. As in the Law of Moses for example, in Leviticus 19:18 “but love your neighbour as yourself,” or in the amazing words of Jesus in Matthew 5:43 and 44 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ ‘But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of God.’ There are very many calls to love in the Bible. The new thing in Jesus’ commandment to his disciples was that they were to love one another
Kingussie Parish Church Sundays 11am. All welcome. www.kingussieparishchurch.org.uk Knockando, Elchies & Archiestown Parish Church of Scotland Sundays 10am. Tel : 01340 831381. Mortlach Parish Church Sundays at 10.30am Tel: 01340 820049 (session clerk). All welcome. Rothes Parish Church Sundays 11.30am. Tel: 01340 831381. Rothiemurchus & Aviemore Church of Scotland St Andrews Church, Grampian Road, Aviemore. Sundays 11.15am. Website: www.standrews-aviemore.org.uk St Columba Episcopal Church High Street, Grantown, P26 3LD. Sundays 10.30am: Holy Communion. Ven. Richard Gillings: richard.gillings698@btinternet.com or phone 01479 831365. St John Episcopal Church Sunday 10.30am: Eucharist. page 4 - June 2013
as Jesus had loved them (v.34.) Jesus is the model of love for others - not soppy, sentimental love, but honest self-giving love. It has been said that Jesus loved each person as if there was no-one else in the world to love; and yet He loved everyone. Whatever the weather, we can spread warmth and light by letting Jesus live in us through our acts of kindness, words of encouragement and selfless generosity. Let’s live Christ-inspired glorious lives!
Rev. Bob Anderson Knockando, Elchies & Archiestown linked with Rothes
Followed by refreshments in the church hall. Email: blessings@stjohns-rothiemurchus.co.uk St Michael Episcopal Church St Michael's Episcopal Church, Conval Street, Dufftown. Family Eucharist every Sunday at 11 am. All welcome. Tel: 01343 862808. St Margaret of Scotland, Episcopal Church High Street, Aberlour, AB38 9QD. Sundays 10am: Eucharist. Tel: 01340 881764. Website: www.stmargaretsaberlour.co.uk Tomintoul Church of Scotland Sunday morning service 11.15am All welcome. These are listed alphabetically from K - T and are regularly rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063
tel: 01309 690063
The Editor
Use our website enquiry form at: www.1renewables/get-in-touch.php
I recently came across a young man who professed to have the answer to life. Listen to nobody, ask for nobody’s help and rely entirely upon oneself. Good advice for a recluse maybe but I think that we were designed to interact with each other and when that goes well there can be no greater joy. All it takes is for us to think more of our neighbours than ourselves!
PUBLISHER ..............David Nelmes SALES ..........................Peter Evans ACCOUNTS ...................Lynn Wood DESIGN .................Alistair Davidson LAYOUT .................Tamsyn Dickson
July Issue Deadlines Editorial - Friday 31/05/13 Advertising - Wednesday 05/06/13
JOIN OUR GROWING LIST OF INVESTORS IN SINGLE TURBINES 1 RENEWABLES LTD, a local wind-power company, seeks investors for renewables projects secured by the UK Government Feed-in Tariff. Our 1st portfolio is now almost fully funded by a combination of large and small investors, with 2nd and 3rd portfolios developing. Minimum amount 5k, no maximum amount. Excellent returns for 20 year FiT programme, or for shorter periods if preferred. Corporate and personal guarantees provided. CONTACT Ian on 07713 912473 ian@1renewables.com or alastair@1renewables.com
At Last! A NEW FORM OF HEATING FROM GERMANY Simple to install, powerful, economical and ideal with wind and solar power This incredible heating could be the answer to help beat the ever increasing energy costs. Amazingly it is not gas or oil, nor solid fuelbut clean electric! All you need is a standard electricity supply and NO special night tariff. In Germany, Austria, Poland Russia, Eastern Europe and increasingly in the UK, more and more people are choosing to heat their homes and offices with this very special form of electric heating in preference to gas, oil, LPG or any other form of conventional central heating or night storage. When you see this incredible heating for yourself, you could be next! As you can see from the picture, the heating looks just like a conventional radiator but STOP! It is very, very different! Put simply that clunky central heating boiler that needs constant servicing and replacement parts isn’t the only choice any more! Now you can choose to heat your homes, offices or extensions or conservatories with this incredible German heating which provides individual control over every single room without the need for a central control or space to site a boiler. Now the
boiler space can become a valuable storage area! Installation takes minutes and running is completely clean with no danger of leakage, no holes through walls, no floor boards up and no tradesmen trundling around the house wielding pipe cutters, spanners, hammers, wrenches and dirty work-boots! This incredible German heating simply plugs in and that’s it! Job done! You can even do just one room or the whole house. Get your free info pack right now by calling 01343 819676 or online at www.elsco.co.uk This heating is NEW in Scotland yet in many parts of Europe it has been a mainstream form of heating for a long time. We are the only outlet for this heating in the whole of Scotland, now giving a truly Scotland wide coverage operating from Glasgow for the central belt and borders and Elgin for Grampian and Highlands and Islands. Discover for yourself this incredible German heating, get your FREE info pack right away by calling Elsco Heating on 01343 819676 and ask for John or online at www.elsco.co.uk
COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS ExTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF 19TH MARCH 2013 OF GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY & VICINITY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Matters Arising a) Strathspey Railway B Dunlop reported that MacKellars Sub Sea Ltd has finished the work to the bridge for the river Dulnain and that it is now being painted, help from the Army is being sought. P Mathieson suggested that some publicity should be organised for the positioning of the bridge, B Lobban indicated that might be something that Highland Council PR Dept could help with. B Dunlop went on to give an update on the HML 150 Celebrations planned for 3rd August. A landau and horses have been sourced for transporting Lord and Lady Seafield, there will be an exhibition in the Museum for the event and it is hoped that the shops will have appropriate window displays for the parade. It was suggested that Eden Court Theatre should be approached for help with costumes. Unfortunately it looks as if it will be prohibitively expensive to move the engine to the triangle, as the crane and low loader will cost in the region of £4500, although funding sources are being pursued. b)Grant House Renovation On going. c)Ian Charles Hospital J Beveridge said that there would be an item on the agenda at the next Ward Forum where Nigel Small is due to give a presentation on future health services. E Sutton expressed concerns that had been raised with him that there was a lack of information making it’s way to the community. J Beveridge responded that everyone was welcome to go to the Ward Forum to find out more. Both he and B Lobban stressed that the consultation process was at a very early stage. Other issues: Roads and Crossings – E Sutton said that although the timer for the road crossing at the traffic lights outside Grantown Newspaper had been checked, it still seemed that the beeper switched off too quickly.
Gritting of the road outside the Primary School is still being monitored, but is still intermittent Visitors Centre – This will be open over the summer. Town Signs – There is a redesign underway. Allotments – Interested residents should attend the Anagach Woods Trust meeting/drop-in to register their desire for land to be allocated for his purpose. Chairman’s Report J Beveridge told the meeting that the next Ward Forum is on the 20th of March in The Townhouse. Reports from Sub-committees Festive Lights C Sinclair said that the next fundraiser will be the Golf Day at Craggan on Sat 18th May. It is hoped that there will be even more teams than last year. Planning Only two applications had been notified :13/00733/FUL Proposed extension to rear of house. Broompark Cottage, Craggan (Mr & Mrs D Brown) 13/00854/FUL Proposed extension to rear of property. Cuil-Na-Sith, Mossie Road (John Paterson) It was agreed no comment was required on either. Hogmanay P Mathieson asked if there was any information on the alternate funding of the fireworks. J Beveridge said not. a) Community Centre J Beveridge reported that the vintage fashion show was a great success and that there will be a vintage fair on the 23rd of March. J Beveridge informed the meeting that the new Police Chief will be at the Ward Forum. c) Team Grantown B Dunlop attended the last meeting along with around nine others, there will be a letter sent to everyone in the community informing them of the opportunities and encouraging
them to get involved. A proposed Town Sign design was tabled and received general approval. J Beveridge expressed disappointment that there will be no paid post to move this project forward. Highland Council Due to ill health the Highland Council report was unavailable. B Lobban had nothing to add to what was said previously. Correspondence A letter from SSE stating that they were beginning the work to put in the new pylons along the A9, resulting in significant disruption during the months of July and August. It was agreed that the Community Council will write to SSE to express their profound misgivings about the timing of the work and the subsequent impact on the local tourist industry and their crucial summer trading months. An email from the RSPB requesting a meeting with the Community Council to explain one of their local projects. J Beveridge invited them to the next meeting of the Community Council A letter from PACE to thank the Community Council for their donation to help with the trip to Edinburgh. AOCB E Sutton enquired whether the treasurer’s report had included the monies for the PA System. J Beveridge advised that the money had not yet been paid out, so was still in the account. E Sutton asked for an updated insurance certificate for Motormania. J Beveridge is to supply this. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting, which was closed at 20.45 hrs. The date of the next meeting: Tuesday 16th April @ 19.30 hrs
community council contacts aviemore & Vcc Meets 2nd Thursday of every month, 7.30pm in St Andrews Church Hall, Aviemore. Contact John Grierson on: 01479 811280 page 6 - June 2013
Grantown-on-spey & Vcc Meets 3rd Tuesday of every month except July, 7:30pm in the Town House, Grantown. Contact Jim Beveridge on: 01479 872332 tel: 01309 690063
newtonmore community council Meets first Monday of every month except for August and January, 7.30pm Village Hall, Newtonmore Contact: Nigel Nicol on: 01540 670188 admin@spotlighton.co.uk
© Cameron Davidson
Parliament Blog
As a keen bird enthusiast, I was delighted to take part in one of the RSPB Caper-Watches during the capercaillie mating season this spring. The watch was held at the Loch Garten Osprey Centre and, despite the 5am start, the renowned mating display of the male capercaillie is a popular attraction with visitors to the area and local enthusiasts alike. Although I am no stranger to an early start, I’m rarely able to spend one in such stunning surroundings as those at Loch Garten – made all the more beautiful by the unseasonal May snowfall. It is a glorious example of the sort of natural, educational experience we can offer our own young people to encourage their appreciation of our local environment. I thoroughly enjoyed my first Caper-Watch and think it’s a fantastic experience to be able to offer visitors. I am grateful to the RSPB for inviting me along.
