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Bythomas thomaSbarker Barker BY
StiLL PrevaLent in miami-DaDe Whathiv/aiDS a Magical Year of Memories and Photos!
It’s to believe that 2009 Lasthardweek marked theis nearly 25th anniversary of south Florida’s over. Over the past 12 months, we’ve largest hiv/aids fundraiser, been through a lot. We’ve celebrated the white Party week, and joy of electing our first African American thousands people flocked to president and of suffered through the pain thea dismal sandseconomy; of miami Beach of yet, through it all, to have enjoy a week parties, we continued to thriveof in one of the cocktails, incredible most glamorous cities in the world. dJs,
of the course, hot men. as of As year comes to a close, wenow, can’t care resource is still tallying help but reflect on all the special events the numbers, but from what we and experiences we’ve had throughout experienced during the week of 2009, which is why we decided to events, White party Week went dedicate this issue to a number of images well. from some of the most fantastic events of the year. Each image ranking perfectly captures memory making, and with miami numbera one in in thethestate of and we arein very happy to share withcases you once again. Florida the number ofthem aids and fourth in
the rate per 100,000 aids cases among metropolitan We begin Year in Pictures the community largest gay areas, it isour more important thanwith everone thatofour fundraising in South Florida, Winter Party 2009. Inand our do all thatevents we can to support hiv/aids prevention brief photo spread of Winter Party, you’ll get a small glimpse of the service organizations like care resource.
thousands of beefy boys that came out to enjoy the dance parties,
pool parties, art exhibitions, and shopping sprees. this past tuesday, hundreds of thousands of people from around the world came together to acknowledge the 21st anniversary of inworld Day. in The next major event to be featured our Year aiDS in Pictures is Miami miami beach, SoBaP, with the history miami-Dade Beach Gay Pride 2009. along This event made as the first health organized candlelight vigil official gayDepartment, pride in Miami Beach. What a started out as a small to commemorate the day,people as well as into expose the stigma event for no more than 5,000 turned a 10-block festival associated withIt was hiv.amazing to see the and expo withwith overpeople 20,000 living attendees.
thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and straight during the vigil, various speakers discussed their personal experiences of either with hiv or people flooding the streets to celebrate our living community.
hate crimesto grow in Florida wereof down, but and convenientl has continued its repertoire entertainment dining by adding brunch, Brunchic. forgottheir to wonderful mention Sunday that hate crimes of the most violen
more resources battle disease. one Another really greattoevent thatthis tookdeadly place this year was the thing 2nd in particular that really caught mymen attention wascame the Annual Summerfest. Hundreds of gay and women miami-dade according the miami-dade out to support the statistics. only gay weekend event of to the summer by partying health department, one out of 10 white gay at some of the most exclusive and opulent venues in Miami Beach.
TWIST kept the party rolling along all year round with their annual themed soirees, including the Foil Party, Warsaw stratton asked that everyone attending theParty, vigil and sig everyone’s favorite, Turnabout. a petition, requesting that Florida attorney Genera
knowing people that they have lost, and the need for
men are living with hiv, one out of eight black men are living with hiv, and one out of The of the summer was are spent living running from onehiv, air conditioned 12rest hispanic men with some of oasis to another, but that all changed with the arrival of Halloween. which don’t even know they have it. As always, locals and visitors alike came out in some of the most extravagant costumes to date.how Luckily our photographers werehave out now if you think about many men you may and about to all on camera for and your viewing pleasure. hooked upcapture with itthis past year compare that to
those statistics, you might be a little surprised by how risky pastdeeper casualinto hook up Care may Resource have been. As we a moved the fall, celebrated the
25th Anniversary of White Party. Thousands of participants another reallyBeach important vigil was the flocked to Miami to indulgepart in allof thatthe glitters during White discussion of White hate crimes theBeach stigma associated Party Week. From Party’s and Muscle Party to White with the gLBt community. equality Florida’s deputy Party at Vizcaya, all of the events were beautiful.
director, Stratton Pollitzer, discussed how the negative stigma of the GLbt community resulted in the Our next photo feature on page 12 focuses on some of the best brutal slayings of two gay teens, jorge Steven Lopez photos from a few of our Wireburned, Magazinedismembered, features. Miami mercado, who wasfavorite beaten, personalities like Dale and Stine,jason Daisy D, and Fernan-D-Cute, and decapitated, mattison, who was among others, raped, have all beaten, become synonymous with what in makes repeatedly gagged, stabbed the Miami these photos are perfect examples why. in his head tick, 50and times, and then placed in a ofcloset grandmother’s house. Now, Miami nightlife could not survive without the seven-day-a-week to bars, make matters the Florida gay which is why weworse, decided to dedicate the next attorney three pages general recently released a report stating2009 that Palace overall to some of our favorite gay destinations. Throughout
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kind against the GLbt community were up 25 percen
Bill mccollum acknowledge the prevalence of hat
And there’s no way we docommunity a Year in Pictures including crimes against thecould GLbt andwithout to take furthe some hot inshots Score’s of weekly Their Friday night action the from prevention theseevents. crimes. party, Filthy Gorgeous, has literally become the “it” place to sip cocktails dance off, and from the pictures here,eithe you by the and time the your vigilasswas over, everyone held can definitely see why. a candle or a red glow stick in memory of someon
they may have lost due to hiv/aids, and shouted the
This year, we also welcomed a new bar to the scene, New name aloud for all to hear. York’s famous VLADA Lounge. Throughout the year, VLADA has maintained its reputation as a lounge for the sophisticated cocktailer, With every name belted, the reality of the situatio offering an assortment of infused vodka martinis along with some became more and more clear. hiv/aids has no great live performance acts.
gone away and is still a major epidemic within ou community. everyday another person in our communit And right down the street, the young and glamorous have been partying is infected. this is why it is up to us to do all that we ca till the wee hours of the morning at the infamous Discotekka, which to protect ourselves and our partners, so make sure yo is home to some of the best DJs and drag performers in the city. always use a condom and get tested regularly.
Finally, we decided to wrap up our Year in Pictures with Azucar. i know plenty of people, who don’t get are theback name After closing its doors briefly a couple monthseven ago, they in of theirand tricks much less their life, hav business on the beach. Check outhiv whatstatus. you canLive expect at their fun,fabulous but always new venue. Wrap it up!
till next week! Happy Holidays!
YEAR IN PHOTOS cover Photo by: PHOTOGRAPHERS: joSe aLexzanDer Rafa Carvajal WWW.joSeaLexzanDer.com image1st.com modeL: torrence Lee Henry Perez Juan Saco Mironoff Dale Stine
wire wire staff StaFF
ceo/publisher: ceo/pubLisher: rafa rafacarvajal carvajal
Executive executiveEditor/publisher: editor/pubLisher: thomas thomasbarker barker
design desiGndirector/PRODUCTION: director/production: matthew tumbleson jose gonzalez/true ink designs l.l.c.
