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We outline all the Member companies and Associations which currently make up UKGSA. Isn’t it time YOU joined too?

ISSUE 01 Visit us: Connecting professional Companies and professional People.
to the first edition of the UKGSA magazine which is distributed free amongst the membership which comprises 50+ members, 65,000+ digital readers and Associations in the UK Power & Energy sector
Mocaer of PowerGen Statistics presents the latest market research information on the European Gen-set sector
he also takes
look at global
Features: Honorary Members
Power of Association
Gen-set prospects page 7-8
to be the
of choice”
FOREWORD - Richard Teasdale, President I Chairman UKGSA outlines the year ahead. 07 THE GEN-SET MARKETRomain Mocaer’s review.of the economics behind industry. 10 HYDROGEN FUTUREDr Michaela Kendall examines the future of fuel cells for CHP & Gen-sets. 12 UKGSA - AN ANALYSISWhat the Association is all about. 14 EVENTS DIARY - Key genset and CHP exhibitions and conferences 16 WHO ARE THE MEMBERS? - Member companies within UKGSA 18 ALL ABOUT POWEREX LIVE EVENTS IN 2024 21 THE DCA TODAY - a look at the Data Centre Association & the MHFCN.. 26 INDUSTRY NEWS - a look at some Member News and the latest MEGSA infomation. 2 03 “Working for
Spring 2024 Edition -Richard TeasdaleUKGSA 2024 missed: Not to be

“This Issue is a must read for those focusing on the latest trends and new regulations within the Gen-Set & CHP industries

“Welcome to UKGSA

Welcome to the first edition of UKGSA Association magazine which is distributed free amongst the membership of now over 50+ members including key companies and associations in the UK Power & Energy sectors.

Launched in December 2023, UK GEN-SET & CHP ASSOCIATION (UKGSA) is pledged to serve its members and the industry by encouraging the sharing of knowledge in the field of Gen-Sets and CHP throughout the entire independent standby power and energy sectors.

The Association’s additional aim is to promote the interests of the Generating Set industry for UK Manufacturers, Suppliers & Distributors, Service Providers, Rental Companies and Power-related providers.

We hope that other companies involved with the UK data centre sector will come along and join us at at Data Centre World, 6th-7th March, 2024, for an immersive experience at the epicentre of infrastructure advancement. This is definitely the place to discover groundbreaking solutions at an event which essentially powers the digital economy.

The exhibition also presents the chance to learn more about the one-day PowerEx Live Midlands Show being held on June 27th, 2024.This will also feature an unparalleled line-up of key speakers and industry exhibitors. They come together to present cutting-edge power generation technologies and high-quality services, setting the stage for innovative energy-generation strategies across the industry.

On June 26th, 2024 - the day before the PowerEx Live Midlands event - we are holding a special Golf Day on the Brabazon Course at the Belfry Hotel & Resort at Royal Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands. Book your Company 4 player team, 3, 2 - or individual person team places as soon as you can. There are networking opportunities available with many UKGSA member companies. See for further details. At the end of 2024, on December 12th, we will be participating in PowerEx Live London, one of the UK’s premier energy conferences held in Westminster.

UKGSA has a serious, technical purpose but also offers a diverse range of UKGSA Hospitality Events, such as a day at the Cheltenham Races on March 12th, the 2024 Aintree Races - Grand National 11th April, Cricket at Trent Bridge on 19th September and on 28th July a PowerAid Charity Football Day at Coalville Football Club. UKGSA is also holding a day at York Races – Ebor Festival - on 22nd August 2024.

So far 50+ key companies have joined UK GEN-SET & CHP ASSOCIATION and we very much look forward to expanding our membership and its activities during the course of 2024.

Richard Teasdale, President I Chairman of UKGSA

3 03

What the UKGSA can offer you

Here’s what UK GEN-SET & CHP ASSOCIATION (UKGSA) can offer you as a company. Our vision is to serve our members and the industry by encouraging the sharing of knowledge in the field of Gen-Sets and CHP throughout the entire independent standby power and energy sectors.

We further aim to promote the interests of the Generating Set industry for UK Manufacturers, Suppliers & Distributors, Service Providers, Rental Companies and Power related providers (see

The Association offers:

*UK Power CONNECTIONS We focus on connecting companies and professionals.

*Global Exposure - Affiliate members as an extension of your marketing

*Industry Knowhow- Training days, Webinars, Statistics, Monthly News + more

*Founder Membership Upgrades

* Discounted Advertising Opportunities + VIP Access Zones

ALL ACCESS - 4 Tier Membership Levels

Membership Benefits:

*Access to all the latest Gen-Set & CHP news in the UK

*Affiliate Members

*Founder Membership Badge

*Company Logo on website plus video hyperlink

*Access to Gen-Set Statistics Report

*UKGSA Networking Event days 4 per year

*Training Days

*PowerAid Football industry Day (Charity raising day)

*White Papers (Member access password)

*Complimentary Company Pull Up at an event

*UK Power News (Free Digital + Print Ad )

*Members Know How Hub / Zone

*Annual Members Guide (62,000+ Digital Distribution)

*2 x 1 page ‘FREE’ in Official UKGSA Association


*Member Networking drinks in London (7 Dec.’23)

*Hospitality Days : Golf, Horse Racing & Cricket

*Quarterly Members Newsletters

*Promoting UKGSA at 15+ trade Events annually

*Company Logo ‘Free’ on annual Event Year


*Training days, Webinars, Statistics, Monthly News

* Discounted Advertising Opportunities + VIP

Access Zones.+ more

*Linked In company post reposted to over 11,000+ Join Now and experience what it is like to be truly



Membership fees are calculated according to your company’s annual turnover. Please supply an indication of your total turnover for the last financial year on the form which can be seen on www.

TIER TURNOVER (in millions) ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE 1 £75M £2,750 + VAT 2 £15M - £75 £1,950 + VAT 3 £1M- £15M £1,650 + VAT 4 £0M- £1M £995 + VAT UKGSA 2024
Web: Email: Tel: +44(0)28 3836 1000 CHOOSE YOUR PERFECT GENERATING SET AJ Power specialises in the volume manufacture and bespoke design of diesel fuelled electric power generating sets from 10kVA to 4376kVA, 230V - 13.8KV for use across a range of sectors. Choose from a selection of engines, alternators and genset configurations, including canopy, open or containerised options. A$ FP UKGSA Feb 2024 final.indd 1 16/02/2024 12:10:38

Your road to sustainability

Working with Edina, we can help your business reduce energy costs and carbon emissions whilst improving energy resilience and flexibility with a hydrogen-ready Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant, Battery Energy Storage System, or Hybrid Co-located Power Solution.

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European diesel generator market features two trends

The EU diesel generator market is down for the 3rd consecutive quarter after its record level in Q4 2023, despite being 12% higher than the same quarter of last year.

The market is affected by a significant decline in generators below 750 kVA, while strong growth in generators above 2000 kVA continues, reports Romain Mocaer of the key market research operation, PowerGen Statistics.

The market for generators below 500 kVA continues its marked decline, and in particular the smaller generators below 100 kVA. This, which had reached record levels last year (Ukrainian imports, energy crisis) fell back to its levels of the first quarter of 2022, a drop of 46%.

What is affecting the Gen-set market?

The reasons are still the same : the Fear of an energy crisis caused by the conflict in Ukraine is no longer as strong as last fall, Ukraine has stopped its massive imports of generators, and distributors still have a significant stock of products. Generators of more than 2000 kVA continue to experience very strong growth, driven by the development of AI and data centers. Germany (Frankfurt region in particular) and the United Kingdom are the main beneficiaries, but many other countries (Spain, France, Italy, etc.) are also seeing the DC market grow very strongly.

