2007 Fall 2.1 | Terrace Views

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2007 VOL. 2, NO. 1



Terrace Views


World Music Festival Page 3

Morgridge Center and the Kauffman Grant Page 7

History of Memorial Union Page 8

The Iron Cross Page 10

Terrace Views Editorial Directors Glenda Noel-Ney Julie Vincent - BS ‘74, MS ‘79 Membership Coordinator Ian Stewart Contributing Writers John Barnhardt ‘08 Sietske Brown BA ’99, MS ‘07 Lucy Lloyd ‘69 Amanda McGowan ‘08 Tristan Sather ‘07 Forest Taylor ‘07 Jamie Williams ‘07 Editorial Advisors Chris DuPré Marc Kennedy ‘87 Jan Montgomery ‘59 Design, Layout and Production Jan Montgomery ‘59 Connie Reeves Mary Rohrdanz Janet Trembley Terrace Views is published three times a year by the Wisconsin Union and funded in part by the Memorial Union Building Association (MUBA).

Address Comments or Questions to: Ian Stewart Membership Office Rm 410 Memorial Union

Letter From the Director “The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.” —Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887) This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Wisconsin Union on the UW-Madison campus. For all but the first 60 years of the University’s existence, the Union has been a home for its thousands of students, faculty, staff and alumni— as well as the greater Madison community. What started as a new idea for a small midwestern university has grown into a nationally recognized campus landmark. Little more than a men’s club at first in 1907, the Union now offers over 1,000 programs annually and provides important services to the campus in various locations—the 79-year-old Memorial Union, at Union South near Camp Randall and in eight academic buildings around campus. Throughout this issue of Terrace Views you will find stories that demonstrate our philosophical foundation over the last 100 years—students are at the center of all that we do. However, we are more than a “student center.” We have always been—and always will be—a place that builds community among all our members. We have held fast to our belief that students are the best ones to lead that community building effort. Our feature articles on the Union’s founding, its early years and today’s program highlights all have that in common. While it may seem “common” to those of us who have always experienced the Union this way, it was not commonplace at all in 1907. After reading this issue, I ask you to consider this—“What would the Union be like without student leaders … student volunteers …. student employees?” Would it still provide thought-provoking programs, exciting entertainment and almost a round-theclock service to the campus and community? I doubt it. Certainly it would be a great loss to all of us who use the Union regularly. Even more significant would be the educational loss. The Union plays an important role in the Union’s educational mission—through the learning that occurs while programs are planned and presented, in the dialogue they foster after-the-fact and in the coming together of diverse people, cultures, disciplines and perspectives. Creating a place for this to happen in 1907 and supporting it philosophically with student leadership was truly remarkable. The fact that we take that for granted today speaks volumes to the Union’s success over the years. We have all of you to thank for that. I invite you to enjoy this issue of Terrace Views. When you’re finished, stop by the Union. Join us as we begin our next 100 years! All my best,

800 Langdon Street Madison, WI 53706 Phone: (608) 262-2263 membership@union.wisc.edu


Web: www.union.wisc.edu Cover photo from Wisconsin Union archives



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Los Martires del Compas at World Music Festival, 2005

September Heralds World Music in Madison Madison World Music Festival continues to celebrate diversity in its fourth year. One of Madison’s highlights returns on September 13-15 when the Wisconsin Union Theater, collaborating with other campus departments and community groups, presents the 2007 Madison World Music Festival. In its fourth season, the festival will bring extraordinary artists from all over the world for free performances on the Terrace, in the Theater and possibly in other venues such as Music Hall. According to Esty Dinur, chair of artistic selection for the festival, the 2007 World Music Festival has taken on a gypsy theme with three gypsy acts appearing, one each night. “Each year themes emerge, but this time we decided to do kind of a showcase,” Dinur said. The three Romani (Gypsy) acts include Gypsy All-Stars, led by the young Macedonian/Turkish clarinet virtuoso Ismail Lumanovski, with Tamer Pinarbasi from Turkey on kanun, Panogiotis Andreu from Greece on bass, Seido Salifoski from Macedonia on percussion/darbouka and Zildjian Award winner Jordan Perlson from Philadelphia on drums. The members of the Hungarian Romano Drom, whose name


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means “Gypsy Road” in the Romani language, use Tsollar, Lovar, Beash and Romanian melodies to create the band’s repertoire, which is also influenced by Spanish and Arab music. The Dhoad Gypsies from Rajasthan, India— the birthplace of the Roma people—comprise the sapera-kalbelya ('fakirs,’ dancers and snake charmers), the langas (poets), the manganyar (troubadours) and musicians to create an atmosphere of magical enchantment and an extravaganza of sound expressed through a whirlwind of glittering, shimmering colors and dance. The Middle East is represented with three fantastic acts. Haale, who was born in New York City of Iranian descent, performs an allPersian show and creates a trance-inducing tapestry. Gerard Edery sings in Spanish, Ladino and Hebrew; his trio performs Sephardic folk songs and music, ranging from the Renaissance to today. The Maurice El Medioni and Roberto Rodriguez Trio offer a brilliant cross-cultural collaboration between Algerian Jew and Rai pioneer El Medioni and Latin Cuban drummer Rodriguez, bringing two distinct musical roots into a new 21st century fusion. Also from Cuba (via Holland) comes Estrella’s Guajira with vocalist Estrella Acosta and seven of the best Cuban musicians in Europe who will take you on a trip through

their land’s countryside with a fresh take on traditional songs. World Music Festival student coordinator Jessica Benish said she is particularly excited for Estrella Acosta’s dance music performance. “If it’s out on the Terrace, people will get really into her,” Benish said. José Cobles, nicknamed Puerto Plata, is from the Dominican Republic and sings in a style reminiscent of the Dominican guitar tradition of the 1930s and ’40s when bolero, merengue and son were all variations of the same Afro-Iberian fusion. His band includes virtuoso guitar legends Edilio Paredes and Frank Mendez. From Colombia comes the 70-year-old Petrona Martinez, one of the most authentic Afro-American voices of the Caribbean. She is the reigning queen of bullerengue, an AfroColombian dance rhythm which originated in the small towns of Bolívar and Córdoba as songs to be sung by pregnant women confined to their homes, unable to attend village dances. Zimbabwean Louis Mhlanga performs a refreshing, contemporary approach to the traditional African dance rhythms of his country. He has played with Orchestra Baobab, Oliver Mtukudzi and Habib Koite and produced albums for King Sunny Ade, Vusi Mahlasela and others. Dobet Gnahore, the Ivory Coast dynamo who performed in the Theater as part of “Acoustic Africa,” plays in the Willy Street Fair as part of the World Music Festival. “We get the kind of music that is really not available to Americans nowadays,” Dinur said. “One regret is that, because I am one of the organizers, I miss some of it. I want to be there as an audience member.” An act Dinur is especially excited for is Dragon Knights, an act of stilt walkers who are also puppet masters dressed in impressively embellished costumes. “They’re from another world, not another country,” she said. Benish urges all music lovers to come enjoy World Music Festival. “This year World Music Fest is going to have something for everyone,” Benish said. “Everyone should come out. It’s going to be a really, really great weekend. I’m so excited.” The list of acts for World Music Festival 2007 is still incomplete. Please check the Wisconsin Union Theater’s website, www.uniontheater.wisc.edu, to see an updated schedule and to learn more about each scheduled performer.


Wisconsin Union Theater Season—Sure to Delight

Lila Downs

This fall brings an amazing new season at the Wisconsin Union Theater.

This year’s season runs from the ten dancers and five musicians of Tango Fire to harpist Yolanda Kondonassis with the Rossetti String Quartet to the amazing Complexions Contemporary Ballet. If World Music is up your alley, then you must see sitarist Anoushka Shankar, Ravi Shankar’s daughter, who will be bringing her Rise Project to the Theater. And how about the Israeli-Ethiopian Idan Raichel Project; African musicians Youssou N’Dour and Hugh Masekela; or the 2005 World Music Festival sensation Lila Downs? If you enjoyed Joshua Bell last season, then be sure to pick up tickets for Hilary Hahn, 27-year-old violin superstar. The Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher O’Riley, Frederica Von Stade and Anonymous Four with Darol Anger and

Scott Nygaard are some of the other performers in our Concert Series. Jazzy souls will go crazy for Paquito D’Rivera, a Cuban born clarinetist; 81-yearold drummer Roy Haynes; and up-andcoming youngsters Gretchen Parlato and Esperanza Spalding. On September 20, Andrew Bird will bring his multi-genre inspired folk rock to the Union Theater. American Players Theatre will bring “The Merchant of Venice” and Olympia Dukakis will perform her acclaimed “Rose.” These are just some of the 32 acts and two festivals in the 2007-2008 season, so be sure to look at our complete listing of events at www.uniontheater.wisc.edu.


Edgar Meyer and Mike Marshall, bass and mandolin

Where Quality Endures and New Traditions Begin


Special Events

Hilary Hahn, violin



Andrew Bird

Yolanda Kondonassis, harp, and Rossetti String Quartet



Madison World Music Festival Free FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 8 p.m.

Anoushka Shankar “Rise Project” WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 8 p.m.

The Idan Raichel Project THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 8 p.m.

Youssou N’Dour THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 8 p.m.

Hugh Masekela’s Chissa All-Stars


2007-2008 SEASON

American Players Theatre: “The Merchant of Venice”

Keyboard Conversations® With Jeffrey Siegel Mills Hall TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 7:30 p.m.

America—Fascinatin’ Rhythms!

Jazz Series SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 8 p.m.

Paquito D’Rivera Quintet

Travel Adventure Film Series OCTOBER 1-2, 7:30 p.m.

Tibet, A Light in the Darkness, with Sean Cassidy & Patricia Keith OCTOBER 29-30, 7:30 p.m.

La Belle France with Monty Brown

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 7:30 p.m.

NOVEMBER 19-20, 7:30 p.m.

