ISSUE #243
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Power Media International Group, The Courtyard, 30 Worthing Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SL, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1403 888019 www.powermediagroup.co.uk © Worldwide Independent Power (ISSN 1468 7100)
A recent study from the US suggests that compact fusion reactors are “very likely to work.” Such an advance would allow us to create energy the same way the sun does and facilitate a rapid transition away from fossil fuels.
The Financial Times has reported that scientists in the California-based Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) had achieved a “net energy gain” from an experimental fusion reactor. The fusion reactiont apparently produced a 120% net energy gain occurred in the past two weeks

This represent sthe first time that researchers have successfully produced more energy in a fusion reaction - the same type that powers the Sun - than was consumed during the process, a potentially major step in the pursuit of zero-carbon power.
According to a timeline established by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Commonwealth Fusion Systems, an MIT spinoff company, a viable design for a reactor capable of producing nuclear fusion electricity could be on the table by 2024.
One compact fusion reactor design is called a SPARC. It has dimensions similar to current midsize nuclear reactors, with the potential to become a source of clean and limitless power. The project’s timeline is a decade faster than the world’s largest fusion power project, the 35-nation International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).

Fusion creates energy through the collision of lightweight atoms In contrast, existing nuclear options create power from fission, the splitting of atoms.
Fusion offers a number of advantages. ,Fusion fuel (hydrogen) is more plentiful than fission fuel (uranium). Fusion generates less radioactive waste
Fusion does, however, iinvolve raising the reactor temperature to tens of millions of degrees to create “a roiling ultrahot cloud of atoms” which will “damage or destroy anything it touches.”
There is a significant cost involved however. The larger ITER project is priced at around US$22 billion. Nuclear fusion is considered by some scientists to be a potential energy of the future, particularly as it produces little waste and zero greenhouse gases. If this news of a fusion energy breakthrough is true, it could be a game changer for the world.
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The natural gas generator market size which stood at US$ 4.81 billion in 2018 is anticipated to reach US$ 7.71 billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period from 2019 – 2026, says FOR-TUNE Business Insights. This Natural Gas Generators market is likely to be affected by the COVID-19 Impact and the ongoing condflict in Ukraine. Grand View Research, however, reports that the global natural gas generator market size was valued at US$ 7.13 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.4%.
ABB has delivered a life extension and expansion project for LondonEnergy’s energy-from-waste (EfW) facility that will ensure continued production of sustainable energy and processing of waste for 1.9 million people in seven London boroughs. The upgrade has enabled LondonEnergy to improve the plant’s resilience and enable the connection of an additional steam turbine.

p. 20|

AFC Energy, a leading provider of hydrogen power generation technologies, is pleased to announce details of the latest in a series of field trials of the H-Power Tower on UK and European construction sites. Mace Dragados Joint Venture, the constructionteam building HS2’s new Euston station, is primarily trialling the hydrogen fuel cell to charge a fully electric JCB telehandler. It is also being used to charge lighting towers and a water pump on site. The H-Power Tower is entirely emission-free.


In Australia Synchrotech Controls’ technicians have successfully completed commissioning of the four Type B compliant gensets, each utilising a Cummins KTA19GC industrial gas engine, producing 1.3 MW generator power all up and operating 24/7. The project is also supported by one QSX15 diesel black start unit.


MWM has extensive experience in the use of gas engines with hydrogen admixture. The company’s gas engines are already capable of running with a hydrogen admixture of up to 10 percent without any technical modifications. Higher hydrogen admixtures of up to 25 vol% are also possible with MWM gas engines; in this case, however, technical modification is required in order to ensure safety and bestpossible performance and efficiency of the energy generation.

As OEMs face increasing demands for improved emissions performance, fuel economy, and equipment productivity, power solutions providers like John Deere Power Systems (JDPS) are investing in future-forward technologies that will give OEMs and their customers a competitive edge in the off-highway market as they work to meet productivity and sustainability goals. Leveraging the best technologies of John Deere in new ways to meet both market and customer demands, JDPS is delivering new levels of reliability, durability, flexibility,

For this project, Leroy-Somer worked in collaboration with Desgranges for turbine elements and EREMA for the command control unitss. Operating as true partners - based on previous successful collaborations - these stakeholders have been able to offer a global solution in response to the tender, optimizing all the components.
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This is your chance to book early for POWEREX LIVE 2023 at the Park Plaza Hotel, Westminster. Here both the highly popular GEN-SET LIVE and CHP LIVE conferences will be again running in parallel with prime exhibitor displays available in adjoining rooms. Exhibitors are advised to book any prime display spaces now to avoid any disappointment over availibility. Here’s a quick reminder of where PowerEx Live is being held on Thursday, December 7th, 2023:

Event Location: Park Plaza, 200 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7UT. More information? Call: +44 (0)1403 888 019 or email: power@wipmagazines.com
Held on the 8th December, 2022, at the prestigious Park Plaza Hotel, the event had 500+ pre-registered visitors. The GEN-SET LIVE and CHP LIVE conferences ran in parallel with prime exhibitor displays available in adjoining rooms. The event was a unique opportunity for companies to present their products to their customers directly. The PowerEx lectures covered the CHP, Gas & Renewables sectors. Here’s what the attendees had to say: * “Focussed exhibitions and conferences such as PowerEx Live are clearly the way forward to bring expertise together in one exchange of new ideas and discussion about the myriad of possible low-carbon futures. All of the power generation disciplines were on show with experts on hand to discuss how we can contribute to the pathway towards eventual decarbonisation. Alongside the OEMs was an excellent conference & speakers with really good opportunities for networking and meeting manufacturers. This really is a show which is going places.”

- Ian Bitterlin, UK Expert Member of TCT/7 - EN50600, Data Centre Infrastructure, UK Expert Member and Project Editor of Part-1of ISO 30134 ‘Resource Efficient Data Centres’, a member of BSI Committee IST/046 ‘Sustainability for, and by ICT’
*“PowerEx Live 2022 was truly an outstanding event. Visitor figures registered an all-time high and some of the lecture spaces were packed. Eighty-seven attend one of the genset talks. This was a very well-organised conference and networking event combined with an exhibition area where power professionals could mingle with consultants and OEMs. The speaker schedule was tightly packed with papers being delivered back-to-back by 12 speakers in the genset rooms and 12 more in the CHP section. It was the greatest single concentration of industry professionals I have witnessed this year.”
- Dave Andrews, Claverton Energy*“Had the great pleasure of attending the PowerEx Live exhibition. This is always a great opportunity to meet people in our industry and celebrate the successes of the year. “
- representative of Wakefield Acoustics Ltd (UK).


*”Good exhibition layout, easy to see the stands, no large one dominating the exhibition (sometimes you have to fight past the big boys). Amazing attendance on my Red Diesel presentation, as the first off, I expected just a few attendees, I got a room full! Excellent variety of speakers and subjects. Difficult to tell if the presentations were running and which one was currently in each room. Layout meant that opening the door to enter late caused a lot of external noise to get in. difficult to know how to address this. Room layout was good, with twin screens.”
- Bernard Gospel, Technical Secretary of AMPS
*“I have been going to PowerEx Live for several years now and this 2022 edition was definitely the best, both in number and quality of people present. What differentiates this event the most is the desire for exchanges between visitors, exhibitors and speakers, which makes it a very important event for networking. Thanks also go to the organizers - they are always on top form.”
-Romain Mocaër
Consultant, Powergen Statistics
“This was a great event. Thanks to PowerEx Live and Richard Teasdale.”
-Stephen Peal, Yorpower & PPSPower
“I managed to attend the PowerEx event last week and there were some good speakers.”

