F u e l A c t i v e F u e l S t o r a g e S o l u t i o n s G r e e n o x A d B l u e S o l u t i o n s t / a T e n n a n t s D i s t r i b u t i o n G e n e r a t o r P o w e r L t d H e n d y P o w e r H J S E m i s s i o n T e c h n o l o g y H M S I n d u s t r i a l N e t w o r k s L t d I D E S y s t e m s I n d u s t r i a l P o w e r S y s t e m s I n s t i t u t i o n o f P o w e r E n g i n e e r s I P U G r o u p K a l e A u t o R a d i a t o r K a r l D u n g s L t d L e r o y S o m e r / N i d e c L i s t e r P e t t e r E n g i n e C o L t d M e c c A l t e M E M S P o w e r G e n e r a t i o n M H M G r o u p M i r a t e c h M o t e u r s B a u d o u i n P i l l e r P o w e r S y s t e m s P r a m a c G e n e r a c U K L t d P r e h e a t E n g i n e e r i n g R o c h e s t e r S e n s o r s U K L i m i t e d S c a n i a S T A M F O R D l A v K T e k s a n T r i a n g l e C a b l e s ( U K ) L t d T u r b i n e S e r v i c e s L t d T V R U K P o w e r N e w s V o l v o P e n t a W A S P P o w e r a n d F i l t r a t i o n S o l u t i o n s W E G ( U K ) L t d W e r n i c k P o w e r S o l u t i o n s W o r l d w i d e I n d e p e n d e n t P o w e r Y o r P o w e r L t d
NOV/DEC 2022 1 UK POWER NEWS NOV/DEC 2022 S P E A K E R S & T O P I C S FREE ENTRY TO 25 SPEAKERS, 51 EXHIBITORS & FREE LUNCH 8 D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 , P A R K P L A Z A H O T E L , W E S T M I N S T E R , L O N D O N T H DATA CENTRES Ian Bitterlin EMISSIONS Richard Payne ENERGY STORAGE Ian Bitterlin HYDROGEN Dr Michaela Kendall DIESEL & GAS GENERATOR MARKET OUTLOOK 2024 Romain Mocaer STAGE V COMPLIANCE AND CONSIDERATIONS Dave Philips NOISE REDUCTION John D Kerr SUSTAINABLE CRITICAL POWER SYSTEMS Keith Maclean Martin FUELS Red Diesel Bernard Gospel G99 PROTECTION AND G99 GENERATOR COMPLIANCE Ian Wassman THE COST OF CONTAMINATION Matthew Hide CHP AND COGENERATION MARKETS Dave Andrews DISTRICT HEATING FOR MOST OF THE UK Far Better than Hydrogen Gordon Taylor STORED FUELS The challenges relating to stored fuels in critical standby applications Mike Benzies/Nathaniel Fuller ENGINES & TURBINES IN WIND AND SOLAR DROUGHTS Professor Mark Barrett GREEN HYDROGEN Richard Lowes ON DEMAND LOW PRESSURE HYDROGEN GAS Dave McGrath DIRECT AIR CAPTURE OF CO2 Andy Erlam HEAT PUMPS WITH DISTRICT HEATING Richard Hanson Graville RENEWABLES AND FLEXIBILITY MARKETS Colin Mallett HOW TO INSTALL HEAT PUMPS CORRECTLY Brendon Uys HEAT NETWORKS Dr Andrew Cripps BEYOND SPACE HEATING & COOLING Dr. Bill Bordass ENABLING A ZERO CARBON FUTURE Terje Eriksen E X H I B I T O R S A K S A P o w e r G e n e r a t i o n E u r o p e B V A M C M e c a n o c a u c h o A p r o v i s A V I n d u s t r i a l P r o d u c t s B e r g e n E n g i n e s A / S B G G U K L t d C a b e l C l a r k e E n e r g y C r e s t c h i c D u r r U n i v e r s a l E d i n a E m i n o x L t d E n r o g e n
O P E N I N G T I M E S : 9 3 0 1 6 0 0 S P O N S O R E D B Y : www.powerexlive.co.uk
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HMS Industrial Networks, Kohler, Baudouin, Cummins Inc, MWM, Rolls-Royce, AKSA, Bergen Engines, Genesal, Yellow Power, INNIO, Veolia, Generac, Fluence, Ansaldo Energia, Doosan Skoda, Energy Dome, ABB, Generator Power, Bergen Engines UK, Wernick Power, STAMFORD AvK, Clarke Energy, AKSA, Crestchic, Durr Universal, Industrial Power Systems, IPU Group, Leroy Somer|NIDEC, Cummins
45+ leading companies from the European energy sector will be supporting PowerEx Live with their technical presentations
More than 45 of industry’s power equipment companies will be presenting at PowerEx Live. Here is a brief rundown on some of their achievements to date.
* Arnold Magnetics Corporation will be exhibiting - for over 60 years it has provided exceptional support to its extensive military and high grade industrial customers worldwide.
As a technology innovator of AC to DC Power Supplies, DC to DC converters, Power Distribution Units, Rack Mount Power Systems, Transformer Rectifiers and Custom EMI Filters, our broad portfolio of products range from rugged, configurable and modular, offthe-shelf power solutions, to standard AC front ends.
PowerEx Live in London
GENSETS Live – Starts at
10.00 - 10.30 - FUELS - Red Diesel – Changes to rebated fuelsBernard Gospel
10.30 - 11.00 - DIESEL & GAS GENERATOR MARKET OUTLOOK2024 - Romain Mocaer
11.00 - 11.30 - DATA CENTRES – Emergency standby generators for applications - Ian Bitterlin
11.30 - 12.00 - HYDROGEN - UK Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Technology Supply Chains -Dr Michaela Kendall 12.00 - 12.30 - EMISSIONS – The Application of Emissions Legislation - Richard Payne 12.30 – 13.00 - ENERGY STORAGE – Tech for large scale applications ie. Batteries - Ian Bitterlin 13.00 - 13.30 - STAGE V COMPLIANCE AND CONSIDERATIONS - Dave Phillips
13.30 - 14.00 - NOISE REDUCTION – Reciprocating Engines Noise – Power Generation - John D. Kerr 14.00 - 14.30 - STORED FUELS - The challenges relating to stored fuels in critical standby applications. Are existing OFTEC regulations really suitable for our industry? -Mike Benzies/Nathaniel Fuller
14.30 - 15.00 - SUSTAINABLE CRITICAL POWER SYSTEMS -Keith Maclean-Martin
15.00 - 15.30 - G99 PROTECTION AND G99 GENERATOR COMPLIANCE - Ian Wassman 15.30 – 16.00 - THE COST OF CONTAMINATION - Matthew Hide
Edina is one of the UK’s leading power generation specialists and an EPC solutions provider for the engineering, installation and maintenance of gas-fired distributed power plants, standby mission critical generation, and battery energy storage systems.
*Lister Petter Engine Co. is a world-renown engine manufacturer with 150 years of history. Just this year it has released a new series engineSTARLITE. The 16-83kW rated power is being recognized and is commonly used in gensets.
Published by:
Power Media International Group Ltd, The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1403 888019 Fax: +44 (0)1403 220751
© Worldwide Independent Power (ISSN 1468-7100).
Subscription price £70 (UK), £140 (overseas) per year.
Please send address changes to UK Power News, Power Media International Group Ltd 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1SL, UK.
*Turbine Services is a global provider to owners and operators of industrial gas turbines. Its primary specialisation is in the heavy duty frame range of General Electric designed gas turbines. *Pramac-Generac has continually evolved and transformed, expanding its product portfolio and becoming the global benchmark for the production of generators and warehouse material handling equipment, says the company.
PRAMAC’s diverse business lines ensure the company is a leading player in a wide variety of global markets.
CHP Live – Starts at 10.15 – 16.15 10.15 - 10.45 - DISTRICT HEATING FOR MOST OF THE UK - Far Better than Hydrogen - Gordon Taylor 10.45 - 11.15 - ENGINES & TURBINES IN WIND AND SOLAR DROUGHTS - 100% zero carbon energy for the UK - Cost and feasibility? - Professor Mark Barrett 11.15 - 11.45 - GREEN HYDROGEN - Wake up to the hype around green hydrogen for heating – where might it realistically have an application – engine power generation in wind and solar droughts? -Richard Lowes.
11.45 - 12.15 - ENABLING A ZERO CARBON FUTURE - Hydrogen & future fuels as an engine-based power plant installation can supply reliable power for over 30 years, machinery chosen today must be able to operate on the least GHG intensive fuel that is available now and be able to transition to the green fuels as they become available. - Terje Eriksen 12.15 - 12.45 - ON-DEMAND LOW PRESSURE HYDROGEN GAS –a perfect feed gas for engines and Fuel Cells. - Dave McGrath 12.45 - 13.15 - DIRECT AIR CAPTURE OF CO2 - for methanol engine and turbine fuel – is this the way forward? - Andy Erlam 13.15 - 13.45 - HEAT PUMPS WITH DISTRICT HEATING, CHP AND HEAT PUMPS - running the BEIS SRBI project to deliver open control systems for renewables including a number of field trials from domestic installs through to heat networks - Richard Hanson-Graville 13.45-14.15 - RENEWABLES AND FLEXIBILITY MARKETS - Colin Mallett 14.15-14.45 - HOW TO INSTALL HEAT PUMPS CORRECTLY - so they work properly and have a good winter and seasonal COP - Brendon Uys 14.45-15.15 - HEAT NETWORKS: recent progress and their future potential as part of decarbonising heat and the role of engines CHP in the transition - Dr Andrew Cripps 15.15-15.45 - BEYOND SPACE HEATING & COOLING - Dr. Bill Bordass 15.45/16.15 - CHP AND COGENERATION MARKETS - Dave Andrews.
SEE PAGES 4 & 7 for more on the complete lineup of speaker times with Genset + CHP topics. For free registration and attendance go to www.powerexlive.co.uk
*WEG manufactures a complete line of generators for the most diverse applications. It also makes alternators for generator sets. WEG is experienced in designing and supplying generators for applications such as steam turbines, gas turbines and other machines.
*YorPower - based in the UK YorPower assembles, supplies and delivers a generator somewhere in the world nearly three times a day. The company provides backup power, typically by supporting the mains with a generator for businesses and end-users so that, in the event of a power-cut, commerce can operate without interruption. The company reports that it celebrated its 30th successful year in the generator sector in 2021.
*BGG UK is a Bruno Group company. Bruno Generators Group (BGG) is recognised as one of the leading manufacturers of high specification rental diesel powered generators. Ranging from 6.5 kVA to 2000 kVA prime power, with a full range of super silent canopies and containers.
2 NOV/DEC 2022 UK POWER NEWS NEWS NEWS www.powermediagroup.co.uk
Technical input at the event
Scania is a key manufacturer represented at PowerEx Live. Its products are used to generate primary or back-up power for everything from events, remote locations and construction sites to critical functions in data centres and hospitals, Scania power generation systems deliver reliable power where clients need it, when they need it.
* MHM Group is a leading supplier of power generation, solar-hybrid-generators, fluid storage, lighting towers, engine drive welders and product related accessories to the UK and Irish rental markets for both purchase and rehire.
* Generator Power Ltd, the Yorkshire based generator hire and purchase specialists, has celebrated a successful milestone - 25 years in business. MD Stephen Cardwell said:“ There is no secret to the success of Generator Power’ continues, it’s all about monitoring competition and ensuring you can offer the best service and innovation so that you can offer something different to make you stand out from competition.”
* Bergen Engines UK provides iconic medium-speed liquid fuelled and gas-fuelled reciprocating engines for marine and land based applications. Its engines can be found operating in some of the most demanding and hostile environments on earth, both on land and at sea.
Not only does the company build the finest medium speed engines available - says the manufacturer - Bergen also supplies generator sets, provides modular power generating plants and partners for complete turnkey microgrid power solutions.
* Wernick Power Solutions says it can cater for any temporary power need. Alongside a fleet of over 1,600 generators ranging from 6 to 500kVA, the company can supply loadbanks, distribution boards, fuel tanks, cabling, and storage. Using minute-by-minute telemetry, Wernick can ensure a continuity of supply and help clients to reduce their carbon footprint.
* STAMFORD AvK - utilising wire-wound technology and with an output extending from 7.5 to 5,000kV the company is probably best-known across the power industry for its genuine STAMFORD® alternators. These are are designed for delivering superior efficiencies in marine, oil and gas auxiliary, UPS, telecoms, CHP, construction and other continuous or standby power applications.
STAMFORD® alternators are available with a choice of SAE adaptors to ensure easy coupling to a wide range of prime movers. All STAMFORD® S-Range is fitted with CoreCooling™ Technology.
* Clarke Energy provides distributed power plant solutions with market leading engineering, installation and maintenance support. The was recently involved in an NZ project supplying EnviroWaste Services Limited with a fourth Jenbacher biogas engine, the Jenbacher J320. This reduces the carbon footprint and increases green energy supply across New Zealand’s power grid.
* AKSA - being one of the first manufacturers of natural gas generator sets of the world, Aksa Generators feels it holds supremacy with respect to synchronised sets. Aksa Generators is manufacturing more soundproof, environment-friendly generators with lower fuel consumption for use around the globe.