Festive French Fare

Pacific Coast with Bob DeLoss

This schedule includes events for the first half of the 2007-2008 Theater Season. For a complete listing, go to www.uniontheater.wisc.edu


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Students Foster Art Sale Success When Christena Gunther first joined the WUD Art Committee in 2003, not very many people knew of the Student Art Sale. It was more of an afterthought for the committee, not many students submitted work and not many people showed up. But all that has changed over the past few years. The idea of an annual student art sale, an all-but-elapsed event in the Wisconsin Union Gallery Committee’s long history of many different types of art sales, was reincarnated in 2003. Under the leadership of director Laura Parke Amundson (200203, 2003-04), the Art Committee revitalized the sale and put it back on the official annual agenda. When Christena was appointed director in 2004, she and her committee took on the challenge of refining, reorganizing and developing the program into what it is today. “The students systematized the process,” said Robin Schmoldt, Art Committee advisor and collection manager. “Christena and her committee reorganized it and made it much more professional.” The committee developed an effective inventory system to keep track of every transaction and kicked up their marketing efforts to get more student artists to submit work and more potential customers to attend the sale. They also made the sale more user-friendly by adding informational signage, changing the hours of sale to cater to people working on and off campus and dedicating more time to great presentation of the work. After the sale was reformulated for 2004, it started to see an exponential increase. In 2003, just over $300 in student art work sold and eight artists had sales. Over the past three years, the sale has consistently sold over $1,500 in student artwork, with an average of 18 artists with sales each year. “Since implementing these changes, each year sales have increased and the quality of art work is high and diverse— ranging from jewelry, stationery, paintings, prints, drawings, photography and ceramics


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in a variety of styles,” Christena said. “Every year since [the sale was reformulated], the sale has seen incredible growth and development,” Robin reiterated. “As excitement about the sale spreads via word of mouth, more student artists are getting involved and more community members are walking through the doors.” The sale has gained a reputation over the last few years as a great place to obtain student art at reasonable prices. It has also received good coverage from the Wisconsin State Journal and other local publications. “As soon as we open our doors, we will have people coming in to get first dibs on the ‘cool’ stuff,” Robin said. Both Robin and Christena agree that the sale is a wonderful opportunity for all involved. “The student artists gain knowledge in sales and receive much-needed cash; the customers purchase original art that is of high quality and an affordable, reasonable price; and the WUD Art Committee takes a small commission of each sale to go toward purchasing art for the Union and paying for gallery supplies,” Christena said. “This is one of the few instances where everyone benefits.” Christena enjoyed her two-year term as committee director. “Working closely with WUD's dedicated volunteers is always a pleasure,” Christena said, “but from a selfish vantage point, I liked working the sale so I could have first dibs on all of the great art!” Christena purchased numerous prints from the sale and now has them framed and hanging in her apartment in New York City, where she is working on her master’s degree in Visual Arts Administration at NYU. “Visitors to our apartment always compliment the art and with pride I tell them it's by Madison artists.”

The annual Student Art Sale takes place every November in Memorial Union’s Porter Butts and Class of 1925 Galleries. This year, the sale will take place from Nov. 14-16. For more information, visit the Art Committee’s Web site, http://www.union.wisc.edu/art.

Wisconsin Union Gallery Schedule September 28 - November 6 Opening Reception, 7-9 p.m. Sept. 28, Main Lounge Porter Butts Gallery: Sculptures by Alonso Sierralta Class of 1925 Gallery: “Good is Good, Bad is Better” by Huey Peckerhead (linocuts, acrylic & tempera paintings) Theater Gallery: Paintings by Doug Rassier Lakefront on Langdon Gallery: Glass artwork Martha Kauppi November 14-16 Wisconsin Union Galleries: Student Art Sale Hours to be determined; visit www.union.wisc.edu/art for more details. December 2 - January 22 Opening Reception 2-4 p.m. Dec. 2, Main Lounge Porter Butts Gallery: “Passion, Pathos & Pageantry” by Alex Wagman (sculpture) and Phil Joanou (oil painting) Class of 1925 Gallery: Photography by Cara Cole Theater Gallery: “Take Back the Light!” by John Norback (encaustic works) Lakefront on Langdon Gallery: Fairy tale inspired photo works by Jessie Eisner-Klyle


Plan ahead: Which Mini Course is right for you? Mini Courses has something to offer everyone this autumn, whether you’d like to take advantage of the last days of summer with one last outdoor adventure or you’re set on getting a head start this holiday season with gift-making or baking. Curling: Rocks on Ice - Tuesdays, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., Oct. 16 & 23 This on-the-ice course teaches the technique and strategy of this fast growing winter and Olympic sport. Sandhill Crane Weekend Odyssey – Saturday, 7:00 a.m. – Sunday, 7:00 p.m., Oct. 27 & 28 Travel to Indiana to see the fall staging of the Sandhill Cranes (25,000 cranes gathered in a single field!) and visit the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Holiday Gift Making: Mini Courses offers a variety of great courses so you can give thoughtful handmade gifts this coming holiday season: Holiday Candy Making – Monday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Nov.19 Handmade Card Making – Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Nov. 7 & 14 Mosaic Gifts – Mondays, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m., Nov. 5 – 19 Jewelry Chain Making – Thursdays, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., Nov. 1 – 29 Enamel Pendants & Earrings – Wednesdays, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., Oct. 31 – Dec. 5 Check out the full course listing of over 130 unique learning opportunities offered by your Wisconsin Union Mini Courses program this fall. Visit www.wisc.edu/minicourses or pick up a copy of Break Away!, the Mini Courses catalog. Call (608) 2623156 if you haven’t received your copy.

Hoofer Council 2007-2008: Slating a Year of Outdoor Opportunities and Student Involvement The 2007-2008 Hoofer Council has hit the ground running. With the difficult task of following up a year that saw a historic level of success with new events, a fabulous 75th Anniversary reunion and celebration and financial stability throughout the six Hoofer clubs, this enthusiastic group of 19 Hoofer leaders is looking to expand success to new heights. The fall semester provides the perfect opportunity to get new students involved in great outdoor opportunities available at Wisconsin Hoofers with the Memorial Union Bash, Hoofer Olympics and the popular All-Hoofer Kickoff. The Hoofer Council serves as governing board for Hoofers, working to support all Hoofer clubs through collective marketing, fundraising and program planning, is a


resource and knowledge-base for Hoofer leaders and also helps program events for Hoofers as a whole. The executive members of council are elected in the last week of March and they appoint officers to chair subcommittees and sit on Council. Each Hoofer club also appoints a representative to sit on Council. Council works on events such as MU Bash, All-Hoofer Kickoff, Hoofer Olympics, Winter Carnival and Hoofer Extravaganza. Following early success with a wellattended Hoofer Extravaganza in June, Hoofer Council President Tristan Sather and executives Kaitlin Janusz, Kyle Olsen, Patti Schmidt and Ryan Schmudlach will work with club representatives and committee chairs to tackle projects that apply to all Hoofer clubs.

The role of Hoofers within the Union Building Project is high on the list, as future years will see both exciting changes and new challenges for Hoofer facilities as the project gets underway. Also on this year's slate is improving the relationship between the Outdoor Programs Office and Outdoor Rentals, continuing financial stability within Hoofer Council and all Hoofer clubs, programming successful events and developing effective and resourceful student leaders. For more information on Hoofer Council, visit www.hoofers.org or email general@hoofers.org with any questions. -Tristan Sather, Hoofer Council President


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Morgridge Center Encourages Entrepreneurship with Kauffman Grant This fall, the Morgridge Center for Public Service is promoting entrepreneurship among UWMadison students and enhancing local business in Wisconsin through a $5 million grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. In December 2003, the Kauffman Foundation launched its Kauffman Campus Initiative, providing grants to universities around the country to begin programs to foster college students’ interest and support in local business, according to the Kauffman Foundation Web site. The University was selected in November 2006 to receive the Kauffman grant, Morgridge Center faculty director Michael Thornton said. The five-year grant attempts to encourage entrepreneurship among UWMadison students and to stimulate Wisconsin business by funding programs involving UWMadison students in local business. The university matches the $5 million with an additional $20 million in services and programs. “The Kauffman Foundation gives money to other non-profit institutions and organizations designed to help students get a leg up,” said Danielle Majors, a graduate assistant and grant writer for the Morgridge Center. The Morgridge Center is using the Kauffman grant to create internships for students with non-profit organizations and businesses around Wisconsin, focusing on

Dane County, Milwaukee and Ashland areas. The Morgridge Center chose to focus part of the Kauffman grant in the Ashland area to help increase the number of students from rural areas attending UW-Madison. Ashland can be used as a model to incorporate other towns into the program, “so students from rural areas consider UW as a viable option for college,” Thornton said. Majors said the goal is to get students into the UW-Madison System to work toward a degree. In the summer, students are sent back to their local community as business interns, where they could eventually return to become entrepreneurs. Internships will help prevent the increasing “brain drain” local communities such as Ashland experience when students leave to attend college and never return to their local community, Thornton said. “The desire of campus is to try to keep some of the students who are Wisconsin born,” Majors said. “A lot of Wisconsinite students in the Wisconsin system leave and go to other states.” Any UW-Madison student junior status or above, including graduate students, are eligible for an internship through the grant, Thornton said. The application procedure for spring 2008 internships begins this fall, and students will take service learning classes before interning with local organizations or businesses. While the Kauffman Grant funds continue for five years, Thornton hopes the program will continue long after the grant expires. “The idea is the Kauffman Grant would plant a seed on campus, and we would

Red Gym continue with the programs after the five years,” Thornton said. Thornton said the benefits of the Kauffman Grant are plentiful. The expertise of students on campus is valuable to businesses and non-profit organizations of Wisconsin. The program enhances strong civic engagement by local businesses while providing students with structured opportunities to learn about social involvement. The internships are paid, an attractive perk to most college students searching for a job that looks good on a resume. “Internships are things students really want to do,” Thornton said, “whether they’re paid or not.” For more information on the Morgridge Center for Public Service, visit www.morgridge.wisc.edu. To learn more about the Kauffman Foundation, visit www.kauffman.org —Amanda McGowan

News in Brief

Robin Schmoldt and James Allen F A L L

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Craftshop Mural Points to Creative Opportunities

Badger Bash: Tailgating at Its Best!

A new, hand-shaped mural now hangs outside the entrance of the Memorial Union Craftshop. The piece is composed of tiles hand-painted by Craftshop artists and mounted into the mural by Craftshop Manager James Allen. All Union guests are invited to come and view the newlymounted mural outside the Union Craftshop on the fourth floor of Memorial Union.

