Quality Account An annual report detailing the quality of services we deliver
2012 /13
Introduction Simon Gilby - Chief Executive
Section 5: 3
Section 1: Foreword from the Board
Section 2: Performance Overview 2012/13
Section 3: Innovation in service delivery
Section 6: Objectives for 2013/14
Section 7: Statement from Wirral LINk
Section 8: 14
Section 4: Quality assurance of the services we deliver
Bringing high quality services closer to patients
Statement from Wirral NHS Clinical Commissioning Group
Section 9: 16
Statement from Local Authority
Introduction b
“It gives me great pleasure to introduce our third Quality Account sharing our achievements during
2012/13 and our plans for 2013/14.”
We provide a wide range of high quality community based healthcare services throughout Wirral and surrounding areas. Our services support people of all ages, from birth through to end of life, and aim to prevent ill health and reduce unnecessary hospital admissions.
our commitment to high quality, safe care. These include the achievement of our quality objectives in areas such as Dementia Care, Long Term Conditions, End of Life Care and Infection Prevention & Control.
Our services include nursing and therapy services as well as unplanned care, lifestyle support and primary care services. This year we have extended the services we deliver within Wirral and to neighbouring areas (a full list of our services can be found on page 23).
• Introduced our Leadership Walk rounds where members of the Trust Board visit services and talk with patients and carers about their experiences
Quality and the care of patients is at the heart of what we do and in April 2012, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered all our services without conditions. CQC carried out a spot inspection at our Walk-in Centre at Arrowe Park Hospital in November 2012 and assessed us as demonstrating compliance in all areas. This adds to the successful inspection of our Community Dental services the year before. Over the past year we can identify many achievements that demonstrate
Quality Account 2012 - 13
We have been working hard to improve our understanding of how patients experience our services, and in addition to the patient stories and feedback that we hear at our monthly Board meetings, we have:
• Continued with the development of Patient and Staff Quality Groups to strengthen patient involvement • Made improvements to referral pathways and patient information as the result of the Patient Experience Champions. As well as reviewing our achievements over the last year, this report sets out our priorities for improving patient experience, staff experience and ensuring the continued delivery of high quality care during 2013/14. We will continue to improve quality through the implementation of our Quality Strategy.
We hope you will agree that our Quality Account provides many examples of where we are already providing high quality clinical care. We are confident that during 2013/14 we will continue to work with our patients, staff and commissioners to ensure continuous improvement across all services. On behalf of the Trust Board, I would like to thank all of our staff who have contributed to what has been a successful year improving quality across all services. This report highlights the commitment of our staff at all levels of the organisation to providing high quality care to patients and service users on a daily basis and the pride they take in doing the very best for each and every person they meet. I confirm on behalf of the Trust Board that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information contained in this Quality Account is accurate and represents our performance in 2012/13 and our priorities for 2013/14.
Simon Gilby Chief Executive
b Section 1: Foreword from the Board
Enjoying a visit to our Health Visiting Service
Quality Account 2012 - 13
The Quality Account aims to assure our patients, commissioners and local population that we are focused not only on providing the highest level of clinical care, but also on continuously seeking ways to improve.
Our priorities for 2013/14 are set out in this report and have been developed through discussion with our clinicians and commissioners. Building on last year’s achievements, we have developed Quality Objectives around promoting safe patient care, reducing patient harm and improving patient experience.
In this account we identify our 2013/14 priorities for: • dementia care • leg ulcer care • pressure ulcer care • care for children with complex needs • end of life care • monitoring areas of potential harm • infection prevention & control • patient experience • staff experience.
See Section 6 for details of our objectives.
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Objectives are regularly monitored at the Trust Board meetings and subcommittees.
b Section 2: Performance overview 2012/13 Last year we set objectives relating to our four quality themes: b
Delivering Care
b Getting
Patient Experience
Staffing Right
Staff Experience
In 2012/13 we identified and achieved specific objectives under each of these themes:
Delivering Care... b Dementia Care
b End of Life Care
Objective: Improve the early detection of dementia for 90% of new Community Nursing patients aged 75 and over who were suffering short term memory loss.
Objective: Monitor that patients preferred place of care is fulfilled and all equipment provided to facilitate a rapid and safe discharge.
Achieved: 100% of patients received
Achieved: We provided end of life nursing care
assessments and 90% of carers were offered an assessment.
and equipment, to support 100% of patients who wanted to be at home at the end of their life.
