ComAp Opens a New Subsidiary in Johannesburg AUGUST 2022 ISSUE 84 PROMOTING ON-SITE POWER & COGENERATION

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In the middle of its winter season South Africa is being affected by the nation’s largest ever power crisis. Industrial and domestic users are facing rolling blackouts of up to six hours a day in cold conditions and with an unreliable power supply. When demand for electricity exceeds supply, energy providers use load-shedding (turning off the lights) to ease the pressure and prevent the collapse of the entire power grid. Eskom started implementing load-shedding in late 2007. Poor management and corruption at Eskom means South Africa has been experiencing power cuts for many years but this is poised to be the worst yet. South Africa is fast approaching last year’s figure of 2,521 gigawatt hours of electricity cut from the grid. So far, Eskom has shed 2,276 gigawatt hours, [July 2022 figures]. To prevent a total grid collapse, Eskom cuts power to different parts of the country at a time. In July 2022 Eskom entered stage six for the first time since December 2019, meaning it had to cut 6,000MW hours to prevent a nationwide blackout. There are eight stages of load shedding - each stage means 1,000 megawatt hours must be cut. For every stage of load shed ding there is about 250 million rand ($15.3m; £12.9m) lost on that particular day. Stage six, involves around 1.5bn rand ($92m) being shaved from the economy
ISSUE 84 Publishing & Events Director Richard Teasdale Publisher/Sales DIrector Neb Saric Managing Editor Aidan Turnbull Accounts Manager Alison Williams Sales & Marketing Manager Sarah sarah@wipmagazines.comHallows Far East Sales Bob Shanghai,LiuChina US Sales & Subscriptions Jelena Milojevic Austrian & German Agent Mario Dobresko Powerpower@wipmagazines.comMediaInternationalGroup, The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1403 888019 © Africa Power News (ISSN 1468 7100) ENERGY CRISIS GRIPS SOUTH AFRICA AS POWER CUTS BITE EDITOR’S NOTES SAHARANCOUNTRIESTHIRTY-SEVENINSUB-AFRICAHAVE A ELECTRIFICATIONNATIONAL RATE OF BELOW 50%. AS A RESULT, QUALITY OF LIFE IS SEVERELY DIMINISHED “ AIDAN TURNBULL Managing Editor ComAp Opens a New Subsidiary in Johannesburg PROMOTING ON-SITE POWER & COGENERATION
Lack of electricity in Africa remains one of the biggest barriers to the region’s development and prosperity and continues to trap millions of people in extreme poverty. Thirty-seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa have a national electrification rate of below 50%. As a result, quality of life is severely diminished, resulting in needless deaths and stifled economic growth. Nearly 730 million people in sub-Saharan Africa heat their homes and cook using traditional fuels like wood and dung rather than electrical power.
The effect of the power cuts have been exacerbated by industrial action by Eskom workers who went on strike. Eskom’s investment efforts are also being hampered by a US$26bn (£22bn) debt, which is compounded by the fact that it has old, inefficient power stations that require constant work to keep them running.

IS NOW AVAILABLE Perkins has released the all-new Perkins® 5000 - a full authority electronic range of inline six and eight cylinder and V12 and V16 cylinder engines, engineered specifically for the power generation market.
APN reports on how load shedding by the grid operator in South Africa has caused a cooling system failure at an MTN data center in Johannesburg. African hosting firm Afrihost is suffering an outage after a cooling failure in an MTN facility it occupies in the Gallo Manor area. Like and follow us on
AUGUST 2022 4 AFRICA POWER NEWS 03-12 13 15 13 FLEXIBLE POWER GENERATION FOR A PERFECT SURFACE FINISH OTTO FUCHS Surface Technology GmbH & Co. KG operates a powercontrolled cogeneration power plant with an MWM TCG 2020 V12 genset and an output of 999 kW which generates about 50 percent of the power required on site. LEADER AND NEWS Comments and International News 15 THREE GENERATORS FOR A Mé DRINKING WATER SUPPLY
STATION - IVORY COAST A spokesman from ADEMAT told APN: “Our teams have commissioned 3 generators to secure the pumps of the Mé drinking water supply station. ADEMAT feels a great pride in its contribution to the delivery of water in Côte d’Ivoire.”
16 INSTALLS INTELIGEN 1000 AS AN END-TO-END SOLUTION FOR A BACKUP POWER ComAp, the leading provider of smart energy control solutions, recently introduced InteliGen 1000, a paralleling gen-set controller for complex applications, such as data centres, hospitals, or banks. Its developers had three key values in mind right from the beginning of its design: powerful hardware, communication possibilities with a great focus focus on cybersecurity, and flexibility.
14 18
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Pramac Ibérica has supplied three generator sets for the expansion of the Port of Nacala, in Mozambique. These GSW generators (1 x 2,500 kVA + 1 x 800 kVA + 1 x 500 kVA diesel generators) feature 2,500kVA and 500 and 800kVA, of medium and low voltage, respectively, are intended to support the activity of stowage and unloading cranes and other services of the port activity.
3,800 KVA
The GSW series generators were designed and built by Pramac in Italy . The 500kVA model is capable of 467kVA/ 374kW Prime Power and 513kVA/410kW Standby Power.Everygenerator set is subject to a comprehensive test program which includes full load testing, checking and provision of all controllers and systems. The port of Nacala is Mozambique’s third biggest port.Nacala is now the princi pal port for the export of coal from the Vale and other min ing operations at Moatize. Nacala port and railway is a concession of Portos do Norte SA, a consortium which includes the Brazilian mining group Vale Moçambique. General cargo handled includes cement, petrol, grains, containers, as well as various construction materials for the railway and new port development. The latter includes a coal and minerals terminal across the bay.
MARGEN has supplied an 800 KVA genset for an important oil & gas company in Algeria in June 2022. Margen supplied and commissioned an 800 kVA generator for an important Alge rian oil & gas company. The generator has special features dedicated to this application: a certified sound proof container, A60 in the field of fire resistance, redundancy control systems, battery and compressed air starting systems, sandFeaturesprotections.likethese provide maximum reliability and guarantee a supply of energy as required. “The designers, the workers and the MARGEN SPA commissioning team have earnesd the respect of their clients for what has been achieved,” commented a company spokesman. Margen SPA has been operating in the energy sector for over 55 years, creating different solutions for the production of both electricity andMargen’sheat. power plants, cogeneration and trigeneration, hybrid systems of various types and sizes are just some examples of what has been achieved for the market Margen has two modern factories occupying 20,000 m2 of covered area, complete with equipment.
Ghaddar Machinery team in Nigeria installed a complete power system for La Regia Airport Hotel. The system has ‘secured an uninterrupted hassle-free operation for the hotel’, reports a spokesman. Altogether 1 x 200 kVA genset and + 1 x 150 kVA diesel generators were supplied, installed and commissioned. The project involved the supply of a synchronized power system including Ghaddar 150 KVA and 200 KVA generators powered by John Deere engines 6068HF158 and 6068HFG20 and Leroy Somer alternators TAL044J and TAL044M with the synchronizing and totalising panel and fuel system.
Nigeria’s power sector has many features and most prominent is the collapse of the national grid, suggest some media reports. According to 2020 data from the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), from 2013, when the electricity sector privatisation was completed, to 2020, the national grid failed 84 times and partially collapsed 43 times. The Nigerian national grid experienced its most recent collapse in 2020 on Thursday, 16th January, 2020, leading to blackouts across the country. The Transmission Company Of Nigeria (TCN) confirmed the incident in a statement on its Twitter page reporting a “system disturbance” which occurred at about 12.34 pm local time affecting some parts of the country.Investigation suggested that 14 gas-powered generating stations were either not generating at all or had limited generation at various times within the period, further depleting the power available for transmission into the grid on a daily basis. Power gener GENSET FOR THE PORT OF
4 X 1,000 KVA DIESEL GENSETS FOR A NEW WATER STATIONDRILLINGSOMALIASOMALILAND GENIWATT has installed and commissioned 4 X 1,000 KVA FG WILSON DIESEL GENSETS for a water drilling company based in Somaliland, a self-proclaimed republic in north-western Somalia. GeniWatt was involved in providing 4 generators of 1000 kVA each, offering commisioning and mechanical Bymaintenance.linkingthese 4 gensets into a sin gle 4 MW network, power is supplied to two 500 kW pumps. This station is key to providing water in the area and features 13 boreholes and 2 pumps. These allow water to be transported into the capital, Hargeisa.