Join in the Badger Spirit at Badger Bash every home football game this fall at Union South. Festivities kick off two hours before game time and include the UW Marching Band, cheerleaders, pre-game coverage and contests. Visit www.union.wisc.edu/badgerbash for more information.


Wisconsin Union: The First 100 Years “Nothing that the professor or laboratory can do for the student can take the place of daily close companionship with hundreds of his fellows.” —President Charles Van Hise In its first 100 years, the Wisconsin Union has defined itself as the “heart and soul” of UW-Madison. However, the idea of this place, a Union, came long before the building and the Terrace we associate the Union with today. In 1904, President Van Hise called for a union and commons on the UW-Madison campus in his inaugural speech. By 1907, the Wisconsin Men’s Union was founded, bringing to life the idea of a center for students in Madison. The Union has grown to be a place where students, faculty, alumni and community residents can socialize and relax. In celebrating its centennial anniversary, we look at the Wisconsin Union’s history, 1907 to the Union we know today.



dollars—to create a building some would never use as students. On Armistice Day, 1925, UW President Glenn Frank dug the first shovelful of dirt, signifying the start of constructing a Union Building. Porter Butts was appointed the first Union Director in 1926. The Union’s governing body, Union Council, was created in 1927. The Memorial Union building formally opened on October 5, 1928.


In 1907, the student members of the Iron Cross Society organized the Wisconsin Men’s Union and leased the first floor of the university YMCA, located just west of the Red Gym. The Men’s Union popularized the YMCA by increasing student activity through billiard tables, games, dances, exhibitions, shows, meeting rooms and more. In 1916, the Men’s Union lease was terminated by the Y. The Y objected to the Union’s sale of cigars and use of billiard tables. The Union relocated to the Raymer House. By 1919, the Regents agreed to let the Memorial Union Building Committee of students, faculty and alumni raise $500,000 to build a Union building to serve as the University’s War Memorial. Regent President Walter Kohler, Sr., who later became Governor, agreed to chair the committee.

The 1920s were marked by the campaign efforts to build a Union building. In 1920, the Union Board presented its first concert series. During the early campaign years, sociology Prof. Ned Gardner traveled around the country finding “lost” UW-Madison alumni (since no records of alumni were kept at this time) and signing up individual pledges ranging from $5 to $500. “I took a train and went up there and got hold of one of the leading alumni and said, ‘I want to see Mr. and Mrs. So and So.’ He said, ‘You can’t talk to them – they’re poor. They haven’t got any money at all.’ I said, ‘They are graduates of Wisconsin; their parents were graduates of Wisconsin; and they’ve got children at the university. Let’s go talk to them.’ I went in and told them the university’s need, that the university was suffering a loss of morale because it had grown so large, and there were no facilities for students to get to know each other. This tall, old gentleman got up and said, ‘Professor Gardner, I think we’d like to take two of those life memberships.’” —Prof. Ned Gardner Jack Dollard, who assisted Gardner in 1922 and succeeded him in 1923, brought the campaign to campus, working with Union Board, class presidents and student service organizations in staging annual campaigns. In those campaign years of the mid- to late 1920s, one of every two students pledged $50 or more —the equivalent to about $500 in today’s


On October 12, 1929, known as “Black Tuesday,” the stock market crashed, beginning the Depression Era of the 1930s. On this day, all Madison banks closed. By noon, the Union was already issuing meal books on credit to 300 students caught without cash. Throughout the Depression, the Union was determined to provide students with the lowest costs possible. Prices were reduced 20 to 33 percent and meal prices were cut to an average low of 24 cents. In 1930, the first Salon of Art opened. In 1931, the Hoofers Outing Club was formed and the Memorial Union Craftshop opened. The Board of Regents approved the sale of 3.2 beer at the Union in 1933, making it the first union to serve beer at a public university. Women gained more privilege at the Union, opening the Katskeller for daily afternoon teas for women in response to the male-only Rathskeller. By 1937, women could enter the Rathskeller during the summer session. The Union was recognized by the Regents as UW’s Division of Social Education in 1935. F A L L

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The Union Theater opened October 9, 1939, with a performance by Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne in “The Taming of the Shrew.” Also in 1938-39, the Wisconsin Men’s Union and the Union Program Board dissolved. The Union’s programming responsibilities were turned over to the Wisconsin Union Directorate, a programming body, including women, to provide cultural, social and recreational programs.


By the early 1940s, sunburst chairs appeared on the Union Terrace. During World War II, 2,000 Navy personnel were fed in the dining rooms for three shifts a day, every day of the year, and all service men and women were given membership privileges. The Rathskeller fully opened to women for the first time in 1942-43. By 1944, there were 3.6 women for every man on campus, and in 1943-1944, Carolyn Hall became the Union’s first woman president.


1960s The political and social unrest of the 1960s brought many significant events to campus. In 1962, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a memorable speech to a Union Theater crowd. The Union became an increasingly popular student gathering place, with a 1967 survey showing 18,663 students entering the Union daily. In 1968, Porter Butts retired after 42 years as Union director. Ted Crabb, the Union student president in 1953-54, was appointed the second Union director. By 1969, Union programs truly reflected the 1960s era. Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young and Nathan Wright all spoke at the Union this year and a student production of the play Peter Pan led to a campus-wide ban on nudity in all University drama. “The culture was changing so much that every month felt like a different year … There was a sensibility among students that they could change the world. The student union was the cultural and political headquarters.” —David Maraniss, Washington Post reporter, UW-Madison alum and author of “They Marched Into Sunlight,” a book about Vietnam and the United States.



In 1983, the Memorial Union Building Committee purchased the necessary tools and dies to keep the sunburst chairs on the Terrace. In 1986, the legal drinking age in Wisconsin increased from 18 to 21 years old, meaning while all students were welcome at the Union, only those 21 years and older could drink the beer served. In 1987, thousands of visitors attended the grand opening festivities of a newly renovated Union Terrace. The Union’s Browsing Library served as the first home to the University’s Interim Multicultural Center in 1988. After years of success, the Union Theater celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1989 with many special programs, including the Vermeer String Quartet, The King’s Singers, a lecture by Rosa Parks and more.

1990s In 1995, the Morgridge Center for Public Service opened and became a department of Wisconsin Union. The Red Gym became its permanent home in 1998. By 1997, the Wisconsin Union launched its first Web site. In 1999, the Hoofers Riding Club found a permanent stable in the town of Montrose, just southwest of Madison.


The 1950s brought further advancement to the Union. In 1952, the original Memorial Union Building Committee became the Memorial Union Building Association (MUBA), a taxexempt educational corporation to serve the Wisconsin Union. In 1953, the Union celebrated its first 25 years with the production of the film “Living Room of the University,” portraying the purpose and programs of the Union. It won a Hollywood Screen Producer’s Award. In 1956, the Union kitchen and cafeteria were remodeled and expanded at a cost of more than $1 million. —Amanda McGowan F A L L

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During the 1970s, the Union had hit a crossroads. Enrollment and revenue were down and the campus decentralized. In spring 1971, Union South opened, serving the southwest part of campus. The new Union opened with the motto “Fewer Walls, More Bridges.” The Union expanded its programs as well, offering the first Mini Courses in 1972. In 1978, the Memorial Union celebrated its golden 50th anniversary with the theme “The Wisconsin Union: A Half Century of Constructive Involvement.” Also in the 1970s, the Union opened a day care and the first full-time blood donor center on a college campus.

The Union welcomed its third director Mark Guthier in 2001 as Ted Crabb retired. In 2003, the Union celebrated its 75th anniversary of the opening of the Memorial Union building. This decade also marked the creation of a Student Union Initiative. Much like the building campaign of the ‘20s, students once again took the lead in raising funds to renovate Memorial Union and completely redesign Union South. In October 2006, the Student Union Initiative passed, jump-starting a campaign to improve the Union buildings into the future. This year, the Wisconsin Union celebrates its centennial anniversary of the founding of the Wisconsin Men’s Union and all it has contributed to UW-Madison in 100 years. 9

The Iron Cross: A society servicing the university The wind blew up off Lake Mendota, pushing Richard Hollen’s jacket tight against his back and lifting his collar into his face as he hiked up Bascom Hill. He straightened his jacket and hunched his shoulders, letting the wind pass over him and continued his trek toward the square. For the second time, he briefly considered turning around. Finals loomed in the near future and he had quite a bit of ground to cover to catch up. He only lingered a moment though and then quickly pushed finals out of his mind for the last time. Right now, all he wanted was a relaxing evening with some friends. The wind gusted again, this time hitting him fully in the side of the face and throwing his hair wildly to the side. He scowled and tried to walk faster. Quickening his pace, he trotted down the other side of Bascom and strode toward the parade grounds. He thought again about the letter he had received from his old friend “Ducky” Bigelow, who had transferred to Yale from Wisconsin the previous semester. Something in the letter had caught his imagination and refused to go away. Ducky had written that, at 8 p.m. on a Wednesday, he had been visiting a friend at his apartment. Suddenly, there had been a sharp knock at the door, which his friend then answered. Two men in dark suits were standing outside, one holding a small, black briefcase. The other had clapped his friend roughly on the shoulder and said, “Skull and Bones: Do you accept?” His friend was thrown off guard, but he quickly pulled himself together and accepted the offer. He was then handed a small scroll and the two men left. Ducky had departed soon after, seeing that his friend wished to be alone. The experience had stuck with him though, enough that he had included a vivid description of it in his letter to Richard. Richard knew of the secret societies at Yale, but this was the first time he had ever heard a firsthand account. The thought of an


elite society, carrying out its work behind the scenes of everyday life on the campus, excited him, vaguely reminding him of a story he had read once in an adventure magazine. Of course, there would have to be some purpose behind such an organization. He began to think about how grand it would be if Wisconsin had an organization like that. Reaching the square, he turned into a brightly lit tavern, his head buzzing with ideas. He saw two friends enjoying a drink at a far table and, shouting a hello, went to join them. The Iron Cross, ancient symbol of the Teutonic Knights, became the title, as well as symbol, of UW-Madison’s very own elite honors society in the early 1900s. The conception of and initial push for Iron Cross was credited to Richard “Dick” Hollen by Willard Stephenson (Iron Cross 1907), and Willard believed that it had occurred sometime in 1902. In any event, the Iron Cross was already an established presence by the time Willard became a member. The society based itself on the idea of working for the good of the university, without thought of recognition or reward. Its credo—“Strength without ostentation”— encapsulated the society’s beliefs and values. Iron Cross members were originally taken on the faith or recommendation of a friend or university alumnus and election into the Iron Cross was based upon three years of actual campus performance. Every year, the Iron Cross shield would be chained to the pillars before Bascom Hall, the names of that year’s inductees etched into it. “That was how we found out who was elected,” said Ted Crabb (Iron Cross 1953), “You would walk by the front of Bascom and see your name on the plaque or someone else would see it and come and tell you.” Iron Cross inductees have the distinction of being the best of each class, those students who stand out among their peers both academically and through public service. The Iron Cross shields can be seen today on the walls outside the Rathskeller. “The shields are an ongoing tribute to the society that helped found and continues to support the Union,” commented Jeff Kunz (Iron Cross 1971), alumni chair of the

