Our two year business plan 2014/15 and 2015/16

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Our Future Our Two Year Business Plan

2014/15 and 2015/16

Our vision is to be the outstanding provider of high quality, integrated care to the communities we serve. Our values will guide how we will achieve that vision and face up to the challenges that lie ahead. Health is our passion, with patients at the heart of everything we do Exceptional care as standard Actively supporting each other to do our jobs Responsive, professional and innovative Trusted to deliver

As the NHS continues to change, we have taken the opportunity to refresh our FIVE year strategic objectives and ensure that they continue to be linked to our commissioner’s plans – our key priorities continue to be our patients and community; our services; our people; and our sustainability… all the things that will make us the organisation that we want to be. Each of these five year strategic objectives, align to organisational goals in our Two Year Business Plan, through to divisional and team plans and ultimately to our staff’s personal objectives. It is these links that help to ensure that we continue to deliver our vision. Behind each of our goals are a series of measures, so that we can keep track of our progress. Frances Street, Chairman

Simon Gilby, Chief Executive

The next few years will be challenging and whilst there are many opportunities for us to take advantage of, equally we have some difficult issues to tackle. All this needs to be achieved in such a way that we are able to continue to deliver sustainable high quality care to patients. We welcome feedback on our plan and our progress, please get in touch.

What our plan means to you Our Patients and Community

b Putting our patients and communities at the centre


Five years

Two years

We will deliver safe and effective patient care


Embed a patient safety culture within a learning organisation.


“Safe Staffing� across the organisation.

We will deliver a positive experience of our services


Develop, deliver and embed a culture where staff feel confident and able to raise concerns.


Develop, deliver and monitor increased opportunities for listening and responding to what patients tell us.


Be an organisation that our patients and our staff will recommend to friends and family.

We will engage effectively with the patients and communities we serve


Develop, deliver and measure engagement and involvement of the local community, members and diverse groups.


Create a culture where patient voices drive the Board’s strategic development.

Reducing inequalities will be integral to all service development and delivery


Develop our services to reflect JSNA* and PHOF* priorities.


Assess the equality impact of all that we do.

Strategic objectives 2014/19

Organisational goals 2014/15 and 2015/16

10 Develop, deliver and monitor the impact of the implementation of our Equality and Diversity Strategy. *JSNA - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment *PHOF - Public Health Outcomes Framework

Our Services

b Leading, developing and delivering high quality services


Five years

Two years

We will effectively manage and develop our relationships with our current and new commissioners and stakeholders

1 2 3 4

Demonstrate a systematic approach to managing key commissioner and stakeholder relationships. Develop our service pathways to support self care in order to reflect commissioner priorities. Work strategically with our commissioners including engaging fully with Vision 2018. Develop further the reputation of the trust through targeted marketing and engagement activities.

We will defend and grow our core business

5 6 7

Deliver growth year on year. Select strategic partners for business development and core business. Deliver efficient and productive services evidenced through recognised benchmarks including NICE*.

We will lead the delivery of out of hospital integrated care

8 Demonstrate active engagement with the Integrated Care Programme. 9 Deliver sustainable community facing services. 10 Undertake organisational structure redesign that best supports the services we deliver.

We will deliver the expectations of our commissioners and demonstrate quality and value

11 12 13 14 15 16

Strategic objectives 2014/19

Organisational goals 2014/15 and 2015/16

Implement findings of the Business Strategy Review 2013. Deliver on our contractual requirements. Develop and deliver our Annual Clinical Audit Plan. Demonstrate compliance with the CQC* fundamental standards of care. Demonstrate implementation of all new NICE Quality Standards. Deliver harm free care.

*NICE - National Institute for Health and Care Excellence *CQC - Care Quality Commission

Our 5 year objectives and 2 year goals Our People

b Valuing the individual, the team and the organisation


Five years

Two years

We will further develop and maintain a competent, caring and flexible workforce


Develop a performance management framework to link individual performance and pay to organisational performance.


Increase staff satisfaction and engagement.


Develop and deliver a flexible workforce model which reflects the needs of safe community staffing.


Have the right staff with the right skills at the right time.


Develop a Leadership Framework.


Develop and deliver a talent management process for the development of future band 8/Board level staff.


Develop and deliver improved opportunities for workforce views to inform the Board in their decision making about services and patient care.