Four variants of the PowerPackPlus are currently available – 15 KVA 50 Hz Prime, 20 KVA 50 Hz Prime, 28 KVA 50 Hz Prime and 40 KVA 50 Hz Prime. In addition to the engine, radiator and alternator, the Power PackPlus range includes intake, assembly and connection kits, which allow the OEM to tailor the specification to match their needs.
A new diesel generator has been commissioned at Agadir Hospital, Morocco. The generator is a 449 KVA, Type HFW-400 T5 equipped with IVECO engine within the Aga dir International Hospital. This is 400 kVA Three phase Diesel Open Skid model HFW-400 T5. Engine Type: 4-stroke diesel Injection Type: Direct Aspiration Type: Turbocharged and after-cooled Number of cylinders and arrangement: 6 – L . Bore and Stroke: 135 x 150 mm Displacement: 12,88 L with Cooling System.Thegenset has been designed to provide backup emergency power in case of grid failure. It can provide power to auxiliary buildings as well as wards, operating threatres and refrigeration units.
Wärtsilä has signed a 5-year performance-based agreement for a 20 MW power plant combined with a 40 MW plant extension installation at a gold mine in Africa. The agreement was signed in March 2022 guaranteeing the availability of power delivers crucial support to the mine’s operations.
ComAp, the leading provider of smart energy control solutions, opens its 14th subsidiary in Johannesburg, South Africa. With this step, ComAp i ntensifies its local presence in this region to further help our customers to provide safe reliable energy, and support Africa’s energy transition towards sustain able and efficient power management solutions, both in the private and public sectors. “We are excited that we have managed to find the right team for the South Africa office. This will allow us to offer ComAp local technical support as well as commercial discussions in the whole Southern Africa region. On top of our core power generation business, the local team will focus on the latest clean energy trends, including hybrid microgrids, sustainable marine systems, and the highly efficient bi-fuel/du al-fuel conversion systems,” says Martin Bednar, acting Managing Director of ComAp SouthComApAfrica.has a proven track record of supporting the power stability for data centres, hospitals, airports, mines, shipyards, and schools, to name a few ap plications, across the whole of Africa. The expanding business activities will reinforce the company’s impact in Africa.
Developed under the ‘Mitsubishi & Partners’ initiative, the Engineering Department at MTEE have combined selected Linz Electric alternators with Mitsubishi Diesel Engines to provide a technically integrated and fully guaranteed and supported product that gives opti mum performance.
The union of Japanese and Italian technical and manufacturing expertise in the PowerPackPlus provides customers with dependable,a durable, efficient and costeffective productionpower-unit that can form the founda tion of any packager’s supportedproduct.Theseareby the as surance of the manu facturers’ warranties and the Parts, Service networksEngineeringandof MTEE and its partners. PARTNERSHIP
The power plant, featuring four Wärtsilä 32 engines commenced operations in 2016, after which the extension project with a further four Wärtsilä 32 engines was added and commissioned in 2021. Wärtsilä has had an earlier Operation and Maintenance agreement with the customer since 2017, which has now evolved into this performance-based agreement. Globally, Wärtsilä currently has 14 GW of power plant capacity covered by long-term service agree ments, of which 2 GW is in Africa.
As part of its strategy to support Genset OEMs in the African region, Mitsubishi Turbocharger and Engine Europe B.V. (MTEE) have launched their PowerPackPlus product range. PowerPackPlus products involve the consolidated supply of a Mitsub ishi Diesel Engine, radiator and Linz Electric alternator, giving OEMs the opportunity to simplify the management of their purchasing, logistics, customs clearance and aftersales support processes.
“This is an isolated mine with no grid connection, so a reliable source of electricity from the captive power plant is essential for maintaining the mine’s productivity and operating revenue-earning capability. After analysing the customer’s needs and how we could meet them, we developed the performance guarantee as an assurance of plant availability, while minimising fuel consumption and running hours as important cost-saving benefits. We see performance-based agreements becoming widely utilised as an effective solution for our customers,” commented Marc Thiriet, Energy Business director, Africa West, Wärtsilä.