* Crestchic - specialising in load bank manufacture since 1983, With sales and rentals offices in the UK, North America, Singapore, Netherlands, France, Germany, India and Dubai, Crestchic feels it has earned the title of the largest load bank specialist in the world. Crestchic load banks have been operationally successful in all seven continents and are reliably testing power supplies every day in locations and climates all round the world, from temperate to jungle, desert to snow, off-shore to high altitude.
* Dürr Universal is a global provider of custom-engineered ancillary equipment and solutions to the power generation, oil and gas, industrial processing, rail transportation and backup power markets. For more than half a century, OEMs, EPCs, packagers and end-users have relied on Universal to engineer acoustic and emission / filtration systems to meet their specific needs and provide unparalleled support across the entire energy generation lifecycle.
* HMS Industrial Networks create products which enable industrial equipment to communicate and share information. HMS stands for Hardware Meets Software™, the two core components of its solutions. HMS enables valuable data and insights from industrial equipment, allowing customers to increase productivity and sustainability.
* Industrial Power Systems - from industrial battery chargers, modular DC systems and inverters to AC UPS, power converters and green mobility chargers, the Italian manufacturer has built up a reputation based on the impeccable quality of its industrial power components and is still known for this quality today.
* IPU Group has a long history of serving the power generation industry in the UK and globally. The company is a UK distributor for products including ComAp generator and industrial controls, Powerstart starter motors, Parker Racor filtration, Hotstart engine heaters, Woodward solenoids and GAC engine governors.
IPU’s new laboratory offers an oil and fuel testing service which delivers exceptional response time and economy. IPU also designs, manufactures and exports ranges of IPU-branded products including Diesel Defence fuel polishing units. OilLife extended oil life systems and hydraulic, air, spring and nitrogenstarting systems. All products are backed by technical expertise and service.
Alternators, emission controls and genset manufacturers
Alternator manufacturers at the show include the following companies:
* Leroy Somer|NIDEC - a world leader in electromechanical and electronic drive systems and the world leader in industrial alternators. Founded in 1919, Leroy-Somer is a French company employing 6,200 people in 28 production units and 470 points of sale and service worldwide.
* Mecc Alte - as an alternator supplier, the com pany has proven expertise and experience in research, design, low-cost manufacturing and development capabilities. With manufacturing taking place in Italy, the UK, India and China, coupled with high market capabilities and a powerful worldwide capacity, it offer a fast and reliable alternator solutions service to customers all over the world.
Engine manufacturers at PowerEx Live include:
* Moteurs Baudouin - for over 100 years, Baudouin has designed and manufactured the highest quality diesel and gas engines for marine and power generation applications spanning 18 – 4125 kVA. Its network supports customers in over 130 countries with specification, commissioning, service and genuine spare parts.
* Teksan Generator - also present - designs and produces optimum diesel generators, natural gas and biogas driven generator sets, mobile generator sets, portable generator sets, cogeneration and trigeneration packs, hybrid power systems for customer needs all around the globe.
* Eminox designs and manufactures exhaust aftertreatment systems for heavy-duty vehicles and equipment such as gensets. Its sustainable engineered solutions achieve the latest, global emissions standards. Working in partnership with you, we create effective new products and
technologies, bridging the gap to a net-zero carbon future.
From concept through to manufacture, the Eminox in-house team of experts understands that every industry has different requirements, says the company.
Its existing solutions for diesel, gas, hybrid, and bio-methane for on- and off-road applications are available for engines from 50kW – 10MW. The future product technologies its is developing, support fuels including hydrogen and ammonia.
* MEMS Power Generation sparked into life in 1978 as an electrical engineering company. Since then this company has grown to become one of the leading specialists in temporary power solutions, operating one of the country’s largest diesel generator rental fleets. In a recent high-profile contract, MEMS helped out following a generator failure at one of the UK’s leading independent healthcare providers.
In addition, the hospital affected by the power outage also runs three specialised neurological rehabilitation residential centres, providing care for residents with complex neurological conditions. Hence the hospital needed a reliable supplier like MEMS to provide a rapid power supply to ensure they stayed online. The MEMS team swiftly provided a 500kVA temporary diesel generator to give ample power to the hospital.
One of the key facets of the PowerEx Live event is the opportunity for networking with experts in all fields of CHP, Data Centres, Consultancy and Gensets. T his world-class venue offers optimal trade opportunities - a chance to meet regional and global buyers, distributors and contractors in the heart of London.
The venue - the Park Plaza hotel - is easily accessible by car: 200 Westminster Bridge Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 7UT, UK. It can also be reached simply by tube/train and is just a short walk from London
Waterloo Station and from the Houses of Parliament.
There is a 250+ guest space In the exclusive Park Plaza where PowerEx Live will be held.
Five restaurants and bars are available within the hotel for attendees.
There will be two Conferences held under one roof with buffet and bar area for all visitors. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for everyone attending.
Don’t forget the event is only open: 09:30 - 16.00pm.
The Conference moderator is Dave Andrews - Claverton Energy.
Register free for PowerEx Live at: www.powerexlive.co.uk
begins at 10.00am
Technical Secretary AMPS The Association of Manufacturers of Power generating Systems He looks at the issues surrounding red diesel a gas oil which is a cheaper alternative to regular diesel, and it is not subject to the same environmental regulations
This means that it can be used in engines that are not as efficient as those found in passenger cars In the UK red diesel is also called “rebated gas oil”
10 30-11 00
Romain will speak about the diesel & gas generator market in 2021 and the coming years: which territories and which segments are recovering faster, and what is the outlook for the next few years Generally speaking, the generator industry has been affected by the COVID 19 crisis but it has also strengthened some segments that were already growing strongly, such as data centres He will look at where the major sources of growth are for the generator market
DATA CENTRES – Emergency standby generators for applications
With more than 52 years in engineering including 32 years’ experience in data centre power and cooling, Ian is a former CTO for Emerson Network Power in EMEA and Visiting Professor to the University of Leeds, and now an Expert Witness for HKA Global An author of many technical papers on critical power and cooling with presentations and keynote speeches
HYDROGEN UK Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Technology Supply Chains
Adelan is the longest running fuel cell technology company, with over 50 years’ experience in the UK hydrogen industry landscape Not all fuel cells use hydrogen Adelan has developed fuel cells which use common, cheap fuels with non fossil replacements This talk will describe recent advances in the global hydrogen economy and project the role of UK fuel cells
EMISSIONS – The Application of Emissions Legislation
As Off Highway Regulatory Affairs Director PEM Europe at Cummins, Richard is responsible for influencing, understanding and communicating all aspects of exhaust emission and noise regulations that affect non road diesel engined products which are sold into Europe
12 30-13 00
ENERGY STORAGE Tech for large scale applications ie Batteries
An author of many technical papers on critical power and cooling with presentations and keynote speeches made around the world, Ian is a Fellow of the IET and Member of CIBSE A formerTechnical Chair of the Data Centre Council of techUK and Chair of the DCSG of the BCS
& Networking 9.00am 10.00am
Dave Phillips is Engineering Director at Eminox Ltd, formerly Head Of Development and then Product Development Manager before that
He has a PhD in Organic Synthetic Chemistry plus a BSc in Chemistry from Swansea University
Eminox is well known for providing sustainable engineered solutions which meet and exceed stringent emissions control demands
JOHN D KERR 13 30-14 00
NOISE REDUCTION Reciprocating Engines Noise
An introduction to acoustics on stationary power generation applications
• What we hear and how sound is measured
• The acoustical characteristics of the sound and how they relate to the applications
• Topography and the effects on sound
• How silencers work and how they are sized
John is a Customer Engineer for Durr (Universal)
MIKE BENZIES 14 00 14 30
STORED FUELS The challenges relating to stored fuels in critical standby applications.
Are existing OFTEC regulations really suitable for our industry?
Mike Benzies is the IPU Group Business Development Director
Sustainable critical power systems helping to achieve decarbonisation but without grid reliance
Sustainable power is planned to be delivered through the mass electrification of systems, reliant on decarbonised generation sources feeding the National Grid Organisations want to control their critical power needs, but this may sacrifice decarbonisation goals Take control of sustainable critical power needs
13.00 13 30
MATTHEW HIDE 15 30 16 00 THE COST OF CONTAMINATION With the transition to Stage V engines in progress, the requirement for clean fuel has never been more critical Matthew Hide will discuss the causes of fuel contamination, the impact and the importance of good fuel management to mitigate against downtime and capital inefficiency IAN WASSMAN 15 00 15 30 G99 PROTECTION AND G99 GENERATOR COMPLIANCE Ian is Product Manager G59 Relays at the IPU Group The IPU Group IPU Group designs and makes high quality engine starting, fuel polishing, emissions solutions and components for critical diesel and gas engine applications The company’s solutions provide reliability & confidence wherever they are needed
Jenbacher S Oil 40 increases drain intervals by on average 80% extends filter life Specially developed for Jenbacher non-natural gas engines life Lower operational costs High TBN retention Exceptional condemning limits Longer engine life Excellent protection and anti-wear properties Jenbacher S Oil 40 Oil D - 0.8 % Ash Oil C - 0.9 % Ash Oil B - 0.5 % Ash Oil A - 1% Ash 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Oil life (hr) 80% more Oil life in INNIO’s Jenbacher J320 gas engine running on non-natural gas(1) Based on > 9,000 condition monitoring samples. Engineered by www.Q8Oils.com/Jenbacher-S-Oil-40 © 2021 INNIO - INNIO and Jenbacher are trademark applications or registered trademarks of INNIO or one of its affiliates. (1) The displayed results are based on the experience of a limited number of engines during field tests. Actual results can vary depending on the type of engine, its maintenance, operating conditions and quality of prior lubricant used. Please consult the technical instructions from INNIO Jenbacher for specific guidelines.
Essential electromechanical repair and rewind for alternators, pumps, motors and so much more.
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We go further
begins at 10.15
Gordon is a Director, Subsurface at RPS Energy RPS
Energy has over 15 years’ experience in the market place and recognises the importance of building a bespoke utilities package for all its clients
Professionalism and a personal approach are two of the company’s core values with each client being appointed a nominated energy consultant to walk them through the process, from initial appointment to contract and beyond
100% zero carbon energy for the UK Cost and feasibility?
Mark Barrett has a PhD in Energy Modelling and is Professor of Energy and Environmental System Modelling at the UCL Energy Institute, which he joined in 2006 He has 45 years experience of modelling energy and transport systems working as a civil servant, con sultant, company director and academic He has developed models to aid policy development
GREEN HYDROGEN - Wake up to the hype around green hydrogen for heating where might it realistically have an application engine power generation in wind and solar droughts?
Richard is actively involved in researching, analysing and communicating around the government policies needed to transform the way we heat homes and buildings In 2021 he moved to the Regulatory Assistance Project where he has focused on applied heat technology
11 45 12 15
ENABLING A ZERO CARBON FUTURE Hydrogen & future fuels as an engine based power plant installation can supply reliable power for over 30 years, machinery chosen today must be able to operate on the least GHG intensive fuel that is available now and be able to transition to the green fuels as they become available Terje Eriksen, Regional Sales Manager at Bergen Engines, will be sharing insights on the opportunities & challenges with hydrogen
ON-DEMAND LOW PRESSURE HYDROGEN GAS – a perfect feed gas for engines and Fuel Cells
A 2/3rd Methanol and 1/3rd H2O mix through a unique reformer can deliver low pressure hyrogen gas on demand The H2 mix is a low pressure gas for PEM Fuel Cells Fuel cell anodes are immune to trace methanol unlike trace ammonia which is very harmful These deliver H2 gas for loads between 50kW to 500kW
12 45-13 15
DIRECT AIR CAPTURE OF CO2 for methanol engine and turbine fuel is this the way forward?
Marine main propulsion? Hydrogen or batteries?
Neither The only solution is carbon neutral methanol CNP has developed technology to use Direct Air Capture and its unique, patented electrolyser to produce a synthetic methanol suitable for marine use
Networking 9.00am 10.15
HEAT PUMPS WITH DISTRICT HEATING & CHP running the BEIS SRBI project to deliver open control systems for renewables including a number of field trials from domestic installs through to heat networks
Richard Hanson Graville is Technical Manager at Thermal Integration Ltd & 2nd Generation HIU and Thermal Store designer He is Head Of Research And Development for Thermal Integration Ltd where he deals with the development of renewable storage systems and communal heating interface systems
14 45-14 15
ICT for Smart Energy and Internet of Things, he founded Trusted Renewables Limited (TRL) in 2008 As a company he reports we are deeply involved in Smart Energy, IoT and M2M R&D exploiting secure, trusted and/or blockchain architectures My team has completed numerous Innovate UK IoT and smart energy R&D projects and consultancy projects with international companies
14 15 14 45
HOW TO INSTALL HEAT PUMPS CORRECTLY so they work properly and have a good winter and seasonal COP
Brendon is Managing Director of Heacol, a well established local Renewable Heating firm based in Cumbria which has been providing services since 2007 It specialises in Eco Friendly heating, by installing new heating systems using heat pumps which can provide the same benefits as a new boiler
DR ANDREW CRIPPS 14 45pm 15 15
HEAT NETWORKS: recent progress and their future potential as part of decarbonising heat and the role of engines CHP in the transition Andrew is Technical Director, Heat networks and Sustainability at Triple Point, Visiting Professor, Sustainable Building Engineering, Loughborough University Former Regional Director of sustainability AECOM He was previously based in St Albans with the AECOM (formerly Faber Maunsell) development
DR BILL BORDASS 15.15-15.45
Dr Bill Bordass is the Research and Policy Adviser for Usable Buildings Trust this is a charity which collects information about building performance, improves awareness of techniques for building evaluation, extracts lessons and attempts to influence clients, designers, builders, suppliers, occupiers, management and government It provides technical assistance
15 45 16 15
Chairman of the Claverton Energy Think Tank, Dave has been involved for many years with projects which focus on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) developers who are addressing environmental issues, legislation and emissions of CHP installations on a worldwide basis
Coffee &
More than 22 million diesel engines have rolled off company production lines
Perkins Engines Company Limited celebrates 90 years of being in business. During the company’s lifetime, more than 22 million diesel engines have rolled off our production lines, initially from the UK, and now from manufacturing facilities on four continents.
