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Index of Advertisers 1 Renewables Ltd..............................................................15
Roof Wizard ........................................................................9
Alan @ Alvie ......................................................................11
Scottish Slimmers ............................................................14
Allan Studio Kitchens & Bathrooms................Outside Back
Speyside Centre ................................................Front Cover
Badenoch & Strathspey Community Transport ....Inside Front
Speysound Radio Limited ..................................................9
Beaver Travel ............................................................16 & 17
Stuarts Cycles ....................................................Inside Front
Cawdor Castle Ltd ....................................Front Cover & 13
The 1629 Restaurant ..........................................................5
Choices For Children..........................................12, 20 & 21
Wheelchair Care................................................................20
Christie’s Heating and Plumbing ........................................5
William Wilson ....................................................Inside Back
Dunlops Autoshop ............................................................19
Words By The Wayside ......................................................7
Ferrari Horsefeeds ..............................................................5 Fusion Interiors..................................................................15 Gordon Castle ..................................................................14 GreenThumb (Inverness) ..................................Front Cover Hawco & Sons Ltd - Elgin ........................................18 & 19 Highland Green..................................................Inside Front Horizon Blinds ....................................................................3 Inverness Airpark ..............................................................17 Knockando Woolmill ........................................................14 Legal Willwriters of Moray..................................Inside Front Let it Grow ..........................................................................9 Lindsay Burns & Co. ........................................................17 Logie Steading ....................................................................3
This space could have been promoting your business! SpotLight covers six area across the Moray Firth Coastline from Buckie and Keith across to Inverness and then down to Aviemore - and all the places in between!
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© Karen Barclay
CLUBS & SOCIETIES STEP BY STEP IN MORAY Toddler group for isolated and vulnerable families. Thursdays 10:30am-12:15pm. Meets at Craigellachie Church Hall. Tel: Margaret 07583 835681.
related subjects delivered by experts from across the UK. New members always welcome. For more details, contact Sarah Fennings-Mills on 01343 831002 or www.nadfas.org.uk
AVIEMORE BOWLING CLUB Outdoor lawn season. Club night 6:45pm. Every Monday and Wednesday. Members £2. Visitors £3. We are also holding free trial sessions for anyone wishing to try the sport. Contact Norrie at 07974 033036 or norriemacleodabc@gmail.com to arrange a session and for further information.
FORUM FOR MEN Social group for gay, bi and T-men. Meets at Macnabs Bar, 8pm. Look for the red post box! Text/call: 07745 930383 for details. Email: morgan@tramstop.org
AVIEMORE BOWLING CLUB Bingo night. Eyes down 7:30pm. Every Thursday. Entry 30p. £3 for 6 books. £1 for the flyer. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DECORATIVE AND FINE ARTS SOCIETIES (MORAY, BANFF AND BADENOCH BRANCH) Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11am in the Sherwood Suite at the Eight Acres Hotel, Elgin. Monthly lectures on a variety of arts
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page 4 - May 2013
STRATH SUNSHINE CLUB Meets every other Monday at 2pm in the St John’s Church Hall, Rothiemurchus. A social club for the over 50s living in the Strath. Call Angela on 01479 810940 or email kilvingtona@ btinternet.com THE ROTARY CLUB OF ABERLOUR AND SPEYSIDE Meets on Tuesday evenings at 7pm in The Craigellachie Hotel, Craigellachie, AB38 9SR
LGBT 5K RUNNING GROUP Meets every Wednesday at Inverness Leisure at 6.30pm. Email: jampa40@yahoo.co.uk or text/call 07941 553620 for details.
ABERLOUR PARISH WOMEN’S GUILD Meetings are held monthly, on Thursday evenings at 7.15pm, Aberlour Parish Church. Call Nan Thomson on 01340 871325
CARRON CREATES CRAFT GROUP General interest group. Mondays 2pm-4pm. £2 per session. Guest instructors. Meets at Carron Village Hall. Contact Jenny: 01340 810506.
ALVIE STABLES Small friendly stables offering all abilities the chance to ride. Novice - experienced riders. Mini treks for 20 mins or 1 hour trails. Children's riding lessons are also available. For more info call 07831 495397 or email info@alvie-estate.co.uk
KNOCKANDO CRAFT GROUP General interest group. Tuesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm. £2 per session. Meets at Margach Hall, Knockando. Contact Lucy: 01340 810229. DIABETES UK MORAY A support group for people with diabetes and those who care for them. We are active in raising awareness of diabetes, its risks and symptoms and in raising funds for local support and for research. For details of meetings, phone 01343 860671, visit www.diabetesukmoray.org.uk or write to Diabetes UK Moray, Arden House, Longmorn, Elgin IV30 8RJ. ABERLOUR ANGLING CLUB Visitors welcome. Day & weekly tickets at reasonable prices. For booking enquiries calll 01340 871428 or email hamish@munro-of-speyside.com ROTHIEMURCHUS AND AVIEMORE TENNIS CLUB Situated at Inverdruie, on the outskirts of Aviemore. Court Hire: 10am to 5pm. Call 01479 812345 for info or to book a court.
AVIEMORE JUNIOR YOUTH CLUB Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:30pm. Call Vicki Gosling on 01479 810 071 for more information. BADENOCH GARDENING CLUB Meet on the 3rd or 4th Wed each month in Newtonmore Village Hall (Lesser Hall) starting at 7.30 pm. Annual membership £10.00. Meetings free for members. £2.50 for visitors, who are most welcome. BIRD WATCHING AND WILDLIFE CLUB All special events, suggested itineraries & programmes are subject to availability and liable to change without notice. BWWC Ltd, 25 The Square, Grantown-on-Spey, PH26 3HF. Call 0800 043 8585 or email: booking@ bwwc.co.uk
welcome. It would be helpful if visitors could contact Ian on 01479 821075 to let us know. CAIRNGORM RUNNERS Monday and Wednesday club nights we meet at, The Fun House rear car park (next to Hilton Coylumbridge Hotel on the Ski Road) Email enquiries@ cairngormrunners.org or visit www.cairngormrunners.org CARRBRIDGE OUTDOOR CURLING CLUB Contact: Patrick Blease on 01479 841359 DUFFTOWN BOWLING CLUB Meets Monday & Thursday Evenings at the Memorial Hall. Call Mr D Henderson on 01340 820948 for more details. ARENA96 BUSINESS NETWORK GROUP Meets on the last Thursday of every month. The next meeting is on 25 April at 7pm-9pm. Friendly networking group for business people along the A96 corridor. No ongoing commitment or membership fees. £15 includes a meal & opportunity to meet other business owners and customers. Book at www.arena96.com AVIEMORE & DISTRICT YOUNG CURLERS Call Mr I. Hay on 01479 870431. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for inclusion in June’s Clubs & Societies page is Friday 3rd May, 4pm. All clubs & societies are on a rotational basis.