COLUMNISTS/writers: coLumnists/Writers: alfredo alfredobarrios barrios michelle jamesgaber cubby jim jimkeizer keizer michael michaelsasser sasser
PHOTOGRAPHERs: photoGraphers: john anthony sutton & danny gabriel john anthony sutton & danny gabriel||image1st.com image1st.com juan juan saco saco mironoff mironoff||miami-gay-blog.com miami-gay-blog.com dale dalestine stine||dalestine.com dalestine.com
WIRE MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED, PRODUCED AND OWNED BY Wire maGaZine is pubLished, produced and oWned by WIRE MEDIA GROUP L.L.C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Wire media Group L.L.c. aLL riGhts reserved
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Wire magazine miami beach community resource Listings presented by south beach insurance
AccountAnts manal oliver manal oliver & associates 305.868.7620 1666 Kennedy cswy. suite 30 miami, FL 33141
Attorneys elizabeth schwartz, esq. 305.674.9222 560 Lincoln road Miami Beach, FL 33139 www.sobelaw.com
miami beach city attorney’s office 305.673.7470 1700 convention center dr. Miami Beach, FL 33139
FinAnciAL ADvisors erik sherman John hancock 305.266.6300 ext. 123 1101 brickell ave. ph-s miami, FL 33131
Fitness sPeciALists & gyms
steven Kozlowski, esq. 305.673.8988 1111 Lincoln road, suite 400 Miami Beach, FL 33139 www.kozlowlaw.com
proper Form 305.531.8818 1250 sW 20th street Miami Beach, FL 33139 www.properform.com
dr. etti ben-Zion 305.861.9383 5700 collins ave., 16m miami beach, FL 33140 www.dreitti.com
Julio hernandez, dmd biscayne dental 305.657.1600 2125 biscayne blvd. suite 510 miami, FL 33137
Domestic PArtnershiP registry city clerk of miami beach 305.673.7411 1700 convention center dr. Miami Beach, FL 33139
gLBt DiscriminAtion comPLAint
generAL PrActitioners dr. Joseph piperato Wp&a 305.538.1400 1613 alton road Miami Beach, FL 33139 dr. albert albert canas md pa 305.534.0503 1680 Michigan Ave. Suite 912 Miami Beach, FL 33139
hAnDymAn & cArPentry
mortgAge Broker
cJ ianuzzi 3 square Feet 305.423.5035 www.3sqft.com
robin schwartz 305.794.1864 www.robinjschwartz.com
Free hiv testing center cvs 305.532.1033 306 Lincoln road Miami Beach, FL 33139
insurAnce consuLtAnts daniel spring south beach insurance 305.532.7623 1315 14th street Miami Beach, FL 33139
LicenseD PsychoLogist peter popejoy, ph.d 305.527.6637 940 Lincoln Road, Suite 323 Miami Beach, FL 33139 melissa Friedman, ph.d 305.534.3636 mt. sinai medical center miami beach, FL 33140
meDicAL insurAnce rePresentAtive William Warren, cebs benefits design resources, inc. 305.604.8035 407 Lincoln road, suite 11h Miami Beach, FL 33139
reALtors Laura veitia urban resource 305.674.4141 www.urbanresource.com Jeffrey J. Wilkinson, p.a. douglas elliman Florida 305.213.1495 Jnots@bellsouth.net sherry roberts sbb realty 305.205.2030 www.southbeachboutiquerealty.com alexandra suarez brickell investment realty 786.346.6663 www.alexandrasuarez.com nathan smith america’s real estate 305.724.8951 nps2376@comcast.net
gLBt rentAL ProPerties peter Gosselin palm Grove investment properties 786.326.6366 pmgosselin@yahoo.com
weBSite reSoUrceS commUnity reSoUrceS SoBe Social club www.sobesocialclub.com aquafoundation www.aquafoundation.org
Lesbian events www.icandeeproductions.com www.pandoraevents.com miami Beach gay Pride www.miamibeachgaypride.org
mDgLcc www.gogaymiami.com
LocaL gLBt heaLth organizationS
Penny Back Boyz www.pennybackboyz.com
South Beach aiDS Project www.sobeaids.org
care resource www.careresource.com
american civil Liberties Union www.aclufl.org
LocaL gLBt civiL rightS organizationS
Pride Lines youth Services www.pridelines.org
Save Dade www.savedade.org equality Florida www.eqfl.org
Unity coalition www.unitycoalition.com gLSen www.glsen.org
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pubLishers’ corner PUBLISHERs’ CORNER check oUt oUr new viDeoS!
Miami Beach’s only
PLUS enjoy Some oF theaBeSt artChristmas in the worLD Have Merry and a Wonderful Holiday Season!
Merry Christmas! I want wish column. all everyjames issue of 2009 in electronic thetoarts cubby gave format, plus tons of photo files in I also want to congratulate our friends from Azucar for their i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving our readers a very Merry Christmas anddown a ourofhard drive, and chose you a run some great thingsjust toa sample of the many photographs great soft-opening at their new Miami Beach location (corner in the company of incheck out if youWire likeMagazine the arts, brought music, you andover this past year, plus some that of 5th street and Jefferson Ave.) this past Saturday. Stay tuned wonderful holiday season the company your friends and James of your family and friends. live performances. notthis made week, the printed pages of Wire. I hope you enjoy these for Azucar’s official grand opening in Miami Beach on Sunday, family this past week cubby wrote had our art Basel wonderful photos – theycover should bring back a lot of memories of January 3rd, 2010 – don’t miss it. and had a chance to provide comprehensive Regardless of our religious beliefs and the you manyapeople, places, and events Wire Magazine brought to give thanks for story overview of art basel, and all the other all the this good customs, is athings time to celebrate and you this year. I truly hope you will have the opportunity to spend some quality major art fairs, showcasing amazing in life. enjoy the holiday season and to share a time with your families and friends celebrating your own traditions art from around the world. We are fabulous time week, with others, as wefortunate quickly Ithat must some confessof thatthe looking this past i very bestthrough art thousands of these photographs this holiday season. Also, remember the less fortunate and reach approach the end of the a yearinthat took a lot but ait was well worth it and reminded me that it out to neighbors, friends, and family members who may be lonely also celebrated thehopefully world comes to ofustime, once year, 25th of white Party broughtanniversary you some joyful memories to look back on.and Even though would this take hundreds and hundreds of pages to share them all with this time of the year. Some kind words from you this holiday shouldit take opportunity to in style andyear hadfor a great time going from was a tough many people, we are still here to celebratewhat you. So, after spending time with family and friends, we will make a season may bring cheer to those who most need it. appreciate many people probably party to party. the events gave me a once in their lifetime by with you by uploading them online the holidays and have fun with family and friends.only get to seepoint to share additional images chance to see many of our friends and visiting prestigious museums and gallerat www.wireweekly.com Make the most of living in Miami and the Beaches. Have a to meet several new friends that came to ies in major u.s., european, Latinover the course of January 2010. As I was going through lots of photographs to prepare our Year great time for the rest of 2009 and feel free to stop us on the streets visit miami from around the U.S. and american, cities. in Pictures Issue, my Mac’s started telling me that the and Thisasian past week, I survived a drive up to Fort Lauderdale in of Miami and the Beaches to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. the White partyiPhoto at vizcaya was a fabulous evening thatwas included hard drive used to store the photos running out of space. So the monsoon of December 2009 to enjoy the opening night Wire Magazine. We welcome your feedback and suggestions to this week, we also decided to showcase great music byit and exPoSe andmytony I decided to clean realized that Mac had to delete over concert of the South Florida & Key West Symphony continue providing great lifestyle content for our readers. another wired inside the artist’s moran and delightful food and drinks 15,000 images. Imagine that! I paused to take inStudio that over for this you. Orchestra the Broward Center for the Performing jose atalexzander in the vip area. i was also lucky to last year I had looked at well over 15,000 photographs from ourPanama, Arts. It was a very grew up in spent timedifficult in cos-drive, but those of us who braved Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, spend some time chatting with kristine C photographers, myself included, choose many mopolitan of the images the like torrential downpour treated to a magical night of music cities new yorkwere and w and my dear friend kimtoFalconer, with live performances by neo-soul Jazz singer we decided to showcase you in the pages of Wire Magazine under the leadership of Maestra Sebrina Maria Alfonso, the Rafa Paris, but decided to settle in miami who has been a close friend of Kristine M develop artisticorchestra’s photography. for many years. in the evening, we to through during 2009. We Later sure compiled a lot of memories our his symphony music director, who led some of the most For The Publishers Y also shared dancing week’s art basel camera lenses some this past year. with Kristine, as part of thistalented musicians from issue, around the U.S. in an amazing concerto Kim, and several other friends to the we decided towithshowcase Jose’s work violinist Cho-Liang Lin. Make sure you attend one or more Rafa Carvajal: rafa@wireweekly.com CM music of expose and tony moran. in a Wired inside the artist’s studio Once my iPhoto had room for more, I proceeded to look back at of their upcoming concertos in 2010. Bravo Maestra! Thomas Barker: thomas@wireweekly.com