Around the world, more than 3 million generators are powered by Perkins’ 5-2500 kVA engine range. Many feature the Perkins® 4000 Series, which is designed for standby and prime electricity generation. With models from 6 to 16 cylinders, diesel models achieve regulated and unregulated emissions standards globally.
A company spokesman commented: “By working in collaboration with over 800 original equipment manufacturers in the agricultural, construction, electric power generation, industrial and materials handling industries, we tailor our engines to meet their needs and exacting standards. With eight stateof-the-art manufacturing facilities, we ensure all our engines meet the same quality standards in every location. Supported by a global distribution network and digital aftermarket solutions, we work to deliver power and service to serve our customers. With more than 22 million engines manufactured powering over 5,000 different applications across the world, our engines truly are the heart of great machines.”
Perkins is also proud to report that its Aurangabad facility has achieved a major milestone after its 10,000th 4000 Series engine rolled off it own dedicated production line. Initially built to meet customer demand across Asia for the complete range of 750 to 2500 kVA 4000 Series engines, the state-of-theart production facility now serves Perkins’ customers around the world.
Located at the Shendra Industrial Estate in Aurangabad, India, equipment powered by Perkins Aurangabad built engines currently generate reliable power solutions for hospitals, airports, universities, real estate, data centres and large manufacturing industries.The 10,000th engine to come off the line was a 4012; one of 530 different variants that can be produced on the manufacturing line, which first started production in October 2015. “We are overjoyed to have achieved this important milestone,” said Jawed Ahmed, facility manager. “These engines are meeting our customers’ needs in the field and are a testimony to the hard work and dedication of our employees at Aurangabad.”
Biomass boiler project reduces environmental impact for UK company
A £1m upgrade of the biomass heating systems at Hill’s Panel Products is currently taking place at the company’s Oldham HQ in the UK. The company was one of the first businesses to join the government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) program- set up to minimise the effects of climate change - when it was launched almost 10 years ago.
The scheme works by rewarding firms with financial support when they employ renewable energy technologies.
The work to install two new, more powerful and efficient boilers, and associated extractors, has already started and the state-of-the-art system is expected to be fully operational later in the autumn. The new installations will combine to work in the same way as the existing biomass systems, which reduce HPP’s carbon footprint by collecting wood waste via an extraction system. It is then stored in huge silos to fuel boilers heating production warehouses, in addition to supplying heat needed for the manufacturing process.
HPP’s Marketing and Business Development Director, Dan Mounsey, comments: “Our infrastructure was ageing so we wanted to update it for greener, more efficient options. These new boilers will reduce our carbon footprint to the point that we don’t use any fossil fuels to heat those warehouses at all.
“The big difference between old and new is the new feature ceramic filters that extract exhaust gases before they leave the boiler. It means the emissions are much lower, which is better for the environment, while creating more heat output.”
Contaminated fuel can be a major issue for power generation businesses and operators, explains FuelActive.
Unplanned downtime can be disruptive and costly in any sector, but for power generation in particular, it can be critical.
Genquip Groundhog provide a wide range of welfare accommodation units to the construction sector. Whether mobile or static, the onboard generator is a crucial component of a welfare unit set-up, ensuring cabins have an uninterrupted supply of power whenever required.
Like many operators and service providers, Genquip Groundhog experienced significant problems with fuel contamination through poor quality fuel delivery, inadequate cleanliness during refuelling and unreliable operator practices.
Fuel contamination can quickly lead to fuel filter blockages, premature injector wear and generator failure. This in turn results in unplanned downtime, increased maintenance costs and an unsatisfactory service for customers.
Based in Cardiff, FuelActive invented an innovative floating fuel pick-up system, avoiding contamination that overwhelmingly is found at the bottom of the tank.
This globally-patented system delivers the cleanest fuel available to the engine, preserving critical engine components. This is particularly important for stage V engines which have particularly low tolerances to contamination.
As a ‘fit-and-forget’ technology, there is no maintenance requirement once installed and any contamination and water that collects at the bottom of the tank can be drained during routine servicing.
FuelActive products have a standard five-year warranty and have been proven on a wide range of equipment, from 6kVA Generators to 400t haul trucks at 4 Megawatts.
The versatile system is compatible with all fuel types including HVO and can be installed on generators, mobile fuel bowsers (fuelcubes) and bulk tanks.
Having trialled the pick-up on several power generators, Genquip Groundhog decided to install FuelActive on all of its dieselpowered units.
“We’ve fitted FuelActive as standard for about 10 years now and since that time, the company has accumulated more than 10 million operating hours across the fleet with zero fuel-related breakdowns,” said Peter Beach, Sales and Marketing Manager at Genquip Groundhog.
Newcastle International Airport’s solar project is key
Vital Energi has begun work on the construction of Phase 1 of Newcastle International Airport’s solar farm project which will begin generating clean energy by early 2023.
Earlier this year, planning permission was secured for a total of four phases, providing in the region of 16MW of energy.
Phase 1 will provide approximately 3MW.This first phase will be a £3.6m investment, of which 50% is funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The start of the project marks a major milestone in the Airport’s ambitious strategy to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2035, ahead of the majority of airports across
Europe which have plans to become Net Zero before 2050, and ahead of the Government’s Jet Zero strategy target of 2040. The site for the scheme is situated on Airport owned land to the south of the eastern end of the Airport runway.
The scheme will include areas of tree planting to screen the view of the solar farm from the surrounding roads and public rights of way.
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Approval for RES Drum Farm Energy Storage Project in Scotland unanimously
The UK could be exploiting more geothermal energy
The UK has a potential heat output of 100GW of geothermal energy, up to 2.2GW of which could be developed by 2030 This represents about 15% of the UK’s 2020 renewable heat target. Geothermal energy is a source of low-carbon, homegrown, renewable energy. It is available throughout the UK and can provide heat or power all year long independent of weather conditions.
powerful and abundant renewable on Earth,” explains Araque, “much more so than wind, solar, nuclear, and all fossil fuels combined.”
Araque was joined by Kathy Hannun, co-founder and president of Dandelion Energy, a company whose aim it to use geothermal energy to heat and cool residential homes.
RES has received planning consent to build a new energy storage project in north east Scotland following Moray Council’s Planning and Regulatory Services Committee decision to unanimously approve the scheme, in line with the case officer’s recommendation.
Drum Farm Energy Storage System is situated on land at Drum Farm, near Keith in Moray, Scotland. The new 49.9 MW facility will store electricity at times when generation exceeds demand, and release electricity back to the grid network when demand exceeds generation. It will facilitate the deployment of new wind, solar and other renewables which will be central to achieving the Government’s net zero commitments as well as enabling more energy to be generated domestically, improving security of supply.
Alan McMahon, Head of Energy Storage at RES, comments: “Energy storage is an essential part of the UK’s future energy system and will be crucial in enabling the rollout of zero and low carbon energy. We are very pleased with Moray Council’s decision which allows Drum Farm Energy Storage System to play its part in supporting the UK’s net-zero emissions target while ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the grid network.”
Drum Farm Storage System has been specifically located as close as possible to the existing Keith electrical substation where the project will connect to the wider grid network. The project, which includes an upgrade to the adjacent Core Path, has been designed to include planting of new native trees, hedgerows and wildflower grass areas which will not only reduce potential visibility of the scheme but also help to enhance biodiversity by providing wildlife corridors and vital resources for mammals, birds, and insect species.
An attenuation basin, as well as allowing safe and contained storage for excess rain and storm water, could deliver significant opportunities for further biodiversity net gain.
Employing over 100 people in Scotland alone, RES has developed and/or constructed 21 wind farms with a total generation capacity of 597MW. RES also operates its Global Control Centre providing 24/7/365 monitoring for assets across the planet from its offices in Glasgow.
One of the first to enter the battery storage market, RES says it is driven by the potential of the technology to enable more renewables on the grid and create a smarter energy system. Since then the company has established itself as one of the world’s leading energy storage technology integrators, according to global rankings.
RES reports it has the real-world experience of delivering over 300MW of projects across nine electricity markets. It offers behind-the-meter solutions for corporate and industrial clients looking to integrate storage with onsite solar while RES maintains a solar + storage programme itself.
Broxburn is one of RES’s best-known Energy Storage Project s. This is a 20MW project in West Lothian, Scotland, developed and built by RES and commissioned in 2018. Capable of responding in sub-second timescales, it balances electricity demand and supply across the network to maintain a stable frequency. The first of its kind in Scotland, the battery provides Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) services and plays an essential part in National Grid’s ongoing move to a more flexible energy network for the UK. The use of energy storage at strategic points on the network will allow for a greater penetration of renewables and avoid costly grid upgrades, leading to cost benefits for all consumers.
RES Energy storage projects include our proprietary energy management system, RESolve. Developed in-house by RES experts, this state-of-the-art software has been proven to maximise potential revenue streams for clients.
RESolve has been deployed in 10 different electricity markets, functioning in 21 different ways to generate revenue. This opens up a world of opportunity for solar plus storage or standalone projects. One of the key strengths of the software is its flexibility, adapting to a variety of system architectures and enabling modular updates to account for changing market conditions and new opportunities to supply services. RESolve is also built to deliver portfolio or fleet level integration to support owners of multiple projects.
Last month RES announced the sale of Aberarder Wind Farm to SSE Renewables. The 12-turbine project located in Strathnairn, near Inverness in the Scottish Highlands has a consented capacity of 49.9 MW.
Aberarder Wind Farm is located directly adjacent to the operational 94 MW Dunmaglass Wind Farm, a project that was also developed by RES.
Aberarder received planning consent in 2017 and once complete the wind farm will contribute to a more secure and diverse energy supply for Scotland and the UK.
It currently delivers less than 0.3% of the UK’s annual heat demand, using only a fraction of the estimated available geothermal heat resource. There is the potential to increase this proportion significantly, but this will require long-term government support to develop a route to market and overcome high upfront capital costs and geological development risks.
At the SOSV Climate Tech Summit 2022, held last October, Carlos Araque of Quaise Energy revealed that his company is developing a unique drilling technique to reach the hot rock some two to 12 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.
“In addition to being clean and global, geothermal provides a baseload energy source that’s available 24/7, even if it’s cloudy out or there’s no wind. It’s also the most
Araque believes that by the end of the decade Quaise will create power from a coal- or gas-fired power plant which has been converted to geothermal.
“You feed in geothermal steam instead of steam from a fossilfuel boiler. That in a brushstroke decarbonises the power plant, and you can repeat that 10,000 times over with other plants.
“You leverage the oil and gas industry,” says Araque. “I think of them as a ready-made workforce, supply chain, and regulatory framework.that can push this into the world at the scale that’s required.”
Kathy Hannun, co-founder and president of Dandelion Energy said: “It’s hard to advance our building stock and change all of the buildings that already exist to geothermal because]they’re all slightly different and there’s a lot of complexity to manage.”
Feed coffee grounds to microalgae and you get low emission biodiesel
Around 98 million cups of coffee are drunk each day in the UK, contributing to a vast amount of used coffee grounds which must be processed as general waste, often ending up in landfill or incineration.
However the researchers at Aston University discovered that waste coffee grounds provide both nutrients to feed, and a structure on which the microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris sp.) can grow.
Dr. Vesna Najdanovic senior lecturer in chemical engineering and Dr .Jiawei Wang were were involved with the team which cultivated algae which was then processed into fuel. As a result, they were able to extract enhanced biodiesel that produces minimal emissions and good engine performance, and meets US and
European specifications.
The research paper “Enhancing growth environment for attached microalgae to populate onto spent coffee grounds in producing biodiesel,” appears in the November 2022 issue of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
“There is no reason to doubt that one day our generators might be run on biodiesel derived from some of the tons of coffee waste typically discarded every day in the UK,” commented one industry analyst.
New 7MW gas peaking project in Somerset has already gone live
Biomass company helps the UK reduce Greenhouse gas
Edina UK Ltd is behind a 7MW gas peaking project recently completed in Somerset using MWM engines. Gas-fired peaking plants, often known as peak-lopping or peaker plants, are power plants designed to balance the fluctuating power requirement in the electricity network and operate during periods of high level demand for electricity or shortfalls of electricity supply.