LOADBANKS for GENERATORS THE TRUSTED TESTINGLOADFORNAME LOADBANK PACKAGES ■ 20kW to 7000kW ■ Resistive Only Loadbanks ■ Resistive / Reactive Loadbanks ■ DC Loadbanks SALES | SERVICE | RENTAL Call today: +44(0) 1283 531 645 Sales & Rental Offices in : UK, North America, Singapore, Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, France, China and UAE Crestchic Limited, Second Avenue, Centrum 100, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire DE14 2WF, UK T: +44 (0)1283 531645 F: +44 (0)1283 510103 E:

TOTAL CONTROL FROMPERSPECTIVEEVERY The world’s largest independent producer of alternators 1 – 5,000kVA FOR FURTHER INFORMATION VISIT WWW.MECCALTE.COM Anyone who knows gensets, knows that Mecc Alte is unrivalled for our knowledge and expertise worldwide. From alternators and controllers to an integrated generator system, we are the Power from Within. From prime power to standby power, data centre, renewables, telecoms and more, Mecc Alte delivers complete intelligent systems with digital AVR to identify fuel efficiencies and every component working perfectly together. All backed up by the support and unbiased advice you only get from the world’s leading independent alternator specialists. Take 360° control. Talk to Mecc Alte.

*Bernard Gospel - Red diesel: changes to rebated fuels
*Ian Wassman - G99
The KD900-E 900kVA Kohler-SDMO generating set, comes equipped with an emission optimised Kohler engine. Kohler-SDMO provides turnkey critical power infrastructure, from single generators (10kVA to 4.5MVA+), to large multi-synchronous packages.
*Hassaan Minhas - G99
PowerExLive update: Free to attend conferences on 8th December 2022 GREAT SPEAKERS lined up so far for the Networking, Power & Industry event at the Park Plaza, London:
Ian Bitterlin - Energy storage - What are the technologies for large scale applications, such as flywheels or batteries?
*Dave Andrews - CHP/Cogeneration market More info:
Held on 8th December, 2022, at the prestigious Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster, London, PowerEx Live 2022, organised by the Power Media International Group Ltd, continues to attract leading companies and key power speakers, along with exhibitors from the Critical Power sector. These include: Generator Power, Bergen Engines UK, Wernick Power, Cummins Generator Technologies, Clarke Energy, Aksa, Crestchic, Durr Universal, HMS Industrial Networks, Industrial Power Systems, IPU Group, Leroy Somer|NIDEC, Mecc Alte, BGG UK, Scania, MHM Group, Volvo, YorPower, Edina, Eminox and many more. Companies who have recent ly reserved exhibition slots include: AKSA, Scania, Lister Petter Engine Co., MEMS, Edina and Teksan, reports the organiser, Power Media International Group Ltd (PMIG). Register for free: attendees have the chance to learn from energy experts within several key fields: Gen-Sets, CHP, District Energy, Engines, Emissions, Rental, Hydrogen, Distributed Energy, Fuels, Grid Codes, Data Centres, Batteries, Energy Storage, Fuels, Noise Reduction, Gen-Set Statistics and Industry Consultants.
The two conferences take place under 1 roof in 1 day, with 18 + high quality power speak ers. The AMPS Awards for Excellence’ (black tie) event is being held in the evening at the same location. PowerEx has won a solid reputation at a quality networking and industry event held at a Covid-secure venue in the heart of London, with excellent rail, tube and road links. PowerEx is organised by one of the leading publications companies in the field of power generation and energy today, Power Media International Group Ltd Power Media International Group Ltd publishes Worldwide Independent Power, UK Power News, Middle East Power, Euro Power News, Africa Power News, Independent Power Asia and American Power News.
* Romain Mocaer, PowerGen Statistics: “It was a really really great event, the best PowerEx Live that I ever attended. Great audience, great exhibitors and great organization. PowerEx Live 20201 was a great show for PowerGen Statistics with many visitors attending the single presentation on projections for the future energy sector.”
*Keith Maclean - Sustainable Critical Power Solutions
Adam Afrique has taken steps to limit the effects of any grid power outage thanks to the recent in stallation of a 900Kva KOHLERSDMO generator set and a 400Kva inverter Riello UPS.
Comments about last year’s show
The company has also built up a large fleet of over 750 ‘Rental Compact’ Kohler-SDMO generators. In a variety of environments, from offshore drilling platforms to harsh desert conditions, from building sites to the most exacting industries, the reliability and performance of SDMO generating sets has firmly established the company as one of the leading global manufacturers and suppliers of generator sets. SHOW IN UK TO ATTRACT EXHIBITORS & KEY POWER SPEAKERS
Here is feedback from attendees at PowerEx Live 2021 at the Park Plaza venue:
A spokesman commented: “This is an investment which pays off in just one year. Ademat is proud to support Ivorian manufacturers in their quest for performance.”
The Claverton Energy Group is currently providing additional speakers for the event from academia, consultancies in the public and private sector and is engaging other industry experts involved with the broader energy spectrum. These are free to attend conferences with tea/coffee & lunches provided.
* Ian Wilcoxson Data Centre Channel Manager (EAME) for Kohler Power: “Visitors to PowerEx Live certainly showed an interest in learning more about regulatory and technological changes in gensets.”
* Paola Nardi, Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Soga SpA: “ Great event! My colleagues were very thrilled, very well-organised and a positive business atmosphere.”
*Dr Michaela Kendall - UK Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology Supply Chains
* Ian Bitterlin - Data centres & Performance Class (in ISO 8528-1:2018, Section 7) affect the selection of emergency standby generators for data centre applications?
*Romain Mocaer - Market statistics - diesel & gas Generator market 2023-24
* John D. Kerr - Reciprocating Engine Noise - Power Generation Application

