Wire Magazine Issue #31.2013 Litigation Vs. Legislation What's Next For FL Marriage Equality

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You Don’t Feel Sick. So Why Look Sick? Eliminate HIV-Associated Hollow Cheeks It’s called lipoatrophy, and it refers to the common loss of facial fat among men with HIV. The good news is our Board Certified Physicians can safely and affordably treat your lipoatrophy at Tribeca Cosmetic Medicine.

Call (305) 763-8832, or visit TribecaMed.com

Long-Lasting Treatment

For Only $499




777 Arthur Godfrey Road • Miami Beach, FL 33140 Facial Plastic Surgery • Hi-Def Abdominal Sculpting • Laser Liposuction Pectoral & Calf Augmentation • Butt Enhancement • Skin Resurfacing • BOTOX® *$499 flat fee does not include cost of fillers which varies based on patient’s financial need. HIV-positive patients who qualify can receive Radiesse® or Scultura® facial filler for as little as $75 per syringe.

(305) 763-8832

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for getting an HIV test

LIFE LOVE PRIDE What’s your reason? Get tested for HIV.

Get a fast, free and confidential HiV test. Visit hivtest.cdc.gov/reasons or text your zip code to “KNOW IT” (566948)

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Miracles Made With You In Mind.

At Jackson Health System, you can count on world-class care that’s sensitive to the concerns of the LGBT

community. It’s one reason the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation has recognized Jackson as a “Leader in LGBT Healthcare Equality” for three years in a row. So when you or your family requires general, specialty or emergency care, think of us because we’re always thinking of you. Learn more at


Jackson Memorial Hospital • Jackson North Medical Center Jackson South Community Hospital • Holtz Children’s Hospital Jackson Behavioral Health Hospital • Jackson Rehabilitation Hospital

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Photo credit: Š chrupka | 2013 Shutterstock.com

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Photos Courtesy of Hollywood Records

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