Objective: Incorporate the following National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) End of Life Care quality standards to day to day care for palliative patients: • Patients have medications in place for when they were needed. • Patients who want to be cared for at home are. • Joint visits are carried out between nurses and general practitioners. • Patients are appropriately referred to the Specialist Palliative Care Team. • Carers are appropriately assessed. • Carers received planned bereavement visits.
Achieved: 100% of the quality standards were met.
Additional achievement: Following
Director of Operations/Executive Nurse with Director of Quality & Governance and Infection, Prevention & Control
work completed in 2011/12 and feedback from our patients, we reviewed our palliative care training provided to nursing staff to improve communication skills when providing nursing care for patients and their carer’s in their own homes.
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b Leg Ulcer Care Objective: Improve healing rates for 70% of leg ulcers to 15 weeks or below.
Achieved: 100% of leg ulcers were healed in 15 weeks or less. 95% of patients were given information about the care of their leg ulcer.
b Self-Care Plans for Patients with Diabetes
Preventing infection
Objective: Introduce self-care plans to support patients with diabetes using our Podiatry, Nutrition & Dietetics and Heart Support Services to record their own health goals, medication and other useful information.
Achieved: By the end of 2012/13 100% of new patients had received a self-care plan.
Additional safety information Never Events Never Events are serious, largely preventable, patient safety incidents that should not occur if the right processes are in place.
b Infection Prevention and Control
We had zero Never Events in 2011/12 and 2012/13.
Objective: No healthcare acquired infections to be
Significant Untoward Incidences (SUI)
attributable to the services that we provide and to work collaboratively with partner organisations to contribute to the reduction of these infections across the Health Economy.
Achieved: We had no healthcare acquired infections attributable to our services and hosted our third successful Infection Prevention & Control event for staff from across the health and social care economy.
b Safety Thermometer The Safety Thermometer is a national quality improvement target, measuring ‘harm free’ care from the patient’s perspective.
Objective: Successfully implement systems throughout our Nursing Services, ensuring the collection of correct data from patients in the following four areas of harm: • Pressure ulcers • Falls • Urinary tract infection in patients with catheters • Venous Thrombo-embolism (VTE) (blood clot)
Achieved: During 2012/13 we achieved the national target of delivering 95% harm-free care to our community patients, surveying on average over 700 patients per month.
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Serious incidents requiring investigation in healthcare are rare, but when they do occur the Trust has processes in place to respond to them that protect patients and ensures a robust investigation is carried out which results in the Trust learning from the incident and minimising the risk of the incident happening again. During 2011/12 we reported seven SUI’s and during 2012/13 we reported four SUI’s. All SUI’s are fully investigated and themes are reviewed and learning from these incidents is shared across the Trust to prevent them from reoccurring. We report all patient safety incidents to the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA). 687 Patient Safety incidents were reported during 2012/13, eight of these were coded as severe and four were coded as death (NB. These deaths were not attributable to the Trust). All incidents are fully investigated and learning from them shared across the Trust.
b Section 2: Performance overview 2012/13
Patient Experience... During 2012/13 we aimed to further
Objective: Develop patient and staff quality groups
improve mechanisms for gathering
for all clinical services.
patient experience which included the
Achieved: We have introduced during 2012/13 patient and staff quality groups in our Nursing, Therapy and Lifestyle Divisions. These groups provide opportunities for patients, carers and staff to meet and identify improvements for services.
use of patient stories, patient shadowing and patient experience questionnaires. Objective: Carry out ‘Patient Shadowing’ in six of our services to gather patients and families views by ‘walking the walk’ to highlight areas where improvements can be made.
Achieved: Six patient shadows were completed and resulted in the following:
Objective: Present patient interviews at our monthly Trust Board meetings to share patient experiences of our services. Achieved: 12 patients and carers interviews were presented to the Board.
• Improved sign-posting for the Continence Service
Using feedback from this method of data collection we have made the following improvements:
• Emphasis for clinical staff to follow best practice standards for infection prevention by being ‘bare below the elbow’
• Updated leg ulcer procedure to ensure all staff are aware that patients can self-refer into a Leg Ulcer Clinic
• Highlighted the need for up-to-date clinic opening times to be communicated to patients
• Introduced systems to ensure bank staff get a clinical handover in nursing teams
• Reviewed and updated patient feedback cards so they can share their experiences of our services easily.
• Nursing teams to ensure they have the optimal wound care products to promote wound healing.
