8 minute read
Here, CEO Carlo Ucciero talks to WIP magazine and reveals details of his aims and ambitions for WIBA, Italy’s latest genset company which offers a pan-European - and even a global reach- for its high-quality generators.
Carlo: WIBA GENERATORS has both a standard Industrial division and also a customised division. Our standard Industrial division covers a large range from 3 to 4000 kVA and we assemble our generating sets with various different prime Engines and Alternators in order to try our best to satisfy all kind of customer needs. WIBA’s unique selling point is very simple: we are more interested in creating long term relationships with our partners rather than just cashing in on generating sets. What does this mean? It means that not only do WIBA partners become a part of the WIBA family, not only do WIBA partners get the constant support they need to succeed in their markets : WIBA and the partner will face the local market together, hence this means we share the good , but also the bad, and it means once WIBA enters a specific market, it is long term.
Q: WIBA Engines: Perkins, FPT, Baudouin, MTU, MAN, Doosan, Kubota, Yanmar – which brands are of particular interest to a User, Buyer, Specifier, Agent or Dealer? And what about alternator brands such as Mecc Alte, Marelli, STAMFORD, Linz. What particular models do you prefer working with? A: Carlo Ucciero explains: We work with all these brands mentioned because every specific engine or alternator brand is the best in its range. Our customer network is so ‘diversified’ that we could not just use one specific engine or alternator brand, and this is also because to cover a range from 3 to 4000 we have to use more than one kind as not all engine/alternator brands cover the complete kVA range required. Our control systems are Italian. Q: What kinds of canopy protection/ containers can you supply with your gensets. Are these easily transportable? A: Carlo: We have different lines of production but all our canopies are designed and produced according to three main factors: 1. Noise level (never higher than 68dBA); 2. Quality and durability (even our basic products are suitable for intense climatic conditions); 3. Dimensions (the smaller the better in order to improve loading, transport solutions). Our generating sets inside their canopies are easy to transport thanks to their lifting hooks, their forklift space, and of course thanks to the heavy duty base frame and general structure of WIBA Generating Sets.

Q: How do you customise your gensets for extreme climates? (Desert, maritime, alpine etc.) A: Carlo: Generator technical specifications are carefully studied along with the client in order to clarify all working conditions before we quote. Before we quote for ‘customised’ solutions, we carry out a site visit along with the client (if possible) in order to allow our staff to be able to identify any possible hidden issues that could pop up.
Q: What engine emissions systems can you offer customers looking to buy gensets from you? A: Carlo: We work side by side with our suppliers and our product range is constantly updated based on the engine OEM’s novelties to the industry. This again is another reason why we use more than just one engine brand, some brands are more in front than others, some are slower but stronger in long term, so as you can imagine, our relations with all brands allows us to offer any emission system the customer wants. Of course, Stage V is what we tend to suggest to customers.

Q: What standards do you meet? A: Carlo: Our genset products and factory standards meet CE standards and ISO.
Q: Do you offer hybrid systems diesel/solar and - or engines which run on biodiesel or LNG/Biogas? A: Carlo: Not just yet but shortly we will be dedicating a team to this specific division.
Q: Who supplies the components you put into your engines? A: Carlo: All components are originals and come from the engine OEM.
Q: Do WIBA gensets have a particular appeal to markets like data centres, banks, hospitals, airports, Telecoms, buildings sites, military, entertainment sector, NGO charity/relief work, local authorities, grid support, shipyards, marine, port authorities, governments? A: Carlo: Although WIBA is still a new entry to the Generating Set industry, thanks to our years of experience in this sector and thanks to our sales and technical team we are already supplying WIBA Generating Sets into Mali through our local partner who has WIBA Generators in stock in country (3 x 100 kVA, 2 x 60 kVA 2 x 30 kVA), in East Africa. Through our our WIBA Sales and Service point in Ethiopia we have supplied to three large engineering companies who are completing a number of complexes which require our 500 kVA gensets.
Q: Would you like to explain to readers something of your background with generators? A; Carlo: Many WIP readers will probably remember me. I have been in this business for more than 20 years now and have visited most countries, companies already as Export Sales Manager for a major Generating Set producer. These 20 years taught me to love this industry and to love the international network which I created over the years.
Q: Passion & persistency are the keys to success – why have you chosen this for your business slogan? What does it mean to you personally? A: Carlo: These words have a specific meaning. I was once told that I could never be more than a simple salesman. In my years I have seen so many businesses run badly and at a certain point of my life I decided to stop everything and take a different direction. Changing direction is not easy when you are already on the fast lane so you can imagine that the change of direction created a lot of discomfort for many. With Passion and with extreme Persistency and thanks to my partners who are close to me personally I am now here speaking with you about WIBA! So, my advice to anyone is : Nothing is impossible… Only real ‘Passion & Persistency’ will get the job done.. Q: WIBA is an official sponsor of BLUES HIGHWAY – music organisation in Italy supporting the “Blues” globally? Can you tell us a bit about that? A: Carlo: We all have a bit of the blues in us in some way; the blues is a way of communicating to others in a smooth and musical way. The blues tells a story, and in the old days these stories were generally sad ones. Stories of sufferance and again - ‘Persistency’ - to survive and continue looking forward in life. It’s all about Persistence. We chose to sponsor this industry first of all because we love music and secondly to be slightly different to the others who generally sponsor the sporting industry. Of course, all of the festivals which BLUESHIGHWAY. IT organizes are powered by WIBA GENERATORS.

Q: Why have you chosen to be based in NAPLES? A: Carlo: Although I was born in the UK, we used to come to Napoli twice a year because my father is originally from Napoli. As a globally free person I could have started my activities absolutely anywhere in the world: Dubai, London, Singapore, Netherlands - anywhere. However, I decided that I want to do this right here in Napoli. My first reason is because I want to support our local youngsters some way by offering more job opportunities, and to help them grow into this wonderful Generating Set world. Secondly, because Napoli is the most strategic place to have a production facility. In fact, our facilities are literally 2 km from Napoli’s commercial seaport, literally 2 km from the motorway entrance that takes you all the way to the North of Italy (and also further south of course), 7 km from the airport and 5 km from the central railway station. Our location was thought of - it didn’t just happen. By being so close to the sea port it means our Ex works prices are basically already FOB prices (Freight on Board)! ALL WIBA GENERATING SETS produced in our facilities in Napoli are truly “100% made in Italy”.
Q: What does WIBA has to offer that many other companies do not have? A: Carlo: It is very simple - other than the obvious answer anyone would give - we are great we are beautiful etc. etc., what we offer to the market is the opportunity to become a part of the industry and not be just a customer of the industry. Our Partnership formula is unique and not selfish. We invite anyone who is interested to contact us for further details. Just for quick info we are currently opening in Mali, Bangladesh, UAE, Ethiopia - and there is much more happening in the near future.
Q: How is company expansion progressing? A: Carlo: We are expanding our network to all countries and invite any interested candidates & companies to please get in contact with me personally about it. Note: I always look after our customers personally and then, gradually, they are looked after by our team, but I will always be here in front line (as always) for my clients/ partners. I don’t forget my routes. We have our Rental fleet and Marine Division which will be “coming soon” too.
