® ®
Equipment terwire at In
wire Russia wrapup
Volume 48 | Number 7 | July 2015
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Industry News. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Asian Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Equipment terwire at In
wire Russia wrapup
Fastener Update . . . . . . . . . . 27 WAI News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chapter Corner . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Technical Papers . . . . . . 58-69 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Career Opportunities . . . . . . 77
Wrapup: wire Russia 2015 . . . . 36 For Russia, it has not been the best of times, economically or politically, but some exhibitors at the 2015 staging of wire Russia say they plan to return because they still see long-term value in participating at the biennial event.
Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Suppliers of equipment highlight technology that they either displayed or discussed at the Interwire trade show at the Georgia World Congress Center.
Advertisers’ Index . . . . . . . . 79
Next issue August 2015
Roll bending technologies for producing highly accurate compression rings for automobile engines Y. Watanabe, Motoo Asakawa and Hiroshi Iwanaga . . . 58 IWCS Paper: The impact of remote powering (PoE) on balanced twisted pair cables Paul Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
• preview: wire Southeast Asia • Ancillary equipment & more
Cover: From l-r with the MGS’s ball-flipping Reelbot, which drew lots of attention at Interwire, were company staffers John Dudus, Jim Green, Jim Russo, Dave Lane, Jim Zampogna, Tom Beland, Brian Johnson, Bob Sandore and Tom McComiskey.
JULY 2015 | 3
Proton Products International/U.K.
At Interwire, Proton Products International showcased the company’s InteliSENS SL series speed and length gauges, which it noted are saving cable manufacturers WHEN REELS GO BAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 serious money every day around the world. As cable manufacturers purchase raw materials by the ton and then sell by length, it’s extremely important to make sure that when you sell a reel of cable at 1000 ft, its is not 1003 ft or 1005 ft, essentially giving away 0.3% or 0.5% for free, which can be typical in many production facilities. The InteliSENS SL Series gauges are calibrated to 0.03%, and with no moving parts to wear and non-contact operation eliminating slippage, we are extremely proud to work with our customers and provide a gauge that truly helps save money and improve profitability. The DGK Series of gauges have no moving parts and measure the diameter an amazing 10,000 times per secAppearances can be deceiving, certainly the ond, per axis. Available as either which a dual-was or triple-axis case for the above photo of reels of steel wire. Without gauge, the Super Fast Processing Technology analyzes going into the details here, it should be noted that the up to 30,000 measurements per second to display and reels in question were not exactly made to recognized communicate diameter, ovality, lumps and neckdowns. wire and cable industry specs. One could say that the The company alsoashowed a full range custom order had storied end (and not of of products the good including spark testers, capacitance gauges, variety) for a shipment that never quite madelump it to and the neck detectors, pre heaters, speed & length gauges and customer.
the hugely popular combined Diameter and Flaw Detection Gage DGK SuperFast Series. ”We’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all who visited (us) at Interwire 2015.
Rosendahl and Nextrom report that they were pleased Grant Latimer, Proton Products. with activity at their newly designed booth at wire Russia, where they spoke with customers and partners It was without doubt our busiest andFrom our full about market developments and theirexhibition technology. l-rteam at theofbooth areand AWCMA President Dr.hand Kurtto Eder, agents employees were on take care Dr.ofDietmar Fellner, anGrant Austrian industry delegate, director, and our customers.” Latimer, managing Rosendahl Nextrom GmbH CEO Gergard Jakopic and g.latimer@protonproducts.com. CIS Sales Director Rene Stöckl.
50 plus reasons we went to Interwire The Wire Journal issue this month, the annual equipment edition, features many of the suppliers that exhibited at Interwire in April. In it, exhibitors highlight some of their recent innovations that they either displayed or talked about: it makes for very interesting reading. I believe that many registrants were able to identify new opportunities and report back to their colleagues. The engineering team at my company alone identified over 50 significant findings, several of which were classed as potential game changers. They highlighted new drawing lubricant options, die maintenance tools, spool-lifting devices, turnkey extrusion control systems, automated coil packing technologies, custom-made endless belts, fixed center co-extrusion cross-heads, wall thickness vision measurement systems, non-contact profile measurement equipment, cable cleaning devices, conductor resistance testers and reel movers. Although many of the new opportunities they discovered are ancillary devices these are nonetheless fundamentally important to operating an effective wire and cable factory today. My first Interwire was back in 1985 and 30 years later I was pleased to see that this year we had 108,000 sq ft of floor space booked, with more than 325 exhibitors of all sizes at the show. While Interwire is the largest such trade show in the Americas, the amount of capital equipment displayed is understandably limited compared to wire Düsseldorf. However, attendees could talk at length to the exhibitors that were there, and discuss possibilities that could further be explored by a subsequent visit to either the OEM’s plant or possibly to one of its North American customers who have a similar model. I have been particularly impressed by the new drawing and stranding equipment available today. That includes limited slip drawing with energy-efficient independent motors, single twist, double twist and central stranding and roll-form methods which all offer ease of set-up and increased reliability. Overall, the move to rotating take-up devices has contributed significantly to OEE but it has also improved process consistency and simplified the operation. Aluminum and copper both have a very significant impact on wire and cable product costs, so any process improvement that helps operations to manage the content of these materials is eagerly sought after by manufacturers. The hunt for better solutions never ends, so I am already looking forward to the innovations I expect to find showcased at Interwire 2017!
Richard Baker WAI Executive Committee member VP Manufacturing & Process Technology General Cable Corporation
Publisher | Steven J. Fetteroll Editor-in-Chief | Mark Marselli Media Production Manager | Paul Streeto Director of Sales | Robert Xeller Advertising Sales | Anna Bzowski Director of Marketing & Corporate Communications | Janice E. Swindells Proofreader | Livia Jacobs Publications Committee Dane Armendariz | Chemetall Ferruccio Bellina | TKT Group/President ACIMAF, Italy Malcolm Michael | AWIA Australia Don Schollin | Q-S Technologies, USA Ralph Skalleberg | Skaltek USA Dave Stackpole | Nutmeg Wire, USA Giulio Properzi | Continuus Properzi, Italy Robert Wild | Niehoff Endex North America, USA Technical Advisors John Drummond | Scotia Group R. M. Shemenski | RMS Consulting, Inc.
WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL (ISSN-0277-4275) published monthly by The Wire Journal, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Wire Association International, Inc., which is located at 71 Bradley Road, Suite 9, Madison, CT 06443-2662, USA, and can be contacted at tel. 203-453-2777; fax 203-453-8384; Internet wirenet.org; e-mail editor@wirenet.org. Address all correspondence concerning advertising production, editorial and circulation to the above address. WJI is printed in USA. Subscription rates: $110 per year, USA; $120 per year, Canada and Mexico; other countries, $140 per year (includes air mail). Back copies: $10 WAI members, $15 non-members. Periodicals postage paid at Madison, CT 06443, USA, and at additional offices. Wire Journal International grants photocopy permission to libraries and others registered with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, USA, for a fee of $0.50 per article. Payments should be sent directly to the CCC. Requests for bulk orders or reprints should be sent to the Wire Journal International, 71 Bradley Road, Suite 9, Madison, CT 06443-2662, USA. © 2015 by Wire Journal, Inc. All rights reserved. The Publisher of WJI assumes no responsibility for the validity of manufacturers’ claims made herein. Back issues of WJI are on microfilm and available from University Microfilm, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA. Phone: 313-761-4700. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wire Journal International, 71 Bradley Rd., Suite 9, Madison, CT 06443, USA.
»First class optical fibers are the benchmark!« Holger Lieder Sales Director SIKORA AG
Online quality assurance of optical fibers The FIBER Series 6000 from SIKORA is sophisticated equipment for continuous process control and online quality supervision of optical fibers in the drawing tower by:
• Diameter measurement before and after coating • Determination of the fiber position, vibration frequency, tension and spinning • Airline detection • 100% lump detection • Temperature measurement • Concentricity evaluation
See us at wire/tube Southeast Asia, September 16-18, Bangkok, Booth J25
CALENDAR Sept. 16-18, 2015: wire Southeast Asia 2015 Bangkok, Thailand. To be held in the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com. Oct. 5-8, 2015: 64th IWCS conference Atlanta, Georgia, USA. To be held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. Contact: Pat Hudak, IWCS, tel. 717-9939500, phudak@iwcs.org, iwcs.org. Oct. 6-8, 2015: wire South America 2015 São Paulo, Brazil. To be held at the Imigrantes Exhibition & Convention Center. Contact: MDNA, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com. April 4-8, 2016: wire Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany. This biennial event will be held at the Messe fairgrounds. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com.
June 8-9, 2016: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo Uncasville, Connecticut, USA. This WAI event, which will be held at the Mohegan Sun Resort Center, will include its trade show, technical programs and WAI’s 86th Annual Convention. Sept. 26-29, 2016: wire China 2016 Shanghai, China. The 7th All China International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com. Oct. 5-7, 2016: Spring World 2016 Rosemont, Illinois, USA. To be held at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, this event is organized by CASMI (Chicago Association of Spring Manufacturers, Inc.) Contact: CASMI Office, tel. 847-447-1087, info@ casmi-springworld.org
WIRE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL EVENTS For more information, contact the WAI, USA. Tel. 001-203-453-2777; fax 001-203-453-8384; www.wirenet.org.
Sept. 14, 2015: New England Chapter 21st Annual Golf Tournament Ellington, Connecticut. USA. The chapter will return to the Ellington Ridge Country Club. Contact: Anna Bzowski, tel. 203-453-2777, abzowski@wirenet.org. Sept. 17, 2015: Ohio Valley 12th Annual Golf Tournament, West Chicago, Illinois, USA. The chapter will return to the Grantwood Golf Course. Contact: Steve Fetteroll at sfetteroll@wirenet.org, tel. 203-453-1748. Oct. 5, 2015: Western Chapter’s 15th Annual Golf Tournament Fontana, California, USA. The chapter will return to the Sierra Lakes Golf Course. Contact: John Stevens, tel. 905-851-5633, jstevens@emc-wire.com. Oct. 15, 2015: The Vannais Southeast Chapter’s 14th Annual Golf Tournament Conover, North Carolina, USA. The Southeast Chapter will return to the Rock Barn Golf and Spa. Contact: Art Deming, tel. 252-955-9451, art.deming@nexans.com.
Nov. 3, 2015: 7th biennial CabWire World Technical Conference Düsseldorf, Germany. To be held at the Congress Centre, this conference is a joint venture between the IWMA, IWCEA, ACIMAF, CET and the WAI. More details to follow at www.cabwire.com. June 8-9, 2016: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo Uncasville, Connecticut, USA. This WAI event, which will be held at the Mohegan Sun Resort Center, will include its trade show, technical programs and WAI’s 86th Annual Convention.
INDUSTRY NEWS Nexans has begun to study further changes to its operations in Europe Citing the need to continue its transformation, Nexans announced that it plans to undergo further changes in its operations in Europe. A press release said that the initial results “of the industrial and functional restructuring implemented in 2014” were sound but “insufficient to put Nexans on a more competitive footing for the long term. Given this context, a study for a new savings project in Europe has been launched.”
Per the release, a document detailing the reorganization project for some subsidiaries in Europe has been presented to the employee representative bodies. “This document will be used as the basis for an information and consultation procedure that is now under way. Within this project, aimed to respond to market challenges and to protect Nexans’ competitiveness, four major improvement drivers have been identified: • optimize the structure of the Group’s support functions • adapt regional structures • reduce the fixed costs of market lines in Europe • reduce production capacity for the utilities market line in Europe. “This project may involve all European countries and in particular France, Norway and Germany. The adjustments would result in 478 positions cuts and the creation of 46 new positions in Europe,” the release said. Nexans intends on minimizing any social consequences that may arise from the project, taking into account the specific local context and social regulation in each country concerned. The company has been cautious in recent years about expanding, especially outside of Europe. In March 2009 it signed a JV agreement with India’s Polycab to produce special cables for the shipbuilding, material handling, railway and windpower industries, but that deal has yet to happen.
TPC Wire & Cable sold TPC Wire & Cable has been sold by its owners to Audax Group of Boston, an investment company. A press release at the company’s website said that TPC Wire & Cable, which is based in Macedonia, Ohio, was sold by its owners, private equity firm Pfingsten Partners LLC of Chicago, for an undisclosed price. One story said that the transaction is not likely to result in changes for the company. It cited Senior Marketing manager Michelle Willmott as saying that TPC has a long-term lease in its current space and it has room to grow there. There are about 165 employees at the company, about 130 of whom are local. In the release, TPC CEO Steve Michalski said Audux’s “track record of helping teams execute aggressive addon acquisition strategies” will support the company’s growth plans. At the company’s website, it reports that its main product lines include antimicrobial cables, sold for food and beverage customers as well as medical/pharmaceutical labs; chemical/heat resistant cables, available in shielded and unshielded configurations; power cables, most notably ® TPC’s Super-Trex brand, power and control cables; control/instrumentation cables, most notably the company’s Trex-Onics® family; and high-temperature cables, which includes both power and control cables that must be able to withstand very high heat while staying flexible.
EU supports anti-U.S. subsea cable project that had been sought by Brazil European Union has announced its support for a new submarine fiber-optic cable that would run between Europe and Latin America, linking Lisbon (Portugal) with Fortaleza (Brazil). The news follows a Feb. 24, 2014, call by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at an EU-Brazil
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff calls for a cable system that excludes the U.S. at an EU-Brazil summit.
Got news? E-mail it to the WJI at editorial@wirenet.org. 10 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Searched & seized: these custom-built reels met a different set of end-use specs It’s unknown whether the wire itself was made to ASTM standards, but the added ingredient to one specific shipment did not pass inspection at the border crossing in El Paso, Texas. Per a report from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, on April 16, CBP officers at the Bridge of the Americas inspecting a flatbed truck carrying a cargo of bare wire realized something was wrong. An X-ray scan showed dense spots inside the six reels and Bianca, a drug-sniffing dog, showed great interest. The above photos, courtesy of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, shows how marijuana was hidden inside the
reels. In a prior case, the reel just had a false top, but these reels had a more sophisticated level of fabrication. Officers removed the wire from one of reels. They found a non-factory metal compartment under it that took high-powered tools to cut open. Inside, they found lines of triangular packages. It took 12 hours to go through all six reels, and when the last one was done, they had found 641 packages weighing 1,350 pounds. The marijuana catch was valued at $1 million. “Smugglers spared no expense and went to great lengths to conceal this drug load,” CBP El Paso Port Director Beverly Good said in a statement.
JULY 2015 | 11
summit for the $185 million cable project that would “guarantee the neutrality” of the Internet. Per past media reports, in July 2013, published disclosures by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden of widespread U.S. spying infuriated Rousseff, whose country relies on U.S. undersea cables to carry almost all of its communications to Europe. The existing cable between Europe and Brazil was described as outdated and only used for voice transmission. A press release said that the cable between Europe and Latin America, to be built by a private consortium (led by Brazilian telecom provider Telebras and Spanish cable operator Islalink), should be operational by the end of 2017. The EC said the European research network Dante and its Latin American equivalent RedCLARA have put forward a project proposal dubbed BELLA (Building Europe Link to Latin America) to take advantage of the new cable and that its financial contribution would be in the region of 25 million euros. The project, the release said, will provide essential broadband access for economic and social development.