Improving patient experience
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Community Nurses visiting patients at home
Objective: Develop ‘Easy Read’ Patient Experience Questionnaires.
Achieved: Easy Read questionnaires were developed and made available to patients requesting them.
Objective: Promote the Young People Friendly initiative to all services accessed by young people.
Achieved: The initiative has been promoted to services providing care to young people and a number of our services have been accredited or working towards Young People Friendly accreditation.
Objective: Include the question ‘Would you recommend our services to your family and friends?’ on all patient experience questionnaires.
“The service I received from the Community Nursing Team was very professional, the staff were friendly and helpful at all times. They are a credit to the nursing profession!”
Objective: Learning from Complaints - We will
ask those who complain about our services to share their experience of the services we provide and the complaints procedure so improvements can be made.
Achieved: All letters responding to complaints asked for feedback about the complaints process.
Achieved: All Patient Feedback methods include the ‘family and friends’ question.
Quality Account 2012 - 13
b Section 2: Performance overview 2012/13
Patient Feedback overview: A total of 1565 patient experience questionnaires were completed, which showed that: • 96% of patients were satisfied that they were involved in and informed about decisions about their care. • 97% of patients were satisfied that the healthcare professional explained the treatment/ health advice in a way that they could understand. • 96% of patients felt they were given enough privacy when treated or advised. • 96% of patients who were asked would recommend our services to family and friends.
There were 48 written complaints received in 2012/13 compared with 65 in 2011/12. 100% of complaints received were acknowledged within three working days. Theme of Complaint
Aspects of clinical treatment
Attitude of staff
Communication/Information to patient
Aids, appliances, equipment, premises
Appointments, delay/cancellation
Implementation of care or review
During 2012/13 one formal investigation was referred to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman in relation to our Trust. We await the outcome of their investigation.
Compliments We received 980 compliments compared with 461 in 2011/2012. This is a significant increase and a positive reflection on the quality of services we provide and the increased opportunities patients have to voice their opinion. Theme of compliment
Access / Admission / Appointment
Clinical assessment
Consent, Confidentiality or Communication
Estates issues
Implementation of care or ongoing monitoring/review
Medical device/equipment
Medication: Advice
Treatment, procedure
Changes and improvements made by the Trust following complaints include: Podiatry Service: • Reviewed the process for providing extra dressings to ensure consistency of support for all patients • Information/guidance notes on Re-dressings/Home Treatments added to patient ‘Notes for Nails Surgery’ which is sent to patients with their appointment letter. Phlebotomy Service: • Reviewed Venepuncture Competency Assessment Tool. Assessment tool used annually to assess competence and compliance by all staff undertaking venepuncture procedures. Detailed information with regards to complaints received by Wirral Community NHS Trust are collated in an Annual Report as part of Regulation 18 of the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 and is available on request.
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Getting Staffing Right... Objective: Develop a Human Resources Strategy to
Objective: Improve staff attendance by
support the organisation’s business plans.
implementing a Wellbeing Strategy.
Achieved: During 2012/13 we developed
Achieved: In 2012 the Trust developed a
our 2012/17 HR Strategy and this was approved by Board.
Wellbeing Strategy, actions have included:
Objective: Develop a workforce plan to create a flexible workforce and target recruitment through the local community.
Achieved: We continue to develop our five year workforce plan. In the last year we have reviewed and updated our recruitment practices which has reduced recruitment times.
Objective: Promote and embed our organisational values into the appraisal, recruitment and induction processes.
Achieved: Our organisational values are included in the appraisal, recruitment and induction processes.
• Introduction of an Employee Assistance Programme which provides confidential support to staff and their families 24 hours a day 365 days a year • Introduced a new occupational health service • Fast track physiotherapy services appointments for staff.
This year we reduced our annual sickness absence rate to 4.5% from its highest point 6.2%. We continue to work towards reducing our annual sickness absence rate to 3.4% in line with the national target.
Getting staffing right
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b Section 2: Performance overview 2012/13
Staff Experience... Improving staff experience with e-learning
e-learning brings many benefits such as: • More flexible way of learning with access to training from any PC with the potential to release time back to care/ role activity • Covers a range of learning styles as not everyone learns in the same way • Allows staff to learn at their own pace, breaking up the learning and re-look at sections to fully understand before moving on. All e-learning progress and results are recorded on the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) which accompanies staff wherever they go within the NHS. All staff receive an annual appraisal and personal development plan to support ongoing learning and development as well as career aspirations.