If you would like details of your club or society included in this section, please let us know. All club listings are free. Not all clubs will be listed in every issue.
CAIRNGORM BRIDGE CLUB Meets most Tuesday evenings, arrive by 6:45pm for a prompt start, at St John's Church Hall, Rothiemurchus (opposite tennis courts, on the ski road). All
tel: 01309 690063
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Editorial (including Clubs & Societies and What’s On): Friday 3rd May, 4pm Advertising: Wednesday 8th May
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We hope you like the front cover image this month. It is a painting taken from an exhibition of fostered children’s artwork. The competition rules asked the children to draw something close to their hearts and this was one of the category winners. It probably reinforces our own awareness of the importance of home and family.
The Editor
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ay © Karen Barcl
PASTORAL LETTER & CHURCH MEETINGS Has your church been visited by the Mystery Worshipper? A visit to the intriguingly named Ship of Fools Website will bring you to the mystery worshipper. Week after week, these ‘worshippers’ pay unannounced visits to churches, both in this country and abroad. They ‘rate’ their experiences, including the sermon, the singing and coffee. There are a lot of encouraging comments but also some pretty challenging ones. Some might argue that treating a church service rather like rating a hotel or B&B may not be quite the order of the day. Of course, church communities are there to focus their life upon following Jesus Christ. It’s simply a consumer exercise. However, it’s not a bad thing to consider how we do come across to others, not only corporately but also as individuals. After all, I know I’m modest, reasonable, even-tempered, never given to loosing my cool. That’s my view and I’m sticking to it! Talk to my wife or my family... well, please don’t! Unfortunately, knowing ourselves as we really are is often a less popular activity than creating an image. In recent years, the cultivation of image
has been a popular pursuit among some ‘important’ people. But is what is being cultivated an accurate picture? Do YOU know the ‘real’ you’? It can be a challenging journey of discovery. For Christians, discovering ourselves with all our strengths and weaknesses is an important element in being a disciple. After all, the Psalmist wrote of God, “You know everything I do; from far away You understand my thoughts. You see me whether I am working or resting. You know all my actions” (Psalm 139:2-3). This truth isn’t shared to cow or bully us. In the past, fear has been a popular church tool. In medieval society, threat of hell fire usually kept people on board! In Victorian times, where many churches were built by local employers, employees were often checked in and checked out on a Sunday. Thank God, those days have gone. In my understanding, Jesus didn’t seek pressed men or women, but folk who give their lives to him of their own free will. After all, none of us could ever earn God’s grace. We can’t buy our way into heaven. It’s God’s astonishing act of generousity.
Abernethy Parish Church Nethy Bridge. Sundays 9.30am: family morning service. Followed by refreshments. Traditional service at 12 noon. Tel: 01479 821280. Aberlour Parish Church The Square, Aberlour. Sunday 11.15am. Alvie & Insh Church of Scotland Our churches can be found beside Loch Insh for morning worship at 09.30am & Loch Alvie where we meet at 7.00pm. If bad weather is forecast, changes might be made to these venues. Please call 01540 661918 for confirmation of where we will meet. Badenoch Free Church Ruthven Road, Kingussie. Sundays 11am and evening service 6pm. Boat of Garten Parish Church, St Columba's Boat of Garten. Sunday morning service 10am. Evening worship at Kincardine Church, 6pm the second Sunday of most months: please check the weekly press. Contact: 01479 831252. Craigellachie Church Victoria Street, Craigellachie. Sundays 9.45am. page 6 - May 2013
God has made us what we are. He has created us for good. He wants us to succeed. He offers new beginnings. Over and over again, He has confounded sceptics with amazing changes of life direction. Our Christian communities need to be places where broken lives can be put back together again. They need to be places where you can be vunerable where no one will take advantage. Yes, rebuilding does involve reality and it does mean learning to see ourselves as God does. Maybe it’s not a visit of the Mystery Worshipper to our church that matters, but God’s loving hand upon our individual lives.
Richard Gillings, St Columba Church, Grantown-on-Spey
Cromdale and Alvie Church, Church of Scotland Services 9:15am. Contact Diane Brazier: 01479 872547. Dulnain Bridge, Church of Scotland Sunday services 12noon. Duthil Parish Church Carrbridge. Sunday morning service at 11.30am. Tel: 01479 831252. Grantown Baptist Church High Street, Grantown-on-Spey. Sundays 11am and evening service at 6pm. All welcome. Contact Rev. Rick Moeller: 01479 873125. Inverallan Parish Church Church of Scotland. Grantown-onSpey. Sundays 10.30am with crèche. All welcome. Contact Rev. Morris Smith: 01479 872084. Inveravon Church of Scotland Sunday morning service 9.30am. All welcome. This is listed alphabetically from A to I and will be regularly rotated. If you are a member of a church not listed here and would like to be considered for inclusion or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please let us know before Friday 3rd May, 4pm.
tel: 01309 690063
WHY DID JESUS DIE? This question is of vital importance because your eternal destiny depends upon your answer to it. Do you know why Jesus died? If not, I believe God has sent me across your path to tell you. Sin Brings Death In God’s Word, the Bible, we learn that death came into the world because of sin. “Wherefore … by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). You and I die because we are sinners; we have forfeited our right to live on the earth. “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).
