16 minute read
Over the past decade, the Turkish healthcare infrastructure has been continually expanded with new hospitals. Healthcare services must be continually improved in order to enable the best possible patient care and health support. To cover the growing demand for energy, the Turkish
MWM service and sales distributor İltekno İleri Teknoloji
Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. has installed and commissioned two combined heat and power plants for two hospitals of the Memorial Healthcare Group. One of the plants is equipped with an MWM TCG 3016
V16 gas generator set, and the other with an MWM TCG 2020 V12 gas generator set. An MWM TCG 3016 V16 generator set with an output of 800 kWel was commissioned in the Ankara Çankaya Hospital. Featuring an output of 1,000 kWel, the second generator set was installed on the roof of the Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital. The Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital is one of the few hospitals worldwide which has been awarded LEED certification, a system of the United States Green Building Council for the rating of green buildings. The certification was granted in view of the high energy efficiency which is ensured and perpetuated by the 4 installed combined heat and power plant with a powerful MWM TCG 2020 V12 gas generator set. The CHP plant at Memorial Bahçelievler Istanbul was installed on the roof; this posed a major challenge in terms of installation, design and safety. Vibration and sound levels played an important role in selecting a supplier for the project. Thanks to an insulated container, very low sound levels of 65 dB have been achieved at a distance of 10 metres. The installation of the CHP plant for the Memorial
Bahçelievler Hospital was performed by İltekno within only 36 hours. As the hospital is located on one of Istanbul’s arterial roads, the project had to be planned well. Thanks to the quick and efficient work of the service team, the installation was completed in only one-and-a-half days instead of the usual 4–5 days. Thanks to the two gas generator set-driven CHP plants at the two hospitals, the Memorial Healthcare Group saves about €400 thousand a year in power and heating costs. Additionally, due to the high efficiency of the MWM gas generator sets, carbon emissions are expected to be about 20 percent lower. The well-being of hospital patients depends on an uninterrupted power supply and a reliable emergency power supply. To cope with the growing number of patients despite limited capacities and rising fixed costs, hospitals are forced to save expenses. This is achieved by increasing the efficiency in certain areas, e.g. in the field of energy management, which comprises the general power demand as well as a building’s heating and air-conditioning. An analysis of energy-related weaknesses can help reduce energy costs by up to 30 or 40 percent. Once the weaknesses that are not related to cogeneration have been analyzed and eliminated, the facility can start planning the rollout of an internal cogeneration power plant. The use of cogeneration with natural gas optimizes the energy supply and reduces emissions, thereby providing environmental benefits. Generator sets of the TCG 3016 series feature a unique combination of efficiency and robustness. One of the key benefits is their remarkable efficiency, which is unmatched in their class. In natural gas operation, for example, the electrical efficiency reaches up to 43.5 percent. In the cogeneration of power and heat an overall efficiency of up to 90 percent can be achieved. Moreover, a low oil consumption of less than 0.1 g/kWhel and long oil change intervals make the operation of the gas gensets more economical. The operating period until the general overhaul is 80,000 operating hours for natural gas applications. The MWM TCG 3020, successor model of the TCG 2020, generator set effectively balances efficiency and reliability. The genset delivers up to 18 percent more output than its predecessor, though its dimensions are almost the same. Additionally, the new model features long service intervals with up to 80,000 operating hours until the next general overhaul (if the gas quality is high) and a total efficiency of more than 87 percent (with natural gas). Owing to their high reliability and profitability, the TCG 3020 generator sets with an output of 1,380 to 2,300 kWel are ready for the challenges of Industry 4.0. Thanks to the use of the digital power plant control TPEM (Total Plant & Energy Management), the gas engines are able to reach their full performance for maximum plant availability, capacity, and usability.