This growth is expected to continue in the months and years to come, as data center development plans in Europe are expected to see hypergrowth in the short and medium term future. The only obstacles to development: the availability of land, and certain measures restricting development put in place by certain cities (eg. Amsterdam) or governments (Ireland) but which only move data centres to other regions (Southern Europe in particular).

One of the world’s leading market investigators forsees positive developments ahead, especially in the UK data centre sector where backup and UPS systems remain in high demand
Romain Mocaer

2023 appears to be a transition year for generators below 750 kVA. After more than 2 years of post-COVID recovery, and double-digit growth (+22% in 2021, +15% in 2022), the year 2023 should grow at a lower rate (+6%), but above all experience a much weaker second half of the year, and a slight decrease is expected in 2024.

Indeed, the main drivers of growth are currently at a standstill, even if large disparities exist depending on the region and segment.

One of the big differences between 2022 and 2023 is the stock levels at distributors. In just a few months, we went from a situation where demand was much higher than supply (long lead times, shortage of components) to a situation where supply is now higher than demand.

Telecom market, agriculture, rental and residential generators. Here are their trends for 2024.

-Mobile and rental groups: The market is expected to take a break in Europe, after 2 years of post-COVID recovery where rental companies have invested massively in new fleets, and the outlook for the construction market calls for great caution. In North America, the mobile market seems to be holding steady at very high levels.

“In global terms the 2023 & 2024 generator market outlook (sub 750 kVA) appears to be very much in transition.”

The local Chinese market being very affected by the real estate and construction crisis, and Europe (which was boosted in 2022 by Ukrainian imports and fears of an energy crisis) are having a significant negative impact on the market in this end of 2023 and 2024.

-Romain Mocaer

Outlook by application

On a global scale, the main market drivers for sub 750 kVA generator sets are the industrial and construction sector, the

-Industry and construction:

In general, the residential construction sector should decline in most regions, and the non-residential construction sector should show very contrasting growth depending on the region: sustained in Southeast Asia and to a lesser extent in North America, it should suffer in China, Europe and Latin America.

-Telecom: Although the development of 5G still benefits this segment, growth will be very moderate in 2024 because certain markets (USA) have invested massively in past years, except in Asia where growth should be more sustained.

Forecast by region

-China: Local Chinese market will continue to suffer in 2024 as residential housing projects will continue to decline while growth in infrastructure projects may moderate. Businesses are suffering

“After 2 years of very strong growth, driven recently by the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine and the energy crisis, the main vectors of growth are at a standstill. (Ukrainian imports, fears of an energy crisis, decline in construction) and product stocks are high at distributors.

from the slowdown in the global economy and falling exports. On the other hand, Chinese exports of generator sets are booming and have doubled in 2 years.

- South East Asia: It is one of the regions that should do well in 2024, thanks to the growth of construction infrastructure projects in the key countries (Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines). Roads, railways projects as well as the relocation of the capital in Indonesia are some of the key examples.

-India: 2023 is a transition year for generators below 800 kW with the implementation of the CPCB IV+ emissions standard. Government spending on infrastructure and the country’s economic outlook provide optimism for sustaining the growth of the Indian market.

-Europe: This is the region that is expected to suffer the most at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024. After 2 years of very

Key Statistics

strong growth, driven recently by the consequences of the conflict in Ukraine and the energy crisis, the main vectors of growth are at a standstill. (Ukrainian imports, fears of an energy crisis, decline in construction) and product stocks are high at distributors. The market is expected to record a double-digit decline in most countries in 2024.

- Africa & Middle East: growth prospects are subject to significant downside risks due to, persistently tight global financial conditions and elevated geopolitical risk especially in Africa. However 2 countries should be the pillars of growth in these regions: Saudi Arabia thanks to the giant construction and infrastructure programs that have started, and South Africa which still suffers from blackouts and whose emergency generator market still very strong.

-North America: growth has been mainly driven by the mobile segment and investments in new fleets. Although fears exist in the residential market, the non-residential construction sector is expected to continue its growth thanks to the positive impact of government-related infrastructure investments.

-South America: After a year of strong growth in 2022, the South American market is expected to take a break in 2023-2024. Inventory levels here have been high amongst distributors.


Solid Hydrogen Technologies for the Energy Transition: Solid Options for Off-Grid and CHP Generation

“Hydrogen technologies are now being used for off-grid power and CHP generators … and those that operate on existing, affordable infrastructure fuels can still achieve net zero

In the energy transition, no single energy source, fuel or technology is expected to solve every environmental challenge. While hydrogen and fuel cells are set to play a key role in the global energy transition to a clean, low-carbon energy system, scaling up the availability of hydrogen will take time and a lot of investment.

Almost one thousand hydrogen fuel stations have already been established globally by 2023. While hydrogen infrastructure continues to build up, certainly fuel cell technology still offers considerable scope as a low carbon and efficient power source for electric vehicles, domestic heat and power and other applications that are required for our clean energy future, like buildings and off-grid power generation.

British companies like Adelan have been developing alternative fuel cells for over 30 years.

Hydrogen-ready SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) is a highly energy-efficient power generation system, which can operate on low molecular weight hydrocarbon fuels like propane, LNG and natural gas – as well as industrial hydrogen, the less pure form that is already produced around the UK.

A SOFC can generate energy by chemically reacting fuel (hydrogen) and oxygen, and also supply energy as heat. SOFC technologies are increasingly becoming miniaturised, and SOFC systems have been installed in residential premises since 2011 to prove long lifetimes (>90,000 hours) and improve performance.

Director of Agile, said: “Working with Adelan over the last nine months led to the development of what we believe is the lowest carbon UK home. “We have provided Adelan with the building requirements and they supported us to understand the benefits of fuel cells and hydrogen – both in terms of low cost operation and carbon.

“The fuel cell CHP system in an off-grid home offers Agile an opportunity to help Agile affordable home customers reduce costs and carbon by >90% to support the energy transition. The eventual launch of the fuel cell product will be part of our move to innovate with Adelan to develop new products and supply our customers the latest in sustainable products”.

SOFCs have been installed in homes, construction cabins, communication base stations, traffic lights, robots, drones, and pipeline monitoring as backup power #sources, by fuel cell pioneers.

“Companies like Adelan have been developing alternative fuel cells for over 30 years. Hydrogen-ready SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) is a highly energy efficient power generation system.

These system lifetimes are much better than the standard PEM systems that typically operate for 5,000 hours plus, to a maximum of around 20,000 hours.

Working with UK low carbon house builders Agile has demonstrated the potential for SOFCs. Matthew Farrow, Financial

Figure 1 (above) shows the vertcial markets which Adelan works in and the stage of development of these technologies. Unusually, Adelan has even integrated its SOFCs into vehicles which include electric vehicles, trains, drones and construction vehicles.

First founded in The Midlands, Birmingham-based Adelan pioneered microtubular solid oxide fuel cell (mSOFC) technology more than 30 years’ ago.

Adelan’s fully patented and scalable technology gives the fuel cell an unprecedented flexibility, allowing the system to run on a range of commonly available fuels such as LPG, natural gas or propane/butane mix. As a result, though Adelan fuel cells can also run on hydrogen, they offer considerable additional operational flexibility and ease of use benefits whilst retaining a small, compact and lightweight footprint.


Adelan staff founded and built up the University of Birmingham Fuel Cells Centre, and now aim to commercialise UK fuel cell technology through the UK’s first Fuel Cell Incubator in Birmingham, with annual events started 30 years ago.

Because Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) produce considerable temperatures as part of the electrochemical process, it is possible to include a separate reformer with a fuel cell to produce hydrogen at source.

