Fromscania.co.uk/powersolutionsploughingthroughangry seas to reach people in distress to simply patrolling the coastline, Scania Power Solutions deliver engines designed to perform in any situation. Each one has been developed to deliver impressive power and immediate response when they’re needed most. When it has to work, it has to be Scania.
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“Shipping of the energy conver sion unit marks two significant milestones. First, it is supporting the realization of our efforts to bring our technology to the United States,” Inna Braverman, Founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power [pictured] tells WIP. “Second, the easy relocation of the technology emphasizes the fact that our technology can be easily dismantled and reinstalled to any location. The portable nature of our technology is an important technological advantage, which will enable the company to enter new market segments, which are seeking portable solutions.”
Eco Wave Power Global AB has announced that the energy conversion unit, formerly deployed in Gibraltar, is officially on its way to AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles, set to arrive in September 2022. This will be the first U.S. location for Eco Wave Power’s technology, which is already deployed in Israel and plans further deployments in Spain, Portugal, and other locations, completing the Company’s 327.7 MW project pipeline.
AUGUST 2022 3WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWERwww.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.comISSUE#239 Publisher/Sales DIrector Neb Saric neb@wipmagazines.com Publishing & Events Director Richard Teasdale richard@wipmagazines.com Managing Editor Aidan Turnbull aidan@wipmagazines.com Accounts Manager Alison Williams accounts@wipmagazines.com Sales & Marketing Manager Sarah sarah@wipmagazines.comHallows Far East Sales Bob Shanghai,LiuChina bob.liu@ronco.com.cn US Sales & Subscriptions Jelena Milojevic power@wipmagazines.com Austrian & German Agent Mario Dobresko Powerpower@wipmagazines.comMediaInternationalGroup, The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, West RH12Sussex,1SL, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1403 888019 www.powermediagroup.co.uk © Worldwide Independent Power (ISSN 1468 7100) EDITOR’S NOTES
Eco Wave Power entered a collaboration agreement with AltaSea earlier this year and announced plans to relocate the energy conversion unit from Gibraltar to AltaSea’s 35-acre campus located at the Port of Los Angeles, the nation’s busiest seaport. This pilot station is part of Eco Wave Power’s increased focus on bringing its pioneering wave energy technology to the United States and expanding their world wide presence. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, wave energy off the nation’s coasts can generate the equivalent of about 66 percent of all the electricity generated across the country in 2020.
AltaSea’s President & CEO Terry Tamminen, former Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) said: “We believe that Eco Wave Power aligns well with the AltaSea vision, creating a new way of generating re newable energy, that will help California meet its ambitious goals to address the climate crisis. We are looking forward to welcoming this innovative pilot.”
AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles is a sprawling 35-acre nonprofit centre devoted to accelerating scientific collaboration. As part of a coalition led by Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC), AltaSea and Eco Wave Power are finalists for $32 million in the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Build Back Better Regional Challenge.

Raven SR will make use of INNIO’s hydrogen-ready Jenbacher engines in their hydrogen production facility at a sanitary landfill in Richmond, California. The site is located at the Republic Services West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill in Richmond. Once fully operational, the facility will process 99.9 tonnes of organic waste per day and produce up to 2,000 metric tonnes of hydrogen annually.
For reader
p. 22-23| GAS ENGINES UNIVERSITY INVESTS IN 2.3MWe MWM TCG 3020 V20 GAS ENGINE| Edina, a recognised onsite power generation and energy storage solution provider has delivered its third Combined Heat and Power (CHP) project at the University of York, a leading educational institution. The latest CHP plant comprises a 2.3MWe MWM TCG 3020 V20 gas engine and associated equipment and joins two existing CHP plants rated 1.56MWe each also engineered, installed, and maintained by Edina. The additional CHP plant is part of on-going energyefficiency measures to manage energy costs,
The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) market is expected to register a CAGR of 4.44% during the forecast period, reaching the value of US$13.42 billion in 2027 from US$10 billion in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic affected various industries, including the uninterruptible power supply market. The outbreak impacted the sales and operations of many UPS manufacturers, causing them to shut down their manufacturing plants. There has also been a ban on exports by Asia-Pacific countries. enqurires and subscriptions visit our website at www.wipmagazines.com | powermediagroup.co.uk
The New York Power Authority (NYPA) Board of Trustees on Tuesday approved the award of a competitively-bid contract, valued up to $37,984,000 to REEL COH, Inc. of Boisbriand, Canada, to fabricate, deliver and install a new gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 680 tons for the Power Authority’s Niagara Power Project in Lewiston in Niagara County. The new crane is critical tool that will help enable p. 24| HYDROGEN HYDROGEN-READY ENGINES AT LANDFILL

p. 28 |
5 p. 26 | HEAT
Siemens Energy and Air Liquide have announced a joint venture for the production of industrial-scale renewable hydrogen electrolysers. The JV will constitute a 74.9% holding by Siemens Energy and 25.1% by Air Liquide – and is subject to approval by the relevant authorities. It marks a major boost in the scale-up of electrolyser production in the region and for its hydrogen economy in general. PUMPS
p. 25 |
An industrial-scale heat pump is being built at the BASF site in Ludwigshafen, Germany by BASF and MAN Energy Solutions. Both companies are now conducting a feasibility study for the planned heat pump in an effort to reduce emissions and natural gas consumption. The planned large-scale heat pump will enable the production of steam.
VAST SOLAR ARRAY DEVELOPMENT FOR OMAN TotalEnergies and Veolia have signed an agreement to start the construction of the largest solar photovoltaic (PV) system providing power for a desalination plant in Oman, in the city of Sur. The power plant will be located on the site of the Sharqiyah Desalination plant, which is a reference in Oman and in the gulf region, supplying drinking water to more than 600,000 inhabitants of the
A new microgrid lab called the Power Integration Center (PIC) has opened at the Cummins Power Systems facility in Fridley, Minnesota. The PIC is said to be a state-of-the-art facility which allows for the configuration, integration, and testing of power system technologies including diesel and natural gas generator sets, photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, battery storage systems, fuel cells, transfer switches, switchgear, and system-level controls.

AUGUST 2022 6 WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com 03 FEATURES EDITOR’S LETTER 08-19 NEWS REPORTS Comment and International News + Market Report (p.19) 19 MARKET REPORT - DATA CENTRE UPS MARKET WIP looks at predictions for the UPS market 2022-27. 30 ASSOCIATION NEWS Associations: ADE, ACE and iPowerE 3132 NEW PRODUCTS What’s new from the world’s manufacturers. 33 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF EQUIPMENT & SERVICES Listings of key companies in the industry. 34 ENGINE MANUFACTURERS GUIDE OEMs manufacturing engines today. 3 AMPS AMPS news and details about the 2022 AMPS Awards for Excellence 19 323031

MWMwww.mwm.net/en gensets.
The MWM product portfolio comprises gas engines and gensets in the output range from 400 kWel to 4,500 kWel . Power plants with an output of 100,000 kWel and more are technically feasible. The units are designed for maximum electrical and thermal efficiency, low operating and service costs, and high reliability and availability. Thus, they reach efficiency levels of more than 90 percent. Efficient, low-maintenance and highly available.

“WPD clearly stood out, and as a result will be internationally and publicly recognised as one of Europe’s Climate Leaders,” said the citation from the Financial Times and Statista.
*Keith Maclean - Sustainable Critical Power Solutions
*Bernard Gospel - Red diesel: changes to rebated fuels
*Dr Michaela Kendall - UK Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology Supply Chains
Ian Bitterlin - Energy storage - What are the technologies for large scale applications, such as flywheels or batteries?
The Claverton Energy Group is currently providing additional speakers for the event from academia, consultancies in the public and private sector and is engaging other industry experts involved with the broader energy spectrum. These are free to attend conferences with tea/coffee & lunches provided.
AUGUST 2022NEWS 8 WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com
* Paola Nardi, Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Soga SpA: “ Great event! My colleagues were very thrilled, very well-organised and a positive business atmosphere.”
* Romain Mocaer, PowerGen Statistics: “It was a really really great event, the best PowerEx Live that I ever attended. Great audience, great exhibitors and great organization. PowerEx Live 20201 was a great show for PowerGen Statistics with many visitors attending the single presentation on projections for the future energy sector.”
They identified and assessed thousands of companies across 33 countries with an annual revenue of at least $40 million Euros (£33 million) and looked at how much the firms had cut emissions between 2015-20.
“We are not resting on our laurels as our RIIO-ED2 Business Plan will accelerate this.
* Ian Bitterlin - Data centres & Performance Class (in ISO 8528-1:2018, Section 7) affect the selection of emergency standby generators for data centre applications?
*Hassaan Minhas - G99
*Ian Wassman - G99
* Ian Wilcoxson Data Centre Channel Manager (EAME) for Kohler Power: “Visitors to PowerEx Live certainly showed an interest in learning more about regulatory and technological changes in gensets.”
WESTERN RECOGNITIONINTERNATIONALDISTRIBUTIONPOWERWesternPowerDistribution (WPD) has been recognised as an “outstanding” international leader in tackling climate change. Cutting greenhouse gases produced by the business has resulted in the UK’s largest distribution network operator being listed as one of Europe’s Climate Leaders for 2022 by the Financial Times and independent date company Statista.
* John D. Kerr - Reciprocating Engine Noise - Power Generation Application
Comments about last year’s show Here is feedback from attendees at PowerEx Live 2021 at the Park Plaza venue:
The two conferences take place under 1 roof in 1 day, with 18 + high quality power speakers. The AMPS Awards for Excellence’ (black tie) event is being held in the evening at the same location. PowerEx has won a solid reputation at a quality networking and industry event held at a Covid-secure venue in the heart of London, with excellent rail, tube and road links. PowerEx is organised by one of the leading publications companies in the field of power generation and energy today, Power Media International Group Ltd Power Media International Group Ltd publishes Worldwide Independent Power, UK Power News, Middle East Power, Euro Power News, Africa Power News, Independent Power Asia and American Power News.
Held on December,8th2022, at the prestigious Park Plaza London,Westminster,Hotel,PowerEx Live 2022, organised by the Power InternationalMedia Group Ltd, continues to attract leading companies and key power speakers, along with exhibitors from the Critical Power sector. These include: Generator Power, Bergen Engines UK, Wernick Power, Cummins Generator Technologies, Clarke Energy, Aksa, Crestchic, Durr Universal, HMS Industrial Networks, Industrial Power Systems, IPU Group, Leroy Somer|NIDEC, Mecc Alte, BGG UK, Scania, MHM Group, Volvo, YorPower, Edina, Eminox and many more. Companies who have recently reserved exhibition slots include: AKSA, Scania, Lister Petter Engine Co., MEMS, Edina and Teksan, reports the organiser, Power Media International Group Ltd (PMIG). Register for free: attendees have the chance to learn from energy experts within several key fields: Gen-Sets, CHP, District Energy, Engines, Emissions, Rental, Hydrogen, Distributed Energy, Fuels, Grid Codes, Data Centres, Batteries, Energy Storage, Fuels, Noise Reduction, Gen-Set Statistics and Industry Consultants.
PowerExLive update: Free to attend conferences on 8th December 2022 GREAT SPEAKERS lined up so far for the Networking, Power & Industry event at the Park Plaza, London:
*Romain Mocaer - Market statistics - diesel & gas Generator market 2023-24
*Dave Andrews - CHP/Cogeneration market More info: http://www.powerexlive.co.uk
“Your company’s leadership in reducing emissions intensity at a time when the fight against global warming remains an overarching issue – this cannot be under stated.” Named a climate leader, WPD joins some of the biggest names in European business including BMW, Balfour Beatty, EDF, Mercedes and PWC. Jill Russell, WPD Environment Manager, said: “Receiving such prestigious recognition vindicates our commitment to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and is a testament to the efforts of staff across the company.
Researchers assessed two criteria: •Scope one emissions – those produced directly by company premises, including heating and cooling, and in the production of •Scopegoodstwo emissions – those from generat ing energy used by companies WPD, which distributes electricity to almost eight million customers in the South West, Wales and the Midlands, reduced such emissions by more than 10% from 2015-20.

