UK Power News – May/June 2023

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HEAT PUMPS FOR THE UK MAN ES heat pumps have it all: heat production, storage, and reconversion into electricity for industrial & domestic use.

Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry, has received the notification from SSEN Transmission and National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, the GB electricity transmission network owners.

The company been selected as the exclusive preferred bidder for the Eastern Green Link 2 (EGL2) cable connection.

Prysmian Group continues the contract negotiations with the aim of concluding the contract in a timely manner.

Eastern Green Link 2 is a planned high voltage direct current (HVDC) submarine and underground cable link of around 500 km route length between Peterhead in Scotland and Drax in the North of England.

With a power transmission capacity of 2 GW the connection is expected to be one of the first cable systems in the UK to utilise 525 kV technology with extruded XLPE insulation.

EGL2 forms part of a series of planned system reinforcements required to increase the capability of the existing UK transmission network and facilitate the growth in flows of renewable generation in the North to

demand centres to the South, supporting the target of enabling 50 GW offshore wind generation by 2030 and achieving a Net Zero economy by 2050. At an estimated cost of £3.4 billion for the two links, the Eastern HVDC projects form the largest electricity transmission investment project in the UK’s recent history.

The Scotland-England Green Link 1, SEGL1, will run from Torness in southeast Scotland to


VPI’s new energy hub on the South Humber bank has reached a milestone with contracts awarded for nearly 350MW of gas engines.

COGEN AT A TEXTILE PLANT MWM reveals how the TCG 2032 genset has proven to be one of the most reliable onsite gas engines for more than 20 years.

UFR1001E G99/98 compliant Loss of Mains Relay

The UFR1001E system-disconnection relay monitors voltage and frequency in single or three-phase networks.

Presetting per G99/98, values as per the standard pre programmed

• Under and overvoltage monitoring 40…520 V

• Under and over frequency monitoring 45…65 Hz

Monitoring of Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF, df/dt)

Hawthorn Pit substation in county Durham, northeast England. The subsea portion of the cable will be 440 km (270 mi) long. In December 2022, the project was in the ‘early development’ stage. Work begins in 2024, with the main construction phase starting in 2025, and a completion date of 2029.

• Monitoring the voltage quality (10 minute average value)

• Response time adjustable 0.05 … 130.0 s, individual setting for each limit

Fail-safe, with monitoring of the connected section switch (can be switched off) 2 automatic restarts on error

Supports the mains synchronisation when using generators

• Measurement 3 phase 3 or 4 wire systems or single phase

• Self-test

Third Part Independently tested Compliant to G99/98 by Bureau Veritas

TVR Instruments Limited 143 Butt Road, Colchester CO3 3DP Essex, United Kingdom
Tel: +44
1206 575755 Email:
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MWM, National Grid, MAN ES, Clarke Energy, WB Power Services, Power Electrics, CPS Generators, Eminox, Speedy, Prysmian Cables, MEGSA, Aggreko, Wood Group, SGN, SSE, AJ Bell, SSE Renewables, SPE Offshore Europe, Enel X, Welsh Water, the Shenton Group, MEMS Power Generation, Perkins Engines, ComAp, Mordor Intelligence, Bell Power, Deep Sea Electronics, Motortech, KOHLER Power, ROHM, Qnergy, Miros.



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Offshore Europe ‘23


The international engineering company Wood Group has reaped the benfits of receiving a £430m government-backed green transition loan.

After receiving the £430m loan Wood grew its upstream oil and gas business by 17% so that it accounted for more than $3bn (£2.4bn) in revenue in 2022, up from $2.6bn in 2021. This is according to an analysis of the company’s financial results by a leading UK newspaper.

Wood and SGN, a gas distribution company, are currently working together planning vital hydrogen transmission infrastructure in Scotland and southern England. This work aligns with the UK’s commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050, reports the company.

Over the upcoming year, Wood will undertake three preliminary front-end engineering design (pre-FEED) studies to determine the most suitable route and design for dedicated hydrogen pipelines and associated transmission infrastructure.

This innovative concept involves repurposing existing natural gas infrastructure, effectively establishing a connection between hydrogen producers and energy users who aim to utilise hydrogen to reduce their carbon emissions.

“These projects are key enablers for the UK and Scottish government’s carbon reduction commitments. We are delighted to be further growing our relationship with SGN, working together on these hydrogen projects which are instrumental in decarbonising existing UK gas networks and offering sustainable, low carbon fuel across the country,” comments Azad Hessamodini, Executive President of Consulting at Wood.

“Wood is playing a vital part in the UK’s development of hydrogen infrastructure, utilising our global hydrogen pipeline expertise as trusted technical advisors to deliver impactful projects that enable Britain’s net zero goals.”

These moves will pave the way for low-carbon H2 use in Scotland & England.

SSE has outlined plans to invest up to £40 billion over the next decade, creating more than 1,000 green jobs a year, saying the record sum would mark one of the largest clean energy investment programmes the UK and Scotland have ever seen. The group added that its “strong” financial performance, combined with “increasing visibility over its pipeline of investment opportunities over the coming decade”, has enabled it to update its previous capital expenditure plans, with the fully funded element of the plan increasing by more than 40 per cent to £18bn.

Alistair Phillips Davies, chief executive of the group that can trace its origins back 80 years to the first hydro schemes in the Highlands, said: “This £40bn-plus plan is a massive commitment to the UK and, at around £10m every single day, amounts to one of the largest clean energy investment programmes this country has ever seen – helping create and support thousands of new jobs and powering green growth from Shetland to the Isle of Wight.

“ As a Scottish-headquartered business, we are incredibly proud to be one of the biggest investors in Scotland, supporting tens of thousands of jobs and helping the country accelerate progress towards net zero.”

UK Chancellor Jeremy Hunt branded the record investment programme “a further vote of confidence in the British economy”, adding: “We have the second-largest offshore wind capacity in the world, with renewables providing 40 per cent of our electricity, and investment like this ensures long-term energy security, lower bills and thousands of jobs in our industrial heartlands.”

According to AJ Bell investment director Russ Mould, SSE now intends to spend £18bn by March 2027 rather than £12.5bn by March 2025. He comments: “Utilities, even ones whose focus is renewable energy, are conscious of accusations of profiteering in these inflationstricken times, and SSE is careful to flag its record capital investment budget, the acceleration of its drive to net zero and the planned dividend cut for the coming fiscal year as it reveals a healthy jump in underlying profits for the 12 months to March 2023.”

Looking further ahead, SSE has set out a series of ambitious targets for the next decade to 2031. These include delivering a fivefold increase in renewables output, increasing renewable and other low-carbon generation capacity to more than 16GW, including new flexible technologies such as carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and batteries. A spokesman commented: “SSE plc is investing

The upcoming Offshore Europe event will highlight turbines, offshore power systems maintenance and repair, oil, chemical, engineering, technology, and energy storage topics.

5-8 September 2023 P&J Live, Aberdeen, Scotland

SPE Offshore Europe is the energy industry’s platform for navigating towards a better energy future.

Our 50th anniversary event will create a space for collaboration and learning in order to drive the oil and gas sector forward, bringing together the entire energy value chain back to business, face to face.

Created by the industry, for the industry, SPE Offshore Europe 2023 will be celebrating a 50-year history of innovation. With an influential conference programme organised by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, an exhibitor showcase that puts sector solutions on a world stage, and year-round digital content, join us at the industry’s primary meeting point.

Our 2023 conference theme “Securing sustainable and equitable energy for the next 50 years and beyond” will tie closely with our four key themes of Energy Security, Energy Transition, Innovative Technology and Future Talent. Created by a specialist committee of industry thought leaders, including peerreviewed technical abstracts, the conference is truly “by the industry, for the industry”.

This show offers the largest free-to-attend conference dedicated to the offshore energy community.

£12.5bn over the next five years, or £7m a day, to deliver a Net Zero Acceleration Programme to address climate change head on.

“This includes plans by SSE Renewables to double our installed renewable energy capacity to 8GW by 2026. We also have ambitious targets to increase our renewables output fivefold to over 50TWh annually by 2031 – enough to be able to power around 20 million homes each year. This will see us maintaining a sustained renewables pipeline in excess of 15GW, and a trebling of our owned renewables capacity to over 13GW (net) from c.4GW (net) today.”

The company is actively exploring opportunities to extend into selected new international markets in North America, Northern Europe and Asia Pacific. In September 2021, SSE moved into Japan with the creation of a new joint ownership company, SSE Pacifico .


Data centres must adapt to the energy transition

The transition to renewables-based energy generation presents new challenges for both grid operators and consumers. The intermittent nature of renewable energy generation, which is largely reliant on the weather, calls for flexibility in both demand and generation to balance the grid where the energy mix contains a greater proportion of renewables. This is the view of Lucy Plant, Manager Strategic Partnerships, Energy Solutions at Enel X.

Large energy users like data centres are continuing to adapt to this energy transition. Data centre operators have already tackled energy efficiency savings by optimising servers and cooling equipment. To become even better grid citizens and to achieve a low-carbon agenda they must work in partnership with the grid to help keep their systems running and the lights on for the rest of us.

There are many pathways to low-carbon energy and data centre operators must decide which strategy is right for them. Options include participating in flexibility services like demand response, battery storage, and contractual agreements with green energy suppliers. Each option helps data centres become good grid citizens, plus there’s an added bonus that participating in demand response presents revenue generating opportunities.

While renewable energy sources are intermittent, they are largely predictable. To modulate fluctuating generation and demand, grid operators need active participation from their largest energy users to increase grid security and stability of supply. Demand Side Response (DSR) is a powerful and effective strategy that incentivises data centres to free up grid capacity when it is needed most.

For data centres, DSR participation can look like switching to their own backup generation and battery storage to reduce demand during peak period emergencies. This might be on a cold, still winter evening when wind generation is low and demand is high.

Through DSR, data centre operators can offer flexibility to help balance the grid and accommodate more green energy on the system. DSR also provides a safe way for data centres to test back-up systems while the grid is available, increasing their resilience should an unexpected grid outage happen. Data centre operators that participate in DSR programmes see it as a way to mitigate interruptions to the power source, rather than a threat to uptime.

The reward for data centres is a revenue opportunity for simply being available. This valuable income can help offset energy costs or invest in further low-carbon measures. DSR has proven to be a successful, cost-effective strategy for grid operators for several years and, when managed effectively, doesn’t adversely impact data centre operations.

Battery energy storage systems

A highly versatile asset for any data centre is its battery energy storage system (BESS). It solves multiple challenges from operational needs, providing standby power for resilience and recovery during a power failure, improving the quality of power, or storing energy generated on site. If the stored energy is not required by the data centre or there is spare capacity, it can be used to support the grid. Microsoft has successfully used battery storage at one of its data centres in Ireland to support EirGrid. It has participated in a market for grid services that prioritises non-carbon-emitting solutions. Microsoft participates in this market through Enel X, which aggregates industrial and commercial energy consumers into virtual power plants.

Data centre operators are also showing strong leadership on corporate renewable procurement with many looking to buy Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

PPAs enable data centres to procure long-term contracts with operators of renewable assets. These contracts help data centres to move towards decarbonisation targets and enhance their corporate reputation. PPAs also directly support the development of renewables infrastructure and an increase in renewable generation on the grid system.

As large energy consumers, data centres have the potential to make a tremendous impact on grid innovation and sustainability.