visit www.wireweekly.com to see feature that brings to life some of his a video of expose and tony moran amazing artistic photography. We also performing. selected one of Jose’s artistic pieces for Join us for our Late thisNight week’s Happy art basel Hour cover, because if you visit www.wireweekly.com you we felt it was important to showcase will notice two important Friday andadditions. Saturday fromartist 9pm-12am a miami from the gay community We now have a video section on our on our art basel cover. there are many website with several videos for your viewing pleasure. We have included talented artists in South Florida’s gay videos of White party events at vizcaya community, and Wire magazine conand score, and of the muscle beach tinues to seek out their work, so we can and pool parties. wire magazine will showcase it in our pages. remember continue to bring you fun videos on our to contact us and submit your work for website, so “Get Wired” to our twitter consideration! and Facebook for notifications. in closing, i want to urge you to make the second addition to wireweekly.com the most of living in miami and the is a twitter feed that provides you with beaches by getting out to enjoy art real time updates. this past week, our basel Week. have a great time and feel twitter feed brought you real time pics free to stop us on the streets of miami and videos of White party events, so and the beaches to share your thoughts you could see what was happening at and ideas with Wire magazine. We some of these parties. Go to our web- welcome your feedback and suggessite and take a look at the twitter feed, tions to continue providing great lifeor better yet, look up Wiremagazine style content for our readers. on twitter and follow us. it is clear that twitter has become the leading cheers, social networking site right now. so we decided to expand our presence from Facebook to twitter, and would be rafa delighted if you follow us for the latest For the publishers updates, pics, and videos courtesy of rafa carvajal: Wire magazine. rafa@wireweekly.com Last week, we brought you the first thomas barker: installment of our bi-weekly wired on thomas@wireweekly.com MY
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THE KICK START $8 homemade granola, vanilla yogurt, fresh fruit THREE EGGS ANY STYLE $9 potato hash, apple wood smoked bacon, side salad HOMEMADE PANCAKES $9 choice of chocolate chips, bananas or strawberries, maple syrup, whipped cream EGGS BENEDICT TRIO $12 organic spinach, smoked salmon, apple wood smoked bacon TEXAS SIZED FRENCH TOAST STICKS $9 mixed berry coulis, maple syrup, whipped cream THE NORTHEASTERN $10 taylor ham, egg and cheese on a roll – fresh jalapenos optional STEAK AND EGGS $14 3 eggs any style, grilled skirt steak, potato hash $6 Mimosas & Belinis
1720 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach | 305.534.7905 www.catalinahotel.com
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Wire Magazine's
HOTPIC OF THE WEEK Photography by: Jose Alexzander www.josealexzander.com Model: Steve Boyd
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By Thomas Barker
Short ribs en croute Photo courtesy of Prelude by Barton G.
Chef Anthony Dee
Serving up Roasted Chicken with Fingerling Potatoes, Escarole, and Plum tomatoes in a Mustard Brown Butter Sauce Prelude by Barton G. Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts 1300 Biscayne Blvd., Miami Prelude Photo courtesy of Prelude by Barton G
305.357.7900 www.preludebybartong.com
For nearly eight years, Barton G. The Restaurant has
assortment of creams, terracotta, and soft lighting, creating
a good thing, as there was no way I could leave Prelude
provided Miami Beach visitors and locals alike with one of
a very warm and inviting environment.
without trying one of Barton G.’s infamous dessert dishes. I settled on the “crazy for chocolate” dessert, which included
the most theatrical and over-the-top dining experiences in
Miami, so when the opportunity came for Barton G. Weiss
After walking through the dining area, we were escorted to
a chocolate cupcake with chocolate butter cream and truffle
to partner with The Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing
our seat, and greeted by Magda, who was to be our waitress
filling covered in chocolate ganache with a cherry on top!
for the evening. Within moments of taking our seats, Magda
Without a doubt this was definitely one of the sweetest
gave us a rundown of the menu and suggested that we order
desserts I’ve ever experienced.
Arts on a new restaurant, he just couldn’t resist.
As a result, Prelude by Barton G. was created, and now
all three courses at one time. This allows the chef and cooks
theatergoers, visitors, and locals have the option to enjoy
to prepare the dishes as efficiently as possible to ensure that
some of Barton G.’s best dishes at a really affordable price.
diners can make it to their show on time.
By the time the meal was over, I was more than delighted
with the experience, and couldn’t resist asking if I could
get into the kitchen and learn to make one of Barton G.’s
For only $39, Prelude diners get to indulge in a three-course
prix fixed menu that includes a variety of tasty offerings
I kicked off my Prelude experience with the heirloom tomato
signature dishes from Prelude chef de cuisine Anthony
paired with some of the most divine wines.
and watermelon salad, which was served in traditional
Dee. Luckily he obliged and a few days later, I found
When we were invited to stop by and check out the new
Barton G. fashion. A variety of three large heirloom tomatoes
myself standing in chef Anthony’s kitchen learning to make
were served alongside a number of ball shaped watermelon
Prelude by Barton G.’s roasted chicken with fingerling
digs, I was more than excited to see what Barton G.
that had been infused with an olive oil vinaigrette. To my
potatoes, escarole, and plum tomatoes in a mustard
had come up with. Needless to say, immediately upon
surprise, as soon as I had put the last infused watermelon
brown butter sauce.
arrival, I was blown away by the fantastic décor, which
ball in my mouth, my entrée had arrived. I chose the short
includes one of the largest pieces of onyx I have ever
ribs en croute with a brandy cream and a crispy pastry
To prepare for the meal, chef Anthony removed an airline
seen. According to chef Anthony Dee, this ridiculously
top, which was served with braised potatoes and baby
chicken breast from chicken brine.
oversized rock is worth more than $85,000 and was
vegetables. From my first bite, I knew that I was going to be
breast is a bone-in chicken breast with the skin on it that
incredibly difficult to install.
in for a treat, as the ribs had obviously been braised for a
has had the wing removed. You can do this yourself or
good amount of time and were wonderfully tender.
purchase airline cut chicken breasts at your local gourmet
An airline chicken
market. According to chef Anthony, brining the chicken
Once I was able to take my eyes off the onyx, I spent a little
time taking in the rest of my surroundings, which included
Between the appetizer and the entrée, I was pretty full,
breasts allows the seasoning to really penetrate the meat
dark chocolate wood dining tables matched with an
but not to the point that it was overwhelming, which was
and will help keep the breasts very moist.
16 | wire magazine | wireweekly.com
Photos by Rafa Carvajal
1. Chicken Brine 1 Serving To make the brine, chef boiled 2.5 quarts of water and added ½ cup of kosher salt, ½ cup of granulated sugar, and ¼ cup of black peppercorns. He then whisked everything until the salt and the sugar had dissolved then juiced 1 lemon into the water mixture and added 1.5 tablespoons of fresh
well incorporated. Once the brine reached room
Escarole, or broad-leaved
ready, and we needed to prepare our escarole. Chef Anthony grabbed about a handful and a half of fresh escarole and threw it in a pan with ½ a tablespoon of melted butter. He then sautéed the escarole until it began to wilt,
endive has broad, pale green leaves and is less bitter than broad-leaved endive, Bavarian
which takes about a minute to a minute and a half. While sautéing the escarole, he also added salt and pepper to taste.