Jesus Died For Us Did Jesus die because He had sinned? No. Listen to the inspired Word of God: “In Him is no sin” (1 John 3:5); “Who did no sin” (1 Peter 2:22); “Who knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21). Therefore, death had no claim upon Him. But, blessed be His Name, He “gave Himself for our sins” (Galatians 1:4). It was love to you and me that caused the Lord Jesus Christ to come down from heaven and die on Calvary’s cross. It was love to us that held Him on that shameful cross until He had finished the work of atonement to the glory of God. A holy, righteous, just God cannot let sin go unpunished. On the cross the Lord Jesus bore God’s judgment against sin in our stead, as our substitute; and now God is offering not only forgiveness, but also justification to the repentant sinner who believes in Jesus. He is “just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus” (Romans 3:26). God showed His approval of that mighty work by raising the Lord Jesus from among the dead and seating Him at His own right hand in heaven (Mark 16:19).
Jesus Is The Way There is no other way you can be saved but through the atoning death of the Lord Jesus. He says : “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Why did Jesus die? Have you ever realized that it was your sins that caused Him to die upon the cross, or ever felt your need of Him as your personal Saviour? As you read this little message, He looks down from heaven upon you, and He reads the thoughts and intents of your heart. He knows your attitude toward your sins, as well as your attitude toward the One who wants to be your Saviour. If you don’t know the forgiveness of sins, there is only one person in the world to blame and that is yourself. God is ready to forgive you, if only you are ready to turn from your sins and be forgiven.
Turn To Him Today God knows all about you. I urge you not to lay aside this opportunity until you have settled this great question of your sin and eternity and have received the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Once you see the seriousness of your sinful condition before God, you will never get rest of conscience and heart until you have trusted the Saviour of sinners. He made “peace through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20). We are “reconciled to God by the death of His Son” (Romans 5:10). If you do not trust Him now as your Saviour, you will meet Him in eternity as your Judge. For God “hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). Won’t you flee to Him now for refuge while it is the day of salvation? He will be your shelter. “We pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). “Dost thou believe on the Son of God?”( John 9:35) Have faith and doubt not.
“F “For or G God od so lo loved ved the w world, orld, tha thatt he ga gave ve his only begotten begotten Son, Son, that that whosoev whosoever er believ believeth eth in him should not perish, perish, but ha have ve ev everlasting erlasting lif life’’ e’’
John h 3:16 3 16
Published by www.WordsbytheWayside.co.uk Registered Scottish Charity SCO41290
© Cé dric Kunt z
ExTrACTS FroM ThE MinuTES oF ThE MEETing oF 19Th FEBruAry 2013 oF grAnTown-on-SpEy & ViCiniTy CoMMuniTy CounCil
3. MATTERS ARISING 3A) STrATHSPeY rAIlWAY B Dunlop said that MacKellars Sub Sea Ltd is making alterations to the bridge for the river Dulnain and that work had been delayed due to the weather. However it was hoped that the Army would position the bridge next month. He gave an update on the HML 150 Celebrations planned for 3rd August. Due to a clash with the Newtonmore Games, the horse and carriage and the Pipe Band were not available, and he was having difficulty locating others. The school junior pipe band and some individuals were suggested. He had contacted HC TEC officials and Police and Fire, and there were some conditions but no objections to the planned parade. He was due to meet planning and TEC officers to explore possibility of displaying the small tank loco which used to haul whisky from Balmenach Distillery to Cromdale station as a feature at the West Triangle. He asked for Community Councillors to assist with the arrangements, banners, bunting and a budget.
public and members of the public can suggest items for the agenda. OTHer ISSUeS: PA System – E Sutton had received a quote for supply of 5 new microphones and stands and a cable along with adaptation of existing Amplifier Cabinet from Aird Audio for the sum of £750. It was suggested that some of the speakers could be re-sited at the same time as the bunting was put up for the Railway Anniversary. C Sinclair suggested that the proposals be run past Eric Pirie to see if he has any additional ideas. E Sutton to approach Mr Pirie. Cllr Douglas wondered if it might be a good idea to publicise the upgrading of the PA system to raise the profile both of the new system and the Community Council. Service Point Hours – On going. Roads and Crossings – Cllr Douglas reported that the timer for the road crossing at the traffic lights outside Grantown Newspaper is to be checked.
B) FlOWer BASkeTS On going.
Refreshing the markings on the disabled parking bays is on the list of repairs to be carried out.
C) GrAnT HOUSe renOVATIOn Cllr Douglas said that the builders were at the snagging stage and there was a problem with the lifts outstanding.
The situation re. gritting the road outside the Primary School is being monitored.
pavement outside the Bike Shop next to the Co-op was becoming quite congested with tables and chairs and a bike stand on the roadway. He also mentioned that the sandwich board advertising the Sylhet Chip Shop had not reappeared on the grass or pavement at the crossroads. Hogmanay Nothing to report. Motormania Nothing to report.
8. HIGHLAND COUNCIL Cllr Douglas told the meeting that Louise Cark was retiring and that the new Ward Manager would cover Badenoch, Strathspey and Nairn, the post is 0.6 time with enhanced business admin support. The Ward Discretionary Budget will be cut by at least 3% this year.
9. ANAGACH WOODS Nothing to report.
12. AOCB The Community Council discussed the unfounded rumours circulating that the Grantown on Spey Visitor Information Centre may close. E Sutton enquired about the Town Signs, Cllr Douglas is to contact Pete from CNPA to check on progress.
Elgin Bus – On Going. D) IAn CHArleS HOSPITAl J Beveridge attended the meeting of the Hospital Development Group, where the single service for Badenoch and Strathspey was discussed. The new facility will incorporate all NHS services including Home Helps, Physiotherapy, District Nursing etc and will need to be located on major transport links. Cllr Douglas reported that the old Community Health Partnerships were being replaced with District Partnerships and that Badenoch and Strathspey had been partnered with Nairn and Ardersier. The partnerships are made up of Councillors, NHS staff and Board members. Their meetings are held in
page 8 - May 2013
Dog Fouling – On Going. Cycle Maps – On Going.
6. REPORTS FROM SUB-COMMITTEES Festive Lights C Sinclair reminded the meeting that the Festive Lights Buffet Dance is to be held on Saturday 23rd February 2013 in the Royal British Legion, Grantown at 7pm. Planning No new applications notified since the January meeting. B Dunlop indicated that he felt that the
tel: 01309 690063
N Miles asked whether the allotment plans were still going ahead, Cllr Douglas replied that the scheme was stalled currently until the Management Agreement for Grant Park Lochan had been signed but that there had also been discussions about alternate sites. N Miles raised the issue of the lay-by on the A95, opposite Zippy Embroidery being used by HGV drivers as a park up and littering and fouling the site. She asked whether a litterbin could be put in the layby and whether there were any facilities provided at the industrial estates. Cllr Douglas is to find out if there is a night toilet and whether any facilities exist at the lorry park.