Memorial Union Building Association (MUBA). “We need these leaders again to help our University and its students by rebuilding Union South and renovating the Memorial Union.” Though relatively anonymous, it can be assumed that the Iron Cross carried out a great many tasks and services for the university and university presidents. As Willard Stephenson wrote in a letter to Porter Butts in the 1960s, “When he (President Van Hise) wanted something done, he had Professor Sharp come to me. An Iron Cross meeting would result.” After discussion, members would be selected to perform the required task and it would be carried out. Willard tells about how Iron Cross members were a driving force in cleaning up Big Ten football recruiting in the early part of the 20th century and how the Iron Cross organized the dunking in Lake Mendota of an entire platoon of University regiment after they had been insubordinate to a 2nd lieutenant. By far, the most visible Iron Cross achievement on campus has been the founding of the Wisconsin Union in 1907. At the request of President Van Hise to save the failing YMCA on Langdon Street, the Iron Cross established the Wisconsin Men’s Union, thus saving the YMCA from financial ruin. Once established, the Wisconsin Men’s Union used the main floor of the YMCA as a general place for students to gather. They installed club rooms, meeting rooms, newspapers, billiard and card tables and a cigar stand. Iron Cross members also persuaded some of the popular men on campus to rent rooms upstairs, solidifying the Union’s place in the collective student mind of the university. In 1916, the YMCA board, having been opposed to tcigars and billiard tables from the beginning and finally on solid financial footing, gave the Wisconsin Men’s Union the boot, prompting them to seek a new home. In 1928, through the hard work and selfless generosity of thousands of individuals, including many Iron Cross members, the brand new Wisconsin Union opened its doors, thus giving the entire university a place to call home. —Forest Taylor


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Celebrating 100 Years










Show your support of the Wisconsin Union and help us secure our place as the “heart and soul” of UW–Madison for the next 100 years. Your support will make a difference to the thousands of students, faculty, staff, annual and lifetime members, and community residents who enjoy this institution. Simply visit www.uwfoundation.wisc.edu, click on Wisconsin Union, and designate your gift, or you can mail your check, payable to the UW Foundation – Wisconsin Union to: UW Foundation, US Bank Lock Box, P.O. Box 78807, Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807 Please remember to indicate which fund you are supporting. For additional information on naming opportunities at the Wisconsin Union, contact Glenda Noel-Ney, Director of Development at 608-262-2687, or noelney@wisc.edu.

Current priorities for support include the following: Wisconsin Union Building Fund (12904520) Support the historic renovation of Memorial Union and reconstruction of a new, “green” environmentally sustainable south campus union. Wisconsin Union Theater Endowment (1290659) Continue the tradition of bringing world-class performers and inspirational speakers to the University and greater Madison community.

Morgridge Center for Public Service (12901311) Advance the Wisconsin Idea by promoting civic engagement, strengthening teaching and learning, and building collaborative partnerships through public service, servicelearning and community-based research. Hoofers Fund (12904606) Make outdoor recreation experiences accessible to everyone, through six different clubs offering fun and exciting activities for beginners to experienced outdoor recreation enthusiasts.

74th Annual Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts Participate in one of the Wisconsin Union’s most festive traditions— Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts—on November 28-30, December 1, 2, 4, or 5, 2007. Hors d’oeuvres are served at 5:45 p.m., dinner at 6:45 p.m. and the choir sings throughout the night! Union members can use the application below to buy tickets before the event opens to the public on October 1, 2007. For more information, visit www.union.wisc.edu/tudordinners.com or call (608) 262-2201.

The Wisconsin Union Tudor Holiday Dinner Concert Order Form ORDER NOW–DON’T DELAY! Ticket requests will be filled in order of receipt. Parking information and answers to frequently asked questions will be mailed with tickets. Tudor Holiday Dinner Concerts: November 28-30, December 1-2 & 4-5, 2007. Due to demand, please indicate your top three preferred dates, at least one of which must be a Tuesday-Thursday evening. 1._______________________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________ Please note two-tier price. Enclose payment based on first choice of date. Refunds for overpayment will be mailed with tickets, if necessary. Sun/Tue/Wed/Thur Fri/Sat

_____ Number of tickets $ _____ ($37.50/member • $42.50/non-member) _____ Number of tickets $ _____ ($40.00/member • $45.00/non-member) _____ Number of vegetarian dinners requested Ticket total___________ Processing fee $2.50 per ticket x ____ tickets = $___________ TOTAL $ ___________

Orders that do not include the processing fee will be returned.

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone ( _________ ) ___________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________________________________________________________ State _____________________________________ Zip Code ___________________________________________________________________________ Union Membership: ❑ Life ❑ Annual ❑ Student Membership or Student ID number _______________________________________________________________________ Payment: ❑ Check enclosed Please make checks payable to Union Theater Box Office. ❑ Visa ❑ Mastercard ❑ American Express ❑ Discover Card Number __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ Expiration Date: month _____________ year _____________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Return order form with payment to: Union Theater Box Office, 800 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53706 Please call (608) 262-2201 with questions.


Mary Osgood & Norm Plunkett

Union Sighting Many of Mary Osgood’s fondest memories as a student at UWMadison in the 1950s involve canoe trips with her dorm mates in the all-women’s Barnard Hall. After deciding the Union was a perfect place for a reunion, Mary and her husband, Norm Plunkett, traveled to Madison to spend a weekend catching up and reminiscing with nine of Mary’s Barnard Hall-canoeing friends. Mary graduated from UW-Madison in 1957 with a degree in child development and now lives in Denver, Colo., and Atlanta, Ga., and works as a watercolor artist. Mary is the fourth generation in her family to attend UW-Madison and can trace her family’s history in Madison to before the Civil War. Mary’s great-grandfather, Dewitt Clinton Salisbury, was a pioneer who settled in Oregon, Wis., in 1846. Dewitt and his brother lived in South Hall at UW in the early 1860s. In his last semester at UW, Dewitt was called to fight in the Civil War after Abraham Lincoln made a proclamation in 1862 to help save the Union. Two weeks before graduation, Dewitt left UW to fight in the war, saying he had learned everything he needed and didn’t need the diploma to prove it. Dewitt went on be a farmer, do some law work and serve as Dane County Superintendent of Schools. Dewitt’s daughter, Grace Salisbury— Mary’s grandmother—earned a teaching certificate at UW-Madison. Mary’s mother and father both attended college at UWMadison, and Mary and her brother followed in the family’s footsteps. Mary and Norm said they enjoyed their stay in Madison at the Union and can’t wait to come back. F A L L

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Wild GRAPEVINE F A L L 2 0 0 7 C O N N E C T I N G Y O U T O W I S C O N S I N U N I O N F R I E N D S & F A M I LY

In This Issue

Reflections From Ted Crabb Students in the Union’s 100 years

MUBA Trustee Doris Weisberg: An Engaged and Giving Supporter 16 Peter Antaramian: A High Standard of Leadership 17 Dan Erdman: Designing for the Future 19 Roland Liebenow 20

When the Wisconsin Union celebrates the 100th anniversary of its founding this fall, it can look back on a century of student involvement in governance and programs of the Union. Unlike many unions across the country, the Wisconsin Union has never called itself a “student union.” It has always served a broader group: the entire university community, as well as city and alumni members. Yet the Wisconsin Union is a “student union” in an important respect. It was begun by students; it is governed primarily by students; and its programs and activities are student-led and student-organized. It was the students of the Iron Cross society who formed the Wisconsin Men’s Union and the Union Program Board in 1907. The two organizations were unique. The Wisconsin Men’s Union was the first all-campus student governing board, and the Union Board was the first all-campus programming board. It sponsored programs in facilities around campus and in the city — from Bascom Hall and the Armory to the Parkway Theater on the Capitol Square. Students spearheaded the fund drive in the 1920s that raised the money to build the Memorial Union. One of every two students on campus during that decade contributed to the Union Building Fund. Students were part of the writing of the constitution for the Union in 1927, along with faculty and staff. In addition to changing the name of the Wisconsin Men’s Union to the Wisconsin Union, the new constitution called for a governing board composed of nine students and six non-students. This kind of student participation was unheard of at the time, but the proposal won support from the student body, the faculty and the Board of Regents. The governing board, known then and now as Union Council, was given the responsibility to set the policies for the new union. For the past 80 years, the student majority Union Council has provided the governance and leadership for the Union to stay current with the times. When the Union Theater opened in 1939, the Union Council voted to change the name of the original Union Program Board to the Wisconsin Union Directorate and made it responsible for the Continued ...


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programs in the new Union Theater, as well as for other all-campus programs. The council also recommended the formating of a new all-campus student governing board to replace the former Wisconsin Men’s Union. The new Student Board was approved by the student body in an allcampus referendum. For 100 years, the Union Program Board (until 1938) and the Union Directorate (since 1939) provided programming social, cultural and recreational programs for the campus community. In addition, planning these programs provided learning opportunities outside the classroom to supplement student “in class” learning. In the 1970s, when the University of Wisconsin merged with the Wisconsin State Colleges, the state Legislature recognized student governance. Enacting Wis. Stat. § 36.09(5), the Legislature made it official that students would participate in governing the respective campuses, along with faculty and academic staff. In response to the new merger legislation, the Board of Regents officially recognized Union Council and the Wisconsin Student Association (the

student governing board) as governing boards. In the last two years, students led the long and difficult effort to win student approval of an increase in the student segregated fee to provide substantial funding for a new south campus Union and for the refurbishing and updating of a portion of the Memorial Union. Each year of the last 100, a new group of student leaders has emerged to take on the responsibilities and challenges of governing the Wisconsin Union. Over the years, these student leaders have addressed such questions as whether the Union should be a smoke-free facility, whether it should provide temporary housing for the MultiCultural Center, whether Playboy magazine should be sold in the Union and how much free speech could be accommodated in the Commons corridor, as well as the more mundane but fundamental issues of rental rates and the Union’s annual budget. And each year, the Union Directorate, the all-student programming board, has sponsored the lectures, music, films, art exhibits and outing opportunities that make the campus such a vibrant place. The

NEWS FLASH! Terrace Views is going online!