Working with a skilled energy management partner ensures that appropriate plans and technology are in place to help data centres optimise their energy flexibility and become good grid citizens. Support can help to monetise the flexibility of energy assets, reduce costs, optimise revenue from onsite energy storage and generation and implement other efficiency measures like power purchase agreements

Billions of pounds’ worth of green energy projects are on hold because they cannot plug into the UK’s electricity system

A number of key solar and windfarm sites are waiting up to 10 to 15 years to be connected because of a lack of capacity in the grid system, suggests a new report.

Renewable energy companies worry it could threaten UK climate targets. National Grid, which manages the system, acknowledges the problem but says fundamental reform is needed.

The UK currently has a 2035 target for 100% of its electricity to be produced without carbon emissions. But meeting the target will require a big increase in the number of renewable projects across the country. It is estimated as much as five times more solar and four times as much wind is needed.

The government and private investors have spent £198bn on renewable power infrastructure since 2010. But now energy companies are warning that significant delays to connect their green energy projects to the system will threaten their ability to bring more green power online.

A new wind farm or solar site can only start supplying energy to people’s homes once it has been plugged into the grid.

Energy companies like Octopus Energy, one of Europe’s largest investors in renewable energy, say they have been told by National Grid that they need to wait up to 15 years for some connections - far beyond the government’s 2035 target.

There are currently more than £200bn worth of projects sitting in

the connections queue, the BBC reports.

Around 40% of them face a connection wait of at least a year, according to National Grid’s own figures. Delayed investments cost industry millions of pounds.

The problem is so many new renewable projects are applying for connections, the grid cannot keep up. The system was built when just a few fossil fuel power plants were requesting a connection each year, but now there are 1,100 projects in the queue.

Energy Networks Association represents the UK’s network operators, such as DNOs, which connect people’s homes to the main system owned by National Grid. It says that the government needs to speed up the planning process so electricity infrastructure can be built more quickly.

A Department for Energy Security and Net Zero spokesperson said: “We recognise the challenge of connection delays.”

250 kVA package of three diesel gensets delivered

Cardiff Pumping Station needed to upgrade its power supply and replace its four existing 46-yearold Blackstone generators that support their water flow pumps.

The existing generators were no longer fit for purpose, as they could not support load sharing and did not synchronise, reports WW.

Cardiff Pumping Station is a combined station that passes through 500 – 1200 litres of water per second on a dry day, known as ‘normal dry weather flows’. However, in storm conditions, this could increase by 3-6 times.

Shenton Group was one of three generator suppliers approached by ARUP on behalf of Welsh Water to assist with the initial designs and feasibility. Along with offering a turnkey project where they would

also remove the old equipment, the design the Shenton Group put forward remopved the need for rental generators and reduced the amount of cable, which would save the client £250,000.

This ultimately lead Shenton to win the project, says the company. Altogether, the Shenton Group has provided three 1.25 MVA prime rated generators in N+1 configuration in 75 @ 1m acoustic enclosure.

Welsh Water is the sixth largest of the ten regulated water and sewerage companies in England and Wales. It is responsible for providing over three million people with a continuous, high quality supply of drinking water and for taking away, treating and properly disposing of the wastewater that is produced.


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From keeping life support machines running to enabling surgeons to carry out essential operations, Scania Power Solutions deliver the engines for backup generators that literally help save lives. With hospitals needing nothing less than 100% reliability, our engines are designed to kick-in flawlessly when they’re needed most. When it has to work, it has to be Scania.


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Abackupgenerator failure at one of the UK’s leading independent healthcare providers required an immediate resolution, reports MEMS Power Generation. A power outage in a hospital environment can be devastating. It may impact numerous services, including routine operations, complex surgeries, medical equipment and building infrastructure, all of which could compromise patient care.

In addition, the hospital also runs three specialised neurological rehabilitation residential centres, providing care for residents with complex neurological conditions. Hence the hospital needed a supplier to provide a rapid power supply to ensure they stayed online.

The client approached MEMS Power Generation to supply standby power whilst repairs were made to the hospital’s malfunctioning backup generator to reduce potential harm to the facility and its patients. MEMS have considerable experience delivering critical power to hospitals in short time frames – which was crucial to the continued running of the hospital.

The MEMS team determined that a 500kVA temporary generator would provide ample power to the London hospital should the need arise. To ensure the temporary generator was connected, ready and waiting to deliver power when necessary, a fuel bulk tank and 125 metres of 240mm cable were all connected, installed and hooked up within 3 hours of receiving instruction.

The temporary standby generator installation was commissioned, and the hospital could continue providing its services uninterrupted, reports the company. MEMS helped the hospital stay up & running without the threat of a power outage.

The generator was in place and on standby for 14 days with 24/7 remote telemetry and fuel management support from MEMS if required. The job ran smoothly, with everything going to plan. The hospital could continuously run all its services, equipment, and residential centres safe in the knowledge that a tested temporary hire solution was in place.

The client was particularly impressed with the initial contact and quick response of the MEMS 24/7 staffed control room, as well as highlighting our skill set, knowledge and the exceptional work and helpfulness of the MEMS team onsite, says the company.

MEMS operates one of the most extensive Generator Rental fleets in the UK with generators ranging from 30 kVA trailer-mounted units up to single power nodes of 2000 kVA.

A spokesman comments: “Our extensive fleet of temporary generators coupled with large stocks of cable and distribution, ensures equipment availability when you need it. Whether your requirement is a short-term temporary power solution due to flood or fire damage or a strategic longer-term generator hire solution, MEMS can offer a flexible and tailored power generation solution to suit your needs. You’ll be supported by an industry expert providing round-the-clock support via our 24/7 manned operational control room, supporting planned and reactive maintenance requirements, including emergency fuel deliveries in the event of the equipment being called to operate.

“Furthermore, our telemetry systems provide our control room with live data on the status of the power generation equipment, ensuring a proactive response to any problems that may arise. Hiring a generator rather than purchasing one is your future-proof option. Should your power generation requirements change in the future, MEMS can either exchange the existing generator for a larger or smaller unit or add additional power nodes.”

Perkins launches new power solution to help OEMs with the energy transition

For original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) who need to jumpstart development programmes and accelerate speed to market for new products, Perkins has been showcasing a new range of comprehensive integration, mechanical, electrical, software and controls engineering capabilities.

Designed to help customers continuously explore new ways to optimise their equipment’s performance, efficiency, and power density using conventional, hybrid and next-generation energy sources, Perkins’ offerings are helping deliver smarter solutions to advance sustainable power.

New development include:

*48-, 300- and 600-volt lithium-ion battery solutions with modular designs and factory-installed telematics. Perkins is developing these to optimise performance and packaging in numerous nextgeneration off-highway applications.

*Industrial diesel engines and industrial open power units (IOPU) available to help OEMs reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their machines.

Perkins offers the widest diesel

engine power range from 0.5 to 18 litres and 8.2 to 597 kW (11-800 hp) that meet the most stringent global emission standards:

EU Stage V and U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final, with the exhibit featuring the 904J-E28T IOPU, the 1204J-E44TA, the 1706J-E93TA and the new 2606J-E13TA.

These engines are capable of using renewable, lower carbon-intensity fuels which meet the leading industry diesel fuel specifications. Connectivity solutions with hardware reading important engine data have also appeared recently.

For OEMs with their own in-house telematics solution, an API-based service which receives engine data is provided.

From this, Perkins delivers useful insights to enhance the service provided by the OEM to their customer, aiding the customer’s productivity.

Another new development are the Perkins® Ecoplus fuel filters which have been engineered to minimise waste and enable recycling after use. Designed without a metal housing and centre tube, Ecoplus filters are manufactured with fewer materials.

50 gensets purchased to maintain UK Grid power levels

Fifty 250 kW gensets have been adapted in parallel with ComAp InteliGen to procide a 12.5MW export facility to the National Grid. The Medium Range 225-938 kVA generator set models are widely available.

The range spans both prime and standby models at both 50 and 60 Hz and are suitable for most applications.

Each genset is driven by an EU Stage IIIa Emissions compliant engine for emissions sensitive territories.

The cost effective generator set range delivers a powerful performance with world class power density. Compact and durable, they can easily be manoeuvred into position, whatever the installation conditions.

The ComAp InteliGen NT BaseBox is a controller for single or multiple diesel gensets operating in stand-by or parallel mode. Intended primarily for switchgear applications, this controller will ensure secure remote monitoring of your critical infrastructure installations such as datacentres, hospitals or banks. InteliGen paralleling controllers, offer unmatched market value, reliability, and flexibility. This is one of the most popular products in the InteliGen product family.

UK hospital gets a genset to ensure its critical systems stay online

Providing advanced gensets for the 30 Old Bailey and 60 Ludgate Hill development in London

Deep Sea Electronics

Ltd (Hunmanby, UK) and MOTORTECH GmbH (Celle, Germany) have announced the creation of a new Controls and Automation Business Group.

Deep Sea Electronics design, manufacture and supply products into the diesel engine and generator market and MOTORTECH GmbH design, manufacture and supply products into the gas engine and generator market.

drive continued business growth. Technology – DSE and its partner MOTORTECH are both directly involved in the power generation control business and have a wide range of complementary technologies.

Productivity – Combining expertise across both businesses will provide access to shared tools & resources, resulting in greater global productivity.

Bells Power provided a package of six generators and PLCs for the large site on Ludgate Hill, the City’s ceremonial route to St. Paul’s. This stretches back along the Old Bailey to the Central Criminal Court and will include 34, 850m2 of prestigious new offices and retail space.

A spokesman for Bells Power comments: “We installed 2 x P1700P1 tenants generators and 1 x P800P1 life safety 400V generator at basement level in 30 Old Bailey. At 60 Ludgate Hill we installed 2 x P2000P1 tenant 400v generators at basement level and 1 x P800P1 life safety 400V generator within an acoustic enclosure at roof level.”

The 730 - 2500 Kva range of gensets is regarded as well-proven in the field - the generator sets are capable of providing reliable power for critical applications including mini power stations, data centres, large factories, airports, hospitals, large retail stores, and the financial sector. They are also designed to operate in high ambient temperatures. Custom-built weatherproof and acoustic enclosures are tailored to suit any application. Good design allows personnel access and separate components for cooling: they make generator set installation and maintenance as quick and easy as possible for installers and clients alike.

A range of generator set models is available through Bells Power from 800 - 2500 kVA. These generator sets are proven in the field and trusted to provide reliable power for critical applications . This range can be customised with bespoke enclosures, cooling systems and specialised control systems through the B-P Custom Power Solution team to suit any need.

At the 30 Old Bailey and 60 Ludgate Hill project an Allen Bradley PLC system with outstations at each switchboard was installed to control the mains operation of the building. Bells Power was also responsible for fitting 72 hr (tenants) and 24 hr (life safety) bulk fuel storage systems and all associated fuel control and pipework systems.

An integrated plug-and-play solution for rapid deployment in data centres

For privacy reasons, a customer needed a local, secure data storage and the Xubus Node modular data solutions was selected as the preferred solution. Zwart delivered, installed and commissioned the Xubus Node at the customer’s site and continues to provide a 24/7 support service to ensure uninterrupted performance.

A company spokesman commented: “Delta Xubus Node solutions are the perfect answer for supporting 5G needs, offering turnkey data centers available in five different IT load configurations from 18 to 90kW. It is an all integrated, plug-and-play solution for rapid deployment with excellent reliability and flexibility – ready to deliver on the promise of 5G.”