This allows fuel cells to use commonly available fuels such as propane or methane (natural gas) by chemically stripping out the hydrogen.

However, while this solution is technically feasible it does add costs and additional complexity, potentially creating new barriers to fuel cell electric vehicle uptake for instance.

So Adelan has developed a more commercially attractive approach with a novel fuel cell architecture that makes it possible to use gaseous fuels like propane without the need for a reformer. Developed some decades ago by the UK fuel cell pioneers and the country’s oldest fuel cell company Adelan Ltd, the microtubular SOFC uses an ingenious internal structure to enable the use of forecourt fuels directly.

Scalable from small portable units suitable for UAVs and right up to grid-connected power stations, SOFCs offer a dependable and reliable source of electricity in even the most remote locations so long as an appropriate fuel can be sourced. Furthermore, the ability of this technology to use available fuels like biomethane, biopropane or biomethanol offers considerable scope for an immediate and widespread fuel cell uptake. This is a clear benefit when it comes to developing a market for fuel cell electric vehicles and suggests that the volumes needed to produce such vehicles at a competitive cost are achievable.

Fuelled with hydrogen, fuel cells combine atmospheric oxygen to produce energy while its exhaust produces nothing but pure water. Hydrogen is a widely abundant element that can act as an effective carbon-free energy carrier, so is clearly attractive as a future fuel. However, there are a number of challenges that must be overcome for the hydrogen fuel infrastructure to achieve its potential. Fuel cells that do not require pure hydrogen and can use common fuels like LPG and BioLPG (bio-propane) offer immediate opportunities to decarbonise. Propane can complement solar and wind systems to reduce emissions while providing reliability — especially during challenging weather conditions.

SOFCs are expected to be installed in communication base stations, traffic One of the key obstacles for widespread hydrogen fuel cell uptake is sourcing the hydrogen fuel that would be used for example in a hydrogen fuel cell or combustion generator. While it is true the hydrogen produced from the electrolysis of water using renewable energy-derived electricity is carbon free, the vast bulk of all hydrogen produced today comes from the steam reformation of natural gas.

Global hydrogen demand stands at around 8–10 exajoules (EJ) annually, about 50Mte/a, but according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), roughly 95% of all hydrogen produced worldwide is so-called ‘grey’ or ‘blue’ hydrogen.

“One of the key obstacles for widespread hydrogen fuel cell uptake is sourcing the hydrogen fuel”

This is typically derived from natural gas and therefore still has a significant carbon footprint. In simple terms, this means there is little carbon benefit. In addition, the infrastructure required for the widespread distribution of hydrogen still needs to be developed. Recent figures from US Department of Energy reveal there are currently around 50 public hydrogen fuelling station locations across the US and Canada, the vast majority of which are centred on the west coast in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

These stations are now being closed by Shell who have deemed them non-commercial. Indeed, while last year the California Energy Commission approved a program to expand distribution infrastructure with up to $115 million in grant funding to boost fuel cell electric vehicle use, this will add just over 100 new stations where hydrogen is available by 2027. By way of comparison, there are already nearly 1,600 public fuelling stations where propane or LPG is available and they are spread throughout the US and Canada.

Beyond infrastructure, availability and its carbon contribution, perhaps the greatest barrier to the uptake of hydrogen fuel cells is the current and projected cost. California Fuel Cell Partnership

Figures from 2019 show the average price of hydrogen lightduty fuel cell electric vehicle in California is $16.51/kg or roughly $57 a gallon. The price of hydrogen will inevitably come down but for now the National Average Retail Fuel Prices Conventional and Alternative Fuels reports record propane at between $2-3 a gallon and conventional gasoline within the same range.

SOFCs are hydrogen-ready technologies, but by using affordable infrastructure fuels they can effectively bypass many of the key obstacles to uptake and instead become one of the key technological stepping stones to the clean hydrogen economy of the future.

“Fuel cells that are able to use widely available conventional fuels like propane or LPG provide a major gateway for the uptake of clean energy technologies while the availability and price point of green hydrogen produced from renewable energy catches up to become an economically viable carbon-free alternative,” explains Dr Michaela Kendall, Adelan’s chief executive officer.

“Adelan is delighted to support Agile to deliver low cost off-grid CHP and potential EV charging for its growing fleet, as part of their low carbon home product roll-out. We consider their beautiful, transportable home product as the best-in-class of current low carbon building, and we want to make it cheap to run so that rollout accelerates”.

More info? Visit:


UKGSALooking at events in 2024

Whatever you do don’t miss these three key events affiliated with UKGSA:

*June 26th, 2024: PowerEx Live Golf Day. The Brabazon Golf Course The Belfry @ £179.00 pp.Hugely reduced rates for accommodation directly with Power Media @ £169.00pp.

*June 27th, 2024: PowerEx Live Midlands 2024 aims to probe and discuss all the trends, opportunities and challenges for the GENSET, CHP & ENERGY industries. This will be held on Thursday, June 27th, 2024. Location: the Belfry Hotel and Resort in Royal Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.

*12th December 2024: PowerEx Live London.

This event is consistently the highlight of the year for energy professionals from the UK and Europe attending the GEN-SET, CHP & ENERGY LIVE Conferences which feature 24 top speakers. To be held at Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster Bridge, London, SE1 7UT. Visit the website for more details:

“The last PowerEx Live Conference truly was a great event. We were able to invite first class speakers, an excellent spectrum of companies showing their technology and also provide the maximum opportunity to network for professionals.” - Dave Andrews of the Claverton Energy

A key speaker at the recent PowerEx Live event was the Right Honourable Dr.Alan Whithead MP, who presented a paper entitled “Labour’s Plan to Deliver Britain’s Low-Carbon Energy System”. This important presentation discussed Labour’s commitments on the UK’s power sector and touched upon areas like hydrogen and CCS infrastructure and brought in a record number of attendees to the conference rooms at the exhibtion area based in at the Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster, London.


I was delighted to attend the annual PowerEx Live Conference 2023, which was held in London. With a turnout in the hundreds, delegates heard from a host of respected Electric Power industry voice throughout the conference. Despite many varying themes, it was refreshing to hear a clear consensus that there is no silver bullet to sustainability; delivering a successful energy transition depends on combining technology and innovation.

A key part of the resources available at PowerEx Live 2023 was the Power Hub Learning Zone held in a dedicated area of the exhibition floor. Participants included John Booth, a well-known figure in EU data centre circles, primarily for his role as reviewer for the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) EUCOC programme. He is also known for his work with the UK’s Certified Energy Efficiency Data Centre Award (CEEDA) & Data Centre Alliance Certification.

Clinton Noble of Finning UK was also present to offer advice and encouragement to participants. Two other very important speakers at the Training Zone were Jonathan Stokes, Sales & Marketing Director for Mecc Alte. and his colleague Terry Strange who is Workshop manager with Mecc Alte.Cabel UK in Oakham. He was able to offer training advice as part of his advanced skills in Project Engineering and Commissioning while speaking at the Training & Engineering Hub.

AJ Power also provided a key training session for all attendees at the conference. AJ Power currently manufactures generating sets at a modern production facility (10,500 sqm) in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, UK.

