Hybrid microgrid technologies...

A warm welcome to this year’s POWEREX LIVE event as always bringing you closer to the stories and issues affecting on site power and cogeneration around the world.
Soyez le bienvenu à cette issue de POWEREX LIVE. Comme d habitude, nous vous apportons toujours plus près des sujets qui affectent l'énergie et la co generation sur place autour du monde.
Willkommen in diesem Jahre beste Energie POWEREX LIVE anzeigen Wie immer bringen wir Sie näher heran an die Ereignisse und Geschichten der Stromerzeugungsindustrie rund um die Welt
elcome to the 2022 PowerEx Live Conference 2022 being held at on December 8th, 2022, at the prestigious Park Plaza Hotel ,Westminster, London PowerEx offers a unique opportunity for today’s power professionals at a difficult time for energy management issues in Europe
The GEN SET and CHP Conferences will run parallel with exhibitor presentations available in adjoining rooms The venue has been arranged with care so that products can be safely introduced directly to customers There’s also the opportunity of course for a prime networking experience with experts in all fields of CHP, Data Centres, Consultancy and Gensets
This show features Conferences covering two separate elements:
* gEn-SEtS speakers talking about the latest innovations facing standby power.
* ChP speakers will reflect on what’s new in CHP, District Heating and hydrogen, featuring the latest case studies & technology
Organiser Neb Saric comments: “This event enables key companies to reach an expanding audience of energy users, buyers and specifiers The PowerEx Live show registers key delegates and attendees from the UK, Europe and worldwide and is appreciated as the best platform to meet and network with senior executive and industry leaders ”
Bienvenido a este años mejor show POWEREX LIVE Como siempre, acercándolo a los temas que afectan a la energía y a la cogeneración in situ. No dude en contactar con nuestro editor para cualquier cuestión editorial.
Benvenuti a questa nuova edizione di POWEREX LIVE Come sempre cercheremo di offrirvi storie e questioni riguardanti on site power e cogeneration a livello globale Per commenti editoriali, si prega di contattare l'editore
He concludes: “If you are a buyer, specifier or user of products or services in the European power generation sector then this show is definitely the event for you PowerEx Live 2022 gives you the chance to meet with important suppliers, clients and end users and build your company’s market presence across the energy industry The PowerEx Live event also provides an ideal platform for visitors to attend this leading event which showcases leading regional & international companies ”
PowerEx Live aims to probe and discuss all the trends, opportunities and challenges for the GENSET and CHP industries This is a free to attend event offering all key sector players a chance to assess new trends, connect and develop business all under one roof, in one day
Our key networking and industry event is being held at a Covid secure venue just around the corner from the Houses of Parliament. It is appropriate that the evening of December 8th, 2022, will also see the return of another prestigious occasion the ‘AMPS Awards of Excellence’ a black tie ticket holders only event held in the evening at the same venue
Dave Andrews, Chairman of the Claverton Energy 'Think Tank', and a current conference organiser for PowerEx 2022, commented: "PowerEx Live 2022 really is a key event for the power sector Something very special is on offer at PowerEx I’m talking about valuable information you won’t be able to find anywhere else There will be insights and technical developments aplenty which focus exclusively on issues like gensets and combined heat & power.”
The UK’s energy roadmap is under scrutiny right now with the push for decarbonisation and reduced emissions The big push at the moment is to bring in more hydrogen burning technology and to find alternatives to Russian gas now that much needed supplies to Europe have been cut off
At the CHP Conference (chaired by Dave Andrews) it will be revealed that the combined heat and power market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 4% between now and 2025, resulting in a number of profitable market opportunities becoming available in the near future
We do hope you find your day with in London extremely useful, profitable and informative Come along, join with us and show that you too are committed to Europe’s expanding energy future Don’t forget to tmake a note of December 7th, 2023 the date set for the next POWEREX LIVE event.. aIDan tuRnbuLL - EDItOR
European Headquarters
Merwedestraat 48P 3313CS Dordrecht Netherlands www.aksaeurope.com
AKSA Power Generation is one of the top 5 manufacturers of power generation systems in the world It is a subsidiary of Kazancı Holding (https://www.kazanciholding.com.tr) an energy conglomerate with $ 4 billion in revenues worldwide.
AKSA Power Generation continue their investments on the way to become one of the world’s top 3 power genset manufacturers by 2025 and a 60 000 sqm state of art factory equipped with advanced robotics and Industry 4.0.
applications is recently opened in Cerkezkoy, Istanbul region, Turkey AKSA Power Generation is also active in the UK market since 1998 with their own premises located in the East Midlands and strong partners all around the United Kingdom.
AKSA is operating in manufacturing, technology development, marketing, and distribution fields in power generation and energy systems. Selling to 178 countries, the range of the company includes: diesel generators, portable generators, marine generators, natural gas generators, control panels, sound proofed canopies and lighting towers The production zones are located in Turkey, China (world’s largest power generator plant), USA and a brand new trade and assembly centre in the Netherlands to serve our European clients
R&D facilities located in Istanbul Turkey and Changzhou China employ the highest calibre engineers developing hard ware and software solutions to provide clients with world class quality products Being an expert in synchronised projects, AKSA's R&D teams are the first in Turkey to develop proprietary product designs and is one of the first natural gas generator manufacturers in the world. AKSA meets the power requirements periodically and continuously, meanwhile pro viding its clients with the Remote Monitoring System which allows technical controls of the generators from anywhere in the world. In addition to standard products, AKSA also manufactures tailor made products which ensures the specific requirement of customers The key element of AKSA's market ing strategy is to supply value for money, high quality, energy efficient, low noise levels, and low emission products with features which offer maximum benefits to consumers at internationally competitive prices, beneficial payment terms and shorter delivery times
Aplicaciones Mecánicas del Caucho S.A. Industrialdea Zona A. Pab 35. Asteasu E 20159, Gipuzkoa. España. www.mecanocaucho.com
AMC is a manufacturer which designs and produces anti vibration mounts as well as noise insulation composites for the power generation sector. Since 1969 we have been manufacturing noise and vibration solutions, Our products combine materials such as rubber, metal, springs and Sylomer® to provide isolation to a wide range of applications. We have a wealth of experience in the vibration isolation of diesel engine applications with the tech
nical capabilities to perform non linear six degree of freedom and shock simulations
This allows us to accurately predict the vibration isolation performance and also analyse the forces introduced to the system during shock conditions.
Our technical assistance also extends to physical on site measurements, this enables us to validate theoretical calculations and provide customers with the data required to meet machine sign off criteria.
Our marine certifications include DNV GL, ABS, Bureau Veritas and most recently in 2022 AMC have obtained the marine certification from Lloyd´s Register for three different ranges of anti vibration mounts. This certification is crucial when working with naval architects, shipyards and manufac turers of marine engines AMC is a partner to its customers, providing anti vibration calculations and associated technical engineering services.
The Association of Manufacturers of Power generating Systems
Address: Unit 19 Omega Business Village, Thurston Road, Northallerton, DL6 2NJ
www amps org uk
Membership: Full Members: are any Company, Firm or Partnership in the European Union who: Design, manufacture, supply or assemble and market Electrical Generating Systems. Design, manufacture and mar ket engines, motors, generators, switchgear and related components other than for their own use Are principally engaged as a Distributor or Dealer of Electrical Generating Systems. Rent or hire Electrical Generating Systems. Will normally have been trading for at least 12 months AMPS members are leading designers, manufacturers, suppliers and installers of reciprocating diesel and gas engine electrical generating systems of a single unit output up to 5MW ***
Ornbauer Str. 10, Weidenbach 91746, Germany
www aprovis com
We are your specialists for exhaust gas and gas treatment technology. In a very short space of time, APROVIS has estab lished itself as an innovative energy company on both the national and the international market Our expertise lies in exhaust gas and gas treatment technology We are qualified specialists in our field whether you need specific individual components or compact system solutions. Since it was estab lished in the year 2000, APROVIS has been synonymous with outstanding quality and reliability APROVIS means BETTER PERFORMANCE
APROVIS is an owner managed, medium sized company with an export share of more than 50%. We have an extensive global network and excellently trained employees
Maintaining close contact with our customers is what matters most to us. We advise, plan and implement for you and remain your contact in every situation. This service concept has become our motto: APROVIS 360 We’re at your service any time, anywhere
APROVIS’s performance is based on a strong foundation: its employees. These motivated specialists include electrical
engineers (who make up 15% (20%), engineers (40%) and or communication with our custo us, which is why you’ll be loo covers all aspects of a projec to commissioning and beyond
APROVIS is a successful glob thousands of plants and suppl solutions to more than 70 cou
Our corporate culture is cos our employees, who enrich our working environment with 15 nationalities.
This is also an amazing advantage for our customers, because we can talk to you in over 12 languages Including Franconian naturally
With online commissioning and online acceptance in Production, APROVIS enables convenient plant operation and remote maintenance Data is transferred over a secure VPN. There’s no need for a technician on site.