5. Mustard Brown Butter Once the escarole was
temperature, he added the chicken and placed
finished, we moved on
everything in the fridge for the next 4 to 6 hours.
to the mustard brown butter, which was super easy to make. In a
2. Roasted Chicken Breast 1 Serving
Immediately after taking the chicken breast out of the brine, chef Anthony then
Anthony says that you know it is time to throw the chicken in the pan when the oil reaches its smoking point, which is when you can see a little smoke coming from the pan. Anyhow, chef Anthony placed the chicken breast in the pan, breast side down along with a roma tomato that had been sliced in half, lengthwise. He also took a fresh lemon, cut off the tips, sliced it in half through the center, and placed one of the halves in the sauté pan alongside the chicken and roma tomato halves.
of unsalted butter
placed it in a hot sautéing pan that had been lightly coated with canola oil. Chef
melted 2 ½ pounds until it began to clarify. Watching the pan closely, we let the butter fat solids at the bottom of the saucepan begin to brown. After the solids browned, we removed the pan from the heat and allowed it to rest. Once it cooled a bit, we whisked the butter to help remove the browned fat solids from the bottom, added 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1.5 teaspoons of whole grain mustard. According to chef Anthony, you never want to put the mixture back on the burner, as it will burn and turn bitter.
Once the chicken skin was brown, chef Anthony placed it, along with the tomato and lemon halves, in an oven that had been preheated to 350 degrees for 12 to 16 minutes, or until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 165 degrees.
Now that our potatoes, escarole, mustard brown butter, and chicken were ready, we began to plate. First, he grabbed the escarole then placed the chicken on top of it. He placed the tomato, lemon, and fingerling potatoes next to the chicken. After everything was placed in the proper location, he took
3. Fingerling Potatoes 1 Serving
the mustard brown butter and drizzled it over the chicken.
endive, Batavian endive, grumolo or scarola.
with Fingerling Potatoes, Escarole, and Plum tomatoes in a Mustard Brown Butter Sauce
he whisked the mixture until everything was
What is Escarole?
By the time the potatoes were done, the chicken was almost
Roasted Chicken
thyme. Once everything was added,
4. Sautéed Escarole 1 Serving
While the chicken began to roast, we moved on to the fingerling potatoes. In order to prepare the potatoes, we had to first toss 8 to 10 potatoes in a mixing bowl with salt, pepper, and olive oil. After they had a nice coat, we then placed them in a pan and roasted them in an oven that had been preheated to 350 degrees for 26 minutes, or until we could poke them with a fork without the potato sticking. When the potatoes were nice and soft, we took them out of the oven and let them cool off. After they reached room temperature, we cut them in half, lengthwise. Once they were all sliced, we heated up about 1 tablespoon of butter in a hot pan and sautéed the potatoes for about 2 to 3 minutes or until they were a nice golden brown. While he did this, he salted and peppered the potatoes to taste.
The result was one fantastic dish that is very simple to make. My favorite thing about this dish is that I already have most of the ingredients in my seasoning cabinet at home. Enjoy!
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Food 11th 11th Street StreetDiner Diner Corner 11th Street Street and andWashington Washington Ave., Ave.,MB 305.534.6373 MB 305.534.6373 array home-style Array of of home-style Americanamerican diner cuisine,diner from cuisine, meatloaf to specials fried chicken. meatloaf tofrom fried chicken. Daily and great daily prix fixebeat menu prix fixespecials menu forand only great $12.99. Can’t the for only Can’t prices here!$12.99. It’s where the localsbeat eat asthe wellprices as the here! it’s where the locals eat as well as starving tourists.
the starving tourists.
A La Folie a La FoLie 516 Espanola Way MB | 305.538.4484 516 Espanola Way MB | 305.538.4484 South crêperie that is more south Florida’s Florida’soriginal original crêperie that is café-like in its offerings of classic French more café-like in its offerings of classic crepes, salads, and platters. A French sandwiches, crepes, sandwiches, salads, and very casual, friendly loungefriendly with competent, platters. a very casual, lounge knowledgeable wait knowledgeable staff. No need to wait rush with competent, staff. It’s noFrench, need to rush it’s French, here! after all!here! Sit, relax, peruse after all! sit, relax, peruse the anumerous the numerous periodicals over glass of periodicals over a glass of pouilly Fumé Pouilly Fumé or a Stella Artois. Or maybe an or a stella orRight maybe an heart herbal herbal tea orartois. infusion. in the of tea or infusion. right Way in theneighborhood. heart of the the fabulous Española fabulous española neighborhood. Outside lounge open Way for special champagne outside lounge open for special nights in season. Call for special prix fixe champagne nights in season. call for international dinners.
special prix fixe international dinners. Andiamo anDiamo
5600 Biscayne Blvd.,Miami Blvd.,Miami ||305.762.5751 5600 Biscayne 305.762.5751 seven-year-old pizzeria that has Seven-year-old that video has expanded outdoorpizzeria seating with expanded outdoor seating with video screens and complimentary wi-fi. screens complimentary Gourmet Gourmetand pizza is award wi-fi. winning and nationally recognized! additional italian pizza is award winning and nationally menu selections include paninis, recognized! Additional Italian salads, menu soups, desserts. beer and soups, wine. selections includeserves paninis, salads, now serving philly cheese desserts. ServesFrankie’s beer and wine. Now steaks! Serving Frankie’s Philly Cheese Steaks!
caFé at BookS & BookS
Café at Books & Books 933 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.695.8898 933 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.695.8898 one of the most important things that One of the most important things that Books books & books has that sets it apart from & Books has that sets it apartisfrom any other any other chain bookstore a wonderful chain bookstore is a wonderful personality. personality. not only can you find the Not can you findcoolest the latest books and latestonly books and magazines, coolest can enjoy now youmagazines, can enjoynow truly you delicious and truly delicious generous foodrelaxed in one generous food and in one of the most of the most relaxed environments environments possible on Lincolnpossible road. theLincoln food Road. is really quiteis something, on The food really quite especially especially their miami steak something, their cheese Miami Cheese sandwich. Steak Sandwich.
Da Leo LeoTrattoria trattoria Da 819 Lincoln Road, MB MB || 305.674.0350 305.674.0350 819 Lincoln Road, one of the pioneers of Lincoln road, da One of the pioneers of Lincoln Road, Da Leo is popular spot with locals, tourists, Leo is popular spot with locals, tourists, and and celebrities. Where else could you celebrities. Where else could you enjoy enjoy rich, tasty food, which is basic rich, tasty food, which basic home-style home-style pastas and ismeat dishes, and pastas and some of the some ofand themeat best dishes, people-watching while best people-watching while dining al fresco. dining al fresco. ask about their special Ask their special fixe menus prix about fixe menus – one prix at $15.95 and– 18 | wire magazine | wireweekly.com
WIRE MAGAZINE’S LIST OF DINING PLEASURES one at $27.50. $15.95 and at $27.50. theyone can’t be beat. They Full can’twith be beat. bar with drink bar drink Full specials, too. thespecials, service has outstanding as owners Leo and too. been The service has been outstanding as mario careful that’swatch. why owners keep Leo and Mariowatch. keep careful this restaurant is so popular! That’s why this restaurant is so popular!
