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Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Volume 47 | Number 2 | February 2014
Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Steel Edge column . . . . . . . . . 19 Asian Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Fiber Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fastener Update . . . . . . . . . . 30 WAI News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Chapter Corner . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Preview: wire DĂźsseldorf 2014 . . . . . . 38 The wire and cable industry will once again descend on the Fairgrounds at DĂźsseldorf, Germany, drawn by the largest display of wire and cable industry equipment and machinery. This preview includes general information as well as booth listings, an alpha list of exhibitors and short pieces about the event.
Technical Papers . . . . . . 128-141 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Career Opportunities . . . . . . 150 Advertisersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Index . . . . . . . . 150
Next issue March 2014
â&#x20AC;˘ Preview: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2014
T ECHNICAL P APERS ( ALL IWCS) Temperatures in the wiredrawing processâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; measurements and simulations Joakim Larsson, Helena Johansson-Cider and Magnus Jarl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Plasma annealing of stainless steel and nickel alloy ZLUH²HIÂżFLHQW KLJK VSHHG DOWHUQDWLYH WR WUDGLWLRQDO tube annealing Primoz Eiselt, Igor Rogelj, Peter Ziger and Alois Ulrich Gruber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 ,QĂ&#x20AC;XHQFH RI WKH VWUDLQ UDWH RQ WKH PHFKDQLFDO UHVSRQVH of prestressing steel wires in cold drawing Francisco GĂĄlvez, JosĂŠ Miguel Atienza and Manuel Elices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Cover: You can expect a few more attendees to be there when wire DĂźsseldorf, the largest such trade show in the world, is held April 7-11 at the Messe Fairgrounds in DĂźsseldorf, Germany. Photo courtesy of Messe DĂźsseldorf.
FEBRUARY 2014 | 3
WIRE EXPO TRADE SHOW A SELLOUT . . . 36 It’s hard to look past wire Düsseldorf, but on a much smaller scale there has been a surprising amount of activity regarding the WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana. With nearly three months to go to the event (May 6-7), the trade show has been sold out and companies have been placed on a waiting list. As WAI Sales Director Bob Xeller observed, “That’s a good problem to have.”
DÜSSELDORF . . 38 Numbers are part of the story of wire Düsseldorf, where more than 58,000 sq m of exhibition space had been booked, but nothing is as impressive as the reality of walking through the halls by the staggering displays of machinery and equipment, weaving through the sheer mass of attendees, to appreciate the scope and purpose of the wire and cable industry.
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Ask not what your president can do for you Publisher | Steven J. Fetteroll
I watched President Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recent State of the Union address, and on one level I could not help but be impressed. Again. He is a good speaker. No, make that a great speaker. His conversational tone carries a friendly chord. He is able to make bad news seem okay and glimmers of hope shine as if they were major breakthroughs. He spoke of further new programs that will make life even better. His message was clear: great things are to come...if only people believe, follow and support his lead. Those are comforting words indeed to people concerned about their families, jobs and their future, a not small category. Only words are just that, words, whereas results ultimately are what matter. And there we have a disconnect. It strikes me that if anyone had pledged to lead a major initiative such as Obamacare, there was also an inherent obligation to make sure that it was feasible, and that the in-house expertise was there to make it happen, and if not, to identify DQG JHW WKH EHVW TXDOLÂżHG RXWVLGH SHRSOH ,I WKHUH ZHUH REYLRXV VLJQV WKDW WKH LQLWLDWLYH ZDV Ă&#x20AC;RXQGHULQJ WKHQ LW ZDV WLPH WR PDNH VXUH WKH SURMHFW leaders were capable of getting it done, and if not, to react accordingly. The last thing one would do is go forward, suffer a miserable failure, then â&#x20AC;&#x153;acceptâ&#x20AC;? blame while simultaneously distancing oneself from the debacle. How does anyone reconcile the latest spoken promises with the reality of incoherent execution? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to imagine heads not rolling for a similar result in the private sector, where results, not promises, are ZKDW PDWWHU 6XFFHVV LV IDU HDVLHU WR GHÂżQH IRU ZLUH DQG FDEOH RU DQ\ other industry. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s determined by goals and results, and as harsh as that reality can be, at least it is understandable. Companies that know how to control costs, plan for future needs and live within their budgets are posed to thrive. The jobs they provide are secure, the futures they advance for both their customers and employees are real, not visionary. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s another element to a companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s success that was missing from WKH 6WDWH RI WKH 8QLRQ KLJK H[SHFWDWLRQV RI WKRVH ZKR ZRXOG EHQHÂżW E\ his plans. I look forward to attending the 2014 staging of wire DĂźsseldorf, EHFDXVH WKH VHWWLQJ UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV WKH EHVW WKHUH LV LQ WHUPV RI SURJUHVV DQG action, not a stage of overly honed â&#x20AC;&#x153;feel-goodâ&#x20AC;? words that seem sadly lacking in substance.
Mark Marselli Editor-in-chief
Editor-in-Chief | Mark Marselli Senior Graphic Designer | Bill Branch Director of Sales | Robert Xeller Advertising Sales | Anna Bzowski Director of Marketing & Corporate Communications | Janice E. Swindells Proofreader | Livia Jacobs Publications Committee Dane Armendariz | Chemetall Ferruccio Bellina | TKT Group/President ACIMAF, Italy Malcolm Michael | AWIA Australia Don Schollin | Q-S Technologies, USA Ralph Skalleberg | Skaltek USA Dave Stackpole | Nutmeg Wire, USA Giulio Properzi | Continuus Properzi, Italy Robert Wild | Niehoff Endex North America, USA Technical Advisors John Drummond | Scotia Group R. M. Shemenski | RMS Consulting, Inc.
WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL (ISSN-0277-4275) published monthly by The Wire Journal, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Wire Association International, Inc., which is located at 1570 Boston Post Road, P.O. Box 578, Guilford, CT 06437-0578, USA, and can be contacted at tel. 203-453-2777; fax 203-453-8384; Internet wirenet.org; e-mail editorial@wirenet.org. Address all correspondence concerning advertising production, editorial and circulation to the above address. WJI is printed in USA. Subscription rates: $110 per year, USA; $120 per year, Canada and Mexico; other countries, $140 per year (includes air mail). Back copies: $10 WAI members, $15 non-members. Periodicals postage paid at Guilford, CT 86$ DQG DW DGGLWLRQDO RIÂżFHV Wire Journal International grants photocopy permission to libraries and others registered with Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, USA, for a fee of $0.50 per article. Payments should be sent directly to the CCC. Requests for bulk orders or reprints should be sent to the Wire Journal International, P.O. Box 578, Guilford, CT 06437-0578, USA. Š 2014 by Wire Journal, Inc. All rights reserved. The Publisher of WJI assumes no responsibility for the validity of manufacturersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; claims made herein. Back issues of WJI DUH RQ PLFURÂżOP DQG DYDLODEOH IURP 8QLYHUVLW\ 0LFURÂżOP 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA. Phone: 313-761-4700. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Wire Journal International, P.O. Box 578, Guilford, CT 06437-0578, USA.
»One button to the perfect temperature.« Sandra Jansen Purchasing Department
With the PREHEATER 6000 TC, SIKORA offers an advanced solution for conductor preheating with integrated non-contact temperature measurement and control for cable extrusion lines. The PREHEATER 6000 TC is available for temperatures up to 300 °F (150 °C), optionally 480 °F (250 °C), for a product diameter of AWG 28 to AWG 9 (0.32 to 2.8 mm) and for line speeds of up to 8,000 ft/min (2,500 m/min).
PREHEATER 6000 TC features:
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• Optimum adhesion of the insulation (PE or other plastics) on the conductor • Stable conductor temperature • Unique, continuous non-contact temperature measurement and control • Wire break detection • Can easily be installed in new lines and retrofitted into existing lines
See us at wire 2014, 7 - 11 April, Düsseldorf, Germany, Booth 9A41
CALENDAR March 11-14, 2014: Cabex Moscow, Russia. Cabex will be held at ECC Sokolniki. Contact: Maria Pruzhanskaya, ITE Group plc, maria. pruzhanskaya@ite-exhibitions.com, tel. 44-207-596-5041, www.ite-exhibitions.com, or go to www.cabex.ru/en-GB/. April 7-11, 2014: wire Düsseldorf Düsseldorf, Germany. This biennial event will be held at the Messe fairgrounds. Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@mdna.com, www.mdna.com. See preview that begins on p. 38. May 6-7, 2014: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. This WAI event, which will be held at the Indiana Convention Center, will include its trade show, technical programs and WAI’s 84th Annual Convention. It will be co-located with AISTech. May 14-15, 2014: 2014 National Electric Wire Processing Expo Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. To be held at the Wisconsin Center. Contact: Expo Productions, Inc., tel. 800-3675520 or 262-367-5500, cheryl@epishows.com. June 9-11, 2014: 8th CRU Wire and Cable 2014 Istanbul, Turkey. CRU’s 8th Wire & Cable conference, to be held at the InterContinental Istanbul, will provide nsight into the the worldwide wire and cable industry brought to you by the leaders in the field. Contact: CRU, tel. 44--20-7903-2444, www.crugroup.com, conferences@crugroup.com. June 9-12, 2014: Wire and Cable Guangzhou 2014 Guangzhou, China. To be held at the China Import and Export Fair Complex, this event is co-sponsored by Messe Frankfurt. Contact: Elaine Zheng, Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co., Ltd., tel. 86-203825-1558, sps@china.messefrankfurt.com, www.chinaexhibition.com.
June 16-18, 2014: 15th Guangzhou International Metal & Metallurgy Exhibition Guangzhou, China. To be held at the China Import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex, this event is organized by Guangzhou Julang Exhibition Design Co., Ltd. Contact: MeiWen, tel. 86-1-800-2266711 or tel. 86-20-38621295, meiwen@julang.com.cn, www.julang.com.cn. June 17-18, 2014: Polymers in Cables Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. To be held at the Hotel Sofitel Philadelphia. Contact: Kelly Cressman, AMI Conferences, tel. 610-478-0800, kc@amiplastics-na. com, www.amiplastics-na.com. Sept. 24-27, 2014: wire China 2014 Shanghai, China. To be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Contact: Messe Düsseldorf North America, tel. 312-781-5180, info@ mdna.com, www.mdna.com. Oct. 28-30, 2014: Wire & Cable India Mumbai, India. To be held at the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre. Contact: see wire China 2014. Nov. 2014: 63rd IWCS ConferenceTM Providence, Rhode Island, USA. To be held at the Rhode Island Convention Center. Contact: Pat Hudak, IWCS, tel. 717-993-9500, phudak@iwcs.org, www.iwcs.org. Nov. 26-28, 2014: MFSH 2014 Shanghai, China. To be held at the China (Shanghai) Int’l Exhb, this event includes bar, wire, steel rope and more. Contact: Shanghai Aoya Exhb. Co. at 86-21-3351 8138, ayexpo@vip.163.com. April 28-30, 2015: Interwire 2015 & WAI’s 85th Annual Convention Atlanta, Georgia, USA. WAI returns to the Georgia World Congress Center to stage its biennial trade show, technical programs and 85th Annual Convention.
WIRE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL EVENTS For more information, contact the WAI, USA. Tel. 001-203-453-2777; fax 001-203-453-8384; www.wirenet.org.
May 6-7, 2014: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. This WAI event, which will be held at the Indiana Convention Center, will include its trade show, technical programs and WAI’s 84th Annual Convention. It will be co-located with AISTech.
April 28-30, 2015: Interwire 2015 & WAI’s 85th Annual Convention Atlanta, Georgia, USA. WAI returns to the Georgia World Congress Center to stage its biennial trade show, technical programs and 85th Annual Convention.
TO MAKE A KING COBRA JEALOUS. Tjnqmjgz!uif!dpjmjoh!pg!xjsf-!dbcmf-!boe!puifs!à!fyjcmf!qspevdut!gps!nbyjnvn!pvuqvu/ XJOEBLVTB/DPN
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INDUSTRY NEWS Prysmian reports receiving a new cable order from Brazilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Petrobras Italyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prysmian Group announced that it has been awarded a new contract worth approximately US$24 million from Brazilian oil company Petrobras, which recently honored Prysmian for being one of its best suppliers. A press release said that the order is for special Down Hole Technology (DHT) systems for offshore oil and gas extraction application to be delivered in July 2014. Those products will be manufactured in the Groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s U.S. facilities in Bridgewater, New Jersey, and in Cariacica, Brazil, using materials (namely steel) of Brazilian sourcing, it said. The DHT systems, it noted, are technology-driven specialty products for oil, gas and geothermal wells that include tubing encapsulated cables used in individual wells to monitor temperature, pressure, and other paramHWHUV WR EHWWHU FRQWURO Ă&#x20AC;RZ WKRXJK RYHUDOO UHVHUYRLUV The company also reported that the Group has received the annual Petrobras award for Best Supplier of Goods and Services in the Campos Basin (category Goods, section Large Supplies). It said that the criteria included competitiveness and performance, including safety and on-time delivery. Other winners, it said, were Halliburton, (which came in second to Prysmian in the same category), FMC Technologies and Ernst & Young. Prysmian, the release said, has a long-standing tradition of more than 35 years of technical and commercial partnerships with Petrobras. It recently won a major Petrobras contract for umbilical products for offshore oil and gas extraction worth about $260 million, and an extension to RI WKH H[LVWLQJ IUDPH DJUHHPHQW IRU Ă&#x20AC;H[LEOH SLSHV worth a total of $95 million, of which $20 million has already been invoiced.
GCR Eurodraw reports commissioning of wire plant in the Middle East Italyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s GCR Eurodraw SpA reports that it has supplied a complete wiredrawing plant that is able to produce 50,000 metric tons a year of low-carbon galvanized wire in the Middle East region. A press release said that the plant will supply galvanized wire from 0.8 to 4.50 mm to numerous customers in the UAE and other GCC countries. GCR, the main supplier, provided all of the production equipment, from the wiredrawing down to the galvanizing and packing equipment. GCR, which designs and manufactures steel wire processing machines and production equipment, as well as complete plants for the steel wire industry, is one
of the few companies in the world that can supply â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;turnkeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wire production plants, inclusive of production technology for various wire products, it said. The company notes that it is a major supplier to steel cord plants, with GCR Eurodraw machines and/or services a cornerstone LQ WKH DXWRPRWLYH ÂżHOG WR VXFK ZHOO NQRZQ FRPSDQLHV as Michelin, Goodyear, Bridgestone, Sumitomo and Pirelli.
nkt cables provides updates on 2 completed European projects Denmarkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nkt cables updated two successful projects it completed in 2013, one a transmission link connecting a Greek island to the mainland, and the other a 380 kV turnkey cable project in the Netherlands. A press release said that the Greek contract, awarded in 2010, was to provide the transmission grid interconnection between Greeceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second largest island, Euboea, and the Greek mainland. It noted the following about the turnkey project, which was commissioned by the Public Power Corporation SA, Greeceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest power company, and afterwards handed over to ADMIE, SA, the new
Work being done by nkt cables on the Randstad380 North Ring project. transmission system operator and owner of the project. nkt cables designed and installed a parallel double circuit to interconnect the new Aliveri combined cycle thermal plant, located in Euboea, with continental Greece. The project is one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longest 400 kV XLPE transmission cable systems, with a route length of about 13.5 km. nkt cables produced the cables for one of the parallel circuits, the cables for the second circuit were supplied by a local cable manufacturer.
Does your company have news that belongs here? E-mail it to the WJI at editorial@wirenet.org.
Delfingen reports 2 acquisitions )UDQFHÂśV 'HOÂżQJHQ ,QGXVWU\ 6$ UHSRUWHG WZR UHFHQW acquisitions, one in China and the other in India, that it VDLG ZLOO KHOS H[SDQG WKH FRPSDQ\ÂśV SUHVHQFH LQ $VLD $ SUHVV UHOHDVH VDLG WKDW WKH FRPSDQ\ KDV DFTXLUHG Tianhai Hengbang Hebi Rubber & Plastic, which has a manufacturing plant in Hebi, Henan Province, and service plants near customers in Changchun, Chongquin, Jilin and Harbin. It has annual sales of $1.5 million euros. The move, it said, strengthens its presence on the Chinese market, which it currently serves through operations it established in 2010 in Wuhan, Hubei Province.
It observed that this will enable it â&#x20AC;&#x153;to gain new market shares with Chinese wiring manufacturers and OEMs, and also to complete its industrial and logistics presence. 7KHUHIRUH 'HOÂżQJHQ FDUULHV RQ LWV VWUDWHJ\ RI JOREDOL]Dtion, while strengthening its footprint in the most dynamic
automotive market in the world. 'HOÂżQJHQ DOVR DQQRXQFHG WKH DFTXLVLWLRQ RI ,QGLDÂśV Kartar Wire Industries. Per its website, Kartar, founded in 1981 and based in Pune, manufactures electrical wire, automotive cables and multi-core cables. It has two manufacturing locations (Maharashtra) and Gandhinagar (Gujarat) that supply major OEMs and automotive tier-suppliers in India. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The acquisition of Kartar is an LPSRUWDQW VWHS LQ 'HOÂżQJHQÂśV VWUDWHJ\ WR VSHHG XS LWV GHYHORSPHQW LQ $VLD DQG WR VWUHQJWKHQ LWV OHDGLQJ SRVLWLRQ in automotive wiring harness protection solutions, while supporting its local and international customer base on the fast growing Indian market,â&#x20AC;? the release said.
LS Cable reports the achieving of a significant HVDC cable certification LS Cable & System reports that the South Korean company has met the Conseil International des Grands Reseaux Electriques (CIGRE) international technical standard for 250kV HVDC XLPE cable products, an accomplishment that it said that means the company â&#x20AC;&#x153;has matched the capabilities of its overseas competitors.â&#x20AC;? $ SUHVV UHOHDVH VDLG WKDW the long-term reliability test saw 463kV applied at the maximum allowable temperature of 90°C after which the cable was heated and cooled repeatedly for an entire month while HOHFWULF FXUUHQW Ă&#x20AC;RZHG continually. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The new FDEOH SHUIRUPHG Ă&#x20AC;DZOHVVO\ during the entire monthlong test,â&#x20AC;? it said. The cable has the ability to transmit large quantities of electric power with minimal loss over long distances, the release said. LS Cable & System reports â&#x20AC;&#x153;The extra high-voltage that its 250kV HVDC XLPE cable used for this purpose cable products now meet must be durable enough CIGRE standards.
FEBRUARY 2014 | 11
The release said that nkt cables delivered extra-wide drums with a supply length of up to 900 m and a weight of more than 30 tons per drum to the site in Greece. nkt cables, with local partners, was also involved in the horizontal drilling underneath the channel between the Greek mainland and Euboea, engineering and cable laying. The second contract, a press release said, was completed early in 2013, but nkt held an opening ceremony where its customers could see what was accomplished so far at the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest 380 kV turnkey cable project, called Randstad380, for TenneT, the administrator of the national electricity grid. The release from another source said that the South Ring project required 132 km of 380 kV XLPE cables; two dual systems with a conductor cross section of 2,500 VT PP SDUWO\ LQWHJUDWHG RSWLFDO ÂżEHUV DQG LQVWDOODWLRQ RI 132 joints and 24 outdoor terminations. The South Ring stretches between Wateringen and Bleiswijk. There also is a North Ring, to be constructed between the towns of Bleiswijk and Beverwijk, and the network will also have many smaller-scale projects. It is scheduled for completion in 2018. The release said that nkt cables took its customers RQ VLWH WR YLVLW WKH VXEVWDWLRQ ZKHUH FRPSDQ\ RIÂżFLDOV explained to them the projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s main technical challenges as well as the new technical innovations employed, the reduced total cost of ownership and decreased environmental impact. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The event was organized like a seminar about best practice in project management,â&#x20AC;? it said. The work was described as extensive and challengLQJ Âł7KH ÂżUVW VWHS LQ UDLVLQJ WKH WUDQVSRUW FDSDFLW\ RI the grid (was) replacing the current 150 kV oil pressure cable underneath the Caland canal and the Nieuwe Waterweg canal. The current cable was laid in 1969, and its diameter and voltage levels will not be able to cope with the transport capacity as required in the future. â&#x20AC;Ś We are building new high-voltage overhead lines from Bleiswijk to Beverwijk and are also laying underground cables. In doing so, we are investing in the coming years in the expansion of the Randstad power grid transmission capacity,â&#x20AC;? the release said.
to withstand the high voltage load produced during DC transmission.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;? This cable was developed by LS Cable & System as part of a consortium consisting of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & 7HFKQRORJ\ /* &KH DQG ÂżYH XQLYHUVLWLHV WKH UHOHDVH said. The group effort was carried out as a national project sponsored by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning. Last August, it said, the endeadvor was selected by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning as one of the best national R&D projects of 2012. All tests were successfully conducted at the Gochang underground cable testing JURXQG RI .(3&2 ZKLFK LV FHUWLÂżHG E\ .2/$6 .RUHD Laboratory Accreditation Scheme). â&#x20AC;&#x153;The size of the HVDC market is growing very quickly with expectations that it will amount to over KRW70 trillion by 2020,â&#x20AC;? the release said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With this new product LS Cable & System has thus strengthened its bridgehead for making inroads into the global HVDC market and expects to grow in proportion with the overall market.â&#x20AC;? The release noted that last April, LS Cable & System entered into an agreement with the Danish Energy Authority to supply 285kV HVDC submarine cables and connectors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The company is working hard to penetrate global markets,â&#x20AC;? it said.
Saco Polymers plans to buy 2 Chinese plants, build new corporate office U.S.-based Saco Polymers, a supplier of compounds for markets that include wire and cable, has entered into an agreement to buy two plants in China. A story at plasticsnews.com said that the company has signed a letter of intent to buy two Chinese compounding plants. The deal, not completed as of press time, calls for Saco Polymers to pay about $15 million to buy the two businessesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Suzhou Huiye Chemical & Light Industry Co. Ltd. and Suzhou Huiye Plastic Industry Co. Ltd.â&#x20AC;&#x201D; IURP 6LQJDSRUH EDVHG PDWHULDOV ÂżUP '\QDPLF &RORXUV /WG DFFRUGLQJ WR DQ $VLDQ PHGLD UHSRUW %RWK ÂżUPV LW said, are in Jiangsu Province and make color compounds for the electrical and electronic appliance market, according to the report. The company also announced that it will build a new FRUSRUDWH RIÂżFH WKDW ZLOO EH LQ WKH VDPH LQGXVWULDO SDUN WKDW LQFOXGHV WKH ÂżUPÂśV VT IW 8 6 PDQXIDFWXUing plant, the plasticsnews.com story said. It noted that Saco has received a $900,000 loan from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. for the project. Saco, it noted, also owns a plant in Michigan, as well as specialty compounder Macromeric in Aurora, Ohio.
Palau Telecoms agrees to provide a turnkey submarine cable system Palau Telecoms, a supplier of wireless broadband internet services, reports that it has signed a Letter of Intent /2, ZLWK ;WHUD &RPPXQLFDWLRQV ,QF IRU WKH WXUQNH\ supply and installation of the submarine cable system that will connect Palau to Guam. A press release said that the system will provide high FDSDFLW\ ÂżEHU RSWLF FRQQHFWLYLW\ WR *XDP HQDEOLQJ FRQQHFWLYLW\ WR WKH 8 6 PDLQODQG WKH $VLD 3DFLÂżF UHJLRQ Australia and New Zealand via interconnects with existing and planned submarine cable systems. The system cable system is planned for completion in mid-2015. The agreement, it said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;is a key milestoneâ&#x20AC;? for Palau 7HOHFRPVÂś VWUDWHJ\ Âł 7KLV V\VWHP ZLOO EH RXU FRXQWU\ÂśV ÂżUVW RSWLFDO VXEPDULQH FDEOH V\VWHP ´ VDLG $ODQ 6HLG executive vice president of Palau Telecoms. Per Wikipedia, Palau, sometimes spelled Belau or 3HOHZ RIÂżFLDOO\ LV FDOOHG WKH 5HSXEOLF RI 3DODX DQ LVODQG FRXQWU\ ORFDWHG LQ WKH ZHVWHUQ 3DFLÂżF 2FHDQ 7KH FRXQWU\ÂśV SRSXODWLRQ RI DURXQG LV VSUHDG DFURVV islands forming the western chain of the Caroline Islands. The release said that the company is also in discussions with the government of Palau to invite the State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, to consider connecting into this project.
Tratos plans U.K. facility expansion 7UDWRV 8. D VXEVLGLDU\ RI ,WDO\ÂśV 7UDWRV &DYL 6S$ plans to expand its U.K. production facility in the Knowsley Business Park in Merseyside, and to extend its product range. A report in the Liverpool Daily Post said that the company, which secured a ÂŁ3.5m loan from the Chrysalis Fund, will create more than 100 new jobs. Tratos UK, which currently specializes in low-voltage cables for the power distribution industry, plans to expand into mediumvoltage cables as well as cables for the offshore wind LQGXVWU\ DQG IRU WKH 8 . ÂśV H[SDQGLQJ UDLOZD\ QHWZRUN LW said. The loan, it noted, will help the company acquire an additional adjacent site in Randles Road for its expansion as well as add new production equipment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Overall, the project will deliver more than 100,000 sq ft of new and refurbished manufacturing capacity,â&#x20AC;? it said.
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 11 C24
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The redevelopment and expansion of our existing facility not only protects existing jobs, but will assist in regenerating the area and creating more job opportunities,â&#x20AC;? said Tratos Finance Director Kevin Martin. At the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website, Tratos UK notes that the FRPSDQ\ÂśV KHDG RIÂżFH DQG VDOHV RIÂżFHV DUH ORFDWHG LQ London while production is done in Merseyside. It also has three factories in Italy.
General Cable subsidiary reports winning a wind farm cable contract Germanyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s NSW GmbH reports that it has been awarded a contract for the supply of array cables for the extension of the Kentish Flats offshore wind farm. A press release said that the order, from Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd., calls for NSW to supply 30 km of MVAC array subsea cables for the project. The project is expected to be commissioned in 2015. The existing offshore wind farm, which is operated by Vattenfall, will be extended by an additional 15 turbines, each at 3.3 MW, the release said. The site, located in D ÂżYH PHWHU ZDWHU GHSWK RII WKH 1RUWK .HQW FRDVW FXUrently has 30 three-MW turbines. NSW, which became a General Cable subsidiary in 2007, is a leading manufacturer of submarine telecom cables. It notes that in the last six years, NSW, has established itself in the market for submarine power cables, in particular for renewable energies. The company has about 500 employees.
Metalloid Corporation opens a larger facility in Jacksonville, Texas Metalloid Corporation, based in Sturgis, Michigan, reports that it has opened a new, larger facility in Jacksonville, Texas, expanding the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capacity IRU SURGXFLQJ JUHHQ PHWDOZRUNLQJ Ă&#x20AC;XLGV DQG RWKHU FKHPLcal specialty products by 60%. A press release said that the larger facility, 54,000 sq ft, replaces the old facility in Jacksonville, and includes ODERUDWRU\ RIÂżFH DQG PDQXIDFWXULQJ FDSDELOLWLHV 7KLV expansion was necessary to support business growth in both the HVAC and Metalworking market segments. Per its website, the company manufactures specialty lubricants, industrial cleaners and corrosion preventatives for metal processors in markets such as automotive, HVAC, appliance, electrical and aerospace. Metalloid Corporation was founded in 1951 in Huntington, Indiana, and in 2002 expanded the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s operations to include a facility in Jacksonville, Texas. Metalloid has a presence in Europe, Middle East, Asia, South America, Mexico and Canada.
Furukawa to end manufacturing of some of its cable production The Furukawa Electric Group announced that two of its businesses (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. and Furukawa Magnet Wire Co., Ltd.) will cease manufacturing medium size and large size polyester-covered enameled wires and some of its heat-resistant, solderable enameled wires in WKH ÂżUVW KDOI RI WKLV \HDU The announcement at the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website said that the decision was made as part of a plan to improve the Japanese companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business structure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the future, the companies will concentrate the management resources to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the highly functional magnet wiresâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; such as automotive Ă&#x20AC;DW ZLUHV ZKLFK FRQWULEXWH WR JUHHQLQJ RI WKH DXWRPRbiles and the various heat-resistant enameled wires which DUH QHFHVVDU\ IRU KLJKHU HIÂżFLHQF\ DQG KLJKHU RXWSXW RI motors used in electric components and industrial, and continue to contribute to expand of our customer baseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.â&#x20AC;? The announcement cited the soaring costs for raw material varnish, electricity prices and transportation costs, DPRQJ RWKHUV WKDW KDYH PDGH LW KDUG WR DFKLHYH D SURÂżW in the mentioned products. It noted that the company has made efforts to cut costs, but â&#x20AC;&#x153;in view of the business continuity in the future and the production capability of the current situation, the companies have come to the conclusion that the manufacturing and the selling of prodXFWV LQ WKH IXWXUH ZLOO EH YHU\ GLIÂżFXOW ´ The products to be eliminated include medium- and large-sized polyster-covered enameled wires and heatresistant, solderable enameled wires more than 4 mm in diameter that are manufactured in the Mie plant of Furukawa Magnet Wire Co., Ltd.
Ducab is key supplier of power cables for solar project in the Middle East 'XFDE UHSRUWV WKDW WKH ÂżUVW VWDJH RI D PDMRU VRODU SURMHFW in the Middle East that it has supplied cables to has been FRPPLVVLRQHG PDUNLQJ D ÂżUVW WLPH FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK LW DQG WKH SURMHFW GHYHORSHU 8 6 EDVHG )LUVW 6RODU A press release said that the company provided the power cable for the Mohammad Bin Rashid (MBR) 6RODU 3DUN SURMHFW ZKLFK ZDV RIÂżFLDOO\ RSHQHG E\ 6KHLNK 0RKDPPHG %LQ 5DVKLG $O 0DNWRXP 8$( YLFH president, prime minister and ruler of Dubai, on Oct. 22, :RUOG (QHUJ\ 'D\ 7KH ÂżUVW 0%5 VWDJH LW VDLG ZLOO JHQerate 13 MW of electricity, and is expected to accommodate solar power plants ultimately generating 1,000 MW of power. It noted that in July 2013, Ducab began supplying the 33kV MV, LV power and control and groundLQJ FDEOHV IRU WKH SURMHFW 7KH 0%5 6RODU 3DUN LW VDLG LV WKH ÂżUVW VXFK SODQW LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW DQG 'XFDE KDV EHHQ VXSSRUWLQJ WKH HIIRUWV VLQFH WKH SURMHFW LQFHSWLRQ LQ -DQXDU\ 6SHFLÂżFDOO\ LW VDLG 'XFDE SURYLGHG WHFK-
FEBRUARY 2014 | 15
nical advice and solutions and on time cable deliveries, especially in cases of extreme urgency for the executors of the project, which is located in Seih Al Dahal on the Dubai-Al Ain road. The project is in line with the Green Economy for Sustainable Development initiative launched by the Shiek to strengthen the Emirate’s use of renewable energy, “complementing the Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy
2030 to diversify energy sources as follows: natural gas 71%, nuclear energy and clean coal 24%, and solar power 5% of Dubai’s total power output,” the release said. Speaking about the MBR Solar Park, the General Manager for Sales & Marketing at Ducab, Colin McKay, had the following to say: “The project is one of the most important components of Dubai’s strategy to diversify energy sources in the Emirate, as it is expected to provide 1% of total solar energy production by 2020 and 5% by 2030.” He said that generating energy using photovoltaic (PV) panels, the park “aims to promote the vision of the wise leadership of the UAE in providing carbon-free renewable energy. This project is one of the largest renewable energy projects in the area and one of the Model most important and ambitious develCJS 1000 opment projects seeking to contribute towards the achievement of the UAE Vision 2021.” McKay said that the project will help Ducab in terms of future supply contracts for power cables used in solar power plants, a growing Model BJS 1000* ¿HOG LQ WKH UHJLRQ ³7KLV ZLOO RSHQ up new markets for the company’s * Model BJS 1000 is ISO9001 power cabling and wiring products, bench mounted. All other REGISTERED models are free standing. DQG 'XFDE ZLOO IRFXV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ in the coming period on entering into partnerships with organizations Stripping faulty cable jackets from costly cable cores demands that seek the production of solar precision and protection. Huestis Industrial Cable Jacket energy.”
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Tata to close parts of its Scunthorpe plant Tata Steel Europe, a division of India’s Tata Steel, plans to restructure its long products business via changes that will see some 500 jobs cut in three operations in the U.K. A press release citing “an extended downturn in demand for its key products,” which includes wire rod as well as tubes and rails, said that the business will undergo major restructuring to boost its competitiveness. Most of the cuts in long products will be management and administrative functions
B&H Tool reports key investor/new staffer, U.S.-based B&H Tool Company (B&H) announced that John Ulcej has joined the California company as both an investor and as director of engineering and manufacturing, an addition that company President and CEO Peter Neville said will greatly bolster its technology expertise and development. A press release said that Ulcej, who held key positions at Extrusion Dies Industries, where he was also a part owner, has a wealth of experience that will enable B&H to offer customers an exceptional level of technical solutions and service. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We needed to upgrade our capabilities in technology, engineering and manufacturing,â&#x20AC;? said Neville, who will retain his current roles. He observed that since he bought B&H in 1994, there has been a tremendous change in the domestic and international market for extrusion tooling, making it critically important to provide innovation to the extrusion market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That is why I am excited for B&H and our customers. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s background, experience and comPLWPHQW DUH D SHUIHFW ÂżW IRU ZKDW we need to continue to service the
FEBRUARY 2014 | 17
needs of our customers, employees, suppliers and other at sites in Scunthorpe (340 positions), Teesside (40) and constituents for another 46 years.â&#x20AC;? Workington (90), it said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;European steel demand this year is expected to be only Neville said that Ulcej understands the needs of the two-thirds of pre-crisis levels after falls in the past two plastics industry in terms of polymer processing, polymer years,â&#x20AC;? said Karl Koehler, CEO of Tata Steelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s European Ă&#x20AC;RZ DQDO\VLV WRROLQJ GHVLJQ DQG SUHFLVLRQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ operations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On top of the challenging economic conditechniques. tions, rules covering energy and the environment .... threaten to impose huge additional costs on Visit us at DĂźsseldorf - stand 10C63 the steel industry.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s news once again UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV WKH IUDJLOH VWDWH RI RXU economy and the lack of any real impetus by government to support our manufacturing base,â&#x20AC;? said Michael Leahy, general secretary of community and chair of the U.K. Steel unionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; committee.
The technicians Networking with and new people in the suppliers I’ve industry is the met at WAI’s most valuable shows have asset of WAI helped me membership.” improve our Dick Pechie process.”
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The Wire Association International, Inc. 1570 Boston Post Road | P.O. Box 578 | Guilford, CT 06437-0578 USA | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | Fax: (001) 203-453-8384 | www.wirenet.org
The Wire & Cable Manufacturersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Alliance (WCMA) announced that eight industry notables will be honored as recipients of its 2014 Distinguished Career Award at the 30th annual Awards Dinner and Investiture Ceremony on March 29, at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, Connecticut. A press release said that the recipients are: Miguel Cardona, Account Manager Wire & Cable, DuPont Fluoroproducts; Donald DeKay, Vice President Finance, International Wire Group; Steve Galan, Director, North American and EULA Wire & Cable, UL; Steve Higgins, President, Freeport McMoRan Sales Company; Arthur Hurley III, President, Arthur J. Hurley Company; Gary Spence, Vice President Non-Ferrous Metals, Encore Wire; Christopher Story, Sr., Vice President Global Operations, CommScope; and Susan Welsh, President, Rubadue Wire Co., Inc. The WCMA continues the tradition of recognizing industry professionals that was started in the mid â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;80s by the late Dick and Harriet Callahan, founders of the Wire & Cable Clubs of America, which in 2004 became WCMA. For tickets to the dinner and more information about WCMA or the Distinguished Career Award, contact Executive Director Deb Mathiasen at tel. 860-873-2311 or mrcdm@snet.net. Also, visit www.wcmainc.org, where there is a short video about the award.
join the best 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11 April 2014 DĂźsseldorf, Germany International Wire and Cable Trade Fair
Meeting point: wire 2014 in DĂźsseldorf! join the best â&#x20AC;&#x201C; welcome to the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading trade fair for the wire and cable industry! To find comprehensive information about the latest innovations in wires and cables, manufacturing machinery and equipment, look no further! It is all on display at the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most important exhibition â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the meeting point for international experts, specialists and global market leaders. A focal point at wire 2014: The growing importance of copper wires in automotive engineering, telecommunications and electronics. An important date in your calendar â&#x20AC;&#x201C; your visit to wire 2014 in DĂźsseldorf!
News in brief Umicore has once again been recognized as one of the most sustainable companies in the world. A press release said that Umicore ranked ninth on the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World index, achieving the top position in the Materials industry group. The index, it said, has been published annually since 2005 by Corporate Knights, an independent media and investment research company based in Toronto, Canada. The 8PLFRUH UHOHDVH VDLG WKDW WKLV PDUNV WKH ÂżIWK \HDU LQ D URZ that Umicore has made the list, the fourth time in the top 10. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Umicore obtained an all-time high last year when it was ranked the most sustainable company in the world,â&#x20AC;? said Umicore CEO Marc Grynberg. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not only were we RQH RI WKH ÂżUVW FRPSDQLHV WR LQWHJUDWH HQYLURQPHQWDO DQG social ambitions in our business strategy, our technologies KHOS FXVWRPHUV DGGUHVV VLJQLÂżFDQW HQYLURQPHQWDO DQG VRFLetal challenges of the future.â&#x20AC;? ... After years of late nights, HDUO\ PRUQLQJV DQG ORQJ GD\V RQ PDQXIDFWXULQJ Ă&#x20AC;RRUV Al Bavosi has completed his decades-long career in wire marking with his recent retirement from Gem Gravure Co., Inc. He entered the wire marking industry at the tender age of 13, and after serving in the U.S. Air Force for four years, including one in Vietnam, he worked for (continued on p. 23)
Wire, Cable, Fibre Optic, Wire Products and Machinery
Spring Making
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FEBRUARY 2014 | 19
2014 WCMA Awards Dinner set for March 29 in Hartford, Connecticut
Time at Indy. The fast track to advance your wire plant operation.
WAI’s next wire & cable adventure will take just two days in Circle City. 176-Stand Wire & Cable Marketplace || Net work ing || Tours || Joint AIST Technical S ession M a c h i n e r y R o u n d t a b l e | | Eq u i p m e n t Fo r u m | | S a fet y and Continuous I mprovement S egments WAI’s Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2014 will help you come up to speed with intense, peer-driven crosstalk about today’s plant management best practices. Save
money. Save time. And put revolutionary ideas into action immediately so that your only extra lap will be your victory lap. Details on the way: www.wirenet.org.
Indiana Convention Center Artifact: Mechanical speedometers rely on a connection with the drive cable—in which tightly wound helical coil springs wrap around a center wire mandrel—that connects to a set of transmission gears. When the vehicle moves, the gears turn this flexible drive cable. The mandrel communicates the rotational speed of the transmission down the cable to the speedometer where both linear distance and speed are calculated. As many as 1,000 revolutions of the drive cable are needed to register one mile on the odometer.
Indianapolis, Indiana || May 6-7, 2014
Co-located with AISTech 2014 Free access to AISTech 2014 exhibits with WAI registration badge.