Shaun McLean
-PwC | Senior Manager | Risk - CommercialCapital Projects
“All reports indicate that this year’s PowerEx Live was a stupendous event - packed with visitors, manufacturers and backed by 24 top speakers operating in half-hour lecture slots. In terms of quality it is difficult to imagine how it could be bettered. Networking was a key draw for many of the attendees and the venue also served as the launch for MEGSA - a key Association industry voice serving the power generation sectors of the Gulf nations and regions of North Africa.”
-Aidan Turnbull, Power Media International Group.
“We’ve had a great day at PowerEx Live.”
- FuelActive - Exhibitor
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MHM supplied a UK-based national hire company with its MG 6000 SSY-ECO

6KVA diesel generator to evaluate the cost saving and eco- benefits of this new generator when used in ECO mode.
The site was under the aegis of Costain Construction and was located at the Head of Valley A465 Road Development in the UK. To minimise daily disruption there is currently an increasing propensity within the construction industry to operate 24/7. This means power is often required throughout the working day and during the night, for night-shift working, or for security purposes.
The challenge was to build an ‘intelligent’ generator which automatically starts when power is required and mechanically shuts down when the demand ceases. The generator subsequently proved it had all the attributes of a standard construction site power generator compact, reliable, robust, - and much more.
Holtec International and Hyundai Engineering & Construction (Hyundai E&C) are launching an effort to accelerate the design of Holtec’s SMR-160 small modular reactor.
The signing ceremony on October 18th, 2022, at Holtec’s Technology Campus in Camden, New Jersey, reflects the companies’ 2021 agreement to work together on the SMR-160 design.
Holtec said the small nuclear reactor would be deployable in most regions of the world without any significant modifications, reducing the time for the plant’s commissioning.

The teams want to pair the SMR-160 with a solar and energy storage system dubbed the Green Boiler. The facility would store surplus energy from the SMR-160 power plant and from the grid during periods of excess generation, dispatching the energy when needed.
The SMR-160 is a pressurized light-water reactor, generating 160 MWe/525 MWt using low-enriched uranium fuel, which could also produce process heat for industrial applications and hydrogen production. The partners aim to install SMR-160centred ecosystems in over fifteen countries.
The Green Boiler system is essentially a large thermal reservoir filled with engineered salts spiked with infrared emitter particles or a highly conductive elemental metal.
The Green Boiler stores the surplus (inexpensive) power from the grid and uses the stored thermal energy to run the existing plant’s turbogenerator to produce electricity on demand.
Danfoss Power Solutions, a global supplier of mobile and industrial hydraulics as well as electric powertrain systems, has introduced remote service passes for its PLUS+1 CS10 wireless gateway.

Remote service passes from Danfoss allow machine technicians to connect remotely to a genset with a CS10 device installed to monitor machine behaviour, debug, and update firmware over the air. CS10 remote service passes enable technicians to monitor changes in equipment or operation and set alert triggers to notify stakeholders when a change is detected says Danfoss Power Solutions. The passes also are said to enable debugging which allows technicians to access the genset’s CAN data bus over a remote connection to diagnose issues.
“Our CS10 wireless gateway together with the remote service passes is an easy, inexpensive solution to digitalize mobile machines,” said Andrej Lawaetz Bendtsen, head of connectivity at Danfoss Power Solutions.
“The remote service passes offer a fast and flexible entry point for remote machine servicing, helping OEMs & fleet managers experience the benefits of machine connectivity,” explains Mr Lawaetz Bendtsen.
Israel’s government has increasingly relied on seawater desalination to guarantee the water supply for industry and the general population, even during periods of drought.
Five such plants are currently in operation, which combined desalinate around 585 million cu. metres of seawater, with two more plants planned over the next few years.
One of the existing power plants, located about 40 km south of Tel Aviv in Ashdod on the Mediterranean coast, has been in operation since 2015. Owned by Shapir Engineering and Marine Ltd. and GES Global Environmental Solutions Ltd., the facility has an annual output of roughly 100 million cu. metres of seawater annually.
In order to lower its energy consumption while retaining its capacity, the Ashdod plant is scheduled for a refit, with MAN Energy

Solutions supplying two C dual-fuel engines to drive 15 MW seawater pumps, and five 18V51/60G fourstroke gas engines, set up as gensets with a 99 MW total capacity, to ensure the plant’s off-grid power supply. The new setup will replace the facility’s eight electrical pumps.
“Typically, seawater pumps are driven by electric motors,” said Tilman Tütken, of MAN Energy Solutions.
“The mechanical drive chosen in Ashdod reduces operating costs while increasing overall efficiency of the plant. In addition, efficient fuel utilization is ensured, even in part-load operation. “
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Currently marketing a new dual-fuel engine utilizing hydrogen as a renewable fuel source, Volvo Penta has based its new development on the existing D8 - an inline six-cylinder, 7.7-litre diesel engine.
The dual-fuel configuration is said to reduce CO2 emissions as much as 80%. The 8-litre variable-speed, Stage V engine operates much like the conventional D8 – delivering the same power and torque curve, says the company – while using hydrogen as the primary fuel rather than diesel.
If hydrogen is unavailable, the engine can continue to run on traditional diesel. The technology is relatively simple, said Anders Wernersson, product manager for the dual-fuel hydrogen engine, and can be installed with minimal disruption.
Rolls-Royce has delivered six of a total of eight mtu EnergyPacks to Vispiron, the southern German provider of sustainable mobility and energy solutions.

The battery storage systems have largely been commissioned in solar parks in Bavaria and Thuringia in Germany and are used for so-called intraday trading –the short-term purchase and sale of electricity delivered on the same day. Intraday trading is particularly important for absorbing unpredictable changes in electricity production and demand caused by the volatile feed-in of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.
Battery storage can be used in this way to profitably market storage capacity while stablising power grids.

The engine is the result of a previously announced partnership with CMB.Tech to develop a dual-fuel hydrogen-powered solution.
CMB.Tech provides and trials the hydrogen add-on kit and tank system that works in conjunction with the Volvo Penta D8 engine and software.
Engines are currently being run in test cells to optimize the hydrogendiesel injection strategy, with plans for the first engines to be working in end-user machines in Europe in 2023. This will be part of a market pilot project. Small-scale production is expected to follow.
He reports:“Although the data shows a trend towards improved outage rates, the frequency is still much too high and, with costs also on the rise, the consequences are getting worse.
“Data centre operators are well aware of the impact of a power outage and have measures in place to mitigate these risks.
“However, with backup power failures identified as the primary cause of power outages, as well as external issues around grid reliability, energy shortfalls, and the transition to more sustainable power sources, it has never been more important that operators test their backup power systems.”
Using a load bank to commission or regularly test the backup power system not only tests the prime movers and the batteries (UPS), but ensures all other components such as the alternator and crucially the transfer switches are tested too. A load bank test not only proves that the UPS / generators will start, operate and run efficiently in the case of a power outage, but also that the sets can be safely turned off with no interruptions when mains power is restored.
Paul concludes, “In a data centre environment, the business case for using a load bank is clear cut – not testing is an extremely costly risk to take.”
Wärtsilä has launched what it calls its ‘next-generation grid balancing technology’ designed to provide flexible grid capacity even in the most adverse weather conditions and enabling renewables to perform as the lowest-cost, most resilient power source for grids worldwide.
The solution is based on three fully integrated key components – the Wärtsilä 31SG Balancer engine generator set, prefabricated modules for cost-efficient plant construction and Wärtsilä Lifecycle support services.