Recently my four year old daughter told me: "Daddy - you look like SHREK" I must admit, people have said nicer things to me. But those Spotlight readers who have seen the movies, will know that Shrek is a lovable character - so perhaps that is what she meant. I regaled the 200 strong audience with this tale when speaking at the SHREC event in Inverness - Scottish Highland Renewable Energy Conference! There is a positive tale to be told: now there are no less than 15,000 jobs in the Highlands & Islands in energy - oil gas renewables, nuclear decommissioning, biomass and so on. Ten years ago that figure was only 10,000. So, the efforts that many have been making are bearing fruit. And, in the Highlands, the angry seas, strong tides, howling winds are not in fact just bad weather - they are an enormous opportunity. Inverness is increasingly seen as the Renewable Energy Gateway. The conference heard the huge progress made in community renewables - which creates funding for many of the most remote communities all over. Of course, renewables, and in particular on shore is controversial - but there is clear support and we are working hard to improve the procedures to ensure that turbines are appropriately located. So, this SHREC conference was a chance to have further communication to work closely together for the future. And, I must deny any claim that I have funny vuvuzela shaped ears!
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USEFUL INFORMATION local & Bank Holidays and special Days Spring Bank Holiday Father’s Day Summer Bank Holiday British Summertime Ends Halloween Guy Fawkes Day St Andrew’s Day St Andrew’s Day (observed)
Mon 27th May 2013 Sun 16th Jun 2013 Mon 5th Aug 2013 Sun 27th Oct 2013 Thurs 31st Oct 2013 Tues 5th Nov 2013 Sat 30th Nov 2014 Mon 2nd Dec 2013
Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday Chinese New Year Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day
Wed 25th Dec 2013 Thurs 26th Dec 2013 Tues 31st Dec 2013 Wed 1st Jan 2014 Thurs 2nd Jan 2014 Fri 31st Jan 2014 Fri 14th Feb 2014 Sun 30th Mar 2014
school term Dates MORAY COUNCIL SCHOOLS for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Speyside High & Feeders Summer Term Ends for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Autumn Holiday Starts Autumn Holiday Ends Winter Term Starts In-Service Day In-Service Day Winter Term Ends
Mon 3rd Jun 2013 Fri 5th Jul 2013 Tues 20th Aug 2013 Fri 11th Oct 2013 Mon 14th Oct 2013 Fri 25th Oct 2013 Mon 28th Oct 2013 Mon 18th Nov 2013 Tues 19th Nov 2013 Fri 20th Dec 2013
for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) Summer Term Ends for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Regional Closure Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Regional Closure Winter Term Starts Winter Term Ends Spring Term Starts Holiday Closure Holiday Closure
Fri 28th Jun 2013 Mon 19th Aug 2013 Tues 20th Aug 2013 Fri 4th Oct 2013 Mon 21st Oct 2013 Tues 22nd Oct 2013 Fri 20th Dec 2013 Mon 6th Jan 2014 Mon 17th Feb 2014 Tues 18th Feb 2014
useful contacts Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Aberlour Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871693 Aberlour Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01340 871201 Aviemore Citizens Advice Bureau. . . . . . . . 01479 810919 Aviemore Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813141 Aviemore Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 811056 Aviemore Registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813146 Aviemore Social Work Services . . . . . . . . . 01479 810251 Aviemore Tourist Information . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810363 Badenoch Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661596 Badenoch Learning & Resource Centre . . . 01540 662420 Dufftown Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 820244 Dufftown Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01340 820272 Grantown Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 873175 National Rail Enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 PHARMACIES Aberlour Pharmacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871279 Aviemore Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810259 Clark Munro Ltd (Grantown) . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 873711 Davidsons Chemists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01339 755409 Lloyds Pharmacy (Grantown). . . . . . . . . . . 01479 872006 Rothes Pharmacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 831233 page 8 - June 2013
VETS Aberlour Veterinary Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871385 Andrew Rafferty Veterinary Centre. . . . . . . 01479 872272 Morven Veterinary Practice Ltd . . . . . . . . . 01975 962837 VILLAGE HALLS AND COMMUNITY CENTRES Archiestown Village Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 810442 Aviemore Church Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810280 Boat of Garten Community Hall . . . . . . . . . 01479 831213 Dufftown Community Centre . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871641 Dufftown Mortlach Memorial Hall . . . . . . . . 01340 820287 Edinvillie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871745 Fleming Hall (Aberlour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871853 Glenlivet Public Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 590486 Glenrinnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 821061 Grant Hall (Rothes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 831578 Speyside Sports and Community . . . . . . . . 01340 871641 Tomintoul Richmond Memorial Hall . . . . . . 01807 580709 These useful numbers are rotated on a regular basis and will appear in subsequent issues. If you would like to add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please email tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk or call 01309 690063