Learn about WAI’s next pacesetting event at www.wirenet.org. The Wire Association International, Inc. 1570 Boston Post Road | P.O. Box 578 | Guilford, CT 06437-0578 USA | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | Fax: (001) 203-453-8384 | www.wirenet.org
Exhibitors at Indy. Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, Indiana || May 6-7, 2014
Ace Metal Inc. AIM Inc. Amacoil Inc. Amaral Automation Associates Anbao Wire & Mesh Co. Ltd. Appleton Manufacturing Aztech Lubricants LLC B & H Tool Co. Inc. B & Z Galvanized Wire Ind. Balloffet Die Corp. Bartell Machinery Systems LLC Bekaert Beta LaserMike Beta Steel Breen Color Concentrates Inc. Caballe SA Canterbury Engineering Co. Inc. Carris Reels Inc. Cemanco LC Chemetall Clinton Instrument Co. Commission Brokers Inc. Condat Conneaut Industries Inc. Crown Technology, Inc. Die Quip Corp. E-Beam Services Inc. Engineered Machinery Group Inc. ERA Wire Inc. Esteves Group USA Etna Products Inc. George Evans Corp. Evolution Products Fabritex Inc. Filtertech Inc. Flymca & Flyro FMS USA Inc. Foerster Instruments Inc. Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc. Frigeco USA Inc./ MFL USA Service Corp. Frontier Composites & Castings Inc. Gauder / Pourtier Gem Gravure Co. Inc. GENCA W Gillies Technologies LLC Guill Tool & Engineering Co. Gulf Specialty Steel Industries Hangzhou JR Exhibition Co. Ltd. Heany Industries Inc.
Heatbath Corp. Heritage Wire Die Inc. Hildebrandt USA Inc. Howar Equipment Inc. IDEAL Welding Systems Intras Ltd. Joe-Tools Keir Manufacturing Inc. Keystone Steel & Wire Co. King Steel Corp. Krueger Steel Lamnea Bruk AB LaserLinc Inc. Leggett & Platt Wire Group Lesmo Machinery America Inc. Lloyd & Bouvier Inc. Magnetic Technologies Ltd. MAGPOWR MGS Manufacturing Inc. Micro Products Co. Mid-South Wire Morgan-Koch Corp. Mossberg Associates Inc. Mossberg Industries Inc. Niehoff Endex North America Inc. Nimsco LLC / SB2C Ohio Rod Products Oklahoma Steel & Wire OMCG North America Inc. Omnisource Corp. P & R Specialty Inc. Paramount Die Co. Parkway-Kew Corp. Phifer Wire Inc. Pittsfield Plastics Eng Inc. PKG Equipment Inc. Plas-Ties Co. Polytec Inc. Precision Die Technologies Inc. Premier Wire Die PrintSafe Properzi International Inc. QED Wire Lines Inc. Qingdao Sinositec Engineering Textile Co. Ltd.
Queins Machines QX Molding Co. Raajratna Stainless Wire Inc. Radyne Corp. Rainbow Rubber & Plastics Reel-O-Matic Inc. Refractron Technologies Corp. RichardsApex Inc. Rockford Manufacturing Group Rosendahl Nextrom Technologies Roteq Machinery Inc. S&E Specialty Polymers SAMP USA Inc. Schlatter North America Sikora International Corp. SIMPACKS Sivaco Wire Group Joe Snee Associates Sonoco Reels Stolberger Inc. DBA Wardwell Braiding Supreme Superabrasives Co. Ltd. T & T Marketing Inc. Taubensee Steel & Wire Co. Teknikor Thermoplastics Engineering Corp. Tri Star Metals LLC Tubular Products Co. Ultimate Automation Ltd. United Wire Co. Inc. US Synthetic Wire Die Vandor Corp. Vinston US Corp. Vollmer America Inc. WAFIOS Machinery Corp. Weber & Scher Mfg. Co. Inc. Windak Inc. Wire & Cable Technology International Wire & Plastic Machinery Corp. Wire Association International, Inc. Wire Journal International Wire Lab Co. Wire Machine Systems Inc. Wire World Witels Albert USA Ltd. Woodburn Diamond Die Inc. Worth Steel & Machinery Inc. Yield Management Corp. Zumbach Electronics Corp.
WAI OPERATIONS SUMMITT W WIRE EXPO 2014 A D VA N C E R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M Indiana Convention Center | Indianapolis, Indiana, USA | May 6-7, 2014 1. COMPLETE & MAIL OR FAX THIS FORM TODAY
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The Wire Association International, Inc. 1570 Boston Post Road | P.O. Box 578 | Guilford, CT 06437-0578 USA | Telephone: (001) 203-453-2777 | Fax: (001) 203-453-8384 | www.wirenet.org
FEBRUARY 2014 | 23
ASIAN FOCUS Mature economies look to China, but China looking more now to Africa The industrial world has long turned to China, the leader in just about every category there is has begun focusing even more on Africa. A recent story at ChinaDaily.com outlined how Chinese companies have both done considerable business in Africa as well as made substantial investments there. Per the report, China-Africa trade totalled $198.49 billion in 2012, a 19.3% growth over 2011. Bilateral trade between the two sides for the 10-month period between January and October in 2013 was $172.83 billion, a 5.5% increase over the same period in 2012 according to data provided by the Ministry of Commerce. During the same period, Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s investment in Africa rose to $2.54 billion, a 71.6% growth over 2012. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Buoyed by Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to provide new markets and sustain growth, a growing number of Chinese companies are now expanding their footprint across Africa, particularly in Kenya, Zambia, Malawi and Nigeria,â&#x20AC;? the article said. It cited Justin Yifu Lin, former chief economist at the World Bank, as saying that industrialization and modern agriculture will get a major (boost) in Africa due to the growing presence of Chinese companies on the continent. The African experiences will help Chinese companies in their quest to move up the value chain, he says. Lin said that African countries such as Kenya, Angola, Ethiopia and Ghana have gained fast economic growth DQG FRQÂżGHQFH EXW RWKHUV OHVV VR GXH WR WKHLU HFRQRPLF background and the challenges of having a singular economic structure that has made them reliant on exports of agricultural and natural resources such as grains, tea, copper, oil and timber, the story said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Africa must go through the same industrial transformation that China did three decades ago,â&#x20AC;? Lin said in the article. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In time, Africa will also become a major goods producer by building its own manufacturing system, rather than just being a shipper of raw materials to different foreign destinations. More Chinese companies will move their factories to Africa and help upgrade the continentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s technological capability during this long-term transition.â&#x20AC;? The ChinaDaily.com story said that the Beijing-based China-Africa Business Council, which represents the interests of more than 550 Chinese companies in Africa, believes that most of its members â&#x20AC;&#x153;are keen on investing in agriculture and manufacturing businesses, such as sisal and cotton planting, steel, cement, electronics products, textiles and clothing, and car assembly lines, rather than resources industries in Africa.â&#x20AC;?
China-Africa Development Fund, the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest equity fund focused on Africa, is expected to raise another $2 billion this year to help more Chinese companies to invest in Africa, especially in the continentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agriculture and manufacturing sectors, the story said. It cited Chi Jianxin, president of the CAD Fund, as saying that more Chinese companies are now looking for alternate investment options in Africa, rather than just infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, ports and cement plants. The CAD Fund has invested $2.7 billion in 75 projects in more than 30 African countries, including cement and glass factories in Ethiopia, a heavy-duty truck plant in South Africa, a container port in Nigeria and a power plant in Ghana. The fund, which became operational in 2007 with a target of raising $5 billion, raised $1 billion in the initial phase and another $2 billion through the China Development Bank in 2012, the story said. The fund, it noted, recently signed a cooperation agreement with Shandong-based Shankou Steel Pipe Group for a project in Africa to jointly build a welded pipe-processing plant in Ghana to take advantage of the growth opportunities in West Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy, logistics and infrastructure markets. The pipe plantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual capacity is expected to hit 250,000 metric tons, including welded pipe, rebar, wire rod and other products. 0RUH WKDQ SHRSOH KDYH EHQHÂżWHG GLUHFWO\ IURP the CAD Fund in Africa, and its investment has contributed more than $1 billion in tax revenues to different African governments and $2 billion in goods for export every year. Chen Lin, president of Beijing-headquartered Chuanbei Group, which conducts infrastructure and mining businesses in Gabon, says Africa has abundant natural resources, and a friendly investment environment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gabon is keen on welcoming more Chinese companies as it believes that a well-developed infrastructure system can help attract more foreign investment,â&#x20AC;? he said. Liu Daiwen, chairman of China Hyway Group, a company that has businesses spanning industries such as construction, mining, manufacturing, furniture and steel in Mozambique, Angola, Guinea and South Sudan, said that some Chinese companies, especially small- and mediumsized ones, are concerned about expanding in Africa as they are not familiar with African languages or laws. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When in Rome, do what the Romans do is the phrase that I often tell Chinese entrepreneurs keen on doing business in Africa,â&#x20AC;? Liu said, adding that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;they need to let Africans know that they can bring in capital, build big infrastructure projects and create employment opportunities across various destinations in Africa.â&#x20AC;?
Have news that belongs here? E-mail it to editorial@wirenet.org.
Furukawa plans to cease some cable production The Furukawa Electric Group announced that two of its businesses (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. and Furukawa Magnet Wire Co., Ltd.) will cease manufacturing medium size and large size polyester-covered enameled wires and some of its heat-resistant, solderable enameled wires in WKH ÂżUVW KDOI RI WKLV \HDU The announcement at the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website said that the decision was made as part of a plan to improve the Japanese companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business structure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the future, the companies will concentrate the management resources to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the highly functional magnet wiresâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; such as automotive Ă&#x20AC;DW ZLUHV ´ The announcement cited the soaring costs for raw material varnish, electricity prices and transportation FRVWV HWF ZKLFK KDYH PDGH LW KDUG WR DFKLHYH D SURÂżW LQ ÂłSRO\HVWHU FRYHUHG HQDPHOHG ZLUH SURGXFWV ´ ,W QRWHG WKDW the company has made efforts to cut costs, but â&#x20AC;&#x153;in view of the business continuity in the future and the production capability of the current situation, the companies have come to the conclusion that the manufacturing and the VHOOLQJ RI WKH SURGXFWV LQ WKH IXWXUH ZLOO EH YHU\ GLIÂżFXOW ´
The products to be eliminated include medium- and large-sized polyester-covered enameled wires and heatresistant, solderable enameled wires more than 4 mm that are manufactured in the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mie plant.
Chinese Steel firms go online to reduce costs Global Times reports that while the steel sector is weak, e-commerce use in 2013 has taken off. 'RQJ %DRTLQ J DQ RIÂżFLDO DW WKH 0LQLVWU\ RI ,QGXVWU\ and Information Technology, said in the story that Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce now has more than 30 online steel trading platforms in China. Total e-commerce transactions topped CNY 10 trillion in 2013, of which CNY 8 trillion was B2B. ,QGXVWU\ LQVLGHUV VDLG WKDW WKH FRQWLQXRXV ORZ SURÂżW margin in the steel industry has forced traders to try online sales channels in a bid to reduce cost and improve SURÂżWV 3HU WKH &KLQD ,URQ DQG 6WHHO $VVRFLDWLRQ GDWD LQ WKH ÂżUVW PRQWKV RI DYHUDJH SURÂżW PDUJLQV LQ WKH sector were only 0.48% which means steel mills could PDNH DERXW &1< SURÂżW RQ HDFK WRQQH RI VWHHO 7KH SURÂżW GDWD IRU 'HFHPEHU KDV \HW WR EH UHOHDVHG Âł0DQ\ steel makers and third-party steel traders are currently eyeing e-commerce, which has been a new sales channel IRU WKH VHFWRU ´ RQH REVHUYHU VDLG Â&#x201E;
FUHR GmbH & Co.KG P.O. Box 1230 D-32834 Steinheim | Germany (PDLO RIÄş FH#IXKU ZLUH FRP
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FEBRUARY 2014 | 25
Scott Linn has joined Nordson XALOY as Midwest regional sales manager, responsible for sales in Arkansas, Colorado, southern Illinois, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. He has an extensive background in plastics processing, much of it focused on injection molding. He joined the plastics industry in 1996 as a plastics engineer with the Automotive
Division of Tyco Electronics, and subsequently worked at Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., Jarden Plastics Solutions and, most recently, at HRS Hot Runner Systems NA, Inc. He holds a B.S. degree in plastics engineering from Pittsburg State University. Based in New Castle, Pennsylvania, and a part of Nordson Corporation’s Polymer Processing Systems, Nordson XALOY manufactures components and melt delivery systems for injection and extrusion machinery. Robert Brown, chairman of Metalube Ltd., has become managing director. He joined the company three years ago with two other direcWRUV ERWK IURP OXEULFDQWV ¿UP ,7: Rocol) as part of a management buyin, and is the majority shareholder. Previously, he was managing director of Herbert Brown Ltd, a U.K.-based family-owned retailer. He replaces Robert Brown company founder David Lee, who will remain with the business as a non-executive director. Based in Manchester, U.K., Metalube Ltd. is a manufacturer of specialized industrial lubricants, exporting to over 80 countries worldwide.
Scott Linn
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FEBRUARY 2014 | 27
company’s product development process and developing digital marketing strategies. He joined the Vinyl Division marketing team in 2009, and as product manager for the BioVinyl range of compounds he worked with initial users of these materials. He holds a B.S. degree from George Washington University. He succeeds Michael Roberts Mike Patel, who has become director of marketing and business development for the Vinyl Division. Based in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA, the Vinyl Division of Teknor Apex Company is a leading manufacturer of compounds based on PVC.
FIBER WATCH Fiber tech advance may cause a bittersweet result for submarine cable Alcatel-Lucent recently reported that a system it launched in 2009, the Asia-America submarine cable network between southeast Asia and the U.S., which had ultimate capacity of 1.92 terabit-per-second (Tbit/s), has been upgraded via its advanced coherent technology for capability that will top 8 Tbit/s. WJI asked Laurie Doyle, Asia-Pacific Technical Marketing Director, AlcatelLucent Submarine Networks for more details about this technology. WJI: Can you explain in a few sentences how such an existing cable system can be upgraded? Doyle: The cable system was designed for wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) on each of the optical fibers which allows many different channels to be transported concurrently, each on a different wavelength. When initially built, each fiber was equipped with only a fraction of the maximum possible wavelengths, so basically an upgrade consists of adding more wavelengths in the unused part of the optical spectrum of each fiber. Another
important aspect is that the network was initially designed for 10Gb/s channels, but with improvements in terminal station equipment over the last few years, the current upgrade is being implemented with 40Gb/s channels resulting in a much higher achievable capacity than the original design. WJI: How expensive is this upgrade? Doyle: The initial system cost was several hundred million dollars, but significant capacity improvements can be made by adding upgrade equipment costing a relatively small fraction of the initial construction cost. WJI: What is the limiting factor whereby the top expected gain is about 8 tb/sec? Is it optimization or is it related to the existing lines? Doyle: It is related to both the bandwidth available in the existing wet plant (set by the original repeater bandwidth) and the maximum performance achievable with the advanced coherent 40 Gb/s transponders. The advanced coherent technology permits a certain optimum channel spacing within the available repeater bandwidth (in other words in the available optical spectrum) and the maxi-
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WJI: Is this upgrade feasible for older submarine cable lines, or are there limitations in terms of what existing cable lines can be upgraded related to their construction? Doyle: Yes. This type of upgrade is being implemented on several older submarine cables to increase their capacity beyond the original design capacity. There are limitations as to what capacity increase can be achieved with a given terminal technology, but this is a complex subject related to fiber types and subsea repeater characteristics so a caseby-case study is needed to determine upgradability. Newer fiber types being used in new systems allow far higher achievable capacities since they are better optimized for the advanced coherent transmission technology. WJI: What will make this upgraded system more reliable? Doyle: There are two levels: the reliability of the AAG system itself and the reliability/resilience of trans-Pacific connections required by the AAG members. The AAG system reliability is associated with the reliability of the upgrade terminal equipment, where typically a few minutes of outage per year is statistically achieved. On the
wider question of reliability of trans-Pacific connections, most operators have capacity on more than one transPacific route so boosting capacity on AAG increases the resilience options available to operators using a multi-route scheme for resilience. WJI: Could large-scale deployment of this type of upgrade potentially undercut market demand for new submarine cable lines (other than for areas that are still underserved)? Doyle: To some degree yes, and we can expect system owners to try to extract the most capacity out of upgrades before building new systems. However our experience is that demand always eventually outstrips the available bandwidth on legacy cable systems despite the technological advances to (a) increase the design capacity of cables by upgrading them after they have been installed and (b) to increase the efficiency of content delivery by service providers. The demand for content is consistently growing with video and the proliferation of mobile platforms to deliver it being by far the most powerful drivers, although the borderline between cloud services and content delivery is now rather blurry.
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The best die selection This classic presentation of a high-quality product is the way Esteves Group considers each piece of its wide range of high precision wire dies. 100 years of experience and a team of trusted and technically skilled people guarantee that each piece is produced using the highest quality specifications. Esteves Group - The best selection of high qualitiy wire dies
FEBRUARY 2014 | 29
mum capacity is achieved when the available bandwidth (spectrum) is fully populated with channels at the optimum spacing.
FASTENER UPDATE Oman Fasteners to move from UAE Oman Fasteners, a prominent producer of fasteners in the Gulf region, has signed an agreement to move its operations from Jebel Ali, UAE, to the Oman’s Sohar Port, where it will be part of a Freezone and benefit from an existing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the U.S. A report at Zawya.com said that Oman Fasteners, which was originally based in the UAE, is moving to Oman because of more favorable business conditions that include better tax incentives and lower electricity costs. “The agreement underlines Sohar Port and Freezone’s growing importance to the economy of Oman,” it said. “This is based not only on the rapid expansion in container and general cargo capacity at the Port, but also as more and more downstream industries set up business in Sohar’s fast expanding Freezone.” Sohar was launched in 2002 as a joint venture between the Port of Rotterdam and the Government of Oman with the Freezone added in 2009. “This is tremendous news for Sohar and I’m delighted that we now have companies of the calibre of Oman Fasteners on board in the Freezone,” said Sohar Chief Executive Andre Toet.
“Sohar continues to attract major players from the GCC and around the world. Oman Fasteners’ move from the UAE to Sohar makes it clear we now have the right combination of incentives in place to attract more overseas investors.” A report at www.timesofoman.com said that Oman Fasteners plans to invest $60 million in the first phase for building its plant within the Sohar free zone. That capacity is expected to produce about 60,000 metric tons of fasteners a year, it said, noting that Oman Fastener Chairman Haytham Macki said that 80,000 sq m of leased land will be used for the first phase. The company plans to invest another $60 million in the second phase, on some 40,000 sq m, to be completed sometime in 2016. That second stage, it said, is to further expand installed capacity by 25% and to increase its product range. The report said that one plus of the relocation for exports is the existing free trade agreement between Oman and the U.S., a key export customer. The availability of reliable power and tax incentives will allow Oman Fasteners to become more competitive regionally and globally, he said.
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Feb. 2014
This section introduces a new :$,࣎PHPEHU HDFK LVVXH
Nichole Garza Plant Metallurgist, Sterling Steel U.S.
Q: What does your company do? A: Sterling Steel manufactures steel billets and wire rod for our parent company, Leggett and Platt. We make several rod sizes and grades that are then drawn into wire for upholstery springs and many other wire forms. Q: What is your role there? A: As the plant metallurgist, I work closely with our manufacturing team and many people within the Leggett organization to ensure the highest quality steel is provided. Q: What do you like best about your position? A: I really enjoy working with people and in my position I get to work with customers and within the company to determine ideas for continuous improvement of our products. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a challenge and a reward to get the people involved and working for the positive results we often achieve when we try new processes. Q: How has the industry most changed? A: The rod quality required by the wire industry has dramatically increased over the past few years. Wire rod is being drawn on faster machines and into smaller wire sizes. We must continually improve our processes and equipment to meet greater quality demands. Q: How does your company remain competitive? A: The dedication of our people to continuous improvement and excellent customer service. Our goal is to provide product on time that exceeds quality expectations the ÂżUVW WLPH ,I D TXDOLW\ LVVXH GHYHORSV RXU REMHFWLYH LV WR resolve the problem as soon as possible. Q: Why did you recently join WAI? A: I like to keep up with news in the wire industry and the technical articles in the Wire Journal are always quite interesting. I also enjoy the opportunity to network with many different people involved in different facets of the steel industry and continue my education at the technical sessions that are presented at the Interwire conferences.
The following individuals either recently joined WAI or became Platinum members through their companies. Chuck Amori Regional Vice President Sales Crown Technology Inc Craig Bolen Quality Manager S&E Specialty Polymers LLC Darren Bowman Manager R&D Crown Technology Inc Piero Brunetti Field Specialist Mario Frigerio SpA Ilia Charlat Vice President R&D S&E Specialty Polymers LLC David M Declos Engineering and Process Manager General Cable Luke Feeney Regional Sales Manager Crown Technology Inc Lucia Frigerio Vice President Mario Frigerio SpA
Paul Greve Senior Project Engineer Rea Magnet Wire Mike Marini President Synergy Electric Inc Dave Minardi Operations Purchasing Manager S&E Specialty Polymers LLC Andrew R Moore President & General Manager Sterling Steel Co
Emilia Tentori Managing Director Mario Frigerio SpA Brett Wilder Roll Ship Manager Sterling Steel Co
The Wire Association International, Inc.
Kevin Mullen Operations Manager Sterling Steel Co
New WAI Platinum Membership Companies
Jay Munsey National Sales Director S&E Specialty Polymers LLC
Crown Technology Inc Mario Frigerio SpA S & E Specialty Polymers LLC Sterling Steel Co
Brian Myers Director of Sales Crown Technology Inc Scott Peterson Vice President Sales Crown Technology Inc Kermit L Reins Rod Mill General Manager Sterling Steel Co
Industry leaders can contact WAI Executive Director Steve Fetteroll at sfetteroll@wirenet.org or 203-453-2777, ext. 115, to learn more about this special membership program. Such organizations actively support the Association by participating as exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors or content providers for WAI-organized events, publications and educational programs.
Beniamino Gessaghi Division Director Mario Frigerio SpA
Duane E Shooltz COO & President S&E Specialty Polymers LLC
François GÊlinas Project Engineer Johnston-Vermette
Michael A Roberts Industry Manager Wire & Cable Teknor Apex Co
Nichole Garza Plant Metallurgist Sterling Steel Co
FEBRUARY 2014 | 33
Points Meeting for Interwire 2015 to be held at WAI on March 20 The 2014 staging of Wire Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana, has yet to be held, but it must be noted that the Points Meeting, a NH\ RIÂżFLDO DFWLYLW\ for WAIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2015 staging of Interwire, is set to be held at the Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s headquarters in Guilford, Connecticut, on Thursday, March 20. At that meeting, WAIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chuck Szymaszek handles exhibit space will the electronics at the 2013 be allocated for Interwire Points Meeting at WAI Interwire 2015, to be headquarters. held April 28-30, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, along with WAIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 85th Annual Convention. Two years ago, 138 companies took part in the meeting, most of them electronically during the on-line process. More than 60% of ,QWHUZLUH Ă&#x20AC;RRU VSDFH ZDV DOORFDWHG DW WKDW PHHWLQJ
2013 award-winning technical papers WAI announced the winners of the best top technical papers that were presented at Interwire 2013 and at the CabWire World Conference, as rated by the WAI the Paper Awards Committee.
and Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1989. He joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Rose-Hulman in 1989 and accepted his current position in 2011. While at Rose-Hulman, he worked as a visiting scholar at Los Alamos National Laboratory during summers, and he helped create the Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School. Cornwell has been widely recognized for his expertise. He had the best paper and presentation in the Mechanics 'LYLVLRQ DW ÂżYH $PHULFDQ 6RFLHW\ RI (QJLQHHULQJ Education annual conferences and has won awards from the Society of Automotive Engineers (outstanding young engineering educator), several awards at Rose-Hulman and was named to the 2012 Princeton Reviewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best 300 3URIHVVRUV LQ 2Q -DQ KH WHVWLÂżHG DW D FRQJUHVVLRnal hearing about private sector programs that encourage students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). His presentation will be made at the luncheon on May 6 at the WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo 2014.
The educational program at Interwire 2013 included some three dozen technical papers, three panel discussions and two presentations (health care and OSHA). The winning paper in the ferrous sector was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Properties of high-carbon steel wires drawn at extremely slow speed,â&#x20AC;? by Yoshiro Yamada, Yamada Research & Consulting, Japan. Second place was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Processing technology of high dimensional accuracy shaped wiredrawing for spring wire,â&#x20AC;? by Kazunari Yoshida, Kenta Suga, and Keita Nakazima, Tokai University; and Kotaro Watanabe and Koji Umezu, Tama Spring Co. Ltd., Japan. The winning paper in the nonferrous sector was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Technology production and properties of high-strength and high-conductivity nanostructured copper-silver wires for new type overhead line conductors,â&#x20AC;? by Artur Kawecki, Tadeusz Knych, Eliza Sieja-Smaga, Andrzej 0DPDOD 3DZHĂĄ .ZDÄ&#x17E;QLHZVNL *U]HJRU] .LHVLHZLF] %HDWD 6P\UDN DQG .LQJD .RU]HÄ&#x201D; $*+ 8QLYHUVLW\ RI Science and Technology, Poland. Second place was â&#x20AC;&#x153;High-precision roll-bending of titanium alloy wire for glasses,â&#x20AC;? by Yuichiro Sekine, Motoo Asakawa, Natsuki Kato, Yuki Takebe, and Shuzo Matsuo, Waseda University; and Yoshinori Sasaki and Masami Matsumura, Industrial Technology Center of Fukui Prefecture, Japan. The winning paper in the electrical sector was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Optimizing shielded pair manufacturing,â&#x20AC;? by Juliusz Poltz, OptEM Engineering Inc., Canada, and Mats Josefsson, Ericsson AB, Sweden. Second place was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Speed optimization for cross-linked PE insulation (PEXa) at a horizontal CV line,â&#x20AC;? by Wolfgang Menne and Horst Scheid, Siebe Engineering, Germany. The winning paper in the general sector was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Analysis of wire-clamped joints by FEM,â&#x20AC;? by Janusz Juraszek, 8QLYHUVLW\ RI %LHOVNR %LDĂĄD 3RODQG 6HFRQG SODFH ZDV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Improved wire quality with advanced TCHP dies,â&#x20AC;? by Daniel J. Cunningham and John Keane, Allomet Corporation; and Roger Wright, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA. A total of 34 technical papers were presented at Interwire and 26 technical papers were presented at CabWire. Â&#x201E;
FEBRUARY 2014 | 35
CHAPTER CORNER Members of 3 WAI chapters can seek college scholarship for their children Three WAI chapters, in conjunction with the Wire Foundation, are seeking applications from the children of chapter members in good standing for their 2014 Scholarship awards. Members of the New England, Midwest and Southeast chapters will soon receive letters inviting applications. Submissions must be postmarked by Monday, March 31, 2014. The chapter scholarship program is bolstered by the Wire Foundation connection that allows donations to be tax deductible. For the New England and Midwest chapters, eligible candidates for the awards are graduating high school seniors going to college. The Southeast Chapter also allows continuing college students to apply. Non-members of WAI who have students who would be eligible for the scholarships are welcome to join WAI and their respective chapter. A total of six scholarships were given out in 2013 to the following recipients: Midwest Chapter Jason DeGrado is the son of Jim DeGrado, general manager of Worth Steel & Machinery. He planned to attend Purdue University to study psychology.
Southeast Chapter Meghan Kos is the daughter of Mike Kos, operations manager of CNA Technologies. She planned to continue her studies at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. William Hammontree is the son of Joseph Hammontree, vice president of Temple Terrace Industries. He planned to continue his studies (mechanical engineering) at Florida College. New England Chapter Aideen Hanlon is the daughter of Brian Hanlon, general manager of Hueson Corporation. She planned to attend the College of Saint Rose to study communication sciences and disorders. Matthew Fedor is the son of Tony Fedor, production manager, cable, at Times Microwave Systems. He planned to attend Western New England University to study accounting and business. Max Karsok is the son of William Karsok, production applications engineer at W. Gillies Technologies. He planned to attend Bryant University to study business. For more details, contact WAI Executive Director Steve Fetteroll at tel. 203-453-2777, ext. 115, or at sfetteroll@wirenet.org. Â&#x201E;
United States Patent Awarded to Thermcraft, Inc. for its Unique LQF Technology
Liquid Quench Fluidized Bed Technology (LQF) from Thermcraft is the Environmentally Friendly Replacement for Lead Quenching and Sand Fluidized Bed Wire Quenching. Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021;
No Lead (Pb) Drag-Out No Sand Drag-Out Lower Initial Investment Lower Maintenance Costs Lower Operating Expenses Precision Adjustability for Different Steel Grades Â&#x2021; Enhanced Pearlitic Structure in Medium and High Carbon Steel Wire Protected by US Patent #US8506878B2
Visit us at Wire 2014 Hall 9, Stand F21-02
Thermcraft is an international leading manufacturer of thermal processing equipment. With over 40 \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH ZH FDQ ZRUN ZLWK \RX WR ÂżQG D VROXWLRQ WKDW ÂżWV \RXU QHHGV At Thermcraft, customer service is our #1 priority! 3950 Overdale Rd., Winston Salem, NC 27107 USA P: +1-336-784-4800 F: +1-336-784-0634 www.thermcraftinc.com info@thermcraftinc.com
Visit us at Wire Dusseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9 F05-03
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wire Düsseldorf Preview T
he stage is set for the wire and cable industry’s pilgrimage to Germany for the 2014 staging of wire
Düsseldorf, the world’s largest such trade show. While the overall world economy is still lethargic, support for this event is anything but, with more than 70,000 attendees expected for wire 2014 and its sister tube event.
As of press time, more than 1,150 companies from 45 countries had registered for wire, said a press release from the organizers, Messe Düsseldorf, which noted the following. The wire event will again see strong participation of exhibitors from Italy, Belgium, France, Austria, Turkey, the Netherlands, Switzerland, U.K. and Germany. A large number of registrations from Sweden have also been recorded, while the majority of the overseas companies will come from the U.S., China, India and Taiwan. The latest attendance estimate for wire 2014 reported as of press time was 40,000 people. The wire exhibits will be in Halls 9-12, 16-17, fasteners in Hall 15 and springs in Hall 17. Tube will be in Halls 1 to 7a.
Show name: wire 2014, International Wire and Cable Trade Fair Dates: April 7-11 Location: Düsseldorf Fairgrounds, Düsseldorf, Germany Venue: Halls 9-12, 15-17: fasteners (15) mesh welding machinery and springs (16) Halls 1-7a: tube Show hours: 9 am – 6 pm, April 7-10 9 am – 5 pm, April 11 U.S. contact: Messe Düsseldorf N. America info@mdna.com/www.mdna.com
Per show director Friedrich-Georg Kehrer, more than 58,000 sq m of floor space has been booked for wire 2014 five months before the show’s scheduled opening. “That is already more than the total space booked in 2012, and with that the exhibition halls for wire 2014 are full,” he said, predicting that the event will continue its incredible draw. “Here, technological innovations in the wire, cable and tube industries are presented. Here, exhibitors meet with their international clientele and establish new contacts for future business. No expanding company can afford not to show their colors in Düsseldorf.” Attendees may notice a few changes, Kehrer said. For the first time, all exhibitors (about 20) of mesh welding machines will be together in Hall 16. Forming (fastener technology) will
return to Hall 15, and spring making and mesh welding machine exhibitors in Hall 16. Kehrer said that the biggest change at the Fairgrounds is for the tube show, which will have the first-ever Plastic Tube Forum in Hall 7.1 Overall, for Tube, 49,000 sq m of space were booked five months out. That tops the final occupied space in 2012 for Halls 1-7a, which was 48,500 sq m, he said. For further details about attending or exhibiting at wire 2014, contact Messe Düsseldorf North America by e-mail at info@mdna.com or go to www.mdna.com. Editor’s ote: the above photo as well as the cover image and some images in the listings are courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
Industry partners: International Wire and Machinery Association (IWMA) International Wire and Cable Exhibitors Association (IWCEA) Verband der Draht und Kabelmaschinen Hersteller (VDKM) Austrian Wire & Cable Machinery Manufacturers Association (VÖDKM) IWMA France Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association (ACIMAF) IWCEA France Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA) N. American Pavilion organizer: Messe Düsseldorf North America North American Pavilion sponsor: Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA) Admission 1 day: 52 euro/36 online Event: 92 euro/74 online Show Program Separate wire/Tube: 30 euro
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wire 2014 information
Q & A: Messe Düsseldorf Show Director Freidrich Kehrer wire Düsseldorf is a mammoth event, by far the largest of its kind for the wire and cable industry. One of the key people who makes the event run smoothly is Messe Düsseldorf Show Director Friedrich-Georg Kehrer, who has held that position for wire/Tube since 1999. Below, he shares his thoughts on some questions posed by WJI.
WJI: Aside from key statistics such as sq footage and attendee numbers, how does Messe Düsseldorf assess the success of its event? Is there a way you can determine what percentage of the global industry as a whole is represented, both directly and indirectly, by your Düsseldorf – and other – events? Kehrer: There is a high penetration in the industry on both the exhibitor and visitor sides at the Düsseldorf wire trade show. Many companies simply cannot “afford” not to take part: it is essential to be present at the largest wire trade show in the world held in Düsseldorf. At the regional wire trade shows, there is a lower penetration since it is geared towards only for those exhibitors interested in the respective regional markets such as Asia, India, Russia and South America for example. WJI: Do you view Messe Düsseldorf unto itself, or in terms of the overall slate of events you offer? In other words, if attendance at wire Düsseldorf is low from China or India or Brazil but you stage events there, do you factor that in your overall assessments? Kehrer: wire is a global exhibition. The attendance from countries where we stage other wire exhibitions would not be higher or lower with or without those events. Those “satellite” shows cater to trade visitors which cannot come to Düsseldorf for whatever reasons (budget, position within the company, etc.) Actually, those satellite exhibitions “stimulate” many companies to come to wire Düsseldorf in order to see a much wider scope of products on display. WJI: Does Messe Düsseldorf have a policy as to what to do if an exhibitor believes that another exhibitor is displaying its “copied”equipment? Kehrer: Messe Düsseldorf provides a trading and communication platform for the wire and cable industry. If there is a conflict of two or more companies then it is our general policy to not interfere into such conflicts as most of the time we cannot prove what is right and what is wrong. Messe Düsseldorf does, however, provide addresses and contact details of lawyers and also authorities that can be contacted in order to solve such a case. WJI: How has Messe Düsseldorf changed the last decade in terms of how it markets its events? Kehrer: The marketing has changed into more online activities but we also still use the traditional and long lasting marketing tools such as advertisements in the trade press, direct mailings, press conferences and information
booths at other wire events. We have however strengthened our so called “product family” marketing which means that at each wire trade fair organized by us or our partners we promote the other wire exhibitions and of course “Düsseldorf” as well. This is a very targeted and effective way to market the trade fairs. Friedrich-Georg Kehrer WJI: Has electronics had an effect on your events? Do you find that some companies that exhibit are putting more resources into their electronic presence, and as such have cut back some on what they display? Kehrer: We have not seen ANY cut back in terms of display. This is clearly shown by the growing figures in terms of sold square meters. However we see much more screens and other electronic devices on the stands of the exhibitors in order to showcase their machinery, products and services. So it is a mix of both: More equipment AND more electronics. This makes wire in Düsseldorf very attractive and convincing. WJI: Following up on the prior question, do you find that some exhibitors are being more selective? For instance, if companies that typically showed four or five systems only have one or two that truly represent advances, are they more likely to bring fewer models? Kehrer: Again: we do not see ANY slowdown in terms of equipment showcased. The exhibitors use wire Düsseldorf every two years to launch new products, technologies and services to the trade visitors from all over the world. The trade visitors know that they will find a lot of news in Düsseldorf. In fact, I would even say that the innovation cycle for new or improved machinery and equipment as well as for new products and services starts in Düsseldorf. There, the exhibitors find the right audience to bring all that to the market.
A Appiani Italy Hall 11 G32
Appiani has a world-wide presence in the manufacture of standard and custom build steel reels made to DIN specifications or to customer requirements. A leading manufacturer of reels since 1962, A. Appiani will demonstrate its engineering capabilities by exhibiting a comprehensive selection of: structural and corrugated flanged reels for cable, rope and strands; single- and double-flange, pressed steel reels; composite reels; solid flange and double-flange processing reels, machined and dynamically balanced; spools for steel cord and saw wire applications; and steel pallets. Also, a complementary line
of take-apart reels (hydraulic, mechanic, pneumatic), tilting units, steel baskets and machinery for B type spool reconditioning. www.appiani.reels, www.lesmoamerica.com. Acciaierie Valbruna Stainless Steel Italy Hall 12 C67 Acciaierie Valbruna Stainless Steel is a privately owned company which produces over 170,000 tons of high quality special steel, maintaining the original business strategy of serving niche markets of providing customers top notch services and dedication. Production is focused on stainless steel and special alloys that are able to satisfying the most sophisticated market demands. www.valbruna-stainless-steel.com. ACIMAF Italy Hall 11 A58 ACIMAF, the Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association, was founded in 1987 to promote the image of Italian technol-
ogy in the sector of machines and products for the wire and cable manufacturing industry. It is a non-profit voluntary body and plays an important international role of cooperation in improving the location and organization of the major wire and cable trade fairs. It also makes proposals and works constructively to improve coordination between its member companies and the Institute of Foreign Trade (ICE) and promotes marketing activity. www.acimaf.com. ACM AB Sweden Hall 9 E40 ACM AB will display its wellknown KSM off-line measuring unit for cables. More than 200 of the units have been delivered to date because the system provides: quick accurate measuring, replacing manual methods with technology that takes just a second to provide a measuring protocol; handing of measuring data by a built-in summary protocol handler; handling of
WAI returns to Hall 11 B-25 The Wire Association International (WAI) booth will feature information and a floor plan for as well as for Interwire, the largest wire and cable show in the Americas, to be held April 28-30, 2015, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Also, a range of the association’s publications, products and services, including Wire Journal International; the WJI 2014 Reference Guide; and its India publication, WIRE BULLETI ; as well as association technical books, reports and DVDs. Also, news about the WAI’s 2014 International Technical Conference as well as information for WAI membership opportunities, its chapter network and WAI’s Internet site (www.wirenet.org). The booth will also include information on the Association’s Operations Summit & Wire Expo, to be held May 6-7, 2014, in Indianapolis, Indiana. www.wirenet.org.
WAI Executive Director Steve Fetteroll, r, helps an attendee at the WAI booth at the 2012 staging of wire Düsseldorf.
FEBRUARY 2014 | 43
wire Düsseldorf exhibitors
specification values for comparing automatic measurements, including a remote function to make specs directly from a database; trend curves with over dimensional cost calculations as well as a dynamic set target area depending on the standard variation of the walls for the measured product in the actual extruder line (customers report typical annual savings of US$300,000); the KSMData office program to handle data at the office with a Dataviewer module to recreate KSM protocols including measured image; and the KSMAnalyze office program to analyze measuring data, display trends and calculate over dimensional cost in your cables. With KSM, the extra is not paid for. www.acmab.com. AEI Compounds Ltd. U.K. Hall 11 D46
AEI Compounds, a division of the Saco Polymers Group, will showcase its expanded range of crosslinkable and thermoplastic compounds for the cable and wire industry. This includes the following “fire survival” cable products: Thermoplastic HFFR TP-0851, a new ceramifiable HFFR sheathing compound for cables used in emergency alarm, communication and lighting circuits. The ceramifiable sheathing material forms a strong char during burning, providing enhanced cable fire protection and enables the cable to function in fire situations. When used with silicone rubber-insulated cores, it can meet the most onerous fire performance specifications. Mica tapes are not used in such cables, allowing improved cable production efficiency and faster cable termination performance. Cables have met the fire test requirements of BS EN 50200
for PH 120 and the enhanced BS 8434-2 with a 930°C flame and water spray with aluminum laminate tape screens. This new compounds has generated considerable interest in Europe, the Middle East and Far East markets. It will present compound SX-0612S, a new silane crosslinkable HFFR insulation material complying with BS7211 and BS EN 50525-3-41:2011 for use in for conduit and building wire cables. It can be processed at high production speeds and is highly resistant to precure in extruders yet capable of crosslinking in ambient conditions. Backed by the company’s excellent quality, service, innovation and depth of experience, AEI Compounds continues to offer assistance to companies either through attendance at trials or modification of its compounds to suit customers’ equipment and final application. www.aeicompounds.com. Ajex & Turner Wire Dies Co. India Hall 11 F02 Ajex & Turner is a pioneer in manufacturing multiwire wiredrawing and compacting dies in PCD/ ND carbide for conductors up to 1000 sq mm. It also supplies die polishing machines and accessories, ceramic tools and lubricants. Visit the company’s booth and see all of its products and discover the wire and cable-related solutions that are Ajex & Turner’s forte. www.ajexturner.com. Alpha Gary Corporation U.S. Hall 11 G22 Alpha Gary Corporation specializes in the design and development of PVC, TPE, and TPO compounds -- a wide variety of blends and alloys. We're a custom compounder, often developing a material to meet a specific customer requirement. We service our global customer base through a dedicated sales team and worldwide network of distribution partners and representatives. From four facilities on two continents, we ship around the world. www.alphagary.com.