One of our overall objectives is to have sufficient numbers of staff with the right competencies, knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience to ensure that our Trust delivers high quality healthcare.
Objective: Provide learning opportunities for all Trust staff.
Achieved: We have invested in the development of our staff, supporting 141 places on academic modules at local universities where knowledge and skills will be used in the organisation.
Objective: Promote a learning culture for all staff.
Objective: Ensure all staff undertake mandatory training specific to their role. Achieved: 95% of staff have completed mandatory training specific to their role We have continued to update Essential Learning Programmes for staff responding to Care Quality Commission and NHS Litigation Authority requirements.
Objective: Ensure all staff have an annual appraisal and personal development plan that supports them to deliver high quality services. Achieved: 100% of eligible staff received an annual appraisal and personal development plan.
Objective: Undertake regular mini-surveys to identify specific issues affecting our staff Achieved: We conducted mini-survey’s covering the following topics:
Achieved: In 2012, we launched e-learning
- Infection Prevention & Control
(online learning) encouraging staff to take control of their learning and development needs.
- Information Governance
- Managing Attendance.
Quality Account 2012 - 13
b 2012 Staff Survey Results The Staff Survey was distributed to 1300 staff members. We had a response rate of 52%. Results from the survey demonstrate that: • 97% know how to report concerns about fraud or malpractice • 81% are happy with the quality of work and patient care they provide • 82% received job relevant training, learning and development
Physiotherapy at the new St Catherine’s Health Centre
• 73% would recommend the Trust as a place to work or receive treatment. This is an increase on last year’s figure (67%) and above the National Average (63%).
Staff Achievements:
b Responding to local priorities and national drivers As part of the Quality Goals included in our Quality Strategy, bespoke training provided by the University of Chester has been made available to further develop the skills and knowledge of our clinical staff. Training focused on supporting the delivery of quality care for patients and their carers in the areas of dementia, common mental health conditions, learning disabilities and end of life care communication skills.
Congratulations to all staff who have successfully completed the following courses: • Mentorship • Leadership • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups • Non-Medical Prescribing • Clinical Examination • Clinical Diagnostics • Evidence Based Practice/Research • Palliative and End of Life Care • Meeting the Challenges of Heart Failure
b Preparing the next generation of healthcare professionals In 2012/13 over 350 pre and post registration healthcare students attending local universities were offered work placements with the Trust, providing students with an opportunity to experience working within the community setting in partnership with a range of local agencies and services. By supporting access to this breadth of experience we ensure students are capable of safe and effective practice in a range of environments at the point of registration as a healthcare professional. During 2012/13 we worked closely with Ridgeway High School and Birkenhead Sixth Form College to develop a pilot Work Experience Scheme for students interested in learning more about the different roles within the NHS.
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• Caring for People with Respiratory Problems • Caring for People with Long Term Conditions • Diagnosis and Triage Upper/lower Limb MSK Conditions • Principles and Clinical Management for Patients with Neuro MSK Dysfunction • Cognitive Behavioural Interventions • Infection Prevention & Control • Empowering Healthy Communities • Interventions for Promoting Healthy Lifestyles • Clinical Supervision • Contraception and Sexual Health • Sexual Health in Practice • Advanced Practice in Health Care
b Section 3: Innovation in service delivery
We continue to work to make services even better and more efficient. In this section we tell you about some of the things that we do. Productive Community Services – releasing time to care Productive Community Services is a change programme which helps systematic engagement of all front line teams to improve quality and productivity. Our goal was to use the programme to support eight eligible teams. In 2012/13 we managed to support twelve teams. We were able to start a number of new initiatives as a result of the programme: • Health Visitors in Prenton implemented Beautiful Beginnings Group for new mums. • Health Visitors in Bidston have implemented an additional baby massage group. • Health Visitors in Rock Ferry implemented an extra clinic to deliver behaviour / sleep support for families. • Heswall Community Nursing Team developed a standardised ‘nursing bag’ to ensure nursing staff have the right equipment at the right time.
Improvements to services can enable teams to spend more time with their patients. Examples of where time has been saved include: • A review of a Health Visiting team’s filing system for managing family records enabled the service to save 1066 hours per year. • By reorganising the resources used for delivering their programme, the Family Nurse Partnership saved 390 hours per year. After completing the programme, a member of staff said:
“It will make our service reduce waste and be more efficient, promoting the patient at the heart of the service.”