Implement and embed the reviewed annual planning and business cycle.


Review, improve and embed the Board Assurance Framework.

Strategic objectives 2014/19

We will develop leadership at every level of the organisation

We will continuously develop the organisation and its governance framework

Organisational goals 2014/15 and 2015/16

10 Develop and implement an enhanced process for engagement with staff regarding achievement against the agreed plan.

11 Demonstrate continuous improvement of, and compliance with, our quality governance processes.

Our Sustainability

b Supporting sustainable delivery


Five years

Two years

We will optimise the use of our resources

1 2 3 4

Undertake value for money (VFM) exercises for all services annually. Deliver an incremental reduction in our sickness absence. Establish internal SLAs for support services with clear performance indicators. Demonstrably link all enabling strategies to overall strategic goals and objectives.

Our support and infrastructure services will operate to enhance the delivery of our services, and secure future sustainability

5 6 7

Deliver IT systems that are fit for purpose and used effectively by services. Demonstrate incremental improvement in estate utilisation. Demonstrate ongoing compliance and continuous improvement of all IG (Information Governance) goals.

We will develop our information and business intelligence to make informed decisions about what we do

8 9

Improve both the completeness and quality of the clinical data we collect. Develop income maximisation programmes within each service line.

We will effectively manage our finances and fully deliver our efficiency programmes

10 11 12 13 14

Deliver a Financial Risk Rating of 3 and a Continuity of Services rating of 3 or higher. Deliver our annual Cost Improvement Plan (CIP) recurrently. Demonstrate incremental improvement in our environmental efficiency and sustainability. Deliver full Service Line Reporting across all areas. Collaborate across the health and social care economy in response to the local, national and regional economic challenges (Vision 2018).

We will deliver transformation supported by innovation and research

15 Develop and deliver a strategic partnership and relationship with local higher education bodies, NHS Trusts and other organisations to enhance our clinical, academic and research profile. 16 Develop a new Research and Innovation Strategy. 17 Continue to develop our continuous quality improvement framework.

Strategic objectives 2014/19

Organisational goals 2014/15 and 2015/16

Our service developments We have identified a number of key service developments that will help us to achieve our strategic objectives and goals for the next two years. They are also aligned to the priorities identified by our commissioners and the wider healthcare economy. In addition to these service developments we will continue to build our long term organisational sustainability by developing our approach to new business opportunities and retaining existing services.

Strategic service developments 2014/15 and 2015/16 Integrated Care Programme (evolved from long term conditions management programme) • Lead the delivery of integrated community care developments across the Wirral

Single Gateway and Centralised Booking Programme • Develop a single gateway and centralised booking system for all health and social care services in collaboration with local partners

Urgent Care Developments • Work with stakeholders to identify opportunities for service reconfiguration that improve the quality of service, deliver mutual efficiencies and redesign community based integrated urgent care services • Develop and implement a primary care/nurse led assessment and treatment ‘single front door’ model to A&E • Develop our community facing Walk-in Centres to become enhanced health care centres, with integrated services • Deliver improvements in the integrated care pathways for therapy services which enhance the ability to promote early discharge and admission avoidance • Consolidate our approach to integrated discharge from acute care by extending the scope of the programme to support elective care discharges

Integrated Children’s Services • Work with health, social care and the local community to identify opportunities for service reconfiguration, to improve the quality of service delivery to children and young people in Wirral • Develop and implement a fully integrated service for children and young people (0-19) with social care, the voluntary sector and local community

Public Health Development Programme • Develop our public health capacity across the workforce, embedding a public health response to make every contact count • Review our accessibility and design to enable improved access for groups and individuals who experience inequalities • Establish processes to increase responsiveness and target our services where there is most need, from both a preventative and early intervention perspective

For more information on our business plan please visit our website – www.wirralct.nhs.uk

Commissioner Priorities Vision 2018

Aligned to our organisational goals 2







































Wirral CCG

Wirral MBC

NHS England

Keep in touch with us b Find out about our services: www.wirralct.nhs.uk b Tell us about our services: patient.experience@wirralct.nhs.uk or 0800 694 5530 b Join our team: Membership Team: 0151 514 2452 or 0800 694 9985. Email: foryouwithyou@wirralct.nhs.uk @wirralct @SimonGilby_WCT

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