DaviD’S caFé David’s Café II ii 1654 Meridian Ave., MB | 305.672.8707 1654 Meridian Ave., MB | 305.672.8707 You don’t have to travel 90 miles to You don’t have to travel 90 miles to enjoy enjoy cuban cuisine. Just walk over to Cuban cuisine. Just walk over to David’s david’s café ii off of Lincoln road mall Café II off of Lincoln Road Mall on Meridian on meridian avenue for some of the Avenuecuban for some of theanywhere. finest Cuban dishes finest dishes and all anywhere. And all at prices. very reasonable at very reasonable they’re prices. open They’re open hours. Full bar.buffets Incredible 24 hours. Full24bar. incredible for buffets on for the those on the go. those go. Front PorchCafé caFé Front Porch 1418 Ocean Drive, MB | 305.531.8300 after After 17 17 years years of of serving serving south South beach Beach locals locals the the freshest, freshest, impeccable impeccable meals meals in in generous generous portions, portions, this this restaurant restaurant has has nothing nothing to to prove. prove. it’s It’s the the best best for for casual casual fare at any time, but especially for their fare at any time, but especially for their breakfasts. a great menu with the most breakfasts. A great menu with the most reasonable prices. you might have to reasonable prices. You might have to wait, wait, but be patient, it’s well worth the but beaspatient, it’s well worth the effort as effort Larry, michael, and dawn cater Larry, Michael, and Dawn cater to your to your every need. every need. Joey’s joey’S NW 2nd 2ndAve., Ave.,Miami Miami| |305.438.0488 2506 NW 305.438.0488 swing by this new artsy italian eatery for some authentic italianeatery nibbles Swing incredibly by this new artsy Italian for as ivo takes you Italian on a nibbles culinary somechef incredibly authentic as journey region of chef Ivo through takes youthe on veneto a culinary journey italy. the is of a Italy. greatThe way to through themista Venetosalad region mista kick off your meal and the spaghetti alle salad is a great way to kick off your meal and vongole – spaghetti with mussels – or with the the spaghetti alle vongole – spaghetti butter flied beef tenderloin are two tasty mussels – or the butter flied beef tenderloin dishes to enjoy as an entrée. are two tasty dishes to enjoy as an entrée. konexPreSS
KonExpress 445 Espanola Way, MB | 305.420.5809 445 Espanola MB known | 305.420.5809 brazil’s mostWay, well Japanese Brazil’s most well known Japanese brazilian restaurant concept is Brazilian now in restaurant concept now inan Miami Beach, miami beach, andisoffering assortment anddelicious offering anKones, assortment of delicious Kones, of sushi rolls, sakes, sushi salads. rolls, sakes, and by salads. by for and swing for Swing sake-bomb Fridays starting nov. 20thNov. at 620th p.m.atfor6 Sake-Bomb Fridays starting $5 and free p.m.sake-bombs for $5 sake-bombs andsushi. free sushi.
La SanDwicherie La Sandwicherie
229 229 14th 14th St., St., MB MB || 305.532.8934 305.532.8934 sandwiches and Sandwiches and salads salads along along with with fruit fruit smoothies and shakes is what you will smoothies and shakes is what you will find at find at this landmark sandwich shop on this landmark sandwich shop on 14th Street 14th street between Washington and between Washington and Collins. It’s one of collins. it’s one of the best places on the best places the outstanding Beach for an outstanding the beach foronan selection selection lightwith fare with a French flair.very Very of light of fare a French flair. reasonable prices. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. reasonable prices. Open from 9 a.m. to and delivery 10 p.m. 5 a.m. and until delivery until 10 p.m.
Michy’s 6927 Biscayne Blvd., Miami | 305.759.2001 As one of the original members of the infamous Mango Gang, Michelle Bernstein is known for her exceptional use of local ingredients and flavors. Michy’s showcases Michelle’s fantastic talent with a simple; yet, delicious menu ranging from fantastic fried chicken and watermelon Greek salad to her succulent steak dishes. No matter what you choose, everything is sure to be scrumptious. Miss Yip 1661 Meridian Ave., MB | 305.534.5488 Not even Cameron Diaz could have a successful and long-lasting restaurant in this space, but leave it to the intrepid Jennie Yip to defy gravity. This Hong Kongstyle Chinese restaurant has easily become a very popular spot right off Lincoln Road in a very short time. They serve truly scrumptious homemade Wonton or hot and sour soup; really good Moo Shu pork and Mongolian beef; and a terrific variety of vegetable, rice, and noodle dishes. Don’t forget their awesome Shanghai Express $8.88 lunch specials – over 45 choices! Palace 1200 Ocean Drive, MB | 305.531.7234 Landmark gay owned and operated restaurant and bar on Ocean Drive and 12th Street with a simple, popular tourist and locals’ menu. An American bistro flair still with one of the best 8-ounce burgers on the Beach. The bar has long been a meeting point for American and international gay tourists. Stop by any day of the week – open from 10a.m until 2 a.m. and serving food until 10p.m. Pasha’s 900 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.673.3919 As one of Miami’s healthiest places to grab a bite, Pasha’s has become a staple among South Beach’s trendiest dieters. The menu features a number of delicious Mediterranean dishes including kebabs, hoummus, and falafel. You can now also grab breakfast at Pasha’s as well. Located on Lincoln Road, the restaurant also features outdoor dining for great people watching, and you can either take the food to go or have a nice sit down dinner. Segafredo 1040 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.673.0047 This is the most fun and authentic Italian café in South Florida! It has coffee, deserts, light
food, a fabulous bar, and the best music, all of which guarantee a fantastic time for hanging out with Miami’s hottest coolsters and tourists alike. This is where the hip hangs out with the hipper. Soyka 5556 N.E.4th Court, Miami | 305.759.3117 Famed restauranteur Mark Soyka’s namesake restaurant at 55th and Biscayne. Great array of affordable “comfort food” for everyone. Comfortable and inviting. Draws a great local crowd who like to hang out at 55th Street Station adjacent to the restaurant. Food and service are well worth a visit. Now featuring The News Lounge! Spris 731 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.673.2020 The pizzeria restaurant of Tiramesu. Absolutely the best Italian pizza on South Beach prepared by a great pizza chef. An excellent selection of white pizzas, too. You can also order your pizza with a whole wheat crust. Sandwiches and salads are excellent. Best bet for an after movie light dinner or late night snack. Tides South Beach 1220 Ocean Drive, MB | 305.604.5070 Chef Gonzalo Rivera combines his Mexican roots with the carribean flavor of Miami to create an exceptional menu for The Tides South Beach’s restaurant La Marea. We suggest kicking off your meal with the lobster corndogs or crab cakes and enjoying Chef Gonzalo’s delicious Angus filet Rossini or fantastic yellowtail snapper for an entrée. Tiramesu 721 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.532.4538 A thriving Italian restaurant on Lincoln Road with great service and excellent, moderately priced Northern Italian specialties. Expansive menu – open for lunch and dinner with very friendly staff and management. Van Dyke Café 846 Lincoln Road, MB | 305.534.3600 What News Café is to Ocean Drive, the Van Dyke is to Lincoln Road. Another huge success for Mark Soyka who has now partnered with Graziano Sbroggio to run the place. Always packed offering some of the best peoplewatching on the Road and a quick breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Also check out Upstairs at the Van Dyke for an evening of Jazz and entertainment.
wireweekly.com | wire magazine | 19
By James Cubby
Who Needs Santa when Lady Gaga is Coming to Town? Miami might not be transformed into a Winter Wonderland for the holidays, but we’ve got
And Christmas just would not be the same without the release of some fantastic films, including
something better – a one-of-a-kind Tropical Wonderland complete with bright lights, lots of
the magical Avatar, a wonderful fantasy in 3D. Other Christmas Day movie openings include
music, and, of course, plenty of dancing. As the epicenter of all that is fabulous in SoBe,
the musical NINE, with a stellar cast including Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope
Lincoln Road has been transformed to represent that wonderful diversity that makes up this
Cruz, Kate Hudson, Nicole Kidman, and Sophia Loren, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Sherlock
city with a giant Christmas tree and palm trees wrapped in lights at the entrance, a beautiful
Holmes, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, and It’s Complicated, a comedy starring
nativity scene, and the world’s largest dreidel made of seashells.
Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin.