The PowerEx Live Conference & Exhibition held on October 6th at the prestigious Plaza Hotel, Westminster, London, was well-received by power professionals from the genset and CHP sectors and enjoyed two lively all-day Conference sessions. Despite the post-Covid environment, the problems of BREXIT and widespread fuel-shortages reported across the UK at the time, the visitor turnout was, nevertheless, good. Here are just a few of the comments received so far from visitors and participants.
* Tony Hanley, FirePro UK: “PowerEx Live proved a very positive event with standing room only left for our presentation on FirePro fire suppression technology. We serve the energy sector by minimising disruption and downtime caused by fire. I shared both case studies and advantages for FirePro, including our installations protecting HV/LV rooms at the historic Lloyds of London building. I am also delighted to say that this project was selected by the judges as the winner for the AMPS 2021 innovation & technology award. FirePro can demonstrate a strong positive track record for protecting substations, CHP, ESS, diesel generators, and power distribution plant all over the world. The level of interest shown by attendees at the event underscores the importance of FirePro in maintaining continuity of business at reduced costs, via globally certified environmentally friendly, sustainable, fire suppression technology, thus reducing losses within the industry.”
*Davor Toncic, HMS: “For HMS, PowerEx was a well organised and well attended event and a key opportunity to find out in which direction the market is going. HMS received a lot of attention for its presentation on future-proofing power systems which is a reflection on the importance of our products. ”
*Peter Chan, Technical Sales Manager, Dürr Ltd,
Clean Technology Systems: “Thank you for the extremely well-organised show last week. Do you have a potential date for the 2022 show? We would also like to reserve a speaker slot. The talk will be acoustics related. Thanks again.”
* Jessica Keen, Director of Marketing & Strategy,
Baudouin: “Thank you for a good event last week, our table top was great and our team had some good discussions with the attendees, and of course it was great to be back at an industry event after two years.” *Tony Robinson, TVR: “PowerEx Live was an excellent show with a good cross-section of visitors. People at the event were specifically interested in both gensets and componentry. TVR Instruments - as a specialist technical distributor supplying low voltage instrumentation and power management products – is always keen to help customers in the power generation sector. TVR Instruments provides solutions for power, protection and monitoring systems in the LVD distribution and panel building industry. At PowerEx Live TVR Instruments was able to provide key details for visitors on a wide range of industry sectors including data centre power management, renewable energy process control, and backup power systems.”

* Ian Wilcoxson Data Centre Channel Manager (EAME) for
Kohler Power: “Visitors to PowerEx Live certainly showed an interest in learning more about regulatory and technological changes in gensets - along with the issue of sizing and selecting standby generator sets, especially in the context of historic sizing norms. The attendees at the second lecture of the morning also learned about how a properly integrated UPS can augment existing systems. This was a good show with a healthy level of visitor interest.”

* Paola Nardi, Marketing and Communication
Coordinator, Soga SpA: “ Great event!! My colleagues were very thrilled, very well organized and positive business atmosphere. Congratulations to you and your team.”
* Romain Mocaer, PowerGen Statistics: “It was a really really great event, the best PowerEx Live that I ever attended. Great audience, great exhibitors and great organization. Can’t wait to come back next year! PowerEx Live was a great show for PowerGen Statistics with many visitors attending the single presentation on market projections for the future energy sector. People were keen to learn. The level of interest shown by attendees at the event shows us how important it is to offer 100% reliable market analysis on gas & diesel gensets which simply cannot be found anywhere else. “It was also interesting to see how many visitors were keen to learn more about EUROPGEN as an organisation. There is a growing acknowledgement of the role which EUROPGEN plays in providing advice to consultancy panels, member associations and regulatory groups so that new legislation is developed with a full understanding of the relevant issues.”
* Liam Round, DEIF: “What a great day at the PowerEx Live Conference at Westminster Bridge.”
* Bola Balogun, Engineering Consultant, MIET: “It was a great pleasure to have attended the PowerEx Live event at the Plaza Hotel. I got the opportunity to network with other professionals in the genset industry.”
* Dave Andrews, Chairman of the Claverton
Energy Institute: “PowerEx Live in London proved as Lively as its name. The organisers recorded many attendees and exhibiting personnel, with 12 top speakers and two separate Conference strands on CHP and Gensets. One of the speakers even delivered his lecture ‘virtually’ via Zoom as he couldn’t get to London. This was one of the best such professional events I have attended in 2021. The Conference element had some of the leading energy experts in the country tackling vital topics - which was excellent given the current situation with gas and global warming.”
• Craig Williams: “PowerEx Live 2021 was a wellorganised, well-run Conference & Exhibition for Gensets/CHP with a great atmosphere. The speakers were first-class, as was the venue and the catering. It also did remarkably well in terms of visitor turnout considering the ongoing threat of Covid-19 and fuel shortages. ”
• Aidan Turnbull, managing Editor of WIP & UKPN:
“This was an excellent event which provided a positive sector and chance for the industry to learn about key sector and chance for the industry to learn about key technical developments which have emerged since Lockdown - and the true shape of Europe’s power industry over the next 10 years. We hope to build on the successes of 2021’s event with a further show provisionally scheduled for 2022. This will feature an enhanced lineup of Genset speakers, CHP experts and presentations on renewable energy and decarbonisation and is likely to held again in London.”