UKGSA 2024 EVENTS IN 2024 12

COGENERATION PLANT • FIRE FIGHTING PUMPS • PROCESS AND INJECTION PUMPS • DIESEL / GAS / HFO UNITS POWER STATIONS – BESPOKE UNITS BGG UK Limited · Delta House · Tendring Heath · Nr. Clacton · Essex · CO16 0BU Tel 01255 830355 · · A BRUNO GROUP COMPANY ENERGY SOLUTIONS 3118-BGG Projects Advert A4.indd 1 09/06/2021 16:46

Events Upcoming

27 - 29 Feb 2024


InterContinental London Park Lane, London

28 - 29 Feb 2024

Battery Recycling Europe Conference 2024

Hilton London Tower Bridge, London

28 Feb- 1 Mar 2024


Rimini Expo Centre, Italy

28 Feb 2024


Queen Elizabeth 2, Port Mina Rashid, Dubai, UAE

4 Mar 2024

Energy Transition Summit 2024 Conference 155 Bishopsgate, London

6-7 Mar 2024


12 - 13 Mar 2024

Energy Transitions Conference 2024

Chatham House, London

12 Mar 2024:

Cheltenham Races - UKGSA Hospitality Event Cheltenham

13 - 14 Mar 2024

The Distributed Energy Show 2024 Trade Show

The International Centre, Telford

28 Mar 2024

Hydrogen Tech Expo 2024 Trade Show

The International Centre, Telford, UK

28 - 29 Mar 2024

Engineering and Procurement in Energy Sector Conference 2024

ibis London Luton Airport, Luton,

28 - 30 Mar 2024

Everything Electric London 2024 Trade Show

ExCeL London, London

April 11th, 2024:

Aintree Races - Grand National - UKGSA Hospitality Event

Papillon Suite, Aintree

18 Apr 2024

Battery Tech Expo 2024

Silverstone Wing, Towcester


16 - 18 Apr 2024



15 - 16 May 2024

All-Energy Exhibition and Conference 2024

Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow

15 - 16 May 2024

Battery Cells and Systems Expo 2024

NEC, Birmingham

21 - 22 May 2024

Renewable Energy Revenues Summit 2024 Conference Hilton London Tower Bridge, London

21 - 22 May 2024

Utility Week Live 2024

NEC, Birmingham

26 Jun 2024

PowerEx Live 2024 Golf Tournament

Belfry Hotel & Resort, Royal Sutton Coldfield

27 Jun 2024

PowerEx Live MIDLANDS Conferences & Networking Event

Belfry Hotel & Resort, Royal Sutton Coldfield

25-27 HILLHEAD 2024

Buxton, Derbyshire

28 July 2024:

PowerAid Charity Football Day - UKGSA Event

Coalville Football Club

19 Sept 2024

Cricket at Trent Bridge

UKGSA Hospitality Event

25 - 26 Sep 2024

World Energies Summit 2024 Strand Palace Hotel, London

24 Oct 2024

Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition 2024

ICC Belfast, Belfast

23 - 24 Oct 2024

Renewable Energy Scotland Event 2024

Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow

6 - 7 Nov 2024

NIBS Battery Conference Telford, Shropshire

12 - 13 Nov 2024

Future Energy Wales 2024

International Convention Centre Wales, Newport,

13 - 14 Nov 2024

Future of Utilities: Smart Energy 2024 St Pauls, London

20-21 Nov 2024


RDS Dublin

20 - 21 Nov 2024

EMEX - The Net Zero & Energy Management Expo 2024

ExCeL London

12 Dec 2024

PowerEx Live London

Park Plaza Westminster Hotel, London SE1 7UT

recommends the upcoming events. We will be visiting all these shows and hope to see you there.
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*All the numbers of companies mentioned in the membership are accurate as we went to press.

Become A Member














































UKGSA is about connecting professional companies and professional people within the power generation sector.

How to join? Simply go the website and fill out an online form. Visit:



PowerEx Live Midlands 2024, will be held on Thursday, 27 June, 2024. It aims to probe and discuss all the trends, opportunities and challenges for the GENSET, CHP & ENERGY industries. Before this important day the UKGSA is backing an associated Golf Tournament which will be held the day before the PowerEx Live (June 26th).

This special Golf Day on Wednesday 26 June, 2024, is known as the official PowerEx Live 2024 Golf Tournament and is being held at the Belfry Hotel & Resort at Royal Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, UK.

Alongside several restaurants and bars, events and meetings spaces, a leisure club and The Belfry Spa, the site of the PowerEx Live 2024 Conference also features three famous golf courses, including the BRABAZON course.

These courses are recognised as world-class, having previously hosted The Ryder Cup more than any other venue in the world and home to this year’s Betfred British Masters.

PAR 72


The majestic fairways and carpet-smooth greens of The BRABAZON form a world-famous stage on which some of golf’s most exhilarating dramas have played out. Its meticulous design involves tight fairways, perilous bunkers, lakes and fast undulating greens that have challenged some of golf’s greatest players.

As you’d expect, it’s a challenging golf course, but a must-play for anyone who’s serious about the sport. Walk in the footsteps of golfing legends – Seve’s historic drive onto the 10th green, Sam Torrance’s famous putt which won the 1985 Ryder Cup match for the European Team or Christie O’Connor Jr’s belligerent 2 iron across the lake at the 18th.

More recent changes have seen the 6th hole become one of the most demanding, rated highly by modern-day great Lee Westwood.

The PowerEx Live 2024 Golf Tournament will focus on the BRABAZON course. Do you want to participate in the PowerEx Live 2024 Golf Day? Book your Company 4 player team, 3, 2 - or individual person team places as soon as you can.

Places are available on a first-come- first-served basis so book now to avoid disappointment.

What’s on offer on June 26?

*Networking opportunities with many PowerEx Live companies and delegates.

*The evening will include a 3-course dinner with prize presentation.

*Cost: Golf is £179.00pp and £169pp overnight stay.

*Sponsorship opportunities are available at £135 per hole

There are Prizes – Nearest the pins on every Par 3 and 2 Longest Drive holes.This is also a great networking event and presents a great opportunity to meet people from the Power & Energy Industries.

Final deadline for booking is 26 April 2024. Please email enquiries to: or

Don’t forget - the final deadline for booking: 26 April 2024. However, we expect to be sold out – BOOK EARLY and don’t miss you chance This event is perfect opportunity to bring your partner or a guest along.


PowerEx Live Midlands 2024

Thursday, June 27th

PowerEx Live Midlands 2024, to be held on Thursday, June 27th, 2024, aims to probe and discuss all the trends, opportunities and challenges for the GENSET, CHP & ENERGY industries.

At PowerEx Live Midlands 2024 the exhibit space is within the same room and in a different room the (DCA) datacentre alliance will be holding seminars and We will be hosting some of the foremost energy speakers in the country with the most recent and cutting-edge. The event is being backed by the UKGSA.

What did people think of the last show?

The PowerEx Live Midlands event has been described as “business, education and excellent golfing all rolled into one,” by one of the many leading industry executives who attended in 2023.

This regional event - with an associated golf tournament held the day before the event (June 26th) - offers all key sector players in the North of England an opportunity to assess new trends, connect and develop all under 1 roof over the course of 1 day.

The conference is being held at a top-class venue offering optimal trade opportunities to meet both regional and global buyers, specifiers, OEMs, equipment distributors and contractors/installers.

The venue is being held at an award-winning hotel and golf resort situated in the heart of the country at the Belfry Hotel and Resort in Royal Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.

The site offers 300+ luxurious bedrooms and suites. Also available are several restaurants and bars, events and meetings spaces, a leisure club and The Belfry Spa.

We will be hosting some of the foremost energy speakers in the country. Featuring the most recent and

This is regarded as the best oneday power show in the region

cutting-edge content within the energy industry the show will be based at an award-winning hotel and golf resort situated in Royal Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.

Tabletop exhibition arrangements mean companies can take their products direct to customers with the additional opportunity for networking with experts in all fields of CHP, Data Centres, Consultancy and GensetsThe choice of stands at the Belfry Hotel is allocated on a ‘first come-first-served’ basis, so please contact us today and prepare for the highlight of the UK’s Power & Energy calendar in the Midlands for 2024.

