Wisconsin Bike Fed Magazine, Ride Guide Edition, March 2016

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Contents 8 Otto Wentz, Cycling Legend

10 Slow Down for your Neighbor 16 Ride Across Wisconsin 40 The Polish Moon is Always Full 50 Wisconsin Spring Classics 58 Tour of America’s Dairyland 66 March Events 66 April Events 67 May Events 70 June Events 76 July Events 81 August Events 87 September Events 94 October Events 95 November Events 97 Bike Clubs 101 Bike Shops 105 Trail Listings

Cover: A very gothic drone view of the Ride Across Wisconsin. Photo by Jeffrey Phelps WisconsinBikeFed.org


Faces of RAW by Jeff Kennel Thanks to everyone at Trek for helping make our Ride Across Wisconsin such a big success. RAW would not have been the same without the members of your pro team and Jens Voigt. The Redwing Stoneware Beer Stein you donated made for a perfect keepsake, and proved extremely useful at the finish party! More than that, it was great to have so many Trek employees ride with us. You really are the best!


Rides! Rides! Rides!

Chris Aalid/Marketing Coordinator chris.aalid@wisconsinbikefed.org

Zac Barnes/Central Region Director

There’s a quiet revolution going on here at the Bike Fed. We’ve rediscovered our roots and with a vengeance.


Dave Cieslewicz/Executive Director dave.cieslewicz@wisconsinbikefed.org

Eric Crouthamel/Valid Bike Shop Manager eric.crouthamel@wisconsinbikefed.org

Carolyn Dvorak/Southwest Region Director carolyn.dvorak@wisconsinbikefed.org

Sarah Gaskell/Planning Manager

The Bike Fed does a lot of great things from educating kids and adults about how to cycle safely, to reminding drivers that they need to be careful around bikes to advocating in the legislature and before local governments for bike friendly policies.


But the basis of all of it is that we just love to ride our bikes. That’s why it was so weird that until very recently the Bike Fed didn’t do much in terms of running actual bike rides.

Tony Giron/Smart Trips Coordinator tony.giron@wisconsinbikefed.org

Matt Gissibl/Resident Dirt Tester matt.gissibl@wisconsinbikefed.org

Wendy Hanisch/ Director of Development and Events wendy@wisconsinbikefed.org

Tom Held/Share & Be Aware Comunications Coordinator tomh@wisconsinbikefed.org

Andrew Kaczmarek/Finance Director andrew.kaczmarek@wisconsinbikefed.org

Bryan La Bissoniere/Membership Coordinator

No more. We’ve jumped in now with both pedals. In this muchanticipated annual edition of the Ride Guide you’ll find no fewer than 232 rides and other bike related events all over the state. And even with that we know we’ve probably missed some. If you don’t see your event, just let us know and we’ll get you in next year’s edition for free!


Betsy Massnick/Membership Director betsy.massnick@wisconsinbikefed.org

Jake Newborn/Youth Education Program Manager jake.newborn@wisconsinbikefed.org

Mirtha Sosa/Milwaukee Bicycle Coordinator mirtha.sosa@wisconsinbikefed.org

Dave Schlabowske/Deputy Director dave.schlabowske@wisconsinbikefed.org

Jessica Wineberg/Program Director jessica@wisconsinbikefed.org

Board of Directors Ted Galloway, Chair, Bill Koch, Vice Chair, Clay Griessmeyer, Secretary Dan Goldberg, Assistant Secretary, Dave Jablonowski, Treasurer Mike Basarich Michael Johnson Gary Peterson Brien Christopherson Julian Kegel John Siegert Peter Gray Bill Koch Melissa Vernon Cassandra Habel Beth Liebhardt David Waters Bill Hauda Janet Loewi Robbie Webber

Magazine Staff Editor: Dave Schlabowske

Art Director: Chris Aalid

And among those 232 events you’ll see some that are run by us. These include the epic challenge of the Ride Across Wisconsin, the epic fun of the Polish Moon Ride and the new Spring Classics Series. Ever wanted to bike to Paris, Belgium or Rome? Well, now you can while you stay right here in Wisconsin and you can do it in style with one of our new “Cow of Wisconsin” kits by Borah Teamwear! You can read about all of these rides in this edition of the magazine. So, it’s time to get off that stationary trainer and get out there on the road and on the trail. You hold in your trembling hands no less than 232 ways to enjoy the ride with old and new friends. So it’s back to the fundamental, radical basics for us at the Bike Fed. Let’s make this the year that we remind ourselves why we do all this stuff. We just love to ride. Enjoy the read.

Advertising: Matt Gissibl/matt.gissibl@wisconsinbikefed.org The Wisconsin Bike Fed Magazine is a complimentary addition to Bike Fed Annual Memberships. Proudly printed on Appleton Uptopia Paper, milled in Wisconsin

Dave Cieslewicz, Executive Director



JOIN BREWERS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR ITS SECOND ANNUAL HITTING 4 THE CYCLE BENEFIT BIKE RIDE. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13. We’ll pedal our keisters off in a tour de force of fundraising power! Whether you’re up for a long ride, a quick jaunt, or prefer something in-between, all routes lead to fun! Celebrate your accomplishments at Miller Park that evening with a tailgate party and a ticket to the Brewers vs. Reds game.










MARQUETTE WisconsinBikeFed.org embrace your natural identity


Goodbye, Otto Wenz Wisconsin Cycling Superstar By Dave Schlabowske


isconsin cycling said goodbye to a legend when Otto Wenz, Jr. passed on January 27. If you raced a bicycle on the road or track in Wisconsin, from the 1960s through 2015, you probably knew Otto as the visionary who started the International Cycling Classic known as Superweek, and the Downer Classic, across from the Sentry Food Store he owned on Milwaukee’s east side. While Superweek will probably be Otto’s greatest legacy, his contribution to the sport went far beyond that popular race series. Otto raced himself when he was younger, but his real talent was his vision for improving and expanding the sport of cycling in the United States. For instance, he was instrumental in bringing the Junior World Championships to Allentown, Pa., in 1978. Sixty six years had passed since the last cycling world championship races were held in the U.S. Otto also served as president of the U.S. Cycling Federation, and as chairman of the 1986 World Cycling Championships in Colorado Springs, Colo. That represented the first time the Worlds had been held in the U.S. since 1912. For his countless contributions to the sport, Otto was inducted into the US Bicycling Hall of Fame in 1999. I didn’t know Otto very well during my brief and 8

unremarkable days racing criteriums in his 17-day Superweek series. I did have the honor of having Otto hand me a white envelope or two after a rare finish in the money. He seemed genuinely sincere when he congratulated me for 12th place, or whatever it was. Mostly, I admired the legend from a distance, as he chatted with other cycling luminaries around the start/finish at his races. Everyone knew Otto and

Caption: A great photo of a great man, Otto looking smart back in his racing days (Above).

Otto always seemed to have time to chat racing with a spectator or participant. I did get a chance to work with him more closely in my role running the Milwaukee office of the Wisconsin Bike Fed, and again when I worked as the Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the City of Milwaukee. I remember how excited I was the first time I got a request to meet with Otto Wenz! I was all smiles as he walked into the room. I had just enough time to say what an honor it was to meet him before he started yelling at me because he felt the Bike Fed was not doing enough to promote bike racing in the state. I’m not afraid to say Otto wasn’t always the easiest guy to have in a meeting room, as I learned over the 17 years or so that I’ve worked in cycling. Despite his sometimes-blunt demeanor, I always looked forward to my meetings with him because I knew he never had anything but the best interests of the sport in mind. It was never about Otto, and his complaints were never personal. The only thing that mattered to Otto was better racing for the participants and spectators, and to bring more attention to the sport he loved so much. Wisconsin has many people working to make bicycling better and lots to be proud of, but it is unlikely we will see another person in the sport with a vision as big as Otto’s. I am proud to have known him and proud that his Superweek legacy lives on in spirit through the Tour of America’s Dairyland. We owe Otto a huge thank you for the health of the sport of cycling in Wisconsin, and across the United States. I was in the middle of putting this issue of the magazine together when I heard about Otto. His funeral services were like a teary-eyed Who’s Who of Wisconsin Cycling history. Even though I was behind schedule on the magazine, I suggested to a coworker that Friday morning that he and I take the time to bike from Milwaukee up to Saukville for our meeting with Rebel Wipes. It looked to be a chilly ride, so in honor of Otto, I wore the vintage wool warm-up sweater I got from his huge collection of cycling memorabilia a year or two ago.

Caption: This is just a small selection of Otto’s cycling memorabilia; from trophies for Six Day Races to classic wool jerseys to Lance Armstrong before the fall, Otto’s accomplishments seem almost bigger than life. A loving husband, father and grandfather, thousands could call Otto a “real” friend, but few better than famed Eddy Van Guyse, his signature announcer for Superweek.

Thanks Otto, we all owe you more than we can ever repay.



Slow Down and Yield to Your Neighbor Story by Tom Held, Photos by Dave Schlabowske



Caption: Even with reminders like this, many people still don’t understand what it means to yield to people in a crosswalk.

eople in Wisconsin seem to have developed a reputation of taking a Simpson’s character approach toward driving. Picture a careening Montgomery Burns speeding past people bicycling and screeching toward people walking in a crosswalk, all the while shouting, “Out of my way, I’m a motorist!” Funny on a television cartoon comedy, but that attitude kills people in real life. According to the Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles, 556 people were killed in Wisconsin in motor vehicle crashes in 2015, a 13 percent increase over 2014. The number of people killed riding bicycles jumped from four in 2014 to 15. While that may be statistically insignificant given the millions of people who ride safely every year, we can’t ignore an uptick in fatalities that big. Each fatality has a

person, a story and family and friends behind it. Just as alarming, the number of people killed while walking on Wisconsin roads jumped from 45 to 55, up 22 percent. That’s more than fourdozen mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children killed while walking to the store, or to work or to visit friends. As part of its mission, the Wisconsin Bike Fed has intensified its work to make streets safer for all users, whether on foot, on a bicycle or in a car. It’s a needed effort. Human nature drives people to adopt an “us vs. them” attitude, and too often we apply that same coarse view to people driving cars vs. people walking, or riding bicycles. We forget that we are all pedestrians before we step into the driver’s seat, and most people who ride bikes also drive cars.

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It’s clear that we ignore that law all too often, with deadly consequences. Still, instead of putting safety first, we accept 55 deaths of people on foot as the cost of driving and shrug like the deaths were unavoidable “accidents.” Similarly, the 15 people killed while bicycling in 2015 generated little attention outside of cycling advocates. These crashes are avoidable if only people would follow the rules of the road and be more cautious when sharing the road with more vulnerable users. Slow down. Look for others. Yield to your neighbor. The message shared by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Wisconsin Bike Fed through the Share and Be Aware program is the law, and it’s common sense. Wisconsin statutes require people driving motor vehicles to yield to people walking in crosswalks. That applies in any crosswalk, marked or not. Most people don’t know that the natural extension of the sidewalk across the street is a crosswalk, even when there are not painted lines. The other side of that coin is most people don’t expect cars to stop for them when they want to cross the street, so they wait even when they have a marked crosswalk. Watch traffic on any urban or suburban street and it’s clear that we ignore that law all too often, with deadly consequences. More than 40 people were killed in crosswalks by people who failed to yield in 2011, 2012 and 2013, according to an

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analysis of crash reports by Robert Schneider, an assistant professor and traffic safety researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. That number represented nearly 30% of the people 152 killed while walking in that three-year span. Schneider also found that driver errors accounted for 65% of deaths in crosswalks at intersections. The idea that most pedestrian fatalities are caused by people dashing into the street simply doesn’t match the facts. We drive to fast and ignore the law, and make it dangerous and intimidating for people to engage in the most normal of activity: walking. “It’s important for people to walk,” says Larry Corsi, Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety Program Manager

Get Involved with

Share & Be Aware Caption: Pellentesque laoreet nibh non metus.

We’re always on the lookout for passionate people to help us make Wisconsin a better place to bike, walk, and drive. Here’s a few ideas: »» Apply to be a paid or volunteer S&BA Ambassador.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation. “It’s better for business, better for health.” Corsi works in the DOT Bureau of Transportation Safety and oversees the efforts to make Wisconsin streets safer. That included coordination of High Visibility Enforcement actions by police in Milwaukee and La Crosse to remind motorists to yield to people walking. During one such action, police issued 64 failureto-yield warnings to motorists in the Marquette University area in one afternoon. The DOT spent about $160,000 on those targeted enforcement efforts in 2015 and will spend about the same in 2016. The Bike Fed also will continue its 12

»» Request an Ambassador to attend an event or teach a class in your community. »» Conduct a Stop for Your Neighbor action. »» Sponsor a billboard. For $300 a bike club or individual can sponsor a walk or bike safety billboard in their community.

Caption: It often helps to not only make eye-contact, but signal your intention to cross with a small “thank you” wave. Doing the same from behind the wheel can give nervous people more confidence to cross the street as well.

“Wisconsin Walks” campaign to remind motorists to yield to their neighbor. Our penchant for driving above the posted speed limit also contributes to the problem. The idea that 30 mph provides wiggle room up to 40 is dangerous, based on the basic facts of stopping distance. On a dry surface, a motor vehicle traveling at 40 mph requires roughly 300 feet of stopping distance to avoid a child or other person walking across a street. The stopping distance drops to 197 feet at 30 mph and 112 feet at 20 mph. It’s a simple fact: slower is safer. Unlike many of our problems, the increasing number of people killed while walking is easy to solve and shouldn’t cost a dime. Slow down and yield to your neighbor. To find out more about Share & Be Aware, and how you can get invovled, visit ShareAndBeAware.org.

Sunday September 18, 2016 Waukesha, WI

Ride the Scenic Roads of the Southern Kettle Moraine ~ Routes of 37, 67, 101 miles ~ A ride organized by a local bicycle club ~ Rest stops with home baked treats ~ Vegetarian chili & chicken salad lunch ~ SAG supported & well marked routes For More Information springcityspinners.org/ptk.html tinyurl.com/2016ptk (262) 607-2722 Participating in this ride supports the activities of the Spring City Spinners and allows us to donate funds to bike related causes in our community

WisconsinBikeFed.org 13


he Wisconsin Bike Fed wants you to to lead rides for us! We are working with our members to launch a new series of free, member-led regular group rides around the state. These Free Group Rides range from short social rides with stops for food and beverages to longer fast-paced training rides. We are modeling (stealing, really) our Free Group Ride series after the program run by the Cascade Bicycle Club in Washington State. They have been doing theirs for a long time, and they now offer more than 2,200 rides! We will start with a handful of rides, but if you help, we should be able to grow the


offerings to hundreds of fun, free rides in every part of Wisconsin in very short order. Just to make this a little more fun, we will also have a mileage incentive program to our members. Just keep track of your mileage and we will send out awards and raffle off prizes at the end of the year. You can track your mileage with any of the usual apps like Garmin, Strava, Moves, Endomondo, MapMyRide, RideWithGPS, etc. If you don’t like apps, you can submit before and after photos of your bike computer. Luddites can submit spreadsheets of their total miles for the year. Below are the categories: 1,000+ miles 2,500+ miles 5,000+ miles 7,500+ miles 10,000+ miles 15,000+ miles 20,000+ miles If we need a higher category, we will create a special award for those singleminded individuals! HOW DO I FIND A RIDE FOR ME?

All rides will be listed on our Free Group Ride online calendar. Rides will be divided up into three general categories: Social Rides: Rides to meet up at a predetermined location or slow group rides that often include a stop for food or beverages. Endurance Ride: Rides longer than 10 miles held at a conversational pace Training Ride: Faster paced rides specifically for training. Rides may break into slower and faster groups to accommodate people of differing abilities. Not specifically for racers, but the expectation should be to ride at a pace the tests your limits. Rides may include sprints, hill repeats, pace-lines, etc. Each ride will note the ride leader and contact info, also include a pace expressed in an expected mph range, drop/no-drop policy, start time, start location, route description (inlcude mileage), and additional ride description

members, but everyone must sign a simple waiver for insurance purposes. Our Bike Fed insurance policy will then cover all rides. Our insurance requires everyone to wear a helmet on our group rides. WHERE DO I SIGN A WAIVER?

Ride leaders will have waivers at the start of each ride, or you can sign a waiver online in advance.

We will offer those classes as webinars, and we will schedule some in-person classes around the state soon. As a way of thanking you, all Ride Leaders will get their pick of a Bike Fed jersey or other apparel item. Ride Leaders will also get discounts on all our Bike Fed fundraising rides like the Polish Moon, Santa Cycle Rampage and Ride Across Wisconsin. Finally, Ride Leaders will have the opportunity to attend a free annual recognition dinner.


Thanks for asking! Any Bike Fed member interested in becoming a Ride Leader should contact us via email. All Ride Leaders will need to attend a one to two hour ride leader certification class.

WE’VE GOT SOME IDEAS. Sunrise Coffee Clutch SOCIAL RIDE • PACE: 10-15 MPH • NO DROP A casual meet-up for coffee at sunrise every Wednesday at a predetermined location along the Lake Michigan shoreline in Milwaukee. Leave from your home or work and bring your coffee in a thermos or make your own at the meet-up point. Ride Leader: Dave Schlabowske, daves@wisconsinbikefed.org Meet at the Sunrise Bridge at Lakeshore State Park in Milwaukee.


Meet 15 minutes before sunrise (time varies by day).


Leave from your home or workplace and ride to meet-up.


Sunday Century ENDURANCE RIDE • PACE: 14-20 MPH • NO DROP A ride for people who want to get in a Metric or US century. Ride Leader: Dave Schlabowske, daves@wisconsinbikefed.org Collectivo Cafe, 6745 W Wells St, Wauwatosa, WI 53213.




7am, bright and

The route will vary from ride to ride, but will generally include a 60 mile and 100 mile option.



Sure, the rides will be open to nonWisconsinBikeFed.org 15


Photographs by Dave Schlabowske, Jeff Kennel, Jeffrey Phelps and Peter DiAntoni WisconsinBikeFed.org



We welcome you to come with us on the Wisconsin Bike Fed’s second annual Ride Across Wisconsin, an epic, fully-supported 175-mile ride across the greatest state ever!


his year RAW includes both a one-day and new two-day option, and everyone gets a chance to ride with the Trek Segafredo professional racing team and special guest Jens Voigt, a record-setter who raced the Tour de France 17 times. In the following pages, you will read three inspiring stories from RAW Founders, bicyclists with differing abilities who crossed the finished in Kenosha last year with smiles on their faces. We also include answers to most of the questions you may have, and our usual great photography - to tempt you to join us. Friday night before the ride, we will have an optional Iowa farm-to-table dinner at the Five Flags Center in Dubuque. That will be followed by a talk and Q&A session with the professionals from Trek and their special guest, Jens Voigt. We are happy to welcome back Robbie Ventura, AKA the K-Town Motor, to MC the event again. At 6 a.m. Saturday, Dubuque police will lead the Grand Départ from Main Street, over the Mississippi River and into the Driftless Region of Wisconsin. Once across the border, riders will stay just north of the Cheddar Curtain as they pedal 175 miles on paved, scenic, low-traffic roads. Just before the finish at Simmons Island Beach in Kenosha, the route takes you past the Washington Park Velodrome, where riders can take an optional lap around the “Kenosha Bowl,” open since 1927. Since Voigt set the World Hour Record just before he retired, it seemed fitting to include a lap around the recently resurfaced track in the country’s oldest operating velodrome. Your cross-state journey ends at the shores of Lake Michigan, where you can fill your hand-made beer stein with delicious craft beer from Public House Brewing. Hang out and chat with Jens, relive your adventure and refuel with delicious pizza and Italian bombers from DeRango’s Pizza King. Interested, but worried you can’t do it? Last year, only a handful of the nearly 500 who started needed the sag vehicle to help them finish. Why were so many able to pull off such a tough ride?

First, with most of the climbing in the first 100 miles, the work gets easier as you go. Perhaps more importantly, this is a noncompetitive ride, not a race. With more than 1,000 supportive fellow riders of varying abilities, everyone can find a friendly group to sit in with no matter what pace you feel like riding at any point along the route. RAW also features some of the best rest and lunch stops of any ride anywhere! Beyond the scientific nutrition provided by our sponsor Bonk Breaker, we are proud to announce our lunch stops will be catered by the awesome farm-to-table chef Peter Sandroni, owner of La Merenda and Engine Company 3, in Milwaukee. Peter will source his ingredients from Wisconsin farmers, and he is an avid cyclist who knows the nutritional needs of people on a day-long outing. Wisconsin cycling owes our unparalleled network of scenic, low-traffic town roads to our family farmers and the state dairy industry, so it is only fitting that one of our rest stops is at the Holland Family Dairy Farm. That stop and the finish party will feature nature’s original recovery drink: chocolate milk courtesy of the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. There are 13 hours and 16 minutes of daylight August 29th, which should allow most riders to finish before dark, but everyone must bring lights! Last year our fastest one-day riders finished in just under 8 ½ hours and the last took about 15 hours. We will have law enforcement support, but all riders are expected to follow the rules of the road at all times. We want you all to be “roll models” for cycling. With a bunch of members in La Crosse interested in hosting the start next year, this could be the last chance to ride this route for a few years. Tempted but unsure? Read the incredible stories from three very different Founders in the pages to follow.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 19

S t o r i e s f r o m r aw



he idea of participating in a 175-mile, one-day bicycle ride across my home state was actually hatched by one of my friends in Colorado, who texted me shortly after the event was announced. In retrospect, “you should go ride in the RAW” seems juvenile, but knowing my buddy, it read as a legitimate suggestion. Bob Burns, Trek’s general counsel and a friend, offered a similar push the following week: “If I sign up for this thing, will you pull me through?” I came back with an immediate: “you betcha!” Planning began and Bob enlisted Mark Joslyn, Trek’s head of human resources to join us, figuring we might need at least one grown up. With that, our roster was set. Our Not So Grand Depart – Runners in the Night The evening before the start, Mark, Bob and I plotted to leave Iowa at 5:30 a.m. the next day, despite the fact that Mark had just delivered a talk to the Trek team where he admonished that early departures (before the mass start at 6:30) would not be allowed. Mind you, we had nothing against Iowa or the fact the RAW started there, it’s just that we were determined to see Lake Michigan before sunset. My bike is named the Bandit, so sneaking off like a thief in the night seemed fitting. I left my hotel at 4:45, with a light rain dampening the cover of darkness, and met Mark and Bob across from the Dubuque convention center. Our bikes received a final shakedown from the Trek mechanics.


It’s been three years since Trek took on the project of designing and building a road bike that a one-handed rider (that’s me) could safely enjoy, and two years since the Bandit was delivered. On the occasions that I have brought it back to Wisconsin, Trek employees have greeted my bike like a long lost child. Many of them had a hand in building it. They all take justifiable pride in the way it turned out. The mechanics on duty at five that morning were no exception. The Bandit is cool. Once we arrived at the start, Bob downloaded the RAW route map into his computer. Mark was the official keeper of mileage. My aging eyes are no competition for the darkness, and I don’t really know how to reset my trip computer. I’m sort of like a blind squirrel on wheels. With a wink and a nod from the course marshal, we set off, turned east and headed over the Mississippi River Bridge. Our destination, Lake Michigan, lay some 175 miles east. This was not to be a day for the faint of heart. Across the river, we climbed toward mile marker 1, and left the highway for roads less-traveled. We pedaled through a valley that reminded me of Sleepy Hollow nightmares, then back up a sharp climb, the length of which was unknown. It couldn’t be too far, I thought, seeing as how Wisconsin only goes so high. Well, high enough I decided, as I dropped down to a gear usually reserved for mountain passes. I glanced over at Mark. He was standing up on his pedals. Bob, a few feet back was doing the same. I threw out to Mark, “you must not have gotten the memo.” He looked at me and I

Caption: “Bandit” and me at speed on our Ride Across Wisconsin last year.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 21

explained: “The memo that says, when you are climbing with a one-armed guy, it’s really rude to stand up on the pedals.” Before Mark could respond, Bob muttered between measured breaths: “If the one-armed guy only weighs 155 pounds, he can go screw himself.” This had the makings of a great day. Mark: The Rest Stop Cop We arrived at the first rest stop, at 25 miles, a bit after 7:15 am. The ride organizers and volunteers were just getting set up, which meant four porta potties and a couple of folding tables with food and water, located at an intersection in a town that had a cool name, New Diggings and an inn built in 1844. Tom Schuler was there. I met Tom the night before, but had known of his legendary Wisconsin biking stature for years. The Bone Ride, an early season one-day ride from Wauwatosa to Madison and back, starts in front of his house. A member of the Wisconsin Bike Fed and the US Bicycle Hall of Fame, Tom was one of the RAW architects. He was also a neighbor of one of my best friends from law school. As I chatted with Tom, I realized that Mark was already mounted up for departure. He gave me a look that said “be quick about it” and we were off. Mark was always polite, but it was clear that he viewed every minute spent at a rest stop as an intolerable threat to our arrival in Kenosha before dark. The Game of Chads With a schedule that includes what I would consider to be two full time jobs, head lawyer at Trek and director of the international B Cycle program, Bob certainly must struggle to find riding time. He more than made up for it with planning: an auto reconnaissance of the course the previous weekend, a working Garmin, and a new-to-me method of approaching a long ride. On Bob’s top tube, he had taped ten, what he called chads, each one representing a typical lunch ride, a 17.5 mile loop from Trek’s Wisconsin headquarters. Bob and Mark must have thousands of these rides to their credit. When we reached the 17.5-mile mark, Bob tore off a chad and tossed it away, an act we hoped to repeat nine more times. It became a celebration of sorts. All day long, we were just doing lunch rides. These are two guys who know how to finish a lunch ride. The Best Rest Stops The Holland Family Dairy Farm rest stop itself was a pastoral work of art. I can only imagine Tom and his Bike Fed cohorts knocking on the door of the farmhouse: “We’ve got some folks coming by on bikes in a few weeks. They’re riding clear from Dubuque over to Kenosha, and may need a place to grab some food and answer nature’s call. Do you mind if we set up here?” The owner replies: “I don’t mean to be inhospitable and all, but those Harley’s raise quite a ruckus. That and the beer drinking just don’t suit the missus.” “These are pedal bikes,” Tom replies. “No beer for us until the ride is done, but we’ll take all the chocolate milk your cows can give.” 22

Caption: The photos on these pages really sum up what the Ride Across Wisconsin is all about: Low traffic, paved roads through beautiful countryside, great ride support and friends to help pass the time as the miles tick by.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 23

Caption: Sed vel tellus in mauris.