Values can be recorded and fine tun ing carried out. And not only that. Adjustments can be made in the software and program backups too. A mobile app devel oped by APROVIS offers each and every customer quick and easy access to the data on a smartphone or tablet if desired APROVIS works closely with colleges and universities and has a distinct Research and Development Department. This makes us the technology leader in our field
We drive innovations forward with our very own test rigs and labs. At APROVIS, specialised engineers perform CFD and FEM simulations. This enables us to meet complex require ments with our products, even when conditions change ****
62 Pullman Road Wigston Leicester
Leicestershire LE18 2DB, UK
www avindustrialproducts co uk
Established for over 26 years, AV Industrial Products Ltd is a premium UK supplier of vibration control, shock protection, rubber and rubber to metal bonded products into industry As well as supplying the UK market, AV Industrial Products Ltd supply many thousands of the AV Industrial product range globally per annum. AV Industrial Products Ltd is a very successful anti vibration mounting manufacturer offering excellent quality, price, service, technical ability, lead time and, in return, receiving continual annual growth Working from a 2000m2 facility in the heart of the UK offers signifi cant capacity for growth with excellent transport links.
AV Industrial Products Ltd has also recently introduced a revised Hydro Mounting Range of products and the HFPTM Compound (High Fatigue Polyisoprene). The Hydro Mounting Range of products are particularly effective at controlling excessive engine / cabin movement and shake at low speeds whilst providing optimum isolation at normal running speeds
The HFPTM Compound is a specially developed rubber formulation suited to harsh dynamic applications where very
•Solidworks 3D CAD & FEA
er heat build up is of to the AV Industrial Products’
ure product conformance am (over 50 years) on (6 Degree of Freedom) s sting /shock solutions
•Fast response & excellent customer service
•Extensive stock at the Leicester facility
Additional supplementary product groups include:
•Silicone and EPDM hoses
• Vast range of rubber matting, sheeting, extrusions and profile cut products
Société Internationale des Moteurs Baudouin, Technoparc du Brégadan, 13260 Cassis, France baudouin com
For over 100 years, Baudouin has designed and manufactured the highest quality diesel and gas engines for marine and power generation applications spanning 18 4125 kVA
Our Network supports our customers in over 130 countries with specification, commissioning, service and genuine spare parts Baudouin’s full range of PowerKit products spans 15 3125 kVA, one of the most comprehensive ranges available on the market today. 100 Years of experience in design, manufacturing, support and quality goes into every PowerKit You can expect reliability, durability, excellent total cost of ownership and European quality from Baudouin PowerKit products.
Baudouin Gas engines are designed to answer the challenges of efficient, cost effective and low emissions power requirements From 63 kVa up to 1750 kVA, our PowerKit Gas engines are an ideal complement to renewable energy generation, as their operating flexibility and high efficiency can balance the intermittency of renewable power generation sources Baudouin variable speed engines draw their robustness, durability and easy maintenance from Baudouin’s marine heritage.
They have been perfected for a diverse range of industrial applications such as agriculture, motor pump sets, firefighting, dredging pumps, and with their high tolerance to fuel quality are ideal for use in even the most remote areas around the world. Baudouin’s wide range of marine products offers you a one stop shop for marine power and control solu tions Wherever you are in the world, you will always find a Baudouin expert to help you. With a presence in more than 100 countries, our network comprises certified experts in service and project studies
Baudouin provides cutting edge hybrid solutions But much more than that, we can offer total support for both repower and new build systems, from the initial design through to commissioning
We understand the complexity involved when transitioning an existing vessel to a hybrid power system, and this is why we offer full assistance from our Applications Engineering
team It ensures you’ll make standard propulsion system to benefits to a Baudouin hybrid reduction in emissions and no fuel management, optimizati downsizing your engines with
oke hy ent s from up, w r gro w hyb d sup d the supp witho
ing sacrifices on power, cost or reliability ****
Delta House, Heath Road, Tendring, Essex, CO16 0BU www.bgguk.com
The Bruno Generators Group (BGG) is recognised as one of the leading man ufacturers of high specifi cation rental diesel powered generators. Ranging from 6.5 kVA to 2000 kVA prime power, with a full range of super silent canopies and containers BRUNO offers a wide range of products and customised solutions, considering the evolution as a strategic source of competitive advantage and a key driver of changing to better suit all professional market needs
Bruno Power is the holding company for several major power generation and associated industry companies including BDS (Bru Trailers and man tems, su civilian, ****
BERGE Hordvikn Norway
www ber Bergen E medium and gas based ap Our en demandi and at s speed en provides complet The lar
heir iconic medium speed
panies, hire plant to list some but not all) .
We’re a fast, flexible, responsive company, equipped to be able to meet high local service levels and offer highly profes sional back up.
We are a sister company to Mecc Alte, the largest independ ent alternators ‘manufacturer and have a strong local founda tion and experienced support We operate throughout the UK from our Oakham base.
In addition to servicing the following industrial equipment: Electric motors, pumps, submersible pumps, industrial fans, alternators, gensets
We also hold stock of new replacement motors, pumps and spare parts for all our equipment and also offer exchange and preventative maintenance arrangements.
team It ensures you’ll make standard propulsion system to benefits to a Baudouin hybrid reduction in emissions and no fuel management, optimizati downsizing your engines with performance. Baudouin hybri large bandwidth of applicatio ferries and yachts.
To start the process, we sup This analyzes your operationa requirements and load profiles to define a bespoke hybrid solution that is tailor made to be the most efficient system for your needs
There is a choice of hybrid modes available from Baudouin.As Baudouin is part of the Weichai group, we also leverage technological expertise within our wider group and with other marine specialists And once your new hybrid system is in place, you can rely on after care and support, plus genuine Baudouin spare parts when you need them, ready to be shipped within 24 hours. With our hybrid solutions, Baudouin is ready to support you for a greener transition, upgrading your system without mak ing sacrifices on power, cost or reliability
**** BGG UK
Delta House, Heath Road, Tendring, Essex, CO16 0BU www.bgguk.com
The Bruno Generators Group (BGG) is recognised as one of the leading man ufacturers of high specifi cation rental diesel powered generators. Ranging from 6.5 kVA to 2000 kVA prime power, with a full range of super silent canopies and containers BRUNO offers a wide range of products and customised solutions, considering the evolution as a strategic source of competitive advantage and a key driver of changing to better suit all professional market needs
Bruno Power is the holding company for several major power generation and associated industry companies, including BGG UK (Bruno Generators Group), BGG Projects, BDS (Bruno Defence Solutions), Westac Power and OMC Trailers The group companies specialise in both the design and manufacture of power generation and distribution sys tems, supplying power generation equipment to significant civilian, industrial and military clients worldwide
Hordvikneset 125, Bergen 5108, Norway
www bergenengines com
Bergen Engines AS builds iconic medium speed liquid fuelled and gas fuelled reciprocating engines for marine and land based applications
Our engines can be found operating in some of the most demanding and hostile environments on earth, both on land and at sea Today, not only do we build the finest medium speed engines available, Bergen also supplies generator sets, provides modular power generating plants and partners for complete turnkey microgrid power solutions.
The largest power plant currently powered by multiple
heir iconic medium speed hem are still in service
he British engineering and s plc The company was 31 December 2021 ly powered by multiple
ts iconic medium speed hem are still in service today.
CMF Technology Park Maresfield Road Oakham Rutland LE15 7FW cabeluk.com
We repair and supply electrical equipment across a variety of market sectors and industries and have more than 30 years of experience in our business sector (railways, telecom, farmers, schools, food companies, facilities services, construction com panies, hire plant to list some but not all) .
We’re a fast, flexible, responsive company, equipped to be able to meet high local service levels and offer highly profes sional back up.
We are a sister company to Mecc Alte, the largest independ ent alternators ‘manufacturer and have a strong local founda tion and experienced support We operate throughout the UK from our Oakham base.
In addition to servicing the following industrial equipment: Electric motors, pumps, submersible pumps, industrial fans, alternators, gensets
We also hold stock of new replacement motors, pumps and spare parts for all our equipment and also offer exchange and preventative maintenance arrangements.
Unit C, Power House, Senator Point, Knowsley, Liverpool, L33 7RR www.clarke energy.com/uk
Clarke Energy is a multi award winning, global power projects business specialising in the engineering, installation and maintenance of distributed power generation solutions Our focus is helping businesses achieve net zero through on site power generation, utilising a range of green gasses and hybrid power options. We provide distributed power plant solutions with market leading engineering, installation and maintenance support
We have comprehensive resources to support the engineer ing of your project with capabilities in computer aided design, mechanical and electrical engineering
We have dedicated teams to support you in delivering quali ty through the project management, installation and commissioning of your project.