GAS GENERATOR SET GXE, GRS Series PowerLink Engine 10KW-350KW Since 2012, PowerLink group has launched GXE, GRS series PowerLink gas gensets, powered by PowerLink, are equipped with cost-effective engine and high-quality spare parts, covering power range from 10kw to 350kw with open type, soundproof type, mini container type and container type for your selection. Our units are distributed in Europe, South America, Russia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and other countries. They are providing continuous and stable power on the project sites, bringing excellent benefits to owners and www.powerlinkenergy.cominvestors. | Tel: +44(0)1977 689100

LOADBANKS for GENERATORS THE TRUSTED TESTINGLOADFORNAME www.crestchicloadbanks.com Sales & Rental Offices in : UK, North America, Singapore, Germa Crestchic Limited, Second Avenue, Centrum 100, Burton upon Tre T: +44 (0)1283 531645 F: +44 (0)1283 510103 E: sales@crestchi INNIO* is among the world’s leaders in CHP and CCHP solutions. Power your business with INNIO’s flexible and innovative Jenbacher* CHP and CCHP energy systems, which deliver power, heat and/or cooling for your local site. With up to 95 % total efficiency, cogeneration can reduce your energy consumption and CO2 emissions by more than 30 % compared to the separate generation of power and heat for significantly lower energy costs. Combined with heat storage, you can operate your asset flexibly. INNIO’s CHP and CCHP systems run on a wide range of gases with the option of converting to CO2-free H2** operation once that fuel is more readily available. Join us on our path for a sustainable future! innio.com * Indicates a trademark. ** Optional scope on demand. BUSINESSYOURPOWER With efficient energy and economics ENERGY SOLUTIONS. EVERYWHERE, EVERY TIME.

Doosan Škoda Power has delivered a 270MW steam turbine for the Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill in Kemi, Finland. The Kemi bioproduct mill produces 1.5 million tonnes of softwood and hardwood pulp per year, as well as other bioproducts. The new mill will produce 2.0TWh of renewable electricity every year, equivalent to about 2.5% of Finland’s total electricity production.
The mill will have an electricity self-sufficiency rate of 250%, will operate without using any fossil fuels will supply surplus electricity to the national grid.
Both initiatives will be led by GE Gas Power and conducted at GE’s Global Technology Center in Green ville, South Carolina. As part of these projects, GE will conduct cutting-edge research for gas turbine decarbonisation in close collaboration with industrial companies and educational institutions.JohnIntile, Vice President, Engineering at GE Power, said: “As one of the world’s leaders in combustion technology, GE Gas Power is leading technology and manufacturing advance ments in the power generation industry to enable low or zero-carbon power generation.”
GE Gas Power has secured $4.2 million in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E). The funding is part of the ARPA-E OPEN 2021 program, which prioritizes the advancement of transformational technologies supporting a more decarbonised energy system.
GE Gas Power’s funding is focused on two projects entitled combustion“Lifted-flameforhigh-hydro gen reheat gas turbines” and “Manufacturing high-yield investment castings with minimal energy.”
The EU’s F-gas regulation, which outlines key dates for the pro hibition of SF6 in medium voltage (MV) electrical equipment, in cluding new installations of SF6 gas insulated switchgear (GIS), aims to reduce potent and harmful greenhouse gas emissions, including Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6), by two-thirds by 2030 compared to 2014 levels, reports ABB. The 2022 proposal outlines important new proposed regulations designed to phase out the use of SF6 – an established but environ mentally harmful insulating gas which is 25,200 times more potent than CO2. This has been made possible with the development of SF6 alternatives paving the way for this level of regulation, i ncluding pioneering products within ABB’s ecoGIS™ portfolio.
The turbine itself has a tailor-made condensing turbine section solution and is equipped with two steam bleed connections of different pressure levels.Jindřich Závodný, project manager at Doosan Škoda Power, told WIP:.
Getech, the geoenergy and green hydrogen com pany, has signed a $1.1 million multi-year contract with a major international energy company for its ‘Globe’ platform and launched the next generation of this innovative tool that models the Earth’s evolution over the last 400 million years. The new Globe sale demonstrates the continued strong demand for Getech’s products. Approximately one third of this revenue will be recognised in the c urrent financial year, with the balance over the subsequent two-year period. Globe synthesises geo science data into a ‘digital twin’ of the Earth - modelling geologic, climatic, and oceanographic systems to provide unique insight into energy processes.
Drawing on the success of multiple SF6-free projects in the field since 2015 for 12 to 40.5 kV MV ecoGIS with reliable low-pressure design, a new new whitepaper from ABB contains valuable informa tion which engineers and specifiers need to know to make a success of their product selection, piloting, and specification shift. Regular buyers of ABB products will already be familiar with PrimeGear™ ZX0, available with insulating Dry Air or AirPlus™. This switchgear is also available as an optional eco-ready panel to ensure maximum flexibility, allowing you to buy with SF6 inside that can be easily refilled with AirPlus in the future. It is future focused, ready to sup port the digitalization of all your operations, says ABB.
Doosan Škoda Power will also deliver a generator, condenser, and rest of the accessories for the steam turbine as part of the contract, .
“Despite all these challenges and thanks to the extraordinary effort, our team managed to deliver in full as per the client requirements.
“The engineering, procurement and manufacturing phase of the project has been a challenge due to the previous COVID-19 restrictions, which caused significant delays together with increase in the raw material costs.
“Heavy lifts have currently been carried out on the construction site, mechan ical assembly continues, and com missioning will follow. We are staying focused to keeping up the good work.“
11WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER NEWSAUGUST www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com2022

GenCell Energy, a leading provider of hydrogen and ammonia to power fuel cell solutions, has entered a strategic partnership with the ONEC Group, a mid-sized Canadian project delivery company which has been providing exceptional EPC&M (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Maintenance) services for over 20 years. Together the two companies aim to grow the presence of GenCell’s backup and off-grid power solutions across North America. Appreciating the strong business potential for GenCell’s hydrogen and ammonia-based products in the Alberta region, where investment in hydrogen infrastructure is rapidly expanding in alignment with the establishment of a regional Hydrogen Hub, the ONEC Group has purchased three GenCell BOX™ backup power solutions to jumpstart the partners’ collaboration. Over the past year, ONEC, which was looking at the hydrogen market as part of its transition to renewables, has successfully deployed a first joint pilot project incorporating the GenCell hydrogen fuel cell module within a self-contained mobile generator. This has been adapted to the Canadian climate and regulatory systems and transported to the ATCO Power Nisku Alberta site where it will run as an emergency power source for a year.
The Kepco consortium saw off competition from the local ACWA Power and local Al-Jomaih consortiums to be appointed for the Jafurah ISPP scheme.
The project will be developed under a public-private partnership (PPP) structure, with the successful developer signing offtake agreements for power and steam production.
The Jafurah gas development is part of Aramco’s US$3.2bn resources programme, which aims to develop shale gas in three areas of the Kingdom in line with the Vision 2030 masterplan of selfsufficient in gas supplies.
The capacity of the project is almost identical to the previous tender, however the planned commissioning date for the two phases of steam production have been pushed back respectively.
The cogeneration plans is planned to have a power generation capacity of 270-320MW.Forthelow-pressure (LP) steam capacity, the project is planned to process a demand of 140 klb/hr by 2024 and 373 Klb/hr by 2028. For the high pressure (HP) steam capacity, the target is for the scheme to process 112 Klb/hr by 2024 and 321 Klb/hr by 2028.
Using Hitachi Energy’s HVDC Light technology, SuedLink DC4 will transfer up to 2,000 MW of emission-free electricity, enough to power 5 million German house holds. The link will efficiently transmit electricity for 550 kilometers underground, at ±525 kilovolts, sending wind power from the north to the industrial south, or alterna tively solar power from the south to the north when needed. Hitachi Energy will supply an HVDC Light converter station at each end of SuedLink DC4 to convert AC power from the transmitting grid to DC for delivery through the link, and back to AC for transfer to the receiving grid. The contract includes three cable section stations to speed up fault detection in the link. As part of its long-term commitment to Germany’s energy transition, Hitachi Energy has recently won or completed orders for solutions that integrate largescale renewables. These include the convert er stations for the NordLink HVDC interconnector be tween Germany and Norway, the converter stations for the connection of the 900megawatt DolWin5 offshore wind farm in the German North Sea, the Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution which connects the German power grids with two offshore wind farms.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engineering (MHIENG) will deploy its carbon capture technologies at a Canadian power plant this year. As part of a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study awarded by power company Capital Power Corp, a CO2 capture plant will be installed at the repowered Genesee Generating Station Units 1 & 2 in Alberta, Canada. The units are owned by Capital Power and incorpo rate natural gas-fired gas turbines. MHIENG said its Advanced KM CDR Process will be deployed at these stations. The total expected amount of captured CO2 will be approximately 3 million tonnes per year. The captured CO2 will be transported and sequestered underground. For the execution of the FEED study,
AUGUST 2022NEWS 12 WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com
Hitachi Energy has won a major order from TenneT and TransnetBW, two of Germany’s transmissionoperators,transmissionfoursystemtosupplyasolution for the SuedLink DC4 highvoltage direct current (HVDC) southbetweeninterconnectionthenorthandofthecountry.
Saudi Aramco has received bids from three groups for the Jafurah ISPP project, after the bid submission date was extended from the original 5 December deadline. The project was retendered in 2021 after the original tender was cancelled in 2020.