DANCE If you missed Miami City Ballet’s annual production of The Nutcracker, there are still lots of dance events scheduled for the holiday season. Direct from New York City, the incredible Radio City Music Hall Rockettes return to Miami with the Radio City Christmas Spectacular (four performances) to wow audiences with their high kicks. Everybody likes high kicks. Dance enthusiasts should be thrilled, as the Florida Dance Festival: WinterFest returns to Miami
CONCERTS Some of you might be waiting for Santa to come to town, but I’m excited that the incredible Lady Gaga is coming to town. That’s right boys; Lady Gaga will be performing in Miami for two nights. Sure, the holidays are filled with holiday parties, but in case you have out of town guests to entertain, or just want to go out for some entertainment, there’s a whole schedule of concerts, theatre, music, and dance to choose from. Concert dates that should be noted
p.m.; Bill Young/Colleen Thomas and Dancers at the Colony Theatre on Dec. 30 at 8 p.m.; and Wally Cardona/Rahel VonMoos and AXIS Dance Company at the Colony Theatre on Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. The Colony Theatre, 1040 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach and New World Dance Theater, 25 NE 2nd Street, 8th Floor, downtown Miami. 305.547.1117 or www. floridadanceassociation.org Radio
with eight nights of dance performances.
the Radio City Rockettes will be at the Bank
Florida Dance Festival - WinterFest performs
Performances are Dec. 29 at 7 p.m., Dec. 30 at 1
from Dec. 27 to Jan. 3. Florida Dances/Miami Dances at New World Theater on Dec. 27 at 8
Atlantic Center, 1 Panther Pkwy in Ft. Lauderdale. p.m., 4 p.m., and 7 p.m. 954.835.7000 or www. bankatlanticcenter.com
Music is in the air during the holidays and you hear the
Theater aficionados are in for a treat during the Christmas
Christmas carols piped in every store. If you want a fuller
season. Broadway’s hit 101 Dalmatians: The Musical
sound, there are a couple of big bands and orchestras
comes to town for four nights at the Arsht Center. While
that will knock your Christmas stockings off. Miami’s own
some stay home on Christmas Eve and watch the classic
Tito Puente Jr. brings his orchestra to Magic City Casino
Miracle on 34th Street, Actors’ Playhouse offers Another
legendary New Wave Band The B52s.
(and you can even hit one of the 700 slot machines)
Night Before Christmas. PlayGround Theatre presents
and A Salute to Vienna at the Knight Concert Hall, with
another Christmas classic for the kids called The Steadfast
Phish performs live at the American Airlines Arena, 601 Biscayne
a brilliant cast of over 75 musicians, European singers,
Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Anderson.
include Phish, who have reunited once again for a tour, and the
Blvd. in downtown Miami. Dec. 28, 29, and 30 at 7:30 p.m. and
and magnificent dancers, is a program of operetta Another Night Before Christmas runs from Dec. 2
Dec. 31 at 8 p.m. 305.358.5885 or www.aaarena.com
excerpts, popular waltzes, polkas, and marches.
Lady Gaga performs at the James L. Knight Center, 400 Southeast
Tito Puente Jr. and his Orchestra perform on Dec.
Gables at 8 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday, and 2 p.m. on
26 with special guests Bobby Cruz, Hansel y Raul,
Sundays. 305.444.9293 or www.actorsplayhouse.org
2nd Avenue in downtown Miami. Dec. 31 at 7 p.m. and Jan. 2 at
to 27 at the Actors Playhouse, 280 Miracle Mile in Coral
7:30 p.m. 305.577.6125 or www.ticketmaster.com
Kevin Ceballo, Ricky Melendez, Marlow Rosado, and La Riquena at 3 pm. Magic City Casino, 450
101 Dalmatians The Musical runs Dec. 30 to
The B52s will be at the Hard Rock Live At The Seminole Hard Rock
NW 37th Ave. in Little Havana. 888.56.MAGIC or
Jan. 3 at The Arsht Center for The Performing Arts,
Hotel & Casino on Dec. 31 at 10 p.m. www.ticketmaster.com
1300 Biscayne Blvd, in downtown Miami at 8 p.m.
Ottmar Liebert and his band Luna Negra perform live on Jan.
“Salute to Vienna” is at the Knight Concert Hall of
6 at the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts, 174 E. Flagler Sts, in downtown Miami at 8 p.m. 305.358.5885 or www. ticketmaster.com 20 | wire magazine | wireweekly.com
305.949.6722 or www.arshtcenter.org the Arsht Center of Performing Arts, 1300 Biscayne Blvd,
The Steadfast Tin Soldier runs from Jan. 6 to 31 at
in downtown Miami. Jan. 2 at 8 pm. 305.949.6722 or
PlayGround Theatre, 9806 NE 2nd Ave., Miami Shores. For
times: 305.751-9550 or www.theplaygroundtheatre.com
Oscar G Joins Tracy Young for Genesis VII Oscar G photos courtesy of PAM
While the rest of us have been busy dodging office holiday parties, surviving trips to the mall, and trying to figure out who’s been naughty, who’s been nice, and who’s been REALLY naughty; superstar DJ/producer Tracy Young has been putting the finishing touches on her New Year’s Eve epic event, GENESIS VII. The legendary extravaganza will be making an encore appearance at Mansion Nightclub on January 1st, 2010. This time there will be a very special guest joining the Diva DJ on the turntables, the infamous songwriter/producer/DJ Oscar G. Oscar G is one-third of Murk, Liberty City, and Funky Green Dogs and is one of the world’s most successful DJ/producer/remixers. For over a decade, he’s created literally hundreds of original productions and remixed the biggest-selling music artists in the world. His signature sound is unmistakably dark, with sultry tribal drums, pulsating basslines, unforgettable melodies, and soulful vocals. How could you ever forget the Sound Factory classics, Some Lovin’, Fired Up, or my personal favorite, Dark Beat? If catching these two icons live wasn’t enough, this year VIP ticket holders will get to hangout onstage behind the DJ booth in their own private area, but there are only a few of these tickets available so get on it, girl! You can grab your tickets through CircuitTickets.com or WantTickets.com. Meanwhile, follow Tracy and get the latest updates on GENESIS VII on Twitter at www.twitter. com/djtracyyoung With all the preparations for GENESIS and the craziness of the holidays, Tracy and Oscar still took the time to chat
Tracy Young photos by paul misciagno
with me about the year gone by, new beginnings, and what’s next. This is the seventh year of Genesis. What can the revelers expect out of this year’s event that’s different from the past? TY: This year we have invited DJ Oscar G to perform. This is the first year I have ever shared this event with another DJ. I felt Oscar was perfect, because he is also from Miami and has the Genesis sound. OG: I am really looking forward to this event. It is my first time playing it and I have heard nothing but amazing things about it. I never get to play with Tracy, although we have been friends for many years. I think it should make for great chemistry musically and big energy for the party. I would like to thank Tracy for inviting me to play this great event with her! I have been very lucky to do what I do for so many years and I totally appreciate all the love and support from everyone on the dance floor. As a DJ, how do you prepare yourself for such a huge event? TY: Typically, I research music for months prior to this event. This is an event that’s centered on sexy beats. I produce different sounds and edit mixes so they have the Genesis feel! OG: I am constantly on the hunt for new music and those elusive big tunes. DJs spend pretty much all their time listening to and sorting music. When I do a big NYE event like this, I like to go through all of the year’s music and pick out the stand-outs. The goal is to give people a night they will remember. I try to create moments that will stay with the audience long after the party is over.