Power cable project on sidelines because of $20 million surprise The issue wasn’t whether Ottawa needed two new 17-km long underwater power cables, but as of press time
Divers do preliminary work for Maritime Electric’s planned underwater power cable. Guardian photo by Heather Taweel. the approved project remained on the sidelines until the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island (PEI) can account for an unexpected $20 million shortfall. Per a report by Teresa Wright in Canada’s Journal Pioneer, funding for the $150 million project would come from the province’s electric utility, Maritime Electric; the federal government; and the province. The province, however, has not officially committed itself because it was told that the Canadian government was
JPS to provide 130 km power cable system between U.K. and Belgium
U.K.-based J-Power Systems Corporation (JPS), a subsidiary of Japan’s Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., reports that it has been awarded a contract for a subsea high-voltage direct current (HVDC) interconnector cable system between U.K. and Belgium that represents an industry first. A press release said that the contract, from NEMO Link Limited, consists of a 130-km subsea cable route and an 11.5-km land cable route. The cable will be connected to HVDC converter stations in both Kent and Zeebrugge. The overall value of the NEMO LINK project was estimated to be approximately €500 million, with JSP responsible for providing the design, manufacturing and installation of a state-of-the-art HVDC XLPE insulated cable system that it said will represent the first such operational use of an HVDC system at DC 400 kV. Per the release, the use of the cross-linked polyethylene cable is increasingly important, especially in Europe and North America where a growing number of offshore wind farms and HVDC interconnection projects are under development. The technology allows a higher allowable operating temperature and does not require any oil as insulation material, as does conventional cable insulation. “It is a great honor for us to be selected as the cable contractor for NEMO LINK,” said JPS President Sadao
Take-Ups Pay-Offs
Tubular Stranders
Drum Twisters
Planetary Stranders Bow Cablers Skip Stranders Double Twist Bunchers
JULY 2015 | 13
only willing to pay $50 million, $20 million less than PEI officials had expected. The need for the project was not the issue, as all agreed on the plan that calls for the installation of two 17 km-long power cables to be installed under the Northumberland Strait from Cape Tormentine to BordenCarleton. “The existing two 100 megawatt lines between P.E.I. and New Brunswick are almost 40 years old and beyond the design of their operating life. They are unable to supply all of the Island’s electricity requirements during periods of high demand.” “Original discussions were that they were that they would fund 50 per cent (of the project) so now we have $50 million on the table,” said PEI Transportation Minister Paula Biggar. “It’s not a signed agreement so we’re having further discussions so we can get the other $20 million so we can move forward on the project.” In the story, Premier Wade MacLauchlan acknowledged that the power cables are a priority for the province, but that “confirmation is being sought on funding levels from the feds and also on how it could affect ratepayers of the utility.” He was quoted as saying that the process was complicated. “Anyone that’s been involved with negotiating what, in fact, is the biggest project we’ve done in this province since the Confederation Bridge, is not going to stand here and tell you what all the cards are that we’re putting on the table.” Work was expected to begin in fall 2016.
Fukunaga. “This is the first time the state-of-the-art HVDC cable technology of Japan will be adopted in such an important transmission infrastructure in Europe.” NEMO is a joint venture between National Grid Interconnector Holdings Limited, a subsidiary company of the U.K.’s National Grid Plc, and the Belgian Elia group, the release said.
Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems plants to expand Lexington plant
Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems reports that it has broken ground for an $8.5 million expansion of its plant in Lexington, Kentucky, that provides wire harnesses, components and electronics to the automotive industry. A report in the Herald-Leader cited officials as saying that the expansion will also allow the company to retain more than two dozen employees and provide work for suppliers in the area. The company, it said, will build a 440,000-sq-ft plant on Remington Way, off Citation Boulevard. The company’s two current operations in Lexington will be consolidated into the new plant, which will nearly double the company’s Lexington footprint. The report said that the company plans to move its current Lexington operations and its 28 employees to the new 30-acre site by the end of the year. The expansion could create up to 10 jobs, it said.
Heatbath Corporation has been acquired by DuBois Chemicals
Heatbath Corporation, a supplier of chemicals and coatings to sectors that include the wire and cable industry, has have been acquired by DuBois Chemicals, Inc., based in Sharonville, Ohio, for an undisclosed price. “There are no changes in practice at this time, we are operating ‘business as usual’ and all previous business contacts remain in place,” said a press release signed by both companies. “Our goal is continued uninterrupted supply and service. Making you aware of the change in ownership is the first step.” The acquisition, which also includes sister company Park Metallurgical, “combines DuBois paint pre-treatment, cleaning and metalworking expertise with Heatbath’s innovative and proven heat treating and metal finishing competency,” the release said. “This marriage of industry leaders significantly enhances the full range of process and chemical solutions available to our diverse range of valued manufacturing customers.” The release said that “DuBois Chemicals is now uniquely positioned with the most comprehensive metalworking, heat treating, metal finishing and paint pretreatment solutions of any supplier in the marketplace. We expect to offer many new products.” Founded in 1923 and based in Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, Heatbath Corp. supplies a range of products for forming, drawing and cold heading applications. 14 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Swedish company ups its PVC capacity
Perstorp reports that it completed an expansion of its Oxo plant in Stenungsund, Sweden, earlier this year, and that the plant is now in full operational mode. A press release said that Perstorp now has one of the few fully integrated platforms in Europe providing customers with ready access to high performance, sustainable and cost-effective plasticizers. “The new production platform is the single largest investment in Perstorp’s history and clearly demonstrates Perstorp’s commitment to the PVC industry,” said Perstorp CEO Jan Secher. “It significantly boosts our output of valeraldehyde and 2-propyl heptanol (2-PH), two key raw materials for Perstorp’s innovative general purpose PVC plasticizers, Emoltene™ 100 and Pevalen™.” Emoltene 100, the release said, is intended for outdoor durable applications, most notably cables, wires and roofing membranes, where it contributes to extra durability under harsh conditions.
Report: North American coax cable market looks good through 2018
A new research report from Transparency Market Research (TMR) projects that the North America coaxial cable market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period of 2012 to 2018, at which time the market should reach revenue of US$3.1 billion. A press release said that the report, “North America Coaxial Cable Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2012 - 2018,” sees the market being driven by the increasing popularity of interconnected home devices, low cost of installation, and accelerating IT and telecom sector expenditure on the part of small and medium-sized businesses. However, factors such as stiff competition from upcoming substitutes, coupled with elevated raw material prices, will suppress market growth, it said. It noted that distributed and lumped-constant delay lines are increasingly being used in place of coaxial cables, although “players in the ... market will benefit from the opportunity of extending distribution channels to penetrate promising rural markets.” Per the release, the North America coaxial cable market is broadly segmented on the basis of geography, application and end use, with applications including internet data transfer, radio frequency transfer and video transmission. The video transmission segment is projected to remain the fastest growing sector, expanding at a 7.5% CAGR during the forecasting horizon. The growth of this segment is attributed mostly to the rising popularity of VoD (Video-on-Demand), OTT (Overthe-Top), and Internet Protocol. Coaxial cables are used for transferring RF (radio frequency), internet data, and video over distribution networks. By end use, the North America coaxial cable market is segmented into the construction industry, internet service providers, telephone
pipe, designed for longer pipe life, the release said. The contract also calls for modifications to the existing cooling conveyor, using Optimesh technology and upgrades to the reform tub and ring distributor. The new equipment has a guaranteed speed of 110 m/s. Founded in 1967, Kroman is based in Darıca-Kocaelì. With two steel shops, two wire rod mills, a rolling profile and a bar rolling mill, it produces more than 1.3 million tons of crude steel annually. PTL is a joint venture of Semens VAI Metals Technologies and Japan’s Mitsubishi Hitachi Metals Machinery (MHMM).
Primetals to upgrade Turkish company mill
U.K.-based Primetals Technologies Limited (PTL) announced that it will modernize a wire-rod mill in Turkey. A press release said that Turkish steel producer Kroman Çelìk Sanayìì A.Ş. has asked it to supply advanced technology to a wire rod outlet built in 2008 to expand its product line with high carbon wire rod as well as increase operating speeds. Signed last year, the contract calls for 13-month delivery of equipment, with erection and commissioning expected to be completed by the end of this summer. Kroman’s new #2 mill will include a Morgan Intelligent Pinch Roll and the latest laying head technology with SR Series self-regenerating JULY 2015 | 15
service providers, military and aerospace, system integrators, CATV companies, and others. In terms of geography, the North America coaxial cable market is classified into the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and others. In 2012, the U.S. was the leading geographic sector in the North America coaxial cable market, with a market share of 59.2%. In the U.S. coaxial cable market, 90% of homes have already installed coaxial cable networks for basic, everyday communications. After the U.S., Canada and Mexico are expected to experience significant growth in the North America coaxial cable market due to the growing investment in telecom, broadband, and the broadcasting sector for enhancing communication infrastructure. Mexico is projected to demonstrate the highest CAGR in the North America coaxial cable market, as a result of accelerating economic development and investment from the government in the telecom and broadband sectors. Notable companies in the market are Belden, General Cable, TE Connectivity, LS Cable & System, Southwire, Nexans, Coleman Cable and L-Com Global Connectivity. These companies, the release said, represent approximately 55% of the North America coaxial cable market. More report details are at www.transparencymarketresearch. com, tel. 866-552-3453 or can be reequested by sending an e-mail to sales@transparencymarketresearch. com.
Northwire partners with LEMO for European ‘superwarehouse’ venture
Champlain Cable Corp recognized as a top company in Vermont
U.S.-based Northwire, Inc. (NWI), reports that, in collaboration with LEMO, a partner that is a precision cable connector market leader, has opened a European superwarehouse, the European Distribution Center (EDC). A press release said that the site is designed to rapidly respond to customer demands from its strategic location at LEMO Connectors Benelux in the Netherlands. The facility will offer specialized inventory programs, fast delivery and custom cable services and support. Both manufacturers and their customers will benefit from the advantages provided by a centralized responsive EDC, which is expected to be fully operational in second quarter of 2015, it said. “The launch of the European Distribution Center represents another milestone in LEMO and Northwire’s continuous pursuit to bring more value to our customers,” said Northwire CEO Katina Kravik.
Champlain Cable Corporation (CCC) was honored recently as the winner of the Deane C. Davis Outstanding Business of the Year Award that was created 25 years ago by Vermont Business Magazine and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce to honor the state’s best companies.
Latest cable deployment is a milestone Hibernia Networks announced that the company, with the help of partner TE SubCom, has made and loaded more than 2,000 km of armored cable onto three cable-laying ships that have either already laid the cable or soon will. A press release said that laying the fast and high-capacity fiber optic cables represents a historic mile-stone for global communications as Hibernia Networks’ Express cable will be the first modern fiber optic cable connecting North America to Europe in more than 12 years. Hibernia Express is on schedule for delivering service to high-bandwidth network operators, including carriers, global financial firms and technology companies, in September 2015.
News in brief The U.K. Raydex facility of ruggedized wire and cable manufacturer Carlisle Interconnect Technologies (CarlisleIT) has been awarded accreditation to the AS9100C Aerospace Standard on its first application, and without any non-conformances. Based on the ISO 9001 quality system requirements, which CarlisleIT-Raydex has held for 25 years, AS9100 provides additional support for the aviation, space and defense industries. ... SEA Wire and Cable, Inc., a distributor and inventory logistics provider for military and aerospace cable and harness management products, announced the capability to run solder ability testing in house. The test provides for accelerated aging (steam conditioning) to simulate the condition of the components after long-term storage. “SEA can now offer solder ability testing for our customers in 48 hours,” said Wiliam Thomas, the company’s director of quality. ... U.S.based Solar Atmospheres, Inc., reports that it has become the first industry company to receive MedAccred accreditation that addresses the control of environmental conditions, process validations and the reduction of risk of foreign object debris (FOD). The company specializes in vacuum heat treating, vacuum brazing, vacuum carburizing, vacuum nitriding services and thermal processing R&D. 16 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Standing next to Betsy Bishop, VT Chamber of Commerce, CCC President/CEO Richard Hall holds the award, accompanied by (l-r) COO Bill Reichert, CFO Tim Lizotte and HR Director Jorge Quintana. At far left is John Boutin, Vermont Business Magazine, and Governor Peter Shumlin. Governor Peter Shumlin presented the award at the opening ceremonies of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce Business and Industry EXPO. The annual award, named for a former governor of Vermont, recognizes a state business “that shows an outstanding history of sustained growth while displaying an acute awareness of what makes Vermont unique.” “We are proud to have Champlain Cable Corporation as the recipient of the 2014 Deane C. Davis Outstanding Business of the Year Award,” said John Boutin, publisher of Vermont Business Magazine. “They truly are deserving of this honor and join 24 other Vermont companies to be recognized over the years as one of the best in Vermont.” “This prestigious award is truly reflective of the effort and dedication exerted by all 220 employees especially coming as we celebrate our 60th year in business” said CCC President and CEO Richard Hall. “For us, this was as exciting as winning the Triple Crown.” CCC is a privately held specialty wire and cable manufacturer founded and headquartered in Vermont since 1956. Brothers Leroy and Wilford Torville along with their partner Marshall Moon started American Super-Temp Wires, Inc. (now CCC) in Winooski, utilizing space in the Champlain mill, the woolen mill and the old foundry. In 1965, the three sites were consolidated into one 200,000sq-ft manufacturing facility in Colchester, Vermont, where the company has its headquarters, R&D, main facility for designing and manufacturing its most complex cables and its center for the manufacture of Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Per a press release from the event organizers, CCC’s ability to grow while maintaining a strong commitment to the wellbeing of employees and the community earned it the honor of the Deane C. Davis Award.
Tubular Stranding & Closing Machine • High speed and productivity with proven reliability at different rpm-linear speed of the machine • Simplified operations for stringing-up and loading /unloading reels of the machine • Low cost for the installation of the machine • Simplified string up and loading /unloading of the reels in the machine • Typical production for this type of machine includes: - Copper, aluminium and aluminium alloy strands - ACSR strands - Steel ropes - Submarine and OPGW cables • Tubular reel range: - Cu-Al wire from 400 up to 800 mm flange diameter - Steel wire from 200 up to 1000 mm flange diameter
Frigeco USA, Inc. 67 Beaver Avenue - Corbit Building - Suite 12 Annandale, New Jersey 08801 Tel: 908-894-5801 - Fax: 908-894-5809 M.F.L. U.S.A. Service Corp. 70 Industrial Drive - Cumberland, RI 02864-6021 Tel: 401 334 1151 - Fax: 401 334 1161 e-mail: service@mflusa.com
ASIAN FOCUS Open House in Suzhou showcased the lab facility of Davis-Standard An open house at Davis-Standard (Suzhou) Plastic Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd.’s lab facility in Suzhou on April 15 saw some 60 industry leaders from different companies throughout China. Per the company, the event was the first of many planned at this location. The day’s agenda included
trolling system, close loop control via vacuum sizing tank and puller, and a high level central control system. Both lines are available for customer trials and R&D applications. The Suzhou facility “has been a game-changer” for Davis-Standard due to regional manufacturing capabilities and the ability to serve every major converting and extrusion coating market in Asia, it reported. The main Davis-Standard products being manufactured in
A group shot of attendees at the April 15 Davis-Standard Open House at its facility in Suzhou. presentations on feedscrew and extruder design, microbore tube processing, extrusion of FEP resins, ultrasonic technology, parts and aftermarket services, PEBAX extrusion for medical tubing, and a live demonstration on the lab’s FPVC and Micro Bore tubing lines. DavisStandard representatives from the U.S. and China as well as representatives from Arkema, Dupont and Zumbach were involved in the presentation. Suzhou General Manager Lin Jinzong Suzhou said that the Open House was very successful, and that more are planned. “This is all part of Davis-Standard’s commitment to offering The Global Advantage™ to customers in the region.” The Suzhou lab is equipped with a high speed FPVC extrusion system and multipurpose microbore tubing line to support the continued growth of China’s medical industry. The FPVC line is capable of line speeds from 5 to 100 mpm for processing 2 mm to 8 mm OD tubing with accuracy of +/- 50u. Line components include a 63 mm extruder, 8m water cooling, precision internal air supply, OD gauge and a combination “pullar-cutter.” The multipurpose micro bore tubing line is designed for single- or dual-layer tubing, and single lumen tubing with or without a stripe. It is equipped with two extruders, OD/ID wall thickness measuring and con18 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Suzhou and sold throughout the region include extruders up to 90 mm, PLC control systems as well as high-speed FPVC systems for medical tubing. Additionally, the Suzhou facility can assemble and refurbish gear boxes and control panels, and there are plans to add fabrication and assembly of downstream equipment.