“Well in that case, my farm is your farm.” At the Monroe rest stop, I called my wife, Colette, and daughter, Hanna, who were staying near Beloit, to have them meet us at the lunch stop there. With a softening of the hills and a typically quick visit to the Monroe rest stop, we rolled up to a sign welcoming us to Beloit. We traded country roads for city streets and quiet cows for spectators with cow bells. The pleasant irony was not lost on me. We had ridden a little more than a century in slightly less than seven and a half hours, a worthy accomplishment in its own right. The Beloit stop had a band and cheerleaders. It had a troupe of cute little kids doing Mexican folk dances. It had a gospel group. It had pie and ice cream. There was a beautiful park along the Rock River. My family was there. We could chat and eat and take pictures to our heart’s content, I thought. Not so. Mr. Joslyn was relentless and unapologetic. This was not Kenosha, after all. With a resigned shrug, I hugged Hanna, hopped on the bike, threw out a meeting time for Kenosha, and hit the road. The sixth chad was hanging on by a thread, ready to disappear once we hit the outskirts of Beloit.

far too slowly and the magnitude of the task adds pitch to even small hills. I call them grey miles. No matter the beauty of the place or quality of the company, they must be endured alone; even in a crowd. That feeling set in as my trio pedaled out of Beloit, in silence. By the time we reached the final rest stop, at 150 miles, the grey miles were well and done. Along the way, we had jokingly coached a group of club riders from Dubuque into running a more organized pace line, talked about how the lovely mansions

No beer for us until the ride is done, but we’ll take all the chocolate milk your cows can give.

Grey Miles From Beloit to the last rest stop on the journey, our small band was quieter than it had been. For me, on every ride of any distance, there comes a time when the odometer is counting 24

of Lake Geneva were a direct result of the Great Chicago Fire, and realized that no place in Wisconsin can truly be called flat. As we were getting ready to leave the last rest stop, a voice boomed from the hillside descending to the stop: “Bobber (his nickname for Bob Burns), I’ve been chasing your

butt for 150 miles. You’re crushing it, man!” Enter John Burke, President of Trek, his wife Tania, four colleagues from Trek Travel, and what was left of John’s entourage. John is a tall man with a large voice and even larger impact on the cycling community in Wisconsin and around the world. He is also, according to both Bob and Mark, and anyone else you ask, the best boss in the world. I’m not sure this was the reason for Mark’s time management madness, but our early departure and short rest stops had led to a scenario where it was only natural to finish the ride as part of Mr. Burke’s posse. We took turns at the front. The group’s pace picked up. On the country lanes, we started to see numbered streets, a sign that civilization approached. We passed under I-94 and entered the Kenosha city limits. I drifted back to where Bob was talking with John. “I didn’t want to say anything at the time,” I offered, with a catch in my voice. “But I knew, on the first hill we climbed, that our day was going to end up in this place. There was never a doubt in my mind.” John and I swapped stories on how this had been the longest single-day ride any of us had ever done. He asked me, “How do you feel?” I told him I was having the time of my life. It was an honor to be a part of this. As we came down the final hill, the Trek Travel team went across the line first. Bob and Mark crossed next. I held back and watched the scene unfold in front of me, not wanting the moment to pass. Not wanting the ride to end. The ladies from Trek Travel shared a group hug at the finish line, and the result, I think, is one of the day’s iconic photos. The photographer’s clever use of depth of field kept the guy on the upper left from spoiling it. I returned to Colorado with a beer stein and the memory of a lifetime. Many thanks to Mark, the good cop, Bob, one of the toughest and most accomplished men I’ve ever known, all of the wonderful folks at Trek for building me a bike that I was able to sit on and pedal for more than 11 hours, and the great people of Wisconsin for the use of their lawns and roads and for maintaining a place that always makes me feel like I’ve come home. It was a great day! Tim Atkinson is a lawyer in private practice in Colorado. A native of LaCrosse (where he was a member of the 1974 State Championship Ski Team) and 1978 graduate of UW-Madison, Atkinson picked up cycling, and modifying bikes for one-handed control, as part of his training for the 1980 Winter Paralympics. From the bluffs surrounding Wisconsin’s Coulee Region, to the shores of Door County, to the food tents at the Trek 100, he has become a frequent and passionate participant in the Wisconsin bike scene.

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S t o r i e s f r o m r aw



hen I heard there was going to be a one-day Ride Across Wisconsin for the first time in 2015, I was interested immediately. There are few endurance cycling events in the Midwest, and this one started less than an hour from my new home in Mineral Point. The only problem: I was already planning to ride across the state of Wisconsin — the long way — in August. I didn’t think it would work to do both rides. When I told people about my plans to set the Wisconsin Cross State Record, a lot of them said, “If you want to ride across Wisconsin, why don’t you just do RAW instead?” Although I definitely wanted to do the Wisconsin Bike Fed version, the Wisconsin Cross State Record had been on my mind for the past three years, and I was on a mission to make it happen. So, I moved RAW to my “ultracycling bucket list” and continued to focus on preparing for the north-south record. My record attempt was a huge success. I started at 4:15 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 15, and finished at 2:19 a.m. the next day, completing the 380-mile ride in 22 hours, four minutes. Just a little more than 24 hours after I had secured the record, I checked my email and saw a message from Wisconsin Bike Fed Deputy Director, Dave Schlabowske, inviting me to participate in RAW. He had heard about my cross-state venture through social media and wanted me to represent endurance cycling in Wisconsin. Despite the fact that my legs were so sore that I could barely move, I immediately agreed to ride across the state again, in less than two weeks. I put in a good word for my fellow Wisconsin


ultracyclist, Jessop Keene, who also set a record across Wisconsin in August (290 miles from Prescott to Marinette in 12 hours, 10 minutes). The next thing I knew, Dave invited us both and we were off on an adventure to ride across the state of Wisconsin in a day...again! RAW is not a race. But with people of all different cycling abilities, including professional racers, it provided an opportunity to ride fast. Since it fell right in between two of the biggest physical challenges of my life, (two weeks after my Wisconsin Cross State Record and three weeks before the Silver State 508), I knew that riding at race pace wouldn’t allow me enough time to recover, but it provided a fun way to log some big miles, with a great atmosphere. One improvement I’ve made to my training this year is doing back-to-back long rides to prepare for the longer races. It’s not realistic for me to do 400+ miles in one day for training, but doing 100-200 miles on consecutive days has helped me prepare for the longer races by getting me used to riding on tired legs. With Saturday’s ride being 175 miles, I had hoped to get in another long ride on Sunday as my last big training ride to prepare for the 508. Most of the RAW participants met in Kenosha on Friday and took a motorcoach to Dubuque for the start of the ride. Since I live closer to Dubuque, it made more sense for me to get to Iowa on my own Friday night for the talk by former pro cyclist Jens Voigt. Then I could get my second long ride in by biking back to Dubuque, from the RAW finish in Kenosha, on Sunday. Even though that would be a big training weekend for me, it hardly compared to Jessop’s level of intensity.

Caption: Join me this year as I Ride Across Wisconsin again! Fellow Ultra riders, watch for an chance to ride back to Dubuque with me, too (details TBA).

WisconsinBikeFed.org 27

Caption: Etiam fermentum feugiat neque in. 28

He biked 250 miles from his house in River Falls just to get to the start of RAW! The activity and events surrounding RAW separates it from other ultra events I’ve done. They brought in the Trek racing team and special guest Jens Voigt, who gave a very entertaining speech to the riders that Friday evening. The Bike Fed was even nice enough to introduce Jessop and I to the audience, just before the Trek Factory Racing professional team. It was so cool to feel like a celebrity. And for the remainder of the evening and during the ride the next day, people congratulated us on our accomplishments. I was surprised how many people told me they had followed the live updates on Instagram and Twitter. It was so cool to connect with them in real life. The Bike Fed definitely put on a first-class event! RAW is a very unique ride that brings out the best Wisconsin cycling has to offer! The organizers route everyone on some of the most beautiful roads in the state, making it a true Wisconsin experience. The distance makes it more of a physical challenge

than the week-long RAGBRAI, but the fact that it isn’t a race allows people to ride at a social pace, one that often isn’t possible in competitive events. It was inspiring to see so many people out there challenging themselves for the same reason that I started ultracycling: it’s really cool to be able to say that you biked across a state in a day! This ride is a great event for endurance cyclists of all types. Beginners can benefit from the full support (SAG, mechanical and medical), a well-marked route and full aid stations, roughly every 20 miles. Unlike ultra races, riders don’t need to provide a support crew, food, hydration and find a route. You really can just show up and ride! Fast riders get the unique opportunity to ride with cycling legends like Voigt, and others who can average well over 20 mph for the entire 175 miles. And with hundreds of people riding, you can always find a group of friendly people to sit in with, no matter how fast you feel like pedaling. I spent so much time talking to people that the time flew by, and it felt like the easiest 175 miles I had ever done. My aunt hosted Jessop and me at her house in Milwaukee so we got a little break from riding. Then, we woke up Sunday morning for another full day of pedaling back to Dubuque. I had only planned on biking across Wisconsin once this summer, but wound up biking across the state from South to North, West to East and East to West, all within two weeks. Jessop once-again outdid me. He continued his adventure, set off for Northern Wisconsin the next day, and logged more than 800 miles in a week’s time. In the future, I expect RAW could grow into one of the largest events of its kind. It was an honor to participate in its inaugural year; to be a part of an event that supports the Wisconsin Bike Fed’s cause of promoting cycling. It’s the largest statewide bike advocacy organization in the country, and it’s great to live here in a state that does biking right! I’m definitely hoping to participate in RAW again this year. This year I will be working with the Bike Fed to organize a ride back to Dubuque for those who riding across the state in one day is just not enough miles! Everyone who registers for RAW will get updates on that, and you can watch the RAW Facebook for more details if you want to join me! Kelsey Regan is an organic vegetable farmer who lives in a tiny house near Mineral Point. In 2012 she set out by herself to bike tour across Wisconsin and back again, which got her addicted to cycling. After that long first ride, she wondered how far she could go if she just didn’t stop pedaling, and she’s still trying to figure that out! Kelsey is currently on a mission to set a record biking across every state. So far she has set records across Iowa (280 miles in 19 hours 24 minutes) and Wisconsin (380 miles in 22 hours 4 minutes). Next up: Illinois South to North! Through these adventures, she hopes to inspire people to push the limits on what they can achieve.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 29


R E ADY TO R I D E ? HE R E ’S WH AT YO U NE E D TO K N OW. See the route, get details, and sign up online at RideAcrossWisconsin.com


Friday, August 28th 10am: Riders arrive in Kenosha to begin boarding motor coaches and loading bikes. Noon: Buses leave Kenosha for Dubuque. 4pm: Buses arrive Dubuque, unload bikes, head to hotels. 5:30pm: Dinner on your own. 7:30pm to 8:30pm: Jens talk at Five Flags Center. Saturday, August 29th 6:22am: Sunrise. 6am: Official start. 3pm: Cut off time for riders passing Beloit. 6pm: Cut off for Bonner Lake rest stop. Sunday, August 28th 6:22am: Sunrise. 9:00am: Two day riders should leave no later than 9am for the 75 mile ride from Beloit to Kenosha. Noon-4pm: Kenosha Finish Party. IS THERE A CUT-OFF TIME?

Sunset is at 7:43pm, and last year we asked a few riders to get in our sag vehicle at 8:30pm because they were still more than 2 hours from the finish in Kenosha. We won’t force anyone to get in the sag vehicle, but we will not keep ride support on the road after 8:30pm. Any riders refusing a lift to the finish will be riding on their own.



Rest stops are either Basic or Full. Basic stops include mechanical support, portable restrooms, and nutrition consisting of Bonk Breakers performance nutrition, Badger Max electrolyte mix, water, and fruit and small snacks. The rest stops in Monroe and Beloit will also have a catered lunch featuring farm to table food prepared by Chef Peter Sandroni of La Meranda and Engine Company 3. WHAT IS FOR LUNCH?

We are working with the very talented Chef Peter Sandroni of La Meranda and Engine Company 3 who is an avid cyclist to prepare a delicious lunch made with ingredients from Wisconsin family farms. We will have vegetarian and Gluten Free options available. More details on the menu to come. WHAT IS FOR DINNER?

Beloit: The Rock Trail Coalition will provide dinner and a party in Beloit. They will be serving pulled pork, a vegitarian option, sides and beverages. Kenosha: The finish party in Kenosha is catered by DeRango’s, The Pizza King of Kenosha. Derango’s will be serving a variety of pizza’s and Italian sausage bomber sandwiches and have water and soda. Beer is provided by Public Craft Brewing, of Kenosha.

You can also find these on the map. New Diggings (25mi), basic, staffed 7:30am9:30am. Monroe (66mi), full, staffed 10:30am-12:30pm. Beloit (104), full, staffed 11:30am-2:30pm. Bohner Lake (155mi) basic, 5:30pm-7:30pm. Kenosha Finish (175mi), full, staffed 3pm-9pm. Rest stop staffing times are based on slow riders averaging 12mph, fast riders 20mph, including rest stops. Ideally people who sign up should be able to average 15mph, including stops. That is pretty doable if riding in a group. Anyone not able to average 12mph will be sagged or told they are riding without support. IS THERE A REGISTRATION CAP?

Yes, we are closing registration at 1,500. Last year we capped the ride at 300, but raised the cap to 500 due to overwhelming demand. Nearly everyone who finished told us they plan to sign up again and bring a friend. If that is true, RAW could grow rapidly this year. To ensure we don’t grow too fast and can put on another fun, safe ride, we plan to cap the ride at 1,500. HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE ME TO FINISH?

How fast can you ride 175 miles? If you have no idea, you might want to register for the two day option. Last year the fastest group finished in just over 8 hours and the last rider crossed the line in 14 hours. If you are worried about finishing in one day, just do the two day option. IS THIS A RACE?

No, this is a long, hard ride, but not a race. Bragging rights are that you finished. Expect to ride at a brisk, but conversational pace, and everyone will follow all the rules of the road at all times. WILL THERE BE TIMING? WHERE CAN I FIND MY RESULTS?

Remember, this is not a race. If we have timing at all, it will only be for accountability sake and we will not be posting finish times. This is a long ride. If you want to know how long it takes you, look at your watch, your phone, or your bicycle computer.

No, riders must follow all rules of the road. We expect all riders to be “roll models” and ambassadors for cycling.

from the start and there are a limited number of taxis. You will probably need to ride with your stuff from the talk to your hotel and back to the start unless you are lucky enough to catch a cab.



Contact Shuttleguy to make transportation arrangements from Kenosha to Dubuque.

Some people like to change jersey and shorts half way or want some special nutrition on the ride, so for an extra fee, we will bring your stuff to Beloit and have it waiting for you. Again, this needs to be a small bag. It can be the same bag as your overnight backpack. You will give this bag to us at the start Saturday morning.



Sure, but we do not have a discounted rate for “half RAW.” We don’t have transportation options to or from Beloit either, but you can try to arrange that on your own if you want. CAN I START MY RIDE IN BELOIT?


Last year a few people did this without any trouble, but you do have to cross HWY61/151 bridge out of Dubuque to get over Mississippi River. That bridge has rumble strips on the shoulders and we only have police leading us over that for our official start. WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE?

It is very expensive to put on a high quality, point to point ride, but our price is in line with the national average for similar rides and Fondos. We also offer some of the best ride support, food and beverages you will find on any organized ride of this size and distance. We feel our ride is a good value compared to similar rides in Wisconsin and across the country. IF I CHOOSE THE TWO-DAY OPTION, WILL YOU TRANSP ORT MY BAGGAGE TO AND FROM BELOIT?

Yes, baggage transport to and from Beloit is included. WHAT SHOULD I BRING?

Bring your bike of course, casual wear for the Jens talk Friday night and your jersey to ride in. Everything you bring should fit in a backpack you can ride with if you are not staying at the Holiday Inn. The other hotels in Dubuque are all 1-5 miles away


Dubuque Hotels We have reserved a block of 125 hotel rooms for a reduced rate at the Holiday Inn Dubuque/Galena, the closest hotel to the presentation at the historic Five Flags Theater. When those rooms are sold out, participants must find hotels or camping on their own. We strongly suggest you bring a backpack as your overnight bag so you can ride to your hotel. Most other hotels in Dubuque are 2-4 miles from the start location and there are limited number of taxis. Weekend hotel rooms fill fast in Dubuque because of the casino, so and weekend tourism, so book your room as soon as possible. The link below bypasses reservations and takes you directly to a block of rooms we have reserved at a reduced rate. If you prefer to call (1-563556-2000), you must ask for the RAW block. Holiday Inn Dubuque/Galena Address: 450 Main St, Dubuque, IA 52001 Phone: (563) 556-2000 Dubuque Camping You can camp outside very close to the start downtown at Miller Riverview Park and Campground, 1851 Admiral Sheehy Drive, which has 97 sites with electric Beloit Hotels for riders choosing the twoday option We have reserved a block of hotel rooms at a reduced rate at the Beloit Best Western Legacy Inn and Suites, but there are other hotels. Best Western Legacy Inn & Suites Address: 5910 Technology Drive, South

Beloit, IL 61080 Phone: (815) 389-4211 Beloit Camping Riders can camp indoors in the air conditioned gym at the Beloit YMCA, for $30. The YMCA is very close to the rest stop and evening party. All the proceeds from the camping registration will go to the Rock Trail Coalition. There is no outdoor camping in Beloit. Kenosha Hotels and Attractions Don’t want to drive home after you ride 175 miles and have a few beers at the finish party in Kenosha? Want to stick around and have some fun in Kenosha on Sunday? No problem, there are plenty of hotels to stay at or you can camp right at Simmons Island Park by the beach! You can find plenty of things to do and places to stay in Kenosha at the Visit Kenosha website. REGISTRATION:

February – June: Regular Registration One Day RAW: $165 member rate or $200 for non-members (fee includes a new membership). Two Day RAW: $250 or $285 for nonmembers. Includes baggage transport to and from Beloit. Hotel not included. $65: Motor Coach and bike transportation option from Kenosha to Dubuque $25: Bag Drop in Beloit, regular rate to have a small bag with extra jersey and food dropped and picked up in Beloit July – August 12th: Late registration One Day RAW: $200 or $225 for non-members (fee includes a new membership). Use Founder2015 discount code, or EarnedIt2015. Two Day RAW: $275 two-day member rate or $325 for non-members. Includes baggage transport to and from Beloit. Hotel not included. $80: Motor Coach and bike transportation option from Kenosha to Dubuque. $30: Bag Drop in Beloit, regular rate to have a small bag with extra jersey and food dropped and picked up in Beloit.

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S t o r i e s f r o m r aw



y Ride Across Wisconsin started in Kenosha 5:30 Friday night. Low-hanging, and very angry looking clouds pestered the Lake Michigan shore line as we packed five bikes and six bodies into one of the sag support cargo vans. In a misty spittle, we turned the tailgate on the dark grey plumes and set a course for the other side of the state. The view out the windshield pointed west wasn’t much better. A sky made for the refrain of a seafaring song inspired a good hour of weather prognostication, all feeble interpretations on a forecast of rain, head winds and temperatures in the 60s. Rain pummeled the van as it lumbered on and on tracking some of the same twisty, two-lane side roads that we’d be riding the next day. The nerve wracking four-hour jump across Wisconsin proved tiring…and we were in a 450 horsepower chariot of comfort…what would it look like the next day hunched over a skinny seat? It was still misting as we walked into our hotel in Dubuque when somebody opined for the umpteenth time, “It’ll blow over by tomorrow.” As I closed my eyes to go to sleep that night, the sound of the raindrops tapping the hotel window shared a less optimistic point of view. Six hours later, we awoke to heavy fog and roads shimmering in the pre-dawn street lights and the mental calculations began: 175 miles in best conditions might take 9 hours? 10? If the light drizzle lasted all day…would we finish in daylight? Throngs of cyclists rolled through the dark streets of Dubuque to the start, most quietly contemplating the day’s physical task and accompanying Misery Index. 32

From my (limited) experience, the key to riding marathon distances is to ignore the distance, keep moving forward and look for distractions. Above all else, extreme prejudice must be placed on the viewing of ride data on the bike computer. In realtime, progress moves at a glacial pace. Like a 401k, best not to stare at the numbers until you are closer to being able to retire. When my shoes became soaked under my shoe covers, I stole a first peek: 9.6 miles in. Anxiety pressed the air from my lungs and a dizzying level of despair made my head spin. Only 166.2 miles to go! So I stood on the pedals and started to look for distractions. Befitting its epics moniker, R.A.W. delivered big time. The rolling hills (200-300 ft ups and downs) provided initial thrills as the 100+ strong pack began to realize the “squishiness” of braking action in the damp conditions. I rolled up on the Schneider sisters (Sam and Skylar), two professional bike racers from Wisconsin. Sam, two days away from earning a spot on United States World Championship team, was putting in some “easy” mileage. I listened to stories of training and racing. We were just west of Monroe at this point. My real goal was to work up through the peloton and mingle with some of the Trek pros. The slow progression on up through the (shrinking) group of riders took many more miles, slowed by impromptu reunions with old riding friends and other pleasant conversations. And then, just like that, I had moved up right behind Jens Voigt, uber cycling celebrity who popularized the phrase “Shut up Legs.” Ahead of him, a phalanx of pros were setting a steady 21-23 mph

Caption: This is beauty of the back roads of Wisconsin that we love so much.