tel: 01309 690063
What will YOU do...? Long ago a Roman judge named Pilate asked “What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22) Did it ever occur to you that everyone must answer this question? I must answer it. You must answer it. It’s the most important question you will ever answer. God requires an answer. Your whole future depends upon the answer to this question! I cannot answer for you and you cannot answer for me. Each must answer for himself. We MUST answer since God holds each of us personally, and eternally, responsible for what we do with His Son, Jesus Christ the Saviour. If you were in the crowd that day, would you have cried ‘Crucify Him!’ Or would you, like Pilate, just try to avoid the issue? Pilate washed his hands and said that he was innocent of this man’s blood – but he was guilty of rejecting Christ...and if we do not accept the Lord Jesus Christ for what he is – the Son of God and Saviour of the world – then we too are guilty of his blood, and God will hold us to account. The question is now; What will YOU do with Jesus which is called Christ? We need a Saviour because we are all sinners guilty of offending a Holy God, and God’s righteous wrath is what we deserve. But God in mercy has provided a Way of escape. He gave his only Begotten Son, that “whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). He came into the world that whosoever believeth in Him should not walk in darkness The Lord Jesus Christ, by His death,
met every just and holy claim God had against sin. And then He rose again in victory for death had no hold on Him. What will YOU do with Jesus which is called Christ? The question is not ‘Are you sincere?’ or ‘Are you doing the best you can?’ or ‘Have you joined a church? or ‘Have you been baptised?’ Perhaps you still think that your good works and morality will save you? No, it is a divine, living Person that is before you, the One who said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6) Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour? Are you trusting in His shed blood and work on the cross alone for salvation? Will you acknowledge that you are a guilty sinner? Will you repent of your sin? And will you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? What will YOU do with Jesus which is called Christ? There is no way to avoid the question. To reject it, or even just to ignore it, is to reject Him who died to be your Saviour. If we do not accept Him as our Saviour, we will one day face Him as our Judge. The Bible says “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:15) Is your name in the Book of Life?
Ask yourself the question... ”What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?” Just as there was only one door into the ark for salvation from the flood, so there is only one ‘door’ for you to enter into God’s salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ is that Door. Will you enter in? Do not reject Him any longer. He died to save you.
“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is” (Jeremiah 17:7)
He that that believeth believeth on the Son Son hath hath everlasting everlasting life: life: and he that that believ believeth eth not the SSon on shall not see lif life; e; but the wr wrath ath of G God od abideth on him. John 3: 3:36 :36
Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
Please send Us details Of YOUr events deadline for the July issue: friday 31st May, 4pm Website: www.spotlighton.co.uk email: tamsyn@spotlighton.co.uk telephone: 01309 690063 inclusion of events into the What’s On is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops. Please note: contact venues and organisers first as there may be changes to events.
moray & highland junior orienteering competition. 10.30am, dallaschyle near cawdor. an annual event aimed at youngsters who have discovered orienteering through school. adults welcome too. for details visit www.invoc.org.uk bell’s rotary marafun 12pm. organised by the rotary club of elgin. team relay through elgin city centre streets. music, stalls, classic & new cars, etc.
4 tuesday
MAY 29 wednesay diabetes uk moray & grampian nhs: diabetes question time 7pm-9pm. lesser town hall, forres. learn about diabetes from an expert panel of health professionals. the culbin forest run - wellhill kintessack the 15th staging of this ever popular event in the moray forest runs series. all proceeds to dyke hall registration from 6pm. junior races at 6.45 main race at 7.15. info from mike 07957 836124 or www.forresharriers.org.uk
macs moray area cancer support 2pm-4pm. moray coast medical practice, lossiemouth. call 07516 219151 for info. venue change * sounds familiar singing group 2:30pm-4pm. hilton church, inverness. for people with dementia & their carers. for info & reservations, contact 01463 233231.
30 thursday souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
31 friday northern roots music festival 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com
JUNE 1 saturday fundraising for ‘mary’s meals’ 1pm - 5pm, carrbridge village hall. tea, face painting, crafts, lucky dip and much more. paintings for sale, art exhibitions and music by anne dickson. contact mary anderson on 01479 841409 for more details. grantown primary school fun day 12pm - 3pm. bbq, stalls, arts & crafts, mini highland games, pet show, children’s talent show, ‘great primary bake off’, 10k, 5k & fun run. car boot sale - £5 a pitch. call bernie on 01479 870143 to book and for more details.