“Renewable hydrogen will play a pivotal role in the energy system of the future and this project is an important first step.”
AKSA has supplied two 1400 kVA for a large hotel chain located in the Zeytinburnu region. Equipped with a PERKINS 4012-46TWG2A engine, a Mecc Alte ECO 43-2L/4A alternators and a DSE 7320 control unit, the AP 1400 units provide optimum per formance and reliability.
GENSETS: TWO 1400 KVA GENSETS FOR A LARGE HOTEL CHAIN IN THE ZEYTINBURNU REGION, TURKEY Shell has committed to building the Holland Hydrogen I, which it said will be Europe’s largest renewable hydrogen once in operation in 2025. The 200MW electrolyser will be constructed on the Tweede Maasvlakte in the port of Rotterdam and will produce up to 60,000 kilograms of renewable hydrogen per day. The renewable power for the electrolyzer will come from the offshore wind farm Hollandse Kust (noord), which is partly owned by Shell. The renewable hydrogen produced will supply the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, by way of the HyTransPort pipeline, where it will replace some of the grey hydrogen usage in the refinery, Shell announced. This will partially decarbonize the facility’s production of energy products like petrol and diesel and jet fuel. As heavy-duty trucks are coming to market and refuelling networks grow, renewable hydrogen supply can also be directed toward these to help in decarbonizing commercial road transport.
“Holland Hydrogen I demonstrates how new energy solutions can work together to meet society’s need for cleaner energy. It is also another example of Shell’s own efforts and commitment to become a net-zero emissions business by 2050,” said Anna Mascolo, executive vice president, emerging energy solutions at Shell.
Local distributor Cummins Allesso was responsible for the installa tion of QSK95 generator (3MW) with UL certified acoustic booth for Data centre application. The QSK95 G-Drive engine delivers radically improved power capability for power generation applications. The QSK95 engine is one of the most advanced technology engines designed with the end user applications in mind to achieve clean er and more efficient performance. Featuring advanced technology fuel injection that works to deliver faster power delivery and combined with a quad-turbocharging system to boost transient response. As a result, the QSK95 G-Drive engine has the best in class transient performance, capable of meeting ISO G3 standards. With over 5050-hp (3767 kW) output from 16 cylinders, the QSK95 surpass es other high-speed engines. In terms of emissions capability and power density, the QSK95 is way ahead of much larger medium-speed engines with a similar output.
13WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER NEWSAUGUST www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com2022
The gensets are suitable for stationary standby, prime power, and continuous duty applications. All generator sets are factory built, and production tested. The 4012-46TWG2A is a 12-cylinder 46 L turbocharged diesel engine. This reliable engine is a part of Perkins 4000 range of diesel engines. The 4012-46TWG2A is currently manufac tured in Stafford, UK. The Perkins build list for this engine model begins DGKM. The 4012-46TWG2A runs at 50 Hz and is a very capable and versatile engine. It also has the option of coming with a temperate or tropical radiator. The turbocharged and air to water cooled engine requires 177 L of oil for lubrication, 196 L of coolant for the watercooling system and has a total dis placement of 45.842L. The power output of the Perkins 4012-46TWG2A is 1641 horsepow er (1224 kWm) at 1500 RPM and an excellent power to weight ratio. The engine can be used at Prime (PRP), Standby (ESP) and Continuous (COP) ratings in a diesel generator and will cover most generator power requirements around the world. The Perkins 4012-46TWG2A fuel consumption depends on its load. At 1500 rpm prime power it is has the following fuel consumption (percent of prime power):At 50% it uses 143 litres/hr At 75% it uses 196 litres/hr.

Fuel cell manufacturer GenCell has installed a unique hydrogen-based Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system at the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Israel. The breakthrough fuel cell backup technology is a first for an Israeli hospital, with the innovative solution guaranteed to keep the power on 24/7 for critical life-saving equipment and procedures. Located in Hadera, the Hillel Yaffe Medical Center serves a population of 450,000 and the UPS system will not only keep patients safe and ensure continuity of care, but the use of hydrogen will also reduce the hospital’s environmental impact and cut operating costs by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Hillel Yaffe is already respected globally for its progressive approach to sustainability; it was the first hospital in Israel to be granted the ‘Green Label’ certificate from the Standards Institution of Israel and the Environ ment Ministry.
The center invested in hydrogen-based backup to reduce its dependence on polluting diesel generators. The decision followed an in-depth energy cost analysis which revealed the limited backup capacity of the hospital’s diesel generators – where even a momentarily delay between grid and generator can cause sensitive, computerized medical equipment to malfunction, which in turn could have devastating consequences.
ENERGEN has supplied and commissioned an 830 kVA diesel generator with Doosan engine. A spokesman comments: “As the first step of our production, another Doosan engine is now on the stage with a Crompton alternator. This is also destined for residential project in Bucharest. When finished this will provide 830 kVA in power.” Backup generators are an important resource for any residential zone where power could be lost to power elevators, heating, lighting or cooling systems. The growth in charging points for Electric Vehicles has also underlined the issue of being grid-dependent, especially in Romania, reports the company IN BRIEF
Marco Steardo, Industry Director of Edison Next said:“Our mission is to lead clients along their decarbonization journey, empowering businesses in being competitive on the market. To achieve this objective, we collaborate with leading international companies offering in novative technologies and expertise. The partnership with Bergen Engines is key to achieve the target of this important project.”
AUGUST 2022 14 WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com NEWS
Bergen Engines has signed a contract with the energy and environmental services company Edison Next for the delivery of two hydrogen ready gensets to a power plant in Italy. Edison Next is a 100% owned subsidiary of Edison and this delivery will be part of their agreement to increase the energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of the Michelin plant in Cuneo.
Bergen Engines has committed that these engines will be able to run on a fuel blend with 10% volume hydrogen and 90 % volume natural gas.
The new high-efficiency trigeneration plant will be supplying electricity, heat and cooling for the industrial processes of the tire factory in Cuneo – which is Michelin’s largest production site in the Western Europe with an installed production capacity of 13 million car tires per year.It will be powered by two 11,7 MWe gas gensets, incorporating a 20cylinder variant of the new powerful Bergen B36:45 engines series.
Emilio Cosso, Managing Director of Bergen Engines (Italia) S.r.l., told WIP: “We are pleased to continue our long partnership with Edison Next on this important project. Aiming for zero carbon emissions, our commit ment to operate on a hydrogen fuel blend is an important step in the decarbonization of our customers’ operations.“TheNorwegian engine manufacturer is currently conducting a comprehensive test programme towards zero carbon emission engines, to allow for a gradual transition from liquid natural gas to 100% green hydrogen fuel. The aim is to have a commercial solution on the market which will accept hydrogen content of up to 60%.”

The Ghaddar Machinery team in Nigeria has installed a complete power system for La Regia Airport Hotel. The system now provides an uninterrupted hassle-free operation for the hotel. The featured project consists of a synchronized power system including Ghaddar 150 KVA and 200 KVA generators powered by John Deere engines 6068HF158 and 6068HFG20 and Leroy Somer alternators TAL044J and TAL044M with the needed synchronizing and totalizing panel and fuel system.
The use of HVO, hydrotreated vegetable oil, whether pure or blended with conventional diesel, does not require any specific engine modifications or upgrades. However, exhaust gas aftertreatment system remains necessary where already provided. Unlike conventional biofuels that take resources away from agriculture and contribute in part to deforestation, HVO is a renewable fuel that can be produced from various vegetable oils and fats: it is derived from biological waste and, free of fossil-derived oils, is a 100% recycled product. In addition, depending on the raw material used in its production, it leads to a reduction in overall CO2 emissions of up to 90%. Engine exhaust emissions also benefit directly, given the very low sulphur content. This announcement marks anoth er step toward Kohler’s new roadmap, which for the first time outlined its strategy for a more sustainable future at the Bauma Media Dialog in Munich.Among the new pillars of the strategy, alternative fuels are aimed at raising awareness of lowcarbon, more economical and logistically manageable fuels. The emphasis, as always, is on innovation and the use of technologies to guide the company toward the green transition, without losing sight of the different needs of OEMs, and keeping engine performance high. -
The TAL044M, on the other hand, is the largest alternator from Leroy Somer’s TAL044M range. The single bearing alternator can be paired with the majority of diesel engines to make an efficient diesel generator. The alternator is a popular choice for prime and standby power applications across a variety of industries such as telecom and commercial. This alternator is also available with an auxiliary wound, shunt or PMG excitation system. Gensets provide essential backup power across a nation which is plagued with rolling power blackouts.
All Kohler diesel-fuelled engines are approved to use HVO in the United States, in line with ASTM D975 standard. This confirmation comes just a few months after European compliance was announced. In February, in fact, Kohler had announced approval to use HVO for all its diesel engines in Europe, in line with the EN15940 standard.
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Following the acquisition of SimpliPhi Power, a California supplier of energy storage technology, Briggs & Stratton Energy Solutions has released the SimpliPhi Energy Storage System (ESS). This is an integrated, scalable solution with proprietary hardware and software designed to enable residential and commercial customers to store, manage and control energy from multiple generation sources to achieve power security and daily cost savings.Theall-new integrated ESS comes as an answer to the rising demand for access to reliable, safe and affordable energy serving both residential and commercial markets, the company said. “Both Briggs & Stratton and SimpliPhi Power have a longstanding history of providing energy solutions built with quality and dependability as the high est priority,” said Tom Rugg, senior vice president and president. “Coming together as one company, we’ve successfully leveraged the team’s complementary expertise to deliver more choice and more control than ever before.”
The alternator has a single bearing design which makes it compatible with most diesel engines. The alternator is available with either a PMG, shunt or auxiliary wound excitation system.
The Leroy Somer TAL044J is a proven alternator from the TAL044 range. The four pole, three phase alternator has been engineered to meet the demands for prime and standby power applications across the telecom, industrial and commercial markets.