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Caption: National champions, world record holders.,grand tour stage winners and you, all get to line up together at the start of the Ride Across Wisconsin. WisconsinBikeFed.org 35


Caption: Ride by yourself and soak in the scenic beauty of rural Wisconsin (Above) or ride on a group with friends to chat and take turns at the front (Left). Don’t miss out on the question and answer session with Robbie and Jens Voigt Friday night in Dubuque. Jens has a career of stories from the pro peloton and this year he can talk about his Ride Across Wisconsin last year (left).

rhythm in the foggy mist. I listened as rider after rider pulled up next to Jens, many using the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask questions or offer encouragement during this very Jens-like day. At other times, a teammate or two would drift back for “talk shop” about the changing complexion of the squad. I was able to chat for a few miles with Wauwatosa native, then Trek pro and current US Road Champion Matthew Busche, who was still anticipating a full race schedule into late October. He eagerly sought news about Wauwatosa (“new Menomonee Parkway!”) and then compared the beautiful landscape to the Ardennes region of Germany. By then, we had reached Beloit — a full 100 miles and 4:45 into the day. Better yet, the rain/mist had stopped and we knew that “flat” road awaited. The numbers showed a difficult challenge. Only 75 miles remained (a distance I’d actually ridden this year!), but our group of five had missed the main pack as it rolled out of Beloit. We faced slight headwinds, slowing progress and, worse, causing more stolen looks at the bike computer! We began playing games…the remaining distance was (take your pick): 1 long weekend ride! 3 lunch time rides! 10 commutes! It didn’t help… so we rode on. Kept moving forward. And then, miracles, just east of Lake Geneva we ran into Jens Voigt and his crew once again. They had “taken a breather” from the torrid pace of the front group (down to 25 at this point). Our five, had grown to seven and now swelled to more than a dozen…plenty of wheels to follow! Didn’t have to peek at the computer hardly at all from then on in. I even got the chance to share a pull at the front with Jens. His oldest son is the same age as Riley, our oldest, so we compared notes on raising teen boys…a topic with themes that apparently share no global boundaries. Boys will be boys! Crossing under Interstate 94, we knew without looking that the ride was soon to end. Chatter increased as positive recollections of the ride were already being shared. It was a muted reaction then, as we rolled past the Kenosha Bowl and under the finish banner in Simmons Island Park. Odd that after eight and half hours of riding from the banks of the Mississippi River across Wisconsin to the shores of Lake Michigan, the day seemed entirely too short. Steve Smith works in web marketing for a global Milwaukee-based manufacturer. From his Wauwatosa home, he launches numerous bicycling adventures including occasional competitive turns on the Wisconsin Off Road Race Series or Wisconsin Cycling Association criterium calendars. The married father of three fell in love with bikes as a 13 year old after purchasing a Jag BMX bike (with Motomags!) with money earned detasseling corn in the fields around Morton, Illinois.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 37

READY TO RIDE 175 MILES ACROSS THE GREATEST STATE EVER? OF COURSE YOU ARE. See the route, get details, and sign up now at



Our Ride Across Wisconsin jerseys and shorts are handmade by our friends up at Borah Teamwear in beautiful Coon Rapids, Wisconsin. Available in both men’s and women’s cuts.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 39

Stories and Photos by Dave Schlabowske


WisconsinBikeFed.org 41

Join us at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 29th for the third annual Polish Moon Ride and Block Party. A very unique, family-friendly bike tour through Milwaukee’s Historic Polish neighborhoods, the easy roll celebrates the area’s Polish history and presentday Latino culture: accordion players on the back of cargo bikes, Mexican Norteño band, the Polish Moon Polka Trio, and an after party with tons of great local food and craft beer.


he Polish Moon Ride was the Bike Fed’s first major foray into producing our own fundraising ride. For years, we helped out at hundreds of fundraising rides and races for bike clubs and charities around the state. About 10 years ago, we did try a “me-too” century ride, but it wasn’t very popular and went away after a couple tries. In order for our new ride to be successful, we knew we had to set it apart from the hundreds of other great rides around the state. Our first idea was a night ride, something unique among the big organized rides in Wisconsin. Someone suggested a full moon ride, but we worried about planning a ride for a full moon that was hidden by clouds or rose on a weeknight. That prompted me to say: “the Polish Moon is always full.” I had to explain to some of my younger coworkers and staff from outside Milwaukee that the Rockwell Automation Clock Tower is affectionately referred to as the Polish Moon. When it was constructed in 1962 — by the-then Allen Bradley Corporation — the surrounding neighborhood was populated by 42

Caption: Ride whatever bike you want and bring the whole family along with your appetite and Polka-friendly shoes.

WisconsinBikeFed.org 43

blue-collar Polish immigrants. In his book about the Bradley’s, Milwaukee historian John Gurday wrote that company president Harry Bradley wanted to build the largest, four-faced clock in the world (it was at the time) and “…the village clock for AllenBradley’s home neighborhood.”1 Architect Fitzhugh Scott, Jr., who designed its look said, “Harry wanted a clock that Allen-Bradley’s workers could read from their houses.”2 THESE DAYS, MORE PEOPLE IN Milwaukee’s near south side neighborhoods speak Spanish than Polish; and everytime I ride my bike there I find some hip new bar, coffee shop, restaurant, craft brewery or distillery has opened. There is even an urban cheese factory! If all that wasn’t enough, it seemed perfect that both Mexican and Polish cultures embrace Polka music. With all that positive synergy, we decided to start our ride under the Polish Moon. The ride begins with a block party full of local vendors selling great food offerings: tasty tacos, fresh grilled Klements polish sausage and even Purple Door Ice Cream, delivered from their creamery down the street. The block party runs from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., so you can grab some dinner before the ride. To get you fired up, we will have live music from MX Rugido Norteño. The ride leaves at 7 p.m., with live polka music played the entire route courtesy of our accordion players riding on the backs of cargo bikes! The ride is very slow-paced, easy even for young children. We hire Milwaukee police on motorcycles to lead the


Caption: Even if you speak Spanish, you might not understand the dialect of our Mexican Norte単a band, MX Rudigo Norte単o, but you can still Polka to their songs at the party before the ride (Left). During the ride we have some talented accordion players on the back of cargo bikes to keep you entertained (Bottom Right). After the ride, stick around for more even accordion with the Polish Moon Polka Trio. And be sure to bring the kids, they love to dance (Bottom Left).




ride and bring up the back. They do an amazing job keeping everyone together and blocking traffic as the rolling polka party snakes through the old historic streets. The ride stops at some major intersections to let the “accordion” of people compress and mass up. This gives the accordion players an opportunity to stand up and stretch a bit! It takes the group about an hour and a half to complete the eight-mile route and return to the start location on Bruce Street, between Anodyne Coffee (where the Polish Moon Polka Trio takes the stage) on one side of the street and Milwaukee Brewing Company on the other side. This really is a unique night ride. It starts and ends early enough that parents can bring even younger children. The kids all really seem to get a kick out of riding at night through an urban area. Neighbors come out to cheer and videotape the rolling polka party, as we go by their homes and businesses. You can find out more details about the ride and register early at our Polish Moon Ride page at our website: wisconsinbikefed.org/events/polish-moonride. You can also follow our Polish Moon Facebook Page to stay updated on the event and the Polish Moon “training rides,” outings to visit sponsors like the Purple Door Ice Cream Shop, the Wednesday night Polka Jam at Kochanski’s Concertina Beer Hall, the historic Hollar House (the nation’s oldest two-lane bowling alley) and a chance to win prizes by answering fun trivia questions about Milwaukee’s south side. 1 John Gurda, The Bradley Legacy (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, 1992) page 129. 2 Ibid. Page 130.

THE RIDE You’ve read about the Polish Moon Ride — now it’s time to, you know, ride it! We’ll see you in Milwaukee this July.

5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Friday, July 29th, 2016. Starting at 224 W. Bruce St., outside Anodyne Coffee, in Milwaukee’s hip Walker’s Point Neighborhood. Get information online at WisconsinBikeFed.org WisconsinBikeFed.org 47


Century Ride | Metric Century | 50 mile | 25 mile

June 18, 2016

September 17, 2016

Starts and ends in downtown Baileys Harbor accross from the marina.

Starts and ends in downtown Sister Bay on the water.

peninsulacentury.com charitable partner - givedoorcounty.org PRESENTED BY PREMIER SPONSOR



The Peninsula Centuries are

Peninsula pacers


WisconsinBikeFed.org 49

Caption: Bob Roll riding his own line in the 1988 Paris Roubaix. Photo by Graham Watson


Want to ride to Belgium? Yes! Will you meet me in Paris? Sure! When in Rome? Wear your Cow of Wisconsin Kit from Borah Teamwear with pride!

WisconsinBikeFed.org 51

Broken Spoke

Route de Sud Luxemburg

Holland Broken Spoke

Green Heron

Oostburg Belgium Rome

MARCH 13 – MAY 15

Fyxation Ben’s Cycle Wheel & Sprocket

Paris Cheddar Curtain

Wheel & Sprocket


ARCH IS THE NEW MAY, so open your

calendar and pencil in these fun new FREE rides to Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Luxembourg, Paris, and Rome. All these destinations are part of the Wisconsin Spring Classics Series we created to give our members something fun to look forward to in the early spring. The rides are hosted by some of our favorite local bike shops and bicycle-friendly businesses. Even if you can’t go on one of our new rides, you can wear one of the cool new Cow of Wisconsin kits made right here in Wisconsin by our friends at Borah Teamwear in Coon Valley, not far from the ride to 52

Holland. The apparel is all very high-quality, and Borah has a sizing page on their website to help you order. If you are still worried about the fit on those sweet wool jerseys or jackets, the Bike Fed has a sizing kit we will bring to all the rides so you can find the size that fits you best. The idea for the Wisconsin Spring Classics series was born a few years ago, when we held a couple informal rides to Paris and Belgium. It was great to get in 60 to 100 early season miles with friends. To get a feel for what the 2016 Wisconsin Spring Classics Series Rides will be like, you can read this blog post about our first Belgium adventure and our second

Caption: The rides are all free and on different weekends, so why not join us for all of them (above)? Check out the Spring Classics Event pages on the Bike Fed website for more detailed maps. You can also see all of the cool Cow of Wisconsin kits from Borah Teamwear, also available on our Spring Classics website page. (right, opposite page).

informal Milwaukee, Paris, Milwaukee ride here. Basically, these are all longish, self-supported, training rides. Depending on the particular route there may be a stop for food along the way. These are rides, NOT races, but the pace will be conversationally quick (15mph-20mph). There will be a no-drop policy, but if you have never ridden more than 25 miles, you might want to train a bit before you attempt one of these. The rides will be free, but we ask that everyone be a Bike Fed member for insurance reasons. We won’t kick you off the ride if you are not a Bike Fed member, but with fun rides like this, why not join? While not an official Bike Fed Spring Classic, the Door County Silent Sports Association is having a very Belgianesque ride a little later in May. Since they are a Bike Fed member club, we are sharing their No fees unless Route de Sud with the rides wewe aresucceed organizing as well. and all, hospital visitsor available You canHome do them a couple just one. You Free initial can even buy the cool new consultation Spring Classics “Cow of Wisconsin” Kits if you can’t make any of the rides. The goal is to get together for fun, put on some base miles, and see a little bit of Old World Wisconsin. These rides will run no matter the weather, and some routes include unpaved trails. ATTORNEYS AT Before LAWyou get flustered about your cluster, try not to be worried about dirt and grime. Get in a Spring Classics frame of mind like Bob Roll in Graham Watson’s iconic image from the Paris Roubaix. On these rides, the preferred line might just be through the muddy ditch at the side of the road!

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Order your bike maps and Whitewater visitors guide today! DiscoverWhitewater.org • 1-866-4WW-TOUR 150 W. Main St. in Downtown Whitewater facebook.com/whitewatertourism.council WisconsinBikeFed.org 53


Sun., March 13th, Wheel & Sprocket to Paris

after the ride, we will have a little party. 2943 N Humboldt Blvd, Milwaukee.

This ride will leave from Wheel & Sprocket in Hales Corners and ride to Paris to meet up with another group from their shop in Evanston, IL. After a quick lunch together in Union Grove, both groups will pedal back to their shop respective shops for a small cook out. 5722 S 108th St, Hales Corners

Sun., April 10th, Broken Spoke to Denmark

Sun., March 20th, Ben’s Cycle to Rome Leave from Milwaukee’s Polish cycling epicenter on Lincoln Ave and ride to Rome and back for sausage on the grill. If anybody has proven they know how to throw a bicycle BBQ, it is Vince and the guys at Milwaukee Bicycle Company! 1013 W Lincoln Ave, Milwaukee.

Sun., April 3rd, Fyxation to Belgium Grab a coffee from Colectivo before the ride and then head off to the land of windmills and wooden shoes with the crew from Fyxation Bicycle. Back at the shop on Humboldt Blvd


Broken Spoke is Going to Denmark!… Denmark, Wisconsin that is. Meet up at Green Bay Broken Spoke or Two Rivers Broken Spoke and ride to Denmark and back. Then watch the Spring Classic with comrades and enjoy food and beer. This ride is part of the Wisconsin Bike Fed’s new Wisconsin Spring Classics Series and we want you to join us. “These are rides, NOT races, but the pace will be fast casual (15mph-20mph). There will be a no-drop policy. We Will be working out our course and other details in the following weeks. 151 N Broadway, Green Bay

Sun., April 17th, Holland to “The Cut” Blue Heron Bikes of Onalaska is teaming up with The Bike Fed and Red Pines Restaurant in Brice Prairie to host a ride through the Town of Holland to the famed Mindoro Cut and back. This is a fun 55 mile ride. For those not

familiar with the Mindoro Cut, it is over 100 years old and the second deepest cut built by hand in the Western Hemisphere. We will depart from Red Pines at 1:00 and ride to the top of the cut after passing through New Amsterdam and Mindoro, returning part of the way back on the same route in case some don’t want to “make the cut”. The entire route will be “road marked”. Along the way, we will also get to enjoy some of the scenic coulees of the “Driftless Region”. After the ride, we can refuel at the Red Pines on Lake Onalaska in Brice Prairie. W7305 County Rd Z, Onalaska,

Sun., May 15th, Route du Sud The Door County Silent Sports Association closes out the series with their 70 mile tour of southern Door County. The ride starts in Sturgeon Bay at Otumba Park and takes you to Namur (home of the Belgian American Heritage Club) and Brussels, then to Vignes and Lasalle and back to Otumba Park. Don’t blink or you might miss a town. Otumba Park — 32 North Joliet Avenue, Sturgeon Bay

Caption: We made it! One of the first Spring Classics test rides to Belgium (Above). The Lion of Flanders has nothing on us in Wisconsin. I’ll take a Holstein any day (Below left, opposite page)!

So pull pull on your wool jersey and oil up your old lugged steel bike. Wanna ride a fixie? Cool! Fatbike? Bring it! Want to prove the benefits of modern technology to retro grouches like me? Bring out the carbon and the Di2! I think we could do without this graph. Strikes me as a little repetitive. To make things interesting, we will have a raffle with a bunch of prizes, including one of the great items from the Borah Teamwear Spring Classics kits. Everyone who comes on any of the rides will get one raffle ticket for each ride he or she attends, and people will be able to purchase extra tickets. We will announce all the prizes and other raffle rules a little closer to the ride dates. As excited as we are to bring you this fun new series, we are just as pumped about the new Cow of Wisconsin kits. Our Coon Valley riding pals up at Borah Teamwear are making everything from short sleeves to a jacket and even the very cool long sleeve Ardent Wool jersey, which I am particularly excited to get! All of the apparel is made to order. We won’t be stocking this stuff, so you have to visit the Borah Teamwear online store to place your order. We will keep the Spring Classics apparel webstore open long after the rides are done. We think these new kits will become classics in their own right!

BICYCLEWISE.COM • SOTHERLANDBIKES.COM 1155 w. main st, whitewater • 262-473-4730


Join us for the BEST DAM BIKE TOUR 2016 to benefit MS August 6th and 7th

Pewaukee (WCTC)  Whitewater  Madison 50 – 75 – 100 mile options each day $300 minimum fundraising requirement All funds go to MS research No registration fee for first time riders (ask for rookie code) INCLUDES: • Rest stops with water, snacks and restrooms every 12-15 mi. • All meals on Sat. & Sun. • Overnight at UW- Whitewater in the dorms • Party tent on Sat. evening at Whitewater • SAG services

• All luggage transfers • Coach transfer from Madison back to Pewaukee (Moving van for your bike) • Join Team SPROCKET ROCKETS for special Gold Spokes team treatment • Complimentary Team SPROCKET ROCKETS jersey

To learn more and join Team SPROCKET ROCKETS Go to www.sprocketrockets.org WisconsinBikeFed.org 55


WisconsinBikeFed.org 57


A merica’s Dairyland TOUR OF

Story by Dave Schlabowske Photos by Dave Schlabowske and Peter DiAntoni

WisconsinBikeFed.org 59

Somebody: “Are you going to watch Downer?” Me: “Yeah I hang out at the Ben’s Cycle Super Prime spot. I’ll be there all day!”


have that conversation with different people multiple times every summer. Asking someone if they are going to the Downer Classic during the Tour of America’s Dairyland is kind of the cycling equivalent of talking about the weather. Building on the legacy of Otto Wenz, Jr.’s International Cycling Classic (AKA Superweek), Downer has a combined 60

history of 35 years of races and hosted the likes of Eric Heiden, Greg Lemond, Lance Armstrong, Connie Carpenter Phinney, the Schneider sisters, etc., it is no wonder more than 10,000 spectators make it a tradition every year. Of course it also helps that Vince Hanoski and the crew from Ben’s Cycle and Fitness throw down thousands of dollars for their own guerilla “Super Prime” that takes place with one lap to go before the actual race finish. Racers must decide if they want the series win at the ToAD finish line, or a check for $4,000 and an official finish somewhere well off the front. Just like the ToAD series has equal payouts for the women racers, Ben’s has a similar big check for the women’s pro. Oh yeah, did I mention for contributing $20 toward the prime, you get all the fresh grilled sausage and beer you can stomach? Wait, did I forget to mention the adult trike drag race pulling half barrels filled with dry ice? The podium girls who ring the giant cow bell? That

Caption: ToAD provides professional leve racing for 1,500 riders from across the US and 20 countries, like Cat 3/4 racer Zoenique Williams from Winners Edge Bermuda team (Left) but the races provide incredible oportunities for nearby businesses and for spectators to meet real pros like Samantha Schneider (Below). Whether you prefer milk, beer or Irish whiskey, (Above) tens of thousands of fans look forward to ToAD every year for the picnics and parties along the race courses.

bike crazy Cafe Hollander anchors the other end of the street and it’s owners are bike crazy guys who were knighted because they serve so much specialty Belgian beer? I think you get the picture. While the Downer Classic remains the most iconic race on ToAD’s calendar, Southeastern Wisconsin’s rabid tifosi have pushed attendance at some of the newer courses to levels that rival Downer for fan favorites. The East Tosa Gran Prix is in its third year, but the neighborhood parties that line the on the back side of the course are as well organized and stocked with yummy food as grandma’s house on a holiday! Given there are so many bicycle friendly businesses along the North Avenue strip that serves as the finishing straight, it is no wonder the sign-beating crowds packing the final climb are so massive. The customer base on the longest green bike lane corridor in Wisconsin eat up bike racing like they do the delicious food on the other side of the sidewalk. Speaking of crowds, you can’t mention the East Tosa Gran Prix without talking about the kids race! While the Tour of America’s Dairyland is the largest multi-day bike race in the country, mostly because it runs over 11 days, I’ll wager the East Tosa Gran Prix hosts the biggest field for a single day kids race anywhere. With hundreds of smiling kids crossing the finish line in wave after wave, the East Tosa Gran Prix proves the good people of Wauwatosa are nothing if not prolific. The large, cheering crowds are part of the reason ToAD consistently attracts some of the best racing teams in the country and from abroad, but the other reasons that make it great for racers also add to the charm and fun for spectators. Perhaps first among

WisconsinBikeFed.org 61

those reasons are the host families who agree to let visiting racing teams and individual racers stay in their homes during the series. TOAD HAS A HOUSING COORDINATOR who helps place racers with families to defray some of the cost of racing. Between travel expenses, high-end bikes, and race fees, having a free place to stay can be a huge help to an up and coming pro or a crew of dedicated amateurs. ToAD partner and organizer Bill Koch told me that while they help place more than 150 racers every year, they have no idea if double or triple that number. “People develop friendships with families and they are welcomed back year after year, some since the days of Otto Wenz. Those racers never enter our system.” Over the years my own family has had the pleasure of hosting racers from Colevita, Metro

Mint and Helen’s. Each time we arranged the stay through friends rather than official ToAD housing coordinator. We enjoyed having female pro athletes serve as role models for our then young daughter. We also honestly enjoyed the company of everyone who rolled a carbon bike down into our basement. Of the dozens of racers, I can’t remember one who was anything but courteous, kind and grateful. Beyond giving back to the sport and making new friends, hosting a racer adds a level of interest to spectating. I remember biting my nails as one of the top women pros from the Helen’s team would smile and wave to us from the front of the peloton as she ripped around the (then) bumpy back corners of the Whitefish Bay race, elbow to elbow at 20-30 miles per hour! And honestly, years later, we still have one bottle of Colevita balsamic aging at the bottom of our wine rack because they left us with so much! It is sad reflection on many other races elsewhere, but one of the biggest reasons ToAD is so popular with racers is that the races are so well run. They start on time, the results are posted promptly, and the payouts are handed out after each race. 62

Professionalism as organizers translates into safe, exciting racing with large fields of 750 racers at the bigger venues. With all the storied history and tradition, the organizers of ToAD continue to strive every year to make it a better run for the racers and more exciting to watch for the participants. New this year will be a twilight race in Bay View, another one of Milwaukee’s bike friendly neighborhoods. There will also be a fixed gear crit sponsored by Fyxation, a Milwaukee bicycle company that got its start making better tires for couriers. In trying to dissect the Tour of America’s Dairyland into the individual elements that make it a great series to race and watch, we lose something of the midwest gestalt that you really need to feel for yourself. The open invitations to picnics along the courses, the blinding smiles of countless kids on bikes, families opening up their homes to strangers, these are all inseparable building blocks that come from and form our Wisconsin values. Look around at the other big races in the US and who sponsors them. You will find sponsors with more money, like big drug companies and investment banks, but you won’t find any you can be more proud of than our own dairy industry. When racers cross that finish line, most of them reach for nature’s original recovery drink. It has gotten to the point that if you don’t have chocolate milk at the end of a race or big bike ride in Wisconsin, people get mad at you! I highly encourage you to add the Tour of America’s Dairyland to your cycling bucket list. I have been to the Tour de France, and while it was great, it was kind of a one and done thing for me and my wife. But if you ask me where I am going to be on a given day in the middle of June, chances are I’ll be screaming on the side of the road somewhere while 1,200 or so racers whizz past me in chase of a holstein jersey.

G A L L E R Y contemporary fine art & craft global antiques & artifacts Books • cards • Smaller Gift Items professional custom frame service 10354 Main Street Boulder Junction, Wisconsin 54512 715.385.2082 w w w. m o o n d e e r g a l l e r y. c o m

Caption: The parties at ToAD races vary from the “fully catered” Ben’s Cycle Super Prime party on the corner of Hackett Ave. and Park Pl. (Above Left) to family picnics and lawn chairs in front of cafes and bars (Center three photos by Peter DiAntoni). Feel the wind as a pack of 100 racers whip past, feet from your spot at the curb (Bottom).