‘Smart City’ plans for Tianjin calls for more for fiber optic deployment The topic of “Smart City” construction was described as a key focus earlier this year during the third session of the 16th Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress. A report in China Daily spelled out Tianjin’s plans to accelerate the construction of infrastructures related to broadband Internet connection this year. Citing Li Chaoxing, director of the Tianjin Municipal Industry and Information Technology Commission, it noted that the plan is” to realize full coverage of fiber optics”. This year, the city will launch projects concerning broadband Internet connection and smart city construction. Last year, the article said, Tianjin achieved great results in implementing its broadband Internet connection strategy. Internet output bandwidth reached 2,520G. Broadband was capable of providing Internet service
India Finance Minister: we need to make it easier to do business A letter from Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that steps have been taken to reduce the number of documents for foreign trade and for online applications for environment clearance, making it easier to do business, all part of a “Made in India” endeavor. India was ranked 142 among the 189 countries in the latest report of the World Bank, falling two places from last year’s ranking. The government is aiming to improve India’s ranking to as high as the 50th position. An article in the Economic Times spelled out the action plan to make the country more competitive. It includes reduction of the required documents for export and import to three; payment of ESIC and EPFO made online with 56 accredited banks; elimination of the required “no objection” certificate (NOC)/consent to
establish for new electricity connection; and making it possible to apply online for environment and forest clearances. Jaitley said that the India initiative is targeted towards making the country an important investment destination and a global hub for manufacturing, design and innovation. That, he said, requires an investor-friendly environment, modern and efficient infrastructure, opening of new sectors to FDI and forging partnership between government and industry through a “positive mindset.” Other steps either taken or proposed to further those improvements include simplification of allotment of PAN and TAN cards, and inclusion of corporate identity number (CIN) as a proof of identity. An additional investment allowance (15%) and additional depreciation has been provided to new manufacturing units set up in notified areas of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana and West Bengal from April 2015 to March 2020.
JULY 2015 | 19
to as many as 4.07 million households. The capability of residential-access bandwidth reached 100Mbps. In addition, the city launched 90,000 Wi-Fi access points in 5,000 hot spots.
General Cable Corporation announced that Michael T. McDonnell has become its president, CEO and a member of the Board of Directors. He most recently served as chairman, president and CEO of TPC Group, a $2.5 billion processor and producer of value-added products derived from petrochemicals that are sold into a McDonnell wide range of performance, specialty and intermediate markets. Prior to joining TPC Group in 2011, he was president, CEO and executive director of Pregis Corporation, a global specialty packaging and hospital supply products company with 47 facilities in 18 countries. He holds a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from Penn State University and a Masters in economics from the University of Massachusetts, and also completed the General Management Program at Harvard Business School. He succeeds Gregory B. Kenny, who has worked for General Cable for 32 years and has led it since 2001. He retired on July 1 but will remain available to McDonnell and to the Board in an advisory capacity through the year-end. John E. Welsh, III, who will continue to
Huestis Down Draft™ Air Wipe
PEOPLE serve as chairman of the Board, described McDonnell as a superb choice. “Mike is an experienced chief executive officer with a proven record of driving performance improvement, delivering long-term growth strategies and enhancing organizational/cultural alignment in both public company and private equity environments. Our Board of Directors unanimously concluded that Mike is best suited to lead General Cable into the future.” Based in Highland Heights, Kentucky, USA, General Cable Corporation manufacturers copper, aluminum and fiber optic wire and cable products for the energy, industrial and communications markets.
Loos & Co., Inc., announced new roles for two key company staffers. Michael Wallace, who had been vice president of sales and marketing, is now vice president of business development. He started with the company 17 years ago. A longtime industry veteran, prior to joining Loos & Co. he worked at Maryland Specialty Wire and Strandflex for 19 years. He has also been active in industry organiza-
Our bottom-draining design allows back-to-back coupling of multiple air wipes in line, while maintaining drier product between them. Additionally, the performance of the unit is enhanced as a stand-alone wipe over our original Air Miser™ Air Wipe.
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6/11/15 2:02:03 PM
Davis-Standard, LLC, has promoted James Murphy to president and CEO. He has been an integral part of Davis-Standard for more than 25 years, progressing through various leadership roles in sales and engineering management. He is respected leader in the plastics industry, serving as chairman of NPE 2015. Most recently he was a member of the company’s Office of the President, responsible for leading its sales and marketing efforts. In his new role, he will be support-
ed by a strong leadership team in the U.S., Europe and Asia. “Jim’s customer focus, strategic understanding of the markets, and overall experience with this business make him the ideal choice to lead Davis-Standard,” said Robert Geckle, who chairs the company’s Board of Directors. Based in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, DavisStandard, LLC, is a global supplier of extrusion and converting technology.
Denise Coyle has been named sales manager of Fluoropolymer Resources, LLC (FRL), tasked with helping expand FRL’s penetration in the small to midsized U.S. customer base. She most recently served as sales manager at Colorant Chromatics, Inc., and from 2002 to 2005, worked at Fluortek Compounding as sales manager and then as director of Coyle sales and marketing. She previously held positions with Breen Color Concentrates and M.A. Hanna Color. A member of the Society
JULY 2015 | 21
tions, including serving as president of the Associated Wire Rope Fabricators (AWRF), where he continues to be an active member. He holds a degree in economics from Ohio Wesleyan University. Robert Davis, who had been sales and marketing manager, is now vice president of sales and marketing. He started with the company nine years ago as a product manager, Davis working with customers on a dayto-day basis. He has an undergraduate degree in marketing from the University of Maryland and an MBA from the University of Connecticut, with a concentration in marketing. Based in Pomfret, Connecticut, USA, Loos & Company, Inc., manufactures military specification aircraft cable and aircraft cable assemblies.
of Plastics Engineers, Coyle is also a member of Wire Association International and its New England Chapter, where she has served as treasurer and secretary. Based in East Hartford, Connecticut, USA, Fluoropolymer Resources LLC is a supplier and re-processor of melt fluoropolymers such as FEP, PFA, ETFE. Gibbs Metals & Steel, Inc., reports the promotion of Jim Mintun to the position of Vice President of SalesNortheast. A graduate of The College of Wooster, he joined Gibbs Metals as an inside sales representative in the company’s facility in South Bend, Indiana. He has held several positions within the company, including as operations manager in Indiana, a brief stint in outside sales in the U.K., district sales manager in the facility in Painesville, Ohio, and as director of marketing. In his new role, he will be responsible for all outside sales in the Northeast, based in the company’s home office Based in Southington, Connecticut, USA, Gibbs Metal & Steel, Inc., supplies products such as music, spring, and valve spring quality wire through its network of North American metal service centers. Robin Goodwin has been named CEO of The Montalvo Corporation, tasked with expanding the company’s product portfolio, international presence and sales growth. He joined the company as COO in 2013. Prior to joining Montalvo, he was a member of the execu-
tive leadership team at Fairchild Semiconductor. He holds an MBA degree from Thomas College, and a B.S. degree in accounting and finance from Northeastern University. Based in Gorham, Maine, USA, The Montalvo Corporation supplies a wide range of tension control products for a variety of industries that include wire and cable.
Earlier this year, Electron Beam Technologies, Inc., named Jay Flahive as its new plant manager. He has more than 17 years of experience in industrial management, including a background in Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing, quality control, operational organization, scheduling, and supply chain management. Based in Kankakee, Illinois, USA, Electron Flahive Beam’Technologies, Inc., is a global supplier of OEM supplier of coaxial/composite welding cables and Fast N’ Easy® conduit systems for automation.
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68 Buttonwood Street, Bristol, Rhode Island 02809-0718 USA • tel: 800.972.9222 or 401.253.5500 fax: 401.253.7350 2C_WYREPAKHuestis_NeedASpecialPulley_WJI_halfHoriz_VariousCombos_v2_06052014_press.indd 1
6/5/14 3:07:26 PM
Robert L. “Bob” Schaff, the CEO and co-owner of The Mapes Piano String Company, a fourthgeneration-family wire business, died May 16, 2015, at age 70. The New York City native had resided in Elizabethton, Tennessee, Bob Schaff since 1955. A graduate of Milligan College, he was active for many years in the company that was originally founded in 1912 by his grandfather, William G. Schaff. The company began as a supplier of piano strings, and later added guitar strings, strings for other fretted instruments, and spring wire. As Bob Schaff notes at the Mapes’ website, the company has never compromised product quality or its “Made in the USA” legacy. That included when the business expanded into spring wire, which also became a family legacy. “Dad didn’t give us boys Tinker Toys to play with. We played with spring wire. We’ve had a lifetime of hands-on learning.” The company continues to be home for many Schaffs, including his two brothers: William “Bill” Schaff, president, and Frank Schaff, chairman, who also heads the musical string portion of the business; and three fourth-generation members: his nephew, Mark Schaff, production manager; and his niece, Regina Schaff Harris, corporate secretary/HR, and Stephanie Schaff, treasurer. It was his fondest wish that Mapes continue on several generations into the future. Bob never met a stranger and was very patient and kind. He was well loved by his family, employees and business associates and he was also very active at First United Methodist Church; serving on multiple committees. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his life-companion of 34 years, Maryetta; brothers Bill and Frank; four nephews, Mark Schaff, Will Schaff, John Schaff and Matthew Schaff; two nieces, Regina Schaff Harris and Stephanie Schaff; and four great nephews, two great nieces, two great-great nieces and one great-great nephew.
DECEMBER 2014 | 23
FIBER WATCH Prysmian supplies cable with record fiber count to Australian customer Prysmian Group reports that it has supplied a 1,728fiber cable for telecom and data center services supplier Vocus in a data center in Sydney, Australia. A press release said that the fiber density is a record for a single cable. “This is a first for the telecommunications industry, globally,” said Alex West, COO at Vocus. “As part of our commitment to building the fiber network of the new millennium, we’ve been trialing this Flextube™ fiber cable in smaller formats for three years, and to see a world first being installed now is very exciting.” Per the release, Vocus has been installing Prysmian’s new Flextube design cable in Australia for a number of years. Historically, it had a maximum fiber count of up to 720 fibers. Flextube was designed to be extremely small, with flexible cables that are much faster to install than standard loose tube cables. West said the project came about as a bespoke solution to a problem faced by a customer and took around nine months to plan and deploy. The customer’s desire for a higher fiber count was made possible by leveraging Prysmian’s BendBrightXS 200 µm technology,
which earned a Frost & Sullivan’s 2015 New Product Innovation Award. The cable is only 23 mm in overall diameter, about the same size as Prysmian’s current 624f standard loose tube cable, and has the highest fiber density of any high fiber count cable deployed in the world, (4.16f/sq mm). “One of the main benefits of this cable is the reduced cost per fiber pair,” West said. “It costs roughly the same to install a 1,728-fiber Flextube cable as it does to install a traditional 624-fiber loose-tube cable. Using the largefiber-count 1,728-fiber cable more than halves the cost per installed fiber. This is a great advantage in what is a very competitive market.”
Optical fiber may have many pluses, but in Angola nature may still reign
The director of the Angola Telecom in the central Huambo province, Adriano Muteca Muholo, reports that the repair works of the optical fiber cable that was disrupted in April are expected to be completed soon. Per media reports, Muholo said that the breakdown was detected in the system as a result of the rain-fall and excavations along the perimeter where the cable is installed.
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Company completes acquisition of Anixter International fastener division American Industrial Partners (AIP), a private equity firm, announced that it has completed its acquisition of Anixter International Inc.’s OEM Supply Fasteners division. A press release said that the business, renamed Optimas OE Solutions, LLC (Optimas), will remain headquartered in Glenview, Illinois. Optimas, with some 1,950 employees, is a leading global distributor and manufacturer of highly-engineered fasteners and C-Class components for the commercial vehicle, luxury automotive, agricultural equipment, power generation equipment, construction, and general industrial markets. It serves over 4,000 customers in 15 countries through a network of 74 distribution and service centers located across North America, Europe, and Asia. ““As a standalone company, we look forward to implementing a strategic growth plan focused on serving our blue-chip customer base and enhancing our leadership position,” said Optimas CEO Ian Clarke. AIP notes that it has “a long history of successfully buying industrial businesses, such as Optimas, and partnering with management to drive growth.” The private
equity investing, active since 1989, has completed more than 50 transactions and is currently managing more than $1.1 billion in equity capital, it said.
“With a global market leadership position driven by deep, long-standing relationships, combined with a highly-customized product portfolio, Optimas is well positioned for growth worldwide,” said AIP’s Eric Baroyan. “We look forward to supporting management to execute identified growth initiatives and to drive operational efficiencies at the Company.” Per published reports, Anixter had tried to sell itself early last year, with rival electrical equipment maker Rexel of France and private equity group Carlyle reported to be among the buyers. The process, however, did not work as a price could not be agreed on, and ultimately led to the fastener unit being put up for sale.
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JULY 2015 | 27
SPOTLIGHT This section introduces a new WAI member each issue.
Abigail Birch Production Manager Quirk Wire Co., Inc Q: What does your company do? A: Quirk Wire Co., Inc., is a high temperature insulated wire and cable manufacturer that also specializes in ultrahigh temperature, low noise cables, thermocouple wire, high voltage and resistance wire. Q: What is your role there? A: I am the materials coordinator and I work closely with the operations manager to maintain a smooth flow in production through material management. My main responsibilities are purchasing, price negotiations, inventory management, coordinating material issues and continuous improvement projects. Q: What do you like best about your position? A: I enjoy finding more efficient ways of accomplishing the same tasks, reducing costs when possible, while still maintaining quality. My position allows me to work with all departments, and since Quirk Wire is an employee-owned company, everyone is very passionate about doing things the right way and solving problems as a team. Q: How does your company remain competitive? A: Our company philosophy has always been to provide a high quality product with a focus on specialized constructions that you just can’t find everywhere. Quirk Wire is very customer oriented and can promptly change our processes to meet their needs. In addition to the expertise we offer, our customers appreciate our “back to basics” values and the personal relationships we create. You will always get a person with an answer when you call. No voicemail! Q: Why did you recently join WAI? A: I recently joined WAI to be able to network with suppliers and other leaders in the industry. The connections I’ve made with the New England Chapter have been invaluable.