This demand and supply variation is due to the increase in renewable energy sources (wind and solar) connected to the electricity grid as part of the UK’s effort to cut CO2 emissions. As such, these intermittent and unpredictable renewable sources of power pose a risk to increased fluctuations in energy supply.
The Digest of UK Energy Statistics (DUKES) recent report published and updated in 2019 by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy states that renewables’ share of UK generation was at a record level of 33.0% up from 29.2% in 2017. This has grown significantly since 2000 when renewable generation was just 2.6% Peak-lopping power plants provide important balancing services where weather conditions prevent output either when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining. Peaking plants address this imbalance and reduce stress on the electricity grid, providing power stability – to potentially avoid blackouts and maintain the security of electricity supply. Unlike base load power plants, reserve peak-lopping plants operate in standby mode when not in use and are called to operate by the electricity grid when there is a demand to supply electricity.
Offshore wind in the Celtic Sea approches gigawatt scale
Equinor has released its plans for developing gigawatt scale floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea, in view of the upcoming Celtic Sea floating wind seabed leasing round.
Regarded as a pioneer in floating offshore wind, as the developer and soon to be operator of two of the world’s first floating offshore wind farms, Equinor is keen to develop new floating opportunities in the Celtic Sea.
The Crown Estate has already scheduled a seabed leasing round in the Celtic Sea in 2023.
The purpose of the Celtic Sea seabed leasing scheme is to facilitate the development of the floating offshore wind industry in the UK and encourage investments in the UK supply chain.
Catherine Maloney, Head of Business Development, UK Offshore Wind, commented: “Equinor has been operating in the UK for nearly 40 years and we are
delighted to see new and exciting opportunities emerging in the Celtic Sea.
“Our team is working hard to mature our plans in Wales and South West England, as engagement with local communities is critical to Equinor’s project development of offshore wind.”
She explains: “Equinor is highly experienced in developing floating wind: it has installed the world’s first floating wind turbine, the world’s first floating offshore wind farm and is now building the world’s largest floating wind farm.”
She concludes: “We are committed to industrialising floating offshore wind and the Celtic Sea is an optimal region for further development of this important technology.”
More than 630,000 tonn of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions were avoided in the UK in 2021 thanks to the efforts of Esken Renewables.
This conclusion was recently published in a report undertaken by Logica Consultants.
Esken Renewables receives waste wood from the construction industry and household waste and recycling centres which would otherwise be sent to landfill where it would release methane gas over time.
Esken takes that waste wood to instead produce biomass fuel and last year treated and supplied 1.1 million tonnes of it to biomass plant customers - helping the UK to avoid GHG emissions equivalent to taking 135,746 cars off the road.
Including other types of biomass, Esken Renewables supplied 1.4m tonnes of fuel which its biomass
plant customers used to generate an estimated 1,880,000 MWh of electricity. This represents 2% of the UK’s domestic energy use and is sufficient to power around 650,000 homes.
Compared with using gas-fired turbines creating power through biomass plants means the UK was able to avoid 714,000 tonnes of GHG emissions in 2021 from fossil fuels.
The combined GHG emissions savings of avoiding waste wood going to landfill and using it to generate renewable energy meant that the UK avoided around 1.344MTCO2e in FY22.
Richard Jenkins, Chief Executive, Esken Renewables comments: “We are immensely proud of our role in the UK circular economy and our contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as methane.”
Hydrogen is the way forward for the UK says the North West Hydrogen Alliance
The North West Hydrogen Alliance (NWHA) is urging the UK government to accelerate the use of hydrogen as an alternative heating source for homes, as the nation faces the challenge of reducing emissions from buildings and securing energy supplies over the winter.
Decarbonising domestic heat is one of the biggest challenges facing the UK as it looks to deliver on its net zero commitments.
Heat is responsible for almost half of UK final energy demand and buildings are re sponsible for nearly 20% of all UK emissions.
In the latest report - ‘Hydrogen Heat in the North West’ - the NWHA states that using hydrogen for heating could cut average household emissions by 2.4 tonnes of CO2 each year, reducing residents’ carbon foot print by 35%.
In the North West, if just 50% of the region’s homes used hydrogen heating, this would save three millions tonnes of CO2 each year.
The North West region is home to the leading hydrogen and carbon capture project HyNet North West, which will deliver amongst the lowest cost CO2 transport and storage infrastructure in the UK by extensively repurposing existing onshore and offshore assets.
The project can deliver nearly 40% of the government’s new national 2030 target for low carbon hydrogen production. Able to benefit from the existing regional technical
skill base in engineering, chemicals production, refining and offshore oil and gas, HyNet North West is planning to be operational from 2025.
The North West is already making significant strides in developing a hydrogen economy. Whitby in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire has been shortlisted to be the first UK Hydrogen Village, which would see around 2,000 homes move to 100% hydrogen.
Cadent, British Gas and Cheshire West and Chester Council, the partners in the project, recently opened a Hydrogen Experience Centre - the North West’s first hydrogen demonstration facility open to the public.
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New study to assess the feasibility of green hydrogen as a planet-friendly fuel
Manufacturer helps to develop waste-to-energy concept
Peter Brotherhood of Peterborough was recently approached by one of its customers to assist in the creation of a waste-to-energy plant.
With the project being in its infancy the backing of the concept was deemed to require evidence of the ability to raise and use steam on a small scale prior to approval of the larger scale project.
A small steam turbine had already been identified by the customer to use as a proof-of-concept, however the turbine had not run for a long time and parts were missing.
At this point Peter Brotherhood provided its services for dismantling and inspecting the Skinner steam turbine to identify all repair and new spare parts requirements.
The unit was received into the Peter Brotherhood workshop for a full detailed inspection to be carried out. Following approval to proceed and receipt of all required components Peter Brotherhood’s technical team commenced the repairs and rebuilding of the unit.
coverage.The new trip and control valve components were fitted together with all new seal components allowing the unit to be finish assembled with all required dimensions and clearance data recorded.
Uniquely, Peter Brotherhood is able to offer small steam turbine repairs which are bespoke to both the individual unit and the customer’s needs, whilst providing high quality workmanship through utilising OEM engineering processes and standards.
By utilising the engineering team all repairs are covered by a full OEM warranty. Repairs carried out in the recent project included shaft refurbishment, rotor shaft replacement, reblading, provision of new componentsand bearing refurbishment/replacement. The unit will now be installed at a specific site and the trip mechanism and control system tested during the commissioning of the unit. This will happen once the remainder of the plant is erected and fully commissioned.
EON and a consortium of industry partners, academics and local authorities are jointly launching a new study to assess the feasibility of green hydrogen as a planet-friendly fuel for power generation using renewable sources in industry and supporting the transition to a cleaner economy.
The initial feasibility study, funded by the Department Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and its Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP), will be based at E.ON’s Blackburn Meadows renewable energy park. It will explore the potential of generating hydrogen from biomass which can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels in South Yorkshire’s energy intensive steel industry.
Project partners include major industry near the Blackburn Meadows site, with strong interest from steelmakers in testing the use of hydrogen as a way of switching away from natural gas in heating and forging processes. They include Forgemasters and Forged Solutions, working alongside Chesterfield Special Cylinders and supported by Glass Futures and the AMRC/University of Sheffield.
Michael Lewis, E.ON UK CEO, said: “Hydrogen will play a significant role in our energy future, mainly powering energy-intensive industries and long-distance transport. It sits alongside the drive for heat pumps meeting domestic heating needs and a greater role for district energy schemes in urban areas.
“Our Blackburn Meadows plant is the perfect example of a range of technologies coming together to provide a solution for an entire city and generating green hydrogen for Sheffield’s world-renowned steelmakers means an economic win for them, greater security of their energy supplies as well as better air quality for the city and accelerating Sheffield’s energy transition to net zero.”
Cllr Mazher Iqbal, Co-Chair of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee, at Sheffield City Council, said: “Sheffield City Council are delighted to hear that E.ON’s application to BEIS’s Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator has been successful. Sheffield has a target to reach net zero by 2030. Emissions from our industrial and commercial sector make up about 28% of the city’s overall emissions and we’re encouraged by E.ON’s proposal to generate green hydrogen here in Sheffield.
“The funding they’ve now secured will build the knowledge and commercial business case of using hydrogen to support the decarbonisation of our steel industry and help futureproof their energy security.”
He concludes: “We recognise the significant investment that E.ON has already made in the city to deliver a local renewable energy system facility alongside a district heat network and an industrial scale battery storage system. We look forward to supporting them during this next phase of feasibility.” and project development of their HYDESS project.”
Professor Mohamed Pourkashanian, leading the project for the University of Sheffield, said: “To reach a hydrogen economy there will be many barriers, not least in fully understanding and investigating the technical challenges faced in switching to hydrogen as a fuel, and how it will integrate into our existing infrastructure. This project takes a vital step in making this technology a reality for industrial partners.”
The rotor was balanced to ISO1940 grade G2.5 to provide a service ready rotating element, the seal and bearing housings were then aligned during the trial fit of the rotor and the bearings blued for contact pattern achieving the require percentage
“The repair was an interesting challenge for us, although we are used to carrying out these types of overhauls having a piece of equipment that was not 100% complete when it arrived in our workshop provided us with the hurdle of identifying all of the missing parts, we were able to ascertain the shortfall in items and provide genuine OEM components for the rebuild.”
commented Lee Oliver, Aftermarket Manager, Peter Brotherhood.
UK’s first geothermal business wins funding as part of Net Zero Open Innovation Programme
CeraPhi Energy, based in Great Yarmouth, has been awarded funding as part of the Net Zero Technology Centre’s 2022 Open Innovation Programme.
The programme, aimed at developing technology which will reduce emissions offshore, accelerate clean energy production and enable delivery of the UK’s net zero ambitions, was launched in early 2022 with successful finalists announced last month.
The award and subsequent funding will enable CeraPhi Energy to focus on a programme of work demonstrating how oil and gas
liabilities can be repurposed into geothermal assets for net zero targets with the project expected to start by the end of 2022, Karl Farrow, CEO of CeraPhi Energy, commented: “This is our second award from the Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC)”.
“It’s a great achievement and reward for a lot of hard work.
Remote assistance for transformers is often provided in the field of energy distribution networks while it is still very new when it comes to metallurgy.
Tamini Trasformatori designs transformers for networks and steelworks. The function of the transformers for steelworks is to prevent alternating cycles of high energy stress (electric current and power).
Their operation must be continuously monitored; otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration and damage to the system.
Continuous data monitoring for preventive maintenance
Sophisticated algorithms first analyse the transformers historical data. Then a compilation of trends reveals the process status and predicts future conditions.
The data which the monitoring system is based on include: the system data (voltage, current, temperature of cooling water, etc.), and specific machine data (temperature, oil levels, alarm signals, gas content in oil, the absorption of various components, position and number of actuations of the switch, etc.). The solution calls
on advanced and smart instrumentation capable of providing data in real-time to collect these specific data from the machine.
The information that is gathered and appropriately processed allows for evaluation of the transformer performance together with the actions to be taken to optimise operation.
As a second step, the system enables Tamini Service personnel to take remote action and provide real-time support to the customer/user. Also, alarm thresholds can be defined by the Tamini specialists.
In transformer operating conditions, if the pre-alarm threshold is exceeded, notifications are automatically generated and sent to Tamini Service personnel, who take timely and proactive action to solve the problem.
In most cases, interventions can be done remotely, which drastically save time and costs relating to onsite travels.
An IIoT gateway fully adaptable to Tamini’s field requirements
For this IIoT project, W2W Solutions and Tamini decided to use eWON Flexy routers from HMS Industrial Networks with MQTT technology.
“ For this IIoT project, W2W Solutions and Tamini decided to use eWON Flexy routers from HMS Industrial Networks with MQTT technology. eWON Flexy is a combined remote access router and IIoT gateway designed to fully adapt to the requirements of many different industrial applications.
eWON Flexy is a combined remote access router and IIoT gateway designed to fully adapt to the requirements of many different industrial applications.
W2W solutions chose to build the remote-control architecture around this device mainly for the versatility of the product concerning hardware interfaces in the field.
What makes up eWON Flexy?
It is made up of combinable modules: choosing the most appropriate functions and protocols for your own needs, then connecting them, and finally, personalising the flow control and management applications.
With the need to interface analogue inputs, digital inputs, and Modbus/TCP and to send data wirelessly on a 3G/4G network, eWON was able to guarantee maximum integration of the parts.
. MQTT technology for data transfer
The Flexy device supports MQTT technology which is fully compatible with the CoIOTe Platform cloud system (www. coiote.io) developed by W2W Solutions.
MQTT is a very lightweight and reliable protocol that is catching on, thanks to the arrival of the Internet of Things.
The protocol is much appreciated as it guarantees data transfer even when connections are not entirely stable.
A successful IIoT project
Tamini has gained several advantages by implementing such remote monitoring and control system.
For starters, there is an opportunity to offer customers the possibility to continuously monitor their transformers with obvious improvements in preventive maintenance, transformer lifetime, and cost optimisation.