GeniWatt has provided and commissioned these four FGW diesel gener ators and also gives mechanical maintenance services. Technicians has joined the four gensets into a single 4 MW network which then supplies two 500 kW pumps.
Powered by the internationally renowned Perkins engine the Pramac GSW45P 45kVA 36kw three-phase diesel generator range is the ideal solution for your power needs. The generator is said to be suitable for multiple applications such as, commercial building supplyas well as back up & standby power.
“This is a major milestone in the development of our energy storage investment strategy,” said Tommaso Albanese, Head of Infrastructure, UBS Asset Management. “We look forward to continuing to work with strategic partners to build out the portfolio in markets across the US.”
Proven in the field, the 730 - 2500 kVA range of generator sets is capable of providing reliable power for critical applications including: mini power stations, data centres, large factories, airports, hospitals, large retail stores, and the financial sector. A 50C package option is available to ensure efficient operation in high ambient temperatures. Custom-built weatherproof and acoustic enclosures can be tailored to suit any application. Providing easy person nel access and separate components for cooling, the units make genera tor set installation and maintenance as quick and easy as possible even in high desert temperatures.
“These battery storage systems will enable the company to better understand how best to deploy utility scale batteries across our service territory, support grid reliability, and ultimately enable the inte gration of more renewable generation resources.”
“We are excited to have completed this deal with UBS Asset Management, a true innovator in sustainable alternative investment .”
Pramac Ibérica has supplied three generator sets for the expansion of the Port of Nacala, in Mozambique. These GSW generators (1 x 2,500 kVA + 1 x 800 kVA + 1 x 500 kVA diesel generators) feature 2,500kVA and 500 and 800kVA, of medium and low voltage, respectively, are intended to support the activity of stowage and unloading cranes and other services of the port activity.
The AC-coupled BESS is a 10 megawatt, 4-hour system which seeks to align peak production with peak load demand. It is the first BESS in the country to utilise CATL battery cells and key componentsDynapowerwith RES’s RESolve EMS controller.
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“The completion of this pilot project represents a milestone for RES and Dominion as it paves the way for additional energy storage projects needed to support a carbon free future,” said John Rohde, CEO of RES in the Americas. “We couldn’t be more proud to have partnered alongside a company as dedicated to providing clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy as Dominion Energy. This is a huge achievement for everyone involved.”
“This portfolio is comprised of strategically selected, diversified projects in locations which are wellpositioned for the current state of the market, as well as the dynamic growth Texas will experience in the coming years,” said, Ken-Ichi Hino, Portfolio Manager, Energy Storage Infrastructure, UBS Asset Management.
Distributor GeniWatt has provided a combined total of 1,000KVA in four diesel gensets for Somaliland, a self-proclaimed republic in northwestern Somalia. One of GeniWatt’s technicians discovered this business prospect in the region during the establishment of a new water drilling station. This sta tion, using 13 boreholes and 2 pumps, allows water to be transported 20 km further into the capital of Somaliland, Hargeisa.
RES, one of the world’s largest independent renewable energy company, has announced the successful completion of the Scott Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) pilot project constructed on behalf of client, Dominion Energy. The 12MW/48MWh project consists of three independent systems located at one site - an AC-coupled Battery Energy Storage System and two DC-coupled Battery Energy Storage Systems retrofitted to an existing solar PV facility - the first project of its kind in Virginia, USA.
UBS Asset Management has announced the acquisition of five standalone, (BMES).Mountaininenergydevelopment-stagestorageprojectsTexasfromBlackEnergyStorage This marks an important milestone following the establishment of the Energy Storage Infrastructure team in 2021, adding significant volume to the development pipeline. The projects will provide flexibility, responsiveness, and dispatchability to the ERCOT grid once operational inThese2024. capabilities make energy storage a critical component of grid reliability and a key technol ogy for the energy transition, helping ERCOT and the Texas consumers it serves benefit from innovation and more economic sources of energy.
“We are in the midst of a clean energy transition and this pilot project at Scott Solar is laying the foundation for a cleaner energy future,” said Ed Baine, President of Dominion Energy Virginia.

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expertsNoisecontrolKeepingyourworldclean,quiet, and safe. Dürr Universal is a global leader in the design and manufacture of inlet and exhaust systems for gas turbines and reciprocating engines in the OEM and retrofit markets. www.durr-universal.com Dürr UnitedLimitedKingdom Phone +44 1455 8944 88 Email solutions@universalaet.com

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plants, oil rigs, petrochemicals plants, pharmaceutical plants, the food & beverage industry, etc.
An uninterruptible power supply is a vital support system to ensure the continued operation of industrial grade infrastructure. Uninterruptible power supply systems are commonly used to support critical infrastructure during a primary failure. Furthermore, in the case of a short-lived power failure, the industrial-grade uninterruptible power supply can supply the crucial infrastructure with power stored within its battery until the mains power supply is restored. Diesel generators are most used for power backup in major industrial applications. However, due to the rise in pollution levels caused by diesel generators, many countries in the world are banning the use of diesel generators. Diesel generators burn diesel and emit carbon dioxide, carbon mon oxide, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter. In many industrial applications, companies are using the uninterruptible power supply system for short-term blackouts.
The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) market is expected to register a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 4.44% during the forecast period, reaching the value of US$13.42 billion in 2027 from US$10 billion in 2020.
The industrial uninterruptible power supply systems are installed in rugged environments. As in any industrial setting, the interruption of AC power may cause dangerous process instability or cause expensive damage to processing systems.
The COVID-19 pandemic affected various industries, including the uninterruptible power supply market. The outbreak impacted the sales and operations of many UPS manufacturers, causing them to shut down their manufacturing plants. There has been a ban on exports by Asia-Pacific countries, due to which a few market players globally are facing disruptions in the supply chain.
In Industry, the uninterruptible power supplies are used in a number of applications, including nuclear power
According to Mordor Intelligence the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) market is segmented by Capacity (Less than 10 kVA, 10100 kVA, and Above 100 kVA). It further breaks down into type: (Standby UPS System, Online UPS System, and Line-Interactive UPS System), Application (Data Centres, Telecommunications, Healthcare (Hospitals, Clinics, etc.), Industrial, and Other Applications). Finally, it can be viewed geographically: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle-East and Africa.
Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing market during the forecast period, with a majority of the demand coming from China, Japan, India, Australia, etc.
The rising trend of IoT and smart buildings, a growing number of data centers worldwide, the growing trend of virtualization and cloud computing, and the growing adoption of multi-cloud and network upgrades are expected to drive the UPS market globally during the forecast period up to 2027. Also, there is a significant demand surge for reliable power solutions that can support large-scale manufacturing facilities is expected to drive the UPS market. However, the high cost of online UPS and a few limitations of UPS for protecting heavy appliances from power failure may negatively impact the market’s growth.Theindustrial segment is expected to dominate the market growth during the forecast period. Technological advancements in UPS battery systems, such as new lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries with high operating temperatures, are expected to create immense opportunities in traditional data centres. UPS systems can also be installed as a backup system when the electricity grid fails, thereby creating new opportunities in the future.
Furthermore, these environments have a higher ambient temperature and more contamination in the air, so uninterruptible power supply systems are meant to tolerate extreme temperatures and moderate amounts of non-conductive dust.

The scope of work under this contract includes the design, fabrication, delivery, and installation of the new crane with a lift capacity of 680 tons, as well as a 15-ton monorail hoist, a 5-ton maintenance hoist, bird deterrent systems and closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems. Construction of the new crane is expected be complete by 2026.
After 60 years of operation and successful obtainment of a new 50-year federal operating license in 2007, the Niagara Power Project remains the crown jewel and flagship foundation of New York’s power infrastructure and growing clean energy economy.
It was determined that REEL COH was the best value bidder based on its competitive pricing, experience, and its submission of a well-thoughtout project execution plan.
www.nypa.gov The New York Power Authority (NYPA) Board of Trustees on Tuesday approved the award of a competitively-bid contract, valued up to $37,984,000 to REEL COH, Inc. of Boisbriand, Canada, to fabricate, deliver and install a new gantry crane with a lifting capacity of 680 tons for the Power Authority’s Niagara Power Project in Lewiston in Niagara County, USA. The new crane is critical tool that will help enable the power project’s 15-year modernization and digitization program titled Next Generation Niagara (NGN) and support NYPA’s leadership role in advancing the bold climate action goals as outlined in the state’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. “The Niagara Power Project’s overhead gantry crane is the workhorse that makes possible all the of the plant’s mechanical upgrades, especially those related to our $1.1 billion multi-year Next Generation Niagara effort to modernize and extend the life of New York’s flagship clean energy plant,” said NYPA Interim President and CEO Justin E. Driscoll. “Many of the efforts to digitize the project are already underway, but a new crane is essential for planned ma jor mechanical upgrades. We are pleased to have REEL COH help us achieve our bold goal to modernize and digitize our foundational hydroelectric plant so we can continue to consistently provide clean energy to our customers and New Yorkers across the state.”
The new crane will play an integral role in NGN and will be rated to carry loads 50 tons greater than its predecessor. The NGN program improvements include replacing aging equipment with the latest machinery that reflects advanced digital technologies for optimizing the hydroelectric project’s performance. In addition to the crane replacement which enables the disassembly and reassembly of the generating units, Next Generation Niagara encompasses three other
The first turbine outage to update the plant’s mechanical components is scheduled to begin in April 2023. Following the collapse of Niagara Mohawk’s Schoellkopf Power Station in 1956 and the elimination of tens of thousands of jobs in the Niagara region and nearly 25 percent of the city’s tax base, the Federal Power Commission issued a license in 1957 to the New York Power Authority to redevelop Niagara Falls’ hydroelectric power. The Power Authority employed 11,700 workers and within three years, 12 million cubic yards of rock were excavated. The herculean effort led to the con struction of a massive main structure that is 1,840 feet long, 580 feet wide and 384 feet high. When the Niagara Power Project produced its first power in 1961, it was the largest hydropower facility in the Western world and President John F. Kennedy called it “an example to the world of North American efficiency and determination.”
Launched in 2019, Next Generation Niagara will extend the operating life of the Niagara Power Project, the largest source of clean electricity in New York State and one of the country’s largest hydroelectric projects. Next Generation Niagara is focusing primarily on the 13 power generating units that make up the project’s Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant. Standing 70 feet high and 60 feet wide, the project’s bright red overhead crane (dubbed “Big Red” by plant staff) rolls along rail tracks at the project’s main generating facility, lifting rotors and other major components for maintenance and repairs. It is original to the plant and is nearing the end of its useful life.
1)projects:Design and implementation of an inspection platform to conduct comprehensive inspections of the Robert Moses Plant’s penstocks. This is the 485 foot conduits which are 26 feet in diameter along the face of the project designed to carry water from the forebay to the 2)generators;turbineUpgrading and digitizing control systems and building a new back-up control room and 3) Overhaul and/or replacement of mechanical components that have reached the end of their operating life, for which the new crane will play an integral role.