We value the provision of reliable maintenance services for your power generation equipment delivered efficiently through our extensive network of service engineers.
Our goal is to maximise return on investment for our customers:
High efficiency power gener
Maximise availability: Qualit spare parts
Maximise availability: Reliab sales support
Novel financial solutions wh Risk reduction for customers
Our specialism is gas engin heat and power technology W incorporate additional and co generation and storage technologies as hybrids or microgrids. We are also able to offer biogas upgrading solutions for gas grid injection ***
Second Avenue Centrum 100
Burton on Trent Staffordshire
DE14 2WF
Crestchic designs and manufactures loadbanks for the safe and accurate commissioning and maintenance of power systems; including diesel generators, gas turbines and UPS systems. With sales and rental offices in the UK, North America, Singapore, Netherlands, France, Germany, India and Dubai, Crestchic is the largest load bank specialist in the world
Crestchic's solutions include:
*Resistive loadbanks from 20kW to 7000kW
*Resistive reactive from 50kW to 6250kVA
*Medium voltage loadbanks to 36kV
*Step up & step down containerised transformers 400v 36kV
*Heat load testing for data centres
Bietigheim Bissingen, Germany
www durr com
Dürr Systems AG is part of the Dürr Group, one of the world's leading mechanical and plant engineering firms with outstanding expertise in the fields of automation and digitiza tion.
The Dürr Group is active on the market with the three main brands Dürr, Schenck, and HOMAG The long established brand Dürr has been a byword for continuous innovation since 1896, with a wide range of products in robot, process, and assembly technology for all areas of vehicle production, focusing on painting and final assembly lines
Dürr also offers painting technology for general industry. In the field of environmental technology, Dürr supplies efficient systems for exhaust air purification, for increasing the effi ciency of production processes, and for sound insulation tech nology for a wide range of industries. Smart automatic and supervisory control systems and an efficient service offering complete the portfolio.
As an international market leader, Dürr is your one stop shop for the automotive industry, and plans and implements turnkey paint shops, final assembly sys tems and machine and robot technology. What’s more, Dürr offers high performance systems for air
part from the crowd We to smart networking for 20 e digitization of systems,
itional brand that has stood ality since 1896. Along with Schenck and Homag, it is the Dürr Group's third major brand, which has its headquarters in Bietigheim Bissingen, Germany
12 & 13 Rugby Park, Bletchley Road, Stockport, SK4 3EJ
www edina eu
Edina specialises in the engineering, installation and asset care support of gas fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants powered by hydrogen ready MWM gas engines (a Caterpillar brand).
We also offer HVO standby generation for mission critical infrastructure and battery energy storage systems (BESS)
Edina offers a system integrated approach to battery energy storage. We combine the latest global tier 1 battery and inverter technology to engineer in house a comprehensive and scalable BESS solution that delivers guaranteed performance for Behind the Meter (BtM) and Front of the Meter (FtM) applications.
We can project manage the full turnkey EPC contract of a standalone on site BESS solution or co locate with hydrogen ready high efficiency MWM gas engines and standby generation as part of a hybridised power solution.
Our in market operations and tier 1 distributor status ensure our teams can support your power generation and energy storage requirements from the design, engineering, build, and installation through to ongoing asset maintenance from a single point of delivery.
Talk to our experts on stand 24 or visit us at www edina eu
Miller Road, Corringham Road Industrial Estate, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 1QB
eminox com
Eminox has tailored exhaust aftertreatment systems which achieve Stage V equivalent emissions standards for diesel generators up to 7MW. Our technology can reduce harmful emissions including particulate matter, NOx and NO2 by over 80% With more than 25 years’ experience in designing and manufacturing retrofit technology, we provide a cost effective alternative solution to buying a new unit. This means you achieve the most cost effective path to compliance, in addition to delivering real world emissions reductions.
We have sold over 90,000 retrofit systems for a range of applications around the globe and, for more than 10 years, Eminox has been supplying original equipment manufacturers (OEM), such as Volvo Penta, in the genset market Every retrofit solution Eminox offers is built to the same quality as OEM and are designed and manufactured in our UK headquarters
Governments around the wo harmful emissions, including power stations. Many cities a implementing Clean Air Zones (CAZ), such as London’s NRMM stage V genset requirement, therefore it is imperative businesses consider how the could be impacted in the long drive to reduce air pollution reduction regulations such as London’s Stage V requirements and the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD) ***
Electricity Building
Blenheim Road Pocklington Road York YO42 1NR
www enrogen com
Enrogen established in 2005, builds premium quality diesel generators with the highest quality UK and European components. Made in the UK and supplied UK & worldwide Enrogen's generators are engineered for standard applications from households to large scale infrastructure
Enrogen specialises in the manufacture of diesel back up generators. Its generator sets help ensure critical systems can be maintained in the event of power outages at high risk facilities including super prisons and hospitals
The company recently won a US$15m contract to install back up gensets for a major new projects in the Middle East to install 16 x 2500kVA diesel back up generators at new data centres being built by a global computer company in Saudi Arabia’s & Dubai, representing Enrogen’s biggest ever deal.
As a vote of confidence in what the contract win means for its future, Enrogen is creating further capacity by building a state of the art fabrication plant at its Pocklington Plant near York It has also launched a recruitment drive to employ more skilled and unskilled roles to boost its workforce.
While Enrogen has seen consistent year on year growth since it was established by brothers in law James Brown and Gavin Wilkinson in 2005, and has remained buoyant despite the recent challenges caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, this latest commission has taken it truly global, according to Sales Director Kevin Griffiths It could open the door to fur ther Middle Eastern projects which would cement its place on the world stage and potentially double the size of the firm over the next four years and beyond.
“It’s already won us the ‘Exporter of the Year’ 2021 award from the Association of Manufacturing Power Systems,” explained Kevin, “and there’s no doubt this deal will get us noticed in this industry.
“Doing a good job of this install, which represents our biggest project ever, will hopefully pave the way for further commissions out in other parts of the Middle East, which is a real growth centre at the moment, particularly for areas like computing and data housing, and financial services, because as well as undergoing significant growth itself it is ideally
plying key infrastructure nearby.
mploying local people and ng on the world stage, ears spent building outstand
Marin House 19 West Ln Thornton Bradford BD13 3JB
FSS offer all aspects of installation, maintenance and moni toring of fuel storage facilities We Specialise in Critical Buildings/Data Centres
Fuel Tanks/pumps/pipework and fuel polishing: Fuel tank/pump/pipework installation & maintenance
Fuel sampling/on site polishing/permanent polishing systems
Mandatory annual aboveground tank inspections
Mandatory annual underground tank pressure tests
Mandatory bi annual interceptor inspections
Oil spill training for onsite staff
Sole installer of Geberit integrally bunded (pipe in pipe) stainless steel pipe
Tank/Pump and Pipework Installation
Capable of installing anything from a small single tank, right the way through to large tank farms on new build Data Centres
Maintenance and Annual Inspections
We perform legally required annual inspections on fuel storage installations. Inspections are done to meet EA/DEFRA/HSE requirements As part of the inspection we take a fuel sample and have it lab analysed We will then offer a comprehensive report on the fuels condition, if it is poor quality we can polish it.
Unit 2
Glan Y Llyn Industrial Estate Cardiff Road CF15 7JD
Based in Cardiff, South Wales, FuelActive operates on six continents, supplying many of the leading equipment OEMs and operators in the construction, mining, power generation, pumping and road transportation sectors. FuelActive’s patent ed technology replaces the standard fuel pick up pipe, to ensure that only the cleanest fuel in the tank is used by the engine’s fuel injection system. The FuelActive system creates a unique flow dynamic that draws fuel from the upper level in the tank, eliminating the costly and disruptive effects of fuel con tamination and maintaining fuel consumption and CO₂ emis sions at factory level standards.
Developed by company founder and chief engineer Mike
Karl Dungs Limited
18 Liberty Way
Attleborough Fields Ind Estate Nuneaton CV11 6RZ
Phone: 02476 375 733
Email : info.gb@dungs.com Website: www.dungs.com
Karl Dungs Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Karl Dungs GmbH & Co. KG one of Europe’s most successful manufacturers of gas control equipment.
DUNGS offers complete safety control trains for gas engines used in CHP and power generation. Our application engineers design complete gas control trains to meet standards across the Globe and for a wide range of gases including natural gas, LPG, hydrogen, biogas & landfill gas. We have been present in the UK for more than 40 years with a dedicated team of design & technical support professionals. We provide both ‘on-engine’ gas safety and upstream pressure reduction sys tems (EU Gas Pressure Directive Cat. II). Every gas train is unique and we pride ourselves on working closely with our customers to ensure the best possible solution.
We would be pleased to meet you at Table 40
Sound Proof Systems is specialized in standard Flat-Pack canopies and custom products for OEM’s around the world.
Also enclosures and tank frames for telecom applications.