A new gas genset has undergone commissioning in Gabon. Partnered with Advanced Energy and Ecoscience in Malaysia, HIMOINSA has supplied an HGM-775 T5 BIO unit, fuelled by POME Biogas, turning waste into renewable energy.
The Jubaili Brothers have supplied a site in Ovo State, Nigeria, with a bespoke generator set powered by MTU engine. This was installed at the premises of Extreme Manufacturing, a client in Oyo State. The gas genset set was designed and built gby Jubaili Bros. engineers. The 1,461 kVA gas generator with MTU engine are said to offer Low lifecycle costs from extended maintenance intervals and reduced oil consumption, Low emissions, up to 50% less CO2 produced than by conventional power plants, a brand with proven technology, with thou sands of successful installations worldwide and a supply guarantee if local grids fail.
Natural gas systemm models range from the Series 500 with a high degree of reliability, efficiency and flexibility, to the Series 4000, which features an extremely high power density and proven mechanical components.Biogasgenerators range from the Series 500 with a high degree of reliability, efficiency and flexibility, to the Series 4000, which features extremely highpower density and proven kWeandexhaustalsogas650fromoptimized,arepropanenaturalStandbycomponents.powergasandliquidgeneratorsexhaustranging30kWetokWe.Primepowernaturalgensetshavebeenfullyoptimizedrangefrom130to355kWe.
Alexandria, Egypt: Kahraba, a subsidiary of Egypt Kuwait Holding (EKH), has ordered new generating equipment. The gensets will add approximately 20 MW of output to the existing Borg El Arab power plant located some 45 kilometres southwest of Alexandria, Egypt. Additionally, EKH will upgrade the existing 40 MW plant with the latest generation control system. The Borg El Arab plant currently operates with four Wärtsilä 34SG engines running on natural gas, the cleanest of all widely available fuels as a result of increased industrial demand for elec tricity in the region.
• 97/68/EC Emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants. (amended by •2012/46/EU)EN12100,EN 13857, EN 60204.TheHGM-775 T5 BIO unit, is a biogas, open skid, water cooled, three-phase genset.
The genset is compliant with EC mark which includes the following directives: • 2006/42/CE Machinery safety. • 2014/30/UE Electromagnetic compatibility. • 2014/35/UE electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits • 2000/14/EC Sound Power level. Noise emissions outdoor equipment.
A spoksman commented: “This not only achieves an important reduction in GHG emissions, but also great OPEX savings, providing a safe, reliable and renewable power which any sustainable society needs.”
Asaba, Nigeria: MIKANO has supplied 3 x 2,500 kVA diesel generators with MTU engines. Mikano was engaged to overhaul the power solution for the MTN Switch in Asaba. The project scope covered the extraction of the previous power generating set and the installation and commissioning of three brand new of 2500KVA MTU diesel generator units. The project was designed to provide a better, fuel efficient power solution from two generators and a standby generator, ensuring stable power supply to deliver reliable service coverage. The MTU 20V4000G23 engine features elastic coupling with optional Stamford alternator, optional auto transfer switch, suitable for a wide variety of backup or prime power Backedapplications.bydecades of experience and total system expertise, mtu diesel gensets are designed for maximum reliability, featuring low fuel consumption, long service intervals and low emissions. Customers around the world use mtu products to provide reliable power for a wide range of applications, such as healthcare, data centres, airports, waste water treatment plants, manufacturing plants and independent power stations.

Crucial Expertise for Critical Applications. More details at IPU Group, Cygnus Way, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 0XB. Telephone +44 (0)121 511 0400 MEMB ER FUEL FILTRATION AND CONDITIONING REMEDIAL WORKOFTEC INSPECTIONS TRUSTED KNOWLEDGE. TAILORED SOLUTIONS. If you have concerns about fuel quality, speak to an experienced IPU fuel expert about our industry-leading fuel and environmental managed services. We can offer everything you need to keep your fuel in peak condition from environmental compliance through OFTEC surveys to subsequent remedial recommendations, installation of polishing systems and scheduled maintenance routines. And, as a leading OEM in fuel systems, we are in a unique position to design and manufacture the solution most tailored to your needs. With decades of experience in the global Oil and Gas sector, operating in some of the world’s most demanding ATEX environments, we fully understand the hazards and challenges you may face – which is why you can rely on our pro-active and undiluted support at all times.

There is an intuitive Deep See Electronics control panel and the set is 100% bio diesel ca pability. Standard product features include a Bunded Diesel Tank, Battery Charger, Sump Pump and Jacket Heater.
An agent for JCB Power Systems, Advanced Power Systems Co, (APS) has installed a JCB Generator G545QX at one of the biggest plastic products factory in Khartoum, Sudan. A spokesman commented: “JCB’s 275-720 kVA power range uses the superior Scania engine to provide both fuel optimised and Stage IIIA models. If you need a reliable power source to deliver maximum uptime and optimised operating efficiency then a Scania engine is a great choice.”
Malmesbury, South Africa: Genset distributor New Way has supplied 4 x 1MW diesel generators with Baudouin engines. A spokesman for the company commented: “Whether you are an Agri food processing giant with 4x 1MVA Baudouin 12M26G1100 Soft Load Transfer solutions from us, or an aspiring startup with 60kVA Baudouin 4M10G70 with standard AMF & ATS set - we can design, manufacture, deliver, support and maintain a bespoke solution for you.”
The Baudouin engine - the 12M26G1100/5 - is currently one of the larger engines from the 12M26 range and is the largest from that range to run at 1500 RPM. The 31.8L V 12 engine is aspirated using a turbocharger and air to air after cooler. The engine is manufactured in both France and China. The 1500 RPM engine has in line fuel injection pump for the fuel system with electric fuel priming pump integrated into the system. This 12M26G1100/5 Baud ouin Engine produces 1304.8 horsepower (973 kWm). The engine can be used in a diesel generator at either the Prime (PRP) or Standby (ESP) power ratings. The engine itself is 3182mm in length, 1992mm in width and 2150mm in height and has a total (dry) weight of 3660kg .
The specs are as follows: Prime: 505 kVA; Standby: 552 kVA; Engine: Scania DC13-72A (0214); Alternator : Mecce Alte HM355A3. Features of this model include availability at 50Hz or 60Hz to suit all territories. It can be supplied open or canopied to suit any application and features a single lift point and fork pockets as standard. The G545QX is fuel optimised and has stage IIIA engines available.
Investment. Infrastructure. Services. Solutions EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE SANDTON CONVENTION CENTRE, JOHANNESBURG 1-2 FEB 2023 visit:
The Bahami Group has supplied a hypermarket in Kenya with 6 x 200 kVA + 6 x 275 kVA diesel generators with Perkins engines, Stamford alternators and DSE controllers. A spokesman comments: “The gensets comprise Perkins diesel pow er engines coupled with Stamford AC Alternators. The sets also feature DSE Controllers and have been factory fitted inside Noorgenerators sound proof canopies.

AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW: GAS GENSET AT A MANUFACTURING PLANT GENERATES 50% OF SITE POWER REQUIREMENTS and the MWM Service. For us, these were good reasons to opt for another MWM gas genset for the new cogeneration power plant.”
Paul J. Plikat, who was involved in the planning of the new cogeneration power plant as head of the Grünewald energy industry project., comments: ”We already have a cogeneration power plant with an MWM TCG 2032 V16 genset in the main OTTO FUCHS factory. Since 2013 alll our experiences with this model have been positive, both with regard to the performance and reliability of the engine and in terms of the good collaboration with the manufacturer
The state-of-the-art coating plant is connected to a high-bay warehouse and a shipping and logistics center. The building application for the new plant included the request for permission to set up a cogeneration power plant to generate electricity on site.The power-controlled cogeneration power plant with an MWM TCG 2020 V12 genset and an output of 999 kW generates about 50 percent of the power required on site.
Giebert explains that especially during the cold season, the exhaust heat from the power generation is used in its entirety. Apart from heating the factory, many surface coating processes also depend on heat, e.g. the pre-treatment or special washing systems. For the cogeneration power plant in the Grünewald factory, the planning and rollout of the energy supply was handled by the company itself.
Vladimir Giebert underlines the good coopera tion between OTTO FUCHS and Caterpillar Energy Solutions: ”As expected, the collaboration was very pleasant and professional. Minor initial difficulties were quickly resolved in a competent manner by the MWM Service in collaboration with our main tenance personnel. Apart from the good collabo ration with Caterpillar Energy Solutions, our team members also played their part in ensuring that the project was successfully completed within a short period of time.“
Owing to their high reliability and profitability, the TCG 3020 generator sets with an output of 1,380 to 2,300 kWel are ready for the challenges of Industry 4.0. Thanks to the use of the digital power plant control TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management), the gas engines are able to reach their full performance for maximum plant availability, capacity, and usability.
he automotive division of OTTO FUCHS KG is known for its forged aluminum wheels in the premium segment, the so-called Fuchs wheels. In the new surface centre in Meinerzhagen, Germany, a cogeneration power plant equipped with an MWM genset delivers heat and power to one of the most modern paint plants on the market.Aston Martin, Bentley, Jaguar, Porsche, or Rolls Royce... marveling at these wonders of automotive technology, you have doubtlessly noticed the exquisite forged aluminum wheels made by OTTO FUCHS. The market leader in forged aluminum wheels is based in Meinerzhagen in the west of the Sauerland region. In the nearby Grünewald industrial zone, OTTO FUCHS has invested about €80 million in a new surface centre: OTTO FUCHS Surface Technology GmbH & Co. KG. Here, the beautiful Fuchs wheels get their special finish.
The go-live took place in spring 2020.
The cogeneration power plant is not the only heat generator at OTTO FUCHS Surface Technology in Grünewald.Anaturalgas boiler and the heat recovery system of the compressed-air supply are hydraulically connected to the cogeneration power plant. These individual heat generators are controlled by a central control that the TEM control of the cogeneration power plant is also connected to. One of the challenges encountered during the installation, was to ensure the efficient networking of these various components. After some minor initial glitches, everything is now on track, and the annual usage amounts to more than 70 percent. The MWM TCG 3020, successor model of the TCG 2020, generator set effectively balances efficiency and reliability. The genset delivers up to 18 percent more output than its predecessor, though its dimensions are almost the same. Additionally, the new model features long service intervals with up to 80,000 operating hours until the next general overhaul (if the gas quality is high) and a total efficiency of more than 87 percent (with natural gas).
The power-controlled MWM gas genset runs in flex operation, adapted to the factory‘s shifts. ”In this way, we can effectively control the power genera tion in accordance with the demand in the factory“, says Vladimir Giebert, Project Engineer Supply, Factory Planning, and Maintenance at OTTO FUCHS.

expertsNoisecontrolKeepingyourworldclean,quiet, and safe. Dürr Universal is a global leader in the design and manufacture of inlet and exhaust systems for gas turbines and reciprocating engines in the OEM and retrofit markets. Dürr UnitedLimitedKingdom Phone +44 1455 8944 88 Email

Whether the project is part of creating a new sewage treatment plant or renovation to meet regula tory requirements for backup power supply, KOHLER-SDMO can adapt to even the most specific requirements. consume an average of 150 litres of water each day
BESIX was in charge of earthmoving and special foundations, the entire civil engineering, roadworks and various networks at the plant itself and at the water intakeGeneratingsites. sets are used to overcome interruptions in the water supply due to failure of the electricity supply.
K OHLER SDMO distributor ADEMAT has supplied and commissioned three diesel generators to provide energy for the pumps of the Mé drinking water supply station in the Côte d’Ivoire. BESIX carried out the civil engineering works at the La Mé drinking water treatment plant. The project has designed to improve the quality and efficiency of the drinking water supply to the city of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
The UN estimates that 2.4 billion people worldwide do not have direct access to clean drinking water. Climate change, urbanisation and industrialisation are just some of the factors which make fresh water an increasingly scarce commodity, which is spread out very unequally among different countries. The issue is exacerbated by the problem of water pollution, with over half of humanity only able to access water of poor quality. Before being distributed to the taps in Côte d’Ivoire, water must pass through a treatment plant to make it drinkable. Used in a recent application in France for a similar water treatment plant. the B-900kVA Kohler-SDMO generating set has been equipped with a Baudouin engine. It features PRP power in kW: 654, standby Rating (kVA) 900 Prime Rating KOHLER(kVA).SDMO provides one source responsibility for the generating set and accessories/ The generator set, its components and a wide range of options have been fully developed, prototype tested, factory built, and production tested. The generator sets are designed in accordance to ISO8528. The engines feature high reliability enhanced through a simple design for optimal functional performances. High performances turbochargers providing high engine performances under all loads The genset offer easy operation and maintenance: accessories requir ing daily maintenance are located conveniently on the same side of the engine.Thegenset’s alternator provides industry-leading motor starting capability with an excitation system to permit sustained overcurrent >300% In, during 10 sec. It has been built with a class H insulation and IP23. The cooling system features a compact and complete solution using a mechanical or high temperature and altitude product capacity available. The KOHLER SDMO wide controller range provides reliability and performance. You can program, manage and diagnose it easily and in an efficient way. The set comes with a standard two-year or 1,000-hours limited warranty for standby applications, + a standard one-year or 2,500 hours limited warranty for prime power applications.
The plant, which is located on the road to Grand Alépé, a village 40 kilometres north of Abidjan, was designed to treat almost 240,000 m³ of water a day from the river La Mé, to improve drinking water provision to the region, and in particular to the city of Abidjan.