Commissioning for Quality & Innovation (CQUIN) A proportion of our income in 2012/13 was conditional on us achieving quality improvements and innovation goals agreed with our commissioners through the CQUIN payment framework. We achieved all our CQUIN goals and the conditional income. We have: • reinvested the money into equipment and training for our staff • introduced standardised community nursing bags across all teams • purchased Podiatry equipment to enable the service to produce insoles while patients wait.
Awards We are pleased to celebrate the following achievements: b The Integrated Continence Service was shortlisted for the Nursing Times Awards for their innovative approach and enhanced care provided to children across the borough. b The Trust received Baby Friendly accreditation from UNICEF demonstrating that we are an organisation delivering best practice care in support of breastfeeding. b In March 2013, we celebrated achievements across the Trust at our For You, Thank You staff awards.
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Treatment at leg ulcer clinic
“I found the staff to be most helpful, informative and professional. They are very patient and responsive to my needs.”
Quality Account 2012 - 13
b Section 4: Quality Assurance of the services we deliver Frontline focus visit
External Regulation b Care Quality Commission The Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulates all health and adult social care services in England . Through inspections and information monitoring, it ensures that essential common quality standards are met by all care providers. We are registered with CQC without conditions.
We aim to deliver high quality services. In this section we tell
In 2012, CQC carried out a routine inspection of the Walkin Centre, Arrowe Park Hospital and reported that the following standards of care were met: • Respecting and involving people who use services • Care and welfare of people who use services
you about how we measure and
• Safeguarding people who use services from abuse
assess the quality of our services.
• Supporting workers • Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
Internal regulation b Frontline Focus: Frontline Focus is an initiative we use internally to help us understand the process of a patient visit. In 2012/13 we undertook 62 visits which: • Gathered evidence on essential clinical quality standards • Helped us to improve infection prevention and controls standards • Improved quality of catheter care for patients.
b Clinical Audit: Our Clinical Audit process monitors the quality of care and services against local and nationally agreed standards. During 2012/13 we successfully completed 35 clinical audits including two regional audits. Improvements made as a result included: • Updated Patient and Carers Assessment documentation which outlines best practice for end of life care patients and their carers • Podiatry service have developed a standard operating procedure for nail surgery • Appointment of a Specialist Health Visitor for children with complex needs.
b NHS Litigation Authority The NHS Litigation Authority handles NHS negligence claims and work to improve risk management in the NHS. They produce standards against which NHS organisations are assessed. The Trust was assessed and achieved Level 1 with a score of 49 out of 50.
“It was clear throughout the assessment that the organisation has worked hard to develop the approved documents to make them relevant to the new organisation. The documents were well presented and provide clear guidance for staff to support the management of risk throughout the organisation.” Karol Edge, Senior NHS LA Assessor
b Information Governance During 2012/13 we maintained Level 2 compliance with the national Information Governance Toolkit and 96% of our staff completed relevant Information Governance training.
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Section 5: Bringing high quality services closer to patients b Delivering care from the new St Catherine’s Health Centre
We continue to support the NHS direction to reduce hospital admissions by providing high quality services in the community. In this section we tell you about organisation developments which support this. b St Catherine’s Health Centre In August 2012, services left the historic former building and moved into the new St Catherine’s Health Centre providing a modern clinical community base to support the delivery of high quality services.
b Physiotherapy Service During 2012/13 we worked with commissioners to introduce a new specialist Physiotherapy Service for patients who require more advanced treatment.
b Sexual Health Service Working in partnership with Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Brook* we successfully won the contract to deliver sexual health services across Wirral from April 2013 for three years. The new integrated service with a single telephone number and point of access will mean people will be able to access services at a
Quality Account 2012 - 13
greater number of locations with services now available seven days a week.
b Centralised Booking Service During 2012, we introduced a centralised booking service which operates 8am – 8pm, seven days a week providing patients with one phone number to be able to book appointments with the following services: • Podiatry • Phlebotomy • Emergency Dental • All Day Health Centre GP Practice The Centralised Booking Service also helps manage calls from patients of the Community Nursing Service. This will be further developed over the coming year. *Brook is a charity that provides free sexual health clinics and advice for people under the age of 25.
b Section 6: Objectives for 2013/14 We have agreed the following quality objectives with our Commissioners for 2013/14, which will be supported by the CQUIN scheme. These objectives link to the four quality themes:
Delivering Care b Patient Experience b
b Delivering
b Getting
Staffing Right b Staff Experience
Children with complex needs
Objectives for next year include: Dementia care • 90% or above of Community Nursing patients aged 65 and over to be screened for potential early signs of Dementia.