The real-time control of operating data enables a whole set of functionalities that provides energy efficiency. eWON Flexy’s versatility in interfacing with the field and the cloud has brought simplicity and performance to the system architecture.
The use of the MQTT protocol to transfer data has simplified communication and guaranteed lightness and stability in line with IoT directives.
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To ensure a long working life of its transformers for steelworks, Tamini Trasformatori has implemented an advanced real-time remote control and history data analysis solution for preventive maintenance. At the core of the system developed by W2W solutions lies the eWON Flexy IIoT gateway using MQTT technology, reports HMS Industrial Networks.
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The GEN220FI + GEN110FI models are perfect for hotel complexes where the noise level must be very low to cut customer disturbance to the absolute minimum. Today the gensets provide a maximum noise level of 75 dBA and 70 dBA at one metre.
The GEN220FI model comes with Deep Sea 7310 MKII controller plus a Deep Sea 2157 module allowing alarm expansion.
There is a tailor-made external link box with connection plates designed according to the type, number and section of cables that will be connected by the client.
There are rain gutters above door frames and a protection mesh against the entrance of vermin. It has a 540-litre base frame integrated fuel tank including a collection tray with capacity to collect 110% the capacity of the actual fuel tank.
There is 50mm rockwool inside the canopy as part of the design to ensure a noise level of 70 dBA at 1 metre. The GEN110FI model, on the other hand, has been specifically designed to provide a noise level of 75 dBA at 1 metre.
The monoblock was mounted on an oversized canopy including double thickness rockwool in the walls and upper air outlet aiming to reduce noise to the level required by the client.
In addition to the reduced noise level feature, the design of the cabin was tailor-made insofar
as rain gutters were included in the door frames, as well as a protection mesh to prevent the potential entry of animals/vermin.
As part of the custom design for the client, Genesal incorporated its corporate branding on the outside of the canopy, which resulted in a personalised generator set.
The genset features a Deep Sea 7310 controller and Deep Sea 2157 module allowing alarm expansion. There is a tailor-made external link box with connection plates designed according to the type, number and section of cables that will be connected by the client.
The Deep Sea DSE7310 MKII is a powerful, new generation auto start genset control module with a highly sophisticated level of new features and functions, presented in the usual DSE userfriendly format.
Suitable for a wide variety of single, diesel or gas genset applications. Featuring a new Dual Core main processor and extended memory, the module provides faster and more powerful processing power, returning faster operational responses on intensive applications and increased functionality, with data logging facility.
Monitoring an extensive number of engine parameters, the module will display warnings, shutdown and engine status information on the back-lit LCD screen, illuminated LEDs, remote
PCs and via SMS text alerts (with external communication device).
The Deep Sea DSE2157 is an output relay expansion module providing 8 additional outputs to the control system.
Up to 10 x DSE2157 modules can be linked to together to provide increased output options.
Designed to give greater output flexibility for meeting complex industry generator control specifications. The module includes eight configurable relay contacts with LED indicators. These can be configured as 4 normally open and 4 normally closed. All configurations are controlled within the host control module.
One of Genesals’ tream members comments: “For these two new projects carried out in the UK we analysed the characteristics and needs of both buildings during the design process.
“After considering all the aspects we opted to manufacture a generator set of 200/220 kVA and another of 100/110 kVA.
“In addition to reducing the decibel level to the maximum - they provide a maximum noise level of 75 dBA and 70 dBA at one metre - these gensets were provided with great autonomy and, of course, were manufactured in accordance with British regulations.
“Our extensive experience in the British market, where we have an important portfolio of clients and projects in different business lines (CPD, health and hotel sector) are a good business card for clients. Our knowledge of the legislation in force in the UK provides security and guarantees the projects that we carry out in British territory.”
Genesal Energy has manufactured and supplied two generator sets designed to guarantee the electricity supply in two hotels located in the north of England. The GEN220FI + GEN110FI models have a common feature: a low noise level to keep the guests happy.
“ In addition to reducing the decibel level to the maximum - the gensets provide a maximum noise level of 75 dBA and 70 dBA at one metrethese gensets were provided with great autonomy and, of course, were manufactured in accordance with British regulations. We have extensive experience in the British market.”
With efficient energy and economics
INNIO* is among the world’s leaders in CHP and CCHP solutions.
Power your business with INNIO’s flexible and innovative Jenbacher* CHP and CCHP energy systems, which deliver power, heat and/or cooling for your local site. With up to 95 % total efficiency, cogeneration can reduce your energy consumption and CO2 emissions by more than 30 % compared to the separate generation of power and heat for significantly lower energy costs. Combined with heat storage, you can operate your asset flexibly. INNIO’s CHP and CCHP systems run on a wide range of gases with the option of converting to CO2-free H2** operation once that fuel is more readily available.
Let us support your transition journey. innio.com
* Indicates a trademark.
** Optional scope on demand.
GAS GENERATOR SET GXE, GRS Series PowerLink Engine 10KW-350KW Since 2012, PowerLink group has launched GXE, GRS series PowerLink gas gensets, powered by PowerLink, are equipped with cost-effective engine and high-quality spare parts, covering power range from 10kw to 350kw with open type, soundproof type, mini container type and container type for your selection. Our units are distributed in Europe, South America, Russia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries. They are providing continuous and stable power on the project sites, bringing excellent benefits to owners and investors. www.powerlinkenergy.com | Tel: +44(0)1977 689100
The Series 4000 CHP systems are destined for the Rhodesia Power project in north Nottinghamshire, a 10 MWe gas generation and carbon capture plant which will support the national grid (and potentially local businesses) and convert the captured carbon into food grade CO2.
The new Series 4000 natural gas genset is said to offer the highest power density in its class. Designed with cutting-edge technology, the new Series 4000 natural gas genset is optimised for maximum performance and low emissions to deliver an economical, reliable, and sustainable source of power.
A significant reduction in nitrous oxide emissions makes the natural gas genset a perfect fit for independent power producers (IPP) and combined heat and power (CHP) applications.
With part-load performance down to 35% and a fast start option, the gas genset’s operational flexibility is also ideal for demand response applications. Low emissions - 250 mg/Nm³, 500mg/Nm³, (@5% O2)NOx – are achieved without external aftertreatment, even meeting the
new expected German unburned THC emissions legislation (<1300mg@5%O2).
The natural gas genset has an effective engine power of 130 kWm/cylinder – the highest power density in its class thanks to its compact design and small footprint. It offers superb performance at high temperatures and high humidity for use anywhere in the world and delivers 30% more power than its predecessor.
All natural gas genset components are finetuned to ensure long service life and deliver maximum uptime. Long service intervals and easy-to-maintain components mean low maintenance costs. Fast availability of spare parts and low engine oil consumption also help keep the new gas genset lifecycle costs lower overall, with cylinder head lifetimes potentially equivalent to TBO.
The natural gas genset achieves efficiencies of up to 44.4%, delivering a significant improvement in fuel/energy utilisation at high temperatures. The gas-powered Series 4000 gives you more power in less space while reducing fuel and maintenance costs, especially
The Series 4000 CHP systems are destined for the Rhodesia Power project in north Nottinghamshire, a 10 MWe gas generation and carbon capture plant that will support the National Grid and convert the captured carbon into food grade CO2. The new Series 4000 natural gas genset
designed for hot and humid conditions, reports mtu.
Features of the system include:
* Generator - Perfectly tuned to the engine and made by renowned manufacturers, the generator ensures a high level of reliability and optimum efficiency.
*Ignition System - Ignition systems for individual cylinders allow for the most efficient level of operation for all cylinders, even with variable CH4 content. The ignition system gives information on the state of the spark plugs.
* Digitally Connected - The system is equipped with a data logger providing access to digital solutions, including remote monitoring, fast and reliable service support and – coming soon –further features such as predictive failure prevention and operational optimization.
* Heat Recovery Unit - For this application, Yellow Power Ltd has designed a custom HRU solution carrying all circulation pumps and controls to allow seamless integration with other equipment utilised on the project.
* Automation Systems - – MTU supplied MIP and the custom Yellow Power Ltd control panel provides all the functions necessary for controlling the generator and cooling systems. All the auxiliary drives required for the CHP system can be operated from here, and the integrated power circuitry minimizes the customer’s need for cabling on site.
* Power unit & Knock DetectionCylinder-specific knock detection and regulation protect the engine from abnormal operating conditions, and guarantee safe operation even with natural gas containing low levels of methane. No additional exchange of cylinder heads necessary before LifeTime (TBO).
MTU Module Control
Yellow Power Ltd supplies clients with the complete system engineering package for the installation. One of the most important aspects is the control system technology.
If the generator set is the heart of the system, then the module controller (MMC) is its brain.
The industrial computer-controlled and reliable electronics monitor and control the engine, generator and overall system to ensure absolute optimum operation. Operation and visual display are by means of a Siemens industrial PC and touch-screen panel with colour display.
www.mtu-solutions.com www.yellowpower.com
UK System Integrator Yellow Power Ltd’s specialist team has packaged six natural gas MTU Series 4000 CHP engines for Landmark Power Holdings. Yellow Power Ltd designs, supplies, and installs new and used diesel and gas-fuelled power generation systems. The company excels in designing and integrating reliable and robust turnkey installations into its customers’ energy infrastructures.
offers the highest power density in its class.”
A £300M investment to establish a clean, secure energy system in the UK
enewable energy developer and investor TagEnergy is continuing its push into the UK energy storage market. The partnership will increase TagEnergy’s current portfolio of over 300MW of ready-to-build or under construction battery projects by an additional 500MW at different stages of development.
Independent energy specialist, Balance Power, has a further 300MW contracted and part delivered, and an additional 1GW of projects in its development pipeline. Specialising in solar, battery storage, and peaking technologies, Balance Power has been leading the way in decentralised energy projects since 2017, working with landowners, communities, and councils in the UK to decarbonise in line with national targets.
The agreement will deliver Balance Power’s first operating energy storage projects. In 2020 Balance Power sold its 34MW of operating gas peaking projects to Sterling and Wilson.
Phil Thompson, CEO of Balance Power says: “We are delighted to partner with TagEnergy on these projects. We have a shared vision for the market and the team has a successful track record in delivering and operating projects which complements our own expertise and skill in project development.”
Franck Woitiez, CEO of TagEnergy, says: “This agreement is increasing significantly
TagEnergy’s pipeline and strengthens our goal to connect more sustainable, competitive and clean power to the national grid and accelerate the energy transition. We are delighted to partner with Balance Power which has a strong track record of development in the UK.”
Balance Power has a further 300MW contracted and part delivered as well as an additional 1GW of projects in its development pipeline. The agreement will deliver Balance Power’s first operating BESS projects.
TagEnergy has signed a similar partnership with Harmony Energy for two grid-scale battery energy storage projects in England and Scotland.
As part of the pair’s joint venture (JV), the two revealed their intention to develop standalone battery energy storage system (BESS) projects in Chapel Farm near the town of Luton in southern England and Jamesfield Farm near Abernethy, Scotland. Both will use Tesla’s Megapack multi-megawatt BESS technology and will be onboarded to the Tesla Autobidder AI revenue optimisation software platform.
Balance Power is set to develop a 50MW battery energy storage project in Wolverhampton West following a successful planning appeal in early October 2022.
The project had been approved on the basis that the inspector found environmental benefits provide for special circumstances for being
“Balance Power is rapidly expanding its portfolio across the UK and says it is ‘extremely proud of every project we have delivered to date’. Each one represents the hard work and dedication of its technical team, its partners and the landowners ‘who share the vision’. The company regards each one of its clean energy projects as ‘unique’, with its own characteristics and challenges.”
situated within the Green Belt and is additionally aligned with national efforts to decarbonise the UK’s energy system.
“We are very pleased to have secured this planning appeal. Battery storage technology is among the most effective tools to expand the integration of renewables onto the grid; helping to stabilise energy reliability and in turn, reducing the cost of electricity for consumers,” said Dan Levy, planning lead at Balance Power, on the approval of the BESS project.
Balance Power works nationally with landowners, communities, and local authorities to bring about a fundamental shift in how we produce and use power.
To date, the company has secured permission for 27 energy projects designed to reduce the environmental impact of energy generation as well as improve grid resilience.
A company spokesman commented: “Our team of experienced energy experts have years of knowledge in delivering energy projects of all kinds.
“Long-standing collaborations with landowners, land agents, DNOs, UIPs and financial institutions, have equipped us with exceptional skill and understanding of every aspect of the development process and beyond.
“We know how to match locational attributes to the most suitable technology, and take projects confidently from initial contact all the way to successful and profitable ready development.”
Balance Power is rapidly expanding its portfolio across the UK and says it is ‘extremely proud of every project we have delivered to date’.
Each one represents the hard work and dedication of its technical team, its partners and the landowners ‘who share the vision’.
The company regards each one of its clean energy projects as ‘unique’, with its own characteristics and challenges.
By working closely with local authorities and communities Balance Power says it is able to closely manage and minimise its impact on the local area, to meet all required standards and provide value to everyone involved.