“A Tier III certified data center is concurrently maintainable with redundant components as a key differentiator, with redundant distribution paths to serve the critical environment,” said a spokesman for Zwart Techniek.

“Unlike Tier I and Tier II, these facilities require no shutdowns when equipment needs maintenance or replacement. The components of Tier III are added to Tier II components so that any part can be shut down without impacting IT operation. The Xubus Node is flexible and scalable, with a wide range of options to match your needs.”

The similarities between both businesses and products are extremely complimentary in nature and provide the market with access to a range of cutting-edge technology platforms.

The formation of the business group delivers a combined workforce of 500+ employees and a total revenue of $125 million.

Both companies will remain separate legal entities, aligning strategically on future growth initiatives.

The group’s key drivers

The key drivers for the formation of the business group are: Customers – DSEs core market is diesel generators and MOTORTECH’s is gas generators. Both companies share similar customer bases to

David Thomson, Group President, commented: “The formation of the Controls and Automation Business Group marks the beginning of an incredibly exciting chapter for both companies and provides a solid platform for continued growth over the coming years.

“The technical expertise within the group and the detailed understanding of diesel and gas generator technologies, gives customers direct access to a range of products and services that add value to multiple customer application environments”.

The Controls and Automation Group looks forward to making further announcements over the coming months, on a range of exciting collaborative projects located in the UK and elsewhere in the world..

1,200th Stage V emission compliant diesel set sold to UK

BGG UK has sold its 1,200th Stage V emission compliant diesel generator into the UK market.

With an outstanding reputation for their RENTAL SPEC generators this represents a landmark achievement. Available in both the GX rental range and the ultra- silent FUSTEQ range with patented VSi technology units are rated from 9 to 1350 kVA . In keeping with the exacting build quality standards required for the rental sector all canopies are constructed from heavy duty hot dipped galvanised sheet steel and powder coated ensuring maximum durability.

All STAGE V compliant equipment is contained within the compact

FUSTEQ SERIES canopies. Other features include a compact hot dipped galvanised powder coated canopy. Thjere is a cooling system with independent electric fans and patented VSi technology. The genset is ully bunded (all liquids) and has a bund alarm and a 3-way valve with external fuel-tank sensor. The set features a central lifting point .

The creation of a new automation and control group has been announced

The latest V-Type alternator has been developed in response to changing market needs and has been built for optimum performance and reliability in harsh marine environments. Having undergone rigorous testing, the V-Type is designed to deliver optimal uptime, so you can be sure of reliable power generation, regardless of the operational conditions and compliant with all marine classifications. With over 75 years in the power generation market we pride ourselves on being the Power from Within the systems and generator sets that our customers produce.

Choose wisely… Choose the V-Type.

The world’s largest independent producer of alternators 1-5,000kVA


A new market report by Mordor Intelligence - EUROPE GENERATOR SETS MARKET SIZE & SHARE ANALYSIS - GROWTH TRENDS & FORECASTS (2023 - 2028) - indicates that the United Kingdom is among the leading generator sets market in the Europe region.

This is due to increasing infrastructure projects, expansion of manufacturing facilities across the nation, and rising commercial office spaces. The country benefits from the cost and effectiveness of generators sets, with improvement in the living standards increasing the demand for power backup devices segments.

The UK’s agriculture sector is vast and covers more than 60% of the country’s total land area. Although the country’s power grid is increasingly becoming dependent on renewable sources, the agriculture industry still relies upon the use of the power back up system. Growth in the agriculture and related industries is expected to positively impact the market.

Data centres are responsible for between 1-3% of the country’s electricity usage in 2018. The number of data centres in the UK is expected to increase in the forecast period. In these specific locationsbackup power generation is likely to be provided by the generator sets and this, in turn, may act as a driver for the market to potentially expand.

Consumption of electricity in the UK decreased, by 0.54%, from approximately 152.7 million tons of oil equivalent (mtoe), in 2017 to nearly 153.5 mtoe, in 2018. An increase in the rate of consumption is expected to maintain in the forecast period, thereby driving growth in the market. As power becomes more expensive companies may decide to generate power themselves.

Gas generators are expected to increase their share of generation capacity in the UK due to well established natural gas transmission systems in the country, lower operating costs than diesel generators, and less carbon emission in the atmosphere. An increase in the use of gas generators is expected to aid the market.

The UK generator sets market is expected to increase in the forecast period due to the increase in the electricity demand and the rising popularity of gas generators.

In contrast the European generator sets market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 1% over the period of 2020-2025. Factors here - such as demand for uninterrupted and reliable power supply, backup requirements during power outages, and the longer timeframe required to set up the transmission and distribution infrastructure - are expected to drive the generator sets market in a way which does not happen in the UK. However, the higher cost of electricity produced by the generator sets relative to the utility grid is expected to act as a restraint to the market Europe-wide.

The industrial sector is estimated to be the largest segment of the market in the forecast period owing to the increasing demand for continuous and reliable power supply, reducing the risk of product failure and the rising size of the manufacturing segment.

The rising popularity of hybrid generators and rising reliability of the hybrid system may be an opportunity for the industry due to its usage of various resources, driving down the cost, and reducing dependence on a single fuel.

The United Kingdom is expected to be a significant market in the forecast period, with the majority of the demand coming from the industrial sector and rise in commercial office spaces and small-scale enterprises.

In the UK the industrial sector, which includes mining (which includes quarrying and gravel extraction), manufacturing, agriculture, and construction, accounts for a large share of energy consumption - just as in any end-use industry.

The industrial sector is estimated to account for the largest share of power generation in the diesel and gas generator market.

Industrial operations are mainly dependent on electricity generated from generator sets during power outages (to avoid production risks) and in regions where grid access is limited. In the European Union, the industrial capacity, such as the manufacturing capacity, has risen by 7.52 % to US$$ 2.43 trillion.

Veolia, has passed a new milestone for delivering Net Zero power by delivering more than six times the renewable electricity to the grid than it uses across its 400 offices and sites across the UK. By generating 856 GWh of electricity using a combination of biomass, landfill gas, biogas and Energy Recovery facilities (ERF), that qualify under the Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) scheme, the company is able to supply a secure annual equivalent to power 240,000 homes. This exported electricity adds to the 2.5TWh of CHP, low carbon and renewable generation that serves around 500 customer sites spanning the industrial, healthcare, water, leisure, district heating, education and retail sectors. This output includes 134MWe of generation capacity using biogas, biomass, and solar sources which save around 200,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year for Veolia’s customers.

An added benefit of this electricity is the cogeneration of green heat with some of the plants supplying communities and businesses using district heating networks. These deliver around 2 GWh of heat

equivalent to the heating needed for 120,000 homes.

As an estimated 20% of the nation’s carbon emissions are generated by domestic heating, due to a low standard of energy efficiency, using district heating from these sources lowers carbon emissions and can help reduce cost, and fuel poverty, in vulnerable groups.

Commenting on the achievement, Gavin Graveson, Veolia Senior Executive Vice President Northern Europe Zone said:

“Energy market volatility, and the ability to deliver stable power has highlighted the importance of reliable sources of energy that can support our modern lives and the UK power infrastructure.

“By actively developing renewable and low carbon generation we can already produce the affordable and sustainable energy that is essential to support communities and businesses. As more baseload generators such as nuclear, coal and CCGTs retire, stable renewable sources are set to play an increasingly important role as demand increases with population growth, adoption of electric vehicles and electricity to heat homes.”

NOx reduction at Battersea Power Station, London

Agriemach NOxMASTER™ Selective Catalytic Reduction systems are currently operating at the new CHP plant in the Battersea Power Station development. The Agriemach emissions team were asked to provide NOx reduction down to 95mg/ Nm3@5%O2 for this 4MWe plant consisting of 2x Jenbacher 612 CHP`s.

Agriemach Project Manager Colin

Pullen states; “This was an iconic site to walk through. Some of the architecture from the original Power Station has been restored and it is magnificent. It is an honour to have our SCR systems operating here and reducing the NOx emissions

from these generators.”

Agriemach had been asked to design a solution to meet the low backpressure requirement while still engineering a bespoke design to fit within the Energy Centre space constraints.

A spokesman commented: “Agriemach are Number One for bespoke selective catalytic reduction systems in the UK, boasting the longest reference list and incredibly high reduction rates where required.”

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24th May, 2023: Manchester Airport in power failure chaos - but what happened to the backup power systems?

3D walk-through technology enables clients to see how a fire suppression system works in electrical rooms

On 24th May 2023, Manchester Airport hit the headlines, as a power outage saw check-in desks closed, flights grounded, and customers left frustrated and angry, reports Crestchic. What caused the power failure? Whilst the technical detail behind the incident has not yet been released, an article on ITVX stated that the outage was due to “a fault at an external substation.” Electrical substations play a key role in transmitting electricity through the national system safely, effectively, and at different voltages. Faults can be down to a range of issues, including anything from problems with transformers, distribution boxes, switches, cables, or circuit breakers, to environmental factors, voltage regulation issues, or communication and cybersecurity threats.

As with any power generation equipment, substation maintenance, including periodic and planned inspection, repair, and replacement of all switchgear, structures, and ancillary equipment is a critical step in mitigating these issues.

However, for businesses and service providers that rely on electricity to remain operational, having local/site-specific backup power is critical to keeping business operations moving and avoiding costly downtime.

While airports vary in terms of size and complexity of systems, the cost and reputational damage caused by a power outage can be huge. In December 2017, the world’s busiest airport experienced a power outage that lasted nearly 12 hours. More than 1,100 flights were grounded, 30,000 people impacted, and the estimated cost to Delta Airlines alone was $50 million.

As well as the more obvious issues of lighting and electrically-powered services such as check-in screens, luggage carousels, and restaurants and other amenities being unavailable, critical infrastructure such as instrumentation in air traffic control towers, aeroplane refueling systems, or critical security infrastructure, may also be affected.

When power from the grid fails, as it did at Manchester Airport in May 2023 and in a similar incident just four years before, backup generators should kick in immediately, ensuring that essential services and equipment continue to operate. Generators must be installed in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of the system that they serve, or at the very least to meet the demands of the airport’s most critical infrastructure. However, regular and routine testing of the system is as critical as the system itself – failing to test is a recipe for disaster.

Load bank testing provides a reliable and controlled method to verify the performance and capabilities of backup generators. Load banks work by simulating the actual electrical load that the generators would experience during a power outage. By subjecting the generators to testing using a load bank, their capacity, voltage regulation, frequency stability, and overall performance can be evaluated, and corrective action can be taken where necessary. This process ensures that the generator provides adequate backup power, swiftly and efficiently, in the event of an outage.

Paul Brickman, Commercial Director at Crestchic Loadbanks, explains: “While we don’t know what happened at Manchester airport this week, and I am absolutely not speculating, such an incident serves the purpose of highlighting the critical impact of a power cut and the value and necessity of reliable backup power.”

“My first thought when I hear any story that involves a power failure having a catastrophic commercial impact is always “But what happened to their backup power?” In most cases, it’s not that the backup power didn’t exist, or hadn’t been thought about, but that it was insufficiently maintained or of insufficient capacity to keep critical services working. In any situation where there is a generator, it absolutely has to be tested – and the only way to do this is using a load bank.”