Leg Ulcer care • Introduce new bandaging which is more comfortable to wear and easier to walk in, whilst still supporting early healing rates at 15 weeks for 70% of patients.
• Review and monitor standards of healthcare for children with complex long term conditions in the Health Visiting Service and improve the parents experience.
End of life care • Maintain best practice standards for end of life care patients in community nursing and improve carers experience of care.
Preventing harm • Continue to use national NHS Safety Thermometer standards to measure patient harm in relation to:
Pressure Ulcer care
o Falls
• Monitor essential standards for pressure ulcer care in Community Nursing to promote safe patient care, reduce patient harm and improve patient experience
o Urinary tract infections
• Work in partnership with Care Homes to develop educational resources for staff and patients to prevent pressure ulcers from developing.
o Treatment for VTE* Data collected will be used to help signal where we might need to focus more detailed measurement, training and improvement to ensure the safety of our services.
Infection Prevention and Control
“I found that the member of staff listened to me and was very understanding of my situation. She has motivated me to healthier living habits and to be more active.”
o Pressure Ulcers
• No avoidable healthcare associated infections attributable to the services we provide • Work collaboratively with partner organisations to reduce healthcare associated infection across the local health economy.
*Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a blood clot that develops in a vein.
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Community Therapy at the Independent Living Centre
b Patient
Objectives for next year include: • Increase the number of completed Patient Experience Questionnaires from all relevant clinical services by 10%
“I can’t praise this department highly enough. The advice and care I have received has been brilliant.”
• Conduct 12 patient shadows across our divisions • Increase the opportunity for patients to leave feedback using technology e.g. text messaging • Develop a Patient Experience Champion role in all Clinical Divisions • 80% of patients leaving feedback to recommend our services to their friends and family, in line with national targets.
b Getting
Staffing Right
Objectives for next year include: • 95% of staff joining the organisation to attend corporate induction within six weeks of their start date • 95% of staff joining the organisation to complete their local induction within six weeks of their start date • 95% of staff to attend Mandatory Essential Learning within the agreed timeframe.
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b Staff
Objectives for next year include • 100% of eligible staff to have an annual appraisal • 100% of eligible staff to have a personal development plan • Reduce the staff annual sickness rate to the national NHS target of 3.4% • A 5% increase of staff reporting job satisfaction in the National NHS staff survey • A 5% increase in staff recommending the Trust as a place to work or receive treatment • 95% staff reporting that they know how to report concerns regarding fraud and malpractice in the National NHS staff survey.
b Section 7: Supporting statement from Wirral LINk
Statement from Wirral LINk (Local Involvement Network) LINk members attended an engagement session with Lisa Cooper, Director of Quality & Governance and Infection Prevention & Control, on 7th February 2013 to discuss the Quality Account for The Wirral Community NHS Trust for 2012/13. Wirral LINk would like to thank Wirral Community NHS Trust for the opportunity to comment on the Quality Account for 2012/13. A sub group of LINk, who look at Quality Accounts for NHS Trusts, met to compile this response. The report was forwarded to Healthwatch Wirral to disseminate to The Trust. On 1st April 2013 Healthwatch Wirral, a new Community Interest Company, was launched. This organisation replaces LINk and is the new local independent consumer champion for the public.
Delivering Care. Wirral LINk would like to commend the Community Trust for identifying and achieving objectives in delivering care under the specific themes, dementia care, end of life, self- care plans for patients with diabetes, infection prevention and control, safety thermometer and leg ulcer care. It was noted that the self- care plan for patients with diabetes target had been achieved for all new patients but there was no mention of existing patients. It was gratifying that the significant untoward incidences had reduced in comparison to the previous year and that none of the 4 deaths coded were attributable to the Trust.
Patient Experience. LINk are pleased that the Trust are enhancing the range of patient experience improvement activities and appear to be very proactive in sharing patient experiences with the Trust Board. The Trust should be commended in promoting the Young People Friendly initiative to all services. LINK would like to congratulate the services who have been accredited or are working towards Young People Friendly accreditation.