2 sunday ladies sweet and savoury stableford open from 9am at abernethy golf club. for details call 01479 821305 or visit www.abernethygolfclub.com admin@spotlighton.co.uk
tel: 01309 690063
June 2013 - page 11
The Complete Hair & Body Experience KAM Hair and Body Spa has a long and proud history of being North Scotland's leading hair and beauty salon. Situated in the picturesque town of Lossiemouth, Moray, the award-winning team of 19 hair directors, stylists and beauty therapists prides itself on providing the complete hair and body experience. KAM has been delivering exceptional service for over 20 years. Back in 1991, owner Karen Thomson took on the original premises of Square Cuts, developing it into a thriving salon before moving to larger premises on Queen Street in 2003 and renaming it KAM. Expanding into beauty, KAM’s reputation for excellence has continued to spread, and demand for its range of hair and beauty services has grown to such an extent that this year they have had to expand the salon. KAM is recognised as a leading salon within the hair and beauty industry. Its list of accolades includes finalising for Scottish Hairdresser of the Year at the British Hairdressing Awards, and this year KAM was proud to have three team members fight off stiff competition to secure places at the L’Oreal Colour Trophy Regional Finals. Whether it’s a simple cut or a complete restyle, you can be sure you’re in the hands of an expert at KAM. Every member of the team aims to create a bespoke style for each individual, taking into account for example not only your face shape, hair condition and skin tone but also your lifestyle and hair care routine. That’s why you’ll receive an in-depth consultation at every visit to ensure your final look is tailored to suit you perfectly, leaving you looking and feeling amazing. Making you feel special is of paramount importance to the teamfrom relaxing in their massage chairs having your hair cleansed and conditioned, to choosing from their list of drinks, you will feel truly indulged in their luxurious and spacious surroundings. Exceptional customer service is offered at every point of your visit, and it doesn’t stop when you leave the salon - KAM always advises the best way to care for your hair in between salon visits, recommending the best products for your unique hair needs, as well as top tips for maintaining your look.
Along with hair, KAM also strives to bring clients the very latest innovations in beauty treatments and products. KAM provides a wide range of manual and electrical treatments, bringing you the very best from Caci who are known for providing the UK`s best selling non-surgical face, body and anti-ageing treatments or why not try the latest A-Lift treatment - another revolution in age-reversal technology. For the ultimate in relaxation KAM’s treatments from 5 award winning spa company, ESPA are not to be missed. With a truly holistic approach to modern living, their treatments are second to none and products contain only the purest extracts and are paraben free. At KAM there’s a treatment for your every need, be it face, body or mind, and don’t forget they’re great for men too. KAM also stocks a range of great products including Environ, Jane Iredale mineral skin care makeup, and Advanced Nutrition Programme - all of which are part of the International Institute of Anti Ageing, and that’s not all; KAM regularly has experts visit the salon and offers skin analysis sessions, allowing you to discover all that's good and bad about your skin. In addition, KAM also offers a wide range of nail, waxing and tanning treatments and products. If you’re a bride-to-be, KAM will make sure you’re picture perfect on your big day. From your initial consultation where the team will talk you through a range of options using moodboards to inspire your look, you’ll be confident that every detail will be taken care of, including hair, make up, tanning and nails for you and your bridal party.
KAM provides its team with intense training to ensure that all services are carried out to the very highest standard. All team members participate in regular training and development to continuously build upon their knowledge and skills, ensuring they are always at the very top of their game. That’s why KAM team members are in such high demand. For example, Owner Karen is a member of the Matrix Artistic Team and Salon Manager Paula is a member of the Matrix Education Team. They are both regularly called upon to travel the globe to act as ambassadors for the hairdressing industry, inspiring others with their world-class cutting and colouring techniques. If a career at KAM sounds like something you would like to be a part of, get in touch. With so much on offer, it’s clear why KAM is now the premier hair and beauty destination. Keep up to date with their latest news and offers by checking KAM’s website www.kamhairandbodyspa.co.uk or Facebook at ‘KamSalon’ and Twitter at ‘KAMHAIRBODYFACE’. Quote ‘spotlight’ when booking your appointment to be entered into the KAM prize draw for the latest body wash and body lotion from ESPA. The team at KAM looks forward to welcoming you to their salon where you’ll experience the very best in hair and beauty.
01343 812 325 76a Queen St, Lossiemouth IV31 6PT
5 wednesday strathspey draughts association agm & prizegiving 7pm at outdoor draughts board, the square, grantown-on-spey. all draughts players, being strathspey residents, welcome. free. 01479 873814 heavenly pieces - afternoon teas 2pm - 4pm, knockando church. visit www.moraykirk.co.uk
WEDNESDAY JUNE 19th 8 pm .........................Whisky Nosing And Tasting THURSDAY JUNE 20TH 10am ..................... The Three Rivers Walk, Forres 10am ........................ Navigation Skills, Cromdale 11am ...................Wellhill Culbin to Findhorn Bay 11pm ..................... Sunrise on top of Ben Rinnes FRIDAY JUNE 21st 8.45am .......................... Glenlivet to Glen Fiddich 10am ............................Hopeman to Lossiemouth 10am........................ Benromach Distillery, Forres 10.30am.............................Grantown to Cromdale 10.30am.............. Forres Woodlands for Disabled 11am............................................ Fochabers Trail 6.30pm .......................................Findhorn Gorges 7pm ....................... Safety in the Hills Talk, Forres SATURDAY JUNE 22nd 10.15am...........................................Keith Circular 10am............................Ballindalloch - Knockando 11.15am........................... Dufftown Story Walks 1 1.45pm ........................... Dufftown Story Walks 2 1.45pm .................. Aberlour to MacAllan Circular 2pm ................................Nature Walk at Spey Bay 4pm ..............................Dufftown Distilleries Walk 9pm .......... Ghost Train Walk, Grantown to Forres SUNDAY JUNE 23rd 9.45am............................... Viking Walk, Dufftown 11am................ WW II History Walk, Lossiemouth 11.00am..................... Walk & Train ride, Dufftown 2pm ................................Nature Walk at Spey Bay 1.45pm ...................................... Aberlour Circular 1.45pm ............................ Dufftown Story Walks 3 MONDAY JUNE 24th 10am.......................................... Glenfiddich Walk 10.30am.......................................... Forres Waters 11.45am.................. Auchindoun Castle, Dufftown For programme information and online booking go to: www.moraywalkingfestival.co.uk or Tel: 01343 557049 or email: ian.douglas@moray.gov.uk for brochure and booking form.