Directorate chairs and their committee members choose the lecturers, the performers, the artists, the bands and the Hoofer trips, handle all the technical details that go into presenting a performance or exhibit or running a ski trip, including the many financial decisions involved in operating free and paid programs under the Union budget. At the time of my retirement in 2002, I said what I believed, “that students are the Union’s largest constituency and the ones most central to its mission. At the same time, they are the ones in whom we place responsibility for the running of the Union. If someone were to ask why we place so much responsibility for programming and governance in the hands of students, we would ask in return, ‘Why would we not?’ We’ve been doing it for all these years and we’ve sponsored thousands of educational programs that provided leadership training and experience for thousands of students.” This is the purpose and the essence of the Wisconsin Union. —Ted Crabb

Dear Union Members, I am pleased to announce that beginning with our Winter/ Spring issue, Terrace Views will be available on our Web site. We have implemented a subscription service that allows you to be notified when it has been posted—well before copies will be in the mail. For those of you who would rather read Terrace Views online, please go to www.union.wisc.edu/terraceviewssubscribe and fill out your subscription information. All you need to sign up is your name, an active email address and the ID number printed on the back page of this publication next to your name. If you have any questions, or have problems subscribing, please contact Ian Stewart at (608) 262-2263 or me at (608) 890-1736 and we’ll be happy to assist you. If you have any other ideas to enhance Union member benefits, don’t hesitate to contact me at jvincen1@wisc.edu with your suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely,

Julie Vincent Assistant Director, Wisconsin Union



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Welcome 2007-08 WUD Officers As another year begins at the Wisconsin Union, we are able to welcome our new Wisconsin Union Directorate officer team. The 2007-2008 officers are:

View from the Fifth Floor: Student Involvement in the Wisconsin Union Building Projects John Barnhardt, Wisconsin Union President In preparing for the Wisconsin Union’s new South Campus Union building and Memorial Union building projects, many students are finding ways to give their input and have a hand in the design process through new student led organizations. These groups, the “Design Committee,” and our newest student organization, “Wisconsin Union Initiative,” are focused solely on the Wisconsin Union Building Projects. The “Wisconsin Union Initiative,” composed entirely of students, except for a staff advisor, Facility Improvement Planner Gwen Drury, will begin meeting in fall 2007 and work to raise awareness, support and input for our Wisconsin Union building projects. This student organization will advance the Wisconsin Union’s mission by advocating for the Wisconsin Union. It will work to connect UW-Madison students to the Wisconsin Union building project, educate the campus student community on Union changes, building project updates, design forums and other similar business and recruit students to serve on design advisory groups as part of the Design Committee. The Design Committee began meeting last winter and has already made many advances in its mission to design the new Union buildings. This committee is chaired by myself, the Union President, and is composed of both staff and students. I was fortunate enough to have served on F A L L

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the committee last year, which should ease the transition to chairperson this year. The Design Committee meets biweekly. A few members traveled to Atlanta, Ga., this past spring to attend the 2007 ACUI (Associated College Unions International) conference. At this conference we learned a lot about the design process that we are beginning, saw many union design conceptual drawings and presentations, and were also able to converse with many accomplished architects from around the country. At the last design committee meeting of the semester, all of the Design Advisory Groups (DAGs), small design teams focusing on more detailed aspects of the building project, presented their findings and recommendations for design, so far. The presentations were outstanding! The Design Committee showed how invested they all were in every aspect of this project with presentations from the Outdoor Spaces DAG, Sustainability/Green Design DAG, Future of Hoofers Group, Programming DAG, Architectural Materials DAG, Recreation Project Team and the Microbrewery/Sports Pub DAG. Both of these student-led groups will work closely this fall with the rest of the Wisconsin Union to help this building project succeed on all fronts. Please look for updates and information on these groups and information on other Wisconsin Union happenings at www.union.wisc.edu.

John Barnhardt, Union President; Megan Reinbold, Vice President for Program Administration; and Amanda Green, Vice President for Public Relations. John Barnhardt is a senior majoring in legal studies and expects to graduate in May 2008. Originally from Eau Claire, Wis., John transferred to UW-Madison from Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste Marie, Mich. Last year, John served as the Alternative Breaks director on the Wisconsin Union Directorate. Megan Reinbold is a senior majoring in engineering mechanics and astronautics and also expects to graduate in May 2008. Megan’s hometown is Plymouth, Minn. Megan was the Hoofer President for 2006-2007. Amanda Green came to the Union all the way from Austin, Texas and is majoring in consumer science and political science. Amanda also plans to graduate in May 2008. Last year, Amanda served as the Vice President for Programs for Hoofers. —John Barnhardt


Doris Weisberg

MUBA Trustee an Engaged, Giving Supporter “The Union really was a second home for me on campus and made a big campus seem manageable,” MUBA Trustee Doris Weisberg said. “It provided many hours of happiness for me.” Doris graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1958 with a bachelor’s of science in psychology. She joined the Union Directorate during her sophomore year, was elected chairman of House Committee her junior year and served as Union president her senior year. Doris was first attracted to becoming involved in the Union because of the student leadership and teamwork opportunities it offered. “I liked the idea of a group working for one common purpose, and I loved learning about how to put on big events,” Doris said. “I learned how to lead a group and the value of community service.” She also made many great friends. “The Union was just a very fun place for a student in the 1950s,” she said. “It’s important for all of us to know that the Union has been supported by students from the start, and that we need to continue to contribute to good things and to places that have been good to us,” Doris said. “The Union is an institution on campus that contributes so much to student life, and I think it has given so much to me 16

that it seems just right to give back.” Today, Doris continues her involvement with the Union through her support of contemporary political discussion on campus. Raised to be aware of what was going on politically, she has been interested in politics all her life. “I came from a family that talked politics 90 percent of the time,” Doris recalled. “My dad was very interested and involved, and everyday was a synopsis of what was going on.” Her husband Robert, shares her interest in national and world affairs. Together they created the Doris and Robert Weisberg Current Issues Symposium Fund, which enables the Union to bring noteworthy speakers presenting on current affairs to campus, benefiting teaching, research and public service at the University. “It is my hope to see that students at the University today are interested in what’s happening in the world of politics, and that they have the opportunity to listen to people speak and attend seminars that they are interested in and that are relevant to their lives,” Doris said. Doris likes to remain involved and upto-date with the activities of the Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) Contemporary Issues Committee. “It keeps me in touch with what college students are thinking about now,” she said. She enjoys brainstorming topics students today may be concerned about and is satisfied that, over the past five years, the committee has successfully presented topics right on target with student interest—from conservation to immigration to the future of the food supply. Doris and Robert’s support of political activism also inspired them to include a bequest in their estate plans that will establish the Doris Feldman Weisberg and Robert Weisberg Chair in Liberal, Political Thought, which will support and honor a distinguished faculty member in the department of political science at UWMadison. Although Doris had lost contact with the University for about 30 years, she returned to Madison on vacation and fell in love with it all over again in 1997. When Ted Crabb called in 1999 and asked her to consider serving as an associate trustee for the Memorial Union Building Association (MUBA), she was thrilled. “As a trustee, I have the opportunity to give input and to determine the course of the Union in the

“When I go back to the Union today, I have to have a brat and I have to have an ice cream cone—fudge ripple.” —Doris Weisberg future,” Doris said. “That’s extremely exciting to me.” She was elected as a trustee in fall 2006. Doris grew up in Racine, Wis., and originally wanted to go east for college, but her father persuaded her to stay in Madison. Doris is happy she stayed. “I’ve been associated with many colleges. Each one is unique and different, but my favorite is Wisconsin.” Doris did eventually move east. After her time at the UW-Madison, Doris moved to New York, earned her PhD from Columbia, and taught speech pathology and audiology at City College in New York for 26 years, serving as chair of the speech department. During that time, she also took on side projects in an area that has been a lifelong passion—food. One of her side projects included starting the prestigious Cooking School at Macy’s Department Store in New York City. Doris married Robert Weisberg in 1969. Robert, a native of Brooklyn and a graduate of Brooklyn College, is wellknown as a pioneer of cable television. Robert was one of the co-founders of HBO and developed Bravo and American Movie Classics, two popular cable networks. Robert volunteers for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in American (CAMERA), a media watchdog group based in Boston that monitors media coverage of Middle East reporting. When Doris retired from her career teaching, she was asked to be part of the launch team for a then brand new television network—the Food Network. Doris eagerly accepted the position, taking on the role of Food Editor of the network. Doris has also produced cooking programs for Lifetime Television. With her experience, Doris knows good food. “When I go back to the Union today, I have to have a brat and I have to have an ice cream cone—fudge ripple.” —Jamie Williams


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Peter Antaramian

Peter Antaramian: A High Standard of Leadership If you were to ask someone who knew him, chances are good that you will hear Peter Antaramian described as a “natural leader,” an outstanding individual with an engaging personality and an ear for anyone who had something to say. “That was one of the truly beautiful things about Peter—he took a real, genuine interest in knowing you,” said Jim Rogers, Hoofers Outdoor Programs Coordinator. “There was an immediate comfort zone when you met him.” A natural athlete, Peter immediately gravitated towards Hoofers after arriving in Madison, joining both the sailing club and alpine ski team. Peter was very popular and easy to talk to and never had a hard time making friends. In his junior year, he was elected Hoofer Council president by his peers. Peter took his leadership role very seriously. When he applied for Wisconsin Union president in 2000, he put his own