As well as the primary function of ensuring that backup power systems are working as they should, load bank testing has other benefits. Running a load bank test can help to determine whether the backup generators have the necessary capacity to handle the anticipated electrical load during an actual power outage. This information is crucial for ensuring that the backup power system can support critical operations without being overloaded.

Generators which operate under light or no load for extended periods can develop a condition called “wet stacking.” This occurs when unburned fuel accumulates in the exhaust system, leading to reduced engine performance and potential damage. Load bank testing allows the generator to run at a full load, preventing wet stacking and maintaining optimal performance.

Paul concludes: “Just as with any industry where power is critical, load bank testing of airport backup generators is essential to validate their performance, prevent power failure issues, determine capacity requirements, detect faults, and, in many cases, comply with regulations. It is the only way to ensure that the backup power system is ready to provide reliable and uninterrupted power in the event of an outage.”

FirePro UK & Ireland can now offer customers a chance to use 3D walkthrough image capture technology. Users can properly appreciate a real FirePro fire suppression system installation in an electrical environment, reports the company. A company spokesman said: “This amazing technology enables the viewer to ‘virtually’ walk through the protected area and see all of the components that make up the system.

“This particular installation reflects separate electrical rooms located at an Essex NHS trust hospital. The installation was quick and easy. All of our installer distributors have been trained in the product and have 3rd party accreditation for competency, such as BAFE SP203 or LPS 1204.”

The company’s automatic fire suppression systems employ the patented FirePro Compound (FPC) technology. This is the result of intensive and extensive

R&D. FirePro systems which have undergone tests and are certified according to the most stringent international standards and requirements.

The modular, pre-engineered FirePro units efficiently and effectively protect conventional as well as specially-designed projects. FirePro is currently commissioned to safeguard key assets for a portfolio of prestigious customers in 110 countries globally.

High-performance subsystem has been optimised for OEMs and their BESS applications

In a move to supplement its power generation business, Volvo Penta is launching a new offer – a high-performance subsystem based on the Volvo Group’s electromobility platform, optimised for OEMs’ BESS applications.

“Battery energy storage is increasingly in demand for a variety of applications including utilities, factories, decentralised microgrids and mobile charging stations,” commented Hannes Norrgren, President of Volvo Penta Industrial. “As our solution is application agnostic, we see huge potential for its adoption. Together with OEMs,

our solution provides possibilities to store energy from and add resiliency to renewable solar or wind-powered sources, opening new business models that appeal to end customers on their road to net-zero emissions.”

LOADBANKS for GENERATORS THE TRUSTED NAME FOR LOAD TESTING LOADBANK PACKAGES ■ 20kW to 7000kW ■ Resistive Only Loadbanks ■ Resistive / Reactive Loadbanks ■ DC Loadbanks SALES | SERVICE | RENTAL Call today: +44(0) 1283 531 645 Sales & Rental Offices in : UK, North America, Singapore, Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, France, China and UAE Crestchic Limited, Second Avenue, Centrum 100, Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire DE14 2WF, UK T: +44 (0)1283 531645 F: +44 (0)1283 510103 E:

CHP and key cost reductions at the £140m Kraft Heinz factory in Wigan

The Kraft Heinz Company site at Kitt Green, Wigan, is a vast food canning plant. It processes 1.34 billion cans of food every year, including the well-known Kraft Heinz Company 57 products such as baked beans. The site processes food on a 24 hour, 6-day shift throughout the year. To maintain production processes, Kraft Heinz Company required up to 99 tonnes of steam per hour. Ind addition management wanted to improve environmental performance, reduce fuel consumption and sustain this steam supply, The company also needed a new energy centre, capable of generating large volumes of steam.

A key driver was optimising the use of technology which is why the Kraft Heinz Company turned to UK-based Veolia.

Veolia has a reputation as an energy specialist who examines businesses in precise detail to ensure a guaranteed supply of sustainable, efficient energy is delivered with budget certainty.

Veolia designed, built, operates and maintains a new 100 MWth steam generation facility for Heinz, the largest and most efficient of its type serving European industry. It currently generates 140 tonnes of steam per hour and incorporates four of the largest shell boilers in the UK, each capable of generating 35 tonnes of steam per hour. Today the £5.3 million facility is able to save up to £1 million per year using CHP and other energy-saving processes.

The Kraft Heinz site garners energy saving costs of up to £500,000 per year and achieves 8% lower CO2 emissions, with 14% less gas used.

The latest software and computer control systems enable the facility to operate unmanned, with 24hour monitoring by Veolia’s Site Monitoring Centre, supported by mobile engineers.

A spokesman commented: “Veolia guarantees the steam supply, maintaining it 24/7 at the required pressure and temperature to support year round production. Veolia’s Replacement Guarantee Scheme also ensures that there are no unbudgeted steam plant replacement costs during the contract.”

The Kraft Heinz Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with HyNet, a leading decarbonization project in the U.K., to supply low carbon hydrogen to fuel its Kitt Green facility. Kitt Green is one of Europe’s largest food processing facilities, producing more than 1 billion cans of food per year. The site is pledged to procure the majority of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025. Switching to low carbon hydrogen is a critical piece of the Net Zero puzzle and will enable a switch away from fossil fuels starting in 2025. From 2025, HyNet and North Wales will produce, store and distribute low carbon hydrogen, as well as capture and safely store carbon dioxide (CO2).

Long- Term Renewable Energy Sale and Purchase Agreement

Kraft Heinz has entered into a multi-year virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) with Repsol. The VPPA, entered into in 2021, is linked to one of the Delta II wind farms, Repsol’s largest renewable project to date, which is already under development and, once completed, will have a total capacity of 860 MW distributed among 26 wind farms located in Aragon, Spain.

This wind farm is expected to start operations in early 2025. Once completed, Kraft Heinz is expected to source the equivalent of approximately 90% of its European manufacturing sites electricity needs through this renewable energy agreement. The VPPA is expected to generate enough renewable electricity to power approximately 25,000 average EU households per year at its peak.

A spokesperson for Kraft Heinz comments:

“In 2021 we announced our pledge to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our operational footprint (Scope 1 and Scope 2) and entire global value chain (Scope 3) by 2050. We also established our major commitment to contribute to global efforts to reduce the ongoing threat of climate change.

“As a milestone on our path to achieve net zero emissions, we will target a near-term emissions reduction of 50 %by 2030 across all three scopes. We anticipate submitting and receiving approval of our quantitative goals from the Science Based Targets Initiative over the next year.”

CHP reduces energy costs and improves sustainability for the Alton Towers Resort

Alton Towers Resort is more than a theme park. The 550-acre site now includes four hotels, a conference centre and Europe’s largest waterpark.

The hotels can accommodate 2,500 guests, with 400 staff on site. This presents a sizeable energy challenge. The facilities team must ensure there is power in every room, the waterpark needs to heat 1,000m³ of water and pump 66m³ of air/second. Plus, the rural North Staffordshire location means the buildings retain little latent heat. With the resort generating a stable demand for energy, Warren Critchley, Head of facilities at Alton Towers Resort began to investigate combined heat & power (CHP) options:

“It became clear CHP would be the perfect model for energy reduction, energy savings, utility cost reduction and carbon reduction.”

Centrica Business Solutions provided a consolidated package, acting as manufacturer, installer and service provider. A CHP

unit was installed on site, alongside the waterpark, generating up to 850kWh. If there are any issues with the CHP, Centrica support ensures they are dealt with quickly.

Today the Centrica CHP unit generates energy savings of 12% per annum. Because the unit generates power at source, literally alongside the waterpark, conference centre and largest hotel, there is very little transmission loss. Critchley estimates an energy efficiency of 80%.

“Long term, we have the capacity to accommodate further demand,” says Critchley, “and we’ve protected our future energy costs.”

New biomass CHP set to power Scottish distillery

John Laing and the UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) are to invest in a new £74m green energy facility in Speyside, Scotland developed by Estover Energy Ltd.

The new biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant near Craigellachie, Moray, will generate 87.4GWh per annum of renewable electricity – enough to power more than 20,000 homes. It will also generate 76.8GWh per annum of renewable heat.

The new CHP facility will contribute to reducing the cost of energy at The Macallan distillery by providing around 90% of all of the steam needed in the distillation process. By using biomass instead of natural

gas to generate heat, the distillery will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by over 17,500 tCO2e. John Laing and GIB intend to make a £26m equity investment in the project. The remainder of the funding, in the form of debt, will come from a bond to be issued by the project company and listed on the London Stock Exchange.


State-of-the-art components providing more power: the compact design, a focus on a wide range of applications and high efficiency values make sure of that. Controlled by the smart and secure TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management), the new TCG 3020 series offers highest profitability and reliability.

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Proposals for North Humber to High Marnham include the 90km development of a new power line between a new substation near Creyke Beck, North of Hull, and a new substation at High Marnham in Nottinghamshire, much of which runs parallel to an existing overhead power line

The upgraded infrastructure will be able to transport 6 gigawatts of power – enough to power 6 million homes.

National Grid will consult communities for eight weeks to introduce the project and ask for local peoples’ opinions

The project forms part of The Great Grid Upgrade, the largest overhaul of the grid in generations, with new infrastructure across England and Wales helping the UK meet its net zero ambitions, reduce its reliance on fossil fuels also contribute to lower energy bills over the long-term.

National Grid is inviting communities in the East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and Bassetlaw in Nottinghamshire to comment on proposals for a new electricity power line project which will help deliver the UK’s energy security strategy and net zero targets. The eight-week public consultation, which began on June 1st

and runs until 27th July, will share proposals for North Humber to High Marnham, a new high voltage electricity power line.

The way electricity is generated in the UK is changing rapidly, transitioning to cheaper, cleaner and more secure forms of energy like new offshore windfarms.

National Grid is making changes to the network of overhead lines, pylons, cables and other infrastructure that transports electricity around the country, so that everyone has access to the clean electricity from these new renewable sources.

The existing power lines between the North and the Midlands do not have sufficient capacity to accommodate the increased power flows from these new sources of renewable electricity, so the National Grid is proposing to build approximately 90 kilometres of new 400,000 volt (400kV) overhead power line, between new substations at Creyke Beck and High Marnham, to increase the capacity of the network.

The proposed corridor for the new line runs close to an existing overhead power line for much of the route.

The proposals are based on cost, engineering and environmental assessments as well as

impacts on biodiversity, ecology, the historic environment and visual landscape.

The cost of all National Grid projects is ultimately paid for by consumer energy bills, and although new onshore power lines are significantly cheaper than an equivalent offshore solution, National Grid develops proposals which take cost, engineering and environmental assessments and other impacts into consideration.

The proposals follow the publication last year of National Grid Electricity System Operator’s ‘Pathway to 2030 Holistic Network Design’ which established the onshore and offshore electricity transmission network reinforcements required to meet government net zero targets, including the North Humber to High Marnham project.

The project also forms part of National Grid’s Great Grid Upgrade which will see significant new infrastructure built across England and Wales to move more clean energy from where it’s generated to where it’s needed, helping the UK meet its net zero ambitions and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

The plan is to connect more clean, renewable energy from where it is generated out at sea to where it is needed by communities across the UK. The Great Grid Upgrade will also contribute to lower energy bills over the long-term, provide a catalyst for a green jobs boom and make the UK’s energy more self-sufficient.

The UK government suggests that investment in onshore network infrastructure could support up to 130,000 jobs and contribute an estimated £4-11bn of GVA (gross value added) to the UK economy in 2050.