The Wärtsilä 31SG Balancer engine is a 20cylinder vee-configuration lean-burn natural gas engine with bore and stroke dimensions of 310 x 430 mm and a total displacement of 65 L. The new engine, which incorporates two-stage
turbocharging, delivers 12,400 kWe at 60 Hz, 8% more power than the standard 31SG.
Wärtsilä said the new engine technology is designed to provide power producers with fast-ramping balancing power, which can be scaled up as the share of renewables in power systems increases.

The engine can start and ramp up rapidly to support intermittent renewable generation so that the lowest cost cleanest energy technology can become the dominant power source.
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GRID-BALANCING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPED WITH THE 31SG BALANCER ENGINE GENERATOR SETPaul Brickman, Commercial Director at Crestchic Loadbanks, has recently commented on the importance of avoiding data centre outages.
Anyone who knows gensets, knows that Mecc Alte is unrivalled for our knowledge and expertise worldwide. From alternators and controllers to an integrated generator system, we are the Power from Within. From prime power to standby power, data centre, renewables, telecoms and more, Mecc Alte delivers complete intelligent systems with digital AVR to identify fuel efficiencies and every component working perfectly together. All backed up by the support and unbiased advice you only get from the world’s leading independent alternator specialists. Take 360° control. Talk to Mecc Alte.
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Sixteen T1900 industrial generators fitted with Mitsubishi engines have been delivered to Kuwait International Airport T2 & Carpark project to provide both standby and prime power as required. Manufactured by KOHLER, these feature the engine type S16R-Y1PTA-4.

Meeting Performance class G3, the gensets offer a frequency (Hz) of 50 Hz and voltage (V) 400/230. Standby Rating (kVA) 1900 Prime Rating (kVA) 1727 Standby Rating (kW) 1520 Prime Rating (kW) 1382. Each genset incorporates a Standard Control Panel and Terminal block.
The generating set model can be supplied with a protection unit, incorporating the power circuit breaker. This unit is mounted on the chassis and is connected to the alternator via cables. This AIPR function is also adapted for containers, reports KOHLER.
KOHLER offers a unique range of specific control units for its gensets: M80, APM403 and APM802. These control units offer a wide range of possibilities, from simplified running to management of the most complex parallel operations, and can be adapted to suit every need. This modularity is made even easier by the fact that each optional peripheral device (air cooler, daily service tank, fuel pump, etc.) has i ts own protection. For power plants, separate control boxes can be used in place of the control units.
JUBAILI BROS - KUWAIT has provided three JP 800kVA synchronized generating sets for delivery and installation at one of the Kuwait Oil Company’s exploration sites. The 800kVA silenced generators are built to exacting specifications to ensure industry-leading performance.
Designed primarily for the rental market, they are tough & ultra-reliable. Fitted with Deep Sea panels, they offer a wide range of settings to suit all applications. They are simple to use & with all the features customers require, says the company.
The sets feature hot dip galvanised sound-attenuated enclosures, with sound-reducing abilities such as average 70 dBA @ 7 metres. They have powder-coated grey 7035 surfacing (the enclosure shield is painted by electrostatic polyester powder paint - IP23 Protection class), forklift pockets complete with rubber bumpers, a 4-pole circuit breaker with variable earth leakage protection and on/off switch.
Quality componentry included in their manufacture includes a Deep Sea 8610 loadshare synch control panel, a battery isolator, a 1300-litre bunded base fuel tank with 3-way valve, CT for genset paralleling, a battery charger, plastic coated locks and handles, a Lockable canopy with common single key and a Cummins water separator filter. A sump oil vac pump is supplied along with an oil pressure sensor, water temperature sensor, and a central lift point.
The set is hardwired via copper busbar, features microswitch protection and has a motorised MCCB and Racor filter.
The genset synchronization is fully automatic. After synchronization, the load is automatically shared and controlled according to the set proportion, increase or decrease output, add new units or stop online generating units.
Equipped with a Deep Sea 8610 unit, each set provides the user with complete and reliable protection against various gensets defaults, such as reverse power, over current and overload.

Findings from Uptime Institute’s 2022 Global Datacentre Survey highlight the fact that downtime in the data centre industry is becoming increasingly expensive, with the main cause identified as power failures.
The report focuses on responses from more than 800 owners and operators of data centres, including those responsible for managing infrastructure at the world’s largest IT organisations.
While sustainability, efficiency gains, staff shortages and supply chain issues also dominate the report, the issue of power resiliency remains dominant. Data indicates that the costs of outages are on the increase. A quarter of respondents reported that their most recent outage cost more than $1 million in both direct and indirect costs. This is a significant increase from 2021, reflecting a continuing upward trend over the last five years.
The report states: “Uptime’s 2022 annual survey findings are remarkably consistent with previous years. They show that on-site power problems remain the single biggest cause of significant site outages by a large margin.”

The natural gas generator market size which stood at US$ 4.81 billion in 2018 is anticipated to reach US$ 7.71 billion by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period from 2019 – 2026, says FORTUNE Business Insights.
The Natural Gas Generators Market is likely to be affected by the COVID-19 Impact and the ongoing condflict in Ukraine.
Grand View Research, however, reports that the global natural gas generator market size was valued at US$ 7.13 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.4% during the forecast period.
The rising occurrence of power outages and power supply deficits globally, combined with regulations imposed on the use of diesel gensets due to high levels of carbon emissions, is driving the global demand for natural gas generators.
However, the high capital cost of natural gas genset as compared to diesel genset coupled with limited natural gas reserves is expected to restrict the growth of the business.
The U.S. natural gas generator market accounted for the largest market share in 2021 in the North American market, and the trend is projected to continue during the forecast period due to the growing concern for carbon emissions caused by diesel gensets and the availability of natural gas as a fuel for gensets.

Moreover, growing industrial and commercial facilities, such as shopping malls, high rises, universities, restaurants, district heating, and cooling plants, refineries, office buildings, and others in the U.S., are driving the demand for uninterrupted electricity supply to expand businesses and perform operations efficiently, which propels the demand for natural gas gensets.
Natural disasters and severe weather conditions due to climate change have resulted in extended power outages, driving demand for backup power as a necessary amenity in commercial, residential, and industrial buildings. The abundance of natural gas in the United States, combined with the well-developed infrastructure for transporting it within the country, has fueled the demand for generator sets in the United States.
Gas generator sets are becoming more popular than diesel generator sets due to the country’s shale gas revolution, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years.
The low power genset segment was valued at US$ 3.10 billion in 2021. Low power gensets are
are popular for residential and commercial power backup applications.
Nowadays, people use various electrical appliances in their homes, such as geysers, water pumps, AC units, water purifiers, and others.
These appliances require more power to function as in the case of washing machines, which might consume 750 watts but need about 2500 watts to start. As a result, many households choose to have only an 80 KW generator set as a standby power source.
The medium power genset segment accounted for the second-largest market share in 2021 and is anticipated to expand at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Increasing demand for medium power gensets from emerging economies, such as China, India, and Brazil, for backup power systems, which use clean fuel for commercial and industrial applications, is a major driver for medium power gensets. 350 KW and above rating genset can power heavy machines and large equipment.
Rapid industrialization in emerging economies, including India, China, and Brazil, is expected to drive the demand for medium and high power gensets.High power gensets are majorly installed in large manufacturing facilities, power plants, and in the marine industry, where a continuous power supply is crucial.
Moreover, they are also installed in a remote location for power generation and distribution where there is no grid connection.
Based on the application of natural gas gensets, the market is segmented into residential, commercial, and industrial segments. The commercial segment was estimated as the largest natural gas generator market globally, with an estimated value of USD 3,224.7 million in 2021. The commercial segment is projected to expand at the highest CAGR of 12.0% during the forecast period, owing to the growing demand for cleaner and greener fuel-fired gensets for commercial applications.