© Brian J Sm
PARLIAMENT BLOG & TIDE TIMES Returning home to Aviemore following the Budget, I was looking forward to getting away from the cut and thrust of parliamentary business and questions. Little did I know I had a different, and in some ways even more challenging audience awaiting me in Aviemore! Being quizzed by Aviemore Primary pupils was certainly more fun than the House of Commons or the TV studios but no less difficult. Questions such as ‘Can we move Big Ben to the Highlands?’ and ‘If you are my MP, who is your MP?’ made for a busy and entertaining chat. But it was also hugely informative for me. Primary two pupils at the school re-enacted their category winning performance from the Badenoch and Strathspey Music Festival. It was a superb underwater themed musical presentation and one young man received his winning certificate for his awareness raising artwork for the Earth Hour Poster Competition. I was also given a tour of the new high-tech specifications of the school. Pupils told me they particularly enjoyed the interactive technology, such as the electronic whiteboard and the communal laptops. Congratulations to everyone involved and thank you to the teachers and pupils for a thrilling afternoon. Hopefully I will get to visit many more of our schools, organisations and businesses this spring and summer as I extend my regular surgeries to include additional events for constituents in the smaller communities of Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey. Danny Alexander MP
The Convention of the Highlands and Islands is a meeting between the Scottish Government and Highlands and Islands councils, health, enterprise, environment and skills leaders. Writing this from Lerwick, where the Convention has just met, we have just had a day of discussions on health, community planning, youth employment and energy. We have also had a beautifully sunny day and, reputedly at least, the weather here was the best in Scotland! The aim of the Convention is to make sure that the Highlands and the Islands are not neglected, in the grand scheme of things, by Ministers in Edinburgh or, for that matter, London. And it is a means of ensuring that Ministers can discuss with Council leaders matters of concern and importance. In addition to attending the Convention and during the three day visit, I met the local Port Authority in Lerwick, who are very busy and looking to be able to carry out the work needed to decommission oil rigs. In addition, I visited Sullom Voe and also met with local campaigners on a variety of issues. We have, in my party, always supported the idea that the Islands should enjoy the power to control their own future - and that we should work with them in partnership. The only way to do that is to have regular meetings - which we do every six months. There is no shortcut or substitute in politics and in government in spending the necessary time to listen and learn - it is time well spent.
Fergus Ewing MSP
Tuesday 6:45-7pm What’s On In The Park 7-8pm Shirley’s Choice 8-9pm Aimee After Eight
Wednesday 6-8pm Emma MacDonald including Monday What’s On In The Park 6:45-7pm 5-7pm Drive Time including What’s 8-9pm Folk ’n’ That On In The Park 6:45-7pm Thursday 7-9pm Peat’s Beat 5-7pm Ceilidh in the Park (bilingual) 9-10pm John’s World including What’s On In The Park 6:45-7pm www.speysound.com 7-9pm Classics For Pleasure to listen live 9-10pm Speysound Scottish
Friday 5-7pm Drive Time including What’s On In The Park 6:45-7pm 7-9pm Total Eighties Saturday 8-10am Malky & Jason in the Morning 8-10pm Phil Stedman Sunday 8-10am Grant Gallagher Breakfast Show 6:45-7pm What’s On In The Park 7-9pm Sunday Rock
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May 2013 - page 9
USEFUL INFORMATION Local & Bank Holidays and Special Days Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Father’s Day Summer Bank Holiday British Summertime Ends Halloween Guy Fawkes Day St Andrew’s Day St Andrew’s Day (observed) Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve
Mon 6th May 2013 Mon 27th May 2013 Sun 16th Jun 2013 Mon 5th Aug 2013 Sun 27th Oct 2013 Thurs 31st Oct 2013 Tues 5th Nov 2013 Sat 30th Nov 2014 Mon 2nd Dec 2013 Wed 25th Dec 2013 Thurs 26th Dec 2013 Tues 31st Dec 2013
2014 New Year’s Day Scottish Bank Holiday Chinese New Year Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day Good Friday Easter Sunday Early May Bank Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Summer Bank Holiday Halloween
Wed 1st Jan 2014 Thurs 2nd Jan 2014 Fri 31st Jan 2014 Fri 14th Feb 2014 Sun 30th Mar 2014 Fri 18th Apr 2014 Sun 20th Apr 2014 Mon 5th May 2014 Mon 26th May 2014 Mon 4th Aug 2014 Fri 31st Oct 2014
School Term Dates MORAY COUNCIL SCHOOLS for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) May Day Holiday In-Service Day In-Service Day In-Service Day Speyside High & Feeders Summer Term Ends for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Autumn Holiday Starts Autumn Holiday Ends
Mon 6th May 2013 Thurs 16th May 2013 Fri 17th May 2013 Mon 20th May 2013 Mon 3rd Jun 2013 Fri 5th Jul 2013 Tues 20th Aug 2013 Fri 11th Oct 2013 Mon 14th Oct 2013 Fri 25th Oct 2013
for 2012/2013 (all dates inclusive) May Day Holiday Summer Term Ends for 2013/2014 (all dates inclusive) Regional Closure Autumn Term Starts Autumn Term Ends Regional Closure Winter Term Starts Winter Term Ends Spring Term Starts Holiday Closure
Mon 6th May 2013 Fri 28th Jun 2013 Mon 19th Aug 2013 Tues 20th Aug 2013 Fri 4th Oct 2013 Mon 21st Oct 2013 Tues 22nd Oct 2013 Fri 20th Dec 2013 Mon 6th Jan 2014 Mon 17th Feb 2014
Useful Contacts Aberlour library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871693 Aberlour Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01340 871201 Aviemore Citizens Advice Bureau. . . . . . . . 01479 810919 Aviemore library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813141 Aviemore local Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810222 Aviemore Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 811056 Aviemore registrar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 813146 Aviemore Social Work Services . . . . . . . . . 01479 810251 Aviemore Tourist Information . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810363 Badenoch library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661596 Badenoch learning & resource Centre . . . 01540 662420 Dufftown Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 820244 Dufftown library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01340 820272 Grantown library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 873175 national rail enquires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08457 484950 regional Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01463 715555
SCHOOLS Aberlour Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871255 Abernethy Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 821274 Alvie Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 651238 Aviemore Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 810343 Carrbridge Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 841249 Craigellachie Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 881271 Dalwhinnie Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01528 522228 Deshar Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 831226 Gergask Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01528 544272 Glenlivet Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 590216 page 10 - May 2013
Grantown Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 872525 Grantown Grammar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 872649 Inveravon Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 500217 kingussie Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661354 kingussie High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661475 knockando Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 810257 Mortlach Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 820268 newtonmore Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 673252 rothes Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 831269 Speyside High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871522 Tomintoul Primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01807 580271
DENTISTS Aviemore & kingussie Dental Practice. . . . 01479 810301 kingussie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01540 661280 nHS Highland Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . 01479 811019 Speyside Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01340 871738 Your Perfect Smile Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . 01479 812846 (Aviemore) Your Perfect Smile Dental Clinic . . . . . . . . 01479 872107 (Grantown) Other useful numbers including doctors, vets, schools, pharmacies, and village halls are rotated on a regular basis and will appear in subsequent issues. If you would like to add a contact or if there are any amendments to be made to existing details, please let us know before Friday 3rd May, 4pm.