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personal philosophy down on his application, writing, “Leadership is a quality, not a title.” During his time as Hoofer president and then afterwards, as president of the Union, Peter exemplified just that quality of leadership, listening to everyone and doing his best to make sure that all of the student leaders in the various Union clubs and committees were involved and their voices were heard. “Peter did not take leadership; he looked at it as something he had to earn,” said Susan Dibbell, Assistant Director for Social Education. “He was very concerned with bringing everyone in and getting everyone involved.” During his time at the Wisconsin Union, Peter was the first recipient of the Lowell Frautschi Leadership Award, an honor given to students who have shown growth and talent in leadership and an understanding of the principles and ideals of the Wisconsin Union. In 2000, Peter was inducted into the Iron Cross society and, upon graduation, he was asked to serve as an associate trustee for the Union. He accepted the position eagerly. Not long after graduating from UWMadison, Peter was diagnosed with cancer and began to receive treatment. Despite his increasing sickness, Peter refused to compromise himself in any way. Susan Dibbell remembers Peter’s unhesitant support of the Union and his eagerness to help in any way possible. “Two years ago we did a study on the Hoofer Equestrian Club, and we asked Peter to come in and talk to the committee members. He was pretty sick at that time— he had lost his hair from the chemotherapy, but it was the same Peter. He never let his sickness limit him. He only looked forward.” Peter passed away in September 2006, but in the same way that he made it a priority to remember those around him, those who knew him well enough to call him a friend have not forgotten him. This year will see the creation of two

“Peter did not take leadership; he looked at it as something he had to earn,” said Susan Dibbell, assistant director for Social Education. “He was very concerned with bringing everyone in and getting everyone involved.” funds in Peter’s name. The Peter Antaramian Hoofer Endowment Fund, sponsored by his wife, Kristin Antaramian, will support Hoofers, and more specifically, special programs sponsored by the Hoofer Council that will encourage interest and participation in Hoofer clubs. The Antaramian Recruitment and Involvement Fund, started by Peter’s parents, will encourage greater student participation in WUD committees and clubs, with a focus on recruiting students and training them to become active participants and leaders of programs and activities at the Wisconsin Union, something Peter cared about very much. The fund will work on two levels—on one side, it will bring people into the Union as club members and leaders. On the other, it will work to make sure those students are actively involved with that club and the Union itself. Not just concerned with getting people in the door, the Antaramian Recruitment and Involvement Fund will have as much to do with what people are doing once they join. As Susan Dibbell says, “These scholarships are Peter—they fit him so well.” Though Peter passed much too early, in many ways he is still here, with his friends and family. Moments may be fleeting, but can live forever in the stories of friends, and it is in this way that Peter remains, with those who knew and loved him—in the moments they remember and the stories they tell. —Forest Taylor


Hoofer Riding Club Reaches Into the Community The Hoofer Riding Club (HRC) has continued on its road to success over the last few months due to various outreach efforts. The HRC was pleased to host several different events at its facilities in Belleville, Wis., and is continuing to expand its relationships with many different organizations at UW-Madison and in the Madison community. These events have allowed adults and children to take part in the many educational and social opportunities that the HRC and the Hoofer Equestrian Center have to offer. In March, in conjunction with the UW-Madison Department of Animal Science, the UW-Madison Veterinary School and Lake County, Ill., Extension, the HRC hosted a bi-state workshop entitled Equine Health Check-Up. Using Hoofer horses and several different stations, more than 40 participants had the opportunity to practice hands-on equine horse healthcare, which included emergency assessments that horse owners may have to cope with. The workshop was a great opportunity for vet students to hone and 18

practice their skills. Students learned how to provide useful demonstrations, allowing participants to perform proper assessments of their horses’ health. HRC members also participated in the event, learning not only how to provide injections, but also to recognize potential injuries and how to handle them. In other outreach news, the HRC hosted about 100 Future Farmers of America (FFA) students from more than 20 surrounding communities to allow them to practice their judging skills using Hoofer horses and riders. Students were given the opportunity to watch several HRC members display their riding abilities using the Hoofer horses, allowing FFA students the opportunity to continue developing the skills needed to judge a horse as well as the its rider. The HRC also hosted guest speaker Elaine Kramer, the first and only Wisconsin woman to be inducted into the Cowgirl Hall of Fame. Known for her accomplishments as a Roman Rider in the 1950s, Elaine showed her film “Dreams to Reality” and participated in a question-andanswer session. The event also showcased her memorabilia from throughout her career, giving attendees a glimpse into the life of an accomplished performer and horsewoman. The HRC opened up its trails to various groups and organizations for trail rides on HRC horses at the Hoofer Equestrian Center, including the Women in Science and Engineering program, the Hoofer Outing Club and a local Brownie troop. The Hoofer Equestrian Center offers rides on 300 acres of accessible trails, in beautiful scenery, providing students, adults and children with a chance to enjoy the horses and the great outdoors. This summer, the HRC also provided 15 kids from various Madison neighborhoods the chance to ride and learn about horses. The HRC is proud to be able to give these kids the opportunity to learn about grooming and tacking up horses, as well as riding lessons. —Sietske Brown HRC Marketing Chair

Faces at the Union Jamie Williams, Development Intern for the Wisconsin Union, graduated in May with honors. While at UWMadison, Jamie majored in journalism and spent one and a half years as an intern at the Union. Hired in May of 2006, Jamie was a major contributor to the look and feel of the new “Terrace Views” newsletter, even helping to come up with the name by spinning Tom Garcia’s idea of “View from the Terrace.” In July and August, Jamie traveled Greece and Egypt and, upon her return, plans to settle in San Francisco, at least for now. She will not be alone—former Union Membership and Development Intern Becky Sommersberger moved to San Francisco last summer as well. “I made a lot of really good friends at the Union,” said Jamie. “The Union and Terrace will always hold very pleasant memories for me.” Jamie’s replacement as Development Intern is Amanda McGowan, a senior at UW-Madison, also majoring in journalism and mass communications. Since joining the Union in May, Amanda has already become an invaluable member of the Union team. “My favorite thing about the Union so far has been the friendly atmosphere,” said Amanda. “I really enjoy coming to work everyday.”

News in Brief MU Movies MU Movies will be free starting this fall with screenings on Friday and Saturday only.

Union Tailgates Members can reserve space for personal tailgate parties so call Wisconsin Union Central Reservations at (608) 262-2511 to reserve space for 2007 UW Football season.


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Dan Erdman Designing the Future of the Union Although Dan Erdman does not feel like an oldtimer, he admits he has family ties to the Union going back over half a century. Today, as a member of the Memorial Union Building Association Board of Trustees and member of the Design Committee for the Wisconsin Union building project, he is working to extend those ties well into the future. “I really looked forward as a child to our family’s regular dinner outing at the Memorial Union cafeteria,” says the Madison native. “Back then it was a place for the

Dion Wisniewski: An Essential Student at the Union Dion Wisniewski views his job as the student supervisor at Essentials as an opportunity to exercise his leadership skills and to interact with the multicultural student body and Madison community. In fall 2007, Dion, a native of Delavan, Wis., will be a junior majoring in medical microbiology and immunology. Taking the advice of a friend, Dion began working at Essentials in August 2005. After working


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whole community, and there were lots of families dining there. The highlight for me was definitely the aquarium at the entrance.” Dan is the youngest child of UW graduates Marshall and Joyce Erdman. Joyce, as a student in the 1940s, became the first woman president of the Wisconsin Student Association and later served as a MUBA Trustee. In fact, it was Ted Crabb who asked Dan to fill the vacancy left on the board after his mother’s death in 1992. After graduating from the UW-Madison in 1980 with a bachelor’s degree in art history, Dan received a master’s of architecture degree from the University of Illinois in l986 and moved to San Francisco, in part to get “away from the family business.” That business was his father’s Marshall Erdman & Associates, a nationally recognized design and building firm in Madison. While Dan was working for a small architectural firm in San Francisco, his father recruited him to help develop and sell a new furniture system Erdman & Associates was manufacturing called Techline. Dan eventually did join the family business and moved back to Madison in 1991. Today he is back on his own, where his business pursuits range from designing

and building homes, to developing commercial real estate, to owning a small neighborhood café. While an undergraduate at the UWMadison, Dan was a volunteer on the Memorial Union Art Committee and fondly remembers working with Jan Fox, the advisor to the Art Committee at that time. As a Trustee, Dan served as MUBA representative on the Union Council, where he was surprised by the students in the Wisconsin Union Directorate. “I was amazed at how much time and effort the students dedicated to their roles at the Union,” Dan said. “It’s nearly a full-time job for some of them. And I thought I had a full schedule as a student!” As a member of the Design Committee, Dan is happy to lend his experiences to the project. He will be involved in planning the new Union South building and refurbishing Memorial Union. As Dan aptly puts it: “This is a huge moment in the history of the Wisconsin Union, and I am excited to be a part of it. We all will be helping shape the future of the Wisconsin Union that will be around for years to come.” —Lucy Lloyd

two years at Essentials, Dion is now the student supervisor at the Essentials desk. When not working for Essentials, he facilitates two of the training workshops for new Wisconsin Union employees. One workshop is Union 101, which is an introduction to Wisconsin Union employment. It includes a history of the Wisconsin Union, a survey of the facilities and services available at the Memorial Union and Union South and customer service training. Another is cashier training which covers the Wisconsin Union’s cash procedures. All the Union employee training workshops are created and facilitated by students. The student leaders review and update the training annually. Mary Hoddy, the Coordinator for Staff Education and Training, advises the students conducting these workshops. Dion states that the single most important thing he has learned at Essentials is how to work with a hugely diverse group of people. “You work with and serve every ethnicity of student and staff and the

general Madison population. You learn to be very patient and to handle a wealth of information about the Wisconsin Union, the UW-Madison campus and the city of Madison. It is a great opportunity for Essentials employees to broaden their knowledge and awareness of all the programs and offerings at UW-Madison.” Essentials is in many cases the first and most important contact for visitors to the UW-Madison campus. The Wisconsin Union embodies the spirit of the University. It is “essential” these students get it right! In addition to his work at Essentials, Dion is a volunteer at Meriter Hospital in the Emergency Room. After graduating from college, Dion plans to attend medical school. Dion is an avid Wisconsin hockey and football fan and plays the violin in his spare time. We thank Dion and all the Wisconsin Union student employees for their contribution to the vitality and strength of the Wisconsin Union and the University. —Lucy Lloyd


living room with a working fireplace, a study and a large bedroom with twin beds. The adjoining bath had the longest tub I have ever seen. We were supplied with fresh towels and linens twice a week and firewood on demand. I had my own keys to the Tripp Commons entrance and a mail cubby hole at the Union Reception Desk (which was then upstairs next to the main entrance). As you are probably aware, traveling shows were also housed up there, and these created some unique personal experiences, such as having Rudolf Serkin knocking at the door, Ezio Pinza singing in his shower, and Porgy and Bess actors running up and down the corridors all night. Of course, dances and parties in Tripp Commons down below, which lasted until midnight, were something else if you wanted to sleep. Since graduation, my wife and I have enjoyed many events at the Union, from plays and travel film series to Tudor Dinners and Class Reunion Dinners in Great Hall. We even have spent an occasional night in your guest rooms. How sad that old Suite B was closed down; it was such a great place to live.

