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Leading biofuel supplier Green Biofuels Limited (GBF) has announced the launch of Ireland’s first renewable biofuel terminal in a built facility in Cork Harbour. The facility has already taken its first cargo delivery. Through its Irish business Green D Project Limited, the new terminal is a major commitment by GBF to Ireland’s cleaner energy infrastructure for transport and generator power, further accelerating the transition to Net Zero. The terminal will act as both an import facility to service the accelerating demand for HVO renewable fuel in Ireland, and a blending/export facility to enable the collection and use of renewable fuels overseas. The terminal investment is the next stage in the GBF’s rapid growth and increased distribution of its flagship product, Gd+ HVO. GBF has supplied in excess of 200 million litres of Gd+ HVO to the UK over the past year covering different sectors, including construction, logistics and marine industries. Ireland’s Climate Action Plan follows the Climate Act 2021 and commits Ireland to a legally binding target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions no later than 2050, with a reduction of 51% by 2030. The brownfield site identified for investment by GBF repurposes a previous development which has sat idle for over 10 years and serves as a springboard for Ireland’s ambitions to decarbonise, cut emissions and create a cleaner economy. This investment also provides the Cork Harbour economic area with a much-welcomed boost to job opportunities and trade activities. Magnus Hammick, COO, GBF, said: “We are really excited about this project and constructing the first low-carbon fuel terminal in Ireland in support of its Climate Action plan. We are committed to making a difference in every possible situation, and the low-carbon fuel terminal will allow us to expand our supply.”