Ambrell U.S. Hall 11 C74
Ambrell will display its latest induction heating systems that are used for applications such as wire heating. Induction is commonly used for preheating in cable manufacturing. Its rapid heating means that cable manufacturers can benefit from a faster production rate. Induction also transfers heat directly to the wire. Induction is also used for post heating. Post heating can be leveraged to dry paint, shape objects, harden rubber insulation layers and more. Ambrell offers systems that range from 1 kW to over 1 MW. Free application testing is available. Clients can send parts to Ambrell, which will test and return them with a system recommendation based on their process requirements. Ambrell has installed over 10,000 systems in more than 50 countries. Systems are manufactured in the U.S., and it has international lab, service and sales locations. www.ambrell.com. Anbao (Qinhuangdao) Wire & Mesh Co., Ltd. China Hall 16 D34 Anbao is a manufacturer and exporter of steel wire, galvanized steel wire and strand, Galfan wire and strands, including ACSR wire and strand, OG wire and message strand, message/guy/stay/span wire and strand, ACS wire and strand, armoring cable wire, braiding wire etc. We produce tor standards ASTM B498, ASTM B500, ASTM A475, BS EN50189, BS 4565, BS 183, IEC888, DIN48200 (Pt. III), ASTM A363, ASTM A640, ASTM A641 ASTM A111, ASTM B502, EN10270-1 and BS443. We also supply various metal wire mesh products. We work to ISO 9001 &14001 quality control systems and have a customer quality guarantee, you can trust in it. www.anbao.com.
Generations of experience in manufacturing cable and rope machines. Machines made in Germany.
Please visit us:
7. - 11. April 2014 DĂźsseldorf, Germany
Tubular stranders Rigid stranders Planetary stranders Power cable drumtwisters Armouring lines Bow twister machines Skip stranders Pay-offs and take-ups, all designs Belt-type caterpillar capstans Single- and double disc capstans Rotating caterpillar capstans Taping heads for plastic- and steel tapes Transposed wire machines
PRE-OWNED AND RECONDITIONED we also supply pre-owned and reconditioned machinery
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wire Düsseldorf perspective General Cable Corporation What do attendees look for at wire Düsseldorf? WJI posed that question to a few companies. Below, Richard Baker, VP Manufacturing & Process Technology, for General Cable, shared his thoughts. WJI: Do you always send staffers to wire Düsseldorf, and if so, how many people typically go there and for how long? How much time is spent preparing for the event? Baker: We always send associates to the wire Düsseldorf event and typically up to two or three people go depending on the capital needs and also the prevailing economic environment. Normally they go for at least three days because the event is so large that it is nearly impossible to see the entire show and complete all of the vendor meetings in less time. Preparing for the event starts in January with travel and accommodation planning. As we get nearer to the show we will set up some supplier meetings in advance but often these are organized during the time of the show, normally on the first day. WJI: How many different suppliers might your team visit during the week? Do your staffers go to booths in groups or individually? In general, do you stay to a checklist of booths to visit or do you spend some time at other booths based on what you see or hear about at the show? Baker: Typically we will have detailed discussions with more than 10 priority suppliers during the show and meet briefly with at least 20-30 others. Our associates visit individually and in groups depending on the need and the top 10 discussions are part of our advance checklist. Other visits are more opportunistic but support the development of industry and personal relationships as well as seeking out interesting new technologies. WJI: As major capital purchases are carefully thought out processes that almost never just “happen” at a trade show, what is the specific purpose of your visits? Is it to conclude discussions? To consider future directions/ options/special offers, etc.? Baker: To my knowledge we have never bought equipment at the show itself but some decisions are often made soon after the technical and commercial discussions have been completed. The show is a great place to complete all of the due diligence comparisons between suppliers prior to making final purchasing decisions. However, it is also a great venue to freely discuss future options and the new technologies that have been recently introduced.
From l-r at wire 2012 was the (then Alcan Cable) team of Vice President, Manufacturing & Process Technology Richard Baker, Senior Project Engineer Larry Geiswite and Engineering Manager Philip Mefford WJI: How often do you come across a system that you did not know of that appears to be a meaningful advance in technology? Will you consider unknown suppliers? Baker: It happens frequently and these innovations come from established as well as new entry suppliers. A company with no proven track record would definitely be expected to set up a “show and tell” visit to an existing customer so that we could validate the technology in operation, however, even established companies introducing new technologies would be expected to showcase them working either at a third party or in their own workshop. WJI: In terms of priorities in buying equipment, how would you rank the following factors: the “bottom line” cost; payback and commissioning/service support. Baker: Obviously cost is a critical factor as it relates to payback on capital investment, but bottom line cost is not necessarily a good measure. Maintainability, service support and spare parts availability are also key factors to consider. Today’s equipment technology is often more like a thoroughbred racehorse than the solid workhorses of the past. Operating speeds are faster, electronic controls are more advanced, maintenance challenges are more complex and there are higher expectations for reliable operation – all factors to be considered in the selection of a supplier. Many countries will have suppliers exhibiting their equipment in Düsseldorf and the range in manufacturing quality can be great so it is critical that this is also evaluated when making purchasing decisions. The show does give buyers the considerable advantage of quickly comparing equipment from several vendors over the course of a few days.
DM 80 Multi-wire drawing machine
Visit us at Wire Dusseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9 C74
Save 36% energy consumption in your daily manufacturing! The Sampsistemi DM 80 is an innovative, compact and extremely flexible multi-wire drawing machine (up to 32 wires on two independent rows!). The highly-efficient machine structure ensures no electrical losses, no mechanical friction and a completely maintenance-free machine. In-depth tests carried out in real working conditions show that the average machine consumption is equal to â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 36% if compared to traditional machines. For more information about our multiwire machinery, as well as our rod breakdown and extrusion equipment, please contact us at: info@sampinc.com
future with yours.” www.aimmachines.com. AWCMA/VODKM Austria Hall 10 A40-01 The Austrian Wire & Cable Machinery Manufacturers Association seeks to achieve greater awareness of its market, leading high-tech products and Austrian engineering in the international wire and cable industry. AWCMA will dsiplay their state-of-the-art technology to provide solutions for any wire and cable production problems. They will be located in the Austrian Pavilion in Hall 10 and at individual stands in Halls 9 and 16. www.awcma.com.
Aumann GmbH Germany Hall 9 C73
Since 1964, Aumann GmbH has produced fast and precise yet energyefficient systems for the special enamelling of super-fine and ultrafine wires from copper, aluminum and gold as well as alloys from 15 µm to 1.25 mm to tolerances as small as ±1.0 µm. Aumann provides entire factory tested systems. They are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. The furnaces, working between 600°C and 800°C, were designed for optimal air circulation. This circulating hot air prevents the wire from vibrating, and allows a line set up with a smart drive control to run at speeds of up to 1800 m/min (108 km/h) for a 0.1 mm wire. It will introduce a new patented coating process and detail the advantages of its recently completed new technical center. www.aumann.com. Automated Industrial Machinery, Inc. (AIM) U.S. Hall 11 A25 48 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
AIM will demonstrate the latest innovations in wire bending technology and automation: modular equipment powered with the latest technology and automation: modular
equipment powered with the latest technology suitable for companies that grow with their markets. New engineering designs and software innovations unmatched for the industry and distinguished for their ingenuity. Simple programming, advanced tools, graphic simulation with collision detection, web reporting and production estimation that has never seen before. Automated bending and automated auxiliary operations for total automated production. 2D and 3D CNC large and small bending capabilities with wire capacities up to 25 mm (one in.) with two years limited warranty. Depend on AIM: “Forming our
Aztech Lubricants U.S. Hall 9 F20 Aztech Lubricants is a global provider of wiredrawing and lubricant solutions. With over 125 years of cumulative expertise, we excel at providing a full line of calcium, sodium and potassium stearate based drawing powders, RP oil, drawing oils and precoats. Our key name brands will be showcased, including EZDraw, EZClean and EZCoat. Additionally, we offer a complete line of AZWipe spiral brushes. We have manufacturing and distribution capabilities in the U.S., South America and Asia. Please visit our booth at the show for more details. www.aztechlube.com. Bekaert V Belgium Hall 11 E62
Bekaert is a world market and technology leader in steel wire transformation and coatings. Bekaert is a global company with headquarters in Belgium, employing 27 000 people worldwide. Serving customers in 120 countries, Bekaert pursues sustainable profitable growth in all its
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9 B06
activities and generated combined sales of €4.4 billion in 2012. www.bekaert.com. BAUDRA D ew Tech France Hall 16 H04
BAUDRAND provides a range of CNC machines (2-16 axis) fulfilling the highest expectations of performance, reliability and durability for companies producing: compression springs (15 models from 0.1 to 20 mm); torsion springs (9 models from 0.1 to 6 mm); and wire-formed parts (five models from 2 to 12 mm). Our decentralized organization ensures competitiveness and reactivity. Its low structure costs contribute to improve your return on investment.
BAUDRAND’s significant R&D investments allow it to introduce new models each year, making it a favorite supplier of industry leaders in spring coiling and wire bending in many countries. The company, which has delivered a thousand machines since 1992, has 20 years of experience in the field of wire working, covering each step of machine engineering, make and development. www.baudrand-new-tech.com.
wire Düsseldorf perspective Bekaert .V. What do attendees look for at wire Düsseldorf? WJI posed that question to a few companies. One unique situation is that of Bekaert, a manufacturer that also is an exhibitor. Below, Sales Director Europe Specialty Steel Wires Peter Galle explains his company’s perspective of the event. For Bekaert, the face-to-face connection is an important part of attending wire Düsssedorf. It is an opportunity to meet with our existing partners and learn about their upcoming projects. It’s an excellent place to find synergies between their future plans and our capabilities. We will also use the time to connect with potential customers and, hopefully, find ways where Bekaert could help them discover a lasting solution.” This is also why the design of this year’s booth is The Bekaert booth (10 E62) will feature a new look. more open and inviting than ever before. Rather than having high and opaque walls, Bekaert has been cre- developed not only by using theoretical testing, but also by testing the products on the actual machines from our ating a collaborative space that reflects the Bekaert philosophy of being close to the customer. As noted by Sales customers. This co-creation leads to the development of products with the most added value. Bekaert products are Director Europe Industrial Steel Wires Vincent Carlier, “The booth will present our core capabilities of advanced developed in the company’s technology centers in Belgium and China and customer input is always incorwire transformation and advanced coating technologies. porated into the development process. We will also highlight our testing facilities and can proAnd finally, wire Düsseldorf also attracts Bekaert visivide samples of available products. Our idea is to show tors: as the world’s largest independent steel wire manuthe service and expertise that has been developed over facturer serving a very wide range of sectors, Bekaert the 130+ years of the company. representatives visit the trade fair which showcases and Additionally, wire Düsseldorf is an ideal venue to feahosts the entire world of steel wire technologies: also as ture the latest innovations in steel wire and applications. a visitor, we see it as an excellent opportunity and forum This year, Bekaert will showcase brand new products to acquaint with the latest developments and to meet our such as innovative coatings for spring wire that offer customers, suppliers, and other business partners. extra protection or extra coilability. These products are
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 12 A22
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Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
Beijing Tongdaxinming International Trading Co., Ltd. China Hall 16 D51 Beijing Tongdaxinming International Trading Co., Ltd. represents technology from Langfang Xinming Cable Machinery Industry Co., Ltd., a professional enterprise on wire and cable machinery design and manufacture. Its main products include a high-speed extrusion machines (SJ50 and SJ70), high-speed multi-function automatic-coil winding machines, entire extrusion lines (SJ30, SJ45, SJ65, SJ90, SJ120, SJ150, SJ200), cable machines, planetary stranding machines, rigid frame stranding machines, portal payoffs/take-ups, and more. www.xinmingcn.com. Beneke Wire Company U.S. Hall 9 A75 Beneke Wire Company was founded in 1968 by aluminum industry pioneer Charles J. Beneke, and is now led by his son David, the president. It provides drawn wire and cold finished rod in aluminum alloys both heat and non-heat treatable, in finished coil or straight lengths. Beneke provides unequaled technical support and the engineering needed to reduce customer's production costs. Its goal
has not changed after 40 years under the same ownership: to provide Better products with every shipment. Bergandi Machinery Co. Inc. U.S. Hall 9 B13 Bergandi Machinery has established itself as a world leader in designing, marketing, manufacturing and servicing machinery for the wire and metal process industries. Since its humble beginning, Bergandi has outgrown two locations and now occupies a 41,000 sq/ft modern facility, located 43 miles east of downtown Los Angeles in Mira Loma, California. www.bergandi.com.
Beta LaserMike, a leading global provider of precision measurement and control solutions, will showcase several new offerings. The first is its ultra-fast AccuScan 5000 Series gauges. These dual-axis gauges perform high-speed diameter and ovality measurements at 2400 scans per second per axis and provide the fastest single-scan accuracy in the industry. The second is the company’s recently patented LayScan system that accurately, consistently measures the lay length of twistedpair cables up to 25.4 mm at the cable and twinner with 0.025 mm accuracy. The third is the company’s DCM ES-2G LAN/Data cable testing system that accurately tests Cat. 5, 6, 7, 7A and 8 cables now up to 2.2 GHz with automatic four-pair switching. The company will also exhibit its: new LN3015 Lump and Neckdown detector, CenterScan eccentricity measurement system, LaserSpeed length and speed gauge, high-frequency spark tester and preheater systems, BenchMike off-line sample measurement system, DataPro process controllers, and SRL Pro on-line structural return loss (SRL) prediction and analysis system. www.betalasermike.com. Blachford Corp. U.S. Hall 9 D14/01
Beta LaserMike U.S. Hall 11 D72 Blachford, a U.S.-based producer and designer of technically advanced wiredrawing lubricant programs, specializes in creating tailored lubricants for individual customers and their processes. The company has been serving wiredrawers since 1921 with its trademarked Chemdraw products, which have been a consistent and recognizable symbol of value for decades. Blachford is a
BMS Birle.ik Metal San. A.S. Turkey Hall 17 E10 BMS is the most modern and highest-capacity wire mesh factory in Turkey. With latest machinery additions and extended closed areas, the annual capacity has reached to an annual capacity of 120.000 tons/year and cold drawn bar of 120.000 tons/year. The company also manufactures flat and ribbed steel bars or coils in ST IVB quality. Its operations include 12,000 sq m area of enclosed space. It manufactures in
accordance with primarily Turkish standards and world recognized standards such as ASTM, DIN an BSI. www.bmsgroup.com..
straightener for spring steel wire and a rotary swaging machine, pointer& string-up machinery for 8 mm wires, and a tube swager.
Bock Maschinen Fabrik GmbH Germany Hall 10 B31 Bock specializes in making pointing machines for wire, bars and tubes and related equipment like straighteners, coil-openers and horizontal pay-offs. The company will provide information on different pointing machine types like roll pointing machines in various executions, swaggers and shave pointing machines as well as straighteners for large diameter sizes. The pointing machines can be used for a diameter range from 0.002” up to 6.1”. On display will be a hydraulic swivel roll pointer with one pair of rolls, which can be turned between horizontal and vertical position, a pre-
Bongard Engineering GmbH Germany Hall 11 A44 Since 2008, Bongard has manufactured machines for the wire, cable and rolling mill industry, supplying technology such as trolley wire drawing lines, rewinding lines, etc. We can take care of all your machinery needs from single machines up to complete lines from our product range. This includes machinery for coiling, extrusion, spooling, straightening, wire rope and wire fence production, screw and nails production and mesh welding as well as pickling, blasting, scale removal and more. We ensure customer satisfaction by organizing and over-seeing the complete sale process from
Straightness. Straight tness. Unmatched. Unm matched. For more than 80 y For years year s Sjogren has manufactured man nufactured the highest quality mac hinery, tooling and accessori ble machinery, accessories es for the wire and cable cab unparallele ed industry sion of our product lin ne results in unparalleled industry.. The preci precision line ess. levels of straightne straightness.
Superior Superior Quality. Qual ity. Superior Superior Service. Serv vice. Guaranteed. Guar anteed. Call us at 508.987 508.987.3206 7.3206 .
sales@sjogr sales@sjogren.com en.com
Sjogr Sjogren.com en.com m
Stop by Hall 11-Booth D44 with your technical qu questions estions for a FREE Engineer. consultation with our Chief Engineer. 7-11 2014 7-11 April April 20 014 Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf f, G German Germany y
Straighteners & Rol Rolls ls
Wedge Wedge Grips
Wire Guides
Brakes and Clu Clutches utches
FEBRUARY 2014 | 53
leader in the R&D of new wiredrawing lubricant technologies, focusing on the welding wire, spring wire and tire reinforcement wire markets. Blachford exports Chemdraw products globally to world-class wire producers. Please visit us in Messe Düsseldorf’s North American Pavilion. www.blachford.com.
export experience and work hard to add value to our clients’ business and build long term relationships with our clients by providing them highest product quality, excellent customer service and on time delivery of the requested products. We are currently exporting our products to various countries across the globe, our major clients being situated in Mexico, Brazil, Australian, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Egypt, Vietnam. www.boruncable.com. Bow Technology by Gauder Group France Hall 10 E38
Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
ordering, dismantling, transportation, shipment and delivery of your order. Boockmann GmbH Germany Hall 9 C32 Having focused on Welding Wire Finishing materials and processes in 2012, this year Boockmann GmbH will exhibit a HELICORD® machine NB57W and materials for welding wire finishing; a heated metering pump for high viscosity oils, greases, and waxes applicable both as part of a HELICORD machine or a standalone unit; and the latest developments especially for fine wire in its well-established HELILUB technology for magnet wire lubrication. Boockmann will also offer a demonstration of the above-mentioned products as well as their recently developed welding test unit and other lab tech equipment after Wire 2014 at its facility in Niederlauer, Germany, by prior arrangement. For information on participation, please contact Boockmann directly at info@boockmann.com or via our website. www.boockmann.com. Borealis Austria Hall 10 D72 Borealis and Borouge will be 54 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
“Bringing Energy All Around” at wire Düsseldorf. As leading innovators, both companies are proud to be
represented together at the fair. They will be showcasing their premier brands (Borlink™, Borstar® and Visico™) and how they are investing in the future through their technologies, to be shown at their booth. www.borealisgroup.com. Borun Cable Material Co., Ltd. China Hall 16 D59 Borun Cable Material Co. is a leading global manufacturer and exporter of excellent raw materials for cable industry. Our products include coated aluminum tape, coated steel tape, aluminum foil, mica tape, polyester film, FRP, galvanized steel tape, aluminum mylar tape, water-blocking tape, and so on. Our annual production is up to 6500 mt. We have good
Bow Technology, a member of the Gauder Group, celebrates its 10th anniversary. Many different models (including a pre-shaped 1600 bow as well as the new generation multi-use “GreenBow2,” with one bow fiber and three wire paths, 30% energy savings) will be highlighted at the booth. Based in France, the division is the answer to cable makers concerned by quality and long-life reliable bows. With 500+ designs for all brands of double-twist machines, Bow Technology offers a global service from conception to production taking advantage of long-lasting experience and high-quality components to reach enhanced performances. www.bowtechnology.com. BOXY Srl Italy Hall 10F55 For over 45 year, BOXY has designed and manufactured steel reels with the support of its two manufacturing facilities in Europe. The line up includes machined reels for wiredrawing in a solid steel construction that is completely
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9B56
machined, as well as a double-flange pressed version with machined inside surfaces where both types are dynamically balanced for high speed operation. Pressed steel reels with curled edge and stiffening ribs for bunching, extrusion lines as well as shipping applications are available in sizes up to 1250 mm and various
material thicknesses. Corrugated and structural steel reels for production and shipping needs in DIN and customer specific sizes. Special drum twister reels up to 5000 mm and 70 ton capacity are available. Wire baskets for bare and insulated wire spooling on drum packers are available in custom constructions.
New product introductions at wire Düsseldorf 2014 Company: Construcciones Mecánicas Caballé, S.A., www.cmcaballe.com Contact: Luis Morancho, sales manager Description: A new type of “bullhead” tubular strander that can process wire with the quality of a planetary strander but at much higher speeds WJI: Why should wire Düsseldorf attendees want to stop by your booth? Morancho: For certain high value-added products, certain segments of the wire and cable industry have long been forced to choose between top quality and fast production speeds. For many years, that meant that manufacturers whose customers require top quality would choose a planetary strander, even though this technology operates at much slower speeds (50 rpm) than a tubular strander. Attendees who visit our booth will see that such a sacrifice is no longer necessary. Through our R&D, we have taken the existing concept of a bullhead tubular strander to another level. The result us that our bullhead strander can provide both quality and high production speeds. We want to show attendees our new bullhead tubular strander for 32 DIN 500 reels and one DIN 1600 reel for the core for the production of OPGW cables and armoring optical cables/special cables. This machine is presented as an alternative to traditional planetary or tubular stranders, including "bullhead" models. The biggest difference between older versions of the bullhead strander and this new version is the improved wire paths and precise tension controls. The bullhead has a special feeder integrated at the end of the tubular strander that consists of a large payoff with bows that revolve around the reel and convey the wires coming from the tubular to the closing point in an improved wire path. It has been designed to allow a wide range of working tensions, which make it suitable for a single steel tube with fibers inside as well as for an armored cable with a first layer of steel wires. Wire tension is provided by a precise mechanical system or by an optional, driven system that
Collapsible reels are available in a specialized assortment which includes the designs for packaging of reel-less wire coils with and without cardboard cores. A special unit is available which has been designed to operate as the coiling reel and also allows the operators to lift the coil without the need of any other lifting
maintains payoff tensions fully constant throughout the complete process within the entire adjustable tension range. It improves process speed keeping the elongation of wires under perfect control. The new incorporated monitoring system allows the identification and location of the different alarms, which are shown in the main control panel of the line. This is very important to avoid excessive down time while making adjustments in such a long line.
An updated “bullhead” tubular strander from Spain’s Construcciones Mecánicas Caballé to be shown at the company’s booth: Hall 11 G65. With this system the central core with the fiber optics inside is paid off completely straight with no twist occurring in the product, so the resulting quality is the same as with a planetary strander but with much higher stranding speeds. In the production mode, the bullhead model can run at speeds to 250-300 rpm, about five times faster than a planetary strander. The possibility to work with up to 32 wires in a single pass makes this machine a very versatile line. It also is able to strand the first or second layer of OPGW cables and also armoring optical and special cables with high tensile strength steel wires. Specially designed wire paths for aluminum coated steel wires (ACS) prevent any surface erosion of the wires at maximum stranding speed. For more details and to see first-hand this remarkable advance stop by our booth (Hall 11 G65) or contact me at caballe@cmcaballe.com; for U.S. customers, contact Patrick Carney, TMS, at tmspat@cox.net.
show a new “bullhead” tubular strander for 32 bobbins DIN 500 and one bobbin DIN 1600 for the core for the production of OPGW cables and armoring optical cables. See p. 56 for more details on this system. www.cmcaballe.es.
Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
mechanism. A complementary line of handling equipment such as reel tilters, lifters pallets and coil lifters is available to help manage wire packages. www.boxy.com. Brankamp GmbH Germany Hall 15 H35 Brankamp is a pioneer in the area of process monitoring systems. Its product lines also include counters, quality assurance systems, including factory data acquisition, and analyzers. Wherever a high-quality means of measurement is needed for industrial manufacturing, Brankamp systems have become an integral part of the operation in countless companies. They prevent process errors and reduce machinery setup times. Machines are promptly shutdown when there are malfunctions, preventing expensive damage. There are over 50,000 Brankamp applications in use in various industries around the world, particularly in the metal processing industry. Often, customers have equipped their entire manufacturing process with Brankamp in order to take full advantage of networked manufacturing.www.brankamp.com.
burster GmbH Germany Hall 11 E02 A family-owned business in its fifth decade of operations, burster is a major suppliers of precision instruments, sensors and sensor signal processing systems. Thanks to our innovative team of engineers, burster is today able to offer a wide range of measurement and test equipment for quality assurance, calibration, development and automation. In addition to standard product solutions, the company also provides custom designs. www.burster.com.
Calmec Precision Limited Canada Hall 9 D06-04 Incorporated in 1979, Calmec’s founders and associates were engineers who had a vision and passion for precision design and mastery in fabrication and manufacturing. The company has specialized in the manufacturing of production machinery for the wire and cable industry. We are a leader in developing and applying cutting edge technology and design advancements, both mechanically and electrically. We strive to manufacture robust, maximum performance equipment which meets the needs of the customer. www.calmec.net. CA -E G Furnaces International Ltd. Canada Hall 15 B37
C.M. Caballé SA Spain Hall 11 G65
Caballé, a global leader in rotating equipment for more than 70 years, provides the wire and cable industry with a wide range of bunching, stranding and cabling machinery. At Düsseldorf the company will
Established in 1964, CAN-ENG Furnaces International, a leading designer and manufacturer of thermal processing equipment for ferrous and non-ferrous metals, will showcase its latest developments in the processing of high volume, mass-produced, high-integrity fasteners (M3-M36 range). Our systems are usually supplied as totally automated heat-treating lines that include computer-controlled loading systems, pre-wash stations, hardening furnaces, quench systems (hybrid oil,
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 G40
CCR LINES Aluminium CCR Rod Lines Aluminium Alloy CCR Rod Lines Copper CCR Rod Lines Copper Rod from 100% Scrap
WMD Wire Machinery Division (RTM-OTT) Drawing Lines for HC-LC-Stainless Steel-AS Wire PC Strand Lines PC Wire Lines Steel Ropes Lines
INGOT CASTERS Wheel & Belt Track & Belt
www.properzi.com · hq@properzi.it HEADQUARTERS Continuus-Properzi S.p.A. Continuus-P Pro operzi S.p. S p A. Via V ia Emilia Km m 310, Sordio LO), 26858 Sor dio o ( LO ), Italy Phone: +39. 02. 988 49 21 Fax: +39. 02.. 981 03 58 hq @ pr operzii.it properzi.it
FRANCE DIVISION Properzi Properzi France Parc Vert Parc d’activité du V ert e Galant 78 A Avenue vvenue du Château France 27745 Saint Ouen l’Aumône, F Phone: +33. 1. 34 32 34 80 Fax: +33. 1. 34 32 34 89 info @ pr properzi.fr operzi.fr
USA BRANCH Properzi Pro operzi International, Interna ational IInc. ational, nc nc. Ridgebrook 909 Ridgebr ook Road R Suite # 102 Sparks, Maryland d 21152, USA Phone: +1. 443. 212. 2 4320 Fax: +1. 866. 905 5. 4320 905. info @ pr operzi.uss properzi.us
water, polymer and salt), post washer stations and tempering furnaces. We also offer auxiliary equipment integration such as dephosphating systems, blackening systems, atmosphere generators and Level II automation systems offering full SCADA capabilities. Whether manufacturing a simple, manually controlled furnace or a turnkey automated system, CAN-ENG focuses on the development of high-volume batch and continuous industrial furnaces for challenging applications. www.can-eng.com. Candor Sweden AB Sweden Hall 10 B72 Candor Sweden AB, founded in 1946, specializes in cleaning and
plating plants for wire as well as supplying chemicals for various applications. The combination of our know-how in chemical processes and our advanced equipment for cleaning and plating of wire makes us unique on the market. We know how to clean and metal coat your wire! CANDOR supplies both single- and multi strand systems for ferrous and non-ferrous materials and all plants
New product introductions at wire Düsseldorf 2014 Company: Chemetall U.S., www.chemetall.com Contact: Jack McAfee, Jr., Business Manager, The Cold Forming Group Description: A phosphate free breakthrough for the cold forming industry WJI: Why should wire Düsseldorf attendees want to stop by your booth? McAfee: Everyone comes to the show to see what’s new, but there are technical advances and then every so often there are some really major, industry-changing technical advances, and that’s what we have for attendees who manufacture ferrous wire. We are introducing our Gardo® Hybrid technology for phosphate-free cold forming operations. This product, the first one ever offered for cold forming conversion coating without phosphates, should especially be of interest for the automotive market. Gardo Hybrid technology substitutes the zinc-phosphate layer with a phosphate-free metal organic one. This innovative conversion layer provides the same excellent properties and behaviors like a traditional zinc phosphate. However, it fulfills improved health and environmental safety requirements. That is, the formation of the metal organic layer does not require any CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic and toxic to Reproduction) substances like nickel. And the lower treatment temperature decreases the energy consumption.
are tailor made after customer request. At wire 2014, Candor will introduce the COPPERJET plant, a newly developed, high-speed coppercoating plant for welding wires at high wire speeds with best possible quality. A modular design makes it possible to satisfy a wide range of applications according to customer request. The company also offers ultrasonic and electrolytic degreasing and pickling plants; CANDOJET HW Patented Hot Water cleaning units; and electrolytic plating plants for wires such as tinning, coppering, nickel plating, silver plating and galvanizing for all sorts of wire materials. www.candorsweden.com.
With this innovative technology, Chemetall, a global leader in surface treatment, has responded to the market requirement for an environmentally sound cold forming technology, combined with high forming performance. Gardo Hybrid can be easily integrated into current cold forming operations, since no major modifications to the lubricant, treatment line or Jack McAfee, Jr. application process is needed. The reason for this is that the tribological system was not changed. It is still divided into two parts: the conversion layer providing the unique surface and the lubricant on top. Gardo Hybrid offers the following advantages: less energy consumption by lower treatment temperatures; less chemical consumption; reduced sludge formation; no activation needed; free of heavy metals, except iron; free of CMR substances; no major change in treatment lines; no additional equipment needed; and it is security, health and environmentally friendly. If that is not worth learning more about, I don’t know what is. Stop by our booth (or contact me by e-mail at jack.mcafee@chemetall.com or Industry Manager Dane Armendariz at dane.armendariz@chemetall.com or visit our website. www.chemetall.com.
This year Cimteq will highlight two products, one of which is a new innovation called CableMES, a Manufacturing Execution System
specific to cable manufacturers based on the Wonderware MES platform. This new innovative solution improves communication with the shop floor in order to maximize throughput, improve schedule adherence, improve process efficiency and reduce scrap and rework, and reduce the cost of quality. For more details on this advance, see p. 64. The company will also showcase its flagship product, CableBuilder, which helps cable manufacturers design wire and cable faster, quote faster and avoid costly mistakes that lead to scrap and re-work. Application features include: easy to use/implement; fast design for all cable types; easy to use mass-update tools; ability to generate 2D and profile drawings; version control with version comparison; integration to ERP systems; data import/export with spreadsheets; fast quotation generation; packaging cal-
culations; length-based costing; professional data sheets; and cable configuration/variant generator. Implementing software is a partnership between the cable manufacturer and the software provider, so when it comes to purchasing a cable specific software, you need a company that understands the requirements of your industry. And Cimteq is precisely that kind of company. www.cimteq.com. Clifford Welding Systems (Pty) South Africa Hall 16 B28 Clifford Welding Systems of South Africa and IDEAL-Werk of Germany together produce innovative and technologically advanced machinery for the ferrous and nonferrous wire industry. Their representation is world wide, Middle East, Russia, UK, South East Asia, USA and Mexico, Australia and New
FEBRUARY 2014 | 61
Cimteq Ltd. U.K. Hall 11 D21
coiling system requiring the inclusion of wire handling accessories, Cometo has the wire handling equipment for your specific needs. Its products are easily integrated into almost any manufacturing operation and can be tailored to your requirements. Visit our booth and see what we can do. We are confident that we can offer you top quality products and service at affordable pricing. www.cometo-italy.com, www.lesmoamerica.com. Zealand, China and Europe. The company’s has a 76,000-sq-ft production facility, where most components are manufactured, assembled and tested as completed machines. The largest port in Southern Africa, Durban is located some 80 km from the production facility. Most machines are containerized and shipped directly through the nearby port. Clifford exports approximately 90% of its products made in South Africa. www.cliffeng.com. www.ideaalweld.com. Clinton Instrument Company U.S. Hall 9 E38
Clinton Instrument will introduce an addition to the STCAL Spark Test Calibration System: the SM Sensitivity Module. This equipment checks the spark tester’s fault detec62 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
tion sensitivity and assures compliance with EN50356 (IEC/CEI 62230). The SM is offered as an accessory to the STCAL Spark Test Voltage Calibration System, which performs voltage calibrations of the most common spark test units including AC (mains and high frequency) and DC equipment, easily calibrating spark test voltages up to 30KV AC and 40KV DC. Combined use of the STCAL Spark Test Calibration System and SM Sensitivity Module assures the operator that the spark tester complies with all known specifications. www.clintoninstrument.com. COMETO Italy Hall 10 D38 On display will be an extensive product line of feeders, rotating dies, traversing units, wire straighteners, wire guides and rollers. Cometo wire handling equipment can meet the most critical demand of wire straightening, guiding and feeding requirements. Whether you are considering low cost straighteners, feeders or guiding devices for production and manufacturing lines, upgrading and modifying equipment, or an advanced wire forming, bending or
Condat France Hall 10 D56
Condat offers the widest range of wiredrawing products: non-reactive surface treatments, dry powder lubricants and oils. A world leader, Condat develops close partnerships with its customers and offers developments at the forefront of technology. It can have products of identical quality ready for shipment to any location in three weeks. The company’s philosophy is to offer products whose chemistry is stable and environmentally responsible while maintaining product performance as the first priority. At wire Düsseldorf, the company will showcase VICAFIL TS 7112, a simple, efficient and more environmentally friendly surface treatment product that, in powder form, is diluted in a hot water bath. More efficient than borax treatment and more economic than phos-
phatation with the same levels of performance, VICAFIL TS 7112 is the “must see” innovation at wire 2014. See p. 142 for more details on this exciting new product and stop by our booth to see this new surface treatment without Borax, without phosphate. www.condat.fr. Condat France Hall 15 C42 Condat has a second booth at wire Düsseldorf where it will showcase its newest product for cold heading: EXTRUGLISS GREEN, a vegetal-
based product that provide high duty lubrication with optimum safety. This lubricant can improve productivity and tool life thanks to the high
New product introductions at wire Düsseldorf 2014 Company: Cimteq Ltd, U.K., www.cimteq.com Contact: Ali Shehab, director Description: An industry-specific Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solution. WJI: Why should wire Dusseldorf attendees want to stop by your booth? Shehab: We are very excited about what we can now offer wire and cable manufacturers. We’re best known for our powerful cable design tool, CableBuilder, but we have recently become a Wonderware System Integrator, and as such we can now offer the wire and cable industry a specific package of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solutions called CableMES. We will be explaining to attendees how these new MES solutions, which embody our CableBuilder philosophy of expertise, power and flexibility, can directly apply to the shop floor. Better yet, these additional advantages are able to be integrated into our existing solutions. What MES what does is enable manufacturers to make quality products first time, every time, in the quickest possible time, and to track every step of the production process. CableMES is the ultimate way to maximize continuous improvement. It traces and stores production data for each “batch,” including barcodes and RF transducers to track batches of cable drums and containers. It tracks machine status and product quality either through online sensors such as diameter gauges, length gauges, or offline equipment such as shadow graphs and automated measurement equipment. It also connects to sensors to track material utilization, through loss-in-weight systems and even electricity consumption. MES provides a very quick return on investment because it makes it much simpler for traditional factory management and engineers, who rarely have accurate
level of lubricity of vegetal-base oil, which is three times more efficient than standard mineral base oils. EXTRUGLISS GREEN helps manufacturers produce very difficult parts while improving tool life. The higher lubricity largely comes from the high polarity of the vegetable bases on materials. This high-performance oil increases OEE (machine efficiency) and can reduce your tooling budget. It has a higher viscosity index than usual extrusion oils and the resulting lubricant film is more stable at high temperature so it can replace tradi-
reliable data to validate their improvement efforts, to close the loop of continuous improvement. They get upto-the minute information that can either demonstrate the success of their changes or warn them of pending problems so they know they need to make adjustments. CableMES is capable of integrating to ERP systems (such as InnoVites for Cable, SAP, BPCS, etc.) in two directions. Production orders from the ERP are downloaded in to instruct the shop floor operators about what they need to produce. The production order can be combined with all the manufacturing requirements, including product dimensions as well as machine set-ups. CableMES will feedback the progress of the order, including any changes, and through to completion. This enables complete progress tracking in the ERP system to enable better scheduling, better prediction of delivery problems and better cost control. For more details, stop by our booth. If you can’t be there, go to www.cimteq.com and you’ll find more details there, or contact me at ali.shehab.cimteq.com. Also, for Innovites, you can contact CEO Albert Groothedde at agroothedde@innovites.com,
tional higher viscosity extrusion oils. EXTRUGLISS GREEN’s high flash point ensures lower mist and smoke, giving operators a friendly working environment. Further, this is a dualpurpose oil as it provides both superior lubrication characteristics for your machinery as well as outstanding lubrication for your cold heading process. Stop by our booth to discover this Condat innovation. Ecofriendly lubricant can match performance of borax products. www.condat.fr. Construcciones Mecánicas Caballé S.A. Spain Hall 11 G65 Caballé, the Spanish specialist in rotating equipment for more than 70 years, provides the cable industry with a wide range of bunching, stranding and cabling machinery. It will show a new “bullhead” tubular strander (see p. 56) for 32 bobbins DIN 500 and one bobbin DIN 1600 for the core for the production of OPGW cables. This machine is presented as an alternative to the classical planetary or tubular stranders. With this system, the central tube with the fiber optics inside is payed off completely straight, without any twist, so the quality is the same as with a planetary strander but with a much higher stranding speed. www.cmcaballe.com. Conoptica A.S. orway Hall 11 G74 Conoptica was founded in 1985 and has customers in all industrialized countries. It ensures that the metal working industry has access to key quantitative data about its products and tools. This is accomplished through the development, production, and marketing of efficient and specialized automated opto-mechanical production and quality control systems. www.conoptica.com. Continuus-Properzi SpA Italy Hall 11 G40 Continuus-Properzi invented the methodology and process of continuously casting and rolling nonferrous
rod in the 1940s. Today, it is a global leader of CCR lines for nonferrous wire rod production, offering a complete product line including all the necessary elements from furnaces and casting equipment to rolling equipment and double spoolers. The Properzi organization provides unparalleled continuous casting and rolling technology for the production of aluminum and copper wire rod on a global basis. The copper rod can be produced from either copper cathodes or 100% low-quality copper scrap to yield top quality copper rod. The product line also encompasses machinery for the production of nonferrous ingots with the Track & Belt system. The product line is complemented by the offerings of the Wire Machinery Division, which includes newly designed drawing lines for high carbon, stainless steel and AS wire as well as complete PC strand lines, PC wire lines and steel rope lines. A wide selection of technical literature is available at our booth. For more detailed information, contact hq@properzi.it or visit our website. www.properzi.com. DALOO China Hall 10 E38
As a member of the Gauder Group, Daloo has a long background in the cable industry. For cable producers wanting simple and reliable stranding, taping, rewinding lines and accessories for power and communication cables at affordable price, Daloo is the obvious choice. While the design is based on European experience, the manufacturing is done in China following strict criteria: systematic quality control all along the process, main and critical components ordered from well-
known companies and support from local agents. In addition to the payoff it will exhibited at the booth, the Daloo range includes rigid cage stranders, taping lines, rewinding lines, take-ups and pulling caterpillars. www.daloo-machines.com. Die Quip U.S. Hall 9 D06-01
The goal of making more wire per die is easily reached with a Die Quip die finishing machine. As a global manufacturing leader, we have established a line of machines to grind, polish and size dies in a quick, efficient, accurate process eliminating operator error and guesswork. Better dies pull more wire and cause less production problems so we have designed standalone machines for finishing dies in all sizes, and for larger production runs we build work cells to keep maximum efficiency and eliminate downtime from size changeovers. Our approach to a modern die shop brings huge benefits to the whole production process by implementing a workflow system that sets procedures and incorporates training to maximize each machine’s capabilities. We have designed many extensive training options and on site consultations that teach operators how to use our equipment, choose diamond tooling for maximum results and different methods of making dies. Our technicians will spend time in your facility designing a program customized to meet your production needs and provide reference materials such as our exclusive Die Training Handbook. We offer installation, training and troubleshooting for the life of the machine and further support worldwide through a network of industry representatives. As the die industry
EB ER Industrieofenbau GmbH Germany Hall 10 A40-08 EBNER is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of heat-treatment facilities for semi-finished products such as steel, aluminium and nonferrous metals. It provides complete solutions from annealing systems and material treatment to integrated process automation. Its continuous and batch plants offer maximum annealing performance and optimum annealing results, working economically as well as both environmentally and user-friendly. www.ebner.cc
EDER Engineering-Austria Hall 10 A40
EDER will offer a variety of latest technological developments that includes the following: leading dietool processing machines for the repair and/or production of ultrahard tungsten carbide-, diamond-, PCD precision die-tools, standard, semiautomatic and fully automatic conceptions; the USP-TWIN (pictured): an ultrasonic die working machine with two workstations; the ETC-2, for working of larger sized tungsten
carbide dies; die workshop ancillary equipment; cleaning/measuring devices, microscopes, etc.; technical assistance programs (installation, training, die-reconditioning etc.); die tool working materials, such as diamond powders, pastes, suspensions; and grinding-, sizing- and measuring pins, etc. www.eder-eng.com. Ebner Industrieofenbau Austria Hall A40/06 Ebner designs and manufactures industrial furnaces for semi-finished products for the steel and nonferrous industries. Its HICON/H2® bell type furnace technology was established for wire and rod in the early 70s. Exceptional, reproducible quality and uniform mechanical properties are achieved by means of precision temperature control. www.ebner.cc.