This is an event which builds upon success. In 2023 the Mere Golf & Spa Club, Knutsford, Cheshire, was the setting for the first Power Media International Group’s PowerEx Live regional conference & exhibition. This proved a major success as over 120+ delegates and exhibition personnel were registered.

Adam Thomas, CTO, commented on the 2023 PowerEx Live event in Cheshire: “Thanks for running the event, it was a good place to network with other people in the generator industry. The talks were informative and helped to give a good summary of the issues and opportunities in the market.”

For more details on the 2024 Powerex Live Midlands Conference, the Call For Papers and Exhibiting please visit:


Reich Couplings Driving Power Generation

Stationary power generators

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Reich TOK Coupling

• Highly flexible couplings for flexibly mounted engines

• Single and double element versions available

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• Highly fexible rubber disc couplings for Diesel & Gas engines

• Series AC-T with taper bush

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• Linear spring characteristic

• Also available as a shaft to shaft coupling

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DCAData Centre Alliance

The DCA (Data Centre Alliance) is a Founder Member of UKGSA. Data Centre Alliance has been hosting 10X10 Data Centre Update Events since November 2022.

The 10X10’s provide both senior data centre and infrastructure professionals with strategic guidance on the latest industry trends and developments. The 10X10’s are designed to bring the data centre community together on a regular basis throughout the year in a fun and informative way.

The DCA was formed over fourteen years ago and is well established with over 120 members. The DCA’s key aims have always been to assist with the development and education of the sector, with this in mind each 10X10 event starts with a series of educational sessions. Each session comprises of 10 presentations of 10 minutes – hence 10X10. Because of the short time for each presentation the speakers have to be succinct and ‘on point’; this ensures proceedings are exciting and fast paced.

At past events there have been updates from DCMS (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) now now Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, IPA (Infrastructure and Projects Authority) London Technology Academy, tech UK, DC Byte UK, RI.SE (Research Institute Sweden), National Physical Labs, Foresight, G4S, Honeywell, Delta / Eltek, Hillstone International, Critical Power Supplies, Enersys, DEIF, JL and many more…

With the informative part of the event finished, delegates have the opportunity to get to know the other attendees. The evening networking is the chance to relax and connect informally with all the speakers and other influencers in the sector, have a drink and a bite to eat.

The DCA’s next 10X10 event is scheduled for Thursday 18th April 2024 at The Wren Suite, St Pauls Cathedral, London. The afternoon will kick off with the usual series of 10-minute presentations, the line-up is currently being finalised - all speakers will focus on critical topics for the Data Centre sector.

Due to limited numbers, Data Centre Owners and Operators are offered priority for tickets to the afternoon update session.

If you are interested in attending please contact The DCA or call 0845 873 4587.

The DCA’s Data Centre Transformation Conference DCT 2024 - 4th July 2024, The IET, Birmingham

Future Proof your Data Centre and Digital Infrastructure

The Data Centre Transformation Conference is a one-day event hosted by The DCA and its Strategic Partners. The event is for DCA Partners, Members, Data Centre Owners and Operators and all those with an interest in The DCA and its activities in the Data Centre Sector.

Traditionally the event has had a technically biased audience drawn from the academic, public and private sectors. However, wider topics are now explored including skills shortages, the image of the sector, ESG and sustainability. The varied audience

will hear from a broad base of speakers including renowned data centre professionals and leading suppliers in the industry.

There are panel sessions, workshops and updates from Government and industry experts. Examples of agenda topics include:

• Building a UK Digital Strategy -focus on regional developments

• Incentivising UK Innovation

• Sustainable Data Centres

• Workforce & Skills in the Sector

• Powering Data Centres

DCT 2024 very appropriately, takes place at The IET (Institute of Engineering & Technology) in central Birmingham.

The conference opens at 10.00am and finishes at 17.00pm. The days agenda is followed by informal networking drinks in the traditional pub next-door followed by The DCA Dinner.

If you are looking for clarity and strategic guidance on the latest trends and best practices or wish to connect with those seeking answers please contact The DCA: or call 0845 873 4587.



UKGSA is able to report that Teledata, which was acquired by Datum Datacentres in 2022, is working on a new data centre based in the city of Manchester. This is being developed with heat re-use capabilities. This is a part of the company’s much wider and greener sustainability strategy.

The scheme will see Teledata’s new facility harness waste heat for conditioning, reuse and delivery to local projects in the Wythenshawe area.

The system is being designed so that heat exchangers can be used to transfer the thermal load of the data centre cooling loop to a local community heating network via a heat pump system, which will also reduce the amount of energy needed to deliver the required data centre cooling operation, therefore providing a double benefit. The new facility is targeting a PUE of 1.2.

The new data centre (MCR2) is being developed next door to Teledata’s existing facility and the most up to date sustainability best practices and standards are being embedded across all parts of the build process, from design to implementation.

In addition, the facility will be powered using clean energy from renewable sources with green certificates and solar PV roof panels.

The PV system will generate over 83,000 kWh/yr with a CO2 emissions reduction of over 7.4 tonnes annually.

A chilled water-cooling system with free cooling technology will be adopted and renewable HVO or

hydrogenated vegetable oil biofuels will fuel the emergency generators. The new data centre has been specifically designed to handle an external ambient temperature of 40+°C, to help mitigate climate change risks related to extreme heat.

The new site plan involves demolishing the existing building and designing a newer, more modern, energy efficient facility.

This was determined to be the most environmentally efficient solution to support expansion.

During construction, materials will be sourced from local suppliers wherever possible.

The works will avoid nighttime and high traffic hours to minimise noise impact. The waste management program will ensure that all waste from the demolished building is recycled where possible.

The project is expected to support jobs for 15 full time employees including suppliers, and the data centre facility will offer over 50,000 sq ft of enterprise-grade colocation space with 2N power redundancy, 100% 24/7 uptime, ISO27001 certification and NSI Gold Approved BS5979 security.

Matt Edgley, Chief Operating Officer for Teledata tells UKGSA:

“We have worked hard to ensure that sustainability principles are embedded at every stage of the development of our MCR2 facility. We have a responsibility to our clients to ensure that continuous capacity is available and is delivered, sustainably, supporting clients as they strive to meet their ESG targets.”

Matt Edgley, Chief Operating Officer for Teledata comments:

“We have worked hard to ensure that sustainability principles are embedded at every stage of the development of our MCR2 facility. As a data centre provider, we have a responsibility to our clients to ensure that continuous capacity is available and is delivered sustainably, supporting clients as they strive to meet their ESG targets. We hope to be able to expand fast enough to meet demand in the Manchester region, so that we can support our clients’ growth through resilient, secure and dependable data centre services and hosting solutions.”

Teledata was acquired by Farnborough based Datum Datacentres in 2022. Datum Group is backed by UBS Asset Management and provides sustainable enterprise grade colocation to businesses across the UK through its network of purpose-built, highly secure, highly connected carrier neutral data centres. The firm works to support responsible long-term growth, while helping its clients and partners to achieve their sustainability goals.



“I contacted Genovate on Friday morning, within 30 minutes they had replied and had an engineer on the way to us. They identified the fault and replaced the part all within the same day. This is excellent news for us because the risk of having no generator over the weekend was completelty removed.“


We strive to make generator installation and maintenance simple for our clients.

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To cater to your business's requirements, our exceptionally skilled engineers are available for regular generator maintenance services, either on a weekly or monthly basis. This ensures the ongoing reliability and performance of your generator.

0800 6890597 For more information visit C u s t o m e r R e v i e w
*92% of customers gave our service 5 stars!


UKGSA has ensured that the Midlands Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Network (MHFCN) was given Honorary Membership.