Collin Armstreet Shft Ldr Mid-South Wire Co Gil Baker, PhD Mng Dir Confident Instruments Inc Robert Beckham Prod Mgr Pelican Wire Co Inc Christopher Berger Acct Mgr A Schulman Abigail Birch Prod Mgr Quirk Wire Co Inc
Jason Hernandez Shft Ldr Mid-South Wire Co Carl Hoffman Tech Spcl United Copper Industries Hanna Ingesson AB Elektrokoppar Bengt M Jonason VP Tech AB Elektrokoppar Tom Kane Arcos Industries LLC Ray Kerns VP WireCo WorldGroup
Justin Burdine Eng United Copper Industries
Fred Kibat United Copper Industries Ctrls Spcl
Frank Cornwell Consultant
Bruce V Kiefer Prin Eng Primetals Technologies USA LLC
Aaron Cox Shft Ldr Mid-South Wire Co Clayton Crum Alan Wire Co Kyle Damborsky R&D Sci Oxford Instruments Inc Jawad Derbas QA/QC Eng Midal Cables Ltd Zoltan Dorogi Oxford Superconductive Technologies Ryan Feuge Mgr Bus Exc & Qlty United Copper Industries Robert Forrester Elec Eng WireCo WorldGroup Michael J Genzel Pres Seminole Wire & Cable Co Inc Garry Goodson Exec VP Wire Tech Inc
Brett Krueger Los Alamos National Laboratory Park Kyungmin LS Cable & System Ltd
Eugene Peters VP Sls & Dev Mid-South Wire Co Inc VP Sales & Devt Hasan Radhi Mgr Midal Cables Ltd Leonardo Radicchi S Cunha QA Mgr Gerdau Long North America Tyler Roe Cntrl WireCo WorldGroup Seunghyun Shin Assoc Res Eng LS Cable & Systems
Tyler Stogner Dpt Mgr Southwire Company Mark D Svuba Plt Eng WireCo WorldGroup Jonathon Nathaniel Turner QA Met Eng WireCo WorldGroup Jim M Vance Tech Eng Skaltek Inc Lapo Vivarelli Mgr Dir SAMP SpA (SAMPSISTEMI)
Charles Shock Southwire Co
Nhon Q Vo Chf Tech Ofcr Nanoal LLC
Mark E. Silk Bare Wire Sup Nexans Canada
Craig Ward Sr Des Eng Sam Dong Ohio Inc
Beata Smyrak Prof AGH University of Science & Technology
Nathan Webster Proc Eng Nexans Canada Inc
Lynn Stepanovic Major Wire Inc
William Peter Woodside Mtls Mgr Pelican Wire Co Inc Erik Wright Southwire Co
Jason LaPointe Sural LPC Inc of Canada Kenneth Large Sls Dir Heico Wire Group Louis Lemoine Coppex Power Technologies Lamar Jackson Rod Mill Sprv Southwire Co Joseph Marino Shft Ldr Mid-South Wire Co Ian Marsh Gillespie & Powers Inc Andrew M Nielsen Dir Acct & Fin WireCo WorldGroup
Scott Schultz Asian Product Manager RichardsApex AustralAsia
Correction Due to an editing error, the wrong name ran with the above photo in the June issue. The profiled new member was Scott Schultz.
JULY 2015 | 29
The following individuals either recently joined WAI or became Platinum Members through their companies.
ASIAN FOCUS Multiple industry associations are again supporting CabWire event Led by the U.K.’s IWMA (International & Wire maintenance: in China, Wire those Machinery Association), WAI (Wire Association afraid of heights need not apply International) and three other European co-organiz-
successful 2011 installment. The most recent CabWire, held at the Palazzo Turati in Milan in 2013, attracted 200 wire and cable professionals from all over the world. The technical program will feature more than 20 papers in simultaneous ferrous and nonferrous/electrical tracks. The schedule will also include a keynote address from Theare focus in WJI the understandably is onstaging wire and ers, supporting seventh biennial of wire the Dr. Klaus Probst, retiring CEO of Leoni AG. production, but sometimes “downstream,” CabWire World Conferencewhat that happens will be held Tuesday, There will be a plant tour of ArcelorMittal’s Duisburg meaning “later,” is noteworthy. In this instance, it can Nov. 3, 2015, in Düsseldorf, Germany, with a plant tour rod mill the morning of the second day, Wednesday, also be downright scary. As the scheduled for the following day.below account that was Nov. 4. An evening social event has also been planned published in China Daily shows, some wirebe This will mark the second time that thetypes eventofwill for the Zum Schlüssel brewery, which is located at maintenance are not Congress for the weak of heart. held at Düsseldorf’s Center, which hosted the Bolkerstraβe 41-47, Alstadt. The event will feature He does not have much interest in superheroes, but tabletop exhibits, with space Miao Yingjiao has turned himself into one of China’s for 25 displays in the main “Spider-Men,” the growing army that spends almost reception and lunch area. every night suspended high above the ground to mainSponsorship opportunities are tain railway overhead lines. also available. After midnight, when local high-speed trains come The tabletops will be open to a halt, Miao climbs onto thin wires six meters throughout Workers fasten electric wires in a rural the areaconference in China. above Laibin City of south China’s Guangxi Zhuang times, including coffee breaks Photo by Song Weixing/China Daily. Autonomous Region. Carrying a pair of pliers, he and lunch. The ferrous and checks whether screws are in place and the lines are nonferrous session times Miao is one of many Spider-Men who meet the properly connected. are staggered, with breaks increasing demand for overhead line maintenance as the “My job is to guarantee that high-speed trains operate extended to allow more interdevelopment of high-speed railways continues on the properly in the daytime,” the 24-year-old says. “I have action came with visitors. The cost fast track. This group of workers into the spotlight to be very2015 careful a single mistake could tracks as well as a plant CabWire willbecause offer ferrous andtrivial nonferrous technical a tabletop, which the includes recently, when the Chinesefor financial newspaper, cause a major accident.” tour, a keynote speech by retiring Leoni AG CEO Klaus Probst, tabletops,Daily, and more. one full delegate registration, Economic featured Miao.
The Wire Association International Charting the way for wire & cable industry professionals since 1930.
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find out what membership means to you. JOIN TODAY! www.wirenet.org The Wire Association International, Inc. | Tel.: (001) 203-453-2777
Tabletop activity at the 2013 staging of CabWire. is 700 euros, 650 euros for members of ACIMAF/ CET/IWCEA/IWMA/WAI. Other sponsorships may be available. Along with IWMA and WAI, the program is co-organized by Italy’s ACIMAF (Associazione Costruttori Italiani Macchine per Filo), France’s CET (Comité Européen de la Trefilerie), and the IWCEA (International Wire & Cable Exhibitors Association). Please check the event website at www.cabwire.com for more details as they develop.
Encore Wire’s Gary Spence, the driving force behind the Global Continuous Casting Forum (GCCF) may have recently retired, but his memorable speech at the 2015 GCCF dinner has not faded away. At his presentation, Spence traced his four decades of continuous casting, covered advances and challenges in his inimitable style, which is also known as “Gary being Gary.” The preGary Spence raised his hat to the pio- sentation, neers of the global continuous casting produced by industry at the GCCF dinner. WAI’s Chuck
JULY 2015 | 33
Gary Spence parting speech, an epic industry tale, is now available on-line
CHAPTER CORNER Midwest Chapter president reports scholarship winners are impressive The Midwest Chapter has awarded scholarships to a son and a daughter of two of its members, the latest in the program that started in 2008. The first recipient is Scott Stepanovic, who will attend Loyola University of Chicago, studying business. He is the son of Lynn Stepanovic, purchasing agent for Major Stepanovic White Wire, Inc. The second recipient is Olivia White, who will attend Miami University, studying speech pathology. She is the daughter of Christopher White, vice president of O and K American Corp. “Since (we) began offering college scholarships in 2008, we have been continually impressed with the academic and extracurricular prowess of the candidates,” said chapter President Tim Fingeroos, technical services manager, Charter Steel. “This year’s winners exemplify that standard.” Fingeroos said that the chapter’s scholarship program is funded through the chapter’s annual golf outing. “It’s a great example of the Association and Foundation being able to give back to its members. Our goal is to fund at least two scholarships per year, but that can only happen through continuing member support of the chapter’s annual golf outing.” Fittingly, below is a report on the chapter’s 2015 event.
Midwest Chapter wrapup: any day that ends in ‘y’ is a good one for golf It was far from ideal playing conditions, and even though Kevin Sopczak, Leggett & Platt, said that he felt “as if we were in Scotland,” a land known for “boggy” conditions,” the die-hard players in the Midwest Chapter’s 13th Annual Golf Tournament managed to have a good time. As Sopczak recalled, it rained most of the day, slowly getting better as the day progressed, but the essence of the sport is that being able to play at all makes it a good day. In this case, the field of 32 golfers made the best of it. “All in all, it was a successful event,” he said. It was an especially good day for the winning foursome of Donald Stephanic, Western Engineered Products; Jim
From l-r, the winning foursome of Donald Stephanic, Jim Parker, Craig Stiefel and Eric Kuntzelman. Parker, Radyne; Craig Stiefel, P&R Specialty; and Eric Kuntzelman, Okaya USA, who claimed top honors with a respectable rainy day score of 67, four under par. “It was more like a cold sauna than rain, but we all had a great time out there,” Parker said. “We were like well-oiled ducks, and Don was our anchor. He played great.” Sopczak said that the chapter was quite pleased with strong sponsor support that will further its efforts to continue offering college scholarships. He thanked the sponsor companies, which included: Aim Inc., Amaral Automation, CASMI, Central Wire Industries, D&S Wire, Fort Wayne Wire Die, Gem Gravure, Krueger Steel & Wire, Ladky Associates Foundation, Inc., Leoni Wire, Micro Products, P&R Specialty, Radyne, SuzukiGarphyttan, Vinston US and Western Engineered Products.
Upcoming chapter golf events The New England Chapter will stage its 21st Annual Golf Tournament, on Monday, Sept. 14, at the Ellington Ridge Country Club in Ellington, Connecticut. Contact: Anna Bzowski, tel. 203-453-2777, ext. 126, or by e-mail at abzowski@wirenet.org. Next up, just a few days later, will be the Ohio Chapter’s 12th Annual Golf Tournament, to be held Thursday, Sept. 17, at the Grantwood Golf Course in Solon, Ohio. Contact: WAI’s Steve Fetteroll, tel. 203-453-1748, sfetteroll@wirenet.org. Then it will be the Western Chapter’s 15th Annual Wild West Shootout, to be held Monday, Oct. 5, at the Sierra Lakes Golf course in Fontana, California. Contact: John Stevens, jstevens@emc-wire.com, tel. 909-476-9776, ext. 21, or WAI’s Steve Fetteroll, tel. 203-453-1748, sfetteroll@wirenet. The final event will be the Vannais Southeast Chapter’s 13th Golf Tournament, to be held Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Rock Barn Golf and Spa, Conover, North Carolina. Contact: Art Deming, tel. 252-955-9451, art.deming@nexans.com.
wire Russia: the forum continues It was not the best of times for the 2015 staging of wire Russia, but organizers report that despite worrisome economic and political concerns, the May 12-15 event held at the Zao Expocentre Exhibition Center in Moscow proved to be resilient.
A press release from Messe Düsseldorf Show floor activity at wire Russia 2013. said that wire Russia 2015 featured some 200 exhibitors from 25 nations that presented their products and service innovations to approximately 2,500 visitors from the wire, cable and wire-processing industries. “This continued high number of both national and international exhibitors underscores the importance of wire Russia as an all-encompassing B2B industry platform for the Russian Federation,” it said. Messe Düsseldorf President & CEO Werner Dornscheidt said in the release that he saw the overall outcome as being positive. “Although the current situation is anything but easy, I am convinced the outlook for the wire and cable industries on the Russian market is positive in the long run. We have already overcome many global economic challenges. This has shown us that those standing their ground on the market even in difficult times are among the winners when business picks up again. The fact that visiting trade fairs abroad has become more difficult for Russian experts benefits local events. We are satisfied with the number of visitors.” The trade fair was jointly organized by Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Düsseldorf Moskau along with partner VNIIKP JSC (All Russian Cable Research and Development Institute). wire Russia 2015 was also supported by IWMA (International Wire & Machinery Association), IWCEA (International Wire and Cable Exhibitors Association), VDKM e.V. (German Wire and Cable Machine Manufacturers Association), VÖDKM (Austrian Wire and Cable Machine Manufacturers Association), IWCEA France (International Wire and Cable Exhibitors Association), WCISA (Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association), ACIMAF (Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association) and SECRI (Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute). The next staging of wire Russia is scheduled for 2017 in Moscow. For more details in North America, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com.
Below, Vitaly Meschanow, who heads Maillefer S.A.’s office in Moscow; Denis Milz, AESA Cortaillod AS’s senior sales manager; Gabriela Filepova, CEO of GMP Slovakia; and Nicola Spessato, president, W.T.M. Srl, share their views on the event. WJI: You’ve exhibited at wire Russia before: what were your expectations for 2015 and how did it go? Meschanow: We have been exhibiting at wire Russia since many years and it has been a positive experience every time, only this time there appeared to be less exhibitors, perhaps due to it being in just one pavilion. With regard to visitors, the first and last show days were very quiet, but the two middle ones were saturated and we were quite busy with negotiations. We found the timing a bit challenging, (coming) just after the Russian national holidays, as (that) might have been a reason for the scarce number of visitors on the first show day. Spessato: We didn’t have great expectations about this fair, since we know the situation of Russian market and we are aware that it is going through a tough time from an economic and financial point of view. Nevertheless, we counted on carrying on with some projects in the field of special cables. In any case the feedback from visitors was good: the projects are still open, we had interesting discussions, but customers are temporizing while waiting for understanding how the situation could change in the next eight months. Filepova: We had no particular expectations, because the market in Russsia is slow, but it is always important to be there because it is good to keep the public relations and we have many important customers in this area. Milz: Attending Moscow we wanted to see the market situation after the winter crisis in Russia. It seems the market restarts slowly. WJI: Most of the recent news about Russia (both economy and political) has been bleak: did that backDenis Milz, AESA Cortaillod SA
drop spill over to the event? Meschanow: Obviously, the economy has suffered from sanctions. The main problem is availability of low-cost, long term forFrom l-r, Maillefer SA CEO Lars eign credit. But in any case, the Fagerholm and Moscow office chief Vitaly Meschanow with Niehoff market seems to (have) revived since GmbH’s Bernd Lohmüller. we had serious discussions about investment plans in the near future with a number of cable factories. We are optimistic and see light at the end of the tunnel. Milz: People were talking about the gloomy situation, but the exhibitors tried to be positive and focused on the business in order to keep good contacts with Russian cable manufacturers. Filepova: Our business with this region was not really influenced by political aspects but (by the economy). Few customers are investing in our market at the moment and business is going slow with this area. Spessato: Unfortunately the market is strongly influenced by political, financial and economic decisions. Even if some companies could invest, the uncertainty of the situation is W.T.M. Srl President Nicola Spessato, left, with lengthening the company’s Russian agent and an attendee.