Power generation, like any major infrastructure, can be a target for cyber attacks. Therefore, cyber security is one of the essential features ComAp focuses on from the very start of product development. This focus on security is even more evident with the InteliGen 1000 as it has a number of features that further enhance cyber security without compromising remote communications or flexibility.
When commissioning, they found that InteliConfig, ComAp’s latest configuration and monitoring tool, was easy to use and allowed for intuitive programming, which was helpful for the newer, less experienced engineers on their team. InteliGen 1000 brings best practices from the information technology world to the power generation industry. These include introducing a unique cyphering system for each connection session with the controller, extra authentica tion for users connecting from the outside, ComAp signed firmware, individual user account logins, data logging, and many others. All this protects customers’ facilities against external cyberattacks and, at the same time, lets them enjoy the benefits of remote monitoring and connectivity.
PCAS is a mission-critical power solutions company working internationally on data centres, hospitals, CHPs, gas peaking plants, with over 1000MW of power installed and commissioned across the UK.
“The InteliGen 1000 gave us the power we needed to run this application. The pre-programmed functions allowed us to put the engine into operation very quickly and the large in-built PLC interpreter allowed us to implement the specific customer requirements easily and quickly on our own. Cyber security, redundancy options, and G99 readiness were the main attributes for selecting this controller,” said Stuart Turner, Managing Director at Power Control and Automation Solutions Ltd. The InteliVision 5.2 display provided fast and easy access to control the gen-set, and the easyto-read onscreen information made helping the customer with any fault-finding very easy.
PCAS proposed utilising a JCB generator and outfitting the system with the latest ComAp´s InteliGen 1000 controller along with the new InteliVision 5.2 display to allow power management and an N+1 solution.
omAp, the leading provider of smart energy control solutions, recently introduced InteliGen 1000, a paralleling gen-set controller for complex applications, such as data centres, hospitals, or banks. Its developers had three key values in mind right from the beginning of its design: powerful hardware, communication possibilities with a great focus on cybersecurity, and flexibility. InteliGen 1000 is ready to be used in demanding applications, including grid connections, virtual power plants, demand response, or spot price dispatch.
“InteliGen 1000 is the latest platform that ComAp would like to build on going forward. This advanced controller is a culmination of several years of development, in which we combined 30-years of experience in power generation control solutions and new technologies. The InteliGen 1000 will enable us to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in power generation, especially in complex installations like back-up systems for data centres or microgrids,” says Petr Matas, Director of Product Management at ComAp.
“When developing the controller, we put great focus on cybersecurity, large-scaled communication capabilities, and product flexibility, which we believe will play a key role in future business,” adds Matas.
InteliGen 1000 is around 20 times more powerful than its predecessor - InteliGen NTC BaseBox - and is able to handle both critical and non-critical tasks at the same time. The controller can communicate with a large number of connected remote devices as well as up to 64 controllers at one site. In most applications, the more complex the site is, the more controllers are needed. This increases the complexity of the project, and more importantly, it increases the related costs. Typically, the limit for these applications is 32 controllers used. You can have more, but that means adding another master controller, and gen-set groups, and much more programming. For an application that has about 40 controllers, this would be both overly complicated and expensive. However, the InteliGen 1000 can have up to 64 controllers connected with the communication bus, so there is no need for adding extra units. With this feature, InteliGen 1000 can be used for much larger applications, eliminating the need for additional units, programming, and expenses.
Power Control And Automation Solutions Ltd (PCAS) partnered with ComAp recently and installed InteliGen 1000 at a backup power plant in a hospital in the Midlands, United Kingdom.
The hospital approached PCAS for an end-to-end solution for a back-up power plant as they know the hospital’s technical manual and requirements.Thepowerplant room is quite small, so PCAS had a close collab oration and consultations with the hospital’s project team to understand their needs and develop a tailored, functional solution.