What have you been up to in 2009? TY: I’ve been in the studio a lot, working on a TV show. I also moved to LA, lots of change and all for the good. OG: This year, I released a 3-disc set on Nervous Records titled “DJ”. The package includes a CD of original songs I wrote, a live DJ mix, and a DVD filmed on the Space terrace in Miami. The single “Back To You”, featuring Tamara Wallace was very well received in clubs and dance radio. I also launched a digital label with my friend Stryke, Three-O-Five Digital. I have been busy in the studio with a bunch of remixes and also recording songs for my next album. I also continued to tour pretty heavily all year. I feel very fortunate to get the opportunity to do all this stuff. What is your most memorable experience of 2009? TY: Moving to Los Angeles. An amazing city! OG: Watching Barack Obama take the oath of office to become the 44th President of the United States! Have you made your New Year’s resolution yet? TY: To make this years GENESIS the best EVER! OG: I hope to spend more time with my family and friends. I want to focus more on my relationships with the people I love and less on monetary and material things. If you had to pick one song to describe your expectations for 2010, what would it be? TY: “Don’t Be Tardy For the Party” OG: “It’s Gonna Be a Lovely Day” continued on the next page
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Brittany Murphy:
Far From Clueless Last Sunday the entertainment world suffered a tragic loss with the sudden death of Brittany Murphy. We all fell in love with little Brittany back in ‘95 when she played Tai, Alicia Silverstone’s “pet project” in the hilarious film Clueless. Her star continued to rise as she grew up and tackled more challenging roles in Girl, Interrupted and 8 Mile. But what really caught my attention and what most people may not know about her was
her amazing vocal skills. She gave us a little sneak peak of her hidden talent in the film Little Black Book, flawlessly giving us her best Carly Simon from her bathroom floor. A couple of years later, she was featured in Paul Oakenfold’s #1 dance hit, Faster Kill Pussycat. Her smooth sultry vocals, rivaling that of any seasoned diva were the perfect compliment to Paul’s hard-hitting electro-house track that packed dance floors worldwide. It was my favorite back
then and is still one of myLEONA faves LEwIS’ ECHO RESONATES MORE HITS today. If you haven’t heard it or
need a refresher, go check out the video on YouTube right now starring the sexy pussycat herself. Don’t be surprised if this hot track makes a global comeback
or better halloween yet, is a new remix by history and the mercury is finally falling
below the 90 degree mark, which can only mean
one thing - winter is on the way! besidesway, the gradual Oakenfold himself. Either reappearance of long sleeves and the smell of pumpkin spice lattes at your favorite Starbuck’s, one can expect
see our weekly rituals start to change from afternoon it’s one tosunbathing Brittany in a sea of track hot strangers toI latewon’t night cuddling
with that special someone. With the cold weather fast approaching, spontaneous coupling is sure to be in the
forecast as well, so whatKeep better time forsinging Leona Lewis to mind wearin’ out. release her second album of power ballads, Echo!
Leona first got her big break in 2006 when she was with the angels, sweetness! crowned the winner of the third X Factor (the British
version of American Idol). After signing a $9.7 million record deal with Simon Cowell and Clive ‘everything i touch turns platinum’ Davis, she quickly shot out a couple of hit singles across the pond and became an overnight sensation. her debut album Spirit sold over 6.5 million copies worldwide, mainly thanks to her monster hit Bleeding Love. it’s probably stuck in your head now… oops! the sappy single first trickled its way into our eardrums last year (not to mention the clubs thanks to a hot remix by Moto Blanco). now Leona’s back to help the healing begin.
with everything." she told variety magazine that she "wanted the album to have a little bit more of a live feel to it, with a little more live instrumentation.” she titled the album echo "since an echo describes a big, organic sound.” the first single Happy is already out, but unfortunately hasn’t been able to coax many smiles from the U.S. charts yet. it definitely reeks of tedder’s signature style of thumping baselines laced with orchestral melodies that would rival some of the world’s finest symphonies, but i wouldn’t say it merits the title of ‘debut single’ considering the rest of the candidates. i would definitely recommend you get your ass on youtube though and check out the video directed by Jake Nava and filmed on location in Cuba. dále! I Got You would’ve been my choice for the first single. it starts off with a simple guitar riff then explodes into a tidal wave of unconditional devotion as Lewis vows: “When you need a place to run to / For better or worse / i got you.”
ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO ECHO some other highlights are Broken, Naked, and a cover of Oasis’ Stop Crying Your Heart Out, which was produced by Steve Robson. and not even a british diva like Leona can escape the shameless reach of nepotism. tedder recruits his band one republic to close out this fantastic collection with the duet Lost Then Found. clive davis has always been notorious for bringing together the world’s finest talent and producing some of the most incredible music in the industry. echo is no different. Leona’s angelic voice, tedder’s gifted ear, and clive’s guidance have once again created a body of work that (unlike some of this year’s disappointments) will resonate in our hearts and our ipods long after the mercury begins to rise again and we trade in our sweaters for speedos... or at least a cute pair of board shorts. If you’re a DJ, producer or artist and would like your song or remix featured in TOP TRAX, gimme a shout at alfredo@wireweekly.com.
the Kevin rudolf co-written and produced Love Letter is surprisingly mellow considering his Let it rock reputation, but the catchy hook makes up for it. Leona then seems to be channeling her inner mariah (in a good way) as she effortlessly hits the high register in the r&b-esque Can’t Breathe. and what solo femme album would be complete without a high-energy “i’m so over you” anthem. Outta My Head is just that with a touch of techno. it’s not quite dance floor ready, but i can definitely see Jason Nevins turning this one out on the remix. Brave takes us on a magic carpet ride reminiscent of Alanis Morissette’s epic Uninvited only to land safely into the sanctuary of the halo-ish My hands.
If you’re a DJ, producer or artist and would like your song or remix featured in TOP TRAX, gimme a shout at alfredo@wireweekly.com. ever since the success of spirit, Leona’s definitely been keeping herself busy. between posing for pics as PETA’s Sexiest vegetarian of 2008, launching her own line of accessories and perfume, writing her autobiography, and dodging punches from psycho stalkers at her book signings, i’m amazed she’s even had the time to record a new album. Luckily for us, she managed to evade the paparazzi and put down the sharpie long enough to step into the studio again, and the result is by far one of the best albums i’ve heard in a long time. echo is everything Mariah’s and whitney’s latest attempts shouLd have been – a collection of hard-hitting, musical masterpieces exploding with all the raw energy and emotion that’s been lacking in almost every other release this year. most of the credit for that goes to the bleeding Love cowriter and One Republic front man Ryan Tedder, who did most of the heavy lifting. Leona also worked with Justin Timberlake, Max Martin, kevin Rudolf, and John Shanks on this album, which was recorded in L.A. and took nine months to produce. "i'm actually more confident with this album than the last. i've taken more control this time and i feel more at ease
to say that the tracks on this album are big would be a sad understatement; yet, Alive still hits you with the intensity of a theme song to a big-budget Hollywood disaster film. i almost wonder if this was in the running for the spot in this month’s film 2012. as amazing as the track is with its apropos title, i think i’d still have to go with Sony Pictures’ choice on this one (Adam Lambert’s Time For Miracles). sorry Leona. Don’t Let Me Down is miss Lewis’s first collaboration with Justin timberlake, who threw in some production and backing vocals, although the vocals are so far back; they’re practically in the nose bleeds. still a great track though. wireweekly.com | wire magazine | 17
22 | wire magazine | wireweekly.com
this weeK THURSDAY, December 24 Feliz Noche Buena!
BUCK15 LOUNGE: It’s The Simple Life Thursdays. DJ Daisy D. spins fun hip-hop, ‘80s, rock, and dance hits, with Chyna as Door Goddess. 707 Lincoln Lane, Miami Beach. HALO: Stop by for happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located near the corner of Lincoln and Michigan. PALACE: At 8 p.m. stop by for the only gay Latin party on Ocean Drive, Latin Fire, complete with dancers, cocktail specials, and body shots. Throughout the day bartenders offer beach combos of beer, cocktails, and apps. Ocean Drive and 12th Street. SCORE: Enjoy cocktails out on the patio and watch the famous Lincoln Road traffic pass by as you and your friends chill and enjoy great music. Tonight Score hosts the steamiest Thursday night soiree with fab beats by DJ Pride and an incredible crowd of delicious partygoers. No cover tonight! 727 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach. TWIST: Don’t miss out on a fabulous night at TWIST with seven different bars, DJ Michael Tank, stiff drinks, beautiful dancers, and of course, the only place where there’s “Never a cover... Always a groove.” VLADA LOUNGE: The most happening happy hour in Midtown from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. with 2-4-1 infused vodka drinks, well drinks, and beer. DJ Yono Toko on the decks, spinning an eclectic mix from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.