New infrastructure will connect green energy from areas around the Humber and in the North Sea to the grid . The developing connections will allow clean electricity to power homes and businesses across the Midlands and then to the whole country.

New infrastructure is being developed to connect green energy from areas around the Humber and in the North Sea to the National Grid. It will allow clean electricity to power homes and businesses across the Midlands reach the whole country, boosting the UK’s home-grown energy security and progress towards net zero.
“The project also forms part of National Grid’s Great Grid Upgrade which will see significant new infrastructure built across England and Wales to move more clean energy from where it’s generated to where it’s needed, helping the UK meet its net zero ambitions and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.”
- National Grid


carbon footprint reduction strategies. Transcritical CO2 HPU technology is considered well-suited for significant heat sink temperature differential (between inlet and outlet temperature) above 40K. Heat pumps require electricity to work but can produce around three or four kilowatts of heat for every kilowatt of power they consume, making them highly efficient. Plus, some designs can provide cooling as well.

The emission-free MAN Heat Pump solution HPU makes efficient use of the special properties that CO2, as a working fluid, has to offer. Operating with an optimised transcritical heat pump cycle, this high temperature industrial heat pump system is able to generate temperatures from 0°C (32°F) up to 150°C (302°F) and up to 60 MW (204.72 MMBtu/h) of thermal heat and 30 MW (8530 tons of refrigeration) of thermal cold with using just one single heat pump unit.

Imagine 2.5 million litres of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool. If for some reason you wanted to bring it from a pleasant 20C to boiling point, MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) has a heat pump which could do it.

“We can do this in less than four hours,” reports Raymond Decorvet of MAN ES. “Or we could freeze the whole thing in about 11 hours.”

The HPU from MAN ES offers the following benefits to heat pump users:

- Large scale supply of heating or cooling

- High supply temperatures

- Environmentally friendly refrigerant

- High power density

- Adaptable to project or site specific requirements

– An all inclusive electric solution for low maintenance and remote operations

– Participation in secondary control power market

– Quick start-up, shut down and load change reaction time.

Using CO2 as a refrigerant offers a number of advantages: Carbon-dioxide is a naturally occurring component which is available in large quantities and is inexpensive compared to synthetic refrigerants.

CO2 also ticks all the boxes of an environmentally- friendly, low GWP, non-toxic and non-explosive medium. It is a very dense refrigerant with a high volumetric heating capacity; this allows the piping sizes and equipment volume to be much smaller than an equivalent HFC system

Transcritical CO2 HP systems like these provide users with a a high discharge temperature, therefore removing the need for cascade heat pump systems or additional heating devices. There is no impending legislation phasing out carbon-dioxide; hence it can be considered as a safe refrigerant, says MAN ES, matching the average clients’ long-

to 150°C (302°F) and up to 60 MW (204.72 MMBtu/h) of thermal heat.”

Heat pumps are increasingly popular with some home owners but domestic devices are relatively small and tend to have outputs of several kilowatts or so.

MAN ES’s biggest commercial heat pump is thousands of times more powerful - with a total heating capacity of 48 megawatts (MW).

It can produce temperatures of up to 150C and could heat thousands of homes in the UK, not just one.

The company has two ETES-based heat pumps in the port city of Esbjerg, in Denmark. In this installation example, the heat pumps’ CO2 refrigerant will absorb a small amount of heat from seawater. Compressors boost the temperature of the CO2 and the system can then transfer this heat, providing water of up to 90C to

Decarbonising heating & cooling is a central part of the UK government’s strategy to reach net zero, and heat networks are vital to achieving this. Here we look at how MAN ES heat pumps developed for Denmark could play a major role in developing a proven, cost-effective way of providing reliable, low carbon heat for the UK.
“ The UK could benefit from an emission-free MAN Heat Pump solution. HPU makes efficient use of CO2 as a working fluid. Operating with an optimised transcritical heat pump cycle, this high temperature industrial heat pump system is able to generate temperatures from 0°C (32°F) up

heat, providing water of up to 90°C to a district heating system serving 27,000 households.

Industrial-sized heat pumps are a thousand times more powerful than domestic versions

“The demand for district heating is exploding,” comments Raymond Decorvet.

The district heating system in Stockholm, Sweden is often referred to as the largest heat pump set-up in the world. This has a maximum capacity of 215MW - but that total is the sum of seven heat pumps, two 40MW and five 27MW devices, reports a spokesman for energy provider Stockholm Exergi explains.

Gothenburg also has a 160MW heat pump system which consists of four units. Two of them are actually bigger than those in Stockholm, with capacities of 50MW each.

A company spokesman commented: “With the MAN HPU, you can decarbonise the complete energy supply for district heating networks, urban quarters, small towns and large facilities like airports, universities or shopping malls.”

According to the manufacturer, the MAN HPU provides cost-efficient carbon-neutral heating or cooling for all kinds of industrial processes with intensive heating or cooling demands, especially in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

Selected applications

Scalable and modular, the MAN Heat Pump HPU is said to be suitable for mid- to large-scale thermal consumers. Data centre operators can reduce their CO2 emissions and electricity costs with a direct supply of cooling energy. An additional revenue stream can be created by participating in the power markets and exporting


thermal energy, e.g. for district heating.

In Denmark, DIN Forsyning commissioned MAN Energy Solutions to supply a turnkey technology solution for heat generation, featuring two ETES heat-pump systems.

These form part of a new district heating plant based on the operating principle of a heat pump – but on a large, industrial scale. With an overall heating capacity of 60 MW, the plant will supply around 100,000 local inhabitants with approximately 280,000 MWh of heat annually.

The location at the Port of Esbjerg will enable the use of renewable power from nearby wind farms and seawater as a heat source for the generation of heating energy.

The new district-heating plant will guarantee an emission-free alternative to the city’s current, coal-fired power plant, which at present provides approximately half of Esbjerg’s district heating.

“Esbjerg has very ambitious goals to become carbon neutral by 2030, and the new heat pump will be an important element in achieving this. Esbjerg City is undergoing a huge change these years and transforming a carbon industry towards a world leading position as a green city,” explains Jesper Frost Rasmussen, Mayor of Esbjerg.

“The deployment of the ETES heat pump systems from MAN Energy Solutions definitely helps us to ensure an environmentally-friendly and economically efficient heat-supply.” for the inhabitants of the city of Esbjerg. By decarbonising the heat supply, we are taking into account Denmark’s goal of phasing out coal while ensuring the environmental preservation of Denmark’s Wadden Sea, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site,” explained Anders Linde, chairman of the Board of DIN Forsyning.

Uwe Lauber, CEO of MAN Energy Solutions, comments: “The transition to a carbon-neutral world is at the core of all the actions we take today. This is why we are very proud to play a major role in the pioneering project as the provider of an innovative technology solution.

“The ETES heat-pump system is a climate-neutral alternative to traditional, large-scale heat supplies and will significantly drive the decarbonisation of the heating sector,” he concludes.

ETES technology enables the exploitation of excess power from renewable energy sources, which will have a beneficial effect on the efficiency of power production from wind and solar energy, and will further reduce the need for fossil power plants, reports MAN ES. In addition, the operational flexibility of the heat-pump solution makes it possible to generate electrical balancing power in the short term, and therefore to maintain balance on the grid.

Patrik Meli, Senior Vice President, Managing Director of MAN Energy Solutions Switzerland, says : “A growing share of renewable energy must also be harnessed outside of power grids in order to break through the extreme dependency on fossil fuels for heat and cold generation.”

The key, innovative feature of ETES technology is the use of toxicologically and environmentally safe CO2 as a refrigerant for the entire system cycle. The CO2-based heat-pump plant in Esbjerg is the largest of its kind ever used in the world.

The scope of supply for the project icovers the entire heat-pump system, including the heat exchangers, the piping for the CO2 and seawater cycles, the water pumps as well as the electrical infrastructure provided by ABB Switzerland and ABB Denmark.

The core element is represented by two oil-free hermetically-sealed HOFIM® motor-compressor units with integrated expander, which are developed, produced and tested by MAN Energy Solutions in Zurich (Switzerland).

The absence of the dry gas seal system and the complete oil system as well as the use of a high-speed motor and active magnetic bearings results in an emissionfree compression system with a small footprint.

The heat-pump technology is based on an electrothermal energy-storage system called MAN ETES which was developed by MAN Energy Solutions in co-operation with ABB Switzerland.

“The heat-pump technology is based on an electrothermal energy-storage system called MAN ETES which was developed by MAN Energy Solutions in co-operation with ABB Switzerland. The basic principle of the technology is the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy.”


for VPI Immingham as we look to adapt for the energy transition whilst supporting increased power demand. By expanding, Immingham will transform into an energy hub capable of providing lower-carbon power to homes and businesses.

Development of VPI’s new energy hub on the South Humber bank of the UK has reached a significant milestone with contracts awarded for nearly 350MW of fast-response, flexible power generation and the submission of planning and permitting applications for the company’s Carbon Capture plant.

VPI’s combined heat and power (CHP) station at Immingham, North Lincolnshire has been a local landmark for nearly 20 years, providing power to the electricity system and steam for adjacent refinery businesses since it was opened in 2004.

Now, following contract signature with key contractors (details below), expansion is underway with the construction of additional, rapidly-deployable generation capacity to meet peaks in demand which cannot currently be met by renewables.

VPI’s investment in capacity vital to the success of the energy transition includes a 50MW gas reciprocating peaking facility, installed by Clarke Energy, which will be operational early next year, and a 299MW open

cycle gas turbine (OCGT), expected to enter service by Summer 2025.

Both installations will use established technology which has a track record of highly efficient and reliable operation to support the energy transition whilst maintaining security of supply. They are also capable of being converted to run on a proportion of hydrogen once industrial scale production is established.

In addition to the new power facilities, decarbonisation of the existing CHP is also taking a major step forward with the planning and permitting applications for VPI’s Humber Zero project being submitted to the relevant authorities.

The project will see carbon capture technology retrofitted to two of the three existing gas turbines at the VPI Immingham CHP resulting in the capture and store three million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year which would otherwise be emitted to the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas.

VPI Chief Executive, Jorge Pikunic comments: “This investment marks a new era

“Through the Humber Zero project, our carbon capture plant will ensure the continued viability of our existing CHP and make a major contribution to the region’s net zero goals. It is central to decarbonising both the Immingham industrial area and the nationallyimportant Humber industrial cluster and will be a benefit to the local community and the Humber as a whole.”

Clarke Energy’s, Managing Director, Ben Wilson comments: “We are proud to have been selected as an EPC contractor for a critical portion of VPI’s Immingham’s energy hub. VPI’s expansion at Immingham demonstrates how gas engines will continue to play a significant role in the UK’s plan to decarbonise its energy system by providing critical support to the wider electrical system.”

Jenbacher engines are decarbonisation- ready through their ability to run on all manner of renewable green gases, including hydrogen, and in conjunction with an expanding variety of carbon capture and utilisation technologies.

Clarke Energy offers a broad selection of energy solutions, including waste heat recovery, energy storage and microgrid control systems to combine all forms of generation technology. This can provide a single holistic decentralised power station in the pursuit of optimum energy efficiency, resilience, and sustainability.