The telco said it is undergoing an “aggressive rollout” of batteries, generators, and alternate power supplies, and is reaching out to small businesses to supply generators for its network operations.
“Due to extended load shedding there was a cooling system failure at MTN’s Gallo Manor data center where we host some of our web servers,” the company said on its status page yesterday. “This unfortunately damaged certain Afrihost hosting servers.”
L oad shedding by the grid operator in South Africa has caused a cooling system failure at an MTN data centre in Johannesburg. African hosting firm Afrihost is suffering an outage after a cooling failure in an MTN facility it occupies in the Gallo Manor area of the city. Email services and websites hosted through Afrihost have been offline for upwards of thirty hours. Afrihost reported disruption in the data center affecting its hosting environment, noting that affected servers will experience limited to no access to the outside world.
The company said it has upgraded its battery back-up solutions on over 80 percent of its sites, but warned the current outage schedule does not allow enough time for batteries to charge. Battery back-up systems generally take 12-18 hours to recharge, while batteries have a capacity of about 6-12 hours, depending on the site category.AtStage 4, load shedding outages are to be implemented 12 times over a four-day period for two hours at a time, or 12 times over an eight-day period for four hours at a time.
“ Whether the business has two or 20 generators, MTN is looking to partner,” the company said. Companies such as Teraco and Africa Data Centres have invested or plan to invest billions of rands in developing new data centres in South Africa.
In recent weeks
MTN has also deployed more than 2,000 generators to counter the impact of Stage 4 (and higher) load shedding and currently using more than 400,000 liters of fuel per month to keep these generators operational. MTN said it is inviting all businesses which are in possession of generators, to become potential suppliers to MTN.
“There is no doubt the country is facing a power crisis but at MTN, we want to turn this crisis into an opportunity for small businesses by ‘crowd sourcing’ generators to further support our network,” said Charles Molapisi, MTN SA CEO. Michele Gamberini, the Chief Technology and Information Officer at MTN SA, added: “Despite us having placed thousands of batteries at our sites across the country, the efficacy of those batteries greatly reduces once we pass stage 4 load shedding.”
“We currently have 3,161MW on planned maintenance, while another 17,395MW of capacity is unavailable due to breakdowns,” Eskom said. MTN tweeted: “We are working tirelessly to limit the impact of load shedding on our customers. The majority of MTN’s sites have back-up power but the frequency & severity of outages means those batteries are unable to recharge sufficiently.”
Eskom has been load shedding –disconnecting sites from the power grid ahead in a scheduled manner to control the load and prevent total grid collapse – at Stage 4, where more than 4,000MW of capacity is removed from the grid. Power cuts have become an increasingly regular occurrance as the grid struggles with capacity needs. A stage 6 load shed – where 6,000MW is cut – was sched uledlast month. Experts are warning a Stage 8 shed (i.e. 8,000MW) may be needed in the near future. Eskom said it is struggling with a ‘high level of absenteeism’ amid an ‘unlawful strike’ that is slowing repairs. Staff are on strike amid wage discussions.
The biggest investment - a R15 billion hyperscale data centre campus in Waterfall, Gauteng - is currently being built for Vantage Data Centres.
Jacqui O’Sullivan, Executive for Corporate Affairs at MTN South Africa said: “MTN can confirm that one of its coolers at the Gallo Manor data center was affected following a power outage on Wednesday afternoon. “However, the cooling system is redundant and therefore did not fully shut down and was in fact fully restored within 45 minutes. MTN is liaising with custom ers to investigate any impact on their operations.”

TVR Instruments Limited 143 Butt Road, Colchester CO3 3DP Essex United Kingdominstruments ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1206 575755 Email:

he all-new Perkins® 5000 Series is a full authority electronic range of inline six and eight cylinder and V12 and V16 cylinder engines, engineered specifically for the power generation market to supply critical applications such as data centres and hospitals with dependable prime or standby power, where downtime isn’t an option.
Packed with features and the performance to provide dependable power output up to 2500 kVA for standby and 2250 kVA for prime applications, the 5000 Series is designed to supply electrical power when and where needed. Whether for critical power applications, or prime or standby power, the engine range has been optimised and tested to deliver cost-effective, reliable performance.
“In February 2021 we launched the first model in the series - the 5008C-E30TAG. I’m really excited that we’re now unveiling the complete range of six, eight, 12 and 16 cylinder variants which will be offered to our customers worldwide,” adds Richard. Designed, engineered and built to provide dependable power for prime and standby installations including data centres and hospitals, the 5000 Series has been rigor ously tested for performance and durability with more than 10,000 running hours already under its belt.
Providing reliable power when needed, the 5000 Series load acceptance, response and perfor density in a smaller footprint for ease of ownership with optimised fuel and oil 750 to 2500 kVA of power potential, the full authority electronic fuel injection 5000 Series engines are built to world-class standards for high efficiency, low fuel consumption and global emission standards.
All of this means that the 5000 Series achieves full recovery after first load step within 13 seconds.
“The engine’s ability to very quickly deliver stable backup power is a vital requirement for critical applications like data centres and hospitals,” said 5000 Series product manager, Steve Chesworth.Engineered to be capable to EPA Tier 2 emission standards, the 5000 Series engines ensure the generator set is futureproofed with sustainability in mind, says Perkins. The core engine design features newly- designed electronic fuel injectors to reduce exhaust emissions.Forgenerator manufacturers and end users looking to reduce their carbon emissions, the 5000 Series can run with biodiesel up to B20, based on a 20% dilution of biodiesel with standard diesel or on 100% hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) to EN15940 as detailed in the Perkins 5000 Series Operation and Maintenance Manual. com/5000seriesengineswww.perkins.
Optimised turbochargers enable the 5000 Series engines to deliver outstanding load acceptancemeeting ISO 8528-5 G2 and G3 stan dards -and the ability to accept NFPA 100 percent block load.
“With multiple engine models offering a substantial power output of up to 2500 kVA, every aspect of the new 5000 Series engine range, from its outstanding load acceptance capabilities to custom-created components and innovative engineering techniques, has been designed to optimise our customers’ needs for quick, reliable and cost-effective power,” says EAME sales director Richard Hemmings.
With critical infrastructure at stake, the engine has been tested and proven in harsh environments.
Richard continues: “The 5000 Series is proven to be ready to deliver reliable power when it’s required, even in the most demanding working environments. And for applications where real estate is at a premium, such as in a hospital, the high-power density of the 5000 Series provides a compact design that packs power into a small,compact footprint.”
The most powerful and largest fully electronic, electric power range from Perkins, the 5000 Series has been designed to optimise customers’ needs for quick, reliable and cost-effective power, while delivering reliability, high performance and peace of mind.