FRIDAY, December 25
Merry Christmas! HALO: Stop by for happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located near the corner of Lincoln and Michigan. PALACE: Drag Madness is the place to be to see the hottest Friday night shows beginning at 7 p.m. with Palace’s house divas working the street and the stage. SCORE: The Penny Back Boyz host the weekly Friday night party Filthy Gorgeous Fridays with DJ Mac spinning a true open format and Score’s hottest Go-Go boys on the speaker boxes. SEGAFREDO: Friday Happy Hour starts at 6 p.m. This outdoor Italian-inspired café has comfortable, living-room style furniture on the terrace so that patrons can truly enjoy themselves in friendly surroundings. 1040 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach. TWIST: Don’t miss out on a fabulous night at TWIST with seven different bars, DJ Mika, stiff drinks, beautiful dancers, and of
course, the only place where there’s “Never a cover...Always a groove.” VLADA LOUNGE: The most happening happy hour in Midtown from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. with 2-4-1 infused vodka drinks, well drinks, and beer, followed by a Holiday Ball for Women at 10 p.m. brought to you by Sunkissed Productions and VLADA Miami. An evening of elegant yet casual sexiness with DJs Zehno and Kaprah spinning hot tracks and a live shameless burlesque show!
SATURDAY, December 26 HALO: Stop by for happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located near the corner of Lincoln and Michigan. PALACE: The only gay bar on Ocean Drive and 12th Street, stop by for brunch, lunch, or dinner, and enjoy the hottest peoplewatching this side of the ocean. Tonight is Drags Gone Wild with drag shows starting at 6 p.m. SCORE: Tonight is Score’s weekly Bigger Saturdays, the largest gay dance party on the Beach with beats by international DJ sensations, and performances by CircX. 727 Lincoln Road. TWIST: Happy Hour 2-4-1 with Tommy and the locals from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on everything. Come tonight and enjoy a full house of hot men and some incredible beats by DJ Mika. “Never a cover...Always a groove.”
SUNDAY, December 27
CHEZ MIA: A Sunday Club Theatre presents Marytrini and guest performances. Check out this beautiful European style club. Enjoy $5 pink martinis all night long and free admission. Participate in the chance to win 2 tickets to Lady Gaga’s upcoming concert. Doors open at 7 p.m. 20 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami. HALO: Stop by for happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located near the corner of Lincoln and Michigan. ESCUELITA SUNDAYS: For all the Latin lovers, this place will give you fever! Outside dance club provide the most intimate moments with your LATINO of the week from 8 p.m. to whenever. $1 drinks till 9 p.m. and no cover before 10 p.m. “La Escuelita” para todos que defrutan de la Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Reggaetón, y Rock en español. Hosted by Daniel Gilbert and Oscar Christian. 655 Washington Ave. LA FOLIE: Omar Gonzalez and Tony Ferro present the hottest Sunday dance party in South Beach, featuring a hot crowd of trendsetters, jocks, and socialites from 8 p.m. to whenever. $1 drinks till 9 p.m. and no cover
before 10 p.m. Two rooms, two DJs, and too much fun. 655 Washington Avenue. PALACE: Stop by and check out Palace’s Sunday drag brunch. Unlimited champagne and fabulous nibbles for only $29. You also won’t want to miss their weekly Sunday T with fab drinks, gogo dancers, and incredible drag shows at 6 p.m. by Tiffany Fantasia! 1200 Ocean Drive. SCORE: Stop by for Score’s weekly Karaoke night with over 2,000 titles to choose from. Grab a cocktail and belt out your favorite number. SEGAFREDO: Hip outdoor Italian-inspired café with comfortable, living-room style furniture on the terrace for patrons to truly enjoy themselves in friendly surroundings. 1040 Lincoln Road. TENDER TRAP RESTAURANT: Stop by for some incredible food and fantastic cabaret shows from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., while Dining with the Divas, hosted by Geraldine, Fernan-D-Cute, Akisha Dumant, and Strawberry. 305.812.6627. 661 Washington Ave. TWIST: 2-4-1 happy hour from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on everything. Ebonee Excell and her girls perform upstairs. At TWIST: “Never a cover...Always a groove. VLADA LOUNGE: Vlada is taking you back, way back, every Sunday! Enjoy awesome drink specials and your favorite retro music from the past! Every Sunday from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m.
MONDAY, December 28
HALO: Stop by for happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located near the corner of Lincoln and Michigan. PALACE: Stop in for comfort food at lunch or dinner. Special bon voyage cocktail specials all day. 1200 Ocean Drive. SCORE: Happy Monday, where all drinks, well and domestic, are half-price from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. No cover. TWIST: Happy Hour 2-4-1 drinks ‘till 9 p.m. Then it’s “I’m A Local” night, with $3 drinks for anyone with TWIST’s “I’m A Local” I.D. all night long. Join Nathan in the Frolic Lounge for his signature mix of pop and the top 20. Also check out the fabulous men of Gaiety in the Bungalow Bar starting at 10 p.m. VLADA LOUNGE: Swing by the only gay bar in Midtown Miami for a 2-4-1 happy hour on infused vodka drinks, well drinks, and domestic beers from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. followed by open mic night with Joe at the bar, expect to experience something different.
TUESDAY, December 29 BOTANICAL GARDEN: Weekly book club meeting begins at 12:30 p.m. and is free and open to the public. 2000 Convention Center Drive. 305.968.1068 CRÈME LOUNGE: It’s Latin Night tonight at Crème Lounge, playing the best Latin music in a posh New York-style lounge and drink specials. HALO: Stop by for happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located near the corner of Lincoln and Michigan. MARTINI TUESDAY: Edison Farrow hosts the most sophisticated cocktail party in South Beach from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. www. sobesocialclub.com PALACE: Better than ever before on Ocean Drive and 12th Street, try it for lunch or a late afternoon snack, or just hang out at the bar with the locals. $6 Long Island ice teas till 5 p.m. then half priced cocktails after. SCORE: It’s Planeta Macho, the hottest Latin Party in Miami Beach, featuring incredible Latin beats by award winner DJ George Ferrero, Pelu Rivero on drums, amazing shows by Miami’s best female impersonators, and the hottest crowd in town. Don’t miss this party – it’s South Florida’s Best Latin Party! TWIST: 2-4-1 Happy Hour from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on everything. Tonight Dustin Reffca hosts his new weekly party, Fun House with DJ Daisy D working the turntables on the main dance floor. $5 Jumbo Blue Long Island Ice Teas all night long. Never a cover… Always a groove. VLADA LOUNGE: Welcoming Kimona live at 8 p.m., who will be performing an amazing vocal mix of Broadway, jazz, and standards every Tuesday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, December 30 HALO: Stop by for Halo’s happy hour from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Located on the corner of Michigan and Lincoln. PALACE: Stop by the Beach House to enjoy one of Palace’s signature cocktails. 1200 Ocean Drive. SCORE: Come and spend a pleasant evening on one of Score’s outdoor couches as they host Martini Madness Night. A half price Happy Hour runs till 9 p.m. and then it’s $7 Martinis all night long. TWIST: It’s time to hit the stage as Sean Brady hosts the Sean Brady Show. Karaoke and tons of entertainment all night long. Happy Hour from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. with 2-4-1 on everything. “Never a cover... Always a groove.” wireweekly.com | wire magazine | 23
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