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Exhibitors’ take
the times necessary for taking the decisions on investments, in hopes of the inversion of the current status. WJI: Will you return in 2017? Spessato: We expect a market compromised by the economic and political decisions taken today. Probably, Russia will seek a new economic structure, using its internal resources in a better way and looking for some independence from external know-how. For applications with a high technological content (our field) the support of Nicola Spessato external economies will be fundamental. For this reason, for 2017 we foresee the possibility of a recovery, in particular for our most sophisticated equipment. Milz: Yes, we will probably attend Wire Russia 2017 because the market potential is there: it is a huge country with many areas/houses to be connected in the future. Nevertheless, (it now has) very poor infrastructures except for the major cities. Meschanow: Yes, no doubt we will.
Filepova: Yes, it could be. There are many factors which can influence that decision, and two years are a long time. WJI: Any other thoughts to share? Milz: The situation is still fragile, but many signs of recovery appear. We remain confident.
… and thoughts from an absent past exhibitor
Rahul Sachdev
We decided not to participate in this year’s staging of wire Russia. We hope business conditions will improve in the future, the currency is stabilized and Western sanctions are lifted. At that point we will definitely re-consider our position and hopefully exhibit in 2017. Rahul Sachdev, Wire & Plastic Machinery.
Spessato: WTM is continuously oriented to R&D of new technical solutions, in particular for the production of cables with a high technological value. For this reason, we will continue to make promotion work in the Russian market and to create collaborations with the most important and innovative customers for developing new solutions.
Equipment If you weren’t able to attend Interwire, more than 400 companies were represented on the show floor, including a good number of equipment suppliers. Below are writeups from some of those companies about the technology that they either displayed or discussed at Atlanta.
AIM, Inc. U.S. At Interwire 2015, AIM presented its next generation AFC 6d cell. The new AFC 6d is 20% faster than its predecessor and, coupled with the Fanuc LR Mate 200i/d Robot, showcased complex forming and pickand-place operations. This flexible cell allows the user to take wire off the machine and place it into unlimited secondary operations.
AIM Inc. President Constantine Grapsas introduced the company’s next generation AFC 6d cell. In addition, this AFC series now includes tooling attachments that further its capabilities; ring head attachment, double eyelet production, and high-speed bending are just some of the enhancements provided. The versatility, small investment, modest footprint, and low cost maintenance remain standard features of the AFC series which allows smaller companies to bring in automation while larger ones offset current capacity. Among these features, the AFC machines include a one-year warranty, slip-ring technology, DXF/XYZ importation, and animation simulation. AIM also unveiled the sophisticated twin-headed Gemini bender. Its unparalleled capabilities include real, simultaneous twin-head forming, “single-head” part forming, off-plane 2D and 3D bending, and no minimum center clamp length. More details will be released soon. The Accuweld series was showcased with the collaborative Universal Robot as well. This robot can be taught simply by moving it to the desired location. Each machine featured completely automated work cell 40 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
solutions that take wire from coil, form, weld, and systematically arrange the finished parts using a software package that provides flexibility and simplicity in programming. www.aimmachines.com.
American Kuhne U.S. American Kuhne displayed the latest in the company’s innovative ULTRA™ series line of air-cooled extruders. Featured was our 2-1/2 inch 24D cut-away model configured to show the distinct AK advantages which have raised the bar in extrusion performance. Our widely acclaimed AKcess™ Touch Screen Control System, utilizing non-proprietary, off the shelf hardware and software, offers the broadest range of precise control capabilities in the extrusion industry. American Kuhne is committed to the wire and cable industry. Incorporating advanced American Kuhne extruder designs, and working with specialized upstream and downstream equipment suppliers, AK provides extruders and turnkey extrusion systems specifically designed to meet the needs of the wire and cable marketplace. Our range of custom designs is unrivaled in the industry. We can cost effectively create the custom machine required to maximize your production and profitability. AK specializes in precision applications for aerospace, automotive, datacom, medical, high temperature and
American Kuhne Wire and Cable Product Manager Larry Fitzgerald by the company’s ULTRA™ Series cut-away extruder.
specialty wire processing, utilizing thermoplastic, rubber and silicone. All AK extruders are fully equipped to include all of the technical feature required plus our unique Customer Protection Plan including a warranty covering defects in material and workmanship for a full three years including all electrical and mechanical components on the machine. Every new AK extruder includes a comprehensive set of mechanical and electrical spare parts. If a part fails during the three-year warranty, simply pull the part from your shelf and install it on the machine. Then call us up and we’ll send you a new replacement part to put back on your shelf ... for the full threeyear warranty period. www.americankuhne.com.
BLM Group USA U.S. At Interwire, BLM Group USA, a global leader in the manufacture of tube processing equipment, showcased the E-Flex, a highly versatile CNC bending machine for wire fabrication. The E-Flex is equipped with two clockwise and counter clockwise bending turrets ideal for three dimensional bending during one part operation, within the same machining cycle. Coil-fed wire is straightened in both a vertical and horizontal orientation to allow for various size and types of wire as well as automatic operation. The process allows for excellent repeatability in most all bending operations. The E-Flex is best suited to bend wire with very complex shapes and its flexibility allows for short runs as well as high-volume production. Further, the machine automatically corrects the program by searching for prior bends that could interfere with BLM Group USA North American Product Manager the bending sequence. Lindley Searles by the company’s E-Flex bender. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments in order to obtain the required parameters. In addition, chamfers can be added for burr-free cuts. The unit incorporates VGP3D, a 3D visual graphic program for constant monitoring of the machine to assist in performance and operator ease of use. With VGP3D, operators can generate a single machining program simply by entering geometric part data, automatically simulate the feasibility of the bending operation, change the running sequence directly in simulation mode and can calculate the real cycle time in advance. www.blmgroupusa.com.
Cerrini Italy Lesmo Machinery America Canada Italy’s Cerrini, which was represented at Interwire at the booth of Lesmo Machinery America, Inc., updated attendees about advances in the company’s unique sheathing lines for extruded wire ropes. Demands for sheathing lines for wire ropes has been growing considerably, driven by regulations that require manufacturers to protect the ropes from corrosion and environmental damage. Cerrini has developed a unique sheathing line for very large diameter steel wire ropes. This sheathing extrusion line was delivered to a well-known steel wire rope producer in Europe for the production of big sheathed steel wire ropes. In particular the line can process a wide range of JULY 2015 | 41
FEATURE Cerrini’s new sheathing line for large diameter wire ropes. steel wire sections, from small to large sections up to 250 mm. Even larger cable sections can be studied on request. A precise and smooth tension control is fundamental to avoid any variations that could result in the coating process producing scrap and low quality of the final product. All the machines in the extrusion line are especially designed to work in the required wide range of product sections and tensions. The crosshead is designed for application of three layers, two of them very thick, given the large product dimension, and it is essential that there be a regular and smooth distribution of material to stay within diameter tolerances. The supervision system must be able to guarantee the tension control and adjustment in a wide range of diameter products so customers can manufacture multiple products on the same extrusion line. To meet all the requirements for such unique production, Cerrini has developed the heavy-duty caterpillar for
the application of high tension up to 10 tons in a smooth and reliable way, and portal payoff and take-up for large and heavy reels up 125 tons and 5600 mm flange diameter (shown in photos). Protective filler, grease or wax can be applied before the sheathing operations while the high output extruder group and crosshead, designed for large product diameters, allows the extrusion of two layers in co-extrusion and the application of skin/stripe. The cooling trough is especially designed to support very heavy and large products. The length and temperature gradient is optimized for a prefect cooling of the larger wire ropes. A special cable trolley allows an easy handling of the heavy ropes in the cooling trough. A user-friendly supervision system guarantees the line and product parameters control, in particular the control and adjustment of the high values of rope tension involved in this process. www.cerrini.it, www.lesmoamerica.com.
Clifford Welding Systems U.S. Interwire 2015 ushered in the start of a new era for Clifford Welding Systems, which recently gained its independence from IDEAL Welding Systems.The com-
Productivity wins
design Clifford has made no compromises, but has designed a very flexible, productive and yet economical welder. We expect there to be a lot of interest for this new welder in India, South America and Southeast Asia or new startups in any part of the world. Production will start in the 4th quarter of 2015. Give us a call and let us know how we can help you. www.cliffeng.com.
Domeks Makine Ltd. STI Turkey At Interwire, Domeks Makine Ltd STI displayed one of the company’s two more recent innovations: the Quadromatik 400, a double-head automatic packing line for high-speed coiling or spool winding of single wire and multi-core cables for diameters from 2.5 mm up to 12 mm.
feeding system that allows the machine operator to load the linewires while the machine is running the previous mesh panel, resulting in a reduction in time between the mesh panels to around two seconds. This new feeder requires zero setup time when changing mesh designs. The linewire feeding system also doubles as an indexing system for the start of the mesh panel. An additional linear pullout indexing system is also incorporated to advance the rest of the mesh panel through the welder, producing dimensionally accurate meshes. The EMW welding system incorporates Clifford’s newly developed direct welding elements that feature high quality welds and quick setup for linewire pitch changes. With its economical approach and modular
The Domeks Makine’s crew by the company’s Quadromatik 400 automatic packaging line.
Driving Improvements in wire straightening This alignment marker — found exclusively on Sjogren rollers — helps optimize your straightening operation. And it’s just one of many subtle-but-significant engineered enhancements that give our components and assemblies world-beating performance. Replacement runs of any quantity, full custom engineering and fabrication, decades of specialized expertise, global distribution: rely on Sjogren to push your productivity into high gear.
pany has contracted with Scott Liebenberg from AWT Machinery to handle sales in the North America. Clifford is also developing a number of new and exciting machines this year, including a new economical mesh welder that will be well suited for the emerging markets or by customers looking for an entry level welder for the reinforcing industry. The EMW mesh welder will feature a newly developed semi-automatic linewire
The Quadromatik 400 can process/shrink wrap up to five coils or 3.5 spools per minute for 100 meter cable lengths on either coil or spool. For a coil, it can process flexible and rigid insulated single wire with a cross section from 1.5 sq mm up to 6 sq mm and flexible or rigid multi-core cable with a cross section from 2 x 0.75 sq mm up to 4 x 2.5 sq mm. For spools, it can process flexible and rigid insulated single wire with cross section from 1.5 sq mm up to 6 sq mm; flexible or rigid multi core cable with cross section from 2 x 0.75 sq mm up to 4 x 2.5 sq mm; and flat twin and earth cross section from 2 x 1+1 sq mm up to 2 x 4 +2.5 sq mm. The company’s other recent innovation is the Speedmatik 240, a double-head automatic packing line developed for high-speed coiling of 2-6 mm cable diameters with shrink film. Line speeds can reach from five up to seven coils per minute for 100 meters of cable length on a coil. It can process flexible insulated single wire cable with cross section from 0.75 sq mm up to 6 sq mm2, and rigid or multi-stranded insulated single wire cable with cross section from 1.5 sq mm up to 6 sq mm. Domek’s product lines include the Coilmatik 280, for coiling of mono wire cables; a PVC compounding machine, the “Granulator 600”; the Coilmatik 400 for multi wire cables; the Reelmatik 350 for round and flat type cables; and the Doublematik 400 for automatic spool winding and coiling in same line. The company notes that it also offers a fully automatic spool or coil to pallet stacking unit, the Paletmatik 1200, which can operate with three different types of pallets. www.domeksmakine.com.
Mario Frigerio/MFL Group U.S./Italy At Interwire, Mario Frigerio displayed the WS2 “Draweasy” Sander. This machine, which uses one or two heads depending on inlet speeds of up to 1200 fpm, has increased the efficiency of the entire line producing from low carbon to a mechanical descaling process for the rod preparation to draw PC wire with carbon contents up to 1080c.
The model, which is suitable for low-,medium- and high-carbon steel, employs a 15 kw motor for the main satellite and a second similar one for the two flyers. The sander has a dust and scale collection unit, and it features a rigid and sturdy structure that reduces part failure and maintenance costs. The model has a quick release for efficient sandbelt changes and alignment, and a compact ecological design that is user friendly. Some 50 units were sold in the last year, with operators confirming realized energy savings, higher operating speeds, lower maintenance costs and greater ease of use. www.mariofrigerio.com.
Gimax Srl Italy
At Interwire, Gimax exhibited its new TRS wet drawbench which aroused a lot of interest from existing Gimax customers, potential customers and competitors.
Gimax Srl Sales & Marketing Director Enrico Romagnolo with the company’s new TRS wet drawbench. The drawbench is “wet” in the sense that the liquid lubricant is sprayed onto the rotating dies and capstans. The capstans are positioned vertically, each with its own drive (non-slip technology) and can reach a speed of over 33 metres/second (6500 fpm). This drawbench, even though relatively new in terms to design, already has found a home within several European customers and hopefully the Atlanta show will prove its entry into the U.S. market. With attendance being better than in previous editions, Gimax registered a large number of visitors and applications for its machinery in what was certainly a very successful show. Gimax was present also at wire Russia, and will exhibit at the Essen Welding show as well as wire Southeast Asia and wire South America.
IDEAL Werk Germany Ideal Welding Systems LP U.S.
Mario Frigerio Sales Manager Marco Dell’Oro with the company’s WS2 “Draweasy” Sander.
At Interwire, Ideal presented a completely new concept for the wire and sheet metal production: a modular NC jig welding machine that has been extended by two additional options/modules. The welding machine, type CSR 102, is suitable for resistance welding of sheet metal and wire products in jigs or guidings.
FEATURE IDEAL-Werk’ CEO Max Jungeblodt with the company’s CSR 102 welder. High-speed and total flexibility in production runs – this was the focus of development. The speed increase of 50% by reducing the non-productive times and the achievement of utmost flexibility in the choice of welding tools through an automated ex-change process. Our reduction of non-productive times have an enormous influence on the overall cycle time due to the repetitive geometries within the welding of the product. The corresponding investigations on savings potential were revealed by detailed analysis. By means of infeed axes by servomotors in conjunction with fast follow-up units, it is possible to be 50% faster. Another positive aspect is the
You can rely on our great British welders
simplified programming made possible by an intelligent query link. The volume of used (and payable) air is also reduced by 66 %. IDEAL continues to pursue the concept of the “green welding machine” in energy saving and sysem developments. The automatic tool change option is another IDEAL milestone. The exchange of utilities and welding tools or tips, via a programmable electrode change, was requested by many customers. The trend to achieve a complete product in one production cycle has been consolidated. Compact or complex products within a three-dimensional design which require a tool or electrode transformation can be manufactured in one run with the appropriate electrode geometry. Our customers can now change the welding electrodes to the task and configuration requirements. The tool transformation will be done from a provisioning or from the tool magazine or tool storage and all this driven by software. Up to 15,000 amps are separated on the secondary side for various welding tasks. The resistance welding is made by the medium frequency technology (1,000 Hz in DC direct current). Intelligent inverter technology allows a perfect welding process. Process observation and quality control are key features in the welding process. The IDEAL NC jig welding machine,which was presented at wire Düsseldorf in 2014, has had a very positive reception from customers. www.ideal-werk.com.
IP Automation U.S.
At Interwire 2015, IP Automation launched its newest high-speed wire-bending model: the i4-S16R, which exemplifies the company’s innovative use of design and robotics.