Compliments and Complaints. Due to the Trust providing increased opportunities for patients to voice their opinion, it is gratifying to see that compliments received have significantly increased and complaints have reduced. Healthwatch Wirral look forward to hearing how patients comments received have improved the complaints procedure. It would be helpful to see a breakdown of all the services which have improved and those services that have not.
Getting Staffing Right and Staff Experience. LINK were pleased to see that the Trust have reduced sickness absence rates and have invested in the development of staff. They will continue to work towards reducing absence rates further in line with the national target.
Innovation and Quality Assurance. It was noted that the CQUINS payment framework monies were well invested by the Trust and all goals were achieved. The Trust should also be congratulated in supporting 12 teams who were eligible to be part of the Productive Community Services Programme initiative. Their original goal was to support 8. The quality assurance internal and external regulations were noted. The centralised booking service is a good initiative and Healthwatch Wirral look forward to hearing how this will be further developed in the coming year. LINk valued and benefitted from their engagement with Wirral Community NHS Trust during the year, and were impressed with all of the planned objectives and improvements for 2013/2014. Wirral LINk has had a very well established and respectful relationship with Wirral Community NHS Trust and looks forward to continuing this as Healthwatch Wirral in the future.
Diane Hill, Geoffrey Gratwick, Joyce Jackson. Date. 15/05/2013
It is admirable that the Trust are working closely with 2 schools to pilot a work experience scheme.
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b Section 8: Statement from Clinical Commissioning Group
Supporting Statement from NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group As lead commissioner, NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group is committed to commissioning high quality services from Wirral Community NHS Trust and we take very seriously our responsibility to ensure that patients’ needs are met by the provision of safe, high quality services and that the views and expectations of patients and the public are listened to and acted upon. This Quality Account, in our opinion, accurately reflects the Trust’s quality performance in 2012/13 and highlights future priorities that are aligned with NHS Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group’s priorities for 2013/14. We are reassured that the Trust achieved the objectives that they
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set out for last year under the headings of delivering care, patient experience, getting staffing right and staff experience. We have been encouraged by the focus given to capturing and acting upon patient experience feedback by capturing patient stories and patient shadowing and acknowledge the achievements in year in relation to leg ulcer care and Infection Prevention and Control. The achievements of Wirral Community NHS Trust have been recognised nationally including: The Integrated Continence Service being shortlisted for the Nursing Times Awards for their innovative approach and enhanced care provided to children across the borough and receiving Baby Friendly accreditation
from UNICEF demonstrating that they are delivering best practice care in support of breastfeeding. We congratulate the Trust in the improvement that it has made in reducing its annual sickness rate from 6.2% to 4.5%, however we acknowledge that further work is to be undertaken in order to ensure that this is in line with the national target of 3.4%. As commissioners we have agreed with the Trust the objectives for 2013/14, which will be challenging but achievable to ensure that quality remains a focus within the services that are delivered.
Phil Jennings Chair Wirral CCG
b Section 9: Statement from Local Authority
Statement of Support Chief Executive – Wirral Council The Community Trust has continued to build on the achievements it delivered last year. Although we have not reviewed this account through our scrutiny arrangements, the Community Trust has been positively working with the Local Authority during the past year, and the evidence of their commitment to quality services for our community and to staff development are to be welcomed. To the best of my knowledge the Quality Account is a true and accurate reflection of the progress made in 2012/2013 against identified quality standards. Wirral Council is committed to working in partnership with Wirral Community NHS Trust and other health partners in the provision of quality services to the local community.
Graham Burgess Chief Executive
Quality Account 2012 - 13
Divisions & Services... Lifestyle
Primary Care
Unplanned Care
Wheelchair Service
Public Health
GP Services Arrowe Park ADHC
Minor Injuries Unit
Specialist Nursing
Independent Living Service
Sexual Health
Leasowe Primary Care Centre & GP Out of Hours
Phlebotomy Service
Cardiac Service
Community Equipment
Health Visitors
Primary Care Assessment Unit
Single Point of Access
Community Dental Services
DVT Team
Speech & Language Therapy
Centralised Booking
24 hr Community Nursing
Community Therapy & Falls Prevention
Walk-In-Centre Eastham
Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
Walk-In-Centre Wallasey Victoria Central
Nutrition & Dietetics
Walk-In-Centre Arrowe Park
If you would like this information in another format or language, or would like to provide feedback about any of our services, please contact our Patient Experience Service: T: 0151 514 6311 Freephone 0800 694 5530 or patient.experience@wirralct.nhs.uk