tel: 01309 690063
What’s On &),-3 s 3(/73 s %6%.43 s #/.#%243 s %4# Please send Us details Of YOUr events deadline for the June issue: friday 3rd May, 4pm Website: www.spotlighton.co.uk email: michelle@spotlighton.co.uk telephone: 01309 690063 inclusion of events into the What’s On is free. We do not accept submissions for classes, courses or workshops.
alan@alvie COOKERY DEMONSTRATIONS Alan Frost is a resident of Aviemore & has worked in the Catering Industry for more than 40yrs. Trained at Gleneagles, The Golf View Hotel Nairn & Coylumbridge in Aviemore, he was also Head of Catering at Lews College in Stornoway. Now semi-retired Alan works part time at Inverness College & oversees the catering at Alvie House.
Please note: contact venues and organisers first as there may be changes to events.
APRIL 23 tuesday - 28 sunday the sleeping beauty on ice @ eden court various times. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
24 wednesday diabetes uk moray: public meeting on healthy eating 7pm. elgin town hall. www.diabetesukmoray.org.uk
26 friday moray society lecture: “the moray gigâ€? by mary byatt 8pm. elgin museum. ÂŁ3 or ÂŁ2 for society members. 01343 543675. curator@elginmuseum.org.uk
27 saturday
Available Sessions: Tues 30th Apr Breads & Teabreads – Rosemary & 10.30am Sea Salt Focaccia, Alan’s Picnic Loaf, Pear & Sultana Tea Bread, Caraway Bread Sticks. Tues 7th May Scones, Muffins, Buns & Biscuits – 7pm 10 minute Scones, Scotch Pancakes, Date & Apple Muffins, Chelsea Buns, Oaty Crisps. Tues 21st May Low Fat - Dishes Red Onion & 10.30am Beetroot Soup, Fuseli with Smoked Trout, Turkey or Chicken Tomato Hotpot, Blueberry & Orange Crepe Basket. Each demonstration will last approximately 2 hours.
mixed greensomes open competition abernethy golf club, nethy bridge. ÂŁ15 per cpl. see www.abernethygolfclub.com annual spring flower show and plant sale (highland rock garden club) opens 10.30am. nairn community centre. show exhibits available to view from 12noon. contact john owen: 01320 366246. albert lee @ ironworks 7pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com inverness music festival highlights concert @ eden court 7pm. www.invernessmusicfestival.org the paul mckenna band 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com
For more information or to book Call Alan on: 01540 651255 / 07711 529314 or e-mail: alanfrost11@rocketmail.com www.alvie-estate.com
MAY 1 wednesday bring me the horizon @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
2 thursday
bl’azz: “the r.s.j. quintetâ€? @ eden court 2:30pm-5pm. tickets ÂŁ8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234.
public service broadcasting @ ironworks 7:30pm. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. ÂŁ3. text/call: 07745 930383.
29 monday - 11 may
2 thursday - 6 monday
28 sunday
spey art group’s ‘spring into summer’ exhibition monday to saturday from 10am to 4pm. grantown museum, grantown-on-spey. admin@spotlighton.co.uk
spirit of speyside festival 9am. tastings, distillery visits, music etc. admin@spiritofspeyside.co.uk www.spiritofspeyside.com 07789 671635.
tel: 01309 690063
May 2013 - page 11
3 friday
11 saturday
sigma (moray’s astronomy club): “2020: the future of observational astronomy” 7pm for a 7:30pm start. birnie village hall, near elgin. www.sigma-astro.co.uk lee nelson @ ironworks 7pm. 16+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com royal scottish national orchestra concert @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
macmillan 5k mini mudder, grantown on spey £10 registration per person. contact 01479 870320 or 01479 872872. www.macmudders.co.uk the western front association: “ladies from hell? morale in the highland battalions 1914 -1918” 2:30pm. elgin library. chairman.wfasnb@virgin.net the culbin singers’ spring concert 7.30pm. st laurence church forres. music by jenkins & others. www.manachie.eclipse.co.uk/culbinsingers/culbinsingers.htm
4 saturday st fumac’s fair 11:30am. drummuir station & community woodland. fun, free family day out. for fares & times, visit www.keith-dufftown-railway.co.uk brew at the bog 12pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 18+. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com dandy trap presents “the death of tintagiles” (play) 7:15pm. craigellachie village hall. not suitable for children. £7. ensure a seat, phone rose: 07969 017977. dave pearce @ ironworks 10pm. standing. 18+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
12 sunday buckie classic car show 10:30am. linzee gordon park. 07831 263915. www.buckieclassiccarshow.org enquiries@buckieclassiccarshow.org bl’azz: “blue and sentimental” @ maclean room, eden court 2:30pm. tickets £8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234. loudon wainwright lll (music) @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
5 sunday
12 sunday - 17 friday
race the steam train 9.30am. racing along the speyside way as part of the osprey festival! contact: dalfaber industrial estate, aviemore. whisky auction held by craigellachie village council 2pm. craigellachie village hall. refreshments will also be for sale.