Born 85 years ago in the U.S.A., today Micro-Weld has a global presence. With satisfied customers in over 30 countries. Tough, dependable and accurate butt welders. Unmatched service and support worldwide. For more information, visit our expanded website: www.micro-weld.com or call 1-800-872-1068. Phone: +1 630-406-9550 • Email: info@micro-weld.com
Batavia IL USA
April 7-11 Micro-Weld Booth# D06-02 • Hall 9 North American Pavilion
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changes, we are still here as a leader, providing quality solutions foryour die making questions. We believe the key to fast, easy production lines is in the quality of the die so come check yours today with a visit to our stand. www.diequip.com.
E KOTEC A/S Denmark Hall 15 C18 ENKOTEC A/S continues to make headlines with news of its high-performance machinery for nail production that will be displayed at its booth. E KOllator World ews: nailing the news for the wire industry
ENKOTEC will present its new paper collator, the ENKOllator type CTS01, which has been designed for making collated sticks of nails with three head types (full round, D and offset) with a speed of up to 2,300 nails per minute. The collator has a very regular footprint and integrated components make it easy to remove
New product introductions at wire Düsseldorf 2014 Company: SAMPSISTEMI/SAMP USA, Italy/U.S. Contact: Marco Gerardo, V.P. sales, SAMP USA Description: A new single and twin-wire rod breakdown machine that defines forward-thinking technology WJI: Why should wire Düsseldorf attendees want to stop by your booth? Gerardo: SAMP has a legacy that it has continued to build on over the years to a point where attendees know that when we say a system represents the best there is, it SAMP’s new RB 450 rod breakdown system. is not idle chit-chat. We are very serious about any equipment that has the SAMP name on it, and I am proud and synonymous with precision and excellent quality and has eager to tell all attendees that our latest Rod Breakdown already proven to be extremely successful among cusmachine, the RB 450, reflects our best work. tomers all around the world. It is not any one aspect that SAMP’s RB 450 is a single and twin-wire modular, makes the RB 450 so noteworthy, but the collective, overmulti-motor machine, suitable for copper, aluminium and all attention to detail and engineering that resulted in a relative alloys, both for round and shaped wire. Equipped Rolls Royce of such systems. Individual elements include: with the latest Siemens TIA • User-friendly design and full access to the work area Technology for easy string-up with Sinamics • Zero preventive maintenance drives and • Fully submerged process with additional spray lubricaSimotion contion on each die (inlet and outlet die cone) and capstan troller, the RB (for string-up process) 450 ensures an • Single-stage gear transmission on first module; gearoutstanding less technology on second and third module quality of the • Optional first module with 600 mm dia. capstan for spefinal product, cial applications extremely low • Optional special holders for pressurized dies noise emission • Suitable both for single-motor and for multi-motor and an annealers improved energy-efficiency by The SAMP manufacturing program also includes anneal15% if comers, dynamic and static spoolers, both single and double, pared to the and a wide range of wire-drawing machines. We welcome state-of-the-art requests for further details, either at our booth (Hall 9 technology. C74) or by an e-mail to me at mgerardo@sampinc.com. This system is
EuroWire is a leading international trade magazine for the wire and cable industries. The information in each issue is published in six languages and distributed to a closely controlled global circulation of wire and cable technologists across Europe and the Americas. Always reporting the latest international wire and cable industry news, EuroWire also covers technological developments concerning the production and processing of wire, cable, fiber optics, springs, fasteners and precision parts. EuroWire reports on both the production of materials, products and services within these industries, as well as machinery and equipment manufacturing. www.read-eurowire.com.
the front panels for machine maintenance. The machine features a new type of stick cutting system with minimal wear and almost no adjustment, and the collation angle is easy to adjust at the spindle insertion system. New ENKOline 2,500 npm (28 mm) with BAUSSMANN wire coil collator ENKOTEC has been given exclusive worldwide rights to sell and service wire coil collators from BAUSSMANN Collated Fasteners GmbH, and they will jointly exhibit a high-speed, in-line nail manufacturing line at the ENKOTEC booth. The line will include the ENKOllator, type CWC01, with packaging machine, type PCC01, engineered and built by Baussmann. Using automatic cutter and coiling units, the wire coil collator can produce bright and electro-galvanized wire welded coil nails with smooth, ring, screw and spiral shanks. Also, the newest high-volume ENKOnail+ model of rotary nail machines, the NP02, which can produce nails (diameters from 1.8 to 2.5 mm, lengths from 28 to 57 mm) at speeds to 2,500 npm. It will be paired with an ENKOroll thread-rolling 70 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
machine, type TA01, designed for making either screw shanks or annular nail profiles. More new product news The ENKOTEC booth will also display the newest ENKOnail machine, type MM01, intended for small and midsize capacity needs. It will run with ENKOTEC’s movable packaging machine, ENKOpack type NCP02. www.enkotec.com. Esteves Group The etherlands Hall 10 C72 Esteves Group is a leading global manufacturer of tooling for the wire and cable industry, manufacturing high-precision tools for drawing metal wires and extruding insulation around wires and cables, customized to each customer’s requirements. Based in the Netherlands, Esteves Group has fully equipped manufacturing locations all over the world. We are proud to call ourselves the Global Wire Die Company for we truly supply, service, and support customers globally. www.estevesgroup.com EuroWire U.K. Hall 11 D28 Available in print, CD and online,
Euroalpha Srl Italy Hall 11 A43 Euroalpha, established in 2004, with 20 years industrial experience, supplies wiredrawing machines (dry, fine, multi), continuous resistance annealers, coilers, winders and spoolers. It is extremely sensitive to technical innovations and reliability excellence; devoted to customers' services; problem-solving oriented and rejecting any unnecessary bureaucracy which brings to delays in achieving concrete and effective results. www.euroalpha.it. The Eurolls Group Eurolls Wire Division Italy Hall 11 D40 The Eurolls Group consists of two main divisions: the Eurolls Wire Division, which merged with Teurema and Team Meccanica trade marks, and the Eurolls Tube Division, which will be Hall 5 E09. EWD specializes in engineering and manufacturing efficient and highproduction equipment for the lowmedium-high carbon steel market. In the market of construction wire, integrating also Teurema’s know-how, Eurolls specializes in designing and manufacturing cold rolling and stretching lines, horizontal and vertical spoolers, lattice girder machines and steel fiber production lines, all
Drawing technologies for all your needs
Straight line Control arm line Loop line
Visit us at Wire and Tube 2014 Hall 9, stand A06 SE-610 10 Ljusfallshammar Sweden Phone +46(0)122 232 00 Fax +46(0)122 232 99 E-mail info@lamnea.se www.lamnea.se
WIRE DÜSSELDORF using Eurolls cold rolling cassettes and rolls. Equipment in the field of Industrial wire, in continuation with Team Meccanica’s technology, include drawing lines, dead blocks, coil cleaning and coil spooling, and PC wire and PC strand production lines. The R&D department contributes to the consolidation and development of new and innovative use of cold rolling technologies with the use of Eurolls micro cassettes. Eurolls will exhibit a three-draft cold rolling line, a high-speed, carbonsteel, wet-drawing machine, a stretching line and its full range of all types of cassettes and rolls. www.eurolls.com. FLYMCA & FLYRO Spain Hall 10 H64 FLYMCA is a well-known manufacturer of special solutions for stranding/cabling purposes adapted to the global cable market. Its expertise covers the complete range of machines for stranding and layingupconductors for power cables and steel ropes as well as for production of off-shore, submarine and umbilical cables. One key focus area is the
company’s stranding technology, which has seen unceasing development in recent years. The resulting technical knowledge helps customers achieve their goals, backed by capability that begins with R&D—which includes all the engineering, manufacturing and assembling as well as software and quality control—and carries on through commissioning by experienced staff and extensive aftersales service. FLYMCA recently delivered for a high-voltage customer a screening line and several sets of take-ups weighing over 100 metric tons, with five-meter reels; for a fiber optic customer an armoring line based on a 30-bobbin tubular strander with a bulkhead to locate the fiber optic reel; and for control cables and insulated conductors it supplied a bow cabler for 1600 mm reels that offers precise tension control for conductors from 4 sq mm up to 185 sq mm. FLYRO, our sister company, supplies used machinery, offering a huge inventory for the whole wire and cable industry. Special offers can be made combining used and new equipment as well as revamped solutions, modernizations and updated electrical solutions to achieve better and quicker productions. FLYMCA and FLYRO have the skilled workforces and big modern facilities to meet any customer’s special requirements, matching needs and budgets with top class and customized solutions. www.flymca.com, www.flyro.es. FMS Force Measuring Systems AG Switzerland Hall 11, G20
FMS will showcase the company’s latest technology for wire tension control in stranding machines: the
RTMX42, which targets manufacturers that use advanced cable production facilities and value corresponding technology that will ensure high productivity. The company’s RTM product line delivers system solutions across the cable production value chain, and its new RTM X42 Wireless Tension Monitoring System is a modular, powerful unit that is easily expandable to monitor in real time up to 42 wire strands on rotating machinery. The tension data are wirelessly transmitted to the operator station to either provide an analog signal or be integrated into a PC or PLC via gateway. Possibilities include data logging, graphing, tension limit alarms, core tension and running length input. The cost-effective system is ideal for both OEM and upgrade applications. FMS will also display a selection of tension measurement products for the wire and cable industry, including force sensors for strands/tapes and amplifiers, including optional EtherNet/IP and Profibus interfaces. Meet our experts to discuss a tailored solution for your strand-handling machinery. www.fms-technology.com. Forever Cable Materials Group China Hall 16 A49 Forever Cable Materials Group is specialized in manufacturing and exporting materials for power cable, optical cable, mining cable, submarine cable and telecommunication cables since year 2002 to the area of Southeast Asia, Mideast, Europe, South America and etc. for many leading cable makers including some famous cable makers in the world. www.fecchina.com. Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc. U.S. Hall 12 A22 Your Most Reliable Source for Precision Wire-Drawing Dies. Wire dies of the highest quality, consistency and production efficiency are critical to your wire drawing operation. Turn to Fort Wayne Wire Die, an innovation leader in wire die technology since 1937. Today, with four manufacturing locations, two addi(continued on p. 90)
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Alok Ingots (Mumbai) Pvt . . . .17 E08 AREA SISTEMI Srl . . . . . . . . .11 D69 AlphaGary Corporation . . . . . . .11 G22 ARKEMA France . . . . . . . . . . .16 G52 Altec Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C66 ARMA-PLUS SAS . . . . . . . . . .16 A09 Altrimex Packaging Eqp BV . .15 D12 ARTOFIL BV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J03 Ambica Steels Limited . . . . . . .17 C03 Asahi Sunac Corporation . . . . .15 A53 ASA-RT Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F74 Ambrell BV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C74 AseA Wire & Cable Mchries . . .9 B60 Amic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H22 The below list of exhibiotrs was AMPAC International Inc . . . . . .11 J01 ASEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E40 provided by wire Dusseldorf. For the analyticon instruments . . . . . . .11 G64 Asil Celik Deutschland GmbH .12 E63 latest information refer to the Show Anand Arc Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D53 Asil Celik San ve Tic AS . . . . . .12 E63 Program at the event. Anbaoquestions (Qinhuangdao)to . . .wire . . . . .16 D34fastener ASLANLI TEL SANAYI . . . . .16 E29 or this feature, the WJI posed and equipment suppliers ANGELI Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 H32 ASMAG Anlagenplanung . . . .9 C06 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . . . .BOOTH # about the status of their fields, bothLimited in terms of what they have to offer and how Anglia Metal . . . . . . . .12 A34 ASPE SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 D24 2 M-Tech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 Srl . . . . . . . .section . . . . .16 E52 Anhui Baosection Zhang Metal .12 C70by a Assembling they the This is Prod followed special products 3View. find Com Inc . . .current . . . . . . . . .conditions. .15 H08 Changjiang Associated Engineers . . . . . . . .11 E11 Anhui A Appiani Srl . . . . . . . examples . . . . . . .11 G32of their technology. that showcases Jinggong . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C52-03 Assomac Machines Ltd . . . . . . .11 D22 AMPERE Deutschland GmbH . .11 J53 Anhui Herrman Mchry . . . . .16 A46-03 ASTEQ Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 D30 ATR SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C16 Anordica AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 D26 AstroPlast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J76 AWM SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C20
Alphabetical Listings
Aachener GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .15 C36 Acciai Speciali Zorzetto Srl . . .12 D66 Acciaierie Bertoli Safau SpA . .17 C04 Acciaierie Valbruna SpA . . . . . .12 C67 Acciaierie Venete SpA . . . . . . . .12 C47 Accuvision Technology Inc . . . .15 B14 Acenta Steel Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D47 ACIMAF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A58 ACM A/B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E40 Acuity Products Limited . . . . . . .9 B37 ADC SARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C02 Adelys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H04 ADVARIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 B22 AEI Compounds Ltd . . . . . . . . .11 D46 Aeroel Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B55 Aerofilm Systems . . . . . . . . . . .16 F52 AESA SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 B38 Agibi Progetti Srl . . . . . . . . . . .16 G19 AGIR Technologies . . . . . . . . . .10 G56 Agro Steel Wire GmbH . . . . . . .10 F04 AGST Draht & Biegetechnik . .10 A32 Aichelin Holding GmbH . . . . . .15 C51 AIM, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A25 Ajex & Turner Wire Dies Co . . .11 F02 AJT Equipment Ltd . . . . . . . . . .16 B58 AKCELIK Demir Celik Sanayi 17 A07 Aksh Optifibre Limited . . . . . . . .9 E55 ALECOSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A13 Alfred Wertli AG . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J66 Alloy Wire International Ltd . . .11 E28 Almetha GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J72
Anu Extrusions Pvt Ltd . . . . . . .15 G38 Aperam Alloys Imphy . . . . . . . .12 A31 Aperam Alloys Rescal . . . . . . . .12 A31 API SERVIZI SRL . . . . . . . . . .16 F30 apilion mchn & services . . . . . .16 E42 Ara Makina Imalat Sanayi ve . .11 E75 ARCELORMITTAL Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D41 ArcelorMittal Wire Solutions . .12 D41
AT Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F54 ATE Applicazioni . . . . . . . . . . .11 C77 ATECH Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G27 August Herzog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B70 August Hildebrandt GmbH . . . .12 E74 August Strecker GmbH & Co . .10 A21 Aumann GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C73 Aurubis AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C41 AW Machinery LLC . . . . . . . .9 F09-03
Beneke Wire Company . . . . . . . .9 A75 Borkener Kistenfabrik GmbH . . .9 A59 Boryszew SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A15 Bennett Mahler Ltd . . . . . . . . . .16 G14 BOTTARO Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A33 Bergandi Machinery Co Inc . . . .9 B13 Boxholm Stal AB . . . . . . . . . . .17 A16 Besel Basim San. Tic. Ltd . . . .12 D08 Boxy SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 F55 Beta LaserMike Inc . . . . . . . . . .11 D72 Brankamp GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .15 H35 BGH Edelstahlwerke GmbH . . .12 A09 Bright Steels Limited . . . . . . . .12 A41 Bhansali Bright Bars Pvt Ltd . .17 E19 Brouwer Metal BV . . . . . . . . . .16 A23 BHH Mikrohuta Sp zoo . . . . . .12 C67 Bruker-Spaleck GmbH . . . . . . .10 B66 Bilwinco A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 C24 Brune GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A17 Blachford Corporation . . . . . .9 D14-01 BrĂźninghaus & SĂśhne GmbH .12 C60 BLM SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H56 BTTO sro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C63 BMS Celik Hasir Sanayi Ve Group. . . . . . .Romagnolo, . .17 E10 Gimax Ticaret AS . . . . . . . .Enrico BUCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 B22 Boehlerit GmbH & Co KG . . . .10 A40 BĂźhler WĂźrz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A26 Boffi SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H67 Buil Industry Co, Ltd . . . . . . . .17 A59 Bogdany Petrol Kft. . . . . . . . . . .12 E32 BURK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C22 Bogimac nv-sa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E02 burster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 E02 BĂśllinghaus Steel GmbH . . . . . .12 A64 Buss AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C48 Bongard Trading GmbH BWE Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 F26 & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A44 Byelorussian steel works . . . . . .17 A34 Boockmann GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .9 C32 CPT SAR.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B60 Borealis AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D72 CaballĂŠ, SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 G65
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9F 05-01
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FEBRUARY 2014 | 75
Axjo Plastic AB . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A51 AYMAK Makine . . . . . . . . . . . .16 D58 Aztech Lubricants LLC . . . . . . . .9 F18 B+B Eisen Stahlhandel . . . . . .12 C07 B2K Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F62 Baicheng Fujia . . . . . . . . . . .16 A50-05 BAR Products & Services Ltd . .11 F05 Baremo GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J18 BASF Polyurethanes GmbH . . . .9 C22 Bass GmbH & Co KG . . . . . . .15 H11 Bedea Berkenhoff & Drebes . .12 A15 Begra Granulate GmbH . . . . . .12 A18 Beijing Holland Trading Co . . .16 H38 Beijing Huimingxun Fiber Tech Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .17 A50-01 Beijing Orient PengSheng Tech Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H61 Beijing Tongdaxinming . . . . . . .16 D51 Beijing Yitian Lingyun Tech Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .17 A60-01 Bekaert NV/SA . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E62 Belastahl AuĂ&#x;enhandel . . . . . . .17 A34
Caber Impianti Srl . . . . . . . . . . .15 E23 Câbleries Namuroises SA . . . . .16 G39 Cabletec BVBA . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J78 Cabopol Polymer Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E58 Caesa Special Profiles . . . . . . . . .11J55 Calmec Precision Limited . . . .9D06-04 Calvi SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D22 Camera di Commercio Industria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 F42 Camfart Mole Abrasive Srl . . . 16 H14 Candor Sweden A/B . . . . . . . . . 10 B72 Can-Eng Furnaces Int’ Ltd . . . . 15 B37 Caparo Wire Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .15 B14 Cape Gate (Pty) Ltd . . . . . . . . . .9 A14 CARBODIES SAs. . . . . . . . . . .15 F36 Carl Bechem GmbH . . . .15 D25/9F42 Carl Stahl GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D04 Carlo Salvi SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 C38 Casoni srl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D73 Catic Wire & Mesh . . . . . . .16 B50-03 CB Trafilati Acciai SpA . . . . . .11 D62 CCPIT Machinery-SubCouncil . . . . . . . . .17 A42-01/A60-08 CEA Costruzioni Elettro- . . . . .11 A31 Ceeco Bartell Products, . . . . . . . .9 C70 Celik Halat Ve Tel Sanayii AS .17 A10 CeramTec GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .10F21 Ceratizit Deutschland GmbH . . .9 C55 Cerrini srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 F39 CERSA-MCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E68 Ceviz Pres Dokum Sanayi AS . .15 B42 Chains Power & Mchry . . . .16 G46-08 Champs Int. & Services Srl . . . .15 C50 Changzhou Winlong Cable Machinery . . . . . . . .16 G40-02 Changzhou Zhilin Plastic . . .16C58-01 Cheng I Wire Machinery Co . . . .11J06 Chengdu Centran Ind Co . . . . . . .9F75 Chengdu Shuhong Eqp . . . .16 H41-05 Chengming Electric Co of Yangzhou . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G40-03 Chhaperia Int’ Company . . . . . .16 E46 Chi Ning Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E16 Chien Tsai Machinery Enterprise Co, Ltd . . . . . . .1 5B24-06 China Council for Prom of Int’l Trade, Jiangsu Sub-Council . . . . . . . . 17 D60 China Sanew Cable Co . . . .16 B50-02 CHUN ZU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 D51
Chung Woo Rope Co, Ltd . . . . .12 E75 Cihan Metal Endüstri Ve Tic . . .11 J22 Cimteq Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D21 Cipriani S.N.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H63 Claus Bender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B76 Clifford Welding Systems . . . .16 B28 Clinton Instrument Company . . .9 E38 CMC Poland Sp. zoo . . . . . . . . .17 E38 CMEC International Exhibition Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . .16 A46-01\C58-08 Coats Thread Germany GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .16 G62 Coding Products . . . . . . . . . . .9 F05-02 Cogne Acciai Speciali SpA . . . .11 J25 Cokysar tel Galvaniz AS . . . . . .16 A61 COLLARI snc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J31 Colmec SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 E32 COM.IT Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B40 COMETO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D38 Compomec Oy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 B28 Comsuc Tech Dev Ltd . . . . .16 B56-04 Comtech Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E16 Condat Lubrifiants . . . . .10 D56/15C42 Condor Compounds GmbH . . . .10 B16 Condoroil Chemical Srl . . . . . . .10 E46 Conductix Wampfler . . . . . . . . .11 D61 Confex Technology Ltd . . . . . . . .9 C34 Conoptica AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 G74 Construcciones Mecanicas . . . .15 H20 Continuus-Properzi SpA . . . . . .11 G40 Copperclad SA de CV . . . . . .9 D06-05 Copper-Lines K . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C60 Coprotec Systeme GmbH . . . . .11 H78 CORO Solutions B.V. . . . . . . . .10 B26 COSTA Machinery GmbH . . . .11 A27 CPA Wire Tech GmbH . . . . . . .10 H18 CPM Gesellschaft für . . . . . . . .15 C32 CROMOGENIA-SIDASA . . . .12 A27 Crosspolimeri SpA . . . . . . . . . .12 E54 CSG Germany GmbH . . . . . . . . .9 F60 CSM Metalurji Imalat San. . . . .16 H34 CTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F03 DH Exports Pvt Ltd . . . . . . . . .17 D16 Daewon Chong Up Corp . . . . . .16 H25 Dalian Konform Tech Co . .16 H47-07 Dalian Pro-Sun Metal . . . . . . . .16 D60 Dalian Tongda Eqpt Tech . . .16 A46-05 Danieli & C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E55 Danyang Resistancee Wire Factory . . . . . . . . . . .16 A50-01
Davis-Standard, LLC . . . . . . . . .9 A21 Dayi Plastik San Ve Tic Ltd 10 . . . B32 DEKA Coating & Machining . .15 E41 DELISI Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H24 Delta Tecnic SA . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E25 DEM Costruzioni Speciali Srl .11 H41 Demirci Makina San Tic Ltd . .16 F40 Deuk-Young Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . .17 C07 Deutsche Edelstahlwerke . . . . .17 A16 Deutsche Nickel GmbH . . . . . .12 B50 DeWal Industries, Inc . . . . . .9 D14-03 DEXSEN SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E76 Deyang Dongjiagang Mch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A50-02 Deyang Jiechuang Wire & Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B46-04 Die Quip Corporation . . . . . .9 D06-01 Diedr. Hesse GmbH & Co . . . .10 H26 DILER Iron and Steel Ind . . . . .12 D06 Dimac Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E38 Dipl-Ing Fritz Lichthart . . . . . . .15 F04 Dirk Suski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H42 DISA Industrie AG . . . . . . . . . . .9 B38 DOMEKS MAKINE Ltd Sti . . .10 F72 DOMINION GmbH . . . . . . . . .12 D67 Dongguan Qingfeng . . . . . . .16 H41-04 Dongguan Xinmei Precise Mold Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .16 G40-01 Dongguan Zhangli . . . . . . . .16 H47-05 Dongseo Auto Tech Co, Ltd . . .16 G29 Dorstener Drahtwerke . . . . . . . .11 J27 Dow Electrical & Telecommunications9 A38 Dr Ing Gössling . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A27 Drahtseilwerk GmbH . . . . . . . .10 D62 Drahtseilwerk Hemer . . . . . . . .10 G55 Drahtwerk Altena GmbH . . . . .10 G55 Drahtwerk Elisental . . . . . . . . . .12 C63 Drahtwerk Friedr Lötters . . . . . .10 A75 Drahtwerk St. Ingbert GmbH . .11 E74 Drumet Liny i Druty Sp zoo . . .16 F58 DSE Test Solutions A/S . . . . . . . .9 F31 DSM Desotech BV . . . . . . . . . .12 C25 DSR Wire Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C42 Duferco Trebos SA . . . . . . . . . .12 B34 Dunst GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 Durit Hartmetall GmbH . . . . . . .9 C31 Dutch Vision Systems GmbH . .12 D69 DWK Drahtwerk Köln GmbH .11 E74 DYM Co Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C71
E Ponziani SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C62 EW Menn GmbH & Co KG . . .15 F38 ETK Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H58 EASYDUR Italiana . . . . . . . . . .10 E10 Ebner GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 EBS Ink-Jet Systeme GmbH . .16 C50 Ecoform Umformtechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C69 Eder Engineering GmbH . . . . . .10 A40 EDKCORP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F09 EFFEGIDI International SpA . .10 F65 Egyptian Company for . . . . . . . .11 J73 Eisen- und Stahldraht . . . . . . . .10 G55/ EJP Maschinen GmbH . . . . . . . .9 C21 EKM-Roth GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EKOMOR sro . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 H58 EKSTEL doo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E64 Elantas GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A62 Elaskon Sachsen GmbH & Co 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F46 Elektrisola, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C50
Engelmann Drahtseilfabrik . . .10 D62 ENKOTEC A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 C18 Enshiang Machinery . . . . . . . . . .11 J06 EOT Eibach Oberflächentech . .12 A59 Er-Bakir Elektrolitik . . . . . . . . .10 C61 Ercas Bakir Erhan Tanriöver . . . .9 B21 Erciyes Celik Halat Tel San . . .12 C72 Ernst Koch GmbH . . . . . .10 H39/F22 Erocarb SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D61 Erwin Neumann . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E56 Essebi Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E27 Esteves Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C72 Eunsung Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C37 EURE INOX SRL . . . . . . . . . . .12 A70 EURO EXTRUSION Srl . . . . . . .9 B74 EUROALPHA Srl . . . . . . . . . . .11 A43 Eurobend GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C24 Eurolls SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11D40 Euromaquina S.L. . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J12 European Spring Fed ESF . . . . .16 H23
ELINAR-COGEBI Group . . . . .10 H38 Elite Metal Products Co . . . .16 B56-03 Emcocables SA . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A09 EME Elettromeccanica Erbese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H04 EMUCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E41
Eurotek Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D71 Eurowire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D28 EVG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A20 Exel Fil SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 H28 Extrudex Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C72
EZM Edelstahlzieherei Mark . .12 A15 FBC Yayincilik San Ve . . . . . . .11 H53 Fabricacion Metales Duros . . .15 D46 Fagersta Stainless AB . . . . . . . .11 G27 FAINPLAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B52 FALCI Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D22 FAR SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11D62 Farbwerke Herkula S. Vith . . . .12 E62 Fasten Group Imp. & Exp Co 12 E04 Fastener + Fixing Magazine . . .15 H09 Fastener Technology Int’l . . . . .15 F15 Fastener World Inc . . . . . . . . . .15 B10 Feindrahtwerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C06 Ferramentaria Caxambu . . . . . .15 C52 FERRIERE NORD SpA . . . . . .11 G53 Festec International Co, Ltd . . .16 E37 Fiav L. Mazzacchera SpA . . . . .12 D22 FIB BELGIUM SA . . . . . . . . . .11 B62 Fiber-Line International BV . . . .9 E70 Fil-Tec, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E52 Fisk Alloy Conductors, Inc . .9 F13-04 Flanschenwerk Bebitz GmbH . .17 C34 FLYMCA, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H64 Flyro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H64 FMS Force Measuring Systems AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 G20 FNsteel bv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A43 Forplan AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A34 Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc . . . . .12 A22 Fortek GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A22 Fortuna-Federn GmbH . . . . . . .16 E20 Fr und H. Lüling GmbH & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 H44 Frank Sieber GmbH . . . . . . . . .15 A38 Frekans Makina San Ve Tic . . .11 B06 FREZPOL Sp zoo . . . . . . . . . . .17 E42 Friedr Krollmann GmbH & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B66 Fritz Finkernagel . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A26 Frohn GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F29 FSP-One SAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A12 Fuhr GmbH & Co KG . . . . . . . .11 A54 G. Klawe GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A48 G+M Dorn GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .16 D04 Gabarro SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D40 Gala Thermo Shrink Pvt Ltd . . .16 F41 Galdabini SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A52 GARG INOX Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A74 GarnTec GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D62 Gauder & Co SA . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E38
Cold rolling lines
Lattice girder lines
Steel fiber production machine
Inline compact stretching unit
Slip-type wet wire drawing machines
Multipass drawing lines
Special equipment
PC-Wire and PC-Strand production lines
EUROLLS S.p.A. Via Malignani, 14 - 33040 Attimis, Udine - Italy Tel. +39 0432 796511 - Fax +39 0432 796501 - www.eurolls.com
GCR Eurodraw SpA . . . . . . . . .11 A66 Gebauer & Griller . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 Gebr. Hezel GmbH & Co KG . . .9 A77 Geca Tapes (PGI FRANCE) . . .10 D76 Gee Cee Corporation Pvt Ltd . .17 E63 GEM International Co, Ltd . . . .15 C46 GEM Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A03 GEMA Europe sro . . . . . . . . . . .16 F24 General Inspection, LLC . . . . . .15 G18 GEO Reinigungstechnik . . . . . .11 A34 George Jowitt & Sons Ltd . . . . .16 H32 Georgsmarienhütte GmbH . . . .12 C33 GER SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F60 German Machine Trade Co . . .16 G43 GIMAX Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 B18 Giovanni Anceschi Srl . . . . . . . .15 E37 Giuseppe & F.lli Bonaiti SpA . .16 F30 Global Steel Wire, SA . . . . . . . .12 A29 Glory Mica Co, Ltd . . . . . . .16 B56-01 GLOSER Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B75 GMH Blankstahl GmbH . . . . . .12 C33 GMM Güven Mühendislik Makina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 H19 GMP Slovakia sro . . . . . . . . . . .10 E66 GÖKCÜOGLU AS . . . . . . . . . .15 E49 Golden Spider Network Co . . . .15 H27 Golden Technologies . . . . . .16 B55-03 GOTEX SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A20 GPP Chemnitz mbH . . . . . . . . .15 C09 Guangdong Rifeng Cable . .16 H41-03 Guidetti Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H57 Gulf Speciality Steel Ind . . . . . .17 A68 Guney Celik Hasir ve Demir . . .12 E67 Gürfil AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gustav Wolf Seil und . . . . . . . . .9 C75
Gutmann Al Draht GmbH . . . . .10 B62 GWI Werkzeug und Stahl . . . . .15 B14 Gwo Lian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gyscoal Alloys Ltd . . . . . . . . . .17 A55 H&R ChemPharm (UK) Ltd . . .12 C66 H Grote Apparatebau GmbH . .11 H74 H Künne GmbH & Co KG . . . .10 G55 Haefely Test AG . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D15 Häfner & Krullmann GmbH . . . .9 A25 Hagener Feinstahl GmbH . . . . . .11 J44 Hamex Hardmetallverktyg . . . .10 F75 Hampton Steel Ltd . . . . . . . . . .16 C46 Handuk Ultrasonic Co, Ltd . . . .17 D58 Hangzhou Harbor Tech . . . .16 B50-04 Hangzhou Juli Insulation . . . . .16 E51 Hangzhou Xingguan Machinery Co, Ltd . . . . . . .17 A42-01 Hanil Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E34 Hans Schmidt & Co GmbH . . . .9 B22 Hanwha Chemical Corp . . . . . . .9 A26 Hanyu Cable Materials Co . . . .16 D52 HARITON Machinery Co Inc .15 G17 Has Celik ve Halat San Tic . . .16 H33 Hascelik San Ve Tic AS . . . . . . .12 C04 Hatebur Umformmaschinen . . .15 C03 Hawers Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F49 HDU OHG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F30 HEBEI LONGSHENG . . . .16 H41-06 Hefei Hening Electro-Tech .16 A46-07 Hefei Smarter Tech Group . . . .11 D08 Heinrich Geissler GmbH . . . . . .12 C33 Heinze & Streng GmbH . . . . . .11 A39 Helmut Steinfels GmbH & Co 15 F18 Hempel Wire Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D18 Henan Mi-Tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 D65
Henan Wanke Diam Tool . .16 G46-03 Henrich Maschinenfabrik . . . . .10 G04 Herdon Machinery Ent Co . . . .16 H20 HEROSLAM, SAL . . . . . . . . . .15 D11 HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik . . . . . .11 B50 Hilker & Partner GmbH . . . . . .15 D03 Hivotec AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C02 HMP Heinrich Müller . . . . . . . . .9 C65 hofmann Ceramic GmbH . . . . . .9 E48 Holifa Fröhling GmbH & Co . .11 C40 HÖLSCHER ROPES . . . . . . . . .12 E41 Holton Crest Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .11 H39 Hörle Wire AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A40 Hormesa-Conticast . . . . . . . . . .10 H30 Hsiang Chuan Machinery Co . .16 C63 Huei Shang Industrial Cod . . . .16 E04 Huestis Industrial . . . . . . . . . .9F 05-01 Huntsman (Germany) GmbH . . .9 A07 Hüttner Maschinenfabrik . . . . .10 F43 HyoDong Machine Co, Ltd . . .15 G04 I Penkert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 D09 ICE Wire Line Equipment Inc . .11 J05 IFP SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A22 I LE S Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E18 IMF Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F28 ITA SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D62 ITC Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F30 IBA SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E44 ICDAS Celik Enerji . . . . . . . . .16 D45 IDEAL-Werk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C04 IFMSA Int’l Fastener . . . . . . . .15 B52 iiM AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F64 Ilke Çelik Metal Sanayi ve Ticaret AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H53 Imanpack Packaging . . . . . . . . .15 A42
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 D58
Itco Industries Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E55 ITEC Taping Mchry Co . . . .16 B55-01 Ito-Sin (Deyang) . . . . . . . . . . . .11 E18 ITW Pckg Systems Group . . . . .9 F25 IVA/ESSEX SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F48 IWCEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A05 IWCEA France . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A05 IWE Spulen und Handling . . . .10 E22 IWG High Performance Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B56 IWMA - International Wire Machinery Association . . . . . .11 D26 JG Dahmen GmbH & Co KG . .11 J28 Jacques Allemann SA . . . . . . . .12 E31 JAILAXMI CASTING . . . . . . .17 A57 JC Com Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C56 JCC Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 G14 Jenn Tai Mchry Enterprise 15 . . . .H29 Jern Yao Enterprises Co, Ltd . . .15 B14 j-fiber GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A40 Jiang Yin Strong Metal Product Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . .17 A42-03
Jiangsu FNC Wire & Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A46-06 Jiangsu Handing Mchry . . . .16 A46-01 Jiangsu Hongtai Stainless . .16 B46-03 Jiangsu Huawang Science & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B55-04 Jiangsu Jiacheng Mchry . . .16 C58-04 Jiangsu Jubilant . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 D62 Jiangsu Xihu Special Steel . . . . . . . . . . .16 C52-06 Jiangsu Yasheng Metal Products Co, Ltd . . . . . . . .16 C52-05 Jiangyin City Source Elct . .16 G46-02 Jiangyin Eagle Brand . . . . . .17 A60-06 Jiangyin Kangrui Stnls Steel . . 16 A51 Jiangyin Qianlima . . . . . . . .17 A60-07 Jiangyin Runhua Cable Co . . . . . . . . . JINU FT Co Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E50 Jinyang Technology Co, Ltd . . .16 G57 JLC Electromet PVT Ltd . . . . .12 B56 Joachim Uhing GmbH & Co . .11 B40 Joh. Pengg AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40
FEBRUARY 2014 | 81
imess Optische Mess- und . . . .16 G24 IML Labels & Systems Ltd . . . .17 C10 India Steel Works Ltd . . . . . . . .17 C46 INDORE Composite Pvt Ltd . . .16 E62 Induction Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B04 Inductotherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B40 Induflex NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 B76 Indutherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H56 Inhol BV - PTL . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A65 InnoVites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C22 Inosym Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D58 Institut Dr. Foerster GmbH . . . . .9 C25 Intras Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D28 Invernizzi Presse . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E12 Invimec Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B22 IQAP Masterbatch Group . . . . .12 A50 Isabellenhütte GmbH . . . . . . . .11 B33 ISIS SAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C67 IT Engineering GmbH . . . . . . . .10 F22 Ital Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A22 Itaya Europe GmbH . . . . . . . . .16 G28
Jouhsen-bündgens . . . . . . . . . . .11 G61 JSC Kamensk-Uralsky . . . . . . .17 C24 JSC VNIIKP" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A65 Juwelier Betzler . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A35 Jyoti Steel Industries . . . . . . . . .11 D60 Kabeltrommel GmbH & Co . . .12 A51 Kablomar Kablo . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A51 Kabmak Mühendislik . . . . . . . .11 B74 Kaigo Co, Ltd . . . . . . . .15 B24-01/C46 Kaigo Co, Ltd . . . . . . . .11 C06/17 C58 Kalmark Integrated Systems . . . .9 F76 Kalpena Industries Limited . . . .10 C03 Kamaridis Global Wire SA . . . . .9 A56 KAMATECH Srl . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F04 Kämpfer Würz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A42 Kar-el Demir Tel San ve Tic . . .17 E34 KBA-Metronic GmbH . . . . . . . .16 A31 KEI Industries Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .11 H33 KEIR Manufacturing, Inc . . . . .10 C63 Keyence Deutschland GmbH . .16 F34 KFM Kabelmaschinenfabrik . . . .9 C56 KGHM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B49 KHK Scaffolding & Formwork 17 A11 KIESELSTEIN Int’l GmbH . . .10 E17 Kingwin Precision Co, Ltd . . . .15 B51 Kinrei Machinery Co, Ltd . . . . .11 A39 Kistner Anlagenbau GmbH . . . .10 A76 Kiswire Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B26 Kiveton Park Steel Ltd . . . . . . .11 G21 KJM GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H28 Klaus Böhm Elektronik . . . . . .10 F22 KNIGHT SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A09 KODDAERT NV . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E58 Kolon Industries, Inc . . . . . . . . .17 C53 Koner Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A62 KONFU Enterprise Co . . . . .15 B24-08 Körting Nachfolger . . . . . . . . . . .9 B19 Koskerler Celik Halat . . . . . . . .17 B62 KRB Machinery Company . . . .16 A37 Kreativ Steel SL . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E57 Kuang Tai Metal Industrial . . .17 A03 Kühne & Vogel . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C75 KUN SHAN GREATLOY Co . .15 B47 Kuwait Petroleum International . Lubricants/Q8Oils . . . . . . . . . .11 D25 Kyoeisha Chemical Co, Ltd . . .17 C22 Lamifil nv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A43 Laminage de Precision . . . . . . .10 B66 Lämnea Bruk AB . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A06
