UK Power News – May/June 2022

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MARCH 2022 POWER M More ore ttransparency, rSTATISTICS ansparency, more more vvalue. a AT YOUR FINGER TIPS

With W ith MWM MWM Remote Remote Asset A sset Monitoring. M o n i to r i n g . SPECIFIC MARKET R Remote e m o te A Asset s s et M Monitoring onitor ing ((RAM) R A M) iis s tthe he n new ew d digital i gi t al a application p p l ic DATA INDUSTRY MWM enables monitor ffrom r om M W& M tthat h at e nables you you to to ccontinuously ontinuously m onitor yyour ou plant. EXPERTISE The T he ssystem ystem displays displ ays the the status status of of your your MWM M W M fleet fleet in in a wellwe act with sstructured, tr uc tured, ttransparent r ansparentt manner, manner, allowing allowing you you to to a ct w i th and more effectively. fforesight oresight a nd m or e e f feEMAIL c tively. FOR PRICING w w

JOHN DEERE IN POLAND JDPS PowerTech™ E 6.8L engines have been sold to Germany-based BeckerWarkop for mining.

MWM GENSET An MWM genset supplies Andechser Molkerei with power, heat, cold, and steam, saving 30% primary energy in CHP operations. Page 19

Page 15 Thee years ago the market analyst BusinessWire estimated the total value of the European gas generator set market at US$307.2 million (2018 prices). It predicted that the European market would grow to US$441.6 million in 2025 at a CAGR of 5.3%. Germany is currently the largest market for gas gensets in Europe, followed closely by UK and Italy. Mainly used in industrial and commercial applications, the gas genset market is being driven by increasing renewable power generation, say the analysts, which creates the need for flexible baseload power to compensate for the intermittent nature of renewable energy. This has also increased gas availability in Europe which is encouraging countries to move towards more gasbased power. Moving towards cleaner sources of power generation is a key driver for gas generator sets, as countries are keen on replacing polluting diesel gensets in the future. Falling prices of gas also make gas gensets attractive generally, as the project economics of gas improve.

ARKEN & THE BRIDGE Turkey’s Çanakkale 1915 Bridge now has an Arken 1,915KVA diesel genset to help to provide local power for construction. Page 24

UFR1001E G99/98 compliant Loss of Mains Relay

European market for gas generator sets will grow to US$441.6 million by 2025 The growth of power storage is also expected to play a role in increasing gas gensets sales, as the demand for hybrid gensets increases. A growing tendency towards renting gas gensets will partially restrain market growth, says BuinessWire, as customers see the financial benefits offered by renting, as opposed to buying gensets. This will affect the market for sub-300 KW gas gensets in particular. Other sources of power generation, such as microturbines and fuel cells, could restrain the future

growth of the market, although this would be post2025. The gas generator market iwill continue to play an important role in the energy mix of Europe, mainly used in industrial and commercial applications. From an economist’s viewpoint, the European gas generator market is expected to see a CAGR of more than 5.1% over 2022-2025. CAGR stands for the Compound Annual Growth Rate. It is a measure of an investment’s annual growth rate over time, with the full effect of compounding accounted for.

The UFR1001E system-disconnection relay monitors voltage and frequency in single or three-phase networks. • • • • • • • • • • •

Presetting per G99/98, values as per the standard pre programmed Under and overvoltage monitoring 40…520 V Under and over frequency monitoring 45…65 Hz Monitoring of Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF, df/dt) Monitoring the voltage quality (10 minute average value) Response time adjustable 0.05 … 130.0 s, individual setting for each limit Fail-safe, with monitoring of the connected section switch (can be switched off) 2 automatic restarts on error Supports the mains synchronisation when using generators Measurement 3 phase 3 or 4 wire systems or single phase Self-test Third Part Independently tested Compliant to G99/98 by Bureau Veritas

Tel: +44 (0) 1206 575755

Email: TVR Instruments Limited 143 Butt Road, Colchester CO3 3DP Essex, United Kingdom

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