One of our top die makers for more than two decades, Pete rigorously checks every PWM cold welding die to ensure total accuracy. Whether you’re welding wire, strip or profile, two different types of material or even two different sizes, you can be sure Pete’s precision-engineered dies won’t let you down. Find out more at www.pwmltd.co.uk
IP Automation, Inc. Managing Director Tom Christofilis with the company’s new i4-S16R wire bender.
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New PWM welders and dies available only from PWM or authorised distributors.
The machine concept is truly revolutionary through its use of robotics to seamlessly integrate function while providing both speed and flexibility. The machine can operate simultaneously as both a 3D single-head wire bender and a dual-head wire bender. The advances enable the machine to turn the work piece infinitely on both bending stations. The machine efficiency is also cutting
CHINA edge, with one noteworthy feature being its use of servo “the growth of any country is possible only if the number motors insteadpersons of hydraulics a more cientwill system. of employed grows”for is satisfi ed,effi India be The activeterritory power supply is especially innothe next that wemodule must serve intensively with our vative. Instead the kineticOf energy generated equipment andoftechnology. course, the basicduring infrabraking being converted to wasted heat, is usually the structures are presently not sufficient andasnot adequate case, it is converted to electrical is regento permit the harmonious growthenergy of thisthat giant. Carmelo erated the power supply system. This drastically Mariainto Brocato, Continuus-Properzi. reduces the need for external resistors and increases the Chinaeffi is ciency and willofremain the most important BRICS overall the electrical system. member country, despite Brazil Multi radii capability is aslowing standardgrowth. feature on IP is looking more like“India, mired in corruption while Automation’s I” series of machines, and scandals, built-in auxIndiaI/O at this under a newinregime holds the most iliary is a point standard feature all of IP Automation’s promise. Again, whether the reforms promised machines. Integrated secondary operations on theby the new government in India lead to rapid growth remains machine include coining, piercing, swaging, inline stress to be seen. Russia will continue to have problems relieving, nylon coating and assembly capabilities byand it will take several years to recover from Western-imposed means of welding or mechanical joining techniques such sanctions. Not much has been heard from South Africa, asthough clipping clinching. www.ipautomation.com. it isand now officially a member.
I think that the BRICS are going to continue to be relevant.
While the pace of GDP growth may slow for a few years Kalmark Integrated due to political and socio-economic factors or sanctions, Systems, Ltd.temporary Canada etc., these remain roadblocks at best. As 40%
Interwire, Kalmark Integrated Ltd., disofAtthe world’s population resides inSystems, these countries, it is played a strip the TUR-900, thatthey was will designed inevitable thatrewinder, at some point in the future produce specifi cally forthe themajority company’s armoring and consume of the world’ssystems. output. Rahul Sachdev, & Plastic Machinery. The stripWire rewinder and payoff is used to rewind small packages of strip (.015 in. to .040 in. thick by .250 in. to Russia facedtoeconomic and political distresses 2014 1.00 in. wide) create a full-size, finished traverseinwound but now the situation be back to normal in fpm, a very coil. The TUR-900 can may operate to speeds of 1650
short time. India is a huge country, a place with a multitude of religions/cultures, and from an industrial point of view it’s not possible to generalize into a single evaluation. What is certain is that India is a land that has thousands of opportunities, as does—to a lesser extent and all the differences considered —South Africa. CompaBellina nies in South African are focusing on quality and innovation and our Group is laying the groundwork for a big market development there. Brazil, the world’s sixth largest economy—even though Kalmark President Louis Kalmar it is veryIntegrated far from Systems Italy andLtd. presents some customs clearancethe and trade policies issues—is a market increasingly with company’s new strip rewinder. important for our strategic framework. One other thought: thewith BRICS was originally producing finished coils a 14acronym in. ID and a 36-in. usedThe to defi ne countries characterized bycontroller a developing OD. control system utilizes a motion syneconomic the situation, strongofgrowth in GDP, large popchronizing vector amotor the winder, and athe servo ulation, a vast territory and abundant natural resources. motor of the strip taverse mechanism to guarantee a perIn 2015, we can’t talkstrip. of them any more as “developing fect layer wind of the countries” but as superpowers that, together with the G7 Interlock machines such as the CIA-50 and CIA 125 are countries, dominate the worldwide market. Fabio Belliimmediately able to load a package made on the rewinder. na, TKT Group.
JULY 2015 | 47 MAY 2015 | 37
Materials most often used for strip include aluminum alloy and galvanized steel for the strip-armoring process. With rewinding, it is possible to use very inch of strip, leaving no waste product to recycle. As the industry is further moving towards compacted power cables, the company offers a roll-form module for power cable. The 2.2 m and larger machines may produce up to 61 wires or 1000Kcm/500 sq mm. Typical production rate up to 200 RPM rotational and, or up to 75m/min. line speed. This machine has the capability to produce the 53 wire SIW designs as a cost savings alternative to 37 and 61 wire cables. It can be used to process Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) using a single or stranded steel core; Aluminum Conductor Composite Core (ACCC) using composite type core; Single Input Wire (SIW) with roll formed shaped Trapezoidal Wire (TW) compact strand; and cabling of insulated cores of conductor size up to 4/0 AWG or 95 sq mm. The optional Roll Form wire shaping system may form from two [1+6] to five (5) [1+6+12+18+24] layer constructions. The number of roll form layers is determined by the strand design of each application. Round (R) wire may be combined with Trapezoidal Wire (TW) to create the strand construction. www.kalmark.com.
The MGS Group U.S.
stacking. Using custom designed tooling, the robot employs MGS’s latest technology to locate nested empty spools stacked on a supply pallet, pick them and load them onto the motorized take-up entrance conveyor. Full spools will then also be palletized in pre-programmed patterns; stacked utilizing the same robot. Labels can be precisely applied to desired locations on the reel flange and/or also under/onto the stretch wrap on the side of the reel. With a simple string-up method and a gentle product path containing large diameter sheaves, the MGS Groups’ system is easy, efficient and productive to use. Other industries have been using robots for decades. Now, MGS has introduces this compact productive system to our industry to improve efficiencies, eliminate lifting of heavy reels and dramatically reduce employee injuries. We envision many other applications that we would be happy to discuss with you. www.mgshall.com/ www.themgsgroup.com.
Niehff Endex North America U.S. Niehoff GmbH Germany At Interwire, Niehoff introduce its updated double-twist buncher, model D632, to the North American market.
For the first time ever at Interwire, the MGS Group demonstrated a Fully Operational Robot Arm integrated with their Fully Automatic Takeup (FAT) to provide a complete packaging system for both on-line and off-line applications. The automatic dual spoolers are ideally suited for popular packaging sizes of products such as THHN, NMB, category, coaxial cable, tubing, hose and optical fiber cable. The integrated mechanical design and controls system provides a superior wind of round and flat products onto a wide variety of reels. Employee manual labor is virtually eliminated for loading, unloading, winding, wrapping, labeling and Niehoff Endex North America Marketing Director Edmond Torbey with the company’s new double-twist buncher.
The company’s Reelbot drew attention (see cover), but MGS Group Vice President of Sales & Marketing Jim Zampogna, c, and other staffers, provided the human touch with attendees. 48 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
The D632 includes all the important features and options of its predecessor D631 buncher e.g. closed loop tension control, wireless data transfer, infinitely variable adjustment of lay length without gear change, single Eco-bow and NBAT laser traverse system. These features have made the D631 one of the most popular copper and aluminum conductors in the world. The new D632 builds on its predecessor’s success and includes the following additional features and options: multi-channel high resolution telemetric system for best lay length control accuracy, high voltage power supply of spool carrier control electronics via slip rings, energy savings LED lighting of the enclosure, faster lift table for shorter spool loading/unloading cycle, energy efficient operation through power optimized rotor AC motor, efficient
QUEINS Machines GmbH comes to your activity in a region, does any of that matter? noise ventilation temperature • Hascabin Russia lost some using of its appeal due to conits polititrolled fan motor. cal and economic challenges? When equipped the its appropriate • Will India ever with achieve potential?bow design, the• Does D632Brazil can strand soft copper, bare and plated and need to resolve internal issues, from aluminum alloys for several applications e.g. autoeconomy to trade policies? motive and Africa aerospace. In thethat most field tests, • Is South a country at recent this time is just not the ready D632 for proved once more the advantages of its meaningful growth? combined features to produce an excellent package are European, so it is normal to fiThe nd some differof We stranded copper magnesium alloy. success of ences in the BRICS nations. Every country has their this new implementation promises to reduce processown features, whichfor areautomotive not positiveconductors or negative,while just ing steps and costs different from ours. From our experience Brazil improving the productivity and efficiencyinof theirand India, we can say that it is a hard job to follow all the processes. bureaucracy, you need toautomotive have the right person For the latestand in processing aluminum who can follow these kind of issues, but that’s just and copper alloys conductors, leading automotive because it is different from our country. and aerospace cable manufacturers are reaching out Regarding Russia, the situation has changed from past toyears, NIEHOFF’s newestisgeneration D632 doubleslower twist but the market still growing, although buncher. www.niehoff-usa.com. than before. Maybe the political situation will influence the situation, but that is not our case. Regarding India achieving its potential, that’s one of NUMALLIANCE NUMAMERICA the reasons why we decided to invest there. This is one France/U.S. of the most powerful markets in recent years. Indian Siliconare Valley does not bear all people technically prepared andinnovation! the countryThe is growing. Additionally, the positionfrom is good because it Numaslide, the latest innovation Numalliance, is close to the Middle East andbusiness Far East.in Shipping engineered to help re-shoring North companies arewas investing in being able to offer faster trades America, displayed at Interwire. connecting Indian ocean to U.S.design ocean ports. With the same pride as ports one would a new We invested Brazilonand there are very big tablet or smartinphone theIndia, westand coast, Numalliance differences between these two countries. Manpower engineers continuously follow the path of innovation costs is one of the most important differences butatimfounder Joel Etienne. Constant improvement is port duties from Europe is also a big deal in Brazil. the core of the company culture to bring growth and South Africa is another country which many invesemployment in North America. Mechanical machine tors are looking at. After India, South Africa is the forming hasmay long been done, but the brand will future. It take some years, but iconic this country NUMALLIANCE is paving the fl oor for success give us some surprise for sure. The governmentfor is any wire forming company has been in business promoting the country andthat is giving many advantagfor a decade and having trouble with long es at to least foreign investors. Gabriela Filepova, GMP set up times and a lack of resources. With a camless Slovakia. and servo-driven solution such as the NUMASLIDE, these business can be profitable inEconomy the U.S. again. The and trade policiesinhave old tooling can be retrofitted or adapted mostafcases, fectednewer our business and we have the resources to develop ones. and progression in Russia over the last nine months. Even if the exchange rate differential is now moving back to the normal, our involvement in Wire Russia is reduced to the minimum this year. India is on a positive François political and economic trend and we are increasing our investments there. We achieved substantial business progress there last year. Since NUMLALLIANCE North America COO Ludovic Vallet with the company’s latest NUMALSIDE model.
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Planetary strander with 0%, 100% or variable backtwist
& QUEINS - Your specialists for: MANUFACTURING RANGE Tubular stranders Rigid stranders Planetary stranders Power cable drumtwisters Armouring lines Bow/Skip stranders Single/Double twist bunchers Pay-offs and take-ups, all designs Belt-type caterpillar capstans Single- and double disc capstans Rotating caterpillar capstans Taping heads, all designs Transposed wire machines PRE-OWNED AND RECONDITIONED We offer used or reconditioned cable and rope making machines. Please take a look at our currently available used equipment at www.queins.com Catalogue download For contacts in USA:
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This timely innovation will benefit customers who make high volume and complex parts, as NUMALLIANCE is the sole CNC wire bending machine manufacturer able to offer a complete range of equipment from simple 2D feed and form and hard tool bending solution for wire, tube, spring and flat-stock. There is no need to produce high volume and simple shape parts at exotic destination. Jobs are coming back, and multi-slide benders are the preferred solution. Until now, Italy had OMCG, America had Nilson, Germany had Biehler and France had Latour. All those cam-driven mechanical multi-slide come with a major drawback: set up time. That is why NUMALLIANCE came with a concept of servo driven camless multislide, able to harbor most of existing tooling in an all-electric environment. The NUMASLIDE is yours to discover. www.nummalliance.com.
OMCG North America U.S. OMCG SpA Italy
At Interwire, OMCG North America showcased the company’s technology for wire, tube and strip forming projects in the forms of systems with modular Servaxis and Multislide forming capabilities that provide solutions to reduce costs critical to profitability. The company displayed its CNC Minimalist 6 model. It features a feed that is very close to bend tools, which reduces wire torsion effect. The model, which uses simple tooling, has multi radii bend capability. The CNC unit was shown with CAD to machine capability that allows easy programming while the machine is in production. It also uses IGES and STEP file importing to machine and machine controllers, via the “Easy Program” that creates the program and can simulate forming with 3D animation on the screen. It can indicate if there is any interference between part and machine, all part of the simple and effective “What you see is what you get” philosophy. Other pluses include remote internet machine diagnostics and controller program updating.
OMCG North America President Bob Sears with the company’s CNC Minimalist 6 system. OMCG offers CNC systems for processing wire forms from 0.040 in. to 0.700 in. with its unique, and standard, eccentric bend head. Complementary options available: robots, welding, grooving, cold heading, chamfering, threading, stamping and forming, assembly and Multislide operations. For progressive strip forming projects, OMCG’s Servaxis and Multislide machines have blanking capacities up to 120 ton and strip width to +80 mm. www.omcg.com.
At Interwire, the SAMPSISTEMI division of Italy’s SAMP exhibited several machines, including the DM80.2x8.22 (16 wire, 22 dies) multiwire line, the BM-630-D + SV800 motorized pay-off, the latter will be in operation during the show. Also a single PVC horizontal extruder model TE60-25 for automotive application will be displayed. The DM80.2x8.22 represents the latest generation of SAMP multiwire design to improve production versatility, increased output and reduced energy consumption. The line offers increased energy efficiency and with a power factor ≥ .95 enables the drawing line to have lower
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FEATURE SAMP USA Vice President Sales & Services Marco Gerardo by the company’s multiwire line it displayed at Interwire. operating and maintenance costs, while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. The SAMP multi-wire Drawing Machine Platform builds on many years of research and in-depth testing that results in a series of modular machines that use a slip recovery system for increased quality of the finish wire for applications such as automotive, building wire and high performance conductors. The line uses multi-motor technology for optimized transmission and power use as well as state of the art drives and controls. With attention given to ergonomics, the result is a com-
pact, flexible and easy-to-operate series of multi-wire drawing machines. The displayed line features a 22-die draw-box for 16 wires with the AN200M.16.16.3500 annealer. The annealer displayed is designed for copper wires, offers great annealing consistency with variation of +/- 2% and with latest AC servo motor drives and controls offers outstanding acceleration/deceleration ramps. The annealer is available with a power supply from 2000 up to 3500A depending on the final application. The BM/630-D double-twist buncher is equipped with PLC controls and main AC drive, and it is specifically developed for the North American market combined with the SV800 payoff. www.sampinc.com.