7 friday sigma (moray’s astronomy club): agm 7pm for a 7:30pm start. birnie village hall, near elgin. www.sigma-astro.co.uk
7 friday - 9 sunday rockness 2013 in its eighth year, the three-day long festival offers an eclectic selection of bands in a beautiful location on the banks of loch ness, near inverness, in scotland. visit www.rockness.co.uk
8 saturday cairngorm 100/50 cycle sportive 9:30am - 5pm. uk’s highest event on a public road (632m). £39. www.handsonevents.co.uk kinloss family fun day 10am - 4pm at the playing fields near kinloss swimming pool. craft stalls, kids fair ground rides, martial arts, dance, cheerleading demos, army & raf demonstration & much more.
9 sunday walk, jog, run moray summer 5k and 1.5k challenge aberlour. www.walkjogrunmoray.org.uk
10 monday masonry and the restoration of the mysteries - a talk by keith bailey 7pm, ramnee hotel, forres. ancient universal mysteries. for details call 01309 671700 or visit www.grandlodgeaum.org
14 friday - 16 sunday tmsa keith festival - numerous concerts, ceilidhs & competitions celebrating scottish traditional music. for details visit www.tmsakeithfestival.blogspot.co.uk
15 saturday the western front association: “first blitz: the 1918 german campaign to bomb london” 2:30pm. elgin library. 01343 870562. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net
15 saturday - 16 sunday bikefest @ kingussie races, stalls and activities. www.kingussie.co.uk/bikefest bike balmoral bike challenge. aboyne, balmoral. contact: bikebalmoral@aol.com the 21st annual bikeathon contact: ardvonie park, kingussie. www.kingussie.co.uk/bikefest cake walk with story ryvoan circuit (glenmore near aviemore). 10am at highland council, glenurquhart road. contact guy & jocelyn on 07724 992790 for details and a lift.
16 sunday glenrinnes big breakfast 10am - 12pm, glenrinnes community centre.
www.scottishtraditionalboatfestival.co.uk dava way ghost train walk 10pm. starting at the square, grantown-on-spey. more info and costs at davaway.org.uk & www.moraywalkingfestival.co.uk
18 tuesday
23 sunday
‘blooming great tea party’ on cairngorm mountain 2:30pm - 4pm join in the fun, bring along a friend & enjoy delicious tea and cakes in a glorious setting and help support marie curie! for details & to book in advance email cairngormmountain.org.uk or phone 01479 861300.
the glen moray great bike ride elgin. three distance options: 10 miles, 25 miles & 75 miles. contact moray council: 01343 563891. curtis stigers @ ironworks 7:30pm. seated. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
19 wednesday
27 thursday
'david' - a musical by roger jones 7pm in aberlour parish church. presented by aberlour church choir & friends. admission by donation. all welcome.
19 wednesday - 24 monday moray walking festival 2013 exciting walks and other activities. see advert in magazine for details or visit www.moraywalkingfestival.co.uk
20 thursday grantown museum & heritage trust strawberry tea 2pm - 4pm and 6pm - 8pm, in the grounds of the museum, grantown-on-spey. enjoy live music from grantown schools. after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, culbin forest. a beginner-level event ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the big 6-day festival at the end of july. visit www.moravianorienteering.org please note the performance of ‘treasure island’ at cawdor castle is on july 20th not june 20th as previously advertised.