Crucial Expertise for Critical Applications. More details at www.ipu.co.uk IPU Group, Cygnus Way, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 0XB. Telephone +44 (0)121 511 0400 MEMB ER FUEL FILTRATION AND CONDITIONING REMEDIAL WORKOFTEC INSPECTIONS TRUSTED KNOWLEDGE. TAILORED SOLUTIONS. If you have concerns about fuel quality, speak to an experienced IPU fuel expert about our industry-leading fuel and environmental managed services. We can offer everything you need to keep your fuel in peak condition from environmental compliance through OFTEC surveys to subsequent remedial recommendations, installation of polishing systems and scheduled maintenance routines. And, as a leading OEM in fuel systems, we are in a unique position to design and manufacture the solution most tailored to your needs. With decades of experience in the global Oil and Gas sector, operating in some of the world’s most demanding ATEX environments, we fully understand the hazards and challenges you may face – which is why you can rely on our pro-active and undiluted support at all times.

NG Bailey, a leading independent engineering, and services business awarded Edina the contract to design, engineer, and install the CHP plant. The 2.3MWe CHP plant is containerised within an attenuated acoustic enclosure engineered at Edina’s in-house packaging facility and was recently delivered to site and positioned within a purpose-built energy centre situated on the University East Campus.
Edina will commission the CHP plant in late 2002, and once fully operational, Edina will provide longterm asset-care coverage to ensure plant operation, energy security and availability.TheUniversity’s latest CHP plant accompanies the sites existing two CHP plants to provide the University with a total power output of 5.4MW electrical capacity.
As a recognised CHP supplier and total solutions partner, we manage the end-to-end delivery of your CHP plant from design, engineering, installation, commissioning, and ongoing asset-care requirements, helping reduce risk, interfacing, and ambiguity - all from one point of contact. For more information about our CHP capabilities and to discuss CHP provision for your business, please visit Edina at www.edina.eu
What is CHP?
Manage costs and improve energy resilience
Combined Heat and Power can save up to 30% on primary energy costs when compared to the separate purchase of electricity from the electricity grid and gas for use in on-site boilers.
Edina, a recognised on-site power generation and energy storage solution provider has delivered its third Combined Heat and Power (CHP) project at the University of York, a leading educational institution.Thelatest CHP plant comprises a 2.3MWe MWM TCG 3020 V20 gas engine and associated equipment and joins two existing CHP plants rated 1.56MWe each also engineered, installed, and maintained by Edina. The additional CHP plant is part of ongoing energy-efficiency measures to manage energy costs, improve sustainability, and on-site energy resilience for the University.
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CHP is the cogeneration of heat and electricity from a single fuel and is a highly efficient form of energy conversion using gas engines.
Adam Bloom, Head of Sales, Edina, said: “This project is unique in the way we created bespoke artwork around three sides of the container perimeter to visualise the internal components and workings of the CHP plant. This requirement forms part of an expansive learning initiative designed to engage the university students and staff on the energy-efficient technologies powering their campus and facilities whilst educating the university’s engineers of tomorrow.”

The new genset includes TPEM Plant Control features: hardware and software from the same manufacturer for comprehensive plant control analysis and optimum plant control combined in a single remote maintenance solutions that are always available plant performance with maximum availability and reliability
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Improved Economic Efficiency
•Improved electrical efficiency of up to 45 percent (natural gas)/43.6 percent (biogas), total efficiency of more than 87 percent (natural gas)/86 percent (biogas)
As a holistic partner, MWM not only delivers cogeneration plants and gas gensets with an excellent efficiency at attractive prices, but also provides competent advice and service for the development of integrated CHP plants and power plant concepts in order to exploit the entire value chain of decentralized energy generation. Combined heat and power plants with gas engine gensets can easily and inexpensively be integrated in existing plants. The combustion of gas releases mechanical energy which the generator converts into power. The heat produced in the engine can be used with the help of heat exchangers. Basically, distinction can be made between power and heat-led combined heat and power plants. Cogeneration is usually heat-lead. This means that the plant runs when heat is needed, and the resulting power is fed into the national grid.
The TCG 3020 is an all-rounder with intelligent and safe plant control. It has higher output and profitability alongside compact design. It is flexible in terms of fuels - and can be used in natural gas, biogas, landfill gas, and propane gas applications
The TCG 3020 Gas Genset
The MWM TCG 3020 gas genset The MWM TCG 3020 gas genset effectively balances efficiency and reliability. It delivers up to 18 percent more output than its predecessor, though its dimensions are almost the same.
•Compared to the predecessor model, the TCG 3020 features the same size, a more compact design, and up to 18 percent more output.
1,380 - 2,300 kWel
Thanks to its high reliability and profitability, the new gas genset - with an output of 1,380 to 2,300 kWel - is ready for the challenges of Industry 4.0. Through the use of the digital power plant control TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management), the gas gensets are able to reach their full performance for maximum plant availability, capacity, and usability.
The gas gensets have the following benefits: service intervals with up to 80,000 operating hours until the next general overhaul (if the gas quality is and operating costs through increased performance and low oil consumption of only 0.15 g/ kWhel.
Higher Efficiency and Performance
The tried-and-tested TCG 3020 series has been supplemented with a new variant. In the Z configuration, the MWM TCG 3020 V20 gas genset runs on propane; in this way, the genset delivers a high performance density even at high altitudes. To ensure high quality and availability of the plant, the TCG 3020 V20 Z has undergone an extensive text cycle.
•Flexible use for various applications and gas types, such as natural gas, biogas, APG, and propane gas
TCG 3020 V20 in Z Configuration: HighPerformance Propane Operation
The genset offers best electrical efficiency of up to 45 percent (natural gas) and 43.6 percent (biogas).
Some essential points:
The TCG 3020 and Cogeneration – Combined Heat, Power and Cooling (CHP) Combined energy generation or the use of power and heat or cold typically enables energy savings of up to 60 percent compared to separate gener ation in power plants with additional boilers.Power generation is decentralized, i.e. generation takes place where power or heat is needed. In turn, the heat can be fed into a local or district heating network or be used for generating steam.
The genset is available for parallel operation with the most important grid codes and for island-mode operation with improved load response. Moreover, the engine allows for alternate operation with natural gas.
Additionally, the new model features long service intervals with up to 80,000 operating hours until the next general overhaul (if the gas quality is high) and a total efficiency of more than 87 percent (with natural gas).
•State-of-the-art technologies enable an output of 1,380 to 2,300 kWel and application-optimized engine types

Raven SR, a US-based energy company, will make use of INNIO’s hydrogen-ready Jenbacher engines in their hydrogen production facility at a sanitary landfill in Richmond, California.
According to INNIO, the collaboration with Raven’s technology offers a renewable hydrogen alternative to electrolysis, uses less electricity and has no need for fresh water.
Matt Murdock, CEO of Raven SR, said: “The Jenbacher engines are a very important element for us to realize our objective of producing renewable hydrogen with our non-combustion Steam/CO2 Reformation Process, independent of the grid.”
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INNIO’s ESG Risk Rating places it number one of more than 500 world wide companies in the Machinery industry assessed by Sustainalytics.
Dr Olaf Berlien, President and CEO of INNIO, explains: “We are proud to collaborate with Raven on this hydrogen industry first, which is a milestone in the interconnecting of transportation and industry with the power producing sector.” He concludes: “This project produces onsite renewable hydrogen from waste, uses a blend of hydrogen to generate energy to power operations, and provides renewable hydrogen for the transportation industry. This is a model example of how innovation can enable sector coupling which will be critical on the global path to net zero.”
Raven SR, led by co-founders Matt Murdock and Matt Scanlon, says it is committed to adding value to local resources and communities while re sponsibly reducing greenhouse gases and achieving a low carbon economy. By using modular systems and producing low air emissions, their systems can be located closer to customers and feedstock, creating local fuel from local waste for local mobility. Visit the Raven website: ravensr.com
Raven SR plans to bring its S-Series online in the first quarter of 2023 at the Republic Services West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill in Richmond, California. This project will initially process up to 99.9 tons of organic waste per day and produce up to 2,000 metric tons per year of hydrogen.
sustainable energy work today. With itsproduct brands Jenbacher and Waukesha and its digital platform myPlant, INNIO offers innovative solutions for the power generation and compression segments which help industries and communities generate and manage energy sustainably while navigating the fast-changing landscape of traditional and green energy sources.
Based at the Republic Services West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill in Richmond, USA, once fully operational, the facility will process 99.9 tonnes of organic waste per day and produce up to 2,000 metric tonnes of hydrogen annually.
INNIO’s engines will help power the facility and reduce demand on California’s power grid.
INNIO is a leading energy solution and service provider that empowers industries and communities to make
Raven SR has outlined how the facility will work: landfill gas (LFG) will act as the primary fuel to power the non-combustion process that converts waste to hydrogen.
INNIO is headquartered in Jenbach (Austria), with other primary operations in Waukesha (Wisconsin, U.S.) and Welland (Ontario, Canada). A team of more than 3,500 experts provides life-cycle support to the more than 54,000 delivered engines globally through a service network in more than 80 countries.
For more information, visit INNIO’s website at www.innio.com Raven SR, headquartered in Wyoming, transforms biomass, mixed municipal solid waste, bio-solids, sewage, medical waste, and natural or biogas into renewable fuels. Using its proprietary, noncombustion, non-catalytic Steam/ CO2 Reformation technology, Raven SR dependably produces a hydrogen-rich syngas regardless of feedstock utilized.
The Raven SR proprietary process will provide a resid ual fuel containing green hydrogen from the concentration process to supplement the LFG to fuel the Jenbacher engines to generate power in a continuous loop. The process will also yield a hydrogen product which will be resold to power fuel cells in heavy-duty trucks.
INNIO sees itself as ‘individual in scope, but global in scale’. Offering flexible, scalable, and resilient energy solutions and services, the company enables its customers to manage the energy transition along the energy value chain wherever they are in their transition journey.