Developing economies in Asia Pacific have witnessed strong growth in their commercial sectors. IT, telecom, and retail are some of the major sectors that are growing rapidly in developing countries in Asia Pacific, resulting in high demand for natural gas gensets as they are crucial for backup power in these facilities.
Hospitals and medical institutes are the main contributors to the commercial segment of the natural gas generator market. Medical facilities, along with the communities they support, depend heavily on emergency generator sets for critical power. The growing demand for gensets from healthcare facilities is expected to drive this demand.
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the power to rescue

From ploughing through angry seas to reach people in distress to simply patrolling the coastline, Scania Power Solutions deliver engines designed to perform in any situation. Each one has been developed to deliver impressive power and immediate response when they’re needed most. When it has to work, it has to be Scania.


ABB has delivered a life extension and expansion project for LondonEnergy’s energy-from-waste (EfW) facility which will ensure continued production of sustainable energy and processing of waste for 1.9 million people in seven London boroughs.

The upgrade has enabled LondonEnergy to improve the plant’s resilience and enable the connection of an additional steam turbine, which will increase annual green energy production to 1,000 megawatt-hours (MWh), equivalent to the electricity consumption of 80,000 homes and businesses.
“By upgrading our existing EfW plant, we have renewed confidence in our ability to keep waste out of landfill and minimise our carbon footprint. The new system allows us to monitor, control and automate the entire EfW plant’s electrical assets from one touchscreen user interface,” said Charles Bell, LondonEnergy’s E&I Manager.
An important feature of the project is the ABB Ability™ Electrification Monitoring and Control ZEE600, one of the first to be deployed in the UK. It acts as a hub to integrate data from five generators, as well as power distribution systems, grid connection, and drives and motors in waste-handling units.
Operators interact with the system via a touch-screen interface that gives visibility and control, as well as access to alerts and historic performance data.

ABB supplied a total of 63 panels of UniGear ZS1 11 (kV) double busbar and 3.3 kV single busbar electrical switchgear to protect service continuity and provide redundant power capability.
VD4G generator circuit breakers (GCBs) were selected to meet the most stringent requirements for generator applications.
Their fault-handling capability was established by a power study that enabled the team to replicate the installation’s original electrical parameters.
On top of offering comprehensive generator protection, ABB’s advanced Relion® REX640 relays are also able to automatically perform generator breaker synchronization, a crucial task for safe connection to the grid.

The project required upgrading of four original generators and interfacing them with a modern digital control system, as well as adding a new generator.
To achieve this, ABB’s global experts in power consulting delivered in-depth modellling and analysis, before developing a scheme that seamlessly combines the existing and new technologies. ABB also delivered training to help LondonEnergy’s operators transition to
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the latest control technology.
“Extending the life of an existing facility can have huge sustainability benefits by avoiding or delaying construction of a new site. When it was built 50 years ago, the original engineers could never have possibly foreseen that we would integrate their generators into a modern digital control system,” said Stephen Gibbs, ABB’s UK Product Marketing Director for Distribution Solutions.
“Our extensive research, modelling and simulations showed that it is possible to upgrade existing assets and it’s an approach that we can replicate elsewhere.”
ABB is a technology leader in electrification and automation, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. The company’s solutions connect engineering know-how and software to optimise how things are
manufactured, moved, powered and operated.
Building on more than 130 years of excellence, ABB’s ~105,000 employees are committed to driving innovations that accelerate industrial transformation.
Electrifying the world in a safe, smart and sustainable way, ABB Electrification is a global technology leader in electrical distribution and management from source to socket.
As the world’s demand for electricity grows, its 50,000+ employees across 100 countries collaborate with customers and partners to transform how people connect, live and work.
The company says it develops innovative products, solutions and digital technologies which enable energy efficiency and a low carbon society across all sectors. www.abb.com
AFC Energy, a leading provider of hydrogen power generation technologies, has reported on a series of field trials of the H-Power Tower on UK and European construction sites.

Mace Dragados Joint Venture, the construction team building HS2’s new Euston station in London, is primarily trialling the hydrogen fuel cell to charge a fully electric JCB telehandler.
It is also being used to charge lighting towers and a water pump on site. The H-Power Tower is an entirely emission free solution, reducing noise and capacity requirements from mains power and diesel generators.
This is the latest in a series of construction deployments for AFC Energy’s H-Power Tower and also follows the recent successful field trial in Spain of the Company’s first prototype Methanol Fuel Tower.
Charging electric construction machinery with zero-emission solutions at point of use provides a real step forward in decarbonising the activities of construction activities where mains supply is not possible.
HS2, Europe’s largest construction project, has continually challenged its contractors to find new, innovative methods of construction and power supply which will result in lower emissions, be greener, and more environmentally friendly. This is just one of the many ways HS2 is reducing carbon emissions and air pollution typically projected in construction and accelerating HS2 sites to be diesel free by 2029.
Andrea Davidson, HS2’s Head of Environmental Sciences, said:“HS2 is championing the use of environmentally friendly energy solutions across the project, and this is another great example of just that.”
Andrea continues: “Reducing the reliance on mains sources of power while still moving away from diesel generated power is critical for the UKs low carbon future and trialling the use of hydrogen power to charge electric machines and for plant equipment as a whole will be a major step forward for the wider construction sector.”
Ben Wheeldon, Programme Director for Mace Dragados, said: “Our trialling of fuel cell generators at our Euston station site underlines our commitment to supporting HS2 with its aspiration to help drive a low carbon future in the UK.

“By using the electricity generated by AFC Energy’s unit to power a very visible piece of equipment that we use on site each and every day, we are reminding our workforce of the need to put decarbonisation at the forefront of our industry’s thinking and encouraging them to bring their own innovative ideas to Euston.”
Adam Bond, Chief Executive Officer at AFC Energy, said: “Our H-Power Tower has demonstrated that it is a reliable and highly efficient alternative to fossil fuel-based generators.
“The H-Power Tower’s ability to support HS2, Europe’s largest construction project, with clean and consistent power is irrefutable proof of concept for our technology. Hydrogen has the power to revolutionise construction, helping the industry meet its decarbonisation goals and reach Net Zero.”
The H-Power Tower, a hydrogen fuel cell, is able to charge a fully electric JCB telehandler, lighting towers and a water pump on the average construction site.
Whilst is produces zero emissions for the site, it also provides benefits through the reduction of noise and capacity requirements from mains power.
This fuel cell works to produce electricity through combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms, which subsequently react across an electrochemical cell to produce electricity, with water and heat being the only byproducts.
Implementing the use of these hydrogen power cells will greatly enhance the decarbonisation of construction projects for HS2 and
could be transformative for the sector if operators and infrastructure owners seek to incorporate these methods into their production methods.
Throughout its lifespan, HS2 has continually challenged and encouraged its contractor partners to employ new and innovative construction methods which will result in lower emissions production, creating environmentally sustainable standards that could influence the rail sector.
HS2 are currently aiming for their construction processes to be completely diesel free by 2029, so we expect more innovation to build upon these existing practises.
AFC Energy plc is commercialising scalable “fuel flexible” fuel cell systems, to provide clean electricity for on and off grid applications.
The technology, pioneered over the past twelve years in the UK, is now deployable in electric vehicle chargers, off-grid decentralised power systems and data centre applications with emerging opportunities across maritime and rail as part of a portfolio approach to the decarbonisation of local electricity needs.
www.wipmagazines.com www.powermediagroup.co.uk

Located approximately 20km South-West of Wandoan, Queensland’s first domestic-only gas project, the Atlas Gas Project, saw the completion of the 60km pipeline which connects the Wallumbilla gas pipeline to the East Coast gas market.