21 friday
26 wednesday
headway highland social night 7pm - 9pm at inshes church. if you have suffered a brain inury or are a carer or family member come along for a chat. for more details contact 07767 416006 after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, roseisle forest. a repeat of last week's beginner-level event ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the big 6-day festival at the end of july. for details visit www.moravianorienteering.org
MORAY GOLF CLUB w w w. mo ra y go lf. co . u k
Country Membership and Full Package of Benefits
after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, roseisle forest. a repeat of last beginner-level event. ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the big 6day festival at the end of july. for details visit www.moravianorienteering.org
£ 231.50
22 saturday orienteering in forres 10:15am. the latest in moravian orienteering club's popular saturday series incorporating the moray schools league competition. visit www.moravianorienteering.org
22 saturday - 23 sunday scottish traditional boat festival 10am. portsoy, banffshire. 01261 842 951. admin@spotlighton.co.uk
Contact us on: 01343 812018 or email: secretary@moraygolf.co.uk tel: 01309 690063
June 2013 - page 15
28 friday
JULY in brief
mosstodloch quiz night 7pm quiz starts at 7.30pm, speymouth hall, mosstodloch. teams of up to 4 at £2 per member. tea & biscuits served at half time free of charge! cash prize & normal - donations welcome. call steve fowler 01343 820046 for details. after-school orienteering taster 4pm - 6:30pm, culbin forest. a repeat of last week's beginner-level event ideal for anyone thinking of taking part in the big 6day festival at the end of july. for details visit www.moravianorienteering.org luke from channel 4’s ‘undateables’ @ ironworks 8pm. 16+ 0871 7894173. www.iroworksvenue.com
2 tuesday
29 saturday armed forces day event starting from the eastgate centre parading through the city centre to the northern meeting park. there will be a drumhead service followed by an afternoon of entertainment. www.armedforcesday.org.uk piping hot forres - european pipe band championships grant park, forres. www.pipinghotforres.com
29 saturday - 30 sunday scotland's gardens - cuddy's well, clephanton 12:30pm-8:30pm.
HUGE RANGE OF REMNANT STOCK Quote: (‘SpotLight Offer’)
Blinds *Off specially selected blinds.
macs moray area cancer support 2pm-4pm. moray coast medical practise, lossiemouth. 07516 219151
5 friday sigma (moray’s astronomy club): “solar outdoor astronomical kitchen event” 7pm for a 7:30pm start. www.sigma-astro.co.uk
5 friday -
7 sunday
burgie international horse trials 9am - 5pm. burgie house, by forres. 01343 850128 www.burgie.org
6 saturday corrieyairack challenge run/cycle 11am. scotland's toughest mountain duathlon followed by the kincraig ceilidh.
7 sunday - 12 friday kingussie golf festival kingussie golf course. men’s, ladies, juniors and teams. prize giving on the friday night. www.kingussie-golf.co.uk
13 saturday the western front association: “fishermen against the kaiser” by douglas d’enno 2:30pm. elgin library. 01343 870562. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net
20 saturday
FREE advice
FREE expert fitting
tomintoul highland games 11am - 5.30pm. in the public park. highland dancing, piping, hill race, pibroch competitions & heavy events. tomintoulhighlandgames@hotmail.co.uk open air performance of ‘treasure island’ 6pm, cawdor castle. a swashbuckling family musical. adults £15 / cons £10 / family £45. to book call 01667 404401or email info@cawdorcastle.com
27 saturday W! IC RANGES OUT NO BRAND NEW FABR /08 450$,*/( t /08 450$,*/( t /08 450$,*/(
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Showroom Unit 1, Tyock, Elgin.
dufftown highland games 11am. for the family. spectacular massed bands, afternoon teas, and a beer tent. 01340 820342. picnic with the picts 12pm - 4:30pm on the headland at burghead. an historical re-enactment event in the pictish fort. felt making, pottery, spinning, face painting, grinding barley and much more for adults & children. entry is free, with a small charge for some of the activities.
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Keith Golf Club Keith Golf Club is a family orientated parkland course on the outskirts of the town, with challenging greens and views of the surrounding countryside. The recently renovated lounge provides a bright airy room for a relaxing drink or meal after your round. We welcome Golfing Outings and can tailor packages to your needs, including full catering. Details of our Opens and Club House events on our website:
Full Adult Membership only £270 (Discount for 1st Year subscription)
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www.keithgolfclub.co.uk We look forward to welcoming you at our course and Club house.
01542 882469 secretary@keithgolfclub.co.uk
“Following on from our Spring Burgie success where we received praise galore from the competitors we are hoping that the Event scheduled for the 15th and 16th June will be an even greater success. Saturday 15th heralds showing and unaffiliated classes. Sunday gives way to the highest level Eventers tackling Dressage, show jumping and Cross Country - where a few new jumps will prove challenging. To keep the children entertained there will be kiddie quads, water walking and loads more!! In an exciting addition to the entertainment we welcome the support of the Army with 39 Royal Engineer Regiment attending with a stand for all ages. Also we will have a dog agility display amongst other things!!! If you are in need of upgrading your horse riding equipment there will be plenty of trade stands. Entry is £10 per car.” Leisure
FUN ON THE RUN Orienteering is no ordinary run. And this is no ordinary event. The Scottish 6 Days Orienteering Festival has been happening every two years in Scotland since it was first staged (in Moray) in 1977. Since then it has grown to become one of Scotland’s biggest mass-participation sporting events. Returning to this area after a 10-year absence, with an iconic whisky still as its logo, Moray 2013 is set to bring a £2 million boost to our economy. Up to 4,000 runners, joggers and walkers will descend on us from all over the world, attracted by the fabulous Moray terrain and the unique Scottish flavour of what’s on offer outside the competition. Brodie Castle hosts the Event Centre and official camp site while nearby Dyke Village Hall will host a busy programme of entertainments all week long. But this is no elitist competition. The beauty of orienteering is that it
provides something for everyone – and you don’t have to be competitive either. Just as Moray is laying down the welcome mat to everyone associated with the event, the organisers want to welcome locals to be part of the biggest sporting occasion that Moray will ever have staged. This is a sport where a 9-year old can share the same start line as an international athlete. One might be heading 15 Km in one direction while the other has just 2Km to go along the forest trails. It’s not uncommon for 4 generations from the same family to take part together. There were more than 200 people aged 70 or over, and 500 under 18s amongst the 3,000 people who had entered by mid May! You don’t even have to run. Orienteering is all about finding your way round a course with a special map as quickly as you can. The hares certainly don’t always win! There are 36 different courses plus special ‘follow the string’ routes where even
toddlers can take their first steps at orienteering with a special picture map, discovering an array of woodland characters on their way! There will even be a disability-friendly “Trail O” at Culbin on the Wednesday rest day and some Mountain Bike Orienteering in Monaughty! If you’ve never tried orienteering, this is the time to do it. But please make life easy by entering by 30th June if you possibly can. Entries on the day are possible, but big queues are expected so patience will be needed if you turn up on the day! If you're unsure what course to enter, why not go to one of the many smaller events being held in Moray and Nairnshire during June and see how you get on? You can find details on www.moravianorienteering.org Getting lost has never been so much fun.