Air Liquide and Siemens Energy announce the creation of a joint venture dedicated to the series production of industrial scale renewable hydrogen electrolyzers in Europe. With two of the global leading companies in their field combining their expertise, this Franco-German partnership will enable the emergence of a sustainable hydrogen econ omy in Europe and foster a European ecosystem for electrolysis and hydrogen technology. Production is expected to begin in the second half of 2023 and ramp-up to an annual production capacity of three gigawatts by 2025. Air Liquide will take 25.1 percent, and Siemens Energy will hold 74.9 percent of the joint venture, which creation remains subject to approval of the competent authorities. This joint venture will be headquartered in Berlin where a multi-gigawatt factory which produces electrol ysis modules (stacks) will be also located in the German capital, as announced earlier this year. This factory will supply stacks to both Groups for their respective broad range of customers and to serve the rapidly growing market. Based on proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrol ysis technology, these stacks will feature a high degree of efficiency and are ideally suited to harvest volatile renewable energy. In addition, Air Liquide and Siemens Energy have agreed to dedicate R&D capacities to the co-develop ment of the next generation of electrolyzer technologies within the framework of the partnership. The strategic partnership will benefit from a portfolio of hydrogen projects combining both Air Liquide and Siemens Energy’s pipelines, targeting large industrial-scale hydrogen projects in collaboration with customers. This will create a solid basis for the required rapid ramp-up of electrolysis capacities and thus is expected to make competitive renewable hydrogen available sooner. One of the first projects is the Air Liquide Normand’Hy electrolyzer project, with a capacity of 200 megawatts (MW) expected in the first phase, located in Normandy, France. THIS PARTNERSHIP WILL ENABLE THE EMERGENCE OF A SUSTAINABLE HYDROGEN ECON OMY IN EUROPE AND FOSTER A EUROPEAN ECOSYSTEM FOR ELECTROLYSIS AND HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGY.
The assembly of the electrolyzer systems for this project is also planned to be made in France.
François Jackow, Chief Executive Officer of Air Liquide, said: “The creation of this Franco-German joint venture is a major step towards the emergence of a leading European renewable and low-carbon hydrogen ecosystem.”Heexplains: “By scaling up the production of large scale electrolyzers, Air Liquide and Siemens Energy will be able to provide their customers with access to large amounts of competitive renewable hydrogen.”“Inlinewith its Sustainable Development strategy, Air Liquide is more than ever committed to making hydrogen a driving force of the energy transition and of the fight against global Françoiswarming.”Jackow concludes: “We want to be a driving force in hydrogen technology,” said Christian Bruch, CEO, and President of Siemens Energy AG. “To make green hydrogen competitive, we need serially produced, low-cost, scalable electrolyzers. We also need strong partnerships. Together with Air Liquide as a pioneer in hydrogen for over 50 years, we look forward to implementing innovative solutions and collaborating to shape this new hydrogen market.”
The partners have and will apply for ‘large projects’ funding under the EU’s Innovation Fund, Green Deal and Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI)-scheme for hydrogen, funded by the European Governments.SiemensEnergy’s mission is to empower its customers to meet the growing global demand for energy while transitioning to a more sustainable world. Its innovative technologies, extensive energy experience and an ambitious strategy to decarbonize global energy systems are all central to its efforts to be the partner and driver of the energy transition.
A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 75 countries with approximately 66,400 employees and serves more than 3.8 million customers and patients, providing oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy.
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The project could reduce CO2 emissions at the site by up to 390,000 metric tons per year. At the same time, it would make the cooling water system more efficient and less dependent on climate and weather conditions.
Foward-looking projects BASF Renewable Energy GmbH is responsible for the procurement and trading of renewable energies at BASF. A spokesman commented: “We are a pacesetter and source of ideas for BASF on the way to climate neutrality.” BASF is fully committed to its renewable energy projects. In Sep tember 2021, BASF acquired 49.5 percent of Vattenfall’s Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm. Assembly work for the wind farm in the Dutch North Sea began in July 2021. The subsidy-free offshore wind farm is scheduled to be fully operational in 2023. With a total installed capacity of 1.5 gigawatts, it will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world at this time. The investment is BASF’s first major investment in renewable electricity plants. This enables BASF to use innovative, low-emission technologies at several production sites in Europe. BASF’s Antwerp Verbund site will benefit significantly from the renewable electricity. The BASF plant in Antwerp is the largest chemical production site in Belgium and the SECOND largest site of the BASF Group worldwide. BASF and RWE are jointly looking into obtaining electricity from renewable sources for BASF’s chemical site in Ludwigshafen A new, additional offshore wind farm in the German North Sea with an installed capacity of 2 gigawatts is to supply green electricity for BASF’s Ludwigshafen plant from 2030 and generate CO2-free production of hydrogen. With the help of wind power, the production of basic chemicals, which was previously based on fossil fuels, is to be electrified. BASF is looking into CO2-low technologies such as electrically heated steam crackers. In order to advance the joint project, BASF and RWE signed a Memorandum of Understanding in May 2021 on a far-reaching co-operation for the development of additional capacities for renewable electricity and the use of innovative technologies.
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In Ludwigshafen, BASF requires around 20 million metric tons of steam per year. The plants at the site use much of this as process steam in production, for example, to dry products, heat up reactors or for distilling. Around half of the steam required at the Ludwigshafen site is already produced by recovering heat from production facilities using a low-CO2 process.
The residual heat in the water will be processed using compression to produce steam that will be fed into the site’s steam network. By integrating the planned heat pump into the site’s production infrastructure, up to 150 metric tons of steam can be produced per hour, equivalent to a thermal output of 120MW.
of steam production will contribute to meeting this target. Dr. Uwe Liebelt, President European Verbund Sites, BASF SE: “Protecting the climate means not only avoiding greenhouse gas emissions but also using energy sustainably – industrial heat pumps enable both. In the future, they will be an essential part of the sustainable energy infrastructure at the Ludwigshafen site.”
An industrial-scale heat pump is being built at the BASF site in Ludwigshafen, Germany by BASF and MAN Energy Solutions. Both companies are now conducting a feasibility study for the planned heat pump in an effort to reduce emissions and natural gas consumption.
The planned large-scale heat pump will enable production of steam using electricity from renewable energy, tapping waste heat from the cooling water system at BASF as a source of thermal energy.
Dr. Uwe Lauber, CEO of MAN Energy Solutions SE, commented: “Space heating and process heat account for around one-third of German greenhouse gas emissions. Together with BASF, we want to address this significant lever with an innovative solution. We are convinced that our heat pump solution can make a decisive contribution to a climate-friendly supply of steam at the Ludwigshafen site.”
The remaining steam demand, approximately 50 percent, is met by gas and steam power plants, which emit CO2 during generation.
BASF wants to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 and new technologies such as the electrification of GIANT HEAT PUMP WILL BE BUILT AT THE BASF SITE IN
Dr. Martin Brudermüller, chairman of the board of executive directors of BASF SE said in a statement: “In the medium term, we want to reduce our CO2 emissions by 25 percent by 2030. “The use of technologies such as large heat pumps, which already exist and can be scaled up to industrial size, brings us a lot closer to this goal. In our co-operation with MAN Energy Solutions, we combine the expertise of a chemical Verbund site with the knowhow required for the technological implementation of a project like this. This technology also has the potential to pave the way for projects at other BASF sites.”

The PIC is a state-of-the-art facility which allows for the configuration, integration, and testing of power system technologies including diesel and natural gas generator sets, photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, battery storage systems, fuel cells, transfer switches, switchgear, and system-level controls.
The PIC spans 20,000 square feet of lab space including an outdoor test area, main switchgear room, electrical mezzanine, and engineering control room.
The PIC consists of four main areas: a lab space including an outdoor test area, a main switchgear room, an electrical mezzanine, and an engineering control room. In total, the lab can integrate and test microgrid configurations consisting of diesel or natural gas generator sets, photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, battery storage systems, fuel cells, transfer switches, switchgear, and systemlevelWhatcontrols.thePIC offers:
“We are always looking for ways to react to the needs of the market and improve our business, added Johansen.
Many different types of assets such as generator sets, energy storage systems, fuel cells, and inverters can be brought in for testing in a wide variety of possible microgrid configurations.
www.cummins.com Cummins Inc. has celebrated the grand opening of a new microgrid lab called the Power Integra tion Center (PIC) at their Power Systems facility in Fridley, Minnesota.
The outdoor test area includes five 500 kW test pads and two 2000 kW test pads, which can be connected as sources or loads. Two 500 kW programmable load banks allow for scenarios to be run using real customer load profile data, at up to 0.8 leading or lagging power factor.Three indoor switchgear lineups connect the different assets in the lab, as well as tie into the site utility connection. A 500 kW permanently installed roof-mounted PV system is connected to the lab, as well
The Cummins Power Integration Center (PIC) is a microgrid lab designed by Cummins leading engineers and microgrid advisors for the configuration, testing, and validation of microgrid power systems. Spanning over 20,000 sq ft at the Cummins Power Generation facility in Minnesota, the PIC is a dedicated space for technicians to access all elements of a potential microgrid system, and work collaboratively with technical partners and Cummins engineers to design the optimal microgrid solution for any operation.
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With changing governmental regulations in the US, increasing cost of operation, inclement weather conditions, and the instability of power grids, customers are driving the need for more reliable and efficient microgrid solutions, says the company.
* A spokesman commented: “Cummins technical advisors and microgrid engineers will help you on your journey to a greener future. At the PIC, we will work with you to design the right microgrid for your operation.”
Tom Linebarger, Executive Chairman of Cummins said: “Technological innovation is at the heart of what we do. Cummins is a global technology leader with a broad portfolio of power solutions. We will continue to innovate to ensure our customer’ success.”
“Our customers are placing an even higher value on flexible and wellintegrated solutions and this centre will help us speed up the time it takes to deliver those new solutions.”
*By configuring and testing at the PIC, customers can minimise cost and time by validating their microgrid solution prior to commissioning and installation.
“The PIC is the realization of a significant investment in engineering technology and innovation that will impact how companies use and build power systems to meet sustainability goals for a greener future,” said Gary Johansen, Vice President – Power Systems Engineering and Project Sponsor.
The Power Integration Center provides researchers with the ability to experiment with multiple potential power system solutions directly along with Cummins engineers. This allows for timesaving, cost-saving, and the ability to optimize a unique power system for their project.“Withthis center, we’ll be able to enhance our offerings throughout the product lifecycle,” comments Satish Jayaram, IDEA Program Office Leader and Project Sponsor. “We’ll reduce the cost and time it takes to test and validate solutions and have the capability to showcase these solutions with customers and partners.”
as energy storage simulators for testing various types of inverters. The engineering control room includes workstations where technicians can access all elements of the microgrid system, and work collaboratively with customers and technical partners.
* The PIC allows for the integration of a diverse set of power assets such as generator sets, energy storage systems, fuel cells, solar inverters and new technologies all consolidated in the view of one control room.