The Atlas Project is on 58 square kilometres of land the Queensland Government granted for domestic-only gas production in March 2018.
The ground-breaking project is supplying natural gas to generate electricity and make products in Queensland. The Atlas Gas Project was developed by Senex Energy in partnership with Jemena and plays an important part in building an interconnected supply chain of energy delivery assets in northern Australia through targeted acquisitions and greenfield developments.
At the start of January 2020, Synchrotech Controls’ technicians successfully completed commissioning of the four Type B compliant gensets, each utilising a Cummins KTA19GC industrial gas engine, producing 1.3 MW generator power all up and operating 24/7. The project is also supported by one QSX15 diesel black start unit.

“The long-standing relationship between Synchrotech Controls and Cummins South Pacific has grown over the past years, more recently this has seen the successful packaging and installation of the four KTA19GCs; demonstrating the collaboration between Cummins South Pacific and Synchrotech and powering the success of the Atlas Project,” says Miles Paul, Cummins South Pacific Business Manager for Oil & Gas/Mining. Each unit was installed in high quality, stainless steel, sound attenuated and weather proof enclosure for the harsh remote conditions on the site.
According to Craig Giles, Director/Senior Mechanical Engineer at Synchrotech Controls: “Commissioning was 100% complete just three days after gas availability.
“This was another faultless commissioning trip made possible by our comprehensive test installation and complete factory testing offsite prior to shipping,” he explains.
This type of low emission power generation that aids the transition towards a low carbon future and provides complementary support with intermittent renewable technologies such as wind and solar generation. Gathering compression requires power which is reliable, durable and has world-class support.
Accordingly, the Cummins KTA19GC – a high-performance natural gas engine which shares the proven heritage of the Cummins K Series diesel engines and many of the same heavy-duty components. It is no surprise that the KTA19GC has low maintenance cost and keeps the gas flowing every day.
The KTA19-Series benefits from years of technical development and improvement to bring customers an innovative and future proof diesel engine that keeps pace with ever changing generator set requirements, says Cummins.
Recognised globally for its performance under even the most
severe climatic conditions, the KTA19-Series is widely acknowledged as the most robust and cost-effective diesel engine in its power range for the generator set market. Features include:
* Turbocharger – Cummins Turbo technologies (CTT) exhaust gas driven turbocharger mounted at top of engine.
* Fuel System – Cummins PT™ selfadjusting system. Integral dual flyweight governor provides overspeed protection independent of main governor.
* Aftercooler – Large capacity aftercooler results in cooler, denser intake air for more efficient combustion and reduced internal stresses for longer life.
* Cylinder Block – Alloy cast iron with removable wet liners. Cross bolt support to main bearing cap provides extra strength and stability.
* Service and Support - G-Drive products are backed by an uncompromising level of technical support and aftersales service, delivered through a world class service network.
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For energy transition and climate protection hydrogen (H2) is one of the key instruments to effectively reduce emissions from energy generation.
If produced in a climate-friendly way, the versatile fuel is a compelling, sustainable, and efficient alternative to fossil energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
The European Union intends to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. For this, Europe’s carbon emissions from energy generation need to be reduced significantly.
To reach the climate targets, the energy consumption, too, must be brought down, and the availability of energy for the industry must be controlled in a flexible way, e.g. via flex operation of cogeneration power plants.
New laws and regulations including the 44th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (44th BImSchV) determine stricter emission limits for plants with firing systems, gas turbines, and combustion engines, which plant operators need to comply with and furnish evidence of their compliance.
The National Hydrogen Strategy also intends to speedily develop hydrogen technologies and ensure international market availability for the production and use of hydrogen in order to make the amount of hydrogen required for the conversion of application areas available as soon as possible.
Sustainably produced green hydrogen can be used as a climate-friendly energy source for distributed power generation with gas engines, as fuel for vehicles, as raw material for chemical processes, and for longterm storage.
Green and Blue Hydrogen: Climate-neutral fuel and energy store
Compared to fossil fuels, the carbon emissions of sustainably produced hydrogen are much lower. About 96% of the hydrogen produced around the globe is produced from natural gas, oil, and coal. Not all hydrogen types come from zero-carbon production. Distinction is made between green, blue, turquoise, and gray hydrogen.
Green hydrogen is produced via electrolysis using renewable energies, while blue hydrogen is produced using the steam reforming method in which the CO2 is captured and stored. At the bottom line, the production of both types of hydrogen is carbon-neutral.
Hydrogen approved for use as fuel for MWM gas engines
Besides the benefit of lower emissions, the use of hydrogen also affects the efficiency, initial investments, fuel and maintenance costs, and the material quality of the piston engines.
The properties of hydrogen give rise to a number of structural requirements that must be met and that are vital for products that support hydrogen.
For example, this includes a wide range of flammability (enables lean mixtures), high autoignition temperature (similar to methane), low ignition energy (risk of premature ignition and flashback), and potential material incompatibilities (embrittlement of the steel).
The developers of the MWM gas engines have mastered these challenges through ongoing research.
Green hydrogen as clean fuel for MWM gas engines and cogeneration power plants
MWM has extensive experience in the use of gas engines with hydrogen admixture. Through the deployment of various MWM products and technologies in customer projects, MWM has implemented trend-setting projects with a hydrogen content of up to 60%.
MWM gas engines are already capable of running with a hydrogen admixture of up to 10% without any technical modifications.
Higher hydrogen admixtures of up to 25 vol% are also possible with MWM gas engines; in this case, however, technical modification is required in order to ensure safety, performance and efficiency.
Investments in new and replacement cogeneration power plants which enable the use of hydrogen
For customers who want to invest in new engines for continuous operation, base load supply, or peak load operation, MWM will introduce gas engines that can run on natural gas with a hydrogen admixture of up to 25 percent. This applies to the TCG 3016, TCG 3020, and TCG 2032 series.

For customers who want to upgrade their plants for the use of hydrogen, MWM offers retrofit kits for the gas engines of the TCG 3016, TCG 3020, and TCG 2032 series in order to enable a hydrogen admixture of up to 25%.
With this offering, MWM facilitates the transition to plant operation with hydrogen admixture, thereby boosting operational efficiency and reducing emissions.
Benefits of the operation of MWM gas engines with hydrogen:
•Climate-friendly, future-proof alternative to fossil fuels
•Energy generation with reduced carbon emissions
•Easier compliance with emission limits
•Based on long-standing experience with various technologies
•New engines and retrofit kits for MWM gas engines of the TCG 3016, TCG 3020, and TCG 2032 series
available for hydrogen admixture of up to 25%
•Hydrogen admixture of up to 10% already possible without any technical modifications
•Sustainable, profitable operation of your plant with MWM engines and hydrogen.
Noise control experts
Keeping your world clean, quiet, and safe. Dürr Universal is a global leader in the design and manufacture of inlet and exhaust systems for gas turbines and reciprocating engines in the OEM and retrofit markets. www.durr-universal.com

As OEMs face increasing demands for improved emissions performance, fuel economy, and equipment productivity, power solutions providers like John Deere Power Systems (JDPS) are investing in future-forward technologies. These will give OEMs and their customers a competitive edge in the off-highway market as they work to meet productivity and sustainability goals.
Leveraging the best technologies of John Deere in new ways to meet both market and customer demands, JDPS is delivering new levels of reliability, durability, flexibility, and serviceability with its Next Generation Engines.
When developing its Next Generation Engine lineup, JDPS consulted leading equipment manufacturers to learn more about which engine improvements were at the top of their lists.
The result? An expanded engine power range that can easily integrate into a wide array of heavy-duty applications — and the opportunity to offer engines that don’t require extra fluids like diesel exhaust fluid.