Schlatter North America U.S. Schlatter Industries AG Switzerland At Interwire, Schlatter North America not only displayed its new MG950 mesh welder, it held live demonstrations approximately every 30 minutes during which service technicians explained to attendees how the technology can save them both time and money. Developed by Swiss parent company Schlatter Industries AG, the MG950 welder is designed primarily for the production of industrial mesh. It is flexible in relation to various mesh geometries, achieves high
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Shanghai HOSN China
Ronnie Meyers, general manger, Schlatter North America, by the company’s MG950 welder. production speeds and exhibits the highest quality right from the first mesh. The system excels at meeting increasing additional functions, such as plug-in connectors for connection of meshes that are integrated into the welded mesh during the production of wire meshes. That type of mess manufacturing has become increasingly complex, and high accuracy is a must, especially for graduation tolerances of the functional wires. The newly developed MG950 provides line wire feeds for these purposes that are rigid and quickly adjustable. Another manufacturing is concern is shrinking lot sizes, which makes reducing waste during production of
As the largest exhibitor from China, Shanghai HOSN presented its full line of stranding and drawing machines at Interwire 2015, particularly its most popular rigid strander, drum twister, and aluminum/copper rod break-down machines. HOSN specializes in the wire drawing sector and stranding/cabling sector for the wire and cable industries, including tubular strander, planetary strander, rigid strander, drum twister and single twist/double twist bunching and standing machines. With over thirty years’ expertise in the power cable and distribution cable fields and large customer base worldwide, HOSN has successfully marketed its products in the Americas.
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JULY 2015 | 53
the initial meshes important. The MG950’s measuring system can accomplish this because the line wire can be precisely positioned according to the programmed mesh specs. Therefore, it is possible to produce the desired quality right from the first mesh. The system’s built-in welding assistant provides significantly higher production for small lot sizes than one can attain with traditional mesh welding machines. For recurring products, a new computer system is available for the line wire feeds so that only those in a different position must be removed in case of similar products.
Ultimate Automation, Ltd. U.K.
At Interwire, Ultimate Automation displayed the latest version of the company’s ULTIMAT UMW-100, 2D wire forming and welding machine, which incorporates faster drives and control systems. The UMW can be combined with the UCW-100 model to create an integrated forming and welding cell for the production of shelving products. The frames are produced on the UMW-100 and then transferred into the UCW-100, where the frame support/brace wire is fed direct from coil, and welded into the frame. Further options include press stations for post-forming and secondary bend heads for forming loops and eyes. At the Shanghai HOSN booth at Interwire, Dean Zhang, l, chief of North American sales, and Edison Qin, chief of South American sales, point to machines sold to the Americas. With its specific personnel servicing the U.S. and other markets in the American continent, HOSN is committed to supplying high-efficiency drawing and stranding equipment to the wire and cable industry in the Americas. At Interwire, HOSN displayed photos of its JLK series rigid stranding machine with bottom loading or side loading system. This unique machine is suitable for producing large-length, compact/round bare Al/Cu wire, ACSR and aluminum alloy wire. The machine is driven by individual motors for the rotating cage and the stranding pitch can be adjusted freely. Another featured product was an aluminum breakdown machine used for drawing aluminum alloy, and all kinds of shaped wires from 9.5 mm down to 1.8-5.0 mm. Many customers also showed strong interests in HOSN’s drum twister which is used for cabling low, medium and high voltage power cables and for applying armoring and screening wires. www.hosnglobe.com.
Ultimate Automation Sales Director Martin Smith by a UMW-100 model Ultimat manufactures the UMW 2D wire forming & welding machines, UTW Automatic Ring Machines and UCW T-Welders. The company has a machine to suit everyone’s requirement from the manufacture of POP displays, lampshades, supermarket shelving and automotive components, etc. www.ultimat.com.
Vinston US Corp. U.S. Interwire attendees got to learn more about Vinston formers, which can be geared to create an array of wire forms. With the use of special attachments and servo slides, the formers can complete various wire forms that would require a secondary operation from a traditional wire bender. One prime example is the ability to complete the end loop of a double loop wire form. With the use of slides to hold the wire in place, the Vinston formers have no issues completing the end loop of different wire forms. In regards to special tooling, the metal platform mounted on a slide axis helps to stabilize large products. It also helps reduce problems with vibration that can be detrimental to production speed on certain types of benders. With the mounted platform, the vibrations can be either mitigated and/or controlled. With the changeover to Yaskawa servo motors and drivers, the Vinston formers have also minimized downtime.
Vinston US Corp. Operations Manager Billy Z Lin by one of the company’s formers. Our quality control department has drastically increased the array of testing on each and every machine prior to shipment in order to minimize unexpected issues after delivery. Each axis is independently put through an array of rigorous tests to guarantee steady power and precision. Our testing period has increased by two fold to run through different scenarios of real time situations, all part of our desire for our equipment to provide quality products. www.vinstonus.com.
W.T.M. Srl Italy Interwire was a clear success for W.T.M., with many quality visits by highly qualified attendees interested in the technology that was displayed at its booth: the heart of a line suitable for wrapping copper-silver plated tape onto high frequency coaxial cables. The module, like the whole taping line, was designed to process cables for the most sophisticated applications: aeronautical, aerospace and military uses. The base system of working, thanks to the DYNAMIC DANCER used on
WTM Srl President Nicola Spessato by a new taping system. all of W.T.M.’s taping machines, controls the tape tension directly on the tape being wrapped. It allows the highest level of process precision with equipment that is very user-friendly and sensitive to any adjustment that the operator makes. W.T.M.’s DYNAMIC DANCER controls and adjusts the tension, in real time, directly on the materials being wrapped, applying the pre-set pulling tension on the tape. This keeps it constant in any situation, including when it is traversing on the spool from one edge to the other and when flat/shaped wire is wrapped. For the operator, setting a line is very simple: just input the base process data, such as wire diameter, taping pitch and tape tension, quantity to be produced and working speed. The machine automatically produces the wanted cable, thanks to superb accuracy capability. Once the line produces the set quantity, it automatically stops, waiting for the intervention of the operator. With this latest generation of machines, W.T.M. offers equipment that allow coaxial cables producers to manufacture in a range of high frequencies that previously was possible to achieve in a constant, reliable way. It can also do this for the smallest cables dimensions, including pairs, triples or quads. The high reliability of W.T.M. machines, which has very user-friendly interface, can be even further advanced with a “Recipes Manager” that will grant any cable producer repeatability of its products, dramatically reducing any waste of product due to non-conformity. Because W.T.M. designs its own software, every machine the company produces can be integrated or completed with any other existing W.T.M. machine or equipment without problems. This allows laser gauges, spark testers and any other such instruments to be connected and set from the machine’s operator panel directly. W.T.M.’s VISIO System was installed in the displayed machine. This electro-optical control system, employing several available options, can magnify the wire as it is being processed to enable real quality control of the surface, including measurements of the cable surface. Data obtained can be treated and/or stored then can be put in a diagram to present a foot-by-foot certification of the product. www.wtmachinery.com.
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Fax to: (001) 203-453-8384 The Wire Association International, Inc. 71 Bradley Road | Suite 9 | Madison, CT 06443 | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | Fax: (001) 203-453-8384 | Web site: www.wirenet.org
Fig. 2. Compression ring.
Fig. 3. Oil ring.
Fig. 1. Piston ring setting conditions.
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of three-roll bending and counter-bending by roll No. 4 to produce compression ring.
Fig. 5. Regular shape and defective phenomena of distortion angle θ and gap δ.
Fig. 6. Composition of each part of unit roll.
Fig. 7. FEM simulation model of straight flat wire.
Fig. 8. Cross section of straight flat wires.
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Fig. 13. Z-axial contact area between ring and roll No. 3.
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PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY Heavy-duty steel reels excel for very large high-voltage cable applications
Contact: Keshal Parekh, Steel Cable Reels, tel. 713-851-5713, kparekh@steelcablereels.com, www.steelcablereels.com.
Steel Cable Reels (SCR) is now able to service high voltage cable manufacturers in North and South America with up to 176 in. (4400 mm) reels in complete Complete Knock Down (CKD) or Collapsible Condition.
Immersion burner offers hot upgrade advantages for industrial furnaces QED Wire Lines reports that its new immersion burner, the Mark 4 ART (Advanced Recuperative Technology), offers unparalleled heat recovery from an extended double-pass integral recuperator that pre-heats incoming combustion air.
A press release said that the new product addition has been widely accepted by cable companies that have needs for reels that can handle load capacities as high as 72,000 lb (36 tons). These reels are constructed from heavy duty steel (ASTM A36 Grade), continuously welded for endurance, sand blasted for finish and spray painted with high-temperature resistant paint to meet customer specifications. In-house engineering teams work very closely with customers to understand cable bearing capacities on each reel and customized fabrication specifications. SCR recently shipped a CKD reel that had to carry high-voltage underground cable that weighs about 24 lb/ft that required a loading capacity of 62,000 lb on a reel with a flange diameter of 176 in., the release said. Pictured is a 145 in.-CKD reel being shipped to a cable manufacturer as part of an eight-week consignment. The CKD reels can be shipped in standard 40-ft ocean containers throughout the globe and SCR’s experienced on-site crew is able to assemble them. Also, as the reels are returnable at the end of the project, they can be taken apart at site and be shipped in regular trailers, not as oversize loads. Cable manufacturers in North and South America are beginning to realize these significant savings enabling them to remain competitive in global marketplace. SCR serves the customer with comprehensive reel assembly services, recycle programs and project based inventory management. SCR, part of the Cabrol Group, serves the North and South American markets with steel reels and logistics services. With three manufacturing locations and a distribution network, the company proudly serves the global supply chain with over 27,000 reels annually, specializing in new design and product development, especially for the largest sized reels. 70 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
A press release said that the unit, which has a modular design and is made from stainless and high-nickel alloy steel, offers an extended operating lifespan and reduced maintenance. The Mark 4 ART burner is available as an upgrade to all existing immersion burners for galvanizing, Galfan® and aluminizing furnaces. Benefits include: an excellent thermal efficiency (76.6%); easy starting and reliable operation; significant energy savings; cooler body temperature; exceptional flame stability; lower CO and NOx; direct spark ignition; self-recuperative; and UV or flame rod supervision. Contact: Gord Murray, QED Wire Lines Inc., gmurray@qedwire.com, www.qedwire.com.
Wire rope lube meets VGP standards for coastal waters
U.K.-based METALUBE reports that the company’s Rope-Tek™ WRD40 product now complies with VGP (Vessel General Permit) standards demanded by the U.S. government for all commercial shipping above 79 ft entering U.S. coastal waters. A press release said that Rope-Tek WRD40, which has been issued an EU EcoLabel, is high-performance, biodegradable lubricant specifically designed from renewable raw material sources. It was designed to protect steel wire ropes that come into direct contact with seawater in the shipping, oil and gas and fishing industries.
HFFR jacket compounds offers enhanced flame retardance
At Interwire 2015, U.S.-based Teknor Apex Company introduced two new additions to the company’s low-cost series of Halguard® halogen-free flame retardant (HFFR) compounds for general-purpose jacketing applications. A press release reported the following. Teknor Apex presented two compounds with enhanced flame retardance and one that exhibits lower post-extrusion shrinkage that cost less than premium compounds while entailing little compromise in performance properties (see Table). Teknor Apex recommends them for cable used in subway, mass transit, cell tower, data center and infrastructure applications, as well as internal wiring in electrical and electronic equipment. The grades include: Halguard 58610 and 58615. These 53 Shore D compounds have UL-94 vertical burn ratings of V-0 for 1/16 in. (1.59 mm) thick specimens, and oxygen indices of 52 and 45%, respectively. Both enable passing the UL-1685 FT-4 and UL-1666 riser flame tests for more complex cable constructions. Also, Halguard 58620. This 54 Shore D compound provides the low level of post-extrusion shrinkage that is important for fiber optic cable applications and enables passing the UL-1685 flame test.
JULY 2015 | 71
“Having a wire rope lubricant with VGP compliance (and an EU EcoLabel) will enable METALUBE to enter a whole new market place,” said METALUBE Commercial Director Douglas Hunt. “We are extremely excited about this opportunity since the market is becoming more concerned about using environmentally acceptable lubricants in marine environments.” METALUBE, which manufactures a range of industrial wire rope lubricants and many other high performance industrial lubricants, has offices in China, India and Brazil. Contact: METALUBE, tel. 44-161-775-7771, post@metalube.com, www.metalube.co.uk.
opment for the Vinyl GENCA Division ........................................940 of Teknor Apex. “All five Filtertech, Inc..............................1049 Enkotec Company Inc ..................108 compounds meet the property requirements of general-purGeneral Copper...........................2160 Fine International Corporation.....332 Enshang Machinery pose jacketing applications while costing less than other Enterprise Co Ltd.......................666 Technologies, LLC ......958 Finoptics Inc ...............................1801 Halguard compoundsWorGillies competing HFFR products.” ER-Bakir Elektrolitik Bakir AS ...924 Gimax Srl......................................140 Fisk Alloy Inc .............................2140 Contact: Teknor Apex Company, tel: 401-725-8000, ERA Wire Inc ...............................354 www.teknorapex.com. GMP Slovakia Sro........................758 FLYMCA & FLYROvinyl@teknorapex.com, .................1907 Ernst Koch GmbH & Co............1358 Golden Technologies Wire & FMS USA, Inc ..............................618 Cable Co, Ltd .... 912/06 Esteves Group...............................806 Ethernet cables forEquipment aerospace offer Foerster Instruments Inc ..............1814 Granite Falls Furnace .................1562 Etna Products, Inc ......................1706 data rates, flexibility and more Forever Cable Materialshigh Group..512/03 Guangzhou Hanstar Fluoro-Plastic Euroalpha Srl ................................558 W. L. Gore & Associates (Gore) has introduced GORE® Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc..........1532 Co, Ltd ....... 412/07 Ethernet cables to meetInsulated the civilWires aerospace industry’s Eurobend GmbH ........................1058 Fortune Machinery .....................1053 emerging need for higher data rate cables in a ............211 lightweight, Guill Tool & Engineering Eurolls Spa....................................858 Fridea Srl ....................................1739 flexible, and routable package. Guney Celik ..................................652 EuroWire ......................................132 A press release reported the following; The GORE Frigeco USA Inc ........................1739 Hafner & Krulmann GmbH .........370 George Evans Corp ......................711 Ethernet cables are engineered for the demands of modFrigerio USA Inc ........................1739 vom Hagen & Funke ....................140 ern airborne digital networks, providing high-speed data EVG Inc ........................................150 Frontier Composites & Castings..215 transmission up to 10Hall gigabits over longer distances. Industries ...........................1032 Evolution Products, Inc ................133 FSP-One......................................2128 They provide excellent signal integrity with stable perHanduk Ultrasonic Co, Ltd ........2011 Fabritex, Inc..................................616 formance in demanding environments, including a wide Fuhr GmbH...................................752 The new compounds follow last year’s introduction Hangzhou Harbor range of temperatures. These cables areTechnology available in two Fastener Engineers .....................2056 of the first compounds in the low-cost HFFR series,Recovery .....................2158 Gateway Co, Ltd ............................... 1512-11 standard sizes – 24 AWG and 26 AWG. Halguard 58600 and 58605. Fenn LLC....................................1955 Gauder/Gauder Group ..................424 JR Exhibition Co .............. The cables feature aHangzhou unique cable jacket material and “Teknor Apex Halguard 58610, 58615, and FIB Belgium SAdeveloped .........................1358 Gavlick Machinery Corp ............1053 217/306/318/1917/1919 high-density construction that significantly reduces 58620 to address specific needs reported to us by customFil-Tec Inc ..................................1502 weight and diameter Hariton for improved installation. This Gravure Co Inc ....................706 Machinery Co, Inc ..........147 ers following the introduction of 58600 andGem 58605 grades,” connector insert is a direct replacement for current said Mike Patel, director of marketing and business devel-
Visit our stand #711 at Interwire 2015
Oven cures connector assemblies on long cables The Grieve Corporation reports that its top loading oven, No. 984, is an electrically-heated, 500ºF (260ºC) custom-designed top-loading oven, currently used for curing connector assemblies onto long cables at the customer’s facility. A press release said that the workspace measures 72 in. W x 8 in. D x 14 in. H. It notes that 12KW are installed in Nichrome wire elements to heat the unit, while a 600
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JULY 2015 | 73
quadrax technology that allows for up to 20 times the data in the same space. “Being able to directly replace a size 8 quadrax connector within an ARINC 600 or 38999 shell with the Gore 10GbE product combined with a Glenair, Inc. El Ochito™ connector allows for a dramatic increase in data capability within the same form factor,” said Gore Application Engineer Jeremy Moore. The unique cable jacket material provides the ideal combination of high speed and lighter weight necessary for a wide range of aerospace applications. Typical applications for the Ethernet cables include avionics networks, digital video systems, content loading, cabin management systems, flight management systems, Ethernet backbone, and IFE systems. They can be very useful for airlines and associated users that face the challenge of updating IFE server content from systems utilizing faster data-loading capability. Contact: W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc., www.gore.com.