WisconsinBikeFed.org 63


There’s nothing like Wisconsin bicycling, and there’s nothing like wearing it proudly. Visit WisconsinBikeFed.org/merchandise now and get the latest premium cycling apparel shipped right to your door. Bike Fed Members take up to 20% off on select items. 64

WisconsinBikeFed.org 65


Event Calendar


March Mar. 04 - Mar. 06, Fat Bike Birkie, American Birkebeiner Ski Trail, WI, Hayward, Off-Road Race, American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation, Fat Bike Birkie is the premier on snow bike event in North America. Riders test their skill and endurance on the professionally groomed American Birkebeiner Ski Trail! March 4 ride the Criterium course and the Fat Bike Birkie Expo! March 5 race day, post-race party in the big tent, and an after party at the Sawmill Saloon in Seeley, WI! March 6 guided rides, on-snow fat bike demos and more!, birkie. com/bike/events/fat-bike-birkie/, info@cable4fun.com

Mar. 12, Fox Valley Bike Sale aka The Swap, Sunnyview Expo


(920) 427-6086


Center, WI, Oshkosh, Special Event, Oshkosh Cycling Club, Come to The Swap, 9am-3pm. Deals on new and used bicycles of all types, plus gear, parts, tools, trainers, clothing, and accessories. Bike Corral and rental space available. Food and beverages, including local brews from Bare Bones Brewery, available for purchase. Free educational sessions. Only $5 adults, $3 students with ID, and free for kids 12 and under, oshkoshcyclingclub.com/bikeswap, foxvalleybikeswap@charter.net, (920) 420-6257

Mar. 15, Spring Classics Series #1 (Free) Ride To Rome, Wheel and Sprocket, WI, Hales Corners, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Wheel & Sprocket in Hales Corners to Paris to meet up with a group from their shop in Evanston., wisconsinbikefed.org

Mar. 20, Spring Classics Series #2(Free) Ride To Paris, Ben's Cycle, WI, Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Leave from Milwaukee���s Polish cycling epicenter on Lincoln Ave and ride to Rome and back for sausage on the grill., wisconsinbikefed.org

Mar. 20, St. Patrick's Day Ride by Wheeling Wheelmen, Wauconda High School, IL, Wauconda, Ride, Routes of 16, 20 or 36 miles on quiet secondary Northeast IL country roads. SAG support. $10 day of ride (no pre-registration). Children under 12 FREE. Cookies and cider will be served., wheelmen.com/st_pats.asp, annaswiet@yahoo.com

Mar. 22, Power of the Pedal Luncheon - A Women's Forum, To Be Announced, WI, Oconomowoc, Special Event, Wisconsin Women's Fund, Join us in celebrating Women In Cycling at this Powerful Luncheon and link with our mission to drive change, one girl at a time., WiWomensFund.org, info@Wi-Women.org, (920) 901-1233

April Apr. 02, Rip, Zip and Sip, Northwoods Zip Line, WI, Minocqua, Special Event, The Rip features a 4 hour lap race on the newly constructed mountain bike trail that may be completed solo or with a team. When your not riding the Rip, take part in the Zip which are dual races on the zip line. After the race concludes, join us for Sip after party at the Minocqua Brewing Company. The party will include raffles, live music and of course beer! Come join the fun!!, lamboriders.org, lamboridersemail@gmail.com

Apr. 03, Spring Classics Series #3 (Free) Ride To Belgium, Fyxation, WI, Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Grab a coffee from Colectivo before the ride and then head off to the land of windmills and wooden shoes with the crew from Fyxation Bicycle. Back at the shop on Humboldt Blvd after the ride, we will have a little party., wisconsinbikefed.org

Apr. 04, Teaching Safe Bicycling, Urban Ecology Center 1500 E Park Pl, WI, Milwaukee, Special Event, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Learn to develop and organize a successful child bicycle training event in 66

your community and get useful bike safety materials to take back home. To register, please Contact Larry Corsi, WisDOT - BOTS (608) 267-3154, larry.corsi@dot.wi.gov, jessica.binder@wisconsinbikefed. org, (773) 983-8394

Apr. 08 - Apr. 10, Bike Expo Sale, Wisconsin Exhibition Center Hall A, WI, Milwaukee, Special Event, Wheel & Sprocket, Wheel & Sprocket's Bike Expo Sale is the nation's largest bike sale of its kind. With over 2000 bikes and thousands of accessories for sale at the best prices of the year only during this 3-day exclusive event. With exhibitors from over 50 rides, tours, clubs and other cycling organizations you can also come to sign up for this seasons awesome events, tours, trails, races and other opportunities to ride., bikeexposale.com, amelia.kegel@wheelandsprocket.net

Apr. 10, Spring Classics Series #4 (Free) Ride To Denmark, Broken Spoke, WI, Green Bay, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Meet up at Green Bay Broken Spoke or Two Rivers Broken Spoke and ride to Denmark and back, then watch the Spring Classic with comrades and enjoy food and beer. , wisconsinbikefed.org

Apr. 16, Dairy Roubaix, Wayalusing State Park, 13801 State Park Ln , WI, Bagley, Fun Ride, 54 mile and 107 mile routes on a mix of gravel and pavement., facebook.com/Dairy-Roubaix

Apr. 17, Spring Classics Series #5 (Free) Hollad to "The Cut" IMAGE BY THE WISCONSIN BIKE FED

Apr. 17, Onalaska to Holland, Red Pines Restaurant - Brice Prairie, WI, Onalaska, Ride, Blue Heron Bicycles, Blue Heron Bikes of Onalaska is teaming up with The Bike Fed and Red Pines Restaurant in Brice Prairie to host a ride through the Town of Holland to the famed Mindoro Cut and back. This is a fun 55 mile ride. For those not familiar with the Mindoro Cut, it is over 100 years old and the second deepest cut built by hand in the Western Hemisphere. 1:00 PM Start, facebook.com/ events/751640704970631/, rickdiermeier@lbwhite.com, (608) 317-2964

Apr. 24, Cheesehead Roubaix, Firemen's Park, WI, Newburg, Ride, The 7th Annual Cheesehead Roubaix is a 63-mile cyclosportive in the style of the cobbled Spring Classics of the pro racing calendar that features almost 10 miles of dirt and gravel!, sites.google.com/ site/cheeseheadroubaix, dlhanrahan@yahoo.com


Apr. 24, Watertown Share The Road Duathlon, Riverside Park, WI, Watertown, Multi-Sport Event, The family friendly competitive duathlon features aid stations in transition area and a sag wagon on the bike route., watertownsharetheroad@gmail.com, (920) 2484444

Apr. 30, WEMS#1 The Wild Rild Buzzard Buster, Levis Mound, WI, Hatfield, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Apr. 30, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

May May. 01, Tour de Francis, CDW Building, WI, Appleton, Fun Ride, St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System, tourdefrancis.com, laemm@att.net, (920) 284-8700

Request a FREE Visitor Guide b ay f i e l d . o r g • 7 1 5 . 7 7 9 . 3 3 3 5 WisconsinBikeFed.org


May. 01 - Sep. 30, Wisconsin Bike Challenge, Statewide, WI, Wisconsin Bike Fed, wisconsinbikefed.org, info@wisconsinbikefed. org, (608) 709-2943

May. 06 - May. 08, Festival Foods Grandad Half Marathon, LaCrosse, WI, LaCrosse, Special Event, This three-day celebration amidst the breathtaking natural beauty of Grandad Bluff and the Mississippi River Valley finishes with a post-race party including live music, brats and local craft beer!, FestivalFoodsGrandadHalf.com, gifford-whitesitts@cityoflacrosse.org, (608) 789-7304

May. 07, WEMS# 2 Northern Kettles Endurance Challenge, Greenbush Trail System, WI, Glenbeulah, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

May. 07 - Jan. 22, Madison Brewery Bike Tour, machinery

SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2016

The Tour de Francis is a ride benefiting the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System


10-MILE FAMILY ROUTE will use the Friendship trail and will be going to Fritse Park in Neenah and back. Fritse Park is located next to the Trestle Trail Bridge. 25-MILE ROUTE will take you through the Neenah countryside. 62-MILE (METRIC CENTURY) ROUTE will go through the towns of Menasha and Clayton, Winchester and Larsen eventually making your way to Boom Bay and back to Appleton. Rest stops along each of the 3 routes will featurebaked goods, fresh fruits, and beverages.

Tour de Francis will begin and end at the CDW Building located across from the College Ave entrance of the Fox River Mall: 4321 West College Ave, Appleton WI 54914 ARE YOU A LESS EXPERIENCED RIDER? NO PROBLEM!

We will have a number of bike ambassadors on hand from the Fox Cities Cycling Association (FCCA) that will be leaving throughout the morning and will follow the 10-mile Family ride to beautiful Fritse Park in Neenah.

QUESTIONS? CONTACT ERIC OR MIKE. Eric: eo@new.rr.com | 920.450.0801 Mike: laemm@att.net | 920.284.8700

All riders receive free admission to Food Fair on May 1st at Xavier High School. Register by Midnight, April 13, 2016 when registration closes to receive your Tour de Francis t-shirt. There will also be same day registration. Rider packet pick-up will begin at 6:30 a.m. May 1st.




Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Special Event, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#mbt, info@ hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

May. 08, Cindyrella Challenge & Classic, Cedarburg Community Gym & Parking Lot, WI, Cedarburg, Wisconsin Women Cycling, The Cinderella Challenge & Classic is a 64-mile and 10 mile recreational bicycle ride (not a race) for women & girls only. This unique bicycle ride for women of all ages and abilities winds through the beautiful bike-friendly roads of the Northern Kettle Moraine or along the city streets and the Interurban Trail, WiWomenCycling.com, CindyPetted@gmail.com, (920) 901-1233

May. 11, Bike To Work Day, Statewide, WI, wisconsinbikefed.org, sarah.gaskell@wisconsinbikefed.org

May. 14 - May. 15, Iola Bump & Jump, Iola Winter Sports Club, WI, Iola, Off-Road Race, WORS, Race #1 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to over a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors. org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

May. 14, Milwaukee Historic Bicycle Brewery Tour, Lakefront Brewery, WI, Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, This bike tour around downtown Milwaukee will visit the current/former sites of Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst and Miller Brewing and focus on Milwaukee brewing heritage. Tours begin and end at Lakefront Brewery (with their brewery tour included at the end of our tour) and also a stop at Milwaukee Ale House for a small sampling. This is NOT a Pub Crawl or a Party on Two Wheels., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours. php#mhbbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

May. 15, Spring Classics Series #6 (Free) Route du Sud, Otumba Park, WI, Sturgeon Bay, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Ride starts in Sturgeon Bay and takes you to Namur (home of the Belgian American Heritage Club) and Brussels, then to Vignes and Lasalle and back to Otumba Park. Don���t blink or you might miss a town., wisconsinbikefed.org

May. 15, WORS#1 Iola Bump & Jump, Iola Winter Sports Area, WI, Iola, Off-Road Race, wors.org

May. 15, Chocolate City Bike Ride, Burlington High School, WI, Burlington, Fun Ride, Kiwanis Club of Burlington, www.signmeup. com/112364. Carefully marked & mapped 23, 40, 62 & Family-10 on low traffic country roads (Family-10 is off road). Includes

refreshment stops in route, detailed route map, complimentary gift, sag wagon if needed, and all the chocolate you can eat at every rest stop! $25. Family ride is $30 total for up to 6 riders., paulmueller@ remax.net, (262) 763-7794

May. 18 - Nov. 14, Ride of Silence, Wheel & Sprocket, WI, Fox Point, Ride, Wheel & Sprocket, Ride of Silence will take place at each Wheel & Sprocket location. For more info, check out www. wheelandsprocket.com or call your local store. To HONOR those who have been injured or killed on a bicycle. To RAISE AWARENESS that we are here. To ask that we all SHARE THE ROAD. THE RIDE OF SILENCE WILL NOT BE QUIET, rideofsilence.org, jesse.kuester@ wheelandsprocket.net

May. 21, WEMS# 3 18 Hours of Alpine Valley, Alpine Valley, WI, Lake Geneva, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

May. 21, Wisconsin Bicycle Summit, WI, La Crosse, Special Event, Wisconsin Bike Fed, wisconsinbikefed.org, sarah.gaskell@ wisconsinbikefed.org

May. 21, Madison Tour de Cure, American Family Insurance HQ, WI , Madison, Special Event, American Diabetes Association, We’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Tour de Cure and we want you to be a part of this incredible day. Since 1991, Tour de Cure riders have raised over $250,000,000 to help advance our mission and move us closer towards the ultimate goal to Stop Diabetes!, main.diabetes.org/site/TR/TourdeCure/TourAdmin?fr_ id=11049&pg=entry, sbrandt@diabetes.org

May. 21, Ride 2 Recovery - Honor Ride, Saris Cycling Group, WI, Madison, Ride, Saris Cycling Group, Ride 2 Recovery is produced by the Fitness Challenge, a (501C3) in partnership with the Military and VA Volunteer Service Office to benefit mental and physical rehabilitation programs for our country's wounded veterans and healing heroes that features cycling as the core activity, ride2recovery.com/honorRide.php, honorrideinfo@ride2recovery. com, (818) 888- 709 x110

100k, 50k, 20M, 13M, 4M

100k, 75k, 50k, 25k, 5M

Thanks to our national sponsors:

Mobile Maps for Wisconsin Cyclists

May. 21, Root River Triathlon, Houston Nature Center, MN, Houston, Multi-Sport Event, This non-swimming triathlon is set in the Root River valley in scenic Bluff Country. Canoe 6.8 Miles, Bike 7.9 miles and top it off with a 3 mile run, rootrivertriathlon.org, rootrivertriathlon@gmail.com

May. 21, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

May. 28, RASTA Rally, Perch Lake County Park, WI, Rhinelander, Off-Road Race, RASTA, Single track mountain bike race. Race starts at 1 p.m., rastatrails.org, alaxton@nicoletbank.com

Madison and Dane County

Madison to Devils Lake Customize


May. 29, Leinenkugel’s Chippewa Valley Century Ride, Irvine Park, Chippewa Falls, WI, WI, Chippewa Falls, Ride, Chippewa Valley Century Ride, LLC, Starting at Irvine Park, Chippewa Falls. Century Ride (35, 50, 75, or 100 miles). Rest stops with food and water, sag wagons, and brat feed. The entry fee includes brats and all the 'fixins', soda and Leinenkugel's bee. Registration: 7am-10am, chippewavalleyride.us, questions@chippewavalleyride.us

Milwaukee and SE Wisconsin

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More WisconsinBikeFed.org www.bikeverywhere.com


June Jun. 01 - Sep. 03, Tour de Pearl, Pearl Street Brewery, WI, La Crosse, Fun Ride, Wyatt Bicycle Co., Register and Ride all summer long for a chance to win a $1000 Wyatt Bicycle. La Crosse Tour has 42 Stages and 5 Zones. Madison Tour has 20 stages. $20 gets you a Tour Card, Shirt, Keychain, and FREEBIES. The La Crosse Tour and The Madison Tour are TWO Separate tours. However, if you register for one, you get 1/2 Off the other with your card! Hurray to get Beers By Gears!, facebook.com/TourDePearl/, colleen@ pearlstreetbrewery.com, (608) 784-4832

Jun. 02, Clips Beer & Films Tour, Olin Park, WI, Madison, Special Event, Wisconsin Bike Fed, New Belgium���s Clips Beer & Film Tour combines their love for beer and films, putting them together in this one-of-a-kind event. Attendees get to try their most esoteric beer offerings and pair them with inspiring short films created by fans. The best part is that 100% of the proceeds from beer sales benefits the Wisconsin Bike Fed., wisconsinbikefed.org, membership@ wisconsinbikefed.org

Jun. 04, Borah Epic, Telemark Lodge, WI, Cable, Off-Road Race, CAMBA, The Borah Epic is nothing short of its true definition, epic. 35+ miles, point-to-point, and race profits donated to CAMBA (the Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association). Since 2013 the Epic has raised over $37,000 for CAMBA!, mtborahepic.com, jack. zabrowski@gmail.com, (608) 381-1033

Jun. 04, WEMS# 4 Romp in the Swamp Epic, Nine Mile Rec Area, WI, Wausau, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Jun. 04 - Jun. 05, Battle of CamRock, CamRock #3, Dane County Park, WI, Rockdale, Off-Road Race, WORS, Race #2 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to over a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

Jun. 04, The Birky Challenge, Grace Christian Church, WI, Fond du Lac, Ride, The 67, 40 and 20 mile routes through the scenic Kettle Moraine State Forest will have rest stops approximately every 12 miles with plenty of food, water and rest stops. There will be vehicle SAG support and professional mechanical support along the route to help with any problems that may occur. The course will be clearly marked out and will have a Police Motorcycle lead out. Bike helmets are mandatory!, birkychallenge.com, ewenzel@fdl.wi.gov, (920) 322-3700

Jun. 04, Ride to Farm, New Glarus Woods State Park, WI, New Glarus, Ride, Ride to Farm is a 100K bicycle ride held in Southern WI to raise awareness and funds for beginning dairy and livestock farmers around the Midwest. Individual riders and teams can register at our website. The minimum amount of funds raised is $75/person. This year the ride will start and end in New Glarus with two farm stops along the way. Enjoy a tour of the farms and local snacks at each stop! Registration will open in March...stay tuned!, ridetofarm.dojiggy.com, nalber@wisc.edu, (608) 265-6437

Jun. 04 - Dec. 31, Madison Brewery Bike Tour, machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#mbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707 70

Jun. 04 - Dec. 02, Iron Range Roll, Iron Ore Heritage Trail, WI, Ishpeming, Ride, The Iron Range Roll is a 16 mile point to point fun (but timed) race from Ishpeming to Marquette along the Iron Ore Heritage Trail. This relay/run/bicycle event celebrates the heritage and recreational culture of Marquette County in the name of giving back to our community���s youth through the YMCA of Marquette County youth mentoring program., 40belowmqt.org/ironrangeroll/, info@40belowmqt.org

Manitowish Waters

Jun. 05, WORS#2 Battle Of CamRock, CamRock 3 Park, WI, Rockdale, Off-Road Race, The Battle of CamRock is a race that you���ll look forward to every year. The trail system is a blend of wide and fast flowing single-track that runs through open fields of prairie grass, wooded single-track with bermed turns, and more technical single-track with a touch of roots and rocks. The Battle of CamRock course contains some great downhill sections that will have you begging for another lap., wors.org

Jun. 05, UPAF Ride for the Arts, sponsored by Miller Lite, Summerfest Grounds, WI, Milwaukee, Special Event, United Performing Arts Fund, Totaling more than 285,000 participants since 1981, the UPAF Ride for the Arts, sponsored by Miller Lite, is regarded as one of the nation's largest one-day recreational bike rides. Help celebrate this annual summer favorite, which has generated more than $9 million for the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF). The organization provides financial support to 15 Member Groups. , UPAFRide.org, ridemarketing@upaf.org, (414) 273-8723

Jun. 05 - Jun. 11, Old World Wisconsin, Clarion Hotel, WI, Madison, Ride, Pedal Across Wisconsin, HOTEL TOUR; 7 DAYS, FULLY SUPPORTED ONLY $745.00. Enjoy a scenic week blending Bicycle Heaven with the old world charm of New Glarus and Spring Green. Cycle through some of Wisconsin's most scenic and historic areas while cycling over roads you will long remember.., pedalacrosswisconsin.com/, kennethjgoldman@yahoo.com, (847) 309-4740

EXPERIENCE OUR MANY TRAILS ManitowishWaters.org 715-543-8488

Jun. 05 - Jun. 16, Udder Century, Donkey's Wild West Town, IL, Union, Ride, The 34th Annual Udder Century has routes of: 32, 50, 62, 75 and 100 miles. Included: Marked routes, Map and Cue Sheets, Emergency Sag Services, Food and Drink Rest Stops, Pasta Dinner served with the free with Cow Band,, Free Starbucks Coffee at Registration. We ride rain or shine, sorry, no refunds, mchenrybicycleclub.org, udder@charter.net

Jun. 05, UPAF Ride for the Arts, sponsored by Miller Lite, Summerfest Grounds, WI, Milwaukee, Ride, Miller Lite, Totaling more than 285,000 participants since 1981, the UPAF Ride for the Arts, sponsored by Miller Lite, is regarded as one of the nation's largest one-day recreational bike rides. Help celebrate this annual summer favorite, which has generated more than $9 million for the United Performing Arts Fund (UPAF)., UPAFRide.org, ridemarketing@ upaf.org, (414) 273-8723

Jun. 05, Rob's Sugar River Ramble, Grundahl Park, WI, Mt. Horeb, Multi-Sport Event, Upper Sugar River Watershed Association, Connect with the Upper Sugar River Watershed by land and water as you cycle through the beautiful countryside, then paddle the Sugar River until you reach your destination near Paoli, WI. Transportation and a locally-sourced lunch is included! Boat rentals are available but space is limited. Go to usrwa.org/ramble for more details and logistical information., usrwa.org/ramble/, usrwa@ usrwa.org, (608) 437-7707

Jun. 06 - Jun. 11, Wisconsin Bike Week, Statewide, WI, wisconsinbikefed.org, sarah.gaskell@wisconsinbikefed.org

Jun. 08, Dairy Air, WI, Fun Ride, kenoshacounty.org WisconsinBikeFed.org


Jun. 08 - Jun. 09, Torch Ride for Special Olympics, Menomonee Falls, WI, Menomonee Falls, Special Event, Special Olympics, Benefits the Special Olympics of Wisconsin. 80 mile ride per day with support. Day 1: Menomonee Falls to Oshkosh, Day 2: Oshkosh to Stevens Point. Cost $25 plus hotel and additional fundraising/ donations encouraged. Ride takes place on quiet farm roads with road markings. Arrange own travel home or see if there is room with others., milwaukeeveloclub.wordpress.com/events/, future_ olympic_walker@yahoo.com

Jun. 10 - Jun. 12, Fight for Air Ride 2016, McHenry Community College, IL, Crystal Lake, Special Event, American Lung Association, Cycle the rolling hills of northern Illinois, and around the lakes of southern Wisconsin. Each participant will enjoy the beautiful scenery as they ride up to 150 miles in support of the American Lung Association. Ride for a personal achievement, a new cycling experience or to honor a loved one affected by lung disease, FightForAirRide.org, Colleen.Ryan@Lung.org, (312) 940-7007

Jun. 11, Lupine Junefest 10th Anniversary, W.S. Carow Park, WI, Mercer, Fun Ride, Mercer Chamber of Commerce, lupinejunefest. org, (715) 476-2389

Jun. 11, Trek 100 (27th Annual), Trek HQ, WI, Waterloo, Fun Ride, trek100.org

Jun. 11, Mount Morris Challenge, Nordic Mountain, WI, Wild Rose, Off-Road Race, WORS, Race #3 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to over a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 5925095

Jun. 11, Steeple to Steeple Bike Ride, All Saints Luth Church, 2951 Chapel Hill Rd, WI, Fitchburg, Ride, South Central WI Synod - ELCA, 62/30/15 miles. $25 adv reg, $5 under 18. $5 cancel fee by May 31, 2016. $35 on-site registration. Family friendly. Staggered start times: 6:30 am - Registration opens. 7:00 am - 62 mi (metric century). 8:00 am - 30 mi. 9:00 am - 15 mi, scswride.com/, steeple2steeple@yahoo.com, (608) 772-4824

Jun. 11, Trek 100 Ride for Hope, Trek Bicycle Corp., WI, Waterloo, Special Event, MACC Fund, Routes are organized to be fun, yet challenging for riders of all ages and skill levels. Choose your mileage--the 100, 62, 36, or 19-mile routes provide an option for everyone. The entry fee is $45 per rider (before May 27th) and includes a 2016 Trek 100 T-Shirt, a pre-ride breakfast, snacks along the routes, and post-ride festivities. Riders must raise $2/ mile ridden., trek100.org/, donna.schnapp@gmail.com, (414) 9555830

Jun. 11, Steeple to Steeple Bike Ride, All Saints Lutheran Church, WI, Fitchburg, Special Event, 15/30/62 miles. $20 registration, $5 children up to 18. $5 cancel fee by May 31, 2015. Staggered start times: 7:00 am, 9:00 am. 2951 Chapel Valley Road, (608) 772-4824

Jun. 11, Milwaukee Historic Brewery Bike Tour, Lakefront Brewery, WI, Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, This bike tour around downtown Milwaukee will visit the current/former sites of Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst and Miller Brewing and focus on Milwaukee brewing heritage. Tours begin and end at Lakefront Brewery (with their brewery tour included at the end of our tour) and also a stop at Milwaukee Ale House for a small sampling. This is NOT a Pub Crawl or a Party on Two Wheels., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours. php#mhbbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707 72

Jun. 12, WORS#3 Mount Morris Challenge, Nordic Mountain, WI, Mount Morris, Off-Road Race, wors.org

Jun. 12, Ramble, Kenosha County Fairgrounds, WI, Wilmot, Ride, Bicycle Club of Lake County, It's a Recreational Bicycle Ride; the RAMBLE begins at the Kenosha County Fairgrounds in Wilmot, WI. The available route choices are 30, 50, 70, 100 and 124 miles. All routes have SAG support and rest stops are included. The BCLC RAMBLE pedals its way over rural roads, which traverse the scenic lakes region of northeast Illinois & southeast Wisconsin, active. com/wilmot-wi/cycling/races/35th-annual-bclc-ramble-2016, ramble@bikebclc.com, (847) 701-4411

Jun. 12, Chase Trempealeau, Elmaro Vineyard, WI, Trempealeau, Special Event, Communities Off n' Funning, Chase Trempealeau & the Ultimate Chase (only in 2016) is a cycle, hike and seek event (think scavenger hunt) for all ages and abilities! It���s you, a teammate, a couple of bikes, one map and one mission: To seek and find as many checkpoints as possible before time expires! All the details at www.chasetremp.com., chasetremp.com, info@ offnfunning.com

Jun. 12, The 35th Annual BCLC Ramble, Kenosha County Fairgrounds, WI, Wilmot, Special Event, BikeFed, Bike Illinois, LAB, Supported recreational ride for all skill levels of road cyclists. Your choice of 30, 50, 70, 100 and 124 mile route options. Routes open 6am, SAG support stops at 4pm. Century and Double Metric riders must leave by 8am, all other riders must leave by 10am. Post ride cookout, entertainment and showers. Funds raised go to: Bike Illinois, Wisconsin Bike Fed, League of American Bicyclists, Rails To Trails Conservancy, Active Transportation Alliance, bikebclc.com/ ramble/about_ramble.htm, ramble@bikebclc.com, (847) 701-4411

Jun. 17, Tour Of America's Dairyland - East Troy, WI, Milwaukee, Road Race, Tour of America's Dairyland (ToAD) presented by Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board is the largest competitive road cycling event in the United States, featuring multiple amateur and Pro categories for 10 consecutive days in 10Wisconsin communities. , tourofamericasdairyland.com

Jun. 18, Chequamegon 100, Rock Lake Road, WI, Cable, Off-Road Race, 100 mile race with over 85 miles on singletrack.100% of the proceeds to CAMBA, chequamegon100.org

Jun. 18 - Jun. 25, GRABAAWR, WI, Eagle River, Multi Day Event, Bike Wisconsin, bikewisconsin.com, info@bikewisconsin.com, (608) 843-8412

Jun. 18, Horribly Hill Hundreds, Village of Blue Mounds, WI, Blue Mounds, Fun Ride, Friends of Blue Mounds State Park, Once voted the "Sufferfest of the Year" by Madison weekly newspaper Isthmus, "The Toughest One-Day Challenge Ride in the Midwest" is not to be missed by serious riders anywhere. Three routes, two counties, one result: a painfully fun, must-do biking experience destined to find its way onto your calendar for years to come, horriblyhilly.com

Jun. 18, Peninsula Spring Classic Century, Town Hall, WI, Baileys Harbor, Fun Ride, peninsulacentury.com, jordan@peninsulapacers. com, 920.421.1518

Jun. 18, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Grafton, WI, Grafton, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com

Jun. 18, Tour de Cure Southeast, WI, Grafton, Fun Ride, American Diabetes Association, diabetes.org

Jun. 18, WEMS #5 Southern Kettles Classic, Emma Carlin Trail Head , WI, Eagle, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Jun. 18, Southeast Wisconsin Tour de Cure, Aurora Medical WisconsinBikeFed.org





Center, WI, Grafton, Special Event, American Diabetes Association, We’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Tour de Cure and we want you to be a part of this incredible day. Since 1991, Tour de Cure riders have raised over $250,000,000 to help advance our mission and move us closer towards the ultimate goal to Stop Diabetes! , diabetes.org/sewitour, sbrandt@diabetes.org

Jun. 18, 2016 RAIL North powered by Bicycle Illinois, Moline 2 016

to Chicago, IL, IL, Moline to Chicago, Ride, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com/, bicycleillinois@bicycleillinois.com, (877) 8687455

Jun. 18, June Factory Ride, Waterford Precision Cycles, Inc., WI,

Family Biking & Trail Activities All Weekend Road Rides From 25 To 100 Miles! • Well Maintained Roads • Light Vehicle Traffic • Incredible Scenery With No Stoplights • Few Stop Signs • Great Towns, Perfectly Spaced, To Get Resupplied


Waterford, Ride, Waterford Precison Cycles and the Evanston Bike Club, Enjoy a fun ride around bucolic Southeast Wisconsin with loops up to a metric century. Helmet and waiver required but no fee. Limited SAG support. Factory tours at 8:00AM., waterfordbikes. com, (262) 534-4190

Jun. 18 - Jun. 19, Solstice Festival, Rest Lake Park & Community Center, WI, Manitowish Waters, Fun Ride, Starts with Saturday���s Family Fun Paved Trail Ride with activities at North Lakeland Discovery Center, Camp Jorn YMCA and North Lakeland School. On Sunday enjoy the Solstice Road Ride on with well-marked 100 mile, 50 mile and 25 mile routes with pit stops and ride support. The Solstice Road Rides ends with a party, followed by Music in the Park. Food, games, live music, beer, wine and fun, solsticefestival. us/, (715) 543-8488

Jun. 18, World Naked Bike Ride, downtown Madison, WI, Madison, Ride, A clothing optional demonstration to protest world-wide dependency on petroleum products, and to support positive attitudes about the human body., tinyurl.com/MadisonWNBR, madisonnakedbikeride@yahoo.com, (608) 616-0162

Jun. 18 - Jun. 22, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row

Kenosha County Executive Jim Kreuser invites you to ride with us!

Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Jun. 19, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Waukesha, WI, Waukesha, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com

Jun. 20, Tour Of America's Dairyland - West Bend, WI, West Bend, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com

Jun. 20 - Jun. 24, Door County, Best Western, WI, Sturgeon

Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 7am A free community bike ride to the

Kenosha County Dairy Breakfast hosted by Crane Dairy in Burlington

Kenosha County

Bay, Ride, Pedal Across Wisconsin, 5 DAY HOTEL TOUR ONLY $645.00, FULLY SUPPORTED. A biker's paradise where you may ride as much or as little as you please...always a beach, pub, or bakery nearby. Shoreline route through Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, and Peninsula State Park, plus a full day on Washington Island. , pedalacrosswisconsin.com/index.html, kennethjgoldman@yahoo. com, (847) 309-4740

Jun. 21, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Schlitz Park, Schlitz Park, WI, Milwaukee, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com

fall wheel ride

Jun. 22, Tour Of America's Dairyland - TBD, WI, Road Race,

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Shorewood, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com

~ to Petrifying Springs Park in Kenosha

for more details on our rides, including starting locations and how to register, please visit www.kenoshacounty.org 74


Jun. 23, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Shorewood, WI,

Jun. 24, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Bayview, WI, Bayview, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com

Jun. 25, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Downer Ave, WI, Milwaukee, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com, info@ midwestcyclingseries.com, (414) 943-3594

Jun. 25 - Jun. 26, Red Flint Firecracker, Eau Claire County Expo Center, WI, Eau Claire, Off-Road Race, WORS, Event #4 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to offer a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult), wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 5925095

Jun. 25, Superior Vistas Bike Tour, Thompson's West End Park Washburn, WI, Washburn, Fun Ride, Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce, A family, earth-friendly Ride. Ride well mapped routes on scenic, low traffic roads through forests and over rolling hills with vistas of Lake Superior. Choose from 7 loops ranging from 13 to 100 miles. All routes have rest stops with yummy treats. The tour is a certified "Travel Green Wisconsin" event. Local Pizza is served at the end of the ride. www.superiorvistas.org, ashchamb@centurytel. net, (715) 682-2500

Jun. 25, Gear Up Green Lake Fundraiser Bike Ride, Riverside Park , WI, Berlin, Fun Ride, Green Lake Greenways, Come ride the rural roads of Green Lake and Waushara Counties.Enjoy the Mascouitn Trail with a rest stop at Vines and Rushes Winery. 8- 62 mile routes. Nature at it's finest in central Wisconsin while helping raise money for trails. Lunch, rest stops and SAG are provided, greenlakegreenways@yahoo.com, (920) 229-0761

Jun. 25, 2016 RAIL South powered by Bicycle Illinois, St. Louis, MO to Vincennes, IN, IL, St. Louis, MO to Vincennes, IN, Ride, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com/, bicycleillinois@bicycleillinois.com, (877) 868-7455

Jun. 25, Tour Da Goose Bike Ride, Riverside Park in Watertown, WI. 53098, WI, Watertown, Fun Ride, Watertown Area Cares Clinic, The 4th Tour Da Goose in beautiful Jefferson County offers 5 different routes: the family friendly 12 miles out & back and routes of 28, 42, 62 & 100 miles. The ride is fully supported with rest stops & sag wagons. Afterwards cyclists can enjoy good food, beer & live music to round out the day!, tourdagoose.com, rbrafford@ charter.net, (920) 988-9224

Menominee River Century Bike Ride Sunday, June 26, 2016 • Five routes available along the Menominee and Peshtigo Rivers: 15k, 40k, 80k, 120k, 160k • All routes fully SAGed and marked • Rest stops include family fun, live music, food, hydration drinks and more • Family and group discounts available

www.mrcride.com TO REGISTER

Jun. 25 - Jun. 30, Swiss Cheese & Spotted Cows Bicycle Tour, WI, Mineral Point, Ride, Join us for a tour of the best of the driftless area of southern WI and northern IL. If you like cycling along quiet country lanes, post-ride happy hours, chin-drippin' peaches, melt in your mouth cinnamon rolls, yodeling, historic communities, the comforts of indoor lodging, and brewery, cheese factory, farm tours, and a relaxing day off in lovely Galena, this tour is for you!, scscbiketour.com, scscbiketour@yahoo.com, (651) 335-6505

Jun. 26, Menominee River Century Bike Ride, WI, Marinette, Fun Ride, Bay Area Medical Center, mrcride.com

Jun. 26, Tour Of America's Dairyland - Wauwatosa, WI, Wauwatosa, Road Race, tourofamericasdairyland.com, info@ midwestcyclingseries.com, (414) 943-3594

Jun. 26, WORS #4 Red Flint Firecracker, Eau Claire County Expo Center, WI, Eau Claire, Off-Road Race, wors.org

MARINETTE, WI WisconsinBikeFed.org


Jun. 26, Riverede Nature Center's River Valley Bike Ride, Neburg, WI, WI, Newburg, Fun Ride, Riveredge Nature Center, This year marks the 24th anniversary of the River Valley Ride, annually rated as�one of the best�by our riders and one of the�greenest rides in the area. 7 great routes, from 8 miles to 100 through Kettle Moraine country. Make a day of it to end at Riveredge for a lush summer country picnic., riveredgenaturecenter.org, rbuchholz@riveredge.us, (262) 375-2715

Jun. 26, Dynamic Duo, Historic Main Street & Plaza Park,


Sunday, June 26, 2016

WI, Ashland, Multi-Sport Event, Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce, New Event - This Duathlon features a run, roadbike, run through Ashland on the waterfront and through the countryside. Kids duathlon as well. Ages 5-11 and 12 and up. www. dynamicduoashland.com, ashchamb@centurytel.net, (715) 682-2500

Jun. 26, Riveredge Rivervalley Bike Ride, Riveredge Nature Center, WI, Saukville, Ride, June 26 marks the 24th annual ride rated as one of the best and "greenest" rides in the area. 7 great routes, from 8 miles to 100, through Kettle Moraine country to Lake Michigan. Make a day of it at the end at Riveredge for a meal and entertainment., riveredge.us, volunteers@riveredge.us, (800) 287-8098




WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#mbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707


Jul. 02, Madison Brewery Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles,

Jul. 09 - Jul. 15, Bike Northwoods, WI, Superior, Multi Day Event, Bike Wisconsin, bikewisconsin.com, info@bikewisconsin.com, (608) 843-8412

Jul. 09, Pedal for Paws (15th Annual), WI , New Glarus, Fun Ride, Green County Humane Society, greencountyhumane.org

Jul. 09 - Jul. 10, Colectivo Coffee Bean Classic, Minooka Park, WI, Waukesha, Off-Road Race, WORS, Event #5 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to offer a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

Jul. 09 - Jul. 16, Bicycle Illinois 2016 (century option every day!), Cairo to Chicago, IL, IL, Cairo to Chicago, Ride, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com, bicycleillinois@bicycleillinois.com, (877) 868-7455

Jul. 09, The 3rd Annual Salvation Ride, City land adjacent to Blue Harbor Resort, WI, Sheboygan, Ride, A charity bicycle ride to benefit the Sheboygan Area Salvation Army featuring route choices from 10, 25, 50, 62.5, and 100 miles. Rest stops and full road support, plus all riders receive a meal at the end and a free pair of Wigwam socks. Please see the ride's website for all the details, thesalvationride.org, www.salvationride@gmail.com

Jul. 09, Milwaukee Historic Brewery Bike Tour, Lakefront Brewery, WI, Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, This bike tour 76

around downtown Milwaukee will visit the current/former sites of Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst and Miller Brewing and focus on Milwaukee brewing heritage. Tours begin and end at Lakefront Brewery (with their brewery tour included at the end of our tour) and also a stop at Milwaukee Ale House for a small sampling. This is NOT a Pub Crawl or a Party on Two Wheels., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours. php#mhbbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Jul. 10, WORS #5 Colectivo Coffee Bean Classic, Minooka Park, WI, Waukesha, Off-Road Race, wors.org

Jul. 10, Titletown Bike Tour Benefiting the Breast Cancer Family Foundation, UnitedHealthcare, WI, Green Bay, Ride, Enjoy a scenic ride through Northern Brown and Southern Oconto counties with routes ranging from 15k up to 100 mile Century. After your ride, enjoy a full pasta dinner prepared by Josephine���s Pizza & Pastaria, music and raffle prizes, and share the stories of your ride! Proceeds of the Titletown Bike Tour benefit The Breast Cancer Family Foundation, bcff.org/titletown_information.php, info@bcff.org, (920) 498-2285

l Annua! t n e Ev

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Jul. 15 - Jul. 17, Camp Bluedog (Kids Mtn Bike Camp), WI, Viroqua, Special Event, Camp Bluedog is a weekend long adventure designed to offer young people a positive and fun way to get involved in mountain biking. It is a catalyst for learning such skills as proper bike maintenance, equipment responsibility, safety, sharing, and respect for both riding and other riders. Through the sport of mountain biking students develop a strong sense of selfesteem while discovering the potential within them., brewdogcoffee.com

Great rest stops, multiple support vehicles, music, swimming Departs West End Park in Washburn Wisconsin

Jul. 16, WEMS #6 Stump Farm 100, Reforestation Camp, WI,

www.superiorvistas.org 800-284-9484

Suamico, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Ride scenic, paved, low traffic roads...gently rolling hills with views of Lake Superior 13, 19, 34, 40, 56, 70 and 100 mile distances

Jul. 16, Z Tour Bike Ride, Zearing Park, IL, Princeton, Ride, Zearing Child Enrichment Center, The 6th Annual Z Tour Bike Ride is a charity bicycle ride on the best roads that north central Illinois has to offer. The 5 low-traffic routes all have paved shoulders, rolling terrain, and beautiful views of Bureau Creek and the Hennepin Canal. An early check-in option on Friday feature live music, food, and drink vendors on Main Street that evening, z-tour.org, ztourinfo@gmail.com, (815) 878-5054

Jul. 16, 2016 Tri-State Tour #1 powered by Bicycle Illinois, Hammond, IN to Kenosha, WI, IL, Hammond, IN to Kenosha, WI, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com/, bicycleillinois@ bicycleillinois.com, (877) 868-7455

Jul. 16, Tour de Fest, Lindberg Park Village of Combined Locks, WI, Combined Locks, Chain Reaction & Cellcom, The 12th annual Tour de Fest bike tour offers 18, 40, 70 and 100 miles routes. Save your energy as the 100 mile route includes the appropriately named, Seven Hills Road! Ride includes Rest stops (bagels, fruit, snacks, beverages), restrooms, mechanical assistance and SAG transportation, if needed, paperfest.com, tourdefest@paperfest. com, (920) 858-5472

Jul. 16, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Jul. 17 - Jul. 23, Flavors of Wisconsin Bicycle Tour, Wyndham Garden Inn (start and end location), WI, Madison, Ride, Around WisconsinBikeFed.org



38 t h A n n uA l


July 30, 2016 Brigham County Park, Blue Mounds, WI

Choose from: 100, 64 or 30 mile routes All in historic Frank Lloyd Wright Country

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Bike Tour July 23 & 24, 2016 Ride the shores of Lake Michigan from Mequon to Manitowoc to Sturgeon Bay! The Scenic Shore 150 BIke Tour is a two-day fully supported 150 mile ride along the coast of beautiful Lake Michigan. Join us for our 24th annual ride as we strive to cure blood cancer.

Best cycling event in the Midwest!


years of riding the shore!



www.ScenicShore150.org P: (262) 785-4272 E: scenicshore150@lls.org



Wisconsin Bicycle Tours, A week long circle tour through the hills and valleys of south central Wisconsin featuring microbrew and craft cheese tasting and tours. Begins and ends in Madison with overnights in New Glarus, Monroe, Galena, Mineral Point, and Barneveld. Includes hotel lodging, meals, SAG, fun!, aroundwisbike. com, aroundwisconsinbt@yahoo.com, (920) 427-6086

Jul. 22 - Jul. 24, WORS #6 WORS CUP, Cascade Mountain, WI , Portage, Off-Road Race, wors.org

Jul. 22 - Jul. 24, Midwest MTB Championship, Cascade Mountain, WI, Portage, Off-Road Race, WORS/USA Cycling, The 2016 USA Cycling Midwest Mountain Bike Championships with racers from IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD & WI. WORS Mega event with great spectating and an Bike Industry Expo. Championship decided in Cross-Country, Short Track, and Enduro., mwmtbc.com/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

Jul. 23, Waterford July Factory Rie, Waterford, WI, Waterford, Ride, Waterford Precision Cycles and the KR Bike Club, Ride with the KR Bike Club and the Chicago Cycling Club through some pretty cool areas between Waterford and the points south and west. Factory tours at 8 AM the ride starts at 8:45 AM., waterfordbikes.com/w/ culture/factory-rides/, richard@waterfordbikes.com, (262) 534-4190

Jul. 23, 2016 Transportation from Chicago to the Start of RAGBRAI powered by Bicycle Illinois, Chicago to the Start of RAGBRAI, IA, Chicago to the Start of RAGBRAI, Ride, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com/, bicycleillinois@bicycleillinois.com, (877) 868-7455

Jul. 23 - Jul. 24, Scenic Shore 150 Bike Tour, MATC Mequon Campus, WI, Mequon, Ride, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, The Scenic Shore 150 Bike Tour is a two day, 150 mile, fullysupported ride for all ages and abilities. One of Wisconsin's most popular bike rides, the Scenic Shore 150 is the largest locally organized and supported event for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 2014 Best of Competitor Magazine Award Winner for Best Cycling Event In The Midwest!, scenicshore150.org, scenicshore150@lls.org, (262) 785-4272

Jul. 24 - Jul. 30, Northwoods, Quality Inn, WI, Rhinelander, Ride, Pedal Across Wisconsin, 7 DAY HOTEL TOUR, FULLY SUPPORTED; ONLY $745.00. Wisconsin's original and longest running Northwoods loop tour since 1989. Rhinelander to Eagle River, Nicolet National Forest, & the largest fresh-water chain of lakes in the world. 7 day of rustic, smoothly paved back-roads riding, followed by indoor pools, whirlpools and famous PAW Happy Hours, pedalacrosswisconsin.com/index.html, kennethjgoldman@yahoo. com, (847) 309-4740

Jul. 24, 30th Annual Best Friends Gourmet Bike Tour, St. Mary Catholic High School, WI, Neenah, Ride, The Best Friends Gourmet Bike Tour is a ride through the Neenah countryside featuring a 4-12 mile family route and 25, 55, 75, and 100 mile options. Rest stops include baked goods, fresh fruits, and beverages, followed by a Gourmet Picnic featuring homemade soups, vegetables, beverages, sub sandwiches, wraps and calzones., bestfriendsnm.org/, patti@ bestfriendsnm.org, (920) 729-5600

Jul. 28 - Jul. 31, Wisconsin Aids Ride, WI, Madison, Multi Day Event, Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin, arcw.org

Jul. 30 - Aug. 05, SAGBRAW, WI, Mishicot, Multi Day Event, Bike Wisconsin, bikewisconsin.com, info@bikewisconsin.com, (608) 843-8412

Jul. 30, Wright Stuff Century (38th Annual), Brigham County Park, WI , Blue Mounds, Fun Ride, Bombay Bicycle Club, 80


Jul. 30, Lake Ripley Ride, Ripley Park, Cambridge, Wi, 53523,


Ride, Cambridge Community Activities Program, This ride features 3 distances: a family friendly 22 mile route, a longer & slightly hilly 40 mile route, & a challenging 62 mile metric century route. You'll ride country roads & visit Cambridge, Deerfield, & Lake Mills. Registration includes a shirt, map/cue sheet, rest stops, sag wagon, a swimming beach, & a FANTASTIC post ride celebration with live music, refreshments, & a tasty dinner, cambridgecap.net/adultathletic/lake-ripley-ride/, lrumpf@cambridge.k12.wi.us, (608) 423-8108

Jul. 30 - Jul. 26, Wisconsin Women Cycling Century, Cedar Creek Park, WI, Cedarburg, Ride, Wisconsin Women Cycling, Designed to celebrate the accomplishments of female cyclists by breaking down many of the barriers of cycling in a format that is accessible, practical and fun. Saturday morning is the Wisconsin Women's Century a Women-only ride followed by Festival activities, food, beer and live music. Sunday is the new Holy Hill Classic, a co-ed Hilly Metric Century ride. Starting in Cedarburg, on the outskirts of the Northern Kettle Moraine you enjoy scenic bike-friendly roads and trails that will surely become your favorite cycling destination. Organized by Wisconsin Women Cycling benefitting the Wisconsin Women's Fund, a non-profit whose mission is to get more girls riding bicycles and learn to set and achieve obtainable goals, both on and off their bikes., WiWomenCentury.com, CindyPetted@gmail.com, (920) 901-1233

JULY 28–31

Jul. 30, 2016 Transportation from the End of RAGBRAI to Chicago


powered by Bicycle Illinois, End of RAGBRAI to Chicago, IA, End of RAGBRAI to Chicago, Ride, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com/, bicycleillinois@bicycleillinois.com, (877) 868-7455

Jul. 31, Ride The Drive, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Ride the Drive is a community event that turns Madison's signature streets into a public promenade that is open to cyclists, walkers, rollerbladers, and residents out to enjoy car-free streets. Ride the Drive is more AIDSRideWI_QuarterPage_MarchRideGuide.indd than just a bike ride - with music, activities, and fun stopping points along the way - there is something for everyone., cityofmadison.com



Jul. 31 - Aug. 06, Northwoods, Quality Inn, WI, Rhinelander, Ride, Pedal Across Wisconsin, 7 DAY HOTEL TOUR, FULLY SUPPORTED; ONLY $745.00. Wisconsin's original and longest running Northwoods loop tour since 1989. Rhinelander to Eagle River, Nicolet National Forest, & the largest fresh-water chain of lakes in the world. 7 day of rustic, smoothly paved back-roads riding, followed by indoor pools, whirlpools and famous PAW Happy Hours, pedalacrosswisconsin.com/index.html, kennethjgoldman@yahoo. com, (847) 309-4740

Jul. 31, Holy Hill Classic, Cedar Creek Park, WI, Cedarburg, Ride, Wisconsin Women Cycling, Designed to celebrate the accomplishments of female cyclists by breaking down many of the barriers of cycling in a format that is accessible, practical and fun. New this year is the Co-ed Holy Hill Classic ride. Saturday morning is the Wisconsin Women' Century a Women-only ride followed by festival activities, food, beer and live music. Sunday July 31, Holy Hill Classic, a co-ed Hilly Metric Century ride. The weekend events are organized by Wisconsin Women Cycling benefitting the Wisconsin Women's Fund, a non-profit whose mission is to get more girls riding bicycles and learn to set and achieve obtainable goals, both on and off their bikes, WiWomenCentury.com, CindyPetted@ gmail.com, (920) 901-1233

August Aug. 01, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. WisconsinBikeFed.org


Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5784

Aug. 05, Polish Moon Ride, Anodyne Coffee Roasters, WI , Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, A family-friendly bike tour through Milwaukee’s Historic Polish neighborhoods that also celebrates the current Latino culture there, wisconsinbikefed.org

Aug. 05 - Aug. 07, Midwest Recumbent Rally, Hostel Shoppe, Ltd., WI, Stevens Point, Special Event, Hostel Shoppe, A recumbent event featuring tours of varying distances, recumbent sales, seminars, visiting with factory reps, and socializing with other recumbent riders., hostelshoppe.com/92/Midwest-Recumbent-Rally/, info@ hostelshoppe.com, (800) 233-4340

Aug. 06 - Aug. 07, Best Dam Bike Tour, Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee, Multi Day Event, Multipe Sclerosis, bestdambiketour. org, (855) 372-1331

Aug. 06, Grand View Firehouse 50, Grand View Ballpark, WI, Grand View, Ride, Grand View Firehouse 50, The Firehouse 50 is a bicycle road race of 50.5 miles beginning and ending in Grand View, Wisconsin. This race is on black top roads winding through the pristine Chequamegon National Forest around Lake Namakagon and Lake Owen. It passes through the townships of Grand View, Namakagon, Cable and Drummond., firehouse50.org/, info@ cable4fun.com


Aug. 06 - Aug. 07, Hixon Forest Epic, Hixon Forest, WI, La Crosse, Off-Road Race, WORS, Event #7 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to offer a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

Aug. 06 - Aug. 08, Respiratory Health Association, Begins in


Aug. 06 - Aug. 22, Madison Brewery Bike Tour, Machinery Row


Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#mbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707






Gurnee, IL, IL, Gurnee, Ride, CowaLUNGa is a bike with a one-day 65-mile, two-day 130-mile and three-day 190 mile ride option from the Gurnee Mills Shopping Mall and into Wisconsin with overnight stops in William's Bay and Whitewater, finishing in Hubertus. This one-way ride has bus and bike transportation back to the start available each evening. All proceeds benefit the Respiratory Health Association., cowalunga.org, clapping@lungchicago.org, (312) 628-0212

Aug. 07, Madeline Island Bike Ride (Free), Ferry Dock, WI, La Pointe, Fun Ride, cyclists will ride to the reserved Town Park pavilion for refreshments, swimming and hiking before returning to the ferry dock. Sag vehicle supported., northcoastcycling.org

Aug. 07, WORS #7 Hixon Forest Epic, Hixon Forest Park, WI , La Crosse, Off-Road Race, wors.org



Aug. 07, Escarpment Bicycle Tour, Ledge View Nature Center, WI, Chilton, Ride, Friends of Ledge View Nature Center, Full-service ride with maps, cue sheets, marked routes, sag wagon, breakfast and post-ride meal. Six routes of varying length, 8 to 100 miles. Door prizes. Discount for preregistration by July 17., ledgeview@ co.calumet.wi.us, (920) 849-7094

Aug. 07 - Aug. 13, Northern Woods and Waters Bicycle Tour, Oneida Village Inn (start and end location), WI, Three Lakes, Ride, Around Wisconsin Bicycle Tours, A week long tour through the north woods of Wisconsin featuring shaded back roads and the newly completed Vilas County paved trail system. Tour the Eagle River area lakes on a pirate ship plus a pedal and paddle option on Thursday. Begins and ends in Three Lakes with overnights in Eagle River, Land O Lakes, St. Germain, Boulder Junction, and Minocqua. Includes hotel lodging, meals, optional swimming, kayaking on some days, SAG, fun!, aroundwisbike.com, aroundwisconsinbt@ yahoo.com, (920) 427-6086

Aug. 08, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5785

Aug. 11 - Aug. 14, Ride to Cure Diabetes, The La Crosse Center, WI, La Crosse, Ride, JDRF, A destination cycling event for all skill levels come together to raise funds for JDRF. Enjoy a weekend-long celebration that leads up to the one-day Ride. (Fundraising min. required), ride.jdrf.org, dhanson@jdrf.org, (414) 453-4673