• Sheldon Taylor, TCTO: This was a pretty good show considering the post-Covid climate. A great selection of Genset speakers too.”

One essential purpose of PowerEx Live was to give attendees the opportunity to listen to a wide selection of top speakers deliver their papers on CHP/Genset issues. The following abstracts reflect the flavour of some the Conference topics:
One of the most well-attended lectures was about FirePro fire suppression technology. This is the current choice of numerous diesel generator / lithium-Ion / CHP / specialist enclosure manufacturers / UK DNO’s / M&E Contractors / Specifiers / Formula 1 racing teams for the protection of switch rooms, sub stations, transformer rooms, diesel generators, CHP plant, engine test facilities, and more, reports FirePro. FirePro is LPCB certificated and listed under the US EPA SNAP programme as an environmentally friendly product. Sold in 86 Countries, FirePro UK Ltd are delighted to join the PowerEx Live event. Manufactured in Limassol, Cyprus, FirePro is an all electrical EN/BS compliant system with no pressurised cylinders / over pressure venting, or mechanical pipework requirements, meaning capex & opex costs are slashed against the traditional legacy engineered solutions such as water mist or pressurised gas systems.
Ian Wilcoxson is Data Centre Channel Manager (EAME) for Kohler Power. This lecture was ‘standing room only’ in its popularity. Ian explained how specifiers, consultants, contractors and facility managers often need to size and select standby generators for power protection. Recent technological and regulatory changes mean comfortable old norms may now deliver uncomfortably expensive, bulky or environmentally unfriendly solutions. In this presentation, Ian discussed recent regulatory and technological changes along with their impact on sizing and selecting standby generator sets, especially in the context of historic sizing norms. In addition to looking at modern sizing basics and load steps, discussing how a properly integrated UPS can assist with these, Ian also highlighted what information and questions to have ready when approaching a potential supplier.

Romain will focus on the diesel & gas generator market in 2021, and in particular the segments, applications and countries that benefit the most from the current strong growth, and what will be the prospects for the end of 2021 and 2022. A key theme of this presentation is the upcoming transition of the market to alternative energies (hydrogen, gas, batteries), and which segments will be able to develop more quickly.
Eminox Director of Retrofit & Aftermarket - Carlos Vicente has been responsible for driving diversification and innovation for the Retrofit and Aftermarket sector. He provided attendees with an overview of the NRMM Retrofit standards to enable older Gen sets to meet real world Stave V emissions. His presentation covered the Energy Savings Trust accreditation process and also provided some examples of first-of-a-kind applications which meet the Stage V requirements set by HS2 and the Greater London Authority for NRMM.
Tobias explained to his audience how his focus has shifted from engineering roles, to project management & marketing to finally