Roland Liebenow, past and present

Honoring memories A letter of remembrance Sharing with you a letter from a UW alum and lifetime Union member, reminiscing fond Union memories brought back to mind after reading Terrace Views. I attended the University of Wisconsin from 1940 to 1948, receiving degrees of Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine. The recent copy of Terrace Views of the Wisconsin Union reminded me of how much the Memorial Union has meant to me over the years. I have been a Life Member since 1943. Almost immediately as a freshman, I found the Union a place to frequent, from casual relaxation in the uniquely decorated Rathskeller and fascination with the Paul Bunyan Room to “get acquainted” dances in Great Hall. Later I found it a meeting place for a variety of organizations, such as the Camera Club and Alpha Phi Omega (Scouting Fraternity), Plaid Shirt Week Committee and a medical fraternity. I became 20

a member of the Union Workshop Committee in 1942 and 1943, took part in a bowling league at the Union Bowling Alleys, and sang on the Union Theater Stage in university men’s chorus competitions. Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi installations were held there, which enhanced the building’s prestige. There were also the old movies shown in the Play Circle at a very minimal cost. Over the years I enjoyed the special attractions provided by the Union. Plays put on by the Wisconsin Players, Haresfoot performances, national traveling shows and the University Concert Band. I especially remember Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne in “Oh Mistress Mine.” Then there were the Formal Balls; the Junior and Senior Proms. What events with National “Name Band” and dancing in three locations—Great Hall, Tripp Commons, and (I believe) der Rathskeller. There was also the year that the Union held a New Years Eve Dance on Dec. 31, 1943. My date and I had our picture taken there, which appeared on a Section Frontispiece in the 1944 Badger. My most unique memories are related to actually living at the Union from 1944 to 1947. A medical school professor, Dr. Noel Gillespie, rented or leased Suite B over Tripp Commons and invited me to share it with him. Our common bond was the Scouting Organization. What a suite—three rooms: a

Sincerely Yours, Roland Liebenow, M.D.

Dr. Roland Liebenow earned his Bachelors of Science in Medical Science and his Medical Degree from the University of WisconsinMadison in 1944 and 1948. Roland had the unique opportunity to live in Memorial Union with Dr. Noel Gillespire from 1944 to 1947, one of the most convenient locations on campus for only $5.00 a month. After graduation, Roland worked in private practice for over 17 years in Lake Mills, Wis., and later served as Medical Director of North Western Mutual for 15 years. Roland still lives with his wife, Martha, in Lake Mills, Wis., and enjoys taking trips back to Madison to visit the Union, especially for performances in the Wisconsin Union Theater and the annual Tudor Dinners. Now retired, Roland stays busy with various local organizations, including the Lake Mills Library Board, Lake Mills Rotary Club, Lake Mills Historical Society and the Marquardt Manor Nursing Home Board. Roland also published two books, a compilation of articles he wrote about historical subjects for local newspapers in the past 13 years and small book on the history of London, Wis.


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Faces at the Union “My mother told me two things,” says Julie Vincent, Assistant Director of Member & Retail Services and Information Systems at the Wisconsin Union. “When I was a freshman, she told me that I had to buy season tickets to the Union Theater. When I was a senior, she told me to make sure that I bought a Lifetime Union Membership. The Union and the University of Wisconsin have been a family thing for me and I really feel at home here.” Julie Vincent has been at the Union for 19 years, spending a majority of that time as the Director of Food Service and, then, as the Assistant Director of Food and Retail. Recently, Julie transitioned into her new role and, in just a few months, has begun to revamp many of the older procedures and campaign materials. In addition to acclimating herself to her new position, Julie has continued to supervise Retail and Recreation. She has also started working more in Strategic Planning and with the Trustees. Between having worked at the Union for some time and being very project oriented, she feels she is adapting well to the new environment. Though considerably busy at the Union, Julie still finds plenty of time to enjoy herself outside the building. An avid gardener, Julie spends some of her spring and summer outside in her garden and in the fall, due to a number of oak trees, she spends considerable time raking. Julie also volunteers at the hospice in Fitchburg and, when at home, loves cooking, fine wine, knitting and sewing, her dog and entertaining friends. “I have so many favorite things about the Union,” says Julie, “On one hand, it’s the building itself. I love the architecture and the historical perspective. On the other side, it’s the people who work under this roof that make being here so special. And the Terrace! The Terrace is wonderful.”


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Grapeviner News 1930’s


JEAN FLEMING (WSGA ’33-’34, Voting Member ’76-‘85) Washington, D.C., is 97 and still walks more than a mile a day!

PETER BARRETT (Hoofers ’56-‘58) was inducted into the Madison Sports Hall of Fame in June of this year. PETER, one of the most accomplished sailors in the world, sailed in three Olympics, winning a silver medal in Tokyo in 1964 and gold in Mexico City in 1968. PETER passed away in 2000 at 65.

1940’s ARTHUR CRAGOE (House and UC WUD Rep ’48-’49) Springfield, Ill., was awarded the President’s Award in the Society of Actuaries for his years working abroad as a volunteer for the International Executive Service Corps since his retirement in 1992. ARTHUR’S last two assignments were in Ghana and Rwanda. ARTHUR and his wife Louise hosted a family reunion for their four children, spouses and grandchildren on Green Lake, Wis., in summer 2006. TOM BROWN (Activities Bureau ’42-’43) Rockford, Ill., is trying to travel more. He spends January and February in Santiago, Mexico, just north of Manzanillo each year and enjoys it very much. There, he stays in a lovely condo group overlooking the Pacific. He and his wife spent March in Colorado, trying to ski and will be taking a river cruise in Portugal this October. They also had their youngest grandchild graduate from high school last spring in Hudson, Ohio. KEN PALMER (Hoofers) Seattle, Wash., is recovering well from a triple bypass surgery in January. JERRY WULK (Theater ’44-’45, President ’45-’46) Long Beach, CA, was recently elected secretary of the Long Beach Arts Council. He is also a new board member of “Footlighters” for Musical Theatre West. He remains a member of the Los Angeles Taylor Sister City Committee and is an active volunteer for the Long Beach Symphony, Long Peach Playhouse. He also serves as President of the Board for AblilityFirst.

CAL MUTH (Film Committee ’50-‘51) Palm Bay, Fla., had a great trip to the Galapagos Islands. CAL is enjoying traveling; Northern Mexico/Copper Canyon, a Rhine cruise and Caribbean cruise so far. CAL is looking forward to visiting Chile and Argentina later this year. He had a great time with the family in Gatlinberg visiting Dollywood. STANLEY KRIPPNER (Forum ’53-’54) San Francisco, Calif., was an invited speaker at a conference on complexity theory in Pohnpei, Micronesia. STANLEY spoke on “Chaos and Complexity in the Dreaming Brain.” ROBERT COPE (Wisconsin Union President ’54-’55, Iron Cross ’55) Bath, N.H., and his wife, Margaret, are happily, and productively, retired. They live and labor on their farm in Bath, N.H., bordered by the Connecticut River. With their younger son, Tom, they raise Red Devon Cattle for grass fed markets. Their older son, Oliver, is an architect in New York and their daughter, Elize, is a lawyer in Portland, Maine. They have six grandchildren.

1960’s DENIS BERGER (Film Committee ’64’68, Chair ’66-’67) New York, N.Y., married Alice Simon, also UW Class of 1968, in that same year. DENIS and Alice have two daughters, Jennifer, 32, and Sabrina, 28. DENIS and his family all devote their time and energies into economic, health and social justice programs and movements. For the past 15 years, DENIS has been a proud member of the New York City Labor Chorus. To this day, DENIS is an avid filmgoer and his love of foreign films with real character 21

Grapeviner News development, great actors and “deep” storylines was pushed forward at Wisconsin. The WUD Film Committee, theater and all who worked together on film programming were a very important part of DENIS’S university life in those activist and life-changing times. Since 1978, DENIS has owned a custom silkscreen printing, embroidery and promotional products manufacturing business (www.2MProductions.com). One of its main purposes is to serve non-profit, community-based organizations in their fundraising and marketing.

Opera House, where he has been able to continue “playing union” as President of the Board and by booking talent for concerts. www.stoughtonoperahouse.com.

DENNIS SCHATZ (Vice President of Union Directorate ’68-’69) Pullman, Wash., was named an Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) Fellow, a distinction that has been awarded only 24 times in ASTC history. DENNIS is the Co-Director of Washington State LASER and Vice President of Education at the Pacific Science Center. DENNIS is the first non-government, non-CEO to receive this award.

LOIS ANN WITTICH (Gallery ’60-‘61) Phoenix, Ariz., daughter of Walter A. Wittich, class of ’32, celebrated her father’s 99th birthday with him at Royal Oaks Lifecare Community in Sun City, Ariz. Ms. WITTICH is busy creating and distributing her art works. For more information, visit www.loisawittich.com.

PATRICIA WELLS (Publicity Director ’69-’72) Paris, France, is the author of the recently released “Vegetable Harvest,” a cookbook which focuses on vegetables as the center of a meal, rather than a compliment. The author, or co-author, of nine culinary classics, PATRICIA lives in Paris with her husband, Walter. DANNY O’SULLIVAN (Hoofer Advisor ’60-’61) Stoughton, Wis., was the first fulltime Hoofer advisor from 1960-61, when PETER HARKEN was the sailing club commodore and PETER BARRETT was sailing in the Olympics and had the pleasure of working with PORTER BUTTS, TED CRABB and FAN TAYLOR. After leaving the Union, DANNY became Assistant Union Director at West Virginia University and later Union Director at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. DANNY was also active in the Association of College UnionInternational as chair of the Recreation and Outdoor Recreation Committees. Now retired, DANNY has settled in Stoughton, Wis., and was delighted to find that the city is restoring the Stoughton 22

KERRY McGRATH (Crafts ’63-‘64) Urbandale, Iowa, retired from the State Historical Society of Iowa in 2006. KERRY continues to volunteer on various historic preservation projects, research 19th century American history, work in her garden and hang out with Stephanie Ogden Grant (’64) and Barbara Fredrich Kennedy (’66).