Tour de CHEESE 2016

Benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Green County


AUG 13

WI, Arcadia, Road Race, ashleyforthearts.com


Aug. 13, Tour de Cheese, WI, Monroe, Fun Ride, Big Brothers

Enjoy Rest Stops at Cheese Factories Along Routes

Aug. 13, The Pursuit of the Arts Bike Race, Arcadia High School,

Big Sister of Green County, Join us for a great event benefiting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Green County. Riders will travel along a 17 or 50 mile Biking Enthusiast Supported Course through Green County Wisconsin. Rest Stops at Cheese Factories Along the Routes including, Maple Leaf, Grande Cheese, Silver Lewis, Decatur Dairy. Sample Artisan Cheese, refreshing drinks, tasty food, live music and take in the fall colors, bbbsgreencounty.org

Aug. 13, Wisconsin State Criterium Championship, WI, TBD, Road Race, Wisconsin cycling, wicycling.org

Aug. 13, Hitting 4 the Cycle, S/SE Wisconsin, WI, End in Milwaukee, Ride, Brewers Community Foundation, Join Brewers Community Foundation for its 2nd annual bike ride event on August 13th, concluding with a Tailgate event at Miller Park before that night's Brewers vs. Reds game. $50 entry with $150 fundraising minimum. , brewers.ride-mlb.com, tim.brever@brewers.com, (414) 902-4392

Aug. 13, Ride with Leinie, 6256 Highway B, WI, Land O Lakes, Fun Ride, Wilderness Lakes Trails, A day of outdoor fun - Two self-guided bike tour options, 38 and 12-mile, followed by brat lunch and Leinenkugel beer tasting hosted by Dick Leinenkugel. Paddle board and quadracycle demonstrations. Helmets required and children must be accompanied by an adult. , info@wildlakes.org, (715) 547-6323

Aug. 13, Dairyland Dare / Wisconsin Gran Fondo, Lands' End,



R bbb EGISTER TODAY rg sgreencount y.o

WI, Dodgeville, Road Race, Wisconsin's oldest Gran Fondo and allows participants to select any one of 6 distances through which to challenge themselves. Take the Dairyland Challenge... WE DARE of Green County 83 WisconsinBikeFed.org

6 1 20


s u h t i W w e c a R r Come 16

1 0 2 , 3 1 t T s A uUgGuU Se d a r e y o u ! we

M r o f r o r e To Regist


m o c . e r a d d n a l y r i a d . www 84

it h q Contact us w

u e s t io n s

ir y l a n d d a a d @ e r o m at





A fundraising ride that benefits multiple sclerosis


Milwaukee and Madison area TOYOTA dealers: Andrew, Don Jacobs, East Madison, Heiser, Hesser, Jack Safro, Kenosha, Racine, Ruda, Russ Darrow, Smart, Wilde WisconsinBikeFed.org


YOU!, dairylanddare.com, info@syklussport.com, (608) 630-3871

Aug. 13, Kiwanis Ride to Read, Columbia County Fairgrounds - Veteran's Memorial Field, WI, Portage, Ride, Kiwanis Club of Portage, Join the Portage Kiwanis Club in their Metric Century "Ride to Read" fundraiser pedaling through scenic Amish country with, 15, 30, 45 or 62 mile routes. The proceeds will be used to buy books for children. Registration includes a continental breakfast, refreshment stops, great desserts, and a sandwich after your ride, plus a route map, complimentary gift to the first 100 riders and SAG wagon if needed., kiwanisridetoread.com, ridetoread@gmail.com, (608) 697-3390

Aug. 13, Ride with Leinie, Forest Lake Country Store, WI, Land O Lakes, Ride, Bike rides and brat lunch with Dick Leinenkugel to benefit the continuing expansion of the Wilderness Lakes Trails biking and pedestrian system. The 38-mile ride circles the Sylvania Wilderness and will utilize paved roads. Portions of the ride may be on the recently completed Agonikak Trail. The 12-mile ride will be along rustic roads and paved trails., wildlakes.org, (715) 547-6323

Aug. 13, Milwaukee Historic Brewery Bike Tour, Lakefront Brewery, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, This bike tour around downtown Milwaukee will visit the current/former sites of Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst and Miller Brewing and focus on Milwaukee brewing heritage. Tours begin and end at Lakefront Brewery (with their brewery tour included at the end of our tour) and also a stop at Milwaukee Ale House for a small sampling. This is NOT a Pub Crawl or a Party on Two Wheels., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours. php#mhbbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Aug. 14, Ganther Race The Lake, WI, Fond Du Lac, Road Race, Ganther Race the Lake is a 90 mile bike race around the majestic Lake Winnebago, full of scenic diversity and is enjoyed by all abilities from professional to the beginning cyclists., dutrirun.com

Aug. 14, Race the Lake, Lakeside Park, WI, Fond du Lac, Road Race, Race the Lake is a 90 mile bike race around the majestic Lake Winnebago, full of scenic diversity and is enjoyed by all abilities from professional to the beginning cyclists. The course will stage the dramatic start in Fond du Lac, head north hugging the west side of Lake Winnebago and to the halfway point at High Cliff State Park.Riders then take the east shoreline taking in lots of greenery, the mammoth blue lake to the finish at Lakeside Park in Fond du Lac., dutrirun.com, ben@dutrirun.com, (920) 574-2972

Aug. 14, 2016 Tri-State Tour #2 powered by Bicycle Illinois, Hammond, IN to Kenosha, WI, IL, Hammond, IN to Kenosha, WI, Ride, Bicycle Illinois, TBD, bicycleillinois.com/, bicycleillinois@ bicycleillinois.com, (877) 868-7455

Aug. 15, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5786

Aug. 20 - Aug. 22, Sadistic Century, Start at Dunn County Recreation Park, WI, Menomonie, Ride, Rides of 100 miles, 100 kilometers, and 50 kilometers through scenic hills of Dunn County. Over 30 climbs with 8,819 feet of elevation gain. Fully supported ride with food, beer and music at the end., saddisticcentury.com, sadisticcenturyWI@gmail.com

Aug. 20, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There 86

will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Aug. 21, WORS#8 Reforestation Rumble, Reforestation Camp, WI , Suamico, Off-Road Race, wors.org

Aug. 21 - Aug. 22, Reforestation Ramble, Reforestation Camp, WI, Suamico, Off-Road Race, WORS, Event #8 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to offer a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095 Aug. 22, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5787

Cream City Cycle Club Century

Sunday, August 28, 2016 • Waterford, WI

Aug. 26 - Aug. 28, RAW (Ride Across Wisconsin), Hamm Island, IA, Dubuque, Fun Ride, Wisconsin Bike Fed, Both 1 day or 2 day ride options. The ride begins in Dubuque and follows scenic, low traffic roads 175 miles across the bottom of the state, inlcudes a ceremonial lap around the Washington Park Velodrome and ends on at Simmons Island Beach along the shore of Lake Michigan in Kenosha., wisconsinbikefed.org

Aug. 27, WEMS #7 RASTA Rock N Root, Washburn Trails, WI, Rhinelander, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Aug. 27 - Aug. 20, John Hatherly Mid Century Ride Waupaca, Waupaca High School, WI, Waupaca, Ride, There are multiple distances that will all begin and end at Waupaca High School. Because of the flower-petal design of the course, you can build your own distance based on how you feel that day. Standard distances include 12, 20, 50, 62, 70 and 100 miles. The 100 mile course will be two loops of the 50 mile distance. Check website for cost., 321goevents.com/

Aug. 28, Cream City Century, Waterford High School, WI, waterford, Fun Ride, Cream City Cycle Club, creamcitycycleclub.com

Aug. 28, Wisconsin High School Mtn Bike Race #1, Minooka Park, WI, Waukesha, Off Road Race, wisconsinmtb.org

Aug. 29, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5788

September Sep. 02 - Sep. 05, La Crosse Area Bicycle Festival, Cameron Park, WI, La Crosse, Ride, Explore La Crosse, Road rides, mountain biking, guided interest rides, BMX, and more. Self-supported and self-guided road rides explore the La Crosse area. Guided interest rides suitable for families educate and explore the city. More adventurous? Ride miles of mountain bike trails and pump track WisconsinBikeFed.org


or give BMX riding a try at one of the world's largest indoor BMX facilities., bicyclelacrosse.com, burish@explorelacrosse.com, (608) 782-2366

Sep. 03 - Sep. 04, Copper Harbor Trails Festival Presented by Bell's Beer, MI, Copper Harbor, Off-Road Race, copperharbortrails.org

Sep. 03, Madison Brewery Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#mbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Ranked among the top mountain bike trail systems in the world...

Sep. 05, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair

discover why for yourself! Visit us at www.copperharbor.org

Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5789

Sep. 10 - Sep. 11, Treadfest, Mountain Top at Grand Geneva,

Copper Harbor’s Premier Event

WI, Lake Geneva, Off-Road Race, WORS, Event #9 of WORS (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year WORS continues to offer a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

labor day weekend

Sep. 10, Krankin' for Kids charity bike ride, Trinity Lutheran Church grounds, WI, Mequon, Ride, Choose between a 36 mile ride,15 mile ride, 5 mile ride and Historical Walk, Bike Route or take the 2 Mile Walk! Support Lutheran Special School & Education Services. Lunch provided for participants & volunteers on the grounds of Trinity. Enjoy musical entertainment, raffle prizes, sports massages, face painting, and more!, LSSES.org, events@lsses.org

Sep. 10, September Song, WI, Rice Lake, Ride, North Roads Bicycle Club, Self-reliance > provide for you and your bike, stores, restaurant, swimlake en route. Free backyard camping available. 50 miles. Black top. Single Loop. Raine/Shine. All Welcome.

Sep. 10, SepTimber Ride, Tribute Brewing Company, WI, Eagle River, Ride, Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce and Great Headwaters, Fun scenic ride through Eagle River to Three Lakes on the beautiful Three Eagle Trail beginning at the Tribute Brewing Company and progress to Three Lakes looping back to Eagle River. New this year is a 50K road ride from Tribute Brewing Company to Conover and loop back to Eagle River along county roads. Your day will finish with beer samples and a brat picnic with all the fixings and many door prizes. Proceeds support the Great Headwaters Trails Foundation in the development of bike trails for eastern Vilas County, eagleriver.org/featured/septimber-ride/, patti@eagleriver. org, (800) 359-6315

XC Races • Enduro • Downhill Junior Races • Dock Jump Music and More

September 3rd & 4th, 2016 For more information: www.copperharbortrails.org Trails Festival illustration & ad design donated by garybardendesign.com


Sep. 10, Cross of the Century, Door County Fairgrounds, WI, Sturgeon Bay, Cyclocross Race, Come enjoy a challenging, fun and zany cyclocross race set at the Door County Fairgrounds during Door County Century Ride weekend., crossofthecentury.com/, john@netnet.net, (920) 606-3216

Sep. 10, Milwaukee Historic Brewery Bike Tour, Lakefront Brewery, WI, Milwaukee, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, This bike tour around downtown Milwaukee will visit the current/former sites of

Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst and Miller Brewing and focus on Milwaukee brewing heritage. Tours begin and end at Lakefront Brewery (with their brewery tour included at the end of our tour) and also a stop at Milwaukee Ale House for a small sampling. This is NOT a Pub Crawl or a Party on Two Wheels., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours. php#mhbbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Sep. 11, Ride On The Wildside, Milwaukee County Zoo, WI, Milwaukee, Special Event, zoosociety.org

Sep. 11, WORS #9 Treadfest, Grand Geneva, WI , Lake Geneva, Off-Road Race, wors.org

Sep. 11, 47th Annual Harmon 100 by Wheeling Wheelmen, Wilmot High School, WI, Wilmot, Ride, 25, 50, 75 or 100 mile routes on well marked and quiet country roads. Cue sheets and SAG support provided. RAVE reviews every year. Free showers available after ride. Bring your own towel. Century riders should start no later than 8am., wheelmen.com/harmon_hundred.asp, harmonhundred@gmail.com

Sep. 11, Door County Century, Sturgeon Bay Fairgrounds, WI, Sturgeon Bay, Fun Ride, The Door County Century offers four course routes with spectacular views, six well-stocked shoreline rest stops, and an outstanding post-ride spaghetti dinner with projection screens displaying NFL games. Saturday activities include a Bike Expo and a cyclocross race (Cross of the Century)., doorcountycentury.com, director@fall50.com, (920) 606-2458

2016 8th Annual

Kickapoo BRAVE Ride

Saturday, Sept 17 The ride begins and ends in Gays Mills in the heart of the Kickapoo Valley of Southwestern Wisconsin. Cyclists will enjoy roads with breathtaking scenery: ridge tops with panoramic views, rolling hills, and deep, lush valleys. The ride features a cloverleaf route system, which allows riders to choose from beginner, intermediate, and advanced routes ranging from 15 to100 miles.



Sep. 12 - Sep. 16, Door County, Best Western, WI, Sturgeon Bay, Ride, Pedal Across Wisconsin, 5 DAY HOTEL TOUR, FULLY SUPPORTED: ONLY $645.00. a biker's paradise where you may ride as much or as little as you please...always a beach, pub, or bakery nearby. Shoreline route through Egg Harbor, Fish Creek, and Peninsula State Park, plus a full day on Washington Island. Peaceful backroads, picturesque harbors, quaint towns...roads seemingly created just for bikers., pedalacrosswisconsin.com/index.html, kennethjgoldman@yahoo.com, (847) 309-4740

Sep. 12, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5790

Sep. 17, Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival, Main St Hayward, WI , Hayward, Off-Road Race, cheqfattire.com, cheqfat@lifetimefitness. com, (715) 798-3594

Sep. 17, Peninsula Century Fall Classic, WI, Sister Bay, Fun Ride, peninsulacentury.com, jordanmburress@gmail.com, (920) 421-1518

Sep. 17, WEMS# 8 Northern Kettles Fall Epic, New Fane Trails, WI , New Fane, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Sep. 17, Maywood Earth Ride, Maywood Environmental Park, WI, Sheboygan, Ride, Maywood, Enjoy scenic rides through Sheboygan County on 12, 25, 50, 70, 100 or 112-mile routes. Continental breakfast, post-ride lunch, rest stops with beverages and snacks, rider goodie bags and full-color route maps, SAG support, and more. On-site camping available the night before. Day of registration available. Proceeds of the event support environmental education programs at Maywood., gomaywood.org/earthride.htm, maywood@ sheboyganwi.gov, (920) 459-3906

Sep. 17, Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival, Hayward / Cable, WI, Cable, Off-Road Race, Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival, From

Maywood Earth Ride Saturday, September 17 Featuring the 112-Mile Iron Raccoon 12, 25, 50, 70 and 100-mile routes Sheboygan, WI

www.GoMaywood.org 920-459-3906 WisconsinBikeFed.org



REBEL helped give away 265 donated bikes last year at Milwaukee’s Southside Bicycle Day at Kosciuszko Park. Many of these bikes needed TLC along with inner tubes, chain lube, Teflon and grease (regular and elbow). Rebel Wipes are the Grease, Grime and Grunge-Kicking Wipes that helped the volunteers, making the TLC a little easier. The 16th Street Clinic, DreamBikes, South Shore Cyclery, Ben’s Cycle, Wheel & Sprocket, Coast in Bikes, Wisconsin Bike Federation, and Master Lock, are just a


few names that helped make this event possible.

THIS YEAR, REBEL IS HOPING TO GIVE AWAY 500 BIKES! Rebel Wipes is a company based in Saukville, Wisconsin, dedicated to providing a great product and donating 100% of the profits back to the community! Look for the new Rebel Bike Canister and Rebel Bike Single Packs at local bike shops. The profits from REBEL Bike Wipes will be going to local causes like: Screen A

Screen B

Screen C



Print A

Print B

Print C

Look for Rebel Bike – Grease, Grime and Grunge-Kicking Wipes in canisters and On-the –Go Single Packs at your local bikee shop. B&W A



Check out rebelwipes.com to learn more about REBEL, how to become a Rebel, and how to donate your old bike to give it a new life. WisconsinBikeFed.org


the 27cyclists who lined up to ride the unknown trails of the Chequamegon at the first Festival in 1983 to the sold-out, limited field that is currently chosen by random lottery, the Festival is one of the nation’s greatest grassroots events. The rolling glacial terrain of the area's forests provides point-to-point courses that are as beautiful as they are challenging., cheqfattire.com, info@cable4fun.com

Sep. 17, DAM Colon Cancer RIDE, Sauk Prairie, WI, Prairie du Sac, Ride, DCCR, 3rd ANNUAL RIDE to raise funds for colon cancer research. Enjoy beautiful Sauk Prairie, Baraboo Bluffs and the Colsac Ferry, info@damcoloncancerride.com, (608) 370-6065

Sep. 17, Tyranena Oktoberfest Bike Ride, Tyranena Brewing Co., WI, Lake Mills, Fun Ride, Tyranena Brewing Company, This charity fun ride begins & ends at Tyranena Brewing Co. in Lake Mills, WI. Support & rest areas with snacks, restrooms & refreshments provided. Each participant receives a T-shirt, 2 drinks & dinner. Free brewery tours & live music for all. Interest perked? Join the fun but register ASAP! The ride has a 1750 RIDER LIMIT & registration ends in late August OR as soon as the rider limit is met., oktoberfestbikeride.com, info@tyranena.com, (920) 648-8699

Sep. 17, Kickapoo Brave Ride, Stump Dodger Campground, WI, Gays Mills, Ride, Brave the 8th Annual Kickapoo BRAVE (Bluffs, Rivers and Valley Event) Bicycle Ride starting and ending in Gays Mills, Wisconsin. Gays Mills is located along the Kickapoo River in Southwest Wisconsin, in the heart of the scenic Kickapoo Valley. All routes take cyclists through breathtaking scenery: secluded valley roads and ridge tops overlooking the Mississippi River Valley. , KickapooBraveRide.com, info@crawfordcountywi.com, (608) 326-6658

Sep. 17, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles,


WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Sep. 18, Wisconsin High School Mtn Bike Race #2, Iola Winter Park, WI, Iola, Off Road Race, wisconsinmtb.org

Sep. 18, Marshfield Cranberry Bike Tour, BIKE TOUR FUNDRAISER

Miles of scenic & rugged trails! • Designated bronze-level biking community by The League of American Bicyclists • Third most bike-friendly community in Wisconsin

FOR Ronald McDonald House, WI, Marshfield, Ride, McDonalds of Central WI, The Marshfield Cranberry Century Bike Tour supports the Ronald McDonald House program in Marshfield, Wisconsin. Choose from 100 mile, 64 mile, 40 mile, or 20 mile routes. Fee includes a T-shirt, lunch and refreshments, cookies and homemade cranberry coffeecake. Held in conjunction with the Marshfield Maple Fall Fest, activities include over 150 arts and crafts booths, live entertainment, sunflower contests, maple demonstrations, pancake and maple sausage breakfast, and much more, rmhcmarshfield.org, staff@rmhcofmarshfield.org, (715) 387-5899

Sep. 18, Pedal The Kettle, Waukesha Expo Center, WI, Waukesha, Special Event, Spring City Spinners Bicycle Club, Pedal The Kettle is a fully supported bicycle ride exploring the back roads of scenic Waukesha and Jefferson Counties. Routes of 101, 67, 35 miles. For more info and to register go to the event web site at, springcityspinners.org/ptk.html, president@springcityspinners.org, (262) 607-2722

Sep. 18, The Ride, Prairie Lakes, WI, Sun Prairie, Ride, Schwinn,

RiveR Falls, Wisconsin 715-425-2533 • WWW.RFchambeR.com 92

The ride benefit scancer research and is a celebration of life focused through the journey of cancer. Have you ever known someone with cancer? Have you ever wished to support a cancer

patient and their family as they face the challenge of cancer? Engage, support, celebrate and participate in The Ride.The mission of THE RIDE is to advance state of the art cancer research and treatment to serve cancer patients and families in Wisconsin and beyond, theridewi.org, hello@theridewi.org

Sep. 19, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride, weareallmechanics.com/ Events.html, info@WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5791

Sep. 24, 4th Annual Bike the Barn Quilts and Walk/Run the Mini-, Memorial Athletic Park, Wi, Shawano, Multi-Sport Event, Shawano Pathways, Bike distances of 5-70 miles viewing large beautiful barn quilts. NEW THIS YEAR! Walk/run 5 or 10k mini-quilt routes. $25 single/$60 family (prior to 9/17) Small breakfast, incentive, lunch, SAGS. Be a part of our Generosity in Motion!" Download pledge sheet from web- site. Collect donations for Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, SAM25. PayPal and registration available on line, shawanopathways.org, matty@frontiernet.net, (715) 304-9796

Sep. 24, BIKES THE BARN QUILTS, WI, Shawano, Fun Ride, Shawano Pathways, 4th annual BIKES THE BARN QUILTS and RUN/ WALK the MINI QUILTS! Shawano County now has over 300 8x8' barn quilts and I have designed 9 bike routes from distances of 5 to 70 miles in length, shawanopathways.org, matty@frontiernet.net, (715) 304-9796

Sep. 24, Fall Color Festival, John Muir Trails, WI, LaGrange,

Remember when biking was an

adventure? Port Superior Wing (layover)

Iron River


ide with us in Ride

Bayfield (layover)


GRABAAWR® June 18-25 Eagle River (start)



Ellison Bay (layover)

July 30-August 5


Stevens Point Adams Friendship

Green Bay Mishicot

Sturgeon Bay Algoma

Baraboo Richland Prairie Center Du Chien

info@bikewisconsin.com • 608.843.8412

Off-Road Race, Annual mountain bike event held at the John Muir trails that raises money for future trail development and trail maintenance. This is your day to give something back to the trails and the sport you love. Money raised benefits this trail system. Your trail. Your event., fallcolorfestival.org, jameswamser@mac.com, (262) 617-8272

Sep. 24 - Sep. 25, LAMBO-Rama, Clear Lake Picnic Area, WI, Woodruff, Special Event, lamboriders.org, lamboridersemail@gmail.com

Sep. 25, Wisconsin High School Mtn Bike Race #3, WI, Hayward, Off Road Race, wisconsinmtb.org

Sep. 25, "Ride with RENEW" Renewable Energy Bike Tour, Fond du Lac, WI, Fond du Lac, Special Event, RENEW Wisconsin, Join us for a leisurely 25-30 mile bike tour as we visit and learn about renewable energy installations in the Fond du Lac area. Bike between solar, wind, and biomass facilities and learn from the homes, businesses, and farms that use these clean energy technologies. 2016 marks RENEW Wisconsin's 4th Annual event following awesome rides in Madison, Milwaukee, and Lake Geneva in past years., renewwisconsin.org/ridewithrenew.htm, tyler. huebner@renewwisconsin.org, (608) 255-4044

Sep. 26, Mondays Around Monona, Capital City Trail & S. Fair Oaks Ave., WI, Madison, Ride, We Are All Mechanics, ~13 miles. Our leisurely Mondays Around Monona rides are for beginners and experts alike. Bring a friend. All genders welcome. Gather at a local pub for food and drinks after the ride. See our website for more information., weareallmechanics.com/Events.html, info@ WeAreAllMechanics.com, (608) 630-5792

Sep. 30 - Oct. 02, Washburn Color Ride Series (Free), WI , Washburn, Fun Ride, A series of guided rides over 3 days that are planned for road, mountain and fat riders , including family rides, for all ages and abilities, northcoastcycling.org




Milwaukee County by trail

October Oct. 01, Fall Wheel Ride (Kenosha County), WI, Kenosha, Fun Ride, kenoshacounty.org

Oct. 01 - Oct. 02, Sheboygan MTB Challenge, Evergreen Park, WI, Sheboygan, Off-Road Race, WORS , The finale of WORS 2016 (the Wisconsin Off Road Series), America's largest state mountain bike racing series. Now in its 25th year, WORS continues to offer a great mountain biking experience for riders of all ages and abilities. Pre-ride on Saturday, race on Sunday. A free "Learn to Race Clinic" is open to all registered racers (riders under 12 years of age should be accompanied by an adult)., wors.org/, don@wors.org, (715) 592-5095

Oct. 01, Apple Affair Bike Tour, On the Square, WI, Galesville, Ride, Communities Off n' Funning, Bikes, families, friends, orchards, great roads, and warm apple pie! Held in conjunction with the Apple Affair Celebration, this long standing event gives all bike enthusiasts a chance to finish out their biking season! With route options ranging from 6 75 miles (and great rest stops) you’ll find the perfect ride for any age and any ability! Youth 13 & under FREE!, appleaffairbiketour.com, info@offnfunning.com

414.257.7275 • countyparks.com

Trail Map & Park Guide: parkpeoplemke.org

Oct. 01, Taking It To The Trails, In 2016, Milwaukee to Sheboygan, WI, Fox Point, Ride, Wisconsin Women Cycling, Explore your parks and public lands by bicycle at the first ever Taking It To The Trails Ride. Bring your friends and family and join the celebration of the natural beauties in our beautiful state. Discover parks you've never been to before or experience your favorite parks in a new way. You can make it your own experience: ride one mile or one hundred miles; go with friends, family or join a group; bike on trails or roads. You can visit any type of public lands, whether it's a city, county or state park, monument or historic site, river or lakeshore, recreation area, preserve, forest, wildlife refuge, or parkway. We'll help you discover the bicycling opportunities in your backyard. All you have to do is pedal., WiWomenCycling, CindyPetted@gmail.com, (920) 901-1233