Clarke Energy will act as the EPC contractor, engineering, installing and maintaining 50MW of hydrogen-ready INNIO Jenbacher gas engines to VPI’s expansion at Immingham energy hub, as part of their energy transition investment, reports UKPN.
“ This investment marks a new era for VPI Immingham as we look to adapt for the energy transition whilst supporting increased power demand. It will transform into an energy hub.”
VPI Chief Executive, Jorge Pikunic


St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Due to the environment, there were strict sound levels that the newly installed generating sets had to achieve.

To accomplish this, WB Power proposed the supply and installation of exhaust gas silencers, which would achieve a sound level of 65 dBA @ 1m.

The flues were to be extended to roof level, and were to follow the existing flue route. Particulate filters were then installed on the roof of the building to ensure exhuast soot was captured and stored, greatly reducing emissions.

As part of the installation, WB Power installed a new LV switchboard, which included ComAp control modules.

In addition, WB Power also provided two remote panels, which were installed to control the synchronising at two remote switchboards.

WB Power Services was awarded the opportunity by the St George’s University NHS Foundation Trust to scope, design and install a power solution for the hospital, providing vital backup power for the facilities in case of a power failure.

Following a detailed analysis of the hospitals power requirements, WB Power proposed the installation of 2 x 1000kVA prime rated generating sets.

These sets were installed with additional bespoke work. The generating sets were configured to be fed fuel from a common 5,000 litre tank installed in the inlet plenum.

The tank was provided with a fuel polishing system to ensure the fuel wasn’t contaminated with water, microbial growth and solid particulates.

A secondary fill system was also installed; comprising both duty & standby transfer pumps, which was located adjacent to an existing set of pumps in the boiler room. Finally, WB Power installed new fuel pipework between the pumps and the fuel tank, but capped the pump inlet pipework, which would be connected at a later date.

A company spokesman commented: “The project proved to be an incredibly diverse and bespoke task for the WB Power team: the installed solution comprised of incumbent equipment removal, civil works and the installation of 2 x 1000 kVA generating sets in an existing plant room.

“The generating set was installed along with accompanying ancillary equipment such as common 5,000 litre fuel tank, plant room attenuation equipment, exhaust flue, new switchboard and electrical installation/migration works.”

When carrying out the initial site survey to gain a thorough understanding of client requirements, it became apparent that there was an extensive civil works requirement, reports WB Power. The proposed switch room was not long enough for the installation of the new switchboard, so following discussions, it was agreed that the end wall of the switchroom would be removed. In addition to this, there was also a requirement to remove additional walls, construction of a concrete base for the new generating set, aperture ceiling repairs and finally, the installation of two new single access doors.

Included within this was design services, FAT attendance, manuals and commissioning assistance.

In addition, WB Power also provided two remote panels, which were installed to control the synchronising at two remote switchboards. Included within this was design services, FAT attendance manuals and commissioning assistance.

Following completion of the installation, the sets were commissioned utilising a resistive load bank test. This was conducted by WB Power’s inhouse commissioning team, with one of its Commissioning Engineers onsite conducting the tests over a 10-day period.

Whilst onsite the Commissioning Engineer was also able to deliver formal training to the Hospital engineers.

A detailed analysis of the project found that the generator and accompanying ancillary equipment was delivered by our Projects Team within predefined time frames and on-budget.

All predefined hospital requirements were delivered, meaning the project was a great success for WB Power.

is one of the country’s largest acute NHS Trusts, serving more than 3.5 million people across south London and beyond. St George’s is a major acute hospital which offers specialist care for the most complex of injuries and illnesses, with over 6,000 staff and 1,000 beds. This is an analysis of a recent genset installation onsite.
“The generating sets were configured to be fed fuel from a common 5,000-litre tank installed in the inlet plenum. The tank was provided with a fuel polishing system to ensure the fuel wasn’t contaminated with water, microbial growth and solid particulates. A secondary fill system was also installed.”


“ In the Research Centre project


This project involved careful planning to establish where all the generator sets could be placed, especially due to the size and weight of the equipment that was needed to reach 5MVA of power.

Power Electrics provided the customer with a solution to break up the required power into smaller generators that could all be synchronised together mitigating the risk of down time.

Ten 500kVA generators were chosen as they could be unloaded and installed in the limited space made available around the university buildings.

The total capacity of the solution reached the required 5MVA, meeting the client’s needs. The Power Electrics team worked closely with the customer, from the first meeting to the end of the hire, to ensure a seamless process throughout the project.

“Our team of experts provided guidance and

advice on the best temporary power solution for the client’s needs, taking into consideration the space limitations and other requirements. The solution we provided was reliable, efficient, and quick to install, providing the necessary protection against network blackouts,” explains Lee Sharp, Sales Manager – Rental Major Accounts.

In a second contract Power Electrics worked on a multi-megawatt project for a Research Centre. A company spokesman comments:“Our team of generator specialists worked alongside a client to complete a large project where continuous power was critical. We provided the client a turnkey solution that comprised of two weeks at a science and research centre in the West of England.”

The challenge

The client required urgent maintenance which meant the entire site had to be taken off the HV

Power Electrics worked tirelessly to meet the deadline, which included delivery of all equipment, installation and connection as well as scheduling 24/7 on-site cover where engineers worked 8-hour shifts. 23 generators were hired to our client, eight of which were 1250kVA and 15 of which were 500kVA.”

ring main and supported solely by generators. The original standby generators were not working ,meaning the old mains had to be switched off whilst work was carried out.

This required 11 different sub stations to be connected on LV and 24/7 engineer cover.

Power Electrics reports it ‘worked tirelessly’ to meet the deadline, which included delivery of all equipment, installation and connection as well as scheduling 24/7 onsite cover where engineers worked 8-hour shifts.

Twenty-three generators were hired to the client, eight of which were 1250kVA and 15 of which were 500kVA, and 9000 metres of cable were provided to cover the large site.

To put the size of the site into perspective, an estimated 170,000 steps were taken by team members over a fourday installation period.

Alex Hill, Business Development Manager, was responsible for ensuring the project ran smoothly: “We were given a tight schedule for installation and commissioning.

“From the initial call from the client to the day of energisation we had seven days. This included a site survey, scheduling of 24/7 on site engineer cover and four days to deliver, place and install the 23 generators, tanks and 9km of cable.”

Several substations were deemed as critical supply and needed additional resilience, with that several substations had N+1 redundancy. Along with giving the N+1 resilience, the Power Electrics team had to synchronise the primary generators at the majority of substations. This prevented planned shutdowns on site and allowed the end-users staff to carry out normal working patterns without disruption.

Rob Mason, Projects Manager, oversaw the project installation team. He says: “Efficient planning was key to the success of the project, utilising our own transport fleet ensured we followed the strict timescales and delivery slots throughout the install stage, allowing me and the team to concentrate on installing the generators and support energisation of the various substations.”

A university based in the Midlands asked Power Electrics to find a solution to back up a substation due to the risk of network blackouts. The biggest challenge faced on this project, says Power Electrics, was the limited space available for the backup power equipment. The substation in question required 5MVA of power, so a solution was needed to fit the required power supply into the limited space.

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In 2019, specialists from the Turkish EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contractor Iltekno successfully commissioned a power plant for the FT Textile Group LLC. This represents the country’s first cogeneration power plant based on gas engines and it now provides a secure power supply and low energy costs for a production facility near Namangan, Uzbekistan.

İltekno, actively working in Uzbekistan with its team of professionals, has introduced energyefficient solutions to organisations keen to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.

Founded in 2017 in the city of Namangan in the Uzbekistan Republic, the FT Textile Group LLC is part of the Orient Group of companies.

The company currently produces cotton yarn at a speed of 41 tons per day thanks to the latest technology provided by leading German companies. It is one of Uzbekistan’s key mélange

and dyed yarns manufacturers.

The factory also produces different types of yarn, such as polyester, viscose, bamboo, and modal.

İltekno’s role in the project involved the supply, installation, assembly and commissioning of a TCG 2032B V16 MWM natural gas engine generator set and auxiliary equipment.

This genset has an electrical performance efficiency of 44.3% with an output of 4,500 kW of electricity. Heat recovery is carried out from the engine jacket water and exhaust system with a hot water recovery boiler.

Previously the client’s production quality and stability suffered from power shortages and high fluctuations in the local grid. However, since the completion of the cogeneration power plant these issues have been entirely resolved. Now the factory can continue production unaffacted by any power cuts.

are more than 740 power generators with approximately 2,850,000 kWel already installed around the globe. The MWM gas genset of the TCG 2032 series is perfectly geared to the challenges of a dynamic market environment.

completion of the cogeneration power plant these issues have been entirely resolved. Now the factory can continue production unaffacted by any power cuts.

The TCG 2032 series – a long-time success story

The TCG 2032 genset has proven to be one of the most reliable onsite gas engines for more than 20 years. Robustness and availability, paired with low service and operation costs, make the TCG 2032 series the perfect solution for an independent and secure power supply. The MWM TCG 2032 V12, V16 gas genset offers a number of benefits:

- High Reliability. Low Operating Costs

- An output range from 3,000 to 4,500 kWel

- Runs on all gas types: natural gas, landfill gas, sewage gas, mine gas, coke oven gas, biogas

- Mainly used in large IPP projects with up to 100,000 kWel

The series is also available with fast ramp-up option for the TCG 2032B model.


There are more than 740 power generators with approximately 2,850,000 kWel already installed around the globe. A company spokesman commented: “The MWM gas gensets of the TCG 2032 series are perfectly geared to the challenges of a dynamic market environment. In the power range of 3,000 – 4,500 kWel reliability, flexibility, efficiency and environmental compatibility are ensured along with low life-cycle costs. In this way, they meet the high requirements of a wide range of applications and are highly profitable.”

The MWM TCG 2032 gas genset also provides:

*High efficiency and low-lubricant consumption

*High fuel utilisation and low operation costs thanks to optimised chamber spark plug

*Increased efficiency through a new closed crankcase ventilation approach which enables utilisation of the blow-by gas

* High availability through long maintenance intervals: first maintenance after 4,000 h, major overhaul after 80,000 hours.

With its lubricant consumption of only 0.2 g/kWh up to 30 percent lower lubricant consumption compared to competitor products thanks to optimised tappet sealing, coke stripping rings and ring packages.

The TCG 2032 genset also features an open combustion chamber with chamber spark plug for soot-free combustion.

MWM’s TCG 2032 genset has proven to be one of the most reliable onsite gas engines for more than 20 years.
In this Case Study MWM reveals how robustness and availability, paired with low service and operation costs, make the TCG 2032 series the perfect solution for an independent and secure power supply at a textile centre.
In the power range of 3,000 – 4,500
it offers reliability, flexibility and efficiency.”



reduced stocking levels. Thje engine is designed to provide low cost of ownership, simple maintenance and reduced downtime.

Perkins engines have been designed and developed with the customer in mind. Keeping service cost to a minimum ensures low periodic running costs. This is achieved through 500 hour service intervals for oil and fuel as standard under all operating conditions.

CPS uses the Mecc Alte ECO43 -2L/4 alternator. The ECO43 range from Mecc Alte is a series of large alternators which have been proven in many industries. They are a reliable set of alternators which can produce an almost constant supply of power when at its operating conditions.

One of the one of the Constant Power Solutions Sales Managers was apparently instrumental in finding the right power solution for this UK-based metal recycling company. The Sales Manager acted as a consultant and gave his professional recommendation for the best bespoke solution for their operation

After careful consideration, the client opted for a AP1250S diesel generator built into a 20foot high weatherproof container with a Perkins 4012-46TWG2A water-cooled 1500 rpm engine coupled to a Mecc Alte ECO43 -2L/4 alternator.