Landgraf Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B66 Lantor B.V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H55 LAW-NDT Mess- und . . . . . . . .15 D23 Laxcon Steels Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .17 C11 lebronze alloys Germany . . . . .12 E47 Lech-Stahl Veredelung . . . . . . .12 D56 Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH . . . . . .12 D56 Leggett & Platt Wire Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F13-02 Lennerts & Partner GmbH . . . .16 D24 Lenzing Plastics GmbH & Co .10 A40 LEONI Draht GmbH . . . . . . . . .11 A40 Leyer & Kiwus Ultraschallund Lasertech . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E76 LG Chem Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C26 Liaoning Wanrong . . . . . . . .16 A56-01 Lindemann & Störmer . . . . . . . .12 B57 Locton Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 F17 LOI Thermprocess GmbH . . . . .10 A61 Longcombe Labels Ltd . . . . . . .11 D06 LongVision (Shanghai) . . . . . . .16 H60 Loomis International Ltd . . . . .15 D50 Loypos Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G72 Lubrimetal SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G62 LUKAS Anlagenbau GmbH . . .12 B21 Luma Metall AB . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A19 Lumpi-Berndorf Draht- und . . .10 A40 Lune Prozesstechnik GmbH . . .11 C63 M & M Industries Co, Ltd . . . .11 G26 M + E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H43 MDM Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E18 MEP Macchine Elettroniche . . .16 A30 Macchine Speciali Srl . . . . . . . . .9 B47 Macro Bars + Wires . . . . . . . . . .17 E15 Madem SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E08 MAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 MAGNETIC srl. . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A29 Maguire Europe Sales Ltd . . . .10 G46 Maillefer Extrusion Oy . . . . . . .10 D21 MAKLADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 B52 MALI GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 MANASSERO & C Srl . . . . . . .15 D27 MANFISA Manufacturas . . . .10 H65 Mangalam Alloys Limited . . . . .17 C68 Mario Frigerio SpA . . . . . . . . . .11 J65 Maschinenbau Scholz GmbH . .16 E30 Maschinenfabrik Niehoff GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C18 Maschinenfabrik Leimbach GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .11 B34
Maschinenfabrik Bock GmbH .10 B31 Mathiasen Machinery, Inc . . . . .12 A52 Max W. Claas GmbH & Co . . .12 B36 Mayes & Warwick Ltd . . . . . . .15 B38 Mazzoleni Trafilerie . . . . . . . . .10 C62 MCPP France SAS . . . . . . . . . .17 C09 MEA Maschinen GmbH . . . . . .15 E23 Mectron Engineering Co, Inc . .15 A24 MEDART, INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A32 Medek & Schörner GmbH . . . .10 A40 MEGA METAL San ve Tic Ltd 10 A72 Meisenbach GmbH Verlag . . . . .9 C01 Mekosan Mak Ins Elek . . . . . .11 H05 Melos GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A65 Meltech Engineering Ltd . . . . . . .9 A73 Mema-Maschinenbau GmbH . .12 A57 Menam Stainless Wire Public 11 F21 Merwede International BV . . . .16 D38 Messe Duesseldorf China Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H40/16 G40-01/H47-07 Messe Düsseldorf North America . . . .9 D06-01/F21-02 Metal Forming Systems, Inc . . .15 G11 METAL LINK INC . . . . . . . . . .12 E27 Metalle Schmidt GmbH . . . . . .16 G37 Metallurgica Alta Brianza SpA .11 D62 Metallurgica Frigerio Spa . . . . .16 F30 Metallurgica Locatelli SpA . . . .16 F30 Metalube Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 G25 Metavan Reels NV . . . . . . . . . .11 B43 MGS Manufacturing, Inc . . . . .9 D1-07 MICRO MECANIQUE SA . . . .15 C47 Micro Products Company . . .9 D06-02 Microdia SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D27 Micron Machine Electrostatic . . .9 A63 Microstudio Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F20 MiGro GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C66 Mikrotek Machines Ltd . . . . . . .11 E06 Miltec UV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F05-06 Mimtek Makina San Ve Tic . . .16 D46 Mittal Corp Limited . . . . . . . . . .16 F53 MIXER SPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D46 mobac GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D18 Mole Abrasivi Ermoli Srl . . . . .16 F04 Montanstahl SA . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C57 Moravia Steel AS . . . . . . . . . . .12 D27 Moravia Steel GmbH . . .12 D27/9 C59 Moreda Riviere Trefilerias . . . . .17 E29 MTT - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 J65 ww ww.frigeco.com www.frigeco.com
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Frigeco USA, Inc. 67 Beaver Avenue - Corbit Building - Suite 12 Annandale, New Jersey 08801 Tel: 908-894-5801 - Fax: 908-894-5809 M.F.L. U.S.A. Service Corp. 70 Industrial Drive - Cumberland, RI 02864-6021 Tel: 401 334 1151 - Fax: 401 334 1161 e-mail: service@mflusa.com
Mugafil, SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 B44 Mukand Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E04 MWO Gesellschaft . . . . . . . . . .11 E27 N&H Technology GmbH . . . . . .16 F43 Naber & Wissmann GmbH . . . .10 F46 Nakashimada Engr Works . . . . .15 D35 Nano-Diamond America, Inc . .11 C24 Nantong Huaxing Wire . . . .16 B56-06 Nantong Lili Hardware C . .17 A50-07 Nantong Siber Comm Co . . .16 B56-02 Nantong Yonggao Tmp . . . .16 A50-03 National Machinery LLC . . . . .15 A24 Nedschroef Herentals N.V. . . . .15 A04 Nedstaal BV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A43 Neotecha GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 Neptco Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E41 Nevatia Steel & Alloys Pvt . . .11 D65 New Spool Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E38 Newtech Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B75 Nextrom Oy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A60 Niagara Composites Int’l Inc . . .9 B21 NICEMACH Co, Ltd . . . . . . . .16 G45 Nihat Uyar Demir Celik . . . . . .17 A66 Nikol Weber KG . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E47 Ningbo Beilun Tiaoyue Machine Co, Ltd . . . . . . . .16 H41-02 Ningbo East River . . . . . . . . . . .16 D59 Ningbo Kaite Machinery . .16 B50-06 Ningbo Powerway Alloy 16 C55-01 Nippon Seisen Co, Ltd . . . . . . .17 E26 Nissin/NHV America Corp . . . . .9 B17 NIWAR Trommeln GmbH . . . . .10 F10 Noord Nederlandse BV . . . . . . .10 A32 Notz Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E31 NOVA Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A69 Novametal do Brasil Ltda . . . . .11 J25 Novametal SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J25 Nowofol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C34 Nucoil Industries Co, Ltd . . . . .16 E28 Nuhtel Makina San Ye Tic . . . .17 B58 NUMALLIANCE . . . . . . .10 A10/A17 Nuova Sima Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E57 Nuova Tecno Tau Srl . . . . . . . . .11 H27 Nyrosten Korrosions- . . . . . . . . .9 A59 OMA Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A39 OM LESMO Group . . . . . . . . . .11 A28 OMR Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H76 OMSA Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A15 ORI MARTIN SpA . . . . . . . . . .12 B16
OCN SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D52 OEG Gesellschaft für Optik . . . 9 F01 Officina Meccanica Trinca . . . .10 A71 OHMIYA-SEIKI Co, Ltd . . . . .16 E41 OJSC 'Magnitogorsk Steel . . . .17 B68 Oman Fasteners LLC . . . . . . . .15 H41 OMAS Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C75 OMCG Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D75 OMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E18 OML Bobine Srl . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A35 OSCAM SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A25 Otomec Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 B28 Otto Bihler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 F18 Outokumpu Oyj . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 B21 Ozyasar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A04 PW Lenzen GmbH & Co . . . . .10 G07 P/A GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D44 Paganoni (div Mario Nava) . . . .10 C71 Pan Chemicals SpA . . . . . . . . . . .9 B05 Panchmahal Steel Limited . . . . .17 E43 PanoPack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A37 Pan-Pioneer Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . .12 D60 Paramount Die Company . . . . .10 D37 Paul Leibinger GmbH & Co . . . .9 F55 Pave Automation Ltd . . . . . . . . .12 C13 pb maschinen Gmbh . . . . . . . . .12 C12 Pedax GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B20 PEE-WEE Kaltwalz- und . . . . .15 E10 PEKUtech GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A35 Pentre Group - Hearl Heaton . . . .9 E25 Petig AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C76 Phenix Technologies . . . . . . . . .12 B27 Piattine e Profili Inox Srl . . . . . .16 F30 PIETRO GALLIANI SpA . . . . .17 E51 Pioneer Machinery Co, Ltd . . . .11 G62 Pipe Coil Technology Ltd . . . . .17 D25 PKS GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A41 Plan-E-Tech Industries, Inc . . . .15 D28 Plascoat Systems Ltd . . . . . . . .16 H07 Plasmait GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A40 Platestahl Umformtechnik . . . . .11 J57 Pleuger GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 A35 Plexada AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E50 Polifibra 2011 SpA . . . . . . . . . .11 A65 PolyOne Luxembourg Sarl . . . . .9 B48 Polyonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F05-05 Polyplast Müller GmbH . . . . . . .10 F71 Polyprofils SAS. . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E40 Polystal Composites GmbH . . .10 E27
Powerful (Jiangsu) Ind . . . .16 C58-05 PowerHandling Incorporated . .16 A58 PRATECH Mühendislik ve . . . . .9 C41 Pratto SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B30 Prebena - PWM . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E73 PRECIBARRE ETIRAGE . . . .16 C66 Presezzi Extrusion SpA . . . . . . .16 A41 Pressure Welding Machines . . . .9 B41 Profile Grinding Services . . . . .15 F12 Profiroll Technologies GmbH . .15 C28 PROGRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 B04 Promostar Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G17 Propagroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C62 Proteco Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F74 Proton Products Europe NV . . .11 D77 Provex Consorzio Exp/Imprt . .12 D22 PS Costruzioni Meccaniche . . .10 B21 PTG Hi-Life Tools . . . . . . . . . .15 B13 Push-Up Thread Dies Pvt Ltd . .15 E45 PWT Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E34 Pyromaitre Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H03 QED Wire Lines Inc . . . . . . . . .12 A25 Qinhuangdao Yanda- . . . . . .16 B46-02 Queins Machines GmbH . . . . . . .9 B06 RLS Tooling Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . .15 B49 RTP Paganoni Srl . . . . . . . . . . .11 B32 RAD-CON Inc . . . . . . . . . . . .9 D06-03 Ratnesh Metal Industries Pvt . .17 C30 Rautomead Limited . . . . . . . . . .10 E56 RAVNI Technologies . . . . . . . . .10 C11 Reber Systematic GmbH . . . . .10 H62 Redex SA . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A26/9 B25 Redimo GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F24 REELEX Packaging Solutions . .9 F06 REGG Inspection Srl . . . . . . . . .15 A46 Reisucal SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C39 REMER Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C57 Rentrop & Rahmer . . . . . . . . . . .11 J70 REPSOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D33 RG Attachments Ltd . . . . . . . . .11 C26 RichardsApex, Inc . . . . . . . . . .9F21-02 Ridgway Machines Ltd . . . . . . .11 E05 Rigon Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F74 Rimjhim Ispat Ltd . . . . . . . . . . .12 E68 RINGSPANN GmbH . . . . . . . .11 C21 Rizzardi Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J40 RK Umformtechnik GmbH . . .12 A07 Roblon A/S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F41 Rockford Mfg Group . . . . .15 D35/F24
Rodacciai SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E37 Roeslau Wire GmbH & Co . . .10 G55 Rohmann GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .15 B53 Rolf Schlicht GmbH . . . . . . . . .12 A45 Rolling Tools Srl . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F11 Rollwalztechnik . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F41 Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH . . .9 A60 Roteq Machinery Inc . . . . . . . . . .9 B02 Royle Systems Group LLC. . .9F 09-02 RSD Technik GmbH . . . . . . . . .10 H72 RSK Metallbearbeitung . . . . . .15 F38 RST Richard Stenzhorn . . . . . .12 E15 RTM Products, Inc . . . . . . . . . .15 H13 Rudolf Grauer AG . . . . . . . . . . .10 F40 Rudolf Rafflenbeul GmbH . . . .12 E70 SMART Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E04 SNTN SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J61 S+P Samson GmbH . . . . . . . . .12 C11 Saar-Blankstahl GmbH . . . . . . .11 E74 Saarstahl AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B76 Sachsenröder GmbH & Co . . . .10 F56 Sacma Limbiate SpA . . . . . . . . .15 E24 SADEV INOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A38 Sakamura Machine Co Ltd . . . .15 F24 Sala Punzoni Srl . . . . . . . . . . . .15 D38 SAMP SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9C74 San Shing Fastech Corp. . . .15 B24-04 San Yung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 B24-05 Sandvik Heating Tech AB . . . . .11 G31 Sar Medya Altan Kilinc . . . . . .11 H31 Sarkuysan Elektrolitik Bakir . . .10 H75 SARMAKINA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H71 Sarvasv Machinery . . . . . . . . . .11 H10 SAS Eng and Planning Srl . . . . .9 E60 SAS Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G23 SAS JOLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 A38 SAS PARNET . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A41 SASA - TRÉFIL ALU . . . . . . .11 D33 SB2C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B04 Scapa UK Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D75 Schlatter Industries AG . . . . . . .16 A04 Schmelzmetall Deutschland . . .16 C41 Schmidt Maschinenbau . . . . . . .11A78 Schmolz+Bickenbach Blankstahl GmbH & Edelstahl GmbH . . . .17 A16 Schnell SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C30 Scholz-Edelstahl GmbH . . . . . .12 C08 Schwer + Kopka GmbH . . . . . .15 A03 SCLEROS SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E21
SCORTA Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 E37 Sebald & Co GmbH . . . . . . . . .16 H19 Sebir SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C38 SEI Sistemi Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 G44 Seika Sangyo GmbH . . . . . . . . .15 A53 SENY LAMINADORAS de . . .15 E10 Serra Soldadura SA . . . . . . . . . .16 G58 SFOB SAS (Société . . . . . . . . . .15 F30 Shaanxi Metalong Ind Co . .16 A50-10 Shah Fabricators Pvt Ltd . . . . . .16 F37 Shakun Polymers Ltd . . . . . . . .12 E06 Shanghai Bao Zhang . . . . . . . . .12 C70 Shanghai Geili Prec Dies 16 . . G40-05 Shanghai HOSN Machinery . . .11 G17 Shanghai Jiajie Tech Co . . .16 G40-07 Shanghai JNL Ind Co . . . . . .17 A60-08 Shanghai Kaibo Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G46-04 Shanghai Kechen . . . . . . . . . . . .11 E31 Shanghai Nanyang . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F22 Shanghai Resources . . . . . . .16 B50-05 Shanghai Seti . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A56-04 Shanghai Shenchen Wire & Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C58-02 Shanghai Singcheer Tech . .16 A50-09 Shanghai Sumlinns Trading Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . .16 G40-06 Shanghai Wangxun . . . . . . . . . .17 D23 Shanghai Yupin Comm . . . .16 G46-06 Shangyou Longtai . . . . . . . .17 A60-05 Shanxi Tianxiang Mchry . . .16 C58-03 Shaoxing Kaicheng Mica Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A46-02 Sheng Chyean Ent Co . . . . . . . .16 F35 Shenyang Jinggong . . . . . . . . . .12 C09 Shenyang Tianrong . . . . . . . . . .11 D54 Shenzhen Fi-Cable Tech Co . . .16 G60 Shijiazhuang Kinyway . . . . .16 C58-08 Shinko Machine Tool Co . . . . .16 G04 Shree Jay Jagdamba . . . . . . . . .17 C45 siba GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 D50 SICME ITALIA IMPIANTI Srl .9 B14 Siebe Engineering GmbH . . . . .10 D22 Sieber Forming Solutions . . . . .15 B17 SIF SAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C76 SIKORA AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A41 Silon Sro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E25 Simco Spring Mchry Co . . . . . .16 G10 SIMPACKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 F09-04 Simplex Rapid Srl . . . . . . . . . . .16 F10
simufact engineering gmbh . . . .15 H37 Sinoleader Ind Group . . . . .16 H47-06 SIRIO Wire Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H43 Sjogren Industries Inc . . . . . . . .11 D44 SKAKO VIBRATION A/S . . . .15 B04 Skaltek AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A06 SKET GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G06 SKM Steels Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E54 SMEETS nv/SA . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G72 SMF Sert Metal Kalip Sanayi . .15 C10 SMF TOOLS B.V. . . . . . . . . . . .15 B13 SMS Meer GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .12 E50 Sneham International . . . . . . . .16 G59 SO F I M A Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H54 Société des Filières . . . . . . . . . .10 A18 Soling-PHF SL . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 C04 Solvay Specialty Polymers Italy SpA . . . . . . . . .12 B33 Southwire Company . . . . . . . .9 F13-01 SPAJIC d.o.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G03 Spazzolplastica SRL . . . . . . . . .16 E23 Specialties Mfg Co Inc . . . . . . . .9 B21 Specified Wire Products FZE . .17 D49 Spezialmaschinenbau Kurre . . . .9 C47 Spirka Schnellflechter GmbH . .10 G04 Spring Tooling Ltd . . . . . . . . . .16 D10 Springwire Sweden AB . . . . . . .12 A36 Sprint Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A16 SPX Precision Components . . .9 F09-1 Stahl Judenburg GmbH . . . . . . .12 C33 Stahl- und Röslau . . . . . . . . . .10 G55 Stahlrump GmbH & Co KG . . .11 A77 Stahlwerk Annahütte . . . . . . . . .12 D56 Staku-Anlagenbau GmbH . . . . .12 A66 Stalkanat-Silur Prod Assoc . . . .16 H48 Stampo Enterprises Co, Ltd . . .15 A33 Steelcom Fittings Srl . . . . . . . . .12 C67 Steeltec AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A16 Stefan Hertweck GmbH . . . . . .15 G40 Steinnagel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 E78 Steintex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C38 Steuler Anlagenbau GmbH . . . . .9 E26 Stewart Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E60 STILMA SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 B32 Stolberger GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B06 Streicher Maschinenbau . . . . . .15 H04 Studer SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E31 Subec A/B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B73 Sudhir Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 E51
TECNA SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D57 Tecniche Nuove SpA . . . . . . . . .11 B58 Tecno Impianti Srl . . . . . . . . . . .15 D04 Tecnofil SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 D52 Tecnofil SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E45 TECNOPRESS Srl . . . . . . . . . . .15 F14 TECNOVO Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A62 Teijin Aramid BV . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C37 Teknor Apex Company . . . . . .9 F05-03 TEKROLE SRL . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G53 Tekstilna tovarna Okroglica . . .12 B69 TELMAKSAN Ltd Sti. . . . . . . .11 C34 Temsa-Transformaciones . . . . .15 A23 Tensometric GmbH . . . . . . . . . . .9 F47 Tensor Machinery Ltd . . . . . . . . .9 F37 Terhoeven GmbH & Co KG . . .16 D28 Teudeloff GmbH & Co KG . . . .15 B38 Teutenberg Maschinen . . . . . . .12 B17 Texera SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 A54 THELEICO Schleiftechnik . . . .16 E10 Threesixty Extrusion Tech . . . . .9 B68 Tianjin Galfa Metal Prod . . .17 A60-03 Tianjin Huayuan Metal Co . . . .16 A45 Tianjin Tianlan El/Tech . . . .16 A50-07 Tianjin Zhaohong Metal Prd . . .16 B46 Tianjin Zhiyan Imp/Exprt . .17 A50-06 Ticho Industries Ltd . . . . . . .15 B24-03 Tien Chen Diamond Dies . . . . . .11 J06 Tillos Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A29 TJK Machinery (Tianjin) Co . .11 G26 TKO KALIP Sanayi Ticaret . . .15 H14 Tongcheng Zhongtian . . . .16 A50-08 Tooling International Ltd . . . . .15 B38 Topocrom GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E48
Tosag Engineering AG . . . . . . .15 A50 Trade Invest South Africa . . . . .17 E11 Trafco Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 D66 Trafileria A. Mauri & Figli . . . .17 E16 Trafileria Colombo Srl . . . . . . .17 D50 Trafileria Lariana SpA . . . . . . . .12 B72 Trafileria Lombarda SpA . . . . .17 D51 Trafileria Tra Ver Srl . . . . . . . . .17 D64 Trafilerie di Valgreghentino . . .16 F30 Trafilerie San Paolo Srl . . . . . . .11 C53 Trafilix SpA - Gruppo Lucefin .17 E03 TRAFILSPEC ITS Srl . . . . . . .11 G41 TRAFILSTEEL Srl . . . . . . . . . .17 C26 trakus-feindraht GmbH & Co . .11 J28 Tramev Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 B54 transco GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A11 TRAXIT International GmbH . . .9 F26 Trefilados De Navarra SA . . . . .10 H65 Trefilados Inoxidables de Mexico, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J25 Trefilerias Quijano SA . . . . . . . .17 E29 Trelleborg Material & Mixing . .12 A16 Tremefil SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D71 Trimet Aluminium SE . . . . . . . .12 B14 TRINECKÉ ZELEZÁRNY, AS 12 D27 Troester GmbH & Co KG . . . . .10 F62 Turbo-Clean GmbH . . . . . . . . . .15 B39 TYCSA PSC, SL . . . . . . . . . . . .17 E29 U Queen Machinery Co, Ltd . . .15 A37 UAS United Air Specialists . . . .15 B50 UDM Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J32 UGITECH SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A16 Ugivis SAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 C67 UK BIM Services Ltd . . . . . . . .16 G43
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 D58
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SUHIL Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 D24 Suli Group (HK) Ltd . . . . . . . . .17 A61 Sumar OÜ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 B46 SungMin Instruments . . . . . . . .16 A55 SUNGWON ENG Co, LTD . . .15 F10 SunWyre Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 D14-06 Supermac Industries (India) . . .11 G05 Superon Schweisstechnik Ltd . .16 E44 Supertec Machines Pvt Ltd . . . .16 A59 Supertek GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 B66 Supreme Superabrasives Co . . .16 G25 SURREY HI-TECH . . . . . . . . .17 D66 Suzhou Forever Import . . . . . . .16 A49 Suzhou Star Materials Co . . . . .16 G38 Suzuki Garphyttan AB . . . . . . .12 D76 Svensson Wire & Cable . . . . . .11 H73 Swaraj Technocrafts Pvt Ltd . . .10 E09 Swatycomet doo . . . . . . . . . . . .16 E13 SWECO Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H46 Swiss Steel AG . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A16 Systematic Industries . . . . . . . . .17 B44 T Butler Engineering Ltd . . . . .16 D13 T Fukase & Company. Ltd . . . . .9 E34 TLM Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 F37 TMI Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 C61 Talleres Margalez SA . . . . . . . .11 B44 Talleres Saspi SA . . . . . . . . . . .15 D36 TALURIT SAHM . . . . . . . . . . .11 H06 Tartak Zebowo Sp. J. . . . . . . . . .11 E78 Tata Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 B41 Taymer International Inc . . . .9 D06-06 TecBear GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C62 Technodiament Ltd . . . . . . . . . .10 H69 Technokabel SA . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H69
UL Int’l Germany GmbH . . . . .10 E72 Uldrian GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 D40 Ultimate Automation Ltd . . . . .12 B75 UNIENCE Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . .17 A37 Unigel (UK) Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 J26 UniRomSider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C06 Universal Punch Corp . . . . . . . .15 G12 UPCAST OY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C06 US Synthetic Wire Die . . . . .9 D14-02 Usakligil Ins.Tel Orme Cit . . . .11 H01 UTA Auto Industrial Co . . . .15 B24-01 Uygar Makina San Ve Tic . . . .10 H10 Vacuumschmelze GmbH . . . . .11 D75 Van-Dies Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 G68 VARO Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B31 Varzene Metal San Tic Ltd . . . .17 C55 VASPO VAMBERK sro . . . . . .12 A49 VB Steel Tech, SLU . . . . . . . . . .9 A32 VDKM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 A05 Venus Wire Ind. Pvt Ltd . . . . . . .9 E32 Verschleisstechnik GmbH . . . . .10 A55 VI PA Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 D21 Vida Packaging A/B . . . . . . . . .10 C27
Videx Machine Engineering . . .15 A47 ViDiMa SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 F30 Vikas Spool Private Limited. . .17 A12 VINCO - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G37 Viraj Profiles Limited . . . . . . . .17 C34 Vision Engineering Ltd . . . . . . .15 A51 VIVIRAD SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 A08 Vladimir Plant Pre Alloys . . . . .16 H52 VÖDKM/AWCMA . . .11 A05/10 A40 voestalpine Austria GmbH . . . .10 A40 Volme-Draht GmbH . . . . . . . . .12 E70 vom Hagen & Funke GmbH . . .10 E40 Von Roll Schweiz AG . . . . . . . .12 A48 VSM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 D63 WNJ EUROPE sc . . . . . . . . . . .16 H10 WSB GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 E07 WTM Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 E77 WAFIOS AG . . . . . . . . . . . .10 F22/F40 WAFIOS GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 F40 Wagener GmbH & Co KG . . . .10 G55 Walzwerke Einsal GmbH . . . . .12 B53 Wardwell Braiding Co . . . . . . .10 G04 Wasik Associates, Inc . . . . . . .9 F09-05
WCISA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 D14-04 WDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 D04 Weber & Scher Mfg Co Inc . . .10 B71 Webster & Horsfall Ltd . . . . . . .11 D32 Weighpack, WPI Services BV .15 D18 Weihai Hongda Trdg Co . . .17 A42-02 Welding Wire Machineries . . . .11 J39 Werkzeugfabrik Albert Krenn . .10 G66 Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH . . .16 E11 Whitelegg Machines Ltd . . . . . .11 G28 Wilhelm vom Hofe GmbH . . . .10 D62 Willi Bremer GmbH . . . . . . . . .10 A63 Windak OÜ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 B42 Wintime Machinery Co, Ltd . . .16 F09 Wire & Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 D14-04 Wire & Plastic Mchry Corp. .9 F21-01 Wire Association Int’l . . . . . . . .11 B25 Wire Forming Int’l . . . . . . . . .9 D14-04 Wire Journal International . . . .11 B25 WIRE LAB Company . . . . . . . .10 H40 Wire World Internet . . . . . . . . . .EN 10 wirecon GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 A13 Wirex Dies & Steel India . . . . .10 D28
Wirtschaftskammer . . . . .10 A56/A40 WISTA Stahlhandel . . . . . . . . . .12 C33 WiTechs GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 H39 WITELS-ALBERT GmbH . . . . .9 E37 Wolf-Signiertechnik . . . . . . . . . . .9 F55 Woodburn Diamond Die, Inc . . .9 C14 WORLES SL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 G38 Woywod Kunststoffmaschinen . .9 A42 Wrentham Tool Group . . . . . . . .15 F04 WTN Werkzeugtechnik . . . . . .15 B38 Wuxi Anber Machine Co . . . .7A 42-04 Wuxi Changxin Tech Co . . . 17 A60-02 Wuxi Kemaite . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G34 Wuxi Pingsheng . . . . . . . . . .17 A60-04 Wuxi Quantong Cable . . . . . . . . .9 F75 Wuxi Sima Meida . . . . . . . . . . .11 B77 Wuxi Sunlit Science & Technology Co, Ltd . . . .16 C58-06 Wuxi Xinrun Ind Furnace . .16 B55-05 X-Compound GmbH . . . . . . . . .10 F62 Xuzhou Lint Top Cable . . . .16 G46-07 Yangzhou Tengfei Elctr . . .16 H47-01 Yangzhou Xinjifang Mchry . . .16 H41 YHM Springtech Mchry Co . . .16 G20 Yield Management Corp . . . .9 D14-05 Yildirim Folyo Ambalaj . . . . . .12 D73 Young Heung Iron . . . . . . . . . .17 B40 Zamak Mercator Sp. z.o.o. . . . .17 C50 Zami 1950 Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C03 Zaonee Heavy Ind Mchry . .16 B55-02 ZDB Dratovna AS . . . . . . . . . . . .9 C59 Zeller+Gmelin GmbH & Co . . .9 E31 Zenkoh Co, Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C22 Zeus Techno Inc . . . . . . . . . . . .15 A18 Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone Drow New . . . . . . . . . . .17 A43 Zhangjiagang Sanyuantai . . .16 G46-01 Zhangjiagang Shengtian . . . .16 B50-01 Zhejiang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 H50 Zhejiang Baichuan Conductor Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 C52-01 Zhejiang Minmetals Sanhe . . . .17 B38 Zhejiang Tenglong Stainless . . .16 F50 Zhejiang Tsingshan . . . . . . . . . .12 E26 Zhejiang Wanma . . . . . . . . .16 H41-07 ZhengZhou VIC . . . . . . . . . . . .17 C05 Zhoushan Huayu . . . . . . . . .16 H47-03 Zink KÖRNER GmbH . . . . . . . .9 F51 Zollern GmbH & Co KG . . . . .12 C76 ZT Srl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 G51
Zumbach Electronic AG . . . . . .11 D43 Zunyi Zhipeng Hi-Tech Aluminium Co, Ltd . . . . . . .16 B55-06 Zwez Chemie GmbH . . . . . . . . .15 C41 Zwick GmbH . . . . .16 H44/11 C06-01
Stay connected As a specialist manufacturer of high-performance cold welding equipment for thirty years, we’ve helped thousands of wire and cable manufacturers avoid downtime and improve productivity. To find out how we can keep production up and running, call us on +44 (0) 1233 820847 or visit www.pwmltd.co.uk.
Hall 9 Stand B41
All inquiries within North America for machines, spares and dies, contact:
Joe Snee Associates, Inc. Tel: 774-991-0504 Email: joe@jsnee.com
Pressure Welding Machines Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1233 820847 Fax: +44 (0) 1233 820591 E-mail: pwm@btinternet.com www.pwmltd.co.uk
FEBRUARY 2014 | 89
WIRE DÜSSELDORF (continued from p. 72) tional sales offices and 19 more sales rep firms positioned around the globe, Fort Wayne Wire Die extends this uniquely historic wire die engineering and applications expertise to the world. www.fwwd.com. Fortuna Federn Austria Hall 16 E20
Fortuna Federn will show much of its production program, a highlight being its WIM CNC and COM CNC spring production machinery lines. Through very strong development last year, our WIM CNC lines have reached a maximum level of professionalism for spring and wire form production. Our specially designed software, SpringMaster, offers a lot of possibilities where all servo-controlled axis can be controlled independently or synchronized. Our wide range of models or custom-made
projects can cover wire diameters up to 100 mm in the cold or hot-coiling sections. Our COM CNC springmaking machines have been upgraded with our own recently developed software, SpringDesigner, which allows functions such as processing of external input signals or complete control of all servo axis, and more. Productivity has been increased significantly by our newly designed servo cutter. We will also present our very popular LDT coiling line for production of agricultural double torsion springs (spring tines), which has been completely redesigned and improved. Our large choice of semiautomatic looping machines offer solution for almost all diameters. Stop by for more details or visit our website. www.fortunafedern.com.
In 2013, FUHR, a leading manufacturer of wire-rolling machines founded in 1946, moved into its new headquarters, which provides 70% more production capacity, including an integrated paint shop and grinding facility. The company’s rolling mill technology (mainly used for coldforming applications in fields such as automotive, electrical, food, textiles and building) ranges from standalone units to turn-key solutions for shaped, flat and round profiles made of ferrous and nonferrous wires as well as stainless steels. FUHR’s modular, high-precision rolling mills combine top production speeds (up to 1000 m/min) with exacting tolerances (+/- 1 μm). FUHR also has a long tradition in designing and building layer-winding machines, and today it offers spoolers in cantilever and pintle designs for gross weights from 200 kg up to 10 metric tons. The systems each employ a computer-controlled traversing spool and a fixed wire line, and the software allows optimizing of layers, especially in reversing points such as edge stop, angle offset and spike. Two FUHR guiding systems (one for strips, the other for rectangular/special shapes) ensure proper wire movement. Those elements, along with CNC controls, recipes and process visualization, allow for quick set-up times so that small and large batches can each be produced very efficiently as well as accurately via integrated measurement systems. The total package is the clue to prime quality results. For more information, stop by our booth and visit our website. www.fuhr-wire.com. GAUDER - Gauder Group Belgium Hall 10 E38
Fuhr GmbH & Co KG Germany Hall 11 A54
The 1000+ second-hand machines physically in stock at GAUDER in Belgium can be visited during the fair using the daily free shuttle
GCR Eurodraw SpA Italy Hall 11 A66 GCR Eurodraw SpA will display a full range of equipment for the wire industry. This year the company will focus on fine wire equipment and will bring the following equipment: a newly developed TCO six cone wet wiredrawing machine for very thin wire, fully functional; a new
Gimax Srl Italy Hall 10 B18
MTSR 400 dry-drawing line equipped with rolling cassettes for the production of stainless steel wires; and a new and very interesting DT6/250 double-twist buncher for the production of elementary ropes with seven wire construction. All the above equipment will be in running conditions and will be operated during the exhibition so that customers can have a very clear idea on what the equipment is capable. www.gcrgroup.com.
Gimax will exhibit its updated fully automatic respooler and a high-speed drum packer. The fully automatic respooler of the ROBO series will be exhibited in its two versions, with standard Omron electronics and with optional Siemens electronics with specific user interfaces and a new vertical dancer. The INF-4 highspeed drum packer will be in operation, running at line speeds in excess of 30 meters/second. Gimax will also have information about new
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 9 E26
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Düsseldorf-Liège. Customers are advised to prepare their visit by going to www.gauderonline.com. GAUDER, a member of the Gauder Group, earned a leadership position providing reliable and economical solutions ready to manufacture nonferrous and ferrous products like rods, wires, conductors, cables, strands, ropes, bars, meshes and more. Stock and services to the customers are the cornerstones of the company. www.gaudergroup.com.
9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards. www.gmm.com.tr.
developments currently underway regarding the company’s wet-drawing equipment, drum packing and cable equipment. www.gimaxgroup.com.
GMP Slovakia sro Slovakia Hall 10 E66
GMM Güven Mühendislik Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. Turkey Hall 11 H19 GMM, established in 2000, is one of the leading cable machinery manufacturer in Turkey. Its founders have 23 years of experience, and the company is well known in the cable machinery industry in Europe. GMM produces machines for copper telecommunication cable, fiber optic cable, data and LAN cable, power cable, high-voltage power cables Production is performed at fully integrated plant with the latest technologies and using the most updated machinery and methods under the supervision of skilled and experienced staff. Products made to ISO
GMP Slovakia is a world leader in producing reels and take apart-reels for the wire and cable industry. Its range includes reels for all steel, copper and aluminum wire or cable and rope products. Reels are designed both for process and transport, with customized drums offered for special applications. Its know-
how has enabled the company to be a leader in big drums for off-shore cable. It recently supplied disassembled drums (4.2 m flange, 7 m total width, loading capacity of 57 metric tons) placed on a special rack that will work on a skid roll. GMP Slovakia’s team took care of assembly at the customer’s plant. This delivery saves transport costs for customers, who get full service (supply and assembly). The company also supplies all the necessary handling equipment, including lifter and tilters for horizontal and vertical handling, and dolly bases or skid rolls. GMP Slovakia’s reels for coil production include the patented EASYKOIL PLUS, a take-apart reel which also works as a coil lifter. The reel’s internal design allows the operator to open and close the reel just by using the suitable rings (see video at website). This capability saves production time as the opera-
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 9F 05-01
Huestis Air Miser — King of the Hill Why is the Huestis Air Miser™ still the world's
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Huestis Industrial machines – our performance is legendary! For more details or to place an order, call us at 800-972-9222, or email us at sales@huestis.com
HENRICH Wire-Drawing Technology worldwide in performance Experience Exp Ex p e ri peri rien e n ce en e a and nd d k know-how, no n nowo ww - ho h o w, d developed ev v elop ell op p ed e d ffor or d or decades, e c ad a d es es, ce certify e rtt if i y HENR H HENRICH E NR R IC CH M Ma Maschinenfabrik a sc c hi h nenf n e nfab ne a ri rik k am mon ng leading le le ead adin ad adin ng suppliers sup su pp pliie errs rs of of international iint ntter n e na n ttiion ion na all cablecabl ab blelle e and and wire an wire industry. ind n us ustr ttrry. y. More Mor o e than th han an 3.000 3.000 .0 000 0 WireWire Wi reamong Draw Dr awin ng units u it un itss are are well w llll established we est sta ab blilish shed sh ed worldwide. wor orld dwi w de de. HENRICH HENR HE NRIC CH product prod prod pr oduc u t range uc rang nge e covers co ove vers vers s entire ent ent ntir ire e drawingdra dr awing aw in ngDrawing lilines ine es and a d single-action an single si ng gle le-a -ac -a ctio ctio ct ion machines mach ma c in ines e ffor es or c or on ondu ndu ductor duct ctorr c a le ab e, in nsttal alla alla lati lati tion on- an on nd sp sspecial pec ecia ial ca cabl b e, bl e, tteleelle e-conductor cable, installationand cable, communication cable, trolley- and enamelled wire. The production range is completed by cooling- and cleaning devices for drawing- and cooling solution, drawing tools and pay-off devices. The complete program is available at www.henrich.net HENRICH designs, manufactures, supplies and installs custom-made and on demand. Go, count on us!
Henrich Maschinenfabrik GmbH
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01//20 2014 14
7â&#x20AC;&#x201C;11 April 2014 DĂźsseldorf, Germany
tion is much faster than traditional take-apart reels. All products are designed by a team effort by the technical staff and sales department. GMP Slovakia has a global network of agents and cooperators to provide the best customer service. www.gmp-slovakia.com. H. Folke Sandelin AB (HFSA) Sweden Hall 10 C18 With more than 280 machines delivered and commissioned across the globe, we are recognized as one of the world’s foremost suppliers of lead extrusion machinery. We also offer cable repair and recovery systems. Our position as a market leader also owes much to the ability of our personnel to modify and adapt products. www.hfsab.com. Henrich Machinenfabrik Germany Hall 10 G04 Henrich is a reliable supplier of wiredrawing equipment todomestic and international wire and cable producers. Over the years, the company successfully transformed a multitude of innovative concepts and acquired know-how into a line of products with distinctly sophisticated and mature engineering features. It promotes innovative ideas and working on future-oriented design concepts, which can be seen in the company’s lines of rod breakdown drawing machines, multi-wire drawing machines, intermediate and fine wire drawing machines, super fine and ultra fine drawing machines, tandem drawing/annealing/preheating units, annealers and take-ups. www.henrich.net. Huestis Industrial U.S. Hall 9 F05/01
Huestis Industrial is a leading manufacturer of high quality machines and ancillary equipment for the wire & cable industry. It will exhibit the company’s latest technology as well as standard models of Huestis Air Miser air wipes, and cable jacket strippers as well as ample literature of all of our machines and product lines. Booth personnel will be able to handle all requests and inquiries. www.huestis.com. IDEAL-Werk Germany Hall 11 H05/06 IDEAL-Werk will exhibit its welding technology at wire 2014. The company is well known for the development and manufacture of wire mesh welding machines for various types of industrial mesh and fences, jig welders for wire and sheet metal articles, butt-welding machines for all branches of the wire and cable industry. Its sister company, Clifford Welding Systems, specializes in equipment for reinforcing mesh, grating welders and offcoil mesh welding lines. IDEAL will exhibit mesh welding and jig welding technology that provides poweroptimized resistance welding to meet the increased demand for energy efficiency, while providing a very cost-effective process. www.ideal-werk.com www.cliffeng.com. Inosym, Ltd. ew Zealand Hall 11 D58 Founded in early 2000, Inosym’s entry into the wire and cable market has been rapid. From humble beginnings, Inosym is today one of the key players in the supply of reels and spools to industries all over the world. Our rapid expansion has allowed us to develop an extensive supply and distribution network and today. Our quality products are exported to Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Further, we are able to maintain and adhere to strict quality standards so that the performance and durability of our products are always assured. www.inosym.com.