The company explains: “As the requirement for smart, flexible renewable energy generation grows, we’re going to continue delivering innovative, ambitious projects that help us reach the ultimate goal of a carbon neutral future.”
tag-en.com www.balancepower.co.uk
TagEnergy and Balance Power have signed a framework agreement to build, own, and operate 500MW of the Balance Power pipeline. The partnership will drive the UK forward on its journey to establish a clean, secure energy system, reports UKPN.
Moteurs Baudouin has launched the 6F21 six-cylinder, 12.5-litre engine, a compact yet powerful model suited for intermittent-duty (815 hp/599 kW), light-duty (900 hp/662 kW) and high-performance duty (1000 hp/735 kW) applications. All three power options are rated at 2300 rpm. The choice of power ranges enables adaptability across a variety of applications, reports UKPN.
Steven Wang, CEO at Baudouin, comments:
“The 6F21 is the first step toward a new series of engines offering the best power in the market and consolidating Baudouin as a trusted solution both for the commercial and pleasure market.”
He explains: “For larger applications, we are also preparing to expand the burgeoning F series with an eight-cylinder, 17 L version of the engine, coming later.”
The new 6F21 has a bore and stroke of 127 x 165 mm. It features a strengthened engine structure to withstand high torque and higher cylinder pressure of over 200 bar.
It also includes a two-stage turbocharger system, two intercoolers and a common rail electronic fuel injection system operating at 2200 bar.
These features are packaged in the smallest engine ever released by the company; it measures just 1470 x 1100 x 1705 mm.
“We wanted to make an engine that is versatile for both the commercial and pleasure markets,” says Claudio Operti, chief engineer at Baudouin.
“This engine needed to be as compact as possible without compromising power, while at the same time keeping true to Baudouin’s DNA of offering robust and truly marine engines.”
6F21 is a highpower and light engine, but one that still promises a long life, with the reliability and robustness which Baudouin is known for. Every 6F21 engine also has optimised maintenance for low total cost of ownership, and complies with IMO II and EPA III standards, with IMO III and EPA IV following soon.”
[Above] The The new 6F21 has a bore and stroke of 127x 165 mm. It features a strengthened engine structure to withstand high torque and higher cylinder pressure of over 200 bar. It also includes a two-stage turbocharger system, two intercoolers and a common rail electronic fuel injection system operating at 2200 bar.
The flywheel housing, oil sump, covers, brackets, supports and even heat exchanger bodies are all constructed from light alloys for reduced overall weight. Individual cylinder heads allow for easier maintenance even in the smallest engine rooms.
Fuel filters are mounted in the front for quick and easy servicing, and there is no need to dismantle any part of the engine in order to reach a component.
The 6F21 complies with IMO II and EPA III standards, with IMO III and EPA IV following soon.
The 6F21 is a smaller engine but delivers as much power as most of its bigger competitors.
The 6F21 delivers a reliable, consistent performance regardless of the conditions. With this marine propulsion engine, Baudouin decided not to compromise power, consumption or reliability by using the best components in the market.
This new 6-cylinder, 12.5-litre engine produces up to 735 kW/1000 HP, enabling a best-in-class power density in a very compact and light original design. This level of performance was achieved through continuous technological evolution, says Baudouin.
The 6F21 is a high-power and light engine, but one that still promises a long life, with the reliability and robustness which Baudouin is known for.
Every 6F21 engine also has optimised maintenance for low total cost of ownership. While overall, the engine is best-in-class for power density throughout all three duty ratings. This power range ensures adaptability across a wide spectrum of light duty applications.
Founded in France more than a century ago, Moteurs Baudouin is a market leader in quality diesel and gas engines for marine and power generation applications. baudouin.com
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OEM SUPPLY OF – CANOPIES – BASES – FUEL TANKS – FRAMES – SILENCERS – CROSS MEMBERS FOR GENERATING SETS, PUMP SETS AND POWER PACKS. Sound Proof Systems is specialized in standard Flat-Pack canopies and custom products for OEM’s around the world. THE PLEASURE OF SILENCE www.soundproofsystems.com Sound Proof Systems B.V., Engelenburgstraat 45, 7391 AM TWELLO, The Netherlands T. (+31) 571-27 69 00, F. (+31) 571-27 68 00, info@soundproofsystems.com AVAILABLE FROM STOCK QUALITY FLAT-PACK CUSTOM PRODUCTS Also enclosures and tank frames for telecom applications. Highest Level of Availability CumulusPower™ True Modular Three-phase UPS From 10kW - 300kW SWISS MADE Phone: 01420 82031 Email: sales@centiel.co.uk Web: centiel.co.uk CumulusPowerTM offers 99.9999999% (nine, nines) availability, reducing downtime to only 3.5 milliseconds per year ENGINE GENERATOR CONTROLS AIR & HYDRAULIC STARTERS Oil & Gas Markets Tacho & Speed Switch Products Hazardous Area Certifications ATEX, IECEx, UL/cUL & CSA Pressure Relief & Safety Valves Tel: +44 (0)161 476 4606 sales@precisioncontrols.co.uk www.precisioncontrols.co.uk
INNIO has announced the launch of its next generation Jenbacher Type 3F engine. This forms part of INNIO’s commitment to empower the transition to net zero with flexible, scalable, and resilient energy solutions and services. The new and improved Jenbacher Type 3F engine offers customers proven robustness and reliability while delivering up to two percentage points of efficiency boost, the engine line’s highest efficiency ever, reports UKPN
In addition to delivering efficiency as high as 43.3% when operating on pipeline gas, the Type 3F engine is optimised for reduced total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions, future-proofed fuel flexibility, and enhanced serviceability. Moreover, the latest 3F technology is offered with a “Ready for H2” option and retrofittable for most of the installed Type 3 fleet.
“INNIO’s innovative engine technology is engineered to help drive industries and communities to net zero power generation. INNIO’s hydrogen-ready Jenbacher 3F technology is the latest energy solution committed to a climate-neutral, greener and more secure energy future,” said Dr. Olaf Berlien, president and CEO of INNIO.
“We have been working with the Jenbacher Type 3 engines for over twenty years. Given our positive experience with the upgrade of the first engine to the new Jenbacher 3F generation model in 2020, it was an easy decision for us to implement this current upgrade.
“Thanks to the improved fuel usage of the Jenbacher 3F generation engine, we have been able to both increase our profitability and to reduce our environmental footprint,” commented Thomas Roth, head of power & engineering at Dominikust-Ringeisen-Werk and operator of one of the field test plants.
Building on the Jenbacher Type 3 more than 35 years of experience and more than 11,000
engines worldwide the new generation of the Jenbacher Type 3 brings numerous advantages to customers such as:
• Future-proof fuel flexibility with a “Ready for Hydrogen” option that facilitates a transition from traditional fuels today to H2 operation in the future, once H2 becomes readily available
• Greater efficiency of up to two percentage points improved fuel usage
• Lower THC emissions and greater efficiency lead to a smaller environmental footprint
• Reduced oil cost that reduces consumption while providing longer lube oil lifetime and lower engine oil life-cycle costs
• Convenient upgrade for currently installed engines, ideally applied during minor/major overhaul
The Jenbacher Type 3F is available for applications in 50 Hz countries and will be available in 60 Hz countries in 2024.
INNIO is a leading energy solution and service provider which empowers industries and communities to make sustainable energy work today.
Combined Heat and Power Module (CHP Module) solutions incorporating the Type 3 allow customers to generate power and heat simultaneously at a very high total efficiencies, reaching 90% and even more.
This generally involves an engine and alternator installed on the frame or control panel .
“INNIO’s innovative engine technology is engineered to help drive industries and communities to net zero power generation.
INNIO’s hydrogenready Jenbacher 3F technology is the latest energy solution committed to a climateneutral and greener energy future,”
gas train or associated with heat exchangers, including exhaust gas heat exchanger.
CHP Modules can generate hot water or steam at various parameters and can be integrated with an existing heat infrastructure. Clients can select the option that fits their project’s needs among the various heat recovery schemes provided by Jenbacher.
The scope of supply can be extended further with various balance of plant options (BOP) offered by Jenbacher.
CHP Modules can be installed inside a building or inside a container.
Jenbacher Type 3 engines offer proven savings on service and fuel consumption, offering customers excellent efficiency.
*Two-stage mixture cooling enables high flexibility
*Turbocharger bypass evens out extreme operating conditions
* LEANOX* lean burn control ensures minimal emissions
Applicable gas types include: hydrogen, natural gas, associated petroleum gas (flare gas), propane, biogas, sewage gas, landfill gas, coal mine gas, other special gases (e.g. coke, wood, and pyrolysis gases).
Innio’s cloudbased technology lets clients manage their assets wherever they are, secure and live.
The technology allows them to take control of the operating performance and profitability of the gas engine by giving it a digital life.
Innio’s multi-year agreements (MYA) are tailored service agreements to complement a facility’s capabilities with maintenance coverage, performance guarantee and operation support.
Delivered through Veolia’s Building a Zero Carbon Future programme, with funding provided through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme for affordable, low carbon energy efficiency upgrades across the public sector, the scheme is one of the first to to take a whole building approach.
This utilises a holistic approach that accounts for how facilities and the energy delivery systems interact with each other, while maintaining an indoor environment that enhances patient care.
A secure energy supply is essential to maintain a modern patient care environment for the hospital which has 457 beds and treats more than 470,000 patients per year.
To meet this energy demand and achieve carbon and energy cost savings Veolia will manage projects covering the design, delivery, and installation of a range of energy upgrades. These will guarantee the hospital meets the NHS carbon reduction targets for 2030 and is
supported by a 24/7 operations and maintenance contract.
The energy plant upgrades include desteaming the site, solar arrays giving a total of 1.1MWp renewable electricity, improved ventilation systems, and a dual stage heat pump system to supply 3.2 MWth of low carbon heat with N+1 redundancy that gives system availability in the event of component failure.
To ensure that this heat is efficiently used the project covers fitting of 17,300m2 of insulated roofing, replacing older single glazed windows with 4,540m2 of high efficiency double glazing, and 12,972 m2 of insulating cladding.
Commenting on this latest development, John Abraham, Chief Operating Officer - Veolia UK & Ireland - Industrial, Water & Energy said:
“Using the whole holistic building approach is part of our Building a Zero Carbon Future programme, and is key to advancing healthcare energy efficiency, cutting carbon emissions and
and providing cost savings which can be redirected to patient care. By targeting annual carbon savings of 4,129 tonnes, we are actively supporting the NHS decarbonisation programme and delivering lower cost energy for the healthcare sector.
“We look forward to working with the teams at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and helping them achieve their environmental goals.”
Chris Hodgson, Director of Estates and Facilities at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “This project will make a significant contribution to the trust’s goals to reduce our organisational carbon footprint. As well as the significant carbon savings that the project will deliver, the additional cladding and insulation to the hospital will create a more comfortable environment for both our patients and our staff”.
Veolia has been working with East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust since 2009, and currently provides energy and facilities management to over 100 hospitals in the UK. These support the healthcare for around 8.1 million inpatients each year, and reduce CO2 emissions in the healthcare sector by 120,000 tonnes.
In becoming the benchmark company for ecological transformation, Veolia is committed to tackle climate change, resource depletion, biodiversity collapse, and pollution.
By expanding the use of existing solutions, and developing new innovative solutions, the company is accelerating the process to radically change patterns of production and consumption and placing ecology at the heart of every process.
Veolia, working through its specialist energy team, has been awarded a £27m energy management contract to upgrade the 459-bed Eastbourne District General Hospital, part of East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. The contract, which extends to 2040, includes a multimillion pound construction project during 2023 that will deliver wide ranging energy upgrades and target carbon savings of 4,129 tonnes per year.
“The energy plant upgrades include desteaming the site, solar arrays giving a total of 1.1MWp renewable electricity, improved ventilation systems, and a dual stage heat pump system to supply 3.2 MWth of low carbon heat with N+1 redundancy that gives full system availability at all times.”
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MWM believes there are real lessons to be learned from an innovative energy project that is currently being rolled out in Alfhausen in Germany’s Osnabrück Land region. The project demonstrates how it will be possible to implement smart, flexible heat supply in the future. Two containerised cogeneration power plants, each of which is powered by an MWM TCG 3020 V20 gas genset, form the core of the project.
The Alfhausen cogeneration power plant is the first of three biomethane district heat projects to be rolled out in the Osnabrück region.
Even before the go-live, the Alfhausen cogeneration power plant won an award as a lighthouse project for outstanding climate protection projects as part of the overall “Green Village” concept.
MWM gas gensets now form the core of the Alfhausen District Heat Network. In the autumn of 2022 the new Alfhausen cogeneration power plant will start producing heat and power for the local population.
The plant is based in Alfhausen’s new industrial zone “Am Waller Esch”, located opposite the local transformer station.
The plant makes it possible to feed the power produced by the MWM gas engines through combined heat and power (CHP) generation directly into the public power grid.
The heat generated by the gensets will be transported to the connected homes in Alfhausen through a pipeline network.
The district heat network in Alfhausen was established by Rasche & Weßler GmbH, a local company specialising in energy management and automation technology.
The concept is based on the use of biomethane as a regenerative energy source and fuel for the MWM gas gensets.
Biomethane, which is produced by treating biogas, is a renewable energy source which is capable of replacing natural gas, a fossil energy source.