Sound Proof Systems B.V., Engelenburgstraat 45, 7391 AM TWELLO, The Netherlands T. (+31) 571-27 69 00, F. (+31) 571-27 68 00, info@soundproofsystems.com
James, FuelActive has been p Andes mountains and at +50°C Manufactured from high quali components, that are resistan is offered in various sizes to s zero maintenance once instal
Foxbridge Way, Normanton Industrial Estate, Normanton WF6 1TN generator power co uk
At Generator Power Ltd we only use modern Atlas Copco generators because we think they’re the best in the world. Using one brand helps us ensure our engineers always have the right spares with them, so they can troubleshoot more quickly and minimise downtime We also work hard to stop problems occurring in the first place. We service our generator hire fleet every 400 to 500 hours and retire them early So whatever kit you hire, you can be sure it’s modern, ultra reliable and ‘low mileage’. Generator Power Ltd specialises in offering:
Power Generation Emergency Response Turnkey/Project Management Telemetry Fuel Management Off road Capacity
22 Brunel Way, Segensworth, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5SD hendypower.co.uk
Hendy Power is the award winning industrial and marine engine division of the Hendy Group and offers a wide range of services from new engine sales, OE parts, service and technical support pre and post sales.
Hendy Power is the UK Distributor for FPT Industrial supplying new engines and parts to the power generation, industrial and marine sectors, supporting a network of service points across the UK and Ireland. We provide engines to a multiple industries from power generation and marine as well as agriculture, pumping, construction and motorsport, we are not constrained or defined by these industries and work to meeting customers needs in the most demanding and challenging applications
Founded as a separate division in 1968, but with the same family values and dedication to great service that the Hendy Group strive to offer, Hendy Power has now supplied over 120,000 engines and holds both industrial and marine distributorships with FPT Industrial and Ford Component Sales, Kohler and Lister Petter Power Systems. We are also proud to supply engines, parts, major assemblies and original equipment components to industrial, marine and specialist vehicle services
As a member of the British Marine Federation, certified to ISO 9001, Hendy Power also offers a wide range of service parts available for same day dispatch to ensure you’ll always be able to get what you need, when you need it Our expert
und the globe by carrying t used in construction, lsion and military support, ll always go above and
Caen View
Swindon SN5 8WQ www.hjs.com/uk
Retrofit SCRT Emission Reduction Technologies for Power Generation and NRMM Applications
Based in Dortmund in Germany and Swindon in Wiltshire, HJS Emission Technology employ approximately 450 people engaged in the development, pro duction, marketing and technical support of our modular range of emission reducing exhaust systems for the power generation and construction markets as well as road, rail and marine applications
Numerous measures for reducing pollutant emissions are being introduced in the UK with the main objective being to reduce emissions generated by all urban generated sources. Non Road Mobile Machinery and power generation are a significant contributor to poor air quality in these areas
HJS’s modular and bespoke retrofit technologies reduce harmful emissions including PM (Particulate Matter) and Nitrous Oxides (NOx). The HJS SCRT can be supplied as a modular system for a simplified installation as well as serial production OE “turnkey” systems compatible with Gensets, Non Road Mobile Machinery and other construction machinery. The HJS SCRT system consists of a DPF and SCR which are combined to provide a simultaneous reduction of PM and NOx enabling operates to upgrade gensets from stage III and IV emissions to meet Stage IV and V Emission Standards.
Retrofitting a genset and other construction machinery with an HJS SCRT system will offer emission regulation compliance and foreseeably extend its life at a fraction of the cost of procuring a replacement Where an existing full flow factory DPF is installed, this can also be retained and an SCR installed to offer compliance at reduced cost.
Systems are approved by the Energy Savings Trust NRMM approval scheme via VERT Certification ensuring that the required emissions standards are met and compliance with UK requirements is provided.
1 Chapel St, Warwick CV34
www hms networks com
HMS develops and markets products and solutions within Industrial Information and Communication Technology (Industrial ICT). Our products and solutions enable industrial equipment to communicate and share information with soft ware and systems The company operates in 17 countries, dis tributes in In more than 50 countries and has been involved with installations at more than 7 million at companies such as Siemens, Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electrics, Toshiba, Sony, Panasonic, ABB, Hitachi, etc
If you have concerns about fuel quality, speak to an experienced IPU fuel expert about our industry-leading fuel and environmental managed services.
We can offer everything you need to keep your fuel in peak condition from environmental compliance through OFTEC surveys to subsequent remedial recommendations, installation of polishing systems and scheduled maintenance routines. And, as a leading OEM in fuel systems, we are in a unique position to design and manufacture the solution most tailored to your needs.
With decades of experience in the global Oil and Gas sector, operating in some of the world’s most demanding ATEX environments, we fully understand the hazards and challenges you may face – which is why you can rely on our pro-active and undiluted support at all times.
HMS products are used by m equipment. Makers are, for e robots, air conditioning units, devices Makers turn to HMS s connected Users are, for exa integrators or building careta equipment. Users turn to HMS solutions to enable communic tion and information sharing industrial applications.
HMS stands for Hardware Meets Software Our technology enables industrial hardware to communicate and share information with software and systems. This is the foundation for realizing the Industrial Internet of Things. HMS products are used to connect millions of devices and machines around the world They provide sustainable, reliable, secure and intelligent communication solutions, often incorporating wireless technology, cloud and IIoT connectivity.
At HMS, we believe that connecting matters, in everything from making devices, machines and systems talk, to engaging actively with our customers
Our state of the art technology connects millions of industrial devices all over the world in automation systems as well as in innovative IIoT applications ***
Unit 3 Swaffield Park Hyssop Close, Cannock WS11 7FU idesystems co uk
IDE is known for creating fresh new solutions and useful fea tures which are critical to the power distribution market Our solutions can be used across a wide range of industries and customised to suit your needs. Our vision and mission start with sustainability and innovation as the driving force, leading IDE to become the go to trusted adviser within the temporary power industry. IDE will be the company of choice for clients, partners, employ ees and shareholders; who seek to work with a company widely recognised as a market leader in the design, manufac ture and rental of industry leading products. By bringing a focus on power distribution, IDE will achieve leadership in the creation of value for our clients, partners, employees and shareholders; becoming the go to trusted advisor for our cus tomers and end users worldwide. Our passion for a low carbon future lies within our innovative products that reduce costs and power wastage yet increases efficiency
Unit 4 Roundwood Trade Park, Roundwood Drive St Helens WA9 5XU www indps co uk
Supplying Premier Products & Services to the Oil & Gas, Marine and Power Generation Industries, Industrial Power Systems is a leading supplier of critical power products & turnkey solutions We are a privately owned company & based in the heart of the UK, stocking high quality control, protection and ubrication products for diesel and gas engine applications Together
rumentation, control panel rnators, power distribution
olutions for your total power pport, control system el design, installation and
Registered office: Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PH The Institution of Power Engineers ipowere org
At the Institution of Power Engineers our mission is to serve our members and the industry by encouraging the sharing of knowl edge in the field of power and energy and to advance concep tual thought, design, development, manufacture, application, operation and maintenance of power and energy plant and systems
We strive to be the leading independent international forum for networking and promotion of knowledge in the field of power and energy.
Cygnus Way, West Bromwich, B70 0XB www ipu co uk
IPU Group is a 2nd generation business founded in 1959, and we design, manufacture, distribute and support high quality products for diesel and gas engine applications:
• Fuel management and environmental services to protect and analyse stored diesel:
IPU offer a full range of fuel and environmental services including fuel sampling & testing, fuel cleaning and polishing (manufactured in house), fuel uplift, tank decommissioning, cloud monitoring and full inspection services (including OFTEC) As the leading OEM in fuel systems, we are in a unique position to design and manufacture the solution most tailored to your needs.
• Emissions solutions to reduce NOx and particulate contam ination:
IPU design, manufacture and distribute Award Winning emissions abatement packages, including Selective Catalytic Reduction systems and Diesel Particulate Filters. We provide MCERTS accredited gas testing We can also supply Gas to Liquid (GTL) fuel when diesel is no longer the preferred option.
• Engine starting systems for commercial engines:
IPU design, manufacture and distribute non electric starting solutions for diesel engines up to 320 litres Solutions include: air starter motors and packages, spring starters, hydraulic starter motors and packages and nitrogen packages.