Yaqoob Al Kiyumi, CEO of Oman Power and Water Procurement company OPWP, commented: A
“At Veolia, we are committed to bring the ecological transformation in the water sector for our clients and for our own assets. We’re happy to launch the construction of the solar plant on our desalination unit in the city of Sur, to be able to power it with the green electricity while drastically reducing its carbon foot print,” comments Estelle Brachlianoff, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia.
As part of its ambition to get to net zero by 2050, TotalEnergies is building a portfolio of activities in renewables and electricity. At the end of June 2022, TotalEnergies’ gross renewable electricity generation capacity is 12 GW.
Estelle concludes: “This project is in line with our strategy to develop renewable energy in the Middle East and provide our customers with clean, reliable and affordable energy solutions.
Vincent Stoquart, Senior Vice President Renewables at TotalEnergies, told WIP: “As a global multi-energy company, our goal is to contribute to the development of renewables in Oman and its region.”
The company is leveraging its leadership position in the region to develop large-scale solar projects in Qatar, Iraq and Libya. These projects illustrate the sustainable development model of TotalEnergies, a global multi-energy company that supports producing countries in their energy transition.
TotalEnergies says it will continue to expand this business to reach 35 GW of gross production capacity from renewable sources and storage by 2025, and then 100 GW by 2030 with the objective of being among the world’s top 5 producers of electricity from wind and solar energy.
This is in line with Oman’s National Energy Strategy to convert 30% of its electricity use to renewable sources by 2030. The plant will be equipped with more than 32,000 high-efficiency solar panels and will use an innovative East-West tracker system to increase energy production. It will cover an area of 130,000 square metres, equivalent to approximately 18 football pitches.
otalEnergies and Veolia have signed an agreement to start the construction of the largest solar photovoltaic (PV) system providing power for a desalination plant in Oman, in the city of Sur. The power plant will be located on the site of the Sharqiyah Desalination plant, which is a reference in Oman and in the gulf region, supplying drinking water to more than 600,000 inhabitants of the Sharqiyah region. This 17-megawatt peak (MWp) solar project will be the first of its kind to be installed in the region. It will produce annually over 30,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of green electricity, or more than a third of the desalina tion plant’s daily consumption, enabling it to avoid close to 300,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
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TotalEnergies is a global multienergy company that produces and markets energies: oil and biofuels, natural gas and green gases, renewables and electricity. The company’s 100,000+ employees are committed to energy that is ever more affordable, cleaner, more reliable and accessible to as many people as possible. Active in more than 130 countries, TotalEnergies puts sustainable development iat the heart of its projects. www.veolia.com
“As one of the key players of Oman’s water sector, Veolia is fully committed to supporting Oman’s Vision 2040 sustainability objectives for the Sultanate’s communities and industries and our solar project with TotalEnergies goes in this direction.”
“We are committed to helping Veolia decarbonize its operations, building on our strong track record of deploying renewable energy solutions at highly techni cal and complex sites.”
“This initiative is adding another per spective to the goal of having access to clean water in Oman. Employing solar energy as another energy source for desalination operation contributes to the sustainability objectives in Oman.” Veolia is deploying solutions to optimize the energy efficiency of its desalination activities, including its Sharqiyah Desalination plant. The Group, in partnership with TotalEnergies, has decided to take a further step towards green transformation by using renewable energy to power the plant instead of fossilTotalEnergiesfuels. aims to assist producing countries in building a more sustainable future through a better use of the country’s natural resources, including solar energy, which will directly improve the acces sibility of cleaner, more reliable and more affordable electricity.

Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) CEO Stephen Marcos Jones responds to the appointment of Mark Reynolds of Mace as co-chair of the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) and the appoint ment of Richard Robinson of ACE member Atkins UK and Europe as deputy co-chair: “ On behalf of our members I would like to welcome the appointment of Mark Reynolds as co-chair. We’re looking forward to continuing the strong relationship between ACE and the CLC under Mark’s leader ship and working collaboratively with other industry stakeholders to ensure, wherever possible, that we speak in one voice to Government on cross-industry issues.
Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from low carbon heating technologies such as heat pumps, heat networks and hydrogen fuel cells are zero. That is just one of the findings outlined in a new report produced by ACE Research, working with Energy Saving Trust. Created for the Scottish Government’s ClimateXChange unit, the paper explores the extent to which there are any direct, in-building GHG emissions associated with low and zero carbon heating technologies, in order to inform approaches to zero emission heating technologies within future building regulations. This is critical to properly defining zero direct emission heating technologies and setting out the role they will play on the pathway to Scotland slashing all emissions by 100%, relative to 1990 levels byEntitled2045.
“I would also like to welcome the appointment of Richard Robinson, CEO of Atkins UK and Europe and ACE Board Member. In the new role as deputy co-chair he will champi on the consultant in the industry discussions, crucial if we are to make the most of our role in delivering ambitions around Net Zero and Levelling Up. “ACE will continue to be a supporter of the CLC, working closely with Mark, Richard and other stakeholders, to ensure the views of all our members – large and small –are heard clearly by Government.”
Direct emissions refer to those generated by a heating system at point of use, within the total grounds of the building. This is an important component for informing approaches to net-zero buildings in terms of recommended technologies for space and water heating.
New & Developing Power Technologies: Real World Operational Experience
AUGUST 2022 30 WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com ASSOCIATIONS
This research highlights:
The IPowerE welcomes technical articles for publication from members and non-members. They can relate to your recent experiences or those sometime in the past. We are interested in articles which cover topics such as,
The Institution of Power Engineers Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PH enquiries@IPowerE.org******
1-Day Seminar
Thursday 22 September 2022, MeetPoint Midlands Kegworth DE74 2DA This one-day Seminar is aimed at examining these records to see if the proposed rapid expansion of such technologies inspires confidence and to identify improvements necessary to achieve success as their deployment is rolled out.
Don’t miss this opportunity?
IPowerE has organised speakers with considerable experience in each of these technologies for this one-day Seminar which covers a wide range of relevant technologies and the day will be an excellent opportunity to meet others closely engaged in the various technologies and gain first hand experience of their progress. With the added opportunities for networking and discussions in smaller groups during the day and the excellent venue, this should be both an informative and enjoyable day.
Direct GHG emissions from direct electric heaters, electric storage heaters, electric boilers, solar thermal technologies, heat pumps, heat networks and fuel cells are found to be zero. Biomass combustion is not zero direct GHG emissions but offers significant direct GHG emissions savings compared
* A description of a new development/ process
An article would be a welcome contribution to the Institution. Please send in any ideas and suggestions for articles to the Bedford office. In the first instance provide the title of your proposed arti cle and a one paragraph introduction.
* Personal experience of a particular period as an engineer We invite you to send in ideas or your completed articles, and they will be considered for publication in the Journal.
“Direct GHG emissions from low and zero carbon heating systems” the report investigates the potential of tech nologies including heat pumps, biomass and hydrogen gas to reduce the onsite GHG emissions generated by a building.
* A description of a new plant or process, commissioning experience of such plant or processes, Performance of such plant.

Please return the completed form to richard.teasdale@amps.org.uk
•Implemented a programme to reduce sickness absence •Improved understanding of compliance through an educational programme
This award can also recognise companies who promote our industry and encourage the uptake of engineering and manufacturing careers. This could be achieved by developing programmes for community engagement, collaborating with local schools, or implementing schemes to recruit and encourage young talent.
•Implemented programmes to improve employee safety including the reduction of accident rates
This award has been developed to recognise progress in improving the occupational health and safety culture of the workplace by introducing new or developing existing initiatives.Thiscould include initiatives that tackle work-related illhealth, especially occupational stress, work-related musculoskeletal disorders and occupational lung disease. Other initiatives include promoting broader ownership of health and safety, simplifying risk management, anticipating and tackling new health and safety challenges, and promoting the benefits of an effective health and safety strategy. Examples include (but are not limited to):
8. Manufacturer of the Year
Judges - There are five judges this year, they are: AMPS Vice President, Richard Teasdale, AMPS Technical Secretary, Bernard Gospel, Richard Mead ows AMPS Honorary Member, Chris Whitworth, AMPS Technical Committee Honorary Member, Stan Archer.
Awarded for outstanding contribution when promoting skills and training. This award is to recognise companies who provide an excellent level of training for their em ployees, pushing them to further their skills and improve their knowledge.
Awarded for development of an innovative product, process, service, or innovative way of working. Entrants must be able to demonstrate the devel opment within the last 18 months of an innovative product, process, service, or way of working.
This award celebrates the company that has done the most for exporting products and expanding their market.
9. Exporter of the Year
To at the Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster,
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The judges are looking for an exceptional supplier, who has consistently demonstrated commitment to customer service and satisfaction, acted responsibly, and achieved market success.
1. Apprentice of the Year
11. AMPS Member Company of the Year
More than just a great employer or successful business, the winner of this award will demonstrate stand-out success whether that’s in overcoming business challenges, developing new brands or markets, or outstanding sus tained growth. The Judges are looking for evidence of corporate excellence.
•Implemented programmes looking at occupational stress, work-related musculoskeletal disorders or occu pational lung disease
The entry must include a clear written description of the development and its background, including details of the benefits obtained.
6. Environmental Contribution of the Year
This award seeks to celebrate the exceptional contribution made by an apprentice to the workplace, their success and commitment. Judges want to see evidence of how the apprentice is meeting these success criteria.
3. Health & Safety Award
This award aims to celebrate the product, system or service which has done the most to reduce environmental impacts and has played a major role in promoting sustainability. Nominations for this category should be for products, systems or services that tackle emissions, provide energy savings, or reduce environmental noise.
The judges are looking for details of a project, whether that’s a physical in stallation, nonphysical solution, or similar that has completed in the last year, and which demonstrates great teamwork and/or an innovative solution and/ or overcoming a major difficulty.
This award seeks to celebrate the exceptional contribution made by an engineer to the workplace, their success and commitment.
5. Innovation & Technology Award
The panel is looking for evidence of the following: Commercial relevance of the development and actual or projected commercial success, benefit of the development to the business or customer, how the idea was imple mented within your business and the impact the idea has made upon your business.
For this award we are looking for excellence in manufacturing, whether that’s due to outstanding reliability, exceptional quality control, or innovative techniques. Our judges are looking to celebrate the company that has done the most to standout for the right reasons.
4. Contribution to Skills & Training Award
2. Engineer of the Year
be presented: Thursday 8th December 2022
Nominations are now open for the AMPS Awards for Excellence. We are returning to last year’s venue, the Park Plaza Hotel in Westminster, and have some exciting new categories for this years awards. Bookings for the event will be opening soon, and we will be contacting all members with details on how to reserve your place. This year’s award categories are:
10. Project of the Year
To nominate a company or individual for an award, please fill out our awards nomination form available on https://i.emlfiles4.com/cmp form
7. Supplier of the Year

