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Sakhalin Machinery has just invested in a 3.5MW diesel generator manufactured by FRERK of Germany. The FRERK team took to a week to unpack the components and then install the genset on the island of Sakhalin. Sakhalin is the largest island in Russian territory. It is the northernmost island of the Japanese archipelago, and is administered as part of the Sakhalin Oblast Sakhalin. The island is 948 km (589 mi) long, and 25 to 170 km (16 to 106 mi) wide, with an area of 72,492 km2 (27,989 sq mi). It lies at similar latitudes to England, Wales and Ireland.. Sakhalin is situated in the Pacific Ocean, sandwiched between the Sea of Okhotsk to the east and the Sea of Japan to the west. Sakhalin is located just off
Khabarovsk Krai, and is north of Hokkaido in Japan.
The island has a population of roughly 500,000, the majority of which are Russians. Maintaining grid power is a problem in such a remote area which is why industry must rely on fixed and portable generators for electricity.
FRERK says it offers all customers a full service: engineering, manufacturing, pre-assembling, packing and marking, Full Test before shipment, help onsite with
Supervision works and installation works for all its equipment - which is made entirely in Germany. The new genset on Sakhalin will provide prime power for the oil & gas sector. Sakhalin Machinery is based on Sakhalin Island, with proven success in oil and gas, construction, fishing, forestry, etc. its client base includes EXXONMOBIL, SHELL, BP, ROSENEFT, SFERA and others. There are two major projects currently underway at this location. The Sakhalin I project, managed by Exxon
Neftegas Limited (ENL), involves a production-sharing agreement (PSA) between the Sakhalin I consortium, the Russian Federation, and the Sakhalin government.
Russia is in the process of building a 220 km (140 mi) pipeline across the Tatar Strait from Sakhalin Island to De-Kastri terminal on the Russian mainland. From
De-Kastri, oil & gas products will be loaded onto tankers for transport to East Asian markets, namely Japan, South Korea and China. A second consortium, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd (Sakhalin Energy), is managing the Sakhalin II project. It has completed a similar production-sharing agreement (PSA) with the Russian Federation. Sakhalin
Energy is building two 800-km pipelines running from the northeast of the island to Prigorodnoye (Prigorodnoe) in Aniva Bay at the southern end. The consortium will also build, at Prigorodnoye, the first liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant to be built in Russia. The oil and gas are also bound for East Asian markets. With over 50 years of industry experience, Frerk Aggregatebau Germany has developed a leading reputation in the manufacture of electric power supply systems across a broad range of applications as founded during 1964 and has operated at its current location in Schweringen, Northern Germany since 1978. During this time the business has accumulated a great wealth of experience, which enables Frerk to offer modular power supply solutions, from initial concept through to handover. Furthermore the company provides service and technical support for the entire life of the delivered system if required. Since moving into its Schweringen headquarters the company has experienced a significant step-up in its capacity, beginning with the construction of a new production facility in addition to its existing four and a further four state-of-the-art test bays. This was completed in 2001 and followed by an additional production bay during 2005 to expand the plant’s total production area to 11,000 square metres. Further expansion to 25,000 metres followed during 2008 and most recently in 2011, Frerk installed a new 1500 square metre storage building and additional office space. Finally, a 2100 square metre production bay for the reconditioning of generator sets was also erected. The company’s current product line extends to generator sets with an output of up to six MW per unit in both low and medium-voltage ranges. The applications for these vary from black-start engine generator sets to emergency power solutions and combined heat and power (CHP) packages. Frerk power generating systems are available in natural and biogas, diesel, heavy fuel and crude oil as well as dual fuel configurations, enabling the client to select the most appropriate design for the most economic fuel utilisation. Through the development of bespoke power generating systems, Frerk has established itself as a market leader in innovative design solutions. Furthermore in light of decreasing resources accompanied by the increasing price of fuels, Frerk is able to supply alternative fuels and power generating systems to provide clients with an economic power generation solution. Within this application the company is able to provide systems including natural gas powered engines connected to combined heat and power units fed from any gas pipeline; biogas powered engines connected to combined heat and power units fed from sewage, landfill or biogas plants; associated gas from oil production powered engine generating electricity for the grid; dual fuel generating sets running on 50-95% natural gas and five per cent pilot diesel; heavy fuel oil (HFO) powered engines generating electricity for the grid in case there is lack of power because one water turbine power station does not provide sufficiently; and crude oil powered engines generating electricity for the grid. “HFO (heavy fuel oil) systems used to consist of heavy duty medium speed marine engines that were originally designed and manufactured for burning HFO with a viscosity of up to 700cSt. Because this fuel is given very little refinery treatment, the selling price is lower and transport efforts are marginal and therefore fuel oil costs are low,” Claus says. “Treating the HFO with special separators and viscosity control and regulating units can make the fuel made suitable for engines. The entire power station inclusive fuel treatment device is designed and installed by Frerk, preferably in a modular container design or alternatively in local erected turnkey powerhouses.”