Inhol/PTL The etherlands Hall 12 A15
Under the slogan “Synergy at work” Inhol B.V. and co-exhibitor Melos GmbH will present their new cooperation in specialty premium compounds and commodity compounds. Inhol (see p. 145) can design compounds for both small volumes and bulk consumption. It has partnered with leading wire and cable factories and the best European and North American toll-compounding companies to serve their customers directly or through its team of agents. The driving force is Inhol’s active pursuit of innovative product development for markets like aerospace, marine, rapid transit, railways and others. Its compound range includes LSFOH, thermoplastic, radiation and moisture cross-linkable as well as some CV curable materials. All compounds meet REACH and RoHS directives. It will display a PTL-brand hot-set oven and abrasion machine designed to meet ISO 6722-1 requirements. Melos offer sheathing and insulation materials (MECOLINE brand) as well as bedding compounds for different cable. swww.inhol.com. InnoVites B.V. U.K. Hall 11 C22
Innovites B.V. will launch an innovation at wire Düsseldorf that will show how the company is now able to integrate its Cable ERP software with CableMES, which is based on the Wonderware MES platform. This will further complement the InnoVites offering to the wire and cable industry and provide customers
Visit us at Wire Dusseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9 D14-02
with optimal control of their manufacturing processes. The MES integration is a joint innovation of InnoVites and their partner Cimteq. The result is a comprehensive and fully integrated software solution for the cable industry that provides endto-end support for business processes in the cable industry. Both InnoVites and Cimteq are software companies that develop solutions exclusively for the wire and cable industry, MES makes a huge step change in manufacturing performance, resulting in reduced material utilization, reduced
scrap and rework, improved productivity, and higher quality products at a much reduced cost of quality. It enables manufacturers to make quality products first time, every time in the quickest possible time. Stop by our booth to learn how this innovation can help your company. www.innovites.com. IWG High Performance Conductors (IWG/HPC) U.S. Hall 9 B56 IWG/HPC manufactures silver, nickel, tin-plated copper and copper
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 12 A25
alloys conductors for the aerospace, space, defense, medical, geophysical, industrial and electronics marketplace. Our designs include: single end, stranded, rope, bunched, tinsel and flat/round braid wire. The copper alloys include: Tensile Flex®, Cad Copper, copper-clad alum/steel, as well as RoHS compliant CS95®, HPC 35EF® and 80EF®. All designed for light-weight/tight-tolerance constructions. We have two vertically integrated ISO certified manufacturing sites located in the U.S. as well as a sales office and warehouse in Europe. We also offer polyimide, thermoplastics and fluoropolymers coatings and tubing for the medical market, thermocouples and micro-diameter wire down to 56 AWG/ 0.125 mm. www.iwghpc.com. Jinyang Technology Co., Ltd. China Hall 16 G57 Jinyang Technology Co., Ltd., manufactures water swellable tape and polyester binding tape for high voltage power cable and optical fiber cable. www.jytape.com. KEIR Manufacturing, Inc. U.S. Hall 10 C63
KEIR Manufacturing is an American-based manufacturer of high-purity 99.8% alumina ceramic guides, the Frontiersman™ line of air wipes, and Composite Standard and BackBone™ Flyer Bows serving the global wire and cable industry. We are dedicated to making products that enable manufacturing processes to run more efficiently and productively through the application of leading edge materials. Our solutions
Leoni AG Germany Hall 11 A40
Leoni AG is a global supplier of wires, optical fibers, cables and cable systems as well as related development services for applications in the automotive business and other industries. The company’s Histral® technology has become a
whole group of products, such as high-strength Histral Hxx alloys with different surface coating (Sn, Ag, Ni) and Histral Rxx resistance alloys. It will also display special products, such as miniature strands made from single 0.03 mm wires. www.leoni.com. Madem Reels Group Brazil Hall 12 E08 Madem Group is a leading global producer of nailed wooden reels. The group, today with more than 62 years of history, is among the 15 largest forestry groups in Brazil. It has forests, sawmill and manufacturing plants in Brazil, Spain and Bahrain, with 500 plus employees who produce more than 400 containers/trucks of knock-down reels per month. Madem supplies more than 40 countries. Quality and environment are important items in our process, enhanced by its ISO 9000
and ISO 14000 certifications. Today, the Madem name represents over 65 years of industry experience. The Madem team constantly strives to build trust and confidence by offering customers a superior quality product. www.mademreels.com. Magnetic Analysis Corp. (MAC) U.S. Hall 6 G40 MAC has been a leader in nondestructive instruments and systems for over 80 years. Based on ultrasonic, eddy current and flux leakage test technologies, these systems are designed to detect flaws and metallurgical characteristics in tube, bar, wire and rod, particularly during the production process. Applications include ERW tube, stainless steel tube, bar and wire, OCTG and duplex tube. Systems can incorporate handling and positioning the test material as well as complete control software that integrates test results
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 12 E08
are focused on continuous process improvement, energy savings, and longer operating life. www.keirmfg.com.
‘ offices are in China, Egypt, India, Russia and the U.S. www.mailleferextrusion.com.
with the mill’s quality control. MAC systems are supported by the company’s experienced field engineers and knowledgeable, trained representatives. www.mac-ndt.com.
Mathiasen Machinery, Inc. U.S. Hall 12 A52
Maguire Europe U.K. Hall 10 G46
The Maguire exhibit will feature equipment for accurate conveying, loading, drying, blending, and dosing of polymer compounds and additives, along with systems that use real-time data on material consumption to regulate the extrusion process, ensure product consistency, and provide documentation for highspecification markets. The Maguire blender controls the metering of materials into the extruder, including compound and costly colorants and additives. Automatically self-adjusting to compensate for variations in extrusion rate or bulk density, the blender maintains accuracy within 0.1%. It will also feature the LineMaster extrusion control system, which compensates for process variations, increases product uniformity, saves raw material, yields faster startups and job changes and speeds accommodation to reel or bobbin changes. Once each second, it calculates the amount of material being metered into the extruder. A special drive control serves as an interface between the LineMaster controller and the extruder drive, takeaway drive, or both. www.maguire.com. Maillefer Switzerland Hall 10 D21 Maillefer, a global leader in providing complete extrusion solutions for wire and cable, will launch new technology, expanding its portfolio with new products (specifically, a medium-voltage cable line and a building wire insulation line) that reflect the company’s philosophy of providing customer value. Over the past year, customer value has been
the driver to the Maillefer product portfolio. This is not a new idea, but rather a growing priority: working and supporting our customers in their everyday manufacturing activity to enable them to achieve a new level of competitiveness. To that end, different levels of improvements for existing lines have been developed side-by-side with new technology options for uncovered market needs. The focus of the new lines, both of which use the Maillefer extrusion standard that has been proven in more than 4,000 installations, is not on offering the highest production performance but on systems that offer discerning customers the most value. Stop by our booth to find out how our approach further strengthens the concept of delivering sustainable value to the market. Indeed, our reputation is earned by how well we meet – and exceed – the expectations of our customers and partners with the product, know-how and solutions that deliver the value they seek from their production processes. Maillefer’s technology includes manufacturing solutions for producing automotive, building, LV, MV, HV and EHV cables; fiber optic cable manufacturing solutions for buffering and jacketing fiber optic cables; telecom cables, including solutions for producing telecom, LAN, coax and specialty signal cables; and tubes and pipes. Maillefer has sales and service support, production facilities, development and testing capabilities in Finland and Switzerland. Regional
Mathiasen Machinery, Inc. (MMI) buys and sells used wire and cable machinery internationally. Machinery is purchased for inventory or it can be sold on an exclusive basis. MMI has interest in locating individual machines, complete lines or entire plants. Consignments, warehousing, appraisals and liquidation services are also offered. MMI has buyers seeking all types of good quality used wire and cable machinery. Serving the domestic and international ferrous and nonferrous wire machinery markets. The booth will display photos of a wide variety of second hand machinery. Customers are asked to bring their surplus machinery list and photos for expert evaluation. www.mathiasen-machinery.com. Medek & Schörner Austria Hall 10 A40
marking systems. It offers highspeed optical fiber processing systems, with color coding to speeds up to 3000 m/min; ring marking of optical fiber; tight buffering up to 1300 m/min; fiber ribbon production with excellent ribbon planarity up to 1000 m/min; and CFU production of compact fiber units. Also, thanks to the modularity and flexibility of its systems, Medek & Schörner’s technology can be used to apply copper wire insulation with UV varnishes (enamelled wire) and to manufacture dimension-sensitive precision micro flexible flat cables (FFC) using UV resins. www.medek.at. Metavan .V. Belgium Booth 11 B43 Metavan has been an independent producer of metal and aluminum reels for industry since 1958. Steel reels from 12 in. to 49. in (305 to 1250 mm) to the highest quality and
consistency will be showcased. Metavan’s philosophy is to offer a specialized product mix of pressed steel reels using highly advanced machinery in order to offer only the highest quality reels and spools for stranding, bunching, and cabling. Using automatic machinery, all reels are able to be produced to the strictest standards at valuable costs. All products are then powder coated in any RAL color. www.metavan.com. Micro-Weld/Micro Products Co. U.S. Hall 9 D06-02 Micro Products, a leading manufacturer of high performance MicroWeld butt welders, offers over 50 models of electric-resistance welders for continuous processing of steel, copper and aluminum wire, rod or cable, solid or stranded. These include Micro-Weld Ceramic Fusion Welders (on display at the show) for
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 10 D37
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Based in Austria. Medek & Schörner, which covers virtually the entire spectrum of machines for marking cables and coding optical fibers, will present and demonstrate a range of its high-performance cable marking machines. These include: high-quality Gravure printers (LAN cables, control cables, etc.) for speeds up to 1200 m/min; a water-misting unit for applying fine water dust for pre-cooling hot wire immediately after the extruder; embossing meter markers/hot-foil sequential meter markers for highest accuracy of length measurement (power cables, telecom cables, optical fiber cables, etc.); ring markers for telephone wires, switchboard wires, automotive cables, LAN cables; a video system for monitoring print quality of fast-running cable printing machines, e.g. allowing real-time inspection for bad quality and/or missing prints; and laser
from 1.2 mm to 60.0 mm, highly suitable for all cable compacting operations. The low friction enables energy cables to be made with lower electrical resistance, dramatic copper/aluminum savings, or both. The die cost is three to 10 times lower than PCD dies. Nano-Dies are also highly successful in wiredrawing applications (especially drawing aluminum, stainless steel and low carbon steel). www.nano-die.com.
Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
support to all customers worldwide and now has representatives in several countries/regions including Turkey, Western Europe, China, India, Middle East, Bangladesh, Russia, Korea, Mexico/South America and Brazil. Contact Bill Keiler (N. America) and Hamond Dayal (international) for more details via our website. www.micro-weld.com. weld stranded copper/aluminum conductors in disposable ceramic sleeves for containment and clean welds without burrs or flashpoints. The larger AD Series welders are suitable for a wide range of diameters including large diameter wire/rod or sleeveless welding of cable. Micro-Weld’s unique design makes welder operation simple and easy. All butt welders are built tough, durable and accurate. The inhouse manufacturing of heavy-duty transformers helps ensure high quality. These are some of the reasons why the Micro-Weld name is respected all over the world for quality, dependability and durability. Micro-Weld butt welders are used in over 30 countries by leading national and international companies. The company offers excellent service and 100 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
ano-Diamond America, Inc. U.S. Hall 11 C24
Nano-Dies®. A nanocrystalline diamond surface on top of a tungstencarbide nib. The result is an extremely hard, extremely low friction die surface. Nano-Dies are available
EPTCO Inc. U.S. Hall 9 E41 Since its founding in 1953, NEPTCO has engineered materials for commercial, industrial and military applications, including advanced polymeric coatings, and laminates of films, foils, fibers, composites, papers, non-wovens and customerformulated adhesives. NEPTCO offers contract manufacturing and product design services, and has the in-house ability to provide product coating, lamination, extrusion, printing, slitting and weaving at its ISO 9001:2000-certified plants. www.neptco.com. ewtech Srl Italy Hall 9 B75 Newtech supplies wire enamelling and insulating machines. Its enamelling machines cover all the sizes of round magnet wires, copper or aluminum, from 0.08 mm to 1.2 mm, with horizontal equipment, and from 0.70 mm to 6.0 mm, as well as square and rectangular from 4 sq mm to 64 sq mm, with vertical equipment. Its fiberglass insulating machines cover flat wire from 5 to 80 sq mm and from 1.0 to 5.0 mm round, with concentric and tangential heads, and with air recirculating openable ovens, unique in this type of technology. A B stage insulation dedicate oven can be added within the same frame. Low energy consumption, high productivity, high quality materials and low pollution level are amongt the features that Newtech guarantees, knowing how important it is for its customer to optimize production cost and keep
EXTROM Oy Finland Hall 9 A60
Made in Finland: NEXTROM equipment makes it all possible as we are a premium supplier of manufacturing technology for optical fiber and fiber optic cables. Here in Finland we are developing what today’s telecommunications require: glass preform technologies using MCVD, OVD and VAD systems, fiber draw towers and associated machinery for the global fiber market. Besides providing optical fiber equipment, NEXTROM is a world leading supplier of fiber optic cable production lines. Our Austrian
sister company, ROSENDAHL, is a leading global supplier of high-tech wire and cable manufacturing solutions. See its listing. Together, NEXTROM and ROSENDAHL offer first-class products and turnkey solutions combining leading edge knowhow and state-of-the-art technology in close cooperation with its customers and product suppliers. At wire Düsseldorf, both will present their latest advance and technology highlights, including recent developments in preform technologies, high speed proof testing as well as cable production lines for power and automotive industries. Our skilled staffs are ready to welcome attendees and answer any questions they may have. www.nextrom.com. iagara Composites International U.S. Hall 9 B21 Niagara Composites stands out as an industry leader, and global supplier
of leading edge bow products. We are committed to innovation and continuous improvement, offering outstanding customer service and competitive prices on premium quality flyer bows to the global wire twisting and bunching industry. In fact, our many innovations in bow design have had a significant, positive impact on the production of wire and cable. Known for our custom work, our in-house draftsman can create engineered drawings for your new flyer bow design prototype or to modify your existing designs, enhancing your equipment’s performance. Currently, we are developing flyer bow prototypes based on new technology for one of the world’s largest manufacturers of communication cable. This new design will be among the lightest and most efficient ever offered in the wire and cable industry. www.niagaracomposites.com.
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 10 F55
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scrap under control at minimum level. www.newtech-machinery.com.
or custom production lines with secondary operation such as coining, piercing, chamfering, welding, threading. Stop by our booth to see our latest models. If you are looking for a cost-effective way to produce part in wire, tube or flat-stock and spring, rely on NUMALLIANCE expertise. www.numalliance.com. OMCG SpA Italy Hall 12 D75
Maschinenfabrik iehoff GmbH & Co. KG Germany Hall 10 C18
Niehoff will present the following equipment at its booth: a multiwire drawing line, MMH 104 + RMA 201, for aluminum and aluminum alloy wire; a rotary braiding machine, model BMI 124; a conductive-inductive, model annealer RI 120; a special cable stranding line, model ARD 630 D + ALB 600 + D 801; and a bunching line, model D 632 + ARP 630. A separate booth area will show the after-sales-service and Niehoff Original+ components. A co-exhibitor, H. Folke Sandelin AB (HFSAB), a Swedish specialist in lead extrusion and cable stripping equipment, will showcase its latest generation CRRS (Cable Repair and Recovery System). Niehoff engineers and manufactures machinery for drawing, annealing, galvanic electro-plating, bunching, spooling,
rewinding and braiding of nonferrous wires as well as for stranding, coiling and spooling of insulated data and special cables. The products and services offered by the Niehoff Group range from development and planning to turnkey projects of complete cable factories. The Group, which has nearly 700 employees worldwide, has five manufacturing subsidiaries (Brazil, U.S., Czech Republic, India and China) as well as service centers in Japan, Singapore and Russia, and is present in all important markets. Its U.S. subsidiary, Niehoff Endex North America, Inc. (NENA), has manufacturing and engineering capabilities in New Jersey, and handles sales, supply and service of the entire Niehoff product range in North America. www.niehoff.de and www.niehoff-usa.com. UMALLIA CE France Hall 10 A10/17 NUMALLIANCE is a leading manufacturer of wire, tube, flat-stock and spring CNC equipment and secondary operations. The company pioneered the world of CNC wire bending machines for the past three decades. It offers standard equipment
Established in 1963, OMCG has grown to become a global manufacturer of solutions for metal wire, tube and strip bending based on its experience and expertise in applications and complementary operations such as decoiling, straightening, end forming, chamfering, threading, coining, welding, etc. Today, OMCG is a leader in terms of being able to provide a full range of solutions for customer needs. It offers CNC single-head and double-head feed and form machines, including the innovative Minimalist and C51F that features OMCGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proprietary frontfeeding unit that provides improved control over wire twisting and tilting with unmatched speed and quality. OMCG provides mechanical multislide machines and dedicated workcells for specific products as well as full service to its customers all around the world. Its technology can be used to manufacture products
such as muffler hangers, seat frames, seat lumbar springs, wiper arms, strikers, headrests, torsion bars, shopping trolleys, chair frames, buckles, roof hooks, hose clamps, peg boards, hanger hooks, bike saddles, agricultural springs, home accessories and many more. Its models can process wire size ranges from 1 to 18 mm with two to six bending radii. Programming is extremely simple with OMCGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proprietary Easy Programming 3 software that offers various programming modes, 3D views, 3D simulation, check for collisions, estimated and actual production rates, real time adjustments of parameters and many other features. To know more about us, see the latest solutions and to understand why we are Giving Form to Your Ideas, visit us at wire 2014. www.omcg.com.
Paramount Die is today one of the world’s largest wire die companies and a leader at servicing the ferrous wire industry. Long known as an industry innovator, Paramount has introduced several products which have become the wire industry standard. Its ParaLoc Pressure system has contributed greatly to increasing drawing speeds and improving productivity in the wire industry and is today the most widely utilized pressure die system in the world. Paramount’s exchangeable carbide drawing inserts have made mass production of wire dies possible and have led to both increasing wire die consistency and decreasing overall die cost. Stop by and see what can help your wiredrawing operation. www.paradie.com.
OM Lesmo Group OM Lesmo/Eurodraw Energy Italy Hall 11 A28
The OM Lesmo Group will exhibit its new generation DTO-CM series double-twist buncher/cabler that features a renewed design that makes it stronger, less prone to vibrations and capable of processing a broader range of products. It sports an innovative transmission system between the two flyers that does not require a transmission shaft to sit on the lower frame. The machine uses the latest in electronics, as well as several options, each dedicated to specific products (bunching of bare flexible wires, stranding rigid compressed or compacted strands, cabling of insulated conductors, etc). Also, the company’s wiredrawing machinery as well as various equipment for stranding and cabling that not only meet today’s demands for high speed
and efficient production, but also provide solutions for most innovative and cost effective manufacturing technologies. Our tech and applications staff will be ready to discuss the best manufacturing solution that fit your need. See 50 years of progressive technical innovation while the company is continuously designing the future! www.omlesmo.com. Otomec Srl Italy Hall 11 B28 Otomec will present its engineering and manufacturing expertise of complete and customized plant and equipment for the cleaning and plating of metallic wire, strip, coil, bar and tube as well as its complete lines for tin plating, nickel plating, zinc plating, and silver. Clean wire is vital to improve drawing speed and final quality level, while a high quality electroplated surface is required to match the high-level standards for wire and strip technology. Otomec offers quality systems, engineering, manufacturing and training solutions to meet customer requirements. www.otomec.it. Paramount Die Company U.S. Hall 10 D37
Pentre Group U.K. Hall 9 E25 Pentre Group, a leading manufacturer of plastic, steel and wooden reels and drums, knows all about packaging and wire. From R&D to production, delivery and after-sales support, we are committed to providing customers with the highest quality, at the keenest price. Supplying a wide range of industries, from building and construction to offshore and telecoms, we have a wealth of industry knowledge, so whatever your requirements we are sure to have the perfect solution. Our modern, well equipped manufacturing facilities in the U.K., Czech Republic and Spain manufacture to local and international standards as well as to customer requirements. With an extensive range of standard products we are the people to talk to about all your requirements. We will exhibit a selection of our products and our international sales team would be pleased to welcome customers old and new. www.pentregroup.com Plascoat Systems Ltd. U.K. Hall 16 H07 Plascoat provides thermoplastic powder coatings that offer advantages over PVC and polyamides, such as long-life corrosion protec-
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 10 C63
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 F17
Plasmait GmbH Austria Hall 10 A56-58
Plasmait, a supplier of heat and surface treatment solutions based on plasma technology for continuous and batch applications for the ferrous and nonferrous metals industry, will present: PlasmaANNEALER (see details on p. 142), a heat treatment machine for stainless steel, nickel and copper alloy wire that includes a high-speed annealer for fine stainless steel and nickel alloy wire; a PV
Ribbon Line for rolling, annealing, tinning of super-soft PV ribbon; PlasmaPREPLATE, a plasma heat and surface treatment machine for surface cleaning, deoxidation and surface activation of nonferrous wire, tubes or strip for plating applications (hot dip and electroplating); PlasmaCLEANER, a plasma surface treatment machine for surface cleaning, degreasing or deoxidation of ferrous and nonferrous wire, tubes or strip; and PlasmaGRAPH, a graphite degreasing/graphite removal process for tantalum/wolfram, molybdenum and other hot-drawn products, such as high speed steel. The company’s solutions are most beneficial for end uses with demanding surface and material requirements such as: stainless steel nickel alloys; resistance/ heating alloys; medical wires, tubes, strips; fine wire for filters, mesh, knitting; plating, coating, enamelling and taping; precious metals and jewelery/decorative; aerospace, oil and
tion, no cracking, no hazardous chemicals, heavy metals, low toxicity and more. www.plascoat.com.
MG950 The latest mesh welding machine! Visit us at the trade fair
Wire, Dusseldorf 07 to 11 April 2014 Hall 16, Booth A04 ...more information on www.schlattergroup.com or scan the QR-code to see the movie.
FEBRUARY 2014 | 107
ufacturing for the production of all types of HV and EHV power cable, from overhead to insulated, AC type (using high quality Milliken conductor) or DC type (using large round compacted conductor or trapezoidal wires). Upgrading and services departments will highlight recent developments to maintain and improve the production capacity of existing machinery. www.gaudergroup.com. Pressure Welding Machines (PWM) U.K. Hall 9 B41
Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
gas; electronics materials; copper and copper alloys; superconductor materials; titanium, tungsten, molybdenum; and welding wires. www.plasmait.com. PolyOne Corporation U.S. Hall 9 B48 PolyOne Corporation will feature its latest solutions and developments formulated to help wire and cable customers drive value and accelerate their ability to compete on a global scale. PolyOne will showcase its latest range of innovative solutions for end-use markets such as: FTTX (fiber optics); railway; solar photovoltaics; oil, gas and petroleum; and consumer goods. PolyOne’s comprehensive portfolio, which includes numerous globally available options, include: color and additive concentrates; low-smoke and fume, nonhalogen solutions; halogen-free, flame-retardant TPE formulations; bio-based, halogen-free, flame-retardant TPU compounds; polypropylene compounds; and vinyl compounds. www.polyone.com. POURTIER - Gauder Group France Hall 10 E38 POURTIER, a member of the 108 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
Gauder Group, strengthened its range of production with large equipment required for the production of submarine and umbilical cables. It will exhibit a concentric strander for four reels (1200 mm): the COS1200-4 a unique, machine that has proven its worth for over
five years, demonstrating its unbeatable effectiveness to reduce operating costs thanks to an ingenious power regeneration system and a reduced Cu/Al consumption. Several machines are in production throughout the world and many units are on order. It will also display a singletwist strander, the ST2000, a layingup and steel wire armoring machine for special, instrumentation and control cables. POURTIER France provides high-quality stranders and cablers made in Europe with the highest standards in design and man-
PWM, a leading manufacturer of cold pressure welding equipment celebrating 30 years of service to the wire and cable industry in 2014, will exhibit two of its energy-efficient rod welders. Visitors will be able to watch demonstrations of cold welding and see PWM’s proven technology at work. Designed and built by PWM, the P1000 and the EP500 machines offer a fast, cost-effective method of welding large nonferrous rod sections from 5 mm to 20 mm. Both models are energy efficient, low maintenance, and extremely simple to operate. The P1000 hydraulic rod welder offers wire and cable manufacturers a host of timesaving design features packed into a compact frame. The P1000 requires no heat, flux or fillers, so is clean, easy and safe to operate. The sloping mechanical parts give the operator a clear view of the cold weld process, while quick release dies and an easily adjustable die setting mechanism ensure fast and problem-free die changeovers. The P1000’s capacity is 6 mm to 16 mm for copper and 6 mm to 20 mm for aluminum. The smaller electro-pneumatic EP500 rod welder, a best-selling model, can
Cimteq and InnoVites launch CableMES at Wire Düsseldorf Cimteq and InnoVites continuously complement their cable software solutions with innovations. At Wire Düsseldorf we will introduce CableMES, based on Wonderware MES. Visit our booths for a demonstration.
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ing furnaces and our patented multistage, high turbulent acid pickling systems. Combining innovative design concepts with 40 years practical experience, we have developed a range of equipment that is both technologically advanced and ruggedly dependable. QED continues to add to the versatility, efficiency and ease of operation of our various wire-wiping systems and would like to discuss these and other aspects with you. www.qedwire.com. QUEI S Machines GmbH Germany Hall 9 B06
process 5 mm to 12.50 mm copper and 5 mm to 15 mm aluminum. PWM will also exhibit two portable air/hydraulic powered models, the HP100 and HP200 for wire sizes from 1 mm to 6.50 mm as well as a range of manually operated cold welders for wire sizes 0.10 mm to 5 mm. Videos of these systems can be viewed online. www.pwmltd.co.uk. QED Wire Lines, Inc. (QED)â&#x20AC;&#x2C6; Canada Hall 12 A52 QED will introduce the latest version of our energy-efficient immersion
burner for use in galvanizing and Galfan furnaces. This Mark IV version is more fuel efficient and maintains the stability and reliability of the previous (Mark III) model. We will also be ready to discuss improvements to our well-proven fluidbed heat-treat-
QUEINS Machines GmbH, a successful manufacturer of first-class machinery, will display a newly manufactured heavy-duty section of a planetary machine for CTC conductors (continuously transposed conductors). A similar machine model can also be used for steel wire armoring of subsea cables/umbilicals. The section consists of two large yoke-rings laid out to support 12 bobbins each with 500 or 560 mm flange diameters. The design can also be laid out for bigger bobbin sizes. Two sample cradles will be installed, with different designs. The
RAD-CO U.S. Hall 9 D06/03 The Bell Annealing Specialists. RAD-CON is a world leader in the design and manufacture of bell-type furnaces for spheroidize annealing of wire rod for production of cold-
heading quality wires (CHQ). Many of the largest fastener manufacturers are using RAD-CON equipment. RAD-CON is headquartered in USA, and operating globally, with more than 75% of the turnover outside the USA. RAD-CON specializes in one type of furnace bell-type, one type of process annealing, and has very spe-
cific knowledge in spheroidizing while producing a clean surface that is free of decarburization. RADCON supplies capital equipment and software, along with related services, to manufacturers in need of a highquality batch annealing process that is part of their manufacturing of hot and cold reduced strip and wire metal coils. RAD-CON specializes in bell-type batch annealing furnaces (BAF) that use a protective atmosphere of 100% hydrogen. RADCON also increases efficiencies of existing annealing facilities through software models. RAD-CON’s worldwide references and global reach were recognized by the U.S. Commerce Department in 2010 with the Presidential E-Award. www.rad-con.com. Rautomead Limited U.K. Hall 10 E56 We are U.K.-based specialists in
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 E05
Ridgway is your expert partner for high speed application of insulation tapes onto conductor wires and cables. Our machinery is used worldwide to maximise taping quality and productivity. We focus on customer service and innovation. Challenge us with your projects today and let us demonstrate how we can help you. 왔 TAPING & BUNCHING LINES 왔 HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL 왔 GLASS, MICA, PAPER, KAPTON, MYLAR, NOMEX
Ridgway Machines Ltd Leicester UK
email: sales@ridgwayeng.com
FEBRUARY 2014 | 111
company will also display a section of a bow cabler for 1+4 reels 2000 mm flange diameters, individual conductor sizes up to 300 sq mm, with a newly designed side loading system, as well as large pictures and videos of delivered machines to the rope and cable industry. QUEINS Machines’ main products are highspeed stranding machines, machines for CTC conductors, payoffs/takeups, taping heads and disc- and belttype caterpillars. Further information on its range of different manufactured lines for special applications-such as power transmission, steel rope applications, subsea cables and other field can be given during the exhibition. The company’s secondhand department offers a full choice of machines and equipment for the wire and cable industry. For further information, please contact us via email info@queins.com or visit our website www.queins.com.
continuous casting of nonferrous metals and construction of continuous casting equipment for copper, copper alloys, gold and silver. For a period of over 30 years, Rautomead Limited has specialized in the design, manufacture and sale of continuous casting equipment for nonferrous metals and alloys. There are now more than 300 Rautomead machines in operation in over 45 different countries around the world. www.rautomead.com. REELEX Packaging Solutions, Inc. U.S. Hall 9 F06/01 Known as the preferred packaging method for telecommunications and low voltage cables for more than 30 years, REELEX packaging is a patented method of winding flexible
products into a figure-eight coil featuring tangle and twist-free payout. This packaging method has become the standard for major wire and cable manufacturers around the globe and is quickly being adopted as the package of choice for products such as fiber optics, building wire, plastic tubing and more. The company will have several new packaging innovations on display, as well as video and exhibits showcasing new equipment models and technology developments. www.reelex.com. RichardsApex U.S. Hall 9 F21/02 RichardsApex, a leading global manufacturer of wet lubricants for wiredrawing and hot-rolling applications, provides semi-synthetic and synthetic compounds for wet drawing of nonferrous and ferrous wire as well as protective coatings, cleaners, corro-
can help your company achieve your goals for production and cost savings. www.richardsapex.com. Rizzardi Srl Italy Hall 11 J40 Rizzardi Srl provides coatings of hard and semi-hard metals, especially for the metal wire working field. The company has one of the highest levels of specialization in the field due to its focus on technological research into wiredrawing.â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;The capstan is one item of particular importance because is always the subject of various â&#x20AC;&#x153;tribologicheâ&#x20AC;? solicitation (abrasion, adhesion, corrosion, fatigue etc.). The company seeks to achieve ever-better wear resistance and friction control. www.rizzardi.it. Ridgway Machines U.K. Hall 11 E05 Ridgway Machines, a world leader in taping machinery for the energy
and power industries, will focus on the atest portfolio and developments in high-speed taping lines on their newly expanded stand, which is its largest ever. Its machines are used worldwide for the precision covering of flat and round conductor wire and
cables. Automated horizontal and vertical machine lines maximize productivity and simplify precision taping and bunching operations for a wide range of media â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for example paper, mica, glass, PTFE, KaptonÂŽ, NomexÂŽ and MylarÂŽ. Features include rugged multi-pad tangential and concentric taping heads, twin
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 9 D14-03
DeWAL PTFE Film Solutions for demanding applications
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FEBRUARY 2014 | 113
sion inhibitors and oil-form lubricants for all nonferrous and ferrous alloys for both wire and tube applications. Its core products can be made at all of the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s manufacturing locations in the U.S., Europe, Australia and Mexico. With over 112 years of history, RichardsApex has an established global sales network to service customers throughout the world, including on-site support and technical sales assistance. The company has subsidiaries located in both the U.K. (RichardsApex Europe) and in Australia (RichardsApex AustralAsia), and representatives in Canada, China, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey Venezuela and Vietnam, with many other countries serviced by the subsidiaries and representatives. Please stop by and see how partnering with RichardsApex
servo drives, graphic HMI control systems with camera technology and remote machine diagnostics. Its display will include concentric and tangential multi-pad taping heads developed by the company together with examples of finished taped conductor, cable and RTP pipe products used for a variety of global industry applications. www.ridgwayeng.com. Roblon A/S Denmark Hall 9 F41
Photo courtesy of Messe Düsseldorf.
Roblon is a total solution provider to the cable industry, focusing on cablemaking machinery and industrial
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11G20
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North America FMS USA, Inc 2155 Stonington Avenue, Avvenue, Suite 119 119 Hoffman Hof ffman f Estates, IL 60169 9 Tel T el e 847 519 4400
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Worrld Headquarters World FMS S Force Measuring Systems AG Asp pstrasse 6 Aspstrasse 8154 815 54 Oberglatt (Switzerland) Tel T el e +41 44 852 80 80
yarns for OFC. It has a unique extensive knowledge of industrial fibers and related machinery and can supply both product groups. Customers experience a strong technical support and reassurance of a smooth production. Roblon will present: the Roblon precision coiling unit, eliminating the need for manual guiding of the cable in the take-up process, the Roblon Quick Adaptor for the Roblon Server, enabling quick and safe change of bobbins, and Roblon water-swellable yarn, offering very fast and high absorption rates. Roblon is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified and develops hightech industrial fibers such as flexible glass and aramid strength members, binder yarns and ripcords and develops and manufactures serving, binding, take-up and payoff equipment. It has more than 400 servers and binding machines operational worldwide. www.roblon.com.
FEBRUARY 2014 | 115
Rockford Manufacturing Group (RMG) Fastener Engineers/Lewis Machine U.S. Hall 15 D35
Rockford Manufacturing Group (RMG), Fastener Engineers and Lewis Machine are innovative leaders in the wire industry. Our integrated in-line wire processing solutions are the epitome of Lean Manufacturing. Customers quickly realize reduced inventory, improved productivity, greater flexibility and,most importantly, reduced total cost. Please stop by our booth to see
our fully operational Lewis 1SHVF straighten and cut machine. We will also demonstrate our Model 910 Spacesaver in-line wiredrawer. We will also display our newest member of the in-line wire drawer family: the Model 200, which is capable of drawing a wire range of 0.40 mm to 2.5 mm with a maximum 20% area of reduction. Our in-line wire processing equipment is being used by many manufacturing processes including fastener production, nail making, wire bending, concrete products, steel bar processing, welded wire products, screw machine parts and wire straighten and cutting. RMG is the only OEM for Fastener Engineers, Lewis Machine and G.C. Patterson equipment and your best source for all of your tooling, spare parts and technical service requirements. Tour our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility at our website. www.rmgfelm.com.
ROSE DAHL Maschinen GmbH Austria Hall 9 A60
Made in Austria: European quality is a synonym for a high standard. And this is what ROSENDAHL is known for in the wire and cable industry. Our quality makes us a leading global supplier of high-tech cable manufacturing solutions. We offer first class products and turnkey solutions in the fields of extrusion, SZ stranding, fiber optic cable as well as forming, welding and corrugation. Knowledge, experience and production are made in Austria, where we do what we are good at. Our Finland sister company is a premium supplier of manufacturing technology for optical fiber and fiber optic cables.
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 11 D77
Visit us at Wire DĂźsseldorf â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stand 12 A66
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Voestalpine and ArcelorMittal for their warehouse management. Whether items are stored outdoors or in a warehouse, whether they are loaded by fork lift trucks or cranes, RFID technology can be used to increase efficiency in many applications. Only automated identification and verification create real process reliability in material logistics. S+P will also show GRAPHIPLAST® tags with RFID for temperatures up to 310°C. www.sp-samson.com. SAMPSISTEMI/SAMP USA Italy/U.S. Hall 9 C74 SAMP USA, the U.S. operation of Italy’s SAMPSISTEMI, offers the full range of equipment for the nonferrous wire drawing, bunching and extrusion business segment. SAMP will display new breakthrough technology that anticipates future trends in the wire and cable manufacturing See its listing. Together, NEXTROM and ROSENDAHL offer first-class products and turnkey solutions combining leading edge know-how and state-of-the-art technology in close cooperation with its customers and product suppliers. At wire Düsseldorf, both will present their latest advance and technology highlights, including recent developments in preform technologies, high speed proof testing as well as cable production lines for power and automotive industries. Our skilled staffs are ready to welcome attendees and answer any questions they may have. www.rosendahlaustria.com. Roteq Machinery, Inc. Canada Hall 9 B02 Roteq is synonymous with rotating equipment. We conceive, design and manufacture rotating equipment for the wire and cable, steel rope; umbilical and flexible pipe industries. Differentiating manufacturing solution requires and understanding of the product and the process along with the integration of that process into existing plants as well as specific product factories. Roteq’s tag line of product specific solutions with Volume specific hardware defines 118 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
the thought process in the development of the optimum manufacturing solution. www.roteqmachinery.com. S+P Samson GmbH Germany Hall 12 C11
S+P Samson GmbH will present a new product: Structobond™ that is an alternative to laser engraving. T he epoxy resin based glue ensures resistance to extreme conditions. Durable, reliable identification for tools, rollers and other valuable inventory made easy. Costly investments for laser engraving machines are not required. It will also showcase GRAPHITHERM®, a quick and economical method for printing barcodes or full text. Automatic readability provides security for further processing. It ensures that the furnaces are loaded correctly for reheating. S+P’s solutions used by companies such as ThyssenKrupp,
world. The latest SAMP products pay particular attention to energy savings by minimizing the machine energy consumption and the Total Cost of Ownership. In particular, SAMP will display its latest rod breakdown and multi-wire drawing developments, bunching solutions and brand-new extrusion technology for automotive cable applications. Pictured is its new rod breakdown machine, RB 450 (see p. 68), for copper, aluminum and relative alloys, suitable both for round and shaped wire. Equipped with the latest Siemens TIA Technology with Sinamics drives and Simotion controller, the RB 450 is a modular multi-motor machine which ensures an outstanding quality of the final product, extremely low noise emission and an improved energyefficiency by 15% if compared to
offers high-quality spare parts. www.schlattergroup.com.