This organisation was set up in 2017 to represent the Midlands’ pioneering fuel cell and hydrogen activities , but the significance of hydrogen technology businesses in the region is much, much longer. This is detailed in the book published by one of the MHFCN founding businesses for COP26 called “Hystory: The Story of Hydrogen”. Previously, the Adelan founders wrote the definitive academic book on SOFCs, but this popular science history book aims to record the opportunity growth in hydrogen by detailing how a UK fuel cell powered the American Apollo moon landing and how the Midlands has long been a location synonymous with industrial innovation in energy. Hydrogen is the natural next chapter in the Midlands energy story.

There are more than 1,000 organisations engaged with the network today as hydrogen grows in importance and a dedicated MHFCN Business Forum with around 30 businesses which have formed. Adelan chairs the Network and the Network Business Forum, co-organising the UK’s largest hydrogen conference which takes place annually in Birmingham for 30 years.

In 2019, the MHFCN teamed up with STEAMhouse at Birmingham City University to create the UK’s first hydrogen and fuel cell commercial incubator and

in 2020 the network supported local decision making around the Birmingham hydrogen bus programme, later resulting in a project to have a 144 hydrogen bus fleet.

In the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games, the Network supported the deployment of hydrogen devices in vehicles and remote power applications to showcase the Midlands capabilities in this space, supported by Toyota. .

By creating real-world hydrogen transport pilots and hydrogen technology demonstrations hubs help us to understand the role hydrogen has in meeting our 2050 net-zero ambitions, which will inform all future investment decisions and prime export opportunities.

The Midlands Network is one of 6 active regional networks in the UK which collaborate together as growing regional trade associations for the hydrogen sector.

The hydrogen hub model has emerged as a way to commercialise hydrogen in situ, and hubs are established in Europe, the USA, Canada, China and Australia.

These networks comprise of the most actives businesses in the cleantech hydrogen space, and together represent the UK hydrogen fuel and technology ecosystem.

The MHCFN coordinates with other regional (Midlands Engine), national (UKHEA) and international organisations (FCHJU, MI), and reports into UK government departments DESNZ and DfT, as well as other national governments

governments (Japan, US, China, EC, etc). Ultimately, the regional networks act as hydrogen hubs and aim to generate GW of power, protect or create 100,000s of jobs and generate significant green growth.

The MHFCN emphasizes a significant regional commitment to UK manufacturing, local supply chain engagement and workforce development in the UK.

In 2021, it instigated the Midlands Hydrogen Technologies Strategy (Midlands-EngineHydrogen-Technologies-Strategy-Feb-2022.pdf (midlandsengine. org)) .

Most of the MHFCN businesses are globally competitive, working with international partners on overseas projects for many years, proving long term value.

Funds are currently being sought from UK government to further reinforce their dedication

to fostering a green energy ecosystem and providing increased energy security within the UK. This investment will also have a positive contribution to UK exports and reduce potential trade deficits with mainland Europe.

For more information see: Midlands-Engine-Hydrogen-Technologies-Strategy-Feb-2022.pdf (midlandsengine. org)


Industry News from around the UK

This is news selected from some of the companies who make up the UKGSA membership

THE NEW CRANEMASTER REDUCES THE NEED FOR A 300KVA GENERATOR TO A 60KVA FOR NORMAL CONTINUOUS OPERATION FOR TOWER CRANES: Bruno, one of the leading European power generator manufacturers, has now introduced a new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) specifically designed to reduce the size of generator required to power tower cranes, which is the Enerpack Cranemaster.

The 180kW BESS unit is fitted with a new generation inverter system designed and manufactured by Powertronix, which is also a Bruno group company.

The lithium batteries installed within the unit are manufactured in Europe by Archimede Energia, again a Bruno group company.

The new inverter system enables the180kW unit to produce a continuous maximum overload boost to 390 kW for up to 5 minutes of operation.

NHS FACILITY IN CHESHIRE INSTALLS A 1,650 KVA TEKSAN DIESEL GENERATOR TO PROVIDE BACKUP POWER: A Teksan™ UK 1650 kVA containerised diesel generator solution is now providing critical power for the NHS supply chain in Cheshire.

The Teksan TJ165BD 150kVA diesel generator offers reliability and economy thanks to the robust Baudouin 4M06G165/5 engine. The Overhead Valve (OHV) 1500rpm engine produces a dependable 150 kVA / 120 kW of prime power and has been designed to be quiet, rugged, and durable. The Teksan TJ165BD features a close-fitting acoustic canopy, long run bunded fuel tank and copes well with tough environments and a range of high and low temperatures.It has a prime power rating of 150 kVA / 120 kW and standby power rating of 165 kVA / 132 KW.

“The new inverter system enables the 180kW unit to produce a continuous maximum overload boost to 390 kW for up to 5 minutes of operation.” - BGG UK

The enhanced capability of this new Powertronix inverter enables tower crane operators to reduce the size of the generator from 300kVA to 60 kVA. This new system covers off an operational issue of light loading the sensitive Stage V generators. The 180kW model is the first of the new range of BESS units which will be enhanced by the addition of many other options. It is envisaged that units fitted with the Powertronix inverter will have wider applications where a high initial inrush current is demanded.

This canopied diesel generator is extremely compact and robust, so can be stored with ease with minimum effort.

With a generous bunded fuel tank of 400 L, the Teksan TJ165BD diesel generator is perfect for your next project. With an easy-to-use configuration this diesel generator gives you a fantastic balance between performance and price. The Baudouin 4M06 is currently one of the most powerful engines from the 4M06 range, and in fact the highest powered to run at 50 Hz.

The 6-cylinder, 2.3L engine has a turbocharger and is air-to-air aftercooled.



Designed to Offer an Integrated Pre-packaged Emission Solution.


 SCR - NOx Reduction

 DPF - PM10 Reduction

 OxiCat - CO / HC / CH2O Reduction

 Silencing - Integrated Attenuation

• Designed for Data Center/multiple engine sites

• Suitable for diesel and gas engines 1000 to 4000kW

Best Available Technology (BAT)

EU Stage V / MCPD / 44.BlmSchV


Oxidation Elements SCR

• Compact design fits on generator enclosures or inside engine rooms

• Retrofit capability + easy install principle.

• Flexible inlet/outlet locations to simplify pipe routing

• Integrates proven passive LTR™ lowtemperature regeneration DPF (260°C regen)

• For natural gas applications, can be supplied as SCR or SCR/Oxidation

• Future-proof your GenSets

vailable as SCR-only / DPF-ready - additional catalysts may be added later in order to meet future requirements

• Silencing can be upgraded for stricter sound targets with additional incorporated layers lmSchV target compliant


AIMING FOR A CLEANER WORLD WITH A NEW SELECTIVE CATALYTIC REDUCTION SYSTEM: In a world of evolving regulations due to the effects of pollutants on climate change, Durr Universal reports that it is proud to have launched its new selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system.

SCR systems provide removal of nitrogen oxides (NOX) from industrial processes by conversion to N2 (nitrogen) and H2O (water).

The process involves upstream injection of ammonia or urea for reaction with NOX in the exhaust over the catalysts.

Durr Universal is part of Clean Technology Systems, within the Durr Group and with a proud company history spanning over 70 years.

The benefits of using its new SCR system are said to include:

-In excess of 90% NOX reduction

-Making existing assets greener

-Up to 3.5MW engine range

1,260 KVA DIESEL GENSET FOR A LABORATORY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER: HIMOINSA has announced the delivery and installation of a Himoinsa HTW 1260 T5 generator set in a 16-ton container with reinforced soundproofing, integrated 500 kw load bank, on a slab with our partner ATM Levage to a key laboratory equipment supplier. The genset is sup[plied with quality certification ISO 9001 and is compliant with EC mark which includes the following directives:

“SCR systems provide removal of nitrogen oxides (NOX) from industrial processes by conversion to N2 and H2O (water).
- Durr Universal

-Suitable for all engines, such Cat, Cummins, Perkins, MWM, Wartsila, Deutz, and Jenbacher.