Oct. 01, Madison Brewery Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage, hopheadtours.com, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Oct. 02 - Oct. 02, WORS#10 Sheboygan MTB Challenge, Evergreen & Quarryview Parks, WI , Sheboygan, Off-Road Race, wors.org

Oct. 02 - Oct. 02, 27th Annual Pumpkin Pie Bicycle Ride, Ottawa YMCA, IL, Ottawa, Ride, 25, 45, 63, 100 Road Routes mileage varies families encouraged. See web page for details and link to registration: starvedrockcycling.com or email: starvedrockcycling@ yaoo.com, starvedrockcycling.com, starvedrockcycling@yahoo.com

Oct. 08 - Oct. 08, WEMS #9 CHAMPIONSHIPS Thunderdown in the Underdown, Underdown Rec Area, WI , Gleason, Off-Road Race, wemseries.com

Oct. 08 - Oct. 14, Will to Ben Bike Tour, Fully supported ride, WI, Sparta, Ride, WI Dept of Tourism, Gundersen Health System, Sparta Area Chamber of Commerce & WVIK Quad Cities, Starting from Port Byron, Illinois's Will B. Rolling statue and ending at the Ben Bikin' statue in Sparta, WI, Will B. Rolling to Ben Bikin' Bike Tour is the 94

only bi-state bicycle tour through the driftless region in the beautiful colors of early fall and will be one of the most challenging in the Midwest. You'll cycle for 6 days and 300-miles, with additional routes available for up to 450-miles. Whether you are a recreational cyclist looking for a sense of accomplishment or an athlete looking to challenge yourself and improve your cycling skills, Will B. Rolling to Ben Bikin' Bike Tour has something for you. You'll gain a new level of satisfaction and self confidence as you ride with new friends along the way!, willtoben.com, info@bikesparta.com, (800) 354-2453

Oct. 08, Milwaukee Historic Brewery Bike Tour, Lakefront Brewery, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, This bike tour around downtown Milwaukee will visit the current/former sites of Blatz, Schlitz, Pabst and Miller Brewing and focus on Milwaukee brewing heritage. Tours begin and end at Lakefront Brewery (with their brewery tour included at the end of our tour) and also a stop at Milwaukee Ale House for a small sampling. This is NOT a Pub Crawl or a Party on Two Wheels., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours. php#mhbbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Oct. 09, Wisconsin High School Mtn Bike Race #4, Nordic Mtn, WI, Mt. Morris, Off Road Race, wisconsinmtb.org

Oct. 15, Suds and Spirits Bike Tour, Machinery Row Bicycles, WI, Madison, Fun Ride, Hop Head Tours, Join us for our Brewery Bike Tour starting at Machinery Row Bicycles and visiting Karben4, Old Sugar Distillery and One Barrel Brewing BY BICYCLE. There will also be Madison Beer History stops along the way visiting the former sites of Fauerbach Brewery and the Hess Cooperage., hopheadtours.com/bike_tours.php#ssbt, info@hopheadtours.com, (608) 467-5707

Oct. 23, Wisconsin High School Mtn Bike Race #5, Cascade Mountain, WI, Portage, Off Road Race, wisconsinmtb.org

November Nov. 10 - Nov. 12, IMBA World Summit, AK, Bentonville, Special Event, IMBA, We would like to invite you to the seventh International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) World Summit in Bentonville, Arkansas. From Whistler, British Columbia in 2004 to Steamboat Springs, Colorado in 2014, IMBA’vs world summits always draw a worldwide audience. Each host community adds its distinct flavor, as leading representatives from mountain bike advocacy groups, land management agencies, and the bicycle industry gather to share success stories and plan the future of mountain biking., imba.com



Located at the center of Wisconsin

RIDE THE TRAILS 2016 Area Bike Events May 14

PedaLoops (A.K.A. Sore Butt Ride) Spring Cycling Tour 16-88 mile options

August 5-7

23rd Annual Midwest Recumbent Rally August 6

The Boys & Girls Club Bike-a-thon 62, 20, 13.5 or 4 mile options

August 20

• Green Circle Trail -

26-mile trail linking scenic natural areas and rivers

• Tomorrow River State Trail 18 miles of beautiful countryside

• Outstanding Road Biking -

Endless miles of quiet country roads

• Standing Rocks County Park 23 miles of off-road biking trail

Scan to watch a biking trail video.

Run, Bike Unite Duathlon

For more information on trails and events in the area, visit StevensPointArea.com or call 715-344-2556. 96

Bike Clubs Antigo Antigo Bike & Ski Club, antigobikeandskiclub.com, info@antigobikeandskiclub.com

Appleton Fox Cities Cycling Club, foxcitiescycling.org, (920) 850-1215, Fox Cities Triathlon Club, foxtriclub.com, acherkasky@new.rr.com,

Baraboo Baraboo Sharks Cycling Team, facebook.com/BarabooSharks,

Bayfield North Coast Cycling Association, northcoastcycling.org/index.htm, meldi793@aim.com, (715) 779-3337, Bike Fed Member

Buffalo Grove Wheeling Wheelmen, wheelmen.com, jbeemster@aol.com, (847) 867-6724, Bike Fed Member

Cable Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association - CAMBA, cambatrails.org, camba@cheqnet.net, (715) 798-3599, Bike Fed Member

Cedarburg Ozaukee Bicycle Club, eteamz.com/ozaukeebicycleclub, ozaukeebicycleclub@gmail.com, (262) 573-5483


Your Bike Adventure Begins Here!

Ride the paved 45-mile Heart of Vilas Co Bike Trail

715-477-2205 • www.St-Germain.com

Great Lakes Randonneurs, glrrando.org/, glrinfo@glrrando.org, (773) 862-9879 XXX Racing AthletiCo, xxxracing.org, management@xxxracing.org

Crystal Lake McHenry County Bicycle Club, mchenrybicycleclub.org, mumfordg@ charter.net, Bike Fed Member

Eau Claire Chippewa Off Road Bike Assoc. (CORBA), chippewaoffroad.org, dean_roth@hotmail.com, (715) 839-7198 Eau Claire Pie Riders, groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ ECPIERIDERS/info, ECPieRiders@yahoogroups.com, (715) 831-6210 Overdrive Cycling Club, OverdriveCycling.com, swmcmahon@charter. net, (715) 832-6149

Elkhorn Walworth County Indoor BMX, walworthbmx.com, rkfdbmx@aol. com, (815) 874-8719

Fond Du Lac Fond du Lac BMX Club, fdlbmxclub.com, bmxironlung@charter.net,

Fort Atkinson Jefferson County Bicycle Club, 2riversbicycle.com, 2riversbicycle@ gmail.com

Glendale Velocause, velocause.org/, Chip@Velocause.org, (312) 375-3171



Green Bay Bay Shore Bicycle Club, bayshorebikeclub.org/index.php, gberns@new.rr.com, (920) 338-1764, Bike Fed Member

Hartland UWM Tri-Team, jendusaj@uwm.edu, (262) 565-8835

Hudson Big Ring Flyers, bigringflyers.com, bigringflyers@hotmail.com ANCY NSERV



rns a B e h t 0 Ride to



ST 2 AU G U , Y A D S AT U R 2016



River Valley Trails, rivervalleytrails.org, jmwebber@sbcglobal.net, (715) 386-6649, Bike Fed Member

Janesville Janesville Velo Club, veloclub.org, fredbiker@hotmail.com, (608) 757-1378, Bike Fed Member Rock Trail Coalition, rocktrailcoalition.org, volunteerRTC@charter. net, (608) 289-5672

Kenosha Kenosha Velosport, kenoshavelosportcycling.com, kemadson@wi.rr. com, (262) 488-0686

La Crosse Driftless Region Bicycle Coalition, driftlessbicycle.org, info@ driftlessbicycle.org, (715) 586-1736

PRESERVE where IDE you R


Schedule of Events 8am ...................60+ mile route departs 9am ...................30+ mile route departs 11am-3pm ....... Join us for post ride refreshment and more local food Bikers depart from: Camp/Quad 6886 County Rd. Q Washington County (Hwy Q & Hwy 83) A waiver will need to be signed before departure.

UW La Crosse Triathlon Team, uwlax.edu/triathlon

LaGrange Southern Kettle Moraine Chapter IMBA, southernkettles.org/ wordpress/, jim_wiser1@yahoo.com, (262) 317-8272

Lake Geneva Lakes Area Physical Therapy, laptcycling.com, johnvanpt@yahoo. com, (262) 248-9902 TreadHead Cycling, treadheadcycling.com/calendar/, info@ treadheadcycling.com White River Cycle Club, whiterivercycleclub.com

Libertyville Bicycle Club of Lake County, bikebclc.com, smithia_simmons@ hotmail.com, (847) 548-5084, Bike Fed Member

Luxemburg NEWT MTB Club, newtrailswi.org, chris.daming@gmail.com, (920) 845-5763


Registration Registration thru August 15th: $75 per person* August 16th & after: $95 per person* Limit 450 Riders To register, please visit: www.tallpinesconservancy.org or email info@tallpinesconservancy.org *Tall Pines Conservancy is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Registration is a tax deductible donation.


Bombay Bicycle Club, bombaybicycle.org, mark.maffitt@gmail.com, (608) 798-2892, Bike Fed Member Capital Brewery Bike Club, capitalbikeclub.org, biker@ capitalbikeclub.org, (608) 516-5551, Bike Fed Member Capital Off-Road Pathfinders, madcitydirt.org, nelson.donovan@gmail.com, (608) 772-5970 Capitol Velo Club (women only), capitolveloclub.com, info@capitolveloclub.com Great Dane Velo Club, facebook.com/ greatdaneveloclub?ref=stream, wyntopia@hotmail.com

Mad Trail FORCS (female off-road cyclists), madforcs.org, rccallaway@sbcglobal.net UW Madison Cycling Team, uwcycling.com, cbrummitt@wisc.edu UW Madison Triathlon Team, uwtriathlon.com, uwtriathlon@gmail.com Wednesday Night Bike Rides, wnbr.org,

Manitowoc Heavy Pedal Velo Club, heavypedalbicycles.com, heavypedalbicycles@att.net, (920) 652-0888, Lakeshore Pedalers, Inc., lakeshorepedalers.com, vicsiehr@yahoo.com,

Menomonie UW-Stout Cycling Club, urec.uwstout.edu/clubs/cycling/, rizzop@uwstout.edu,,


Get in touch with your wild side.

Team 242, team242.com/, andy@team242.com, (608) 770-0875, Bike Fed Member

Milwaukee Bay View Bicycle Club, Inc., bayviewbikeclub.org/, rtemple161@ gmail.com, (262) 366-6371, Bike Fed Member Bella Donnas cycling club, thebelladonnas.org/Welcome.html, belladonnamke@gmail.com, Bike Fed Member Cream City Bikers, facebook.com/pages/Cream-CityBikers/197706486938817?sk=info, creamcitybikers@gmail.com, Cream City Cycle Club Inc., creamcitycycleclub.com, pres_ creamcitycc@yahoo.com, (414) 299-9398, Bike Fed Member Hampshire Cycle Club, hampshirecc.org, membership@hampshirecc.org, Marquette University Cycling Club, matthew.kaminecki@mu.edu,

Wildside is the only Trek Dealer in the Baraboo/Dells area. We are a full service cycling, climbing and ski shop with knowledgeable staff and professional mechanics for fit and equipment services. Your local source for information on area trails, organized rides and ride clubs.

Milwaukee Bicycle Community (MKEBKE), steveroche@mkebke.com, MKE Bike Polo Club, mkebikepolo.com, jake@mkebikepolo.com, Northwestern Mutual Bicycle Club, patmurphy@ northwesternmutual.com, (414) 665-2522, UW-Milwaukee Cycling Club, www4.uwm.edu/studentorg/cycling, cycling@uwm.edu, Velo Trocadero, luke.holtan@dresser.com, (414) 975-2170,

Minoqua Lakeland Area Mountain Bike Org., lamboriders.org, pzenti@newnorth.net,

880 Hwy 12, Baraboo, WI 53913 Mon - Fri 10-8 • Sat 10-6 • Sun 10-5

608.356.9218 www.wildbaraboo.com

Neenah Team Wheel & Sprocket, teamwheelandsprocket.com, morgan. wiswall@sbcglobal.net, (920) 470-8107, Bike Fed Member

New Glarus Sugar River Peddler's, personalpages.tds.net/~raven1/join.html WisconsinBikeFed.org




Oshkosh Cycling Club, oshkoshcyclingclub.com, wloberger@charter.net, (920) 303-5906, Bike Fed Member

Hollander Benelux Racing, hollandercycling.com, csdemp@yahoo.com,

Winnebagoland BMX, winnebagolandbmx.org, jkmcvickar@sbcglobal.net, (920) 277-3691


Ottowa Starved Rock Cycling Association, starvedrockcycling.com/, starvedrockcycling@yahoo.com, (815) 830-4291


(414) 218-5178

Team Extreme Cycling, teamextremecycling.com, (262) 242-1442

Verona Brazen Dropouts Cycling Club, brazendropouts.org/, officers@ brazendropouts.org, (608) 848-5561

Flambeau Freewheelers Bicycle Club, flambeau-freewheelers.webs. com, zumach@pctcnet.net, (715) 339-4486



trekbikes.com, (920) 478-2191x12164, Bike Fed Member

Trek Midwest Team, trekmidwest.blogspot.com, david_blomme@

UW Platteville Cycling Club, uwpcycling.blogspot.com UW-Platteville Cycling Club, uwplatt.edu/org/uwpcycling/, uwpcycling@gmail.com

Wauconda Wisconsin Bicycling Meetup, meetup.com/Wisconsin-Bicycling, ronster1999@earthlink.net, (847) 370-4175, Bike Fed Member

Plymouth Redline Triathlon Club, redlinetriclub.org, info@redlinetriclub.org,

Portage MadCity Velo Club, madcityvelo.com, Db.dettlaff@charter.net, (608) 772-0598,

Racine Kenosha-Racine Bike Club, krbikeclub.com, krbikeclub@hotmail.com, (262) 939-1577, Bike Fed Member

Rhinelander Hodag BMX Club, hodagbmx.org

Rice Lake Northroads bicycle club, (715) 234-4127

Waukesha CZ Velo, czvelo.com, mark.hughes@med.ge.com, Bike Fed Member Spring City Spinners Bicycle Club, springcityspinners.org, president@ springcityspinners.org, (262) 607-2722, Bike Fed Member

Waupaca Couples on Wheels, couplesonwheels.com, jflonll@hotmail.com, (715) 281-3800, Bike Fed Member WI Tandem Club (Couples on Wheels COWS), couplesonwheels.com, jlonll@wildblue.net, (715) 258-0733, Bike Fed Member



Wausau Wheelers Bicycle Club, WausauWheelers.org,

Ripon College Red Hawks Cycling Team, ripon.edu/Athletics/cycling/ index.html, dammr@ripon.edu, (920) 748-8322

TimBob@Charter.net, (715) 355-7590

Sheboygan UW Sheboygan Bike Club, sheboygan.uwc.edu/studentlife/ studentActivities/cyclingClub.htm, (920) 459-6658

Wauwatosa Colectivo Mountain Bike Team, facebook.com/ColectivoCoffeeMTB, alterramtb@hotmail.com


Team Wisconsin Cycling Club, teamwisconsincycling.com/,

WISIL HPVers, recumbents.com/wisil/main.asp, warren.beauchamp@transamerica.com,

bpchristopherson@gmail.com, (414) 750-3997, Bike Fed Member

Springfield (IL) Team Mack Racing Association, teammackracing.org, gsdoer@aol.com

Stevens Point Heartland Bike Club, heartlandclub.org, info@heartlandclub.org, (715) 340-3132, Bike Fed Member UW Stevens Point Cycling Team, uwsp.edu/stuorg/mntnbike/

Tosa Spokesmen, groups.yahoo.com, tosaspokesmen-owner@ yahoogroups.com

West Allis Metro Milwaukee Mountain Bikers WORBA, metromountainbikers.com

Whitehall Bicycle Club Trempealeau County, tourdetremp.com, cycleonron@


yahoo.com, (715) 797-6342, Bike Fed Member

Stoton Cycle Club, stotoncycle@sbcglobal.net, (608) 877-1134, Bike Fed Member


Superior/Duluth Cyclists of Gitchee-Gumee Shores WORBA, coggs.com, chair@coggs.com 100

UW-Whitewater Cycling Club, uww.edu, cycling@uww.edu,

Wisconsin Rapids Central Wisconsin BMX, cwbmx.org, info@cwbmx.org, (715) 424-5520

Bike Shops Appleton Affordable Mobile Bike Repair, 2013 S Jefferson St, affordablebikerepair.com, (920) 428-7824 Appleton Bicycle Shop, 121 S State St, appletonbike.com, (920) 7332595, Discount Provider Chain Reaction Cyclery, 818 N. Superior Street, chainreactioncycleryllc. com, (920) 733-1141, Discount Provider Dick's Sporting Goods, 4350 Greenville Dr., (920) 954-9266 Scheels Sporting goods - Appleton, 4301 W Wisconsin Ave, scheelssport.com, (920) 830-2977 Schwag LLC, 945 S Nicolet Rd, schwagstores.com, (920) 733-0600 Wheel & Sprocket - Appleton, 3939 W College Ave, wheelandsprocket. com, (920) 997-9300, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Chippewa Falls Spring Street Sports, Inc., 12 W Spring St, springstreetsports.com, (715) 723-6616

Cudahy South Shore Cyclery, Inc., 4758 So. Packard Ave., southshorecyclery. com, (414) 831-0211, Bike Fed Member

De Pere The Bike Hub, 1025 N. Broadway, (920) 339-0229, Discount Provider

Delafield Sports Authority-Delafield, Nagawaukee Center, (262) 646-4110 Wheel & Sprocket - Delafield, 528 Wells St, wheelandsprocket.com, (262) 646-6300, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Dousman Bicycle Doctor Nordic Ski Shop, 105 N Main St Po Box 25, bikedr.com, (262) 965-4144

Eagle River

Active Bike & Fitness, LLC, 1421 N. Richmond ST., activebikeandfitness.com, (920) 202-3034

Forever Young Bike and Ski, 107 Railroad St., foreveryoungbikeandski. com, (715) 617-0735


Eau Claire

Yellow Jersey, Ltd, 219 Main Street, (608) 257-4737


Anybody's Bikeshop, 411 Water St, anybodysbikeshop.com, (715) 833-7100

Bay City Cycles, 412 Main St West, (715) 682-2091, Discount Provider

Bike & Sport, 403 Water St, bikeandsport.com, (715) 832-6149


Erik's Bike and Board - E.C., 4130 Commonwealth Ave, eriksbikeshop. com, (715) 835-6746, Discount Provider

Wildside Adventure Sports, 880 Highway 12, Suite 1, wildbaraboo.com, (608) 356-9218, Discount Provider

Beaver Dam

Riverside Bike & Skate, 937 Water St, riversidebikeskate.com, (715) 835-0088, Discount Provider

Expedition Supply, Beaver Dam, 108 S Center St, expeditionsupply. com, (920) 821-2000, Discount Provider

Scheels Sporting goods - Eau Claire, 4710 Golf Rd, scheelssports.com, (715) 833-1886



Mike's Bike Shop, 117 E Huron St, (920) 361-3565

Black River Falls

Wheel & Sprocket - Evanston, 1027 Davis St, (847) 864-7660, Discount Provider

Pearsons Sports Shop, 108 N. Water St., (715) 284-9562

Fish Creek

Boulder Junction

Nor Door Sport & Cyclery, Fish Creek, Po Box 640, nordoorsports.com, (920) 868-2275, Discount Provider

Coontail Sports, 5454 Park St, coontailsports.com, (715) 385-0250

Brookfield Brookfield Cycle & Fitness, 2205 N Calhoun Rd, brookfieldcycle.com, (262) 784-3151, Discount Provider REI-Brookfield, 13100 W Capitol Dr, rei.com, (262) 783-6150 Sports Authority - Brookfield, 16220 W. Blue Mound Road, (262) 8600900 Wheel & Sprocket - Brookfield, 13925 W. Capitol Dr., wheelandsprocket.com, (262) 783-0700, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Fitchburg Perfect Circle Cycling, 5956 Executive Dr., (608) 770-9916

Fond Du Lac Attitude Sports - Fond du Lac, 209 A North Macy St, (920) 923-2323 Fond du Lac Cyclery & Fitness, 209 S. Main St. John, oshkoshcyclery. com, (920) 923-3211, Discount Provider

Fort Atkinson 2 Rivers Bicycle & Outdoor, 33 W. Sherman Ave., (920)563-222, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider


Fountain City

CamRock Cafe & Sport, 217 West Main Street, (608) 423-2111, Discount Provider

Brone's Bike Shop, S2842 Fern Circle, bronesbikeshop.com, (507) 458-9861, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider



Grafton Erik's Bike and Board - Grafton, 1275 Washington St, eriksbikeshop. com, (262) 377-5220, Discount Provider

Green Bay Broken Spoke - Green Bay, 151 Broadway, brokenspokebikes.com, (920) 634-2040

Smith's Cycling & Fitness, 125 7Th Street North, smithsbikes.com, (608) 784-1175, Discount Provider

La Pointe MOTION TO GO, 102 Lakeview Place, motion-to-go.com, (715) 7476585

Lake Geneva

Greenbay Bicycle Collective, 249 Kenney St., gbbicycle.org, (902) 2460098

RRB Trek Cycles & Fitness, 629 Williams St, rrbcyclesusa.com, (262) 248-2588

In Competition Sports, 2439 University Ave, incompetition.com, (920) 465-1510, Discount Provider


JB Cycle & Sport, 2500 Glendale Ave, jbcyclesport.com, (920) 4348338, Discount Provider

Lakewood Ski and Sport, 15684 State Highway 32, (715) 276-3071, Discount Provider


Pedal n Paddle Performance, 930 Waube Lane, pedalnpaddleperformance.com, (920) 336-1000

Budget Bicycle, 8 N. Charter Street, (608)251-8413x101, Bike Fed Member

Stadium Bike, 2150 W Mason St, stadiumbike.com, (920) 499-3400, Discount Provider

Budget Bicycle Center, 1124 Regent St., budgetbicyclectr.com, (608) 251-8413, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider


Budget Bicycle Center, 1201 Regent Street, budgetbicyclectr.com, (608) 251-8413, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Erik's Bike and Board-Greendale, 8401 W. Layton Ave, eriksbikeshop. com, (414) 448-1208, Discount Provider Sports Authority-Greenfield, 5070 S 74Th Street, (414) 282-2300

Hales Corners Patio Bike Shop, 9800 W Forest Home Ave, patiobike.com, (414) 4253535 Wheel & Sprocket - Hales Corners, 5722 S 108Th St, wheelandsprocket.com, (414) 529-6600, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Hartford Expedition Supply, Hartford, 20 W Sumner St, expeditionsupply.com, (262) 673-7303, Discount Provider

Hayward New Moon Ski & Bike Shop, 15569 Us Hwy 63 N, newmoonski.com, (715) 634-8685 Riverbrook Bike & Ski Shop, Hayward, 10538 Main St., riverbrookbike. com, (715) 634-0437, Discount Provider

Hudson Art Doyle's Spokes and Pedals, 607 2Nd St, spokesandpedals.com, (715) 386-8500, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Janesville Michael's Cycles, 2716 Pontiac Dr, michaelscycles.net, (608) 7527676, Discount Provider

Kaukauna Recyclist, Inc., 631 Saunders Rd, recyclist.com, (920) 759-1200, Discount Provider


Budget Bicycle Center, 1230 Regent St., budgetbicyclectr.com, (608) 251-8413, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Budget Bicycle Center, 930 Regent St, budgetbicyclectr.com, (608) 251-8413, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Cronometro, 338 W. Lakeside St. , cronometro.com, (608) 243-7760 DreamBikes-Madison, 4245 W Beltline Hwy, dream-bikes.org, (608) 467-6315, Discount Provider Erik's Bike and Board - University Square, 795 University Ave, eriksbikeshop.com, (608) 250-2701, Discount Provider Erik's Bike and Board - West, 6610 Seybold Road, eriksbikeshop.com, (608) 278-9000, Discount Provider Erik's Bike and Board -East, 1651 Thierer Road, eriksbikeshop.com, (608) 244-9825, Discount Provider Machinery Row Bicycles, 601 Williamson St, machineryrowbicycles. com, (608) 442-5974, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Motorless Motion Bicycles, 640 W Washington Ave, motorlessmotionbicycles.com, (608) 443-0640, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Old Town Cycles, 920 East Johnson St, oldtowncycles.com, (608) 2598696 REI-Madison, 7483 W. Towne Ave, rei.com, (608) 833-6680, Bike Fed Member Revolution Cycles, 2330 Atwood Ave, revolutioncycles.net, (608) 2440009