Schlatter Industries AG Schlatter Group Germany Hall 16 A04
Rolf Schlicht GmbH Germany Hall 12 A45
Schlatter Industries AG is the internationally leading manufacturer of comprehensive manufacturing solutions for the production of reinforcement mesh and industrial mesh. It develops innovative products and complete solutions with high customer benefit. The Group has a global sales and service organization and
Rolf Schlicht GmbH will exhibit dif-
ferent versions of its electrostatic powder coating machines. Its RSC model is designed to powder cables, wires, hoses and profiles evenly, finely dosed and absolutely dust free with powders like talc, stearate, varnish powder, swellable powder, graphite, etc. It has a fully automatic and maintenance-free filter system that does not need compressed air as a strong and constant vacuum generated in the machine prevents powder from escaping into the ambient. The model can be made for the desired extrusion speed and diameter, as several options are available to make the machine perfectly fit into your line. A functional model will be shown to display this dust-free performance. It will also highlight DCA dry ice blasting plants, a new development that offers the cleanest and most effective method to clean tools, molds, dies, parts, and surfaces. The robust system uses dry ice, which
FEBRUARY 2014 | 119
the state-of-the-art technology. www.sampsistemi.com.
does not leave residues behind, and the price is sensational–unbeatable– for cleaning plants for every business. We will also highlight related technology we offer from SAMP (machinery), Huestis (air misers), MOVACLOR (dosing units) and Rapid Purge (cleaning compound). www.schlicht-gmbh.de. SETIC - Gauder Group (photo) France Hall 10 E38
Ltd., is a very professional supplier of various kinds of cable raw materials for the international cable industry. METALONG has laid a firm foundation in our products by improving technical and quality standards and is maintaining Quality Management System as per ISO9001-2000. It offers complete ranges of cables materials with its brand name METALONG.. www.metalong.com.cn. SIKORA AG Germany Hall 9 A41
SETIC France, well-known for its high-speed double twist bunchers, will present in partnership with Cogebi, a world leader in mica tapes, an innovative solution for copper bunching with mica taping, which is a unique solution presented for the first time. It will also demonstrate its MPE 120 laboratory instrument, a high precision slicing/fending-off machine for preparing smooth test pieces that enable money saving. SETIC France, a member of the Gauder Group, designs and manufactures high-quality machines made in France that lead the innovation for optimized wire and cable production, including double-twist bunchers/ stranders for the power cable and automotive industry as well as complete solutions to produce high quality LAN, special and control cables with enhanced performances (in one step or two steps according to product mix). Upgrading and services departments will highlight most recent developments to maintain and improve production capacity of existing machinery. www.gaudergroup.com. Shaanxi Metalong Industrials Co., Ltd. China Hall 16 A50-10 Shaanxi Metalong Industrials Co.,
SIKORA will present a broad product range of innovations as well as proven technology for quality control and cost saving at the wire and cable production. This includes: the PURITY SCANNER, a system for online inspection and sorting of plastic pellets used for the insulation of medium-, high- and extra-high voltage cables as well as other applications, such as the medical industry. Contaminated pellets (organic and metallic) are detected, separated and blown out via this combed X-ray technology and an optical system, able to detect particles as small as 0.05 mm. Also, the top-line LASER Series 6000 for measuring diameters for requirements that exceed classic industry demands regarding high accuracy, interface connection options and utmost reliability for top quality control during wire and cable production. Its high accuracy can also detect lumps and neckdowns. Gauges can process diameters from 0.2 to 78 mm. Another focus is the PREHEATER 6000 TC (Temperature Controlled), the optimum solution for controlled preheating of conductors for a broad cable type array. It heats the conductor
inductively up to nominal value. An infrared camera measures the wire tempera-ture at the outlet of the PREHEATER wheel. A control module controls the power setting so the con-ductor temperature always has the specified temperature. The model comes in three power classes (10, 20, 30 kW) for preheating temperatures up to 150°C, optionally 250°C, for products from 0.32 to 2.8 mm. Also, the new WIRE-TEMP 6000 system for continuous online temperature measurement of metallic and insulated conductors on a non-contact basis. See p. 142. Originally part of the PREHEATER 6000 TC, it is available as an independent device. Temperature measurement is done by a thermal image sensor in an infrared camera so the conductor is reliably detected with its wide measuring range. It covers products from 0.32 mm to 10 mm and 1 mm to 100 mm. Other highlights include the TIGER LASER 6010 XY for diameter measurement and simultaneous lump detection; the 2- or 3-axis lump detectors LUMP 2000 XY/T; the XRAY 6000 for single-layered cables and X-RAY 6000 PRO for multilayered products; the X-RAY 8000 NXT for quality control of MV, HV and EHV cables in CCV, VCV and MDCV lines; and more. www.sikora.net.www.sikora.net. Sjogren Industries USA Hall 11 D44 Sjogren Industries offers the most respected line of quality precision wire tools used for the handling and preparation of finished wire, rod or bar including: modular roll straighteners, including two-plane standardunits for straightening and back tensioning processes, and replacement grooved rolls; straighteners for precision tubing with customized roll profiles; wedge grips (pull in dogs) assemblies and replacement parts for all wire drawing machine applications; magnetic tensioning brakes and clutches for unique solutions, for torque or tension control in material payoff or windup applications;
WIRE DĂ&#x153;SSELDORF wire roller guides for guiding wire in process lines; hand wire pointers; laboratory test machines for torsion testing and wrap testing of wire samples; and tensile testing jaws and replacement inserts for all tensile testing machine brands. www.sjogren.com. Stolberger KMBMaschinenfabrik GmbH Germany Hall 9 B06 Stolberger KMB-Maschinenfabrik GmbH will co-exhibit with its sister company, Queins Machines GmbH. You are very welcome to visit us at our joint stand during this exhibition. We will be at your full disposal during the whole week of exhibition. www.stolberger.com.
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FEBRUARY 2014 | 121
Stolberger Inc. dba Wardwell Braiding Co. USA/Germany Hall 10 G04 Since 1911, more customers, in more countries around the world, have used Wardwell machines for their braiding applications than any other. One hundred plus years later, cable makers continue to rely on Wardwell for delivery and performance. It will exhibit the CB1-24 Cable Braider, a 24-carrier, maypole-style cable braider. The cable braiding system includes a new tubular frame, horn gears rotating on sealed bearings, enclosed cabin for safety and sound reduction, motor driven capstan for electronic pitch adjustment and variable speed drives. Please stop by and speak with John Tomaz to experience our complete braiding solutions. www.wardwell.com. Strecker USA/August Strecker GmbH & Co. KG USA/Germany Hall 10 A21 Why buy a machine from the market leader? There are many good reasons for a STRECKER welding machine: the best quality with a very long service life; manufactured 100% in Germany; a five-year warranty; compact structural shapes; excellent price to performance ratio; up-todate welding and annealing controls (FPC, V20, etc.); a broad spectrum of products, with more than 60 different types of machines; training and installation offered worldwide; and first-class customer-oriented service and custom-made machines: special designs, supply voltage, color and accessories. www.streckerusa.com, www.strecker-limburg.de. Teknor Apex USA Hall 9 F05-03
Teknor Apex will highlight the new Halguard® E 59000 series of halogen-free flame-retardant thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) compounds, which enable manufacturers of
power and other flexible cords for appliances and consumer products to produce non-PVC insulation and jacketing. These are inherently elastic compounds that require no phthalate or other plasticizers. They are recommended for flexible cords, appliance wire, power cords for computers, HDMI cables for televisions, and wiring for device chargers and USB connectors. Among the available grades, Halguard E 59001 is designed for cords that meet UL 62 requirements and for appliance wire that complies with UL 758. The new compound enables cables to meet the requirements of UL VW-1 and cable flame tests as well as the IEC 61034 smoke test. When tested in accordance with UL 1581, Halguard E 59001 meets deformation and heat shock requirements at 150ºC, compared to 121ºC for PVC. While the oil resistance of Halguard E 59001 makes it particularly suitable for jacketing, a second grade, Halguard E 59010, exhibits a volume resistivity that is quite high, even in water, making it well suited for insulation. Though it does not meet IEC 61034 smoke test requirements on a stand-alone basis, it provides a level of flame retardance that is comparable to or better than that of the E 59001 grade. A third grade, Halguard E 59002, has a higher oxygen index than the E 59001 compound and provides even better flame properties, but it does not meet the UL 62 oil test. During wire 2014, visitors to the Teknor Apex stand will have the opportunity to meet Mike Roberts, the new wire and cable industry manager for the Vinyl Division, along with Mike Patel, who is leaving that position to become the Division’s director of marketing and business development. www.teknorapex.com. TRAMEV Srl Italy Hall 11 B54 TRAMEV Srl is a world renowned producer of portable hand-held cutting tools for shearing, cutting-off, bending and straightening of wire, cable, rod, bar, strip, strand, metal
banding, bolts and nuts. Tramev’s cable division has provided some the largest manufacturers of power cables in the world with this range of portable cutting tools. Our shears can cut cable up to 150 mm, even 170 mm. The wire division tooling can cut, bend and straighten wire and rod up to 50 mm. Visit our display to discover easy solutions to problems occurring in the production and manufacturing of wire, rod and cable products. www.tramev.com, www.lesmoamerica.com. TROESTER Group Germany Hall 10 F62
The TROESTER Group is a worldwide leading manufacturer of complete extrusion systems for the cable industry. The excellent results produced by its extrusion technology makes TROESTER a competent and reliable partner in the cable industry. This year it will present its state-ofthe-art extrusion equipment for the production of LV, MV, HV and EHV cables. This comprises CCV and VCV lines, insulation and sheathing lines as well as single machines and components for efficient cable production. X-Compound, the new member of TROESTER Group will present its kneader technology for the continuous compounding of HFFR (LSOH), PVC, XLPE, semiconductive materials and EPR/EPDM. X-Compound is spe-
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20114 WIRE 2014 11E77 Stand 11E77
FEBRUARY 2014 | 123
Taping Equipment
cialized in the planning and construction of complete systems for the compounding of plastics with the process steps conveying, melting, dispersing, mixing and degassing. Specialists from TROESTER and X-Compound look forward to meeting you and discussing your specific requirements. www.troester.de. U Queen Machinery Co., Ltd. Taiwan Hall 15 A37 U Queen Machinery Co., focuses on precision, micro high-technology products, such as a micro cold forge former (also called “micro heading machine”) and a micro thread rolling machine that are capable of producing fasteners as small as 0.5 mm. www.uqueen.biz. Ultimate Automation Ltd. Ultimation U.K. Hall 12 B75
models feature a closed die forming and cutting system for a high-quality meet the UL 62 oil test. www.ultimate.com. Unitek Austria Hall 10 A56-09 UNITEK is a designer and manufacturer of high precision extrusion crossheads and peripheral systems for the insulation of electrical wires. It will present and showcase its complete line of fixed centered crossheads, which feature reduced scrap through quick concentric starts. Crossheads come in single layer constructions as well as striping, skin coating and up to four-layer systems. UNITEK focuses on supplying and designing automatic color and layer change systems whereby color changes can be made on the fly at full extrusion line speeds in order to eliminate costly starts and stops. It will feature two new crosshead designs aimed at operator ease of use as well as improved concentricity. www.unitek.at.
furnace configuration should be your preferred choice. Many single- and double-furnace configurations are available with unique upgradeability. With today’s R&D results, it could also be possible to increase the casting speed while obtaining improved rod quality. Top quality final products require the best cast quality. UPCAST lines are extremely flexible and always tailor-made to match the needs of each specific customer. Without harmful emissions and need for waste treatment, the environmental footprint of UPCAST casting lines is small. Other UPCAST GREENerCAST advantages are clear: low lifecycle costs, easy variation of output, use of scrap in the process and unique upgradability. www.upcast.com. WAFIOS AG Germany Hall 10 F22
UPCAST OY Finland Hall 9 C06
Ultimation, leaders in the field of wire forming and welding machines, will be displaying the company’s latest 2014 versions of their ULTIMAT range of 2D CNC wire-forming machines, which incorporate faster drives and new software and control systems. It will display two ULTIMAT UMW models with automatic butt welding. The ULTIMAT UMW65 is suitable for a range of 2 to 8 mm, a range used extensively by manufacturers of point of purchase displays and supermarket shelving, etc. The smaller ULTIMAT UMW45 unit is suitable for 2 to 5 mm, a range used for lampshades, automotive components and air filtration products. The UMW-45 will be fitted with a FUS (Frame Unloading System) for unloading and stacking finished products. All ULTIMAT
Supplier of the original UPCAST® technology offering a wide range of continuous casting lines for copper and copper alloy rod production. Always on top of the latest development. UPCAST rod production lines are of modular design providing solutions for small and medium capacities. With a double-furnace configuration (separate melting and casting furnaces) it is possible to reach even 40,000 tpa output while 12,000 tpa is possible for a singlefurnace configuration. If scrap (clean and dry) will form a significant part of the input material, then a double-
WAFIOS will premiere the next generation of the legendary WAFIOS FMU spring and wire forming systems. The successor sets new standards when it comes to performance and variety of parts. The new tool technology and control software Easyway make for more productivity and high-operating convenience. In the wire-bending area, WAFIOS closes the gap in the operating range up to 13 mm between the BM 50 and BM 90 machines by introducing the BM 60. Moreover, the BM 61L and the BMU 6 will replace two machines from the current machinery range. This machine line features an extremely stable and process-safe overall system, high operating convenience and a highly flexible machine concept. Typical fields of application for bent parts in the
Visit us at Wire Düsseldorf – stand 10 D56 & 15 C42
Windak Group Sweden Hall 9 B42
Windak returns to wire Düsseldorf with a new company look, website and logo (see p. 146). The Windak Group is celebrating its founding 20 years ago in Sweden. The company will showcase its wire processing equipment, including the new Quickpack QP3-H, a high-speed coiling line. The system is faster, offers more servo control, has fewer settings and will give customers a quicker return. The QP3-H targets products from 2 mm to 12 mm in diameter, and coil lengths from 5 m to 100 m per package. The output is up to eight coils per minute, depending on type of cable and winding length. Almost all movements in this fast single-head machine are controlled by servos with very few mechanical setting changes for different packages. Coils can be binded, shrink filmed or put in boxes, all in one complete solution. his is truly a fast, versatile and very high output coiler. In addition to equipment, the Windak Group will display its new website, which makes it easier than ever to communicate with our customers, who now can use a service page to send warranty or service requests. Today’s business pace requires efficient communication and
FEBRUARY 2014 | 125
spring steel area are, for example, torsions bars for the automotive industry. WAFIOS will also premiere many more innovations from the spring coiling as well as the wire and tube bending area. Visitors can arrange appointments with our sales staff online at wiretube.wafios.com before the fair opens. www.wafios.com.
servicing our customers promptly is vital for Windak to remain a world leading supplier of automatic packaging equipment for the cable industry. www.windakgroup.com. Wire & Cable ASIA U.K. Hall 11 D28 Wire & Cable ASIA, published six times per year in both English and Chinese languages, is a leading wire and cable trade magazine available in both print and digital versions. It has closely controlled international circulation across the wire and cable industry in North and South East Asia, effectively penetrating the Chinese speaking markets. Every issue contains the latest wire and cable corporate news from around the globe, reports on new technological developments, new machinery and equipment for the production and processing of wires, cable and fiber optics, regular topical feature sections covering information about wire, cable, fiber optic production and processing, detailed information on the major international wire and cable trade fairs, as well as in-depth technical articles by world renowned authors and industry specialists. www.read-wca.com. Wire and Cable Industry Suppliers Association (WCISA) U.S. Hall 9 D14-04 WCISA® is a nonprofit corporate membership association with some 90 North American suppliers of machinery, materials and accessories used for making all types of wire and cable. Members are based in or have an established subsidiary in North America. It promotes its members’ products and services by providing representation, networking/ social opportunities and services at wire and cable trade events and conferences. www.wcisaonline.org Wire & Cable Technology International U.S. Hall 9 D14-04 WCTI is a print and digital technical magazine for manufacturers, processors, distributors and users of all
types of wire and cable. Also, the OVERVIEW business and market newsletter and an annual Buyers’ Guide. www.wiretech.com. Wire Forming Technology International U.S. Hall 9 D14-04 A quarterly technical magazine covering the manufacture and use of springs, wire formed parts, wire mesh and rebar products and the materials, tooling, machinery and control systems for making those parts. www.wireformingtech.com. Wire World Internet Canada Entrance 10 Wire World is a global resource for the wire and cable industry. With weekly news, events, information and company information, users can stay in touch with the industry by visiting one website. You can submit your press releases, product releases to the site for more brand awareness. www.wirelinks.com has been developed for makers of wire and cable. www.wireworld.com wiredInUSA U.K. Hall 11 D28 wiredInUSA is a trusted digital source of news and information, read every month by thousands of wire and cable professionals across America. The ezine covers stories from across the Americas, as well as specific sections on Europe, Asia, new products and developments, as well as news from the largest corporate trade association in the world, the International Wire and Machinery Association. Subscription to the ezine is free by registering at the website. www.wiredinusa.com. Witels Albert GmbH Witels AlbertUSA Germany/U.S. Hall 9 E37 Witels-Albert will be presenting both new and field-proven solutions from its range of straightener, roll, guide, feed and preformer products on 56 sq m of exhibition space. Using “Making Things Happen” as its motto, the company will turn the
spotlight onto engineering solutions for straightening applications and the feeding of process materials.Visitors to the stand can see the new products in action and find out how good they really are. The show also gives visitors the opportunity to learn more about the latest clever ideas from the world of wire, tube, rope and cable production and to familiarize themselves with the services and websites have to offer. www.witels-albert.com www.witels-albert-usa.com. Woywod Kunststoffmaschien GmbH & Co. KG Germany Hall 9 A42 For more than four decades, Woywod GmbH has produced the PLASTICOLOR range of dosing and blending equipment for the cable manufacturing industry. At wire 2014, the company will show its complete range of products such as single dosing units, color change
systems, volumetric mixing stations, gravimetric mixing stations, hopper loaders and dryers. Production of XLPE cables has become more and more important for many cable manufacturers and a key factor is that the ratio between the main raw material and the catalyst must remain consistent to get uniform product
crosslinking and quality. Too much or not enough catalyst could drastically change the product properties, which is why many manufacturers use PLASTICOLOR volumetric mixing stations. They have sensors mounted in the neckpiece that simultaneously switch on or off the units participating in the actual recipe, and the mixing station can be operated in “starve feeding” or “full hopper” mode, depending on requirements. An integrated color change system is available. If the production machine uses fluctuating quantities of material, this affects only the number of cycles, not the mixing ratio. Stop by our booth to learn more. www.plasticolor.de. Yield Management Corporation U.S. Hall 9 D14/05 Yield Management Corporation (YMC) will exhibit an interactive demonstration of new products. One is a laser wire-counting system for stranding and cabling lines that verifies the correct number of wires at the forming die and works with any material or color, and is ideal for insulated conductors where traditional ground ring detectors are not effective. Another is fail-safe, wirebreak detection devices for cabling and stranding machines. YMC has launched a series of new products for monitoring individual spool rotation on rigid-frame planetary and tubular stranding and cabling machines without the use of slip rings or expensive radio frequency transducers. The system detects wire breaks and stops the machine before the broken wire reaches the next section, in most cases before the forming die. The result is reduction in scrap and increased productivity. www.yieldmanagementcorp.com. Young Heung Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. China Hall 17 B40 Young Heung, a leader among the premier producers in the field of steel wire product, devotes itself to innovations in techniques. Our main products include wire rope, high-car-
bon steel wire, inner cable, steel bars for prestressed concrete, low relaxation steel strand, cold-drawn steelbar and galvanized steel wire and strand. www.youngwire.com. Zumbach Electronic AG Switzerland Hall 11 D43
Swiss Prime Measuring since 1957. Zumbach will present novel and intelligent solutions as well as costefficient solutions for in-line measurement and control of wires and cables. This includes cost-effective, synchronous multi-axis measurement of diameter and ovality in any cable, tube and hose extrusion process, such as the MSD system (pictured), one of the new series of diameter and ovality measuring heads based on new linear sensor technology. The company’s unique measurement technology for products up to 200 mm OD includes: a new product line with two-colored LED light sources allowing simultaneous scanning in each XY axis (the concept allows
even a four-axis measurement of products up to 54 mm) for troublefree measurement, even with product vibration; integrated extraneous light filters that prevent measurement errors that to date seemed unavoidable; and perfect performance, even with reflective surfaces, thanks to different color lighting for each measurement axis. For extruded cables, tube and hoses under tight control with precise in-line measurement and control of eccentricity and wall thickness, we offer material savings thanks to measurement and control of eccentricity and wall thickness. The versatile high-tech ultrasonic system WALLMASTER offers application-specific solutions for measuring and monitoring wall thickness. The measuring data processor with touch-screen display gathers data and QC fully automatically. In combination with ultrasonic UMAC® scanners and various ODAC® diameter measuring gauges as well as with error detectors, the measuring and monitoring scale can be expanded to ODs and IDs, statistics, SPC and processor communication. With WALLMASTER, manufacturers can considerably reduce start-up time and economize expenditure of raw materials, with ROI achieved within a few months. www.zumbach.ch.
FEBRUARY 2012 | 127
TECHNICAL PAPER Temperatures in the wiredrawing process—measurements and simulations The effect of high nib temperatures in the wiredrawing process was analyzed via thermocouples, with the results compared to FEM simulations. By Joakim Larsson, Helena Johansson-Cider and Magnus Jarl
Temperatures are important in the wiredrawing process. The material properties may be deteriorated by a too high wire temperature. The temperature in the drawing die will affect the lubricant and thus the wire drawing process. In 1942 Siebel and Kobitzsch1 presented an analytical model of the temperature in the contact zone. The wire was assumed to absorb 80 % of the friction heat. The friction also introduces a temperature gradient in the wire. This model was used by Wright2 and compared with FEM simulations by Jarl and Överstam3. Wire temperatures after equalization may be measured by pyrometers or by contact thermocouples. A direct temperature measurement of the temperature in the contact between wire and die is complicated and a common way is to use simulations to study the temperatures. Nilsson4 tried to use the wire and the die as a thermocouple. He studied a wire running at 15 m/s in a water emulsion lubricant. His measurements indicated a temperature of about 500°C in the contact between wire and die. An overview of wire cooling is given in the Wire Association’s Ferrous Wire handbook5. Most of the energy supplied to the drawing machines motors is transformed to
heat in the wire. The wire should be cooled on a block and the cooling power approximately equivalent to the supplied motor power. If this fails the wire temperature will rise. Accumulation of heat, from block to block, may give problems at the end of a continuous drawing machine. The wire may be affected of dynamic strain ageing and the lubricant may heat in the box and form lumps. Cooling systems are of different design. An old design is to let water flow through a pipe to the inner wall of the block. During a period, systems with direct water cooling of the wire were investigated. These systems were used to reduce the wire temperature before entering the block. Papers were published by e.g. Nakamura et al.6 and Pawelski and Keuper7. The “V-track” machine was also designed with direct water cooling of the wire. This machine had a V groove on the block with direct water cooling8. Another method which has been tried is evaporative mist cooling9. The idea is that a mist of water is sprayed on the wire and evaporated. Sturgeon and Guy discussed different methods to increase the cooling. Direct water coolingof the wire was deleterious to lubrication and force air cooling gave rise to dust problems. They presented the improved block cooling with a “narrow gap”5.
Fig. 1. Riding thermocouples.
Fig. 2. Unfiltered wire temperature signal after drawing die. At 15 seconds the wire was humidified before the die, 2nd draw.
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 3. Wire temperature on blocks, 4 m/s. Machine 1.
Fig. 4. Wire temperatures on block seven at different speeds. Machine 1.
Temperature measurements
For measurement of opaque objects, the below rule is valid.
Temperature measurements in wire drawing are very tricky. Measurements with riding thermocouples have been tried10. See Fig. 1. The riding thermocouples were affected by triboelectricity. Changes in speed and lubrication affected the temperature signals. Fig. 2 shows an example of temperature signal when the lubrication is deteriorated. This method of temperature measurement was not considered reliable. Pyrometers were also used for measurements of wire temperatures. The pyrometers used in this work were Optiris CT from Sensotes, with a measuring angle of 1:22. The pyrometers were about 200 mm from the wire on the blocks. The temperature signals were affected by the brightness of the wire. Sensotet11 gives the theory for pyrometers: if all radiation energy from a black body is absorbed by a pyrometer the signal shall follow the below rule: Eq. (1)
If the emission coefficient is lower than 1, reflected radiation shall be included. Additionally the pyrometer emits radiation.
Fig. 5. Heat transfer coefficients from wire to water on the upper and lower part of the blocks. Machine 1.
Eq. (2)
where U is the pyrometer signal, C is a constant for the equipment, ε is the emission coefficient, TObj is the measured object’s temperature, TSur is the temperature in the surrounding and TPyr is the pyrometer’s temperature. All temperatures are in Kelvin. But a pyrometer absorbs radiation only in a limited range; the pyrometers used had a range of 8-14 μm. This may change the exponent in the equations; according to to the supplier the exponents may vary between 2 to 17. A simple assumption is that the absorption is constant over the wavelength range 8-14 μm. A calculation showed that an exponent of 4 was a good approximation up to a temperature of 150°C. However, the absorption may vary over the wavelengths and, thus, the exponent is uncertain. In the first measurements the emission coefficient was adjusted to one and the compensation was carried out afterwards by the following procedure: Wire specimens were cut
Fig. 6. Wire temperature on blocks three-six, 9 m/s. Machine 2. FEBRUARY 2014 | 129
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 7. Heat-transfer coefficients from wire to water on the upper and lower parts of the blocks three-six, Machine 2.
Fig. 8. Temperature measured on the blocks. Backpull machine, carbon steel wire. Machine 3.
out from each block. Short specimens were arranged side by side and held together by clamps. This arrangement was heated to 100°C in an oven. The hatch was opened and the temperature was measured by the pyrometer. The recorded temperature was extrapolated to zero time. The emission coefficient was calculated and used to adjust the temperature measurements. In the following trials the measurements on the specimens were repeated with differentsettings of the pyrometerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emissioncoefficient and the emission coefficient was found by interpolation. This value was then used as setting in the measurement in the plant. A carbon steel wire had a quite stable emission coefficient in the machine. 0.75 was used. But stainless steel wires had values starting with about the same value as carbon steel but reduced to about 0.5 on the last block. Nib temperatures were measured with thermocouple wires soldered or welded to the nib. This arrangement is very sensitive in a wire drawing plant and many thermocouples were broken at the assembly of the dies in the machine. The soldered thermocouple wires were more sensitive than the spotwelded. The durability increased when the spot-welds were fixed by heat proof epoxy glue. Die cooling was measured by a flow meter and two Pt100 sensors.
The temperatures increase when the speed increases. This indicates that higher speeds result in accumulation of heat. The heat transfer coefficients from wire to water are shown in Fig. 5. On the first five blocks, the heat transfer coefficients from wire to water seems to be the same on the upper and lower part of the blocks. On block seven, however, the heat transfer coefficients from wire to water are much higher on the upper part of the block. Machine 2. The second machine was a nine-block tunerline machine used for drawing of high carbon steel wire. The block cooling system is designed as blocks with double mantles. The water is fed in four locations on the top of the blocks and the out flows are in the bottom. The drawing speed was 9 m/s. The temperatures measured on the block 3-6 are shown in Fig. 6. The temperatures are rather stable in the machine. The heat transfer coefficients from wire to water are shown in Fig. 7. The heat transfer coefficients from wire to water decreases with block number, especially on the top part of the machine. Machine 3. The third machine was an old back-pull drawing machine used for drawing of low-carbon steel with five draws. The blocks were low compared to the other machines. The amount of wire on the blocks was too low for measurements with three pyrometers. Two pyrometers were used; they were aimed at the lower and upper part of the block. The measurements at a drawing speed of 4.4 m/s are shown in Fig. 8. The heat transfer coefficients from wire to water are shown in Fig. 9. The heat transfer coefficients from wire to water were higher in the old machine with a very simple block cooling system. The reason is probably the back-pull control of the wire. This system will force the wire against the block yielding higher heat flow to the block. An interesting observation is that the heat transfer coefficient is increasing with the block number. An evaluation of heat transfer per wire turn on the block is shown in Fig. 10. Heat transfer per wire turn is almost constant. As the length of wire per turn is constant, the heat transfer per wire length is constant.
Block temperatures The block temperatures were measured on three machines. Machine 1. The first machine studied was an eight-block tuner line machine used for drawing of stainless steel wire. The temperatures were measured on three spots on the block. The block cooling system was a variant of a narrow gap design. In the narrow gap an inclined wiper forces the water downwards. Behind the wiper, water is fed into the gap on three levels. Temperature measurements were carried out on three levels on the block. Fig. 3 shows temperatures at the drawing speed 4 m/s. The wire temperatures are actually decreasing after draw 4. Temperatures are, thus, under control and heat is not accumulating. Measurements on block seven, with increasing drawing speed, gave the results shown in Fig. 4. 130 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 9. Heat transfer coefficients from wire to water on the upper and lower parts of the blocks 1-4, Machine 3.
Fig. 10. Heat transfer per wire turn on the block. Machine 3.
Nib temperatures
ments were carried out on them. Fig. 15 shows the results of nib temperature measurements. It also includes simulated nibs temperatures and simulated maximum temperatures in the nibs. The measurements and simulations gave similar temperatures. The maximum temperatures in the nibs are high, and they increase with drawing speed.
Machine 1. Nib temperatures were measured on the first machine used for stainless steel wire. The machine was designed with indirect cooling of the dies. Fig. 11 shows the measured temperatures. Measurements were carried out at different drawing speeds. Simulations of the temperatures were done with FEM program Marc Mentat. Fig. 12 shows the results at a drawing speed of 5 m/s. Fig. 13 shows the measured and simulated temperatures for machine. The simulations and measurements agree well in the beginning of the machine, but the simulated temperatures are higher compared to the measurements in draws six-eight. The maximum temperatures in simulations of drawing speeds 4 and 5 m/s are shown in Fig. 14. Machine 4. The nib temperatures were also measured on another machine used for stainless steel. This machine had direct cooling of dies. The wire was reduced in nine draws. The two last draws were made in PCD dies and no measure-
Fig. 11. Measured nib temperatures, indirect cooling. Machine 1.
Measurements of die cooling The die cooling power was measured. These measurements were compared with calculations of the drawing power calculated by the equation given by Siebel12. The die cooling powers in Machine 1, (indirect cooling) were measured to 200-250 W at a drawing speed of 4 m/s. The die cooling powers in Machine 4 (direct cooling) were measured to 80 to 150 W. Fig. 16 shows the cooling power as part of the calculated power for drawing.
Fig. 12. Simulated nib temperatures. Machine 1; drawing speed 5 m/s, nib 8. Arrow marking measurement spot. Max temperature 530째C. FEBRUARY 2014 | 131
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 13. Comparison between simulations and measurements at a drawing speed of 5 m/s. Machine 1.
Fig. 14. Simulations of maximum temperature in the drawing die at drawing speeds 4 and 5 m/s. Machine 1.
thickness. Heat transfer coefficients between wire and block were calculated with block thickness δB 25 mm, heat conduction λB 42 W/m°C and at three different heat transfer coefficients between block and water (αWater;1000, 2000 and 4000 W/m2°C). See Fig. 17. Per Eq. 3, the results shown in Fig. 17 will turn negative at high total heat transfer coefficients. The results from machine 3 with back-pull (α >1000 W/m2°C) are, thus, not valid. The reason is probably that the height of wire on the block was only 50 mm. (The distance between the pyrometers only 40 mm.) The assumption of planar heat transfer is, thus, not valid and three-dimensional effects are not negligible. Machine 2 had a low heat transfer on the top part on the blocks. This indicates that the wire windings are loose at the top of the block. Machine 1 had the same heat transfer at the foot and top on the first five blocks. The two last blocks had a higher heat transfer on the top of the blocks. The explanation may be: If the wire windings are tighter on the top of the
The measurements of wire temperatures on the blocks gave a surprising result. An old machine with a simple soaking of the block’s inside was more efficient compared to modern machines with more advanced block cooling. The amount ofwire on the blocks was considerably less on the old machine, but the cooling was sufficient. The reason is most likely that the contact between wire and block was tighter in the back-pull machine. The heat transfer coefficient, α, from wire to water, has three parts: heat transfer wire to block; αW, heat conduction through the block, λB; and heat transfer from block to water, αWater. At planar heat transfer and serial coupling, the total heat transfer coefficient may be calculated as follows: Eq. (3) where: δB is the block
Fig. 15. Measured and simulated nib temperatures. Maximum temperatures are from simulations. Machine 4, direct cooling.
Fig. 16. Die cooling power as percent of calculated drawing power. Drawing speed 4 m/s.
Fig. 17. Calculated heat transfer coefficient wire to block with three different heat transfer coefficients: block to water, αWater . Block thickness 25 mm. The heat transfer values turn negative at 627 (αWater 1000), 913 (αWater 2000), and 1183 (αWWater 4000) respectively. two last blocks compared to the other blocks, the threedimensional effect may increase the cooling on the top of the two last blocks. Nib temperatures increase with the drawing speed. Simulations are in most cases in reasonable agreement with the measurements. The maximum temperatures in the nib are so high that the mechanical properties of the cemented carbide may be affected. Wistreich13 assesses the part of the drawing power cooled away in the die cooling to be 7% at 1 m/s, 3% at 5 m/s and 1% at 25 m/s. The measured values are in good agreement with Wistreich’s statement.
Acknowledgement This work was founded by The Knowledge Foundation. The experimental work was done at the participating companies: FNsteel Hjulsbro AB, Hörle Wire AB, Fagersta Stainless AB and AB Sandvik Materials Technology. All support is greatly acknowledged.
1. E. Siebel and R. Kobitzsch, “Die Erwärmung des Ziehgutes biem Drahtzienhen,” Stah und Eisen, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp. 110-114, 1942. 2. R.N. Wright, “Physical conditions in the lubricant layer,” Wire Journal International, (WJI), August 1997, pp. 88-92. 3. M. Jarl and H. Överstam, “Simulation of temperatures in the wiredrawing process,” WJI, Feb. 2008, pp. 150-155. 4. B. Nilsson, “Diagnosing wire drawing processes by indirect measurements,” Wire, Feb. 2001, pp. 70-74. 5. “Ferrous Wire,” Vol. 1, Ed. A.B. Dove, WAI, USA, ISBN 1-877836-18-4, 1981, pp. 321-329. 6. Y. Nakamura, T. Fujita, H. Kawakami and Y. Yamada, “New cooling system for high-speed wire drawing,” WJI, Sept. 1976, pp. 59-66. 7. O. Pawelski and R. Keuper, “Investigation on Direct Cooling in Drawing Steel Wire,” Wire Industry, Vol. 51, No. 606, pp. 465-468, 473, 1984. 8. J.W. Pamplin, “Direct Water-Cooling of Wire during Drawing With V-Groove Capstan,” Drahtwelt, July 1984, pp. 157-160. 9. R. Philips, M.J. Kelly and M. Hurst, “Control of steel wire temperature during drawing by evaporative cooling (the Hidon micro-mist system) WJI, December 1979, pp. 50-56. 10. H. Överstam, H. Johansson and M. Jarl, “Temperatures at wiredrawing; simulations and verification efforts,” Hutnik, Vol. 78, No. 1, pp. 98-100, 2011. 11.http://www.sensotest.se/dokuments/Optris/IRBasics.pdf 12. R. Siebel, “Der derzeitige Stand der Erkentnisse über die mechanische Vorgänge beim Drahtziehn,” Stahl und Eisen, Vol. 66/67, No. 11/12, pp. 171-180, 1947. 13. J.G. Wistreich, “The fundamentals of wire drawing,” Metals Review, March 1958, pp. 97-142, 1958.
Joakim Larsson is an R&D designer for Lämneå Bruk AB, Ljusfallshammar, Sweden. He previously worked as a research engineer at Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, conducting wiredrawing research. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. Helena Johansson-Cider is a lecturer in environmental and energy technologies at Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden. She holds a master’s of science Larsson Johansson-Cider Jarl degree in engineering physics from Karlstad. Magnus Jarl is a professor of mechanical engi- from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, neering at Örebro. He joined the university in 2001. He Sweden. This paper was presented at WAI’s 83rd Annual previously was a senior researcher at MEFOS, Luleå, convention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 2013. Sweden. He holds a Ph.D. degree in physical metallurgy
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TECHNICAL PAPER Plasma annealing of stainless steel and nickel alloy wireâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; efficient, high speed alternative to traditional tube annealing The paper contrasts plasma annealing with the traditional tube annealing furnace for stainless steel and nickel alloy wire from 0.5 mm to 5 mm. By Primoz Eiselt, Igor Rogelj, Peter Ziger and Alois Ulrich Gruber involves a multi-line set up. Multi-line process is logistically demanding and involves multiple pay-offs and take-ups that can require substantial capital outlay. A multi-line annealing plant takes large work shop space and locks considerable money in working capital related to the material being processed on each of the annealing lines. Furthermore, slow annealing speed means that the drawing or rolling processes have to be performed separately, off-line from annealing, which adds to the complexity of process logistics. The process speeds of the new plasma annealer are much higher than the process speeds of a traditional tube furnace. This allows a single line plasma annealing plant to substitute multiple lines of a tube annealer, whilst retaining the same output capacity. In some cases it is also possible for plasma annealer to operate in-line with a drawing or a rolling machine. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of a plasma treatment on a metal surface in the plasma chamber. Plasma, an ionized gas, is maintained in the plasma chamber (see Fig. 2) at low pressure. In the plasma chamber the electric field accelerates ions towards the surface of the processed material and electrons towards the outer wall of the chamber. Ion bombardment results in heating on the surface of the processed material. On the other hand, the electrons have virtually no mass and carry no energy, therefore they do not heat the plasma chamber. This makes plasma annealing an efficient technique to heat the material, resulting in only a very small percentage of power being lost as dissipated heat in the plasma chamber. The energy coupling in the plasma process is at least 10 times better than the energy coupling in the typical convection furnace, which is the reason for a compact design of the plasma chamber. Depending on application 70% to 85% of all the power used by plasma annealer is converted Fig. 1. Conventional production from Cu-scrap to Cu-product.
Wire, rope and tubes made of stainless steel and nickel alloys have so far been annealed predominantly in tube or radiance furnaces. Most traditional tube annealing furnaces operate in multiline configurations, which is due to their low production speed. Plasmait GmbH has introduced a second generation plasma annealer designed for stainless steel and nickel alloy wire, rope and tube with cross-sections of up to 20 sq mm (0.0313 sq in.). With this new concept Plasmait allowed for a radical increase of continuous annealing speeds of stainless steels and nickel alloys. The annealing speeds on fine and ultra-fine wires of austenitic stainless steels can reach up to 20 m/s (4000 ft/min). Such annealing speeds are high enough to anneal fine or ultra-fine stainless steel in-line with standard drawing machine or a cold rolling mill. This has so far not been possible with any traditional annealing technique. The main reason for increased annealing speeds is plasmas superior energy coupling compared to the energy transfer achievable in the traditional convection or radiance furnace. The slow speed of traditional tube furnace means that the annealing of stainless steel and nickel alloy wires generally
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 2. View of a plasma module.