The Next Generation Engine lineup includes the JD4, JD14, and JD18. With this extended power range, OEMs can put John Deere power and performance into their entire line of equipment, from 36 to 677 kW (48 to 908 hp).

The JD4 features a rear gear chain New to the John Deere engine lineup, the JD4 provides up to 116 kW (156 hp) of power.
It features a rear gear train that provides customers with low noise and higher PTO power.
The engine also has an extended single turbo range and provides 670 Nm (494 lb-ft) of maximum torque for improved high-load capacity and productivity.
The JD4 offers a more reliable diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) delivery system. The engine also features extended fluid service intervals of 750 hours, reducing maintenance costs for customers. Hydraulic lash adjusters eliminate valve lash maintenance.
The JD4 engine offers up to two auxiliary drive pads, providing three times more available auxiliary power. This additional power allows flexibility and enables off-boarding for electrification and hybrid applications.
The JD4 will be compatible with EU Stage IIIA – Stage V emissions levels through common interfaces.
The engine is low-NOx ready with planned external cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and a single overhead cam shaft valve train.
The JD4 engine is also compliant with US EPA Final Tier 4 and EU Stage V with no EGR.
JD14 essentials
The JD14 industrial engine is the culmination of more than 15 years of developing and refining effective engine design while keeping up with evolving emissions regulations.
Having met the emissions regulations in both the EU and North America, JDPS focused its resources on refining and optimizing these systems.
The JD14 features a reduced footprint for more space and offers more power in a smaller package, which allows it to meet the needs for a wide array of heavy-duty applications.
The featured hydraulic lash adjusters provide longer engine life while eliminating valve lash maintenance.
An advanced control system analyzes sensor data to keep operators working without interruption. Prognostic capabilities are also built into the engine to help users identify potential problems and schedule service prior to downtime.
The in-line integrated Emissions Control system of the JD14 offers 90 degrees of optionality.
It can be mounted horizontally or vertically, allowing the industrial engine to be compatible with more machines in customers’ fleets while reducing connection points and optimizing thermal management.
Key points on the JD18
Building on the rugged design of the JD14 engine, the JD18 was designed with ease of service and repair in mind.
The JD18 extends Deere’s rated power range to 522 – 677 kW (700 –908 hp). The engine features a rear gear train, which produces excellent direct power and options up to two rear aux drives for a total of 902 Nm (665 lb-ft) max torque providing quiet operation.
With peak power ratings from 572 – 677 kW (767 – 908 hp) and new combustion technology, the JD18 does not require aftertreatment.
Without the need for DEF, users have one less fluid to manage. The high-pressure common-rail fuel system allows the engine to deliver optimized fluid consumption.
The Diamond Like Coating (DLC) improves bio-diesel compatibility and system robustness.
The new combustion technology features a simplified air system with fixed and wastegate turbos, allowing the engine to meet emissions requirements without applying aftertreatment.
This feature provides a simplified engine integration and package size. www.deere.com/en/ engines-and-drivetrain
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Located in south-eastern France, the Rhône-Alpes region is an area ideally suited for hydroelectric power development thanks to the proximity of the Alps and the presence of many rivers.
During the 20th Century over 465 operating sites were established in the region, many of which are microplants. Around 10 of these plants belong to GEG (Gaz Electricité de Grenoble), which is the sixth largest French electricity distributor with a global capacity of approximately 24 MW and a production of 90 GWh/ year.
In 2009, GEG and the Villard-Bonnot City Electric Authority joined forces in the Société Hydroélectrique Frédet-Bergès (SHFB) to start a project to replace three production plants in Brignoud and Bas-Laval (Loury). These installations were established over a century ago by local hydroelectricity pioneers, Mr Frédet and Mr Bergès.
Located on the Laval stream providing a 336 metres drop height and a flow of 1 m3/s, the new Frédet-Bergès hydro plant was expected to provide a power of 3.6 MW, against 1.6 MW for the three legacy plants combined. Annual production was also targeted to rise from 8.500 MWh to 13.500 MWh, to meet the electricity needs of 2650 households. The authorities approached Leroy-Somer for advice on the following points:

*Electrical performances had to be optimized
*The target lifespan of the new equipment had to match the legacy installation
* The noise level of the plant had to be reduced as the installation was in an inhabited area.
The address these challenges, Leroy-Somer recommended a closed circuit water cooling system with a dual tube air/water exchanger to equip the alternator.
This configuration helps reducing the noise level of the installation, and allows for a significant optimization of the alternator output, with a maximum power of 4.5 MW at 750 rpm.

For this project, Leroy-Somer worked in collaboration with Desgranges for the turbine elements and EREMA for the command control units. Operating as true partners - based on previous successful collaborations - these three stakeholders have been able to offer a global solution in response to the tender, optimizing all components of the power generation system.
Finally, in response to expectations about the longevity and sustainability of the installation, Leroy-Somer was picked due to its reputation as a key designer and manufacturer of alternators.
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Leroy-Somer’s input has subsequently led to: - Substantial noise reduction - Optimal plant performance - A long planned lifespan.
Best power generation
performance with the LSA 56 A company spokesman commented: “The Nidec Leroy-Somer LSA 56 alternator has been designed to offer you the best power generation performances. With its meticulous design and optimized architecture, the LSA 56 strikes the perfect balance between compactness, reliability, performance and longevity. Whatever your application, the LSA 56 will meet your needs.”
The LSA range is the name which ‘built the legend’ for Leroy-Somer. It is associated with reliable, high performance alternators with a wide range of options and customizations to match all requirements.
LSA alternators are regarded as some of the company’s top flagship products. The alternators are best deployed in demanding applications, for grid- connected projects or aboard ships with their LSAM variants, says the company.
Key points about the sites
Today the Frédet-Bergès hydro plant features the following:
* Leroy-Somer LSA 56 UL90 8 poles alternator, sleeve bearings, vertical mounting

* Cooling: air/water (IC81W - IEC 60034-6)
* Insulation / temperature rise class: H / B
* Rated output: 3,492 kWe
* Operating speed: 750 rpm
* Efficiency: 96.7 % at full load - 0.9 cos φ
* Excitation: brushless auto-excited, AREP + PMI
* Regulation: digital automatic voltage and cos φ D610 regulator featuring ModBus Ethernet communications
*Weight: 17,500 kg
Leroy-Somer is one of the global leaders in electromechanical and electronic drive systems and industrial alternators.

As a member of NIDEC, Leroy-Somer has developed a longterm growth strategy backed up by the resources and synergies offered by a large international group.
Leroy-Somer has developed new technologies for machine cooling, high speed, electromagnetic compatibility, reduction of noise and vibration, surface treatments, mechanical resistance of materials, and coating & insulation of windings.