James Richardson, managing director of SCS JV said: ”SCS JV is committed to reducing our environmental footprint by identifying innovations to power our site operations, such as trialling this hydrogen fuel cell at our Victoria Road crossover box site. “We are striving to be diesel-free across all our sites by 2023 and recently announced our first diesel-free site at Canterbury Road.” www.geopura.com
Building on the design of the 3.8 kWh Commercial Battery, the new pack’s Cellular Module Assembly (CMA) units are packed and protected in a diecast aluminum casing to pro vide increased durability and maximum protection against extreme temperatures, impact, vibration, moisture and dirt.
“Vanguard is committed to being the premier power solutions provider to our OEM partners,” said Chris Davison, senior marketing manager, Electrification at Briggs & Stratton. “The best way we can do that is to invest in cutting edge technology that can be easily integrated into the equip ment that makes our world run smoothly.
MAN Energy Solutions’ aftersales brand, is offering customers the opportunity to retrofit older MAN 48/60 power plant engines to MAN 51/60 types as part of a new life-cycle up grade intended to enable customers to prepare older engines already in service for future, climate-neutral operation.
Converted engines will effectively be equivalent technically to newly built 51/60 units, plus can be further upgraded, for a low premium, for operation on synthetic fuels.
According to the company, 48/60 engine types (variant A or B) currently in service and with more than 80000 operating hours are particularly suitable for a life-cycle upgrade. It states that the upgraded engine is as reliable as a new engine, achieves the same fuel consumption and emissions reductions. man-es.com
AUGUST 2022 32 WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT POWER www.powermediagroup.co.ukwww.wipmagazines.com PRODUCTS & SERVICES
ELEO is building a new battery production plant, increasing its annual battery production capacity tenfold to 500 MWh – equivalent of approximately 10,000 battery packs.
Earlier this year
The battery incorporates advanced lithium-Ion chemistry and a proprietary Battery Management System designed to monitor voltage and temperature to assure safe and efficient operations. With a compact footprint, the 7 kWh battery delivers more power in a smaller package and can be scaled in parallel with additional Vanguard battery packs to meet larger equipment power needs, Briggs & Stratton said. It can be fully charged in less than eight hours and has a charging temperature range of 14° to 122° F (-10° to 50°C).
The trial, organised by HS2’s mains work civils contractor, Skanska Costain Strabag (SCS JV), has demonstrated that the gensets are capable of producing the required energy to power the equipment required on-site.
“With this life-cycle upgrade, we offer customers the opportunity not only to completely overhaul their old engines but also to upgrade them to the latest engine technology at the same time. The upgrade simultaneously prepares the engines for future operation with cli mate-neutral fuels without having to change the fuel type they use at this stage. This is because the 51/60 engine type enables further conversion to alternative fuels, making it a future-proof investment.
Yanmar acquired a majority share in ELEO through its subsidiary Yanmar Europe B.V., by means of a series of related transactions including a full exit of ear ly-stage investor Lumipol Group. The financial terms of the deal were not dis closed.
GENERATORS USED IN LONDON GeoPura 250kVA hydrogen power units (HPUs) have been used at HS2’s Victoria Road Crossover Box in Ealing since 2021 with the aim of replacing the current diesel generators which power machinery on site.
“By placing a greater emphasis on electrification and adding solutions like the 7kWh pack, we are solidifying that commit ment and setting both our customers and Vanguard up for ongoing success.”
The hydrogen power units are said to provide 100% renewable and emission-free power derived from a hydro gen fuel cell, with power capabilities ranging from 20kW through to 2MW. They use 100% green hydrogen produced from renewable energy. Data from the trial has shown that running the units for 400 hours eliminated around 51 tonnes of carbon compared to using standard diesel generators.
VANGUARD BATTERY LINE IS EXPANDED Vanguard Commercial Battery product range, Briggs & Stratton has announced the launch of a new battery designed for a wider variety of applications. With the addition of the Vanguard 7 kWh Diecast Commercial Battery, the company now offers 1.5, 3.8, 5 and 10 kWh battery systems.
The company manufactures cutting-edge battery systems with a superior energy density to power a wide variety of power applications. Its advanced Battery Management System and exceptional thermal management bring better performance, safety and lifetime, while the unique modular concept makes it surprisingly affordable. repiorts the manufacturer.A3Dprinteris completely woven into the company’s production process, for prototyping and tooling. Prototypes of a new generation of batteries, which the company will launch later this year. www.yanmar.com
Yanmar Holdings Co., Ltd., a privately held multi-billion dollar multinational company headquartered in Osaka, Japan, announced it had acquired a majority share in ELEO Technologies B.V., a fast-growing battery technology company based in Helmond, the Netherlands. By integrating ELEO’s advanced, scalable, and modular battery technology, Yanmar will further its electrified powertrain capabilities with versatile, customized solutions for off-road applications.

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ENGINE MANUFACTURERS GUIDE R Schmitt Enertec GmbH 56743 Mendig, Germany T +49 2652 9351810 F +49 2652 Manufacturerwww.rschmitt-enertec.cominfo@rschmitt-enertec.com9351822ofgasdriven engines,generator sets and cogeneration systems in the range from 100 - 500 kW. RSE Engines for natural gas and biogas Model fuel Freq. Electric output M06-G/B T0D41 g 50 140 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 50 200 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 50 250 kW M08-G/B TID41 g 50 260 kW M08-G/B T2D41 g 50 333 kW M12-G/B TID41 g 50 400 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 50 500 kW M06-G/B T0D41 g 60 150 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 60 210 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 60 250 kW M08-G/B TID41 g 60 280 kW M08-G/B T2D41 g 60 333 kW M12-G/B TID41 g 60 420 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 60 500 kW RSE engines for LPG M06-PT0D41 g 50 115 kW M06-PTID41 g 50 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 50 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 50 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 50 260 kW M12-PTID41 g 50 350 kW M12-PT2D41 g 50 450 kW M06-PT0D41 g 60 130 kW M06-PTID41 g 60 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 60 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 60 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 60 260 kW M12-PTID41 g 60 350kW M12-PT2D41 g 60 450 kW RSE engines for Woodgas M06-HT2D41 g 50 122 kW M08-HT2D41 g 50 166 kW M12-HT2D41 g 50 250 kW M06-HT2D41 g 60 140 kW M08-HT2D41 g 60 180 kW M12-HT2D41 g 60 275 kW Volvo Penta 405 08 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel +46 31 235460 Model Spec RPM kWm kVA TAD530GE Diesel 15002) 75 85 TAD531GE Diesel 15002) 88 100 TAD532GE Diesel 15002) 113 130 TAD550GE1) Diesel 15002) 76 86 TAD551GE1) Diesel 15002) 89 101 TAD730GE Diesel 15002) 113 130 TAD731GE Diesel 15002) 132 152 TAD732GE Diesel 15002) 162 186 TAD733GE Diesel 15002) 175 201 TAD734GE Diesel 15002) 213 245 TAD750GE1) Diesel 15002) 114 131 TAD751GE1) Diesel 15002) 13 152 TAD752GE1) Diesel 15002) 158 182 TAD753GE1) Diesel 15002) 173 199 TAD754GE1) Diesel 15002) 217 250 TAD940GE Diesel 15002) 241 277 TAD941GE Diesel 15002) 280 326 TAD1341GE Diesel 15002) 271 315 TAD1342GE Diesel 15002) 303 352 TAD1343GE Diesel 15002) 325 378 TAD1344GE Diesel 15002) 354 412 TAD1345GE Diesel 15002) 388 451 TAD1351GE1) Diesel 15002) 279 324 TAD1352GE1) Diesel 15002) 314 365 TAD1354GE1) Diesel 15002) 328 381 TAD1355GE1) Diesel 15002) 355 413 TAD1640GE Diesel 15002) 392 461 TAD1641GE Diesel 15002) 430 505 TAD1642GE Diesel 15002) 503 591 TWD1643GE Diesel 15002) 536 630 TAD1650GE1) Diesel 15002) 393 462 TAD1651GE1) Diesel 15002) 430 505 Engines are also available for1800rpm/60Hz INNIO Jenbacher gas engines Headquarters: A-6200 Jenbach (Austria) T +43 5244 600-0 F +43 5244 600-527 Manufacturerwww.gejenbacher.comjenbacher.info@ge.comofgasdriven generator sets and cogeneration systems in a power range from 0.25 to 3 MW. Model Fuel rpm Pel Pth JMS 208 GS g 1,500 330 358 JMS 208 GS g 1,800 335 406 JMS 312 GS g 1,500 625 731 JMS 312 GS g 1,800 633 808 JMS 316 GS g 1,500 834 988 JMS 316 GS g 1,800 848 1,079 JMS 320 GS g 1,500 1,063 1,190 JMS 320 GS g 1,800 1,060 1,313 JMS 412 GS g 1,500 844 892 JMS 416 GS g 1,500 1,131 1,194 JMS 420 GS g 1,500 1,415 1,492 JMS 612 GS g 1,500 1,820 1,792 JMS 616 GS g 1,500 2,433 2,399 JMS 620 GS g 1,500 3,041 3,020 Ratings natural gas standard, NOx ≤ 500 mg/ m3N. Dry exhaust gas; based on 5% O2. For en gines with 1,200 rpm please contact GE Energy’s Jenbacher product team. TAD1242GE 352 409 TAD1640GE 393 462 TAD1641GE 433 509 TAD1642GE 485 570 Perkins Engines Company Limited Peterborough PE1 5FQ Contact name:- Simon Gray Tel: +44 (0) 1733 583000 Email: Perkinsgray_simon_j@perkins.comisoneoftheworld’sleading suppliers of off-highway diesel and gas engines, offering dependable cost-effective power up to 2500 kVA in dieselor 1000 kWE prime in gas. SCANIA ENGINES SE-151 87 Sodertalje Sweden Tel +468553 81000 Fax +468553 898 12 E-mail engines@scania.com Web www.scania.com UK Contact – Mark Swindell Scania GB Ltd Tel +44 1908 329386 E-mail mark.swindell@scania.com Diesel & Gas engines for power generation Prime power 250kVA to 700kVA Stand by power 250kVA to 770kVA Engine range prime power 50hz & 60hz at (70% mean load factor) Scania produce diesel and gas powered engines for various Industrial and Marine applications, superior quality and reliability, offering excep lowtionallyfuel consumption. All models are available to meet current emis sions requirements, Scania engines are now available to meet both Tier 4F and EU Stage V. Alternative fuels Many of our engines can also operate on Bio-diesel conforming to EN14214 and HVO conforming to EN159540 NOTES

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