The Perkins 4012 engine range is known to pack a real performance punch, with 12-cylinders and 46-litre displacement providing all the power you need.

The range’s diesel ElectropaK engines are supplied complete with radiator and air cleaner, or as engine only. They provide 989-1600 kVA generator output, with exceptional powerto-weight ratios. The compact design of the engines makes them easy to transport and install. Economic and durable, the engines have excellent power-to-weight ratios, as well as outstanding load acceptance and improved emissions.

Commonality of components with other engines in the 4000 Series makes replacing parts or upgrading an easy process.

The 4012-46TWG engine has been developed using the latest engineering techniques and builds on the strengths of the already very successful 4012 Series family and addresses today’s uncompromising demands within the power generation industry.

Developed from a proven heavy-duty industrial base these products offer superior performance and reliability. Turbocharged and air-to-water charge cooled, these are 12-cylinder diesel engines which offer a choice of temperate or tropical cooling. The engine’s premium feature is that it provides exceptional power-to-weight ratio resulting in exceptional fuel consumption.

Engine features of the AP1250S Features of the Perkins 4012-46TWG2A engine include Individual 4-valve cylinder heads giving optimised gas flows and unit fuel injectors ensure ultrafine fuel atomisation and hence controlled rapid combustion maximising productivity. There is also a commonality of components with other engines in the 4000 Series family for

Alternators in this range have an auxiliary wound excitation system and come with the option of a PMG excitation system as an extra. The maximum standby power output of the alternators in this range varies from 900 kVA to 1540 kVA.

CPS diesel generators are controlled by the worldwide renowned brand Deep Sea Electronics, manufactured in the UK and providing customers worldwide pre/aftersales support.

The DSE4520, DSE7120, DSE7420, and DSE8610 are used across the range of diesel generators. The CPS team of engineers are fully trained to program and set up the parameters of the Deep Sea Electronics modules.

Deep Sea Electronics battery chargers are used in diesel generator sets in standby applications, and the Deep Sea Electronics business management and GPS systems technology are also used in bespoke applications.

A company spokesman commented on the metal recycling company project: “This company chose CPS as they wanted a bespoke UK-manufactured genset and were aware of their specification for a prime operation generator . This was therefore a very straightforward sales process and Steve managed to elevate the company’s inquiry from quote to invoice in a matter of a few days.”

Constant Power Solutions recently supplied a UK-based metal recycling company with a a prime operating generator to power some of its production tools. This company procurement metals for processing and purchased a new range of machinery required for a remote location which has no access to electricity outlets - fortunately CPS was able to solve this problem.
“A Constant Power Solutions Sales Manager acted as a consultant and gave his professional recommendation for the best bespoke solutionfor their operation
After careful consideration, they opted for a AP1250S diesel generator built into a 20-foot high weatherproof container, with a Perkins 401246TWG2A engine.”
Alte ECO43 -2L/4 MEGSA FOUNDER MEMBERS: MEGA CONNECTIONS Get In Touch: | | Middle East Gen-Set Association | Copyright © 2023 MIDDLE EAST GEN-SET ASSOCIATION



The pioneering project, the first of its kind to market, has led by example highlighting how compliance can be achieved as part of sustainable public and occupational health strategies in advance of stringent emissions legislation.

The partnership has seen Speedy generators retrofitted with an Eminox exhaust aftertreatment system (EATS) which cost-effectively upgrades power generators from Stage IIIa to Stage V equivalent compliant standards.

The project

Designed to support Speedy generators operating between 60kva to 250kva, the EATS can be easily adapted to suit other engines sizes due to its scalable, modular design.

By upgrading the generator with a retrofit EATS, NOx is reduced by up to 95% and Particulate Matter (PM) by up to 99%, significantly improving air quality for operators, communities and protecting public health.

Not only is the project commercially viable for Speedy, in that its fleet of generators can be deployed where Stage V requirements must be met, it can also be transferred to other generator

operators to deliver the same benefits. This could have a significant impact on generator emissions, not just in the UK, but globally.

This project delivers a solution to the challenges the sector is facing as a collective. That of, upgrading existing fleets to become Stage V equivalent compliant and removing the need to replace equipment that is far from the end of its life cycle.

This removes the need for unnecessary waste, reducing the carbon impact from scrapping old assets or indeed manufacturing new ones, supports ESG policies, and delivers a positive impact for the environment in addition to emissions reduction.

Impacts and outcomes

By upgrading older gensets, the retrofitting of Eminox EATS, will enable equipment to be deployed where regulations such as London’s NRMM Low Emission Zone, Clean Air Zones (CAZ) and Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD), are enforceable, and on pioneering projects such as HS2 sites across the country. Highlighting the positive impact that the system has brought for Speedy and the wider Genset

industry, the generator was showcased at the Speedy Expo in 2022 where it won ‘Product of the show.’

This was after the completion of an agreed and hugely successful trial that delivered very positive and tangible outcomes exceeding expectations.

Now, the solution is currently being rolled out onto numerous generators thus improving the flexibility of their fleet and delivering a commercial return from the project for Eminox. The upgrade can take place at Speedy locations to minimise lead and down times so sites where gensets are deployed can begin to benefit from the enhanced emissions in a timely manner.

By developing emissions control solutions, Eminox, helps businesses to overcome these challenges, meet their own Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies and make a sustainable, positive impact on the environment.

Eminox has been designing and manufacturing pioneering emission reduction technologies for almost 45 years and was the first company to be accredited with the Energy Saving Trust NRMM RAS certification, which demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing solutions which reduce emissions, improve air quality and public health.

It will help to bridge the gap on the journey to a net zero future as Eminox continues with projects to determine how sustainable alternative, dual, and future net zero fuels will play a part in power generation and the emissions reduction technologies that will be required.

Eminox is a privately-owned company, established in 1978, with its head office and manufacturing facilities in Lincolnshire, UK.

The company is a leading European designer and manufacturer of exhaust and emissions control systems for heavy duty vehicles and equipment.

Eminox has a reputation for engineering excellence, its products designed and manufactured to the highest standards, so they perform reliably in the real-world.

It supplies bus, truck, non-road mobile machine, power generation, marine and rail manufacturers around the world, as well as being the major European supplier of emissions control exhaust systems for retrofit to vehicles already in service utilising leading emissions control technologies.

UK-based Eminox, a leading designer and manufacturer of emissions reduction technologies and Speedy Services have worked on a collaborative project to improve air quality associated with power generation (gensets) and bridge the gap on the journey to net zero.
“By upgrading the generator with a retrofit EATS, NOx is reduced by up to 95% and Particulate Matter (PM) by up to 99%, significantly improving air quality for operators, communities and protecting public health. This could have a significant impact on generator emissions.”

Solutions for De-Carbonisation’

An IPowerE One Day Seminar

27th September 2023

IPowerE One Day Seminar

‘Diverse Solutions for De-Carbonisation’ will be held on 27th September 2023 - IGEM House, Kegworth.

This one-day Seminar is aimed at examining today’s energy challenges demand a full range of solutions to de-carbonise the power sector. Conventional gas fired plant will continue to support the Energy Transition, with changes to despatch, control, and fuels used. Energy storage will, be it in battery or grid scale solutions, be used to complement renewable systems, deployed at increasing scale. Grid control and management will assume great importance as today’s energy transmission and distribution systems are adapted to meet tomorrow’s requirements. This seminar will bring many of these themes together, providing information and the opportunity for discussion and debate amongst your Power Engineering peers. With the added opportunities for networking and discussions in smaller groups during the day and the excellent venue, this should be both an informative and enjoyable day. Meetpoint Midlands is a quiet, relaxed and friendly meeting centre based in Kegworth in the East Midlands. Conveniently located just off junction 24 of the M1, three miles from East Midlands Parkway train station and four miles from East Midlands Airport allowing easy access for delegates and free parking.

Please contact the office for more information Tel +44 (0)1234 214340 or email enquiries@ipowere. org

Key points: Registration is from 9:00am and the Keynote Speaker talk will be commencing at 9:15am. Morning Presentations will be followed by a Buffet lunch. After lunch the Afternoon Presentations will commence, followed by a Panel Discussion and a Finish- approx 16:00pm.

About IPowerE technical papers

The IPowerE publish four technical papers each year in the IPowerE journal Power Engineer. Additional copies are available to download free of charge to members. Updated regularly, members of the IPowerE can access our technical paper archive and download essential industry information. Browse through our large selection of current and historic technical papers.

Technical paper archive

Our technical papers go back as far as 1913, access to these papers allows engineers to see the way the energy industry has evolved and where it wants to be in the future. If you are looking for a solution to a technical problem, need information to support a university project or simply have an active interest in our industry you are sure to find what you are looking for amongst our archive.

Getting a paper published

If you have written a technical paper that you would like the IPowerE to consider for publishing in Power Engineer, please contact the office. For technical papers presented and published that have a high degree of technical merit, you will be eligible to enter our Akroyd Stuart Memorial Prize or our Percy Still Medal.

Visit the website for further information:

The Government’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) will create a smarter, more flexible, and transparent electricity market that can meet the evolving needs of people and businesses in a world powered by electricity, says the ADE.

The Review of the Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) presents a chance to make some changes in the team. However, if it is mishandled or poorly implemented, it could lead to a situation similar to Chelsea this season, who have been characterised by a lack of teamwork and collaboration, with each player focused solely on their individual performance and ego. This approach can lead to a lack of cohesion, poor results, and ultimately, huge expenses for the industry and consumers. Where we could be if we get it right: However, if REMA is successful and well-executed, it could be like Manchester City this season. Like Man City, the electricity market could become a

collection of world-class individual components, each pushing forward with their own unique strengths, but always willing to assist and support each other. This approach can lead to a powerful and dynamic team, which is more efficient and effective at meeting the needs of the industry and consumers.

What we need to do now is to:

• Commit to moving away from tech-specific subsidies and through REMA, lay out a plan for how to get there without creating an investment hiatus

• Reform our approach to balancing electricity generation and demand through creating a more competitive balancing market that is designed for millions of sources of flexibility, with the right IT systems to deliver it

• Reform our approach to procuring emergency reserves through introducing a new market that is specifically designed for zero carbon, flexible assets and that more highly rewards cheap technologies that don’t require significant subsidy support.

ADE Briefing | REMA – Summary |


Early adopters of the People First Charter from the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) have spoken of the need to come together to tackle skills shortages and improve inclusivity in the built environment sector.

The People First Charter focuses on behaviours and actions to continually improve organisational culture, underpinned by four guiding principles. These are inclusivity of all, openness and respect, development and growth and recognition.

The charter had its official launch at UKREiiF on May 18th at the EDI and Youth Pavilion.

Representatives from Atelier Ten, Ramboll, Curtins and BWB Consulting discussed why they’ve become early adopters of the charter,

which aims to put the wellbeing of people at the heart of organisations involved in tackling some of the biggest challenges the world faces.

Other early adopters include Belfast-based Beattie Flanigan and the Welsh Apprenticeship Alliance.

David Cameron, director of Atelier Ten said the People First Charter was in line with the firm’s ambition to “lead from the front” when it comes to contributing to a culture shift and the development of the skills base in the sector.