The revival of the Energy Security Bill is an opportunity that cannot be squandered; Government must now deliver on decentralised energy to make 2023 a turning point in tackling the energy crisis
That’s the call from the Association for Decentralised Energy (ADE), which has welcomed the long-awaited return of the Bill.

The trade association, which represents more than 150 organisations from across industry, has been persistently calling for the Bill to revolutionise the decentralised energy sector’s role in delivering the UK’s climate ambitions and strengthening energy security amid the energy price crisis.

Through the introduction of longawaited regulation for heat networks, the establishment of a Future System Operator (FSO) to oversee electricity and gas markets and the promised deployment of widespread energy efficiency measures, the Bill could see the UK lead forward in accelerating the growth of low carbon technologies and creating a fairer and more affordable energy market for all.
The ADE notes the Bill lays out essential detail on heat network zoning to put 55,000km of new pipes in the ground, allowing networks to provide nearly 20% of heat in UK buildings by 2050, as well as sets out the path to a smarter and more flexible energy market by creating an Independent System Operator and Planner (ISOP) and by developing a ‘smart mandate’ for low carbon technologies such as heat pumps and domestic batteries.
As it stands, there is one glaring omission in the Bill - new, rigorous energy efficiency standards to ensure that the UK’s buildings are not cold and drafty, but warm, safe and comfortable.

Commenting on Chancellor
Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement delivered on the 17th November, Stephen Marcos Jones, CEO of the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE), which represents the companies large and small who design, deliver and manage our national infrastructure and built environment, had much to say.
He comments: “It will come as no surprise that the Chancellor presented a challenging macro-economic picture, and with tax increases previewed in the media over the last few weeks, today’s tax announcements have already had time to be digested by the business community.”
“I wrote to the Chancellor this week outlining the importance of investment in infrastructure to deliver the jobs and growth that will help drive the economy through the challenging times ahead. With this in mind, I was pleased to see the Government maintain the capital programme, which means the Northern Powerhouse Rail core, HS2, and the new hospitals programme can all progress. ACE also welcomes the commitment to new energy infrastructure in Sizewell C.”
“As important was the news that devolution deals have been struck for Suffolk, Norfolk and Cornwall, as well as increased powers for the Combined Authorities in West Midlands and Greater Manchester.
“Increasing local decision-making is crucial if we are to make real progress on Levelling Up across the UK, but we would have liked to have seen the Government use this opportunity to consolidate and ringfence spending,”
Technology Seminar & 74th Annual Luncheon
17th March 2023 - Leonardo Royal Hotel
London Tower Bridge - Energy Security in Uncertain Times

The IPowerE’s 2023 Technology Seminar and Annual Luncheon is to be held at the Leonardo Royal Hotel London Tower Bridge. The day will commence at 10.00am with a technology seminar, followed by a 3-course luncheon and guest speakers in the afternoon.

The morning seminar will comprise a multi-stream programme covering a range of technologies and subject matter, so there will be something which is relevant to everyone’s business.
The Annual Seminar & Luncheon is well established as a key event in the calendar of the power and prime mover industries and is an occasion not to be missed. Book your place now and take the opportunity to catch up on the latest technology developments and to hear and engage with internationally renowned speakers, plus the chance to network with other members, clients and colleagues.
Industry Speaker: National Grid Guest Speaker: Penny Mallory Often best known for her passion for motor sport, Penny’s first love has always been people. Penny has spoken all over the world, an Event Host and a familiar TV Presenter. Based on over twenty years of sporting and business experience, Penny talks about The Psychology of Success.
“I love the buzz and physical challenge of running, riding and boxing. But to find real balance in life, it is essential to achieve some moments of stillness and mindfulness. I believe that balance is the key to unlocking pure, true potential” says Penny.
Against the odds, Penny Mallory became the first woman in the World to compete in a World Rally Car. Her story is unusual and inspiring. Penny shares the ups and downs of her story from ‘homeless waster’ to ‘Rally Champion’, inspiring audiences to achieve greater things for themselves. Her unique and inspirational story shows there is no limit to what you can achieve with will determination, focus and commitment.
Penny has also entered the boxing ring for two fights, one opponent being TV chef Monica Galetti(!) She has completed 4 marathons, various hell runners and a Triathlon. She has learnt to play polo and completed a successful ascent in 2008 of the tough North face of Europe’s highest mountain, Mount Elbrus and more recently summited Mount Kilimanjaro.
Enhance profitability by using your Bergen gas generating sets to provide electricity and heating and cooling to your business. Or boost your income by selling excess energy to surrounding businesses.

Our gas generating sets have proven low emissions and can operate on carbon neutral biogas without any mechanical adjustments. The engines are also ready to handle hydrogen blends, so no need to worry about future changes in decarbonisation regulations.

More than two million VD4 medium-voltage (MV) circuit breakers from ABB have been installed across 100 countries since the model was first released.
ABB has now announced the release of the sensor-loaded digital variant, the VD4 evo.

The VD4 evo is available as a digital configuration upgrade to the existing IEC indoor vacuum VD4 breaker, incorporating a suite of Industry 4.0 sensors to collect and transmit data from multiple thermal, mechanical, and electrical parameters. A central monitoring unit is available for 24/7 remote monitoring and real-time analytics.

Designed for 50- to 60-hertz power systems, the VD4 evo is rated to 17.5 kilovolts and can accommodate a continuous load current of 1.2 kiloamperes, or transient currents (three seconds or less) up to 40 kA. The evo variant will be compatible with existing VD4 installations, allowing for easy upgrades while offering a 15 percent space savings compared with similar MV breakers. Typical users include panel builders and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for a wide range of MV applications such as capacitor bank switching. With its sensor payload and connectivity, the evo system can monitor the breaker for kinematic chain anomalies, loose connections, and thermal stresses. new.abb.com
Advanced Cell Engineering (ACE) has won a contract to supply five-hundred 21700 battery cells to Bren-Tronics Inc., a global manufacturer of advanced portable power systems for military applications used by the US, NATO and government forces around the world.
The company has designed the cells especially for the military and is currently producing high energy and power dense prototypes for a variety of military applications.
Doug Petito, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Bren-Tronics, comments: “The military sets an especially high standard for performance and quality in its mobile power applications.ACE’s innovative new lithium-ion battery technology provides a high-performance solution for our customers.”
ACE develops and licenses proprietary advanced lithium-ion technologies which, reports the company, provide a significant increase in energy density and improved performance over existing battery chemistries available currently. The technology can be produced in any cell format and is readily compatible with standard cell manufacturing equipment.

The intention is to use the higher energy density of ACE’s advanced lithium-ion battery technology to transform the battery industry by offering improved performance in a cost-effective cell. The ACE team will use its experience in developing and commercialising innovative battery systems in order to achieve this aim, says the company. www.advancedcellengineering.com
Volvo Penta’s new cube battery is based on proven Volvo Group technology. According to the manufacturer the cube-shaped battery increases the versatility and flexibility of its electromobility offering, opening up electrification opportunities for more customers across a wider range of industrial subsectors and applications.
The company’s cube battery and its existing flat-pack battery offers customers reliable power and range with a 40% increase in energy density compared to what was previously available, allowing equipment to work for longer before a re-charge is needed.
Measuring 768x684x668 mm and boasting a lighter design, the cube battery delivers 90 kWh of energy, while the updated flat-pack battery delivers 94 kWh of energy.
“The new cubic battery shape is a strong addition to Volvo Penta’s electric driveline offering,” comments Eduardo Araujo, electromobility product manager at Volvo Penta. “It has been developed to meet the needs of demanding applications and safety requirements, as well as facilitate alternative packaging designs due to its cubic shape – which allows the batteries to be easily stacked. It delivers increased energy density together with installation flexibility and will help OEMs transition to battery-electric power.
Filtration specialist Hengst has developed a cathode filter designed to protect core components of the fuel cell from gases and particles by separating sulphuric gases & ammonia which can damage the catalyst and fuel cell membrane.