The gas comes from the natural gas network of Westnetz GmbH in Osnabrück. Additionally, biogas from various biogas plants in Germany is fed into the natural gas network at another location. In this way, the natural gas becomes ‘eco-gas’, which is used as fuel for the gas gensets.
“From the start, the sustainable, trend-setting supply concept in Alfhausen has been attracting a lot of attention. In recent months, the demand for district heat network connections underwent a sharp increase. Up to 1,000 homes can be supplied through the district heat network, thanks to the cooperation with Glasfaser Nordwest.”
Apart from the new plant, the industrial zone also hosts a hot water storage tank with a capacity of approximately 2,500 m3. The water will be heated using the exhaust heat of the two MWM gas gensets and be transported to the individual homes through the district heat network. In the event of a cogeneration power plant outage or unexpected cold spells, the storage facility can be used as an additional buffer in order to continue to supply Alfhausen with heat for several days.
Deploying MWM gas gensets
The 19-km district heat network is being set up by Rasche & Weßler GmbH. The development started in 2021 and is to be ready for operation by the end of 2023.
The two TCG 3020 V20 gas gensets were delivered by Caterpillar Energy Solutions in Mannheim, Germany.
Since a TCG 3020 V20 gas genset delivers an electrical output of 2,300 kW, the cogeneration power plant has a total output of 4.6 MW.
“From the outset, we knew that we were going to deploy MWM gas gensets”, says Ralf Wessler, Managing Partner at Rasche & Weßler GmbH. “We are familiar with the technology, and we know that the large engines from Mannheim are very reliable and powerful. Another important criterion is the quick and comprehensive service provided by MWM, which guarantees high plant availability.”
From the start, the sustainable, trendsetting supply concept in Alfhausen has been attracting a lot of attention. In recent months, the demand for district heat network connections underwent a sharp increase. Up to 1,000 homes can be supplied through the district heat network. Thanks to the cooperation with Glasfaser Nordwest, it was possible to implement the district heat network without redundant construction measures. The result: a climate-friendly infrastructure.
CHP Flagship Project has a pioneering function
The overall ‘Green Village’ concept with the Alfhausen energy plant, which won an award in the ‘Klima Kommunal 2022’ contest, is the first of three CHP generation projects implemented in the vicinity of Osnabrück.
In Fürstenau, 25 km from Alfhausen, an identical district heat plant is being built and is set to go live in 2023. Another 9-MW biomethane plant is being planned just a few miles from the Alfhausen plant. www,mwm.net
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Cummins has unveiled a new Euro 7 diesel engine which reflects its Destination Zero corporate strategy. “We have to act now,” explains Jennifer Rumsey, Cummins president and CEO. “Carbon once emitted to the atmosphere can’t be taken back and we can make the greatest impact by focusing on a dual path approach. Our estimated impact of doing just that is an additional 1.4 gigatons of cumulative carbon reduction – the equivalent of removing all trucks from the road. for three years.”
Cummins says it will continue to advance its current internal combustion engine technology with further advancements in efficiency, as well as compatibility with cleaner fuels like hydrogen, biodiesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO).
The company has also made it clear it will continue to innovate zero-emissions solutions like hydrogen fuel cell and battery technology.
“We power some of the world’s most demanding and economically vital applications,” reports Rumsey.
“There is no single technology that will work for all of our customers. We must advance solutions in a way that secures a sustainable future for the industries that keep the world running. That’s why we have developed a company with the broadest range of ultra-low and zero-emission technologies dedicated to commercial industry.”
In effect, Cummins’ next-generation advanced
diesel platform, the X10, embodies a practical route to emissions reduction and decarbonisation for applications which cannot be easily switched to alternative power solutions.
The X10 is an ultralow emissions, 10-litre diesel engine. Designed to meet the Euro 7 emissions regulations, the engine is expected to be available in ratings from 235 to 331 kW (320 to 450 hp) with torque ratings up to 2300 Nm (1696 lb. ft.).
In a further development, at the recent IAA Transportation show, the world’s largest mobility show held in Hannover, Germany, Cummins showcased its fourth-generation hydrogen fuel cell engine.
Designed to meet the duty-cycle performance the fuel cell technology is available in 135 kW single and 270 kW dual modules. Scania in Europe and Daimler have each announced collaborations with Cummins to develop
“ Scania in Europe and Daimler have each announced collaborations with Cummins to develop and integrate these next-generation fuel cell engines. The systems use fourth-generation variable pressure technology to provide higher power density, power nodes and operating temperatures.”
and integrate these next-generation fuel cell engines. The systems use fourthgeneration variable pressure technology to provide higher power density, power nodes and and operating temperatures for easier system integration. They also have strong operating cycle efficiency and durability for a lower total cost of ownership.
“We know our customers have diverse needs and complicated duty cycles to support, which is why we focus on continued innovation and improvement,” said Amy Adams, Vice President of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies at Cummins.
Visitors at IAA also a drivetrain assembled with a newly introduced Cummins lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery pack, Meritor’s 17xe ePowertrain and Meritor’s Power Control and Accessory System (PCAS). Cummins recently added the ePowertain and PCAS solutions to its portfolio through its acquisition of Meritor.
The ePowertrain leverages marketleading technologies in the axle, motor and inverter, delivering performance, efficiency and packaging advantages at a competitive cost. Additionally, the PCAS provides power where needed and control of necessary sub-systems while reducing packaging size and simplifying integration.
Cummins is adding an LFP battery to its line of lithium-ion battery products. The LFP solution gives customers access to faster charging and longer-life batteries. By using a multi-chemistry strategy, Cummins is positioned to expand its manufacturing capacity further and diversify its supply chain, providing customers with more cost-effective electrification solutions.
“We are giving customers options to enable them to adapt to a zeroemissions future faster,” comments Brian Wilson, General Manager of Electrified Components at Cummins. “With the recent acquisition of Meritor and our new multi-chemistry approach, we will be able to tailor our solutions and offer a one-stop-shop for customers’ powertrain needs.”
Cummins’ portfolio currently includes four batteries, each of which targets a different duty cycle and use case and complement each other. In addition to the LFP option, this includes three nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) batteries – the BP95E, BP74E and BP30E.
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he AMPS Awards for Excellence evening is returning to last year’s prestigious venue, the Park Plaza Hotel. The Awards ceremony, again hosted by comedian Hal Cruttenden, promises to be a who’s who of the Power Generating sector, and a fantastic networking opportunity not to be missed.Tickets for presentation dinner are £185 + VAT per person, or £1,750 + VAT for a table of 10.
Bookings are open for this years AMPS Awards for Excellence presentation dinner - a Black Tie event to be held on the vening Thursday 8th December 2022 at the Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster, London. Tickets are selling fast and as we went to press there were just 40 left. Don’t miss your chance to attend this prestigious event! Click here to book your place. Once we have received your booking, we will reserve your place and issue an invoice for your tickets, says AMPS.
Making your nominations for the 2022 AMPS Awards for Excellence
Have you submitted your Awards Nominations yet? We have some exciting new categories this year, with more chances to win than ever before. This is your chance to get the recognition you deserve. All AMPS members are welcome to submit multiple nominations for the awards. This year’s award categories are:
1. Apprentice of the Year
This award seeks to celebrate the exceptional contribution made by an apprentice to the workplace, their success and commitment. Judges want to see evidence of how the apprentice is meeting these success criteria.
2. Engineer of the Year
This award seeks to celebrate the exceptional contribution made by an engineer to the workplace, their success and commitment.
3. Health & Safety
This award has been developed to recognise progress in improving the occupational health and safety culture of the workplace by introducing new or developing existing initiatives. This could include initiatives that tackle work-related ill-health, especially occupational stress, work-related musculoskeletal disorders and occupational lung disease. Other initiatives include promoting broader ownership of health and safety, simplifying risk management, anticipating and tackling new health and safety challenges, and promoting the benefits of an effective health and safety strategy.
Examples include (but are not limited to):
•Implemented programmes looking at occupational stress, work-related musculoskeletal disorders or occupational lung disease
•Implemented programmes to improve employee safety including the reduction of accident rates
•Implemented a programme to reduce sickness absence
•Improved understanding of compliance through an educational programme
4. Contribution to Skills & Training Award
Awarded for outstanding contribution when promoting skills and training. This award is to recognise companies who provide an excellent level of training for their employees, pushing them to further their skills and improve their knowledge.
This award can also recognise companies who promote our industry and encourage the uptake of engineering and manufacturing careers. This could be achieved by developing programmes for community engagement, collaborating with local schools, or implementing schemes to recruit and encourage young talent.
5. Innovation & Technology Award
Awarded for development of an innovative product, process, service, or innovative way of working. Entrants must be able to demonstrate the development within the last 18 months of an innovative product, process, service, or way of working. The entry must include a clear written description of the development and its background, including details of the benefits obtained.
The panel is looking for evidence of the following: Commercial relevance of the development and actual or projected commercial success, benefit of the development to the business or customer, how the idea was implemented within your business and the impact the idea has made upon your business.
6. Environmental Contribution of the Year
This award aims to celebrate the product, system or service which has done the most to reduce environmental impacts and has played a major role in promoting sustainability. Nominations for this category should be for products, systems or services that tackle emissions, provide energy savings, or reduce environmental noise.
7. Supplier of the Year
The judges are looking for an exceptional supplier, who has consistently demonstrated commitment to customer service and satisfaction, acted responsibly, and achieved market success.
8. Manufacturer of the Year
For this award we are looking for excellence in manufacturing, whether that’s due to outstanding reliability, exceptional quality control, or innovative techniques. Our judges are looking to celebrate the company that has done the most to standout for the right reasons.
9. Exporter of the Year
This award celebrates the company that has done the most for exporting products and expanding their market.
10. Project of the Year
The judges are looking for details of a project, whether that’s a physical installation, nonphysical solution, or similar that has completed in the last year, and which demonstrates great teamwork and/or an innovative solution and/ or overcoming a major difficulty.
11. AMPS Member Company of the Year
More than just a great employer or successful business, the winner of this award will demonstrate stand-out success whether that’s in overcoming business challenges, developing new brands or markets, or outstanding sustained growth. The Judges are looking for evidence of corporate excellence.
To nominate a company or individual for an award, please fill out our awards nomination form available on https://i.emlfiles4.com/cmpdoc/0/4/9/1/5/files/960628_amps-awards-of-excellence2022---nomination-form
Please return the completed form to richard.teasdale@amps.org.uk
IPowerE’s Operational Report
New Submissions welcomed
The IPowerE Annual Operational Report is an important report and a unique compilation of data of value to the Power Industry worldwide, including owners, operators, financial bodies, manufacturers and consulting engineers. The report is made available to all Contributing Power Owners/ Operators and all IPowerE members.
Our objective is to encourage the sharing of information within the power industry for improved availability, reliability and safety of operations in the industry as a whole. Contributors provide data for the report covering engines and all forms of generating plant including reciprocating engines, gas turbines, combined cycle plants, conventional steam plant, hydro plants and renewables including solar, wind, and hydro plants.
We invite you to review the Operational Report page https://www.ipowere.org/ operationalreport.htm
The Institution of Power Engineers (formerly IDGTE) is delighted to have successfully issued the 2021 Operational Report. On behalf of the working group we are now pleased to invite you to submit a return for the 2022 Operational Report. All past contributors and new contributors are invited to send in returns for reciprocating engines, gas turbines, combined cycle power plants, renewable energy and energy storage facilities for any twelve month period during 2021-2022.
The IPowerE Operational Report has an international reputation as a definitive document providing an independent comparison and analysis of power plant performance. It is valued by industry consultants, developers and operators alike in the pursuit of excellence in terms of plant performance and optimisation.
The IPowerE Operational Report provides analysis, guidance and benchmark performance indices to users of reciprocating engines, gas turbine plant and combined cycle power plants worldwide as well as all forms of power generation. The report which was formerly known as the Working Cost Report, has existed over 98 years and relies upon the contributions of Users to ensure it is both comprehensive and statistically valid. We hope that you will be interested in continuing this work with us and will submit a return for the IPowerE 2022 Operational Report helping to make this a great success.
The Annual Operational Report is a unique compilation of data of value to organisations worldwide, including owners, operators, financial bodies, manufacturers and consulting engineers. The Report is one of a number of technical papers presented and published by IPowerE annually. Over recent years we have had 40 countries and territories represented in our reports representing over 600 sites and 3000 prime movers. Please help us to achieve our target by sending in your return and recommending to others.
All contributors to the report will receive a copy of the full results as soon as they have been compiled and a printed copy of the report when it is issued. Contributors will also receive an invitation to join the Ops Report discussion meeting as soon as this can be arranged.
The IPowerE Operational Report has an international reputation as a definitive document providing an independent comparison and analysis of power plant performance. It is valued by industry consultants, developers and operators alike in the pursuit of excellence in terms of plant performance and optimisation.
On behalf of the working group we are now pleased to invite you to submit a return for the 2022 Operational Report. The IPowerE Operational Report provides analysis, guidance and benchmark performance indices to users of reciprocating engines, gas turbine plant and combined cycle, Solar, Wind and Hydro power plants worldwide as well as all forms of power generation.