KATHRYN LISS (International Club ’65’66) Asheville, N.C., is retiring and returning to Asheville, N.C., after five years in Maryland and Washington D.C. She expects to continue training in conflict resolution and mediation as an independent consultant.

1980’s JULIE P. VICTOR (Vice President of Personnel ’80-‘81) Chicago, Ill., and her husband Clyde Partner are just settling into a new home on Chicago’s northside Lincoln Square neighborhood. They live with their four-year-old son, Dylan, and their elderly dog, Ernie. Their home life is busy with attending to the needs of a funny, determined and curious little boy and an arthritic dog. JULIE has been a clinical social worker for 20 years and now maintains a private practice out of her home. She works with individuals, couples and families. Since the birth of her son, JULIE has developed a particular interest in the transition to new parenthood and runs groups for new mothers. JULIE maintains vivid and pleasing memories of her experiences with WUD and the Wisconsin Union.

JIM ROGERS (Hoofers and UC WUD Rep ’89-’90, Wisconsin Union President ’90-’92) Madison, Wis., is enjoying holding on to his hat keeping up with the Hoofer student leaders and their tremendous enthusiasm and programs—24 Big Brothers/Big Sisters to Tyrol to ski and board, a CPR class, three buses of students paying final amounts (over $28,000) for a Jackson Hole spring break, a Hoofer Council Retreat, rollerderby, a free night of climbing at Boulders for 110 campus participants—and all of that in just one weekend! In January, JIM spent a month backpacking in South America. Highlights included volcano-biking in Puerto Varas, Chile with Gustavo and enjoying the hot beaches of Rio. ANN KLEINHANS (Campus Outreach ’87-’89) Mauston, Wis., recently made a career change, moving into the challenging field of “human development,” when she and her husband George became parents to a beautiful little girl last June. After almost nine years in Investor Relations for Milwaukee-based Actuant Corporation, ANN feels very fortunate to have the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom. KARA MERTZ (Outreach ’87-’88) Boulder, Colo., has been the recycling coordinator for the city of Boulder for the past 13 years. She and her husband Steve have two children, one 13-year-old and a 10-month-old baby. KARA was just promoted to be the assistant to the city manager for Boulder.

1990’s KRISTINE ROTAN (Music ’92-’93) Portland, Ore., hopes to visit her mother next year in the Philippines, where her mother is working with Peace Corps. KRISTINE ran her first ultra-marathon on June 23. For the race, she was able to raise $1000 for the Women of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. KRISTINE is also looking forward to the final step in the promotional process to become a fire captain in the Portland Fire Bureau.


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Grapeviner News LORI WOODALL-SCHAUFLER (Director of Performing Arts ’97-’98) Port Washington, Wis., is still performing as an actress in California and Wisconsin, as well as the Chicago area. LORI has appeared in numerous national and regional commercials and industrials, as well as TV guest spots and independent film. Up next for LORI is directing Concordia University’s production of “Blithe Spirit,” where she’s currently serving as resident theater professor.

TIM PRINCE (Hoofer Council President ’90-’91) Portland, Maine, lives with his wife Lisa in Portland. He frequently uses his Hoofer skills while sailing on Casco Bay, skiing on area slopes, hiking on area trails and camping in the great outdoors! He also utilizes leadership skills, initially honed in Hoofer club meetings and WUD activities, while serving on the Board of Portland Trails and in his job as Vice President of Planning and Ancillary Services at Mercy Hospital.

RACHEL GALANT (Performing Arts Committee Director ’00-’01) Chicago, Ill., has been at her “new” job for a year at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Chicago as a staff occupational therapist. Her husband, Ron, has been working as a patent scientist at a Chicago law firm for a year now as well. He will also be starting parttime law school in the fall. Though busy, RACHEL and Ron always make time to visit Madison and the Wisconsin Union in the summers.

BRIAN G. LANE (Director of Science and Society ’91-’92) Plainfield, Ill., was awarded the professional designations FHIMSS— Fellowship in HIMSS (Healthcare Information Management Systems Society) and FACHE—Fellowship in ACHE (American College of Healthcare Executives). BRIAN has also been promoted to the new position of Vice President of Market Development/Strategic Alliances for the American Hospital Association.

CATHERINE COLYER DYKE (Vice President-Personal ’90-’91, Iron Cross ’90, Voting Member ‘97) Marshfield, Wis., moved to Marshfield with her husband in July. CATHERINE has taken the Wisconsin Bar exam to be sanctioned to practice law in Wisconsin and her husband has accepted a position with the Marshfield Clinic.

ADAM ROBINSON (Student Performance Director ’04-’06) Washington, D.C., moved from Washington D.C. this summer to Iowa to work on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

JAMES NORTON (VP Human Resources ’98-’99) and BECCA DILLEY (Contemporary Issues ’99-’00) Twin Cities, Minn., were married in Madison on May 12. The couple honeymooned in southern Spain, visiting Sevilla, Granada and Ronda. Although they were not married at the Union, they did bring many family and friends to the Terrace for beer, brats and Babcock Hall ice cream. BECCA is working in Minneapolis as a photojournalistic wedding photographer (www.beccadilley.com). JIM has been hired to write a column for the San Francisco food magazine CHOW (www.chow.com) and he’s also been reviewing restaurants for Minnesota Monthly. BRENT HELT (Music and Entertainment ’97-’98, Wisconsin Union President ’99’00, Iron Cross ‘99) Washington, D.C., works for the Government Accountability Office in Washington, D.C.


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KAREN KERSTING (WUD Vice President ’99-‘00) Twin Cities, Minn., is completing her graduate work at the University of Minnesota in guidance and counseling. Upon graduation, she plans to return to Washington D.C.

2000’s BECKY SOMMERSBERGER (Membership Intern ’02-‘06) San Francisco, Calif., moved to San Francisco in June 2006. She loves living in a new city and says San Francisco has a lot of Madison-like qualities that make her feel like she’s not too far from home. She recently started a new job at Esurance, an auto insurance company headquartered in downtown San Francisco. She is on their marketing team and works on the production of their email marketing campaigns. While she misses Wisconsin, BECKY has no plans of moving home anytime soon!

KRISTINA MUELLER (Community Service Committee Director ’05-’06, Vice President of Internal Relations ’06-’07) Merrill, Wis., graduated in May and is moving to New Hampshire to work on Sen. Christopher Dodd’s presidential campaign. BILL NIEMEYER (Associate Trustee ‘05) Portland, Ore., was elected President of the Portland chapter of the Wisconsin Alumni Association.

In Memoriam WILSON THIEDE (Activity Service Bureau ’39-’40, Voting Member ’76, Emeritus Trustee ‘03) Madison, Wis., passed away in late May at 91. ROBERT KEYES (Hoofers Outing and Climbing Club ’55-‘60) Seattle, Wash., passed away on June 11, 2007.


The Memorial Union Building Association Trustees and Associate Trustees MUBA CHAIR Jeff Kunz ‘71 VICE CHAIR Janet Pratt Montgomery ‘59 William Johnson ‘50 TREASURER Theodore Crabb ‘54 ASSISTANT TREASURER Hank Walter EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mark Guthier UNION PRESIDENT John Barnhardt

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jeff Bartell’65 Miriam Boell Boegel ‘68 Catherine Coyler Dyke ‘91 Henry Brad Elsesser ‘88 Dan Erdman ‘80 Sheryl Facktor ‘84 Pam Garvey ‘85 Miguel Esteban Guevara ‘95 Carol Hoppenfeld Hillman ‘61 Bill Kasdorf ‘71 Lucy Lloyd ‘69 Barbara Connell Manley ‘52 Doris Meissner ‘69 David Milofsky ‘69 Joan Wilkie Murdoch ‘65 Mark Musolf ‘63 Walter Pancoe ‘47 Ann Prisland ‘69 Doris Weisberg ‘58 ASSOCIATE TRUSTEES Jeanne Oates Angulo ‘66 Betsy Behnke ‘64 Michael Brody ‘80 Ruth Reiter Brown ‘69 Marcia Carlucci ‘68 David Chaffin ‘98

Judith Crain ‘58 David Cross ‘76 George Cutlip ‘71 Thea Lerner Daniels ‘84 Susan Dibbell ‘84 Peggy Douma ‘63 Carol Falk ‘63 Jan Marshall Fox ‘57 Sheldon Friedstein ‘61 Thomas J. Gulick ‘78 Sharon Hadary ‘63 Mark Haebig ‘72 Jeff Haupt ‘95 Brent Helt ‘00 Hans E. Hopf ‘49 Roger Howard William Immerman ‘59 John Krieck ‘75 Jane Lichtman ‘66 Barbara Schulz Linnenbrink ‘67 David Maraniss Kiersten Marshall ‘94 Karen Johnson Mathews ‘99 Margaret McCormick ‘90 Gregg Mekler ‘79 Marty Small Meyer ‘55 David Nemschoff ‘76 Paula Perrone Neumann ‘75

Bill Niemeyer ‘94 Jon Carl Olson ‘74 Ellie Oppenheim ‘72 Lynne Parish ‘78 Robert Perlstein ‘66 Elizabeth Preston ‘98 Noel Radomski ‘88 Glenda Dewberry Rooney Ian Rosenberg ‘95 Mary Rouse Rose Mary Rupnow ‘49 Steven C. Schaffer ‘72 Susan Edgerton Sell ‘58 Peggy Shukur ‘81 Tom Smith ‘66 Marilyn Sprague ‘64 Lynn Stathas ‘88 Peg Gunderson Stiles ‘45 Tom Sylke ‘82 Greta Van Susteven ‘76 Jim Wessing ‘72 Cal Williams ‘70 Derek Wilson ‘82 Judy Labiner Wolfe ‘93 Kate Young ‘92 Susie Weber Younkle ‘00 Sherry Zander ‘74




Union Membership 800 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53706

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