aviemore walking festival 10am. enjoy the best of british countryside. email: walking@f2s.com website: www.nbremner.f2s.com
7 tuesday macs moray area cancer support 2pm-4pm. moray coast medical practice, lossiemouth. call 07516 219151 for info. sounds familiar singing group for people with dementia & their carers 2:30pm-4pm. craigmonie hotel, inverness. for info and reservations, contact 01463 233231. wordpress meetups 7pm. forres. friendly networking group to support users & those interested in wordpress. booking essential at wpscotland.org lucy rose @ ironworks 7:30pm. standing. 14+. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
8 wednesday nadfas fine art lecture: ‘a family affair: florence & the house of medici’ by jo walton 11am. sherwood suite, eight acres hotel, elgin. visitors welcome. moray and nairn floral art club 7:30pm. ramnee hotel, forres. all welcome. for information, contact 01309 673431 or 673552. o duo 8pm. town house, inverness. www.invernesschambermusic.com
9 thursday - 11 saturday scottish ballet: highland fling @ eden court 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk
10 friday colin macleod @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. camille o’sullivan @ eden court 8pm. 01463 234234.
page 12 - May 2013
13 monday - 26 sunday foster care fortnight ‘fostering’ - get in the frame. information sessions & long service presentations in elgin libray. check out www.moray.gov.uk for details.
Foster Care Fortnight ‘ Fostering – get in the frame’
13 – 26 May 2013
Information sessions and long service presentations in Elgin Library. Check out the hyperlink “http://www.moray.gov.uk” in May for more details or see The Moray Council advert in this issue of SpotLight for contact details.
14 tuesday the pink castle philosophy club - your fun & friendly ‘thinking lgbt club’ 7.30pm. riverside lounge, glen mhor hotel. www.pinkcastle.eu
16 thursday heroic arias – reno and gail troillus + guests showstopperz and troillus ensemble @ eden court 7:30pm. 01463 234234. www.eden-court.co.uk souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. £3. text/call: 07745 930383.
18 saturday world whisky day 2013 various venues around speyside, dufftown. 01340 881616. the doors alive @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. inverness choral society spring concert @ eden court 7:30pm. orff carmina burana and beethoven mass in c.
tel: 01309 690063
18 saturday - 19 sunday badenoch walking festival a celebration of walking for all levels of ability in the beautiful mountains and glens of badenoch. www.kcdc.co.uk
19 sunday gordon castle highland games and country fair 11am-5pm. fochabers. all day fun for all the family. new concert corner, gordon setter parade & dog show, air display, traditional events, massed bands, sporting activities, highland dancing, solo piping, masses of shopping & lots of food and drink. more details at www.gordoncastle.co.uk/highland-games contact events@gordoncastle.co.uk or 07500 879687.
26 sunday
gordon castle
highland games & country fair
sunday lunch soup and sweet held by craigellachie village council 12pm-2pm. craigellachie village hall. bl’azz: “the kyle-keddie quintet'â€? @ eden court 2:30pm. tickets ÂŁ8 from eden court box office. 01463 234234.
29 wednesay Sunday 19th May 11am -5pm Fochabers DON’T MISS IT!
30 thursday souledout! ecstatic dance for mind, body, spirit 7:45pm. ÂŁ3. text/call: 07745 930383.
Full details and discounted tickets online www.gordoncastle.co.uk/highland-games
31 friday
sounds familiar singing group for people with dementia & their carers 2:30pm-4pm. craigmonie hotel, inverness. for info and reservations, contact 01463 233231.
22 wednesday rachel sermanni @ ironworks 7pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
24 friday red hot chilli pipers @ ironworks 7:30pm. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
25 saturday laggan 10k road race course from laggan village hall with spectacular scenery along the road to beautiful corrieyairack pass. contact: laggan village hall. open texas scramble (unisex/mixed) abernethy golf club. 01479 821305. www.abernethygolfclub.com team competition in aid of crossroads moray doors open at 7pm for 7:30pm. new elgin hall. ÂŁ1 entry. main prize: accomodation for four in aviemore. inverness abc boxing tournament @ ironworks 7pm. seated. 0871 7894173. www.ironworksvenue.com
:PVS OFBSFTU DMBTTFT 8M@<DFI<1 ?lY Pflk_ @e`kXk`m\# Dpikc\Ă&#x201D; \c[ N<; ,%*'gd >I8EKFNE FE JG<P1 @em\iXccXe :_liZ_# :_liZ_ 8m N<; .%*'gd
+PJO GPS b JXm\ Â&#x2122;0
tel: 01309 690063
I (*0+,- E(+0+,-
northern roots music festival 7:30pm. bogbain farm, inverness. 01463 772800. www.bogbainfarm.com
21 tuesday
page 14 - May 2013
diabetes uk moray & grampian nhs: diabetes question time 7pm-9pm. lesser town hall, forres. learn about diabetes from an expert panel of health professionals.