• Engine components and displays for commercial engines and gensets:
IPU supplies and supports a wide range of distributed prod ucts, including Enovation, Parker Racor and Baldwin filters. Products include programmable displays, battery chargers, sensors, on engine filtration & world class filter media
We’re committed to making a positive difference world wide as a leading provider of solutions protecting people, our environment, critical industry and infrastructure. We’re supported in this mission by our global network of 15+
distributors With decades of power industry, our products most demanding environment to the far reaches of Australia ards and challenges you may on our pro active and undilut
89 Kenley Road, St Margarets Middlesex, TW1 1JT www.kaleoto.com.tr
KALE, a private family owned company founded in 1966 Istanbul Turkey, started with a small scale production of copper engine cooling radiators and heater cores for the Automotive Industry. By the 1970’s, already a recognized brand, Kale exploited into export markets Development of the industry over the years, has allowed Kale investing into another manufacturing plant with an available 20.000 sq. meters of floor space in the region of Çayırova Gebze in 1985 for production of aluminium heat exchangers and grow into a leading manufacturer in Turkey with expanding its export sales to global OEM, OES and Aftermarkets
18 Liberty Way, Attleborough Fields Ind Estate Nuneaton, CV11 6RZ Website: www.dungs.com
Karl Dungs Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Karl Dungs GmbH & Co KG one of Europe’s most successful manufacturers of gas control equipment.
DUNGS offers complete safety control trains for gas engines used in CHP and power generation Our application engineers design complete gas control trains to meet standards across the Globe and for a wide range of gases including natural gas, LPG, hydrogen, biogas & landfill gas.
We have been present in the UK for more than 40 years with a dedicated team of design & technical support professionals We provide both ‘on engine’ gas safety and upstream pressure reduction systems (EU Gas Pressure Directive Cat. II)
Every gas train is unique and we pride ourselves on working closely with our customers to ensure the best possible solution. We would be pleased to meet you at Table 40.
Suite 20/21, West Lancashire Investment Centre, White Moss Business Park, Skelmersdale WN8 9PW www.nidec.com
Manufacturers of Alternators From 5KVA 30MVA in low, medium and High voltage up to 13 8KV Experience, Reputation and Reliability, Leroy Somer are global leaders in the Alternator supply. With almost a century of experience in rotating electrical machinery Leroy Somer leads the alternator market with world class innovation and technology.
Dedicated engineering teams focused on a wide range of applications including: Construction / Rental, Telecom / Data centres, Commercial, Oil and Gas (ATEX certified products available), Marine, Railway, Co generation; all of them for different type of prime movers: Diesel / Gas engines, Gas /
nd turbines and much much th an extensive reference suit your applications.
ighest quality, adhering to Please contact us for fur S Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6PZ.
Lister Petter, the brand name has been around for that many years and being recognized as a world renown engine Founded in 1865, Lister Petter has a history of over 150 years.
Lister Petter diesel engines range from 10kW to 800kW Over the years Lister Petter has become a household name for many companies worldwide. In some places an engine is not just an engine, it’s a ‘Lister’ Our engines can be found on every continent and in almost every country in the world. This has been the backbone of the company and has pushed everybody involved in Lister Petter to achieve more and deliver nothing but the best
Lister Petter engines are adapted to a diverse range of applications including power generation, water pumping, telecom, agricultural machinery, industrial machinery, construction plant and emergency equipment operating reliably in all conceivable ambient conditions. From the freezing sub zero temperatures of China and Northern Russia, to the scorching heat of the deserts in the Middle East, India and the vast plains of Africa
Lister Petter has been supplying durable and hard working engines into different market sectors for decades. Over the years, we have precisely configured our engines for each individual sector Our flexible and professional team is able to respond quickly to different customer specifications, whilst keeping lead times short. This ensures your engine is configured for your application before it leaves our factory, meaning it is ready to be put to work immediately ***
6 Lands End Way, Oakham, LE15 6RF www meccalte com
Mecc Alte manufactures the world's largest range of low voltage alternators 1 5,000 kVA via our 'made for manufactur ing product design in Italy, the UK, China and India. Each facility is concentrated on the production of world class alter nators, with complete manufacturing in Mecc Alte SpA and Mecc Alte Power Products in Italy (1 5,000kVA), Mecc Alte UK in Great Britain (1 3,000kVA), Mecc Alte Haimen in China (7 5 3,000kVA) and Mecc Alte India in Pune India (6 5 750kVA) The network of factories is additionally supported by wholly owned subsidiaries based in Australia, France, Germany, Singapore, Spain and the USA who specialise locally in the sales, distribution and aftersales for all Mecc Alte's alternator solutions. This global support ensures that our customers get the assistance they need... wherever they are.
As power generation becom more complex, the discussion power become much more ab complete solutions rather tha just individual products In re nised the growing need to off ent versatile solutions for OE ing genset controllers with a tery chargers alongside altern
In addition to a very broad ' also introducing the new V Type designed specifically for harsh environments delivering maximum uptime We continue to meet specific customer requirements for a wide variety of specialised alternator products, which include 400Hz, water cooled, DC, variable speed, totally enclosed, wind power and DC telecom systems
Our independence is very important to us and to our cus tomers because we never compete with any of them in the end market (we don't sell complete generator sets).
We aim to be the Power from Within our customers gensets to ensure the lights stay on globally
Beechings Way, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 6PS
www mems com
MEMS Power Generation sparked into life in 1978 as an elec trical engineering company. Since then we have grown to become the leading specialist in temporary power solutions, operating one of the country’s largest generator rental fleets We are proud of our heritage as well as the fact that our cus tomers value our commitment to high quality service along side our technical expertise and innovation in market leading generating equipment Our approach to generator rental concentrates on providing a class leading service, com bining a variety of disciplines into one deliverable solution
We provide:
Emergency Power 24 hours a day 365 days a year
Planned outage Generator hire specialists for all your needs Generators
30kVA 2000kVA, plus multi set paralleling up to 25MW standby power
Providing a total turnkey solution for your power requirements
MEMS sets the standard in generator hire with one of the most extensive rental fleets in the UK
Unit 3, Aberafan Road, Baglan Industrial Estate, Port Talbot, Baglan Industrial Estate SA12 7DJ
www mhm group co uk
MHM Group is a dynamic, forward thinking company supplying a wide range of quality equipment and services to the UK and Ireland rental markets.
The company designs, develops and manufactures an exten sive range of power generation machinery, solar hybrid gener ators, fluid storage tanks and site lighting towers, alongside an exhaustive line of product related accessories.
Environmental issues are at the heart of the MHM Group
d generators range up ts d on ely fossil fuel free, MHM has th of which are powered via and charged via solar ns, zero noise levels, zero fuel consumption and zero engine maintenance.
Raiffeisenstraße 18/20 D 36391 Sinntal Germany
Miratechgroup com
MIRATECH Group, LLC is a stationary engine exhaust system manufacturer engaged in the development and application of emission control, noise attenuation, and exhaust gas heat recovery solutions for large gas and diesel reciprocating engines
Founded in 1992, MIRATECH is a critical partner to a wide range of blue chip Engine OEMs, dealers and aftermarket providers in the power generation, gas compression, rail & marine, and general industrial end markets Emission control and noise attenuation systems are critical to engine operation and customers have come to rely on MIRATECH as an expert. With a large national and global network and unmatched regulatory knowledge, businesses trust MIRATECH to navigate the complex landscape of overlaying federal, state, local, and International regulations which introduce ever greater complexity.
Phoenix Way, Cirencester GL7 1RY www.piller.com
Piller was founded in Hamburg 1909 by German engineer Anton Piller Employing around 1000 people worldwide, Piller is headquartered in Osterode, near Hanover, Germany, with subsidiaries across Europe, the Americas and Australasia Modern, purpose built manufacturing and R&D facilities at Piller's Osterode head quarters in Germany, and purpose built assembly and testing facility at nearby Bilshausen, Germany are absolutely state of the art. These facilities are widely are situated in 14 hectares with more than 50,000m² of accommodation The Bilshausen facility, which was built in 2001 houses state of the art equipment for the assembly and test of Piller's renowned high capacity diesel UNIBLOCK rotary range; the facility was expanded in 2009 significantly increasing the assembly areas and incorporating additional test bays capable of testing systems up to 3600kVA, making Bilshausen the most modern facility of its' kind anywhere.
The Piller group is a wholly owned subsidiary of the multi disciplined global UK engineering and industrial group, Langley Holdings Plc. In 2016, Piller acquired Active Power Inc., the flywheel energy storage specialist.