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CFM, 1/2 HP recirculating blower motor provides rearto-front airflow across the workload. The top-loading oven has four-in.-thick insulated walls, an aluminized steel exterior, a Type 430 stainless steel interior, four independently hinged doors to expose the front and back of each loading station, a steel plate oven floor and a workspace floor reinforced for 100 lb loading on a .25 in. plate. The controls for the model include four special automatic door switches to shut off blower and heat when any door is opened, plus a digital programming temperature controller, manual reset excess temperature controller with separate contactors and recirculating blower airflow safety switch. Contact: Frank Calabrese, The Grieve Corporation, ble tubing using machine vision technology. It can tel. wall 847-546-8225, sales@grievecorp.com, be used for off-line measurements on the production floor www.grievecorp.com. as well as in a lab environment. It has an easy-to-use operator interface that features a touch screen monitor and Materials meant low-temp requires minimal operatorfor intervention. The new system is designed to be efficient wire and accurate, allowing companies superconductor manufacturing toU.S.-based record and H.C. document desired Starckevery reports that itparameter, introducedincluding: inner and outer diameters, wall thickness niobium and tantalum materials at Cryogenics(single and and/ or dual walls), concentricity, minimums and maximums, Superconductivity Conference Japan 2015 that are taiaverages, range operational parameters. (LTS) wire lor-made for lowand temperature superconductor Amaral Automation which has manufacturing whereAssociates, cryogenic cooling is represented required. the wire cable industry for more than described Theand company explained the use of 30 its years, materials for the addition Angle Systemsas as follows. a perfect The fit. “This LTS wireofmanufacturing main measurerole of
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tantalum in superconductors is to form a stable and reliable diffusion barrier between the copper (Cu) matrix and tin (Sn). The barrier starts as a sheet of tantalum (Ta) whose thickness will be reduced through the entire process of drawing to only a fraction of its initial thickness. It’s critical that the Ta layer remains intact preventing direct contact between the Cu and Sn. The initial thickness uniformity, surface quality, microstructure and mechanical properties are of vital importance. In the manufacturing of superconducting wire, the niobium sheet is typically used as a diffusion barrier between Cu and Sn, while niobium rods are mainly used to generate the Nb(3)Sn superconducting compound. These components must have strictly controlled mechanical properties, surface roughness and chemical composition. These characteristics facilitate processing and ensure a high quality superconductor wire. Niobium and tantalum are preferred materials for superconducting applications, especially in MRI and NMR medical equipment, magnetic levitation, mass spectroscopy, particle accelerators, and nuclear fusion research equipment.
Tooling can process all compounds U.S.-based Guill Tool & Engineering reports that at this year’s National Plastics Expo (NPE) show, the company featured its extensive line of crossheads and inline tubing dies in fixed and adjustable center, for single or co-extrusion applications. A press release said that the tooling is designed to process all compounds and features the company’s patented, precision “Feather Touch Concentricity” adjustment and the “Seal Right System” that combines with the Feather Touch system to eliminate polymer leaking. Guill introduced the latest generation of its Series 800, the 2-to-6 layer extrusion tooling designed to produce the highest quality, highest material-efficient 1/8 in. to 6 in. OD tubing for automotive, medical, appliance and industrial applications. The redesigned Series 800 produces flawless extrusion and layer definition of fluoropolymer and other materials for all fuel line constructions, multi-layer PEX pipe and drip irrigation applications, among others, the release said. The design further allows thin layer
Load cell ensures a proper wire and cable tension measurement The Montalvo Corporation reports that the company’s XR Load Cell, designed for wire and cable applications, features a fully customizable pulley (size, profile, material, etc.) that can be built to utilize an application’s existing pulleys. A press release noted the following. The XR provides wire and cable processes a perfect mix of versatility, functionality and performance. It is a highly cost effective way for customers to add tension measurement to their new or existing applications while ensuring it is built to precisely meet the needs of their application. Built with Montalvo’s industry leading signal sensitivity, the XR is a key component in increasing the productivity and end product quality of wire and cable applications. The XR is sensitive to the slightest changes in tension ensuring your process is always in precise control, maximizing your productivity and reducing scrap. A dual
combinations of polymers and adhesives to .02 mm or less, it noted, adding that all Guill tooling is produced with rigorous computer simulation of the flow channels using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) programs, resulting in optimum uniform flow with no weld lines. Contact: Bill Conley, Guill Tool & Engineering, tel.401-828-7600, sales@guill.com, www.guill.com.
JULY 2015 | 75
“Our research engineers developed unique materials and extrusion processes for superconductor wire used in several leading projects in fusion energy and large-scale particle accelerators,” said Dmitry Shashkov, a member of the company’s Executive Board and head of the Fabricated Products Division. “The intrinsic characteristics of these materials are facilitating the research efforts and H.C. Starck is excited to be part of it.” Contact: H.C. Starck, www.hcstarck.com.
parallel beam, 100% stainless steel body, mechanical variance compensation, and 360° overload protection ensures high performance and a longer service life. When used in conjunction with Montalvo’s S4 Tension Controller and our high performance tension brakes or clutches, the XR works to create an automated, continuous tension control process requiring minimal operator interaction and high quality process consistency from run to run and shift to shift. Montalvo web tension control packages are available for unwind, nip/intermediate, and rewind process zones.” Contact: The Montalvo Corporation, tel. 800-226-8710 or 800-644-5097, info@montalvo.com, www.montalvo.com.
Flexible cable jumpers good for wireless applications U.S.-based Pasternack, a supplier of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, recently introduced new lines of ultra-miniature UMCX, WMCX and HMCX32 coaxial cable assemblies. A press release reported the following. The low profile, flexible micro-coax jumper cables offer operation from DC to 6 GHz and are ideal for wireless applications including Wi-Fi, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee,
LTE, mini-PCI, mobile antenna/GPS/radio systems, PDA/PCS/cellular handset application and other wireless communications systems. These cables are commonly used to connect an external antenna to a mini-PCB. The new RF cable assemblies include 40 unique configurations with multiple coax options including 0.81 mm, 1.13 mm, 1.37 mm, RG178 and double shielded RG178 (RG178-DS). Both in-series and between-series cables are available in this release and the miniature UMCX, WMCX and HMCX32 snap-on connectors have mated connection heights ranging from 1.2 mm to 2.5 mm. Pasternack’s new UMCX and WMCX cable jumpers are compatible with Hirose® U.FL™ and W.FL™ connectors respectively. The ultra-miniature UMCX, WMCX and HMCX32 cable assemblies from Pasternack are offered in standard lengths from stock while custom lengths and special configurations are available upon request. Custom cables can be assembled from the UMCX 2.5 series using RG178 coax with more than a hundred compatible connector options that can be selected from Pasternack’s catalog of coaxial connectors. Each of the new cable assemblies in this offering are 100% RF and continuity tested prior to shipment. Contact: Pasternack, tel. 949-261-1920, www.pasternack.com, sales@pasternack.com.
“ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS THAT MAKE SENSE” Guill Tool & Engineering is a leading supplier of rubber and plastic extrusion tooling for wire and cable products ranging in size from 0.005 inch diameter wire to 20 inch cable. We offer single and multi-layer extrusion crossheads backed by engineering support that's unmatched in the industry. 3D CAD, CFD and FEA software begin our process and all products are made in our quality-first production facility.
We welcome all challenges! www.guill.com tooling@guill.com West Warwick, Rhode Island (USA)
Guill Ad5054 WJI February 2015
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MARKETING AND SALES COORDINATOR. T & T Marketing, Inc., a distributor of compounds and materials to the Wire & Cable industry, is seeking a Marketing and Sales Coordinator, who will develop and distribute communications and advertising materials that effectively represent and promote T & T products and services. The individual will work closely with management to develop successful marketing strategies and will assist the sales organization with managing various reports and pipeline tools. This position is also responsible for coordinating company meetings, events and trade shows. A college degree is required for this position, preferably in Marketing, Communication, or Business. Excellent communications skills are required as well as knowledge and experience with MS Office Suite. Candidates must be excellent at multi-tasking. Experience with CRM programs, web design, and online marketing strategies is a plus. Candidates must be willing and able to work remotely and independently. Applicants must reside in either NJ, eastern PA, MA or NH. Please send resume to info@ttmarketinginc.com.
APOLLO DIA-CARB COMPANY Sells Natural/PCD diamond dies. Fair prices/excellent lead times. Contact Paulette, Owner/Sales Tel. #1 (508) 226-0946 E-mail: apollodie@comcast.net.
PERSONNEL SERVICES “LET OUR SUCCESS BE YOUR SUCCESS” Wire Resources is the foremost recruiting firm in the Wire & Cable Industry. Since 1967 we have partnered with industry Manufacturers to secure the services of executives, managers, and thousands of key individual contributors. Contact: Peter Carino, pcarino@ wireresources.com or online at www.linkedin.com/in/petercarino1/ Wire Resources Inc., PO Box 593, Riverside, CT 06878, tel. 203-6223000. www.wireresources.com.
MACHINERY WWW.URBANOASSOCIATES. COM. For New (Hakusan Heat Pressure Welders, Ferrous & NonFerrous; Marldon Rolling Ring Traverses) & Used Wire & Cable Equipment (buttwelders, coldwelders, ers and pointers). Tel: 727-863-4700 or
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MEDIA INTRODUCTION TO WIREDRAWING FOR OPERATORS DVD. This instructional package is intended to educate beginning wiredrawers and refresh experienced wiredrawers in basic wiredrawing techniques. It is also a helpful educational tool for sales and customer service personnel and others in need of wiredrawing knowledge. It covers basic wiredrawing theory and leads into specific sections for the ferrous and nonferrous/electrical industries. It is based
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Commission Brokers Inc., Cranston, RI 02920 • 401-943-3777 www.CommissionBrokers.com • marty137@aol.com
JULY 2015 | 77
MEDIA on several different sources, both old and new, with contributions made by several members of WAI. It covers the following subjects: basic wiredrawing theory, dies, die lineup and reduction theory, rod grades and defects, descaling, soap practice, helix and cast, packaging, die and block cooling, quality measurement, safety, how to read a micrometer, how to point rod and wire, how to string up and strip out, and how to weld rod and wire. Also available in Spanish. The price is $190, for WAI members, plus shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet.org and click on The WAI Store.
of statistical process control over statistical product control; real-world industrial examples and case studies showing how to use the techniques; ways for management to determine if the investment in process capability studies is providing an appropriate return; methods to correct lack of stability and capability once either condition has been identified, such as the ANOVA technique and the simple three-factor designed experiment; and a flow chart that enables machine operators to execute a process capability study without interfering with productivity. The list price is $45, $40 for WAI members, plus shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet. org and click on The WAI Store.
THE SMALL SHOP. This book, 327 pages, by Gary Conner describes Six Sigma and how it is used by smaller THE ROEBLING LEGACY. This 288-page indexed book by Clifford W. companies. Layout.qxd Published by SMA, it costs 9:59 Mathiasen0911prod:Ad 8/18/2011 AM Page 7 Price, $95, $75 for WAI members, plus Zink presents a different perspective of shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet.org the Roebling legacy. “But it’s all wire,” proclaimed a 1950s Roebling brochure and click on The WAI Store. about its product line, which included wire SIX SIGMA AND OTHER rope, copper magnet and electrical wire, IMPROVEMENT TOOLS FOR screens and hardware cloth, aircord and THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION aircraft strand, flat and braided wire, PC OF THE PROCESS CAPABILITY wire and strand, galvanized bridge wire, STUDY. Creating a universal lan- among others. To maximize quality, the guage for problem solving, this 135- Roeblings started drawing their own page indexed booth (published in wire in the 1850s, rolling bars into rods 2011) was written by industry expert in the 1870s, and making their own steel Douglas B. Relyea, founder of Quality in the 1900s. Wire is the binding thread Principle Associates, a New England- through 125 years of Roebling and based consulting firm specializing in American industrial history. The price the education and application of data is $75, $50 for WAI members, plus analysis techniques to industrial problem shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet.org solving. The book includes: the benefits and click on The WAI Store.
USED WIRE AND CABLE MACHINERY FOR SALE REF# Description 60A-289 FRIGERIO Steel Rod Drawing Line. 10 X 760 mm blocks with 1250 mm Spooler and 760 mm Coiler. Enter 5.5 to 11 mm, Finish speed 18 m/sec max 60A-280 KOCH Steel Rod Drawing Line 8 Blocks, enter 11 mm, KHS 1000 Spooler 10-235 EBNER Bell Annealing System for Steel wire 62 ton Capacity, Gas Fired, Hydrogen Atmosphere. 800 oC Max temp
STEEL WIRE TECHNOLOGY, 4TH EDITION. This 348-page indexed book by Per Enghag, published in 2009, represents a bridge between theory and practice, providing useful information as well as new material for both veteran wire industry people as well as mechanical engineering students. The newest edition includes two new chapters: Roller Dies, and Modeling and Simulation. Other topics include: wire rod preparation and scale removal; drafting; tribology, lubricant carriers and lubricants; wiredrawing machines and other wiredrawing machinery; drawing dies and die preparation; wire cleaning; material behavior in a die; heat treatment; drawing force and power; surface coating; work hardening; and wire testing. Some chapters have been updated to present new production and testing methods. The book is useful as a practical resource for technicians, supplementary reading for students in mechanical engineering, or as course literature within a company. Author Per Enghag has more than 30 years of experience in metals. After starting his career as director of The Swedish School of Mining and Metallurgy in the 1960s, he moved to steel wire products producer Garphyttan in the 1970s. He has operated his own company, Materialteknik HB, in Örebro, Sweden, since 1980. The price is $110, $95 for WAI members, plus To purchase, go to wirenet.org and click on The WAI Store. shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet.org and click on The WAI Store.
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