CALLING ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS! We are looking for photographs taken where SpotLight is distributed. If you are interested, please get in touch with us on admin@spotlighton.co.uk
advice, home visits, measures, quotes
call... 01463 229746 or visit at our showroom, open : monday to friday 9am - 5pm and saturday 10am - 3pm
full range of soft furnishings,fabrics and accessories. Interior Design by Jane Grant
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INVESTORS WANTED Use our website enquiry form at: www.1renewables/get-in-touch.php
JOIN OUR GROWING LIST OF INVESTORS IN SINGLE TURBINES 1 RENEWABLES LTD, a local wind-power company, seeks investors for renewables projects secured by the UK Government Feed-in Tariff. Our 1st portfolio is now almost fully funded by a combination of large and small investors, with 2nd and 3rd portfolios developing. Minimum amount 5k, no maximum amount. Excellent returns for 20 year FiT programme, or for shorter periods if preferred. Corporate and personal guarantees provided. CONTACT Ian on 07713 912473 ian@1renewables.com or alastair@1renewables.com
Š Karen Barclay
Dreaming of... New York New York! Daily direct flights with United Airlines from Glasgow and Edinburgh have made this a popular destination year round from Scotland. Arriving into New York via Newark or JFK, taxis are easily picked up and will whisk you into the centre of bustling Manhattan. The famous skyline appears before your eyes, you will easily pick out the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, both iconic sights in New York. Manhattan is extremely diverse from the leafy, quiet streets of Greenwich Village, and the affluent Upper East Side to the hustle and bustle of Times Square - which is like a huge movie set with all its lights and billboards. Surrounded by Broadway theatres, a show is another must see in this city. Of the many museums in New York my personal favourite was the American Natural History Museum, so much to see and free tours offered daily. For the best views in Manhattan head to the Rockefeller Centre, the top of the rock observation deck has absolutely breathtaking views; make sure you have your camera to hand! Spot the Brooklyn Bridge in the distance, linking Manhattan to Brooklyn, the bridge is easily accessed and is a popular walking route. For something different head to Battery Park (named after the old artillery battery therein) and take in a harbour cruise sailing on the East river and the Hudson to see the city from a different angle. For the more adventurous take a helicopter tour for a birdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eye view of the city. A trip to New York would not be complete without a stroll through Central Park, where you will have the opportunity to ice skate or visit the zoo! The city that never sleeps has something for everyone, full of easily identified sights, fabulous museums and fantastic shops, bars and restaurants!
Information kindly supplied by
2-6 South Street, Elgin 01343 548844 Â&#x2021; +LJK Street, FRUUHV
Antique & Fine Art Valuations Nick Burns will be undertaking free and confidential valuations of Antiques and Collectables the week commencing 27th May 2013 for possible inclusion in one of our forthcoming auctions. If you would like to make an appointment please contact the office.
Cracking Cr acking Fares Fares to to the the USA USA All Flights Flights are direct from from Edinburgh Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow LOS LOS ANGELES and SAN SAN DIEGO 3nts His Historic toric Ma Mayfair yfair Hot Hotel, el, LA - 7nts Handler Handleryy Hotel, Hotel, SD SD and Car Hire. 1 15 5 Apr to to 30 June .................. from from £1 £1,299 ,299 ORLANDO New New I-Driv I-Drive e Hotel 14nts, 14nts, Free Free shuttle to to Univer Universal, sal, Sea World, World, Wet Wet ‘n’ Wild &Disney W World orld (Epcot). 1 18 8 Aug to to 20 Sept......from Sept. ..... from £75 £755 5 NEW YORK YORK 3nts Fitzpatric Fitzpatrickk Hot Hotel el -20 Aug to to 20 Sept .......from ....... from £83 £839 9
A 19th century Chinese porcelain blue and white bottle vase, Daoguang seal mark painted with lotus and scrolling foliage within ruyi-head and formal borders, seal mark to base, 37cm high. Price realised £55,000
All holida holidays ys are per person person
ELGIN FFORRES ORRES 01343 548844 1343 5 48844 01309 0 1309 672203 0
Beaver Travel, Beaver Tra vel, Street, 78 High S treet, Forres and 2-6 South South Street, Street, Elgin and www.bea vtrav.com www.beavtrav.com Beaver TTravel ravel is also a ticket ticket agent for for Eden Court Cour t Theatre, Inverness - No No booking fee. fee.
Prices 1 Lowest GUARANTEED
Lindsay Burns & Company 6 King Street, Perth, PH2 8JA, Tel: 01738 633888 mail@lindsayburns.co.uk www.lindsayburns.co.uk
Inverness Airpark Lowest Cost Short Stay Parking One Minute from Inverness Dalcross Airport. Inverness Airpark provide low cost, short stay or long stay car parking parking at Inverness Dalcross Airport Airparks for pleasure or business passengers. Enjoy peace of mind that your vehicle is parked safe & secure until your return at the lowest prices available. Secure Airport Parking - Inverness Airpark offer a purpose built secure airport parking compound enclosed by security fencing and flood-lit at night. Vehicles are insured whilst in our airport car park. (See conditions of parking / insurance).
Car park with shuttle...why walk? Indoor parking available at a small premium.
Unit 1, Site 6, Dalcross Ind. Est. Inverness IV2 7XB. Tel: 01667 460400 or 01667 460040 info@invernessparkandfly.co.uk www.invernessparkandfly.co.uk
Volkswagen - a family tradition FOR sixty years the Hawco family has been synonymous with the motor trade in Moray and the Highlands – a respected name that continues today as one of Scotland’s largest Volkswagen franchises and an expanding used car business. From their main base at Inverness, Hawco Volkswagen has busy branches at Elgin and Peterhead with a strong presence in Fort William. At Elgin under the management of Ken Hammond the main dealership at Wards Road has recently added a large Volkswagen Approved Used Car Centre operating just a few hundred metres away on Edgar Road where some of the finest pre-owned cars in the area are now on display.
Another top choice is the latest Polo. Costing from just £10,490 it is available with 12 month’s free insurance for over 21-yearolds and a finance deal that includes a £1000 deposit contribution from Volkswagen and a three-year/30,000-mile servicing package for only £249.
The Golf Plus from Hawco Volkswagen comes with a £1500 discount.
To celebrate their 60th anniversary everyone who buys a new or used car from any Hawco Volkswagen branch this year will be automatically entered into a draw and could win a brand new Volkswagen Beetle. Hawco has represented the Volkswagen brand in Elgin since 1953. Today the wider Hawco Group employs more than 150 people at various locations and retails cars and commercials throughout Scotland. The Elgin branch is fully equipped to sell and service all Volkswagen models and are prepared for the arrival of summer with some outstanding Spring offers covering favourites from the range, including the compact Tiguan SUV and Touran MPV. The new Golf Plus is available on a hire purchase offer with zero per cent finance until June 30. It’s a great deal for a spacious five-door that can also be driven away on a retail cash deal with a £1500 discount. The finance offer means that a high-efficiency 1.2 TSI in S trim costing £16,310 can be delivered for a deposit of £6626 followed by 36 equal payments of £269.
Hawco Group
Special Spring offers are available on the new Polo range.