The Langley Holdings Power Solutions Division is focused on the development of hybrid renewable microgrids based on a collaboration between our Bergen Engines, Marelli Motori and Piller Power Systems subsidiaries. The aim is to meet immediate and future microgrid requirements efficiently and cost effectively, while reducing emissions to a minimum
begins at 10.00am
10 00 10 30
Technical Secretary AMPS The Association of Manufacturers of Power generating Systems He looks at the issues surrounding red diesel a gas oil which is a cheaper alternative to regular diesel, and it is not subject to the same environmental regulations
This means that it can be used in engines that are not as efficient as those found in passenger cars In the UK red diesel is also called “rebated gas oil”
Coffee & Networking 9 00am 10 00am
Dave Phillips is Engineering Director at Eminox Ltd, formerly Head Of Development and then Product Development Manager before that
He has a PhD in Organic Synthetic Chemistry plus a BSc in Chemistry from Swansea University
Eminox is well known for providing sustainable engineered solutions which meet and exceed stringent emissions control demands
Romain will speak about the diesel & gas generator market in 2021 and the coming years: which territories and which segments are recovering faster, and what is the outlook for the next few years Generally speaking, the generator industry has been affected by the COVID 19 crisis but it has also strengthened some segments that were already growing strongly, such as data centres He will look at where the major sources of growth are for the generator market
With more than 52 years in engineering including 32 years’ experience in data centre power and cooling, Ian is a former CTO for Emerson Network Power in EMEA and Visiting Professor to the University of Leeds, and now an Expert Witness for HKA Global An author of many technical papers on critical power and cooling with presentations and keynote speeches
HYDROGEN UK Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Technology Supply Chains
Adelan is the longest running fuel cell technology company, with over 50 years’ experience in the UK hydrogen industry landscape Not all fuel cells use hydrogen Adelan has developed fuel cells which use common, cheap fuels with non fossil replacements This talk will describe recent advances in the global hydrogen economy and project the role of UK fuel cells
As Off Highway Regulatory Affairs Director PEM Europe at Cummins, Richard is responsible for influencing, understanding and communicating all aspects of exhaust emission and noise regulations that affect non road diesel engined products which are sold into Europe
12 30-13 00
An author of many technical papers on critical power and cooling with presentations and keynote speeches made around the world, Ian is a Fellow of the IET and Member of CIBSE A formerTechnical Chair of the Data Centre Council of techUK and Chair of the DCSG of the BCS
An introduction to acoustics on stationary power generation applications
• What we hear and how sound is measured
• The acoustical characteristics of the sound and how they relate to the applications
• Topography and the effects on sound
• How silencers work and how they are sized
John is a Customer Engineer for Durr (Universal)
MIKE BENZIES 14 00 14 30
STORED FUELS - The challenges relating to stored fuels in critical standby applications
Are existing OFTEC regulations really suitable for our industry?
Mike Benzies is the IPU Group Business Development Director
Sustainable critical power systems helping to achieve decarbonisation but without grid reliance
Sustainable power is planned to be delivered through the mass electrification of systems, reliant on decarbonised generation sources feeding the National Grid Organisations want to control their critical power needs, but this may sacrifice decarbonisation goals Take control of sustainable critical power needs
begins at 10.15
10 15 10 45
Gordon is a Director, Subsurface at RPS Energy RPS
Energy has over 15 years’ experience in the market place and recognises the importance of building a bespoke utilities package for all its clients
Professionalism and a personal approach are two of the company’s core values with each client being appointed a nominated energy consultant to walk them through the process, from initial appointment to contract and beyond
Mark Barrett has a PhD in Energy Modelling and is Professor of Energy and Environmental System Modelling at the UCL Energy Institute, which he joined in 2006 He has 45 years experience of modelling energy and transport systems working as a civil servant, con sultant, company director and academic He has developed models to aid policy development
GREEN HYDROGEN - Wake up to the hype around green hydrogen for heating where might it realistically have an application engine power generation in wind and solar droughts?
Richard is actively involved in researching, analysing and communicating around the government policies needed to transform the way we heat homes and buildings In 2021 he moved to the Regulatory Assistance Project where he has focused on applied heat technology
TERJE ERIKSEN11 45 12 15
ENABLING A ZERO CARBON FUTURE Hydrogen & future fuels as an engine-based power plant installation can supply reliable power for over 30 years, machinery chosen today must be able to operate on the least GHG intensive fuel that is available now and be able to transition to the green fuels as they become available Terje Eriksen, Regional Sales Manager at Bergen Engines, will be sharing insights on the opportunities & challenges with hydrogen
ON-DEMAND LOW PRESSURE HYDROGEN GAS a perfect feed gas for engines and Fuel Cells
A 2/3rd Methanol and 1/3rd H2O mix through a unique reformer can deliver low pressure hyrogen gas on demand The H2 mix is a low pressure gas for PEM Fuel Cells Fuel cell anodes are immune to trace methanol unlike trace ammonia which is very harmful These deliver H2 gas for loads between 50kW to 500kW
12 45-13 15
DIRECT AIR CAPTURE OF CO2 for methanol engine and turbine fuel is this the way forward?
Marine main propulsion? Hydrogen or batteries?
Neither The only solution is carbon neutral methanol CNP has developed technology to use Direct Air Capture and its unique, patented electrolyser to produce a synthetic methanol suitable for marine use
9 00am 10 15
HEAT PUMPS WITH DISTRICT HEATING & CHP running the BEIS SRBI project to deliver open control systems for renewables including a number of field trials from domestic installs through to heat networks
Richard Hanson Graville is Technical Manager at Thermal Integration Ltd & 2nd Generation HIU and Thermal Store designer He is Head Of Research And Development for Thermal Integration Ltd where he deals with the development of renewable storage systems and communal heating interface systems
ICT for Smart Energy and Internet of Things, he founded Trusted Renewables Limited (TRL) in 2008 As a company he reports we are deeply involved in Smart Energy, IoT and M2M R&D exploiting secure, trusted and/or blockchain architectures My team has completed numerous Innovate UK IoT and smart energy R&D projects and consultancy projects with international companies
BRENDON UYS 14 15 14 45
HOW TO INSTALL HEAT PUMPS CORRECTLY - so they work properly and have a good winter and seasonal COP
Brendon is Managing Director of Heacol, a well established local Renewable Heating firm based in Cumbria which has been providing services since 2007 It specialises in Eco Friendly heating, by installing new heating systems using heat pumps which can provide the same benefits as a new boiler
DR ANDREW CRIPPS 14 45pm 15 15
HEAT NETWORKS: recent progress and their future potential as part of decarbonising heat and the role of engines CHP in the transition Andrew is Technical Director, Heat networks and Sustainability at Triple Point, Visiting Professor, Sustainable Building Engineering, Loughborough University Former Regional Director of sustainability AECOM He was previously based in St Albans with the AECOM (formerly Faber Maunsell) development
Dr Bill Bordass is the Research and Policy Adviser for Usable Buildings Trust this is a charity which collects information about building performance, improves awareness of techniques for building evaluation, extracts lessons and attempts to influence clients, designers, builders, suppliers, occupiers, management and government It provides technical assistance
15 45 16 15
Chairman of the Claverton Energy Think Tank, Dave has been involved for many years with projects which focus on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) developers who are addressing environmental issues, legislation and emissions of CHP installations on a worldwide basis
Pramac House, Stoke On Tren ST6 5GF
PRAMAC's history began in 1 when the Campinoti family fo ed a construction equipment company From its inception MAC has continually evolved transformed, expanding its pr the global benchmark for the warehouse material handling equipment PRAMAC’s diverse business lines ensure the company is a leading player in a wide variety of global markets. With 16 subsidiaries and 7 manufacturing plants situated in Europe, Asia and South America, PRAMAC is present in more than 150 different coun tries. PRAMAC manufactures a complete and flexible product range that satisfies the full spectrum of energy needs to suit customers worldwide
In 2002, PRAMAC became involved in the MotoGP World Championship with its team “Pramac Racing”, and now, thanks to its strong partnership with Ducati Corse, it plays a leading role in the most prestigious two wheeled Championship in the world
2016 saw PRAMAC become part of the Generac group form ing the world’s third largest generator and lighting tower pro ducer.
With the support of around 1100 employees and 10% of engi neers, PRAMAC has developed technological experience, which is second to none. PRAMAC’S vertically integrated man ufacturing processes and the investments made ensure that all the company ' s products are designed and built with no compromises on quality to deliver optimum performance All PRAMAC's resources and energies are indeed dedicated to the most demanding markets, with the goal to offer products that are fit for purpose. Using top quality components and working with the support of strategic partnerships, we are able to offer guaranteed product performance with global support
PRAMAC’s mission for the future is continued growth, offer ing leading edge technology and evolving to more resilient, efficient and sustainable energy solutions **
Unit 1, Adler Industrial Estate, Betam Road, Hayes UB3 1ST preheat co uk
Preheat Engineering Ltd has been the manufacturer and global supplier of the mar ket reknown PEREGRINE heating equipment for over 60 years PEREGRINE’S high quality, long lasting and reliable engine pre heaters enable easy engine starting, reduction in engine wear, full power on demand, fuel saving, lower maintenance, smoother running, reduced idling and emissions. The broad range of solutions extends from diesel engine coolant pre heaters, to tank and fuel tank heaters Our continued suc cess is due to the high quality, long lasting resilience and reli ability of the PEREGRINE engine pre heaters product range, backed by exceptional customer service
Whilst the market for engine heating has changed over that time, especially with environmental concerns, Preheat Engineering’s continued innovation, high quality, and
ing the evolving PEREGRINE
because we know how s, in ensuring emergency e started quickly, every
solutions extends from nk and fuel tank heating ff the shelf’, or developed in or custom designed to meet
Our continued success is due to the high quality, long lasting resilience and market leading reliability of the Peregrine diesel engine pre heater product range, backed by exception al customer service On standard products we always endeav our to deliver within two working days It may be longer in Wales and Scotland ***
Griffiths House
Hermes Close, Warwick, CV34 6UF rochestersensors com
In October 2019, Fozmula was acquired by Dallas based Rochester Gauges, LLC, joining a group of liquid level sensor, switch and gauge manufacturers with the joint goal of providingOEM design engi neers with a range of innovative technologies that will solve their liquid level monitoring challenges
This group, is now called Rochester Sensors and our comprehensive product range includes liquid level sensors, switches and gauges for use with fuels, oils, coolants and liquified gases to industries
We now have an even broader range of liquid level moni toring products enabling us to help customers by providing elegant solutions to often complex liquid level challenges
In addition to our facility in Warwick, UK, Rochester Sensors has manufacturing facilities in Dallas, Texas; Mexico City, Mexico; Brussels, Belgium, and a sales office in Shanghai, China.