- Power generation, marine, oil & gas and locomotive

Supplied as SCR unit with integrated sound attenuation option if required

- It is a Modular system

-It is Retrofit-ready compact solution

- Durr Universal offers a containerised cost-effective solution,

• 2006/42/CE Machinery safety.

• 2014/30/UE Electromagnetic compatibility.

• 2014/35/UE electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits

• 2000/14/EC Sound Power level. Noise emissions outdoor equipment. (amended by 2005/88/EC)

• EN 12100, EN 13857, EN 60204

The genset can supply

- Prime Power (PRP):

According to ISO 8528-1:2018, Prime power is the maximum power which a generating set is capable of delivering continuously whilst supplying a variable electrical load when operated for an unlimited number of hours per year under the agreed operating conditions with the maintenance intervals and procedures being carried out as prescribed by the manufacturer. The permissible average power output (Ppp) over 24 h of operation shall not exceed 70 % of the PRP.



IRELAND: The Jeremias Group has continuously expanded its activities thanks to its production locations in Germany, Poland, Russia, Spain, Czech Republic, UK and the US. Besides production and sales offices the Group also has more than 100 different CE mark systems for domestic and industrial applications as well as for free standing chimneys with a diameter up to 4 metres tall.

The company offers a wide range of products, competent customer service and international certifications. Single or double walled stainless steel chimney flue systems are made for high flue temperatures until 600ºC and at the same time for a high pressure up to 15000 Pa. (in US and Europe certified up to 5000 Pa).

Instead of sealing material, the Jeremias-Group uses a permanent conical plug- in system between the metal pipes. This ‘all-rounder’ system is used in hospitals, computer centres and everywhere, where a loss of electricity could have serious consequences. Jeremias flue systems for generators and emergency backup generators are soot fire and moisture resistant. Accessories include different types of flue sound absorbers and exhaust and explosion flaps.

A STATIONARY EXHAUST SYSTEM MANUFACTURER OF NOTE: MIRATECH Group, LLC is engaged in the development and application of emission control, noise attenuation, and exhaust gas heat recovery solutions for large gas and diesel engines.

MIRATECH’s data centre offering provides unmatched technical performance and maximum environmental benefit. These centres offer an integrated package providing the maximum level of assurance, often surpassing a Tier IV level of compliance.

The MIRATECH Tier V system offers unbeatable air toxics and global warming potential reduction, lower PM and NOx emissions, a closed-loop SCR controller, and real-time monitoring and data-logging.

“The Telecity Data Centre contract involved eight 2000 kVA gensets - DW-KL 304 –Ø500/565 mm - and a Ca. 240 m double walled-chimney. - Jeremias Group

The Jeremias Group supplied chimneys, connections, mounting material and compensators for the Telecity Data Centre in Dublin, Ireland. The contract involved eight 2000 kVA emergency generators - DW-KL 304 –Ø500/565 mm - and a Ca. 240 m double walled-chimney. The company was also involved with the dimensioning and design of the entire installation.

MIRATECH’s gas turbine customers span a wide spectrum of applications, including central power plants operating large gas turbines in baseload and peaker configurations. Other clients include industrial facilities, hospitals and universities practicing distributed generation using small- to mid-sized gas turbines

Some natural energy infrastructure and transmission stations operating gas turbines to drive large compressors use MIRATECH oxidation catalyst, catalyst support structures and a variety of catalyst lifecycle services. Oxidation catalyst systems for gas turbines are customized solutions omn offer. The system designs are said to be both economical and reliable because the company designs to your specifications. Using over 25 years of successful experience MIRATECH manufacture a catalyst system to meet permit levels for CO, VOCs and formaldehyde.



CENTRE: PFS Fueltec is a specialist suppliers of mission critical diesel equipment. The company recently helped an international Data Centre operator upgrade diesel storage and transfer systems for its generators to ensure 100% uptime. a leading international data centre operator was looking to refresh the existing diesel storage and transfer system at one of their flagship facilities in the South of England.

The existing 6 x generator day-tanks, transfer pipework, pump set and leak detection infrastructure was ageing; with the single skin welded steel pipework system showing signs of corrosion and decay. The site’s location close to the coast meant that corrosion resistance of the external components was a key concern, as was environmental safety and system reliability.

The client and facilities management partners were looking for a specialist supplier with the experience and knowledge to help them specify and source best-in-class products that would add value and ensure uptime.After an initial phone call, and having recieved and reviewed initial technical drawings, PFS Fueltec’s technical sales team visited the site several times to meet face to face with the client and understand their exact requirements. The client benefitted from our vast experience of fuel systems, gained through the work we do across multiple industries. Using a consultatiion approach we proposed several innovative solutions and products which had not been on the table before our involvement. By selecting the correct solutions and tweaking the system design up front we helped the client achieve their goals whilst adding value and reducing complexity and cost at every step of the process.


For more than 65 years REICH-KUPPLUNGEN in Bochum has produced a wide range of torsionally flexible couplings, including both our standard range of products as well as specifically tailored for customers individual requirements. Every industry has specific needs. REICH knows how your industry works and provides solutions tailored to industry-specific needs. Apart from our high-quality standardized solutions for all kinds of different industries, our “D2C – Designed to Customer” approach completes our portfolio and provides couplings specifically tailored for customer’s individual requirements.

REICH has decades of experience for special challenges in power generation and is the market leader in equipping systems used for permanent or temporary power supply and in emergency power supply:

“we helped the client achieve their goals whilst adding value and reducing complexity and cost at every step of the process.

- combined heat and power unit aggregates

-hydrogen applications & wood/bio/ natural gas applications



Couplings for these sectors will be highly flexible rubber couplings, highly flexible, torsionally soft couplings, torsionally flexible flange couplings, torsionally elastic claw couplings and the developed TOK-coupling system by REICH. These includes items such as the The flexible MULTI MONT ASTRA coupling (short form: MMA) is a fail-safe claw coupling with flexible element for a torsionally flexible shaft connection. Another example is the ARCUSAFLEX ® coupling (short form: AC) - a highly torsionally flexible flange coupling with an axial plug-in facility, providing a torsionally soft connection between an internal combustion engine and a driven machine.



STATIONS: TVR Instruments, a specialist technical distributor of low voltage instrumentation and power management products, have introduced a range of measuring and protection devices for use in domestic and industrial EV charging installations.

FRER Srl, the Italian-based manufacturer of measuring and protection devices, have enhanced their range of earth leakage relays with continued expansion of Type B Earth Leakage Relays for use in installations and sites equipped for electric vehicle charging. A range of three products are suitable for domestic and industrial charge points, roadside EV charging stations or at larger public installations.The domestic charge point market is serviced with the XTDB019a residual direct current monitoring module. The XTDB019 is electrically coupled to a protection unit or switching unit and performs the function of the residual direct current monitoring device, in full compliance with the requirements of IEC 62955.

As an option, the module can also integrate residual alternate current monitoring, in compliance with the threshold and timing requirements for residual direct currentprotection devices (RDC-PD). The module is suitable for use in AC charging stations permanently connected to the mains. The XTDB019 module features a 19mm wide cable passage and is available with optional UART communication.