The company has also created a new type of separator module for anode gas recirculation combines the functions of water-drop separation and gas discharge to prevent fluid retention that can affect long-term operation of the fuel cell.
Hengst recently showcased its intelligent Blue.maxx fuel filter system for effective water separation in on-highway and off-highway engines, as well as the Blue.on sustainable filtration concept for in-field oil separation in heavy-duty applications.

The Blue.on filtration concept consists of a plastic cover, the filter element and valve adapter, with only the filter element requiring replacement during the engine’s lifetime. The result is an easily replaceable, lightweight and sustainable alternative to spin-on filters.
Other products featured included an expanded product portfolio of filters and filter elements for extreme industrial and mobile hydraulic applications; the Pure Power hydraulic filter elements designed to remove up to 50% more particles; and a full range of aftermarket filtration solutions. www.hengst.com
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INNIO Jenbacher gas engines

Headquarters: A-6200 Jenbach (Austria) T +43 5244 600-0 F +43 5244 600-527
jenbacher.info@ge.com www.gejenbacher.com
Manufacturer of gas driven generator sets and cogeneration systems in a power range from 0.25 to 3 MW.
Fuel rpm Pel Pth
JMS 208 GS g 1,500 330 358
JMS 208 GS g 1,800 335 406
JMS 312 GS g 1,500 625 731
JMS 312 GS g 1,800 633 808
JMS 316 GS g 1,500 834 988
JMS 316 GS g 1,800 848 1,079
JMS 320 GS g 1,500 1,063 1,190
JMS 320 GS g 1,800 1,060 1,313
JMS 412 GS g 1,500 844 892
JMS 416 GS g 1,500 1,131 1,194
JMS 420 GS g 1,500 1,415 1,492
JMS 612 GS g 1,500 1,820 1,792
JMS 616 GS g 1,500 2,433 2,399
JMS 620 GS g 1,500 3,041 3,020
Ratings natural gas standard, NOx ≤ 500 mg/ m3N. Dry exhaust gas; based on 5% O2. For engines with 1,200 rpm please contact GE Energy’s Jenbacher product team.
TAD1242GE 352 409
TAD1640GE 393 462
TAD1641GE 433 509
TAD1642GE 485 570
R Schmitt Enertec GmbH
56743 Mendig, Germany T +49 2652 9351810 F +49 2652 9351822
info@rschmitt-enertec.com www.rschmitt-enertec.com

Manufacturer of gas driven engines,generator sets and cogeneration systems in the range from 100 - 500 kW.
RSE Engines for natural gas and biogas
Model fuel Freq. Electric output
M06-G/B T0D41 g 50 140 kW M06-G/B TID41 g 50 200 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 50 250 kW
M08-G/B TID41 g 50 260 kW
M08-G/B T2D41 g 50 333 kW
M12-G/B TID41 g 50 400 kW M12-G/B T2D41 g 50 500 kW M06-G/B T0D41 g 60 150 kW
M06-G/B TID41 g 60 210 kW M06-G/B T2D41 g 60 250 kW
M08-G/B TID41 g 60 280 kW
M08-G/B T2D41 g 60 333 kW
M12-G/B TID41 g 60 420 kW
M12-G/B T2D41 g 60 500 kW
RSE engines for LPG M06-PT0D41 g 50 115 kW M06-PTID41 g 50 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 50 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 50 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 50 260 kW
M12-PTID41 g 50 350 kW M12-PT2D41 g 50 450 kW M06-PT0D41 g 60 130 kW M06-PTID41 g 60 173 kW M06-PT2D41 g 60 205 kW M08-PTID41 g 60 233 kW M08-PT2D41 g 60 260 kW
M12-PTID41 g 60 350kW M12-PT2D41 g 60 450 kW
Perkins Engines Company Limited
Peterborough PE1 5FQ
Contact name:- Simon Gray
Tel: +44 (0) 1733 583000
Email: gray_simon_j@perkins.com
Perkins is one of the world’s leading suppliers of off-highway diesel and gas engines, offering dependable cost-effective power up to 2500 kVA in dieselor 1000 kWE prime in gas.

SE-151 87 Sodertalje Sweden
Tel +468553 81000 Fax +468553 898 12
E-mail engines@scania.com Web www.scania.com
UK Contact – Mark Swindell
Scania GB Ltd Tel +44 1908 329386
E-mail mark.swindell@scania.com
Diesel & Gas engines for power generation Prime power 250kVA to 700kVA Stand by power 250kVA to 770kVA
Engine range prime power 50hz & 60hz at (70% mean load factor)
Scania produce diesel and gas powered engines for various Industrial and Marine applications, superior quality and reliability, offering exceptionally low fuel consumption.

All models are available to meet current emissions requirements, Scania engines are now available to meet both Tier 4F and EU Stage V.
Alternative fuels
Many of our engines can also operate on Bio-diesel conforming to EN14214 and HVO conforming to EN159540
RSE engines for Woodgas M06-HT2D41 g 50 122 kW M08-HT2D41 g 50 166 kW M12-HT2D41 g 50 250 kW M06-HT2D41 g 60 140 kW M08-HT2D41 g 60 180 kW M12-HT2D41 g 60 275 kW
Volvo Penta 405 08 Gothenburg, Sweden Tel +46 31 235460
Model Spec RPM kWm kVA
TAD530GE Diesel 15002) 75 85
TAD531GE Diesel 15002) 88 100
TAD532GE Diesel 15002) 113 130
TAD550GE1) Diesel 15002) 76 86
TAD551GE1) Diesel 15002) 89 101
TAD730GE Diesel 15002) 113 130
TAD731GE Diesel 15002) 132 152
TAD732GE Diesel 15002) 162 186
TAD733GE Diesel 15002) 175 201
TAD734GE Diesel 15002) 213 245
TAD750GE1) Diesel 15002) 114 131
TAD751GE1) Diesel 15002) 13 152
TAD752GE1) Diesel 15002) 158 182
TAD753GE1) Diesel 15002) 173 199
TAD754GE1) Diesel 15002) 217 250
TAD940GE Diesel 15002) 241 277
TAD941GE Diesel 15002) 280 326
TAD1341GE Diesel 15002) 271 315
TAD1342GE Diesel 15002) 303 352
TAD1343GE Diesel 15002) 325 378
TAD1344GE Diesel 15002) 354 412
TAD1345GE Diesel 15002) 388 451
TAD1351GE1) Diesel 15002) 279 324
TAD1352GE1) Diesel 15002) 314 365
TAD1354GE1) Diesel 15002) 328 381
TAD1355GE1) Diesel 15002) 355 413
TAD1640GE Diesel 15002) 392 461
TAD1641GE Diesel 15002) 430 505
TAD1642GE Diesel 15002) 503 591
TWD1643GE Diesel 15002) 536 630
TAD1650GE1) Diesel 15002) 393 462
TAD1651GE1) Diesel 15002) 430 505
Engines are also available for1800rpm/60Hz

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For 90 years we’ve provided prime and standby power for over 3 million generator sets. Today, our 5-2500 kVA engines are powering communities, livelihoods and businesses.