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ENGINE MANUFACTURERS GUIDE R Schmitt Enertec GmbH 56743 Mendig, Germany T +49 2652 9351810 F +49 2652 Manufacturerwww.rschmitt-enertec.cominfo@rschmitt-enertec.com9351822ofgasdriven engines,generator sets and cogeneration systems in the range from 100 - 500 kW. RSE Engines for natural gas and biogas Model fuel Freq. Electric output M06-G/B T0D41 g 50 140 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 50 200 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 50 250 kW M08-G/B TID41 g 50 260 kW M08-G/B T2D41 g 50 333 kW M12-G/B TID41 g 50 400 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 50 500 kW M06-G/B T0D41 g 60 150 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 60 210 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 60 250 kW M08-G/B TID41 g 60 280 kW M08-G/B T2D41 g 60 333 kW M12-G/B TID41 g 60 420 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 60 500 kW RSE engines for LPG M06-PT0D41 g 50 115 kW M06-PTID41 g 50 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 50 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 50 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 50 260 kW M12-PTID41 g 50 350 kW M12-PT2D41 g 50 450 kW M06-PT0D41 g 60 130 kW M06-PTID41 g 60 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 60 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 60 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 60 260 kW M12-PTID41 g 60 350kW M12-PT2D41 g 60 450 kW RSE engines for Woodgas M06-HT2D41 g 50 122 kW M08-HT2D41 g 50 166 kW M12-HT2D41 g 50 250 kW M06-HT2D41 g 60 140 kW M08-HT2D41 g 60 180 kW M12-HT2D41 g 60 275 kW Volvo Penta 405 08 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel +46 31 235460 Model Spec RPM kWm kVA TAD530GE Diesel 15002) 75 85 TAD531GE Diesel 15002) 88 100 TAD532GE Diesel 15002) 113 130 TAD550GE1) Diesel 15002) 76 86 TAD551GE1) Diesel 15002) 89 101 TAD730GE Diesel 15002) 113 130 TAD731GE Diesel 15002) 132 152 TAD732GE Diesel 15002) 162 186 TAD733GE Diesel 15002) 175 201 TAD734GE Diesel 15002) 213 245 TAD750GE1) Diesel 15002) 114 131 TAD751GE1) Diesel 15002) 13 152 TAD752GE1) Diesel 15002) 158 182 TAD753GE1) Diesel 15002) 173 199 TAD754GE1) Diesel 15002) 217 250 TAD940GE Diesel 15002) 241 277 TAD941GE Diesel 15002) 280 326 TAD1341GE Diesel 15002) 271 315 TAD1342GE Diesel 15002) 303 352 TAD1343GE Diesel 15002) 325 378 TAD1344GE Diesel 15002) 354 412 TAD1345GE Diesel 15002) 388 451 TAD1351GE1) Diesel 15002) 279 324 TAD1352GE1) Diesel 15002) 314 365 TAD1354GE1) Diesel 15002) 328 381 TAD1355GE1) Diesel 15002) 355 413 TAD1640GE Diesel 15002) 392 461 TAD1641GE Diesel 15002) 430 505 TAD1642GE Diesel 15002) 503 591 TWD1643GE Diesel 15002) 536 630 TAD1650GE1) Diesel 15002) 393 462 TAD1651GE1) Diesel 15002) 430 505 Engines are also available for1800rpm/60Hz INNIO Jenbacher gas engines Headquarters: A-6200 Jenbach (Austria) T +43 5244 600-0 F +43 5244 600-527 generator sets and cogeneration systems in a power range from 0.25 to 3 MW. Model Fuel rpm Pel Pth JMS 208 GS g 1,500 330 358 JMS 208 GS g 1,800 335 406 JMS 312 GS g 1,500 625 731 JMS 312 GS g 1,800 633 808 JMS 316 GS g 1,500 834 988 JMS 316 GS g 1,800 848 1,079 JMS 320 GS g 1,500 1,063 1,190 JMS 320 GS g 1,800 1,060 1,313 JMS 412 GS g 1,500 844 892 JMS 416 GS g 1,500 1,131 1,194 JMS 420 GS g 1,500 1,415 1,492 JMS 612 GS g 1,500 1,820 1,792 JMS 616 GS g 1,500 2,433 2,399 JMS 620 GS g 1,500 3,041 3,020 Ratings natural gas standard, NOx ≤ 500 mg/ m3N. Dry exhaust gas; based on 5% O2. For en gines with 1,200 rpm please contact GE Energy’s Jenbacher product team. TAD1242GE 352 409 TAD1640GE 393 462 TAD1641GE 433 509 TAD1642GE 485 570 Perkins Engines Company Limited Peterborough PE1 5FQ Contact name:- Simon Gray Tel: +44 (0) 1733 583000 Email: Perkinsgray_simon_j@perkins.comisoneoftheworld’sleading suppliers of off-highway diesel and gas engines, offering dependable cost-effective power up to 2500 kVA in dieselor 1000 kWE prime in gas. SCANIA ENGINES SE-151 87 Sodertalje Sweden Tel +468553 81000 Fax +468553 898 12 E-mail Web UK Contact – Mark Swindell Scania GB Ltd Tel +44 1908 329386 E-mail Diesel & Gas engines for power generation Prime power 250kVA to 700kVA Stand by power 250kVA to 770kVA Engine range prime power 50hz & 60hz at (70% mean load factor) Scania produce diesel and gas powered engines for various Industrial and Marine applications, superior quality and reliability, offering excep lowtionallyfuel consumption. All models are available to meet current emis sions requirements, Scania engines are now available to meet both Tier 4F and EU Stage V. Alternative fuels Many of our engines can also operate on Bio-diesel conforming to EN14214 and HVO conforming to EN159540 NOTES

2 CONFERENCE AREAS – OVER 18 TOP SPEAKERS KEEPING BUSINESS CONNECTED TABLE TOP EXHIBITS PowerEx Live 2022 aims to feature the unique convergence of traditional players alongside the newly advanced independent power leaders at one of London’s premier exhibition locations –Park Plaza, Westminster, London. The exclusive event looks to bring you an unrivalled line up of world class suppliers and buyers to the Gen-Set / CHP & Data Centre sectors. A great networking & learning experience! THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER PARK PLAZA, WESTMINSTER, LONDON 8TH DECEMBER 2022 AMPS2NETWORKINGCONFERENCESAWARDSFOR EXCELLENCE GALA DINNER EVENING 2022

GAS GENERATOR SET GXE, GRS Series PowerLink Engine 10KW-350KW Since 2012, PowerLink group has launched GXE, GRS series PowerLink gas gensets, powered by PowerLink, are equipped with cost-effective engine and high-quality spare parts, covering power range from 10kw to 350kw with open type, soundproof type, mini container type and container type for your selection. Our units are distributed in Europe, South America, Russia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries. They are providing continuous and stable power on the project sites, bringing excellent benefits to owners and www.powerlinkenergy.cominvestors. | Tel: +44(0)1977 689100