BY GENSET MANUFACTURER: Fuel-efficient, compact, and durable: these are some characteristics of a new Scania engine being highlighted by Italian Bruno Generators Group S.P.A.The company is committed to finding new solutions that can help it reduce its emissions of CO2 and other harmful substances, and is currently running a field test of a 13-litre DC13 engine of Scania´s newest platform, the second-generation Scania Stage V engine for gensets. “Bruno will rely on the partnership with Scania for technological support and advanced professional skills to successfully meet the challenge with the transition to Stage V emission compliance in Europe,” says Domenico De Gianni, a member of the Bruno Generators board. Over the past few years, Bruno has increased its production capability by focusing on new technologies.

“A series of Type B Earth Leakage Relays. The X35DB, X48DB and X72DB are designed for intuitive and automatic detection of continuous, alternating, and high- frequency leakage currents.” - TVR

For EV charging station switchboards and applications in large installations FRER produce Type B Earth Leakage Relays.

“Our expectations for this engine are high. We think it will help us in the rental market segment since it is fuel-efficient, compact, and has great durability,” says De Gianni. He also thinks it is an advantage that the engine anticipates meets the demands for stricter emission legislation and is compatible with the cleaner HVO fuel, and that the time between overhauls is up to 25,000 hours.

With 40 years of experience and an annual production capacity of over 35,000 gensets, Bruno has four manufacturing plants in Italy/ De Gianni also confirms that Bruno and Scania are set to maintain their great relationship.


News from the Membership

Were you surprised to learn that you have been awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the King’s New Year Honours List for outstanding contributions to UK Export & Manufacturing?

I was surprised and honoured to receive this award.


AJ Power Chairman and Managing Director, Ashley Pigott, has just been awarded an OBE in the New Year’s Honours List for 2024. He describes what this means for him and his company.

- AJ Power really does have a worldwide reach – which regions excite you regarding their potential and trends adapted in global power generation?

- What recent achievements within the genset industry afford you the most pride?

Gaining recognition as a company for our export achievements, the Queen’s Award and now having sold our products in over one hundred countries.

- Could you tell us where your journey started and how it led to the here and now.

I joined FG Wilson Engineering in 1973 when it had a workforce of twelve as a coal miners’ strike started and in truth, I learned more in the next 12 months than most people do in a lifetime. Little did I know that I would spend my whole career in the same industry. I spent 28 years with the company (half of this as a director) in multiple roles and was part of a small team that led the company through a massive expansion that introduced volume production techniques to a fragmented and very much bespoke industry.

During my time at FG Wilson the company was acquired by Emerson Electric (US) in 1994 with whom I spent three years on secondment and then by Caterpillar in 1999. In 2001 the company workforce exceeded two thousand and I took the decision to “retire”, AJ Power was formed, with some former colleagues betting the house on our collective abilities and the largest industry manufacturing in the world on our doorstep. In more than 20 years we have succeeded in growing the business at a double-digit CAGR and our manufacturing facilities to over 170,000sq feet.

The company has a policy to mitigate risk by spreading its sales over the five continents. In multiple sectors and currencies, this has served us well for many years. Our focus is on product development/ sectors which can offer us the greatest geographical penetration.

- What directions do you think the energy transition will take?

“The diesel generator industry has an important part to play in energy transition. It is very much part of a solution and not part of problem. Incredible sums of money are still being invested in the new engine platforms.”

- How do you maintain a passion for being a spearhead in the global power generation industry.

When I formed AJ Power it was the start of a journey of expansion and growth. The company has a very clear strategy which is based on supporting British and European component suppliers were possible. Everyday challenges and opportunities are created.

The diesel generator industry has an important part to play in energy transition. It is very much part of a solution and not part of problem. Incredible sums of money are still being invested in the new engine platforms and affordable new technology exists today which is dramatically reducing emissions.

Battery hybrid solutions will become prevalent in the next few years which will provide energy security and significant reductions in emissions.

The jury is out on the fuels of choice, but it is likely that synthetic fuels produced at scale will enter the equation.

- In what ways is this award also a reflection the people, industry and companies you have worked with?

This award only came due to the ongoing support of a great team of highly qualified graduate engineers who have been with me for a long number of years.

I have tried, where possible, to impart knowledge that I have gained through many years in the industry to our British supply partners and our overseas distribution partners.

The application of new technology is critical to stem the tide of low quality /cost products from the Far East which frequently carry British brand names.

-Do you have any advice for budding power engineers starting their careers? So, they can also help shape the industry.

Having the qualification is the first step of the journey . Application moves careers forward.


MEGSA -your gateway into these Middle East markets


ASSOCIATION has gone from strength to strength with over 40 + companies taking advantage of the new membership joining options, including Bahmani, Jubaili, Technopower, Staunch Machinery plus many other OEMs.

The Middle East Gen-set (Generator) market is expected to register substantial growth (3.7% CAGR) owing to the rising population and inadequate generation of power supply between 2022-2030.

The increasing number of government offices, shopping complex and industries in the regions will enhance the development of the genset market. Additionally, increasing number of chemical and power projects is likely to further expand the growth of the market. Economic diversification backed by upsurge investment of government in infrastructure is likely to boost the growth of the industry and region.

MEGSA ambition is to be the voice for the Middle East standby and independent power sector as the professional trade body for the Middle East Gen-Set and associated products

One of the Association’s aims is to provide regular annual member events as networking opportunities. The Associations is already at the forefront of industry knowledge-sharing, offfering its members huge digital marketing opportunities and regular social media updates and interaction. It provides business opportunities and new contacts through different networking events.

Membership benefits include:

•Many Networking Opportunities

•Annual Statistical Report Free

•MEGSA Quarterly Publication

•Newsletters to over 10,000 in the Middle East region

•Professional advice & body knowledge

•Social Media promotion to over 7,000

•Membership badge of approval

•Your Company logo on our homepage

•MEGSA stand @ MEE promoting MEGSA and to visit/use as a base when visiting the show

•Transition to more sustainable options – “Net Zero”

•Middle East Energy - Official supporting Media Partner and Official UK sales agents

•3 x 1 page, colour adverts - Free advertising to run in the “Official Association Publication” and “MEP - Middle East Power” magazine.

• Incentivised joining costs - Be part of our Inaugural year and Join for the 1st year @ £2450.00 or 2 years @ £1950.00 each year (Inaugural year incentivised joining prices)

•The voice of the Middle East Generating-Set industry

•Official Media Partner Power Magazine

What are the Association’s aims?

Our mission is to serve our members and the industry by encouraging the sharing of knowledge in the field of the diesel and gas engine power generating sector, Distributed Energy, Power and Energy. The aim is to advance design, development, manufacture, application, operation and maintenance throughout the entire independent standby power and energy sectors.

Promoting the interests of the Generating Set industry for International Manufacturers, Suppliers & Distributors, Service Providers, Rental Companies and Power related providers and keep abreast of the latest industry news within the Middle East sector. MEGSA also has a real voice thanks to the Association’s links with various media & marketing entities. Accordingly, it can offer real & profitable Networking Opportunities.

Product Categories covered by MEGSA

Alternators, Acoustics & Enclosures, Batteries, Biomass, CHP & Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, Condition Monitoring, Controls, Cooling, Decarbonising Heating, Demand Flexibility, Diesel Engines, Distributed Energy, District Heating, Energy Efficiency, Emissions, Energy Solutions, Energy Storage, Energy From Waste, Environment, Fuel Treatment, Fuels, Gas Engines, Gas Turbines, Gen-Sets, Governors, Heat Exchangers, Heat Networks/Pumps, Hire/Rental, Hybrid, Industrial CHP, Load Banks, Marine, Micro CHP, Net Zero, Radiators, Renewables, Rentals, Repair, Servicing, Solutions, Starting, Switchgear, UPS Systems.

All enquiries - take up membership by visiting:

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