Hawco Volkswagen have great offers on the latest Tiguan. For further details on our full range of cars, please CALL )NVERNESS s %LGIN or check out our website at: www.hawcogroup.co.uk
Approved Used Volkswagens from Hawco
Das WeltAuto. Used cars you can trust. Guaranteed. Check out our fantastic range of Approved Used Volkswagen models at our branches throughout the North. New Used Car Centre now open at Edgar Road, Elgin. www.hawcogroup.co.uk
48 Harbour Road, Inverness. 01463 236111 6 Wards Road, Elgin. 01343 544977
MOTO R FACTO RS & AUTO S TO RE Opposite Mackenzie & Cruickshank
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Foster Care Fortnight 13 – 26 May 2013 FOSTERING
get in the
FRAME Moray has a long history of providing foster care dating back to the 1800’s. Many children have been looked after and cared for by foster carers throughout the region, but we still need more people to become carers. The Moray Council currently looks after 68 children who live with 46 mainstream and seven Choices specialist carers. There are a further 19 children who are currently living elswhere in Scotland as we don’t have enough foster carers at present. The Council
provides care for individual children and sibling groups and children with complex emotional needs. We have short term carers, long term permanent carers, respite carers who provide short breaks and sleepovers and Choices specialist carers. From 13th to 26th May it is Foster Care Fortnight and this year’s theme is ‘get in the frame’. Could you picture yourself as a foster carer? During Foster Care Fortnight we will be holding information sessions at Elgin Library and also a celebration in recognition of the foster carers who have been carering for 10, 20 and more than 30 years. We will at the beginning of May publish dates and times on the Council website. Fostering in Moray, Could You? For more information see our adverts on the opposite page and get in touch with us.
Scooters Walking Aids Powered Wheelchairs
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01309 676677 Hours of Business MON - FRI 9am - 5pm Easy Parking & Disabled Toilet Facilities
21 West Road, Greshop Industrial Estate, Forres IV36 2GW (Behind Lidl)
We are currently accepting enquiries from individuals who can care for children (0-16) with complex needs or sibling groups, on a temporary or long term basis. PLEASE CONTACT THE FOSTERING AND ADOPTION TEAM
Choices for Children We are recruiting foster carers for Choices for Children, moray’s intensive fostering scheme Choices for Children provides family care for children and young people who have complex needs, and are already looked after in residential or foster care. Foster carers in our scheme receive a range of local supports from a highly committed team, as well as payment equivalent to full time work. This role is challenging, rewarding and can make a real difference. Interested? Please contact Ian or Ailsa for information 01343 563568 Adoption & Fostering Team, 6 Moss St, Elgin, IV30 1LU
nature The Highland Tiger Arguably our most enigmatic species, the Scottish Wildcat is the only surviving native feline in the UK. With just 400 believed to remain in the wild, the Wildcat is rarer than the Bengal tiger. After suffering centuries of habitat loss, being hunted for their fur and shot as vermin, they now face threats Scottish Wild Cat from vehicle collisions, disease and probably most significantly, interbreeding with domestic cats. This dilutes the gene pool and has disastrous consequences for the species.
Wildcats mate in the depths of winter with the kittens born in April or May, with a litter of between 2-4 the norm. The mother brings live prey to the den, often an abandoned badger sett or fox earth, from around 3 weeks old, allowing the kittens to develop their hunting skills. They will start to follow mum around from about 10 weeks old and will remain with her until around 5 months. The male takes no part in the rearing of the youngsters. Wildcats can breed from 1 year old, though males are unlikely to do so until they have established their own territory. As wildcats are very similar in appearance to the domestic tabby it is difficult for the casual Juvenile observer to make a positive identification but probably the most significant markers are the blunt tail with it's distinct rings, and stripes on their flanks and hindquarters that are mainly unbroken. Wildcats are also larger than the domestic tabby, with the average male coming in at over 5 kg and the female nearly 4 kg. For the best chance to see them in the wild, go to an area they are known to inhabit, use a car as a hide and look for them around dawn or dusk â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they are nocturnal creatures. For the not so patient, the Highland Wildlife park in Kingussie have captive animals. If you'd like to find out more about the Scottish wildcat, report a sighting or help with the conservation of the species, have a look at www.highlandtiger.com. SNH also have a lot of useful information at www.snh.gov.uk.
Ian MacLeod, Wild West www.wildwestsafari.co.uk ian@wildwestsafari.co.uk Offering wildlife safaris in the Great Glen and surrounding areas.
May 2013
The most significant surviving population is to be found in the Cairngorms, with smaller numbers in Lochaber and Aberdeenshire. Their preferred habitat is moorland and the margins of forests and mountain slopes, where their main prey is rabbits, hares and other small mammals. Like their domestic cousins, they are opportunistic feeders and will take anything of a suitable size.
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allanstudio the
Making Home Improvements more affordable TEL: 01463 230231
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Your Kitchen...
Your Windows & Doors Supply & installation
Supply & installation
was ÂŁ6495 FROM ONLY
10 Kitchen Units Oven, Hob & Extractor Sink & Taps Under Cabinet Lighting Splashback Soft close hinges Karndean Flooring Based on 6.68m2
Your Fires & Stoves...
Price shown is 5 Windows, Back and Front Doors, both with half height frosted glass, all windows and doors are finished in white UPVC. was ÂŁ3495 FROM ONLY
Supply & installation
Classic Design for the traditional home From marble, timber, limestone etc
All prices affordable Surrounds with Lights
UPVC. 1 1000x1050, 2 1000x1150, 1 1600x1400, 1 500x1050, 1 door 800x1900, 1 door 800x1900 with letter box
Your Bathroom...
Sleek & contemporary for modern living
Please ask about our new Fascias & Soffits!
was ÂŁ5995 FROM ONLY
Showerbath & Mixer Tap 6mm thick bath screen All walls wetwalled Karndean Flooring 3 spotlights & extractor Illuminated mirror Chrome ladder radiator W/c, sink & pedestal Based on 3.34m2
We design, supply, install and project manage the whole process of your new kitchen, bathroom or flooring. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to worry about arranging a plumber, tiler, decorator, electrician, joiner or floorer - we have them all under one roof. So why go anywhere else for that new kitchen, bathroom or flooring? We cover everything from start to finish. www.theallanstudio.co.uk
(T&C apply)