Total Cyclery, 2900 52Nd Street, totalcycleryrepair.com, (262) 6522222

Trail This Bicycle Shop, 4518 Verona Road, trailthis.com, (608) 2748447, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

La Crosse

Trek Bicycle Store - Madison East, 1706 Eagan Rd, trekstoremadison. com, (608) 442-8738, Discount Provider

Bikes Limited, 1001 La Crosse St., (608) 785-2326, Discount Provider 102

Trek Bicycle Store - Madison West, 8108 Mineral Point Rd, trekstoremadison.com, (608) 833-8735, Discount Provider

Manitowoc Broken Spoke - Manitowoc, 1010 Washington St., brokenspokebikes. com, (920) 652-0950, Discount Provider

Truly Spoken Cycles, 600 E. Center St, (414) 263-2453 Vulture Space, 651 N Plankinton Ave, (414) 301-1661 Wheel & Sprocket - North Shore, 6940 N Santa Monica Blvd, wheelandsprocket.com, (414) 247-8100, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Heavy Pedal Bicycles, 826 South 8Th Street, heavypedalbicycles.com, (920) 652-0888


The Bicycle & Fitness Co, 301 N 8Th St, bikenfit.com, (920) 682-1944

Chequamegon's Adventure Company, 8576 U.S. 51, paddlerama.com, (715) 356-1618, Discount Provider


B J's Sportshop Inc., 917 N Us Highway 51, (715) 356-3900

Marinette Cycle Center, 1555 Pierce Ave, marinettecycle.com, (715) 735-5442, Discount Provider

Z-Best Bikes, 329 Front St, (772) 713-1416


Stonehall Bicycle, 921 15Th Ave, stonehallbicycle.com, (608) 3283278, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

The Sports Den, 1202 S Central Ave, thesportsden.net, (715) 3848313, Discount Provider



Menomonee Falls

Won-A-Go Biking, 106 Main St, (262) 363-4770

Emery's Bicycle & Super Fitness Store, N88 W15036 Main St, emerys. com, (262) 255-0770, Discount Provider


Menomonie Simple Sports, 326 Main St E, (715) 233-3493, Discount Provider

Mequon BELGIANWERKX, 10802 N Port Washington Rd, belgianwerkx.com, (414) 403-1081, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Middleton Middleton Cycle, 6641 University Ave, middletoncycle.net, (608) 8317433, Discount Provider

Milwaukee Ben's Cycle & Fitness Center Inc., 1018 W. Lincoln Ave, benscycle.net, (414) 384-2236, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Bigfoot Bike and Skate LLC, 2481 South Kinnickinnic Ave, bigfootbikeandskate.com, (312) 401-8491 Coast In Bikes, 703 S. 2Nd St., coastinbikes.com, (414) 502-7259, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider DreamBikes-Milwaukee, 2021A North Martin Luther King Dr., dreambikes.org, (414) 763-0909 Emery's Third Coast Tri Shops, 9929 W Lisbon Ave, emerys.com, (414) 463-0770, Discount Provider Erik's Bike and Board - Milwaukee Eastside, 1819 E. Kenilworth Place, eriksbikeshop.com, (414) 831-9300, Discount Provider Fyxation, 2943 N. Humboldt Blvd, fyxation.com, (414) 372-7223, Discount Provider Milwaukee Bicycle Collective, 2910 W. Clyborn Street, (414) 431-0825 Milwaukee Bike & Skate Rental, Veteran'S Park, (414) 273-1343 The Bike Fixer, 2410 N Murray Ave, thebikefixers.com, (414) 967-9446, Discount Provider The Bikesmiths, 2865 N Murray Ave, (414) 332-1330, Discount Provider

Cranked Bike Studio, 200 Main Street, crankedbikestudio.com, (920) 720-0800, Discount Provider Gear N Up Bicycle Shop, 1276 W Winneconne Ave, gearnup.com, (920) 722-2949

New Berlin Trailside Cycle, 1849 S Calhoun Rd, trailsidecycle.com, (262) 5422453, Discount Provider

New Frankin Trikes to Bikes & More, 5286 Warehouse Dr., (920) 866-2453, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Onalaska Blue Heron Bicycle Works LLC., 213 Main St, blueheronbikes.com, (608) 783-7433, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider River Trail Cycles, 106 Mason Street, rivertrailcycles.com, (608) 5195757, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Oshkosh Bicycle Outlet, 2550 S Washburn St, (920) 230-4668 Oshkosh Cyclery & Fitness, 1030-B 20Th Ave, oshkoshcyclery.com, (920) 231-2211, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Wheel & Sprocket - Oshkosh, 1451 S. Washburn, wheelandsprocket. com, (920) 232-0900, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Pewaukee Attitude Sports - Pewaukee, 203 W. Wisconsin Ave, attitudesports.com, (262) 695-7433

Phillips The Crazy Loon, 125 N. Lake Ave (Hwy 13), thecrazyloon.com, (715) 339-6254

Platteville Momentum Bicycle, 25 West Main Street, momentumbikes.com, (608) 348-6888, Discount Provider




Stevens Point

Back Door Bike Shop, 828 Eastern Ave, (920) 893-9786

Campus Cycle & Sport Shop, 1732 4Th Ave, (715) 341-2151

Port Washington

Stevens Point

ZuZu Pedals, LLC, 221 North Franklin St, (262) 208-6571

Hostel Shoppe, 3201 John Joanis Dr, hostelshoppe.com, (715) 3414340

Racine 3rd Coast Bicycles, 401 6th St., 3rdcoastbikes.com, (262) 634-0484, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Racine Cyclery & Fitness LLC., 4615 Washington Ave, racinecyclery. com, (262) 637-7241, Bike Fed Member

Rhinelander Bikes and Boards, 1670 N Stevens St, bikes-n-boards.com, (715) 3691999 Mel's Trading Post, 105 South Brown St., melstradingpost.net, (715) 362-5800

Rice Lake

Stoughton Stoton Cycle, 229 East Main Street, stotoncycle.com, (608) 877-1134, Bike Fed Member

Sturgeon Bay Nor Door Sport & Cyclery, Sturgeon Bay, 60 South Madison, nordoorsports.com, Discount Provider

Sun Prairie Sun City Cyclery & Skate, 235 E Main St, (608) 837-2453, Discount Provider


Grinders Sports, 816 Hammond Ave E, grinders-bikes.tripod.com, (715) 736-7858

Extreme Ski & Bike, 235 N Main St, extremeskiandbike.com, (262) 242-1442, Discount Provider

Sports Unlimited, 2900 S Main St, (715) 234-7273, Discount Provider


Ripon Mr. Barts Bike Shop, 316 Doty St, (920) 748-7801

River Falls CrankWorx Bike Shop, 101 South Main St., crankworxbikeshop.com, (715) 629-7246

Shawano Mountain Bay Outfitter, 620 S Main St, mountainbayoutfitters.com, (715) 526-8823, Discount Provider

Sheboygan Johnnie's Bike Shop, 1001 Michigan Ave, (920) 452-0934 Sheboygan Bicycle Company, LLC, 804 North 8Th Street, sheboyganbicyclecompany.com, (920) 208-8735 Wolf's Cycling & Fitness, 1702 South 12Th St, wolfcycle.com, (920) 457-0664, Discount Provider

Sheboygan Falls Bicycle Works LLC, 1114 Plankview Green Blvd, (920) 467-4549

Shorewood Rainbow Jersey Bicycle Shop, 4600 N Wilson Dr, rainbowjersey.com, (414) 961-1110, Discount Provider


Green Heron Bicycle Works, 11369 Main St., heron.bike, (608) 5347433

Two Rivers Broken Spoke - 2 Rivers, 1200 Washington S, brokenspokebikes.com

Verona Atkins Verona Bicycle Shoppe, 517 Half Mile Rd, atkinsbike.com, (608) 845-6644 Rocket Bicycle Studio, 403 Venture Court #1, rocketbicyclestudio.com, (608) 239-3837, Discount Provider

Viroqua Bluedog Cycles Inc, 210 N State St, (608) 637-6993

Watertown 2 Rivers Bicycle & Outdoor, 2 East Main Street, (920) 261-4400, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

Waukesha Fox River Sports & Spas, Ltd, 143 E North St, (262) 544-5557, Discount Provider M&M Bike Repair, 1309 Summit Ave, mmrepair.org, (414) 542-5912 Mokros Cycle, N6 W23757 Bluemound Rd, (262) 521-1300, Discount Provider

River Valley Sports (NOT PEDAL MILL), 325 Garfield St., rivervalleysportswi.com, (715) 247-5401




Speeds Bicycle & Electric Motors, 1126 John St., (608) 269-2315

Builer's Cycle & Fitness Center, 215 S 3Rd Ave, buildersbike.com, (715) 842-4185

St. Croix Falls Cyclova XC, 125 N. Washington St., cyclova.com, (715) 483-3275

Star Prairie Russell's Sport N' Bike, 703 Jewell St, russellssportandbike.com, (715) 248-3644 104

Ron's Lawn and Sport, 650 W Main St, (920) 324-3181

Rib Mountain Cycles, Inc., 4001 D Rib Mountain Dr., ribmountaincycles. net, (715) 359-3925, Discount Provider Shepherd & Schaller Sporting Goods, 324 Scott St, shepssports.com, (715) 845-5432, Discount Provider

Wausau Trek Bicycle Store - Wausau, 2601 Stewart Street, (715) 845-7433, Discount Provider

Wautoma Wade'z Bike and Adventure Shop, 415 E. Main St., wadezbike.com, (920) 787-3282

Wauwatosa BikeSweets.com, 6838 Maple Terrace, bikesweets.com, (877)7987933x707 Johnson's Cycle & Fitness, 6916 W North Ave, johnsonsbikeshop.com, (414) 476-2341, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider

West Allis Allis Bike & Fitness, 9622 W National Ave, allisbike.com, (414) 3271290

Green Circle State Trail Stevens Point, 26-mile paved, 715-346-1531, http://greencircletrail. org Mountain-Bay State Trail Wausau-Green Bay, 83-miles crushed limestone, 920-448-4466, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/mountainbay/ Omaha Trail Camp Douglas-Elroy, 13-miles hard surface trail, 608-847-9389, http://www.trailsfromrails.com/el_Omaha_trail.htm Tomorrow River State Trail Plover-Manawa, 29-miles crushed limestone, 715-346-1433, http:// dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/tomorrowriv/ Wild Goose State Trail Fond du Lac-Clyman Junction, 34-miles crushed limestone, 920-9293135, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/wildgoose/

West Bend

East Central

Mountain Outfitters, 109 S Main St, mountainout.com, (262) 3350424

Devil’s River State Trail Denmark-Rockwood, 8-miles crushed stone, 920-683-4189, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/devilsriver/

Pedal Moraine, 1701 Evergreen St, pedalmoraine.com, (262) 3382453, Discount Provider

White Lake White Lake Market, 633 Bissell St. P.O. Box 215, (715) 882-8419

Whitefish Bay Erik's Bike and Board -Whitefish Bay, 151 E. Silver Spring, eriksbikeshop.com, (414) 831-1001, Discount Provider

Whitewater Backyard Bikes and Ski, W6098 Hwy 12, backyardbikes.com, (262) 495-8600 BicycleWise & Sport Fitness, 1155 W Main St, bicyclewise.com, (262) 473-4730, Bike Fed Member, Discount Provider Quiet Hut Sports, 186 W Main St, quiethutsports.com, (262) 473-2950

Wisconsin Rapids Bring's Cyclery & Fitness Inc, 1710 8Th St S, (715) 423-5520 Tour Seven Sports, 2030 Chestnut St, (715) 424-2242

Withee Hene Supply, N14704 French Town Ave., (715) 229-4530

Trails Central

Eisenbahn State Trail West Bend-Eden, 25-miles asphalt/crushed limestone, 262-335-5080, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/eisenbahn/ Friendship State Trail Brillion–Forest Junction, 4-miles crushed limestone, 920-439-1008, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/friendship/ Mariners-Rawley Point Trails Manitowoc-Two Rivers, 14-miles paved asphalt/crushed limestone, 920-683-4388, www.marinerstrail.net Mascoutin Valley State Trail Ripon-Berlin, 20-miles crushed limestone, 920-929-3135, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/mascoutin/ Newton-Blackmour State Trail Village of Oneida – Black Creek, 9-miles crushed stone, 920-8324790, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/newton/ Old Plank Road Trail Plymouth-Sheboygan, 17-miles paved asphalt, 800-457-9497, www. travelwisconsin.com Rawley Point Recreational Trail Two Rivers - Point Beach State Park, 5-miles crushed limestone, 920793-5565, Wild Goose State Trail Fond du Lac-Clyman Junction, 34-miles crushed limestone, 920-9293135, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/wildgoose/

400 State Trail* Reedsburg-Elroy, 22-miles crushed limestone, 608-524-2850, http:// dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/400/

Wiouwash State Trail Birnamwood-Split Rock and Hortonville-Oshkosh, 41-miles crushed limestone, 920-232-1960, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/ wiouwash/

Bannerman Trail Waushara, 7-miles dirt, gravel, shared horse trail, , http://www.traillink. com/trail/bannerman-trail.aspx


Elroy-Sparta State Trail Elroy-Sparta, 32-miles crushed limestone, 608-463-7109, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/elroysparta/

Ahnapee State Trail Casco-Algoma-Sturgeon Bay, 46-miles crushed limestone, 920-3887199, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/ahnapee/



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Agonikak Trail Watersmeet, 12 mile paved, , http://www.wildernesslakestrails.org/ Bearskin State Trail Minocqua & Tomahawk, 18-miles & 6-mile crushed limestone trails, 715-536-8773, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/bearskin/ Devil’s River State Trail Denmark-Rockwood, 8-miles crushed stone, 920-683-4189, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/devilsriver/ Fox Cities Trails Neenah-Menasha, mixed paved trails, (920) 832-5905, Fox River State Trail Green Bay, 25-miles asphalt/crushed limestone, 920-448-4466, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/foxriver/ Heart of Vilas County Trail St. Germain, 40-miles paved, 800-236-3006, http://www. oneidacountywi.com/tr-hovc.php Manitowish Waters Trail Manitowish Waters, 6.1-mile paved, http://www.mwbiketrail.org Mountain-Bay State Trail Wausau-Green Bay, 83-miles crushed limestone, 920-448-4466, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/mountainbay/ Newton-Blackmour State Trail Village of Oneida Black Creek, 9-miles crushed stone, 920-832-4790, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/newton/ Nicolet State Trail Tipler, Long Lake, Newald, Cavour, Laona, Wabeno, Townsend, Mountain, Suring, Gillet, 89-mile crushed limestone, 888-889-0049, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/nicolet/ Oconto River State Trail Oconto-Stiles Junction, 8-miles crushed stone, 920-834-6995, http:// dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/oconto/ Sunset Trail (Peninsula State Park) Fish Creek, 9.6-miles crushed limeston, 920-868-3258, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/peninsula/trails.html Three Eagle Trail Three Lakes-Eagle River, 11-mile crushed limestone, 715-479-6400, www.3eagletrail.com Trestle Trail Neenah-Menasha, 1-mile paved, 877-303-9200, www. foxcitiesgreenways.org Wilderness Lakes Trail Land O’ Lakes, Watersmeet, 75 miles of trails and routes, 800-2363432, http://www.wildernesslakestrails.org Wolf River State Trail Crandon, Lily, Hollister, White Lake, 37-mile crushed stone, ballast rock, 715-478-3475, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/wolfriver/

Northwest Cattail State Trail Amery, Turtle Lake, Almena, 18-mile crushed stone, 715-537-6295, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/cattail/ Chippewa River State Trail Eau Claire-Durand, 30-miles hard surface trail, 715-559-9825, http:// dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/capcity/ 108

Eau Claire City Trails Eau Claire, 4-miles of paved trails, 715-839-5032, http://www. eauclairewi.gov/index.aspx?page=79 Gandy Dancer State Trail St. Croix Falls-Danbury, 98-miles; southern segment consists of crushed limestone, 715-485-9294, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/ name/gandydancer/ Old Abe State Trail Chippewa Falls - Cornell, 20-miles paved asphalt, 715-723-0331, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/oldabe/ Osaugie Trail Superior, 5-mile paved, , http://www.ci.superior.wi.us/index. aspx?NID=235 Pine Line Recreation Trail Medford-Prentice, 26.2 miles, 800-269-4505, www.medfordwis.com Red Cedar State Trail Menomonie-Chippewa River Valley, 15-miles crushed limestone, 715.232.1242, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/redcedar/ Saunders State TrailSuperior - Into Minnesota, 8.4 Mile, 715-3782219, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/saunders/ Stower Seven Lakes State Trail Amery-Dresser, 14-miles crushed stone, 715-485-9294, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/stower7lakes Tuscobia State Trail Park Falls, Loretta, Draper, Winter, Ojibwa, Radisson, Couderay, Birchwood, 74-mile crushed gravel, 715-266-7032, http://dnr.wi.gov/ topic/parks/name/tuscobia/ Wild Rivers State Trail Solon Springs, Gordon, Minong, Trego, Spooner, Haugen, Rice Lake, 104 miles crushed limestone, 715-378-2219, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/ parks/name/wildrivers/

South Central 400 State Trail* Reedsburg-Elroy, 22-miles crushed limestone, 608-524-2850, http:// dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/400/ Badger State Trail Madison-Illinois border, 40-miles crushed limestone/ashpalt, 608-5272335, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/badger/ Cannonball Path Fitchburg, 2.3 mile paved, 608.270.420, http://www.city.fitchburg. wi.us/departments/cityHall/publicWorks/CannonballPath.php Capital City State Trail Madison, 17-miles asphalt-paved trails, 608-224-3730, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/capcity/ Glacial Drumlin State Trail Waukesha-Cottage Grove, 52-mile crushed limestone/asphalt, 920648-8774, dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/glacialdrumlin/ Glacial River Trail Fort Atkinson, 16-miles paved, 920-563-7781, http://www. travelwisconsin.com/traffic-free-paved/glacial-river-bike-trail-200141 Janesville Spring Brook Trail Janesville, 5-miles paved, 608-755-3025, http://www.traillink.com/ trail/spring-brook-trail.aspx

Mascoutin Valley State Trail Ripon-Berlin, 20-miles crushed limestone, 920-929-3135, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/mascoutin/ Military Ridge State Trail Verona-Dodgeville, 40-miles crushed limestone/asphalt, 608-4377393, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/militaryridge/ Pecatonica State Trail Belmont, 10-mile crushed gravel, 608-776-5706, http://dnr.wi.gov/ topic/parks/name/pecatonica/ Pelishek-Tiffany Nature Trail Clinton - Allens Grove, 6-mile crushed gravel, 608) 757-5451, www. co.rock.wi.us Sugar River State Trail New Glarus-Brodhead, 24-miles crushed limestone, 608-527-2335, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/sugarriver/

Southeast Brookfield Greenway Trails Brookfield, 12-miles asphalt paved trails, 262-796-6675, www. ci.brookfield.wi.us Bugline Trail Menomonee Falls-Merton, 12-miles crushed limestone,, 262-5487801,www.waukeshacounty.gov/defaultwc.aspx?id=39530 Eisenbahn State Trail West Bend-Eden, 25-miles asphalt/crushed limestone, 262-335-5080, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/eisenbahn/ Fox River Trail Waukesha, 6-mile paved, http://www.midwestroads.com/craigholl/ bike/foxriverwauk.html Glacial Drumlin State Trail Waukesha-Cottage Grove, 52-mile crushed limestone/asphalt, 920648-8774, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/glacialdrumlin/ Hank Aaron State Trail Milwaukee, 12-miles, paved asphalt, 414-263-8559, http://dnr.wi.gov/ topic/parks/name/hankaaron/ Ozaukee Interurban Trail Mequon-Belgium, 30-miles paved, 262-284-9288, www.interurbantrail.us Lake Country Recreation Trail Waukesha, 15-mile paved, https://www.waukeshacounty.gov/ defaultwc.aspx?id=39531

Racine/Sturtevant Trail Racine-Sturtevant, 3.5-miles paved, publicworks.racineco.com/Biking/ Seven Waters Trail Burlington - Muskego, 17 Miles Crushed Gravel, publicworks.racineco. com/Biking/ Springbrook Trail Janesville, 5-miles paved, www.traillink.com/trail/spring-brook-trail. aspx White River State Trail Elkhorn-Burlington, 12-miles crushed limestone, 262-723-3980, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/whiteriver/

Southwest Buffalo River State Trail Mondovi, Eleva, Strum, Osseo, Fairchild, 36-mile crushed limestone, 608-534-6409, dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/buffalo/ Cheese Country Trail Green, LaFayette and Iowa Counties, 47-mile loose gravel shared atv trail, 608.776.5706, http://tricountytrails.com Coon Prairie Trail Vernon County, 5-mile asphalt, 608-637-2575, www.vernoncounty.org/ parks/MUP.htm Elroy-Sparta State Trail Elroy-Sparta, 32-miles crushed limestone, 608-463-7109, http://dnr. wi.gov/topic/parks/name/elroysparta/ Great River State Trail Onalaska-Trempealeau, 24-miles crushed limestone, 800-873-1901, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/greatriver/ Hillsboro State Trail Hillsboro-Union Center, 4-miles crushed limestone, 608-489-2521, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/hillsboro/ La Crosse River State Trail La Crosse-Sparta, 21.5-miles crushed limestone, 608-269-4123, http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/parks/name/lacrosseriv/ Pecatonica State Trail Belmont, 10-mile crushed gravel, 608-776-5706, dnr.wi.gov/topic/ parks/name/pecatonica/ Pine River Recreation Trail Richland Center, 15-miles crushed limestone, 608-647-6205, www. richlandchamber.com

MRK Trail Racine, 5-miles paved, http://publicworks.racineco.com/Biking/

Mississippi River Trail Itasca, MN-New Orleans, LA, 3,000 miles on-road/trails, 479-2360938, www.mississippirivertrail.org

New Berlin Recreation Trail New Berlin, 7-mile paved, , http://www.waukeshacounty.gov/defaultwc. aspx?id=39532

Rock River Trail Fond du Lac to Rock Island, Illinois, 320 mile network of roads and trails, http://rockrivertrail.com/maps/

North Shore Trail Racine, 3-miles paved, publicworks.racineco.com/Biking/

Tri-County Corridor Trail Ashland Marina on Pulp Hoist Rd. (Ashland) to Osaugie Trail at Moccasin Mike Rd. (Itasca), 61.8-mile asphalt and crushed stone, 800-942-5313, http://www.travelwisconsin.com/traffic-free-paved/tricounty-corridor-trail-199133

Oak Leaf Trail Milwaukee, 100 mile loop paved trails/on road routes,, 414-257-7275, www.county.milwaukee.gov/OakLeafTrail8289.htm Pike Bike Trail Kenosha, 10.2miles, 800-654-7309, www.travelwisconsin.com

Trestle Trail Neenah-Menasha, 1-mile paved, 877-303-9200, www. foxcitiesgreenways.org



A Year In Review Pictures and Stories of All Things Wheel & Sprocket At Wheel & Sprocket, we live to share our passion for cycling by making a positive difference in our community. In fact, no one has done more to grow cycing as a whole on a local, state, and national level than Wheel & Sprocket. We believe in bikes for everyone and take pride in being your local, family-owned, and full-service bike shop. Looking back at 2015, we are overjoyed by all of the people we’ve met, miles we’ve logged, and experiences we have turned into lifetime memories. From touring the

Canadian Rockies to hosting our very first Fat Bike Race Series (Hugh Jass), 2015 reminded us about the importance of sharing rides with good friends. We’re happy to announce our title as “Top Workplace Winners of the National Bike Challenge,” as well as our continuous recognition as one of “America’s Best Bike Shops.” People enjoy their ride with Wheel & Sprocket because we’re with them every step of the way. We’re looking forward to helping more people make 2016 their best year for cycling.

2015 highlights

National Bike Challange Workplace Winners

Our 100+ staff members helped us log just shy of 100,000 miles in 2015!

Canadian Rockies Tour- Jasper, AB 18 people, 250 miles of breathtaking views and climbs, and the unification of the Kegel & Hanley families.

Ride Across Wisconsin 1 day, 175 miles, 450+ riders, and 10 Wheel & Sprocket mechanics to make this epic ride all possible.

wheelandsprocket.com 110

Hugh Jass Fat Bike Series 7 “race” series in the backyards of all of our stores with lumberjack games and fun time guarentees!



MAKE WISCONSIN A BETTER PLACE TO RIDE A BIKE, GET COOL STUFF Becoming a Wisconsin Bike Fed member doesn’t just mean joining the biggest statewide bicycle advocacy group in the nation — it also means getting up to 20%

off at bike shops across the state, recieving this magazine at your door four times a year, and being a part of the movement to move

Wisconsin bicycling forward.



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SUPPORT WHAT YOU LOVE. We love the balance that the bicycle brings to the world and its power to make people, communities and the planet healthier. In addition to creating products that make cycling safer and more enjoyable we pledge time, resources and profits to organizations working for sustainable transportation solutions. BETTER BICYCLE PRODUCTS FOR A BETTER WORLD



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