Rochester Gauges, LLC is a multi national company head quartered in Dallas, Texas It began operations with its first liquid level gauge in 1913 as Rochester Manufacturing located in Rochester, New York.
From its inception in 1913 the company grew to include sev eral other product lines In 1958, Gas Equipment Company, a distributor of propane related parts and supplies purchased Rochester Manufacturing’s propane gauge line and moved it to Dallas, Texas creating Rochester Gauges Rochester Gauges was successful with the propane gauge line and later expand ed and acquired the remaining product lines from Rochester Manufacturing.
As one of the first companies to develop a liquid level gauge for the propane industry, Rochester continues to be a leading innovator not only in the propane market but also in agricultural, aircraft, automotive, industrial, marine, off highway, locomotive, refrigeration and process equipment markets across the world Today, Rochester Gauges has signifi cantly expanded its manufacturing capabilities with additional manufacturing facilities in Mexico, Belgium and China.
Tongwell Milton Keynes MK15 8HB
www scania com
.With prime power outputs r Scania produced Stage V engi variety of power generation o
As a premium brand, Scania and efficiency in order to del economy and the lowest whole life costs. The environment is also an important consideration for Scania, and as such the company has long been recognised as a leader in the field
Scania products are backed by an extensive international serv ice organisation and a global parts supply system, factors which make Scania engines the first choice of operators worldwide.
HQ: Fountain Court, Lynch Wood, Peterborough, Cambs UK www.stamford avk.com
STAMFORD | AvK provide the ultimate power solution for world class expertise and 24/7 global lifecycle support, as the world’s energy demands evolve Our STAMFORD® and AvK® alternators are renowned throughout the power generation industry for dependability and pioneering innovation. Peace of mind is guaranteed in a range of applications including marine, telecoms, standby and critical protection, CHP, rail and prime power.
Unit 8 Frankley Industrial Estate, Tay Road, Rubery, B45 0LD www.teksanuk.com
Teksan, which aims to deliver uninterrupted power solutions to the people through sustainable improvement and innovation, designs and installs high quality diesel, natural and biogas driven generator sets, mobile lighting towers, gasoline generators, cogeneration trigeneration solutions and hybrid power systems that exceed the expectations of the customers For more than a quarter of a century, thanks to its solid experience and engineering know how, Teksan has been provid ing tailormade power solutions which can efficiently operate even under the most challenging conditions for major interna tional projects
These have involved construction, telecommunications, data centres, shopping centres, hotels, residential buildings, supermarkets, sport centres, mining facilities, hospitals, research centers, educational institutions and industrial plants all around the world
Today, thanks to its high quality generator sets approved with international quality certifications which are made of world’s top engine brands coupled to well know alternators to meet projects’ requirements of different output ranges, and fast and effective after sales technical support and maintenance services in more than 130 countries.
Teksan UK is a subsidiary of Teksan Generator.
ION wich Midlands
ing micals work of a fast and efficient delivery
797 when Charles Tennant eaching cloth; a revolutionary ng the textile industry, at the time Tennants were the largest chemical manufacturer in the world. Since then, the Tennant Group has remained a success ful, independent chemical company and Tennants Distribution are the leading independent distributor of chemicals in the UK Our extensive range of products are used in all industrial sec tors, including paint and coatings, food, pharmaceuticals, per sonal care, water treatment, detergents and metal finishing Our product list can be searched by A Z, industry or division
Through years of working in partnership we have developed efficient supply chain solutions, vital for both customers and suppliers We are distributors for many of the world s largest chemical manufacturers, stocking over 2,500 products We offer a wide variety of packaging formats Our network of depots are strategically located. We run our own fleet of vehicles ensuring a fast and efficient delivery service across the UK and Ireland. With over 200 years of service experience, we are certified to ISO 9001, FEMAS and BRC Standard for Storage of ambient food chemicals and ingredients. We have a team trained in the principles hazard and risk analysis (HACCP) and are a leading advocate for Responsible Care in the UK ***
Unit 1 Atlantis Court Nicholson Road, Ryde Isle of Wight PO33 1FB www.tricab.co.uk
Triangle Cables (UK) Ltd are a distributor & manufacturer of flexible Cables & Connectors Triangle Cables are well known globally for the quality and flexibility of their Cables, whether that may be large Double Insulated single cores for Generators and Loadbanks etc, or multi cores & Low Smoke Zero Halogen Cables for the Marine & offshore industries, the quality of both the Cables & the Service remains the same.
Triangle Cables also manufacture Tri rated Cables for use in Switchgear & Generator manufacture Our Tri rated cables are manufactured with a class 6 conductor, making them extremely flexible & are used all over the world Triangle Cables has the capability to manufacture Tri rated cables up to 630mm2 & in the UK we carry as standard, up to 240mm2.
Triangle Cables (UK) Ltd also manufacture the POWERSURE brand of connectors, which includes amongst other things, the LSP range of connectors in 500amp & 800amp versions and are rated at 1000volts.
The LSP range come in Panel Connectors & In line connectors and are used typically for temporary power Also, within the LSP range are the very popular SEQ units. These units are designed to be mated in sequence & uncoupled in sequence. The SEQ units clever & compact design makes it perfect for fitting into LV connection chambers etc Powersure, like Triangle Cables, also believes in producing design & products to the highest standard and has won an international contract to design, build & deliver bespoke short circuit safety devices.
Unit 1 West Of Scotland Science Park Kelvin Campus 2317 Maryhill Road, Glasgow G20 0SP
turbineserviceslimited com
Turbine Services is a global provider to owners and operators of industrial gas turbines, offering an employee skill base in excess of 2,000 man years of experience in gas turbine main tenance solutions. With our heritage in John Brown Engineering, our primary specialization is in the heavy duty frame range of General Electric designed gas turbines Turbine Services maintains a substantial computerised inven tory of spare parts for the General Electric design of heavy duty gas turbine equipment, and also other OEM turbine man ufacturers Our parts inventory is continually monitored to ensure that the customer requirements are satisfied ex stock for both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Turbine Services offers the most comprehensive independent gas tur bine repair service in the world Supported by state of the art tech nologies and capabilities of our par ent company, Chromalloy, Turbine Services has extensive experience in repairing and refurbishing all compo nent parts associated with gas tur bines and related power equipment ***
143 Butt Road Colchester CO3 3DP www tvri co uk
TVR Instruments Limited is a Distributor for several European Manufacturers. Its product lines cover the spec trum of power monitoring, measurement and control for the AC and DC LVD distribution and power generation industry
TVR represents Frer, an Italian manufacturer of Analogue and Digital Measuring Instruments, Transducer class 1 to cl .2, Current Transformers Measuring, High Accuracy ( .2S) and Protection class ( up to 5P20), Analogue and digital Earth Leakage Relays for Type A, A F and Type B installations and accessories such as control switches and busbar insulator.
Genset controllers are available from Emko Elektronik who manufacturer a range in 4 sizes to suit the largest to the smallest set with controller for us in AMF, AUTO Start, ATS and Mains connected applications.
Intelligent Battery Chargers, DC UPS and Power Supplies are manufactured by Adel System, again from Italy The Adel range covers from 12V 3 A to 48V 10A with remote monitoring via ethernet available on selected lines
TVR Instruments is the UK and Ireland agent for Ziehl Industries Elektronik of Germany, distributing its range of G99/98 Loss of Mains Relays, Temperature, and Protection relays for use in transformers as well as a range of PTC, PT100 and PT1000 measuring and protection devices with up to 12 sensor which, on certain models, can be of mixed types.
For environmental control within cubicles or containers TVR is the agent for ALFA Electric covering its range of filter fans, Thermostats, heaters and the range of AC units. Al products are manufactured in Italy. TVR Instruments is the stockist with a technical grounding in the product lines we sell We look forward to meeting you at the show and to receiving your valued enquiry.