commercial & strategic responsibilities. Since 2018 Tobias has been Managing Director of PUNCH Flybrid. His subject was Flywheel Energy Storage for heavy-duty applications Attendees learned how the PUNCH Power 200 system produced by PUNCH Flybrid has demonstrated more than 50% fuel saving on various construction sites across the UK. This presentation highlighted its use in combination with tower cranes and explains how these offer significant fuel as well as emission savings.
Romain Mocaer had a second paper to deliver - which also enjoyed a large audience. He introduced the EUROPGEN association, its objectives and missions. He talked about the current challenges of the Generating Set industry in Europe, and how EUROPGEN is promoting the interests of the manufacturers. EUROPGEN provides advice to consultancy panels, member associations and regulatory groups so that new legislation is developed with a full understanding of the relevant issues. Lawmakers benefit from EUROPGEN’s authoritative voice communicated by our industry experts that fully understand the technical capabilities of modern generating sets. EUROPGEN is committed to improving the reputation of the industry through our working groups bringing together the knowledge and experience and producing best-practice guidelines. By bringing together EUROPGEN members from all parts of the energy market, we strengthen bonds, promote cross-border trade and help deliver a stronger EU industry.
David Andrews, Conference Chairman, reflected at length on the possibility of using waste heat from Hinkley C nuclear power station to heat Bristol and Newport. Hinkley Point C nuclear powerstation (HPC) is a project to construct a 3,200 MWe power station with two EPR reactors in Somerset, England. Once in operation, EDF Energy’s Hinkley Point C will generate 7% of the UK’s electricity – which is enough to power more than 5 million homes. So it’s vital that we use the best, most advanced technology available, says Dave, which is why they will be building two EPR reactors at Hinkley, each providing 1.6GW of power. EPRs – originally known as European Pressurised Water Reactors – are based on the best of tried and tested reactor design, enhanced with the most advanced technological improvements. The EPR is a type of Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR). EDF already runs 58 PWRs in France, as well as Sizewell B in Suffolk, and in fact there are 277 successfully operating around the world. Power stations built with EPR represent a major development on previous PWRs, making them amongst the safest and most efficient power generators ever designed.
Mark Crowther – Technical Director Kiwa Ltd Mark has filled this role since 1994. He has over 40 years’ experience in the energy sector and has a wide knowledge of energy vectors (biomass, gas, oil, coal, and hydrogen) from the industrial to domestic scales of operation. Early in his career he gained significant experience in the design and operation of commercial and domestic scales of operation. Early in his career he gained significant experience in the design and operation of commercial and domestic appliances. His role includes responsibilities of Head of Testing Laboratory for the UKAS accredited solid fuel, oil and gas appliance testing laboratory and Head of Certification Body for UKCA Approved Body activities. He has assisted in the launch and field trials of many new heating products. He was the original proponent of repurposing the gas grid to hydrogen based upon a contract for the IEA in ~2004, and subsequently lead the ground breaking Hyhouse work on hydrogen safety. He then lead Kiwa’s role as main contractor to NGN Leeds H21 Citygate study. He has had technical direction/ technical expert roles for key hydrogen projects and programmes including: BEIS Hy4Heat Programme, Cadent Foundation Tyseley Energy Park hydrogen study, H21, and H100. He also lead the SGN H100 deflagration work involving six kitchens and has re-analysed HSE data (obtained under FoI) to compare potential incidents arising from Natural Gas and hydrogen networks. He played a major part in writing the safety annex of the Hy4Heat project. The HSE has independently reviewed the Hy4Heat Safety Assessment and has written a letter of assistance to BEIS confirming its relevance to gas network operator future duty holders for trials. As Mark explained during the course of his lecture, he recently walked many miles around Levenmouth and other UK towns ascertaining their suitability for conversion to hydrogen and the applicability of the Hy4Heat Safety Annex. Mark has also explored the implications of different colours of hydrogen (Green, pink, blue etc) and their Scope 3 carbon footprints.