Experience one of Scotland’s best-kept sporting secrets and discover the parts of Nairnshire and Moray that normal visitors don’t reach! The Scottish 6 days is a summer festival of adventure running where the fastest runners SOMETIMES win. Whoever makes fewest mistakes is king! Join 3,500 competitors from all over the world to find out if you’re magic or tragic with a map in your hand. Run, jog or walk against the clock to see how quickly you can complete your course in six fantastic locations in the local countryside. From toddlers on the ‘follow the string through the woods’ course, to some of the world’s best adventure runners toughing it out at the top, there’s something for everyone who enjoys the great outdoors. www.scottish6days.com/2013
28th July - 3rd August 2013 Photo: Chris Spencer Leisure
Dreaming of... Popular for some years now, particularly for those whose time is very limited, a City Break is an excellent way of getting away for a few days and nights, and seeing some interesting and different culture. One of the most common Cities from this part of the world has been Paris because, as with Amsterdam it is accessible in one flight from Aberdeen, but there are many European cities which now see large numbers of short-term visitors from Scotland. The advantage of a City break is that you can come and go on any days of the week that you select, normally using scheduled aircraft to spend 3 or 4 nights in a city, with a complete selection of differing hotels. Imagine flying to Nice or Cannes for 3 or 4 nights, staying in a smart city hotel full of character for Bed and Breakfast because there are so many restaurants that you would want to try for lunch and dinner in the evening. Because time is limited you don't wait hours for transfer coaches, but are transported to your hotel by taxi or car. Cities like Nice are excellent for walking about, seeing the marinas and the waterfront. Though no direct flights exist from Scotland, Vienna is another popular destination, with all its imperial splendour, Art Nouveau, waltzes and coffee houses. A grand ring of 19th century palaces surrounds the mediaeval city, with its narrow streets, hospitable inns, cafes and shops. Customers have recently joined a break to Vienna with a trip to Budapest, using the train to travel from one to the other. Both cities boast much of the 19th century grandeur of the Hapsburg Empire. It's Bela Bartok and Liszt Museums in Budapest as it is the Strauss family in Vienna. There are many suitable Italian cities to visit for a short time, and Florence is one of the finest settings of them all. On the banks of the River Arno, Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance and the city of Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Giotto, Dante and their patrons the Medici family. When you are there a visit to the Uffizi Gallery (recently acclaimed to be the best Art Gallery in the world) and Museum is a must! It is there that you will find The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. There are direct flights now from Edinburgh to Athens, Bergen, Brussels, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Frankfurt, Krakow, Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Naples, Oslo, Paris Prague, Reykjavik, Rome, Salzburg, St Petersburg, Stockholm, Tampere and Toulouse to mention but a few.
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Friday 5-7pm Drive Time including What’s On In The Park 6:45-7pm 7-9pm Total Eighties
Tuesday 6:45-7pm What’s On In The Park 7-8pm Shirley’s Choice 8-9pm Aimee After Eight
Wednesday 6-8pm Emma MacDonald including Monday What’s On In The Park 6:45-7pm 5-7pm Drive Time including What’s 8-9pm Folk ’n’ That On In The Park 6:45-7pm Thursday 7-9pm Peat’s Beat 5-7pm Ceilidh in the Park (bilingual) 9-10pm John’s World including What’s On In The Park 6:45-7pm www.speysound.com 7-9pm Classics For Pleasure to listen live 9-10pm Speysound Scottish
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Saturday 8-10am Malky & Jason in the Morning 8-10pm Phil Stedman Sunday 8-10am Grant Gallagher Breakfast Show 6:45-7pm What’s On In The Park 7-9pm Sunday Rock
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Pictures for illustration purposes only