Wedgnock Lane, Warwick Warwickshire, CV34 5YA
The Volvo core values quality, safety and environmental care are fundamental for our operations, and these also apply to our open and future oriented approach to establish business relationships, and our ability to make flexible product offerings both for hardware and soft ware
Volvo Penta is a world leading supplier of power solutions to marine and industrial applications. Driven by innovation, our close cooperation with our customers and our century long experience, we supply comprehensive solutions that are made to move emotions, people, businesses and societies.
Volvo Penta supplies premium power solutions for applica tions all over the world for equipment manufacturers and users From round the clock mining operations deep below to vital construction equipment we are building our new tomor row. From road building and landscaping to port handling. With a perfect combination of strength and versatility, Volvo Penta engines supply industrial operations with durable and reliable performance To this we add service and support that will maximize your uptime, no matter where in the world your operation is. Your productivity is our commitment, and this makes us a partner you can truly rely on wherever, whenever ***
25 N Orbital Commercial Pk St Albans, Herts AL1 1XB, UK: www.wasp pfs.com
WASP invents, designs and manufactures customised fuel filtration equipment and fuel additives, including the innovative fuel polishing systems, absolute polishing products and side stream filtration. We also design and manufacture medium and low voltage switchgear
We are leaders in the market and our systems are sold around the world We produce unrivalled quality equipment, and in the last 2 years have launched 5 products. We value honesty and integrity and are known for our trusting and innovative nature by our customers WASP has over 30 years of experience and plenty of heritage and unmatched expertise. The WASP PFS Ltd division was formed in 2011 and has now become a pioneering company, with high technical capabilities, rigid quality control systems and inspiring customer service and sales engineering teams These divisions are core to our belief in quality above all else
The WASP engineering team are the innovators behind all the WASP products, including fuel polishing systems, fuel filters, fuel additives, oil change systems and the invention of Absolute Polishing®
In 2021, WASP PFS Inc was opened in Illinois USA; and a new range of sidestream filtration products was launched. MLA Filtration also joined our group of companies
In 2022, WASP merged into a new group, which bought low and medium voltage switchgear to their offer. WASP Power and Filtration Solutions innovative and trusted. Lets Work Together We offer: W HL (HIGH LIFT) FUEL POLISHING
Designed for underground tanks and demanding applications, 60 70 litres per minute fuel polishing system, capable of lift ing fuel up to 7m, while cleaning to 2 micron, removing both free and emulsified water, bacteria and particulate.
Broad Ground Road Lakeside, Redditch B98 8YP www.weg.net
WEG is committed to creating quality products and efficient solutions To achieve this there is continuous investment in innovation and team work Helping people reach their goals by living the values of the company is a passion shared by everyone at WEG. WEG wishes to continue growing fast in a sustainable way The objective is to keep a simple business structure, providing flexibility for our actions We want to offer the best of both worlds: the capacity of a global compa ny and availability whenever necessary. WEG specialises in motors, generators, transformers and electric controls with a wide integrated offer for electrification, automation and digi talization This is our direction: to be recognized globally as a benchmark brand for electrical machines. We will achieve this by supplying efficient, complete solutions and by building strong relationships with our customers We value generation of professional and personal development opportunities, human rights, diversity and the environment. We invest in solutions for reduction of carbon emissions and encourage our people to be engaged in social activities where we have our operations, with focus on health and education WEG is dedi cated to the development, production and sales of products and services with greater efficiency and the continuous improvement of business processes, meeting regulatory requirements and allowing the reduction of energy consump tion and impacts on the energy matrix
WEG offers a a complete line of generators for the most diverse applications, from the simplest to the most dedicat ed, in different environments conditions The company also deals in highly reliable hydraulic turbines with high efficiency can be supplied using the state of the art equipment and skilled experience people. ****
Unit 3 Forward Works, Warrington WA1 4BA www.wernickpower.co.uk
Wernick Power Solutions can cater for any temporary power need Alongside a fleet of over 1,600 genera tors ranging from 6 to 500kVA, we can supply loadbanks, distribution boards, fuel tanks, cabling, and storage.With our minute by minute telemetry, we can ensure a continuity of supply and help you to reduce your carbon footprint and can offer a range of power generators for hire.
Our dedicated and experienced team can help you at every step of the way, from site surveys and preparation to delivery, installation, commissioning and handover Our support teams are available every day of the year to keep you up and run ning. Throughout Britain, we supply power generators ranging from 18kVA to 500kVA, suitable for applications across all sec tors
We can provide small diesel generators up to large scale multi generator packages and hybrid solutions that are sourced from leading manufacturers. Our industry experts can help you with your choice of generator solution to suit your needs, whether it may be to improve your carbon footprint, reduce costs, or arrange silent overnight operating.
Our standby generators can be configured to ‘auto start’ if the customer wishes This can happen within seconds so you can carry on working when the grid goes down
If you require power in an emergency, we are able to react quickly with our guaranteed 24/7 response all year round. All
our engines are compliant with legislation. Our generator specifications include:
Stage IIIA and Stage V emissions compliant engines as standard to meet legislation
Robust and secure canopy with large lockable doors providing additional security in vulnerable areas
Large 24 hour fuel tanks as standard allows for greater running times between re fuels and are fully DEFRA compliant Industry leading fuel consumption using the latest technology in engine design
Durable bunded base with 110% capacity to reduce the risk of environmental impacts; complete with a high level alarm Full synchronization, load share and load demand capable Road towable options providing flexibility
Connectivity to location tracking and full telemetry
Unit 2 Hurricane Close Sherburn In Elmet, Leeds LS25 6PB www yorpower com
Formed in 1989, YorPower has grown to be one of the most recognised and successful suppliers of diesel genera tors in the UK today Our growth has been thanks to a simple approach providing rapid and com prehensive customer service, whatever the requirement and wherever in the world it may be. Around half our annual turnover is exported, and we have supplied customers in over 60 countries to date The YorPower name and brand has been associated with generators, manufacturing and installations and associated switchgear for over 30 years.
The current management team and Board of Directors have been in place for over seven years YorPower Limited is a UK based manufacturer, supplier, installer and contractor for diesel generators. The company provides spare parts for all major brands of industrial diesel engines, generators, control systems and peripheral equipment including MTU, Perkins, Cummins, Volvo and Lister Petter YorPower operates nationally and internationally with dealers located on all the major continents. YorPower provides full service cover throughout the UK 24/7 365 days a year and provides warran ty support for MTU, Cummins and Perkins engines Whilst YorPower is a wholly independent manufacturer, we are now an authorised dealer for Cummins equipment in the UK, improving our parts distribution network and engine supply chain At YorPower we offer full project capability, from ini tial ideas stage through to generator specification, logistics planning, on site installation, commissioning and testing of electrical and mechanical equipment through to subsequent warranty support, maintenance and aftercare We provide a complete service to deliver a fully operational power genera tion installation system, be it large or small and powered by conventional diesel or more modern fuels that reduce our clients’ carbon footprint Recent legislation governing the control and use of diesel engines, specifically with regards to emissions in the Rental sector (the legislation does not apply to static machinery), has caused YorPower to reflect on and specify whenever engine availability allows, the least pollut ing engine(s) possible Our commitment as principal contrac tor for the supply of power generation systems and equip ment means we take full responsibility (subject to contract) for all generator plant, all associated switchgear and controls, mechanical movement and installation equipment, all underpinned by Method Statements, Risk Assessments and partnering with the main contractor.
AV Industrial Products Ltd. BAUDOUIN
CABEL Clarke Energy Crestchic Dürr Universal Edina Eminox Ltd ENROGEN
Fuel Storage Solutions
FuelActive Generator Power Hendy Group
HMS Industrial Networks IDE
Industrial Power Systems
Institution of Power Engineers
IPU Group
Kale Auto Radiator
Leroy Somer / Nidec
Mecc Alte
MEMS Power Generation MHM Group Miratech
Tennants Distribution Triangle Cables Turbine Services Ltd TVR Volvo WASP PFS WEG UK Wernick Power Solutions Yorpower Ltd
Essential electromechanical repair and rewind for alternators, pumps, motors and so much more.
Designed to assist your business and extend the life of your equipment.
Call: 01572 755 168 Email: info@cabeluk.com www.cabeluk.com
Anyone who knows gensets, knows that Mecc Alte is unrivalled for our knowledge and expertise worldwide. From alternators and controllers to an integrated generator system, we are the Power from Within. From prime power to standby power, data centre, renewables, telecoms and more, Mecc Alte delivers complete intelligent systems with digital AVR to identify fuel efficiencies and every component working perfectly together. All backed up by the support and unbiased advice you only get from the world’s leading independent alternator specialists. Take 360° control. Talk to Mecc Alte.
The world’s largest independent producer of alternators 1 – 5,000kVA