Please visit the website and download the guidance notes and forms. Returns may be sent in at any time. The guidance notes and return forms together with a sample return are available to down load from the IPowerE web site:
Returns may be sent in at any time. We request that these are sent in by 30th November 2022 however just let us know if you need more time. The guidance notes and return forms together with a sample return are available to download from the IPowerE website: http://ipowere.org/operational_report.html
If you have any query or would like assistance, or more time to submit, then please contact the IPowerE office in Bedford, United Kingdom and we will help.
The launch of a new service that allows the British public to earn money by reducing their non-essential energy use is a critical step towards protecting the UK’s energy security, says the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE)
Regulator Ofgem has given the greenlight to National Grid ESO’s (Electricity System Operator) Demand Flexibility Service (DFS), which means the scheme is now live and ready for consumers to start using.
The first testing event is coming up soon and will see participating households and businesses being paid to turn down non-essential energy usage at times of peak national demand to help balance the electricity grid over the winter period.
The service, expected to prove a critical tool in the ESO’s arsenal to prevent blackouts, will pay households to voluntarily reduce their energy usage at specified times, boosting the country’s energy security by helping to ensure
demand never outstrips supply, such as in a situation where the UK is unable to import enough energy from the continent.
The ADE helped design the DFS alongside National Grid and industry, and looks forward to seeing the results from the trial period of the scheme, which will run for five months.
Sarah Honan, Flexibility Policy Manager at the ADE, said:
“The DFS is an exciting development that puts energy directly in the hands of the user by paying them to safeguard the fate of the grid.
“In this period of huge price volatility, it marks a significant step through which households and businesses across the country can start to take back control of their relationship with energy - their involvement is absolutely critical if the UK is to avoid blackouts and grid interruptions over the course of what is sure to be a difficult winter period.”
Having a more flexible energy
Owing to planned rail strikes, we have postponed the awards from its original date to Thursday 19th January 2023. Original tickets remain valid for the new date.
The Consultancy and Engineering Awards return as an in-person gala evening ceremony at the London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square on Thursday 19 January 2023.
Building on the success of last year’s virtual awards, we’re delighted to share that this year’s celebration takes place face-to-face.
The Consultancy & Engineering Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of our industry and champion the best people, projects and companies from the world of engineering, consultancy and the built environment.
Uniquely for the industry and judged by the industry, the
Consultancy and Engineering Awards provide a great opportunity to demonstrate leadership, celebrate performance, recognise and reward colleagues, and shine a spotlight on partners.
After two years with few opportunities for the industry to meet face-to-face, they will provide an informal environment for networking and for celebration with clients.
Nominations have now formally closed.
Tickets are available to purchase online now. Prices are discounted for those who work for ACE and EIC members, and for those who reserve a table (10 seats).
Our thanks to BECG who are headline sponsors for this year’s Awards.
Battery monitoring system is fully wireless
Flow-Rite Controls has released a new battery monitoring system designed to wireless monitor the health of sealed AGM, gel, TPPL, and lithium-ion batteries.
. The new Advanced Battery Steward for Sealed Batteries is designed to monitor critical data like voltage and half-voltage, current in and out, temperature and battery impact and angle. Each event and measurement is time and date stamped for Machine Learning (ML) processing to create high-value metrics and realistic gauges of battery performance. It offers the ability to display both the current battery state as well as view its history on a smartphone, tablet or desktop, Advanced Battery Steward helps identify events that may put a battery’s health at risk.
Flash Data Center, the proprietary remote-control software is the latest development from Flash Battery.
Flash Data Center 4.0 release is also integrated into a virtual environment with Containerized Architecture, harnessing the power of latest-generation artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to ensure the interconnection of the over 15,000 Flash Battery systems currently operating in 54 countries across the world. The system learns from the analysed data and improves battery performance. Customers have the possibility to perform advanced analyses of the big data coming from their battery systems in real time. In addition, the new graphic interface is designed to offer a simpler and even more intuitive and interactive navigation experience.
Flash Data Center analyses every parameter involving the battery’s operation, the most important of which is the battery’s State of Health (SOH), to get an accurate picture of the condition of every single battery. It also covers voltage, current, temperature, and analysis of charge/discharge times, standing watch over the peaks and lows reached during these activities.”
Two hydrogen engine prototypes with different injection technologies offers promise for the future
Liebherr-Component Technologies AG has premiered two hydrogen engine prototypes, each employing different injection technologies. One features direct injection (DI), which injects hydrogen directly into the combustion chamber, with the second incorporating port fuel injection (PFI), in which hydrogen is blown into the air intake port.
Hydrogen-based powertrains are an important part of Liebherr’s open technology approach to alternative drive concepts, the company said, noting its component product segment has made significant investments in hydrogen engine development and test facilities. Prototype engines have been in testing since 2020, and have shown encouraging results in terms of performance and emissions on test benches and in the field, the company stated, with both PFI and DI technologies assessed as part of the process.
Prototype construction machines equipped with the engines have been in operation since 2021. The first equipment model running with a 100% hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine (ICE) is the Liebherr R 9XX H2 which features the six-cylinder H966 using a PFI configuration. The four-cylinder H964 hydrogen ICE prototype with DI configuration offers increased potential in terms of combustion efficiency and power density, making hydrogen engines an attractive alternative to diesel in applications with high demands on dynamics and power density within a limited installation space. Liebherr plans to begin series production of its hydrogen engines by 2025.
The company also cited several research projects in the area of alternative fuels, including a dual-fuel ICE engine that can run on hydrogen ignited by hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) injection or fully on HVO. According to the company, the technology would allow flexibility in with different configurations.
In recent years other researchers from other companies have demonstrated that full nameplate power could be achieved equally using both fuels. This has beenm the result in a number of tests. In addition, tests show the following benefits when operating on HVO fuel as an alternative to distillate diesel: Lower NOx, PM and CO2 emissions at nearly all load points. www.liebherr.com
New battery range is now available in UK
Caterpillar has developed a new line of 48-, 300- and 600volt batteries for industry. Using its expertise drawn from across its global network of technical centres in the UK (amongst others), the program focuses initially on battery solutions for equipment used in industrial applications.
“Caterpillar has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to sustainability through improvements in our operations and by helping our customers achieve their climate-related goals,” comments Steve Ferguson, senior vice president Caterpillar Industrial Power Systems.
“The announcement of our battery program is our latest step in combining a wide-ranging inventory of innovations with extensive knowledge of the off-highway industry to offer solutions for a range of power needs, application types, duty cycles and operating environments.”
The battery range uses lithium-ion technology and features a modular design to optimize performance and packaging for third-party original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), said the company, and they have been engineered with sustainability in mind throughout their lifecycle, with the potential to reuse and recycle at the end of life.
Caterpillar has previously committed to ensuring that 100% of its new products through 2030 will be more sustainable than the previous generation, which the company has said is reflected in its lineup of industrial-power solutions and integrated services finely tuned for owners of third-party equipment powered by Cat engines.
Ferguson concludes: “Improved sustainability is a journey, not a destination, and one size doesn’t fit all in determining the appropriate power solution for equipment owners. Our offerings can help customers and end users start improving the sustainability of their operations today through high-efficiency engines, fuels and digital solutions now available for the jobsite, by extending value and reducing waste over the lifecycle of equipment they already own, and by powering the next generation of equipment with innovations precisely configured for the jobsite.”
AI offers distinct advantages in battery storage setups
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INNIO Jenbacher gas engines
Headquarters: A-6200 Jenbach (Austria) T +43 5244 600-0 F +43 5244 600-527 jenbacher.info@ge.com www.gejenbacher.com
Manufacturer of gas driven generator sets and cogeneration systems in a power range from 0.25 to 3 MW.
Model Fuel rpm Pel Pth
JMS 208 GS g 1,500 330 358
JMS 208 GS g 1,800 335 406
JMS 312 GS g 1,500 625 731
JMS 312 GS g 1,800 633 808
JMS 316 GS g 1,500 834 988
JMS 316 GS g 1,800 848 1,079
JMS 320 GS g 1,500 1,063 1,190
JMS 320 GS g 1,800 1,060 1,313
JMS 412 GS g 1,500 844 892
JMS 416 GS g 1,500 1,131 1,194
JMS 420 GS g 1,500 1,415 1,492
JMS 612 GS g 1,500 1,820 1,792
JMS 616 GS g 1,500 2,433 2,399
JMS 620 GS g 1,500 3,041 3,020
m3N. Dry exhaust gas; based on 5% O2. For en gines with 1,200 rpm please contact GE Energy’s Jenbacher product team.
TAD1242GE 352 409
TAD1640GE 393 462
TAD1641GE 433 509
TAD1642GE 485 570
R Schmitt Enertec GmbH
56743 Mendig, Germany T +49 2652 9351810
F +49 2652 9351822
info@rschmitt-enertec.com www.rschmitt-enertec.com
Manufacturer of gas driven engines,generator sets and cogeneration systems in the range from 100 - 500 kW.
RSE Engines for natural gas and biogas
Model fuel Freq. Electric output
M06-G/B T0D41 g 50 140 kW
M06-G/B TID41 g 50 200 kW
M06-G/B T2D41 g 50 250 kW
M08-G/B TID41 g 50 260 kW
M08-G/B T2D41 g 50 333 kW
M12-G/B TID41 g 50 400 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 50 500 kW
M06-G/B T0D41 g 60 150 kW
M06-G/B TID41 g 60 210 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 60 250 kW
M08-G/B TID41 g 60 280 kW
M08-G/B T2D41 g 60 333 kW
M12-G/B TID41 g 60 420 kW
M12-G/B T2D41 g 60 500 kW
RSE engines for LPG
M06-PT0D41 g 50 115 kW
M06-PTID41 g 50 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 50 205 kW
M08-PTID41 g 50 233 kW
M08-PT2D41 g 50 260 kW
M12-PTID41 g 50 350 kW M12-PT2D41 g 50 450 kW M06-PT0D41 g 60 130 kW M06-PTID41 g 60 173 kW
M06-PT2D41 g 60 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 60 233 kW
M08-PT2D41 g 60 260 kW
M12-PTID41 g 60 350kW M12-PT2D41 g 60 450 kW
Perkins Engines Company Limited
Peterborough PE1 5FQ
Contact name:- Simon Gray Tel: +44 (0) 1733 583000
Email: gray_simon_j@perkins.com
Perkins is one of the world’s leading suppliers
in dieselor 1000 kWE prime in gas.
SE-151 87 Sodertalje Sweden
Tel +468553 81000
Fax +468553 898 12
E-mail engines@scania.com Web www.scania.com
UK Contact – Mark Swindell
Scania GB Ltd
Tel +44 1908 329386
E-mail mark.swindell@scania.com
Diesel & Gas engines for power generation
Prime power 250kVA to 700kVA Stand by power 250kVA to 770kVA
Engine range prime power 50hz & 60hz at (70% mean load factor)
Scania produce diesel and gas powered engines for various Industrial and Marine applications, tionally low fuel consumption.
All models are available to meet current emis sions requirements, Scania engines are now available to meet both Tier 4F and EU Stage V.
Alternative fuels
Many of our engines can also operate on Bio-diesel conforming to EN14214 and HVO conforming to EN159540
RSE engines for Woodgas M06-HT2D41 g 50 122 kW M08-HT2D41 g 50 166 kW M12-HT2D41 g 50 250 kW M06-HT2D41 g 60 140 kW M08-HT2D41 g 60 180 kW M12-HT2D41 g 60 275 kW
Volvo Penta
405 08 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel +46 31 235460
Model Spec RPM kWm kVA
TAD530GE Diesel 15002) 75 85
TAD531GE Diesel 15002) 88 100
TAD532GE Diesel 15002) 113 130
TAD550GE1) Diesel 15002) 76 86
TAD551GE1) Diesel 15002) 89 101
TAD730GE Diesel 15002) 113 130
TAD731GE Diesel 15002) 132 152
TAD732GE Diesel 15002) 162 186
TAD733GE Diesel 15002) 175 201
TAD734GE Diesel 15002) 213 245
TAD750GE1) Diesel 15002) 114 131
TAD751GE1) Diesel 15002) 13 152
TAD752GE1) Diesel 15002) 158 182
TAD753GE1) Diesel 15002) 173 199
TAD754GE1) Diesel 15002) 217 250
TAD940GE Diesel 15002) 241 277
TAD941GE Diesel 15002) 280 326
TAD1341GE Diesel 15002) 271 315
TAD1342GE Diesel 15002) 303 352
TAD1343GE Diesel 15002) 325 378
TAD1344GE Diesel 15002) 354 412
TAD1345GE Diesel 15002) 388 451
TAD1351GE1) Diesel 15002) 279 324
TAD1352GE1) Diesel 15002) 314 365
TAD1354GE1) Diesel 15002) 328 381
TAD1355GE1) Diesel 15002) 355 413
TAD1640GE Diesel 15002) 392 461
TAD1641GE Diesel 15002) 430 505
TAD1642GE Diesel 15002) 503 591
TWD1643GE Diesel 15002) 536 630
TAD1650GE1) Diesel 15002) 393 462
TAD1651GE1) Diesel 15002) 430 505
Engines are also available for1800rpm/60Hz
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