“We believe vibrant, energetic, and mind-positive conditions are pre-requisite enablers to innovation, professional improvement and continuous personal development,” he said. By achieving these conditions, personal wellbeing can be met - this is something the sector needs to encourage.”

* * *

New 30RCLA said to offer ‘extraordinary’ features

KOHLER has released a new 30RCLA genset which offers powerful operation fuelled by either natural gas or liquid propane (LPG).

The 30RCLA provides 125 amps on LPG and natural gas. The set is said to offer ‘extraordinary’ peak motor-starting capacity, with 30RCL at 44kVA at 240V.

Its premium power quality delivers exceptional digital voltage and frequency regulation along with extremely low levels of harmonic distortion to protect sophisticated electronics and appliances, says the company. It is powered by a Kohler KG2204T industrial-grade engine with hydraulic valve lifters to eliminate need for lengthy break-in periods and expensive valve adjustments; operation speed 1800 rpm.

Fully compatible source of 1200 V IGBT for a low-power module

Semikron Danfoss and ROHM Semiconductor have added a fully compatible source of 1200 V IGBT to their lowpower module offering to mitigate power module delivery shortages and secure the supply chain.

ROHM has introduced the new 1200V RGA IGBT, targetted as an alternative to the latest Generation 7 IGBT devices in industrial applications. ROHM has been a regular, trusted partner to Semikron Danfoss for the supply of silicon carbide devices. ROHM is now expanding its silicon bare die offering to Semikron Danfoss, positioning itself as an advanced alternative to traditional chip suppliers.

The RGA is a newly-designed, light punch through trench gate IGBT with Tj,max = 175°C. The conduction, switching, and thermal characteristics are optimised for new industrial drive applications in the low to medium power range.

At the same time, the RGA is intended to remain compatible with existing IGBT solutions, enabling a multiple-source approach.

The 1200 V RGA IGBT has been successfully tested in the baseplate-less MiniSKiiP package.

Miros launches unique dual sensor for measuring directional wave spectra

Ocean insights leader Miros has released a new unique dual sensor for measuring directional wave spectra, developed by the offshore wind industry.

WaveFusionTM is the first of the new next-generation wave radar series by Miros. The directional wave radar provides more visibility and insights over the sea state in all-weather critical maritime operations including shallow waters. The sensor accurately measures data in real-time by utilizing up to 13 sample areas which are at different distances from the turbine. Combining the footprints, complemented by smart processing algorithms enables new levels of data performance, reliability and redundancy providing a better understanding of the sea state not impacted by the shadowing effect created by the structure.

WaveFusion was developed following industry feedback expressing the wish for a high-quality sensor that reliably measures waves at multiple locations around a wind turbine without compromising on accuracy. The unmatched new sensor combines downward looking and remote sampling measurements taken further - approximately 200m away - from the turbine to ensure accurate assessment of all directional and nondirectional waves between one to 30+ seconds.

Earlier this year, the company also launched Data Explorer, a new solution allowing the easy creation of purpose-oriented all-in-one sharable dashboards to analyze real-time and historical data from one or multiple offshore wind sites. The data from WaveFusion can be integrated into the Data Explorer dashboards, providing an intuitive and easy-to-use solution. The system helps operations and maintenance teams significantly reduce energy consumption levels and emissions caused by cancelled offshore operations due to uncertainties around weather conditions and site access. This supports organisations in achieving environmental and sustainability targets.

Jonas Røstad, Chief Commercial Officer at Miros: “One of the key challenges facing offshore wind operators is accurately measuring directional and non-directional waves around a wind turbine. We are pleased to now have a great sensor to offer. We think the combination of measuring both at the spot of interest and further away from the structure to avoid interference and reflections and choosing the best and most relevant samples.”

World’s first zero slip methane generator

New environmental performance data demonstrate that Qnergy’s PowerGen system is the first generator to enable 100% methane destruction.

This unique Free Piston Stirling Engine (FPSE) demonstrates superior environmental performance, exceeding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines by orders of magnitude, according to independent third-party testing.

The results conclusively show that, for the first time, environmentally friendly, utility-grade electrical power can be sourced from methane generation at the site, using a generator with zero methane slip. The proven system is already in use on more than 1,000 sites across the Americas, where it has delivered more than 15 million hours of reliable power, with a maintenance-free engine.

Qnergy’s unique PowerGen technology is based on an external combustion engine, with a clean-burning external combustor designed to work with any gaseous fuel. It uses power electronics and software to control for variable raw source fuel feedstocks.

Third party researchers tested the performance of the PowerGen, finding that combustion resulted in >99.998% (~100%) methane destruction efficiency, with particulate matter, CO, and NOx emissions levels at 0.11, 0.30, and 1.1 g/, respectively, that meet and exceed EPA emission criteria. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, with 84X the global warming potential of CO2 over its first 20 years when allowed to escape into the atmosphere.

The productive use of methane waste is a global challenge, given the many distributed sources, from upstream well pads in the energy industry to farms and organic waste sites. These diverse methane sources all require power to capture, store, and/or convert methane into useful energy.

Historically, facilities that emit methane have been unable to use raw gas methane as a fuel, due to the challenges of corrosive contaminants, fluctuations in flow, and purity.

Alternators Made in Italy Viale del Lavoro, 30 - 37040 Arcole (VR) Italy T. +39 045 7639201 - F.+39 045 7639202 - COGENERATION CYCLE CYCLE PLUS STORAGE STATIC GAS SOLAR THERMAL OIL & GAS SHORT BREAK POWER PLANT GEN SET ENERGY WHERE NEEDED INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS +39 0536 94.36.15 Via Dino Ferrari, 50 - 41053 Maranello (MO) - Italy MARGEN s.p.a. Leaders in complete power solutions Hire, Sales, Service & Maintenance, Contingency Planning, including 24/7 Emergency Response WOODLANDSPOWER.COM UK: 0845 600 3335 | INTL: +44 138 644 2622 Winding. Rewinding. Supply. Service. Repair. Cabel UK Limited CMF Technology Park Mares eld Road Oakham LE15 7FW E: T: +44 (0)1572 755 168 Part of the Mecc Alte Group Turbocharging UK Limited Spare Parts, replacement turbochargers, overhauls, check, clean, balance and reconditioning. Hortonwood 37, Telford, TF1 7XT, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1952 607200 (24hr) Email: Web: THE VOICE OF THE MIDDLE EAST GENERATING SET INDUSTRY WWW.MEGSA.ORG LAUNCH OF


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2652 9351810
Mendig, Germany T +49
fuel Freq. Electric output M06-G/B T0D41 g 50 140 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 50 200 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 50 250 kW M08-G/B TID41 g 50 260 kW M08-G/B T2D41 g 50 333 kW M12-G/B TID41 g 50 400 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 50 500 kW M06-G/B T0D41 g 60 150 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 60 210 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 60 250 kW M08-G/B TID41 g 60 280 kW M08-G/B T2D41 g 60 333 kW M12-G/B TID41 g 60 420 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 60 500 kW RSE engines for LPG M06-PT0D41 g 50 115 kW M06-PTID41 g 50 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 50 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 50 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 50 260 kW M12-PTID41 g 50 350 kW M12-PT2D41 g 50 450 kW M06-PT0D41 g 60 130 kW M06-PTID41 g 60 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 60 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 60 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 60 260 kW M12-PTID41 g 60 350kW M12-PT2D41 g 60 450 kW RSE engines for Woodgas M06-HT2D41 g 50 122 kW M08-HT2D41 g 50 166 kW M12-HT2D41 g 50 250 kW M06-HT2D41 g 60 140 kW M08-HT2D41 g 60 180 kW M12-HT2D41 g 60 275 kW Volvo Penta 405 08 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel +46 31 235460 Model Spec RPM kWm kVA TAD530GE Diesel 15002) 75 85 TAD531GE Diesel 15002) 88 100 TAD532GE Diesel 15002) 113 130 TAD550GE1) Diesel 15002) 76 86 TAD551GE1) Diesel 15002) 89 101 TAD730GE Diesel 15002) 113 130 TAD731GE Diesel 15002) 132 152 TAD732GE Diesel 15002) 162 186 TAD733GE Diesel 15002) 175 201 TAD734GE Diesel 15002) 213 245 TAD750GE1) Diesel 15002) 114 131 TAD751GE1) Diesel 15002) 13 152 TAD752GE1) Diesel 15002) 158 182 TAD753GE1) Diesel 15002) 173 199 TAD754GE1) Diesel 15002) 217 250 TAD940GE Diesel 15002) 241 277 TAD941GE Diesel 15002) 280 326 TAD1341GE Diesel 15002) 271 315 TAD1342GE Diesel 15002) 303 352 TAD1343GE Diesel 15002) 325 378 TAD1344GE Diesel 15002) 354 412 TAD1345GE Diesel 15002) 388 451 TAD1351GE1) Diesel 15002) 279 324 TAD1352GE1) Diesel 15002) 314 365 TAD1354GE1) Diesel 15002) 328 381 TAD1355GE1) Diesel 15002) 355 413 TAD1640GE Diesel 15002) 392 461 TAD1641GE Diesel 15002) 430 505 TAD1642GE Diesel 15002) 503 591 TWD1643GE Diesel 15002) 536 630 TAD1650GE1) Diesel 15002) 393 462 TAD1651GE1) Diesel 15002) 430 505 Engines are also available for1800rpm/60Hz
Model Fuel rpm Pel Pth JMS 208 GS g 1,500 330 358 JMS 208 GS g 1,800 335 406 JMS 312 GS g 1,500 625 731 JMS 312 GS g 1,800 633 808 JMS 316 GS g 1,500 834 988 JMS 316 GS g 1,800 848 1,079 JMS 320 GS g 1,500 1,063 1,190 JMS 320 GS g 1,800 1,060 1,313 JMS 412 GS g 1,500 844 892 JMS 416 GS g 1,500 1,131 1,194 JMS 420 GS g 1,500 1,415 1,492 JMS 612 GS g 1,500 1,820 1,792 JMS 616 GS g 1,500 2,433 2,399 JMS 620 GS g 1,500 3,041 3,020
TAD1242GE 352 409 TAD1640GE 393 462 TAD1641GE 433 509 TAD1642GE 485 570


SCR Control and Dosing System

Optimized for 300-1500 kW Engines

Main Features

• High-pressure airless urea injection provides ultra-fine atomization along with fewer components

• Pre-fabricated outdoor-rated wiring harness with quick connects at components simplify installation

• Quick-connect fittings on pump and injector makes installation and maintenance easier

• Available inlet and outlet NOx/O2 sensors for closed-loop control and system monitoring

• Available differential pressure, inlet temperatures and urea tank level monitoring/display

Intuitive User Interface

• Similar to smart phone OS

• Simplifies operator/technician training

• Supports multiple languages

• Logs critical operating parameters; log files are easily exported

• Available dual dosing configuration supporting an additional reactant pump and injector to solve challenging packaging constraints on twin turbo charged engines

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The power of independence

Volvo Penta is one of the world’s biggest independent suppliers of engines for power generation. It is our business to build and support engines that make the most of any OEM’s genset design – a range of reliable, fuel-efficient diesel engines that meet a wide span of specific demands. Mobile or stationary. 24/7 or standby. In any climate: freezing or scorching, dry or wet, in deep shafts or at high altitudes. Tell us your needs and we’ll show you the engine.


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