Fig. 3. Cross-section of 0.5 mm stainless steel wire annealed in plasma at the speed of 6 m/s.
into heat in the processed material, which makes the plasma heating much more energy efficient than any conventional tube furnace, a feature that has been gaining importance and is unlikely to change in years to come. Rapid heating and reduced time of recrystallization results in fine grain size. The microscopic photo of the cross-section in Fig. 3 indicates uniform crystal structure which was observed on a 0.5 mm austenitic stainless steel wire that was plasma annealed at the speed of 6 m/s. Small grain size with uniform crystal structure in the longitudinal and transversal direction improves materialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s susceptibility to cold working and its resistance to surface cracking. Annealing power is controlled instantaneously and with a high degree of accuracy via power supply. This gives the operator the ability to target mechanical properties with a great degree of accuracy and provides greater flexibility in new product development. Ion bombardment or ion sputtering on the material surface results in removal of the upper surface layer which makes up for an effective surface treatment. Dirty deposits, soaps, lubricants and fine oxides layer break under the ion bombardment in the plasma chamber. The debris and other cracked surface contamination are sucked
out of the plasma chamber by the vacuum system and are filtered out through the exhaust installation. The dry surface cleaning and degreasing being performed simultaneously with plasma annealing is of particularly benefit to applications with demanding surface requirements in sectors such as medical, welding or aerospace to mention a few. Plasma treatment is nevertheless not designed for removal of excessive amounts of dirt and soaps on the material surface. Excessive surface contamination has to be removed with an appropriate conventional pre-cleaning system that is chosen for specific application. Plasma treated surface without the oxide layer is activated and highly susceptible to coating and creates a strong bond with polymers or metals. The plasma annealer can be installed inline with the coating process, such as electroplating, hot dip, taping or extrusion coating, whereby non-oxidizing atmosphere is ensured to the point of coating to avoid the need for wet surface preparation or fluxing. Fig. 4 shows a photo of a plasma annealer and its main components. The plasma module and the soak/dwell section sit between two seals of the sealing system, which maintains protective atmosphere throughout the heating and cooling zone of the machine. The purging gas can include hydrogen,
Fig. 4. PlasmaA EALER and its main components. FEBRUARY 2014 | 135
PLC Plasma Module Sealing System Cooling Section
Fig. 5. PLC controls with Siemens HMI and Spectra Visu. nitrogen, argon, helium or their mixtures. The gas mixture is chosen to suit the application, in particular material’s specific surface requirements. Direct water cooling can be utilized for some applications. The process is controlled with a PLC and touch-screen HMI, an example of which is given in Fig. 5. Unlike the traditional tube furnace, the plasma annealer can cold start production in few minutes and can be stopped imminently. This avoids the lengthy heating-up and coolingdown times and associated energy costs that are symptomatic for a conventional furnace. The gas cooling section in the plasma annealer has a closed-loop design to minimize purging gas consumption. Hot material in the plasma/heating zone does not touch any parts of the machine due to the short length of the plasma/heating section. This considerably reduces the maintenance costs related to tube wear that are common for a tube furnace. The plasma annealing plant can be built for stainless steel or nickel alloy materials with cross-sections between 0.001 sq mm (0.000001 sq in.) and 20 sq mm (0.0313 sq in.) The process speed of the annealer depends on the material crosssection and plasma power. In some cases it is possible to install the plasma annealer in-line with a drawing machine or rolling mill depending on application and material cross-section. The annealers in the photographs in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 have been designed for annealing in-line with drawing for fine and ultra-fine austenitic stainless steel wires.
There are two ways to install plasma annealer in-line with a fine wire drawing or rolling. Plasma annealing can be performed immediately after drawing/rolling, which brings out degreased and extra bright finish to the annealed wire surface. Alternatively, plasma annealer can also sit in front of the drawing/rolling machine, in which allows for annealed wire without the surface oxide layer to be lubricated in protective atmosphere. Immediate application of the drawing lubricant minimizes the creation of surface oxides, which improves drawing and reduces the wear of the drawing dies. There are a number of stainless steel and nickel alloy applications that benefit directly from increased annealing outputs of plasma annealing. Drawing and rolling applications where annealing can be performed in-line are of particular interest. Examples of such applications are fine and ultra-fine austenitic stainless steel wire drawing for fine weaving and knitting wire used in EMI/RFI shields, LCD/touch screens, fine printing mesh, metallic fabrics, industrial filters, demisters, airbag and exhaust filters, etc. Plasma annealing is already in use in many applications where demanding surface requirements are important. These can be found above all in medical materials used in products such as: guide wire, stents, wire and tubes for endoscopy equipment, needles, mandrels, stylets, dental materials as well as leads and ropes of various types. Other applications with demanding surface and mechanical requirements can be found also in defense, aerospace, automotive, and oil and gas sectors to mention just a few. Fig. 8. shows a plasma annealer for large to medium diameter wire. The annealing line is 30 m (100 ft) long in total and includes ultrasonic pre-cleaning unit, plasma heating section, soaking section and a gas cooling section, supported by a water-based heat exchanger. The gas cooling section represents almost half of the total length of the annealing line to meet the cooling needs of a large diameter wire. The plasma heating section on the other hand measures less than 2 m. Double transport system is required to cover the full product range from 0.5 mm (0.02 in.’) to 5 mm (0.2 in.). Such an annealer can be used as a stand-alone annealing plant in a combination with a take-up and payoff.
Fig. 6. PlasmaA EALER designed for high speed annealing in-line with a drawing of fine austenitic stainless steel wire from 0.25 mm–0.10 mm .
In summary, a plasma annealer features the following benefits when compared to the traditional tube furnace: • Small grain size with uniform crystal structure in longitudinal and transversal direction, which results in consistent mechanical properties and makes plasma annealed material more susceptible to cold working; • High production speed allows the plasma annealer to run in-line with drawing, rolling or subsequent coating
Fig. 7. PlasmaA EALER for ultra-fine stainless steel wire below 0.1 mm for annealing in-line with drawing.
Fig. 8. PlasmaA EALER for of stainless steel and nickel alloy wire from 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) to 5 mm (0.2 in.).
Primoz Eiselt is managing director and one of the founders of Plasmait GmbH, Lebring, Austria. He holds a master’s degree in physics from Graz University of Technology, Austria. Igor Rogelj is one of the founders of Plasmait, as well as its head of sales and marketing. He holds an MBA degree from Manchester Business School, UK. Peter Ziger is R&D manager and also one of the
founders of Plasmait. He is a physicist who studied at Graz University of Technology, Austria. Alois Ulrich Gruber is an independent engineering consultant. He graduated with a degree in material science from the University of Mining and Metallurgy Leoben in 1979. This paper was presented at WAI’s 83rd Annual convention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 2013. FEBRUARY 2014 | 137
processes; • Simultaneous dry chemical-free surface cleaning through ion sputtering (i.e. degreasing and oxide removal) results in superior surface finish, ready for subsequent coating; • High energy efficiency means considerable energy savings and lower power connection; • Increased uptime through immediate temperature manipulation and no warming up and cooling down times; • Low purging gas and maintenance costs compared to traditional tube furnace; • Environment and operator friendly production; • Compact design means short installation and commissioning times; • Small machine footprint means reduction in required workshop space; and • Production flexibility through the ability for rapid manipulation of production parameters.
TECHNICAL PAPER Influence of the strain rate on the mechanical response of prestressing steel wires in cold drawing Static and dynamic tests were performed on prestressing steel wires to study the influence of strain rate on the mechanical response of wires during drawing. By Francisco Gálvez, José Miguel Atienza and Manuel Elices Numerical simulation is becoming a powerful tool to optimize the forming processes. A basic ingredient for this numerical modelling is the constitutive equations of the material components. In the case of wire drawing, this data, the mechanical behavior of the wires during the processing, normally described by a flow curve, is obtained by means of static tensile tests (strain rates around 10-3s-1) at room temperature (20ºC). However, in order to increase the productivity and reduce the manufacturing cost, drawing speed is increasing more and more. It should be taken into account that high velocities result in an increase of the strain rate for the material and this may affect the material behavior during the processing and the properties of the final products. During cold drawing, especially by drawing very fine wires, the strain rate reaches values higher than 103s-1, which could be compared with the strain rate produced by impact or explosive loads. At such high strain rates, the material behavior may be quite different from that in a static state. Also, it is known that the strain rate dependency of strength is different for different materials. Together with that, high velocities could produce an increase in the temperature during the processing, which could reach values higher than 150-200ºC in some cases. In the literature, few data are available on the mechanical response of these wires at high strain rates and at high temperatures. Nakkalil et al.1 performed compression tests at high temperatures and strain rates with eutectoid steel cylinders. Itabashi and Kawata2 conducted tensile tests on carbon steels (carbon content ranging 0.14-0.54 in weight percentage, wt %) and found that the yield stress and ultimate strength could be predicted by an empirical formula for quasi-static tensile tests, taking in consideration carbon and manganese contents. Later, He et al.3 carried out compression tests with wires for tyre cord at high strain rates showing that these values were important to simulate the drawing force in the processing of wires fabricated under high speed cold drawing conditions. More recently, the influence of tem-
perature and strain rate on the performance of the final product (steel wires for prestressing) was reported in a paper published by the authors5,6 which served as a reference for the new Model Code7. Regarding the numerical simulations, although significant progress in development of material constitutive models has been made, the physical models are still not advanced enough to account for the whole complexity of the dynamic response of cold drawn eutectoid steel wires. Nevertheless, the interested reader is advised to consult a classical paper by Johnson and Cook8 or a more recent update9, devoted to high strength steels where a modified Johnson-Cook model was developed to describe the relationship of the flow stress, strain rate and temperature over a wide range of temperatures and loading rates. In this work, the effect of strain rate on the mechanical behaviour of pearlitic steel wires has been characterised, hoping that this information could be useful for producers when performing numerical modelling of cold drawing processes. To this end, the following loadings were explored: Influence of strain rate—ranging from 10–3s–1 to 103s–1—at room temperature (T = 20°C) and at 200ºC.
Materials and methods Materials. For this research a commercial steel wire for prestressed concrete was used. The chemical composition was (wt %): 0.815 C, 0.231 Si, 0.642 Mn, 0.012 P, 0.008 S, 0.044 V and 0.221 Cr (C-Carbon, Si-Silicon, MnManganese, P-Phosporus, S-Sulphur, V-Vanadium, CrChromium). The manufacture proceeded according to the following steps: rods of 12 mm diameter were subjected to eight drawing passes to reach a final diameter of 5.2 mm as shown in Table 1. The drawing velocity was 44m/min, and the temperature, which was controlled during the process, reached a maximum value of 197°C on the wire surface at the exit of the last die. After drawing they were subjected to an industrial thermo-mechanical stress relieving treatment; steel wires
Table 1. Drawing process for prestressing steel wires: Die dimensions and temperature at the surface of the wires.
were warmed to 400°C and stressed to 64% of its maximum stress σmax for several seconds. Results and discussion The wire microstructure is fully pearlitic, as it corresponds Figs. 2, 3 and 4 represent the stress-strain curves obtained to the eutectoid point (0.8% C), with alternating nanosize at low strain rate and room temperature, at high strain rates ferrite (αFe) and cementite (Fe3C) lamellae (interlamellar and room temperature and at high strain rates and 200ºC. As spacing around 100nm). This is typical of cold drawn eutecwas expected, the material strengthens due to the strain hardtoid steel, with the lamellae being aligned in the drawing ening during the drawing process in the three cases. direction, which coincides with the wire axis. Experimental results show a small increase in the recorded Samples after each drawing pass (Ti, varying i from one to values of the yield stress as the loading speed increases. This eight) were obtained in order to characterize the entire proincrement is especially important in the first steps of the processing. cessing, where it could be higher than 15% in some cases. Mechanical tests. In order to characterise the mechanical Similar results have been foundby the authors for other types behavior, compression samples with the same geometry were of wires [5,6]. Regarding the effect of temperature, experimachined for all of the programmed tests. The selection of the compression approach was due to its closer behavior from what is happening inside the die during drawing, where a high hydrostatic component of the stresses is reached. The same dimensions in all the specimens were used to avoid geometry dependence of the results, being cylinders of 4 mm diameter and 6 mm length. Low strain rate tensile tests.Compression tests were performed with a tensile testing machine Instron 8803, with a load cell of 25 kN, with load versus strain being continuously recorded. Tests, labelled low strain rate, were performed at a strain rate of 10–3 s–1. Load and strain histories were measured during the tests. From these results, the full stress strain curve was computed. At least two tests were performed in each condition. High strain rate tests at different temperatures. At higher strain rates different testing techniques have to be employed. The widely used Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) Fig. 1. Set-up for high strain rate tests at different temperatures and technique was used in this work to obtain the detailed view of the furnace. FEBRUARY 2014 | 139
stress-strain curve at strain rates of the order of 103s–1. General descriptions of the SHPB technique are given elsewhere, see for example Zukas et al.10 and Meyers11. High strain rate tests were performed using a special Hopkinson device designed to test at high temperatures12 which consisted of a projectile, incident and transmitter bar, a furnace and associated instrumentation for recording data. The device used was a 12 meter Hopkinson bar as shown in Fig. 1. Loads were produced though a 2000-mm projectile impacting against a 4000-mm steel bar inside a gun using compressed air. The load was transmitted to two Inconel bars with a length of 3850 mm and diameter of 19.3 mm. The specimen was placed between the two bars, and inside a furnace. The bars were refrigerated using a cooling water system. With this device the adiabatic stress-strain curve can be obtained from the measurements of the deformation of the Inconel bars. The dimensions of the specimens were 4 mm diameter, 6 mm length. Strain rate achieved during the test was 1.5 103 s–1. The tests were performed at room temperature (20ºC) and at 200ºC. Three tests were performed for each condition and for each drawing pass.
TECHNICAL PAPERS Fig. 2. Stress-strain curves at room temperature and low strain rate.
Fig. 3. Stress-strain curves at room temperature and high strain rate.
mental results show a decrease of the mechanical properties at high strain rate as the test temperature increases, as it was expected. In Fig. 5, the relation between stress at high strain rate and at low strain rate for the same strain (10%) is represented to compare the mechanical response of the wires. Limitations. It should be taken into account that yielding at high strain rate is difficult to measure due to instabilities that appear as oscillations in the stress-strain diagram. Those oscillations are due to the time to reach the specimen equilibrium and not representing the material behavior. It should be pointed out that low strain rates are isothermal tests, while high strain rate tests are adiabatic. This implies that during specimen deformation temperature increases due to thermal work, as the specimen has no time to interchange heat with the environment. This produces a temperature increment on the specimen as deformation increases that can be computed
using the Taylor-Quinney equation11. For this type of steels a linear temperature increase with deformation of 5ºC per 1% increase in strain can be assumed. Values of the Young modulus are difficult to measure during very high strain rates. For very low (10–3s–1) strain rates the recorded values are similar, 200 GPa. It is usually assumed that Young Modulus remains unchanged when increasing strain rates. For tests performed at high strain rate, no significant influence of the strain rate on the Young Modulus was observed.
Fig. 4. Stress-strain curves at 200ºC and high strain rate.
Fig. 5. Influence of strain rate in the mechanical response: Relation between stress at high strain rate and at low strain rate for the same strain (10%).
Conclusions Although the quasi-static stress-strain curve is often treated as the only data regarding the mechanical behavior of the materials during cold processing, it is a valid description of a material only at the strain rate at which the test was conduct-
Acknowledgements The authors gratefully thank Luís del Pozo and Luisa Villares from EMESA Trefilería, S.A. (Arteixo, La Coruña, Spain) for the supply of the steel wires, as well as for their useful comments, and the financial support though project BIA-2011-24445.
References 1. R. Nakkalil, J.R. Hornaday and M.N. Bassim, “Characterization of the compression properties of rails steel in high temperatures and strain rates,” Materials Science and Engineering, A 141, 1991, pp. 247-260. 2. M. Itabashi and K. Kawata, “Carbon content effect on high-strain-rate tensile properties for carbon steels,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 24, 2000, pp. 117-13. 3. S. He, P, van Houtte, A. van Bael, F. Mei, A. Sarban,
P. Boesman, F. Gálvez and J.M. Atienza, “Strain rate effect in high-speed wire drawing process,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Oct. 2002, pp. 267-276. 4. I. Rohr, H. Nahme nad K.Thoma, “Material characterization and constitutive modeling of ductile high strength steel for a wide range of strain rates,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 31, 2005, pp. 401-433. 5. J.M. Atienza and M. Elices, “Behavior of prestressing steels after a simulated fire: Fire-induced damages,” Construction and Building Materials, 23, 2009, pp. 29322940. 6. F. Galvez, J.M. Atienza and M. Elices, “Behavior of prestressing steel wires under extreme conditions of strain rate and temperature,” Structural Concrete, 12(4), pp. 255-261, 2011 7. FIB Model Code 2010. 8. G.R. Johnson and W.H. Cook, “Fracture characteristics of three metals subjected to various strains, strain rates, temperatures and pressures,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21, 1985, pp. 31-48. 9. C.Y. Lin, X. Chen and G. Liu, “A modified JohnsonCook model for tensile behaviors of typical high-strength alloy steel,” Materials Science and Engineering, A 527, 2010, pp. 6980-6986. 10. J.A. Zukas, T. Nicholas, H.F. Swift, L.B. Greszczuk and D.R. Curran, “Impact Dynamics.” Wiley, 1982. 11.Dynamic Behaviour of Materials, M.A. Meyers, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1994. 12. F. Galvez, D.A. Cendón, A. Enfedaque and V. Sánchez-Gálvez, “High strain rate and high temperature behaviour of metallic materials for jet engine turbine containment,” Journal de Physique, IV, 134, 2006, pp. 269-274. 13. F. Gálvez, B. Erice and J.M. Atienza, “Efecto de la Velocidad de Trefilado sobre los Parámetros de Control del Proceso industrial,” Anales de la Mecánica de la Fractura, XXIX, 2012, Vol. 28-II, pp. 683-688.
Francisco Gálvez is a Ph.D. aeronautical engineer and senior lecturer at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain. He teaches plasticity and dynamic behaviour of materials, among other related subjects. He specializes in the research of high strain rate behavior of materials, ballistic impact, and crashworthiness. José Miguel Atienza teaches in the materials science department at UPM, where he started as a researcher in 1998. His Atienza Gálvez Elices areas of scientific interest include steel wire for prestressed concrete and biomaterials. He work has been centered mainly on cracking and fracture holds a Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from UPM. of materials. This paper was presented at WAI’s 83rd Manuel Elices is full professor of materials science and Annual convention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 2013. technology at UPM, and dean of the faculty for materials science and engineering. His professional and research
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ed. At higher strain rates, the stress-strain relationship may change, and alternate testing techniques have to be employed to predict the parameters of the process with a high level of accuracy. In the case of cold drawing, modern drawing velocities could reach high strain rates, around six orders of magnitude higher than the quasi-static conditions of ordinary tensile tests. The purpose of this paper has been to provide experimental data on the behavior of steel wires under likely conditions that could be expected during high speed processing. Numerical simulations performed by the authors’ show that not taking into account the effect of high strain rates can lead to underestimated values of different process parameters like the drawing force13. Correct description of the constitutive equation of the material at real processing conditions will help to improve the predictions, by means of FE method, of the material flow during the process and the final properties of the products.
PRODUCTS & MEDIA PRODUCTS Company: stop using phosphates or borax for surface treatment At wire Düsseldorf, Condat will showcase one of its newest products, VICAFIL TS 7112, that it said can offer better performance for preparation of the wire surface than borax or phosphate products, and without the environmental concerns. A press release from the French company said that while borax or phosphate had long been used after pickling to prepare a wire surface before drawing, borax use has been cut back because of toxicity concerns and phosphate has been difficult to control in a process, while VICAFIL TS 7112 is a simple, efficient and more environmentally friendly surface treatment product. Its powder form makes it easy to dilute in a hot water bath. The product’s mineral salts and organic polymers are classified as nontoxic, but just like a borax bath, it crystallizes quickly on the wire. This, it said, creates optimal coverage and a greater deposit weight, thus ensuring better adherence and an excellent distribution of the lubricant during the wiredrawing operation. The result, it said, is increased wiredrawing speeds, reduced die wear, excellent wire surface quality and a greater homogeneity of the wire’s mechanical properties. VICAFIL TS 7112 also presents fewer disadvantages than a phosphate treatment, the release said. As it is easy to handle, manufacturers can reduce the number or the length of tanks used to carry out such treatments. It also has advantages in the treatment and recycling of effluents, guaranteeing remarkable results for the wiredrawing of the most difficult metals and on applications such as steel cord, PC wire, spring and cold-heading wire, it said. Contact: Condat, www.condat.fr.
Plasma annealer allows high speeds for fine/small diameter wire At the Austrian Pavilion at wire Düsseldorf, Plasmait GmbH will launch a new generation PlasmaANNEALER, which was designed for fine and small diameter wires.
A press release noted the following about the model, which it said can process various ferrous and nonferrous alloys, including stainless steels, nickel alloys, copper alloys and aluminum. The new annealer can also process small cross-section flat and shaped wire as well as fine ropes and tubes made of stainless steel and nickel alloys. The new concept allows for a radical increase of continuous annealing speeds that can surpass 15 m/s in the case of fine wire sizes of austenitic stainless steels. With such speeds annealing can be performed in-line with drawing or rolling, substituting multiple lines of a traditional strand furnace. The annealer features compact design, highenergy conversion efficiency, very low gas consumption and helps operators target mechanical properties with a great degree of accuracy, the release said. Rapid heating and reduced time of recrystallization results in fine grain size with uniform crystal structure. The model can cold start production in just a few minutes and easily be stopped, reducing heating-up and cooling-down times and associated energy costs. Ion sputtering on the material surface results in fine dry surface cleaning and surface oxide removal, a plus for applications with demanding surface requirements in sectors such as medical, electronics, jewelry, welding, aerospace, and aviation to mention a few. Contact: Igor Rogelj, Plasmait GmbH, info@plasmait. com, www.plasmait.com.
System can provide manufacturers continuous conductor measurement At wire Düsseldorf, the SIKORA AG booth will feature a range of its technology, including the new WIRETEMP 6010, a non-contact system for continuous measurement of the conductor temperature. A press release said that the system, which provides precise online measurement and control of the wire temperature, is also part of the PREHEATER 6000 TC. It is now available as an independent measuring device. It noted that the WIRE-TEMP 6010 measures the temperature of metallic as well as the surface temperature of insulated conductors continuously on a non-contact base. It is designed for diameters from 0.1 mm to 10 mm, while the WIRE-TEMP 6010 model can process diameters from
to RS485, RS232, Profibus DP or industrial field busses such as CANopen, Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet, Profinet IO fulfills every demand,” it said. Contact: SIKORA AG, www.sikora.net.
LDPE said to excel for use in gas foaming of coaxial cable insulation One of the new products to be showcased at wire Düsseldorf is Dow AXELERON™ CX B-1258 NT, a newly developed grade of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) resin from Dow Electrical & Telecommunications (Dow E&T) that is used for gasinjection foaming of coaxial cable insulation for radio frequency (RF) cable applications. A press release said that the new compound demon-
strates: improved electrical performance with a lower dissipation factor; ease of mixing with rheology compatible with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) for manufacturing consistency; and physical properties that enable construction of higher-quality cables with lower signal loss.
FEBRUARY 2014 | 143
0.15 mm to 100 mm. The systems are laid out for product temperatures to 150°C, with the measurement independent of the cross section, the material and the structure of the conductor surface. A big advantage over conventional systems is that the temperature measurement is made by means of a thermal image sensor in an infrared camera, which detects the conductor always reliably and provides accurate measurements with no need for calibration, it said. The release said that this capability is important for cable production as it is often necessary to preheat the conductor prior to the extrusion process, such as to ensure optimum adhesion of the insulation on the wire, or to stabilize and control the foaming of the insulation, especially for insulation of the wires for high-frequency and data transmission. The system, the release said, can work with various communication interfaces to transmit measuring values to a SIKORA processor system, the line control or a laptop. “The universal interface module for connections
Validated at Dow E&T’s in-house Global Technology Center, as well as in trials with customers under actual manufacturing conditions, Dow AXELERON CX B-1258 NT exhibits best-in-class attributes for electrical performance, robust manufacturing with run-to-run consistency and lower signal loss, the release said, noting that this is especially important as RF cable continues to require differentiation. It also reported the following. The increased use of wireless communication devices and the demand for bandwidth over wide-ranging cellular networks has led to a need for improved RF cables with minimum signal loss in the high frequency ranges. Cell towers utilizing RF cables are in service throughout the globe with an expected system lifetime spanning decades. Reliable RF cables that transmit stronger signals with lower losses will continue to be a crucial part of mobile networks for years to come. Foam insulation in RF cables plays a key role in signal transmission and strength. A better-performing insulation means higher-quality cable constructions that result in improved transmission with lower signal losses. Dow E&T is continuing its strong 40-year tradition of supplying excellent materials to the telecommunications industry with its offering of Dow AXELERON CX B-1258 NT. Contact: Dow AXELERON, www.axeleron.com.
Diameter-ovality gauge offers both high speeds and top-end quality At wire Düsseldorf, U.S.-based Beta LaserMike will present its range of measuring equipment, which includes its new family of high-speed AccuScan 5000 diameter and ovality gauges. A press release said that the system enables manufacturers to produce higher quality products in less time and with less waste. The new dual-axis AccuScan 5000 Series gauges “perform high-speed diameter and ovality measurements at 2400 scans per second per axis and provide the industry’s highest single-scan accuracy,” it said. The improvements in the single-scan calibration algorithm ensure each scan is highly accurate and reliable, and the high-speed tolerance checking option permits the early and precise detection of lumps and necks to eliminate costly product waste, it said. The STAC (stranded, twisted, armored, and corrugated) logic software option, it added, provides accurate max/min OD or enveloped readings at a higher rate, allowing for faster process control of complex cable constructions. 144 | WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL
The line effectively measure transparent, translucent, and opaque products up to 80 mm in diameter, the release said. All gauges, it noted, offer highly flexible communications including RS-232, Ethernet/IP, Ethernet TCP/ IP, DeviceNet, Profibus, Profinet, CANOpen, Analog, and Digital. An integrated air purge system, it added, keeps windows clean from dust and debris for maximum uptime and reduced maintenance. All AccuScan gauges are ruggedly constructed and sealed to IP 65 (NEMA 4) standards, providing effective protection in the harshest environments for long service life, it said. Contact: Beta LaserMike, www.betalasermike.com.
New halogen-free cabling material called ideal for jacketing purposes Global chemical company Huntsman reports that its IROGRAN® A95 P 5003, a high performance, halogenfree cable jacketing solution, combines the mechanical benefits of TPU with excellent fire retardant behavior. A press release from the German company said that the product, with a limited oxygen index (LOI) of more than 30, exceeds the performance of many competitor products. In the past, achieving a high LOI meant using halogenated additives, it said. However, recent concerns about the health and ecological effects of halogenated fire retardants have resulted in the need for product improvements. IROGRAN A 95 P 5003 has a very short self-extinguishing time, is compliant with key criteria set out in the European RoHS directive, and is capable of passing the most stringent UL fire standards, the release said, noting that it is ideal for use in confined spaces where cables need to be tightly bunched together or where ventilation may be poor. It is part of Huntsman’s IROGRAN portfolio, a range of TPU materials that are used wherever maximum mechanical strength, high tear resistance and mechanical reliability are a must, it said. IROGRAN A 95 P 5003 can be processed in exactly the same way as conventional cabling materials, using standard manufacturing equipment. It is ideally suited to the creation of jackets for control cables, fiber optic cables, power system cables and leads for consumer devices such as mobile phones, computers and digital cameras. The resulting cables are also easy to print on, it said. Contact: Franz Michel, Huntsman, tel. 49-293253540, franz_michel@huntsman.com, www.huntsman. com.
Lumen Dynamics, a global leader in the design and creation of innovative light delivery solutions inspired by close to 30 years of light expertise in manufacturing and life science applications, focused on the company’s OmniCure® technology at IWCS.
help address a wide range of UV curing applications, it said. “Designed with a unique combination of high output LEDs and customized optics, the OmniCure AC Series product line of air-cooled UV curing systems offers unsurpassed optical efficiency in UV energy delivered to the curing surface.” That, it said, allows manufacturers to maintain the highest irradiance at longer and custom working distances based on their specific UV process, the result being greater flexibility with outstanding throughput, low temperature curing and high product yields. The OmniCure AC Series, the release said, is ideal for a number of applications, such as fiber coating, wire marking, connector assembly, fiber ribbon assembly, electronics and automotive assembly. Contact: Lumen Dynamics, www.ldgi.com.
A new compound trio has arrived
A press release said that OmniCure offers innovative light-curing solutions that are used by some of the leading worldwide manufacturers. The OmniCure AC Series are high power, air-cooled UV LED curing solutions that are available in both 365 nm and 395 nm wavelengths to
Inhol BV has introduced a trio of new non-halogen, highly flame retardant wire and cable compounds with superior general resistance properties. A press release said that one product, NHFR-M-21013, a thermoplastic (tp) compound for jacketing, shows important characteristics for dynamic moving cables in demanding environments: great torsion resistance for applications like loop installations in wind turbines, superior oil resistant at elevated temperatures in accordance with UL OIL RES. I & II up to 150°C/302°F.
675$,*+7(1(56 *8,'(6 )(('ERS &/2 7)2% s #!",%3 s 45"%3 s 342)03
WITELS-ALBERT USA Ltd. Phone 410 228 8383 info@witels-albert-usa.com
Fax: 410 228 1813 www.witels-albert-usa.com
Visit us at Düsseldorf - stand 9 E37 FEBRUARY 2014 | 145
UV curing technology offers an innovative approach to processing
NHFR-M-21012 compound is also used for cable constructions that have to meet UL requirements for a 105°C/302°F jacketing material. A second thermoplastic (TP) compound, NHFR-DA 21638, has been designed for a wide range of applications. It has an operating temperature of -20°C to 125°C. This multiple application compound offers a nice balance of mechanical, physical and electrical properties. For instance, its vertical burning properties (IEEE383/ UL1685) are excellent, and it has good cold bent properties at -40°C/-40°F and excellent copper resistance. With an LOI of 40 and a temperature index of 350°C/662°F, this compound is the ideal choice for cable constructions that have to perform above average under heavy and prolonged use. The third product, RDX 20521, is an e-beam crosslinkable (rdx) compound designed for high-performance cable constructions as jacketing as well as secondary insulation material. The compound features an operating temperature -40°C to 125°C for 20,000 hrs. The compound can be used to for many cable constructions like vertical tray cables (IEC 60332-3, IEEE-383/UL1685). It will meet demanding requirements in shipbuilding, off shore, industry and heavy duty equipment. The non-halogen highly flame-retarded compound with a LOI of 45 is resistant to oil and fuel and is easy processable. Contact: Ron Goethals, Inhol BV/PTL Compounds, tel. 31-3560-33234, office@inhol.com, www.inhol.com.
MEDIA Company plans to launch its new website and logo at wire 2004 Sweden’s Windak Group announced that at wire Düsseldorf, it will launch a new website and a new company logo. A press release said that the company, founded 20 years ago and today called the Windak Group, has introduced a new website as part of its whole new company look, which includes a new logo. “With the introduction of our website, we have made it easier to communicate with our customers, and added a service page where customers can send warranty or service requests,” it said. “Each customer could use the user portal and track their orders, see the history of them and check what is new offered for their previous ordered systems,” the release said. “Today’s business pace requires efficient com-
munication and servicing our customers promptly is vital for Windak to remain a world leading supplier of automatic packaging equipment for the cable industry.” The release said that the company will introduce a new system, the Quickpack QP3-H, a high-speed coiling line that offers more servo control, less settings, and quicker ROIs for customers. See its booth listing for more details. Contact: Windak Group, www.windakgroup.com.
Website offers mobile web reference tool that offers options to customers U.S.-based General Cable reports that its website now has a new Mobile Web Reference Tool for Carol® Brand electronic wire and cable that makes it simple for users to quickly and easily find Carol Brand equivalent products and their specs from anywhere, at any time. A press release said that by navigating to http://xref.carol.generalcable.com on a mobile web browser, a user can click the start button and submit a competing part number to find the Carol Brand equivalent. The tool is equipped with a competitor cross reference and a product directory with full specifications as well as product photos, descriptions, features and benefits, applications and ordering information, it said. The product directory can be browsed by category or searched via keyword. The Carol Mobile Web Reference is touch-optimized for smartphones and tablets and features an intuitive user interface with expanding and collapsing menus, showing only the details the user wants to view, the release said. “Our new Mobile Web Reference provides a wealth of information already, and we plan to expand its functionality even further with more products as well as additional competitor databases,” said Josh Smith, market development manager, Electronic Products, General Cable. Contact: General Cable, www.generalcable.com.
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ACCOU T/PRODUCT MA AGER. T & T Marketing, Inc. is seeking an Account/Product Manager for CT, RI, and southern MA territory. Experience required: 5 years in sales and 5 years in W&C industry. Must have a record of proven sales results. Must reside in MA, CT, RI, NY, or NJ and be able to work independently. Technical and marketing experience a plus. Opportunities for advancement are available. Industry leading pay and benefits will be offered. Please send resume to jhoogendoorn@ ttmarketinginc.com.
WWW.URBA OASSOCIATES. COM. For New (Hakusan Heat Pressure Welders, Ferrous & NonFerrous; Marldon Rolling Ring Traverses) & Used Wire & Cable Equipment (buttwelders, coldwelders, ers and pointers). Tel: 727863-4700 or by e-mail, please send to urbassoc@verizon.net.
THE SMALL SHOP. This book, 327 pages, by Gary Conner, the author of Lean Manufacturing for the Small Shop, describes Six Sigma and how it is used by smaller companies. It includes a CD-ROM. Price, $95, $75 for WAI members, plus shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet.org and click on The WAI Store.
PERSO EL SERVICES “LET OUR SUCCESS BE YOUR SUCCESS” Wire Resources is the foremost recruiting firm in the Wire & Cable Industry. Since 1967 we have partnered with industry Manufacturers to secure the services of executives, managers, and thousands of key individual contributors. Contact: Peter Carino, pcarino@ wireresources.com or online at www.linkedin.com/in/petercarino1/ Wire Resources Inc., PO Box 593, Riverside, CT 06878, tel. 203-6223000. www.wireresources.com.
DIES APOLLO DIA-CARB COMPA Y Sells Natural/PCD diamond dies. Fair prices/excellent lead times. Contact Paulette, Owner/Sales Tel. # 1 (508) 226-0946 E-mail: apollodie@comcast.net
FOR SALE 1 - HACOBA Model DF24 24-Carrier Braider 2 - WARDWELL 24-Carrier Braiders 1 - TRENZ 64-C Horizontal Braider 4 - NEB Harness Braiders, 32-C and 48-C 1 - NEB 72-C #2 Braider, Long Legs, Motor 1 - STEEGER 16-C # Double Head Braider 15 - KINREI 560mm, 760mm D.T. Bunchers 1 - REEL-O-MATIC 24” Caterpuller Capstan 2 - FARRIS 22”, 30” Caterpuller Capstans 1 - ALLARD 36” Closer 2 - NEB 12-Wire 8” Vertical Planetary Cablers 1 - ALLARD 30” S.T. Closer 1 - DAVIS STANDARD 4.5” 24:1 Extruder 2 - DAVIS STANDARD 1.5”, 3.5” Rubber Extruders 1 - DAVIS STANDARD 2.5” Hi-Temp Extruder 1 - DAVIS STANDARD 1” 24:1 Extruder 1 - LESMO 1800mm Gantry Payoff 1 - HALL 40” Motorized Payoff w/4F12 Dancer 1 - DYNAMEX Tape Payoff, Model TPB30-2-D 1 - ROSENDAHL 630mm P/A Dual Reel Take-up
1 - SPHEREX 18” Dual Reel Take-up, refurbed 1 - CLIPPER Model SP16 Dual Spooler 1 - AL-BE Model MS12 Respooler, 18” Reels 1- TULSA 36” Rewind Line 1 - METEOR Model ME301 3-Head Winder 1 - TEC Model DTC630 D.T. Twister 2 - ENTWISTLE 4WDT24 4-W 24” D.T. Twisters 2 - NEWMCO 16” Quadders 1 - METRONIC AlphaJet C Inkjet Printer, 2005 1 - PWM Model EP500 Rod Welder 1 - HALL Tape Accumulator 1 - EUBANKS Model 4000-04 C/S Machine 1 - SCHLEUNIGER Model UC3750 Cutter 1 - SCHLEUNIGER Model EC3200 EcoCut 1 - SCHLEUNIGER Model ES9320 EcoStrip 1 - SCHLEUNIGER Model HS4500 Hot Stamper 1 - SCHLEUNIGER Model CT32, CT42 Crimpers 1 - IDEAL Model STP Stripper, Part #45-930
Contact: Martin Kenner
COMMISSION BROKERS, INC. P.O. Box 8456 • Cranston, RI 02920-0456 • Tel. (401) 943-3777 • Fax: (401) 943-3670 WEB: www.commissionbrokers.com • E-MAIL: marty137@aol.com
FEBRUARY 2014 | 147
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THE PRACTICAL APPLICATIO OF THE PROCESS CAPABILITY STUDY. Creating a universal language for problem solving, this 135-page indexed booth (published in 2011) was written by industry expert Douglas B. Relyea, founder of Quality Principle Associates, a New England-based consulting firm specializing in the education and application of data analysis
techniques to industrial problem solving. The book includes: the benefits of statistical process control over statistical product control; real-world industrial examples and case studies showing how to use the techniques; ways for management to determine if the investment in process capability studies is providing an appropriate return; methods to correct lack of stability and capability once
Please e-mail the requested information to: WAI’s Cindy Kirmss at ckirmss@wirenet.org. For more details, you can call her at 203-453-2777, ext. 116.
either condition has been identified, such as the ANOVA technique and the simple three-factor designed experiment; and a flow chart. The list price is $45, $40 for WAI members, plus shipping. To purchase, go to wirenet.org and click on The WAI Store.
AUCTION: Thursday, March 20th, 2014 at 9:00am EST ASSET LOCATION: 2400 Maremont Parkway, Loudon, TN, USA PREVIEW: Week of March 17th, 8:00am to 4:00pm Each Day For More Info., Call 818-508-7034 or go to: www.biditup.com Due to pending retirements, Lloyd & Bouvier Inc, Clinton MA, is looking for a National Sales Manager. Qualified candidate should possess a minimum of five years Wire & Cable manufacturing experience, with an emphasis on equipment functionality and application a plus, and five years sales experience with proven sales results. Position is located in our Clinton, MA facility. Salary is negotiable and commensurate with experience. Competitive benefit package and relocation assistance offered. Looking to fill position Q3 2014. Interested candidates should forward resume to: Ronald Reed, Lloyd & Bouvier Inc., 56 Sterling Street, Clinton MA 01510 (ron@lloydbouvier.com). Lloyd & Bouvier provides used, new and rebuilt equipment to the Wire & Cable industry (www.lloydbouvier.com)
Due to Closing of Major Tier One Automotive Supplier
UNPRECEDENTED OFFERING OF EXHAUST SYSTEM MFG. EQUIPMENT FEATURING: (3) Tube Mills • (20) 3" Eagle & Eaton Leonard CNC Tube Benders • Pines Vertical & Horizontal Tube Benders • 3-4" AMCS CNC Benders • (23) Eagle, Mckee Addison & GWS End Forming and Sizing Machines • (8) 3-4" Reasoner End Forming Machines • Videx Straighten Cut Thread & Bend U-Bolt Bender • (2) OOMG CNC Multi Axis Wire Bender • (8) 36" Cut to Length Lines • Numerous Misc. Spot Welding Machines • Numerous Uncoilers up to 10,000 Lbs • Straight Side & OBI Presses up to 300 Ton, Complete with: (12) TC80 Eagle Tube Cutoff and Trimming Machine • (3) 3" Pines Dynacut Tube Cutoffs • (8) Continental #3A Rotary Tube Cutoff Machines • 4' Davi 4-Roll CNC Bender • Huge Quantity of Tooling for Eagle & Reasener End Forming Machines • Complete Tool Room • Misc. Muffler Making Equip. & Components • Huge Quantity Tooling for Tube Benders • Huge Quatity of Production Equipment • (60) Miller & Thermal Arc Welders • (2) Dynamometers • Plant Support Equipment • Over 60 Fork Trucks & More!
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GMP Slovakia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
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Carris Reels Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cover 4
Inosym Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80, 87
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IWG High Performance Conductors Inc . . . . . 55
Cimteq Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
KEIR Manufacturing Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 107
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Commission Brokers Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
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DeWal Industries Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Locton Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Enkotec Co Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
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George Evans Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Micro Products Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Flymca & Flyro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Nano-Diamond America, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
FMS USA Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Paramount Die Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Pressure Welding Machines Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Frigeco USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Properzi International Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Frontier Composites & Castings Inc . . . . . . . 121
Proton Products Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 116
Fuhr GmbH & Co KG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
QED Wire Lines Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
GCR Eurodraw SpA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Queins Machines GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Gem Gravure Co Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
REELEX Packaging Solutions Inc . . . . . . . . . . . 5
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April 2014 WJI â&#x20AC;˘ Global steel overcapacity â&#x20AC;˘ Update: WAI Operations Summit & Wire Expo
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